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18 Special Advertising SupplementPeterMongePresidentMontgomery GeneralHospitalOlneyMyraNortonCEOCommunity AnalyticsBaltimoreSTATSSTATSAge: 58Education: BA, business, and Master HospitalAdministration, Thiel CollegeFirst job held: factory maintenanceHobbies: golf, flying, readingMost admired person: his wifeWould like todine with: Helen KellerDeciding to bring MontgomeryGeneral Hospital into theMedStar fold was PeterMonge's toughest business decision."I needed to try toget the consensusof the entire Hospital Board. Iwentfrom not having any consensus to allonboard by the end of the 18-monthprocess," he said.Twoyears later, that decision -and effort -brings Monge the mostsatisfaction in his 20 years atthehospital. "It has made MontgomeryGeneral astronger hospital for thecommunity.Wecan focus on servicesthat were not previously provided,and take care of more people. Thedecision was made based on whatwas right for our community and weare amuch stronger hospital becauseof it," he said.The most challenging aspect ofMonge's job is balancing the budget."As revenues decrease or hold steady,it's critical to keep asharp eye oncost," he said. "Doctors are also goingthrough avery challenging time. Wedon't want to make anything moredifficult for them."As president of the 165-bedfacility, Monge focuses on thepatient. "For our hospital, it'simportant to cultivate apatient-firstattitude, from patient experience topatient safety."Monge and the hospital's staffare committed to improving thehealth and welfare of theLife motto: “The six Ps: proper prior planningprevents poor performance”Web site: www.montgomerygeneral.comFounded: 1918Employees: 1,100communities it serves. "We aredevoted to prevention," he said."Throughout the year many medicalstaffers take part inprojects that notonly improve the community butenhance the lives of residents. Ourstaff takes great pride in its outreachefforts and collaboration withcommunity organizations."The staff also participates incommunity programs such as Relayfor Life, Olney; HeartWalk, DC; andthe Juvenile Diabetes Walk inColumbia. "I always try toencourageby example," said Monge.Although his children are grown,Monge and his wife, Cathie, findtime for each other and family. "Mywife is also ahospital administrator,so fortunately she has the same typeof schedule as Ido," hesaid. "Mywife and Imake it apoint to eatdinner together every night, even ifit's late, and to devote our weekendsto the family," he said.Monge's mother, anurse, was hismentor. "She always had extremelyhigh expectations but was also verysupportive," he said. "She was theperson who thought Ishouldconsider hospital administration as acareer."His advice to new CEOs is to"stay true toyour values and listen.In this day inage, some CEOs seemto get caught up in the 'status' andthey forget to listen and their valuesseem to change," he said. nAge: 36Education: BS, math education, University ofAlabama; MA, mathematics and MS, statistics,Temple UniversityFirst job held: academic advisor at TempleUniversityHobbies: fitness enthusiast (ran first marathon inNov.2009), college athletics, singing with alocalacoustic band, playing piano, and guitarAsCEO of Community Analytics,Myra Norton strives to "bringmore meaningful connections toaworld that isbombarded withinformation, ever-evolving technology,and larger numbers ofsuperficialconnections than aperson can digest,"she said. "At Community Analytics, wewant to help organizations cut throughall of that clutter to build meaningfulrelationships with their current andprospective customers."The aim of Community Analyticsis to help understand the relationshipsthat drive their bottom lines.The firmunderstands human networks and theroles they play inthe decision-makingprocess."We combine science, art, andalittle bit of magic to harness the powerof these networks for the greater good -more revenue for you and morerelevance for your customers," saidNorton.That isalso the most satisfying partof the job for Norton. "I love seeingclients build their bottom line whilethey are building value for theircustomers," she said.The Community Analytics teamvolunteers both individually andcollectively for anumber of causes."From participation in localenvironmental initiatives to mentoringstudents in Baltimore City schools, wefind ways to give back to thecommunities in which we live andwork," said Norton. "Each quarter adifferent employee chooses acharitableFavorite sports team: Crimson Tide, NewOrleans SaintsMost admired person(s): her parentsLife motto: "To help those around me reach theirhighest potential."Web site: www.communityanalytics.comFounded: 2004Employees: Fewer than 50cause for the team to support. In thisway, Imake sure that the causes wesupport have personal meaning to theteam."It is alignment that Norton seeks tocultivate within Community Analytic'scorporate environment. "Alignmentbetween the vision and mission of thecompany and the vision and mission ofthe people who comprise the company;alignment between the needs of themarket and the products or services acompany isdelivering; alignmentbetween the talent and expertise amongthe people who comprise the companyand the roles and responsibilities each isgiven -inmymind, it all comes downto alignment," she said.Norton's father, Philip Wise, servedas her mentor."He passed away lastyear, and Imiss his guiding presence inmy life," she said. "He taught me howto live with integrity,tolove and acceptall people; to win; and mostimportantly,toconstantly grow,evolveand adapt."To new CEOs, Norton's advice isto recognize that "no one has all of theanswers but alot of people have piecesof them….Don't be afraid to seek theadvice of others and gather knowledgefrom avariety of sources.Inthe end,you alone are the one who mustsynthesize that knowledge and apply itto your present situation," she said."Trust your instincts.Learn toadaptquickly.Listen to your customers, reallylisten." n

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