Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School

Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School

Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School


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Social Studies - 100%Language Arts - 80%Vocabulary - 20%Spanish - 60%Computer - 20%2. Gym, Music, Art, and Project Explore will not be included in the calculation. A student will beineligible for First Honors, however, regardless of GPA, unless he receives achievement grades of at least a Cin these areas.3. No student will be eligible for either First or Second Honors if any of his/her grades are less thana C in any of the six major curriculum areas or Spanish, if applicable. A student with a C- in Spelling orVocabulary, Gym, Music, Art, Project Explore, and Computer class disqualifies a student from First Honorsregardless of GPA. A grade of D or less in these special subjects disqualifies a student from all honorsregardless of GPA.4. There are four effort grades for students in 3 rd through 8 th grade, one of which is leaving thereport card effort box blank. Most children are in this category which means the effort is appropriate withhis/her child’s abilities. O indicates outstanding effort; T means the child is trending down and is not workingto the best of his/her abilities; and an X means that a poor effort has impacted the final grade. <strong>Student</strong>swith an X on the report card in any graded subject will be ineligible for the Honor Roll.5. <strong>Student</strong>s who take Art and Music will only receive a report card grade at the end of the semesterdue to the infrequent number of times these classes meet during each quarter.6. First Honors: Based on an average of 3.5 to 4.0.7. Second Honors: Based on an average of 3.05 to 3.49.A+ = 4.3 A+ = 100%A = 4.0 A = 99-96 OutstandingA- = 3.7 A- = 95-93B+ = 3.3 B+ = 92-91B = 3.0 B = 90-88 Very GoodB- = 2.7 B- = 87-85C+ = 2.3 C+ = 84-83C = 2.0 C = 82-79 GoodC- = 1.7 C- = 78-77D+ = 1.3 D+ = 76-75D = 1.0 D = 74-72 Improvement NeededD- = 0.7 D- = 71-70F = 0 F = 69-0 Little or No ProgressI. Incomplete, Late and Missing Assignments:In order to insure a student’s steady academic progress, and as part of fostering responsibility,all assigned homework must be completed. If a student receives a HOMEWORK/STUDY HABITnotification as a result of missing or incomplete homework, the form is to be signed and returned to theissuing teacher with the completed homework assignment. Failure to do so may result in the issuance ofa demerit.<strong>Student</strong>s are responsible for making up and completing all assigned work and tests given whilethey are absent. <strong>Student</strong>s returning after being absent for an EXCUSED reason will be given anadditional number of days to make up homework or take missing tests, equal to the number of days they32

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