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m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tOctober 1, 2010Dear Valued Patient/Caregiver:Welcome to <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical Equipment, a member of the <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> family of healthcarefacilities and a division of Holmes Regional Enterprises, Inc. All of our Associates at <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong>Medical Equipment truly value your business and will make every effort to satisfy your needs andmeet your expectations.Our regular hours for telephone contact are 7:30 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday, and 9 amto 1 pm on Saturdays. During these times, <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical Equipment Associates are availableto answer your calls and take care of any issues you may have.Our normal hours of operation for our retail showrooms are from 9 am to 5:30 pm, Mondaythrough Friday, and 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. During these times, our Associates are available toassist you personally with product selection, product demonstrations, appointments, and any otherissues you may have.At any other time and to request after-hours emergency service, simply call 321-434-3400 or tollfree 1-877-713-1400, and our live answering service will contact our on-call staff. We are nevermore than a phone call away for 24-hour emergency service.For all medical or other emergencies dial 9-1-1, or call your physician.All of us at <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical Equipment want to make your experience with us as pleasant aspossible. If you experience a member of our team going “above and beyond” to meet your needs,please bring his or her actions to my attention. Similarly, if your experience with us does not meetyour expectations, please let me know personally.Again, thank you for giving <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical Equipment the opportunity to serve you.Regards,Jim O’DonnellDirector321.434.3400E: James.ODonnell@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgY o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n ti

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tT a b l e o f C o n t e n t sInformation about Using This Guide................ ivRespiratory Equipment................................ 1 & 2Oxygen Cylinder System..................................... 1Oxygen Cylinders................................................ 1Conserving Device.............................................. 1Oxygen Mask..................................................... 1Oxygen Supply Tubing........................................ 1Nasal Cannula.................................................... 1Oxygen Concentrator......................................... 1Portable Oxygen Concentrator............................ 1Home Trans-fill Oxygen Concentrator................. 2Liquid Oxygen.................................................... 2Portable Oxygen System..................................... 2Nebulizer with Compressor................................. 2Unit Dose........................................................... 2CPAP.................................................................. 2Aspirator............................................................ 2Monitors & Feeding Devices............................... 3Blood Pressure Monitors..................................... 3Glucose Monitor................................................. 3Ear Thermometer................................................ 3Digital Scales...................................................... 3Enteral Feeding Pump......................................... 3Enteral Feeding Products.................................... 3Aids for Daily Living..................................... 4 & 5Reacher.............................................................. 4Sock Aid............................................................. 4Shoehorn / Dressing Aid..................................... 4Pill Crusher......................................................... 4Shoe Laces......................................................... 4Long Scrub Sponge............................................ 4Hip/Knee Equipment Kit..................................... 4Cut-Out Cup...................................................... 4Double-Handle Cup............................................ 5Feeding Cup and Base........................................ 5Coated Utensils.................................................. 5Scoop Dish......................................................... 5Rocker Knife....................................................... 5Built-Up Utensils................................................. 5Clip-On Food Guard........................................... 5Ambulation Products................................... 6 & 7Canes................................................................. 6Quad Cane......................................................... 6Forearm Crutches............................................... 6Axillary Crutches................................................. 6Platform Crutch Attachment............................... 6Crutch Pads and Tips.......................................... 6Folding Walker................................................... 6Folding Walker with Wheels............................... 6Walker Platform Attachment.............................. 7Hemi Walker....................................................... 7Heavy Duty Walker............................................. 7Rolling Walker.................................................... 7Wire Basket........................................................ 7Walker Pouch..................................................... 7Walker Attachments........................................... 7Bathing Products.......................................... 8 & 9Wall-Mounted Grab Bars.................................... 8Tub-Mounted Grab Bar....................................... 8Hand-Held Shower Attachments......................... 8Bath Bench......................................................... 8Bath Bench with Back......................................... 8Transfer Tub Bench............................................. 8Padded Transfer Tub Bench................................. 8Bath Board......................................................... 8Wheeled Shower Chair....................................... 9Bath Lift............................................................. 9Toileting Products...................................... 9 & 10Standard Bedside Commode.............................. 9Three-In-One Commode..................................... 9Drop-Arm Commode.......................................... 9Heavy-Duty Commode....................................... 9Extra-Wide Commode........................................ 9Wheeled Commode Chair................................ 10Raised Toilet Seat.............................................. 10Toilet Frame...................................................... 10Bedpan............................................................. 10Fracture Bedpan............................................... 10Hand-Held Urinal.............................................. 10Beds & Accessories................................... 11 & 12Hospital Bed with Side Rails.............................. 11Egg Crate Padding for Bed............................... 11Fitted Hospital Bed Sheet.................................. 11Protective Bed Pad............................................ 11Foam Wedge.................................................... 11Alternating Pressure Pad................................... 11Overbed Table.................................................. 11Trapeze Bar....................................................... 11Offset Traction Stand........................................ 12Continuous Passive Motion (CPM).................... 12ii www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tI n f o r m a t i o nA B O U T U s i n g T h i s G u i d ePlease use this guide to help familiarize yourself with some of the home medical equipmentand supplies available to you as a patient. Products shown are only a representation foreach category of products that are available. Items are pictured only to give an exampleof how each one looks and may not be the exact item furnished. The illustrations andinformation have been compiled to help you choose the products best suited for yourindividual situation.When communicating with us, it will be easier and quicker to receive the help you need ifyou have the following information available:• Your attending physician’s name and telephone number• Type of insurance (Medicare and/or <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong>, private insurance company, etc.) youhave, and which insurance plans are primary, secondary, and supplemental• Insurance plan, group number, policy number• Subscriber identification number for Medicare, <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong>, or private insurance company• Patient’s full name as it appears on his or her insurance card or ID• Certain additional information based on your individual needs and circumstancesAlways write down the name of the person at <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical Equipment who helpedyou. This will make it easier if you need additional assistance or more information later.If you have any questions regarding Medicare, please ask us or go to the Medicare websiteat www.Medicare.gov.iv www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

R e s p i r a t o r y E q u i p m e n tOxygen Cylinder SystemYour doctor may prescribe the use of oxygen from either a large stationarycylinder or a small portable cylinder, or both. In either case, your system willcome with a regulator and possibly with a humidifier or appropriate base orstand.Oxygen CylindersLightweight aluminum oxygen cylinders are available with or without acontent gauge on the valve.Conserving DeviceThis device conserves oxygen by delivering oxygen only while you are inhaling.This extends the time or use for both oxygen cylinders and liquid oxygencontainers.Oxygen MaskThis mask is available in a variety of sizes, for either adult or pediatric use.Seven feet of tubing is usually included.Oxygen Supply TubingDurable, crush-proof tubingNasal CannulaSoft, comfortable tubing to deliver oxygen through the noseOxygen ConcentratorThis oxygen concentrator allows air to pass through a series of filters thatremove gases other than oxygen and delivers the oxygen to the patientthrough an adjustable rate flow meter.Portable Oxygen ConcentratorThis lightweight concentrator is designed to function as both a standard andportable oxygen concentrator. It provides portability for mobile patients andhas been approved by the FAA for use on commercial airlines.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t1

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tR e s p i r a t o r y E q u i p m e n t c o n t i n u e dHome Trans-fill Oxygen ConcentratorPatients have the function of a standard oxygen concentrator and the abilityto fill cylinders from the base unit for portability.Liquid OxygenThis liquid oxygen system allows you to fill a portable unit that can beused when you exercise or travel. As with all oxygen, this is available onlywith a prescription.Portable Oxygen SystemThis compressed oxygen system uses battery power and is carried in a bagfor inconspicuous oxygen treatment.Nebulizer with CompressorA nebulizer produces a very fine aerosol so that medication and humiditycan be breathed into the lungs. This nebulizer is lightweight with a reusableinlet filter.Unit DoseUnit dose ensures a consistent treatment. Since there is no measuring ormixing, preparation of the treatment is easier.CPAPThis system may be prescribed by a physician to treat individuals with sleepproblems such as sleep apnea, snoring, unexplained interrupted sleep, and/orexcessive daytime drowsiness.AspiratorThis machine creates continuous suction and is used to clear the breathingpassages of fluids.2 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

M o n i t o r s & F e e d i n g D e v i c e sBlood Pressure MonitorsThis monitor has memory recall for 60 readings. Fully automatic with fuzzylogic inflation and controlled deflation. Operates on four “AA” batteries.Other models are available.Glucose MonitorThis monitor uses a simple, accurate three-step test procedure with easy-toreadprompts in English or Spanish.Ear ThermometerA safe, convenient thermometer that takes a temperature in seconds withone-touch operation.Digital ScalesThese scales have an 11 x 13” platform, a high-contrast LCD display, andoperate with six “D” alkaline batteries or an optional power adaptor.Enteral Feeding PumpFor individuals unable to consume food orally, this feeding pump controls theadministration of enteral feedings.Enteral Feeding ProductsA physician must order enteral feeding products and can help determinewhich system is best for the patient’s needs.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t3

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tA i d s f o r D a i l y L i v i n gReacherA lightweight, trigger-operated reaching aid that makes it possible to pick upitems that would otherwise be out of reachSock AidAn easy-to-use dressing aid to help those with limited movement put on socksShoehorn/Dressing AidUse one end of this dual-purpose dressing aid to help put on shoes and thepush-pull “S” hook on the opposite end to help with dressing.Pill CrusherProvides simple way to crush pills to make medication easier to swallowShoe LacesThese heavy-duty, elastic shoe laces are for those people who require or prefera tighter fit and better support.Long Scrub SpongeThis sponge is on a long handle that allows use without raising the handabove the shoulder.Hip/Knee Equipment KitThis kit contains four household dressing and bathing items to help a patientrecovering from hip or knee replacement surgery.Cut-Out CupThis cup is designed to allow the user to drink with little or no shoulderflexion, wrist extension, or head/neck movement.4 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

A i d s f o r D a i l y L i v i n g c o n t i n u e dDouble-Handle CupA strong, lightweight plastic cup with handles to provide a secure gripFeeding Cup and BaseUse either a straw or the large mouthpiece to eat from the versatile feedingcup. The base holds the cup securely in place.Coated UtensilsPlastic-coated eating utensils provide protection for teeth and lips from utensiledges and temperature sensitivityScoop DishA round dish that is molded low in front and high in back to aid in gettingfood into a spoon with a non-skid, rubber-padded bottom to secure the dish.Rocker KnifeThis knife makes it easier to cut food by using a rocking motion and is alsoavailable in a combination knife and fork.Built-Up UtensilsThese utensils are especially designed to fit a partially-closed hand and can besecurely held by those with limited strength.Clip-On Food GuardAvailable in stainless steel or flexible plastic and in various sizes, this foodguard enables the user to get the food into a spoon by trapping the foodagainst the guard.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t5

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tA m b u l a t i o n P r o d u c t sCanesA wide variety of wooded and metal canes are available with many stylesor handgrips. If the cane you choose is not adjustable, we can have it cutfor your height.Quad CaneThis cane has a central, vertical shaft and a base with four stabilizing “feet”and can be used with either hand.Forearm CrutchesThese crutches extend from mid-forearm to the floor. They are available in avariety of heights and the cuff is adjustable.Axillary CrutchesThese adjustable underarm crutches are made of lightweight aluminum.Platform Crutch AttachmentThis lightweight aluminum attachment with padded arm rests aids those whocannot safely bear weight using their hands.Crutch Pads and TipsGenerally provided with the crutches you select, these pads and tips add bothcomfort and safety to use of your crutches. Be sure to replace pads or tips thatbecome worn after prolonged use.Folding WalkerA lightweight, two-button folding walker allows this walker to fit throughnarrow spaces while maintaining rigidity and support.Folding Walker with WheelsThe same walker as shown above is also available with 3 or 5 inch wheels thatprovide a more natural walking stride and allow the user to easily maneuverover difficult surfaces.6 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

A m b u l a t i o n P r o d u c t s c o n t i n u e dWalker Platform AttachmentThis Platform Attachment allows the arms to bear weight, relieving pressurefrom hands for those with hand injuries or arthritis.Hemi WalkerSometimes called a side-stepper, this walker is a combination walker and cane.Heavy Duty WalkerA walker with 24”-wide base and folds to 4” with a weight capacityof 500 lbs.Rolling WalkerThis walker has a built-in seat and wheels on all four legs to provide mobilityand support. Hand brakes lock the large wheels in place.Wire BasketThe sturdy design of this Wire Basket allows the user to transport items whileusing a walker.Walker PouchThis convenient accessory enables the user to carry small items while using awalker and attaches easily to the walker.Walker AttachmentsThere are several types of durable attachments available to extend the heightof a walker or make it easier to move.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t7

B a t h i n g P r o d u c t s c o n t i n u e dWheeled Shower ChairThis shower chair has a lightweight aluminum frame and a sturdy plastic toilettypeseat and is best used in a roll-in shower but also fits over standard-sizetoilets.Bath LiftThis battery-operated lift raises the seat to the rim of the tub to allow for easytransfers in or out of the bath tub and is easily installed in most standard tubs.T o i l e t i n g P r o d u c t sStandard Bedside CommodeThis bedside commode consists of a metal frame with four adjustable legssupporting a toilet seat with a pail. It is ideal for anyone who has difficultygetting to the bathroom.Three-In-One CommodeThis commode can be used over the bathroom toilet to provide a safety frameand raised toilet seat or it can be used as a bedside commode.Drop-Arm CommodeThe drop arm on this bedside commode operates with the push of a lever andhelps facilitate easier transfers to and from a bed or wheelchair.Heavy-Duty CommodeHeavy-duty stainless steel frame with a weight capacity of 500 lbs. and aremovable back bar and drop arm for easier transfers.Extra-Wide CommodeThis bedside commode has an oversized seat and the frame is constructed ofchrome steel.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t9

B e d s & A c c e s s o r i e sHospital Bed with Side RailsThis electric home care bed has a hand control that attaches to the rail. Thehead and foot operate independently. Multi-height and manual models arealso available.Egg Crate Bed PaddingThis foam padded portable egg crate mattress is designed to minimizepressure by re-distributing weight. The foam material dissipates heat andmoisture on the skin to help prevent skin breakdown and pressure ulcers.Fitted Hospital Bed SheetThis fitted sheet designed specifically for a hospital bed makes it easier tomake the bed and keeps the sheet in place for increased comfort.Protective Bed PadThis disposable pad provides better patient care and protects bedding.Foam WedgeAvailable in a variety of sizes, these foam wedges can be used in an ordinarybed or a hospital bed for added comfort and better positioning.Alternating Pressure PadThis pad constantly inflates and deflates alternate air cells to provide pressurerelief for those who cannot reposition themselves in bed.Overbed TableThis table can be rolled into position over the bed to provide a stable flatsurface for eating. The top can also be tilted for reading, writing, or otheractivities.Trapeze BarThis trapeze bar is equipped with its own support frame for use over astandard home bed. Trapeze bars that attach to the head of a hospitalbed are also available.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t11

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tm e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tB e d s & A c c e s s o r i e s c o n t i n u e dOffset Traction StandThis stand may be used with vertical or pelvic traction at the head or foot ofany home or medical-style bed.Continuous Passive Motion (CPM)CPM devices are used in postoperative therapy for patients recovering fromjoint surgery.P e r s o n a l C a r e P r o d u c t sAdult DiapersFor severe incontinence, these diapers have soft leg gathers that provide acomfortable, secure fit.Ostomy SuppliesA complete collection system for fecal diversion with a drainable pouch, odorbarrier film, skin barrier, stationary flange, and micro-porous adhesive.Support HoseThese support hose help manage aching leg pain, mild swelling, or spiderveins. They are available in pantyhose, knee-high, and maternity styles.Leg BagMade of lightweight, odor proof, heavy gauge material, these disposable legbags fasten to the leg with straps that are included. Leg bags have anti-refluxvalves and empty from the bottom.Drainage BagThis bag is available in a variety of sizes and has a urine sample port on thecatheter connector tubing.12 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

P e r s o n a l C a r e P r o d u c t s c o n t i n u e dCatheterization KitThe sterile contents of this kit include a drape, an underpad, plastic forceps,lubricant, specimen container, and label. It also includes a pre-filled syringewith sterile water, PVP solution, five rayon balls, and pre-cuffed gloves.UnderpadsReusable, quilted cotton / polyester surface with an absorbent inner layer andwaterproof backingH o m e T h e r a p y P r o d u c t sRestoratorThis cycle exerciser is good for home-based exercise because it clamps easily tochair legs or a wheelchair. Resistance can be adjusted.Exercise BandsExercise bands allow you to exercise and progress accurately and confidentlyon your own. The bands come in a variety of lengths and are easy to use.Hand ExerciserProvides fine adjustment of range of movement and a padded grip revolves toeliminate friction during use.Hand DumbbellsLightweight vinyl-coated dumbbells help improve arm and upper-bodystrength. Available in 1-to 8-lb. weights.Weight CuffsAvailable in a variety of weights, these weight cuffs strap Velcro securely toyour wrists and ankles.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t13

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tm e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tH o m e T h e r a p y P r o d u c t s c o n t i n u e dMoist Heat PadThis heating pad provides deep-penetrating moist heat through the use of aspecial cover next to the skin to create and retain perspiration. Available inseveral sizes.Over-Door TractionFor cervical spine traction therapy, this system includes a foam-padded headhalter, pulleys, traction rope, notched adjustable spreader bar, and vinyl weightbag.TENS UnitThis Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (TENS) helps control painthrough electrical impulses using small electrodes attached to the skin. Thisis a noninvasive method, but does require a prescription. Your therapist orphysician will assist you with electrode placement and rate settings.Whirlpool BathFor the soothing comfort of a whirlpool bath, this model will fit in yourbathtub. Used for circulatory problems, arthritis, muscle soreness, back pain ora relaxing massage.W h e e l c h a i r sStandard WheelchairThis low-maintenance wheelchair with chrome-plated frame and a choiceof seat widths, is available with fixed or removable arms in full-size or desklength.Folds up to 9” to 11”.Wheelchair with Elevating Leg RestsThis style of wheelchair is used by individuals with leg casts or those who needto elevate their legs. Leg rests swing away and can be removed, and the chairfolds up for easy storage or transport.Reclining WheelchairThis wheelchair allows you to adjust from sitting to a fully-reclined position.14 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

W h e e l c h a i r s c o n t i n u e dBariatric WheelchairThis wheelchair has a reinforced heavy-duty frame and has a weight capacityup to 450 lbs.Ultralight Rigid WheelchairAn ultra-lightweight wheelchair with a rigid frame that allows the user tocustomize the chair frame to fit their individual needs, giving it the flexibilityto meet a wide variety of users. These wheelchairs also have a tight turningradius and maneuverability.Lightweight Folding WheelchairLightweight wheelchairs are available in many models with a variety of frames,wheel styles, seating options, and can be configured for one-arm capability.These wheelchairs are very easy to lift for storage or transport.Ultralight Folding WheelchairThis extremely lightweight wheelchair is designed for the active, on-the-gouser and is available with a variety of optional features including adjustablerear-wheel position for better wheel access and adjustable seat angle forgreater seating stability.Lightweight Portable Power WheelchairThis portable wheelchair can be used indoors and in some outdoorenvironments and can be disassembled to allow for easy transport.Mid-Wheel Drive Power WheelchairThis power wheelchair with an 18-inch turn radius that is easy to maneuverboth indoors and outdoors can be programmed for individual preferences.Power WheelchairGood for both indoor and outdoor use, this power wheelchair can smoothlyand safely negotiate uneven terrain.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t15

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tm e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tW h e e l c h a i r A c c e s s o r i e sWheelchair TrayAvailable in many different styles, this wheelchair tray attaches easily tothe wheelchair armrest and provides a solid surface for working, eating, orcarrying items.Anti-Tipping DevicesThis safety device will prevent a wheelchair from accidentally tipping overbackwards. Anti-tippers must be ordered to fit the specific wheel chair forwhich they will be used.Wheelchair Lock ExtensionsThese extensions make it easier to engage the locks on your wheelchair.Headrest SupportThis headrest can be mounted onto the wheelchair to provide additional headsupport.Heel Loops/Toe StrapsThese heel loops with toe straps can be added to the footrests of a wheelchairto keep feet securely in place.Oxygen Tank CarrierThis convenient accessory holds a portable oxygen tank on the back of awheelchair.Chair CaddyThis attachment to the armrest of a wheelchair provides a secure place for acup or glass and a small tray for other items.Back Packs and Seat PouchesThese accessories fit on the back of a wheelchair to provide a place to carrybooks, magazines, papers, or other personal belongings. There are many stylesand colors available.16 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

W h e e l c h a i r A c c e s s o r i e s c o n t i n u e dPositioning StrapAvailable with either Velcro or buckle-closure styles, this strap helps keepyou safely in the proper position in your wheelchair.Wheelchair Track RampA ramp designed to be used on steps, vans, or curbs for manual and/or powerwheelchairs. Available in 5-ft., 7-ft., or 10-ft lengths, the driving surface isnon-skid.W h e e l c h a i r C u s h i o n S & B A C K SStandard Foam CushionsSolid Seat InsertsAir Flotation CushionsPositioning / Pressure Relief CushionsEgg Crate CushionsY o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t17

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tm e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tS c o o t e r s & A c c e s s o r i e sPortable ScooterThis three-wheel scooter is lightweight and has a shorter turning radius than alarger scooter.Four-Wheeled ScooterThis sturdy, all-purpose, outdoor scooter has a speed range up to 5.7 mph.Full-Sized ScooterThis full-sized scooter has a compact and lightweight design that easilydisassembles for transport while remaining highly affordable.Scooter LifterThis unit, powered by either the vehicle’s battery or wired directly to thevehicle, automatically lifts and lowers a scooter and locks it in place.L i f t sSeat Lift ChairThis style chair has a single switch hand control and a durable steel frame witha wide range of seat and back sizes.Stair LiftThis lift mounts on a track that is secured to the stairs. It can be operated witha hand control on the chair or by using button controls at the top and bottomof the stairway.Battery-Powered LiftThis portable patient lift has an adjustable “U” base, non-sway cradle that canbe operated from both sides.18 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

L i f t s c o n t i n u e dHydraulic Patient LiftThe cradle of this simple and safe hydraulic lift allows use of either a U-sling ora classic-style sling.Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t19

m e d i c a l e q u i p m e n tHEALTH FIRST OUTPATIENT & Wellness Services...What you need, when you need it!Diagnostic care<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Diagnostic Services range from our full-servicelaboratories to diagnostic radiology, ultrasound, mammography,breast biopsy and needle localization, computer tomography (CT),magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Nuclear Medicine and positronemission tomography (PET) scans, preventive heart scans,bone-density studies, EEGs, and EKGs.Centralized Diagnostic Scheduling — 321.434.6100www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/Diagnostics<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> hospital-based,outpatient diagnostic services at:Cape Canaveral Hospital701 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy.Cocoa BeachHolmes Regional Medical Center1350 S. Hickory StreetMelbournePalm Bay Hospital1425 Malabar Road NEPalm BayViera Hospital (Coming 2011)8731 N. Wickham Blvd.Viera<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Diagnostic CentersMerritt Island<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>Health</strong>plex (east entrance; then to 2nd floor)255 Borman Drive270 Sykes Creek Parkway, Suite 100 — 321.434.6670Melbourne1051 S. Hickory St., Suite FThe Centre at Suntree, 6300 N. Wickham Road, Suite 101Flexible scheduling options available.MEMORY care<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Aging Institutewww.Eldercare.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgMelbourne — 321.727.33703661 S. Babcock StreetMerritt Island — 321.868.5815220 S. Courtenay Parkway, Suite BEast Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinicwww.ecfmdc.orgMelbourne — 321.768.95753661 S. Babcock Street<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Leeza’s PlaceAlzheimer’s support for patients and their familiesMelbourne — 321.951.71183661 S. Babcock Street<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Caregivers Resource Line321.727.3027 • www.Eldercare.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgProviding valuable information and answers to community caregivers.Special outpatient care<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Aging InstituteSpecial geriatric consultations for older adults.www.Eldercare.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgMelbourne — 321.727.33703661 S. Babcock StreetMerritt Island — 321.868.5815220 S. Courtenay Parkway, Suite B<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Pain ManagementCocoa Beach — 321.868.7696701 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy., Cape Canaveral HospitalMedical Plaza, Suite 202Palm Bay — 321.434.17005191 S. Babcock Street NE<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Wound Management & Hyperbarics CenterOffering the latest in comprehensive wound management andhyperbarics care.Palm Bay — 321.434.17885191 S. Babcock Street NE<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Transfusion ServicesPalm Bay — 321.434.17005191 S. Babcock Street NE<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Sleep CentersE: Sleep@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgCocoa Beach — 321.868.8381701 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy.(Located behind Cape Canaveral Hospital)Palm Bay — 321.868.83811425 Malabar Road NE, Suite 250(Located in the Physician’s Office Building at Palm Bay Hospital.)<strong>HOME</strong> <strong>MEDICAL</strong> CARE<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Home CareMedicare and most insurance plans cover our home care services.E: HomeCare@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgMerritt Island (main office) — 321.434.5909200 S. Courtenay ParkwayMelbourne — 321.434.73001912 Dairy RoadSebastian — 772.589.19301623 Hwy. U.S. 1, Suite A-1 (not shown on map)<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Private DutyE: PrivateDuty@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgServing all of Brevard. Call for a free, in-home Nursing consultation.Merritt Island — 321.459.1804220 S. Courtenay Parkway, Suite C20 www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME • 321.434.3400

<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Home CompanionsE: HomeCompanions@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgMerritt Island — 321.868.5818220 S. Courtenay Parkway, Suite C<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Aging Institutewww.Eldercare.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgEmergency medical/alert systems — 321.868.5809IndeQuest Nurse Case Management — 321.453.7100<strong>MEDICAL</strong> <strong>EQUIPMENT</strong><strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical Equipmentwww.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/MEE: MedicalEquipment@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgMelbourne — 321.434.3400129 West Hibiscus Blvd., Suite AViera — 321.434.34007925 N. Wickham Road, Suite BHOSPICE SERVICESHospice of <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong>E: Hospice@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgLicensed to serve since 1985. Specialized services for those with lifelimitingor terminal illnesses and their loved ones.Merritt Island — 321.952.0494200 S. Courtenay ParkwayMelbourne — 321.952.04941900 Dairy RoadWilliam Childs Hospice HousePalm Bay — 321.434.8400381 Medplex Parkway (on the campus of Palm Bay Hospital)Bright Star Center for Grieving Children & FamiliesMelbourne — 321.733.7672300 E. New Haven Ave.fitness & WELLNESS<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Pro-<strong>Health</strong> & Fitness Centerswww.<strong>Health</strong><strong>First</strong>Pro<strong>Health</strong>.orgE: FitnessExperts@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgClick on the “Outpatient & Wellness Services” tab on the<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org home page to find out more detailedinformation about our services.Melbourne — 321.434.7149611 E. Sheridan RoadMerritt Island — 321.434.5801255 Borman DrivePalm Bay — 321.722.59435270 Babcock St. NEViera — 321.434.91498705 N. Wickham RoadNutrition Education and Weight ManagementServices of <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong>Cocoa Beach — 321.799.7178Cape Canaveral HospitalMelbourneHolmes Regional Medical Center, 321.434.7213611 E. Sheridan Road, 321.434.8745Merritt Island — 321.434.5815255 Borman DrivePalm Bay — 321.434.7213Palm Bay HospitalViera — 321.434.91378705 N. Wickham Road(southeast entrance in <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Pro-<strong>Health</strong> & Fitness Center)Rehabilitative care<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Medical RehabilitationMelbourne — 321.434.5231611 E. Sheridan Road, 2 nd floorMerritt Island — 321.434.5820255 Borman Drive, <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>Health</strong>plex (east entrance; 1 st floor)Palm Bay — 321.722.59505270 Babcock St. NEViera — 321.434.91228705 N. Wickham RoadPhysicians and referral service<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> PhysiciansFor detailed information on any of our physicians, visit ourwebsite at www.<strong>Health</strong><strong>First</strong>Physicians.org and click on“<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Physicians” or call the our Physician Referral line(see number below).<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Physician Referral Line321.434.4335 or 1.800.549.3884TRAININGTraining Center of <strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong>E: Training@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.orgWhat if you could save a life? Providing a full range of CPRand life-saving courses.Melbourne — 321.434.1960Rivercrest Professional Center, 3470 North US 1Walk-In clinics<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> Physicians Walk-in ClinicCocoa Beach — 321.868.8313105 S. Banana River Blvd.<strong>Health</strong> <strong>First</strong> QuickCareMelbourne — 321.434.17351350 S. Hickory Street(near South entrance of Holmes Regional Medical Center)Y o u r G u i d e t o H o m e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t21

129 W. Hibiscus Boulevard, Suite A, Melbourne, FL 32901T: 321.434.3400 • F: 321.727.12007925 N. Wickham Road, Suite B, Melbourne, FL 32940T: 321.434.3400 • F: 321.727.1400MedicalEquipment@<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org • www.<strong>Health</strong>-<strong>First</strong>.org/ME10-088-CHS-100510

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