Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School

Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School

Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School


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Afternoon Pick-Up:<strong>Parent</strong>s who are driving their children are to park in the lot south of the elementary building. Thosewhose children are old enough to walk to the car are to line-up in the circle that surrounds theexterior of the lot. We ask that you please do not ask your child(ren) to walk out with the busers tomeet you when you are picking them up as it creates a hazardous situation.Patrols are on duty to facilitate student safety and a smooth traffic flow in the morning and afternoon. Weexpect all parents to respect the orange vested student patrol leaders and the teachers we have assigned tothe elementary lot for PM dismissal.To allow the D.203 buses to emerge safely into traffic, and to make sure that students are not placed inharms way, we ask that parents refrain from parking along either side of Ellsworth Street along the Jr. Highbuilding or parking lot after 12:15 p.m. Drivers are also not allowed to drop off or pick up students in theparking lot on the east side of the Jr. High near the rectory.E. Emergency CardsIn case of emergency, parents are contacted first. Therefore, providing information about work numbers,cell phones, pager numbers, etc. is extremely vital. If a parent cannot be contacted, however, then a persondesignated by the parent on the child's emergency card will be contacted. <strong>Parent</strong>s have the responsibility tokeep the emergency cards up to date with phone numbers for both the mother and father. Since we useelectronic communication so regularly, we now require all parents to include their email address on thesecards.The school will notify parents anytime a child sustains a head injury at school.F. Emergency Closing - Late Arrival ScheduleOur calendar is driven in large part by D. 203 due to our reliance on busing. Consequently, when theirsuperintendent implemented a ‘late arrival’ policy in an effort to avoid cancelling school with a snow day,we followed suit. Late arrival in essence means is that the school day will begin two hours later thanusual. All of our students who ride D. 203 buses will be picked up at their regular stop two hours laterthan normal.Those students who walk or are driven to school should not arrive prior to the drop off times where wewould have school personnel ready to greet them and admit them into the buildings. We would thusexpect students to arrive at school by 9:30 with classes formally beginning at 9:53. Dismissal timesremain the same. Those children who are dismissed from kindergarten at 11:30 would NOT report toschool on such days.Whether a ‘late arrival’ is declared or whether other conditions such as a broken water mainnecessitate school being shut down completely, we will try to communicate our response to thesecircumstances as early as possible, usually no later than 6:00 a.m. Families will be notified in thefollowing manner:1. Posting ‘late start’ information on our web page2. Sending an ‘e’ blast to all school families3. Utilizing One Call Now to place a phone call to all school families4. Providing this information to the Chicago area radio and television stationsIn an effort to ensure that all families receive notification of a school closing in a timely manner, weemploy the services of One Call Now. The biggest advantage of this system is their ability to call all schoolfamilies simultaneously. Each year we need to verify parent home numbers and day time work numbers tomaximize the benefits of this system.43

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