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STAR<br />

GE未来之星活动是面向全球GE在职及退休员工子女的一<br />

项奖励活动,将于即日起接受申请。世界各地的学生都可<br />

以申请该项一次性奖学金,用于支付四年大学或三年大专<br />

的第一年学费。<br />

申请者必须是2007-2008年就读高中阶段最后一年课程并<br />

将于次年报考大学或大专的学生。申请截止日期为2007<br />

年12月14日。<br />

要了解活动详情,请登陆http://star.ge.com。<br />

GE STAR Awards help students with first-year<br />

higher education expenses.<br />

Applications are now available for the GE STAR Awards, which<br />

provide recognition and financial support to children of eligible GE<br />

employees and retirees for their outstanding achievements.<br />

Students around the world can apply for a one-time scholarship to<br />

defray first-year higher education expenses.<br />

Students must be in their final year of high school/secondary school<br />

in the 2007-2008 academic year to apply. The deadline for all<br />

application materials is December 14, 2007.<br />

To learn more, visit star.ge.com.<br />

Don't miss this opportunity!<br />

GE Foundation

C O N T E N T S<br />

L I F E a t G E Fall/Winter 2007<br />

焦点<br />

Focus<br />

CEO致词<br />

CEO Message<br />

放眼2008后的持续增长<br />

Growing Beyond 2008<br />

职业加油站<br />

Career Development<br />

GE召开2007中国运营论坛<br />

GE Held 2007 China Operation Forum<br />

首届GE中国职业规划日<br />

The First GE China Career Day<br />

GE中国招聘中心推动您的职业发展<br />

GE China Recruiting COE for Your Career<br />

GE喜获最佳人才管理企业奖<br />

GE Won Best Talent Management Award<br />

人物<br />

Our People<br />

2007最佳实习生导师揭晓<br />

2007 EID Assignment Leader Recognized<br />

职场路上的良师益友<br />

More Than An Assignment Leader<br />

职业规划 成就未来<br />

A Good Plan Makes A Bright Future<br />

员工天地<br />

Employee Corner<br />

GE全力帮助无锡员工度过水危机<br />

GE Efforts on Wuxi Water Contamination<br />

GE奥运扬帆之旅<br />

GE Sailing Trip for the Olympics in Qingdao<br />

创新决胜职场<br />

Inspire to Innovate<br />

我手画我心<br />

I Draw What I Think<br />

挑战自我 备战奥运<br />

Challenge Yourselves & Prepare for the Olympics<br />

01<br />

03<br />

07<br />

07<br />

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济济一堂 体验精彩人生<br />

Get Together & Enjoy Wonderful Nature<br />

GE“创想未来”校园行<br />

GE EID Program on Campus<br />

GE中国研发中心走进上海交大<br />

GE CTC Campus Promotion in SJTU<br />

照亮职场道路 开启人生梦想<br />

Lighting Your Career Path<br />

梦想从这里启航<br />

Dreams Sail from Here<br />

GE CTC两大年度盛会成功落幕<br />

GE CTC Major Annual Events<br />

我的GE 我的奥林匹克<br />

My GE & My Olympics<br />

“我要说声谢谢你”<br />

“We Want to Say Thank You”<br />

员工健康<br />

Your Health<br />

GE中国“创建无烟环境,享受健康生活”知识竞赛圆满结束<br />

GE China “No Smoking and Be Healthy” Quiz<br />

诚信与你<br />

Compliance and You<br />

关于合理使用GE信息资源的指南<br />

The Acceptable Use of GE Information Resources<br />

我们的社区<br />

Our Community<br />

爱心满社区<br />

Reach out to Our Community<br />

保护环境 从我做起<br />

Protecting the Environment Starting with Ourselves<br />

共欢同乐 开启新天地<br />

Sharing Joys Creating a New World<br />

同赏明月 共享团圆<br />

Enjoy the moonlight and Happy Mid-Autumn Festival<br />

乘着理想的翅膀飞翔<br />

Fly with the Wings of Your Ideals<br />

GE航空集团工程部荣膺JA最佳团队奖<br />

GE Aviation China Engineering Team Won Best Team Award from JA

焦点 Focus<br />

CEO致词<br />

CEO Message<br />

01 LIFE at GE

感谢大家在2007年的共同努力。尽管塑料业务的售出<br />

导致公司的收入与去年同比有所下降,但是我们仍有<br />

许多值得骄傲的作为。<br />

“绿色创想”在中国取得了卓有成效的进展。从<br />

GEnx飞机发动机、Evolution系列机车、不断强化的<br />

风能业务、到前景光明的水处理和照明业务,所有<br />

迹象都表明GE正在飞速发展。<br />

GE与中央组织部、卫生部、商务部、铁道部、上海市<br />

发改委及中国人寿分别签署了一系列谅解备忘录,进<br />

一步成为中国政府信赖的战略合作伙伴。<br />

我们获得了伊梅尔特董事长更有力的支持,他决定在<br />

未来三年内投入2亿余美元继续推动 “In China For China”<br />

发展战略,促进业务增长,并努力建设中国科技园。我<br />

们也投入巨大资源,完善了包括医疗、工业、基础设施<br />

在内的各业务集团的生产制造设施。<br />

I would like to thank all of you for a great effort in 2007!<br />

While our overall revenue number will be down from<br />

last year due to the sale of our plastics business, we<br />

have much to be proud of.<br />

Firstly, we made excellent progress in our<br />

Ecomagination efforts in China. The success of the<br />

GEnx engines, Evolution locomotives, continued<br />

strength in our wind business, and promising prospects<br />

in water and lighting, are very good indicators for future<br />

growth.<br />

Secondly, we continued to enhance our position as a<br />

trusted partner to China as evidenced by the signing of<br />

MOU’s with Central Organizational Department,<br />

Ministry of Health, MOFCOM, Ministry of Rail Shanghai<br />

DRC and China Life to name a few.<br />

Thirdly, we obtained a strong enforcement from our<br />

chairman in the form of over $200MM over the next<br />

three years to drive our In China for China efforts,<br />

increase business development efforts and for the<br />

building of our new China Technology Park. We have<br />

also invested heavily in expanding our manufacturing<br />

facilities in many businesses including healthcare,<br />

industrial and infrastructure.<br />

最后但是最重要一点,我们继续完善GE的人才管理体<br />

制,努力吸引、留住并发展中国最优秀的人才,确保<br />

他们能够支持公司的飞速发展。<br />

展望2008,奥运会将是一个千载难逢的机会,中国将<br />

向世人展示过去十年所取得的成就。而对于GE来说,<br />

这一年也标志着我们大中华区发展战略全面进入第二<br />

阶段,公司将进一步加速GE在中国的本地化进程,扩<br />

大GE金融服务的业务范围,并加大对绿色创想技术和<br />

产品的投资。<br />

我对公司的未来充满信心。再次感谢各位在2007年的<br />

努力和贡献!<br />

庞德明<br />

GE公司副总裁<br />

GE东北亚区董事长兼首席执行官<br />

Finally, and most importantly, we continue to make<br />

great progress in our efforts to attract, retain and<br />

develop the best people in China to ensure we have the<br />

talent required to support our aggressive growth plans.<br />

As we begin to turn our attention towards 2008 our<br />

prospects could not be brighter. The 2008 Olympics<br />

promises to be a once in a lifetime showcase of how far<br />

China has come in the last 10 years. This will also mark<br />

the beginning of our second stage of growth in Greater<br />

China as we begin to accelerate our localization efforts,<br />

expansion of our financial services businesses and<br />

increased investment in eco technology and products<br />

in China.<br />

I remain very excited about our future and want to<br />

thank you again for your outstanding efforts in 2007.<br />

Steve Bertamini<br />

GE Vice President<br />

Chairman & CEO, GE North East Asia<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


焦点 Focus<br />

放眼2008后的持续增长<br />

—伊梅尔特员工大会连线各省区畅谈新目标<br />

03 LIFE at GE<br />

金秋九月,正是成熟与收获的季节。9月24日,GE中<br />

国员工大会于上海召开,GE董事长兼首席执行官杰<br />

夫·伊梅尔特出席大会,与来自GE各部门的员工欢<br />

聚一堂,畅谈GE的现状与未来发展。<br />

会上,伊梅尔特首先总结了GE中国各业务集团近年<br />

来取得的突出成绩,在肯定GE全球化地位的同时,<br />

他也表达了自己对于GE中国的期望,“2010年,<br />

100亿美元的销售额,50亿到60亿美元的采购额<br />

—这就是我对中国的目标。”同时,伊梅尔特还<br />

强调了中国对于GE的重要影响,表示GE将继续加强<br />

与中国在技术,特别是环保技术领域的合作,不断<br />

深化与中国政府的交流协作,让GE能够走进中国西<br />

部地区。<br />

演讲结束后,伊梅尔特还通过网络联线的方式与分<br />

布在北京、香港、上海、杭州、沈阳、武汉、西<br />

安、成都、广州、天津等分会场的员工们进行了亲<br />

切的交流和热烈的探讨,就众员工最为关心的GE<br />

在中国的发展战略、GE绿色创想全球计划、员工<br />

职业发展、领导力培养以及2008北京奥运会等问<br />

题进行了耐心而细致的解答。<br />

来自GE亚洲培训中心的员工首先就如何培养领导<br />

力的问题向伊梅尔特请教。作为GE的企业大学,<br />

亚洲培训中心一直承担着引入战略、传播公司文<br />

化、帮助客户理解和培养实际技能等重要责任,而<br />

永不停歇地为GE开发和培养领导力,更是亚洲培<br />

训中心职责的重中之重。对于那些经验丰富,但苦<br />

于没有直接下属的专业人员而言,如何培养他们的<br />

领导力的确是一项难题。伊梅尔特高屋建瓴,从人<br />

力资源管理的角度提出了一系列建设性意见。<br />

“公司会努力创造一种环境,让每一个员工都拥有<br />

一种荣耀感。无论你是销售员,抑或是管理者,大<br />

家凭借不断的学习,都能在自己的领域成长为专家,获得梦寐以求的成功!在GE这样一个全球化的公司里,在美国之外的中国、<br />

迪拜、南非,都有很好的管理人才,公司会投入必要的资金,通过建立一些新的管理学院等方式,努力培养21世纪崭露头角的领<br />

导人。竭尽全力留住人才,倾注心血培养人才,GE在这方面付出的努力没有止境。我们从不认为已经找到了所有答案,而是一直<br />


会上,伊梅尔特反复强调GE是一个学习型的组织,这也是GE<br />

的与众不同之处。而学习除了要有强烈的意愿和浓厚的兴趣之<br />

外,还应讲究方法。“在每个季度召开的领导人会议上,来自<br />

不同地方、不同经济体的与会者都会互相交换意见,可以说信<br />

息量相当丰富,但如何将今天的所学在明天转化为行动,最终<br />

还要归结为一个理念,那就是有效地学习。”<br />

关于2008北京奥运会,伊梅尔特首先表达了GE对这一项目的<br />

重视和关注。作为奥林匹克全球合作伙伴,GE将为北京2008<br />

年奥运会提供广泛的产品和服务。GE的高层也从不避讳,北京<br />

的发展是GE的重点,奥运更是重中之重。更为重要的是,GE<br />

发现了中国人对于奥运会的特殊情结,因此,赞助奥运会的契<br />

机,也是全面整合GE在中国的品牌,并让GE走近中国人的最<br />

佳时机。伊梅尔特承诺GE将以环保、绿色的理念和解决方案支<br />

持奥运、服务中国。相信,正如GE所期待的,奥运会将为GE<br />

全球战略变革添上浓墨重彩的一笔!<br />

“130年来,GE一直是个伟大的公司,这是因为我们重视业<br />

绩、重视诚信、重视改变,正是这三点成为GE成功的基石。”<br />

伊梅尔特充分肯定了GE这些年来所取得的令人瞩目的成就,同<br />

时,他也表示,希望通过不断加强公司的学习能力和适应变化<br />

的能力,推动GE在未来走向更大的辉煌。<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


焦点 Focus<br />

Growing Beyond 2008<br />

-Immelt Connects at Town Hall Meeting<br />

with China’s Regions<br />

September is a time for harvest. On September 24 th , 2007, the<br />

GE Greater China Town Hall Meeting commenced in Shanghai.<br />

Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE, attended the meeting<br />

sharing his views of GE's present and future with the employees<br />

in attendance.<br />

Mr. Immelt spoke highly of the recent achievements of GE China<br />

businesses and expressed his expectations. “In 2010, I hope our<br />

sales will reach USD 10 billion and sourcing will reach USD 5 to 6<br />

billion.” Mr. Immelt also emphasized the significance of the China<br />

market, saying that GE will strengthen its technological<br />

cooperation with China, especially in environmental-protection<br />

technologies, deepen its collaboration with the Chinese<br />

government, and explore the northwest region of China.<br />

Meanwhile, Mr. Immelt also exchanged ideas about GE<br />

development strategies in China, Ecomagination, employees'<br />

career development, leadership development and the Beijing<br />

05 LIFE at GE<br />

2008 Olympic Games with the employees at webcast locations,<br />

such as Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenyang,<br />

Wuhan, Xi'an, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Tianjin. Related<br />

questions were answered by Mr. Immelt with great patience and<br />

devotion.<br />

An employee from GE Asia Training Center asked the first<br />

question of the meeting on leadership development. As a<br />

“university” of GE, GE Asia Training Center has always assumed<br />

the responsibility of introducing strategies, publicizing the<br />

company's culture, helping customers achieve understanding<br />

and cultivating pragmatic skills. The center's ceaseless<br />

leadership development for GE is their core business. For<br />

experienced professionals without direct subordinates, how to<br />

develop their leadership is a difficult task for the center. From the<br />

perspective of HR management, Mr. Immelt put forward a series<br />

of constructive opinions regarding that task.

“We are trying to create an environment where people can own<br />

a sense of belonging. Whether you're an individual contributor<br />

or manager, or anybody in the company, if you want to learn,<br />

you can grow and you can continue to prosper. One of the<br />

things we are seriously considering is to open up a world outside<br />

the US. Since the company is globalized, we need to think<br />

through a new leadership institute that's outside of US. We're<br />

committed to invest whatever it takes, to go wherever it takes<br />

us, to be whatever it takes, to attract and retain the world's best<br />

people. We're always paranoid enough to not think we have all<br />

the answers, but want to continue to explore new ideas, new<br />

practices, and new horizons - this is where we have to go.”<br />

Mr. Immelt kept mentioning that GE is a company of learning.<br />

That is why GE is unique. Learning is not all about intent and<br />

interest, but also about methods. “We have quarterly meetings<br />

for instance. We have all the business leaders in from around the<br />

business, where we sit and talk through what's going on around<br />

the world. Part of the whole process of being a GE leader is to<br />

learn all the time and take what we learn and put it into action,<br />

but how? That's what we are looking for effective learning.”<br />

Mr. Immelt also expressed GE's attention to the Beijing 2008<br />

Olympic Games. As a global partner of the Olympics, GE will<br />

provide extensive products and services for the Beijing 2008<br />

Olympic Games. GE leaders often claim that Beijing was GE's<br />

major business area and Beijing Olympic Games was the core of<br />

Beijing business. Finding out about the special feelings for the<br />

Olympics among Chinese, GE decided to grab this Olympic<br />

opportunity, integral to GE in China and bring the Chinese and<br />

GE into an even closer relationship. Mr. Immelt promised that GE<br />

would provide support and services for China and Beijing<br />

Olympic Games based on its environmental-protection ideas<br />

and solutions. It is likely that Beijing Olympic Games will be a<br />

significant composition of GE's global strategic transformation<br />

as expected by GE itself.<br />

“What has made GE a great company for 130 years is a<br />

commitment to performance, commitment to integrity and<br />

commitment to change. The combination of those three things is<br />

ultimately the foundation for a great company year in and year<br />

out, decade in and decade out.” Mr. Immelt spoke highly of the<br />

accomplishments GE has achieved over the years, and hoped<br />

that the company would improve its learning and adjust for GE's<br />

even better future.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


职业加油站 Career Development<br />

GE召开<br />

2007中国运营论坛<br />

2007年7月19日,筹备已久的2007 GE<br />

中国运营论坛在GE中国研发中心主楼<br />

三楼召开。来自生产、采购、质量、<br />

EHS、Six Sigma等职能部门的共90位<br />

GE同事参加了此次论坛,他们是由各<br />

个业务集团推选的公司运营领域内的<br />

优秀员工。此次论坛构建了一个学习<br />

平台,让来自不同业务集团、不同职<br />

能部门的同事共同分享理论知识,交<br />

流实践经验。<br />

7月19日下午,GE中国市场发展前任<br />

总监佟雷首先为全体与会者介绍了GE<br />

中国各业务集团的发展概况。随后,<br />

会议又邀请GE亚太区首席培训官戴一<br />

楠主讲“战略思考和决策”讲座,员<br />

首届GE中国职业规划日<br />

07 LIFE at GE<br />

工无论是进行重要决策还是安排日常<br />

工作都可以从中获得有益的理论指<br />

导。为了增进员工们的相互了解与沟<br />

通,当天的晚宴还设置了多个有趣的<br />

游戏环节。在游戏中,这些来自不同<br />

业务集团、不同职能部门的同事们展<br />

示自己、了解对方、尽兴表演、各显<br />

所长。7月20日,论坛进入第二天的日<br />

程。与会者通过嘉宾座谈、成功经验<br />

分享和群策群力的形式就公司运营方<br />

面的话题进行了更深入的交流和充分<br />

的互动。其中,主讲人们精心准备的<br />

实际案例和解决方案最受欢迎。会<br />

后,有很多与会者希望能够获得这些<br />

案例的演示文稿,以便与自己的团队<br />

分享在运营论坛上的收获。<br />

7月19日,GE中国职业规划日在GE中国研发中心(CTC)主楼三楼拉开了序幕。<br />

这是GE中国人力资源部首次举办职业规划日,也是所有业务集团首次联手向员<br />

工呈现在GE中国的职业发展机会的全景图。它为员工提供了一个自主拓展职业<br />

发展空间的平台,使员工能够了解各业务集团的发展概况和人才需求,同时也向<br />

员工展示了各职能部门对能力等各方面的要求,使员工对于职业发展有更积极的<br />

把握。<br />

此次活动为期半天,分为业务集团介绍,业务集团互动,职能部门互动和职业发<br />

展指导四个环节,全部环节同时进行。共有约70名员工参加了此次活动,有的员<br />

工选择在会议室听取业务集团介绍,也有的员工选择在各个业务集团和职能部门<br />

悉心布置的展台前走走看看,与负责互动环节的经理们进行有针对性的交流,或<br />

者参与一些有趣的问答游戏。职业发展指导环节则仅对提前预约的员工开放,由<br />

资深人力资源部经理为他们解答职业发展过程中产生的困惑和遭遇的问题。一位<br />

活动组织者表示:“希望带着问题来参加职业规划日的同事们能够带着答案回<br />

去;也希望他们能够通过参与此次活动,对自己的职业发展有新的思考。”<br />

活动顺利落下帷幕,参与者们纷纷表示,通过GE组织的职业规划日活动,获得<br />


GE Held 2007 China Operation Forum<br />

On July 19 th , 2007, GE China Operation Forum was held on the<br />

3 rd floor of GE CTC Core Building. 90 of GE's operational staff<br />

from Manufacturing, Sourcing, Quality, EHS, and Six Sigma<br />

functions, who are all highly talented operations people and<br />

were nominated by their businesses to participate in this forum.<br />

It was a good opportunity for them to share cross-business and<br />

cross-function experiences with each other.<br />

On the afternoon of July 19 th , the forum began with a<br />

presentation of GE in China Business Update by Michael Tong,<br />

former Market Development Director of Corporate. The<br />

presentation was followed by a training session on Strategic<br />

Thinking & Planning by Nina Dankfort, Chief Learning Officer,<br />

Asia, which was very helpful for strategic planning and daily<br />

The First GE China Career Day<br />

GE China Career Day commenced on the 3 rd floor of<br />

GE CTC Core Building on July 19 th , 2007. It was the<br />

first GE China Career Day organized by Corporate<br />

HR team, aiming to inform GE people of career<br />

opportunities in all the businesses throughout GE<br />

China. It provided them with the opportunity to<br />

gather first-hand information about the growth plan<br />

and manpower demands of all the businesses, also<br />

it provided employees with functional competencies<br />

requirement, enabling them to manage career<br />

development with a more positive attitude.<br />

work management. In the dinner, there were several interesting<br />

games to enhance the networking between the operational<br />

staffs. Through the game, they presented themselves, knew<br />

about each other, had fun in performing and showed their<br />

talents.<br />

On July 20 th , the second day of the forum, the participants<br />

attended a panel discussion, best practice sharing and workout<br />

sessions, and shared their experiences in detail using active<br />

interaction. Cases studies in the best practice sharing and<br />

workout were most welcome. After the meeting, many of the<br />

attendees asked for the pitches of the cases so that they could<br />

share what they learnt in the forum with their team members.<br />

The half-day activity was divided into four parts: Business Presentation, Business Booth, Function Booth and Career Coaching, all<br />

running simultaneously. About 70 GE people attended the event. Some of them chose to listen to Business Presentation, some chose<br />

to visit the Business Booth or Function Booth, and some participated in interesting Q&A games. Career Coaching was open to<br />

registered participants only, offering solutions to problems for the participants' career development. “We hope our colleagues come<br />

to Career Day with questions and are able to find answers here; we also hope they will have new ideas on their career development<br />

after Career Day. ” said one organizer of the event.<br />

At the end of Career Day, the participants thought this event was helpful and significant for their career development, as they had<br />

received useful first-hand information about career opportunities throughout GE China.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


职业加油站 Career Development<br />

GE中国招聘中心推动您的职业发展<br />

2006年底,GE中国招聘中心正式成立了。在短短一年的时间里,我们凭借专业的招聘经验,富有朝气和锐气的工作态度,成功地<br />

运行了Recruiting Center of Excellence这种HR模式。我们旨在为GE的业务集团提供优质而高效的招聘服务,截至2007年11月初,我<br />

们已经成功招聘了180位员工,并且帮助了一些优秀的GE员工实现了内部调动。<br />

我们的招聘人员普遍拥有5到8年的招聘经验,无论我们的员工需要推荐外部人才,或者是谋求内部调动,都可以和我们取得联<br />

系。让我们为您在GE的职业生涯助一臂之力!<br />

GE China Recruiting COE for Your Career<br />

GE China Recruiting COE, founded at the end of 2006, has successfully run the HR pattern of Recruiting Center of Excellence based on<br />

its professional recruiting experiences and working attitude. It has long been providing quality and efficient employment services for<br />

GE businesses. Up to early November 2007, it has recruited 180 employees for GE and contributed to internal transfers for many<br />

excellent GE employees.<br />

The team consists of senior specialists with 5 to 8 years of recruiting experiences. GE employees can contact the center for both<br />

recommending external talents or seeking for internal transfers. Let us help you in your career life.<br />

09 LIFE at GE

今天,非常高兴能有机会和大家介绍我们的团队成员:<br />

Now, we’re glad to introduce the team members of GE China Recruiting COE to you:<br />

Lily Zhang (302013270)<br />

通用电气中国人力资源部招聘经理<br />

负责GE总部及GE工业集团,以及人力资源、公共关系、政府关<br />

系、法务、环境健康与安全、信息技术人员的招聘工作<br />

Recruiting Manager<br />

In charge of the recruitment of GE Corporate, GE Industrial and<br />

functions of HR, PR, GR, Legal, EHS and IT<br />

Kelly Ke (501368708)<br />

通用电气中国人力资源部招聘顾问<br />

负责GE消费者金融和GE商务融资,以及财务人员的招聘工作<br />

Recruiting Consultant<br />

In charge of the recruitment of GE Money, GE Commercial<br />

Finance and financial employees<br />

Nancy Peng (302001830)<br />

通用电气中国人力资源部校园招聘经理<br />

负责校园招聘和实习生计划<br />

Campus Recruiting Manager<br />

In charge of the campus recruitment and EID program<br />

E-mail CVs to:<br />

staffing.china@ge.com<br />

Tel: 021-62881088-224<br />

Job Opportunities:<br />

http://jobflow.corporate.ge.com/cos<br />

/ServletController?SMSESSION=NO<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Crystal Hou (302013879)<br />

通用电气中国人力资源部招聘经理<br />

负责GE基础设施集团水处理及工艺过程处理集团和运输系统集<br />

团, 以及采购和质量人员的招聘工作<br />

Recruiting Manager<br />

In charge of the recruitment of Water and Transportation of<br />

GE Infrastructure and functions of Sourcing and Quality<br />

Margaret Jing (302013658)<br />

通用电气中国人力资源部招聘经理<br />

负责GE基础设施集团能源集团,石油和天然气集团,以及工程<br />

人员的招聘工作<br />

Recruiting Manager<br />

In charge of the recruitment of Energy and Oil & Gas of GE<br />

Infrastructure and function of engineering<br />

Smily Zhao (312003394)<br />

通用电气中国人力资源部招聘专员<br />

负责GE员工推荐的推广,以及助理和运营等人员的招聘工作<br />

Recruiting Specialist<br />

In charge of GE referral program, staffing new initiatives &<br />

entry-level hiring<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

LIFE at GE<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />


职业加油站 Career Development<br />

GE喜获<br />

最佳人才管理企业奖<br />

2007年6月,捷报传来,GE荣获由关键媒体(Key Media)国际有限公司发起的最佳<br />

人才管理企业奖。该评选活动是为了认可和奖励在人力资源领域做出突出贡献的个<br />

人及组织而开设的,共分为13个奖项,包括HR优胜奖、首选雇主等。今年也是在香<br />

港举办该类颁奖活动的第一年。<br />

最佳人才管理奖表彰了通过改变企业需求和战略,在吸引、发展、保留人才方面做<br />

出大量成绩的组织。除GE外,联邦快递、百事可乐国际集团亚太区等六家企业也获<br />

得了这一奖项。评选过程中,活动主办方主要是从奖励和认知体系、形式多样的管<br />

理项目和政策、内部外部人才资源发展的方针策略、人才表现管理的政策和实践、<br />

持续性管理等五个方面进行评估的。<br />

整个活动最激动人心的环节是宣布所有获奖企业中的冠军获得者。2007年6月22日,在来宾们期盼的眼神中,主办方于香港<br />

JW万豪酒店举行的晚宴颁奖典礼现场公布了最后的结果,百事可乐国际集团亚太区摘得桂冠,尽管GE屈居亚军,但能够参<br />

与此次活动,也不失为一个向其他跨国公司学习的绝佳机会。<br />

GE Won<br />

Best Talent Management Award<br />

We are delighted to share with you that in June 2007, GE won<br />

the Best Talent Management Award organized by Key Media<br />

International Limited. Divided into 13 categories, including<br />

Champion of HR, Employer of Choice, etc., the award was<br />

designed to recognize and reward extraordinary individuals<br />

and organizations in the field of HR. It was the first year for<br />

Hong Kong to launch an award of this kind.<br />

The Best Talent Management Award recognized organizations<br />

that demonstrated a good track record in attracting,<br />

developing and retaining talents by successfully changing to<br />

meet the needs and strategies of their companies. In addition<br />

to GE, six other companies including Federal Express, PepsiCo<br />

International Asia also won the award. Companies were<br />

11 LIFE at GE<br />

assessed mainly on their reward and recognition system,<br />

diversity of management programs and policies, development<br />

policies for internal and external talent resources, policies and<br />

practices for performance management and on their<br />

successive management.<br />

The most exciting moment of the whole event was the “Best<br />

of the Best” announcement among all the winning<br />

companies. On June 22 nd , 2007, the outcome was finally<br />

announced at the dinner awards ceremony at JW Marriot<br />

Hotel Hong Kong. Although GE was unfortunately beaten by<br />

PepsiCo International Asia, and took the second place, it was<br />

a great opportunity for GE to learn from its multi-national<br />


今年的GE创想未来(EID)暑期实习生项目获得了巨大成功。这个夏天,共有152名EID实习生进入到GE各个业务部门及岗位<br />

进行实习,其中60名表现突出的同学更获得了明年成为GE正式员工的工作机会。这些实习生对GE优秀的工作同事和良好的<br />

工作环境感到十分骄傲,并对实习指导老师的教导与关怀深表谢意。<br />

下面是2007年GE创想未来暑期实习生项目优秀指导老师名单,他们因对EID实习生的优秀教导与悉心关怀而被各自的业务<br />

部门提名。<br />

安防集团 张瑞阳 区域销售经理<br />

传感与检测集团 刘宝键 区域销售经理<br />

水处理与工艺过程处理集团 朱颖 销售经理<br />

医疗集团 任景民 物流经理<br />

信息管理领导项目 朱刚 中国区IT经理<br />

财务管理领导项目 王海英 财务经理<br />

全球研发中心 (上海) 陈雷 助理研究员<br />

中国研发中心 陈新超 客户服务工程师<br />

消费与工业产品集团 黄琛 产品经理<br />

能源集团 潘俊民 DCS工程师<br />

Fanuc 祁贻炳 技术支持经理<br />

2007 EID Assignment Leader Recognized<br />

Security Zhang Ruiyang Regional Sales Manager<br />

Sensing & IT Michael Liu Regional Sales Manager<br />

Water Judy Chu Sales Manager<br />

Healthcare Newman Ren Logistics Manager<br />

IMLP Suker Zhu TSG China IT leader, Infrastructure<br />

FMP Holly Wang Finance Manager<br />

GRC (SH) Chen Lei Scientist<br />

CTC Chen Xinchao Customer Service Engineer, Energy<br />

C&I Charlene Huang Product Manager, Asia CFL, C&I<br />

Energy Pan Junmin DCS Engineer<br />

Fanuc Edward Qi Technical Support Manager<br />

Our People 人物<br />

2007 Early Identification Program (EID) has been a great success. 152 EID interns were recruited for different businesses and<br />

functions of GE this summer. And 60 of them who had outstanding performance during the internship have gotten full-time<br />

offer for the next year. Those interns are very proud of their talented colleagues and GE working environment, further more,<br />

they are sincerely grateful to the internship assignment leaders for their coaching and caring.<br />

Below are the “EID Assignment Leaders of Year 2007”. They are all nominated by businesses due to their great coaching,<br />

mentoring and caring for the EID interns.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


15 LIFE at GE<br />

和陈雷的相识缘于一封面试邀请函,收<br />

到这封期盼已久的e-mail,我开心极了,<br />

一时忘记了仔细看信的内容,只记得他<br />

的英文名叫做Leo。<br />

“Dear Leo”,每次给陈雷写信,我都会<br />

以这样的称呼开头,感觉就像同学之间的<br />

那种交流,亲切而自然,也让我能够更加<br />

自由地表达自己的想法。事实上,从开始<br />

面试到实习结束的近两个月时间里,我和<br />

陈雷一大半的交流都是通过e-mail和电<br />

话,这样的方式并没有阻隔我们之间的沟<br />

通和交流,反而让这份友谊更加弥足珍<br />

贵。陈雷总是能在我最需要帮助的时候给<br />

予我最真诚的关心和最中肯的建议,令我<br />

倍感温暖。如果说参与GE的面试让我有<br />

机会真正了解自己、更加自信地去面对未<br />

来的挑战,那么陈雷就是我的幸运之神,<br />

在我实习的道路上为我扬帆指航,开启引<br />

导我GE的实习之旅。<br />

7月30号,是南方典型的一个炎炎夏日。<br />

虽说是早上,但阳光已经足以把整个上<br />

海的激情点燃。经过一个多小时的辗<br />

转,我终于来到了承载我所有梦想和希<br />

望的地方—通用电气中国研发中心。<br />

我像一个刚刚学会走路的孩童,迈入GE<br />

的门槛,紧张又茫然,不知道下一个等<br />

待我的会是什么。陈雷阳光般的微笑驱<br />

散了我心中所有的疑虑和不安,让我相<br />

信在这里一定可以找到工作的快乐和生<br />

活的价值。<br />

作为我的实习指导老师,陈雷在我进入<br />

GE的第一周,就为我制订了详细的实习<br />

工作计划。一天下午,刚刚参加了六西<br />

格玛的课程回来的我还沉浸在课堂上六<br />

西格玛的逻辑中,陈雷就说要讨论一下<br />

我在GE五周的实习计划。当他把预先拟<br />

定的计划表给我看的时候,我心中惊<br />

叹,他竟然将六西格玛运用安排到我的<br />

工作中,让我更好地在实践中理解和认<br />

识这一理念,同时也锻炼了我的思维方<br />

式。除此之外,陈雷还告诉我,如果我<br />

有什么想法,或者在学校因为条件所限<br />

不能实践的工作,也可以在实习的五周<br />

内去实现。实习初的计划为我今后的工<br />

作指明了方向,同时陈雷的提议也让我<br />

思路更加宽广,能够有勇气向自己未涉<br />

足的领域去探索和学习!<br />

和陈雷一起工作的时间虽然短暂,但我<br />

们在工作中建立起来的感情却很深厚。<br />

在我实习的第三周,陈雷就要出差到美<br />

国,而他回到上海的时间也正是我实习<br />

结束的时候。我深深地为没有机会和他<br />

一起继续我们的实验感到遗憾,更为不<br />

能再和他面对面讨论汇报感到难过。不<br />

过,我们还是常常通过发e-mail或者打电<br />

话的方式沟通交流。陈雷一直都很为我<br />

的发展着想,并告诉我怎样去争取机<br />

会,怎样去把工作完成地更出色,并指<br />

导我如何在最后的实习生报告中展现出<br />

最光彩的自己。为了让我第二天能够更<br />

好地汇报实习工作,还在美国的陈雷常<br />

常顾不上休息,午夜时分还得加班帮我<br />

看报告和数据,没有困意地和我讨论数<br />

据里存在的问题。他所做的一切,只是<br />

为了激励我在工作中不断前进,拥有一<br />

段完美的实习经历。<br />

虽然我的实习生活已经结束了,但是我<br />

还是会继续写信给他。是陈雷的鼓励,<br />

让我每一天都更加努力地工作、学习。<br />

从陈雷那里,我不仅看到了GE员工的友<br />

善和睿智,更学到了如何去积极面对未<br />

来,如何信心百倍地去为自己钟爱的事<br />

业而奋斗。<br />

(文/张晓芳,GE全球研发中心EID实习生)<br />

亦师亦友—记实习指导老师陈雷<br />

人物 Our People

An Instructor & Friend<br />

- About My Assignment Leader Chen Lei<br />

Chen Lei and I “met” each other through<br />

an e-mail invitation for an interview,<br />

which I had been expecting for a long<br />

time. I was too excited to check what the<br />

e-mail was all about in detail, only<br />

remembering that the sender's English<br />

name was Leo.<br />

Whenever I wrote him an e-mail, I started<br />

with “Dear Leo”, as if communicating with<br />

one of my schoolmates. Our<br />

communication was close and natural so<br />

that I could say whatever I wanted. In<br />

fact, most of our two-month<br />

communication during my internship was<br />

either by e-mail or by phone. However, it<br />

did not hinder our exchange of ideas,<br />

even made our friendship more precious.<br />

He always gave me his sincere care and<br />

advice when I was most in need of help. If<br />

GE's interview was the opportunity to<br />

truly find out about myself and become<br />

confident in my future career, Chen Lei<br />

would be my lucky star, who lightened the<br />

way of my internship and also guided me<br />

on the way.<br />

July 30 th , 2007 was a hot summer day in<br />

the south of China. After an hour's drive I<br />

finally found my dream place-GE CTC. I<br />

was quite nervous and perplexed when I<br />

entered the gate of GE CTC, and had no<br />

idea of what was waiting for me. Then,<br />

Chen Lei's smile drove all my uneasiness<br />

away and I believed that I could find the<br />

joy of work and the value of life right here.<br />

As my assignment leader, Chen Lei<br />

designed a detailed plan for my<br />

internship in my first week at GE. One day<br />

afternoon when I was still thinking about<br />

Six Sigma after a Six Sigma course, he<br />

dragged me into a discussion on the plan<br />

for my five-week internship here. I was<br />

stunned at the timetable he gave me, in<br />

which he put the application of Six Sigma.<br />

It helped me understand this idea better<br />

through practice and cultivate my<br />

thinking in the same time. In addition, he<br />

also told me that I could do whatever<br />

projects I like, which was impossible on<br />

campus due to the lack of conditions. The<br />

plan set in the beginning made my<br />

following days much easier. His<br />

suggestions broadened my thinking and<br />

gave me courage to explore unknown<br />

fields.<br />

The time Chen Lei and I spent together<br />

was short, but the friendship we<br />

established during the work was<br />

incredibly strong. In the 3rd week of my<br />

internship, he had to go to U.S. on<br />

business trip, and I would have finished<br />

my internship by the time he came back. I<br />

was very sorry not to be able to continue<br />

our experiments and report my work to<br />

him. Even so, we often sent e-mails or had<br />

phone calls. He kept thinking about my<br />

development and told me how to fight for<br />

opportunities, how to finish my job better<br />

and how to present myself in my<br />

internship report. To help me with a better<br />

internship report for the next day, he<br />

often stayed up late to proofread my<br />

report and discuss the problems with me.<br />

The only reason he did all these was<br />

simply to encourage me to make<br />

progress and have a perfect internship<br />

experience.<br />

Although my internship at GE has come<br />

to an end, I will still keep writing e-mails to<br />

Chen Lei. It was his encouragement that<br />

inspired me working and studying hard<br />

every day. Because of him, I not only saw<br />

the friendliness and wisdom of GE<br />

employees, but also learned how to deal<br />

with my future and my career.<br />

(Zhang Xiaofang, intern of GE GRC EID)<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


人物 Our People<br />

职业规划 成就未来<br />

在GE全球研发中心,活跃着一批技术人才,他们潜心钻研,从不满足于现状,不断为自<br />

己设立富有挑战性的职业目标,并为达到这些目标付诸行动。正是这种主动学习的精神<br />

和自我积淀的能力,让他们不仅掌握了工作所需的技能,而且对新的环境具有良好的适<br />

应能力,在面临机遇时,也能牢牢把握。<br />

A Good Plan Makes A Bright Future<br />

Within GE Global Research Center, there are many technical talents, who are deeply involved<br />

in their research and never stop at what they have achieved. They set challenging goals for<br />

themselves and try their best to fulfill them. It is this initiative and self-accumulation that help<br />

them acquire their skills, adjust to new environments, and grab opportunities.<br />

彭文庆—与GE共成长<br />

彭文庆,GE上海研发中心化学技术研究室主任研究员,主要从事有机硅材料方面的研发工作,迄今为止,共申请了<br />

8项美国专利,先后发表学术论文20余篇。同时,他也是2006年CTC技术团队奖的获得者。目前,作为GEMx电池项目<br />

组的成员之一,彭文庆负责水处理硅垢阻止剂的研发。<br />

访问彭文庆的那天,正是他在GE服务三<br />

周年的纪念日。彭文庆对于他在GE这一<br />

重要事件,显得非常激动:“我真的很喜<br />

欢这里的工作环境,公司的业务领域之<br />

广,创新意识之强,激励体制之完善,都<br />

是我心之向往的。在这里,我收获了职业<br />

生涯的不断提高和成长。”<br />

当被问及GE最吸引员工的方面,文庆坦<br />

言公司提供了良好的学习和成长环境,让<br />

他意识到自己在学识和技术上的种种不<br />

足,并为他弥补这些不足,从而实现能力<br />

的全面发展创造了条件和机会。<br />

在完成了日本国际基督教大学的博士后学<br />

业之后,文庆很快确定了他的下一个人生<br />

目标,那就是成为一名技术专家。2004<br />

年,他的第一个工作任务就是研究一种超<br />

疏水涂层,这也是他潜心钻研了十年之久<br />

17 LIFE at GE<br />

的有机硅课题。随着时间的推移,文庆对<br />

这一领域已逐渐熟悉,他很快发现了以库<br />

利奇院士为首的全球研发中心(GRC)科<br />

研人员达到了极高的研究水平,于是他立<br />

志成为像库利奇这样的科学家。为此,他<br />

勇于突破自我,接受各种新的挑战,主动<br />

承担起工作职责之外的其他工程。并不时<br />

寻找机会,在与同事们的合作,以及就业<br />

务问题进行交流的过程中,锻炼自己的人<br />

际交往能力和对于业务的敏锐度。这些重<br />

要能力的培养,使文庆逐步从一名团队干<br />

事成长为核心领袖。<br />

文庆执著地热爱着自己的工作,他总是<br />

说:“作为一名材料科学家,我希望能够<br />

不断超越自我,锐意创新。在全球研发中<br />

心,我们总是尝试涉足最难以解决的技术<br />

领域,并为公司拓展业务提供最有创意的<br />

解决方案。”每次,当事实证明,他的观<br />

点对GE的业务发展和成长有所贡献时,<br />

彭文庆都会感到难以言表的激动。<br />

3年的时间过去了,文庆与GE一起学习与<br />

进步,逐渐成长为一名高级科研人员,回<br />

顾自己身后的道路,文庆颇有心得:“工<br />

作伊始,我是通过完成与交付一些小型项<br />

目,在公司和同事中间建立信任度,从而<br />

一步步担当重责的。而十年的专业学习,<br />

则让我在工作中得心应手、游刃有余。在<br />

GE,我学会了了解业务需求,与客户建立<br />

业务联系,并随机应变,把握市场动向。<br />

同时,我也始终对新知识保持着强烈的好<br />

奇心。”现有的成绩并没有让文庆满意,<br />

对于未来,他依然踌躇满志:“我希望自<br />

己能成为某个科研领域上的核心技术人<br />

员。此外,我认为科研人员也应该多关注<br />


Peng Wenqing - Growing with GE<br />

Peng Wenqing is a Senior Scientist at Chemical Technology Lab, GE Global Research - Shanghai, winner of 2006 GE CTC<br />

Award, Technology Team Award. So far, he has more than 20 publications and holds 8 US patents. Currently, he is<br />

working on GEMx battery program while leading the Silica control project for water applications.<br />

It was the 3rd anniversary of GE service<br />

years when we interviewed Peng<br />

Wenqing. He was very excited about this<br />

milestone: “I really like working here. A<br />

great variety of business, strong<br />

innovative awareness and a perfect<br />

incentive mechanism are all what I am<br />

looking for, and they are right here in GE.”<br />

When asked what in GE attracted him<br />

most, Wenqing said that the company<br />

provided a good learning and growing<br />

environment to help him identify his<br />

weaknesses, both academically and<br />

technically, and to strengthen, so as to<br />

achieve a comprehensive development of<br />

competency.<br />

After finishing his postdoctoral research at<br />

International Christian University in Tokyo,<br />

Wenqing decided to be a technology<br />

expert as his next goal of life. His first<br />

assignment in 2004 was to work on a<br />

super hydrophobic coating, a silicone<br />

chemistry project that he had been<br />

working on for 10 years before joining in<br />

GE Global Research. He soon dis<strong>cover</strong>ed<br />

that existing scientists like Coolidge<br />

fellows had achieved quite an advanced<br />

level of research expertise, and he was<br />

determined to become one of them. With<br />

that in mind, he tried his best to outdo<br />

himself by accepting various challenges<br />

and taking on new projects out of his<br />

responsibilities. He also sought out<br />

opportunities to practice his<br />

communication skills and sharpen his<br />

insight into business, either in the<br />

collaboration with his colleagues or in<br />

cross-business. The cultivation of all these<br />

skills contributed to his role shifting, from<br />

a team member to a project leader.<br />

Wenqing loves working at GRC. He often<br />

says: “As a material scientist, innovation is<br />

always my most enjoyed theme. At GRC<br />

we try to address the toughest technology<br />

problems and provide the most innovative<br />

solutions for our business to grow their<br />

market.” Whenever his ideas were proved<br />

to be valuable to GE business<br />

development, he would become very<br />

excited.<br />

It took three years for Wenqing to grow<br />

from a junior researcher to a senior<br />

scientist. We asked how he achieved this<br />

and what his next goal would be. “First I<br />

built initial credibility by the execution and<br />

delivery of small projects. My 10-year of<br />

academic experience helped me achieve<br />

that. In GE, I became familiar with<br />

business needs, established connections<br />

with customers, got a hold on where the<br />

market is going, and kept the thirst for<br />

new ideas.” Wenqing doesn't satisfy with<br />

what he has achieved, and is still very<br />

ambitious, “I wish to be a person who is<br />

capable of shaping a technological area, a<br />

chief scientist, and I think a technologist<br />

should also look into business and<br />

markets so as to set up a new stage for<br />

himself.”<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


人物 Our People<br />

陈耀<br />

—锐意进取 勇于突破<br />

陈耀,GE上海研发中心实时控制研究室(Real-Time/Power Controls Lab)高级工程师,申请了两项美国专利,先后发<br />

表了10篇控制与系统工程领域的论文。同时,他也是多项技术团队奖的获得者。目前,陈耀已成为心电ECG建模和室<br />

性心动过速消融治疗的导管导航技术两个项目的负责人。<br />

陈耀是GE全球研发中心的老员工,在这<br />

个建成7年的组织中,他已经从事了6年<br />

的科研工作。开始时,陈耀作为一名控制<br />

工程师进入GE,致力于为GE能源产品设<br />

计和控制物理模型。现在,他则领导了两<br />

个由上海团队负责的医疗业务项目。<br />

在全球研发中心工作的前两年里,陈耀将<br />

重心放在掌握技能、充实提高自我上,他<br />

总是不放弃任何向团队中的其他成员学习<br />

的机会。“在GE,你会发现自己是在和一<br />

些极有天赋、悟性很高的人共事,他们都<br />

是在自己领域上的杰出人物。所以从同事<br />

们的身上,我学到了在研究工作中所需的<br />

各种专业或非专业知识。”正是这两年的<br />

积累造就了陈耀在日后工作上的巨大飞<br />

跃。在第三和第四年里,陈耀则为自己制<br />

定了更高更远的目标。他认为,作为一名<br />

工程师,应该具备引领技术发展方向,甚<br />

19 LIFE at GE<br />

至开启一个新的科研领域的能力。于是,<br />

在对现有的研究工作逐渐走向深化时,陈<br />

耀便开始寻求改变和突破。在研究室领导<br />

的支持和鼓励下,陈耀积极加入了上海研<br />

发中心的创新委员会,参与创意活动的调<br />

研和整理工作。作为意见的采集者,陈耀<br />

的任务包括了解GE各个部门的业务范<br />

畴、产品生产流水线、技术水平现状以及<br />

发展方向,协调各集团的利益。此外,陈<br />

耀经常参加各种会议,拓展自己的视野,<br />

补充医疗、电子传感领域的知识,然后再<br />

将会上所学应用于业务。在转换的过程<br />

中,陈耀深感获益良多,逐渐学会了有效<br />

地与其它集团沟通,促成与客户之间的大<br />

宗交易,组织并领导一个团队。<br />

陈耀前进的每一步,都是建立在有意识地<br />

学习和充实基础之上的。为了将一个新理<br />

念用于指导项目,陈耀总是以顾客的反馈<br />

来检验观点的有效性。“以ECG项目为<br />

例,这是早在2004年就形成了的想法,而<br />

且我也试着将产品推销给医疗集团,却惨<br />

遭滑铁卢。2005年,我继续与医疗集团谈<br />

判,阐释我的观点。在这之前的一年时间<br />

里,我没有放弃熟悉GE的产品流水线,并<br />

从GE的客户角度上考虑器械的应用难题,<br />

在对这些做到胸有成竹之后,我对GE医疗<br />

集团当时所面临的困难有了更深入的认<br />

识。这时,项目的目标也发生了一定的改<br />

变,满足集团业务客户们的实际需求成了<br />

新的努力方向。2006年,这一方向才正式<br />

确立。虽然经过了这么长的时间,但是我<br />

认为所有的付出都是值得的。”<br />

对于在GE工作的6年里,陈耀认为自己的<br />

最大收获是应对困境的能力得到了提<br />

高。研发工作总是会碰到各式各样的困<br />

难,不仅有技术上的挑战,而且在处理<br />

与客户、GE全球各集团之间的关系时也<br />

存在细微的差别。幸而,对研发工作持<br />

续的热情和执著的精神让他得以应对这<br />

些困境。“我坚持在做一些有利于客户<br />

的工作,并始终保持探索的激情,这些<br />

都让我在面对困难的时候能够保证积极<br />

的心态。渐渐,我得到了来自团队成员<br />

和客服部同事们越来越多的理解和支<br />

持,付出的心血总算没有白费。”<br />

身为一名GE研发人员,陈耀深感自豪,<br />

工作也是让他保持激情和活力的秘诀。<br />

“全球研发中心是一个多元化的研究团<br />

体,它致力于为客户提供最为先进的解决<br />

方案,切实改善人们的生活状态。身处这<br />

样一个团体中,我才能不断得到技术上的<br />


Chen Yao<br />

- Strive for Breakthroughs<br />

Chen Yao is a Senior Engineer in Real-Time/Power Controls Lab at Global Research - Shanghai. He filed two US patents<br />

and published 10 conference and journal papers in control and system engineering. He is also a recipient of multiple<br />

technical team awards. Currently, Yao is leading two projects for Healthcare business: ECG modeling and Catheter<br />

Guidance for Ventricular Tachycardial Ablation.<br />

Chen Yao is one of the experienced GE<br />

GRC employees, with 6-year research<br />

experience in this 7-year-old organization.<br />

He started his GE career as a control<br />

engineer, dedicated to physical modeling<br />

and control designs for GE Energy<br />

products. Now he is leading two<br />

Healthcare business projects which are<br />

assigned to Shanghai team.<br />

For the first two years at GRC, Chen Yao<br />

focused on his skills improvement. He<br />

never missed any opportunities to learn<br />

from others. “In GE, I work with very<br />

talented and smart people, who are all<br />

elites in their respective fields. It is through<br />

this opportunity I have learned a lot from<br />

my colleagues for my research work.” It<br />

was this first two-year accumulation that<br />

contributed to his great success in the<br />

future. During his 3rd and 4th year at GRC,<br />

he set even higher goals for himself. In his<br />

opinion, an engineer should be able to<br />

lead technology development, and even<br />

open up a new research area.” In order to<br />

do so, he deepened his own research and<br />

looked for new changes and<br />

breakthroughs. With the strong support of<br />

his lab manager, he participated in<br />

GRC-Shanghai New Idea Council for its<br />

creative ideas activities. As an idea<br />

collector, he was required to know about<br />

GE businesses, production and assembly<br />

lines, technological status and<br />

development direction, so as to coordinate<br />

the interests of all businesses. Meanwhile<br />

he also attended conferences of all kinds,<br />

which helped him open his eyes and come<br />

up with new ideas in the areas of<br />

healthcare and sensor electronics. He then<br />

applied those new ideas to his work.<br />

During this transitional period, he learned<br />

how to communicate effectively with<br />

businesses, how to achieve big deals with<br />

customers and how to organize and lead<br />

a team.<br />

Every success was based on his initiative<br />

and abilities. In order to apply a new idea<br />

to his project, he always asked his<br />

customers for their feedback so as to<br />

check the new idea. “Take ECG project for<br />

example, the idea was formed in 2004 and<br />

I tried to sell it to Healthcare team.<br />

However, my sale turned out to be a<br />

disaster. I didn't give up, and rethought the<br />

difficult application of the equipment from<br />

a GE customer's perspective. After that, I<br />

developed a deeper understanding about<br />

the problems Healthcare faced at that<br />

time. In 2005, I kept negotiating with<br />

Healthcare about this idea, and the idea<br />

finally got confirmed in 2006. Long as the<br />

whole process was, it was a rewarding<br />

effort.”<br />

Chen Yao believes the skill that has grown<br />

most for him during the past 6 years in GE<br />

is the ability to deal with difficult<br />

situations. There are many difficulties in<br />

research work, not only technical<br />

challenges, but also in relationships with<br />

customers and global teams. Fortunately,<br />

his passion for research work and his<br />

persistency helped him overcome all<br />

these difficulties. “I insist doing what is<br />

valuable to customers and maintain my<br />

passion for exploration, which always<br />

keeps my positive attitude. Gradually, I get<br />

more and more support from my team<br />

members and customer management<br />

teams, and I realize it is all worthwhile.”<br />

Chen Yao is very proud to be a GE<br />

researcher. “GE GRC is a multi-research<br />

team, committed to provide customers<br />

with the most advanced solutions and to<br />

improve people's life. It is in such an<br />

excellent team that I am able to improve<br />

my skills and myself as a whole.”<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

从2007年5月29日开始,受太湖水污染影<br />

响,无锡自来水水质出现问题,GE无锡<br />

厂区的员工用水也受到了一定的影响。<br />

这一状况引起GE的高度重视,GE采取了<br />

一系列行之有效的应对措施,努力将水<br />

污染可能造成的不良影响降至最低。<br />

无锡水污染事件爆发后,GE公司立即成<br />

立危机管理小组,调动GE各方力量,帮<br />

助无锡员工渡过难关。针对水污染,GE<br />

采取的措施包括:<br />

• 在GE无锡厂区订购并安装水处理设备,<br />

以保证工作场所的用水安全;<br />

• GE无锡厂区为每位员工每周提供三次洁<br />

净水,每次为18公升,以帮助员工解决<br />

在家的用水问题;<br />

• GE大中华区医疗总监吴瑾指派丁轶华医<br />

GE Efforts on Wuxi Water<br />

Contamination<br />

Since May 29 th , 2007, affected by the water contamination in Taihu<br />

Lake, the tap water in Wuxi has also been tainted, and the water<br />

supply for GE Wuxi facilities became a problem. GE was very<br />

serious about the situation, and was quick to act by taking all<br />

the measures possible to minimize the negative impact on local<br />

employees.<br />

After the incident, the Wuxi Water Contamination Crisis<br />

Management Council was formed. They made full use of GE’s<br />

resources to help employees pull through this situation. So far,<br />

the following measures have been taken to cope with the issue:<br />

GE全力帮助无锡员工<br />

度过水危机<br />

• Installation of Water Purification Equipment in GE Healthcare<br />

Wuxi Facility, to secure the water safety at GE workplaces.<br />

• GE Healthcare provided local employees 18 liters of clean water<br />

three times per week for personal home use.<br />

• Dr. Jean Wu, Corporate Medical Director, sent Dr. Amina Ding to Wuxi to<br />

address local employees concerns and enquiries.<br />

In addition, GE Healthcare decided to limit non critical business trips to Wuxi<br />

until June 11 th , 2007, so as to protect its employees.<br />

21 LIFE at GE<br />

生前往无锡给予现场支持,及时解答员<br />

工的相关问题;<br />

此外,GE医疗集团已在全球范围内宣布<br />

2007年6月11日前将限制非至关重要的前<br />

往无锡的商务旅行,全力保证GE员工的<br />


GE奥运扬帆之旅<br />

2007年9月1日至2日,GE的100多名客户及员工在青岛国际帆<br />

船中心经历了一次独特的扬帆之旅,体验乘坐帆船在大海上乘<br />

风破浪的快感。此次活动是在2008年北京奥运会帆船项目的指<br />

定场地—青岛国际帆船中心举办的,参与活动的GE员工都是<br />

集团内部各个评比项目和销售激励项目的表现优秀者,包括前<br />

两个季度“十项全能大挑战”项目的获胜者。活动不仅让每一<br />

位参与者充分感受到了帆船运动的活力,而且成功地向各位客<br />

户展示了GE为奥运所作的贡献。<br />

为期两天的活动还邀请到了专业人士的参与。巴塞罗那奥运会<br />

帆船比赛的银牌得主张晓东,作为“益合”号帆船的临时船<br />

长,耐心地解答了客户关于帆船运动的众多问题。北京奥运会<br />

帆船委员会官员袁博,为大家详细介绍了青岛国际帆船中心的<br />

设施,以及在明年的奥运会帆船比赛中如何使用这些设施。参<br />

与者们在活动中不仅丰富了对帆船运动的认识,而且亲身体验<br />

了驾驭帆船,畅游大海的乐趣。<br />

9月1日在青岛国际帆船中心测量码头举行的晚宴将此次活动推<br />

向了高潮,晚宴由GE公司副总裁、GE东北亚及大中华区总裁<br />

兼CEO庞德明(Steve Bertamini)主持,出席嘉宾包括青岛改<br />

革与发展委员会主任刘明君及北京奥运会帆船委员会综合部部<br />

长朱悦涛。庞德明表示:“我们相信,这次体验可以向我们的<br />

客户展示GE对于北京奥运会贡献的广度和深度。”<br />

活动获得广泛认可,参与者一致认为这是一次完美的奥运体<br />

验。根据活动满意度调查的反馈,所有参与的客户都非常期待<br />

参加GE组织的下一次活动。青岛国际帆船中心也表示,这是迄<br />

今为止在这块奥运比赛场地上举行的最大规模的公司活动。<br />

作为国际奥委会全球合作伙伴的GE公司,目前已成功签约超过<br />

335个奥运项目,致力于用创新的产品与服务为北京奥运会助<br />

力。据悉,GE将为青岛国际帆船中心提供安全监控网络以及在<br />

奥运村内使用的2部干式变压器。<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

GE Sailing Trip for the<br />

Olympics in Qingdao<br />

On September 1 st and 2 nd , 2007, over 100 customers and<br />

employees of GE had a unique sailing experience at the<br />

Qingdao International Sailing Center. The event was hosted<br />

by the Qingdao International Sailing Center, the appointed<br />

venue of the sailing competitions at the 2008 Beijing Olympic<br />

Games. The participating GE employees were top performers<br />

from various GE nomination programs and sales incentive<br />

programs, including the winners of the Decathlon Challenge<br />

from the last two seasons. The event gave each participant a<br />

chance to experience the dynamics of a sailboat race, and<br />

also demonstrated GE contributions to the 2008 Beijing<br />

Olympic Games.<br />

23 LIFE at GE

Some professionals were also invited<br />

to this two-day event. Zhang<br />

Xiaodong, a silver medalist from the<br />

Barcelona Games, captained one of<br />

the sailboats-Ye He, and also led all<br />

the guests through a Q&A session<br />

about sailing. Yuan Bo, an officer of<br />

the Qingdao Sailing Committee, was<br />

also present and talked about<br />

Qingdao's sailing facilities and how<br />

the venue would be used in the next<br />

year during the Beijing Olympic<br />

Games. The event broadened the<br />

participants' knowledge of sailing, and<br />

gave them an opportunity to sail the<br />

boats by themselves, which turned<br />

out to be great fun.<br />

The event was brought to a climax by<br />

a gala dinner on September 1 st , 2007,<br />

hosted by Steve Bertamini, President<br />

and CEO of GE North East Asia. The<br />

guests included Liu Mingjun, Director<br />

of Qingdao Development and Reform<br />

Commission, and Zhu Yuetao, Director<br />

of the General Office of the Sailing<br />

Committee. “We believe this<br />

experience will demonstrate to our<br />

customers the breadth and depth of<br />

our contributions to the Beijing<br />

Olympic Games.” said Steve Bertamini.<br />

The event won wide recognition. All<br />

the participants said that they<br />

enjoyed this excellent experience. A<br />

post-event satisfaction survey also<br />

reported that all the participating GE<br />

customers looked forward to the next<br />

event. This was the largest corporate<br />

sailing event conducted at this<br />

competition venue according to the<br />

Qingdao International Sailing Center.<br />

As a global partner of the<br />

International Olympic Committee, GE<br />

is involved in more than 335 projects<br />

overall, aiming at contributing to the<br />

Beijing Olympic Games with GE<br />

creative products and warm services.<br />

GE is also providing a security network<br />

to the Qingdao International Sailing<br />

Center, as well as 2 dry transformers<br />

to the Olympic Village at the center.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

手 画 我 我<br />

—“我最喜爱的体育活动”画展在CTC开幕<br />

2007年8月8日,希望小学学生“我最喜爱的体育活动”画展在GE中国<br />

研发中心(CTC)中楼大厅拉开帷幕。40位可爱的六到十二岁希望小<br />

学学生,用78幅悉心勾勒的绘画作品,把CTC大厅装扮成一个充满爱<br />

心的美丽世界。一幅幅栩栩如生的作品,一个个充满童稚的签名,背<br />

后透出孩子们一张张真诚且可爱的笑脸。<br />

五颜六色的画作以“我最喜爱的体育活动”为主题,充分展现了“小<br />

画家们”对北京奥运会的热切期盼和对未来的无限憧憬。现场观看的<br />

GE员工们不禁遐想联翩,有的还兴致勃勃地点评起画作中熟悉的体<br />

育运动。更有趣的是,员工们除了分享孩子们热爱体育、支持奥运的<br />

心情外,还可以当场参与到GE公司2008年日历的设计中,本次画展<br />

中得票最高的12幅画作将成为2008年GE公司台历及挂历的候选设计<br />

图案。现场的员工们纷纷把小贴纸粘贴到自己最喜欢的作品旁。短短<br />

一上午,3600张贴纸就被一抢而空,新颖特别的方式吸引了众多员<br />

工的参与。<br />

一位员工在现场表示:这次画展的主题非常好,不仅把希望工程和奥运<br />

会很好地结合起来,展现了GE公司对中国基础教育所做出的巨大贡<br />

献,同时活动形式也富有意义。这些作品反映出“小画家们”丰富的想<br />

象力和朝气蓬勃的活力,并让他们对奥林匹克精神有了进一步认识。<br />

这些小画家们分别就读于云南、四川、江西、广西、内蒙古五省区的<br />

希望小学,他们的老师们都曾在GE基金会的资助下接受过各种技能培<br />

训。2003年至2008年间,GE基金会向希望工程农村教师培训项目共计<br />

捐赠181万美元,用于资助来自10个偏远地区的24,100名学校管理者<br />

和教师前往上海和北京接受培训。通过在教育理论、规范改革、学校<br />

管理、及手把手教学技能等四个主要领域的培训,这些教师们将更好<br />

地服务于当地的希望小学,并直接或间接使75万学生受益。<br />

27<br />

LIFE at GE<br />

I Draw What I Think<br />

- “My Favorite Sports” Painting Exhibition in CTC<br />

On August 8 th , 2007, the painting exhibition of “My Favorite Sports Painting”<br />

by Project Hope school pupils commenced at the GE China Technology<br />

Center (CTC). 40 Project Hope school pupils, aging from 6 to 12, and their 78<br />

paintings decorated the hall creating something truly beautiful.<br />

The colorful paintings on the subject of “My Favorite Sports Painting”<br />

expressed the little artists' great expectations for the Beijing Olympic Games<br />

and their longing for the future. GE CTC employees enjoyed the paintings<br />

very much and some of them even left comments for the children. The<br />

employees also participated in the design for the GE 2008 calendars, by<br />

voting the top 12 paintings of the exhibition, which would become the<br />

designs for GE 2008 calendars. The employees pasted their stickers beside<br />

their favorite paintings, and in just one morning 3,600 voting stickers had<br />

been used to vote and stuck on the colorful paintings demonstrating the<br />

great interest of the employees.<br />

One employee said that the subject of this exhibition was significant,<br />

because it combined the Project Hope schools with the Beijing Olympic<br />

Games showing the world GE's tremendous contributions to China's<br />

elementary education. The paintings showcased the imagination and vitality<br />

of these little artists, as well as broadened their knowledge of the Olympic<br />

spirit.<br />

All these little artists are now studying at Project Hope primary schools in<br />

Yunnan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guangxi and Inner Mongolia of China. With GE<br />

Foundation’s grant, their headmasters and teachers have received rigorous<br />

training sessions in Shanghai or Beijing. GE Foundation is supporting Project<br />

Hope Rural Teacher Training program with over USD $1.81 Millions in grant<br />

from year 2003 to 2008, which has benefited 10 remote provinces of China<br />

by 2007. The trainings focus in four key areas: educational theories,<br />

disciplinary reform, school administration and hands-on skill training. In<br />

total, the program will directly or indirectly benefit over 750,000 students.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

挑战自我 备战奥运<br />

——GE基础设施集团开展“十项全能大挑战”竞赛<br />

2007年6月27日,GE基础设施集团正式启动<br />

“十项全能大挑战”销售竞赛,获得最终大<br />

奖的销售精英将得到“08奥运梦幻之旅”<br />

的奖励。<br />

GE基础设施集团旨在通过开展此次<br />

“十项全能大挑战”竞赛,激励销售<br />

人员创造更多的机会提升销售业绩,<br />

同时加强与中国企业客户的长期合<br />

作关系。“十项全能大挑战”竞赛<br />

分为团队竞赛和团队负责人竞赛两<br />

类。在销售业绩、团队合作和客户管<br />

理等三方面表现出色、综合得分最高<br />

的团队和团队负责人,在每季度都有<br />

机会获得极富奥运特色的奖品和奖<br />

励;最终的大奖得主,将获得明年8月<br />

到北京现场观看奥运会的机会。<br />

此次活动还专门设计了一个“十项全能大挑<br />

战”网站,作为充满奥运色彩的自动化沟通平<br />

台。通过登录该网站,销售选手们可以了解竞赛规<br />

则和评奖方式,浏览每个季度所获得的奥运奖品,并在<br />

“奖牌榜”中体会领取奖牌的乐趣。和奥运会的颁发奖牌相<br />

似,“奖牌榜”中的奖牌也有金牌、银牌和铜牌三种。竞赛开始<br />

后,已有2个销售团队和3名团队负责人在第一季度获得奖牌和带有奥运标志<br />

的奖品;另有3个销售团队和3名团队负责人在第二季度获得奖牌,并参加了<br />

在青岛国际奥林匹克帆船中心举行的海上扬帆体验活动。<br />

对于“十项全能大挑战”竞赛,GE运输集团市场及业务发展中国区总经理兼<br />

GE基础设施集团中国区集团销售总经理向伟明这样评价:“北京奥运会为基<br />

础设施集团的中国销售人员提供了非常好的激励平台,而‘十项全能大挑<br />

战’则以有趣而独特的方式实现了奥运激励;该竞赛简单易行,使销售人员<br />

方便掌握竞赛的进程,并保持对竞赛的时刻关注。”<br />

29 LIFE at GE

Challenge Yourselves & Prepare<br />

for the Olympics<br />

- GE Infrastructure Launches Decathlon Challenge<br />

On June 27 th , 2007, GE Infrastructure China launched its<br />

“Decathlon Challenge” program, an internal sales incentive for<br />

GE employees. The grand prize winners will attend the 2008<br />

Beijing Olympic Games.<br />

The objective of the program was to drive incremental sales<br />

growth and accelerate the deep and long-term cooperation<br />

between GE Infrastructure and its Chinese customers. The<br />

Challenge consisted of competitions between Account Teams<br />

and between Account Leaders. The participants that excelled in<br />

the categories of incremental account sales, internal operating<br />

rhythm and customer engagement rhythm would win<br />

quarterly-issued special Olympic prizes and awards, and the<br />

lucky final winners will be able to attend the Beijing Olympic<br />

Games next August.<br />

They also built a Decathlon Challenge website, a fully<br />

automated communication platform with Olympic features. The<br />

participants could access competition rules and criteria, browse<br />

Olympic prizes and experiences, and enjoy medal moments<br />

through an online virtual “medal tally”. Like the Olympic Games<br />

medals, the Decathlon Challenge medal tally awarded gold,<br />

silver and bronze medals to GE “sales athletes”. During the first<br />

half of this year's Challenge, two account teams and three<br />

account leaders were awarded medals and received Olympic<br />

branded products in the first quarter; another three account<br />

teams and three account leaders won medals in the second<br />

quarter and these winners attended the Qingdao Sailing event<br />

held on September 1 st , 2007 at the Qingdao Olympic Sailing<br />

Center.<br />

Xiang Weiming, GM-Marketing & Business Development for GE<br />

Transportation China and GM-Enterprise Selling of GE<br />

Infrastructure China, commented on the program: “The Beijing<br />

Olympic Games is an excellent inspiring drive for our sales<br />

teams across GE Infrastructure in China. The Decathlon<br />

Challenge program is a unique and attractive solution, and it is<br />

easy to play because the rules are simple, and it's able to keep<br />

the athletes aware of the time limit.”<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

济济一堂 体验精彩人生<br />

2007年夏秋之际,GE各大集团走出户外,组织了丰富多彩、趣味盎然的团队活动。平日<br />

的工作伙伴再次走到了一起,在领略湖光山色,感受鸟语花香的同时,召开会议、组织<br />

比赛、进行拓展、接受培训,在轻松惬意的氛围下达成目标,真正体味到了GE所倡导的<br />

“享受工作、享受生活、享受人生”。<br />

Get Together & Enjoy Wonderful Nature<br />

During the summer and autumn of 2007, GE businesses left their offices and embraced the<br />

beauty of nature, where they held a variety of interesting team activities. Work partners<br />

gathered together, organized meetings and competitions, and were involved in activities of<br />

development and training while appreciating the amazing natural scenery. It was in this<br />

cozy environment that they achieved goals and experienced the spirit of “Enjoy Work &<br />

Enjoy Life” GE promotes.<br />

GE Money三亚员工年会<br />

6月1日至2日,GE Money 2007员工年会在南海之滨的美丽城市<br />

三亚举行,GE Money中国团队的全体成员会聚一堂,共同度过<br />

了短暂却难忘的两天。<br />

GE Money中国区CEO柏迈克(Michael Barrett)在开场演说中<br />

首先表达了对每一位与会者的热烈欢迎。下午,部门开展了一<br />

次名为“群策群力”的活动。活动集思广益,针对企业内部的<br />

交流、人才的招募与培养、以及GE Money的品牌意识等问题征<br />

求各方意见。第二天,GE亚洲区首席培训官戴一楠(Nina<br />

31 LIFE at GE<br />

Dankfort-Nevel),对与会者进行了一系列培训,包括介绍GE<br />

企业的成长特点和发展进程,合规培训,以及C-Tran意识培<br />

训。下午,沃尔玛与欧尚这两个业务团队,还进行了一场游泳<br />

比赛,在友好的竞争中增进了彼此的友谊。<br />

今年的GE Money年会在参会者们的欢声笑语中结束了,通过开展<br />

一系列丰富多彩的活动,大大增强了成员之间的交流,为团队面<br />


GE Money China 2007 All Employees Off-site Meeting in Sanya<br />

On June 1 st and 2 nd , 2007, GE Money held its annual All Employees Off-site<br />

Meeting in Sanya, where the entire China team got together and spent two<br />

unforgettable days by the beautiful South China Sea.<br />

In his opening remarks, Michael Barrett, CEO of GE Money China, gave a<br />

warm welcome to everyone. In the afternoon, there was a “Work-out<br />

Session”. It welcomed any opinions and suggestions on GE Money internal<br />

communications, recruiting and retention, and brand awareness. On the<br />

second day, Nina Dankfort-Nevel, Chief Learning Officer of GE Asia, held a<br />

series of training events for the employees. They included a GE Growth Traits<br />

and Process presentation, the compliance training, and C-Tran's awareness<br />

training. In the afternoon, there was a swimming match between Wal-Mart<br />

team and Auchan team, a friendly competition.<br />

GE Money China 2007 All Employees Off-site Meeting ended with laughter.<br />

The activities contributed to better understanding and communication<br />

among all the employees, as well as to the strength of their future work.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

GE运输系统集团机械工程部<br />

户外拓展活动<br />

2007年7月酷热的一天,GE运输系统集团机械工<br />

程部一行三十余人来到嘉兴南北湖消防员拓展<br />

基地,开展了一次别具特色的团队建设活动。<br />

第一个活动“空中抓杠”是个人挑战经典项<br />

目。这个活动单在下面看已是心惊胆战,真正<br />

做起来更是难上加难。令人开心的是在大家的<br />

加油鼓励声中,每一位队员都顺利完成了最后<br />

的纵身一跃。“空中抓杠”之后大家信心倍增,<br />

摩拳擦掌来到第二个项目“穿越电网”。这是<br />

典型的群策群力项目,当大家千辛万苦到达绳<br />

网另一端时,却被教官告知事实上半数人都触<br />

电了。回想一下,队员们立刻意识到刚才的行<br />

On a hot day in July, 2007, about 30<br />

employees of GE Transportation<br />

Mechanical Engineering Team went to<br />

Jiaxing South-North Lake Fire-fighting<br />

Training Base for a special team-building<br />

event.<br />

The first activity was called “Catching the<br />

Bar on Air”. It was an activity requiring<br />

courage. The good news is, every player<br />

was able to make it. After the “Catching<br />

the Bar on Air”, everyone felt confident and<br />

prepared for the next activity. It was called<br />

动不仅缺少团队沟通,DMAIC(六西格玛过程改<br />

进方法)最基本的步骤也未做到。最后一个项<br />

目是“毕业墙”,在教官计时开始之后,感人的<br />

一幕出现了。平日温文尔雅的男员工纷纷上前<br />

争当人梯,最先抵达的队员则顾不得休息,用<br />

力将下面的人拉上去。最终大家提前12分钟完<br />

成任务,顺利“毕业”。<br />

活动虽然短暂,GE运输系统集团机械工程部的<br />

员工们却感悟颇深。人力资源经理栾健春表示,<br />

活动中整个团队充满了激情与力量,员工们勇往<br />

直前和齐心协力的精神令人感动和自豪。<br />

GE Transportation Mechanical Engineering Team Outing<br />

33 LIFE at GE<br />

“Crossing the Net”, an activity calling for<br />

team effort and wisdom. When the players<br />

reached the other side of the net with<br />

great effort, they were often told that they<br />

had touched the net already. Looking<br />

back, the team members realized that<br />

they were lack of team communication,<br />

which was the base of DMAIC. The last<br />

activity was the “Graduation Wall”. When it<br />

began, a moving picture appeared. The<br />

male players, who are usually refined, tried<br />

to be a ladder for the female players, and<br />

when the players arrived they tried their<br />

best to help the rest without even resting<br />

for a while. In the end, they completed the<br />

mission 12 minutes in advance and<br />

successfully “graduated”.<br />

Short as it was, the event taught the<br />

employees a lot. Priscilla, Manager of<br />

Human Resources Department, said that<br />

the whole team impressed her a lot with<br />

their passion and strength, as well as their<br />

spirit of striving forward and fighting<br />


GE传感与检测集团青岛销售会议<br />

2007年7月18日至22日,GE传感与检测<br />

集团销售会议及员工团队拓展在青岛举<br />

行。在这个烈日炎炎的季节,GE传感与<br />

检测部门的180多名员工首次济济一堂,<br />

来到美丽的海滨城市青岛,交流业务经<br />

验,接受集体培训。<br />

为了让这支队伍提前感受浓浓的奥运氛<br />

围,活动选择在青岛这座2008年奥运会<br />

帆船项目的主办城市进行。GE传感与检<br />

测中国区总裁黄克强(Albert Wong)表<br />

示,“青岛的奥运精神—齐心协力,乘<br />

风破浪—正是我希望在全新的Sensing<br />

& IT部门中可以看到的。”<br />

7月18日,传感与检测销售会议首先召<br />

开。GE中国的奥运领导人金飞翔(Jim<br />

Fisher),作为特别嘉宾出席会议。他指<br />

出,“你们现在在最好的公司,最好的发<br />

展中国家,又处于最好的年纪”。他鼓<br />

GE Sensing & IT China First Team Meeting in Qingdao<br />

From July 18 th to 22 nd , 2007, the GE<br />

Sensing & IT sales meeting and employee<br />

outing were held in Qingdao. About 180<br />

members of GE Sensing & IT, which was a<br />

combination of GE Sensing and GE<br />

Inspection Technologies, got together for<br />

the first time to Qingdao, a beautiful city<br />

by the sea. They exchanged their<br />

business experiences and received group<br />

training.<br />

To fill this team with the Olympic<br />

atmosphere, the trip was held in Qingdao,<br />

the host city for the sailing competitions<br />

at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Albert<br />

Wong, Greater China President of GE<br />

Sensing & IT, said, “The Olympic spirit of<br />

going all out as one team, achieving<br />

higher, faster and stronger, is exactly<br />

what I expect from our team.”<br />

On July 18 th , the Sensing and IT sales<br />

meeting commenced. Jim Fisher, GE<br />

China Olympic Leader, was invited to the<br />

meeting. “You are in the best company, at<br />

the best age, and in the best growing<br />

励这支年轻的队伍抓住难得的发展机<br />

遇,迅速成长。<br />

短短五天的青岛之行虽然已经结束了,<br />

但GE Sensing & IT才刚刚扬帆启程,等待<br />

它的将是更大的挑战。面对未知的前<br />

方,这支年轻的队伍将齐心协力、奋力<br />

拼搏,努力再创佳绩。<br />

region.” said Jim Fisher. He wished this<br />

young team to grasp this precious<br />

opportunity to be successful in China.<br />

The five-day trip in Qingdao was over, but<br />

the journey of GE Sensing & IT just began.<br />

A bigger challenge is waiting for them.<br />

Faced with an unknown future, this young<br />

team will work together, strive forward<br />

and sail for success.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

GE Fanuc秋游拓展活动<br />

天高云淡,秋风送爽。GE Fanuc一年一<br />

度的秋游活动开始了。2007年8月18日和<br />

19日,GE Fanuc南区的员工欢聚杭州双<br />

溪,坐牛车,乘竹筏,体验南国漂流。<br />

2007年8月25日和26日,GE Fanuc北区的<br />

员工共游河北白洋淀,听蛙声,看楼<br />

阁,感受北国碧水。正所谓,秋水助<br />

兴,南北同欢。<br />

漫溪碧透,百筏争流,首先来看看南区<br />

员工难忘的竹筏漂流。“江南第一漂”<br />

GE Fanuc Autumn Outing<br />

GE Fanuc annual autumn outing took<br />

place in this beautiful sunny August. GE<br />

Fanuc staff from the southern regions<br />

gathered in Shuangxi, Hangzhou from<br />

August 18 th to 19 th . While the staff from<br />

the northern regions assembled in Hebei<br />

Bai Yang Lake from August 25 th to 26 th ,<br />

for the same purpose.<br />

First, let's take a look at bamboo rafts<br />

drift, which gave the staff from the<br />

southern regions a deep impression. “The<br />

first drift in Jiangnan” really deserved the<br />

title. Sometimes it was exciting and full of<br />

35 LIFE at GE<br />

果然名不虚传,时而惊险刺激,时而悠<br />

然自得。平日严肃紧张的员工们像孩童<br />

般泼水、打水仗,衣衫尽湿。第二天上<br />

午,员工们在东明山森林公园参加了野<br />

外素质拓展训练。北区员工的秋游同样<br />

精彩纷呈,热闹非凡。垂柳依依,荷梗<br />

挺立,初秋的白洋淀没有了往日的喧<br />

嚣,却也别有一番风味。在素质拓展训<br />

练中,大家群策群力,搭建出一排排精<br />

美的小房子。“丢鸡蛋比赛”也很考验<br />

大家的团结精神和创造天赋,经过一番<br />

adventures; sometimes it was leisurely<br />

and comfortable. They labeled to each<br />

other and had a water fight. In the next<br />

morning, staff participated in a<br />

quality-expansion training in the open<br />

country. The autumn outing of staff from<br />

the northern regions was also very<br />

interesting. In the quality-expansion<br />

training, the staff pooled their wisdom<br />

and with the effort of everyone they built<br />

blocks of fancy little houses. The “Egg<br />

throwing competition” also tested the<br />

staffs' teamwork, spirit and creativity.<br />

After tension design and testing, “Dream<br />

紧张的设计和最后的考核,由屠华平率<br />

领的“梦之队”以仅碎一只的成绩获得<br />

了冠军。<br />

两天的时间虽然短暂,大家的收获却不<br />

小。溪水潺潺,湖光漫漫,GE Fanuc的<br />

员工们不仅在秀丽的山水间放松了心<br />

情,增进了感情;同时也在拓展训练中<br />

加强了团队凝聚力,为今后的工作打下<br />

了良好的基础。<br />

Team” led by Tu Huaping won the<br />

championship by just one broken egg.<br />

The two days were short, but staff gained<br />

a lot. Murmuring brooks, boundless lakes,<br />

and all the fabulous landscape helped GE<br />

Fanuc staff relax and improve their<br />

relationships. The staff also enhanced<br />

their cohesive force during the<br />

quality-expansion training. All of this will<br />

benefit their future work.

GE“创想未来”校园行<br />

GE EID Program on Campus<br />

2007 GE“创想未来”(EID)实习生项目于3月19日正式启动,该项目旨在从校园中发现优秀人才,为身处<br />

象牙塔的有志学子们提供全面展示工作能力的机会。从今年4月起,GE正式走进高校,举办宣讲会、校园讲<br />

坛及招聘活动,宣传GE公司先进的企业文化和管理方法,同时也为公司招募合适的实习生,并为其提供具有<br />

挑战性的工作机会。<br />

实现人生创想,迎向精彩未来—GE“创想未来”计划将成为莘莘学子启动梦想的钥匙。<br />

On March 19 th , 2007, GE 2007 EID Program was officially launched. The program aims at finding excellent<br />

students on campus and providing them with a great opportunity to showcase their work abilities. GE officially<br />

went to universities in April, holding campus presentations, campus lectures and recruiting activities, in which<br />

they introduced GE unique corporate culture and advanced management, recruited interns and provided them<br />

with challenging job opportunities.<br />

To realize dreams and to get ready for future career-GE EID Program is the key for university students.<br />

第1站 走进中科院<br />

2007年4月19日,GE来到“创想未来”计划的第一站—中国<br />

科学院研究生院举办宣讲会。这是GE中国公司第一次来到中<br />

科院,GE对高层次科研人才日益增长的需求,促使它走进这<br />

所精英云集的高等学府。<br />

宣讲会首先由CTC的袁晓明博士做开场发言。他向中科院研究生<br />

院的学子们介绍了GE的历史、业务及文化,并重点说明了GE<br />

CTC技术品牌的情况。之后,毕业于中科院上海技术物理所的周<br />

The First Destination: Chinese Academy of Sciences<br />

On April 19 th , 2007, GE went to the postgraduate school of<br />

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the first destination of GE<br />

2007 EID Program, to show its campus presentation. It was the<br />

first time for GE China to come to CAS. The increasing need for<br />

high-level scientific researchers brought the company to this<br />

excellent academy of elites.<br />

The campus presentation started with an opening remark by Dr.<br />

Yuan Xiaoming from GE CTC . He introduced GE history, business<br />

and culture, with the emphasis on the technical situation of GE<br />

CTC to the students. After that, Zhou Jian, an alumnus from<br />

Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of<br />

健作为同校师兄,结合自己在GE多年的工作经验,畅谈他对公<br />

司的认识,并对在座的师弟师妹们提出忠告和建议。最后,是<br />

GE人力资源经理彭浩女士就EID实习计划做出详细介绍。<br />

GE与学子们在宣讲会上积极互动,GE借此表达了求贤若渴的<br />

愿望及重视人才的战略,学子们也表达了对于一流企业GE的<br />

倾慕与向往,“创想未来”计划为有志加入GE的高校学子们打<br />

开了一扇通往梦想的大门。<br />

Sciences, talked about his understanding of GE and offered<br />

advice and suggestions for the present “brothers and sisters”,<br />

based on his years of working experience in GE. In the end,<br />

Nancy Peng, Campus Recruiting Manager, gave detailed<br />

information about the EID Program.<br />

During the meeting, GE had active interaction with the CAS<br />

postgraduates, and expressed its thirst for the gifted. The CAS<br />

students also showed their admiration and desire to work in a<br />

top company like GE. GE EID Program opened a door to their<br />

dreams.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

第2站 走进浙大<br />

2007年5月13日,GE来到浙江大学,举办了一场以“精益管理”为<br />

主题的校园讲坛。GE邀请公司内部培训经验丰富的工业与消费产<br />

品集团六西格玛黑带大师钱少东担任本场校园讲坛的培训师。校园<br />

讲坛的形式,让在校同学们真切地感受到了GE杰出的企业文化和<br />

管理方式。<br />

校园讲坛的主讲人钱少东,围绕“精益管理”的主题,结合GE物流<br />

生产、技术研发、信息管理、金融消费等业务领域中的真实案例,<br />

为在场同学展示了GE的业务流程再造、组织扁平化管理、基于六西<br />

格玛体系的品质控制管理等先进管理理念。培训师的演讲深入浅<br />

出,用案例和游戏的形式加深了同学们对GE管理理念、方式的理解<br />

与认识,有效地传达了GE的企业文化。<br />

通过观看视频资料、倾听案例故事、以及亲身体验趣味游戏等方<br />

式,在场同学们迅速掌握了精益管理的要义和精髓所在。浙大的同<br />

学们纷纷表示,十分欢迎这种互动性强的校园讲坛形式,并希望以<br />

后能有更多的机会参与类似的活动。<br />

37 LIFE at GE<br />

The Second Destination: Zhejiang University<br />

On May 13 th , 2007, GE went to Zhejiang University and held a campus<br />

lecture on Lean Work. Experienced in training, Monty Qian, a Six Sigma<br />

Black Belt of GE Consumer & Industrial was invited to be the trainer of<br />

the lecture. The special format of the campus lecture revealed the<br />

outstanding corporate culture and management of GE.<br />

Focusing on Lean Work, Monty Qian showed the students GE business<br />

process, flat structure, quality control management based on Six Sigma<br />

system and other advanced management concepts based on cases in<br />

the fields of production, technology research, information and financial<br />

consumption. The lecture deepened the students' understanding of GE<br />

management concepts and methods, while expressed GE corporate<br />

culture.<br />

By watching videos, listening to case stories and playing games, the<br />

students soon got the gist of the lecture. They also expressed great<br />

interest in this highly interactive campus lecture, and hoped to<br />

participate in more activities like this.

第3站 走进川大<br />

2007年5月21日,GE深入西部高校,走进四川大学,顺利完成<br />

了为期三天的2007 EID招聘计划。计划以宣讲会、面试及校园<br />

讲坛的形式,让川大的同学们更进一步地了解了GE,也为GE<br />

选拔了一些优秀人才。<br />

21日下午,原定于6:30进行的EID宣讲会会场早在6:00就已经<br />

座无虚席。安防集团亚太区总裁唐泰俐(Ta m m e e<br />

Thompson)在会上与同学们共同分享了GE的公司概况、历<br />

史、业务及价值观,川大学子就公司的战略、前景和招聘体制<br />

等话题,与GE集团的领导层进行了对话和交流,现场气氛相<br />

当火爆。22日,各业务集团在成都喜来登酒店进行了长达一<br />

天的面试,经过层层考验,一批优秀同学脱颖而出,参加了<br />

23日举办的以“精益管理”为主题的校园讲坛。<br />

此次参加GE校园讲坛的同学们感触颇深,他们不仅对GE有了<br />

更进一步的了解,而且也学习到不少知识。作为西部学子,亲<br />

身接触知名企业的理念和文化的机会相对较少,而像GE这样<br />

真正把公司运作理念微型化后融入校园进行宣传的企业更是屈<br />

指可数。同学们纷纷表示,非常希望GE校园讲坛能在川大越<br />

做越大,影响并深入到西部各高校。<br />

The Third Destination: Sichuan University<br />

On May 21 st , 2007, GE went to<br />

Sichuan University, and successfully<br />

finished the 3-day campus<br />

recruitment. The recruitment held<br />

campus presentations, interviews and<br />

campus lectures, thus broadening the<br />

students' knowledge of GE and<br />

helping to select some excellent<br />

students.<br />

On the afternoon of May 21 st , the EID<br />

campus meeting scheduled to start at<br />

6: 30 pm was already out of seats by<br />

6: 00 pm. During the meeting,<br />

Tammee Thompson, President of GE<br />

Security Asia Pacific, shared with the<br />

students GE general situation, history,<br />

business and values. The students<br />

also conversed and exchanged ideas<br />

with GE leaders on the company's<br />

strategy, future and recruiting system.<br />

On May 22 nd , each business held a<br />

one-day interview at Sheraton Hotel<br />

in Chengdu. After many tests, some<br />

excellent students stood out and<br />

attended the campus lecture on Lean<br />

Work on May 23 rd .<br />

The students were deeply impressed<br />

by the campus lecture, which<br />

broadened their knowledge of GE, and<br />

learned a lot. For students in western<br />

China, the opportunities to get close<br />

to well-known corporations are few,<br />

and companies like GE, that would like<br />

to come to universities to promote<br />

themselves are even fewer. The<br />

students hope that GE campus lecture<br />

will become better and better, and its<br />

influence will be felt in other<br />

universities in western China.<br />

LIFE at GE 48 38

员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

GE中国研发中心走进上海交大<br />

GE CTC Campus Promotion in SJTU<br />

2007年6月6日,GE中国研发中心(CTC)与上海交通大学电子<br />

信息与电气工程学院研究生的现场交流活动于交大闵行校区电<br />

信群楼顺利举行。GE全球招聘经理Tim O'Hara和GE全球研发中<br />

心实时控制研究室(Real-Time/Power Controls Lab)经理张育<br />

应邀到场与同学们进行座谈。<br />

在与GE CTC来宾的交流中,同学们纷纷表达了自己希望加入GE<br />

这样的世界一流公司工作的愿望。自动化控制专业的研究生马<br />

菲同学表示:“GE的座谈会让我感到贵公司的工作氛围很团<br />

结、友好、向上,我真的很希望能加入到CTC,在专业方面作<br />

进一步的学习和研究。”<br />

On June 6 th , 2007, a session between GE CTC and the<br />

postgraduates of School of Electronics, Information and<br />

Electrical Engineering (SEIEE) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University<br />

(SJTU) was held in Minxing Telecom Complex of SJTU. Tim<br />

O'Hara, Recruitment Manager of GE Global, and Zhang Yu,<br />

Manager of Real-Time/Power Controls Lab of GE Global<br />

Research Center (GE GRC), were invited to the meeting.<br />

By talking with GE CTC leaders, the students had deeper<br />

understanding about GE technical fields and also expressed<br />

their wishes to join such a top-class company. Ma Fei, a<br />

postgraduate in Automatic Control of SJTU said: “The meeting<br />

has shown us GE's solidarity, friendliness and its active<br />

working environment. I really hope to join CTC so as to<br />

continue my study and research in my major.”<br />

At 4 p.m. of October 10 th , students from SJTU also fortunately<br />

listened to the speech given by Dr. Mark Little, GE<br />

Vice-President and President of GE Global Research Center,<br />

and participated in the GE CTC campus presentation.<br />

Through the speech and presentation, the students were not<br />

only impressed by the charm of a GE senior leader, but obtain<br />

some firsthand information. The event was actively responded<br />

and participated by the present students, which, in a light and<br />

lively atmosphere, promoted the communication between<br />

university students and GE.<br />

39 LIFE at GE<br />

10月10日下午4:00,交大学子还有幸聆听了GE公司高级副总<br />

裁,全球研发中心总裁Mark Little博士的演讲,并参与了CTC秋<br />

季校园招聘宣讲会的现场交流活动。<br />

Mark Little博士的演讲及CTC秋季校园招聘宣讲会不仅让同学们<br />

领略到GE高层领导人的风范,也让有意加入GE的同学获得了第<br />

一手的信息。活动得到了现场同学的积极响应和踊跃参与,在<br />


照亮 开启<br />

职场道路 人生梦想<br />

—与亚洲区人力资源总监王晓军面对面<br />

Lighting Your Career Path<br />

- A Career Seminar with Heather Wang<br />

On August 24 th , 2007, Heather Wang, HR Director of GE Asia and<br />

GE China, shared her growth stories and experiences with GE<br />

interns in CTC. More than 150 people attended the seminar.<br />

The topic of the seminar was “Guidance of Career for GE Interns”.<br />

In the first half hour, Heather shared her career path development,<br />

which was full of challenges. The audience was deeply engrossed<br />

in her experiences, and impressed by her continuous seeking of<br />

breakthroughs, her determination for transformation and her<br />

strong desire for learning.<br />

2007年8月24日,GE亚太区兼中国区人力资源总监王晓军(Heather Wang)来到<br />

中国研发中心(CTC),与GE中国的实习生一同分享她的成长故事和职场轨迹,<br />

到场观众超过150人。<br />

在这场名为“GE实习生职业分享指导”的讲座上,王晓军用半小时的时间同大家<br />

回顾了自己的职业发展轨迹,一段段传奇般的经历,王晓军娓娓道来,赢得了同<br />

学们密集的掌声。幽默的话语更令场上不时爆发出阵阵笑声,现场气氛热烈而活<br />

跃。在场的每一个人都被王晓军的故事所触动,她在成长和发展的道路上那种始<br />

终寻求突破的激情、力求变革的决心和不断学习的冲劲让大家感受到了这位人力<br />

资源高管的职业素质和人格魅力。<br />

“每个人都有巨大的潜能,但是要获得这不平凡力量的过程,是一条充满荆棘的<br />

道路,走到终点的,才能成功。Heather的GE之路,告诉我们机会属于敢于冒<br />

险,勇于改变,善于准备的人。”聆听了Heather不平凡的职场经历,GE消费和<br />

工业产品集团人力资源实习生陆艳婷深有感触。<br />

讲座的最后,面对这群即将步入社会,处于人生重要的十字路口上难免彷徨不安的<br />

“准职场人”们,Heather如是说,“掌握你们的命运,你们是最幸福的一代!”<br />

Lu Yanting, an intern of GE Consumer & Industrial said: “Everyone<br />

has huge potential, but it is always very tough on the way before<br />

we realize that power. From Heather's experiences in GE, we have<br />

learned that opportunities always belong to those who are adventurous, innovative and ready.”<br />

In the end, to these young people who were wandering at crossroads of their lives, Heather Wang said: “Grasp your destiny because<br />

you are the luckiest generation.”<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

梦想 从这里启航<br />

—GE中国研发中心实习生俱乐部<br />

2007年7月,在这个骄阳似火的夏天有一个地方比天气更加火<br />

热,那就是GE中国研发中心(CTC)实习生的根据地—GE<br />

CTC实习生俱乐部。作为校园系列招聘活动的重要补充和延伸,<br />

GE CTC实习生俱乐部将中心不同部门和业务集团的实习生集中<br />

起来,通过丰富多彩的培训讲座、经验交流等集体活动以及俱<br />

乐部电子社区的信息分享,为同学们更好地了解公司的文化及<br />

价值观、公司管理体系,接触优秀的工作伙伴、资深员工提供<br />

一个良好的平台。<br />

俱乐部的培训项目之一就是让实习生们了解GE,包括GE的文化<br />

和价值观以及志愿者活动。针对实习生关心的能否顺利成为GE<br />

人问题,实习生俱乐部还安排了一系列的职业指导课程。工作<br />

人力资源主管评CTC实习生俱乐部:<br />

41 LIFE at GE<br />

之余,同学们积极参加CTC实习生俱乐部的口号征集活动。最<br />

终,在GE消费与工业产品集团实习的来自同济大学的邱珍妮同<br />

学的作品“启航”力拔头筹。她在获奖感言中说道:“在GE CTC<br />

的实习经历是我整个职业生涯的一个极好的起点,而实习生俱<br />

乐部则是习精髓、献智慧、共同分享、成就梦想的舞台。”<br />

这也是所有GE CTC实习生的心声。通过GE CTC实习生俱乐部的<br />

一系列活动,同学们切身感受到了GE优秀的企业文化和高效的<br />

管理方法,对职业规划也有了更好的定位。实习期虽然短暂,<br />

却见证了同学们点点滴滴的成长与收获,他们为能够到GE实习<br />

感到幸运和骄傲,他们的梦想将从这里启航。<br />

我们希望借助CTC实习生俱乐部这一平台,为实习生提供一个与不同业务集团、部门的同事学习和交流的良机,帮助同学们迅速<br />

融入工作环境,得到最大程度上的迅速提升。<br />

——黄蓉,人事经理,CTC<br />

CTC实习生俱乐部是专门属于实习生们自己的家园,在这个大家庭中,来自CTC各个业务集团的实习生们,能够分享实习生活, 加<br />

深彼此友谊,并且通过HR组织的各项活动,更多地了解GE公司的文化,了解GE精湛的管理。<br />


Dreams Sail from Here<br />

- GE CTC Intern Club<br />

In July 2007, it was extremely hot.<br />

However, one place was even “hotter”,<br />

and that was GE CTC Intern Club. As an<br />

important supplement to GE's campus<br />

recruitment, GE CTC Intern Club<br />

assembled the interns from different GE<br />

businesses and functions, and provided<br />

them with a great platform to better<br />

understand GE culture, values and<br />

managerial systems through various<br />

training lectures, exchanges of<br />

experiences and information sharing on<br />

the club's E-community.<br />

One of the training lectures was about GE,<br />

including GE culture, values and<br />

volunteering activities. For the interns'<br />

concerns about how to become GE<br />

employees, the club arranged a series of<br />

vocational guided courses. In their spare<br />

time, the interns were actively involved in<br />

the club's slogan collection. In the end,<br />

SAIL, by Qiu Zhenni, an intern of GE<br />

Consumer & Industrial from Tongji<br />

University won. In her winning remark,<br />

she said: “The intern experience at GE CTC<br />

is a wonderful starting point of my career,<br />

and the club is a stage where we can<br />

learn, dedicate, share and succeed.”<br />

It was also the sharing of words among all<br />

the interns at GE CTC. Through a series of<br />

activities at the Club, the interns<br />

experienced the excellent corporate<br />

culture and efficient management of GE<br />

by themselves, and generated a better<br />

orientation on their own career plans.<br />

Short as it was, the internship witnessed<br />

the growth and gains of the interns, who<br />

were proud of being in GE where their<br />

dreams started to sail.<br />

HR's comment on CTC Intern Club<br />

We hope the club can provide a good<br />

opportunity for the interns to study<br />

from or communicate with colleagues<br />

from different business groups and<br />

departments, as well as help students<br />

to integrate into working environment<br />

rapidly and obtain promotions by the<br />

greatest degree.<br />

- Helen Huang, HR Manager, CTC<br />

The CTC intern club is a homeland for<br />

interns. In this big family, interns from<br />

each business of CTC can share their<br />

experiences, deepen their friendship<br />

with each other, and know more about<br />

the culture of GE as well as GE exquisite<br />

management through activities<br />

organized by HR.<br />

- Tang Yuxiao, HR Specialist, CTC<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

GE CTC两大年度盛会成功落幕<br />

2007蔡伦学术论坛<br />

2007年9月18日,GE第二届蔡伦学术论坛在中国研发中心<br />

(CTC)成功举办,这也是代表着GE在中国科研领域最高水平<br />

的论坛。此次论坛共吸引了超过420名与会者,通过组织演讲<br />

会和展览,展示了GE最新的先进技术成果,并为GE全球研发中<br />

心(GRC)的广大技术人员与其它集团的员工进行信息交流提<br />

供了绝佳的平台。<br />

GE全球研发中心(上海)总经理王军文首先宣布活动正式开<br />

始。接着,由GE公司副总裁、GE东北亚总裁兼CEO庞德明<br />

(Steve Bertamini)就GE在中国面临的机遇和挑战进行了演<br />

说,具体阐述了即将开展的ICFC(In China for China)项目对技<br />

术的要求。中国研发中心(CTC)总裁陈向力则做了题为“GE<br />

全球技术的发展趋势”(GE Global Technology Trend)的演<br />

讲,并就该题目与在座的科学家和工程师们展开热烈的讨论,<br />

共谋CTC的发展大计。<br />

2007科技节<br />

9月20日,GE 2007科技节在中国研发中心(CTC)成功举办,<br />

GE全球研发中心和10个技术团队共同参与了此次活动。CTC总<br />

裁陈向力宣布2007科技节正式启动,活动首先进行了几个奖项<br />

的颁发仪式,包括CTC的个人成就奖、团队奖,以及两天前在<br />

第二届蔡伦论坛中发表及展览的论文最佳作品奖。<br />

43 LIFE at GE<br />

来自10个集团的技术小组、以及GE全球研发中心、GE医疗在活<br />

动中共同搜集作品参与展出,1000余名CTC员工观看了展览,<br />

他们被其中的作品所深深吸引,并展开热烈的探讨。<br />

为了扩大宣传效果,在活动开始之前,活动的组织者就预先发送<br />

电子邮件给CTC全体员工,向他们介绍技术团队及其负责的项<br />

目。同时,展览期间,GE还对员工进行了关于2007科技节的知<br />

识小测验,许多员工参与其中,优胜者还得到了各种趣味奖品。<br />

奖项及获奖名单:<br />

奖项 获奖者<br />

技术成就奖 Will Li(塑料)<br />

工程成就奖 Lijing Hao(交通运输)<br />

技术团队奖 全球研发中心<br />

工程卓越团队奖 交通运输集团<br />

能源团队影响力奖 医疗集团

GE CTC Major Annual Events<br />

2007 Cailun Symposium<br />

2007 Cailun Symposium was successfully held at GE CTC on September<br />

18 th , 2007. It is GE's highest-level technology meeting in China. The<br />

symposium is a good opportunity to exhibit the latest and the best<br />

technology updates. Through speeches and posters displayed across<br />

GE businesses, it provides an information-exchange platform for GE CTC<br />

technicians and employees in other GE businesses. More than 420<br />

attendees signed in at the meeting.<br />

Kelvin Wang, GM of GRC Shanghai, kicked off the one day event. Steve<br />

Bertamini, President & CEO of GE North East Asia, gave a keynote<br />

speech on GE opportunities and challenges in China and the technology<br />

need for ICFC (In China for China) projects in the future. Chen Xiangli,<br />

President of CTC addressed on GE Global Technology Trend discussing<br />

CTC's development with the scientists and engineers at the event.<br />

2007 TECHfest<br />

2007 TECHfest was successfully held in GE CTC on September 20 th , 2007. GE GRC and 10 business technology teams attended the event.<br />

Kicked off by Xiangli Chen, President of GE CTC, the TECHfest started with a ceremony issuing GE CTC Technology Innovation and<br />

Engineering/Sourcing Excellence Award, and the awards of the Best Paper and Best Exhibit of the second Cailun Symposium held 2 days ago.<br />

Technology teams from 10 GE businesses, GRC and GE Healthcare Beijing and Wuxi showed their impressive collections of technology<br />

projects by exhibit and demos. More than 1,000 GE CTC colleagues attended the show.<br />

Before the event, warm-up emails were sent out to GE CTC introducing the technology teams and their main projects. 2007 TECHfest<br />

Quiz was also sent out during the show and most colleagues answered them and won interesting gifts.<br />

CTC Award<br />

Prize Winner<br />

Technology Achiever Award Will Li from Plastics<br />

Engineering Achiever Award Lijing Hao from Transportation<br />

Technology Team Award GRC Team<br />

Engineering Excellence Team Award Transportation Team<br />

Sourcing Team Impact Award Healthcare Team<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

我的GE 我的奥林匹克<br />

—GE消费和工业产品集团欢庆主题家庭日<br />

2007年9月15日,GE消费和工业产品集团<br />

的600名员工齐聚上海,参加一年一度的<br />

家庭日。为了欢庆家庭日并增强GE大家庭<br />

的凝聚力,公司特意安排了为期一天的迷<br />

你奥林匹克运动会。<br />

此次迷你奥运会主题为“我的GE,我的奥<br />

林匹克”。一场激动人心的火炬接力跑拉<br />

开了整个运动会的序幕。GE消费和工业产品集团大中华区总裁<br />

兼CEO金飞翔(Jim Fisher)点燃了火炬,传递给参加接力跑的<br />

代表。接力跑的最后由GE消费和工业产品集团亚太区总裁兼<br />

CEO戴伟胜(Darryl Wilson)将火炬送上主席台,此时数以百<br />

计的气球一齐升上天空,宣告整个运动会的开幕。<br />

“GE取得今天的成功,不仅仅是我们所有员工努力的成果,更<br />

少不了来自他们家庭的支持。”戴伟胜在发言中首先向参会的<br />

600名员工及其家属致谢,“在此,我要向所有参加到此次运动<br />

会的家属表示我最诚挚的感谢,我们很乐于向大家提供一个欢<br />

聚一堂的机会,希望大家能通过活动了解到更多的GE文化和公<br />

司氛围。参会的每一位将见证我们的承诺和为之所做的努力,<br />

并一起分享我们今天取得的成就所带来的喜悦。2008年,是我<br />

们再接再厉,创造辉煌的一年。GE将兑现承诺,为北京奥运会<br />

做出最大的贡献,请大家与我一起携手,展望我们更加美好的<br />

2008年!”<br />

接着,参加这次运动会的员工被分为四个团队,他们分别是创<br />

想、营造、解决和引领四个主题小组。每个团队成员都热情高<br />

涨,积极参与到了此次运动会中,表现出奋力拼搏的竞争意识<br />

和难能可贵的合作精神。运动会的项目包括“小鸡快跑”和<br />

“三人二脚”,个个趣味十足,让成员们乐在其中。活动的压<br />

轴大戏是诱人的抽奖环节,几乎参会的每一位都得到了奖励。<br />

下午,GE把家庭日的阳光洒向了社会上一些需要关怀的群体。<br />

来自育红中学的学生受邀参加到此次运动会中,GE为他们安排<br />

了许多特别的活动环节。这些长期无法得到父母关爱的孩子<br />

们,在这次活动中感受到了来自GE大家庭的温暖,度过了一段<br />

美好的时光。<br />

45 LIFE at GE

My GE & My Olympics<br />

- GE Consumer & Industrial Celebrates<br />

GE Family Day<br />

On September 15 th , 2007, 600 employees of GE Consumer &<br />

Industrial China gathered in Shanghai for the annual GE Family<br />

Day. To celebrate the event and strengthen the cohesive force<br />

within GE, a full-day mini Olympics was organized by the<br />

company.<br />

The theme of this mini Olympics was My GE, My Olympics. Jim<br />

Fisher, President and CEO of GE C&I Greater China, ignited the<br />

torch and passed it to the torch-relay representative. Darryl<br />

Wilson, President and CEO of GE C&I Asia Pacific, concluded the<br />

relay by placing the torch on the platform and then hundreds of<br />

balloons were released into the sky announcing the<br />

commencement of the mini Olympics.<br />

“The success of the company needs not only the hard work of<br />

every employee, but also the support of their families,” said<br />

Darryl Wilson to the 600 employees and their family members.<br />

“So, thank you, to all the family members who have joined us<br />

today. We are pleased to provide this opportunity for everyone<br />

to gather together to learn more about GE culture and the<br />

company atmosphere while celebrating the commitment, hard<br />

work and accomplishments of our employees. We look forward<br />

to our future achievements in 2008, including our contribution to<br />

the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games!”<br />

After that, the employees were divided into four teams-Imagine,<br />

Build, Solve and Lead. All the members were highly enthusiastic<br />

and participated in the Olympics showing their strong<br />

competitiveness and team spirit. The games included “Chicken<br />

Run” and “Step by Step”, both of which were fun and interesting.<br />

The last but most interesting game was a lottery in which almost<br />

everyone was a winner.<br />

In the afternoon, the celebration was extended to reach out to<br />

the children of Yu Hong Middle School, they were invited to join<br />

the mini Olympics in which special activities were arranged for<br />

them. Although many of them spent time apart from their<br />

parents, at least for one day they were able to enjoy being a<br />

part of the GE family and had a great time.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工天地 Employee Corner<br />

“我要说声谢谢你”<br />

—GE医疗成功举办女工程师乔薇退休暨返聘晚会<br />

2007年9月6日晚,GE医疗在天坛假日酒店<br />

为售后服务部核医学女工程师乔薇举行了一<br />

场隆重的退休暨反聘晚会。领导的祝福、同<br />

事的鲜花,家人的问候……一幕幕温馨感人<br />

的场景历历在目,一句句亲切的问候犹在耳<br />

边。筹备小组为乔薇精心安排的各项环节,<br />

不仅为她14年的GE生涯画上了圆满的句<br />

号,而且为她开启了返聘后工作的新征程。<br />

现场访谈:回忆往昔 展望未来<br />

晚会以对主角乔薇的访谈拉开了序幕,当主持人问及乔薇最难<br />

忘的一件事时,她与大家分享了2002年的一段经历。“1994年<br />

我刚加入GE时,正逢公司在中国发展之初,出现技术问题时只<br />

能向总部申请援助。直至2002年,公司派我到澳大利亚进行技<br />

术支持,不仅证明了公司在中国的发展壮大,更证明了中国核<br />

医学技术实力不断增强、中国工程师团队的技术实力已经得到<br />

了总部的认可,我感到非常骄傲和自豪。虽然我退休了,但我<br />

非常愿意继续回公司工作,继续为中国核医学设备的发展做出<br />

努力,希望公司的明天更加美好!”<br />

领导祝福:完美终点 崭新起点<br />

由于在国外开会未能赶到现场,晚会播放了陈治总裁和售后服<br />

务部黄福荣总经理提前录制的视频祝福,以及来自乔薇历任直<br />

接经理的祝福。陈治高度赞赏乔薇“把GE精神转化为服务客户<br />

的热情,为公司的业务发展做出巨大的贡献”,黄福荣则高度<br />

评价乔薇“对行业、对新加入GE的工程师、对客户都产生了极<br />

大的影响力”。大家用不同的声音传递了对乔薇同样的评价<br />

—拥有丰富的核医学技术经验、对工作高度负责任,为客户<br />

服务任劳任怨、风雨无阻,对晚辈关爱有加、为年轻的工程师<br />

树立做人做事的榜样。陈治更激励乔薇在返聘后,继续保持工<br />

作热情,用宝贵的工作经验帮助公司实现更大的发展。<br />

爱子问候:严母亦慈母<br />

当5年未曾见面、远在加拿大工作的儿子送上了问候,并得知<br />

公司还将赞助来回机票,支持儿子专程回国探望自己时,乔<br />

薇流下了激动的泪水。虽然坦言对儿子太过严厉,自责曾因<br />

47 LIFE at GE<br />

工作忙而疏于对孩子的照顾,但在乔薇闪烁的泪花中,大家<br />

感受到了一名女工程师的不易,更感受到一个母亲对孩子深<br />

深的爱。<br />

切蛋糕:蛋糕飘香 情谊绵长<br />

《在我生命中的每一天》的音乐奏响,此次晚会的主题“我要<br />

说声谢谢你”得到升华。合作团队的代表向心目中“可亲可敬<br />

可爱的乔姐”献上鲜花,并与乔薇共同切开蛋糕。随后,乔薇<br />

接受了公司颁发的返聘证书和一本纪念相册,里面装满了照<br />

片,每一张都是一段在GE的美好回忆。<br />

晚会最后,大家共同举杯,为GE医疗第一个退休女工程师乔薇<br />


“We Want to Say Thank You”<br />

- GE Healthcare Held Retirement & Re-recruitment<br />

Party for Qiao Wei<br />

On the evening of September 6 th , 2007, GE Healthcare held a retirement and re-recruitment party<br />

for Qiao Wei, a female nuclear medicine engineer of GE Healthcare Post Sale Service Department at<br />

the Holiday Inn Temple of Heaven, Beijing. The party, designed by a preparation group, was a<br />

perfect end for Qiao Wei's 14 year career at GE, and also a new beginning of her new job after her<br />

re-recruitment.<br />

Live Talk: Reviewing the Past &<br />

Looking into the Future<br />

The party started with an interview with<br />

Qiao Wei, the protagonist of the night.<br />

When was asked the most unforgettable<br />

memory by the host, she shared with<br />

everybody a special experience of hers in<br />

2002: “When I joined GE in 1994, the<br />

company just began its business in China.<br />

The only one we could call for help if any<br />

technical problems occurred was GE<br />

Global, until 2002 when I was sent to<br />

Australia as a technical support. It proved<br />

that the company was getting bigger in<br />

China, China's nuclear medicine power was<br />

getting stronger, and the Chinese<br />

engineering team was recognized by GE<br />

Global. I am very proud of that. Although<br />

I'm retired, I am very willing to come back<br />

again, to go on contributing to the<br />

development of China's nuclear medicine<br />

equipment, and wish the company an<br />

even brighter future!”<br />

The Leaders' Best Wishes: A Perfect<br />

End & A Brand New Start<br />

Busy at a conference abroad, Chih Chen,<br />

President of GE Healthcare China, and<br />

Huang Furong, Manager of Post Sale<br />

Service, sent their best wishes to Qiao Wei<br />

in a recorded video, which also included<br />

the best wishes of all Qiao Wei's previous<br />

managers. Chih Chen spoke highly of Qiao<br />

Wei: “She has turned GE spirit into a warm<br />

service for customers, and has made<br />

great contributions for the company's<br />

business development.” Huang Furong<br />

said: “She has a huge influence on her<br />

field, new engineers and customers.”<br />

Everyone gave the same comment: an<br />

experienced and responsible nuclear<br />

medicine expert, who works hard for<br />

customers, cares about young colleagues,<br />

and sets an example for them. Chih Chen<br />

also encouraged her to maintain her<br />

enthusiasm for work after her<br />

re-recruitment, and help the company<br />

realize a better development with her<br />

precious experience.<br />

Words from a Son: A Strict & Loving<br />

Mother<br />

Qiao Wei received a message from her<br />

son, who was working in Canada and had<br />

not been able to see his mother for 5<br />

years. When she was informed that the<br />

company would provide a round-trip<br />

ticket for her son to come home, she burst<br />

into tears. She admitted that she had<br />

been too strict with her son, and spent too<br />

little time taking care of him. But with her<br />

tears, everyone could see even with the<br />

toughness of being a female engineer, she<br />

also had a mother's deep love for her son.<br />

Cutting the Cake: A Long Friendship<br />

When the music of “Everyday in My Life”<br />

played, the theme of the party “I Want to<br />

Say Thank You” was elevated. The team<br />

sent flowers to their dear and respectable<br />

Sister Qiao, and shared the cake with her.<br />

After that, Qiao Wei received from the<br />

company a re-recruitment diploma and a<br />

memorial photo album, which was full of<br />

photos of all her beautiful memories at GE.<br />

At the end of the party, everyone raised<br />

their glasses and cheered for Qiao Wei,<br />

the first retired female engineer in GE<br />

Healthcare China, and also for GE's better<br />

tomorrow.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


员工健康 Your Health<br />

49 LIFE at GE<br />

GE中国“创建无烟环境,享受<br />

健康生活”知识竞赛圆满结束<br />

2007年8月3日,GE中国“创建无烟环<br />

境,享受健康生活”知识竞赛圆满结束。<br />

随后一等奖获得者的颁奖仪式分别在上海<br />

和杭州举行。8月23日,GE照明中国制造<br />

厂经理赵军为上海地区一等奖获得者GE<br />

照明中国制造厂的陆华青颁奖。8月29<br />

日,杭州地区一等奖获得者李步阳也获得<br />

了由GE亚洲水电设备有限公司生产部经<br />

理孙旭勇颁发的奖状和奖品。<br />

“创建无烟环境,享受健康生活”知识竞<br />

赛是GE中国健康数字项目系列活动的第<br />

二期。众所周知,吸烟不仅对吸烟者本人<br />

的健康有害,而且还会影响其周围人的健<br />

康。烟草烟雾中大约有4000种有害化学<br />

物质;其中50多种已知可引起癌症。接<br />

触二手烟雾会造成心脏病和多种严重的呼<br />

吸道和心血管疾病,可导致成人过早死<br />

亡。为了创建无烟的工作环境,提倡健康<br />

的生活方式,帮助员工戒烟,减少因吸烟<br />

而导致的疾病和过早死亡的风险,GE中<br />

国医疗服务部开展了这次以知识竞赛为形<br />

式的戒烟知识宣传活动。<br />

无烟环境关系到每一个人的健康,所以本<br />

次活动得到了员工的高度支持和广泛参<br />

与。从7月23日到8月3日短短两个星期的<br />

时间内,共有1435名员工登陆竞赛网站<br />

完成了测试,占GE中国总员工人数的<br />

11.4%。其中868名参赛者获得满分,达<br />

GE中国“创建无烟环境 享受健康生活”竞赛获奖名单<br />

总参赛人数的60.5%。员工参与率最高的<br />

业务集团依次为:GE China Corporate<br />

25%,GE Money 20.3%,GE能源19%。<br />

最后,18位员工通过幸运抽奖成为最终<br />

获奖者。<br />

颁奖典礼上,GE中国健康服务部负责人<br />

祝贺所有获奖员工,并对员工的积极参与<br />

表示感谢。同时鼓励参加比赛但未获奖的<br />

员工不要气馁,GE中国健康数字项目随<br />

后还将开展以“健康饮食,快乐生活”为<br />

主题的有奖知识竞赛活动,希望大家继续<br />

参与,赢得奖品。健康在于你的选择。<br />

GE希望广大员工积极参与活动,选择健<br />

康的生活方式,享受幸福而快乐的生活。<br />

奖项 姓名 SSO 集团<br />

一等奖 陆华青 309000038 GE消费与工业产品<br />

李步阳 300004798 GE能源<br />

二等奖 李德新 300006829 GE能源<br />

苏翔 305016998 GE医疗<br />

王强 307002866 GE航空<br />

许火健 312001298 GE水处理<br />

郑慧颖 300003435 GE石油和天然气<br />

朱文侃 305014954 GE医疗<br />

三等奖 陈珏 300005342 GE能源<br />

刘澄 324012277 GE消费者金融<br />

刘嘉顺 312003010 GE安防<br />

乔凤霞 305014034 GE医疗<br />

郑雪 501495374 GE中国<br />

邹庆华 305014629 GE医疗<br />

卢道明 300005721 GE能源<br />

傅 300006655 GE能源<br />

张丽华 501347543 GE医疗<br />

孙永昊 300004998 GE能源

GE China “No Smoking and<br />

Be Healthy” Quiz<br />

On August 3 rd , 2007, GE China “No<br />

Smoking and Be Healthy” quiz came to an<br />

end. The award ceremonies were held in<br />

both Shanghai and Hangzhou. On August<br />

23 rd , Zhao Jun, Manufacturing Manager of<br />

GE Lighting China, gave the first prize to Lu<br />

Huaqing, who was the winner in Shanghai<br />

and also from GE Lighting China. On<br />

August 29 th , Li Buyang, the first prize<br />

winner in Hangzhou, received his<br />

certificate and awards from Sun Xuyong,<br />

Manufacturing Manager of Supply Chain<br />

GE Hydro Asia.<br />

This quiz competition was the second part<br />

of series of activities of GE China HBN<br />

programs. As we all know, smoking harms<br />

the smokers themselves, as well as people<br />

around them. There are about 4,000<br />

harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, and<br />

over 50 of them can cause cancer.<br />

Second-hand smoke can cause heart<br />

attacks and serious respiratory diseases<br />

of various kinds, as well as early death. To<br />

create a non-smoking working<br />

environment, promote a healthy lifestyle<br />

by helping the employees quit smoking,<br />

and reduce the risk of diseases and an<br />

early death caused by smoking, GE China<br />

Medical Service launched this nationwide<br />

campaign.<br />

A non-smoking environment concerns<br />

everyone's health, so this activity won<br />

strong support and active participation<br />

from the employees. During the two weeks<br />

from July 23 rd to August 3 rd , 2007, 1,435<br />

employees, 11.4% of the total employees<br />

of GE China, participated in the<br />

competition via website and took the test,<br />

among which 868 employees, 60.5% of<br />

the total participants, got full scores. The<br />

GE China "No Smoking and Be Healthy" Quiz Award List<br />

businesses with the highest participation<br />

rates were, in sequence, GE China<br />

Corporate with 25%, GE Money with<br />

20.3% and GE Energy with 19%. In the<br />

end, by drawing, 18 employees became<br />

the final winners.<br />

At the award ceremony, leaders of GE<br />

China Medical Service congratulated all<br />

the winning employees, and appreciated<br />

their active participation. Meanwhile, they<br />

encouraged the employees without<br />

awards not to give up, because another<br />

quiz competition on “Eat Healthy & Live<br />

Happy” was already on the way. They<br />

hoped that these employees would<br />

continue to participate and win the<br />

awards. Health is a matter of choice. GE<br />

hopes that its employees would choose a<br />

healthy lifestyle and enjoy a happy life.<br />

Prize English Name SSO Business<br />

1st Place Lu Huaqing 309000038 GE Consumer & Industrial<br />

Li Buyang 300004798 GE Energy<br />

2nd Place Li Dexin 300006829 GE Energy<br />

Su Xiang 305016998 GE Healthcare<br />

Wang Qiang 307002866 GE Infrastructure Aviation Engineering<br />

Kent Hsu 312001298 GE Infrastructure Water & Process Technologies<br />

Zheng Huiying 300003435 GE Oil & Gas<br />

Zhu Wenkan 305014954 GE Healthcare<br />

3rd Place Judy Chen 300005342 GE Energy<br />

Liu Cheng 324012277 GE Money<br />

Richard Liu 312003010 GE Security<br />

Qiao Fengxia 305014034 GE Healthcare<br />

Sherry Zheng 501495374 GE Corporate<br />

Vincent Chow 305014629 GE Healthcare<br />

Lu Daoming 300005721 GE Energy<br />

Fu Fang 300006655 GE Energy<br />

Zhang Lihua 501347543 GE Healthcare<br />

Sun Yonghao 300004998 GE Energy<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


诚信与你 Compliance and you<br />

关于合理使用GE信息资源的指南<br />

GE需要您的合作!使用电子邮件和互联网是GE拓展中国区业务的重要方式,而关于公司、客户、雇员、供应<br />

商的信息则是GE的贵重资产,所以保护GE的信息资源是每一位员工的职责。<br />

以下是最新设计的关于合理使用GE信息资源的指南,将帮助您明确自己的责任。<br />

• 通读了解并遵守本指南的内容,您也可以登陆Security.ge.com<br />

阅读电子版。如果您还有任何疑问,请求助企业信息安全及<br />

隐私保护部门的主管。<br />

• GE信息包括公司收集或创造的所有信息,从客户、雇员、供<br />

应商处收集的个人数据,以及在知识产权、公司财务数据等<br />

业务处理过程中创造的信息都隶属于公司信息的范畴。GE的<br />

信息使用仅适用于合法商业用途,并应与收集创造该信息的<br />

初始目的保持一致。<br />

• 当资源丢失或者信息遭破坏时,您有责任立即上报。及时的<br />

通知是必要的,这样公司或企业应急小组才能找出相关责任<br />

人并采取弥补行动。请与您的IT安全部门主管联系,或者按照<br />

Security.ge.com上的说明进行处理。<br />

• GE仅为从事与工作相关的合法活动的雇员提供信息和交流资<br />

源。有些企业可能会临时允许雇员为个人用途使用电子邮件<br />

和互联网,但是必须在合理的范畴内。这种合理用途不包括<br />

访问或下载影像、音乐和不当信息,或使用GE的资源从事与<br />

公司业务无关的活动。请务必确保您已经知晓并遵守了企业<br />

制定的具体政策。<br />

• 当您在使用公司的电子资源时,您代表GE。所以每次当您访<br />

问网站、发送电子邮件、或发布职业信息时,请记住保留<br />

电子记录。同时,您不应该浏览或传播有非法、差别对<br />

51 LIFE at GE<br />

待、淫秽、种族主义、暴力等内容的各种不当资料(包括<br />

与公平就业政策背道而驰的资料)。请确保您在更新博客<br />

或通过网络发贴时没有过激观点。同时,您的言论应对GE<br />

的雇员、客户、合作伙伴及竞争对手保持尊重。请确保您<br />

站在GE的官方立场上。<br />

• 不要与他人共享受版权保护的资料,包括音乐、图像、录影<br />

或杂志。通过信息资源下载或发送受著作权保护的资料,可<br />

能会侵犯版权持有人的权利,也可能导致版权持有人追究您<br />

和GE共同的民事责任或法律责任。严禁各种违法占有版权资<br />

料的行为。<br />

• 应小心处理您所收到的电子邮件。尽量不要打开那些陌生发<br />

送者发来的可疑信件及其附件。<br />

• 可移动媒体(如记忆棒以及其它便携式存储设备)在给人们<br />

带来便利的同时,让信息面临严重的信息安全隐患,因为这<br />

些信息极易丢失。为此,许多企业都禁止使用这些便携式存<br />

储设备。请不要将GE机密、受限及敏感信息或数据复制到便<br />

携式存储设备。<br />

上述内容共同反映了一个信息:使用和处理GE信息资源时,一<br />

定要遵循上述关于合理使用GE信息资源的指南。否则,可能造<br />

成非常严重的后果。信息安全对GE而言至关重要,需要您的配<br />


The Acceptable Use of GE<br />

Information Resources<br />

GE needs your help! The use of GE information resources like<br />

emails and the Internet is critical to expand GE businesses<br />

across GE Greater China, and information about our company,<br />

our customers, our employees and our suppliers is one of GE's<br />

most valuable assets. Therefore protecting GE information and<br />

GE information resources is a job for all GE employees.<br />

The following is the new acceptable use of GE information<br />

resources guidelines designed to help you understand your<br />

responsibilities in using and protecting GE information and GE<br />

information resources.<br />

• Read, understand and comply with The Acceptable Use of GE<br />

Information Resources guidelines. You can find a copy of the<br />

guidelines at Security.ge.com. If you have any questions or<br />

concerns about your business Information Security, Privacy or<br />

Compliance Leaders are ready to help you.<br />

• GE Information includes all information that is collected or<br />

created by the Company - for example, personal data<br />

collected from customers, employees or suppliers, as well as<br />

information GE creates in its business processes, such as<br />

intellectual property and Company financial data. GE<br />

Information should only be used for legitimate business<br />

purposes, in a manner consistent with the purpose for which<br />

the information was initially collected or created.<br />

• You have a responsibility to report any loss of resources or<br />

information breaches, immediately. Prompt notification of a<br />

breach is necessary for the Corporate and business response<br />

teams to notify appropriate process owners, and take<br />

abatement actions. Please contact your IT Security Leader or<br />

follow the reporting process at Security.ge.com.<br />

• GE provides information and communication resources to<br />

employees for legitimate work-related activities only. While<br />

many businesses allow occasional use of emails or the<br />

Internet for personal reasons, employees should keep<br />

non-business use at reasonable levels. Reasonable use does<br />

not include accessing or downloading videos, music,<br />

inappropriate materials or using GE resources to engage in<br />

non-GE business activities. Make sure you know and follow the<br />

specific policy adopted by your business.<br />

• You represent GE when you use the Company's electronic<br />

resources. Keep in mind that you leave an electronic record<br />

that points to GE whenever you access sites on the Internet,<br />

send an email, or post information online. You should never<br />

access or transmit materials that are illegal, discriminatory,<br />

obscene, sexually explicit, racist, violent, or otherwise<br />

inappropriate (including materials inconsistent with the Fair<br />

Employment Practices Policy). And make sure you exercise<br />

good judgment when blogging or posting on the Internet or<br />

through any electronic means. Be respectful of GE, its offices,<br />

employees, customers, partners and competitors. Others may<br />

believe your perspective to be an official GE position or<br />

opinion.<br />

• Do not share copyrighted materials, including music, images,<br />

videos, or magazines. Downloading or sending copyrighted<br />

materials through GE information resources may infringe the<br />

rights of the copyright holder and expose both you and GE to<br />

civil and criminal liability. Possession of copyright-infringing<br />

materials on GE information resources is prohibited.<br />

• Be careful about how you handle unsolicited emails. Try not to<br />

open suspicious attachments or emails from senders that you<br />

do not recognize.<br />

• While removable media (like memory sticks and other portable<br />

storage devices) can be very useful, they pose a serious<br />

security risk, as they are easy to lose and often carry no<br />

built-in security. Because of this, a number of businesses<br />

prohibit use of portable storage devices and many others<br />

regulate it. Do not copy GE confidential, restricted or sensitive<br />

information or data to a portable storage device.<br />

The above guidelines really add up to only one message: follow<br />

the Acceptable Use of GE Information Resources guidelines and<br />

exercise your best judgment while using GE resources or<br />

handling GE information. The consequences for not doing so can<br />

be severe. Information security is important for GE, and we need<br />

your cooperation on that matter. Thanks for your help.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

爱心满社区<br />

—GE欢庆“全球社区日”系列活动<br />

GE志愿者“全球社区日”系列活动,GE中国各大业务部门积极响应,遍及全国各地的志愿者携起手来,深<br />

入社区,开展了一系列形式多样的活动,用行动传达了GE服务社区、关爱社会的奉献精神。<br />

Reach out to Our Community<br />

- Series Report on GE Global Community Day<br />

To celebrate the 2007 GE Global Community Day, GE businesses were very busy. Their volunteers across China<br />

went to communities and held diversified activities demonstrating GE spirit of serving communities and caring<br />

for society.<br />

GE安防携手GE Money走访南阳学校<br />

2007年6月15日,GE安防与GE Money的60多名志愿者来到上海<br />

市静安区南阳学校,与这里的孩子们一起为特奥会运动项目的<br />

图标着色,并开展了一个小小特奥会,共同迎接10月即将在上<br />

海举办的2007年世界夏季特殊奥运会。<br />

GE安防亚太区总裁唐泰俐(Tammee Thompson)和GE Money<br />

财务总监Gilbert Niwa首先为此次活动做了一个意味深长的开<br />

场白,并且代表GE向学校赠送40盒蜡笔、60包棒棒糖等作为<br />

给孩子们的礼物,南阳学校的学生们则回赠了他们自制的小手<br />

工艺品。<br />

志愿者与孩子们很快就打成一片,手牵着手走进教室,开始为<br />

特奥运动项目的图标着色。在GE志愿者们的帮助下,一幅幅颜<br />

色鲜艳、搭配和谐的作品在孩子们的小手下诞生了。作画过程<br />

中,孩子们专心致志、聚精会神的神情,打动了身旁的哥哥姐<br />

姐。“我们可以在学生身上学到很多,”一位志愿者说道,<br />

“和常人相比,画画对他们来说并不是件容易的事情,但他们<br />

53 LIFE at GE<br />

从来没有因一点小挫折而发脾气或是放弃,相反,他们选择了<br />

坚持,直至完成。”<br />

画作完成后,志愿者与孩子们来到学校的操场上,进行了一场<br />

小小特奥会。比赛项目是将呼啦圈和实心球运送到操场另一<br />

边。“加油!加油!”志愿者和孩子们自发组成啦啦队,为比<br />

赛高声呐喊。由48人所组成的两支队伍,在起跑线上蓄势待<br />

发。这是一场特殊的比赛,参与比获胜更重要,它超越了传统<br />

赛事的你追我赶。来自两队的志愿者和孩子不分敌我,反而给<br />

予对手最大的帮助。“让我来帮你一把,抓住我的手!”候补<br />

队员们纷纷上场,推的推,拉得拉,顺利地把每位选手送到了<br />

终点。<br />

相聚的时光总是短暂,离别的一刻悄然而至,志愿者与孩子们<br />

依依不舍地告别。“他们把我们当作自己的哥哥姐姐来看,我<br />

们可不能让他们失望,志愿者的承诺不是一天,而是一生。”<br />


GE Security and GE Money visited Shanghai Nanyang<br />

Special Education School<br />

On June 15 th , 2007, about 60 volunteers from GE Security<br />

and GE Money went to Shanghai Nanyang Special<br />

Education School, where they painted the Special<br />

Olympics Game Logos and had a mini Olympics with the<br />

students there to celebrate the 2007 Shanghai Special<br />

Olympic Games.<br />

Tammee Thompson, President of GE Security Asia, and<br />

Gilbert Niwa, CFO of GE Money China gave the opening<br />

remarks and donated 40 boxes of crayons and 60 bags of<br />

snacks to the school on behalf of GE. The students<br />

donated their craftwork to GE employees in return.<br />

The volunteers and the students were soon familiar with<br />

each other and walked into the classroom hand in hand to<br />

paint the Special Olympic Games Logos. With the<br />

volunteers' help, colorful pictures were soon created by<br />

these little artists. The students touched all the volunteers<br />

with their intense focus and concentration. “We can learn<br />

a lot from these children,” said one of the volunteers,<br />

“Painting has not been easy for them, but they never lose<br />

their temper or give up. On the contrary, they persist until<br />

the job is done.”<br />

After that, the volunteers and the students went to the<br />

playground and had a mini Special Olympic Games, which<br />

required the players to pass the ball and hula-hoops to<br />

the other side of the playground. “Come on! Come on!”<br />

Some volunteers and students formed a cheerleaders and<br />

cheered for the players. Soon, 2 teams of 48 volunteers<br />

and students were already at the starting line like the<br />

arrow on the full bow. It was a special game, and the<br />

participation was more important than the victory. There<br />

was no you or me, but a whole team. “Let me help you!<br />

Take my hand!” The bench players couldn't help pushing<br />

or pulling the players to the destination.<br />

The happy hour was always short, and soon it was time<br />

to say goodbye. “They regard us as their brothers and<br />

sisters, so we cannot let them down. Volunteers' promises<br />

are not for one day, but for a whole life.” They will come<br />

back again to see these little angels.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

GE Money社区服务系列活动<br />

香港<br />

2007年7月7日,GE Money香港志愿者举办了一次以关<br />

爱社区老人为主题的活动,庆祝“GE全球社区日”。来<br />

自GE的40多名志愿者携同他们的亲友,将200位老人接<br />

至铜锣湾警官俱乐部,并与他们共进午餐,一同享用美<br />

味的粤式点心。此次活动不仅让老人们对生活在同一社<br />

区的邻居有了更深入的了解,而且也让他们认识了不少<br />

志同道合的新朋友。<br />

活动中还穿插了不少趣味游戏,并为获胜老人准备了超<br />

市礼券、电风扇等40多份奖品。欢乐融洽的氛围感染了<br />

在场的每一个人,老人们个个激情洋溢、活力四射,仿<br />

佛一下子年轻了许多。<br />

此次活动是GE Money与香港基督教服务处联合举办<br />

的。六年来,双方曾多次合作,开展各种社区服务项<br />

目,以多种多样的方式回馈社区。<br />

55 LIFE at GE<br />

北京<br />

2007年7月23日,GE Money北京的12名志愿者来到顺义区孤儿<br />

院,看望这里纯真可爱的孩子们,并为他们送去了大量图书、<br />

食用油和大米等礼物。<br />

孩子们对于志愿者的到来感到非常兴奋,他们热情地领着志愿<br />

者们参观自己从小生长的孤儿院,从上课的教室到生活的宿<br />

舍,尽管都是那么的狭小与简陋,但每一处角落都收拾得一尘<br />

不染。参观结束后,孩子们与志愿者围坐一处,苏航与孩子们<br />

分享了几个有趣的成长故事,接着张岩又讲了一个关于爱迪生<br />

的小故事。最后,“GE全球社区日”的活动就在孩子们演奏小提<br />

琴的悠扬乐声和用手语进行的精彩表演中圆满结束。<br />

深圳<br />

2007年7月20日,GE Money深圳志愿者来到南山区福利院开展<br />

活动,庆祝“GE全球社区日。”志愿者们带着这里的8位残疾<br />

老人来到刚刚开通的深港跨海建设工程—深港西部大桥,进<br />

行参观游览。<br />

七月流火,志愿者们在烈日下挥汗如雨,但大家都没有一句怨<br />

言,小伙子们还自告奋勇地帮助坐轮椅的老人安全上下汽车。<br />

一路上,GE Money的志愿者充当起了导游,由于事先做了充<br />

分的准备,他们滔滔不绝地向老人们介绍了西部通道的历史,<br />

以及它在建设过程中发生的趣闻故事,绘声绘色的讲述让老人<br />

们听得津津有味。整个参观的过程进行得充实而愉快,志愿者<br />

们无微不至的照顾和他们无私奉献的精神让老人们深受感动,<br />


GE Money Community Services<br />

Hong Kong<br />

On July 7 th , 2007, to celebrate the 2007 GE Global<br />

Community Day, about 40 volunteers from GE Money<br />

HK office, together with their families and friends,<br />

took 200 elderly people to the Causeway Bay Police<br />

Officer Club for lunch and enjoyed some delicious<br />

Hong Kong-flavor snacks together. Through this<br />

activity, the elderly became more familiar with their<br />

neighbors and made many new friends.<br />

The activity also included some interesting games,<br />

and the winning elders received more than 40 kinds<br />

of awards, including cash coupons for supermarkets<br />

and electric fans. The happy and close environment<br />

touched everyone, and all of the elderly were excited<br />

and energetic as if they were young again.<br />

The activity was co-hosted by GE Money and Hong<br />

Kong Christian Service (HKCS). They have been in a<br />

partnership for over 6 years and have held<br />

community service programs of various kinds.<br />

Shenzhen<br />

On July 20 th , 2007, GE Money China volunteers of<br />

Shenzhen office celebrated the 2007 GE Global<br />

Community Day by bringing 8 disabled elderly people<br />

from the Nanshan Welfare Center to the newly<br />

completed Shenzhen-Hong Kong cross boarder<br />

construction-the Western Corridor.<br />

Wiping sweat under the fierce sun of July, the<br />

volunteers did not complain a word. Many male<br />

colleagues, the main labor source, tried to help the<br />

elderly in wheelchairs get on and off the bus. Well<br />

prepared before the tour, the volunteers were able to<br />

be tour guides on the way by telling stories about the<br />

Western Corridor and anecdotes about its<br />

construction, which the elderly enjoyed a lot.The<br />

whole trip was full and pleasant. All of the elderly<br />

were very moved by the care and volunteerism spirit<br />

of the employees, and the smile on the their faces<br />

was the best gift for the volunteers’ great efforts.<br />

Beijing<br />

On July 23 rd , 2007, 12 volunteers from GE Money China Beijing<br />

office arrived at the Shunyi Orphanage with plenty of books,<br />

cooking oil and rice to donate to the orphans there.<br />

Very excited about the volunteers' visit, the orphans led the<br />

volunteers to see their classrooms and dorm, which were kept<br />

spotless, although very small and simple. After that, Su Huang<br />

shared with them some interesting and inspiring stories about<br />

growing-up, followed by a story about Edison by Zhang Yan. The<br />

GE Global Community Day ended in a lovely sweet tone with the<br />

kids playing violins and performing sign language to express<br />

their gratitude to GE volunteers.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

GE传感与检测志愿者走访烛光小学<br />

GE Sensing & IT Volunteers Zhuguang Migrant<br />

School Visit<br />

“他们是一群特殊的孩子—小小年纪就跟着父母离<br />

乡背井,来到竞争激烈的大城市,过早地承受了一些<br />

现实的挫折和重担。”在简短的开幕和捐赠仪式上,<br />

黄克强说道:“陌生的环境,陌生的人和生活习惯,<br />

父母忙于工作,身边又少有朋友倾述……这些都可能<br />

对孩子的成长产生不利的影响。”<br />

仪式之后,志愿者们分组行动起来。粉刷组拿起工<br />

具,美化一间图书室。不一会儿,刚才还是四壁空空<br />

的白色墙面就添了不少栩栩如生的卡通形象,图书室<br />

里一下子变得充满了生机和活力。与此同时,教学组<br />

的志愿者们则拿起粉笔,当起了“孩子王”。“10<br />

万个为什么”、“少儿安全,环境与健康”、“奥运之<br />

梦”和“趣味英语”四个特色主题让孩子们听得津津<br />

有味。<br />

3个多小时转瞬即逝,志愿者和烛光小学的师生们依<br />

依惜别。看着孩子们不舍的眼神,面对已经焕然一<br />

新,但是仍然空空如也的图书室,志愿者们在心里许<br />

下了承诺:一定会再来这里!<br />

57 LIFE at GE<br />

2007年6月15日下午,GE传感与检测的53名志愿者在大中<br />

华区总裁黄克强(Albert Wong)的带领下,来到上海市<br />

闵行区的一所民工子弟小学—烛光小学,开展了一次<br />

GE“全球社区日—大手牵小手”特别活动,为那里的<br />

孩子们送去了物质上的资助和精神上的鼓舞。<br />

On the afternoon of June 15 th , 2007, led by Greater China<br />

President Albert Wong, 53 volunteers from Sensing & IT,<br />

went to Zhuguang Migrant School in Minhang District of<br />

Shanghai with donations and spiritual encouragement, to<br />

celebrate the 2007 GE Global Community Day.<br />

“There is a special group of kids, who had to leave their hometown in<br />

childhood with parents, they got an early taste of the bitterness of life and<br />

the daily struggle for survival,” said Albert Wong at the short donatation<br />

ceremony, “Strange environment, different communities and cultures,<br />

busy working parents, no friends to talk to…All these factors could have<br />

negative impacts on the children's growth.”<br />

After the ceremony, the volunteers were divided into groups. The painting<br />

group's job was to paint and beautify a library room. Soon, many lifelike<br />

cartoons were added onto the empty white walls, and the library room<br />

was full of vigor and vitality. In the meantime, the teaching group was<br />

assigned to four classrooms with their prepared topics: “One Hundred<br />

Thousand Why”, “Children EHS”, “Olympics” and “Fun English”.<br />

3 hours slipped by very quickly, and the volunteers and the children had<br />

to say goodbye to each other. Looking at the beloved children, facing this<br />

newly-painted but still empty library room, all the volunteers made the<br />

same promise that they would definitely come back!

GE Corporate志愿者带领烛光小学学生参观长风海底世界<br />

GE Corporate Volunteers Summer Outing with Zhuguang<br />

Migrant School Students<br />

2007年7月23日,GE Corporate的40余名志愿者带领上海<br />

烛光小学的58名小学生前往长风海洋乐园,共同度过了<br />

一个难忘的激情夏日。这也是为了庆祝GE“全球社区<br />

日”而举办的系列活动之一,旨在吸引越来越多的志愿者<br />

投身社区建设,用真诚与无私的奉献精神向人们传递GE<br />

对社会的关爱。<br />

在长风海底世界,孩子们第一次近距离地观赏五彩斑斓的<br />

海鱼、温顺听话的大海龟以及性情凶猛的鲨鱼。形形色色<br />

的海洋动物勾起了孩子们强烈的好奇心与求知欲,身边的<br />

志愿者们耐心地解答了孩子们提出的所有问题,向他们传<br />

授了不少有关海洋生物的知识。参观完水族馆,志愿者还<br />

陪伴孩子们一起观看了精彩的海豚表演,小海豚机灵可<br />

爱,它们施展一个又一个绝技,赢得了台下观众经久不息<br />

的掌声。<br />

长风海洋乐园一行,给每一位参与者都留下了美好的印<br />

象。正是在志愿者们的深切关心与热情相助下,孩子们拥<br />

有了一段美好时光,不仅见识了奥妙无穷的海洋世界,而<br />

且获得了丰富的知识。志愿者们用爱心燃亮了点点烛光,<br />

照亮孩子们前行的道路。<br />

On July 23 rd , 2007, over 40 GE Corporate<br />

volunteers came back to Shanghai Zhuguang<br />

Primary School, took 58 students to Changfeng<br />

Ocean Aquarium for a happy summer outing. It<br />

was also one of a series of celebration activities<br />

for the 2007 GE Global Community Day, which<br />

means to attract more and more volunteers to<br />

devote themselves to the communities, and<br />

express GE care for the society through its<br />

sincere and selfless volunteerism.<br />

As planned, the volunteers took the students to<br />

their dream place-Changfen Ocean Aquarium,<br />

to experience the endless joy of the ocean<br />

world. For the first time in their lives, the<br />

students were able to see splendid sea fish, big<br />

docile turtles and huge feral sharks within such<br />

a short distance. Various marine animals<br />

aroused the students' curiosity, and the<br />

volunteers were happy to be the kids' guides by<br />

teaching them a lot about marine animals. After<br />

the aquarium visit, the volunteers also took the<br />

students to watch a dolphin performance. The<br />

little dolphins were very cute and smart winning<br />

lots of claps from the audience by their<br />

excellent performance.<br />

The Changfeng Ocean Aquarium visit impressed<br />

every participant. It was the volunteers' care<br />

and help that enabled the students to have a<br />

good time. They not only saw the charming<br />

ocean world, but also learned a lot as well. The<br />

candlelight lit by the volunteers' love will<br />

definitely light these children's future.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

GE消费与工业产品集团志愿者探访广慈福利院<br />

2007年7月14日,对于上海广慈残疾儿童福利院的小朋友们来说,不亚于一<br />

个快乐节日。因为在这天,57名来自GE消费与工业产品集团的哥哥姐姐、叔<br />

叔阿姨们怀着关爱之心走进了他们的世界。<br />

上午10点,志愿者们终于抵达了此行的目的地—位于上海市奉贤郊区的广<br />

慈福利院。刚放下手中的行李,志愿者顾不上休息,就按照原定的小组分<br />

工,开始为福利院的小朋友们服务。而后,志愿者代表向福利院捐赠了由GE<br />

志愿者组织提供的常备药品、夏季日常洗化用品以及小朋友们最爱的糖果、<br />

玩具等物。<br />

午餐后,志愿者和小朋友们手拉手坐上了开往热带风暴水上乐园的巴士。在<br />

儿童乐园,志愿者们与孩子一起戏水、游泳……尽管这些小朋友中,有的口<br />

齿不太清楚,有的眼睛看不见,有的腿脚行动不便,但当他们在游泳池中尽<br />

情嬉戏时,那一张张小脸上写着的不再是“痛苦”与“无助”,而是“快<br />

乐”与“幸福”。<br />

对于这些残疾儿童而言,志愿者们伸出的温暖双手,托起了他们心中的希<br />

望。虽然活动已经结束了,但志愿者们纷纷表示他们和孩子建立起来的感情<br />

不会就此中止,志愿者奉献爱心的行动也不会有结束的一天。<br />

GE C&I Volunteers' Visit to Guangci Children Welfare Center<br />

July 14 th was a happy holiday for the children in Shanghai<br />

Guangci Children Welfare Center, since 57 volunteers from GE<br />

C&I walked into those children's world on that day.<br />

At 10 am, the volunteers finally arrived at the center. They<br />

started to do the job as soon as they unloaded their packages.<br />

Then, the representatives of the volunteers donated to the<br />

center medicines, daily necessities, and the children's favorite<br />

candies and toys.<br />

After lunch, the volunteers and the children went to the Bino<br />

Beach by bus. The children rushed into the park as soon as they<br />

59 LIFE at GE<br />

arrived. In the park, they played water and swam together.<br />

Although some of the children were either inarticulate, blind, or<br />

handicap, they still had a great time in the swimming pool.<br />

For these handicapped children, the volunteers' helping hands<br />

raised their hopes. Although the event was over, the employees<br />

all said that the rapport relation they had established with those<br />

children would continue and the volunteer loving activity would<br />

never end.

GE北京志愿者美化廊坊福利院<br />

京城九月,秋高气爽。2007年9月8日,来自GE北京<br />

各个业务集团的56名志愿者前往廊坊福利院,为20多<br />

名残疾孤儿的住所粉刷墙壁、美化环境。<br />

志愿者们为此次活动做好了充分准备。事先的准备使<br />

当天的活动进展得十分顺畅。一个半小时后,志愿者<br />

们就已经拎着油漆和毛刷,集合在福利院的小院里,<br />

分组布置任务了。简单培训之后,志愿者们立刻以专<br />

业的姿态投入工作。有的踩着桌子仰着脖子描一只孔<br />

雀,有的盘腿席地而坐给一只卡通老虎上色,有的兴<br />

冲冲宣布自己发现了一种画花瓣的方法又快又印象<br />

派,还有的捶胸顿足懊恼自己一不留神滴下一滴黑漆<br />

在一条彩色的鱼身上……志愿者们用自己的双手将一<br />

个个新奇的创意变成了墙上形象生动的图画,大家干<br />

得热火朝天、不亦乐乎。<br />

一个十多岁的小男孩兴致勃勃地观看了志愿者们的工<br />

作场面。他告诉志愿者这间房间是他的宿舍,自己很<br />

喜欢这些好看的画儿,希望明天油漆干了就能搬回来<br />

住进这个漂亮的房间里。孩子的夸奖让志愿者们心里<br />

美滋滋的,疲惫顿时消失得无影无踪。<br />

下午四点,粉刷任务全部完成,看着自己用双手绘制<br />

的杰作,想到今后孩子们就要在全新的环境下生活,<br />

每个志愿者的心中都洋溢着幸福的感觉。<br />

GE Beijing Volunteers Visited<br />

Langfang Orphanage<br />

On September 8 th , 2007, 56 volunteers from GE Beijing offices brought<br />

their care to Langfang Orphanage by painting the bedrooms for over<br />

20 disabled orphans there.<br />

The volunteers made perfect preparations that made the whole<br />

process smooth. After a short training, the volunteers set to work like<br />

professionals. Some stood on the table drawing a peacock, some<br />

crossed their legs on the ground painting a cartoon tiger, some<br />

claimed to have found the shortcut of impressionism for petals and<br />

some blamed themselves for dropping a black spot on a colored fish<br />

by accident…The volunteers turned their fanciful imagination into vivid<br />

pictures on the wall with their own hands, happily and<br />

enthusiastically.<br />

A 10-year-old boy watched the volunteers working with interest, and<br />

told them that the one they were painting was his bedroom. He loved<br />

the beautiful pictures, and hoped to return the next day when the<br />

paint was dry. The boy's compliment sweetened the volunteers'<br />

hearts, and their daylong exhaustion disappeared right away.<br />

At 4 pm, the task was finally completed. Looking at their own<br />

masterpieces. Imaging the children would be living in this brand new<br />

environment, the volunteers were overwhelmed with joy.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

GE运输系统集团志愿者走访社区活动<br />

GE Transportation Volunteer<br />

Community Service<br />

探访仁爱敬老院<br />

2007年7月27日,16名来自GE运输系统集团的志<br />

愿者前往北京市丰台区仁爱敬老院,与居住在那<br />

里的老人共同度过了一个温馨的下午。<br />

志愿者们刚刚抵达目的地,顾不上歇歇脚、喝口<br />

水,就开始劳作起来。大家齐心协力,帮助清扫<br />

老人们住的房间。两个小时后,房间已经变得整<br />

洁干净。打扫工作完成后,志愿者们又与老人们<br />

开展了有趣的活动,他们和老人开起了歌会和故<br />

事会,整个过程充满了欢声笑语。此次活动,志<br />

愿者们还为老人带去了茶叶、牛奶、糖果等食品<br />

作为见面礼,老人们也回赠了自制的绢花,以表<br />

达他们对志愿者辛勤劳作的感激之情。<br />

无论是对仁爱敬老院的老人们来说,还是对GE志<br />

愿者来说,这一天都是一个难忘的日子。所有的<br />

参与者一致认为活动非常有意义,通过帮助他<br />

人,让GE有机会回馈社区、回报社会。<br />

61 LIFE at GE<br />

Ren'ai Rest Home Visit<br />

On July 27 th , 2007, 16 GE volunteers of Beijing office visited Beijing Ren'ai Rest<br />

Home and spent a whole afternoon with the elderly there.<br />

The volunteers started to work without taking a break as soon as they arrived<br />

there. They cleaned the bedrooms for the elderly. Two hours later, the rooms<br />

were as clean as new. After the cleaning, the volunteers joined the elderly<br />

with interesting activities: singing songs and telling stories, both of which<br />

were great fun. The volunteers also brought the elderly tea, milk and candy,<br />

and the elders gave the volunteers beautiful silk flowers they made<br />

themselves in return to express their gratitude for the volunteers' hard work.<br />

It was an unforgettable day for both GE volunteers and the elderly in Beijing<br />

Ren'ai Rest Home. All the participants thought that it was a significant<br />

opportunity for GE to help people as a way of contributing to the society.

探访蓝天孤儿康复之家<br />

2007年7月28日,21名来自GE运输系统集团志愿者及其家<br />

属来到蓝天孤儿康复之家,看望这里的孩子们,并接他们<br />

前往四得公园游玩,度过了开心的一天。<br />

蓝天孤儿康复之家建于2004年6月,其服务宗旨是为那些被<br />

摒弃在福利机关、孤儿院的孤儿以及贫困家庭的患儿进行<br />

治疗,并对其进行术后的康复训练。<br />

上午,GE志愿者将康复之家的8名孩子、3名老师送到四得<br />

公园。在简单的自我介绍之后,志愿者与孩子们很快就打<br />

成一片,手牵手开始了快乐的游园之旅。在志愿者和老师<br />

的带领下,孩子们来到公园的儿童游乐区,参加了各种有<br />

趣的游戏项目,丰富多彩的活动让孩子们沉浸在欢乐的海<br />

洋中。游园结束后,一场小型的捐赠仪式在康复之家举<br />

行。志愿者们将代表爱心的各种礼物赠送给这里的孩子<br />

们,礼物中既有大米、食用油、儿童洗浴用品等生活必需<br />

品,也有孩子们最爱的玩具。<br />

Beijing Blue Sky<br />

Healing Home Visit<br />

On July 28 th , 2007, 21 GE volunteers and<br />

their family members visited Beijing Blue<br />

Sky Healing Home to see the children<br />

there, and took them to SiDe Park for an<br />

outing.<br />

Founded in June 2004, Beijing Blue Sky<br />

Healing Home provides treatment and<br />

after-operation re<strong>cover</strong>y exercises for<br />

poor families' children and orphans who<br />

are excluded from the welfare system. Since the first day it opened, the healing home has helped more than 56 disabled or deserted<br />

children. So far, it has adopted 8 children, aging from 18 months old to 8 years old.<br />

In the morning, the volunteers took 8 children and 3 staff to SiDe Park. After a short self-introduction, the volunteers and the children<br />

soon got along, and started their happy tour hand in hand. Led by the staff and the volunteers, the children went to the kids section of<br />

the park and had a great time there. After the tour, a donation ceremony was held in the healing home. The volunteers gave their gifts<br />

to the children, including rice, oil, baby washing stuff and even the kids' favorite toys.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

保护 环境 从 我 保护 做起<br />

环境 从 我 做起<br />

2007年9月1日,GE医疗无锡分公司志愿者登山环保系列活动正<br />

式启动,首次活动的地点选在无锡锡惠公园内的惠山。志愿者<br />

们在山间捡拾废弃物,用自己的实际行动传达了GE对环保事业<br />

的热忱与关注。<br />

早上9点半,志愿者及其家属准时在锡惠公园大门口集合,并<br />

分成两个小组,分别沿前山和后山行进。原本以为以众人之力<br />

收拾一个小小的惠山应该是轻而易举,没想到情况远远比大家<br />

设想的严重。在低低的灌木丛中,在山坡上,更有甚者被半埋<br />

在泥泞的泥土中。每一处角落都可能潜藏着一些垃圾, 志愿者们<br />

只好细细翻找,发扬不怕脏不怕累的精神,将散落在各处的垃<br />

63 LIFE at GE<br />

—GE志愿者环保在行动<br />

Protecting the Environment Starting with Ourselves<br />

- GE Volunteers in Action<br />

GE医疗志愿者无锡登山环保活动<br />

圾清理干净。当两只队伍在二茅峰顶会师的时候,大家相视而<br />

笑:爬山前的白T恤白手套变成了花T恤黑手套,很多人手臂被<br />

小灌木划伤,胳膊被蚊子叮咬。虽然又脏又累,但当路过的游<br />

客投来赞赏的目光,身边的人们纷纷打听如何加入环保活动<br />

时,一种成就感便涌上了志愿者心头。<br />

GE无锡志愿者们的环保行动不仅切实改善了所处社区的环境卫<br />

生,更重要的是大力宣传了环保理念。截止目前,GE志愿者组<br />

织无锡分会已经成功地组织了三次登山环保活动,活动得到多<br />

个部门的支持,在GE志愿者的积极感召下,许多员工的家人、<br />


GE Healthcare Wuxi Mountaineering Activity<br />

On September 1 st , 2007, GE Healthcare Wuxi volunteers'<br />

environmental-protection mountaineering activities commenced<br />

with its first venue in Huishan Mountain in Xihui Park, Wuxi. The<br />

volunteers collected litter from the mountain, expressing GE<br />

enthusiasm and care for the cause of environmental protection.<br />

At 9:30 am, the volunteers and their family members gathered<br />

together at the gate of Xihui Park on time. Divided into two<br />

groups, they headed for Huishan Mountain's front mountain and<br />

back mountain respectively. With so many people, it was<br />

thought to be a very easy job to clean up the mountain,<br />

however, it turned out to be quite tough. The litter was almost<br />

everywhere - in the low bushes, on the slopes, or even buried in<br />

the mud. The volunteers had to collect all the dirty litter on the<br />

mountain carefully. When the two groups finally met each other<br />

GE能源志愿者沈阳除草活动<br />

为了保护城市环境,献出一份净土,2007年8月24日下<br />

午,在红十字会老师的带领下,第三季度的GE能源沈阳分<br />

公司志愿者们以“保护环境,从我做起”为主题,开展了<br />

一次清除豚草的环保活动。<br />

男同事首当其冲,为女同事铺路,大家共同合作,认真寻<br />

找豚草,一旦发现,便毫不留情地连根拔起。尽管草丛蚊<br />

虫成群,志愿者们却没有临阵退缩,而是尽职尽责地铲除<br />

豚草,完成自己的任务。3个小时过去了,大片的豚草被<br />

拔除干干净净,志愿者的汗水也留在了这片土地上。大家<br />

回头望着自己的劳动成果,脸上绽放出了会心的笑容。<br />

午后的天空是那么的蔚蓝,金色的阳光撒在志愿者们红扑<br />

扑的脸上。通过这次志愿者活动,大家增加了保护环境意<br />

识,都希望能为可爱的家园贡献自己的一份力量。活动结<br />

束后,志愿者们在飘扬的队旗下留下了自己的身影,为此<br />

次活动画上了圆满的句号。<br />

at the Ermao Peak, they all burst out laughing. Their white<br />

T-shirts and gloves were all dirty; some were scratched by the<br />

shrubs; some were bitten by mosquitoes… Although tired and<br />

dirty, they were satisfied when passing tourists showed their<br />

appreciation and asked about how to join in this<br />

environmental-protection activity.<br />

The activity really helped maintain the sanitation of the<br />

community, and popularized the idea of<br />

environmental-protection. Up to now, GE volunteers of Wuxi<br />

office have already organized 3 such activities, which are all<br />

widely supported by many GE functions. At the call of GE<br />

volunteers, many employees' family members and friends also<br />

joined in, and the number reached about 100 people every time.<br />

GE Energy Weeding Activity<br />

In the afternoon of August 24 th , 2007, in order to protect the<br />

environment, GE Healthcare Shenyang volunteers launched a<br />

weeding activity under the theme of “Protecting the Environment,<br />

Starting with Ourselves”.<br />

All the volunteering gentlemen were the trailbreakers and<br />

followed by ladies. Everyone was searching for the ragweed very<br />

carefully. When they found it, they would pull it out without<br />

mercy. Although there were a lot of insects hiding inside the<br />

grass, nobody wanted to give up. Through 3 hours of hard-work,<br />

a large area of ragweed was removed, and the sweat of the<br />

volunteers was left there instead. When they turned around and<br />

saw their achievements, they felt very happy.<br />

Through this activity, the volunteers improved their<br />

environmental-protection awareness, and also looked forward to<br />

contributing themselves to this beautiful city. At the end, they<br />

took photos with the volunteers' flag and successfully finished the<br />

weeding activity.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

共欢同乐 开启新天地<br />

—记GE CTC志愿者与育苗小学学生的联谊活动<br />

2007年10月13日是个阳光灿烂的日子,<br />

来自GE中国研发中心(CTC)的30多名<br />

志愿者及其家属首次走进浦东唐镇育苗<br />

小学,与学校师生开展了一次难忘的联<br />

谊活动。<br />

在欢迎仪式上,CTC总裁陈向力代表GE向<br />

育苗小学捐赠了体育器械,学生代表则为<br />

陈向力带上了鲜艳的红领巾,以此表达感<br />

激之情。之后,志愿者带领孩子们分组进<br />

行活动,以各具部门特色的游戏和课程,<br />

让孩子们进入了一个全新的世界。<br />

人事部的女将们展现了她们细腻的一面,<br />

选择“交通信号小尝试”作为活动主题,<br />

65 LIFE at GE<br />

通过活泼有趣的游戏和朗朗上口的儿歌,<br />

帮助孩子们牢记交通规则。法务部和黑带<br />

大师黄小平组成的小组带领孩子们进入一<br />

个六西格玛的经典案例中,他们分成两个<br />

工厂,在由孩子担任的厂长带领下,将火<br />

柴盒大小的跑车拆卸、组装,并开展竞<br />

赛,比比哪家工厂组装的小车多。IT部门<br />

的同事组织了一个用报纸垒高塔的游戏,<br />

这个对成人而言都颇有难度的项目,孩子<br />

们玩起来却是得心应手。“孩子们的点子<br />

非常多,我们感觉像是在GE领导力培训<br />

的课堂上而不是在小学生的课堂上”,IT<br />

部门的小组长孔亦南如是说。财务部则发<br />

挥了他们的长项—和孩子们玩起了大富<br />

翁的游戏。这个游戏让孩子们在行进中不<br />

断盈利,体会投入产出的乐趣。后来连老<br />

师也按捺不住,加入到游戏当中。EHS组<br />

的活动当然是与健康有关了,志愿者精心<br />

准备了五颜六色的人体器官图板,帮助孩<br />

子们在贴图和游戏过程中掌握人体骨骼、<br />

器官的功能及其分布。在随后的比赛和抢<br />

答中,能够准确指出器官位置的孩子还得<br />


Sharing Joys Creating a New World<br />

- GE CTC Volunteers Visit Yumiao Primary School<br />

On October 13 th , 2007, over 30<br />

volunteers from GE CTC and their<br />

family members went to Pudong<br />

Tangzhen Yumiao Primary School and<br />

had a wonderful time with teachers<br />

and students of the school.<br />

In the opening ceremony, Chen Xiangli,<br />

President of GE CTC, donated sports<br />

equipment to the school on behalf of<br />

GE, and then the student<br />

representatives tied a red scarf for<br />

Chen Xiangli in return, to express the<br />

gratitude of the school. After that,<br />

interesting team activities and courses<br />

were organized and the students had<br />

great fun.<br />

The female volunteers chose “Traffic<br />

Lights” as the theme of their activity.<br />

They helped the students remember<br />

the traffic rules through interesting<br />

games and rhyming children's songs.<br />

The group led by Legal team and<br />

Huang Xiaoping, a Six Sigma Black<br />

Belt, brought the students into a<br />

classic case of Six Sigma. The students<br />

were divided into two factories and one<br />

student from each factory was their<br />

respective factory director. The<br />

students from each factory had to<br />

disassemble matchbox-sized cars and<br />

assemble them again. The factory with<br />

the most assembled cars won. IT<br />

volunteers organized a game of<br />

establishing a tower out of layers of<br />

newspaper. Although the game was<br />

difficult, even for adults, it was a piece<br />

of cake for the students. “They have<br />

many great ideas. We feel like we are<br />

in a classroom of the GE leadership<br />

training center rather than the<br />

classroom of a primary school.” said<br />

Kong Yinan, the team leader. Finance<br />

volunteers did what they specialized<br />

in-playing “Rich Man” with the<br />

students. The game was to show the<br />

students how to enjoy the fun of<br />

input-output from profiting in the<br />

game. The fun was even irresistible to<br />

the teachers. The activity of the EHS<br />

team was about health. The volunteers<br />

had prepared colorful pictures of<br />

human organs for the students to help<br />

them understand the functions and<br />

locations of the human skeleton and<br />

organs. In the subsequent contest,<br />

students who were able to identify the<br />

locations of specific organs received<br />

little presents.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

同赏明月 共享团圆<br />

—GE消费及工业产品集团志愿者与<br />

育红中学学生共迎中秋<br />

2007年9月15日,来自GE消费及工业产品集团的志愿者带着礼<br />

物、带着月饼、带着爱心,与曹杨二中的学生志愿者同行前往<br />

育红中学,为学校的孩子们送去了中秋的问候。此次活动的主<br />

题是“爱迎中秋、共赏明月”,在精心策划的游戏和活动中,<br />

志愿者陪伴孩子们度过了一个温馨、美好的节日。<br />

这是消费及工业产品集团的志愿者第三次走近育红中学的孩子<br />

们,所以倍感亲切。尽管活动开始时已经是傍晚,但是志愿者<br />

们热情高涨,用心谱写着新一期的志愿活动。<br />

第一个游戏猜灯谜,不仅让大家感受了浓郁的节日气氛,而<br />

且让孩子们在游戏中展现了过人的智慧。虽然许多灯谜并不<br />

简单,但孩子们都才思敏捷,不仅能给出谜底,还将答案解<br />

释得令众人心服口服。尽管生活和学习环境艰苦,这些孩子<br />

们的学习态度却很积极,他们用自强不息,奋发不止的精神<br />

激励着GE志愿者。<br />

67 LIFE at GE<br />

灯谜游戏之后,来自曹杨二中的学生志愿者还表演了一曲吉他<br />

弹唱,悠扬的歌声、动人的曲调拉近了志愿者和孩子们的距<br />

离,为志愿活动增添了一抹亮色。<br />

“奥运猜猜猜”环节则通过集体的趣味知识问答,让志愿者和<br />

孩子们融入到一个团队中,以寓教于乐的方式讲述了奥运的历<br />

史、中国奥运的知识、以及GE的渊源。孩子们从开始的茫然,<br />

到随后的乐在其中,始终充满着对知识的渴望和对世界的好<br />

奇。志愿者们也通过传递奥运的精神,鼓励他们刻苦学习,永<br />

不放弃。通过游戏,育红中学的孩子们感受了中国奥运的喜庆<br />

气氛,和作为一名中国人的自豪之感。<br />

活动最后,志愿者们将月饼亲自送到孩子的手中,并附上衷心<br />

的祝福和亲切的关怀。活动尽管短暂,但孩子们真诚的笑脸,<br />

志愿者们无私的投入都让人感动。离别声中,大家期盼着下一<br />


Enjoy the moonlight and Happy<br />

Mid-Autumn Festival<br />

- GE C&I Volunteers Held Mid-Autumn Party in Yuhong Migrant School<br />

On September 15 th , 2007, volunteers from GE Consumer &<br />

Industrial and Caoyang No.2 Middle School celebrated the<br />

Mid-Autumn Festival with students in Yuhong Migrant School,<br />

bringing them a lot of presents, especially moon cakes. It was<br />

the 3rd time for GE C&I employees to go to Yuhong Migrant<br />

School. In the theme of “Celebrating Mid-Autumn, Sharing Love”,<br />

various activities and games were performed, filling the<br />

classroom with a happy atmosphere.<br />

“Hands on Hands, Show Your Love” series activities led by GE C&I<br />

volunteers is a long-term program with the purpose of improving<br />

the educational hardwares of the school, and helping the<br />

children enjoy studying and life.<br />

In the first game “Lantern Riddle”, all the joy of the Mid-Autumn<br />

Festival was felt in advance. The smart students in Yuhong<br />

Migrant School were really amazing. Although some of the<br />

riddles were too complicated, their quick responses and<br />

explanations still won praise. Living and studying in such a tough<br />

environment, their positive attitudes and diligence touched all<br />

the volunteers.<br />

After the riddles, the volunteers from Caoyang No.2 Middle<br />

School prepared a guitar song for the students. Flowing melody<br />

gently drew hearts closer and lightened the atmosphere.<br />

During the game “Olympics Guess”, the volunteers and the<br />

students were divided into teams for interesting group Q&A<br />

games. To make the game more rewarding, the volunteers<br />

introduced the history of Olympics, their knowledge of 2008<br />

Beijing Olympic Games, and its relationship with GE. Curious and<br />

eager, the children had a great time learning while playing. The<br />

Olympic spirit inspired all of them to study hard and persist.<br />

Finally, the volunteers gave the moon cakes to the students with<br />

their sincere wishes and care. Everyone was touched by the<br />

students' innocent smiles and the volunteers' devotion.<br />

LIFE at GE<br />


我们的社区 Our Community<br />

GE航空集团工程部荣膺<br />

JA最佳团队奖<br />

2007年7月28日,在国际青年成就组织(JA)中国志愿者盛夏<br />

晚会上,GE航空集团工程部因对JA民工子弟小学项目做出杰出<br />

贡献获得了2007上半年的最佳团队奖。该奖项是为了表彰志愿<br />

者对民工子弟小学志愿者活动的大力支持和组织协调。GE航空<br />

集团工程部经理王建民参加了颁奖典礼并代表团队领奖。<br />

2007年4月6日,来自GE航空集团工程部的19名志愿者来到上海<br />

育辛民工子弟小学,与这里的30名学生开展了一次名为“知己<br />

知彼”的活动。此次“知己知彼”活动拉近了志愿者与孩子们<br />

的距离,为随后的授课环节打下了良好的基础。从2007年4月<br />

13日至5月25日,每周五下午都会有两个小时的时间是由志愿<br />

者和育辛民工子弟小学的学生们共同度过的,每次GE都会派出<br />

三名志愿者担任志愿教师,讲授JA的《我们的世界》教程。通<br />

过生动活泼的游戏及形象贴切的小故事,志愿者向孩子们讲述<br />

On July 28 th , 2007, GE Aviation China Engineering Team won<br />

Best Team Award at the Junior Achievement (JA) Summer Party.<br />

This award was a great recognition for volunteers' contribution to<br />

the JA migrant school project. James Wang, GE Aviation China<br />

Engineering Team Leader attended the ceremony and received<br />

the award on behalf of his team.<br />

On April 6 th , 2007, 19 volunteers from GE Aviation China<br />

Engineering Team visited Shanghai Yuxin Migrant Primary School<br />

71 LIFE at GE<br />

了国际贸易的相关知识,这些课程不仅拓宽了孩子们的视野,<br />

还帮助他们增强了自信心。<br />

课程已经顺利结业了,但是育辛民工子弟小学的孩子们到了周五<br />

放学后还是习惯于留在教室里,他们希望能继续聆听志愿者授<br />

课。志愿者们也纷纷表示,这样的活动很有意义,它大大增强了<br />

团队的凝聚力,把GE乐于奉献、回馈社会的精神传播得更远。<br />

GE Aviation China Engineering Team<br />

Won Best Team Award from JA<br />

to attend the “Get to Know” activity with 30 students there. This<br />

event not only deepened the relationship between the volunteers<br />

and the students, but was also a good start for JA teaching<br />

activities in the future. Every Friday afternoon from April 13 th to<br />

May 25 th , 2007, 3 volunteers from the team went to the school<br />

and spent 2 hours teaching the students “Our World”, a JA<br />

course. With a lot of interesting games and stories, the<br />

volunteers taught the students knowledge related to<br />

international trade and economics, which broadened the<br />

students' vision and enhanced their self-confidence.<br />

Though the course was over, the students of Yuxin Migrant<br />

Primary School were still used to staying in the classroom after<br />

school on Friday. The volunteers thought this event was very<br />

meaningful, as it strengthened the team's solidarity and<br />

popularized GE spirit of volunteerism and brought its contribution<br />

to a broader scope.

志愿者们行动 起来!<br />

—GE CTC“走进民工子弟学校”志愿者招募计划正式启动<br />

他们来自于低于平均生活水平的贫困家庭, 他们就读于师资贫<br />

乏,条件简陋的学校。但是他们仍然像其他孩子一样热切地学<br />

习知识和技能,并且对书本外的精彩世界充满了渴望。这些孩<br />

子因其父母都是农民工而被称为农民工子弟。在上海有四十万<br />

这样的农民工子弟急需人们的关心和帮助。<br />

2006年6月,GE水处理技术团队率先发起了与上海昌林小学合<br />

作的志愿者项目,随后,来自GE中国研发中心(CTC)的385名<br />

志愿者参与其中。通过组织一系列针对各个年龄层的趣味活<br />

动,拓宽孩子们的视野,培养他们对科学的兴趣,增强他们的<br />

团队协作精神。项目使超过1000名的学生及其师长受益。<br />

作为一个定期举办的项目,GE CTC每月都会派遣一批志愿者于<br />

周末下午前往上海昌林民工子弟小学。迄今为止,活动已经成<br />

功举办了三期,内容分别是科学试验兴趣小组,团队和个人拓<br />

展训练,以及亲子互动。每次,志愿者都会为这些一至六年级<br />

的小学生精心准备各种新鲜有趣的活动主题,培养他们健康的<br />

心态和良好的社会适应能力,帮助他们走上一条光明宽阔的人<br />

生大道。<br />

该项目是GE志愿者组织与牵手上海合作举办的。<br />

目前,在GE志愿者基金会的赞助下,CTC志愿者团队正在努力<br />

加大推广志愿者项目的力度,以便惠及更多生活在上海的农民<br />

工子女。2008年3月,与上海闵行区育才小学合作的新志愿者项<br />

目即将全面推行。<br />

通过实施该项目,育才小学学生将在志愿者的帮助下,得到生<br />

活和学习条件的全面改观。GE志愿者不仅会努力改善学校的教<br />

学设施,而且会在周末安排有趣的科学课程,亲自指导孩子们<br />

的学习。计划的宗旨是为农民工子女营造更好的教育环境,让<br />

所有孩子能够身心健康地成长,拥有美好的未来。<br />

现在,GE面向全体员工招募志愿者,欢迎所有爱心人士踊跃加<br />

入我们的团队,积极参与这两个项目的活动,向社会传递GE的<br />

关爱之心和奉献精神!<br />

牵手上海成立于2004年,由一群年轻的外国人发起。他们在先前世界范围内的经验基础上,在上海建<br />

立起这个组织。牵手上海的首要目标是体察当地非政府组织的需求并发起由上班族参与的不定期的志<br />

愿者活动。牵手上海的任务是连接起上海慈善组织的需求和那些希望更多参与社区活动的意愿。<br />


Volunteers, Let's Move!<br />

-GE CTC to Launch Volunteer Recruiting<br />

for Migrant School Program<br />

They come from families below the average living standards.<br />

They go to schools that are often under-staffed and poorly<br />

equipped. Yet they are all keen for knowledge and skills just as<br />

other kids do, and thirsty for a more splendid world outside of<br />

their textbooks. These are children with parents as migrant<br />

workers, also known as migrants’ children. And there are 400,<br />

000 of them in Shanghai, in acute need of care and help.<br />

In June, 2006, GE CTC officially launched Shanghai Changlin<br />

Migrants' School Volunteer Program. Up until now, the program<br />

has engaged 385 volunteers to benefit more than 1,000 children,<br />

as well as their teachers and parents. A series of interesting<br />

activities for different age groups organized by the volunteers<br />

have broadened the students' horizons, cultivated their interest<br />

for science and strengthened their team spirit.<br />

The program occurs on a regular basis, and GE CTC assigns a<br />

number of volunteers to Shanghai Changlin Migrants' School<br />

once a month on a weekend afternoon. So far, three sessions<br />

have been held, including experimental-oriented science interest<br />

projects, team building and personal development activities, and<br />

parental workshops. Each time the volunteers prepare different<br />

themed activities for the students, from all six grades, in order to<br />

develop a positive mentality and to get a sound adaptability out<br />

of them for their bright future.<br />

At present, with the funding of GE Volunteers Foundation, GE CTC<br />

volunteer team is going to stretch the program to benefit more<br />

migrants' children in Shanghai. A new program called Shanghai<br />

Minhang Yucai School Volunteer Program, which will be launched<br />

in March 2008.<br />

With the help of this program, the living standard and learning<br />

environment of the students in Yucai Migrant School will be<br />

immensely transformed. In addition to facility improvements,<br />

interesting scientific courses, directed by the volunteers, will be<br />

organized for the students on the weekends. The program is<br />

committed to creating a better educational environment for<br />

migrants' children for their sound physical and psychological<br />

development, as well as their promising future.<br />

Now, to all GE volunteers, we invite you to join us for these two<br />

programs to express GE's love and care for society.<br />

This program is in partnership with Hands On Shanghai (HOS)<br />

Hands On Shanghai (HOS) was founded in 2004 by a group of young foreign professionals. With previous<br />

experience with the Hands On/Cares worldwide network, they established an affiliate organization in<br />

Shanghai. HOS's primary objective is to identify the needs of local NGOs and organize flexible volunteer<br />

programs for busy professionals. Hands On Shanghai's mission is to create a balance between the needs of<br />

Shanghai's charities and the availability of those looking to become involved in community activities.<br />

For more information, please visit: http:// www.handsonshanghai.com/

补充保险计划<br />

GE福利专栏<br />

—为你和家属提供补充医疗和意外情况下的经济保障<br />

GE中国为员工提供了一系列补充保险计划供你选择!<br />

通过参与和选择适合的保险计划,您将可以得到医疗<br />

和意外情况下的保障和帮助。<br />

补充医疗保险<br />

作为社会基本医疗保险的补充,补充医疗保险将为你和你<br />

的家属提供额外的医疗保障。若你或你的家属参加了当地<br />

医保,在门急诊就医时注意使用社保卡/医保卡(医保<br />

证)。如果你工作地和医保所在城市不一致,请事先在医<br />

保所在地办理备案,以便在工作地发生住院后可以回医保<br />

所在地先进行结算,保险公司再予以理赔。<br />

该保险计划包括两种方式:<br />

• 公司计划—员工本人的门诊费用可获得90%的赔<br />

付,住院费用可获得100%的赔付,保险金额为2万元<br />

/年。员工子女(18岁以下)可以报销50%的医疗费<br />

用,保险金额为2万元/年。为提供更好的环境,住<br />

院期间员工住院床位的赔付额为100元/天,其子女的<br />

标准为50元/天。<br />

• 员工自费计划—你还可以自由选择是否为配偶或<br />

18至23岁的子女购买自费医疗保险计划。(详细计<br />

划请见员工商业保险福利手册)<br />

另外公司批准建立以下两大公共保险金:<br />

• 一般公共保险金额—可以用于支付个人超出医疗<br />

费用保险金限额的部分,如果保险年度最后该保险金<br />

有所结余,也可用于支付你的配偶或子女超出限额的<br />

医疗费用。<br />

• 特殊公共保险金额—可以提供进一步的保障。如<br />

果员工患保险条款中定义的重大疾病,可以申请使用<br />

该保险金,此类医疗费用按60%的比例赔付。<br />

* 如果您是中国就业的外籍雇员,则会参与不尽相同的另外一项医疗保险计划。<br />

(详细计划请见健康险服务手册)<br />

健康是最大<br />

的财富<br />

更需要注重的是健康和疾病的预防。健康是最大的财富。<br />

公司也开展相关的健康活动:<br />

• 定期在一些大城市举办健康讲座<br />

• 提供更多健康知识的普及和宣传<br />

• 组织年度体检<br />

• 对符合条件的无赔付员工实行奖励计划<br />

人寿保险及意外伤害保险<br />

该项保险计划更好地为你和你的家人在遭受意外情况下提<br />

供经济保障:<br />

• 人寿保险的保障额度为基本月薪的24倍,最低保<br />

障为15万元。<br />

• 人身意外伤害保险的保障额度视具体情况而定:<br />

非工伤导致的身故或伤残,保障额度为基本月薪的30<br />

倍,最低保障为24万元。<br />

工伤导致的身故或伤残,保障额度为基本月薪的42<br />

倍,最低保障为34万元。<br />

你也可以为你的配偶及子女购买自费人寿及意外伤害保<br />

险计划。<br />

以上所有补充保险计划为2008年适用,其他相关解释或变更,请详见Http://Benefits.gechina.ge.com上的福利手册。<br />


GE Benefits<br />

Supplementary Insurance Plan<br />

-An Economic Security for Your Family's Supplementary<br />

Medical Care & Accidents<br />

GE China provides various insurance plans for its employees. By joining fit insurance<br />

plans, you are entitled to reassuring medical care and subsidies.<br />

Supplementary Medial Care Plan<br />

The Health Care Plan is a supplemental plan for the Statutory Medical<br />

Insurance Plan, and it provides additional financial security for you<br />

and your family. You or your spouse must use the Social Medical<br />

Insurance Card when you go to visit doctors. If you and your spouse<br />

do not have a Social Medical Card, you should obtain one as soon as<br />

possible.<br />

The Company provides two types of Medical Care plans.<br />

• Company-paid Plan - Providing 90% <strong>cover</strong>age for outpatient<br />

and full <strong>cover</strong>age for inpatient for yourself and 50% <strong>cover</strong>age<br />

for your child up to age 18. The daily room limit is RMB100 for<br />

yourself and RMB50 for your child, to make a better treatment<br />

environment accessible in case you are hospitalized.<br />

• Self-paid Plan - You must pay for the additional <strong>cover</strong>age if<br />

you want a medical care plan for your spouse with similar<br />

<strong>cover</strong>age to yourself, and a medical care plan for your child<br />

aged 18 to 23. Additional 30% outpatient <strong>cover</strong>age and 50%<br />

for inpatient for your child below 18 should be paid by<br />

yourself, too.<br />

Two company-approved funds:<br />

• Special Fund - It <strong>cover</strong>s major or catastrophic medical<br />

expenses above the <strong>cover</strong>age limits, or excess expenses for<br />

your spouse and child if there is a balance in the fund at the<br />

end of each policy year.<br />

• Dread Disease Fund - It provides even greater financial<br />

security if you are faced with one of the dread diseases<br />

specified in the plan. This fund can <strong>cover</strong> 60% of the self-paid<br />

medicine expenses for dread disease.<br />

Meanwhile, more emphasis should be placed on wellness and<br />

prevention. Keeping you healthy is more important and valuable<br />

than just providing financial indemnity.<br />

• Health Care Seminars are held on a regular basis in large cities<br />

• More professional health consulting services are provided<br />

• Annual physical examination is provided<br />

• Incentives will be provided if you have no medical claims<br />

during the year<br />

Your Health Is<br />

Your Most<br />

Valuable Asset<br />

If you are a locally hired non-PRC employee, you will be <strong>cover</strong>ed<br />

under a different plan. You will have access to health care delivery<br />

systems more familiar to you and your family. You will need to make<br />

contributions for your own <strong>cover</strong>age, as well as for your dependants.<br />

The contributions for both employee and dependent <strong>cover</strong>age will be<br />

based on salary levels.<br />

Life and Accidental Death & Disability<br />

(AD&D) Insurance Plan<br />

Life and AD&D insurance provides you and your family with far<br />

greater financial security.<br />

Your Life Insurance Benefits will be 24 times your monthly<br />

salary, with the minimum benefit RMB 150,000.<br />

Comparably, the AD&D benefits will be:<br />

• 30 months of monthly salary for non-work-related accidental<br />

death or disability, with the minimum benefit RMB 240,000<br />

• 42 months of monthly salary for work-related accidental<br />

death or disability, with the minimum benefit RMB 340,000<br />

There are no employee contributions or premiums for employee Life<br />

and AD&D insurance. Employees may purchase optional life<br />

insurance for their spouse and/or children at group premium rates.<br />

All the Supplementary Insurance Plans are for 2008. For more details or changes, please refer to Http://Benefits.gechina.ge.com.<br />

If you have any questions about the <strong>cover</strong>ages provided in our Medical, Life or AD&D plans, or if you have any comments or suggestions to<br />

improve those plans, please raise through Http://Benefits.gechina.ge.com or call HR hotline: 8008201297.

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