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Bauer Financial - Gazette.Net

Bauer Financial - Gazette.Net

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12 Special Advertising SupplementDavidEisnerPresident/CEODataprise, Inc.RockvilleThomas D. W.FauquierPrincipal/CEOVanguard Realty GroupPotomacSTATSSTATSAge: 44Education: BS, computer science, University ofMaryland; MS, computer science, Johns HopkinsUniversityFirst job held: Computer ProgrammerHobbies: reading, golf, travelFavorite sports team: NY GiantsFavorite TV show or movie: Glengarry Glen Rossavery exciting time in ourindustry. New technical"It'sadvances in virtualization, cloudcomputing,mobility,and applicationspresent unique opportunities for smallbusinesses," said David Eisner."Ilookforward to working with our clients toadopt these new technologies."As president and CEO of Dataprise,Inc., Eisner leads afirmthatsolves thetechnology challenges of small- and midsizedcompanies (SMBs). Eisner foundedthe companyafter seeing howsmallbusinesses had "largely been left out of thetechnology boom of the early 1990s," hesaid. "I had avision to create acomprehensivetechnology partner forSMBs at just the right time."It is the simple act of "just showing upat work," according to Eisner, thatbringshim the most satisfaction. "I'vealwaysbeenatinkered, and nothing beats the rush outof navigating through the challenges ofbuilding asuccessful organization."Look for Dataprise to continue togrow "organically and carefully," saidEisner, who has plans to invest in severalnew geographic markets "as well as toforge ahead into new vertical markets,including anew government servicesdivision."Eisner and Dataprise strivetocontribute to arobust businessenvironment in theWashingtonmetropolitan area. Eisner wasactiveintheMarylandTechTaxCoalition's successfulefforts to kill acomputer services sales taxbefore the state's General Assembly.Last year, companyemployeesHelpful business book: The E-Myth Revisited byMichael GerberMost admired person: his dadWould liketodine with: Albert EinsteinLife motto: “It's the journey not the destination thatcounts.”Website: www.dataprise.comFounded: 1995 Employees: 110developed the Dataprise Gives Backprogram. Each time the companyexceedsits monthly goal, the firmsupports alocalorganization selected by employees.The companyalso partnerswithProject Reboot, acomputer recyclingprogram.The nonprofit accepts oldunneeded computer equipment andrefurbishes them. It then deliverstherevamped devices to local charitablegroups."Dataprise certified networkengineersvolunteer their time to pick-upunwanted computers, monitors, andperipherals from clients, wipe theequipment clean, performdiagnostics,andmake repairsand upgrades," said Eisner.As CEO,Eisner views himself as the"lead companycheerleader." "It's soimportant thatthe appropriate directionand vision come from the top," he said. "Ifdone correctly and clearly,all companyemployees can easily followand contributeto the company's mission."To emerge from the recent recession,companies need to be lean and mean,according to Eisner."In 2010, acompany'sability to cut wasteful and unnecessaryexpenses will be more important thanever," he said. "And being flexible andresponsivetoone's customerswill makethe best companies stand out even more."To maintain abalance between joband home, Eisner relies on technology toallowhim to work almost anywhere."That's one of the dividends of the Internetage. So Inever feel thatifI'm at home thatI'm disconnected or not on top of what'sgoing on at the office," he said."Technology is liberating in this way." nbasketballMost admired person: his wifeWould like todine with: his father (long deceased)Life motto: "Do unto others as you would havethem do unto you."Web site: www.vanguardrealty.comFounded: 2001 Employees: 110Age: 57Education: BA, accounting, Missouri Valley CollegeFirst job held: busboy at the old Governor'sHouse Motel in BethesdaHobbies: body surfing, golf, basketball, watchingkids grow upFavorite sports team: Maryland TerrapinAfirmbeliever thatsmall businessremains the strength of thenational economy,Thomas D.W.Fauquier sees numerous challengesahead. Perhaps the biggest is "reengineeringprocesses to do more withless," he said. "No pain, no gain."As CEO of Vanguard RealtyGroup,Fauquier leads an organizationwith astrong reputation for deliveringthe full complement of commercial realestate services valued by propertyowners, Locally owned andheadquartered in Potomac,Vanguard'sprincipals are Washingtonians withdeep-rooted history and personal pridefor their community.Vanguard and itssubsidiary and affiliated companiesmanage and lease adiversified portfoliothat includes office buildings, shoppingcenters, hotels, and industrial propertiesas well as multi-family communities.Vanguard was created to providevalue-added service to clients."Anytime we can bring value to our clients,big or small, Iknow everyone involvedhas asense of fulfillment," saidFauquier."My hope is to continuemoderate growth for the company inamanner that continues to create newefficiencies, resulting in win-winscenarios for clients, tenant, employees,and contractors providing services."Fauquier findsVanguard's recentefforts to control energy costs to be anexciting development. "Energyconsumption and government regulationhave become asignificant burden on theirbuilding's operating budget," he said."Whatstarted as anatural efforttoreduceenergy costs in our managed propertieshas growninto advising ahost of nonmanagedclients as well.This initiativetocreate sustainable energy efficiencies hasbecome aprimaryfocus thatthoselandlords nowfeel they must incorporateinto their daily operating processes."Vanguard has acorporatecommunity service program thatprovides staff with ways to support theenvironment and community."Theeconomy isimpacting everyone rightnow,"hesaid. "So,we've outlined our2010 directives to focus heavily on asingle cause per quarter."The result, according to Fauquier, isthatemployees "get more deeply involvedwith agroup and are able to give more oftheir time without having to focus solelyon fundraising," he said. "By becomingmore involved with an organization we'resupporting,weultimately feel astrongerconnection to it and our surroundings."Within his organization, Fauquierencourages employees to "question thedaily processes," he said.The only wayweachievehigher standards and grow as acompany-and individually-is byquestioning the work we're doing.Whenthatbecomes asortofknee-jerk reactionto our work style, it becomes contagious."It is his first two employers out ofcollege -- John Kilbane and RogerEisinger -- who Fauquier considers hismentors. "They were visionary realestate developers headquartered inMontgomery County who partneredtogether in the early 1960s," he said."They both taught me commercial realestate fundamentals in their respectivefields of expertise. However, moreimportantly,through their actions theyhelped instill the importance of integrityin all situations, large or small." n

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