CFII FL6 - Mock CFII Checkride Flight - St. Louis Pilot Services
CFII FL6 - Mock CFII Checkride Flight - St. Louis Pilot Services
CFII FL6 - Mock CFII Checkride Flight - St. Louis Pilot Services
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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Louis</strong> <strong>Pilot</strong> <strong>Services</strong><strong>CFII</strong> <strong>FL6</strong> – <strong>Mock</strong> <strong>CFII</strong> <strong>Checkride</strong> <strong>Flight</strong> Local <strong>Flight</strong> – Dual – 1.8Objective• This lesson is to evaluate the <strong>CFII</strong>-Applicant’s ability to pass the FAA Practical Test.• Knowledge of the <strong>CFII</strong> Practical Test <strong>St</strong>andards and Special Emphasis areas will be assessed.• Any deficient areas will be reviewed prior to endorsing the applicant for the practical test.References***Bring a Hood and Something to Cover Instruments***Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH)<strong>CFII</strong> PTSFAR/AIM<strong>St</strong>andard Weather Brief from Duat.comCurrent TERPs for MO and ILAssessment:• Special Emphasis AreasooPositive Aircraft ControlPositive Exchange of <strong>Flight</strong> ControlsProcedure<strong>St</strong>all/Spin AwarenessCollision AvoidanceWake Turbulence AvoidanceLAHSORunway Incursion AvoidanceCFITADM and Risk ManagementChecklist UsageSpecial Use Airspace (SUA)Temporary <strong>Flight</strong> Restrictions (TFRs)Aviation Securityooooooooooo• Preflight Preparationo Instrument Cockpit Check• Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedureso Air Traffic Control Clearanceso Compliance with Departure, Enroute, andArrival Procedures and Clearances• <strong>Flight</strong> by Reference to Instrumentso <strong>St</strong>raight-and-Level <strong>Flight</strong>o Turnso Change of Airspeed in <strong>St</strong>raight-and-Level andTurning <strong>Flight</strong>o Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descentso Constant Rate Climbs and Descentso Timed Turns to Magnetic Compass Headingso <strong>St</strong>eep Turnso Recovery from Unusual <strong>Flight</strong> Attitudes• Navigation Systemso Intercepting and Tracking NavigationalSystems and DME Arcso Holding Procedures• Instrument Approach Procedureso Non-Precision Instrument Approacho Precision Instrument Approacho Missed Approacho Circling Approacho Landing from a <strong>St</strong>raight-In Approach• Emergency Operationso Loss of Communicationso Loss of Gyro Attitude and Heading Indicators• Postflight Procedureso Checking Instruments and EquipmentCompletion <strong>St</strong>andards• This lesson is complete when the applicant can show instructional knowledge of the aboveelements while emphasizing common errors and special emphasis areas.• A plan of action will be developed to ensure any areas found deficient are improved.Mike Kisker 1/22/ Page 1 of 2
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Louis</strong> <strong>Pilot</strong> <strong>Services</strong><strong>CFII</strong> <strong>FL6</strong> – <strong>Mock</strong> <strong>CFII</strong> <strong>Checkride</strong> <strong>Flight</strong> Local <strong>Flight</strong> – Dual – 1.8<strong>Flight</strong> Progression• Preflight Inspectiono Checking Instruments and Equipmento Instrument Cockpit Checko Checklist Usage• Passenger Briefingo PICo Positive Exchange of <strong>Flight</strong> Controlso Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidanceo Checklist Usage• Taxio Runway Incursion Avoidanceo Checking Instruments and Equipmento Instrument Cockpit Check• Climb runway heading to 1500, expect 2500 in 5 minuteso Checklist Usageo Constant Airspeed Climbso Constant Rate Climbs• <strong>Flight</strong> by Reference to Instrumentso <strong>St</strong>raight and Level <strong>Flight</strong>o Turnso Change of Airspeed in <strong>St</strong>raight and Level and Turning <strong>Flight</strong>o Timed Turns to Magnetic Compass Headingso <strong>St</strong>eep Turnso Recovery from Unusual Attitudes• Instrument Approach Procedureso Back-Course RWY 11 at KALN Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems Constant Airspeed Descents Constant Rate Descents Non-Precision Instrument Approach• Circling or <strong>St</strong>raight-In Landingo ILS 29 at KALN, Published Missed, Hold at TOPAZ Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems Constant Airspeed Descents Constant Rate Descents Precision Instrument Approach• Circling or <strong>St</strong>raight-In Landing Missed Approach Holding Procedureso VOR/GPS A at KALN Nonprecision Instrument Approach (Partial Panel)• Loss of Gyro Attitude and Heading Indicators• Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems• Constant Airspeed Descents• Constant Rate Descents• Radar Vectors Back to 3SQo Intercepting and Tracking and DME Arcs• Checking Instruments and EquipmentMike Kisker 1/22/ Page 2 of 2