franconia moose family center news - the Virginia Moose Association

franconia moose family center news - the Virginia Moose Association

franconia moose family center news - the Virginia Moose Association


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FRANCONIA MOOSEFAMILY CENTER NEWSNEWSLETTER OF FRANCONIA, VA 1076 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MAY-JUNE 2013INSIDEGovernor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . .2Administrator’s Message . . . . . . . . 2WOTM Board Message . . . . . . . . . .3Sickness and Distress . . . . . . . . . . . 3Kitchen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Committee Activities . . . . . . . . .6&7Calendar………………….........12&13Franconia <strong>Moose</strong>Lodge 1076Board of OfficersBrett Sweeney, GovernorJody Ryals, Junior GovernorJeff Dowdy, Jr. Past Gov.Tim Smith, PrelateJoe Poole, TreasurerTom Hansen, Administratorvacant, 1 Year TrusteeMatt Adams, 2 Year TrusteeGlenn Everett, 3 Year TrusteeChapter 1042Board of OfficersVacant, Senior RegentPat Pristavec, Junior RegentSonia Kessler, Jr. Grad. RegentPat Cleveland, ChaplainShari Staggs, Secretary/TreasurerPatti Veach, RecorderPat Cleveland, EditorShari Staggs, Editorwww.<strong>moose</strong>intl.org –<strong>Moose</strong> Intlwww.vmaweb.com (VMA)This Newsletter May be <strong>the</strong> Last NewsletterYou Receive Unless You Act NowYOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US.AS OUR MEMBER, YOU MUST TELLUS HOW YOU WANT TO RECEIVEYOUR NEWSLETTER AND LODGEUPDATESSEE BOX BELOWRETURN THIS PAGE OF THIS NEWSLETTERTO THE LODGE BY EITHER MAILING IT ORBRINGING IT TO THE LODGE.Member Name:__________________________Member Email Address:_______________________I want to receive my Newsletter by:___Mail ___Email____I want to receive Lodge and Chapter updates tomy email address.IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND YOU WILL NOLONGER BE MAILED A NEWSLETTERPlease do not lose your connection to what isgoing on at Franconia by not responding.Or Email WOTM1042NEWSLETTER@GMAIL.COM and tell ushow you want to receive your information.

___________________________________________________________________________________Page 2 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013Governor’sMessageBrett SweeneyAno<strong>the</strong>r year has passed and we have newBoards. Last Board had a great year and shouldbe proud and applauded for <strong>the</strong>ir performance.Many challenges lay ahead for Franconia<strong>Moose</strong> Lodge. The new Boards are up to <strong>the</strong>challenge.Past Governor Dowdy would like to thank all<strong>the</strong> volunteers who helped during his term.There was a great turn out for spring clean up.The outside looks MARVELOUS !Speaking of volunteers, Franconia has 750LOOM members, however at every event it's <strong>the</strong>same 10 to 20 members helping. If thiscontinues projects that need to be accomplishedin and around <strong>the</strong> Lodge will have to becontracted. In turn this added cost will have tobe made up. That will result in higher food andbeverage prices. I don't know of anybody whowould enjoy making that decision.If you see trash in <strong>the</strong> lot, please pick it up. Ifyou see someone dropping trash, please tell aBoard member or <strong>the</strong> bartender on duty andaction will be taken.Many events are already in <strong>the</strong> works for <strong>the</strong>spring. Hope to see everyone around <strong>the</strong> Lodge.BrettIt’s never too early to think aboutmaking a donation for our upcomingTidewater Day. You can drop off adonation at <strong>the</strong> lodge. Please earmarkyour check “Tidewater donation”Administrator’s CornerTom HansenAno<strong>the</strong>r "<strong>Moose</strong> Year" has ended and I'd like to thank<strong>the</strong> past Board for <strong>the</strong>ir time, effort and contributions to# 1076.In addition, I'd like to personally thank <strong>the</strong> staff,committees, and participating members for helping make#1076's events and functions happen...(They could nothave been done without you!) THANK YOU andCheers!!!Looking forward, <strong>the</strong> new Board will need all <strong>the</strong> helpand energy our members and volunteers are willing toput forth to make # 1076, again, a thriving place ofcamaraderie. To our participating members, knowthat this office will do whatever it can to help out, inANY capacity, that betters this Lodge. Goodquality suggestions followed through to fruition, on ourmembers’ part, are always welcome. What do YOU haveto offer, in making this Lodge YOUR Lodge?Special Thanks to: The Entertainment Committee,The "Shuffleboard Faithful", The "BowlingStrikers", The APA'ers, to our dedicated volunteerBreakfast crews, Steak and Seafood cooks, chefs andcrews...Thank You for your ongoing support!Finally, (with so much still left to do) I'd like toacknowledge <strong>the</strong> 15 hardworking members thatparticipated in <strong>the</strong> Lodge clean-up day!(Kudos to: Matt Adams, Bob Cleveland Sr, Jeff Dowdy,Deana & Glenn Everett, Ray Gorham, Chuck Huffman,Joey Lanza, Clancy March, Jim Mills, Gary Nunley, JoePoole, Chris Porter, Jody Ryals and Patti Veach)To a job very well done...THANK YOU ALL!!!"No Man Stands So Straight And Tall As When HeStoops To Lift Up A Child."...Do Something To Help & Support Your Lodge,<strong>Moose</strong>heart & <strong>Moose</strong>haven.To positive changes ongoing and forthcoming...FraternallyTom Hansen

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 3 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013WOTM Board of OfficersCongratulations and Welcome to all <strong>the</strong> incomingLOOM and WOTM Officers, Appointed Officers andChairmen. We are looking forward to a great year and<strong>the</strong> opportunity to work with each of you. We wouldespecially like to thank <strong>the</strong> Installing Officers, PattyDavis, Joyce Hoskins, Mary Jo Gaskins and MyraHansborough who made Installation a great experience.Congratulations to Patti Veach who was voted as <strong>the</strong>Chapter’s volunteer co-worker of <strong>the</strong> year!We would like to invite each co-worker to attend ourmeetings held on <strong>the</strong> 1 st and 3 rd Wednesdays of eachmonth. May 1 st is our Membership RetentionCommittee Activity Night meeting and Gerry Mason isour chairman. June 5 th is our Publicity CommitteeActivity Night and Nancy Shapiro is our chairman. Wehave a drawing for those in attendance each meetingand you could win from $10 to $50.The Chapter will be hosting 3 bake sales over <strong>the</strong> next 2months and are looking for volunteers to work <strong>the</strong> bakesales and also donate baked goods. The dates are: May12 th during <strong>the</strong> Classic Car show, May 31 st and June 28 thduring <strong>the</strong> Seafood Buffet. Please see one of <strong>the</strong> Boardmembers if you can help.During <strong>the</strong> first week in May each co-worker willreceive a letter indicating <strong>the</strong> Chapter DevelopmentCommittee <strong>the</strong>y have been asked to serve on during <strong>the</strong>2013-2014 chapter year. Please contact <strong>the</strong> ChapterDevelopment Chairman or any member of <strong>the</strong> Board ofOfficers, if you have an idea for a fundraiser, or anyquestions.We would like to extend heartfelt congratulations toJoAnna Mullins who will become <strong>the</strong> newest memberof <strong>the</strong> College of Regents during <strong>the</strong> InternationalConference in Milwaukee during Memorial Dayweekend. JoAnna has worked very hard to earn thisgreat honor and we want to thank her for her hard work.Sickness and DistressGerry Mason,ChairmanSue Finken, Fa<strong>the</strong>r IllPatti Veach, SurgeryLinda Miller, IllClara & Ralph Nichols, IllMartha Kabkisha, husband passedRenee Wilton, Mo<strong>the</strong>r has cancerBill Bean, Fa<strong>the</strong>r passedVera Dove, Ill in hospitalPeg Dockery, IllPat Cleveland & Dee Owen's Sister passedAnn Lien & Lewis Alexander’s mo<strong>the</strong>r passedVic Maykowskyj passedPlease keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.WOTM Board of Officer’s message continued:Just remember <strong>the</strong> more involved you become with <strong>the</strong>Lodge and Chapter will make a difference in our support to<strong>the</strong> Children at <strong>Moose</strong>heart and our Seniors at <strong>Moose</strong>havenand you won’t miss out on what you deserve to get by beinga MOOSE MEMBER. We look forward to working withyou all in <strong>the</strong> year ahead.Hope to see you in <strong>the</strong> Lodge in <strong>the</strong> near future.Fraternally yours,Pat, Pat, Shari, Patti & SoniaWOTM1042Board@gmail.comCongratulations toJody Ryals who wasvoted <strong>Moose</strong>Legionaire!

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 4 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAYNotes from <strong>the</strong> KitchenJone BoazSocial Quarters Hours11:00 AM – 11:00 PM11:00 AM – 11:00 PM11:00 AM – 11:00 PM11:00 AM – 12 MIDNIGHT11:00 AM – 2:00 AM11:00 AM – 1:00 AM11:00 AM – 9:00 PMHappy HourMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday4:00 pm – 7:00 pmWEDNESDAYSInternational DaySo far we have had a variety of foods on Wednesdays andtacos have returned to <strong>the</strong> menu. So bring <strong>the</strong> whole<strong>family</strong> for a Wednesday no cooking at <strong>the</strong> house meal!EVERY DAYPIZZA SERVED ALL DAY EVERY DAY$5.00 for a small$7.00 for a largeChoose from a variety of toppings. Come in and order oneor two to go.FRIDAYS at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong>Steak cooked <strong>the</strong> way you want it, salad with choice of dressingand baked potato with <strong>the</strong> works. A number of o<strong>the</strong>r optionsare available as well.Entertainment most Friday nights. Bring your blue suede shoesand come on down.KITCHEN HOURSMonday11:30 am – 8:30 pmTuesday – Saturday 11:30 am – 8:30 pmSunday11:30 am – 8:00 pmFranconia <strong>Moose</strong> Family Center BreakfastThis breakfast is held on <strong>the</strong> second Sunday ofeach month from 9 AM to 12 NOON. It is allyou can eat breakfast which includes eggs anyway you want <strong>the</strong>m, potatoes, bacon, sausage,ham, biscuits with 2 types of gravy, fruit,pancakes, waffles and French toast.All of this for only $9.00We need to remind everyone that forbreakfast on <strong>the</strong> 2nd Sunday of every month<strong>the</strong> entire Lodge is NON-SMOKING. Thisrestriction is in place until 12pm on thosedays when breakfast is over.REMINDERDue to various problems with membership,temporary cards, etc., <strong>the</strong> Lodge has nowadopted a policy which has always been inplace and that we have gotten away from.When you visit <strong>the</strong> Social Quarters, you are toshow your membership card each and everyvisit to <strong>the</strong> Duty Officer or Bartender. Thisdoes not pertain to only those ordering drinks,but to each and every member that comes into<strong>the</strong> Lodge.Thank you,The Management

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 5 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013Family ActivitiesMark Your CalendarsMay 1 stMay 3 rdMay 4 thMay 6 thMay 12 thMay 12 thMay 14 thMay 15 thMay 17 thMay 18 thMay 24 thMay 28 thMay 31 stMayWOTM Committee Meeting 7:30pmDJ Jeff plays in Social QuartersCinco de Mayo Night w/ <strong>the</strong> Fabulous ExaggerationsFellowship Meeting 6:00pmLOOM Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Day BreakfastCar Show in <strong>the</strong> Field and PavilionLoom General Meeting 8:00pmWOTM Meeting 7:30pm<strong>Moose</strong> Legion Meeting 7:30pmWOTM Appreciation Dinner 5:00pmTidewater Benefit Golf TournamentLOOM General Meeting 8:00pmSeafood Buffet & Eddie Schafer Playing, bake saleJune 3 rdJune 5 thJune 7 thJune 9 thJune 11 thJune 14 thJune 15 thJune 19 thJune 21 stJune 22 ndJune 25 thJune 28 thJuneFellowship Meeting 6:00pmWOTM Committee Meeting 7:30pmDJ Jeff playing in Social QuartersLOOM BreakfastLOOM General Meeting 8:00pmKaraoke with Amanda Jordan<strong>Moose</strong> Legion Fish FryWOTM Meeting 7:30pm<strong>Moose</strong> Legion Meeting 7:30pmFellowship Pig RoastLOOM General Meeting 8:00pmSeafood Buffet, Sasparilla Band Playing, bake saleJunior Graduate Regent MessageHi Coworkers!I can’t believe <strong>the</strong> year is over and we are starting our next <strong>Moose</strong> year – itwent by way to fast!I would be remiss if I did not remember to thank everyone who hasvolunteered <strong>the</strong>ir time and energy to <strong>the</strong> many Chapter and Lodge events over<strong>the</strong> past several months – ok – well, really over <strong>the</strong> past year. While I trulythank you all for a great year, I would be remiss if I didn’t call out a fewspecial people that helped me through <strong>the</strong> year -To <strong>the</strong> past senior regents of our chapter – I thank you for your tremendouswealth of knowledge and history you have provided me over this past year. Itruly could not have completed this year without you! To <strong>the</strong> current board –It has been a great year! Thank you so much for your support, for yourwisdom, and for your advice over this past 12 months. I can’t wait to do it allagain this year!To <strong>the</strong> fantastic women of our chapter who have come to one or all of ourchapter meetings – I thank you for your kindness and warm hearted wishes tome throughout this year. Each and every time I have needed anything, or haveasked you to step up to help those in our chapter, or to help <strong>the</strong> Lodge ingeneral, you have always given 100%. I am in constant awe of all that you dofor our chapter, for our Lodge, for our community, and for our Twin Cities.Finally - to JoAnna Mullins - No matter what I asked, you pitched in – noquestions asked. From starting <strong>the</strong> bake sales, to making sure <strong>the</strong> 50/50 wasdone for our meeting nights, to standing in for a position during a meeting, youhelp definitely made me less nervous during <strong>the</strong> year. I think you probablypro-temed more positions this past year than you thought possible (so much forgetting away with being just <strong>the</strong> Audit Chair!)! Thank you from <strong>the</strong> bottom ofmy heart.As always, please remember that our success begins and ends with you, ourcoworkers. The support you provide, through your dues renewals anddonations to <strong>Moose</strong>heart and <strong>Moose</strong>haven go to helping our seniors andchildren live fruitful and fulfilling lives. Even if you do not come to <strong>the</strong> lodgeon a regular basis, or come to our chapter meetings, please know that yourdues are important and help us to support our Twin Cities.Finally, several of you have come up to me to ask me if I will still be aroundnext year even though I won’t be Senior Regent. Well, rest assured, I will stillbe involved! As Junior Graduate Regent, I am looking forward to stillparticipating in all that we do and I hope to still see you as much as I do now!Sonia Kessler, Junior Graduate RegentFranconia #1042Upcoming WOTM Meetings:Please join us on <strong>the</strong> 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of <strong>the</strong> month at 7:30PMfor our Chapter meetings. They can be quite interesting. Snacksavailable on <strong>the</strong> 1 st Wed of <strong>the</strong> month. Come and give us yoursuggestions on events. Upcoming Meetings:May 1 stMembership/Retention Committee MeetingMay 15 thChapter Business MeetingJune 5 thPublicity Committee MeetingJune 19 thChapter Business MeetingHope to see you <strong>the</strong>re!!Look for <strong>the</strong> Piggy on <strong>the</strong> Bar with this Logo. We are raising fundsto bring our own <strong>Moose</strong>heart <strong>Virginia</strong> House girls here August 4 ththru 10 th . Your support is greatly appreciated. If you would like tomail a donation to us please earn mark your check “VA House GirlsTrip and mail to: WOTM P.O. Box 30023 Alexandria, VA 22310

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 6 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013MOOSE LEGIONCOMMITTEEChairman, Jim MillsThe new <strong>Moose</strong> year starts as of May 1 st and at <strong>the</strong>time I am writing this article we do not know who<strong>the</strong> new <strong>Moose</strong> Legion Chairman will be. Pleasecome out and give him your support and wish himwell, whoever it may be.The <strong>Moose</strong> Legion Committee meets <strong>the</strong> thirdFriday of every month at 7:30 pm; <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong>meetings will be on May17, 2013 and June 21,2013. There is a potluck dinner and social hourafter <strong>the</strong> meeting, so bring a dish to share and comeon down.The <strong>Moose</strong> Legion is having a fish fry on June 15 th .Mark your calendars and come out and enjoy“Earl’s All You Can Eat Famous Fish Fry”.Prepared by Earl and his helpers, myself and Bob.The time is from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and <strong>the</strong> cost is$12.00 a person.A <strong>Moose</strong> member is eligible to apply formembership in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Legion after he has beena member for six months or sponsored one memberin to <strong>the</strong> fraternity. You will receive a distinctive<strong>Moose</strong> Legion Lapel Pin for sponsoring your firstmember and if you sponsor and enroll twomembers you will get your ML dues paid for ayear.I have enjoyed being <strong>Moose</strong> Legion Chairman this2012-2013 <strong>Moose</strong> year and want to thank all ofthose who attended <strong>the</strong> meetings for <strong>the</strong>ir support.The mission of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Legion is “To HaveFun While Providing Greater Service to The<strong>Moose</strong> Fraternity”. The vision is “Persuade AllQualified Lodge Members To Join The <strong>Moose</strong>Legion And Do Some Good Thing For SomeoneEach Day.” We should keep this in mind whenpromoting <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Legion.Jim MillsPast ChairmanMEMBERSHIP COMMITTEEWilliam BeanThank you sponsors for asking your friends and <strong>family</strong> members tojoin our great fraternity. New members, please tell us how we canmake our Lodge a place you want to come to regularly. We have asuggestion box as you enter <strong>the</strong> Social Quarters that you can putyour suggestions and comments in. Hope to see you visiting <strong>the</strong>Lodge during one of our upcoming social events.FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEEChairman, Gary NunleyOld man winter has finally left. It was not that he was a bitter cold it was hetried to stay around too long. Spring has arrived and it is now time to comedown and enjoy your lodge. Don’t forget May 12 is Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s day. Treatyour Mo<strong>the</strong>r to a fabulous breakfast at <strong>the</strong> lodge. Omelets, waffles,pancakes, eggs to order, sausage gravy, SOS, and all <strong>the</strong> trimmings will beserved from 9 am to 12 noon on May 12 th . As always <strong>the</strong> lodge willsnonsmoking during <strong>the</strong> hours breakfast is served. Coming in June <strong>the</strong><strong>Moose</strong> Legion will be having a Fish Fry. The scheduled date and hours isJune 15 5-7 PM. Also in June <strong>the</strong> Fellowship Committee will be hosting apig roast. Yes a real pig will be roasted. The date for <strong>the</strong> pig roast is June 222-6 PM. The Pig roast will be held outside. Look for details in <strong>the</strong> socialquarters. I have read that <strong>the</strong>re is a secret to happiness and wellbeing. All ittakes is <strong>the</strong> ability to do <strong>the</strong> following: Forget. Apologize. Admit errors.Avoid mistakes. Listen to advice. Keep your temper. Shoulder <strong>the</strong> blame.Make <strong>the</strong> best of things. Maintain high standards. Think first and actaccordingly. Put <strong>the</strong> needs of o<strong>the</strong>rs before your own. Forgive. Seems like atall order doesn’t it? If you just try slipping as many of <strong>the</strong>se “secrets” intoyour day as possible you will soon be rewarded with a more positive outlookon life.Community ServiceLOOM Board of OfficersOur Spring project was on April 13 th and several members came outto help spruce up <strong>the</strong> outside of our <strong>Moose</strong> Home. Thanks to all thatgave of <strong>the</strong>ir time. During <strong>the</strong> next couple months we will becollecting school supplies and canned goods for <strong>the</strong> KoinoniaGroup. Look for <strong>the</strong> baskets by <strong>the</strong> DJ booth to put your donationsin. Thanks again for your support.

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 7 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013SPORTSCOMMITTEESkip StaggsChairmanSpring is in <strong>the</strong> air and <strong>the</strong> Franconia <strong>Moose</strong> Golfers have been hitting <strong>the</strong> courses again.The Lodge is hosting <strong>the</strong> first of several Tidewater fundraising golf tournaments on May 24 th , 2013. If you are interested inparticipating in <strong>the</strong> event, please contact <strong>the</strong> lodge for more information.Ladies, are you looking for a night out with <strong>the</strong> girls? Why not try <strong>the</strong> new APA Ladies tournament we are trying to put toge<strong>the</strong>r.The first night of play will be May 16 th . Each team will need at least 4 ladies but no more than 5. And only 3 ladies play each night. TheLodge will be having “Ladies Night” Specials for you Pool Players. This league is all about fun. So if you are interested in putting a teamtoge<strong>the</strong>r please let Shari know. Email her at disneyadct@aol.com.We are reviving <strong>the</strong> Saturday night pool tournaments which start at 7:30pm. So please check <strong>the</strong> calendar to find out what typeof tournament is going on. Please come out and have fun, that’s what <strong>the</strong> Saturday night tournaments are about just having fun.In April was <strong>the</strong> state Scotch Mixed Doubles Tournament and our Lodge had several teams participate. Charlie Kingery finished4th place in Men’s Single 8Ball and Jessica Honecker finished 2 nd place in <strong>the</strong> Women’s Single 8Ball. Way to go Franconia PoolShooters. May 3 rd , 4 th , & 5 th <strong>the</strong> tournament is at <strong>the</strong> Fredericksburg Lodge, which is just a hop, skip and a jump from our Lodge. Let’sget some teams toge<strong>the</strong>r and show everyone Franconia knows how to shoot pool.March 9 th , we had our first electronic bowling tournament. We had eighteen members come out and support <strong>the</strong> event and <strong>the</strong>first place team consisted of Ben Owens and Jerry, <strong>the</strong> Plummer. Thanks to Matt Adams for running and organizing this event. May 4 thand June 15 are <strong>the</strong> next scheduled tournaments, please be at <strong>the</strong> lodge by 6:15 to register for play to start promptly at 6:30pm. Watch at<strong>the</strong> lodge for signup sheets and check out our Facebook page for upcoming tournaments. Thanks to all <strong>the</strong> members that came out andsupported this event.The shuffleboard game is in high demand again and Sunday afternoons, at 2pm <strong>the</strong>re is a tournament for our members. If youwould like to try your hand at shuffleboard just show up a little before 2pm to get signed up. If you have any questions about <strong>the</strong>tournament, please see Marty or Randy Hall.NASCAR’s season is in full force and you can catch <strong>the</strong> race and watch your favorite driver each week at <strong>the</strong> lodge. When <strong>the</strong>race is on <strong>the</strong>re are drink and food specials from <strong>the</strong> kitchen and bar, so stop in and stay a while.Now that summer is upon us, <strong>the</strong> Lodge picnics will be in full swing which means Horseshoes and Corn Hole tournaments forour members.If you want to see o<strong>the</strong>r tournaments in <strong>the</strong> lodge, put your suggestion in <strong>the</strong> box. We are always looking for new ideas to keepour members happy and enjoying our lodge. Without <strong>the</strong> support of our members we couldn’t do all <strong>the</strong> great things we do for <strong>the</strong>community, <strong>the</strong> kids at <strong>Moose</strong>heart and our seniors at <strong>Moose</strong>haven.Hope to see lots of you around <strong>the</strong> lodge in coming weeks.Skip StaggsSports Chairmanskipshouse@aol.comPictures of <strong>the</strong> Bowling TournamentBen & Jerry The Bowling tournament Winners

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 8 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013Various News and Articles from <strong>Moose</strong> InternationalDo you know of a child that can take advantage of <strong>the</strong> benefits at <strong>Moose</strong>heart??Historically, children have come to <strong>Moose</strong>heart because <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r, a member in good standing with <strong>the</strong> LoyalOrder of <strong>Moose</strong>, passed away. It is now <strong>Moose</strong>heart's policy to admit qualified children who have a need.The Admissions Committee considers all applications of children in need; when and if <strong>the</strong>re are capacityconsiderations, preference must obviously be given to those children who are affiliated with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> member families.The Procedure for Admissions to <strong>Moose</strong>heart Child City and School can be downloaded and printed using <strong>the</strong> linkabove. Additional information or inquiries regarding admission may be made by contacting ... <strong>Moose</strong>heart AdmissionsDept. -- Phone: 630-906-3631 -- Fax: 630-906-3651 -- Email: krife@<strong>moose</strong>heart.orgFraternallyDonnie MaddoxVMA <strong>Moose</strong>heart / <strong>Moose</strong>haven Admissions ChairmanBrett Sweeney, Our New GovernorNew WOTM Chairmanfor 2013-2014Membership/Retention Gerry MasonPublicityNancy ShapiroYouth Involvement Lindy FindelAcademy of Friendship Dee OwensStar RecorderCheryl Ellis<strong>Moose</strong>heart/<strong>Moose</strong>haven Deana EverettCollege of Regents Jessica HoneckerCommunity Service Estelle MillerEducational Advancement Dottie JoinesFamily Involvement Karen Ashworth<strong>Moose</strong> Charities Peg DockeryHealth Awareness Jerrilee DeGeusAudit Chairman JoAnna MullinsSunshineGerry MasonHelping HandsKaren AshworthSportsShari StaggsThank you Ladies in advance for yoursupport and assistance during this comingyear. Here’s to great and fun projects.Meet Our New Officers & Chairmenfor <strong>the</strong> 2013 – 2014 YearOn April 28 th , <strong>the</strong> Board of Officers, appointed Officers andChairmen were installed for both <strong>the</strong> Loyal Order of <strong>the</strong><strong>Moose</strong> and Women of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong>. The hope of both boardsis <strong>the</strong> continuing joint support and efforts towards our twincities of <strong>Moose</strong>heart and <strong>Moose</strong>haven and those in need inour community. When you see <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> Lodge pleasethank <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>the</strong> future commitments <strong>the</strong>y will be makingfor <strong>the</strong> ensuing year. Without a strong and harmoniousBoard <strong>the</strong> great works cannot be accomplished. It goeswithout saying that a successful Lodge and <strong>Moose</strong> Homeneeds <strong>the</strong> support of all our members and we could not dowhat we do without each or you!!! Look for additionalpictures on <strong>the</strong> TV with <strong>the</strong> activities when you come into<strong>the</strong> Lodge.WOTM Board of OfficersPatti Veach, Pat Cleveland, Sonia Kessler, & Pat PristavecShari Staggs was absent

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 9 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013New LOOM Members & <strong>the</strong>ir SponsorsLOOM Board OfficersBack Row: Jeff Dowdy, Glenn Everett, Jody Ryals, Brett Sweeney, Joe PooleFront Row: Tom Hansen, Tim Smith, Matt AdamsNew MemberLarry BedsolePaul BoyneJeff BrownRichie BusigoRoy CookNathan CraffordKen EggersRobert EidsvoogMark Dustin EvansMark FeinbergMichael FinelColin FitzpatrickGreg GransbackSteve HallJay HerriottSteve LandersJames LearyDeepak MadalaChris McCormickMark MillsPaul MoriartyTravis MurphyEverardo Reuben NunezMinwon PakJeff PooleDavid RobbinsJohn RussPeter RussoMike SawyersEdward SchnurrTimothy SellnerCharles ShupienusBruce SimonPeter StreffJoe ThomasGeorge Chico TorresShami WaliaJason WarrenSponsorJoe PooleRaymond StoneJeff DowdyJim McLainTom HansenRobert KnoxRobert KnoxTim SmithDave SmithBarry MorlanSkip StaggsNick BufanoJeff MageePete ShortMinwon PakJoe PooleMatt AdamsAdam PeerMark FleischmanJim MillsMike PorterTom HansenDave Ma<strong>the</strong>rRobert KnoxJoe PooleJoe PooleTom HansenFabio VinetAl ResslerCharles ShupienusJoe PooleTom HansenBrian HarrisonMinwon PakPete ShortJim MillsJay HerriottBrett SweeneyNew WOTM Members & <strong>the</strong>ir SponsorsNew Member SponsorSheryl Ann Bryant Sarah HansenChristiane Grammer Hannah GroverAnn McGinley Donna TeaboCary Lou Hobgood Donna TeaboLindy FinelShari StaggsElizabeth Takahashi Susan HelwegeJanet GlockSonia KesslerBrandy Lewis Susan FinkenMaryann Barvinski Deborah Spidle-LaubHerta Soman Patti VeachHelen Davis Patti VeachNanette Myers Christine CouchMaxine Davis Jone BoazKathleen Buckley Kristyn VinetLaura Gentile Re-Enroll - J. MullinsVicki Parkhurst Re-Enroll - J. MullinsJoan BeemDeborah Spidle-LaubDarlene Downey Patti VeachAmy Bailey Jessica EsparzaSongyi Gransback Kristyn VinetTammy Elizondo Jone BoazSopapon Booth Paula ButlerGretchen Kraft Maggie ParrishChristina Puryear Jone Boaz

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 10 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013EVENTS AT THE FRANCONIA MOOSEThe Lodge’s Annual Children’s Easterparty was held on March 23 rd . The kidswere entertained with Wii games and eggdying. Peter Cottontail arrived and greeted<strong>the</strong> children and <strong>the</strong>re were manyopportunities for photo opps with <strong>the</strong>bunny. He <strong>the</strong>n led <strong>the</strong>m outside for <strong>the</strong>annual egg hunt. No child left with anempty basket as Peter left plenty of eggs forall <strong>the</strong> kids to find. Thanks to all ourmembers who helped out with this event.The Women of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Moose</strong>hosted a St Patrick’s Daydinner on March 16 th whichwas followed by <strong>the</strong> first ever<strong>Moose</strong> Family Feud. Thanks toall <strong>the</strong> “families” that came outto support this fun & hilariousevent as our own Governor Jeffasked “Survey says” toquestions too funny to repeat.

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 11 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013EVENTS AT THE FRANCONIA MOOSEKaraoke made its way back to <strong>the</strong> Franconia <strong>Moose</strong> FamilyCenter on March 29 th , after <strong>the</strong> Lodge Seafood Buffet.There were great singers that performed and <strong>the</strong> Lodge waspacked till after midnight. The Entertainment Committee isworking on securing additional dates for Amanda to comeback. Watch for flyers at <strong>the</strong> Lodge and on Facebook.I did it my wayLodge Cleanup Daywas April 13 th . Manyof our members cameout to help spruce up<strong>the</strong> outside of <strong>the</strong>Lodge for <strong>the</strong>summertime. Thanksto everyone who gaveof <strong>the</strong>ir time to helpout. Great job!

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 12 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013May 2013Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SatCall <strong>the</strong> Lodge for <strong>the</strong>ir dailyspecials1WOTMActivity Night@7:30pmQueen ofHeartsTaco Night2 3 DJ JeffPlaying4 Cinco De MayoEvent w/ FabulousExaggerationsBowling Tournament@ 6:30 pmPool Tournament@ 7:30pm5 67 8Queen of HeartsTaco Night9 10Steak Night11FellowshipMtg@ 6pmPool Tournament@ 7:30pm12Franconia<strong>Moose</strong>Breakfast9am-12noonGary Nunley’sCrewCar Show10amWOTM BakeSale13Boy ScoutMeeting@ 7pm14WOTMOfficers Mtg@ 7pmLOOMOfficers Mtg@ 6:30pmGeneral Mtg@ 8pm15WOTMChapterBusiness Mtg@ 7:30pmTaco NightQueen ofHearts16 17Steak Night<strong>Moose</strong> LegionMeeting@7:30pm18Women’sAppreciationDinner 5pmPool Tournament@ 7:30pm19 20Boy ScoutMeeting@ 7pm21 22Queen ofHeartsTaco Night23 24Tidewater GolfTournamentSteak Night25<strong>Moose</strong> International Conferencein Milwaukee WI26 27Boy ScoutMeeting28LOOMOfficers Mtg29Queen ofHearts@ 7pm @ 6:30pm Taco NightMemorial General Mtg@ 8pmDay<strong>Moose</strong> International Conference in Milwaukee WI30 31All You Can EatSeafood BuffetEddieShafferSteak NightWOTM BakeSale

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 13 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013June 2013Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1Pool Tournament@ 7:30pm2 3FellowshipMtg@ 6pm4 5WOTMActivity Night@ 7:30pmTaco NightQueen ofHearts6 7DJ JeffPlayingSteak Night8Pool Tournament@ 7:30pm9Franconia<strong>Moose</strong>BreakfastBob, Benny& Matt Crew9am-12noon10Boy ScoutMeeting@ 7pm11WOTMOfficers Mtg@ 7pmLOOMOfficers Mtg@ 6:30pmGeneral Mtg@ 8pm12Taco Night13 14Karaoke withAmandaSteak Night15<strong>Moose</strong> LegionFish Fry 5-7pmBowling Tournament@ 6:30pmPool Tournament@ 7:30pm16 17Boy ScoutMeeting@ 7pm23 24Boy ScoutMeeting@ 7pm18 19WOTMChapterBusiness Mtg@ 7:30pmTaco Night25LOOMOfficers Mtg@ 6:30pmGeneral Mtg@ 8pm26Taco Night20 21<strong>Moose</strong> LegionMeeting@7:30pm27 28All You Can EatSeafood BuffetWOTM Bake Sale29Live EntertainmentSteak Night22FellowshipPig RoastPool Tournament@ 7:30pm30June 28 - New to Our LodgeThe Sasparilla Band – Classiccountry, 50s & 60s music

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 14 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013Upcoming Events at <strong>the</strong> Franconia <strong>Moose</strong> Family CenterEntertainment in <strong>the</strong> Lodge:May 4 th <strong>the</strong> Fabulous Exaggerations withMichelleMay 31 st Eddie SchaferJune 14 th Karaoke with Amanda JordanJune 28 th <strong>the</strong> Sasparilla BandThe Fellowship Committee is hostinga Pig Roast PicnicJune 22 nd on <strong>the</strong> pavilion 2pm to 6pm.Mark your calendars and plan on coming out forgreat food.Watch <strong>the</strong> Lodge and Our Facebook Pagefor more details.

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 15 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013Upcoming Events at <strong>the</strong> Franconia <strong>Moose</strong> Family CenterHappy Birthday to <strong>the</strong> followingCo-Workers:May Birthdays: June Birthdays:Diane AdamsLaura ArcherHea<strong>the</strong>r CarlsonLih Bair ChemBillie CoonsChristine CouchDonna DillonJoan DonahueCheryl EllisCarol FongPatricia GarbersChristiane GrammerConnie HarrisRoma JenkinsMarilu LeBelHea<strong>the</strong>r LewisAnn LienMoira LlabresMarsha LoudermilkAnne McMahonAlice NorsworthyNorma PearsonPatricia PristavecRachelle PryorLinda ReedKathy RobertsMary ScanlanJean Taylor<strong>Virginia</strong> TurnerAjean VidalBarbara BrownShelly CoppockSandra CourtneyBrenda CulbertsonJackie DabbsPeg DockeryFrances DonathanMargaret DoveVera DoveE. EvansMary Jo GaskinsJessica GregrisTracy GrovesSusan HelwegeDee Dee HodgeSonia KesslerPatricia KingDonna KulischFredericka Lambert<strong>Virginia</strong> MacfarlanShirley MagalisKrystie MansolinoElizabeth MesrereauBeverly MitchellBrenda PettitDebra PiggElsie PluesAnn PorterRebecca ProutyDiane RutkowskiKaren TaylorBrenda TestemanKristyn VinetCattie WilcoxPlease come and join us on May10 th and June 14 th at 7:30 forbirthday cake and we will celebrateyour special day.Franconia <strong>Moose</strong> Lodge 1076Tidewater Charity Golf TournamentFriday May 24 th , 2013• Cost - $80.00, Includes green fees, range balls, cart, and lunchserved at <strong>the</strong> Lodge following <strong>the</strong> tournament. Cash or checkmade payable to: LOOM 1076• Time – Registration at 7:00 am - Shot Gun Start at 8:00 am• Location – Ft. Belvoir Golf Course – Gunston• FEES/TEAMS Must be received byMay 15, 2013Hole sponsorships are welcome - $100 per hole013For more information please contact: Sandra Courtney or Margaret DoveFriday, May 24, 2013urnamentFriday, May 24, 2013 <strong>Moose</strong> Lodge 1076Tidewater Charity Franconia Golf Golf TournamentFriday, May 24, 2013The Franconia <strong>Moose</strong> Family Center will hold its 14 th Annual GolfTournament on July 12 th , 2013, at <strong>the</strong> Fort Belvoir Golf Course.There will be an 8:00 am shotgun start on <strong>the</strong> Woodlawn Course. Thecost of $80 per golfer includes green fees, carts, range balls, prizes andlunch at <strong>the</strong> Lodge. The cost of guests attending <strong>the</strong> lunch only will be$10. As in <strong>the</strong> past we will be limited to <strong>the</strong> first 30 teams to sign up, sodon’t wait until <strong>the</strong> last minute or you may lose out. Entry forms areavailable in <strong>the</strong> Social Quarters or call Jeff or Pat Dowdy at 703-971-8990. Hole sponsorships are available at $100 per hole.

_________________________________________________________________________________PAGE 16 FRANCONIA MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NEWS MAY-JUNE 2013Door Duty

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