technical university of liberec - Technická univerzita v Liberci

technical university of liberec - Technická univerzita v Liberci

technical university of liberec - Technická univerzita v Liberci

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ContentFaculty <strong>of</strong> textile Engineering - Introduction ................... 3Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Technologies ................... 5Department <strong>of</strong> Nonwovens ................... 11Department <strong>of</strong> Clothing Technologies ................... 17Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Materials ................... 23Department <strong>of</strong> Design ................... 29Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Chemistry ................... 35Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Evaluation ................... 41Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec ................... 47International Affairs and Marketing ................... 51

The Technical University <strong>of</strong> LiberecFaculty <strong>of</strong> Textile EngineeringThe Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec (TUL) is a middle-sizeddynamic school which matches forms <strong>of</strong> <strong>technical</strong> educationwith <strong>university</strong> education system. Within six faculties and<strong>university</strong> institutes, it <strong>of</strong>fers a large spectrum <strong>of</strong> acquirementsin <strong>technical</strong>, scientific, humanity as well as artistic andinterdisciplinary study branches. TUL has well equippedlaboratories and top quality teams <strong>of</strong> research workers forhumanities. TUL has actively participated in creation <strong>of</strong> commonEuropean education area and common European research area.The Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec reaches excellent results inthe fields <strong>of</strong> science and research.The Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering was established in the year1960 and provides as the only one in Czech republic academiceducation through whole textile subject. There is possible tostudy textile technologies, marketing and design. Faculty <strong>of</strong>Textile Engineering is active in research and development.Inventions like new technology for production <strong>of</strong> flat nan<strong>of</strong>ibertextiles classify the faculty to prestigious institutes. The facultyparticipates in greatness on cooperation with industry andsolves a lot <strong>of</strong> projects supported by different grants.Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering consists <strong>of</strong> seven departments.There are Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Technologies, Department <strong>of</strong>Nonwovens, Department <strong>of</strong> Clothing Technologies, Department<strong>of</strong> Textile Materials, Department <strong>of</strong> Design, Department <strong>of</strong>Textile Chemistry and Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Evaluation.Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering at Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberecis one <strong>of</strong> the leading research institutions in field <strong>of</strong> textile andclothing technologies in Europe. Research and development is afollow-up to earlier directions, in which the faculty has always hadhigh class and top quality research workers. Research activitiessupported are those, which are consistent with the rapidlydeveloping research trends. The focus <strong>of</strong> future research activitieswill be oriented towards following main areas:New materialsUtilization <strong>of</strong> new materials in field <strong>of</strong> apparel and <strong>technical</strong>textiles; development <strong>of</strong> composite structures containinginorganic fibers; nanoparticles and textile reinforcement;construction and evaluation smart textiles.3

Metrology and New Methods <strong>of</strong> Quality EvaluationComputer aided modelling <strong>of</strong> textile structures properties;development <strong>of</strong> new method in comfort evaluation; qualityevaluation <strong>of</strong> textile processes; automatic inspection <strong>of</strong> fabricdefects.Advanced Textile TechnologiesDevelopment <strong>of</strong> new technologies for recent textile materialprocessing; finding <strong>of</strong> new sources <strong>of</strong> energy and moderntransport media in textile processing; development <strong>of</strong> sensorssuitable for use together with textile products; usage <strong>of</strong> opticalfibres and materials with shape memory.Application <strong>of</strong> NanotechnologiesIntegration <strong>of</strong> nanotechnologies in the industry; productionand quality improvement <strong>of</strong> nan<strong>of</strong>ibres and nan<strong>of</strong>ibrous layers;preparation <strong>of</strong> scaffolds for biomedical applications.Long term-plan in this field:The research results are available in all these fields and thereare well-prepared specialists. Many activities are partly coveredby grant projects. To enable development in research anddevelopment it will be necessary to build scientific schoolswith regard to ensuring their staff capacities, staff qualification,experimental background and possibility <strong>of</strong> cooperation withboth national businesses and foreign institutions. It will benecessary to increase the reputation through the grants and toprovide realization <strong>of</strong> results <strong>of</strong> these scientific schools. It willbe advantageous to increasingly engage students and foreignspecialists in dealing with these grants.Tools• Making precise possibilities <strong>of</strong> building scientific schoolswith regard to capacities and obtaining funds from grants,respectively based on cooperation with strategic partnersfrom industry.• Using projects <strong>of</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education, Department <strong>of</strong>Commerce, projects OP VK to improve teaching and projectsfrom other grant agencies to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> scientificactivities.• Systematic search for and preparation <strong>of</strong> specialists forfundamental focus <strong>of</strong> research.• Cooperation with national universities, AV ČR and foreignpartners in joint projects with the use <strong>of</strong> research in thelaboratory as well as mental capacities.• Creating a system for implementation <strong>of</strong> selected postdoctoralprojects focused on the place <strong>of</strong> researchers.• Providing teachers’ financial and other motivation for thisactivity.• Enrolling specialists from abroad for short and long stays(from India, China, USA, Hong Kong, Turkey, etc.).• Systematic search and pr<strong>of</strong>essional preparation <strong>of</strong> specialistsfor key research fields.• FT will create a quality environment for scientific researchactivities <strong>of</strong> its academic staff.• FT will intensify activities related primarily to gaining newgrant projects (making proposals) and solving existingprojects (research centres, projects GAČR, TAČR, TIP, programVaVPI, EU research projects, etc.).• FT will increase competition among academic staff.• FT will allow further education <strong>of</strong> academic and other staff<strong>of</strong> the faculty (language courses, MBA, courses in furthereducation, etc.).

Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Technologies1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileIn its research work, the Department focuses on the modeling<strong>of</strong> spinning and weaving processes and systems, theiroptimization, structure modeling and properties <strong>of</strong> yarns,woven and knitted planar textiles; development <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>twarefor prediction and optimization <strong>of</strong> the properties <strong>of</strong> yarn andfabrics including visualization; development <strong>of</strong> new types<strong>of</strong> special textiles with higher added value for clothing and<strong>technical</strong> applications, ring spinning system modification anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> new yarn types; theory <strong>of</strong> textile unevennessand its application; development <strong>of</strong> new laboratory proceduresfor verification <strong>of</strong> the quality <strong>of</strong> non-standard textile properties.In terms <strong>of</strong> education, the Department specializes in two majorareas. One is the area <strong>of</strong> textile technologies including spinning,weaving and knitting, in which we focus on the issue <strong>of</strong>technologies, technological systems and processes, machineryand the theory and modeling <strong>of</strong> technological systems,processes and fiber formations. The other, no less importantarea, is <strong>of</strong> the structure and properties <strong>of</strong> textiles focused onrelations in the line <strong>of</strong> fiber-yarn-planar textiles – productiontechnology, design <strong>of</strong> textile properties and textile mechanics.2. History and presenceThe Textile Technologies Department origins date back tothe very beginning <strong>of</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> the Faculty <strong>of</strong> TextileEngineering (1960), the oldest departments <strong>of</strong> which werethe Spinning and Finishing Department and Weaving andKnitting Department. From the very beginning, the activity<strong>of</strong> the departments was focused mainly on machine-orientedresearch in the area <strong>of</strong> mechanical technologies, which wasalso reflected in the structure <strong>of</strong> the study programs. In thefollowing years, the departments were transformed into theSpinning and Economics Department (1976-1986), TextileMaterials and Spinning Department (1986-1991), SpinningDepartment (1991-1997), Weaving Department (1974-1997), Knitting Department (1991-1997) and MechanicalTechnologies Department (1997-2005). In 1997, the TextileStructures Department was established, and this Departmentbrought another research direction, i.e. product-orientedresearch, the results <strong>of</strong> which were gradually incorporatedinto the education. We historically solved topics related to thetheory <strong>of</strong> carding and shortening spinning technologies, aswell as the theory and technology <strong>of</strong> rotor fine spinning andother unconventional fine spinning methods (pr<strong>of</strong>. Ursíny) in6

cooperation with VÚB Ústí n. Orlici, VÚTS Liberec and Rieter CZÚstí n.Orlici, weaving process dynamics (pr<strong>of</strong>. Nosek), theory<strong>of</strong> yarn structure (pr<strong>of</strong>. Neckář), theory <strong>of</strong> woven and knitworkstructures, friction <strong>of</strong> textiles (pr<strong>of</strong>. Kovář).In 2005, the Mechanical Technologies Department and theTextile Structures Department merged under the name <strong>of</strong> theTextile Technologies Department. Integration <strong>of</strong> the researchactivities <strong>of</strong> the departments resulted in establishment <strong>of</strong> thesystem for “fiber-yarn-planar textile” projecting, the s<strong>of</strong>twareis available under the “LibTex” name. The first s<strong>of</strong>tware versionis, based on long-term experience, focused on cotton yarntextiles. At present, the models are applied in cooperationwith the Textile Materials Department to the textiles <strong>of</strong> specialfibers (fragile, high-strength, optical, conducting, fibers withshape memory) and the objective is to create prototypes<strong>of</strong> textile structures including new measurement methodsand properties optimizing s<strong>of</strong>tware. The process ability andprocedures <strong>of</strong> special fiber textile production are tested on theDepartment pilot equipment. The properties <strong>of</strong> the new textilesamples are tested in the Department laboratories, as well asin other departments <strong>of</strong> the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering.Every year the Department holds the STRUTEX internationalconference – Textile Structure and Structural Mechanics (since1994) and the national seminar “Textiles in the New Millennium”(since 2002), where the research results <strong>of</strong> the Faculty <strong>of</strong> TextileEngineering are presented.3. Educational activitiesThe Department employees provide education for study(bachelor, consequential master and post-graduate studyin both full time and part time form) in the area <strong>of</strong> textiletechnologies focused on spinning, weaving, knitting, as wellas special productions in the spinning technologies – sewingthreads, fancy yarns, texturing <strong>of</strong> filaments, in the area <strong>of</strong>weaving and knitting technologies – production <strong>of</strong> plush,planar textiles with surface loops, leno fabrics, ribbons, distanceand multiaxial knitted structures. The specialized branches areoriented not only on the production process analyses, but also onthe structure and properties <strong>of</strong> textiles. The Department <strong>of</strong>ferstraining in computer-aided textile design aimed at raw materialoptimization, textile structure and properties and structure <strong>of</strong>virtual textiles for electronic trading. The students can test thebasic textile production principles, starting from spinning on aspinning wheel, weaving on handlooms, to weaving <strong>of</strong> complexpatters on Jacquard machines, where they prepare the fiberstructure in advance including the weave, number and color <strong>of</strong>threads, 2D and 3D simulation and calculation <strong>of</strong> the fabric ona computer. The students can test the properties <strong>of</strong> fabricatedtextiles in state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art laboratories, thus directly receivingfeedback. During the studies, they can participate in activitiesfocused on development <strong>of</strong> new products and optimization <strong>of</strong>their properties in the area <strong>of</strong> clothing and <strong>technical</strong> textiles.The Department also provides education in English, in case <strong>of</strong>demand, and the courses in the above-mentioned areas can beprovided in both the Czech and English languages.7

• development <strong>of</strong> textiles resistant to electromagneticradiation• development <strong>of</strong> textiles made <strong>of</strong> shape memory materials• development <strong>of</strong> textiles for ionex membranes• modifications <strong>of</strong> a ring fine spinning system anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> new yarn types• analysis <strong>of</strong> the material unevenness <strong>of</strong> linear and planartextiles in relation to the technology• development <strong>of</strong> laboratory methods and equipment foranalysis <strong>of</strong> nonstandard textile properties• fragile material processing5. Laboratories and special equipmentThe Department has two laboratories available:Textile Structure Laboratory4. Research activitiesThe research activity <strong>of</strong> the Department is performed underthe projects <strong>of</strong> the EU, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education Youth and Sports,Ministry <strong>of</strong> Industry and Trade and economic activities mainlyin cooperation with Clutex, Sintex a.s. Česká Třebová, Stap a.s.Vilémov u Šluknova, VÚB a.s. Ústí nad Orlicí, VÚTS a.s. Liberec,MemBrain s.r.o. Stráž pod Ralskem. The main research activities<strong>of</strong> the Department are focused on:• modeling spinning, weaving and knitting processes andsystems and their optimization• modeling <strong>of</strong> the structure and properties <strong>of</strong> yarns, wovenand knitted surface textiles• modeling <strong>of</strong> the properties <strong>of</strong> PET and POP mon<strong>of</strong>ilaments,multifilaments and planar textiles made <strong>of</strong> these• development <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware for predicting and optimizing theproperties <strong>of</strong> yarns and fibers including visualization• development <strong>of</strong> textiles with enhanced resistance tomechanical damage• development <strong>of</strong> active safety textiles with fiber-opticsThe laboratory is equipped with the image analysis forexamining the geometric parameters <strong>of</strong> textile structures.There were internal standards generated including s<strong>of</strong>tware fordetermining the geometric properties <strong>of</strong> fibers, for measuringthe packing density, diameter and hairiness <strong>of</strong> single and plyyarns, for measuring tips on rotor yarns, inclination <strong>of</strong> surfacefibers, coverage <strong>of</strong> yarn core, for measuring the mixing quality(mixing index, testing the rate <strong>of</strong> aggregation <strong>of</strong> the sequences<strong>of</strong> fiber components), geometry <strong>of</strong> fabric binding pointsincluding yarn deformation in the binding point and textileporosity. The laboratory is equipped with devices for measuringthe diameter, hairiness, material unevenness, yarn abrasion(Uster Tester 4-SX, QQM 3, Zweigle G 552, G 555, G 567), formeasuring filaments shrinkage (TST 2 Lenzing), measuring themechanical properties <strong>of</strong> textiles, such as tension, compression,shear (Instron 4411, Testometric M350-5CT), ball penetration,cut resistance (Testometric M350-10CT), air burst strength(EC 37), measuring the acoustic dynamic module <strong>of</strong> fibers andplanar textiles (DMT PPM5R Lawson Hemphill). The dynamicand mechanical properties are tested using the multi-functionaldevice (CTT Lawson Hemphill), where besides measuringthe material unevenness, number <strong>of</strong> thin places, thick places,neps, yarn diameter and hairiness, we can also measure thecross section pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> textured yarn, strength, elongation andshrinkage in dynamic mode, friction properties, abrasion andshare <strong>of</strong> short fibers in abrasion. There is also a prototype <strong>of</strong> theyarn compression measuring device available.8

Semi production laboratoryThe Semi production laboratory is focused on the assurance<strong>of</strong> production <strong>of</strong> small parts <strong>of</strong> conventional and rotoryarns, ribbons, spliced cords, woven and knitted textiles.The machines are modified as required for the production<strong>of</strong> textiles from special fiber. For spinning, it has a mini-lineavailable for production <strong>of</strong> conventional yarns that comprisesthe laboratory carding, drawing and ring spinning machine.The laboratory also has a winding machine and plying machine.It also has the rotor spinning machine available. The wovenfabrics are produced using the pattern mini-line from singlethread slashing and preparation <strong>of</strong> the warp single thread tothe pattern weaving loom. There is also the Jacquard, needleand ribbon loom. The knitting lab is equipped with weft- andwarp-knitting machines. The fabric weave is prepared for theJacquard loom using the Design Scope pattern s<strong>of</strong>tware. Theknitwork pattern s<strong>of</strong>tware can also be used.6. Grants and projectsThe Department employees take part in solving the followingselected projects:• Development <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware for predicting woven propertiesincluding the setup <strong>of</strong> weaving loom parameters,ModSimTex Project 7 RP EU NMP2-SL-2008-214181 (2008-2011). Cooperation with partners in the Czech Republic andEU.• Special textile products: new textiles with enhanced safety,Use <strong>of</strong> polypropylene in textile structures, Design <strong>of</strong> <strong>technical</strong>textiles properties. Research Center Textil II 1M0553 (2004-2011). Cooperation with textile partners VÚB a.s., Spolsinspol. s r. o., Inotex a.s.• Internal morphology and mechanical properties <strong>of</strong> fiberformations GAČR 106/09/1916 (2009-2011).• NiTiTex – Development and characterization <strong>of</strong> active hybridtextiles with integrated NiTi fibers <strong>of</strong> micron diameters andnano-grain structure. GAČR No. P108/10/1296. (2010-2013).Cooperation with the Physics Institute <strong>of</strong> AVČR.• Textile behavior in high-frequency deformations GAČR101/09/0466 (2009-2011).• Optically active safety textiles TIP MPO T11/242 (2009-2011).Cooperation with Stap a.s.• Textiles with enhanced comfort resistant to electromagneticradiation TIP MPO T11/122 (2009-2011). Cooperation withSintex a.s..• Use <strong>of</strong> special fibers for textile production CLUTEX5.1SPK01/001 (2008-2010). Cooperation with the textilepartners <strong>of</strong> Clutex.• Development <strong>of</strong> technology for creation <strong>of</strong> layeredstructures containing textile net 5.1SPK01/001 (2008-2010).Cooperation with the textile partners <strong>of</strong> Clutex.7. Selected publicationsKřemenáková, D.; Militký, J., Comparison <strong>of</strong> cotton yarn strengthprediction method. In book Textiles for sustainable development,Rajesh Ananadjiwala, L. Hunter, Ryszard Kozlowski & GennadyZaikov, eds.), Nova Science Publishes, Lancaster, NewYork USA,pp. 103-115.Militký, J., Ibrahim, S., Křemenáková, D., Characterization <strong>of</strong>roughness using image analysis. In book Innovative materials9

and technologies in made up textile articles, (Iwona Frydrych &Maria Pawłowa, eds.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej Łódź2008, pp. 215-220.Kovář, R., Gupta, B. S., Stick-slip phenomenon. In book Frictionin textile materials, Woodhead Publishing, Boca Raton, FL, USA,2008.Militký, J., Ibrahim, S., Effect <strong>of</strong> textile processing on fatigue. Inbook Fatigue failure <strong>of</strong> textile fibres, (M. Mitfarb, ed.), University<strong>of</strong> Bolton UK, Woodhead publishing, 2009, 135 pages.Křemenáková, D., Mertová, I., Kolčavová Sirková, B., Computeraided textile design ’LibTex’. Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> Fiber & TextileResearch, Vol. 33, 2008, pp. 400-404.Militký, J., Ibrahim, S., Yilmaz, D., Goktepe, F., Bimodality <strong>of</strong> theCotton Compact Yarn Hairiness Index, IVUZ Technol. Text. Prom.(Engl. Ed.), No3C (317), 2009, pp. 34-39.Neckář, B., Soni, M., K., Das, D., Modeling <strong>of</strong> radial fibre migrationin yarns. Textile Research Journal, 76 (6), 2006, pp. 486-491.Neckář, B., Das, D., Mechanics <strong>of</strong> parallel fibre bundles. Fibres &Textiles in Eastern Europe, 14 (3), 2006, pp. 23-28.Das, D., Neckář, B., Yarn strength behavior at different gaugelengths. Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> Fibre & Textile Research, 30 (4), pp. 414-420.Neckář, B., Das, D., Autocorrelation function <strong>of</strong> yarn unevenness.Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> Fibre & Textile Research, 30 (4), 2005, pp. 421-430.Neckář, B., Ibrahim, S., Theoretical approach for determiningpore characteristics between fibers. Textile Research Journal, 73(7), 2003, pp. 611-619.Ursíny, P., System modeling in the new spinning technologies.Vlákna a Textil, 11 (1), 2004, pp. 17-22.Ursíny, P., Mass irregularity changes in spinning technology.Vlákna a Textil, 10 (2), 2003, pp. 62-65.Ursíny, P., Simulation <strong>of</strong> spinning processes, systems and fibreproducts. Vlákna a Textil, 9 (1), 2002, pp. 24-28.Ursíny, P., New knowledge about OE- rotor spinning systemsimulation. Vlákna a Textil 15 (4), 2008, pp. 9-13.Dolatabadi, MK., Kovář, R., Linka, A., Geometry <strong>of</strong> plain weavefabric under shear deformation. Part I: Measurement <strong>of</strong> exteriorpositions <strong>of</strong> yard. Journal <strong>of</strong> the Textile Institute, 100 (4), 2009,pp. 368-380.Dolatabadi, MK., Kovář, R., Geometry <strong>of</strong> plain weave fabricunder shear deformation. Part II: 3D model <strong>of</strong> plain weave fabricbefore deformation. Journal <strong>of</strong> the Textile Institute, 100 (5), 2009,pp. 381-386.Dolatabadi, MK.; Kovář, R., Geometry <strong>of</strong> plain weave fabricunder shear deformation. Part III: 3D model <strong>of</strong> plain weavefabric under shear deformation. Journal <strong>of</strong> the Textile Institute,100 (5), 2009, pp. 387-399.Kovář, R.; Gupta, BS., Study <strong>of</strong> the Anisotropic Nature <strong>of</strong> theRupture Properties <strong>of</strong> a Plain Woven Fabric. Textile ResearchJournal, 79 (6), 2009, pp. 506-516.10

Department <strong>of</strong> Nonwovens1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileThe Nonwovens Department is a unique department <strong>of</strong> its kindin the Czech Republic and in the world that educates qualifiedgraduates with high education in the area <strong>of</strong> nonwovens,dealing with the tasks <strong>of</strong> basic and applied research concurrentlyin cooperation with Czech and foreign companies. TheNonwovens Department is a demanded educating departmentfor foreign PhD students.Since its foundation in 1968, the Department has been focusingon the development <strong>of</strong> nonwoven and fibers layer productionsystems, as well as on theoretical material research in the givenarea.In the last decade, the Nonwovens Department was mainlyengaged in research and development <strong>of</strong> nan<strong>of</strong>iber materialsand nanocomposites for various applications. The nan<strong>of</strong>ibermaterials not only have unique filtration and acousticproperties, but they also have a huge potential in bio-medicalapplications.2. History and presenceThe Nonwovens Department was originally called theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Nonwovens and Textile Industry Economics andit was established by pr<strong>of</strong>. Krčma at the Mechanical Engineeringand Textile College, thus making the foundations for thenonwovens branch, new not only in the Czech Republic but inthe whole world. The beginnings <strong>of</strong> the new Department werenot easy; it was necessary to generate the concept for the neweducation and choose a research direction that would perfectlyamend the base <strong>of</strong> the textile industry which was in its primeat the time. There were no precedents in the Czech Republicor in the world, where one could find inspiration. A lot <strong>of</strong> thespecialists from the Nonwovens Department currently workin significant positions in both the Czech and internationalindustry. Over the years, the Nonwovens Department has beenmanaged by pr<strong>of</strong>essor Hes, pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jirsák and pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lukáš.3. Educational activitiesThe Nonwovens Department provides education in morethan twenty subjects designated for bachelor, master anddoctoral students. The subjects are focused on practice so thatthe students get a picture <strong>of</strong> the textile product production,applied materials and possible applications, as well as on theory12

in order to apply the received knowledge <strong>of</strong> mathematics,physics and chemistry as tools for describing the effects andactions they can experience with textiles or polymer materials.The Nonwovens Department is a guarantor <strong>of</strong> the Nonwovensspecialization and Technical Textiles branch.The Nonwovens Department <strong>of</strong>fers training and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalconsultancy in the following areas:• nonwovens• polymers and polymer bonding agents• spunbond, meltblown technologies• electrostatic spinning• textiles for the automotive industry• textile material recycling• filtration4. Research activitiesThe main Research and Development directions can be split to:Nan<strong>of</strong>ibers and nanomaterials: in this area, we solve practicaland theoretical problems <strong>of</strong> electrostatic spinning and thepreparation <strong>of</strong> nan<strong>of</strong>iber layers. The main directions include:preparation <strong>of</strong> polymers, copolymers and polymer compounds,development <strong>of</strong> texture carriers, production <strong>of</strong> nan<strong>of</strong>iberyarns with defined number <strong>of</strong> twists, preparation <strong>of</strong> carbonnan<strong>of</strong>ibers, production <strong>of</strong> thin composite materials reinforcedwith nan<strong>of</strong>ibers, production <strong>of</strong> bi-component nan<strong>of</strong>ibers, basicphysical description and simulation <strong>of</strong> electrostatic spinning. Aseparate area is represented by the design and production <strong>of</strong>mechanical, electronic equipment, lines and elements.Nonwovens: this area is focused on searching for new methods<strong>of</strong> nonwoven production and derived products, as well asthe possibilities <strong>of</strong> utilizing the existing technologies for newapplications. The most significant areas include development<strong>of</strong> mattresses for long-laying patients, recycled textile materials,development <strong>of</strong> sandwiches resistant to high temperatures andspecial filters for highly clean operations, as well as for specialapplications or description <strong>of</strong> capillary effects using simulations.5. Laboratories and special equipment, NanotechnologyLaboratoriesThe laboratories are equipped with devices for electrostaticspinning applying various principles, e.g. (i) capillary, (ii) coaxialor (iii) needle-free – the Nanospider method. The optionalaccessories enable spinning <strong>of</strong> a wide range <strong>of</strong> polymer andinorganic solutions.13

Mechanical Properties LaboratoryThe laboratory is equipped with universal testing devices andspecially designed accessories and frames for determining themulti-axial stress <strong>of</strong> planar and bulky textiles. The laboratorycan carry out most <strong>of</strong> the static and quasistatic tests <strong>of</strong> textileand composite materials including plastics.Semi production laboratoryThe equipment installed in the Semi production laboratorycovers a significant part <strong>of</strong> the nonwovens productiontechnologies. The mechanical method can prepare fiber layers,which can be reinforced in a thermal, chemical or mechanicalway. The complete lines include production <strong>of</strong> needle punchedtextiles, production <strong>of</strong> perpendicularly laid and thermal bondedtextiles and the pilot line Desktop unit for the meltblowntechnology.6. Grants and projects• The “Nan<strong>of</strong>iber filter media formation methods and nan<strong>of</strong>iberfilter media performance modeling and optimization”project conducted in cooperation with Cummins FiltrationInc. (USA) in 2008 to 2010.Electron and Optical Microscopy LaboratoryTo receive images at high zoom, we use the Phenomenvironmental scanning electron microscope. As comparedwith the standard electron microscopes, its advantage is the fastobtaining <strong>of</strong> an image without the need <strong>of</strong> using conductive,resp. gold-powdered samples. The laboratory is also equippedwith a Nikon, Eclipse line, optical microscope with digital imageoutput. The equipment has the image NIS elements analysis.Filtration Properties LaboratoryThe laboratory is equipped with devices for determining thefiltration properties in liquid filtration and air product filtrationprocesses. Testing can be done with synthetic powder, aerosol,oil mist, water or oil.• Polarized cultures <strong>of</strong> hepatocytes and mesenchyme cellson nan<strong>of</strong>iber layers in experimental bioreactor, underregistration No. 304/07/1129 – Cooperation with the mainauthor is the Charles University, 2. LF.• Micro- and nan<strong>of</strong>ibers <strong>of</strong> biodegradable polymers, underregistration No. 106/09/0300 – Cooperation with TUL,Microbiological Institute <strong>of</strong> AV ČR , VŠCHT Praha – PolymersInstitute.• Nanotextiles producing singlet oxygen, under registration No.203/08/0831 – Cooperation with the Charles University, FP.• ULTRATEC: Acceleration <strong>of</strong> Textile Processes by UltrasoundTechnology, Contract No.: NMP2-CT-2003-505892 SixthFramework program EU, priority 3, Nanotechnology andnanosciences, knowledge based multifunctional materials,new production processes and device, Grant holder,Financial information: EUR 117,945, Duration <strong>of</strong> project:14

1 January 2004 to 31 December 2006. The project wasconducted by 13 European universities, research institutesand companies.• Grant <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Industry and Trade <strong>of</strong> the CzechRepublic – Master study – specialization “Technical textiles”,development program <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education, Youthand Sports, program 2 – for support <strong>of</strong> internat., podprog. d).Preparation and implementation <strong>of</strong> parallel study programs,1H-PK2/46, preparation <strong>of</strong> the subject “Medical Textiles”,2003-2006.• Progress 1H-PK 2/46, Nan<strong>of</strong>ibers and their composites from<strong>technical</strong> and bio-medicinal applications, participationin the grant <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Industry and Trade, grantbeneficiary for TUL: Cooperation with the MacromolecularChemistry Institute <strong>of</strong> AV ČR and Synpo A.s. Pardubice.Financial participation <strong>of</strong> Elmarco s.r.o. – present cooperationin the area <strong>of</strong> biodegradable polymers and their spinning,development <strong>of</strong> acoustic layers with nan<strong>of</strong>ibers andelectrostatic spinning from melt.NANOPHARMADevelopment <strong>of</strong> carriers for texture engineeringPegas NonwovensIndustrial production <strong>of</strong> layers for sound absorption; preparation<strong>of</strong> functionalized nan<strong>of</strong>ibers after activation by plasma; study <strong>of</strong>the rheological behavior <strong>of</strong> polymer solutions and melts.7. Selected publications and patentsJirsak, O., Sanetrnik, F., Lukas, D., Kotek, V., Martinova, L.,Chaloupek, J., EP 1673493 (B1), US 7585437 (B2) A Method<strong>of</strong> Nan<strong>of</strong>ibers Production from a Polymer Solution UsingElectrospinning and the Device for Carrying Out the Method.US Patent.Wadsworth, L., Tsai, P., Jirsak, O., US 5955174 Composites <strong>of</strong>Carded and Nonwoven Webs, Method and Apparatus for theElectrostatic Charging <strong>of</strong> Same. US Patent.Wadsworth, L., Tsai, P., Jirsak, O., US 6090469 MechanicallyInterlocked and Thermally Fused Staple Fiber Pleated and NonpleatedWebs. US Patent.Wadsworth, L., Tsai, P., Jirsak, O., US 6153059 Composite <strong>of</strong>Pleated and Nonwoven Webs, Method and Apparatus for theElectrostatic Charging <strong>of</strong> Same. US Patent.15

Jirsák, O., Wadsworth, L.C., Nonwoven Textiles. Carolina AcademicPress, Durham, NC 1999.Lesny, P., Jendelova, P., Martinova, L., et al., Nonwoven polymericnan<strong>of</strong>iber scaffolds with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cellsutilizable for spinal cord injury repair. Cythotherapy, 8, 217Suppl. 1, 2006.Lukáš, D., Chaloupek, J., Košťáková, E., Pan N., Morphologicaltransitions <strong>of</strong> capillary rise in a bundle <strong>of</strong> two and three solidparallel cylinders. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics,Vol. 371, Issue 2, 2006, pp. 226-248.Lukáš, D. and Chaloupek, J., Understanding <strong>of</strong> three-dimensionalstructure <strong>of</strong> fibrous materials using stereology. In book Thermaland moisture transport in fibrous materials, (N. Pan and P. Gibsoneds.), Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, pp. 42-101.Mosinger, J., Jirsak, O., Kubat, P. et al., Bactericidal nan<strong>of</strong>abricsbased on photoproduction <strong>of</strong> singlet oxygen. Journal <strong>of</strong>Materials Chemistry, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2007, pp. 164-166.Lukáš, D., Sarkar, A., Martinová, L., Vodseďálková, K., Lubasová,D., Chaloupek, J., Pokorný, P., Mikeš, P., Chvojka, J., Komárek,M., Physical principles <strong>of</strong> electrospinning (Electrospinning as anano-scale technology <strong>of</strong> twenty-first century). Textile Progress,Vol. 41, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 59-140.16

Department <strong>of</strong> Clothing Technologies1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileThe Clothing Department is a department providing educationin the area <strong>of</strong> clothing and ready-made clothing productioninvolving the entire technological process <strong>of</strong> clothingproduction and <strong>technical</strong> ready-made clothing production,starting from preparation <strong>of</strong> production, the partitioning andassembling process, ironing, and shaping including makingup.In addition, the graduates <strong>of</strong> the magisterial study learn thetheoretical principles <strong>of</strong> these processes in detail. In the doctoralstudies, the students preferentially deal with clothing comfort,heat-insulation properties, the utility properties <strong>of</strong> clothingand clothing materials, somatometry and development in theparametric design <strong>of</strong> clothing patterning.2. History and presenceThe origin <strong>of</strong> the Clothing Department must be seen in theTextile Materials Department established in the 1970’s. At theend <strong>of</strong> the 1980’s, Ing. Motejl starts lecturing at the Departmentand later became the first head <strong>of</strong> the Clothing Departmentestablished in 1979. In 1982, the administrative managementwas assigned to Doc. Ing. Moravec, CSc. At that time renownedspecialists from the “Research Institute <strong>of</strong> Prostějov”, “OPProstějov”, “Institute <strong>of</strong> Clothing Production Mechanization” <strong>of</strong>Trenčín lectured at the Department. In 1986, the Departmentwas expanded with the applied automation; intensivecooperation with OP Prostějov grew and Doc. Ing. AntonínHavelka, CSc. became the head <strong>of</strong> the department. A detacheddepartment was established and the “Ready-Made ProductionDepartment” was gradually created in Prostějov. Ing. OtakarKunz, CSc. became the head <strong>of</strong> the department in 1990.Under the new leadership <strong>of</strong> Doc. Dr. Ing. Kůs, the ClothingDepartment is gradually being modernized and equipped withnew laboratory devices, such as the system for the Kawabataobjective hand evaluation. Thanks to systematic acquisition <strong>of</strong>modern devices, we have managed to establish laboratorieswith high-quality equipment, which is, besides the researchwork, used also by students for education, working on bachelor,diploma and doctoral theses. About 1,150 students havegraduated from the Clothing Department in engineer typestudies since its foundation and the interest <strong>of</strong> new studentspersists.18

3. Educational activitiesThe Clothing Department provides education in the area <strong>of</strong>clothing technology and clothing production management inbachelor, master, full time and part time, and PhD studies.The study is focused on the deepening <strong>of</strong> the general disciplines<strong>of</strong> clothing production and design. It supports problem-solvingin a complex way from the product design to its realizationin the technological production process with support <strong>of</strong>deepening the knowledge <strong>of</strong> clothing materials.The structure <strong>of</strong> all subjects in the bachelor and master studyhas been adapted to this, <strong>of</strong> which we shall note the followingsubjects: Technical Preparation <strong>of</strong> Production, Clothing Design,Clothing Production Machinery and Equipment, TheoreticalPrinciples <strong>of</strong> Clothing Machinery, which is a subject makingthe students familiar with the basics <strong>of</strong> the sewing process,also looks at unconventional assembling methods. The modernproduction methods are presented in the Apparel ProductionAutomation subject, where the student is made familiar withthe practical applications <strong>of</strong> automation and robotization inclothing production, being taught the special technologies andmeasurement in the Special Technologies and Measurementin Clothing Production subject. The subjects also includeComputer-Aided Designing and Computer Simulation <strong>of</strong>Clothing Production.4. Research activities• Development <strong>of</strong> methods for textile and clothing comfortevaluation including evaluation <strong>of</strong> transport effects inflowing air in an aerodynamic tunnel• Development in the area <strong>of</strong> textile sensors, conductingpaths and sensors suitable for use in textiles and clothing• Application <strong>of</strong> temperature fields measurements usingthermovision equipment for evaluation <strong>of</strong> the physiologicalcomfort <strong>of</strong> Hi-tech sport and working clothes• Development <strong>of</strong> special medical clothes for laying patients,or those with impaired mobility while respecting easyaccess to treatment, physiological comfort or monitoring <strong>of</strong>physical vital signs in application <strong>of</strong> temperature, pulse andhumidity sensors directly in the clothes• Dynamic effect analysis in seam creation and deformation <strong>of</strong>sewing threads with the utilization <strong>of</strong> a high-speed camera.• Evaluation <strong>of</strong> the utility properties <strong>of</strong> clothing materials –drape, air permeability19

special devices for alternative measurement and processes analysis.These devices, for instance, include thermovision and a high-speedcamera, measuring pressure mat and Micro-CT. Another uniquedevice is the aerodynamic tunnel for the evaluation <strong>of</strong> heat transfersin flowing air.The Clothing Department is equipped with some state-<strong>of</strong>-the-artdevices, such as the I-speed3 high-speed camera for monitoring thesewing process creation, an FLIR thermo-camera for evaluating thephysiological comfort <strong>of</strong> clothes. The laboratories are also equippedfor unconventional methods <strong>of</strong> clothing material bonding.The Clothing Department takes part in the projects <strong>of</strong> FRVŠ, theESF, grants, and projects with the Textile Center and gets involvedin solving specific research in the area <strong>of</strong> conducting path creationfor “smart” clothes with the students. Patents have been granted forthese methods – conducting path sewing.6. Patents and other outputs <strong>of</strong> projectsHavelka, A., Kůs.: užitný vzor: Šitý elektrovodivý šev. Číslo zápisu:20096. číslo přihlášky 2009-21595.• Somatometric investigation <strong>of</strong> the Czech population;prediction <strong>of</strong> the design dimensions <strong>of</strong> clothing patterning;parametric design development.5. Laboratories and special equipmentThe Clothing Department has a number <strong>of</strong> laboratories equippedwith special measuring devices for textile evaluation. Measurementis done in compliance with the applicable standards in fully airconditionedlaboratories. The laboratories specialize in objectiveevaluation <strong>of</strong> physiological and hygienic properties <strong>of</strong> clothingmaterials, mainly in terms <strong>of</strong> the clothing comfort, hand, abrasion,pilling, snagging testing, air, moisture, water and heat permeability.In the laboratories, we can complexly evaluate the mechanicalproperties, color fastness and other special properties <strong>of</strong> planartextiles, such as the flame retardancy <strong>of</strong> textiles and clothes.The laboratories have modern systems for production automationwith the Festo training system with pneumatic and hydraulicelements, and special equipment for image processing usingimage analysis. The Clothing Department also owns a number <strong>of</strong>20

Havelka, A., Kůs. Z: Patent registrační číslo: PS 3599CZ, číslo přilášky.PV 2008-703 Oblek zejména pro pacienty a osoby se sníženoupohyblivostí.Havelka, A., Kůs. Z., Clothing especially for patients and personswith reduced moveability, 676438, EP09173734.6, 22 October 2009,PS3599EP, <strong>Technická</strong> <strong>univerzita</strong> v <strong>Liberci</strong>,7. Selected publicationsHavelka,A., Kůs, Z., Moisture transfer properties <strong>of</strong> smart –barrier textiles. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> The 20 th Scientific ConferenceHanoi University <strong>of</strong> Technology. Hanoi 2006.Havelka, A., Kůs, Z: The physiological properties <strong>of</strong> smart textileand moisture transport thought clothing fabrics. Proceedings<strong>of</strong> The 6 th International Thermal Manekin and ModelingMeeting (613M); The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. HongKong 2006.Havelka, A., Kůs, Z., Transport properties <strong>of</strong> semi-permeablebarriertextile for modern sports apparel. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 86 thTextile Institute World Conference, Hong Kong 2008.Havelka, A., The analysis <strong>of</strong> physiological comfort <strong>of</strong> workingcloth. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 15 th International conference STRUTEX2008, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering, Technical University <strong>of</strong>Liberec, 2008.Lebid, O., Havelka, A., Investigation <strong>of</strong> the strength <strong>of</strong>ultrasonically connected clothes parts. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 16 thInternational conference STRUTEX 2009, Faculty <strong>of</strong> TextileEngineering, Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec, 2009.Musilová, B., Komárková, P., Kůs, Z., Assessment <strong>of</strong> the inputparameters for garment construction in relation to mechanicalproperties. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 20 th scientific conference 2006,Hanoi University <strong>of</strong> Technology.Musilová, B., Nemčoková, R., Tight-fit Sportswear clothingconstruction. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 15 th International conferenceSTRUTEX 2008, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering, TechnicalUniversity <strong>of</strong> Liberec, 2008, pp. 453-458.Musilová, B., Zavadilová, V., Prediction <strong>of</strong> constructiondimensions <strong>of</strong> upper body block drafting, Vlákna a textil (4),Bratislava, 2009, pp. 3–6.21

Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Materials1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileIn its research and education work, the Textile MaterialsDepartment focuses on the area <strong>of</strong> textile and specialfibers (structure, properties, use), textile metrology (textileproperties measurement principles, analysis <strong>of</strong> results,prediction model construction, surface analysis), compositeswith textile reinforcement (geometric structure, thermal andmechanical properties, special inorganic fibers), experimentaldata treatment (univariate and multivariate exploratory dataanalysis, calibration, regression) and textile quality control(utility value, hand, appearance, surface properties).The Department has a number <strong>of</strong> laboratories for the education<strong>of</strong> students in bachelor and master studies (metrology <strong>of</strong> fibersand textile structures, image analysis), as well as for doctoralstudies and research/development (general and specialmicroscopy, thermal and thermo-mechanical properties,dynamic mechanical properties, electrical properties). TheDepartment also guarantees training in the MATLAB languageand is engaged in the creation <strong>of</strong> application s<strong>of</strong>tware forexperimental data treatment and evaluation <strong>of</strong> measurementresults.Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ing. Jiří Militký CSc. EURING, head <strong>of</strong> the Department,is a chairman <strong>of</strong> the FEANI national monitoring committee,academician <strong>of</strong> the Ukrainian Engineering Academy, honorarypr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the Ivanovo Textile Academy and member <strong>of</strong> theCzech Engineering Academy..2. History and presenceThe Textile Materials Department, as a separate department,was not established until 1990. It was previously integratedwith the Spinning resp. Clothing Department and itsactivities had mainly been concentrated in the area <strong>of</strong>textile testing. The efforts to establish a system for textileproperties prediction from the fiber properties resultedin an attempt to establish a new study branch called“Textilography”. Due to the limitations given by insufficientknowledge and practical outcomes, this branch did notdevelop. But recently we have managed to establish asystem <strong>of</strong> prediction models in the line <strong>of</strong> the fiber-yarnsurfacetextiles, which has become a part <strong>of</strong> the “Libtex”computer-oriented system <strong>of</strong> textile design (developedmainly in the Textile Technologies Department).24

The activities <strong>of</strong> the Textile Materials Department arecurrently focused on a number <strong>of</strong> activities generallyrelated to the issue <strong>of</strong> textile fibers, modeling <strong>of</strong> the textilestructures properties and experimental data analysis. Weinvestigate the possibilities <strong>of</strong> using new material types,such as optical fiber, shape memory fibers, electricallyconductive fibers, highly functional fibers and highperformance fibers for applications in textiles. The imageanalysis is mainly used for the special metrology. A number<strong>of</strong> specific research activities are performed and financedunder various project types and the research center TEXTILII. The Department activities will probably expand into thedesign and evaluation <strong>of</strong> properties <strong>of</strong> special compositetypes including nano-composites.3. Educational activitiesThe Department employees provide education in subjects forbachelor study, full time and part time master study, licensedstudy (for the University <strong>of</strong> Pardubice) and post-graduatestudy. The individual subjects mainly cover the followingareas <strong>of</strong> study:• textile and specialty fibers• composite materials• textile testing• experimental data treatment• programming in MATLAB• quality evaluationFor some other specializations <strong>of</strong> the study branch ordoctoral studies, we lecture subjects in the area <strong>of</strong> textilefiber application, textile testing, textile history, informationtechnology utilization and selected mathematical modelingmethods. For licensed study at the University <strong>of</strong> Pardubice,we provide lectures in the special areas <strong>of</strong> regression andexperimental design. Most subjects are lectured in parallel inthe Czech and English languages.4. Research activitiesThe research activities <strong>of</strong> the Department are derived from theresearch specialization <strong>of</strong> the individual employees. It is partlyfinanced from grants and industrial projects. Some generalissues are solved only with the use <strong>of</strong> the Department funds.Our effort is to complete solution <strong>of</strong> partial stages always with25

• thermomechanical analysis (with specialization indevelopment <strong>of</strong> methods <strong>of</strong> investigation <strong>of</strong> combinedthermal and mechanical field’s exposition <strong>of</strong> textilestructures)• quality management (with specialization in complexquality evaluation and nontraditional computer-orientedprocedures)• experimental data treatment (with specialization inmodeling and specific textile induced problems)We already have some specific results for the above-mentionedtopics summarized in publications <strong>of</strong> the Department members.5. Laboratories and special equipmentThe Department has the following laboratories available:Textile testing laboratoriesa publication. According to the long-term orientation <strong>of</strong> theDepartment research activities and with respect to the currentlysolved research projects, the individual research directions aresplit to the following groups:The laboratories are equipped with standard devices for measuringthe properties <strong>of</strong> fibers, yarns and planar textiles. It has the imageanalysis systems available, along with microscopes and specialequipment for surface structure reconstruction from a series <strong>of</strong>virtual pr<strong>of</strong>iles.• special fibers and materials (with specialization in basaltfibers and examination <strong>of</strong> their ultimate mechanicalproperties, side illuminating optical fibers, fibers withenhanced electrical conductivity, metalic fibers with shapememory and carbon nano-powders)• evaluation <strong>of</strong> textiles hand (with specialization in objectiveprocedures <strong>of</strong> hand prediction and calibration modelcreation)• composites on the basis <strong>of</strong> carbon and basalt fibers(with specialization in examining the textile componentproperties and selected thermal and mechanical properties)• microscopy and image analysis application (withspecialization in procedures suitable for textile structureanalysis, textile surfaces and evaluation <strong>of</strong> surface evenness).26

6. Grants and projects• Alloys and polymers with recovery capacity for selectedapplications (smart textiles, vibration damping, impactresistance, etc.). Covered by the GAČR subsidy (2010-2013).Cooperation with the Physical Institute <strong>of</strong> AVČR.• Fiber-optics with side conductivity and active safety textiles.Covered by the TIP project (2009-2012). Cooperation withStap a.s. Vilémov.• Textiles with limited permeability <strong>of</strong> electromagneticradiation and enhanced comfort. Covered by the TIPproject (2009-2012). Cooperation with Sintex a.s. MoravskáTřebová.• Textiles with enhanced resistance to the penetration<strong>of</strong> sharp objects. Partial VCT III project (2010-2011).Cooperation with VÚB a.s. Ústí nad Orlicí.Laboratory for evaluation <strong>of</strong> electrical properties <strong>of</strong> textilesThe laboratory is equipped with devices for electrical resistancemeasurement in surface and volume. Equipment with circularelectrodes has been designed for measurement <strong>of</strong> electricalresistance anisotropy <strong>of</strong> surface textiles.Microscopy and image analysis laboratoryThe laboratory is equipped with a number <strong>of</strong> microscopesassociated usually with the image analysis system. Besidesstandard optical microscopes, it also has the electron scanningmicroscope, laser confocal microscope and environmentalscanning microscope available.Laboratory for measurement <strong>of</strong> thermal andthermomechanical properties <strong>of</strong> textilesThe laboratory is equipped with devices for thermal,thermomechanical and dynamic mechanical analysis <strong>of</strong> textiles.Laboratory for measurement <strong>of</strong> antibacterial properties <strong>of</strong> textilesThe laboratory is equipped with devices for bacteria incubationand completion <strong>of</strong> various tests for evaluating the bacteriostaticand bactericidal effects.• Special procedures <strong>of</strong> quality evaluation for textileengineering. Part <strong>of</strong> the partial projects <strong>of</strong> the Quality andReliability Center II (2010-2011).• Development <strong>of</strong> textile structures for achieving specialeffects (elastic materials with variable conductivity,structures for installation <strong>of</strong> sensors and electronicelements. Partial VCT II projects (2010-2011). Cooperationwith textile companies in the Czech Republic and TeslaBlatná a.s.• Properties and use <strong>of</strong> basalt fibers. Project <strong>of</strong> GAČR (2005-2007).• Surface structure and feeling <strong>of</strong> textiles. Project <strong>of</strong> GAČR(1999-2002).• Quantitative analysis <strong>of</strong> textile matrices in composites.Project <strong>of</strong> GAČR (1999-2002). Cooperation with ČVUTPraha.• Excellence Centrum <strong>of</strong> ITSAPT Project <strong>of</strong> the 5 th frameworkprogram <strong>of</strong> the EU – (2003-2005). Cooperation withpartners in textile industry in the Czech Republic and EU.27

7. Selected publicationsMeloun M., Militký J,: Statistická analýza experimentálních dat,Academia Praha 2004.Meloun M., Militký J, Hill M., Počítačová analýza vícerozměrnýchdat v příkladech, Academia Praha 2005.Militký J., Trávníčková M., Bajzík V., Air Permeability and LightTransmission on Weaves. International Journal <strong>of</strong> ClothingScience and Technology, Vol. 11, Issue (2/3), 1999, pp. 116-124.Militký J., Rubnerová J., Klička V., Surface appearance irregularity<strong>of</strong> nonwovens, International Journal <strong>of</strong> Clothing Science andTechnology, Vol. 11, Issue (2/3), 158, 1999, pp. 141-150.Meloun M., Militký J., Kompendium statistického zpracováníexperimentálních dat. Academia Praha 2003, rozšířená verseAcademia Praha 2006.Militký J., Ibrahim S., Complex Characterization <strong>of</strong> YarnUnevenness. In book: Computational Textile, Springer Verlag,2007, 18 pp.Špánková, J., Militký, J.: Bed ticking fabrics comfort evaluation,IVUZ TECHNOL. TEXT. PROM.(Engl. Ed.), No3C (317), 2009, pp.22-28, ISSN 0021-3497.Militký, J., Kovačič, V.: Chemical Degradation <strong>of</strong> Basalt Fibers,IVUZ TECHNOL. TEXT. PROM.(Engl. Ed.), No3, C (317), 2009,pp.55-59, ISSN 0021-3497.Militký J., Ibrahim S., Effect <strong>of</strong> textile processing manufacturingpractices on fatigue. In book Fatigue failure <strong>of</strong> textile fibres,Woodhead Publisher, 2009, 28 pp.Militký, J., Kovačič, V., Křemenáková, D., Basalt Filaments –properties and application, pp. 498 – 520, in book SomeThermodynamic, Structural and Behavioral Aspects <strong>of</strong> MaterialsAccentuating Non. crystalline States, (Šesták, M. Holeček, J.Málek, eds.), OPS Pilsen 2009.Militký, J., The chemistry, manufacture and tensile behavior <strong>of</strong>polyester fibers. In book Handbook <strong>of</strong> tensile properties <strong>of</strong> textileand <strong>technical</strong> fibers, Woodhead Publisher, Oxford, 2009, pp. 223-314.Militký J., Application <strong>of</strong> statistical methods in evaluation <strong>of</strong>fabric hand. In book Effect <strong>of</strong> mechanical and physical propertieson fabric hand, Woodhead Publisher, 2005, 56 pp.Militký J., Cotton Fiber Quality Index. In book Textiles forsustainable development, Nova Publisher, 2006, 12 pp.Křemenáková D. and Militký J., Comparison <strong>of</strong> Cotton YarnStrength Prediction Methods. In book Textiles for sustainabledevelopment, Nova Publisher, 2006, 12 pp.Militký J. and D. Křemenáková: Developments <strong>of</strong> TechnicalTextiles and NTC, IVUZ TECHNOL. TEXT. PROM.(Engl. Ed.), No3C(317), 2009, pp.104-112, ISSN 0021-3497.Militký, J., Ibrahim, S., Yilmaz, D., Goktepe, F.: Bimodality <strong>of</strong> theCotton Compact Yarn Hairiness Index, IVUZ TECHNOL. TEXT.PROM.(Engl. Ed.), No3C (317), 2009, pp.34-39, ISSN 0021-3497.28

Department <strong>of</strong> Design1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileThe Department is a creative workplace that guaranteeseducation in Textile and Fashion Designing. The study conceptis based on creative activity associated with searching fornew methods for the visual processing <strong>of</strong> materials andnontraditional realization <strong>of</strong> products. Since the beginning <strong>of</strong>the visual study, the student is guided to produce designs incertain textile and fashion technologies, glass technologies,jewel-related technologies, or interior accessories. This conceptis rare with respect to the technological facilities for designingat universities <strong>of</strong> a similar character. In its own creative work,the Department searches for new modern tools and methods<strong>of</strong> decorating and utilizing material structures in the process <strong>of</strong>product design. The Department activities are also focused onexhibiting activities; a part <strong>of</strong> the Department is the Gallery N inJablonec nad Nisou.2. History and presenceAfter 1989 we witnessed fast lifestyle changes also associatedwith the market being flooded with commodities from abroad.The textile products, whether clothes, fashion accessories ors<strong>of</strong>t furnishings, became assortment for expressing a person’spersonality, lifestyle or working image. Our producers finallystarted to realize not only the need for a different view <strong>of</strong>assortment <strong>of</strong>fer creation (besides quality and a precisefabrication, they also need to <strong>of</strong>fer originality, style and novelvisual effects <strong>of</strong> fashion or traditional textiles), but also the lack<strong>of</strong> specialists in this field with high education. The Faculty <strong>of</strong>Textile Engineering started with the idea <strong>of</strong> educating designers– specialists in 1991. This resulted in proposal <strong>of</strong> a new studydirection – Textile and Fashion Design branch, at the birth <strong>of</strong>which were Doc. Ing. Otakar Kunz, CSc. (the Dean <strong>of</strong> the Faculty<strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering at that time), Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ing. Radko Kovář, CSc.(Head <strong>of</strong> the Knitting Department at that time) and the studyguarantor Pr<strong>of</strong>. Bohdan Mrázek from the Applied Arts College<strong>of</strong> Prague. The branch passed more development changes,which can be summarized in the following phases:• October 1992 – start <strong>of</strong> the 1st year <strong>of</strong> the Bachelor study<strong>of</strong> Textile and Fashion Design under the guarantee <strong>of</strong> theKnitting Department (Head <strong>of</strong> Department Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ing. RadkoKovář, CSc.), academic painter Svatoslav Krotký became theguarantor <strong>of</strong> the arts education30

• 1994 – the Knitting Department led by Ing. Renata Štorová,CSc.• 1995 – new Department <strong>of</strong> Textile and Fashion Design isfound, Head <strong>of</strong> Department was academic painter SvatoslavKrotký• from 1997 till now – the Department <strong>of</strong> Textile and FashionDesign (present name is the Design Department) is led byIng. Renata Štorová, CSc., the arts education guarantor isacademic painter Doc. Svatoslav Krotký• 2000 – the Department was relocated to new facilities in theHarcov location.• 2002 – the Textile and Fashion Design expanded with glassand jewel design (original name was Fashion and InteriorAccessories Design); education is concentrated in a detachedfacility in Jablonec nad Nisou • 2006 – study focused on “Textile and Fashion Design 2”opened in Jihlava• during the 18-year existence <strong>of</strong> the branch the innovativechanges and expansion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> studies into thepresent shape appeared3. Educational activities• the study concept is based on comprehensive art education,whereas the studio art education is focused on design andmaking products <strong>of</strong> the given technology• the studio structure includes art subjects (Drawing, Painting,Studio Works, etc.), specialized technological subjects(fabric pattern weaves, Fashion Design and Modeling,Glasswork and Jewellery Expertise, etc.) and subjects <strong>of</strong>further theoretical base (History <strong>of</strong> Culture, Theory <strong>of</strong> Colors,Cultural History, Computer Design, etc.)• students’ creativity development is guided in connectionwith searching for new directions in material processing indesign• we emphasize realization <strong>of</strong> students’ projects in textiletechnologies (weaving, printing, knitting), fashion, jewelleryand glasswork shops31

• participation <strong>of</strong> students in Czech and foreign workshops,• activity <strong>of</strong> own Gallery N in Jablonec nad Nisou.5. Laboratories and special equipmentBesides standard technological equipment, the Departmenthas, for instance, a MIMAKI TX 1600S digital printer, TAJIMATEJT II-C1501 embroidery machine, AVL Looms electric loomjacquard for practical training and realization output from thestudio work.6. Grants and projects• Projects FRVŠ 2001, 2002, 2004, 2008.• ESF 2008-2011 – Tratex “Traditional Textile Techniques”,CZ.1.07/1.3.03/01.0025.• the study is innovated with respect to the present needs <strong>of</strong>designing• support <strong>of</strong> computer assisted design in education to expandpossibilities <strong>of</strong> appraising students’ ideas, establishment <strong>of</strong>the PC design labs• the Department has extensive technological facilities, i.e.clothing lab embroidery technique, weaving, knitting,printing lab, digital printing on textile and paper, glassengraving lab, glass cutting lab, jewellery shop, patternshop, drawing labs, studios4. Other activities• support <strong>of</strong> the <strong>technical</strong> and technological facilities standardfor design realization,• presentation <strong>of</strong> students’ works in domestic and foreignexhibitions and contests,• support <strong>of</strong> students’ foreign mobility,32

• Mgr. J. Heger – Lost and Found Exhibition in Gallery N,Jablonec nad Nisou 2008;• Mgr. art. J. Huňková – Textilmánie Dizajn stúdio Exhibition,Studio <strong>of</strong> ÚLUV Bratislava 2008;• Mgr. art. Z. Veselá – Modepalast Exhibition Vienna 2009;7. Selected presentations <strong>of</strong> pedagogues and studentscreative worksThe artistically oriented pedagogues present their worksin a number <strong>of</strong> separate or common domestic and foreignexhibitions. Their exhibiting activities, for instance, include:• artist doc. S. Krotký – Drawings and Paintings, District Gallery<strong>of</strong> Vysočina, Jihlava 2009;• artist V. Benda – Multifocus, District Gallery <strong>of</strong> Liberec, 2008;• Mg. A. K. Krotká – Idylka Design Exhibition, Exhibition Hall <strong>of</strong>VŠUP Prague 2008;• Mgr. I. Chválová – Painting on Hand-Made Paper, PodkovaGallery Olomouc 2009;• artist Doc. E. Frydecká – Exhibition <strong>of</strong> Drawings and Textiles,Artoteka Gallery Opatov 2008;33

• Mgr. A. R. Valentin – Glass and Clothing Exhibition – Gallery NJablonec nad Nisou 2008;• Mgr. D. Pejchalová – pr<strong>of</strong>. Berger’s studio graduates’exhibition, Bratislava-Komárno 2007;• M. A. L. Šikolová, Za horami Exhibition (a part <strong>of</strong> the SilverFestival) Legnica Poland 2010;• artist D. Hrabánková, represented by work in the collections<strong>of</strong> the North Bohemia Museum <strong>of</strong> Liberec.The Department organizes around 10 exhibitions each year. Thesignificant events, for instance, include the author’s exhibition <strong>of</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>. Horbový from Akademie Sztuk Pieknych Wroclaw in 2007;author’s exhibition “Identification” <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. V. K. Novák in 2008,Exhibition <strong>of</strong> the Glass Studio <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. V. Kopecký and the TextileWork Studio <strong>of</strong> artist P. Říha from VŠUP Prague, exhibitionpresenting the “Liberecké vily” book, Glass Exhibition – Pr<strong>of</strong>. P.Kielan, Akademie Sztuk Pieknych Wroclaw, Glass Exhibition <strong>of</strong>authors artist O. Plíva and artist Z. Lhotský; Tapestry Exhibition<strong>of</strong> E. Brodská in 2009; “Attitudes” Exhibition <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. acad. arch. K.Weisslechner – rector <strong>of</strong> VŠVU Bratislava (27 April 2010) in 2010.34

Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Chemistry1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileThe Textile Chemistry Department mainly specializes in thechemical technologies <strong>of</strong> textile finishing, the production anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> SMART textile materials, advanced colorimetry,environmental aspects <strong>of</strong> textile production, and last but notleast, utilization <strong>of</strong> historical methods <strong>of</strong> textile production andmaintenance.The research activity <strong>of</strong> the Department is focused on thetheoretical application studies <strong>of</strong> dyeing and printing <strong>of</strong>natural and synthetic fibers, textile pretreatment and finishing,colorimetry, functional dye testing, chemical-textile analyses<strong>of</strong> textile materials, dyes and auxiliary materials, as well ason the environmental aspects <strong>of</strong> all textile production andmaintenance technologies.2. History and presenceToday’s Department originates from the Textile ChemistryInstitute <strong>of</strong> the Spinning Department that was founded in 1954,shortly after foundation <strong>of</strong> the Mechanical Engineering Collegein Liberec. The first head was Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ing. Dr. Jiří Rais, CSc. fromVŠCHT Prague. The institute was transformed into the TextileChemistry Department in 1960 – a part <strong>of</strong> the newly establishedFaculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering <strong>of</strong> the Mechanical Engineeringand Textile College. The research activity in the Departmentfocused on theoretical problems <strong>of</strong> textile dyeing. With thearrival <strong>of</strong> Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Odvárka, DrSc. at the head position in1986, the Department expanded the education with specializedsubjects related to the theory <strong>of</strong> finishing and chemical andmechanical technology <strong>of</strong> finishing. During this period, theDepartment focused on more extensive cooperation with thepractice and took a long-term part in development <strong>of</strong> newdisperse dyestuffs in cooperation with VÚOS Pardubice-Rybitví.In 1990, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ing. Jiří Kryštůfek, CSc. from SVÚT Liberec came tothe Department and significantly enriched the education andresearch with theoretical and mainly technological knowledge<strong>of</strong> finishing, in particular, in the dyeing process. After foundation<strong>of</strong> the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Education, the Department divided into theChemistry Department at the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Education and TextileTreatment Department at the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering.In 1996, the Department management was taken over by theDepartment head Doc. Ing. Miroslav Prášil, CSc., who specializedin the textile printing process. In this area, he widely assisted insolving the technological problems <strong>of</strong> textile printing shops.Doc. Ing. Jakub Wiener, PhD. became the Department head in2003, who significantly modernized the Department equipment36

even in cooperation with foreign research departments. Underhis leadership, the Department took part in solving researchtasks in the “Textile” Research Center. He implemented modernresearch methods in the Department, such as modeling <strong>of</strong>physical and chemical processes, etc. In 2004, the Departmentreceived back its original Textile Chemistry Department (KTC)name within the process <strong>of</strong> the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineeringrestructuring. Doc. Ing. Michal Vik, PhD. has been working inthe Textile Chemistry Department since 2009, dealing with theobjective evaluation <strong>of</strong> the color <strong>of</strong> planar substrates, mainlytextiles, in the long term. In this area, he extensively cooperateswith industrial companies, and in the theoretical sphere, heworks with a number <strong>of</strong> top foreign departments and is aglobally recognized specialist.3. Educational activitiesAt present, the Department lectures subjects designated forbachelor, master and doctoral studies; the subjects focuson theory, as well as practice with laboratory practicing.The bachelor study includes the following subjects: Textilechemistry, Textile treatment, Textile pre-treatment, Textiledyeing, Textile printing, Textile finishing, Textile dyeing andprinting, Coloristic and Textile maintenance. The consequentialmaster study includes the following subjects: Dyeing kinetics,Colorimetry, Textile physics, Chemical textile analyses, Textilechemistry trends and Environmental aspects <strong>of</strong> textileprocesses; the subjects lectured in English for foreign studentsare: Textile chemistry, Aspects <strong>of</strong> textile pretreatment, Kinetics<strong>of</strong> dyeing, Theory <strong>of</strong> textile printing, Chemical and mechanicaltextile finishing and Chemical textile testing. The doctoral studyincludes the following subjects: Chemical aspects <strong>of</strong> textiletreatment, Sorption processes and Applied optics – Colorimetry.4. Research activitiesThe research at the Textile Chemistry Department is currentlyfocused on, for instance, development <strong>of</strong> textile materialstructure components (optical-fiber materials, smart structures,encapsulation, use <strong>of</strong> PCM in textile structures, etc.). One <strong>of</strong>the research objectives <strong>of</strong> the Department is the application <strong>of</strong>nanolayers and nanoelements in textile structures. In the area <strong>of</strong>colorimetry, the research is focused on the theoretical aspects<strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> color differences under various conditions <strong>of</strong>lighting and observing. And last but not least, the Departmentemployees specialize in development <strong>of</strong> textile sensorialsystems for identification <strong>of</strong> hazardous radiations, gases andchemicals.37

6. Grants and projects• EU COST 529 – Efficient Lighting for the 21st Century –cooperating Doc. Ing. M. Vik, Ph. D. – 2001-2006.• GAČR – Wetting characteristics <strong>of</strong> special textile structures –Doc. Ing. J. Wiener, Ph.D. – 2003-2006.• FRVŠ – Encapsulation <strong>of</strong> active matter on textiles – Doc. Ing.J. Wiener, Ph.D. – 2007.• Special textile products: new textiles with enhanced safety,Use <strong>of</strong> polypropylene in textile structures, Projecting<strong>technical</strong> textiles properties. Research Center Textil II1M0553 (2004-2011). Cooperation with textile partners VÚBa.s., Spolsin spol. s r. o., Inotex a.s.• AV ČR – Preparation <strong>of</strong> nanolayers and nanocoatings byuse <strong>of</strong> plasma treatment at atmospheric pressure, program„Nanotechnologie pro společnost“ KAN101630651 –cooperating Doc. Ing. J. Wiener, Ph.D. – 2006-2010.The Department employees take part in several researchprojects. The international cooperation is developed withseveral universities and top institutes (North Carolina StateUniversity Raleigh – USA, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh– VB, ENTSAIT Roubaix – France, Ghentt University – Belgium,Minho University – Portugal, Hohenstein Institut – Germany,Kyoto Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology – Japan, etc.).5. Laboratories and special equipmentThe laboratories are equipped with the following state-<strong>of</strong>the-artequipment: unique LCAMSPEFO 2 and ShimadzuUV 3101 PC spectrophotometers, spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter,microspectrophotometer, BÜCHI B-290 Spray Dryer, plasmagenerator, ultrasonic and microwave textile treatmentequipment, particle size analyzer, laser emission spectroscopy,laser for textile modification. It also possesses several specialdevices: Zimmer printing table with magnetic blade, Mathis AGand BC 27 laboratory padder equipment.38

• MPO – TANDEM – Advanced research <strong>of</strong> nanomaterialsfor textiles, MPO FT–TA 5/007 – cooperating Doc.Ing.J.Wiener,Ph.D. – 2007-2010.• JSPS (Japan) Project 18300246 – Influence <strong>of</strong> ColourImpression to Customer’s Interests and its Scientific Analysis– Doc. Ing. M. Vik, Ph.D. – 2005-2008.• JSPS (Japan) Project 18300246 – Colour Emotion andMarketing – cooperating Doc. Ing. M. Vik, Ph.D. – 2008-2011.7. Selected publicationsVatuňa, T., Špatenka, P., Píchal, J., Koller, J., Aubrecht, L., Wiener,J., Plasma modification <strong>of</strong> polyester fabric, Czech Journal <strong>of</strong>Physics, 54, 2004, pp. 475-482.Viková, M., Vik, M., Colour shift photochromic pigments incolour space CIE L*a*b*, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals,Vol. 431, 2005, pp. 403-415.Wiener, J., Machaňová, D., Müllerová, J., Krátký, O., Analyticalmethods for chitosan, in book Biotechnology in textile processing,Foot production Press, New York – London - Victoria (AU), 2006.Průšová, M., Wiener, J., The influence <strong>of</strong> oxygen plasma onsurface functionalities <strong>of</strong> celullose fibres, Engineering <strong>of</strong>Biomaterials, 85 (2009), volume XII, pp. 5-7.Pouzar, M., Průšová, M., Prokopčáková, P., Černohorský, T.,Wiener, J., Krejčová, A., LIBS analysis <strong>of</strong> chromium in samples <strong>of</strong>dyed wool fabric, Journal <strong>of</strong> Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24,2009, pp. 685-688.Wiener, J., Dembický, J.: Wetting <strong>of</strong> anisotropic surfaces, Fibresand Textile, ročník 12, 2005, str. 167 – 173.Wiener, J., Machaňová, D., Müllerová, J., Krátký, O.: Analyticalmethods for chitosan, Journal <strong>of</strong> natural fibers, volume 3,Numbers 2/3 2006.Payamara, J., Shahidi, S., Wiener, J.: Ion Beam Modification <strong>of</strong>Polypropylene Fabrics, Iranian Physical Journal, 2-3, 2008, 26-29.39

Průšová, M., Wiener, J.: The influence <strong>of</strong> oxygen plasma onsurface functionalities <strong>of</strong> celulose fibres, Engineering <strong>of</strong>Biomaterials, 85 (March 2009), volume XII, s 5-7, ISSN 1429-7248Shahidi, S., Rashidi, A., Ghoranneviss, M., Anvari, A., Rahimi,M.K., Bameni Moghaddam, M., Wiener,J.: Investigation <strong>of</strong> metalabsorption and antibacterial activity on Cotton fabric modifiedby Low Temperature Plasma, Cellulose, Volume 17, Number 3 /June, 2010, ISSN: 0969-0239, pp. 627-634.Ghoranneviss, M., Shahidi, S., Wiener, J., Enjilela, R.: SurfaceModification <strong>of</strong> Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Using Low PressureArgon and Oxygen Plasmas, Plasma Science and Technology, 12,2, 2010, p. 204-207, ISSN 1009-0630.Mongkholrattanasit, R., Kryštůfek, J., Wiener, J.: Dyeing andfastness properties <strong>of</strong> natural dye extracted from eucalyptusleaves using padding techniques, Fibers and Polymers, 2010, Vol.11, No. 3, 346-350, ISSN 1229-9197.Payamara, J., Shahidi, S., Ghoranneviss, M., Wiener, J. and Anvari,A.: Effect <strong>of</strong> electron irradiation on dye and printability <strong>of</strong>polypropylene (PP) fabrics: a novel method for decoration <strong>of</strong> PPfabrics, Journal <strong>of</strong> the Textile Institute, 2010, 101: 11, 988 — 995,ISSN 0040-5000.Polypropylene Fabrics, Asian Journal <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, 863 – 866, 23,2, 2011, ISSN 0970-7077.Štěpánková, M., Wiener, J., Rusinová, K.: Decolourization <strong>of</strong> vatdyes on cotton fabric with infrared laser light, Cellulose, April2011, vol. 18, iss. 2, 469 – 478, ISSN: 0969-0239.Mongkholrattanasit, R., Kryštůfek, J., Wiener, J., Viková, M.: UVProtection property <strong>of</strong> silk fabric dyed with eucalyptus leavesextract, The Journal <strong>of</strong> the Textile Institute, Vol. 102, No. 3, March2011, 272–279, ISSN 0040-5000.Mongkholrattanasit, R., Kryštůfek, J., Wiener, J., Studničková, J.:Properties <strong>of</strong> Wool and Cotton Fabrics Dyed with Eucalyptus,Tannin and Flavonoids, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2011,Vol. 19, No. 2 (85) pp. 90-95, ISSN 1230-3666.Mongkholrattanasit, R., Kryštůfek, J., Wiener, J., Viková, M.:Dyeing, Fastness and UV Protection Properties <strong>of</strong> Silk and WoolFabrics Dyed with Eucalyptus Leaf Extract Using ExhaustionProcess, Issue 3 (86) / 2011, pages 94–99, Fibres & Textiles inEastern Europe, ISSN 1230-3666.Shahidi, S., Rashidi, A., Ghoranneviss, M., Anvari, A., Wiener, J.:Plasma effects on anti-felting properties <strong>of</strong> wool fabrics, 2010,Surface & Coatings Technology 205 (2010) 349–354, ISSN 0257-8972.Dembický, J., Wiener, J.; Simulation <strong>of</strong> Single Fibre Wetting,Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2010, Vol. 18, No. 5 (82) pp.51-54, ISSN 1230 3666.Ghoranneviss, M., Shahidi, S., Anvari, A., Motaghi, Z., Wiener,J., Šlamborová, I. : Influence <strong>of</strong> plasma sputtering treatmenton natural dyeing and antibacterial activity <strong>of</strong> wool fabrics,Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 70, Issue 4, April 2011,Pages 388-393, ISSN 0300-9440.Shahidi, S., Wiener, J., Ghoranneviss, M. and Štepánková,M.: Influence <strong>of</strong> Dielectric Barrier Discharge treatment onAdhesion Properties <strong>of</strong> Platinum Coated Polypropylene Foil and40

Department <strong>of</strong> Textile Evaluation1. Department pr<strong>of</strong>ileThe Textiles Evaluation Department is focused on higheducation <strong>of</strong> textile marketing specialists that uniquelycombine the marketing education with knowledge <strong>of</strong> textilesand industrial management, where the graduates receiveeducation in the area <strong>of</strong> new product development and qualitymanagement.The department currently concentrates on development <strong>of</strong>measuring equipment for evaluation <strong>of</strong> comfort and automaticdefect detection.2. History and presenceThe Textiles Evaluation Department origins date back to 1991,when the Instrument and Measurement Center <strong>of</strong> the Faculty<strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering was established, the purpose <strong>of</strong> whichwas to provide routine measurements for the whole faculty.Some employees <strong>of</strong> the Instrument and Measurement Centerand the Textile Materials Department started to intensivelydeal with preparation <strong>of</strong> study programs for the new branch <strong>of</strong>Textile Marketing in that year. As this structure was no longersuitable, the Instrument and Measurement Center was affiliatedto the Textile Materials Department in 1993 as a detacheddepartment. Establishment <strong>of</strong> the Textile Marketing branchwas initiated mainly by the requirements <strong>of</strong> the needs <strong>of</strong> thetextile industry and trade, as the practice increasingly raised theneed for specialists skilled not only pr<strong>of</strong>essionally, but also inarea <strong>of</strong> the textile market. The Textile Marketing accreditationwas granted to the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering in 1992,and the first students graduated from this branch three yearslater in 1995 with the Bc. degree. The branch students had anopportunity to take part in students exchange in England orin Polish Lodz, visited the Czech textile manufacturing plantsevery year, passed practical specialized seminars directly inthe marketing centers, for instance, in Textilana Liberec. Thedetached department provided and guaranteed not onlyperformance <strong>of</strong> the Textile Marketing branch but also providedthe textile products evaluation training courses for employeesfrom textile companies and textile trading.A new department – the Textiles Evaluation Department – wasestablished from the detached department on 1 September1999 with the arrival <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essor Hes. At the time <strong>of</strong> itsfoundation, the Department had seven permanent employeesand one doctoral student, the first head <strong>of</strong> department was42

3. Educational activitiesThe Textile Evaluation Department guarantees the study <strong>of</strong> more than20 subjects designated for bachelor, master and doctoral students.The subjects <strong>of</strong> the bachelor study have rather a practical focus, whenthe students learn the complex approach to the textiles evaluation.They are made familiar with the comfort <strong>of</strong> textiles, mainly with theessence <strong>of</strong> heat and humidity transport, thus learning to understandin comprehensive context not only how the textile behaves but alsowhy. In terms <strong>of</strong> marketing, they learn the market survey principles.They are also made familiar with the required documentationand basics <strong>of</strong> dealing with business partners. After graduation,the students can assume positions as textile marketing specialistswith knowledge <strong>of</strong> at least one world language. The students alsoreceive the knowledge for conducting owns business – eventuallyestablishment <strong>of</strong> textile trade or an advertising company.pr<strong>of</strong>essor Hes. In the area <strong>of</strong> science and research in connectionwith comfort evaluation, the Department started to specializein transport phenomena in textiles with his arrival.The Department noted a significant change in education in2008. In this year, the master study – Industrial Management –was accredited and the first students were enrolled. This masterstudy enables the students <strong>of</strong> the bachelor textile marketingstudy and other Bc. holders to receive the engineer degree inthe Quality Management and Product Management branches.The study is in the full time or part time form.In the master studies, the students are made familiar with qualitycontrol and management. They learn to analyze data, learnquality planning principles from the product design to finalinspection. The Department thus ensures complex preparation<strong>of</strong> the students for positions <strong>of</strong> project managers or qualitycontrol and quality assurance managers.The Textiles Evaluation Department <strong>of</strong>fers training and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalconsultancy in the following areas:• textile evaluation,• textile business,• data analysis,• textile comfort.4. Research activitiesThe main scientific and research activities <strong>of</strong> the Departmentare focused on:• development <strong>of</strong> new methods and devices for comfortevaluation – development is focused on transport effects inthe area <strong>of</strong> heat and moisture transport in textiles• hand evaluation and prediction – development is focusedon creating procedures for subjective evaluation <strong>of</strong> handand hand prediction with utilization <strong>of</strong> ordinal logisticsregression43

effects in nano porous materials using computer simulation• development <strong>of</strong> new textile structures with higher comfort• analysis <strong>of</strong> composite structure properties (composites,layered textiles) – the research in this area is focused on thestudy <strong>of</strong> geometry and mechanical properties <strong>of</strong> compositematerials with textile reinforcement, composition <strong>of</strong>heterogeneous structures by multilevel modeling, influence<strong>of</strong> the internal structure and interaction <strong>of</strong> components onproperties <strong>of</strong> the whole composite, prediction <strong>of</strong> propertiesapplying the finite element method, simulation <strong>of</strong> compositematerials with textile reinforcement in 2D and 3D imageswith inherent defects, analysis <strong>of</strong> heterogeneous structuresproperties (composites, sandwich materials)5. Laboratory and special equipmentOlympus BX51 microscope with the possibility to observetextile fibers, linear and planar structures in passing and/orincident light and eventually studying their fluorescence.• evaluation <strong>of</strong> textile utility properties – flexural rigidity,drape, air permeability, surface roughness – examining themechanical and physical properties <strong>of</strong> textiles in connectionto their structure: will monitor The dynamics <strong>of</strong> airpermeability changes in dependence on the maintenanceprocess and possible prediction and projecting <strong>of</strong> utilityproperties is investigated. The surface analysis is focused onthe evaluation <strong>of</strong> the influence <strong>of</strong> fabric constructionMiele Pr<strong>of</strong>fesional maintenance system consisting <strong>of</strong> anindustrial washing machine, drier, exhaust ironing table andmangle for complete servicing <strong>of</strong> household and industrialdata maintenance. The washing machine is fully computerprogrammableas required including the precise dosing <strong>of</strong> geldetergents, selecting the number <strong>of</strong> pre-washes, main washesand rinsing, as well as automatic cycle repetition. It enables toobserve any change <strong>of</strong> properties after the textile treatment.Hydrostatic pressure or water column value measured by an• optimization <strong>of</strong> textile maintenance in terms <strong>of</strong> lifetime –proposal <strong>of</strong> the optimum maintenance procedures in terms<strong>of</strong> functionality preservation• automatic detection <strong>of</strong> defects in textiles – research isfocused on constructing an device enabling automaticdetection <strong>of</strong> nonconformities in planar textiles in the fullwidth• textile evaluation• modeling <strong>of</strong> transport effects in porous materials – researchis focused on study and creation <strong>of</strong> models <strong>of</strong> transport44

SDL Atlas Hydrostatic Head Tester. The material resistanceagainst penetration <strong>of</strong> water under the pressure is characterizedby the water column height. The examples tested so far includemembranes for fire-fighters’ uniforms, under-ro<strong>of</strong> foils for thebuilding industry, membrane and conventional materials forsport clothing, new textiles with nano fibers for filtration.Set <strong>of</strong> devices developed in the Textiles Evaluation Departmentfor evaluation <strong>of</strong> heat (Alambeta) and humidity (Permetest)transport in textiles.Talysurf CLI 500 – device for measuring surface roughness witha maximum size <strong>of</strong> 20 x 5 cm. The device measures the surfacepr<strong>of</strong>ile by laser.6. Grants and projects• Production Quality and Reliability Center – project <strong>of</strong>the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education, Youth and Sports <strong>of</strong> the CzechRepublic No. 1M06047, 2006-2011.• Elastic Properties <strong>of</strong> Textile Composite Derived fromReal Structure Models – GAČR grant – Post-doctoral106/09/P648 internal No. 1312, 2009-2011• Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Textile Product Standardization, Maintenanceand Lifetime – FRVŠ project, 2008• Multilevel Modeling <strong>of</strong> Heterogeneous Structures – visualanalysis and computer simulation – GAČR grant 106/03/H150– doctoral project, 2006-2008• Open Computer Laboratory – FRVŠ Project, 20037. Selected publicationsDolatabadi, MK., Kovar, R., Linka, A., Geometry <strong>of</strong> plain weave fabricunder shear deformation. Part I: Measurement <strong>of</strong> exterior positions<strong>of</strong> yard. Journal <strong>of</strong> The Textile Institute, 100 (4), 2009, pp. 368-380.Tunak, M., Linka, A., Volf, P., Automatic Assessing and Monitoring <strong>of</strong>Weaving Density. Fibres and Polymers, 10 (6), 2009, pp. 830-836.Tunak, M., Linka, A., Volf, P., Load-sharing and Monte Carlo models <strong>of</strong>defects in a bundle <strong>of</strong> fibres. Composites Science and Technology, 69(9), 2009, pp. 1417-1421.Fridrichova, L., Petrikova, I., Jina, F., Influence prestressing <strong>of</strong> textileon stiffness upholstery <strong>of</strong> automobile seat. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 47 thInternational Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Sychrov,Czech Republic, Jun 08-11 2009, pp. 105-108.Farská, L., Hes, L., Optimizing <strong>of</strong> friction <strong>of</strong> knitted fabrics in wet statetowards their better tactile comfort. Fibres and Textiles 4, 2009, pp.9-17.Macháčková, J., Wittlingerová, Z., Vlk, K., Linka, A., Zima, J.,Comparison <strong>of</strong> Two Methods for Assesment <strong>of</strong> In Situ Jet-fuelRemediation Efficiency. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 187 (1-4), 2008, pp181-191.Hes, L., Non-destructive determination <strong>of</strong> comfort parametersduring marketing <strong>of</strong> functional garments. Indian J. <strong>of</strong> Fibre & TextileResearch, 33, NISCAIR New Delhi, 2008, pp. 239-245.Tunák, M., Linka, A., Directional defects in fabrics. Research Journal <strong>of</strong>Textiles and Apparel, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2008, pp. 13-22.Vozková, P., Elastic modulus FEM modeling <strong>of</strong> the layeredwoven composite material. In book Recent Advances inModeling and Simulation, Vienna: I-Tech Education andPublishing, 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 651-676.45

Militký, J., Kovačič,V., Bajzík, V., Mechanical Properties <strong>of</strong>Basalt Filaments. Fibers & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 2007,Vol. 15, No. 5/6, pp. 49-53.Naujokaitytě, L., Strazdieně, E., Fridrichová, L., ComparativeAnalysis <strong>of</strong> Fabrics’ Bending Behavior Testing Methods.Journal <strong>of</strong> Textile Clothing Technology. 2007, Vol. 56, No. 6,pp. 343-349.Tunák, M., Linka, A., Analysis <strong>of</strong> Planar Anisotropy <strong>of</strong> FibreSystems by using 2D Fourier Transform. Fibres & Textiles inEastern Europe., 2007 Vol. 15, No. 5-6 (64-65), pp. 86-90.Institute, 102: 8, 2011, 719-725.Özçelik G. K., Bozdoğan G. F., Hes L. Performance properties<strong>of</strong> regenerated cellulose fibers. Tekstil ve Konfeksyon, 20(3), pp. 208-212, 2010. ISSN 1300-3356Hes L., Williams J. Laboratory measurement <strong>of</strong> thermophysiologicalcomfort. In: Chapter in a book Improving comfortin clothing, ed.G. Song, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Sawston,Cambridge, Oct. 2010, ISBN 1 84569 539 9Vozková, P., Voids‘ System in the Woven CompositeStructure. Journal <strong>of</strong> Donghua University (English Edition),2006, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 91-96.Lukas, D., Ocheretna, L., The cellular automata lattice gasapproach for fluid flows in porous media. In book Thermaland moisture transport in fibrous materials, (N. Pan and P.Gibson, eds.), Cambridge, Woohnead Publishing Limited,2006, pp. 357-401.Vozková, P. Voids System in the Woven CompositeStructure. Journal <strong>of</strong> Donghua University (English Edition),October 2006, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 91-96.Hu, J. Y., Hes, L. et al., Fabric Touch Tester: Integratedevaluation <strong>of</strong> thermal–mechanical sensory properties <strong>of</strong>polymeric materials, Polymer Testing, Vol. 25, Issue 8, 2006,pp. 1081-1090.Hes, L., Araujo, l., Simulation <strong>of</strong> the Effect <strong>of</strong> Air Gapsbetween the Skin and a Wet Fabric on Resulting CoolingFlow. Textile Research Journal Vol 80(14), 1488–1497, 2010.ISSN 0040-5175.Tunák M., Bajzík V., Testik M.C.: Monitoring Chenille YarnDefects using Image Processing with Control Charts.Textile Research Journal, 81(13), 2011, 1344-1353. ISSN0040-5175.Fridrichova, L., Zelova, K. Objective Evaluation <strong>of</strong>Multidirectional Fabric Creasing. Journal <strong>of</strong> the Textile46

Technical University <strong>of</strong> LiberecBrief HistoryThe history <strong>of</strong> the Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec goes back to1953 when the Technical College <strong>of</strong> Mechanical Engineeringwas established. The foundation <strong>of</strong> the University was a logicalresult <strong>of</strong> the long-term economic and cultural development <strong>of</strong>the region where textile and textile machinery products hadbeen traditional. From the start, the College <strong>of</strong>fered academicprogrammes in areas <strong>of</strong> Mechanical Technology, Design andConstruction <strong>of</strong> Textiles, Glass and Ceramics Machinery etc.The first Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence and University refectory wereconstructed between 1955 and 1960. In 1960, the Collegewas divided into two faculties: the Faculty <strong>of</strong> MechanicalEngineering and the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering. Between1990 and 1995, another four faculties were founded: the Faculty<strong>of</strong> Education (in 1990), the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Economics (1992), theFaculty <strong>of</strong> Architecture (1994), the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Mechatronics andInterdisciplinary Engineering Studies (1995) and the Institute <strong>of</strong>Health Studies (2004).For more information see http://www.tul.czAcademic YearThe Academic year is divided into two terms (semesters); thewinter and the summer term. Each includes approx. 14 weeks<strong>of</strong> courses and 5 weeks <strong>of</strong> examinations.Winter term: October - FebruarySummer term: March - JuneThe months given above are approximate. Exact dates mayslightly differ.Vacations are in July, August and September.Degree Schemes1. The University <strong>of</strong>fers Bachelor courses leading to the degree<strong>of</strong> Bc. equivalent to B. Sc. or B.A. (in Czech called „bakalář“).The studies are more practical than other courses providedby the University. Bachelor studies are concluded by theFinal State Examination, part <strong>of</strong> which is the bachelor thesisdefence. Standard duration <strong>of</strong> regular daily studies is threeor four years.2. Another type <strong>of</strong> courses <strong>of</strong>fered by the University arecourses leading to the degree <strong>of</strong> Master, equivalent toM.Sc. or M.A. (in Czech Mgr. - „magistr“ or „inženýr“). SomeBachelor degree programmes are designed as the firststage <strong>of</strong> the Master degree programme which may follow.This allows students to make career decisions while stillstudying. They can either graduate as Bachelors or continueand obtain a Master degree. Other students enter Masterprogrammes from the very beginning. Master studies aremore theoretical and after five or six years <strong>of</strong> regular dailystudies they are concluded by the Final State Examinationand the diploma thesis defence.3. The University <strong>of</strong>fers also postgraduate Doctoral coursesleading to the degree <strong>of</strong> Ph.D. (in Czech „doktor“). These arecompleted by the State Doctoral Examination and doctoralthesis defence. Standard duration <strong>of</strong> doctoral studies isthree years.Distance EducationThe University also provides various types <strong>of</strong> distanceeducation for charge through the Distance Education Service.Courses for trainers <strong>of</strong> manual workers, for graduates fromsecondary schools <strong>of</strong> pedagogy or teachers and workers ineducational institutions and courses focused on marketingare <strong>of</strong>fered.A special counselling centre for disabled people was foundedas part <strong>of</strong> the Distance Education Service.AssessmentStudy assessment comprises mid-term, end-<strong>of</strong>-term and othertests, credits, classified credits and oral examinations.At present, two systems are used for assessment <strong>of</strong> students:1. the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which wasdeveloped by the Commission <strong>of</strong> the EU in order to providecommon procedures to guarantee academic recognition<strong>of</strong> students abroad. The students must acquire a certainnumber <strong>of</strong> credits every academic year. In the ECTS, 60credits represent the workload <strong>of</strong> an academic year <strong>of</strong>study.47

2. a scale <strong>of</strong> grades from 1 to 4 (1 - excellent = „výborně“,1,5 -excellent minus = ”výborně minus”, 2 - very good = „velmidobře“, 2,5 - very good minus= “velmi dobře minus”, 3 - good= „dobře“, 4 - failed/unsatisfactory = „neprospěl“)Communication ServiceIn 1993, the LIANE (LIberec Academical NEtwork) was launchedto provide communication services within the University,all over the Czech Republic and throughout the world. Thenetwork is connected through CESNET and INTERNET. It ensuresthe connection <strong>of</strong> all computers in University campuses,administration buildings and Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence and is widelyused both by University employees and students.For more information see http://www.tul.cz/lianeLibrary: /knihovna.tul.cz/en/The Library <strong>of</strong> the Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec was establishedin 1953, at the foundation <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> MechanicalEngineering. An extensive renovation took place in the years2004 and 2005. Modern air-conditioned rooms with access fordisabled persons were created. The library includes a lecturehall used for conferences, seminars, meetings <strong>of</strong> scientific andacademic councils and for expositions as well.Displayed sources are available. There are books in English,German and French language within separate sections.Dictionaries and other reference books are at disposition as well.Students also dispose <strong>of</strong> modern study rooms, magazines andgraduation theses study rooms.A simple library resources search system allows the use <strong>of</strong> PC andon-line catalogues. Also, the Library web page displays accessto allocated databases, UKN fund search and, at the same time,presents the latest additions to the library resource fund.A specific part <strong>of</strong> the library is the independently locatedArchitectural Library, with its own collection <strong>of</strong> historicalpublications. And a new fund is being built up to serve the newlyfounded Institute <strong>of</strong> Health Care Studies.AccommodationThe Technical University in Liberec disposes <strong>of</strong> an accommodationcapacity <strong>of</strong> more than 3 500 beds, available in the University Halls<strong>of</strong> Residence in Harcov and Vesec town districts. Most <strong>of</strong> thestudents live in Harcov Residence Halls, in units <strong>of</strong> two to threedouble-rooms with shared conveniences in each unit. In VesecResidence Hall, there are rooms with three to eight beds sharingconveniences on each floor.Students appreciate, among others, high-speed internetconnection in each room that is included in accommodationcost. They like the possibility <strong>of</strong> free parking in the residencepremises and the proximity <strong>of</strong> the University Sports Centre.In the residence areas, there are refectories and several <strong>university</strong>clubs. Many sports and cultural leisure activities are available inthe neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> Harcov, as the cultural hall Lidové Sady,the Zoo, and the botanical garden. Another advantage is a goodtransport connection to the centre <strong>of</strong> Liberec, where it is possible,for example, to attend performances at the permanent stage <strong>of</strong>F.X.Šalda Theatre or to visit the Municipal Library <strong>of</strong> Liberec.Halls <strong>of</strong> ResidenceBoardingThe Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec provides within its premisesquality boarding to its students and employees. At the presentthe <strong>university</strong> disposes <strong>of</strong> four caterings establishments.In the year 2000, the Refectories <strong>of</strong> TUL underwent totalrenovation enabling to produce and distribute food using aprogressive and new cool-<strong>of</strong>f technology in accordance with thehygienic public notice <strong>of</strong> the Health Ministry.Meals are ordered through internet or directly in the cateringfacility. Every day menu <strong>of</strong>fers the choice between five differentmeals, including one without meat. In the evening and atweekends, the choice is between two meals. The cost <strong>of</strong> ameal includes a soup, the main dish and tea. At lunch, there isan additional choice <strong>of</strong> salads and complementing selling <strong>of</strong>desserts, sandwiches and beverage.48

The Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec is permanently improving itsboarding services. In two <strong>of</strong> its catering establishments, it now<strong>of</strong>fers, during week days, the possibility <strong>of</strong> choosing from a menu<strong>of</strong> quick meals, without preliminary ordering.Apart from cooking and distributing food TUL refectories ensurealso catering for social events held at the <strong>university</strong>.SportsThe Technical University <strong>of</strong> Liberec <strong>of</strong>fers its students a largerange <strong>of</strong> sporting activities, not only in the frame <strong>of</strong> compulsoryphysical education, but also as an optional activity or a hobby.Students have the possibility to spend their free time in TULSports Centre near Harcov Residence Halls. TUL Sports Centreincludes two large gyms, an artificial mountain-climbing wall,a mirror hall for spinning and aerobics, fitness, sauna withphysiotherapy and a table-tennis playroom. TUL outdoorssports complex consists <strong>of</strong> a football pitch, a beach volley-ballcourt and tennis courts.But sporting is not restricted to TUL Sports Centre. Comparingwith students in other universities, students in Liberec haveone more major privilege which is nature in the surroundings<strong>of</strong> Liberec, providing an exquisite terrain for winter and summersports. TUL exploits this advantage, as well.Another possibility for TUL students is to participate in summerand winter courses held by the department <strong>of</strong> PhysicalEducation. Summer courses take place in the Czech Republic,and are oriented towards outdoor activities: cycling, touring bywater, trail running, hiking. Winter courses in snowboarding,cross-country and down-hill skiing take advantage <strong>of</strong> theproximate ski centres <strong>of</strong> Bedřichov and Tanvaldský Špičák.International StudentsOnly students with completed secondary education can beaccepted by the University. The Application Form is available atthe International Office.General RequirementsThe General requirements for admission <strong>of</strong> foreign students areas follows:• photocopied Secondary School Certificate or any otherequivalent <strong>of</strong> a school-leaving or qualification certificaterecognized by the University• photocopied passport pages with student‘s photograph• Health Certificate• brief Curriculum Vitae• photocopied documents confirming all student‘squalifications or degreesAll documents are required in English. If they are written in anyother language they must be translated into Czech and verified.The documents must be delivered to the University at leastthree weeks before the entrance examination (usually the end<strong>of</strong> May).Tuition Fees1. The conditions for foreign students taking courses in Czechlanguage are the same as for Czech students and no tuitionfee is required.2. The <strong>university</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a Czech language course <strong>of</strong> oneacademic year duration. In addition to the basics <strong>of</strong> thelanguage, the course focuses on specialized vocabularyneeded in the study branches <strong>of</strong>fered at TUL. Czech LanguageCourse tuition fees are approx. 4 000 USD. Accommodationand catering services are not included.3. Foreign students taking courses in English language paytuition fees that vary according to the faculty and the chosencourse. Tuition fees for one academic year are approx. 4000 USD. Accommodation and catering services are notincluded.49

VisaA valid passport and a long-term visa are essential for allinternational students. They can apply for their student visa atthe relevant Czech Embassy or Consulate in their home country.It is advisable to apply for the visa well in advance because theprocessing time is approximately nine weeks from the date <strong>of</strong>submitting the application form.Documents Needed to Get a VisaDocuments needed when applying for a stay longer than 90days:· Letter <strong>of</strong> Acceptance (supplied by Technical University)· Financial statement to confirm sufficient funds for a studyperiod in the Czech Republic· Confirmation <strong>of</strong> guaranteed accommodation in the CzechRepublic· three photographs· your health insurance· your birth certificate· Confirmation <strong>of</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> a criminal record in the homecountry (must be translated into Czech and notarized)· Application Form for a report from the Czech criminalrecord register confirming that the applicant has no criminalrecord in the Czech Republic (available at all Embassies orConsulates).VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION:4. Within certain projects foreign students can choose subjectstaught in Czech and in English. The tuition fees are thenspecified by special regulations.Health InsuranceAfter their arrival to the Czech Republic, international studentsmust be examined by a Czech physician to prove their ability tostudy in the Czech Republic. All foreign students are requiredto have health insurance either with an insurance companyin their home country or with the General Health InsuranceCompany in the Czech Republic (at the cost <strong>of</strong> approx. USD 50monthly). This insurance covers all standard treatment.Up to 3 days after your coming to Liberec, it is necessary to go toLiberec foreign police for stamp <strong>of</strong> registration <strong>of</strong> your stay here.Address:Foreign PoliceEdward. Beneš Place No. 584/24460 01 Liberec3rd floorOffice Hours: Monday and Wednesday: from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.50

International Affairs and MarketingThe department <strong>of</strong> international affairs and marketing is locatedon 2nd floor <strong>of</strong> building B, Faculty <strong>of</strong> textile engineering. eering. Thoughthe <strong>of</strong>fice was formally established in 2006, the activities <strong>of</strong>international co-operation are as old as the faculty. This departmentis responsible for overall activities <strong>of</strong> the international nal students atall levels (BSc, MSc & PhD).Apart from the regular courses, the department organizes shortterm courses for participants <strong>of</strong> various countries. It also organizesseminars and expert lectures by the faculty members <strong>of</strong> the<strong>university</strong> in different locations <strong>of</strong> the world.MSc programmeSince 2008, the faculty started fulltime MS course in English forinternational students. 20 students graduated in 2010. Currentlythere are 20 students continuing MS programme in English. Thestudents are from South Africa, India, Pakistan, Turkey and othercountries.PhD programmeThe faculty has produced lot <strong>of</strong> international PhD graduates sincethe 1970’s. Many students from Egypt, India, Thailand, Turkey,Pakistan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, China, Sudan have earned theirPhD from the faculty. Currently there are about 10 internationalPhD students pursuing their studies and research in variousdepartments <strong>of</strong> the faculty.The faculty organizes short term courses for pr<strong>of</strong>essionals workingin industry, research organizations and academic institutionsfrom time to time. Each programme is tailor made taking intoconsideration the pr<strong>of</strong>essional background <strong>of</strong> the participantsand their countries <strong>of</strong> origin. Many such courses were organizedfor participants from South Africa, India, Mauritius, Thailand etc.Participants <strong>of</strong> the CPD course are divided into differentgroups according to their specialisations: mechanical textiletechnologies, chemical textile technologies and clothingtechnology etc. Lectures are arranged by TUL faculty as wellas by experts from other universities and industry. Apart fromstudies and practical work, the participants are exposed to theculture and natural beauty <strong>of</strong> Czech Republic and neighbouringcountries. The weekend trips are organized to castles, cities andother important places.The department organizes meeting <strong>of</strong> the students (both longterm and short term) with representatives <strong>of</strong> the embassy <strong>of</strong>specific countries to address to well being and adaptation <strong>of</strong> thestudents to the climatic and social conditions <strong>of</strong> Czech Republic.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional seminars in different countriesContinuous us pr<strong>of</strong>essional development en(CPD) programmerammIn order to address to current issues in technology and to bringthe modern technology to a greater mass from the industry,various <strong>technical</strong> seminars are organized in different countries bythe faculty members <strong>of</strong> our <strong>university</strong>. In the past several suchseminars were organized in South African cities like Durban, Cape52

Town, Johannesburg, Ladysmith etc. Also seminars areplanned for rural and small scale industries. Seminars werealso organized in India, Pakistan, Egypt, Thailand, Mauritiusand other countries.The faculty organizes summer internship, short-term visitsfor students and faculty, joint projects, lectures by visitingpr<strong>of</strong>essors under these agreements.Memorandum <strong>of</strong> understanding (MOU) with otheruniversitiesIn order to address to current issues in technology and tobring the modern technology to a greater mass from theindustry, various <strong>technical</strong> seminars are organized in differentcountries by the faculty members <strong>of</strong> our <strong>university</strong>. In thepast several such seminars were organized in South Africancities like Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Ladysmith etc.Also seminars are planned for rural and small scale industries.Seminars were also organized in India, Pakistan, Egypt,Thailand, Mauritius and other countries.The department <strong>of</strong> international affairs also organizes forsigning and execution <strong>of</strong> agreements with other universitiesin the world for mutual cooperation in scientific educationand research. Many such agreements have been establishedbetween TUL and universities like Durban University <strong>of</strong>Technology (South Africa), Indian Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology(Delhi), Wuhan Textile University (China), RajamngalaUniversity <strong>of</strong> Technology (Thailand), Pakistan Textile University(Faisalabad) etc.53

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYOF LIBERECFaculty <strong>of</strong> Textile EngineeringPresentationhttp://www.ft.tul.czAddressTechnical University <strong>of</strong> LiberecStudentská 2, 461 17 Liberec 1Czech Republichttp://www.tul.czFaculty <strong>of</strong> Textile Engineering - Deans OfficeČížkova 3, 461 17 Liberec 1Czech Republichttp://www.ft.tul.czContactsPhone: +420 485 351 111Fax: +420 485 353 542


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