Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School

Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School

Handbook - Parent/Student - Ss. Peter & Paul School


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parents in the medical treatment necessary for each child's physical, emotional and intellectual growth andwell-being and suggests the following guidelines:"Only medicines which are essential for the child to remain in school should be given under theconditions outlined below and with the approval of the school administration. Supervision must be providedwhen the child takes medication. We recommend that parents consult with their doctor to see if mid-daymedication can be adjusted and given at another time. When a question arises regarding exceptions tothese guidelines, the school nurse should be involved in the decision."A. The following should not be given by school personnel:1. Medication for recovery from acute illness2. Aspirin or pain relievers3. PRN medication (medicines to be given "as necessary")4. InjectionsB. Prior to giving medication at school, the <strong>School</strong> Medication Permission form should becompleted by the parents and physician authorizing the school to administer the medication.Permission forms shall be renewed annually and filed in student's health record.Furthermore, such medication will only be given if contents are contained in the originalpharmaceutical container.C. A permanent daily log should be kept on all medications given:Name Age Medication Dosage Date Given by WhomThe log will be reviewed regularly by the head of our health committee.For the sake of safety, all medications will be kept in the office and administered there by the aide,secretary, or nurse mom. Children are never permitted to independently carry or take medication (includingaspirin). The only current exception to this allowed by law is for INHALERS. <strong>Student</strong>s who need thispotential life saving device are now allowed by law to carry them on their person. However, parents mustsubmit a form from the doctor annually informing us of the need for the child to have the inhaler in school.J. <strong>School</strong> PartiesOn special days throughout the year our students take a break from their studies to celebrate anappropriate holiday or event. Traditionally these include Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day.Depending on the grade level, most parties include games, a craft activity, and treats.Due to the fact that each room may have 35 students plus a teacher, and teacher’s aide, we mustlimit parent participation at these parties to room mothers only. We also ask that all non-school age childrenbe left at home in order to ensure their safety.K. Street ClosingOn school days, Ellsworth Street is blocked to through traffic. This allows for our students to crosssafely between buildings and also provides for a safer playground experience. On days with funerals,however, the barricades are taken down during the Mass of Resurrection until the time the cortege leavesthe church. Therefore, we caution the children to stay in the habit of crossing only at the corners after firstlooking both directions for cars. We do not want our students to ever become careless and just run out ontothe street.45

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