4th Annual Reference Guide and Community Almanac 2012
4th Annual Reference Guide and Community Almanac 2012
4th Annual Reference Guide and Community Almanac 2012
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Rosemary GingueBroker/OwnerDebbie AllardErnie BeginBarb MachellLinda ColbyWhether you’re in the market to buy orsell, call a Begin Realty agent today forprofessional, courteous service!Danville (802)684-1127 | St .Johnsbury (802) 748-2045Start your search here: www.beginrealty.comDenise BriggsTurninga Loan into aHOMEwith <strong>Community</strong> National Bank’s experienced Residential Lenders.Local loans with local service. For more information, call:David KennedyST. JOHNSBURY/LYNDONVILLE748-3605NMLS: 518303Cathy HayesBARTON525-3524NMLS: 518305Joanne HardyMONTPELIER/BARRE223-0598NMLS: 518304Donna KennisonENOSBURG FALLS/MORRISVILLE933-8500NMLS: 646397Penny JohnsonDERBY334-7915NMLS: 518311Br<strong>and</strong>y FlynnDERBY334-7915NMLS: 691070Proudly Serving Vermont Communities Since 1851DERBY • BARRE • BARTON • DERBY LINE • ENOSBURG FALLSISLAND POND • LYNDONVILLE • MONTPELIER • MORRISVILLENEWPORT • ST. JOHNSBURY • TROYwww.communitynationalbank.comFind us onFacebookFOLLOW US ON TWITTER
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table of contentskingdom profiles10 ALBANY29 CRAFTSBURY51 KIRBY85 STANNARD11 BARNET31 DANVILLE51 LOWELL77 ST. JOHNSBURY12 BARTON35 DERBY52 LUNENBURG86 SUTTON16 BLOOMFIELD37 EAST HAVEN53 LYNDON88 TROY17 BRIGHTON37 GLOVER62 MAIDSTONE88 VICTORY18 BROWNINGTON39 GRANBY62 MORGAN89 WALDEN19 BRUNSWICK39 GREENSBORO63 NEWARK90 WATERFORD20 BURKE41 GROTON64 NEWPORT CITY91 WESTFIELD24 CABOT42 GUILDHALL65 NEWPORT TOWN92 WESTMORE26 CANAAN42 HARDWICK70 NORTON94 WHEELOCK27 CHARLESTON46 HOLLAND71 PEACHAM27 CONCORD47 IRASBURG72 RYEGATE28 COVENTRY48 JAY73 SHEFFIELDkingdom almanacAirports9Best Driving Routes8Bus Service9Cable Television119Chambers of Commerce111Charter Service9County Government115Cover Shot8District Courts114Driving Distances8Economic Development112Employment & Industry118Farmers Markets121Golf Courses120High Schools 99High-Speed Internet104Human Service119Local Libraries113Media106Medical Services108Museums & Historical Places101Organizations & Clubs110Other Secondary Schools 99Places of Worship111Postal Codes107Post Offices105Post-Secondary Education100Pre-Schools 99Private Elementary Schools100Registering Vehicles9School Choice96Senior Services115Ski Areas121State Forests117State Libraries113State Representatives120State Senators120The Arts103U.S. House120U.S. Senate120Vermont Schools & Districts97Looking for a business? For information on more than 230 NortheastKingdom Businesses, please use our:Kingdom Business Directory..........pg.122Photo by Michelle Oakes
<strong>2012</strong><strong>4th</strong> <strong>Annual</strong><strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>Almanac</strong>is published annually byNorthStar PublishingPublisher:Justin LavelyCompiled by:Justin & Ginni LavelyGraphic Design:Heidi Allen GoodrichEditors:Justin Lavely , Lyn Bixby,Judy Lavely, Ginni LavelyAdvertising / Circulation:Vicki MooreAngie KnostEditorial Offices:PO Box 319, 29 Hill StreetDanville, VT, 05828802.684.1056Editorial Comments or Questions:info@kingdom-guide.comGeographically speaking, the areacovered in this guide extends from Derbyin the north to Ryegate in the south. Whilethe Connecticut River forms the easternboundary, the western line reaches as faras Hardwick. Every effort was made tomake this guide as complete as possible,though there are undoubtedly accidentalomissions. If your organization or groupwas left out <strong>and</strong> you would like to beincluded, contact NorthStar Publishing, <strong>and</strong>we will add you to next year’s edition.The Kingdom <strong>Guide</strong> is produced <strong>and</strong>published by Northstar Publishing,LLC located at 29 Hill Street, Danville,VT. Printed in USA. Copyright 2011by NorthStar Publishing LLC. All rightsreserved. No part of this publication may bereprinted or otherwise reproduced withoutexpressed permission from NorthStarPublishing LLC. Publisher is not responsiblefor errors resulting from typographicalerrors. Acceptance of advertising is subjectto publisher’s approval <strong>and</strong> agreement bythe advertiser to indemnify the publisherfrom loss or expense on claims basedupon contents of the advertising. Publisherdoes not assume liability for errors in anyadvertising beyond the cost of the spaceoccupied by the individual item in which theerror appeared.Driving Distances from St. JohnsburyBarnet ........................7Boston, Mass. ..............172Burke ....................... 17Burlington ................... 76Brattleboro .................123Cabot ....................... 21Concord .................... 13Danville ..................... 10East Haven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Franconia Notch, N.H. ....... 41Groton ...................... 27Hanover .................... 57Hardwick ................... 27Hartford, Ct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205Kirby ........................ 12Littleton, N.H ................ 21Lyndon ..................... 12Manchester, N.H ...........122Best Driving RoutesTo Boston: I-91 to I-93To Providence: I-93 to I-95To New York City: I-91 to I-95Cover ShotMontpelier .................. 38Montreal, Quebec ..........155New York, N.Y ..............321Newark ..................... 22Newport .................... 44Peacham ................... 15Portl<strong>and</strong>, Maine ............132Providence, R.I .............221Rutl<strong>and</strong> ....................105Ryegate ..................... 22Sheffield .................... 35Stannard .................... 25Sutton ...................... 22Victory ...................... 15Walden ..................... 18Waterford .....................7Wheelock ................... 20Woodstock .................. 74To Portl<strong>and</strong>: I-93 to Rt. 302Montreal: I-91 to Rt. 55 to Rt.10To Burlington: Rt. 2 to I-89Photographer Sarah Walls is a wife, mother of two <strong>and</strong> naturelover. She’s lived in lovely Barnet for 10 years <strong>and</strong> recentlystarted a small portraiture business called Cedarbrook Studio.She’s loved photography since the day she received a pink 110pocket camera when she was about nine years old, but was tooafraid to make a small business out of it until last fall. She hasknown the two children in the photo for years. The cover shotwas taken about 20 minutes before dusk during an unusuallymild September near Danville. The light cast a warm glow in thebackyard. It remains one of her favorites because of its simplicity<strong>and</strong> it reminds her a lot of life here in the Northeast Kingdom.Simple, yet beautiful. Just like the family. Sarah can be reachedat: Cedarbrook Studio, www.cedarbrookstudio.zenfolio.comFollow us on Facebook at:www.facebook.com/kingdomguideThis publication in its entirety can be downloaded at:www.kingdom-guide.comGreat for viewing on a smartphone or tablet!SOURCES: 2010 VATC Town Clerk & Municipal Permit Directory; EstherMunroe Swift’s Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History; University ofVermont Center for Rural Studies; Town Reports; Chambers of Commerce;Municipal <strong>and</strong> School Web sites; Vermont Secretary of State’s Office; VermontYear Book; United States Census Bureau; United States Postal Service; <strong>and</strong>Virtual Vermont.
KINGDOM PROFILESGOOdRidGeLumBeR, iNC.Photo by Flip ButtlingWhite CedarLog Homes & Log SidingRough <strong>and</strong> FinishedWhite Cedar LumberDecking • T+V GrooveShiplap • Square EdgePerma-Chink Productsfor Log HomesWhite cedar from Vermont’s NortheastKingdom! From the time cedar logsenter the sawmill yard until they leave asfinished products, the Goodridge familyare all actively involved in the manufacturingprocess <strong>and</strong> look forward to assisting youwith your white cedar project.Goodridge Lumber-quality lumber<strong>and</strong> service since 1974.www.goodridgelumber.comBailey-Hazen Road • Route 14Albany, Vermont802-755-6298Superior Cedar Products & Services since 1974ALBANYAlbany was organized on June 26, 1782. Originallynamed Lutterloh after Col. Henry Emannuel Lutterloh,Gen. Washington’s Deputy Quartermaster General ofthe Continental Army. In 1815 the town was renamedAlbany without clear reason. Although there is speculationthat the name is connected to Ira Allen, a leaderof the Green Mountain Boys <strong>and</strong> brother to EthanAllen, others contend New York proclaimed the areawest of the Green Mountains as part of Albany County.The town is, however, actually on the east side of themountains.Population: 941 Area: 38.98 sq. mi. Elevation: 956Zip Code: 05820 Median Household Income: $34,8442011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $.9/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.63/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 824 Main St., Albany, Hours: Tues. & Thurs.,9-4, Wednesday 9-7Town Clerk: Debra Ann Geoffroy, 755-6100, Albany@gaw.com, Asst. Clerk: Gloria ChicoineDelinquent Tax Collector: Debra Ann Geoffroy, 755-6100Zoning Contact: Debra Ann Geoffroy, 755-6100, Tues. &Thurs., 9-4, Wednesday 9-7Police: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., PO Box 410, Derby, 334-4740Fire: Albany Volunteer Fire Department, Water Street,Albany, 755-9240Medical/Rescue: Orleans Emergency Unit, 4394 BartonOrleans Rd., Orleans, 754-8500; North Country Hospital,189 Prouty Drive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Copley HospitalUtilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Albany Public Library, 530 Main St., Tues. <strong>and</strong>Thurs. 12-4:30, Sat. 9-noonSchools: Albany <strong>Community</strong> School, K-8, 351 Main St.;Lakes Region Union High SchoolSpecial Events: <strong>Annual</strong> Labor Day Fundraiser for theAlbany Fire Department.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.10 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESBarnetBarnet is a small Connecticut River town, founded in1763 “on paper” <strong>and</strong> really started around 1770-1773.Barnet got its name originally from the town of Barnet,Engl<strong>and</strong>. Its five quaint villages are Barnet Village, EastBarnet, West Barnet, McIndoe Falls <strong>and</strong> Passumpsic,each with a general store serving as the hub. All have atleast one church, the foundation of these communities.There are no big box stores here, just specialty shopsof Vermont products <strong>and</strong> necessities. Shopping is inSt. Johnsbury a few miles north. Barnet is bounded onthe south by Ryegate, on the west by Peacham, whileDanville, St. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Waterford are its northernneighbors. The river separates it from Monroe in NewHampshire. Visitors are invited to take a back roadtour through farml<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> forests, along windingrivers <strong>and</strong> streams. Barnet is home to Karme Choling,a Shambhala Meditation Center, <strong>and</strong> the MilerapaTibetan Buddhist Center. It is the hometown of professionalbasketball player Taylor Coppenrath <strong>and</strong> filmmakerJay Craven. Two of Vermont’s governors, ErastusFairbanks <strong>and</strong> Horace Fairbanks, were from Barnet.Horace Fairbanks is known for making the first platformscale. Barnet is the home to Harvey’s Lake whichgot its name from Scotl<strong>and</strong>-born Colonel Alex<strong>and</strong>erHarvey. He set foot in Barnet <strong>and</strong> wished to remainthere, so he purchased 7,000 acres <strong>and</strong> the lake.Population: 1,773 Zip Code: 05821 Area: 43.6Photo by Joel LacossZip Code: 05821 Median Household Income: $62,7082011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.67/$100assessed valuation, Non-Resident Tax Rate: $1.73/$100assessed valuationTown Offices: 1743 US Route 5, Barnet, Hours: Mon.-Fri.9-noon; 1-4:30.Town Clerk: Ben Heisholt, 633-2256, townclerk@barnetvt.org, Asst. Clerk: Cathy McLamDelinquent Tax Collector: Lisa Bowden, 633-2359.Zoning Contact: Shirley Warden, 633-2359, Flexibleavailability.Police: Timothy Gibbs, First Constable, 633-3317. VermontState Police, St. Johnsbury Barracks, 1068 U.S. Route 5, St.Johnsbury, 748-3111.Fire Dept.: Ronald Morse, Chief. Barnet Volunteer FireDepartment, 151 Bimson Dr., P.O. Box 119, Barnet, 633-2595. Joseph Barrett, Fire Warden, 748-3300.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 11
KINGDOM PROFILESMedical/Rescue: Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital(St. Johnsbury), 748-8141. CALEX Ambulance Service,1453 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, 748-7599.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2427;Green Mountain Power (Electric) 888 835-4672; CentralVermont Public Service (Electric 800-649-2877); FairpointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001. WashingtonElectric Cooperative (Electric) 800-932-5245Library: Barnet Public Library. Hours are Mon. 6:30-8:30,Tuesdays 10-4, Wed.-Thur. 12:30-4, Sat. 10-2. LibraryDirector is Sherry Tolle.Schools: Barnet Elementary School, Caledonia CentralSupervisory Union, K-8; 9-12 students are given the choiceof surrounding public or approved independent high schoolsto attend.Recreation: Harvey’s Lake for local swimming, boating,<strong>and</strong> fishing. Trails to hike nearby Bogie Mountain (Garl<strong>and</strong>Hill), Barnet Mountain, Harvey Mountain, <strong>and</strong> Roy Mountain.Passumpsic River Outfitters, 105 Bridge Street, PO Box71, Passumpsic, 802-578-3151 evansvt@gmail.com offerskayak rentals on the Passumpsic River.Special Events: Special summer events are held each yearat Ben’s Mill <strong>and</strong> Karme Choling. Second <strong>Annual</strong> “Art at theLibrary Event,” July 4, <strong>2012</strong>.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.BARTONBarton is located in Orleans County. Chartered on Oct.20, 1789 as part of the Vermont Charter, the town originallyapplied for charter in 1781 <strong>and</strong> was supposed tobe named for Providence, R.I., because it was home toseveral Revolutionary War veterans. Eight years later,it was chartered <strong>and</strong> named after Col. William Barton,who was responsible for the capture of British GeneralPrescott in 1777. Starting in 1791, Timothy Hinman ledthe construction of the Hinman Settler Road. Goingsouth, the road links Barton to Greensboro <strong>and</strong> goingnorth, the road links to Derby <strong>and</strong> Canada. A railroadsystem began to be constructed in 1858 <strong>and</strong> the firsttrain ran through Barton five years later in 1863. Thetown has housed two newspapers in its history. TheOrleans County Monitor was published from 1872 to1953. The Chronicle, founded in 1974, is now publishedon a weekly basis. Barton is also home to WJPK Radio101.3 FM. There are two incorporated villages in thetown of Barton. Barton Village was incorporated Nov.21, 1874. It is located at the outlet of Crystal Lake alittle south of the central part of the town’s boundary.The second is Orleans Village, located at the northerncorner of the town on the Barton River, incorporated inthe first half of the 19th century. Before 1810, much ofthe l<strong>and</strong> area that is now Orleans was part of a pondwelcome to Barnetwww.barnetvt.comAmy W. Wheeler, L.Ac.Barry Fudim, L.Ac.National Board CertifiedOffices in Barnet, VT <strong>and</strong> Hanover, NH802-633-2700www.theacupunctureworks.com12 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESnow called Runaway Pond, that broke unexpectedly<strong>and</strong> flooded areas to the north. Orleans was originallycalled Barton L<strong>and</strong>ing because of its location on theriver; a spot that was used for smuggling in the early1900s <strong>and</strong> previously by people of the St. Francis,Coosuck, <strong>and</strong> Abenaki tribes as an encampment alonga migration route through New Engl<strong>and</strong>.Population: 2,810 Area: 32.98 sq. mi. Elevation: 874Zip Code: 05905 Median Household Income: $38,9322011 Tax Info: Barton Village Residential $2.80/$100assessed valuation; Barton Village Non-Residential$3.07/$100 assessed valuation; Orleans Village Residential$3.29/$100 assessed valuation; Orleans Village Non-Residential $3.39/$100 assessed valuation; BartonTown Residential $2.11/$100 assessed valuation; BartonTown Non-Residential $2.38/$100; Group IV Residential$2.32/$100 assessed valuation; Group IV Non-Residential$2.42/$100 assessed valuationTown Offices: 34 Main Street, 525-6222, Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-4, Fri. 7:30-12.Town Clerk: Grace Mason, 525-6222, bartontown@comcast.net. Asst. Clerk: Kristin Atwood.Delinquent Tax Collector: Barton town: Colleen Cloutier,525-3786, Orleans Village: Sheila Martin, 754-6616.Board of Selectmen: Meets on the first <strong>and</strong> third Monday ofeach month.Planning Board: Meets on first Thursday of the month.Zoning Contact: Ken Foote, bartontown2@gmail.com, 673-4695, Fridays 8-10.Graves BuildersFine Homes And BarnsWilliam J. Graves• House <strong>and</strong> barn construction• All renovations <strong>and</strong>general construction• Firewood <strong>and</strong>winter maintenance• Local craftsmen working for you329 Cloud Brook Road | Barnet, VT 05821802-633-2579 | gravesbuild@myfairpoint.net14 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPolice: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., PO Box 410, Derby, 334-4740.Fire: Barton Volunteer Fire Dept., 142 Main St., 525-3700;Orleans Volunteer Fire Department, 102 Main St., 754-2114Medical/Rescue: Orleans Emergency Unit, 4394 BartonOrleans Rd., Orleans, 754-8500; Newport AmbulanceService, 830 Union St. Newport, 334-2023. North CountryHospital, 189 Prouty Drive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org. Orleans Emergency Unit 754-8500, Barton AmbulanceSquad 525-3637, Orleans Fire Department 754-6366, BartonFire Department 525-3700, Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital (St. Johnsbury) 748-8141.Utilities: Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278; Barton ElectricDepartment (Electric) 800-525-4747, Orleans UtilityDepartment, 754-8584; Vermont Electric Co-op 800-832-2667; FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001Schools: Barton Academy <strong>and</strong> Graded School, K-8, 137Church St.; St Paul’s School PK–8, (private) 54 Eastern Ave;Wheeler Mountain Academy, 7-12 (private), 158 Church St.;Lake Region Union High School, 9–12, 317 Lake Region Rd.,Orleans.Recreation: Crystal Lake provides an area for swimming, <strong>and</strong>boating <strong>and</strong> in the winter is a prime hunting <strong>and</strong> fishing area.Several VAST trails in the area for snowmobiling.Special Events: <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>4th</strong> of July Fireworks <strong>and</strong> Parade;Orleans County Fair, Aug. 15-19.Photo by Michelle OakesTown Meeting Highlights <strong>2012</strong>: All articles passed. Thecover of Barton’s town report honored the 298-CadillacParade that kicked off the Orleans County Fair <strong>and</strong> set aGuinness Book World Record.welcome to Bartonwww.centerofthekingdom.com<strong>2012</strong>Missed out on advertising in the<strong>4th</strong> <strong>Annual</strong><strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>Almanac</strong>Call us <strong>and</strong> see what’s coming up next.802-684-1056LAKEVIEW CABINSOverlooking beautiful Crystal LakeCabins with fullkitchens, charcoalgrills & picnic tables.Private Beach withdock & boat launch.Play area, volleyball,horseshoes & firepit.662 South Barton Rd, Barton, VT802-525-4463lakeviewcabinsvacation.com • lakeviewcabinsvt@gmail.comTAYLOR’S AUTOMOTIVE, INC.SALES & SERVICEASE CERTIFIED TECHNICIANSALL MAJOR AND MINOR REPAIRSFOREIGN - DOMESTIC - SMALL ENGINE - FARM EQUIPMENTCAR - TRUCK - TRAILER - MOTORCYCLE INSPECTIONSPO BOX 335 - 334 BARTON-ORLEANS ROADBARTON, VT 05822 (802) 525-3456<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 15
KINGDOM PROFILESNature...By Design, Inc.is a full spectrum retailnursery offering anexceptional garden shop,as well as l<strong>and</strong>scapingservices. The shop has thearea’s largest selection oftrees, shrubs, perennials,annuals, vegetables, <strong>and</strong>many other unique <strong>and</strong>essential accent plants. You’ll also find several gardengifts, from bird baths <strong>and</strong> houses, to elegant statuary <strong>and</strong>gorgeous garden accents. The l<strong>and</strong>scaping division hasserviced both residential <strong>and</strong> commercial properties forover a decade <strong>and</strong> offers not only new installations, butalso l<strong>and</strong>scape maintenance, design services, new lawninstallation, paver walkways, <strong>and</strong> stonework.If you are looking for a l<strong>and</strong>scaping companythat goes above <strong>and</strong> beyond the usual, thenNature…By Design, Inc. is the company for you!Peter R. LeBlancsales@naturebydesign.comP: 802-754-6400 F: 802-754-2626P.O. Box 499 | Barton, VermontLook for ourChristmas Shopin Mid-November!www.naturebydesign.comBloomfieldGranted as Minehead on the same day <strong>and</strong> to the samegroup of Connecticut residents as neighboring Averill,Lemington <strong>and</strong> Lewis, the original name is taken fromthe town of the same name in Engl<strong>and</strong>, where manyof the families of the grantees had originated. At therequest of townspeople, the name was changed by theVermont legislature to Bloomfield in 1830. The originof the name has two possibilities: a “made” name chosenfor its descriptive connotations, or to honor JosephBloomfield, a major in the Revolutionary War <strong>and</strong> abrigadier general in the War of 1812, during which hecomm<strong>and</strong>ed a battalion at the Battle of Plattsburgh,an engagement in which many Vermonters took part.The population <strong>and</strong> economy of Bloomfield has risen<strong>and</strong> fallen over the years. At its height, several hundredmen were employed in lumbering <strong>and</strong> millingoperations of the Nulhegan Lumber Company, whichowned most of the l<strong>and</strong> around a village then knownas South Bloomfield; its location is now marked onlyby a cemetery. The only settlement to be found in thetown today is at the junction of Vermont Routes 105<strong>and</strong> 102, in the extreme southern corner. The town waschartered in 1762.Population: 221 Area: 40.27 sq. mi. Elevation: 912Zip Code: 05905 Median Household Income: $43,958E.M. BROWN & SON, INC.SINCE 1896169 MAIN ST. BARTON ,VT802- 525 3422embrowninc@myfairpoint.net• Hardware• Building Materials• Plumbing & Electrical• Valspar Paint& Cabot Stains• Blue Seal Feeds• Farm & Garden SupplyLANOUE’S GENERAL STORE<strong>and</strong> Orleans pit stopMain Street, Orleans, VTlanoue’s802-754-6365general store<strong>and</strong> Orleans pit stopVT STATELIQUOR OUTLETmain street, orleans, vt&LIQUORCOLD BEER!OUTLET754-6365CHECK OUT OUR SELECTION OF VERMONT WINES:CHECK OUT OUR SELECTION OF VERMONT WINES:BOYDENBOYDENVALLEY,VALLEY,SNOW WHITESNOWFARMS,WHITECHARLOTTEFARMS,CHARLOTTE VILLAGE VILLAGE WINERY & WINERY LINCOLN & PEAK. LINCOLN PEAK.COLDBEER!10% OffBlue Seal Pet Foodwith this couponexpires June 30, <strong>2012</strong>10% OffPressure TreatedLumberwith this couponexpires June 30, <strong>2012</strong>PIZZA Pizza • DELI • BREAKFAST Deli • Breakfast SANDWICHES S<strong>and</strong>wiches• HOT COFFEE• DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS • VT STATE REPORTING STATION• FISHING Hot & HUNTING Coffee LICENSES • Daily & SUPPLIES Luncheon • WOOL PANTS Specials • AMMOVT State Reporting StationFishing & Hunting Licenses & SuppliesHunting Boots & Clothing • Ammo16 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESBRIGHTONPhoto by Monique Morris2011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.14/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.61/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 27 Schoolhouse Rd. Bloomfield, P.O. Box336, North Stratford, NH 03590; Tues. & Thurs. 9-3; or byappt.Town Clerk: Paulette Routhier, 962-5191,bloomfieldtown@wildblue.net Asst. Clerk: Roseann WallingDelinquent Tax Collector: Paul Lepine, 962-3364Zoning contact: Paulette Routhier, 962-5191, Tues. & Thurs.9am-3pm; or by appt.Board of Selectmen: 3rd Monday of each month.Police: Essex County Sheriff’s Department, 91 CourthouseDr., Guildhall, 676-3500, Vermont State Police (Derby) 334-4740; Essex County Sherriff’s Department (Guildhall)Fire: Colebrook Volunteer Fire Department, 18 Pleasant St.,Colebrook, N.H.; Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital, 181Corliss Lane, Colebrook, NH; Weeks Memorial Hospital, 173Middle Street, Lancaster, N.H.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (telephone) 866-984-2001Medical/Rescue: Groveton Ambulance Service, 10 StationSquare, Groveton, N.H.; Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital,181 Corliss Lane, Colebrook, NH; Weeks Memorial Hospital,173 Middle Street, Lancaster, N.H.Schools: Students are given the choice of surroundingpublic or approved independent schools to attend.Recreation: The Connecticut River offers many fishingopportunities; snowmobiling; The Silvio O. Conte NationalFish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Refuge conserves the nature of 7.2 acresof Connecticut River watershed.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: The town receivedrecognition for being chartered 250 years.Brighton was once a booming railroad town, but nowrests peacefully on the western shores of the 600-acrelake called Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, so named because of thelake’s 22 acre isl<strong>and</strong> in its midst. In Essex County, 16miles south of Quebec, sits this town whose peoplehave worked in the forests, mills, <strong>and</strong> on the railroad.Surrounding Brighton are towns <strong>and</strong> unorganizedtownships of similar shape <strong>and</strong> size: Warren Grant,Warren Gore, <strong>and</strong> Avery Gore to the north; Lewis <strong>and</strong>Ferdin<strong>and</strong> to the east; to the south, East Haven <strong>and</strong>Newark <strong>and</strong> to the west, Westmore, Charleston, <strong>and</strong>Morgan. The Northeast Kingdom was relatively unsettleduntil the coming of the “iron horse.” In 1853, theGr<strong>and</strong> Trunk Railroad, the first international railway,was established in Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond to connect Montreal,Canada, with Portl<strong>and</strong>, Maine. From those days, untilthe Great Depression in the 1930s, Brighton was a placeof great activity <strong>and</strong> prosperity. Several lumber millsoperated in the area, including one near the lake inIsl<strong>and</strong> Pond. Thous<strong>and</strong>s of board feet of timber werebrought to the mill, much of it white pine from the presentsite of the state park. At one time, more than 500 loggerswere working in the Brighton area. After the loggingwas done, fires swept through the logged-off l<strong>and</strong>s,many started by sparks from the railroad. In 1903, 1,200acres in Lewis, Ferdin<strong>and</strong>, Bloomfield, Brunswick <strong>and</strong>Brighton were burned. The village of Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond hasbeen the community center <strong>and</strong> population nucleus ofBrighton since the 1850s. Brighton’s population peakedat 2,500 during World War II. However, with the declineof the railroads <strong>and</strong> the advent of the Great Depression,the population dwindled steadily.Population: 1,222 Zip Code: 05846Area: 54.34 sq. miles Elevation: 1,280 ft.Median Household Income: $31,0002011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.70/$100assessed valuation. Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.88/$100assessed valuationTown Office: 49 Mill St. Ext., P.O. Box 377, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond.Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-3:30.Town Clerk: Teresa Potwin, 723-4405, brightonclerk@comcast.netDelinquent Tax Collector: Muriel Webb, 723-6672.Zoning Contact: Guy Daniels, 723-4455.Police: Brighton Police Department, 825 Railroad Street,723-4322; Vermont State Police, St. Johnsbury Barracks,1068 U.S. Route 5, St. Johnsbury, 748-3111.Fire Dept.: Brighton Volunteer Fire Department <strong>and</strong>Charleston Volunteer Fire Department, 7113 Route 105,723-4444.Medical/Rescue: Newport Ambulance Service, 830 UnionSt. Newport, 334-2023. North Country Hospital, 189 ProutyDrive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 17
KINGDOM PROFILESUtilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2278;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001;Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278.Library: Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond Public Library, PO Box 422, 49 MillStreet Ext, 723-6134.Schools: Brighton Elementary School, 825 Railroad Street,PK-8; North Country Union Jr. High School, 7-8, 57 JuniorHigh Drive, Derby; North Country Union High School, 9-12,209 Veterans Avenue, Newport.Recreation: Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, Seymour Lake, Norton Pond,Echo Lake, Little Averill Pond <strong>and</strong> Great Averill Pond offerswimming, boating, fishing <strong>and</strong> hiking opportunities, as wellas scenic lake cruises. This area of the Kingdom is heavilyforested, including the Brighton Municipal Forest <strong>and</strong> theKingdom State Forest. In the winter, it is known as the“Snowmobile Capital of Vermont,” <strong>and</strong> there are miles of trailsfor cross-country skiing. Bluff Mountain Hiking Trail is beingdeveloped by the Northwoods Stewardship Center <strong>and</strong> thetown of Brighton; trailhead located at the top of MountainStreet.Special Events: Fourth of July celebration featuring aparade, music in the park, arts <strong>and</strong> crafts, vendors, games,fireworks <strong>and</strong> more. “Friday Night Live,” music every Fridaynight, June through August in the park; Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond WinterCarnival.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Lucille Stevens, former townclerk, was honored for 31 years of service. All articles passed.BrowningtonBrownington originally was granted in 1782 <strong>and</strong>chartered in 1790. As with many of the other townsin northern Vermont, the grantees of Browningtongot caught in a dispute between the legislature <strong>and</strong>the governor <strong>and</strong> council over which branch of governmenthad the right to grant l<strong>and</strong> within the state.The two chief grantees of Brownington were Daniel<strong>and</strong> Timothy Brown, six other male Browns <strong>and</strong> onewoman, Sarah Brown. Most of the grantees lived inthe older, established towns in the southwestern partof Vermont, <strong>and</strong> it is very doubtful that any of themever intended to relocate to the new town. There issome indication in the legislative records that theBrowns at one time tried to sell all or part of the townto a group of Connecticut men, among whom werea son of the Reverend Jonathan Edwards, <strong>and</strong> theHonorable William Samuel Johnson, after whom thetown of Johnson was named. Eventually the wranglingin the legislature was resolved by establishinga commission to hear the individual cases, <strong>and</strong> onone day alone in 1788 no fewer than seventeen townswere certified as being eligible for charters. In thecase of Brownington the charter was further delayeduntil the granting fees were paid by Timothy Brown.In 1792, Joseph Fay, then Secretary of the governorwelcome to Brightonwww.isl<strong>and</strong>pond.comBurgers & SeafoodFull-service BarFriendly StaffOpen 7 Days!Located on theSnowmobile Trail.Daily Specials • Fresh Seafood • Eat In or Take OutFriday <strong>and</strong> Saturday Specials:• Prime Rib • Fresh Seafood• Fresh Turkey <strong>and</strong> Chicken69 Cross Street, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT • 723-4590OpenOpenSun.Sun.-Wed.11 AM-10 PM,11amMon.-Wed.11to 10pm,AMThurs.-Sat.-11 PM, Thurs.-Sat.1111am-closingAM-close.Everything you need to completeyour outdoor adventure.Hunting, Fishing, Beach Toys, Hiking Gear,Tactical Gear <strong>and</strong> more.Vermont’s only 5.11 Tactical Full Line Dealer!10 CROSS STREET. ISLAND POND VT 05846802.723.6500 info@clyderiveroutfi tters.comwww.facebook.com/clyderiveroutfi ttersGoulet Seasonal RentalsLocated in picturesque Isl<strong>and</strong> PondCompletely furnished units available for the amount of time that you need.Minutes from:Kingdom Trails,Burke Mountain <strong>and</strong> VAST TrailsCall For Details800-750-2425 or 802-723-4455brightongarage@hotmail.comPerfect for:Hunters, Fishermen,Snowmobilers <strong>and</strong> More!www.gouletsallseasonrentals.com18 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILES<strong>and</strong> council, noted the payment of the fees on theback of the charter <strong>and</strong> also certified that severalgrantees’ names had been inserted because they hadbeen omitted from the original document.Population: 988 Area: 28.36 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,025 ft. Zip Code: 05860Median Household Income: $40,0002011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.49/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.78/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 66 Orleans, Mon., Wed., Thurs.9-4; <strong>and</strong> by appt.Town Clerk: Cheryl Perry, 754-8401 browningtontc@comcast.net.Delinquent Tax Collector: Cheryl Perry, 754-8401Zoning Contact: Cheryl Perry, 754-8401.Board of Selectmen: Meet every 2nd <strong>and</strong> <strong>4th</strong>Wednesday at 6:30.Police: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., PO Box 410, Derby, 334-4740Fire: Orleans Fire Department 754-6366, Barton FireDepartment 525-3700Schools: Brownington Central School, K-8, 103 ChaseRd., 754-8467, Lakes Region Union High School, 317Lake Region Rd., Orleans.Clothes <strong>and</strong> Shoes for the whole family· Merrell· Hi-Tec· Keen· Northface· Dansko· Woolrich· Ugg· Columbia· Vibram Fivefingers · CarharttProducts Made in Vermont· Darn Tough Sox· TSL Snow Shoes· Johnson Woolen MillsWe have a huge selectionof workboots!Mon-Wed 9-5 · Thurs 9-8 · Fri 9-3 · Sat CLOSED · Sun 10-5www.simonthetanner.com | 802.723.44522 Main Street | Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT 05846Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667; Barton Electric Department 525-4747; OrleansUtility Department 754-8584; FairPoint Communications(telephone) 866-984-2001Medical/Rescue: Orleans Emergency Unit, 4394 BartonOrleans Rd., Orleans, 754-8500; North Country Hospital,Newport, 334-7331.Library: Jones Memorial Library, 1 Water Street, Orleans,Vt. 05860Recreation: Roads are open to ATVs <strong>and</strong> several VASTtrails in the area.Special Events: Old Stone House Day, August.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Voters decided to havethe meeting moved back to 10 a.m. <strong>and</strong> did not approveAustralian ballot for the school budget.BrunswickAs with Ferdin<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Lunenburg, Brunswick’sname comes from Benning Wentworth’s lifelong butultimately unsuccessful efforts to curry enough favorwith his king to gain a title. All of the names comefrom the origins of Britain’s royal house of Hanover.Population: 112 Area: 25.16 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,000 Zip Code: 05905Median Household Income: $30,4172011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $.85/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax rate: $1.32/$100assessed valuationTown Offices: 944 Route 102, Brunswick, Thurs. 4-6, orby appt.Town Clerk: Sharon Graham, 962-5514, bruns321@sover.net Asst. Clerk: Wayne GrahamDelinquent Tax Collector: Sharon GrahamBoard of Selectmen: Meet 1st Thursday of the month at4:30 p.m.Zoning Contact: David Caron, 962-3331, part time/eveningsPolice Dept.: Essex County Sheriff’s Dept., 91Courthouse Dr., Guildhall, 626-3500, Vermont StatePolice (Derby) 334-4740.Fire Dept.: N. Stratford Fire Dept., Main St., N. Stratford,N.H., 603-922-5540.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (telephone) 866-984-2001Medical/Rescue: Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital,Colebrook, N.H., 603-237-4971, Weeks MemorialHospital, Middle St., Lancaster, N.H. 03584, 603-788-4911Library: An annual fee is paid to Colebrook Library so theresidents may enjoy its use. Colebrook Public Library, 126Main St., Colebrook, N.H., 603-237-4808.Recreation: Snowmobiling, hunting.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 19
KINGDOM PROFILESBURKEBurke boasts beautiful Burke Mountain, <strong>and</strong> gets itssubtle fame for skiing <strong>and</strong> other winter activities. BurkeMountain is called an amonadnock mountain becauseof its resistance to erosion <strong>and</strong> because it st<strong>and</strong>s alone,without any other tall mountains surrounding it. Themountain is approximately 3,000 feet above sea-level.Burke is located centrally between its mountain <strong>and</strong> lakesclose-by, Lake Willoughby <strong>and</strong> Crystal Lake. Charteredfirst in 1782, Burke was settled a decade later. Originally,southern Burke was the main import <strong>and</strong> export area,which received trade from the Lyndon area. SouthernBurke had a stagecoach stop, <strong>and</strong> a post office. However,with the railroad built in 1857, it transferred the hustle<strong>and</strong> bustle to other areas of Burke. In 1934, a CivilianConservation Corps group was formed to build a look-outtower at the top of Burke Mountain, which enabled <strong>and</strong>helped to form Burke’s ski industry as it is today. Becauseof the town’s scenery, many area businesses have takenadvantage of not only the ski-area but also the fall foliageto attract tourists <strong>and</strong> buyers. Entering Burke offers theVermont small town feel, <strong>and</strong> welcomes locals <strong>and</strong> guestsalike. Burke also boasts Kingdom Trails, a multiple-usetrail system unlike any other <strong>and</strong> recently voted as the“Best Mountain Bike Trail Network” in North America bywelcome to Burkewww.burkevermont.comBurke Cottage Rentals <strong>and</strong> CampgroundThese fully furnished cottages sleep 4comfortably <strong>and</strong> include a full kitchen, cableTV, AC, picnic area, fire pits, firewood <strong>and</strong> plenty of parking.The cottages are close to Kingdom Trails, Burke Mountain, VASTsnowmobile trails, Willoughby <strong>and</strong> Crystal Lakes, golf courses,hunting, restaurants, bars, gas <strong>and</strong> local schools. Daily, weekly<strong>and</strong> monthly rates are available. Pets welcome. Campgroundoffers 25 family Tent sites <strong>and</strong> daily, weekly or monthly rates.2316 US Route 5, West Burke, VT 05871802-467-3416 • gweed@kingcon.comWe are a full-servicemountain bike shop.WE OFFER:• Retail Bikes• Parts• AccessoriesPlus....An ExtensiveRental Bike Fleet complete withexperienced mechanics on staff.Located at Kingdom Trails Trailheadin beautiful East Burke, VT802-626-3215Hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. thurs.-mon.www.eastburkesports.comskibike@charterinternet.comOPEN 7 DAYS20 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILES<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 21
KINGDOM PROFILESD D ~N~STABLESDebby Newl<strong>and</strong>dndstables1952@aol.com1952 VT Rte 114East Burke, VT 05832802-626-8237Horseback Riding• All abilities• Small & personal• Rides throughoutthe day (call toschedule a time)• We offer foliagerides when theleaves turnThe All NEW Kerrigan’sof West Burke now offers24 hour fuel access.groceries, beer <strong>and</strong> soda we are yourone stop local shop <strong>and</strong> eatery!Whether you dine in at our deli stylearea or take it home, check out the newlyupgraded menu with homestyle food,h<strong>and</strong>cut meats, salads, breakfast, boxedlunches. Perfect for the trailsor just on the run.From Oct. 15 thru Nov. 30 riders can get a $10 discountwith a coupon from our webpage:www.horserentals.com/dndstables.htmlWe also offer catering!(802) 467-88004015 U.S. 5 West Burke, VT 05871WEST BURKE FEEDIf you need it, we probably have it!Fine Dining in a Casual Atmosphere802-626-9900www.willysrestaurant.netRoute 114, East Burke Village, Next Door to...• Comfortable Lodging• Gourmet Breakfast• Eat-in Kitchen• Easy access to trails• Jacuzzi802-626-3161“We stay here every visit...feel right at home. Close totown <strong>and</strong> the trail system.”– Tripadvisor.comYour home away from home,without the chores.www.villageinnofeastburke.cominfo@villageinnofeastburke.comFireworkstoo!• Poulin Grain (full line)• Pet Foods & Toys• Hardware• Chainsaws & parts• Equine Equipment• Wood Pellet Stoves & Pellets• Live Bait & TackleLawn & Gardening Supplies…Tools, Seeds, Fertilizers(organic & conventional)802-467-1366185 Vt Route 5AWest Burke22 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESNortheast Kingdom Country Store<strong>and</strong> CaféLocated on the Kingdom Trails, VAST Trails <strong>and</strong> minutes from Burke Mt. Ski Area <strong>and</strong> Campgrounds, thischarming Country Store offers Vermont H<strong>and</strong>crafted Gifts, Cards, Vermont Maple Syrup & Honey.We carry a variety of Camping Equipment including Propane, Fire Wood, Warm Clothing <strong>and</strong>Fresh Meats for the Grill.Visit our Café featuring Crisp Golden Waffles, Breakfast Burritos, Soups, Salads, Pizzas,Calzones, S<strong>and</strong>wiches on Homemade Bread <strong>and</strong> Irresistible Baked Goodsfrom our Bakery.Check out our Wine Cellar <strong>and</strong> Antique Room802-626-4611 open 7 days466 VT Route 114, East Burke, VT 0583223
KINGDOM PROFILESPopulation: 1,433 Area: 37.3 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,076Zip code: 05647 Median Household Income: $47,1672011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $2.01/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.97/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 3084 Main Street, PO Box 36, Cabot, VT05647, Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5pm.Town Clerk: Tara Rogerson, 563-2279, tcocabot@fairpoint.com Asst. Clerk: Marina Cole & Michelle Leclerc (Treasurer)Delinquent Tax Collector: Susan Carpenter, 426-4192.Board of Selectmen: Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday of eachmonth at 7 p.m.Planning Board: Meets 2nd Monday of each month, 7 p.m.Zoning Contact: Carlton Domey, 426-3281 (h), 563-3139(w), part time/flexible availability.Conservation Commission: Meets 2nd Thursday of eachmonth at 7:30 p.m.Police: Constable: Ken Christman; Washington CountySheriff’s Department, Montpelier, 223-3001; Vermont StatePolice, 1080 US Rte. 2, Middlesex, 229-9191.Fire Dept.: Cabot Fire Department, 563-2209. Main Street,Cabot, 05647.Medical/Rescue: Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital,748-8141. Cabot Ambulance; CALEX Ambulance Service,1453 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, 748-7599.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421;Green Mountain Power (Electric) 888-835-4672; Washingtonwelcome to Cabotwww.cabotvt.comThe Northeast Kingdom’sNewest Magazine!Winter <strong>2012</strong> issue deadline:May 1Visit www.livinghealthyvt.comfor advertising rates <strong>and</strong> distributiondetails.802.684.1056, info@livinghealthyvt.comCabot Cabot Garage,Inc. Garage,Inc.50+ Years of Service50+ Years of ServiceGeneral Automotive &General Automotive &Tire Auto Sales Body & Service RepairAuto Body RepairTowing/Road Service ServiceTowing/Road ServiceAntique TractorAntique Restoration TractorRestorationFamily Owned & Operated Since 1955General Automotive RepairWe’re Mike the solution <strong>and</strong> Ann to Cookson yourMike automotive <strong>and</strong> Ann Owners needs. CooksonVisit us at: www.cabotgarage.netOwners802-563-227031023102MainMainStreetStreet• Cabot,• Cabot,VermontVermont0564705647PICK-YOUR-OWN APPLES CABOT, VERMONT~U-PICK NOW OPEN!~PUMPKINSFRESH PRESSED CIDERFARM STANDFRESH SWEETCORNAPPLE SLINGSHOTMAPLE SYRUPFACEBOOKburttsappleorchard.com283 Cabot Plains RD Cabot VT 802.917.2614OPEN DAILY SEPT-OCT 9am-6pmGoodrich’s Maple Farm2427 US Rt. 2, Cabot, VT 05647(802) 426-3388goodrichsmaple@yahoo.com www.goodrichmaplefarm.comAWARD-WINNING MAPLE SYRUP & PRODUCTSRetail Wholesale Mail OrderSugaring Equipment& Supplies:Containers, Tanks, Vacuum Pumps<strong>and</strong> MUCH more.Visit our exp<strong>and</strong>ed showroom for all your sugaring needs.New & Used EquipmentCustom Tubing Installation & ConsultationOpen Monday-Saturday 9-5, Closed Sundays & Holidays<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 25
KINGDOM PROFILESCHARLESTONCharleston was organized on Nov. 10, 1780. It wasoriginally named “Navy” by Commodore AbrahamWhipple, a comm<strong>and</strong>er-in-chief in the ContinentalArmy. Some say his capture <strong>and</strong> sale of eightIndiamen for over one million pounds, the richestbounty of the war, probably paid for his Vermonttown. The town’s name was changed by the Vermontlegislature in 1825 from Navy to Charleston. Manyassumed it was in honor of Commodore Whipple’shistoric defense of the besieged city of Charleston,S.C.Population: 1,023 Area: 38.53 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,196Zip Code: 05872 Median Household Income: $37,8652011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.81/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate:$2.03/$100 assessed valuation.Town Offices: 5063 Route 105, West Charleston. Hours:Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 8-3.Town Clerk: Jeannine Bennett, 895-2814,townofcharlestonvt@comcast.net, Asst. Clerk: Teri GrayDelinquent Tax Collector: Grace Frizzell, 723-0624Zoning Contact: Jeannine Bennett, 895-2814, Mon.,Tues. & Thurs. 8-3.Fire: Charleston Volunteer Fire Department, 7113 VTRoute 105, Chief: Dwayne Moulton.Police: Vermont State Police (Derby) 334-4740.Medical/Rescue: Derby Line Ambulance Service, POBox 105, Derby Line, 05830; North Country Hospital, 189Prouty Drive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667<strong>and</strong> Barton Electric Company (Electric) 802-525-4747;FairPoint Communications 866-984-2001.Schools: Charleston Elementary, PK-8, 255 CenterSchool Rd., West Charleston; North Country Union HighSchool, 209 Veterans Ave., Newport.Recreation: Hunting, Fishing, swimming, snowmobiling,guided kayak service. Northwoods Stewardship Centermaintains several hiking, nature <strong>and</strong> cross country skiingtrails.Special Events: North Woods Stewardship Center–connecting people <strong>and</strong> nature through research,education <strong>and</strong> action. Summer camps available. 723-6551, 154 Leadership Dr., East Charleston. CharlestonHistorical Society annual yard sale.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.CONCORDConcord was chartered in September 1780, originallyas Pearsalls Gore. The first recorded settler, JosephBall, arrived in 1788 <strong>and</strong> fathered the first child bornin Concord in 1789. Concord is the birthplace of thenormal school tradition in the United States. TheColumbian School, America’s first normal school fortraining teachers, was opened in 1823 by the Rev.Samuel Read Hall. The library at nearby Lyndon StateCollege, itself founded as a normal school, is namedafter Hall. Concord was also home to John D. Chase,inventor of the first steel <strong>and</strong> iron circular saw <strong>and</strong>the Chase water wheel. Chase established the Villageof West Concord in 1838. By the early 1840s, it boasteda dam <strong>and</strong> a sawmill. West Concord (now Concord)became the business center of the town. A newer village,North Concord, attracted a rail line <strong>and</strong> becamethe hub of a lumber boom in Essex County. Concord’spopulation peaked at 1,600 in 1880, <strong>and</strong> has been onthe decline since. Vermonter.com tells a story abouttrouble with bears during Concord’s early years. Abear caught in a trap was being shown to onlookerswhen it broke loose <strong>and</strong> tried to attack a child. Thechild’s mother, Rebecca Morse, took the trap <strong>and</strong>whacked the bear on the head, killing it.Population: 1,235 Area: 52.5 sq. mi. Zip Code: 05824Median Household Income: $40,329welcome to Charlestonwww.charlestonvt.orgwww.northstarmonthly.comOnline Newsst<strong>and</strong> - Subscriptions - Information<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 27
KINGDOM PROFILESCOVENTRYPhoto by Tony Smith2011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $2.24/$100assessed value. Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.22/$100assessed value.Town Offices: 374 Main St., P.O. Box 317, Concord, Mon.,Thurs. <strong>and</strong> Fri. 9-3; Tues. 12-6.Town Clerk: Donna Berry, 695-2220, townclerk@conclerk.com. Asst. Clerk: Don Nuzzolo.Delinquent Tax Collector: Audra Girouard, 695-2910.Board of Selectmen: Meets 1st Thursday of the month at7.Planning Commission: Meets 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Tuesday of themonth at 7. p.m.Zoning Contact: Stuart Gray, 695-1094, Mon. & Thurs.10-noon; Zoning Board: Meets 3rd Thursday of the monthat 7 p.m.Police: Kenneth Copp, Constable, 695-1428, EssexCounty Sheriff’s Dept., 91 Courthouse Dr., Guildhall, 676-3500.Fire: Richard Fisher, Chief. Concord Volunteer FireDepartment, 695-3330. 49 Shadow Lake Road, Concord,05824School: Concord School, PK-12, 173 School Street.Medical/Rescue: Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital, 748-8141. CALEX Ambulance Service, 1453Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, 748-7599.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2427;Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-649-2877;Public Service of New Hampshire (Electric) 800-346-9994.FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Concord Public Library, 374 Main St., P.O. Box188, Concord. Hours: Wed. 6-7:30, Sat. 9:30-11:30.School: Concord School, grades K-12.Recreation: Shadow Lake <strong>and</strong> Miles Pond.Special Events: Memorial Day Parade, Memorial DayWeekend; Concord Historical Society Open House, lastweekend in September, at Town Hall, 374 Main St.; BoosterClub Christmas Bazaar, December, at Dixon Gymnasium,173 School Street, Concord.Conventry’s history starts with its first named <strong>and</strong>chief grantee, Major Elias Buel (sometimes Buell) ofCoventry, Conn., from whom Buels Gore in ChittendenCounty gets its name. Also listed among the granteeswere five other Buels, including the Major’s son <strong>and</strong> IraAllen. The grant stated that the town was to lie betweenShoreham, Orwell, Hubbardton, Sudbury <strong>and</strong> Whitingin the southwestern part of the state. With Allen, thesurveyor general, involved in the grant, it seems hardto believe that the grantees really thought that the areahad space enough for another town; but that was whatthey said, <strong>and</strong> the legislature wrote the grant. Fouryears later, the major was back at the legislature, askingthat his grant be considered a “flying grant” so hecould go looking for ungranted l<strong>and</strong>s against whichhis nearly worthless Coventry grant could be applied.He got permission, but by then it was not easy to finda 23,000-acre piece of good l<strong>and</strong> anywhere in the state.Buel finally had to be content with getting three separatepieces in 1788. The largest was the present town ofCoventry, the second was Buels Gore, located half thestate away, <strong>and</strong> the third was Coventry Leg (or Gore),which was annexed to the town of Newport in 1816.Population: 1,086 Area: 27.94 sq. miles Elevation: 718Zip Code: 05825 Median Household Income: $42,5002011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.17/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate $1.38/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 168 Main St., PO Box 104, Coventry. Hours:Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8-noon, Wed. 4-7, every 3rd Sat.9-2.Town Clerk: Cynthia Diaz, 754-2288, covtc@hotmail.com;Asst. Clerk: Mona Rounsevelle & Anita GariepyDelinquent Tax Collector: Cynthia Diaz, 754-2288,covtc@hotmail.comZoning Contact: Cynthia Diaz, 754-2288, Mon., Tues.,Thurs., Fri. 8-noon, Wed. 4-7.Police: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., PO Box 410, Derby, 334-4740.Fire Dept.: Newport Fire Department, Chief: JamesLeClair, 334-7919.Medical/Rescue: Newport Ambulance Service, 830 UnionSt. Newport, 334-2023. North Country Hospital, 189 ProutyDrive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Orleans Utility Department (Electric) 754-8584,Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 832-2667; FairPointCommunication (telephone) 866-984-2001; Comcast(Cable) 800-266-2278.Schools: Coventry Village School, K-8, 348 Route 5; 9-12students are given the choice of surrounding town highschools to attend.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed. Chet<strong>and</strong> Virginia Taylor were honored for many years of servicewith the Coventry Fire District.28 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Donna WalshCRAFTSBURYCraftsbury is located in Orleans County <strong>and</strong> was charteredon Aug. 23, 1781. A picturesque, rural New Engl<strong>and</strong> townwith rolling hills <strong>and</strong> white picket fences, Craftsbury wasfounded by Col. Ebenezer Crafts. The town boasts abeautiful village common <strong>and</strong> a focus on education throughCraftsbury Academy <strong>and</strong> Sterling College. The town alsoserved as the filming location for Alfred Hitchcock’s 1955film “The Trouble with Harry.” The town sits on a plateaualong the Catamount Trail, a statewide cross-country ski trail.Cross-Country skiing <strong>and</strong> snowmobiling are several of thetown’s attractions in the winter as the plethora of rolling hills<strong>and</strong> hiking trails make it a prime location for winter activities.The town is also known for its ample maple sugaring season.Population: 1,206 Area: 39.56 sq. mi.Elevation: 904 Zip Code: 05826Median Household Income: $40,9382011 Tax Info: Total homestead Tax Rate $2.01/$100assessed valuation. Non-Residential Tax Rate $2.63/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 85 South Craftsbury Rd., PO Box 55.,Craftsbury. Hours: Tues-Fri 8:30-4.Town Clerk: Yvette Brown, 586-2823, Craftsbury@gmail.com. Asst. Clerk: Elizabeth UrieDelinquent Tax Collector: Yvette Brown, 586-2823.Zoning Contact: Robert Alex<strong>and</strong>er, 586-7730.Board of Selectmen: 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Tuesday of the monthPolice: Vermont State Police, 35 Crawford Rd., PO Box 410,Derby, 334-4740.Fire: Craftsbury Volunteer Fire Department, WalterGutzman, Chief, 55 Creek Road, Craftsbury, 586-7786.Medical/Rescue: Hardwick Rescue; Copley Hospital, 528Washington Highway Morrisville, 888-4231.Utilities: Hardwick Electric Department (Electric) 472-5201,Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Craftsbury Public Library, 12 Church Street. 586-9683.Schools: Craftsbury Elementary, K-4. Craftsbury Academy,5-12, 1422 North Craftsbury Road.Recreation: Cross Country skiing <strong>and</strong> snowmobiling trails.Lake Elligo (also known as Elligo Pond), Great HosmerPond, Little Hosmer Pond <strong>and</strong> the Black River are oftenused for outdoor recreation. Craftsbury Outdoor Centermaintains several cross country skiing trails.Special Events: “Antiques <strong>and</strong> Uniques,” 2nd Saturday inJuly; Old Home Day, August. Concerts on the Common,Sunday evening throughout summer.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed. Thetown voted to purchase a new grader. Anne Wilson washonored for 17 years as town <strong>and</strong> school moderator.welcome to Craftsburywww.townofcraftsbury.comJerry RalyaOriginal Pastel Art7909 Vermont Route 14Craftsbury Common802-586-7514jerryralya.comLiberal arts <strong>and</strong> environmentalstudies in Craftsbury Common, VT.www.sterlingcollege.edu | 1-800-648-3591<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 29
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to Danvillewww.danvillevt.comBed & Breakfast • Dairy of DistinctionBuilding & RemodelingPainting & WallpaperingJAMES F. EMMONSCONSTRUCTIONJim (802) 684-38561154 Bruce Badger Memorial Hwy.Danville, VT 05828Danville Congregational ChurchUnited Church of Christ, "We Are Open <strong>and</strong> Affirming"Worship * Sunday SchoolChildcareSundays at 10amContact us at (802) 684-1151or pastor@danville-ucc.orgor check out our website atwww.danville-ucc.orgDanville Dental Group, PLC•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••GENERAL AND FAMILY DENTISTRYStuart V. Corso, D.M.D.PO Box 230 • 31 Mountain View DriveDanville, VT 05828(802) 684-1133www.danvilledentalgroup.comDanvilleUnited MethodistChurch~ All Welcome ~Sunday Worship 10:00 AMRev. Sue Mackay, Pastor802-535-9908On the Green in Danvillein the heart ofDANVILLEVERMONTLIQUOROUTLET684-9797Monday - Saturday 10-6Sunday 10-4diamondh@charter.netEstablished 1998North Danville Pet HotelNot just a kennel … it’s a camp1319 North Danville Rd.Danville, VT 05828• Boarding • Grooming • Day Care802-748-5810Owners: Laurie & Rusty SpeicherAlso Available – Custom SewingSugar Ridge FarmPure Maple Syrup & Maple Products.Mail order is our specialty!MC & Visa accepted. Free brochure.Stephen & Diane Jones566 Stannard Mountain Road, Danville, VT 05828800-748-089230 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Bradford TowneDANVILLEDanville was chartered on Oct. 31, 1786, as a partof Vermont Charter. According to Esther MunroeSwift’s Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History,much mythology surrounds the naming of the townof Danville. One account has the town’s namesakebelonging to the son of St. Johnsbury founder JonathanArnold or numerous other French citizens of the time.The real honor belongs to the 18th century French cartographerJean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville. It wasMichel Guillaume St. Jean de Crevecouer (namesakeof St. Johnsbury) who suggested the name of the townto famous Revolutionary War Vermonter Ethan Allen.The two men exchanged correspondences with eachother on the naming of Vermont towns. One of thetown’s most famous citizens was U.S. CongressmanThaddeus Stevens, born on April 4, 1792 in Danville.Several tributaries flowing into the Passumpsic River,which itself is a tributary of the Connecticut River,lie within the town. On the western side of the town,dominated by the rolling hills of the Green Mountainsto the west, lies Joe’s Pond. The village to the east ofthe pond, has beautiful farming country surroundingit <strong>and</strong> pristine views of the White Mountains of NewHampshire to the east. Danville sits in the heart ofCaledonia County. The town is bordered to the northby Wheelock. To its east sits the county seat of St.Johnsbury. Lying to Danville’s south are the towns ofBarnet <strong>and</strong> Peacham <strong>and</strong> to its west are three towns;Cabot, Stannard <strong>and</strong> Walden.Population: 2,196 Area: 60.9 sq. mi., Elevation: 1,341Zip code: 05828 Median Household Income: $52,4682011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.67/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.90/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 36 Route 2 West, PO Box 183, Danville.Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-4Town Clerk: Wendy Somers, 684-3352, Asst. Clerk:Sharon DaniellDelinquent Tax Collector: John Blackmore, 684-2187.Board of Selectmen: Meets 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Thursday of eachmonth, 6 p.m.Planning Board: Meets <strong>4th</strong> Thursday of each month, 7p.m.Zoning Ordinance: Linda Leone, 684-3352, Mon., Wed.,Thurs. 8-11:30.Fire District #1: Wendy Somers, 684-3352.Fire Dept.: Danville Volunteer Fire Department. 684-2264.Peacham Rd., Danville.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 31
KINGDOM PROFILESMedical/Rescue: Danville Rescue Squad, 379 BrainerdSt., 684-2200, Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital,1315 Hospital Dr., St. Johnsbury, 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 800-266-2278;Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-451-2877;Washington Electric Cooperative (Electric) 800-932-5245;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Pope Memorial Library, 121 Park Street. Hours:Mon. & Fri. 10-5, Wed. 9-7, Sat. 9-noon. Librarian: DeePalmer. Brainerd Memorial Library, 4215 Bruce BadgerMemorial Highway, Danville, VT 05828. Hours: Mon., Wed.& Fri. 2-4, Wed. 2-6. Librarian: Elizabeth Szymanik.Schools: Danville School, PK-12, 148 Peacham Road.Recreation: Danville Town Forest Trail Network; theGreat Vermont Corn Maze; the Greenbank Hollowcovered bridge; Injun Joe Court campground; Joe’s Pond;Rail Trail; Stoddard Swamp; Sugar Ridge RV Village &Campground; Vermont Association of Snow Travelers(VAST) trails.Special Events: Autumn on the Green, October; Danville<strong>Community</strong> Fair, August; Fourth of July Celebration;the Game Supper, November; Kingdom Basketball ClubInvitational, April; Open Studio at Joe’s Pond Craft Shop,May. Pope Library Wine Tasting, July 8.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights:Voters passed bothschool <strong>and</strong> municipal budgets. A proposal to start anenergy efficiency program for local homes was defeated.welcome to Danvillewww.danvillevt.comLarry, Kevin & Keith Gadapee718 Calkins Camp RoadDanville, Vermont 05828802-684-3323Gadapee family sugarhousePure Vermont maple syrup in a variety ofcontainers from gallon to half pint jugs <strong>and</strong>specialty glass. Also maple cream, maple sugar,maple jelly, maple granola <strong>and</strong> maple c<strong>and</strong>y.We ship. Visitors always welcome when we are boiling.email:gadmaple@together.net.Stop by the Farmers’ Market in St. Johnsbury & Danville to visit us May - October,<strong>and</strong> Winter Market at the St. Johnsbury Welcome Center.Injun Joe CourtPO Box 27, West Danville, VT 05873 802.684.3430Located 10 miles west of St. Johnsbury on US 2overlooking Joe’s Pond. Beautiful views, privatebeach, swimming, boating, fishing, nice cleancabins <strong>and</strong> housekeeping cottages. Heated <strong>and</strong>completely furnished with fully equippedkitchens. Linens <strong>and</strong> towels provided. CableTV. Rowboats, paddleboats <strong>and</strong> canoesfree for guests. 15 Cabins including smallrefridgerator <strong>and</strong> microwave.7 RV sites. Firewood <strong>and</strong> picnic tables.-Beth Perreault <strong>and</strong> FamilyNous parlons francais!• Window Restoration• Plaster Preservation• Custom Cabinetry• Architectural MillworkHistoric Preservation & DesignTraditional VermontH<strong>and</strong>craftsOPEN:May-December:Tues.-Sat. 9:30-6Sunday 9:30-1Closed on MondaysIntersection of Rt. 2 & 15West Danville, Vermontwww.joespondcrafts.com802.684.2524safishburn@gmail.comwww.safi shburn.net32 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESOUR SPECIALTYBLACK ANGUS PRIME RIBON FRI. & SAT. NIGHTSFULL SALAD BARWITH HOMEMADE SOUPSOUR TAVERN OFFERS 3 TVS& A RELAXED ATMOSPHEREFULL BARWITH LOCAL BREWSAPPETIZERSSPINACH & ARTICHOKE DIPNACHOSSTUFFED MUSHROOMSCHICKEN WINGSA SAMPLE OF OUR MENUSPECIALSWEDNESDAY - WHISKEY & WINGS NIGHTTHURSDAY - “THIRSTY THURSDAY” - PUB NIGHT DRAFT SPECIALSFRIDAY & SATURDAY - BLACK ANGUS PRIME RIBREUBENS • PHILLY CHEESE STEAKS • VT BEEF BURGERSOPEN WED. - SUN. • OPEN MONDAYS (JUNE - OCT.) • CALL FOR HOURSENTREESSTRIP STEAKSEAFOOD PLATTERMAPLE TERIYAKI SALMONMEDITERRANEAN PASTARoute 2 (Between Danville & St. Johnsbury)802-748-4249SUGAR RIDGERV Park & CampgroundLocated on 68pristine acres• 150 campsites• Camper rentals• Wagon rides• Playground• Camp Store• Free WiFi• Heated Pools• Rec Hall• Fishing Pond• 18 hole mini golf course• Tennis & basketball courtsAnd more…modern day camping…Old-fashioned fun!Close tomany areaattractions<strong>and</strong> trails24 Old Stage Coach RoadDanville, VT 05828802.684.2550www.sugarridgervpark.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 33
KINGDOM PROFILESKeeping you informed.Keeping you healthy.PLEASANT ATMOSPHEREUNIQUE HOMEMADE MENUFRESH SEAFOODTheCreameryRestaurant46 Hill Street • Danville, VT • 802-684-3616Dinner: Tues.-Sat. 5PM - CLOSINGPub Opens at 3PM (Full Menu Available)Closed Sundays <strong>and</strong> MondaysAn <strong>Annual</strong><strong>Reference</strong><strong>Guide</strong><strong>and</strong><strong>Community</strong><strong>Almanac</strong>for Barnet, Burke, Cabot, Concord,Danvile, East Haven, Groton, Hardwick, Kirby, Lyndon, Newark, Peacham, Ryegate, Sheffield,St. Johnsbury, Stannard, Sutton, Victory, Walden, Waterford <strong>and</strong> Wheelock.Keeping you connectedto the Kingdom.Published annually by29 Hill St ~ PO Box 319Danville, VT 05828-0319802-684-1056NORTHSTARPUBLISHING LLCUS Route 2 Danville, VT (802) 684-2574Mon.-Thurs. 5:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. • Fri. & Sat. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. • Sun. 7 a.m.-8 p.m.DELI:Large Selection of MeatsHomemade SoupsLunch SpecialsPizzaRotisserie ChickenGROCERY PRODUCTS:ProduceHealth & BeautyFrozen FoodsBreadsWINE & BEER:Extensive InventoryGREEN MOUNTAIN COFFEE:12 different fl avors available allthe timeFUEL:24-hour Fuel ServiceVAST TRAILS:Direct access to the trailsVAST membershipsBANKING:Full-service Union Bank Branchwith 24-hour ATMALSO:Hardware & Feed for all youryear-around needs.34 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESDERBYDerby was chartered on Oct. 29, 1779. The Townconsists of 37,696 acres of l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> incorporates thevillages of Derby Center, Derby Line <strong>and</strong> Beebe,Vermont. An authority on English place-names saysDerby originally meant “homestead frequented bywild animals.”Just south of Derby, Gatesborough hadbeen granted to Josiah Gates <strong>and</strong> associates, but thefees were never paid, so the town was sold <strong>and</strong> charteredas Salem. The Legislature eventually agreedwith a complaint that some 6,000 acres of Salem overlappedDerby, in addition to which, part of Salem wasunder the waters of Lake Memphremagog. Salem’sproprietors were refunded a portion of the purchaseprice, but the town never developed into a viableentity. Part of it was annexed to Newport in 1816(now part of Newport city); the remainder went toDerby in 1880, resulting in Derby’s unusual size <strong>and</strong>shape. There are several bodies of water located inthe town such as Lake Memphremagog, Derby Lakealso known as Derby Pond, Salem Lake, Big <strong>and</strong> LittleSalem, Clyde Pond <strong>and</strong> Brownington Pond. The ClydeRiver is Derby’s only river, extending from Isl<strong>and</strong>Pond to Newport running 25 miles long. Derby islocated on the Canadian Border with an opera housewhich has the U.S. <strong>and</strong> Canadian boundary line runningthrough it. Canusa Avenue is also located in theTown of Derby in which the yellow line in the middleof the road divides Canada <strong>and</strong> the U.S.A. thus howthe street acquired its name CANUSA Avenue.Population: 4,621 Area: 57.12 sq. milesElevation: 1,011 Zip Code: 058529Median Household Income: $43,1052011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.53/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.71/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 25, Derby, 124 Main St., DerbyCenter. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7-5. Village Clerk, Mon.-Fri.,9-12, 766-5313.Town Clerk: Nicole M. Daigle, 766-4906, townofderby@derbyvt.com, Asst. Clerk: MaryAnn Tetreault & NancyGosselinDelinquent Tax Collector: Nicole M. Daigle, 766-4906.Zoning Contact: Bob Kelley, 766-2017, Mon.-Thurs. 7-5Police: Constable Dennis Sheltra, 766-8025. OrleansCounty Sheriff’s Department, 255 Main Street, Newport,334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35 Crawford Rd., Derby,334-4740.Fire Dept: Derby Line Fire Department, Craig Ellam,Chief, P.O. Box 205.welcome to Derbywww.derbyvt.comFamily FurnitureWe carry a full line of furniture from great companies like Sealy, Ashley, Best <strong>and</strong> More!Financing Available • Fast DeliveryTWO LOCATIONS!M-F 9-6 • Sat 9-5 • Sun 10-4www.yourfamilyfurniture.comDERBYDerby RoadNext to <strong>Community</strong> National Bank802-334-1404LITTLETON, NH685 Meadow StreetNext to ??603-444-0630<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 35
KINGDOM PROFILESCOLD CASHHOT DEALSHarman manufactureswood, pellet, <strong>and</strong>coal stoves as well asboilers, stokers <strong>and</strong> furnaces.HARMAN CASH GOOD THRU 4/30/09SAVE UP TO• SaleS • Service • inStallationCOLD CASHHOT DEALSBuilt$600 to a00STANDARD,PF 100 Not Hot a AirPellet PRICE. Furnace$3,973- 600 Harman Cash- 1,091 90 Federal Tax Credit$2,361 10 Final Price$600 00COME SEE THE PELLET PROFESSIONALS.PF 100 Hot AirPellet Furnace$3,973- 600 Harman Cash- 1,091 90$2,361 10 Final Price3262 U.S. Rte. 5, Derby, VT • (802) 766-2714Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5:30 PM, Sat. 7 AM-3 PM, closed Sun.OUTDOORWOODFURNACES• Over 85% Efficient• EPA Phase 2 Qualified$3,324Federal Tax CreditP61 PelletStove- 600 Harman Cash- 817 20$1,906 80 Final PriceHARMAN CASH GOOD THRU 4/30/09SAVE UP TOP61 PelletStove$3,324- 600 Harman Cash- 817 20$1,906 80 Final PriceFederal Tax CreditEliminate High Heating Bills!Federal Tax Credit“We didn’t invent fire, just better ways to use it.”• SaleS • Service • inStallationCOME SEE THE PELLET PROFESSIONALS.Medical/Rescue: Derby Line Ambulance Service, POBox 105, Derby Line, VT 05830; Newport AmbulanceService, 830 Union St. Newport, 334-2023. North CountryHospital, 189 Prouty Drive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278; Vermont ElectricCo-op (Electric) 800-832-2667; FairPoint (Telephone)866-984-2001.Schools: Derby Elementary School, K-6, 907 Elm Street;North Country Junior Union High School, North CountryUnion High School.Library: Daily Memorial Library, Main St. P.O. Box 30,766-5063. Open Tues. 10-6, Wed. 10-5, Thurs. 10-5, Fri.10-6, Sat. 10-3, closed Sun. <strong>and</strong> Mon. Library Director:Barbara J. Whitehill. Haskell Free Library: 93 CaswellAve, 876-2020.Recreation: Indoor Recreation of Orleans County, anonprofit recreation center for the people of OrleansCounty. Located off US Route 5, the Newport-DerbyRoad, 334-8511. Lake Memphremagog provides severalboating <strong>and</strong> outdoor recreational activities. Derby has apublic beach <strong>and</strong> beach house on Lake Salem, 480 4-HRoad.Special Events: July <strong>4th</strong> Parade; the town hosts theD<strong>and</strong>elion Run (May), Tour de Kingdom (June) <strong>and</strong> theKingdom Triathlon (August) all put on by IROC; DerbyLine <strong>Community</strong> Day, August.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.Showroom/Retail/Lumber StoreDerby, VermontPhone: 802-766-4971VALID APR. 2010/2011Showroom/Retail/Lumber StoreHardwick, VermontPhone: 802-472-5581Showroom/Sales OfficeEnosburg, VermontPhone: 802-933-2862VISITANY ONEOF OURPOULINLUMBERLOCATIONSYour everythingACE place.Derby,VT802-766-4971Open 7 Days a WeekHardwick,VT802-472-5581Enosburg,VT802-933-2862Sales Showroom OnlyWilliamstown,VT802-433-1419Open 7 Days a Week3262 U.S. Rte. 5, Derby, VT • (802) 766-2714Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5:30 PM, Sat. 7 AM-3 PM, closed Sun.www.poulinlumber.com36 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESEAST HAVENEast Haven’s first resident was John Walter Jr. whoplanted the first orchard in the town. The town waschartered on Oct. 22, 1790 by Governor Chittendenbut none of the original people who received grantsfor the l<strong>and</strong> ever settled there. Eventually the townwas divided up into 106 roughly equal lots by AndrewLockie. It is also possible that the town was namedafter Timothy Andrews who was originally from EastHaven, Connecticut. Andrews never settled in thetown, but eventually died there while he was visitinghis property. The Passumpsic River runs throughthe western part of the town while a l<strong>and</strong> ridge runsthrough the center of the town. It is bordered on itseast side by the Moose River. Both the Passumpsic <strong>and</strong>the Moose River boast impressive trout <strong>and</strong> the MooseRiver is especially well known for a variety of wildlifeincluding moose <strong>and</strong> deer. Even though the l<strong>and</strong> inthe town of East Haven is fairly rough, it wasn’t roughenough to deter people from farming. East Haven isbordered by the towns of Ferdin<strong>and</strong>, Granby, Victory,Burke <strong>and</strong> Newark. East Haven Windfarm is located inthe town <strong>and</strong> is currently working on installing fourwind turbines on East Mountain. The wind turbinesare supposed to provide enough energy to power up to3,000 homes in the Northeast Kingdom.Population: 290 Area: 37.41 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,020Zip Code: 05837 Median Household Income: $38,3752011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.42/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residence Tax Rate: $1.86/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 64 <strong>Community</strong> Building Road, P.O. Box 10,Hours: Tues. 1-6, Thurs., 8-1, <strong>and</strong> by appointment.Town Clerk: Franklin R. Higgins, 467-3772, Asst. Clerk:R.J. BurkeDelinquent Tax Collector: Tax Collector’s Office, 467-3772.Zoning Contact: Franklin R. Higgins, 467-3772, Tues. 1-6,Thurs. 8-1, <strong>and</strong> by appointment.Board of Selectmen: Kirwin Fl<strong>and</strong>ers, Chair. Meets 2ndSaturday each month at 9 a.m.Police: Essex County Sheriff’s Dept., 91 Courthouse Dr.,Guildhall, 626-3500; Vermont State Police, 35 CrawfordRd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire Dept.: East Haven Volunteer Fire DepartmentMedical/Rescue: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive P.O. Box401, Lyndonville, 626-1101. Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 1-888-438-2421; Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 1-800-649-2877; Lyndonville Electric Department (Electric) 626-9252;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) (866-984-2001.Schools: Students have a choice of any approved public orindependent surrounding town schools.Recreation: Numerous trails, ponds <strong>and</strong> streams offerexcellent hiking <strong>and</strong> fishing.Special Events: Memorial Day tribute - the elementaryschool students annually pay tribute by placing flags ongraves at the cemetery.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: A bond passed to makewater system improvements.GLOVERGlover was chartered on Nov. 20, 1783. The town isnamed after General John Glover who served underGeorge Washington in the Revolutionary War. Whenthe war first broke out, Glover, a merchant previousto the war, recruited <strong>and</strong> then led 1,000 men intobattle against the British. He supervised the crossingof the Delaware River. He died in 1797 <strong>and</strong> it isunknown if he ever visited the town named afterhim. Long Pond once resided in the southeast cornerof the town, until a channel was dug to power mills.During the digging of the channel, the pond rushed27 miles to Lake Memphremagog. The path the watermade on its way to the lake can still be seen, <strong>and</strong> amarker on Route 16 identifies the former pond site.Glover is also home of the Bread & Puppet Museum<strong>and</strong> Theatre since 1974.Population: 1,122 Area: 38.53 sq. mi. Elevation: 945Zip Code: 05839 Median Household Income: $46,167Vermont Day DreamsLakefront Cottage & Guest HouseIntimate gathering spaces in Vermont’sNortheast Kingdom44 bedrooms upstairs w/half bath Master bedroom & bathdownstairs large living/dining room 4 double beds dormitory stylefully equipped kitchen <strong>and</strong> full bath downstairs kitchen/living/diningfront & back decks overlooking lake retreat & conference center, galleryFor Reservation or InquiriesBetsy Day & R<strong>and</strong>y Williams, Proprietors765 Parker Rd, West Glover, VT 05875 802-525-4051VtDayDreams@yahoo.com VermontDayDreams.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 37
KINGDOM PROFILES2011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.61/$100assessed valuation. Non-Residential Tax Rate $1.84/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 51 Bean Hill Road, 525-6227, Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8-4.Town Clerk: Donna Sweeney, 525-6227, glovertc@comcast.net. Asst. Clerk: Jessica SweeneyDelinquent Tax Collector: Donna Sweeney, 525-6227.Board of Selectmen: 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Thurs. of each month.Zoning Contact: Michael Ladd, 525-3175, flexibleavailability.Police Dept: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255Main Street, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire Dept: Allen Matthews, Chief, 525-4735.Medical/Rescue: Glover Ambulance Service, P.O. Box 64,48 County Road, West Glover, 525-3560. North CountryHospital (Newport) 334-7331.Utilities: Comcast (Cable) 266-2278; Vermont ElectricCo-op (Electric) 800-832-2667; FairPoint Communications(Telephone) 866-984-2001.Schools: Glover Village School, K-8, 100 School Street,Lakes Region Union High School, 9–12, 317 Lake RegionRoad, Orleans.Recreation: Lake Parker, Shadow Lake <strong>and</strong> DanielsPond all offer fishing <strong>and</strong> swimming to the public. GloverRecreation Committee organizes both youth <strong>and</strong> adultactivities, many of them held at the town hall.welcome to Gloverwww.townofglover.comThe Northeast Kingdom’sNewest Magazine!Winter <strong>2012</strong> issue deadline:May 1Visit www.livinghealthyvt.comfor advertising rates <strong>and</strong> distributiondetails.802.684.1056, info@livinghealthyvt.comA year-round vacationspot with a Bed <strong>and</strong>Breakfast atmostphereat the end of a quietcountry road in Vermont’s“Northeast Kingdom”.Jim <strong>and</strong> Nancy Rodgersinvite you to visitRodgersCountry Inn& CabinsWest Glover, Vermont802-525-6677 • 800-729-1704www.rodgerscountryinn.comjnrodger@together.netOne of the biggest collectionsof some of thebiggest puppets in the world!Rte. 122, Glover, VTOpen June 1 through November 1Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Festive Open HouseSaturday, June 16 starts @ 2pm“Shatterer of Worlds” in the Paper Mache CathedralFridays @ 7:30pm ~ July 6th thru August 2<strong>4th</strong>“The Everything Everywhere Dance Circus”Sundays @ 2:30pm ~ July 15th thru August 26th“Holy Nobody’s Battle Cry Pageant”Donations Welcome. www.bread<strong>and</strong>puppet.org38 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESSpecial Events: Glover Day, last Saturday in July.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Jack Sumberg waselected to a three-year term on the Board of Selectmen.All articles passed.Library: Contact the town office for access.Recreation: Hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, Cow MountainPond Forest.Special: Home to the Roger Rangers grave, Porrell Rd.GranbyJohn Manners (1721-70), the Marquis of Granby, camefrom a long line of distinguished British noblemen, <strong>and</strong>had himself served as a privy councilor <strong>and</strong> lord justice.He was bearer of the Queen’s scepter at the coronationsof both George II <strong>and</strong> George III, but his greatestservice was as a military comm<strong>and</strong>er in the SevenYears War. It is generally thought that, in addition tothe Vermont town, the Granbys in both Massachusetts<strong>and</strong> Connecticut were named for him. This Granbygot off to a slow start, <strong>and</strong> after 1816, the year withouta summer, the population shrank so much that thetown gave up its incorporation. Reorganized <strong>and</strong> reincorporatedin 1822, it grew to just under 400 residentsin 1890, down to 52 in 1970. Though it was never morethan a few buildings grouped around some sawmills,the hamlet of Stevens Mills was a railroad stoppingpoint, <strong>and</strong> appeared on most maps throughout thefirst part of the 20th century. The name came from thesawmills operated by C.H. Stevens Company, whichhad its offices in St. Johnsbury. At one time the millsemployed over 100 men, with an even larger group outcutting timber to feed the mills. As the timber went, sodid the population.Population: 88 Area: 38.82 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,500 ft.Zip Code: 05840 Median Household Income: $26,2502011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $2.04/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.76/$100assessed valuationTown Offices: 9005 Granby Rd., PO Box 56, Granby, byappt. onlyTown Clerk: Nellie Noble, 328-3611, granby@wildblue.net,Asst. Clerk: Betty Brown & Constance QuimbyDelinquent Tax Collector: Nellie Noble 328-3611Board of Selectmen: Last Tuesday of the month, 6:45 p.m.at the town clerk’s office.Zoning Contact: Reginald Bunnell 328-2191/3611, byappointment.Police Dept.: Essex County Sheriff’s Department, 91Courthouse Drive, Guildhall, 676-3500; Vermont StatePolice, 1068 US Rte. 5, St. Johnsbury, 748-3111.Fire Dept.: Contracted with the East Burke Volunteer FireDept., District #1 Tom Villaneuve, 467-3301; District #2Brian Greer, 626-5963.Utilities: Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-649-2877), Fairpoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Medical/Rescue: Weeks Memorial Hospital. Middle St.,Lancaster, N.H., 603-788-4911; Lyndon Rescue, 114 VailDr., Lyndon, 626-1101.Photo by Barry LawsonGREENSBOROGreensboro’s first named grantee is Harris Coltof Lyme, Conn., who captained a company underWashington’s comm<strong>and</strong>. He <strong>and</strong> his associates hadpetitioned for the town in March of 1780, <strong>and</strong> thefollowing November the Legislature made the grant,directing that the charter be issued under the nameof Coltkiln (sometimes rendered incorrectly as ColtHill, for example in Child’s Gazetteer). Meanwhile,between the granting <strong>and</strong> the chartering, one of theother grantees, Timothy Green <strong>and</strong> his son, TimothyJr., originally had come to Vermont from New London,Conn. In peacetime, the father was a printer by trade,a descendant of Samuel Green of Cambridge, Mass.,generally considered to have been the second printerin New Engl<strong>and</strong>. After moving to Vermont, TimothySr. was for a time one of the two official state printers.Green’s name appears in the record on Aug. 20,when the new town that had been granted as Coltkilnwas suddenly <strong>and</strong> without any explanation charteredas Greensboro in 1781. Greensboro was the settingfor Duncan Rogers short film “The Ables House isGreen.”Population: 762 Area: 39.4 sq. mi.Elevation: 904 feet Zip Code: 05841Median Household Income: $43,0772011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.02/$100assessed valuation. Non-Residential Tax Rate $1.29/$100 assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 119, 81 Laurendon Ave.,Greensboro. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-4:30, 533-2911Town Clerk: Valdine Hall, 533-2911, greensborovt@yahoo.com. Asst. Clerk: Kim Greaves, Jeanne Eisner.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 39
KINGDOM PROFILESZoning Contact: Kristen Leahy, 533-2911, Mon.-Thurs.,9-12 <strong>and</strong> 1-4:30.Police: Hardwick Police Department, 20 Church Street,Hardwick, 472-5475.Fire: Greensboro Volunteer Fire Department, Junior Salls,Chief, 83 Breezy Avenue, 533-7770Medical/Rescue: Hardwick Rescue Service; CopleyHospital (Morrisville) 888-4231Utilities: Hardwick Electric Department (Electric) 472-5201, Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Schools: Lakeview Union, K-6, 189 Lauredon Avenue;Hazen Union High School, 7-12, 126 Hazen Union Drive,Hardwick.Library: Greensboro Free Library, 53 Wilson Street, 533-2531. Hours: Mon. 10-4, Tues. 10-7, Wed. 10-4, Thurs. 10-4, Fri. 10-4, Sat. 10-2, Sun. 11:30-1:30.Recreation: Caspian Lake, Mountain View Country Club,cross country skiing trails.Special Events: <strong>Annual</strong> Fourth of July Parade, July 7, 10a.m., <strong>and</strong> fireworks at dusk.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Due to a large poweroutage, the town meeting was moved to a different venue.Appropriation for Hardwick Food Shelf increased from$500 to $2,500. Bridget Collier, who retired as town clerkafter 27 years, was the winner of the Greensboro Award forcommunity service.welcome to Greensborowww.greensborovt.comMiller’s Thumb Galleryset in a historic grist mill by Caspian LakeA stunning collection of VermontFine Art, Jewelry, Fashion& Contemporary Craftwww.northstarmonthly.comOnline Newsst<strong>and</strong> - Subscriptions - InformationNEW LEAF DESIGNS ECLECTIC NURSERYInteresting <strong>and</strong> UnusualTREES • SHRUBS • PERENNIALSFeaturing Native Varieties for fruit & wildlife.Plus, Uncommon Houseplants!Garden/Property Consultations • Diverse WorkshopsGarden Design, (Free w/Purchase of Plants)A plant for any location plusgardening wisdom with every visit!Open daily 11 am - 4 pm (May 26 - Oct 15)14 Breezy Ave, Greensboro, VT (802) 533-2045 www.millersthumbgallery.comPër Smoked of Vermont“Hot-Smoked Salmon, Trout & Seafood”Për CourtneySmokemeisterPO Box 66281 The Bend RoadGreensboro Bend, VT 05842802-533-2444 | 802-533-9836per-nwd@vtlink.netDOWN TO EARTH WORM FARM OF VERMONT“The Biggest Little Farm in VT”(Where herds of ‘animals’ live in drawers!)For Hours & Info: (802) 533-9836 • newleaf@vtlink.netwww.downtoearthwormfarmvt.com281 The Bend Road • Greensboro Bend, VT 05836(across from St. Michael’s Church)TheWILLEY’SNear the southern shoreHere is the picture we would like on the add. We would like this to take up about½ of the add with the rest of the space filled up with the following of Caspian information. LakeOpen 7:00 a-7:00p 7 days a weekin Greensboro villageMon-Fri 7-5:30, Sat. & Sun 8-5:30Near the southern shore of Caspian lake in Greensboro village802.533.2621Phone: 802-533-2621 STOREToll free- (866) 945-5397 TOLL FREE 877.945.5397Fax: 802-533-229340 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDEFeel free to arrange this however you want. Thank you!
KINGDOM PROFILESGROTONGroton was given its first grant on Nov. 7, 1780 <strong>and</strong>it was first charter on Oct. 20, 1789. The first settlementin Groton came in 1787. The origin of the nameis suspected to have come from either the town ofGroton, Conn., or from the town of Groton, Mass.Both of these towns were named after Groton,Sudbury, Suffolk, U.K. Groton is surrounded byseveral other Vermont towns: Marshfield, Plainfield,Orange, Peacham, Topsham, Newbury, <strong>and</strong> Ryegate.President Abraham Lincoln once pardoned Grotonnative Private William Scott, a member of the 3rdVermont Infantry. Scott is commonly known as“The Sleeping Sentinel.” Scott had been sentencedto death after having been found guilty of fallingasleep at his post. Scott would die in a later battledue to several gunshot wounds. Groton is also thesite of Groton State Forest which is host to severalcampgrounds. These campgrounds include RickerPond, Big Deer, Stillwater <strong>and</strong> New Discovery. Theforest also includes Kettle Pond, Osmore Pond <strong>and</strong>Boulder Beach. Many hiking trails, including a trailup Owlshead Mountain (not to be confused withOwl’s Head Mountain in southern Vermont) <strong>and</strong>Deer Mountain, <strong>and</strong> beautiful scenery, especiallyin the fall. Groton State Forest is also home to aNature Center <strong>and</strong> Peacham Bog, heralded by www.outdoorplaces.com as “one of the largest bogs inVermont,” also makes Groton State Forest its home.Population: 1,022 Area: 54 sq. mi. Zip code: 05046Median Household Income: $52,9692011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.66/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate:$1.74/$100 assessed valuation.Town Offices: 1476 Scott Highway, 584-3276, Hours:Mon., Tues., & Thurs. 8:30-12:30; 1:30-5, Wed., & Fri.,8:30-12:30.Town Clerk: Linda Nunn, 584-3276, grotonclerk@fairpoint.net, Asst. Clerk: Roberta Dana.Current Tax Collector: Roberta Dana, 584-3131.Delinquent Tax Collector: Pat Bouley, 584-3292.Board of Selectmen: Meets the 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Thursday ofevery month at 7 p.m.Zoning Contact: Bradley Houghton, Jr., 584-4284,evenings after 5 p.m.Fire: Groton Volunteer Fire Department; 1456 Scott Hwy,Groton.Police: Vermont State Police, 1594 Waits River Rd.,Bradford, 222-4680.Medical/Rescue: Woodsville (Cottage Hospital)Ambulance Service, Woodsville, 603-747-3311. CottageHospital, 79 Swiftwater Rd., Haverhill, N.H., 603-747-3709Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2427; Green Mountain Power (Electric) 888-835-4672;Washington Electric Co-op (Electric) 800- 932-5245.Library: Groton Public Free Town Library, 1304 ScottHighway, Hours are Mon. & Fri. 2:30-7 p.m., Wed. 10-4p.m., Sat. 10–12. Librarian: Marjorie Shane, 584-3358.Schools: Blue Mountain Union, PK-12, 2420 Route 302,Wells River.Recreation: Hundreds of acres of state park l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>several local ponds <strong>and</strong> lakes for fishing, paddling orhiking.Special Events: Groton Growers Famers Market: thirdSaturday of the month in the winter <strong>and</strong> every Saturdayin the summer; Mary Berlejung, 584-3595. Fall FolliageFestival, first Saturday in October.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.Voters recognized Selectmen David Spencer for his sixyearterm on the board. Nathan Puffer was elected to athree-year term.welcome to Grotonwww.grotonvt.comTim <strong>and</strong> Mary CoreySales RepresentativesVisit our Bedford<strong>and</strong>Cumberl<strong>and</strong> Modelswww.northeasternlog.comE-mail: tmcorey@northeasternlog.com2312 Scott Highway, Groton, VT 05046800-992-6526 • 802-584-3200 (fax)<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 41
KINGDOM PROFILESGUILDHALLGuildhall has a curious origin. There is only one otherplace in the world where the name is used, <strong>and</strong> that isLondon’s Guildhall, the equivalent of a New Engl<strong>and</strong>town hall, built in 1411, destroyed in the great fire of1666, rebuilt, <strong>and</strong> destroyed again in World War II.Perhaps as substantiation, perhaps not, Guildhall’s TownHall is conspicuously called the “Guild Hall.” Anotherpossibility is a play on the name of the principal grantee<strong>and</strong> four other family members of the same name: Hall.Many early records spell the name “Gilhall,” reflectingthe Vermonter’s tendency to soften or skip entirely the“d” sound in many words.Population: 261 Area: 32.98 sq. mi. Elevation: 874BROWN’SMARKETA Neighborhood Bistrofeaturing Farm to Table FarePhoto by Heather RanneyWiFi availableOur quaint restaurant is located in the former,“Brown’s Market” on the Wells River,in the heart of Groton Village.We feature a relaxed, casual <strong>and</strong> fine diningexperience. Check out our web pagefor menus, nighlty music schedule,specials events <strong>and</strong> more.Open Wed.-Fri. 4-9, Sat. 12-9www.brownsmarketbistro.com802-584-4124Zip Code: 05905 Median Household Income: $41,2502011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $.84/$100assessed valuation. Non-residential Tax Rate $1.14/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 10, 13 Courthouse Dr. Hours: Tues.,9-noon <strong>and</strong> 1-7; Thurs., 9-12, 676-3797.Town Clerk: Sam Swope, 676-3797, townclerk@guildhallvt.org. Asst. Clerk: Peter Gair.Tax Collector: Laura Wilson, 676-3797Delinquent Tax Collector: Alfred McVetty, 328-3646.Board of Selectmen: Meet the <strong>4th</strong> Monday of every month.Zoning Contact: Pat Rodgers, 676-3797, 328-4469, after6pm; Tues. & Thurs., 9-12.Police Dept: Essex County Sheriff Dept., 91 CourthouseDrive, Guildhall, 676-3500.Fire: Lancaster Fire Dept., 25 Main St, Lancaster, N.H.,603-788-4026.Medical/Rescue: Weeks Medical Center, 173 Middle Street,Lancaster, N.H., 03584, 603-788-4911.Utilities: Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-451-2877; Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667.FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Guildhall Public Library, 7218 Route 102, 676-3054.Schools: Guildhall Elementary School, K-6, Route 102;9-12 students are given the choice of approved public orindependent surrounding town high schools to attend.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Voters approved anincrease in the disabled veterans tax exemption to $40,000,the maximum allowed.HARDWICKHardwick, chartered to Danforth Keyes on Aug. 19,1781, is likely to have gotten its name from Hardwick,Mass., where some of Keyes’ associates came from. Thissmall historic town is located along the Lamoille River.Hardwick is rich in farml<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> provides l<strong>and</strong>ownerswith many opportunities for commercial <strong>and</strong> industrialexpansion. This small town carries a lot of history, beginningwith the early days of saw <strong>and</strong> grist mills, carriagefactories, agriculture, <strong>and</strong> granite quarries. Granite quarryingin Hardwick began in 1868 <strong>and</strong>, since that time, hasserved as Hardwick’s industrial center. Hardwick wasonce known as the building granite capital of the world,<strong>and</strong> has remained the center of granite mining in Vermont.The town has provided granite to be used on some ofthe most prominent buildings in the United States <strong>and</strong>encouraged fine artisans to construct their pieces usinggranite rather than the soft marble that they were usedto. One of the most important pieces of Hardwick’s historywas the construction of the Bayley-Hazen MilitaryRoad, which took place at the request of Gen. GeorgeWashington during the American Revolutionary War.This road provided interior access to Vermont, <strong>and</strong>allowed settlers to reach Hardwick <strong>and</strong> East Hardwick.Hardwick’s first permanent settler, Mark Norris, arrived42 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESon May 16, 1788. Hardwick’s first town meeting tookplace in March of 1795 in Mark Norris’ home. Hardwick islocated in the northwestern corner of Caledonia County.It provides a border to Greensboro to the north in OrleansCounty, Woodbury to the south in Washington County,<strong>and</strong> Wolcott to the west in Lamoille County. VermontRoute 15 links Hardwick to larger Vermont towns suchas Morrisville <strong>and</strong> Burlington. Route 15 also connectsto Vermont Route 2 <strong>and</strong> St. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Montpelier,the state capital. In recent years, Hardwick has becomea regional center of organic agriculture. Hardwick is amust-see for all Vermont tourists because of its beautifulsummers, <strong>and</strong> colorful fall foliage. When combined withits many beautiful Victorian-style buildings <strong>and</strong> differentdining options, Hardwick is sure to leave tourists nothingless than impressed, <strong>and</strong> make them want to exploremore towns in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.Population: 3,010 Area: 38.66 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,339Zip Code: 05843Median Household Income: $44,2692011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $2.44/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.52/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 20 Church St., PO Box 523. Hours: Mon.-Fri.,9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 472-5971Town Clerk: Alberta Miller, 472-5971, Alberta.miller@hardwickvt.org, Assist. Town Clerk Susanna Cross, susanna.cross@hardwickvt.orgwelcome to Hardwickwww.hardwickvtarea.comA full-service,modernveterinary clinic64 North Main StreetDowntown Hardwick802-472-8400www.hardwickvet.comOpen Tuesdaythrough SaturdayLocal Produce • Wholesome Foods (Bulk & Packaged)Large Selection of Local Breads • Local & Fair Trade GiftsCAFÉ ~ Delicious Healthy FoodsRegular Kitchen Hours Monday - SaturdayShopLocalBuyLocalSelf-Serve Always AvailableOpen DailyMain Street -Hardwick VT(802) 472-6020www.BuffaloMountainCoop.orgPO Box 451 • 21 Mill Street<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 43
KINGDOM PROFILESHeart of VermontChamber ofCommerce• Cabot• Craftsbury• Greensboro• Hardwick• Stannard• Walden• Wolcott• WoodburyVisit us atheartofvt.comExplore miles of dirt roads,country settings; hike, bikeour trails <strong>and</strong> country roads;canoe <strong>and</strong> kayak or spendthe day swimming <strong>and</strong>enjoying the s<strong>and</strong>y beachesof some of our many lakes.Fish the Lamoille River.Participate in exceptionalcross country skiing,snowmobiling <strong>and</strong> otherwinter activities <strong>and</strong> events.Enjoy fine dining fromhome style cooking toeclectic organic cuisine;Purchase seasonal produce<strong>and</strong> freshly baked breads atour farmer’s markets.Visit local galleriesfeaturing fine art <strong>and</strong>Vermont crafts; stop in atone of the season’s folk,blues, jazz or classicalmusic venues.Revel in the farml<strong>and</strong>,forests, foliage <strong>and</strong>mountain views…Delinquent Tax Collector: Town Manager John Jewett, 472-6120, john.jewett@hardwickvt.org.Board of Selectmen: 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Thursdays at 6 p.m.Zoning Contact: Karen Holmes, 472-5971, Mon. & Tues.,8:30am-12pm.Police Dept.: Aaron Cochran, Chief; Hardwick PoliceDepartment, PO Box 447, 472-5475.Fire Dept.: Tom Fadden, Chief, Hardwick Town FireDepartment, 472-5482. PO Box 1279, 333 Wolcott Street.Medical/Rescue: Hardwick Rescue Squad, 98 Highl<strong>and</strong> Ave.,472-6721. Copley Hospital (Morrisville), 888-4231.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 800-266-2278;Hardwick Electrical Dept. (Electric) 472-5201; WashingtonElectric Co-op (Electric) 800-932-5245; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Jeudevine Memorial Library, PO Box 236, 93 NorthMain Street. Hours are Mon.-Wed. 1-7 p.m., Tues.-Thurs. 1-5p.m., Fri., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Library Director is Lisa Sammet.Schools: Hardwick Elementary School, Grades K–6, 135South Main Street; Hazen Union High School, 7–12, 126Hazen Union Drive.Recreation: Hardwick Senior Citizens Center, N. Main Street,472-6091. Idle Hours Campground, 965 Mackville Road, 472-6732. Green Mountain Conservation Camp, Buck Lake, 472-5066.Special Events: Memorial Day Parade <strong>and</strong> fireworks.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed. Boardof Selectmen Chair Marcus Brown stepped down <strong>and</strong> washonored for six years on the board.Hardwick Inn Clothing Co.South Main Street • M–F 9:30–5:30, Sat 9:30-3:30Great selection ofmen’s, women’s & kidscasual clothing & shoesPO Box 111, Hardwick, VT 05843(802) 472-5906Fashions fit forthe Kingdom44 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to Hardwickwww.hardwickvtarea.com2259Route 14NorthHardwickVermont802-472-5486waterfallswedding.comRowell Bros. Ford“THE TRACTOR MART”PO Box 497Hardwick VT 05843(802) 472-5546Morris RowellMike’s Service CenterMike & Tom BrochuDiagnostics Service • Installation • InspectionsFor Expert Service • Quality Parts • True StoriesMain Street, Box 738Hardwick, VT 05843(802) 472-8296156 Daniels Road • HardwickHours: Mon-Fri 9:30-5, Sat 9-noon472-3397www.theflowerbasket.bizPerennial PleasuresNursery & Tea Garden CaféGift ShopStroll the gardens in our old-fashionednursery, discover a wealth of heirloom plants,browse a gift shop filled withbeautiful things, <strong>and</strong> relax with a pot of tea!Nursery <strong>and</strong> Gift ShopOpen 10-5 Tuesday - Sunday(May 1 - September 15)Tea Café Open:Mother’s Day to Labor Day, 12-4Reservations SuggestedBrick House Rd., East Hardwick, VT • 472-5104www.perennialpleasures.netS & J FitnessYour Hometown Gymwww.hardwickgym.comThe Hardwick Inn4 South Main Street, Hardwick, VT(802)472-3242Allow Steve & Julie Parker, certified personal trainers,to support you in meeting your fitness goals.Providing professionalfitness servicessince 2003!<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 45
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Caroline EvansHOLLANDHoll<strong>and</strong> was chartered Oct. 26, 1779. The most commonstory about the origin of Holl<strong>and</strong>’s name is that thetown was named for Holl<strong>and</strong>, Mass., which in turn wasnamed for Lord Holl<strong>and</strong>, Charles James Fox (1749-1806),who won America’s love with his eloquent defenseof her rights in the years just before the outbreak ofthe Revolution. However Charles James Fox neverwas Baron Holl<strong>and</strong>; the title went to his elder brother,Stephen. It’s more likely the Vermont Holl<strong>and</strong> wasnamed for Samuel Holl<strong>and</strong>, who was the King’s surveyorgeneral of all the colonies north of Virginia. In 1770,he conducted the official survey of New Hampshire <strong>and</strong>Vermont. In 1775, Holl<strong>and</strong> went to Canada <strong>and</strong> sinceHoll<strong>and</strong> is on the Canadian border near where SamuelHoll<strong>and</strong> lived <strong>and</strong> worked, it seems highly probablethat the town may have been named for him. There arethree unincorporated villages within Holl<strong>and</strong>: Holl<strong>and</strong>Center, Holl<strong>and</strong> Pond <strong>and</strong> Tice Hollow.Population: 629 Zip Code: 05830 Area: 38.7 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,405 Median Household Income: $37,6792011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.93/$100assessed valuation. Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.22/$100assessed valuationTown Office: 120 School Rd., Derby Line. Hours: Mon.,Tue., Thurs., 8-4:30, or by appointment. 895-4440.Town Clerk: Diane H. Judd, 895-4440, holl<strong>and</strong>1805@hotmail.com Asst. Clerk: Diana EmmersonDelinquent Tax Collector: Diane H. Judd, 895-4440.Zoning Contact: Diane H. Judd, 895-4440. Mon., Tue.,Thurs., 8-4:30, or by appointment.Police: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire: Derby Line Volunteer Fire Department, 329 Elm St.,873-3222.Medical/Rescue: Derby Line Ambulance Service, PO Box105, Derby Line; Newport Ambulance Service, 830 UnionSt. Newport, 334-2023. North Country Hospital, 189 ProutyDrive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2278;FairPoint (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Schools: Holl<strong>and</strong> Elementary School, 26 School Rd., PK-6;North Country Union Jr. High School, 7-8, 57 Junior HighDrive Derby, North Country Union High School, 9-12, 209Veterans Avenue, Newport.Special Events: In honor of Memorial Day, schools placeflags on the graves in the Meade Hill Cemetery <strong>and</strong> localveterans give a presentation; Old Home Day Dinner, 1stSunday in August; <strong>Annual</strong> Bingo, February; Cabin FeverFestival (craft fair), March.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Starting in <strong>2012</strong>, schoolbudget votes were returned to the floor as opposed toAustralian ballot. The town report was dedicated to GusPatenaude a long-time resident <strong>and</strong> town official whopassed away in early <strong>2012</strong>.46 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESIRASBURGIrasburg is one of three Vermont towns named for IraAllen, the brother of Ethan Allen <strong>and</strong> principal grantee(Ira in Rutl<strong>and</strong> County <strong>and</strong> Alburgh in Gr<strong>and</strong> IsleCounty being the others). Also named as grantees areGeneral Roger Enos, Sr., his wife, Jerusha, Sr., son Roger,Jr. <strong>and</strong> daughter Jerusha, Jr., who later became Allen’swife. This charter is one of the few places in Vermontwhere women are listed as grantees in their own right;unique also is the use of Sr. <strong>and</strong> Jr. to identify mother<strong>and</strong> daughter of the same name. Fairly soon after thecharter, Allen acquired all of the other grantees’ l<strong>and</strong>s.Stories that Allen had filled up the required numberof grantees with false names <strong>and</strong> that he “bought”the claims from himself are simply not true; most ofthe names listed in the charter are people known tobe friends of either the Enos or Allen families or laterlisted in the 1790 census as living in other Vermonttowns. Ira <strong>and</strong> the younger Jerusha were married in1789. He wrote to his brother Levi: “I have married myfavorite Miss Enos <strong>and</strong> brought her home.” As a weddingpresent, he transferred title to all of Irasburg toher. In later years, Jerusha said that at the time Ira gaveher the town, she didn’t think it was “worth a rush.”Irasburg was caught up in Ira’s financial disaster <strong>and</strong>all of Jerusha’s l<strong>and</strong> was sold at sheriff’s auction for backtaxes. Ira’s nephew <strong>and</strong> adopted son Heman bought thel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> gave it back to Jerusha.Population: 1,163 Area: 40.77 sq. milesElevation: 814 Zip Code: 05845Median Household Income: $44,0102011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.64/$100assessed valuation Non-Residential Tax Rate $1.99/$100assessed valuationTown Offices: 161 Route 58 East, PO Box 51, Irasburg.Hours: Mon.-Thur. 9-3.Town Clerk: Danielle Ingalls, 754-2242, irasburgtc@comcast.net Asst. Clerk: Evelyn KennisonPhoto by Hillary De CarloDelinquent Tax Collector: Alan Butler, 754-2993.Zoning Contact: Danielle Ingalls, 754-2242, Mon.-Thur.9-3.Police: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire Dept.: Irasburg Volunteer Fire Department, 161 Route58 East Irasburg, 754-9500Medical/Rescue: Orleans Emergency Unit, 4394 BartonOrleans Rd., Orleans, 754-8500; North Country Hospital,189 Prouty Drive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Orleans Utility Department (Electric) 754-8584;Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 832-2667; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001; Comcast(Cable) 800-266-2278Schools: Irasburg Village School, K–8, 292 Route 58; LakeRegion Union High School, 9–12, 317 Lake Region Road,Orleans.Library: Leach Public Library, 130 Park Avenue, 754-2526.Recreation: Tree Corners Family Campground, 3540 Route14, 754-6042. River of Life, 1147 Route 14, 754-9600.Special Events: Irasburg Church Fair, 3rd Saturday in Julyfollowed by fireworks.welcome to Irasburgwww.irasburgvt.com95 Rte 58W 802-754-6042 - summerIrasburg, VT 05845802-755-6219 - winterwww.treecorners.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 47
KINGDOM PROFILESJayThe town is unique in that it was established by twocharters. The earlier (Nov. 7, 1792), for 7,600 acres in thesouthern section to Gov. Thomas Chittenden in lieu ofback pay; the later (Dec. 28, 1792) to the distinguishedNew York statesman John Jay, in appreciation for hishelp in settling the Vermont-New York l<strong>and</strong> dispute,thus opening the door for Vermont to become the fourteenthstate. The whole area had been granted in 1780 asWyllis (after the principal grantee), but never chartered.For one reason or another (possibly because the town ismostly on the side of a mountain), the fees were neverpaid. In 1783, the Republic, low on funds <strong>and</strong> owing thegovernor his salary, decided to pay Chittenden withthis l<strong>and</strong> in what was then being called Carthage. IraAllen would have to survey it, but with no money topay him or his crew to do the work, Vermont told Allenhe could have the rest of the l<strong>and</strong>. Having had no successat selling the l<strong>and</strong>, Allen paid his men out of hisown pocket <strong>and</strong> asked for a meeting of the governor<strong>and</strong> council to resolve the matter. Without a quorumpresent, Chittenden gave Allen the charter for anotherforfeited town which had been called Woodbridge (nowpart of Westfield). Political opponents of Chittenden <strong>and</strong>Allen called it chicanery, leading to Chittenden’s defeatin the 1789 election. It was determined the followingyear that Chittenden had done nothing wrong, on topof which Vermont still owed Allen <strong>and</strong> Chittenden aconsiderable sum. Wyllis/Carthage/Jay had gotten off toa rocky start, <strong>and</strong> it never really overcame the h<strong>and</strong>icap.It was 1810 before the census recorded any population,1836 before there was a post office, which closed in1905. The southwestern corner of the town is comprisedof Jay Peak State Forest. Vermont’s northernmost skiresort, Jay Peak, is the principal activity in the town. Afew small businesses are gathered near a crossroads onRoute 242, the only location bearing any semblance toa village.Population: 521 Area: 34 sq. mi.Elevation: 922 Zip Code: 05859Median Household Income: $45,3132011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.33/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.63/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 1036 VT Route 242, Jay. Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 7-4.Town Clerk: Tara Morse (Treasurer), 988-2996,townofjay@comcast.net Asst. Clerk: Emeline Harmonwelcome to Jaywww.jayvt.comGreat Vacation Properties! Located withinmiles to Jay Peak Resort.Enjoy privacy, convenience, comfort <strong>and</strong>affordability!For Reservations:1-802-988-2918 or 1-800-331-0519info@snobowl.com • www.jaypeakrentals.comJust Minutesfrom Jay PeakResort behindJay CountryStorewww.jaywestfieldyoga.com | 802-323-7911 | www.truebeautymassage.com48 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESDelinquent Tax Collector: Cynthia Vincent, 988-2996,988-2255Board of Selectmen: Meet the 1st & 3rd Monday of eachmonth at 6:30 p.m. at the Jay Town HallZoning Contact: Fred Cushing, 988-9616, flexibleavailability.Police Dept.: Vermont State Police, 35 Crawford Rd.,Derby, 334-4740.Fire Dept.: Jay Volunteer Fire Department, Station #1,197 Revoir Flats; Station #2, Mountain Station at JayPeakUtilities: Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278; VermontElectric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667; FairPointCommunications (telephone) 866-984-2001Medical/Rescue: North Country Hospital, 334-7331,Missisquoi Valley Ambulance Service.Schools: Jay/Westfield Elementary, North Country JuniorUnion High School, North Country Union High School.Recreation: Skiing <strong>and</strong> snowboarding, fishing, hunting,bird watching, hiking, canoeing, swimming, snowmobiling;Jay State Forest, Long Trail North, 300 acres in theVermont L<strong>and</strong> Trust.Special Events: <strong>Annual</strong> Monte Carlo Casino & TexasHold’em Tournament held in March; 5th <strong>Annual</strong> SummerFest-Jay Day, Aug. 11, <strong>2012</strong>.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.Emy Harmon retired from the town clerk’s position after21 years of serving the town.Y U WDW DDI G E TILODGING AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUNDYOUR WEDDING DESTINATIONTIO11181 VT Rte 242 Jay,Vermont802.988.4459 • 800.331.4346LODGING AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUNDY U W802.988.4459DW DDI G E TIYOUR WEDDING DESTINATIONTIO11181 VT Rte 242 Jay,Vermont802.988.4459 • 800.331.4346802.988.4459Open year roundT BRIDGE RESTRUR&Open year roundTHEBRIDGE RESTAURANTR RANT& DCOTAS THET BRIDGE ASRESTAURANTRTAVERNRANT&E& DCOTAS A S TAVERNWELCOMEWELCOMESNOWMOBILERSSNOWMOBILERSon on the VAST trail.OPEN Sat. & Sun. forOPEN Sat. & Sun. forOpen May-OctoberOpen May-October BREAKFAST BUFFETOpen May-OctoberOpen BUFFETDaily, Weekly <strong>and</strong> Daily, Seasonal Weekly sites<strong>and</strong> Seasonal & sitesLUNCH!LUNCH!Daily, Weekly <strong>and</strong> Daily, Seasonal Weekly sites<strong>and</strong> DURING Seasonal WINTER sitesSEASONOwned by native extreme skier <strong>and</strong> tv host Asia MagribyWe support local artists!Our boutique sells womens’apparel, swimsuits <strong>and</strong> jewelry. We arechild friendly, <strong>and</strong> offer free WiFi.Coming this summer:Tea room, healthy drinkbar, cafe baked goods, livemusic <strong>and</strong> dj house musicDownhill & Cross-Country skisSnowshoesClothing & AccessoriesSki/Board Tuning <strong>and</strong> RepairsExpert Boot FittingCustom InsolesRental/Demo SkisGifts • AntiquesCollectiblesFind us in the Jay Village Inn parking plaza 2miles from the famous Jay Peak Ski Resortplease visit our website for events,promotions, <strong>and</strong> hoursjayrivercreations.com1486 Cross Road | Jay, Vermont 05859802-988-4464 | info@thesnowjob.comOpen Daily 8-5:30<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 49
THE NEWPUMP HOUSEINDOOR WATERPARKDay passes available. Purchase online atjaypeakresort.com/daypass
KINGDOM PROFILESKIRBYKirby is bordered by Burke, Victory, Concord, St.Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Lyndon <strong>and</strong> is known for being a farmingcommunity without a trading center or village. Thel<strong>and</strong> that Kirby covers is unique because it is actuallyshaped like an arrowhead. Originally, the town waspart of Burke <strong>and</strong> Hopkinsville, which was charteredby the Vermont Legislature to Dr. Roswell Hopkins.Hopkins served as the clerk <strong>and</strong> governor of the councilwithout being paid. Burke consisted of more l<strong>and</strong> thanmost of the Vermont towns <strong>and</strong> contained the oddlyshaped piece of l<strong>and</strong> that would eventually becamethe town of Kirby. The first resident of Kirby was Maj.Benjamin Whitcomb who was noted for being a hunter<strong>and</strong> trapper. Kirby was officially recognized as a townon Oct. 28, 1907. The origin of Kirby’s name is uncertain.It is believed that the name came from a surname or isnamed after numerous places in Engl<strong>and</strong>. The surnamepossibly comes from different Kirbys who fought in theRevolutionary War. It is also believed that the namemay have been due to petitions that Seth <strong>and</strong> JohnKirby submitted to the Vermont legislature. In Engl<strong>and</strong>,the name Kirby means a town that has a church. Today,the town of Kirby is home to two small ponds, Johnson<strong>and</strong> Kirby Pond, as well as Kirby Mountain which isnearly 3,000 feet in elevation. Kirby boasts two festivals,one in the fall <strong>and</strong> one during the Christmas season,that provide opportunities for community members togather together <strong>and</strong> to showcase local wares to tourists.Kirby is home to former White House policy advisor forthe Reagan administration, John McClaughry, who alsoserved as the town moderator.Population: 493 Area: 24.41 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,260Zip Code: 05851 Median Household Income: $81,3642011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.42/$100assessed valuation, Non Residential Tax Rate $1.66/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 346 Town Hall Road, Lyndonville, 626-9386,Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 8-3 <strong>and</strong> by appt.Town Clerk: W<strong>and</strong>a L. Grant, 626-9386, kirbytc@kingcon.com. Asst. Clerk: Gisele Burrington.Delinquent Tax Collector: W<strong>and</strong>a L. Grant, 626-9386.Board of Selectmen: Meet 1st Monday of each month, 7p.m.Planning Board: Meet 1st Thursday of the month 7 p.m.Zoning Contact: Robert Van Vliet, 626-3696, part time,flexible availability.Police: Vermont State Police, 1068 US Rte. 5, St.Johnsbury, 748-3111.Fire: Coverage by Burke, Concord Volunteer, St. Johnsbury<strong>and</strong> Lyndonville Fire Deptartments.Medical/Rescue: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive PO Box401, Lyndonville, 626-1101. Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 1-888-438-2421;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Schools: The town pays tuition for children to attend anyelementary or secondary education state approved school.Recreation: Kirby Pond, Johnson Pond <strong>and</strong> Kirby Mountainare located in the town. Kirby Country Club is a nineholegolf course with picturesque views of surroundingl<strong>and</strong>scapes.Special Events: “Kirby Day” hosted by the Kirby Quilters.LowellChartered to New York lawyer John Kelly <strong>and</strong> namedKellyvale. The town was one of four grants totalingmore than 69,000 acres given to Kelly in restitution foran equal amount of l<strong>and</strong> he had held under New YorkPatents, which had been invalidated by the 1790 settlementbetween New York <strong>and</strong> Vermont. In 1825, another ofKelly’s grants (a 6,000-acre tract just east of Kellyvale) wasadded to the town, making it considerably larger thanits neighbors. In 1831 the name was changed to Lowell.John Lowell Sr., a distinguished Massachusetts jurist,had represented the Commonwealth in the ContinentalCongress for many years. He was a member of the commissionthat had settled the Vermont-Massachusettsboundary dispute in Vermont’s favor. In 1781, Lowell <strong>and</strong>some associates had petitioned Vermont for a grant in thearea of present-day Morgan <strong>and</strong> Charleston. There is norecord of any action taken, but it is hard to believe thatthe state would have entirely overlooked his efforts on itsbehalf. John Lowell Jr. was also a prominent lawyer <strong>and</strong>a keen historian, with a reputation as a Federalist writer.His pamphlet entitled Mr. Madison’s War, criticizing theWar of 1812, would have endeared him to Vermonters,with whom the war was extremely unpopular.Population: 879 Area: 56.38 sq. mi.Elevation: 996 ft. Zip Code: 05847Median Household Income: $48,1942011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.52/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.81/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 2170 Route 100, Lowell, Mon.& Thurs. 9 a.m.to 2:30 p.m.Town Clerk: Nanette Bonneau, 744-6559, nbonneau@lowelltown.org Asst. Clerk: Pamela Tetreault ptetreault@lowelltown.org Karen Clinger kclinger@lowelltown.orgDelinquent Tax Collector: Pamela Tetreault, 744-6559Zoning Contact: Gordon Spencer, 744-6612, flexible,evenings.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 51
KINGDOM PROFILESPolice Dept.: Orleans Sheriff’s Dept., 255 Main St., Newport,334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35 Crawford Rd., Derby,334-4740Fire Dept.: Lowell Fire Department, 2534 Rte. 100, PO Box238, Lowell, 744-2450.Utilities: Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278; Vermont ElectricCo-op (Electric) 800-832-2667; FairPoint (Telephone) 866-984-2001Medical/Rescue: North Country Hospital, 334-7331.Library: <strong>Community</strong> Town Library at the Town Office,4pm-6pm.LUNENBURGLunenburg charted on July 5, 1763, Lunenburg wasnamed for Prince Karl Wilhelm Ferdin<strong>and</strong> of Brunswick-Lunenburg. He was the victor in the Seven Year War atMinden. The town claims that the Old CongregationalChurch is the most photographed church in the USA.Home to a village called Gilman, which was namedfor Isaac Gilman who came to the United States fromRussia in the 1880s. He founded Gilman Paper Company.Gilman was responsible for building the two townschurches. The small village changed its name fromFitzdale to Gilman in 1921 in his honor.Population: 1,302 Area: 45.51 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,172 Zip Code: 05906Median Household Income: $32,3612011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.91/$100assessed valuation. Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.02/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 9 West Main St., PO Box 54, 892-5959. Hours:Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-noon <strong>and</strong> 1-3. Closed at noon during thesummer.Town Clerk: Patricia Scott, 892-5959, lunenburg01@live.comAsst. Clerk: Barbara WilsonDelinquent Tax Collector: Tracey Dunnels, 328-4979.Schools: Lowell Graded School, 52 Gelo Park Rd., PK-8,744-6441; 9-12 students are given the choice of surroundingpublic or approved independent high schools to attend.Recreation: Hiking on the Long Trail, <strong>and</strong> trout fishing in theMissisquoi River.Special Events: The town is making preparations to celebrateits 200th year as an established township.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Voters voted in support ofthe Kingdom <strong>Community</strong> Wind Tower Project; <strong>and</strong> in favorsupporting the 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC byraising $2,000 annuallyZoning Contact: Patricia Scott, 892-5959, Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-noon <strong>and</strong> 1-3.Board of Selectmen: Meets the 1st Wednesday of everymonth at 6:30 p.m.Police Dept: Essex County Sheriff Dept., 91 CourthouseDrive, Guildhall, 676-3500.Fire Dept: Lunenburg Fire Dept., 291 West Main Street, 892-6611; Groveton Fire Dept., 37 Church Street, Groveton, N.H.,603-636-2181; Lancaster Fire Dept., 25 Main St, Lancaster,N.H., 603-788-4026.Medical/Rescue: Weeks Medical Center, 173 MiddleStreet, Lancaster, N.H., 03584, 603-788-4911; NortheasternVermont Regional Hospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141.Schools: Lunenburg Elementary, PK-4, 49 Bobbin MillRoad; Gilman Middle School, 5-8, 2720 River Road, Gilman,9-12 students are given the choice of surrounding town highschools to attend.Utilities: Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-451-2877; FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Special Events: Farmer’s Market every Wednesday (weatherpermitting) June–October; Old Home Day celebration, 1stSaturday in August.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Ed Boulay was voted ontothe Select board.welcome to Lyndonwww.lyndonvt.orgWe’re not just a feed store…- Unique Gifts- Children’s Toys- Gardening Supplies Galore- Bird Seed & FeedersPlus, everything yourpet could every needor want ~ includinggrooming!Lyndonville Agway6601 Memorial Drive, Lyndonville, VT 05819Phone: 802.626.5538 Fax: 802.626.8081Established 1981Burke ViewGarage, Inc.Larry Lefaivre, OwnerDomestic & Import RepairBrakes, Exhaust & Tune-UpsState InspectionTire Sales & Alignments“We do it all.”Mon-Fri 8-5626-3282Rt. 114, Lyndonville, VT52 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Donna WalshLYNDONLyndon was founded in 1780. The town of Lyndoncontains the villages of Lyndonville, Lyndon Center<strong>and</strong> Lyndon Corner. Lyndon is known as the “CoveredBridge Capital of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.”According to Esther Munroe Swift’s Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History, Dr. Johnathan Arnold <strong>and</strong>53 other people founded the town. Dr. Arnold namedthe town for his oldest son, Josiah Lyndon Arnold.Josiah graduated from Dartmouth <strong>and</strong> studied law atProvidence. He was a teacher at Brown University untilhe returned to Lyndon at the time of his father’s deathin 1792. Josiah died four years later. Josiah was the firstauthor of poetry published by a Vermonter, with hisworks published after his death. The post office originallyspelled the name Lindon, <strong>and</strong> the mistake wasnot corrected for years. The town is home to LyndonState College, a four-year liberal arts school that wasfounded in 1911, originally to train teachers. The collegenow offers more than 25 majors <strong>and</strong> minors. LyndonInstitute also makes its home in the village of LyndonCenter. The high school is an independent school thatoffers programs in arts, sciences, technology, <strong>and</strong> athletics.The school was founded in 1867 <strong>and</strong> has studentsfrom across the country <strong>and</strong> around the world. In 1931,during Prohibition, a Boston newspaper referred toLyndonville as a town that had become a haven for“Rum Running” gangsters. The town is located justminutes from Burke Mountain, which offers skiing <strong>and</strong>snowboarding <strong>and</strong> is open seven days a week in thewinter. Sutton, Burke, Kirby, St. Johnsbury, Danville,<strong>and</strong> Wheelock border Lyndon.welcome to Lyndonwww.lyndonvt.orgGREEN MOUNTAIN BOOKS“A Treasure in the Kingdom”BuyingGold & SilverRight down toyour teeth!New * UsedRare * CollectiblesBroad Street, Lyndonville, VT(802) 626-5051Open M-F 10-6 • Sat 9-5www.greenmtnbooks.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 53
KINGDOM PROFILESPopulation: 5,981 Area: 36 sq. mi.Elevation: 720 Zip Code: 05851Median Household Income: $49,6772011 Tax Info: Town Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.79/$100assessed valuation. Town Non-Residential Tax Rate:$1.94/$100 assessed valuation. Village Total HomesteadTax Rate: $2.02/$100 assessed valuation. Village Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.18/$100 assessed valuation.Town Offices: Lyndon Municipal Office Building, PO Box167, 119 Park Ave, 626-5785, Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:30.Town Clerk: Lisa J. Barrett, 626-5785, LTC@kingcon.comAsst. Clerk: Linda Lee, Laurie Willey, Michele MaccoulosDelinquent Tax Collector: Linda Lee, 626-5785.Board of Selectmen: Meets every other MondayPlanning Board: Meets 2nd <strong>and</strong> <strong>4th</strong> Thursday of the month.Zoning Contact: Justin Smith, 626-1269, Mon.–Fri. 7:30-4:30.Development Review Board: Meets 1st <strong>and</strong> 3rd Thursdayof every month.Police Dept.: Jack Harris, Chief. 316 Main Street, 626-1271.Fire Dept.: Gregory B. Hopkins, Chief. 316 Main Street,626-5555Medical/Rescue: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive, 626-1101.Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, 1315 HospitalDrive, St. Johnsbury, 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2427;Lyndonville Electric Dept. (Electric) 626-3366; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Cobleigh Public Library, 14 Depot Street, 626-5475. Hours: Mon. 12- 5, Tue. <strong>and</strong> Thurs. 12-7; Wed. <strong>and</strong>Fri. 10-5, Sat. 9-1.Schools: Lyndon Town School, K-8, 2591 Lily PondRoad; Riverside School, 2-8, 30 Lily Pond Road, LyndonInstitute, 9-12, 168 Institute Circle, Lyndon State College,1001 College Road.Recreation: Fenton Chester Arena, 626-9361; LyndonOuting Club, 626-8465; Lyndon Sno Cruisers; HigherGround Stables <strong>and</strong> Darling Crest Stables offerequestrian trail rides. Powers Park is run by the VillageImprovement Society <strong>and</strong> features a pool <strong>and</strong> tenniscourts.Special Events: B<strong>and</strong> Concerts, 7 p.m., Wednesdays,June to August in B<strong>and</strong>st<strong>and</strong> Park; Burklyn Arts CouncilSummer Craft Fair, July. Stars <strong>and</strong> Stripes Festival, July,in B<strong>and</strong>st<strong>and</strong> Park; Host to the <strong>2012</strong> Lyndon Institutevs. St. Johnsbury Academy Football game, the longestrunning football rivalry in Vermont, October; SnowflakeFestival, mid-February to early March. Caledonia CountyFair, August.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All article passed.Voters gave the Board of Selectmen the authority to enterinto tax stabilization agreements. Norman Messier washonored for 11 years as town <strong>and</strong> school moderator.welcome to Lyndonwww.lyndonvt.orgOver 30,000 square feet of greenhouses<strong>and</strong> cold frames filled with...annuals, perennials, geraniums, hanging baskets, herbs <strong>and</strong> vegetable plants.GIFT CERTIFICATESOpen 7 Days a week (late April through early July)Mon.-Sat. 9-7, Sun. 9-6On the Red Village Road, Lyndonville.802-626-9545Berry Tire Co., Inc.New Tire SalesExpert & TrustworthyAutomotive Repair1545 Red Village RoadLyndonville, VT802.626.9326FORDHAM’SMOBILMARTCheck out our largeNortheast Kingdom gift selection!Maple Products • Vermont mugs & other noveltiesClothing <strong>and</strong> MORE........Bob & Rosemary Durocher, Proprietors78 Broad Street ~ Route 5 • Lyndonville, VT 05851802-626-1120 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 5am - 10pm54 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to Lyndonwww.lyndonvt.com43 Raymond St.Lyndonville, VT05851Concrete Products<strong>and</strong>masonry suppliesSEPTIC TANKSBlocks • Bricks • Precast ConcretePavers • Retaining Walls • Spring TilesCulvert, Pipe & FittingsMon.-Fri. 7-4:30802-626-5555Always Buying& Selling US CoinsWill buy one items or complete households.Wayne & Pam Comeau277 Main St., Rt. 5 (Above Lyndonville)802-626-8879 / 802-626-5430pamwayne@myfairpoint.netPAWFECTION GROOMING SALOONTake your babies to agroomer that really cares!!Specializing in poodlesOpen Monday-Friday 8-4Saturdays by appointment101 Depot StreetLyndonville, VT802-535-7958Main Facility Branch Office8 Deans Lane 31 Adams DriveLyndonville, VT 05851 Williston, VT 05495800-626-3275800-265-7430Proud supplier of our local craftsmenwww.northendhardwoods.com56 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
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KINGDOM PROFILES“The Flooring Specialists”www.thecarpetconnectioninc.comHome to the largest selection of floor covering inthe state.Carpet - Vinyl - Ceramic Tile - Hardwood -Laminate - Area Rugs <strong>and</strong> More!2nd ENTREE 1/2 OFF * !Under the same ownership, at the same location,A FARM to TABLE RESTAURANT,withover-the-top views, featuring locallyfor 29 years! *With this ad. 1/2 off equal or lesser grown value. produce <strong>and</strong> grass-fed beef.Open Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 9-3You’ll enjoy a selection of SEAFOOD,STEAKS, VEGETARIAN, PASTA,BURGERS <strong>and</strong> GLUTEN FREEoptions. Treat yourself to one of ourdelicious homemade desserts199 Depot St., Lyndonville, VT (802) 626-90262nd ENTREE 1/2 OFF * !2nd ENTREE 1/2 OFF * !*With this ad. 1/2 off equal or lesser value.*With this ad. 1/2 off equal or lesser value.Reservations are recommended.802-626-8310 ~Junipersrestaurant.com2059 Darling Hill Rd, Lyndonville, VT2nd ENTREE 1/2 OFF * !*With this ad. 1/2 off equal or lesser value.*With this ad. 1/2 off equal or lesser value. Not validon Saturdays22ndANNuAL*Prices subject to change*58 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESIt’sbetterhere...start at: www.lyndonvermont.comIt’sbetterbetterhere... here...start at: www.lyndonvermont.comIt’sstart at: www.lyndonvermont.comwww.homeinthekingdom.com791 Broad Street | Lyndonville, VT 05851(802) 626-9111 | Fax (802) 626-6913NorthridgeBusinessSolutions, LLCSolving your office <strong>and</strong>accounting challengesDonnalee SherburneFull & Assisted BookkeepingPayroll Services, QuickBooks Set-up,Training & Support, Point of SalesSystems, Merchant ServicesTheRiversideSchoolSupported by the choicetowns of Kirby, Granby,East Haven, Guildhall,Victory, Peacham <strong>and</strong>Westmore.The Riverside School is an independentday school for grades K-8. Since 1981,Riverside’s mission to develop activelearners, patient leaders, <strong>and</strong> engagedcitizens in a supportive community hasbeen enlivened by a challenging, diverse<strong>and</strong> classical curriculum.Lyndon, St Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> beyond!802-535-1149www.keep-my-books.com802-626-8552info@theriversideschool.orgwww.theriversideschool.org30 Lily Pond RoadLyndonville, VT 05851<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 59
KINGDOM PROFILESXtra InningsPerformanceBetter Performance for LifeAdrian Guyer, CSCS, NSCA CPTOwner & FounderRyan Largay, CSCSStrength Coach <strong>and</strong> TrainerPERSONAL TRAININGFITNESS CONSULTATIONATHLETE DEVELOPMENTNUTRITIONAL GUIDANCEGROUP TRAININGVITAMIN & SUPPLEMENT SALES791 Broad Street | Lyndonville,VT 05851802-249-7870 | xiptraining@gmail.comwww.xiptraining.comTh eRiversideLifeEnrichmentCenterThe Riverside Life Enrichment Center is a non-profit adult day healthservices program providing day services to the elders <strong>and</strong> disabledadults of the Northeast Kingdom. Our program offers the necessarysupport to allow adults to remain in their homes <strong>and</strong> communitieswhile also giving needed respite to family <strong>and</strong> other caregivers.Offering a wide range of services to meet the needs of everyone inattendance, including: health monitoring, nursing services, exercisetherapy, recreational <strong>and</strong> social activities, <strong>and</strong> coordination ofsupport services, transportation <strong>and</strong> a safe healthy environment.Adult Day Health ServicesMon-Fri 8-5, Sat 9-32104 East Burke Road (Rt. 114)Lyndonville, VT 05851802-626-3900 / 866-926-3900Fax: 802-626-3939 Email: rlec@sover.netServing Vermont’sNortheast Kingdomincluding but notlimited to Caledonia& Essex CountiesPlease call 802-626-3900 for more informationALSO VISIT OUR SKATEBOARD & SNOWBOARD SHOP IN DOWNTOWN LYNDONVILLE 802-626-844760 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESSince 1963WHEELERBuilding MaterialsInc.We have everything you needto build your castleincluding the kitchen sink!Valspar Paints • Cabot Exterior StainsAristokraft Cabinetry • Marvin Integrity WindowsTherma-Tru Doors • Owens Corning InsulationTruck Mounted Forklift Delivery Service152 Church StreetLyndonville, VT 05851(802) 626-5102 (802) 626-504042 nd ANNUAL BURKLYN ARTS COUNCILoffering quality steele <strong>and</strong> aluminum trailers at affordable pricesLarge inventory • Hitches, Plows, S<strong>and</strong>ersFinancing available40 thFeatherliteCorn ProBravoDownEasterSnow WaySaturday, July 7, <strong>2012</strong>Winter FairSaturday & SundayDecember 1-2Visit us atwww.burklynarts.org4819 Memorial Dr, Lyndonville, VT 05851802-748-0608 | www.trailersforme.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 61
KINGDOM PROFILESMaidstoneGranted on the same day as adjoining Ferdin<strong>and</strong> toSamuel Averill, of Connecticut, <strong>and</strong> many of the samegroup, including the members of the Lewis family forwhom the town of Lewis was later named. It is notknown why Benning Wentworth named the townMaidstone; however, Maidstone, Kent, Engl<strong>and</strong>, is in anarea where many Connecticut settlers had their origins,so perhaps the name had some particular significancefor the grantees. Despite Hamilton Child’s enthusiasticcomment in his 1887 Gazetter that “probably no town inthe state has more valuable bottom l<strong>and</strong>s [for farming]than Maidstone,” the town never attracted many residents.Its top population was reached with just under300 at the time of the Civil War, <strong>and</strong> the number hasdeclined ever since. Although the permanent populationis small, Maidstone Lake <strong>and</strong> State Forest attractmany summer vacationers.Population: 208 Area: 32.13 sq. mi. Elevation: 893 ft.Zip Code: 05840 Median Household Income: $47,1882011 Tax Rate: Total homestead Tax Rate: $1.23/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.37/$100assessed valuationTown Offices: PO Box 118, Guildhall, 508 Rte. 102,Maidstone, Mon. & Thurs. 9-3 or by appt.Town Clerk: Susan Irwin, 676-3210 townclerk@hughes.netAsst. Clerk: Lynn Smukler.Current taxes: Linda Sanborn, 676-3210Delinquent Tax Collector: Ann Whitehead, 676-3618.Photo by Bekor AdamsBoard of Selectmen: Meets 1st Monday of the month at 7p.m.Zoning Contact: Craig S<strong>and</strong>born, 676-9869, flexibleavailability.Police Dept.: Essex County Sheriff’s Dept., 91 CourthouseDr., Guildhall, 676-3500.Fire Dept.: Groveton Fire & Rescue Dept., 37 Church St.,Groveton, N.H., 603-636-2181; <strong>and</strong> N. Stratford Fire Dept.,Main St., N. Stratford, N.H. 603-922-5540.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (telephone) 866-984-2001.Medical/Rescue: Weeks Memorial Hospital, Middle St.,Lancaster, N.H., 603-788-4911; Groveton Fire & Rescue, 37Church St., Groveton, N.H., 603-636-2181.Recreation: Maidstone Lake, swimming, fishing, <strong>and</strong> boating.MORGANMorgan, originally chartered as Caldersburgh, afterbrothers John <strong>and</strong> Inneas Calder. The name waschanged to Morgan in 1801, although there is a bit ofmystery as to why. Some say the settlers changed thename to that of the grantee from which they purchasedtheir property – John Morgan. Ironically, there wereno settlers until after the name change occurred. LakeSeymour, named for Israel Seymour <strong>and</strong> known to thenatives as Namagonic, “salmon trout spearing place” isa sporting paradise.Population: 749 Area: 34.12 sq. miles Elevation: 1,384Zip Code: 05853 Median Household Income: $47,9172011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.42/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.51/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 41 Meade Hill Road, PO Box 45, Hours: Mon.,Thurs. 8-4; Tues. & Wed. 8-3.Town Clerk: Tammy Lee Moran, 895- 2927, tmorganvt@comcast.net Asst. Clerk: Paula Keenan.Delinquent Tax Collector: James Judd, 895-4144.Zoning Contact: Steve Matson, 895-2886, part-time,weekdays.Police: Vermont State Police, 35 Crawford Rd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire: Brighton Volunteer Fire Department <strong>and</strong> CharlestonVolunteer Fire Department, 7113 Route 105, 723-4444; DerbyLine Fire Department, Craig Ellam, Chief, P.O. Box 205.Medical/Rescue: Line Ambulance Service, PO Box 105,Derby Line, North Country Hospital, 189 Prouty Drive,Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278; VermontElectric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667 <strong>and</strong> FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Schools: North Country Union Jr. High School, 7-8, 57 JuniorHigh Drive, Derby; North Country Union High School, 9 -12,209 Veterans Avenue, Newport.Recreation: Lake Seymour, hunting, fishing, swimming,snowmobiling.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed. Votersapproved the closing of the town’s elementary school <strong>and</strong>students will be tuitioned to nearby towns.62 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Mim LeblancNEWPORT TOWNNewport Town was formed on Oct. 26, 1781, <strong>and</strong>chartered under the name of Duncansboro, to GeorgeDuncan, Nathan Fisk, <strong>and</strong> 63 others on Oct. 30, 1802.The name was altered from Duncansboro to Newport,Oct. 30, 1816. The first clearing, which began whereNewport Center now is, was made by H. & A. Adams<strong>and</strong> D. & S. Meacham. Here they constructed a dam<strong>and</strong> put up a waterwheel saw-mill on mud creek. AmosSawyer, a carpenter by trade, built a home nearby.Two other settlements were established in the town:South Newport <strong>and</strong> Pickeral Point, later renamed toLake Bridge, named for its location at the head of LakeMemphremagog. By the late 1800s, the Boston <strong>and</strong>Maine <strong>and</strong> Central Vermont railroads were routedthrough Lake Bridge <strong>and</strong> the small village experienceda population boom. In 1868, the Lake Bridge settlementwas incorporated as the “Village of Newport.” Themain town village, Newport Center, was also incorporatedin 1908. In 1917, the Village of Newport separatedfrom the Town of Newport <strong>and</strong> merged with the Villageof West Derby (in the town of Derby) to form the Cityof Newport. In 1931, by special acts of the GeneralAssembly, the Village of Newport Center consolidatedwith the Town of Newport, with its former responsibilitiesautomatically assumed by the town.Population: 1,594 Area: 43.5 sq. mi. Elevation: 792Zip Code: 05857Median Household Income: $39,2972011 Tax Info: Homestead Residential: $1.51/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Homestead:$1.64/$100 assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 85, 102 Vance Hill Rd, NewportCtr., Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7-4:30.Town Clerk: Denise Daigle, 334-6442.Photo by Donna WalshDelinquent Tax Collector: Denise Daigle, 334-6442.Zoning Contact: Douglas Lay, 334-2851, flexibleavailability.Police: Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255 MainStreet, Newport, 334-3333.Fire: Newport Center Volunteer Fire Department, KirkFlynn, Chief.Medical/Rescue: Newport Ambulance Service, 830Union St. Newport, 334-2023. North Country Hospital,189 Prouty Drive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667;Fairpoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278.Library: Goodrich Memorial Library, 202 Main Street,334-7902. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-3, Sun. closed.Library Director: Caroline Nicholson.Schools: Newport Town School, K-6, 4212 VT 105, NorthCountry Union Jr. High School, 7-8, 57 Junior High Drive,Derby; North Country Union High School, 9-12, 209Veterans Avenue.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passedexcept for one contribution request.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 65
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KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to Newportwww.newportvt.comJonathan CoteSalesPO Box 315 | 24 Kent Lane(across from the Newport fi re station)Newport, VT 05855T 802.334.5271 F 802-334.5272www.donscarpetonenewport.comDON’SCARPET ONECARPET, HARDWOOD, LAMINATE, TILEOpen Monday thru Friday 8-5,Saturday 9-12Suzie-Lynn’s Gifts <strong>and</strong> 1/2 Off CardsDaVinci BeadsYankee C<strong>and</strong>lesWillow TreeDonna Sharp PursesJim Shore Collectibles59 Waterfront Plaza | Newport, VT 05855802-334-8376 | suzie-lynn@comcast.netLisa <strong>and</strong> Alan Desroches, OwnersHours: Mon-Thurs 9-6, Friday 9-7, Saturday 9-5Cleaners to “suit” you.PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANERS •ALTERATIONS AVAILABLECaring for fine textiles - including wedding dresses.John & Nancy Moore • 189 E. Main St., Newport, VT 05855802-334-7025www.moresdrycleaner.comWe’ll order out-of-print <strong>and</strong> hard-to-find books for you!HOURS:Monday - Wednesday10:00am - 5:30pmThursday - Friday10:00am - 6:00pmSaturday10:00am - 3:00pmNew Books, Text Books & Used BooksAll at discount prices!189 E. Main St., Suite A 802-334-5506Newport, VT 05855twicetoldtales1@myfairpoint.net68 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESWhen you work with Jim CampbellReal Estate you always get a team effort.Our agents assist each other to assure you the mostaccurate <strong>and</strong> precise information.We take care of you before, during <strong>and</strong> afterthe sale. Having been in the business for over30 years we know Northeast Kingdom real estate.Contact one of our agents today <strong>and</strong> you will seewhy people come back to Jim Campbell Real Estatetime <strong>and</strong> time again.Jim Campbell / Principal Broker<strong>and</strong> top 2011 selling agent in Orleans CountyOffice: 802-334-3400 | Fax: 802-334-1900Res: 802-334-2321 | Cell: 1-802-999-7781Location: 601 East Main St. Newport, VT 05855E-mail: jimmyc@jimcampbellrealestate.comVisit us at: www.jimcampbellrealestate.comFine Art& H<strong>and</strong>craftsby local artists158 Main St.Newport802-334-1966memphremagogartscollaborative.comOpen Monday through Saturday, 10 -5(Closed Sun. & Tues., Nov. - April)Equipment Rentals Sales <strong>and</strong> Service• Construction Equipment <strong>and</strong> Supplies• Air Compressors• Jack Hammers• Concrete Equipment• Generators• Rototillers• Log Splitters• Pumps• L<strong>and</strong>scaping Equipment• Stump Grinders• Power washers• Excavators• Aerial Lifts• Mixers• Tents & Chairs• Party Supplies• Bounce House802-334-8011 | www.vt-rental.comOpen Monday-Friday 7am-5pm,Saturday 7am-3pm5025 U.S. Route 5Newport, VTWWW.ALLABOUTHOMEVT.COM | 802.334.7109Custom & “Ready Made” Window TreatmentsInterior/Exterior Paints & StainsWallpaperKitchenwareLamps & Unique Wall DecorCurtains galore!Area RugsUpholstery FabricsToo much to list ~ come <strong>and</strong> browse!We’re the best kept “Home Decor Secret” in theNortheast Kingdom ~ something for everyone,whatever your taste or budget!<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 69
KINGDOM PROFILESNortonNorton lies in the extreme northwestern cornerof the Essex County <strong>and</strong> is bounded north by theCanada line, east by Averill, south by Warner’sGrant, Warren’s Gore <strong>and</strong> Avery’s Gore, <strong>and</strong> west byHoll<strong>and</strong>. When the town was chartered, or to whom,we are unable to state, for the charter was destroyedby fire many years ago. It matters little, however,when this charter was granted, the town had no settlerprevious to 1860. The surface of the l<strong>and</strong> is rough<strong>and</strong> uneven <strong>and</strong> heavily timbered. Two ponds of considerableextent lie in the northern part of the township.The outlet of Norton pond is the head branch ofCoatacook River. Norton Mills located in the northernpart of the town on the G.T. Railroad, is the onlyvillage in the township. It has a store, steam mill, <strong>and</strong>about 30 dwellings. Throughout history, Norton hassupported many logging operations <strong>and</strong> saw mills.Population: 169 Area: 39.4 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,252 Zip Code: 05905Median Household Income: $45,0002011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.04/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate:$1.34/$100 assessed valuation.Town Offices: 12 VT Route 114E, Norton, Tues. & Thurs.10-4, 10-4, Sat. 10-12.Town Clerk: Gina Vigneault, 822-9935, townofnorton@myfairpoint.net, Asst. Clerk: Betsy Fontaine.Delinquent Tax Collector: Gina Vigneault, 822-9935.Board of Selectmen: Meets the 2nd Tuesday of themonth at 6 p.m.Zoning Contact: Al Goulet, 822-9935, part time, flexibleavailability.Police Dept.: Constable, Gerald Devost; Vermont StatePolice, 35 Crawford Rd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive, 626-1101; BeecherFalls Volunteer Fire Dept., 266-3656.Medical/Rescue: North Country Hospital, Newport, 334-7334; 45th Parallel Ambulance Service, 46 Ramsey Rd.,Colebrook, N.H., 603-237-5593.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (telephone) 866-984-2001Medical/Rescue: North Country Hospital, Newport, 334-7331Schools: Canaan Schools, K-12, 99 School Street,Canaan.Recreation: Fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, <strong>and</strong> hiking.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: The town voted tochange the fiscal year to July 1 through June 30.Peacham AcousticMusic Festivalcxtv{tÅVÉÜÇxÜZâ|ÄwAugust 17 & 18, <strong>2012</strong>Concerts, Contradance, Workshops,Jam Sessions, Craft Fair, Family TentAll in Beautiful Peacham, VermontBob Amos & Catamount Crossing,Crowfoot With Rachel Nevitt (Dance Caller)Pete Sutherl<strong>and</strong>, Carl Jones, Don Pedi,Steve James, Del ReyAnnameika Spoelstra & Jeremiah McLaneLloyd & April Wright, Mary StriblingBayley Hazen Boys, Alan Greenleaf Greensleaf &The Dr.For more information visit www.pamfest.comTickets at Catamount Arts www.catamountarts.orgAntiques Plant SaleH<strong>and</strong>crafted GiftsSpecialty FoodsOpen May 18-October 14, 10 am to 5 pmSunday 11 am to 5 pm Closed TuesdaysBeginning September 18 Open Every DayPeacham Farmer’s Market Thursdays 3-6802-592-3332A cooperative shop located inscenic, historic Peacham Vermont70 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESFire Dept.: Peacham Volunteer Fire Department, 592-3392.64 Macks Mountain Road.Medical/Rescue: Danville Rescue, 684-9600; NortheasternVermont Regional Hospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141;Peacham Volunteer Fire Dept., 592-3392 (non emergency)Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421;Green Mountain Power Corporation (Electric) 888-835-4672; Washington Electric Cooperative (Electric) 800-932-5245. FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 800-400-5568.Library: The Peacham Library, 656 Bayley-Hazen Road.Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 10-noon, Tues. & Thurs. 1-7.Librarians: Becky Jensen <strong>and</strong> Cheryl Sauter.Schools: Peacham Elementary School, PK-6, 340 BayleyHazen Road; The Stevens School (private) 1510 BayleyHazen Road, 2-8; the town pays tuition for children to attendany state-approved secondary school.Recreation: Groton State Park; Martin’s Pond; OsmorePond; Peacham Pond; Vermont Association of SnowTravelers (VAST) trails.Special Events: <strong>Annual</strong> PTF Auction to benefit the schoolheld at the Town Hall, March; Peacham Fourth of July Gala;Peacham Library <strong>and</strong> Antique Sale, July; Peacham FallFoliage Day, October; <strong>Annual</strong> Fall Foliage Luncheon at thePeacham Elementary School, October.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.RYEGATERyegate was chartered on Sept. 8, 1763 as a part of theNew Hampshire L<strong>and</strong> Grants. According to EstherMunroe Swift’s Vermont Place-Names: Footprints ofHistory, the colonial governor of New Hampshire,Benning Wentworth, issued one of only three NewHampshire L<strong>and</strong> Grants for Ryegate. There were over90 grantees, headed by Richard Jenness, a man of influencein New Hampshire colonial affairs. The Jennessfamily originally hailed from Reigate, located inSurrey, Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> early maps of the town <strong>and</strong> localarea had the name spelled as Reigate. One of Ryegate’smore famous l<strong>and</strong>owners was John Witherspoon, thereverend <strong>and</strong> president of the Presbyterian Collegeof New Jersey (modern day Princeton University)by 1773 had acquired most of the town. Three yearslater, in 1776, he would be a signatory of the UnitedStates Declaration of Independence. Traversing itsway through Ryegate is the Wells River making itsway to the Connecticut River which flows on the easternedge of the town. Across the Connecticut lies thetown of Bath in the State of New Hampshire. Ryegatesits in the southeastern corner of Caledonia County.The town is bordered to the north by Barnet. To itseast sits the Connecticut River <strong>and</strong> New Hampshire.Lying to Ryegate’s south is the town of Newbury, inOrange County, <strong>and</strong> to its west is the town of Groton.Population: 1,174Area: 36.6 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,060Zip Code: 05042Median Household Income: $64,9262011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.84/$100assessed valuation Non-residential $1.93/$100 assessedvaluationTown Offices: PO Box 332, 18 South Bayley-HazenRoad. Hours: Mon.-Wed. 1-5, Fri. 9-1.Town Clerk: Marsha Nelson, 584-3880, ryegateclerk@yahoo.com Asst. Clerk: Beth FraserDelinquent Tax Collector: Dale Wright, 584-3315.Board of Selectmen: Meets 2nd & <strong>4th</strong> Monday of eachmonth.Zoning Contact: Albert Sponheimer, 584-3500, part time,flexible availability.Fire: Ryegate Fire Department, 57 Witherspoon Road,East Ryegate.welcome to RyegateReiki RetreatWhere Healing is a ChoiceBarbara L. SmithReiki Master Teacher90 Farm St., East Ryegate, VT 05042vtreikiretreat@yahoo.comwww.vtreikiretreat.com802-757-2809www.northstarmonthly.comOnline Newsst<strong>and</strong> - Subscriptions - Information72 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPolice: Caledonia County Sheriff’s Dept., 1126 Main St.,St. Johnsbury, 748-6666, Vermont State Police, 1594Waits River Road, Bradford, 222-4680.Medical/Rescue: (Cottage Hospital) Ambulance Service,Woodsville, 603-747-3311, Cottage Hospital, SwiftwaterRd., Woodsville, N.H. 603-747-9000.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421; Green Mountain Power (Electric) 888-835-4672;Washington Electric Cooperative (Electric) 800-932-5245;Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: South Ryegate Public Library, 140 Church Street.Hours: Thurs. 3-5. Librarian: Richard Fraser.Schools: Blue Mountain Union School, PK-12, 2420 Route302, Wells River.Recreation: Pleasant Valley at Ticklenaked Pond;Warner’s Campground.Special Events: Strawberry Buffet held at RyegateCorner by the Ryegate Presbyterian Church; June;Chicken Pie Supper at the South Ryegate PresbyterianChurch, September.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.SHEFFIELDSheffield was chartered on Oct. 25, 1793 as part of theVermont Charter. The town seems to have garneredits name either from a town in Engl<strong>and</strong>, which is verysimilar to how other Vermont towns in the NortheastKingdom acquired their names. However, it is alsobelieved that the town’s name originated from a colonyin Massachusetts, the town of Sheffield in BerkshireCounty. This latter explanation seems to be more likelyas the town of Sheffield in Mass. is just a short distancefrom Salisbury, Conn., which was home to many of theoriginal settlers of Sheffield. The towns that surroundSheffield include, Glover, Greensboro, Barton, Sutton<strong>and</strong> Wheelock. Malcolm Goldstein was a notable residentfrom Sheffield. He was a well known violinist.Sheffield is home to the biggest windfarm in the state.Population: 703 Area: 32.62 sq. mi. Elevation: 900Zip Code: 05866Median Household Income: $45,0002011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $2.42/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.64/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 37 Dane Road, P.O. Box 165, Sheffield,Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 8-2, Wed. 5-8. Town Clerk: KathyNewl<strong>and</strong>, 626-8862. Asst. Clerk: Ellie Dole.Delinquent Tax Collector: Cheryl Chesley, 626-9273.Board of Selectmen: Meets 1st Wednesday of the month,6 p.m.Planning Board: Meets quarterly, 3rd Wednesday of themonth.Fire: Sheffield-Wheelock Fire Department, 37 Dane Road,Sheffield, VT 05866.Photo by Tony SmithPolice: Vermont State Police, 1068 Rte. 5 St. Johnsbury,748-3111.Medical/Rescue: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive P.O. Box401, Lyndonville, 626-1101. Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421; Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667,Lyndonville Electric 802-626- (Electric) 932-5245; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2100.Schools: Sheffield Early Learning Center Preschool, 6185VT Route 122; Miller’s Run School, PK-8, 3249 VT Route122. 9-12 students have the choice of public or approvedindependent surrounding town high schools.Recreation: The VAST trail system, VASA network of ATVtrails.Special Events: Sheffield Field Day, held on Labor Day,includes a parade <strong>and</strong> various activities.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Voters had to decidehow to allocate $520,000 of supplemental payment fromVermont Wind LLC, which recently installed wind towers inthe town. For <strong>2012</strong>, the town will put half the funds towardtaxes <strong>and</strong> the rest into a reserve fund. An attempt by a localcitizens group to increase the Select Board from three tofive members <strong>and</strong> move all elections of officers to Australianballot was defeated.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 73
KINGDOM PROFILESCalendar Brook CabinetrySince 1979“A Celebration of Creativity”H<strong>and</strong>crafted <strong>and</strong> Locally Made ArtPaintings • Furniture • Jewelry • R<strong>and</strong>om AntiquesFiber Art • Antler Art • And Many SurprisesPlease come explore our delightful new 4,500 sq. ft. shoplocated in the heart of downtown St. Johnsbury!443 Railroad Street • St. Johnsbury, VT802.424.1414Open 7 Days a Week • 10:00…ish to 6:00…ish (or by appointment)Custom Kitchen CabinetryArchitectural Millwork & MouldingsHardwoods & Hardwood PlywoodsStone, Solid Surface & Laminate TopsHardwood FlooringBathroom VanitiesEntertainment Centers, Tables, Doors…David Patoine, Master CraftsmanRoute 5, Between St. Johnsbury & Lyndonville4863 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819802-748-5658www.calendarbrookcabinetry.com(802) 748-7898• Summer Camps• Year-round Gymnasticsclasses for all ages• Birthday Parties• Open Gym• USAG Member ClubLocated at the Green Mountain Mall2000 Memorial DriveSt. Johnsbury Center, VT 05863info@kingdomvtgymnastics.comwww.kingdomvtgymnastics.comYour friends at B&B Septicrecommend that you keep your septicsystem well maintained <strong>and</strong> avoid futurecostly repairs. Schedule an appointmenttoday for a pumping.Call (802) 748-9858<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 75
KINGDOM PROFILESLet theoutside in.Rustic Elegance for body,home, lodge, Camp & Cabin.– Hickory Furniture &Camp Decorations– Antlers & TaxidermyMoose Heads– Pendleton Blankets– Oriental Rugs– SouthwesternJewelry– Fashions by AprilCornell, Isis <strong>and</strong> Ibex– Vera Bradley Bags– French Wines– Antiques, <strong>and</strong> more!Very Vermontfind us online at:www.discoverstjvt.com802 748 -2423370 RailRoad St., St. JohnSbuRy, Vt76 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by George CahoonSt. JohnsburySt. Johnsbury combines an energetic business districtwith a rich cultural life, year-round recreationalopportunities, <strong>and</strong> beautiful historical buildings. St.Johnsbury lies at the confluence of the Passumpsic,Moose <strong>and</strong> Sleepers Rivers. It’s conveniently locatedat the intersection of Interstates 93 <strong>and</strong> 91. It’s just 45minutes from the Canadian border, an hour’s drivefrom Dartmouth College. Many ski resorts are nearby,including the hidden gem of Burke Mountain.The town was originally granted in 1760, <strong>and</strong> namedBessborough. However, it was re-granted by Vermontin 1786, as Dunmore, <strong>and</strong> settled the same year. Anearly settler was Jonathan Arnold a member of theContinental Congress. Arnold left Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong> in1787 <strong>and</strong>, with six other families, built homes at whatis now the center of town. According to local lore,Vermont founder Ethan Allen himself proposed namingthe town St. John in honor of his friend Jean deCrevecoeur, a French-born author <strong>and</strong> a friend ofBenjamin Franklin. St. Johnsbury became a small scalemanufacturing center, with the main products beingplatform scales — the platform scale was invented inSt. Johnsbury by Thaddeus Fairbanks in 1830 — maplesyrup <strong>and</strong> other related products. With the coming ofthe railroad line from Boston to Montreal in the 1850spassing through St. Johnsbury, it began to flourish.Over the years, the Fairbanks family donated severalbuildings to St. Johnsbury.Population: 7,603 Area: 37.78 sq. mi.Elevation: 614 Zip Code: 05819Median Household Income: $45,6942011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.76/$100assessed valuation, Non-Resident Ta Rate: $1.94/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: St. Johnsbury Municipal Building, 1187 MainStreet, Suite 2. Hours: Mon. 8-6, Tues.-Fri. 8-4:30.Town Clerk: Stacy Perkins Jewell, 748- 4331, townclerk@town.st-johnbury.vt.orgTown Manager: VacantDelinquent Tax Collector: VacantBoard of Selectmen: Meets on the 2nd & <strong>4th</strong> Monday ofevery month, 7 p.m.Zoning Contact: VacantPolice Dept.: St. Johnsbury Police Dept., 748-2314, ClemHoude, Chief; Vermont State Police, 1068 Rte. 5, St.Johnsbury.Fire Dept.: Troy Ruggles, Chief. The St. Johnsbury FireDepartment is located in the same building as the townoffices; 748-8925.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421;Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-649-2877;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2100.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 77
KINGDOM PROFILESMedical/Rescue: Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital,748-8141. CALEX Ambulance Service, 1453 Hospital Drive,St. Johnsbury, 748-7599.Library: St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, Mon.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat.9:30-5, 1171 Main Street.Schools: St. Johnsbury School, PK-8, 252 Western Avenue;Good Shepherd Catholic School, PK-8 (private), 121 MapleStreet; Seventh-Day Adventist (private), 54 Southard Street;Cornerstone School (private), 2-12, 510 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street;The Caledonia School (private), 9-12, 125 School Street; St.Johnsbury Academy, 9-12, 1000 Main Street; SpringfieldCollege of Human Services, 347 Emerson Falls Road.Recreation: Local recreation department, numerous parks<strong>and</strong> baseball fields. Several parks have walking paths <strong>and</strong>/or hiking trails <strong>and</strong> are close to rivers <strong>and</strong> streams for localfishing or swimming. Local swimming pool located next toSt. Johnsbury Town School.Special Events: <strong>Annual</strong> First Night St. Johnsbury, annualRelay for Life Cancer Walk; Participant in the longestfootball rivalry in Vermont, St. Johnsbury Academy vs.Lyndon Institute; annual Fall Foliage Festival <strong>and</strong> annualWorld Maple Festival; St. Johnsbury B<strong>and</strong> Summer ConcertSeries Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m., June through Augustat the b<strong>and</strong>st<strong>and</strong>, Courthouse Park on Main Street; SpecialMemorial Day Parade concert, May.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: Voters approved allbudgets including an increase of $53,000 for the schoolbudget. Several new town officials were elected to office.ST. JOHNSBURY, VERMONTA cooperative shop featuringfine h<strong>and</strong>crafted gifts by Vermont artisansWorks in clay, fiber, glass, wood, metal,jewelry, soaps, paintings <strong>and</strong> block printsMonday - Saturday 10:30 am - 5:30 pm430 Railroad St / Route 5 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819(802) 748-0158 www.nekartisansguild.comwelcome to St. Johnsburywww.town.st-johnsbury.vt.usWe have thetools <strong>and</strong> equipmentyou need to getthe job done right!1763 Memorial Drive • St. Johnsbury, VT 05867info.allaroundrental@gmail.comwww.allaroundrental.com • 802-748-7841“Let our family protect your family.”309 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street • Suite 102St. Johnsbury, VT 05819(802) 748-5224info@thebarrettagency.comwww.thebarrettagency.com•Home• Auto• Farm• Mini-farm• Snowmobiles• ATV• Flood•Commercial• Workers Compwww.bedors.comQUALITY BRANDS INCLUDING:Columbia • Merrell • WoolrichWhite Sierra • Carhartt • DickiesClothing • Footwear • Equipment • Suppliesfor Hunting • Camping • Working • Sports & MoreOFFICIAL BOY SCOUT SUPPLIESWe Dare You To BrowseOpen 7 Days a Week • Over 89 Years of ServiceCaplan’s457 Railroad Street • St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 • (802) 748-323678 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to St. Johnsburywww.town.st-johnsbury.vt.usBuYiNGGold • Silver • PlatinumSilver & Gold Coins (Collections)Silver Plated Items: Paying $1.00/poundOLD COIN & JEWELRY SHOP10 Eastern Ave. • St. Johnsbury, VT802-748-9174 • Tues. - Sat. 10-5Stop by our new location at the cornerof Eastern Avenue & Railroad Streetin downtown St. JohnsburyStop by the cafe for lunch or coffee or sign upfor adult <strong>and</strong> children’s cake decorating classes!Custom Framing to Suit Your HomeCustom FramingArt SuppliesLocal Art802-751-8721418 Railroad st. suite 2st. Johnsbury, Vt 05819Hours: Mon - Fri 9:30 - 5:30, Sat 9:30 - 3:30The Framing Format485 Lafayette Street, St. Johnsbury, Vt.802-748-3964 800-699-3964see our video at ZipLocal.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 79
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to St. Johnsburywww.town.st-johnsbury.vt.usCircle A ApplianceSales <strong>and</strong> ServiceAl Baesemann159 Eastern Ave.St. Johnsbury, VT 05819802-751-1141abfbl@charter.netEstablished 2004• Spring Clean-up • Mulch Delivery & Spreading• Tree & Brush Pruning • Rototilling• Lawnmowing & Grounds Maintenance• Brush Removal • Small Lot Clearing• Light TruckingJim & Nancy Buxton802-748-8892 • 802-751-9491St. Johnsbury Ba let StudioLiliana Cubero Fern<strong>and</strong>ezDirectorWeekly classes Sept.-JuneFor more information <strong>and</strong>to register, call Liliana(802) 684-3420* NEW group for6-11 year olds* Ongoing adult groupRailroad StreetAbove Union Bank 3rd FloorA community-based,cooperatively-ownednatural food store.FRESH. LOCAL. ORGANIC.Anyone can shop, member or not.THE KNITTING GNOME(formerly Fabrictown)Yarn * FabricCraft Supplies * NotionsEmbroiderySuppliesProprietor ~ Nancy Rupp802-424-1142 • www.knittinggnome.com1115 Railroad Street (across from Ramunto’s Pizza) St. Johnsbury, VTAmerica’s Most Convenient BankTD Bank301 Railroad Street. PO Box 128Saint Johnsbury, VT 05819T: 802.748.3185 F: 802.748.1822susan.malick@tdbanknorth.com80 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to St. Johnsburywww.town.st-johnsbury.vt.usLaw Office of Charles D. Hickey, PLC# Real Estate & Environmental Law# Business & Commercial Law# Wills & Estates# Commercial & Real Estate Litigation69 Winter Street, P.O. Box 127St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-0127(802) 748-3919BALLOONSavailable!415 Railroad St. • St. Johnsbury, Vermont(802) 748-3122 • (802) 748-8941Dedicated to Your Good HealthDALE WELLSBUILDING CONTRACTOR, INC.Residential & Commercial802-748-2713129 Johnson Road ~ St. Johnsbury, VTGREENWOOD’SPLUMBING & HEATING, INC.802.748.1370 Pager: 283.6644New ConstructionRepairsWater HeatersBathroom & Kitchen RemodelingHeating sales & serviceGPDA MemberFully InsuredFree EstimatesTony GreenwoodVT LIC PM 3404NH LIC 4252Brian GreenwoodVT LIC PM 3356NH LIC 4251email: tonygph@live.comMAGNUS & ASSOCIATESElysia Conleybarber802-745-809377 Concord AvenueSt. Johnsbury, VT 05819cuts, colors <strong>and</strong> straight edge shavesTAX PLANNING&PREPARATION459 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St. Johnsbury, VT(802) 748-5555<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 81
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to St. Johnsburywww.town.st-johnsbury.vt.usWe specialize inbeautifulweddingflowers!Providing Quality Insulation & Fireproofing Solutionswww.newengl<strong>and</strong>foam<strong>and</strong>coating.net802.748.5600 | F: 802.748.5605newengl<strong>and</strong>foam@myfairpoint.net108 Concord Avenue | St. Johnsbury, VT 05819“A Full-Service Flower Shop”Fresh Flowers • Plants • Balloons438 Railroad Street St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.5646 www.artisticgardensvt.com4772 MEMORIAL DR,ST JOHNSBURY, VT 05819802-748-5200ONLINE APPOINTMENTS AT WWW.CAUTOVT.COMCHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON FACEBOOK!Your friendly, neighborhood provider of quality automotive service since 1986.All makes <strong>and</strong> models. Diesel Specialists.BEDOR’S TREE SERVICETREE IN DISTRESS? CALL THE BESTFree Consulting & Appraisals ● Tree/Dead Limb RemovalCabling, Bracing & Pruning ● Building Lot & PowerlinePath ClearingFamily owned & operated ● Fully Insured802.748.1605 ● 800.493.6945Specializing in women’s sizes 12 <strong>and</strong> up& fun <strong>and</strong> unusual acessories20%OFFAny onenon-saleclothing itemwith this ad802-748-3180elizabeths_lsf@yahoo.com1 Eastern Ave. | St. Johnsbury, VT 05819Proudly serving Vermontin the Kingdom82 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESwelcome to St. Johnsburywww.town.st-johnsbury.vt.usThe Northeast Kingdom’sNewest Magazine!Winter <strong>2012</strong> issue deadline:May 1Visit www.livinghealthyvt.comfor advertising rates <strong>and</strong> distributiondetails.802.684.1056, info@livinghealthyvt.comSave Energy Winter & Summerwith Warm Window® Insulated Shade Systems• Reduce Window • Reduce Solar HeatHeat Loss up to 80% up to 79%Alterations • Custom Upholstery • Ready Made CurtainsFabrics • Tuxedo Rentals • Bridal Gowns For SaleEastern Avenue | St. Johnsbury, VT | Carolyn Cross | 802-748-1599AppalachianSupplyRt. 5 North, St. Johnsbury, VT802-748-4513Rt. 302, Littleton, NH603-444-6336Hours: M-F 7:30-5, Sat. 8-12Home of the Bad GuysWes Ward Auto RepairComplete Car Care ServicesLocally Owned by Wes Ward1193 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street | St. Johnsbury, VT 05819802-748-3636 | www.wesward.comVoted“IndependentShop ofthe Year”4 times!!Kingdom Express, LTDPrivate Charter Service1161 Portl<strong>and</strong> StreetSt. Johnsbury, VT 05819Phone: (802) 535-3354Fax: (802) 473-7459Web:www.kingdomexpressvt.comWeddingsGroup OutingsConferencesAirport TransportationDispatched from Newport, Morrisville,St. Johnsbury, VermontComfortable 12-18 passenger busAll vehicles hold 2 wheelchairsDrivers are background checkedRegistered with Federal MotorCarrier <strong>and</strong> US D.O.T.www.AquaRealmAquarium.comdjnelson@aquarealmaquarium.com - Store Hours: M-TH 10-6:30; Fri. 10-7; Sat 10-6; Sun 12-4452 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819“We are more than just fish.”Fine Diamonds <strong>and</strong>Expert Jewelry Repairs“On the Hill”1214 Main StreetJohnsbury, Vermont 05819802-748-GEMS • 800-407-GEMSJim Kennedy, Jeweler<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 83
KINGDOM PROFILEStOP CARPet CLeANiNGMemorial Drive • St. Johnsbury Center, Vermont“Green” cleaning for yourhealth <strong>and</strong> ours. Biodegradable,Butyl Free, Phosphate FreeTOP CARPET CLEANING<strong>and</strong> VOCMemorial Drive • St. Johnsbury Center, Vermont“Green” cleaning for Now yourhealth Compliant <strong>and</strong> ours. Biodegradable,celebratingButyl Free, Phosphate our Free 30thAnniversary!!!<strong>and</strong> VOC CompliantCleaning for all your carpetCleaning <strong>and</strong> upholstery for all your carpet needs.Professional <strong>and</strong> upholstery Office needs. Cleaning802-748-3900 Professional • 800-626-3911 Offi ce Cleaning802-748-3900800-626-3911AcceptingVisa & Master Cardwww.topcarpetcleaningvt.comAccepting Visa & Master CardmelissA & DouG • DAnCe • BrAin quest • sCieNCe & CRAft kits• LEGO • BRUDER • GAMES• PLAYMOBIL • GROOVY GIRLS • SCIENCE KITS • CALICO CRITplAYmoBil • GrooVY Girls • sCienCe KitsFun & Educational ToysChildren’s ClothingGifts & FurnishingsOUDOOR TOYS ~ INDOOR TOYS& SO MUCH MORE!OUTDOOR TOYS ~ INDOOR TOYSVERMONT T-SHIRTS, DANCE WEAR& SO MUCH MORECOme iN tO BROwse,sHOP ANd PLAY!378 Railroad Street Downtown St. Johnsbury, VT802-748-297525 Center Street Downtown Rutl<strong>and</strong>, VT802-770-1882Open Monday-Saturday ~ Sundays by ChanceCAliCo Critter • leGos • BruDer truCKsinFAnt ClotHinG • KlutZ • puppets • GAmes • ARt suPPLies20% * OFFANY TOYORCLOTHING ITEM*Minor Exclusion. Expires 5/1/12.25 Center Street • Downtown Rutl<strong>and</strong> • 802-770-1882PLAYMOBIL • GROOVY GIRLS • SCIENCE KITS • CALICO CRITTLemieuxLogging & Truckinglowbed service – excavatingtimber harvesting – site developmentl<strong>and</strong> clearing – bulldozingFamily owned businessfor 34 years.Bringing Art to the Northeast Kingdomwww.CatamountArts.org(802) 748-2600Mike Lemieux402 Lapierre Drive - St. Johnsbury, VT802-748-431484 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESSTANNARDStannard was chartered on Aug. 19, 1867, havingpreviously been known as Goshen Gore Number 1.According to Esther Munroe Swift’s Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History, the town of GoshenGore Number 1 was renamed by the Vermont GeneralAssembly in honor of the American Civil War HeroGeneral George Stannard following calls to do so byresidents. Born in Georgia, Vt., Stannard moved to SaintAlbans where he was called into battle in 1861 alongwith the rest of the Vermont Regiment. He was a 41year-old lieutenant colonel <strong>and</strong> was promoted rapidlyto a regimental comm<strong>and</strong>, which he held at Gettysburg.Vermont legislative journals show that in 1865 the statecommended General Stannard for his “skill <strong>and</strong> bravery.”Heeding the pleas of its residents, the legislaturedecided to give what had been known as Goshen GoreNumber 1 independent status as a town named in thegeneral’s honor. Stannard is the only town in the stateto have derived its name from the Civil War.Population: 216 Area: 12.5 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,700 Zip Code: 05842Median Household Income: $36,8752011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.32/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.33/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 94, Stannard Mtn. Rd., GreensboroBend. Hours: Wed. 8-noon.Town Clerk: Connie Withers, 533-2577. townofstannard@myfairpoint.net. Asst. Clerk: Regina TroianoCurrent Taxes: Regina Troiano, 533-7764Delinquent Tax Collector: Ann Porter, 533-7764.Board of Selectmen: Meets 2nd Monday of each month, 6p.m.Zoning Contact: Debra Walton, 533-7688.Medical/Rescue: Copley Hospital, 528 WashingtonHighway Morrisville, 888-4231. Northeastern VermontRegional Hospital, 1315 Hospital Dr., St. Johnsbury, 748-8141.Utilities: Hardwick Electric Department (Electric) 472-5201;Washington Electric Cooperative (Electric) 800-932-5245;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Schools: Lakeview Union Elementary, K-6, 533-7066; 7-12students have the choice of public or approved independentsurrounding town schools.Special Events: Old Home Day, August.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passedFIND US ONLINE ATwww.northstarmonthly.comFour Seasons Sunrooms ®Add Light & Valueto your HomeRalph Vincent Builder, Inc.Independently Owned <strong>and</strong> OperatedCall or email Ralph Vincent802-467-3834 • sunrooms@pshift.comPLUMBING | HEATING | AIR CONDITIONINGMechanical ContractorWood Pellet Heating SolutionsChad W. Dunbar & Heather M. WallekManaging Partners77 Concord Ave, St Johnsbury VT 05819802.748.1953http://www.tromblyplumbing.net/<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 85
KINGDOM PROFILESOne problem that occurred while trying to changethe name was while the legislature was approving thename, the Billymead post office was opened. The nameof the post office didn’t change until around 1817. TheSutton resident who came up with the new name wasJoctan Putnam who was originally from Sutton, Mass.SUTTONPhoto by Mary WhitcombSutton has a sordid history as it’s first name (Billymead)was derived from the son of Dr. Jonathan Arnold ofRhode Isl<strong>and</strong>. Unfortunately Arnold’s son, William,later became a terrible drunk who disrupted the town<strong>and</strong> people as they tried to go about their business. Itis largely believed that William’s father intended thename of mead to st<strong>and</strong> for meadow. However, anotherpossible source for the name was mead, which was afermented beverage flavored with honey. In 1810, thetownspeople became so disenchanted with William<strong>and</strong> their town name that they voted to change it toSutton. The people were so eager to use the new namethat they started using it before the Vermont legislatureapproved it. The approval of the new name didn’t comeuntil two years after the people of Sutton changed it.Population: 1,029 Area: 38.26 sq. mi.Elevation: 1,152 Zip Code: 05867Median Household Income: $43,5002011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.59/$100assessed valuation Non Residential Tax Rate $1.68/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 167 Underpass Road, PO Box 106. Hours:Mon.-Thurs. 8-4.Town Clerk: Debbie Ogden, 467-3377, duffyogden@yahoo.com Asst. Clerk: Marylou Lamont.Delinquent Tax Collector: Clint Gray, 467-8445 or 535-7111Board of Selectmen: Meets last Thursday of the month,7:30 p.m.Zoning Contact: Ron Trembley, 467-3069, 4:30-7.Conservation Commission: Robert Michaud, chair,currently does not meet.Fire: Sutton Volunteer Fire Department, Box 107 Sutton.Scott Brill, Chief.Police: Caledonia County Sheriff’s Dept., 1126 Main St., St.Johnsbury, 748-6666; Vermont State Police, 1068 US Rte.5, St. Johnsbury, 748-3111.Medical/Rescue: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive P.O. Box401, Lyndonville, 626-1101. Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421;Barton Electric Department (Electric) 525-4747; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001Schools: Sutton School, K-8, 95 Underpass Road; 9-12students have the choice of public or approved independentsurrounding town high schools.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meetng Highlights: All articles passedwelcome to Suttonwww.northstarmonthly.comOnline Newsst<strong>and</strong> - Subscriptions - InformationCustom brass & copper lighting <strong>and</strong> mica shadeswith real botanicals <strong>and</strong> so much more!Lighting Showroom802.467.3943See us by appointment2 miles north of West Burke off Route 5, Sutton, VTwww.highbeams.com86 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILES<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 87
KINGDOM PROFILESZip Code: 05858 Median Household Income: $31,2502011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $.84/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential: $1.18/$100 assessedvaluation.Town Offices: 102 Radar Road, Gallup Mills, PO Box 609,N. Concord. Hours: Thurs., 9-4 <strong>and</strong> by appt.Town Clerk: Ruth Ann Neborsky, 328-2400,townofvictory@wildblue.netDelinquent Tax Collector: Walter Neborsky, 695-1024.Board of Selectmen: Meet 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6p.m.Zoning Official: Ruth Ann Neborsky, 328-2400.Police: Essex County Sheriff’s Dept., 91 Courthouse Dr.,Guildhall, 626-3500.Fire: Serviced by Concord Fire Dept.,695-3330; Burke FireDept., 467-3301; Lyndon Fire Dept., 626-5555.Medical/Rescue: Lyndon Rescue, 114 Vail Drive P.O. Box401, Lyndonville, 626-1101. Northeastern Vermont RegionalHospital (St. Johnsbury), 748-8141.Utilities: Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-649-2877, Lyndonville Electric Department (Electric) 626-9252; FairPoint Communications) 866-984-2001Schools: The town pays tuition for children to attend anyelementary or secondary education state approved school.Recreation: Victory State Forest <strong>and</strong> Victory Bog offermany opportunities for hiking as well as fishing at BogBrook <strong>and</strong> Moose River.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passedWALDENWalden is more than just a quiet little town located inCaledonia County. Walden was chartered on Aug. 18, 1781.It was founded along the historical Bayley-Hazen MilitaryRoad. While this road was used to help early settlers maketheir way through Vermont, its original purpose was tohelp American soldiers in the American Revolutionary Warcross into Quebec. The origin of Walden’s name is unclear.Many of Walden’s business ventures are family-owned <strong>and</strong>operated, including farmers of dairy, beef, horses, llamas,chickens <strong>and</strong> organic vegetables. Walden is an intimatefarm town perfect for a quiet weekend getaway.Population: 935 Area: 39 sq. mi. Elevation: 1,683Zip Code: 05873 (West Danville) 05843 (Hardwick) 05647(Cabot) 05836 (East Hardwick)Median Household Income: $47,2922011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.71/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.12/100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 12 VT Route 215, West Danville. Hours:Mon.-Wed., 9-4, Thurs. 9-5.Town Clerk: Lina Smith, 563-2220, waldentc@pivot.netAsst. Clerk: Diane Banister.Delinquent Tax Collector: Lina Smith, 563-2220.Zoning Contact: Lina Smith, 563-2220Big Bear Real EstateYour dreams are our businessPicture us Working for YOuwww.bigbearrevt.comTina Leblondprincipal broker802-598-1458Sharon FaustREALTOR802-274-0921Larry FaustREALTOR802-274-0921Joanne Guyette-WorthREALTOR802-673-8676Tel. Offi ce: 802-744-68441-800-479-6844 Fax: 802-744-6659Box 179, Troy, VT. 05868info@bigbearrevt.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 89
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Margie AndersonPolice Dept.: Caledonia County Sheriff Dept., 1126 MainSt., St. Johnsbury, 748-6666; Vermont State Police, 1068Rte. 5, St. Johnsbury, 748-3111.Fire Dept.: Walden Volunteer Fire Department, 12 VTRoute 215, West Danville.Medical/Rescue: Hardwick Rescue, 171 Creamery Rd.,Hardwick, 472-6343Danville Rescue Squad, 379 Brainerd St., 684-2200.Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, 748-8141. CALEXAmbulance Service, 1453 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury,748-7599.Utilities: Hardwick Electric Dept. (Electric) 472-5201;Washington Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-932-5245;FairPoint Communications (Telephone) 866-984-2001, 800-400-5568.Library: Walden <strong>Community</strong> Library, 135 Cahoon FarmRoad, West Danville, 563-3000.Schools: Walden School PK-8, 135 Cahoon Farm Road;9-12 students are given the choice public or approvedindependent surrounding town high schools.Recreation: 9,800 acres at Steam Mill Brook WildlifeManagement Area is open for hunting <strong>and</strong> fishing. Waldenhas a recreational field, two ponds with state Fish & Gameownedaccess. Coles Pond is the highest altitude pondin the state of Vermont. Abundant snow in this region is adelight for snowmobilers, as is the well-maintained VASTtrail. Joe’s Pond is just a few miles away.Special Events: <strong>Annual</strong> Fall Foliage Festival<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.WATERFORDWaterford was chartered on Nov. 8, 1780, as a part ofthe Vermont Charter. According to Esther MunroeSwift’s Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History,in its charter the original name of the town was to beLittleton, but was changed to Waterford instead afterNew Hampshire named a town Littleton. Two storiesexist about the name Waterford. The first being thatat the town’s location on the Connecticut River a fordexisted for people to get back <strong>and</strong> forth across thewater. The second story relates to the Irish settlers inthe area wanting it named after Waterford, MunsterProvince, in Irel<strong>and</strong>, where the Irish successfully heldoff an English invasion, a source of much pride. Sincethe Moore Dam was built in 1957, two villages haveexisted. The original village was known as Waterford(now Upper Waterford). It sits above the dam <strong>and</strong> thesecond one, known as Lower Waterford, sits belowthe dam <strong>and</strong> is now the center of town. The northernborder of Waterford is tended by the Moose Riverwhich, after completing its course, empties into theConnecticut River. The Connecticut, having traveledin a southern direction from Canada, bends westwardto form the southern border of Waterford before turningsouth again. Waterford sits at the eastern edge ofCaledonia County. The town is bordered to the northby the county seat of St. Johnsbury. To its east sits thetown of Concord, in Essex County. Lying to Waterford’ssouth is the Connecticut River <strong>and</strong> the state of NewHampshire <strong>and</strong> to its west is the town of Barnet.welcome to WaldenThe Northeast Kingdom’sNewest Magazine!Winter <strong>2012</strong> issue deadline:May 1Visit www.livinghealthyvt.comfor advertising rates <strong>and</strong> distributiondetails.802.684.1056, info@livinghealthyvt.comVisit a real Vermont sugarhouse. See our stainless steelequipment where we make syrup every year.Also see our antique sugaring exhibit.OPEN YEAR AROUNDMaple Products • Vermont Gifts • VT Shirts • Crafts • BasketsLocal Jams & Jellies • Honey • VT Paintings • Woodturned BowlsAntiques • Souvenirs • Much More!Rt. 15, Walden, VT 05873802-563-275690 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESPopulation: 1,280 Area: 38.2 sq. mi. Elevation: 816Zip code: 05848Median Household Income: $80,5502011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.76/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.06/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: PO Box 56, 532 Maple Street, LowerWaterford. Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. 8:30-3:30 <strong>and</strong> Tues.12-6.Town Clerk: Joanne Jurentkuff, 748-2122,townofwaterford@hughes.net Asst. Clerk: Sharon PayeurDelinquent Tax Collector: Gilbert Trenholme, 748-6364.Board of Selectmen: Meets 2nd Monday of each month,7:30 p.m.Planning Board: Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month,7:30 p.m.Zoning Contact: Marcia Martel, 748-9134, flexibleavailability.Police: Vermont State Police, 1068 Rte. 5, St. Johnsbury,748-3111.Fire Dept.: Waterford Volunteer Fire Department. 748-4978. 2661 Duck Pond Rd., Lower Waterford.Medical/Rescue: CALEX Ambulance Service, 1453Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, 748-7599. NortheasternVermont Regional Hospital, 1315 Hospital Dr., St.Johnsbury, 748-8141.Utilities: Charter Communications (Cable) 888-438-2421;Central Vermont Public Service (Electric) 800-451-2877;Green Mountain Power (Electric) 888-835-4672; FairPointCommunications (Telephone) 866-984-2001.Library: Davies Memorial Library, 532 Maple Street, LowerWaterford. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:15-5:15, Sat. 8:15-noon.Librarian: Donna Stinehour.Schools: Waterford Elementary School, PK-8, 276 DuckPond Road; the 9-12 students are given the choice of publicor approved independent surrounding town high schools.Recreation: Moore Dam Reservoir.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.WestfieldPhoto by Bradford TowneOne of several towns, others being Berkshire,Enosburgh, Montgomery, Richford <strong>and</strong> Wyllis (nowJay) granted by the fledgling Republic of Vermont asa means of raising money to support her troops (theContinental Congress had refused to help). The committeewhich suggested the granting of the towns alsorecommended the seizure of “provisions where theycan be found in the h<strong>and</strong>s of any person over <strong>and</strong>above the wants of his family.” Yes, these were desparatetimes. There can be but one source of the name:one of the grantees was the Honorable William Westof Scituate, R.I. Its effort to be admitted to the Unionhaving been rebuffed several times by the ContinentalCongress, Vermont enlisted the help of the other NewEngl<strong>and</strong> governors. West was Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong>’s delegatewelcome to Waterfordwww.northstarmonthly.comOnline Newsst<strong>and</strong> - Subscriptions - Information<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 91
KINGDOM PROFILESto the resulting conference, <strong>and</strong> Vermont countedheavily on his support.Population: 536 Area: 40 sq. mi. Elevation: 825 ft.Zip Code: 05874Median Household Income: $48,6762011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.43/$100assessed valuation; Non-Residential Tax Rate: $1.70/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 38 School St., Westfield. Hours: Mon.-Wed.8-4, Thurs. 8:30-4.Town Clerk: Connie Laplume, 744-2484,townofwestfield@comcast.net Asst. Clerk: LaDonna DunnDelinquent Tax Collector: Joyce Crawford, 744-6673.Board of Selectmen: 2nd Monday of the month, if neededZoning Contact: Ted Buchner, 744-6305, flexibleavailability.Police: Orleans Orleans County Sheriff’s Department, 255Main Street, Newport, 334-3333; Vermont State Police, 35Crawford Rd., Derby, 334-4740.Fire: Troy Volunteer Fire Department, 160 Railroad Street,North Troy, 988-4700.Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (electric) 800-832-2667;FairPoint Communications (telephone) 866-984-2001;Comcast (Cable) 800-266-2278.Medical/Rescue: Mississquoi Valley Rescue, 121 1st St.,Swanton, 868-2352; North Country Hospital, 189 ProutyDrive, Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.MOUNTAINMOUNTAIN LAKE COTTAGES COTTAGES!52, Old 5A!(802)525-3072 1-(800)757-3072$Lake Willoughby, Westmore! mtnlakecottages.myfairpoint.net$Vermont, 05860!www.vermontmountainlakecottages.com$LAKE COTTAGESOur lakefront cottages are located on LakeWilloughby, “the Lucerne of America” inVermont’s scenic Northeast Kingdom with4.3 acres <strong>and</strong> 330 feet of lakefront.52 Old 5A | Lake Willoughby | Westmore, VT 05860802.525.3072 | 800.757.3072mtnlakecottages.myfairpoint.netwww.vermontmountainlakecottages.comLibrary: Hitchcock Memorial Library, 1252 VT Route 100,Westfield, 744-8258; Library Director: Tonya GunnRecreation: The town has new tennis <strong>and</strong> basketballcourts, as well as a new playground for all ages.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passed.WESTMOREWestmore was originally named Westford, which confusedeveryone, because there had been a Westford inChittenden County since Benning Wentworth grantedit in 1763. There is no plausible explanation as to whythe duplicate name was used in the first place, nor whyit took six years for the error to be corrected by changingthe name to Westmore. Not that Westmore is uniqueeither; in addition to the original Westford <strong>and</strong> the nowWestmore, there are seven other towns with West in theirnames, not to mention an assortment of villages withinvarious towns (e.g., Westminster West, which rightfullywould be West Westminster, but you get the picture).Hilly, even mountainous, Westmore attracted few settlers.Its big census year was 1880 with 485 residents. Today, thetown is most noted for the awe-inspiring presence of LakeWilloughby.Population: 350 Area: 37.58 sq. m. Elevation: 1,170Zip Code: 05860 Median Household Income: $53,8892011 Tax Rate: Total Homestead Tax Rate $1.29/$100assessed valuation Non-Residential Tax Rate $1.37/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 54 Hinton Hill Road, Orleans. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-4.Town Clerk: Greg Gallagher, 525-3007, clerk@westmoreonline.org, Asst. Clerk: Michele LaBountyTax Collector: Robert Decker, 525-3439.Board of Selectmen: Meetings are held every other Mondayat 5 p.m., unless otherwise posted.Zoning Contact: Andrew Berley, 525-8872, flexible availability.Police: Vermont State Police, 1068 Rte. 5, St. Johnsbury, 748-3111.Fire Dept.: Chris McCarthy, Chief, 726-6363.Medical/Rescue: Newport Ambulance Service, 830 Union St.Newport, 334-2023. North Country Hospital, 189 Prouty Drive,Newport, 334-3222, www.nchsi.org.Utilities: Barton Electric Department (Electric) 525-4747;Lyndonville Electric Dept. (Elecric) 626-3366; Vermont ElectricCo-op (Electric) 832-2667; FairPoint Communications 866-984-2001; Comcast (Cable) 266-2278.Schools: Lake Region Union High School, 9-12, 317 LakeRegion Road, Orleans, Orleans Elementary School, K-8, 53School Street, Orleans.Library: Jones Memorial Library, 1 Water Street, Orleans,754-6660Recreation: Willoughby River Campground, 1523 EvansvilleRoad, Brownington, 754-2669. Will-o-wood Campground, 227Will-o-wood Lane, Route 5A, Westmore, 525-3575.92 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
Makingdreams come true.That’s Passumpsic.If you’re looking for a mortgage, start with Passumpsic!Call to speak with a mortgage specialist today.In VT:Dave Cowens, NMLS #653032St. Johnsbury (802) 751-4218Cathy Clark, NMLS #652959Lyndonville (802) 473-7020Laura McHarg, NMLS #835386Newport (802) 334-1064In NH:Karen Paquette, NMLS #653462Lancaster (603) 788-4715Julie Aldrich, NMLS #649937Littleton (603) 444-1738Member FDICVermont: St. JohnSbury . LyndonviLLe . danviLLe . iSL<strong>and</strong> Pond . newPortnew HampsHire: LittLeton . LancaSter . Groveton . whitefieLdpassumpsicbank.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 93
KINGDOM PROFILESCaledonia CountyFarmers’MarketsThe freshest vegetables, fruits <strong>and</strong>baked goods. Vermont-grown perennials& annual plants.• Cut Flowers • Maple Products• Preserves • Meat • Trout• Wool • Crafts • Wood ProductsLunch <strong>and</strong> prepared food to take home!ST. JOHNSBURYSaturdays9 a.m. - 1 p.m.Pearl StreetLOCATIONS:DANVILLEWednesdays9 a.m. - 1 p.m.Route 2WHEELOCKWheelock was chartered to John Wheelock <strong>and</strong> thetrustees of Dartmouth College on June 14, 1785. It wasnamed for Wheelock, who was the College’s secondpresident, as well as his father Eleazar Wheelock, whofounded Dartmouth College. The College received alarge percentage of its permanent funding from themoney paid by the town’s rental residents up untilthe late 1800s. Due to these connections, qualifyingresidents from Wheelock can get a scholarship tothe college. Wheelock is also the only Vermont townto be chartered to an organization that is locatedcompletely out of the state. This historical little townis alongside Millers Run. The layout of the l<strong>and</strong> ismostly hilly, which makes it perfect for farming <strong>and</strong>keeping pastures. A long time ago, it was known tohave a high concentration of sulfur in its water, whichwas at the time believed to have medicinal properties.Population: 811 Area: 38.8 sq. mi. Elevation: 1581Zip code: 05851 Median Household Income: $52,2922011 Tax Info: Total Homestead Tax Rate: $1.88/$100assessed valuation, Non-Residential Tax Rate: $2.03/$100assessed valuation.Town Offices: 1192 Route 122, Wheelock, P.O. Box 1328,Lyndonville. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:45-3.Town Clerk: Michelle Trottier, 626-9094, Asst. Clerk:Paula SawyerDelinquent Tax Collector: Carol Rossi, 626-9083.Zoning Contact: Michelle Trottier, 626-9094.Board of Selectmen: Meets 2nd Tuesday of Month at5:30 p.m.Police: Vermont State Police, 1068 Rte. 5, St. Johnsbury,748-3111.Fire Dept.: Joint Volunteer Sheffield-Wheelock FireDepartment.Medical/Rescue: CALEX Ambulance Service, 1453Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, 748-7599. NortheasternVermont Regional Hospital, 1315 Hospital Dr., St.Johnsbury, 748-8141.Utilities: Lyndonville Electric Dept. (Electric) 626-3366; Vermont Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-832-2667;Washington Electric Co-op (Electric) 800-932-5245;Fairpoint Communications (telephone) 866-984-2001Schools: Millers Run School, PK-8, 3249 VT Route 122;9-12 students are given the choice of public or approvedindependent surrounding town high schools.<strong>2012</strong> Town Meeting Highlights: All articles passedFIND US ONLINE ATwww.northstarmonthly.com94 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
LIVINGFEATURESPublished<strong>Annual</strong>lyInformativeDistributionReliabilityBENEFITSLiving Healthy has a shelf life of 6months. With a press run of 10,000copies <strong>and</strong> assuming three readerswill amount to a readership of30,000 per issue.We believe content is king. Articles<strong>and</strong> graphics will be selected basedon their quality <strong>and</strong> usefullness tolocal readers. Advertisers will beencouraged to submit pieces forpublication to complement in-housecopy.Your target audience will see yourmessage in print <strong>and</strong> online with2,500 copies mailed directly to theNorth Star Monthly’s subscriber list<strong>and</strong> 7,500 distributed at over 100high-traffic locations <strong>and</strong> patientwaiting rooms across the region.NorthStar Publishing is well-knownacross the region for producing twoquality publications: The North StarMonthly <strong>and</strong> Kingdom <strong>Guide</strong>.NorthStar Publishing LLCIn January, Northstar Publishing, publisher of the TheNorth Star Monthly <strong>and</strong> Kingdom <strong>Guide</strong>, will compile<strong>and</strong> distribute a one-stop resource dedicated to healthyliving in our region. This full-color glossy magazinewill feature articles <strong>and</strong> advertisements from a broadspectrum of local businesses dedicated to providingthe local community with health-related goods <strong>and</strong>services.Deadline for Advertising <strong>and</strong> Editorial Submission:November 1, <strong>2012</strong>PRICE GUIDEBack Cover $950Full-Page $7652/3 Page $5751/2 Page $4901/3 Page $4051/4 Page $2251/6 Page $1851/12 Page $140All positions<strong>and</strong> sizes willbe printed infull-color onglossy stock!technical specificationsTrim/finish size: 8.5”w x 11”hAgency-supplied files: We accept both Mac <strong>and</strong> PCplatforms. Art must be submitted @ 300dpi (photos).Build files: We accept industry st<strong>and</strong>ard programs such asAdobe products, <strong>and</strong> some desktop publishing files. Pleasecontact our office if you have any question about these or otherprograms.Acceptable file formats: TIF (flattened at 300dpi),or PDF (with all fonts <strong>and</strong> graphics embedded).contact:NorthStar Publishing LLC, PO Box 319 Danville VT 05828802.684.1056, info@livinghealthyvt.comguide for editorial submissionsHeadline & Bylines: Please supply suggested headline/bylinesGraphics: We strongly encourage the submission of photos <strong>and</strong>graphics (charts, graphs, etc.) to complement your editorial.All graphics must be accompanied by a brief description <strong>and</strong> allsubjects identified. Please refer to our technical specifications forquality guidelines or contact our office for more information.Copy: Submitted editorial from advertisers is intended to beinformative for our readership. Please construct your submissionin a way that highlights a product, service or event. Our copyeditors <strong>and</strong> proofreaders will examine each submission for errors<strong>and</strong> omissions. We retain the right to edit, modify <strong>and</strong> declinesubmissions. All content must be original to this publication.Questions: Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Patricia LipinskiSchool ChoiceSchool boards in towns that do not haveschools at the elementary level (K-6) (<strong>and</strong>aren’t members of a public school supervisoryunion) pay tuition to public schoolsin one or more other districts. For townswithout schools at grades 7-12 (which aren’tmembers of a public school supervisoryunion), school boards pay tuition to publicor approved independent schools that parentschoose, within or outside Vermont, notincluding religious schools. Supervisoryunions are an administrative, planning,<strong>and</strong> educational service unit created by thestate, which consists of two or more schooldistricts.Title 16, Sec. 1093 allows local school boardsto receive students from other communitiesinto their schools on terms <strong>and</strong> conditions theydecide - usually meaning tuition.Title 16, Sec. 821(c) allows parents to requestthat local school districts pay tuition for theirchildren to attend an elementary school inanother town, if the family resides near theother town’s school — <strong>and</strong> if the school boarddecides that the student’s education can bemore conveniently provided there.Title 16, Sec. 821(d) allows the voters in aschool district that does not maintain anelementary school to authorize the schoolboard to pay tuition for elementary students atapproved independent nonresidential schools(but not at religious schools) at the request ofa parent or guardian, if in the board’s judgmentthe student’s educational interests can be betterserved there. In both Sec. 821(c) <strong>and</strong> (d), theschool board’s decision is final.Title 16, Sec. 822(c) authorizes a school boardto both maintain a high school <strong>and</strong> pay tuitionto another public school if the board determinesthat a students best interests are servedthere, <strong>and</strong> allows the board to pay tuition to anapproved independent school (though not a religiousschool) if the board judges that a studenthas unique educational needs that cannot beserved within the district or at a nearby publicschool. School board decisions are final.Title 16, Sec. 827 authorizes voters of a schooldistrict that does not have a public high schoolto designate an approved independent school asthe public high school. This section also allowsa parent or guardian - who is dissatisfied withthe instruction provided or who cannot obtainthe kind of course or instruction desired orwhose child can be better accommodated inan approved high school nearer home — torequest the school board to pay tuition toanother approved high school. The board mayapprove the request <strong>and</strong> pay tuition if in itsjudgment that school will best serve the interestsof the student. The board’s decision is final.Title 16, Sec. 828 allows school districts to paytuition only to independent schools (or tutorialprograms) that have been approved by the StateBoard of Education.New Notice Requirement for School Boards:In 2006, the legislature added a provisionrequiring school boards to notify students ofchoice opportunities, by adding (28) to Title16, Sec. 563, as follows: (28) <strong>Annual</strong>ly, [SchoolBoards] shall inform students <strong>and</strong> their parentsor guardians of their options for school choiceunder applicable laws or policy.-Vt. Department of EducationTowns withoutpublic schoolsX indicates thatstudents in those gradesmust be tuitioned to aneighboring school.K-67-8BarnetXBloomfield X X XBrownington X (7)Brunswick X X XBurkeXCoventryXEast HavenXFerdin<strong>and</strong> X X XGranby X X XGuildhall X XKirby X X XLunenburgXLyndonXMaidstone X X XMillers Run USD #37XNewarkXNewport TownXNorton X X XPeacham X XSt JohnsburyXStannard X XSuttonXWaldenXWaterfordXWestmore X X9-1296 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESVermont Schools & DistrictsSupervisory Union/District School/TechnicalCenter/School Address/Phone/GradesCaledonia Central SU, Box 216,Danville, VT 05828, 684-3801Barnet Elementary School, 163 Kid Row, Barnet, VT 05821, 633-4978, K-8Danville School, Box 216, Peacham Road, Danville, VT 05828, 684-3651, K-12Peacham Elementary School, 340 Bailey Hazen Road, Peacham,VT 05862, 592-3513, K-6Walden School, 135 Cahoon Farm Road, West Danville, VT 05873,563-3000, K-8Caledonia North SU, P.O. Box 107, 119 ParkAvenue, Lyndonville, VT 05851, 626-6100Burke Town School, 3293 Burke Hollow Road, West Burke, VT05871-8913, 467-3385, PK-8Lyndon Institute Technical Center, P.O. Box 127, Lyndon Center,VT 05850, 626-1109, 11-12, independent school offering technicaleducation courses to public school students. Independent schoolsare administratively responsible to their own boards of trustees;they do not report administratively to a supervisory union.Lyndon Town School, 2591 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851,626-3209, PK-8Millers Run School, US #37 P.O. Box 154, Sheffield, VT 05866,626-9755, PK-8Newark School, 1448 Newark Street, Newark, VT 05871, 467-3401, K-8Sutton Village School, 95 Underpass Road, Sutton, VT 05867-9739, 467-3492, K-8Essex Caledonia SU, P.O. Box 255, 335 MainStreet, Concord, VT 05824-0255, 695-3373Concord Graded/High School, 173 School Street, Concord, VT05824, 695-2550, PK-12Granby Central School, P.O. Box 8, Granby, VT 05840, 328-4891,K-6Guildhall Elementary School, P.O. Box 142, Guildhall, VT 05905,676-3955, K-6Lunenburg/Gilman Schools, P.O. Box 97, Gilman, VT 05904, 892-5969, PK-8Waterford Elementary School, 276 Duck Pond Road, St. Johnsbury,VT 05819-0276, 748-9393, PK-8Essex North SU, P.O. Box 100,Canaan, VT 05903, 266-3330Canaan Memorial High School, 99 School Street, Canaan, VT05903, 266-8910, 11-12Canaan Schools, 99 School Street, Canaan, VT 05903, 266-8910,K-12North Country SU, 338 Highl<strong>and</strong> Avenue,Suite 4, Newport, VT 05855-4897, 334-5847Brighton Elementary School, P.O. Box 419, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT 05846,723-4373, K-8Charleston Elementary School, 255 Center School Road, WestCharleston, VT 05872, 895-2915, K-8Coventry Village School, P.O. Box 92, Coventry, VT 05825, 754-6464, K-8Derby Elementary School, 907 Elm Street, Derby Line, VT 05830,873-3162, K-6Holl<strong>and</strong> Elementary School, 26 School Road, Derby Line, VT05830, 895-4455, K-6Jay/Westfield Joint School, 257 Revoir Flats, Jay, VT 05859, 988-4042, K-6Photo by Janet CarsonLowell Graded School, 52 Gelo Park Road, Lowell, VT 05847, 744-6641, K-8Newport City Elementary Schools, 166 Sias Avenue, Newport, VT05855, 334-2455, K-6Newport Town School, 4212 Route 105, Newport Center, VT05857, 334-5201, K-8North Country Career Center, 209 Veterans Avenue, Newport, VT05855, 334-5469, 11-12North Country Union Junior High, #22B57 Junior High Drive,Derby, VT 05829, 766-2276, 7-8North Country UHS, #22A209 Veterans Avenue, Newport, VT05855, 334-7921, 9-12Troy School, P.O. Box 110, North Troy, VT 05859, 988-2565, K-8Orleans Central SU, 130 Kinsey Road, Barton, VT 05822, 754-6945Albany <strong>Community</strong> School, 351 Main Street, Albany, VT 05820,755-6168, K-8Barton Graded School, 137 Church Street, Barton, VT 05822, 525-6244, K-8Brownington Central School, 103 Chase Road, Brownington, VT05860-9765, 754-8467, K-7Glover <strong>Community</strong> School, 100 School Street, Glover, VT 05839,525-6958, K-8Irasburg Village School, 292 Route 58 East, Irasburg, VT 05845,754-8810, K-8Lake Region UHS #24, 317 Lake Region Road, Orleans, VT 05860,754-6521, 9-12Orleans Elementary School, 53 School Street, Orleans, VT 05860,754-6650, K-8Orleans Southwest SU, P.O. Box 338,Hardwick, VT 05843, 472-6531Craftsbury Schools, 1422 North Craftsbury Road, CraftsburyCommon, VT 05827, 586-2541, K-12Hardwick Elementary School, Main Street, Hardwick, VT 05843,472-5411, K-6Hazen UHS #26, P.O. Box 368, Hardwick, VT 05843, 472-6511, 7-12Lakeview US #43, Barr Hill Road, Greensboro, VT 05841, 533-7066, K-6St. Johnsbury SD, 257 Western Avenue, Suite2, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, 748-4744Applied Tech. Ctr. at St. Johnsbury Academy, P.O. Box 906, St.Johnsbury, VT 05819-0906, 748-8171, 11-12, independent schooloffering technical education courses to public school students.Independent schools are administratively responsible to their ownboards of trustees; they do not report administratively to a supervisoryunion.St. Johnsbury Schools, 257 Western Avenue, St. Johnsbury, VT05819, 748-8616, PK-8<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 97
KINGDOM ALMANACGraduate with a mountainof experience...instead of a mountain of debt.Lyndon State College: Nationally-acclaimed professional programs;a strong liberal arts core; h<strong>and</strong>s-on experiential education;focused on opportunity <strong>and</strong> student success; a spectacular hilltopcampus; a friendly, tight-knit community... <strong>and</strong> a great value.It’s all right here.Degree ProgramsAccountingAnimation/IllustrationArts ManagementAtmospheric Sciences/MeteorologyBusiness AdministrationComputingCriminal JusticeEducation (Early Childhood, Elementary,Secondary, <strong>and</strong> Special Education)Electronic Journalism Arts/TV StudiesEnglishEnvironmental ScienceExercise ScienceExplorationsGeneral StudiesGraphic DesignHuman ServicesLiberal StudiesMathematicsMountain Recreation ManagementMusic Business <strong>and</strong> IndustryNatural ScienceNew MediaPhysical EducationPsychologySocial SciencesSports ManagementSustainability StudiesVisual ArtsFacebook.com/LyndonState | LyndonState.edu | 1-800-225-1998 | 802 626-6413your life • your college • your way• Convenient schedules•12 locations statewide• Online courses• Associate degrees• Career certificates• Financial aid availableCCVwww.ccv.edu98 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDEads special/St JohnsburyNew-ST J_kingdomguide.q
KINGDOM ALMANACHigh SchoolsSt. Johnsbury AcademyThe academy is a comprehensive independent secondary schoolserving a wide range of students. It also serves as the area technicalschool. Since the academy serves both as a day <strong>and</strong> boardingschool, it provides students with a rich experience academically,culturally, <strong>and</strong> athletically. During the summer, the AP Institutebrings in approximately 500 students from around the country.1000 Main St., St. Johnsbury, VT, 748-8171, www.stjohnsburyacademy.org.Lyndon InstituteLI is an independent, coeducational day <strong>and</strong> boarding school,enrolling students in grades 9-12, with courses in college preparatory,business <strong>and</strong> technical education, as well as a strong arts program.LI offers over 130 courses at four levels, Division II athletics<strong>and</strong> 20 extracurricular organizations, providing opportunities in thearts, scholastics <strong>and</strong> leadership. College Rd., Lyndonville, VT, 626-3357, www.lyndoninstitute.org.Danville SchoolDanville School was founded in 1870 with a staff of two. Today ithas a faculty <strong>and</strong> support staff of 200 <strong>and</strong> approximately 365 studentsin grades PK-12. Students are offered a variety of courses <strong>and</strong>extracurricular activities as well as the latest technology. Music,sports, <strong>and</strong> extracurricular successes of the school are part of theDHS tradition. 148 Peacham Rd., VT 05828, 684-2292, www.danvillek12VT.org.Canaan SchoolThis K-12 school serves the people of Canaan <strong>and</strong> surroundingareas. 99 School Street, Canaan, VT 05903, 266-3380, www.canaanschools.org.Cabot SchoolThe mission of the K-12 Cabot School is to provide all communityresidents, both students <strong>and</strong> adults, with the skills <strong>and</strong> knowledgenecessary for them to become <strong>and</strong> remain informed, productive,self-sufficient, responsible citizens who will contribute to theircommunities <strong>and</strong> who possess the self-esteem <strong>and</strong> motivation tocontinue learning throughout their lives. 25 Common Road, Cabot,VT, 05647, 563-2289.Blue Mountain Union SchoolThe PK-12 school serves the communities of Groton, Ryegate, <strong>and</strong>Wells River. Enrollment hovers around 450 students. 2420 Rt. 302(just off Exit 17 of I-91), Wells River, 757-2766, www.bmuschool.org.North Country Union High SchoolNorth Country Union High School <strong>and</strong> the community provide asecure educational environment in which all students develop criticalthinking <strong>and</strong> problem solving skills, pursue academic <strong>and</strong> careerexcellence <strong>and</strong> become citizens who respect diversity, value lifelonglearning <strong>and</strong> make healthy choices. PO Box 726, 209 VeteransAvenue, Newport, VT, 05855, 334-7921, northcountryschools.org.Hazen Union SchoolHazen exists so that students in Hardwick, Walden, Greensboro<strong>and</strong> Stannard are empowered with the knowledge <strong>and</strong> skills neededto achieve their full potential <strong>and</strong> become successsful locally<strong>and</strong> globally, 126 Hazen Union Drive, Hardwick, VT, 472-6511.Lake Region Union High SchoolLake Region is a community of dynamic learners who createan inclusive environment characterized by safety <strong>and</strong> respect.Lake Region offers a comprehensive curriculum grounded inthe skills necessary for academic achievement, <strong>and</strong> teachers usediverse strategies to engage all students in learning. Students havethe opportunity to develop intellectually, socially <strong>and</strong> personallythrough academic <strong>and</strong> extracurricular activities. Lake Region studentscome from Barton <strong>and</strong> surrounding towns like Westmore,Glover, Albany, Irasburg <strong>and</strong> Brownington. 317 Lake Region Road,Orleans, VT, 754-6462.Concord SchoolServing the small, rural community of Concord, the Concord Schoolconsists of grades PK-12. Small class sizes <strong>and</strong> community supportcontribute greatly to Concord’s educational experience. 173 SchoolStreet, Concord, VT, 05824, 695-2550.Other Secondary SchoolsCaledonia SchoolA secondary diploma is available at this state-approved independentday school for grades 9-12. The annual enrollment is 30-35students who come from area towns <strong>and</strong> New Hampshire. 125School St., St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Cornerstone SchoolA private, special education coeducational school that servesabout 30 students in grades 2-12. It is nonsectarian in orientation,<strong>and</strong> in 510 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St. Johnsbury, 748-6282.Burke Mountain AcademyLocated in East Burke, it began as an experiment over 30 yearsago as the first sports academy of any kind in this country. BMA’score values are the blending of independence <strong>and</strong> community,athletics <strong>and</strong> academics, <strong>and</strong> respect for others as well as one’sself. www.burkemtnacademy.org.King George SchoolThe school’s curriculum, small classes, <strong>and</strong> intimate teaching environmentare designed to rekindle the joy of learning <strong>and</strong> create anenvironment perfect for sharing the talents of students. Faculty<strong>and</strong> staff work with students <strong>and</strong> their families to integrate thepursuit of academic excellence, artistry, personal growth, <strong>and</strong>improved family dynamic. 2684 King George Farm Rd., Sutton, VT05867. www.kinggeorgeschool.com.Pre-SchoolsChildren’s Upstream ServicesCUPS provides consultation <strong>and</strong> case management services tofamilies with children up to age six who have challenging emotional<strong>and</strong> behavioral issues.CREEPAn early childhood education program located at several publicelementary schools around the Northeast Kingdom for 3-5-yearolds.Family Infant Toddler ProgramThe federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)provides for early intervention services for infants <strong>and</strong> toddlerswith disabilities. Implementation of these services in Vermontis through a family-centered coordinated system. The Agencyof Human Services <strong>and</strong> the Vermont Department of Educationshare responsibility for implementation as co-lead agencies.The Vermont Department of Health, as project partner, providesadministrative support. www.ahs.state.VTus/earlychildhood.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 99
KINGDOM ALMANACGood Shepherd Catholic SchoolTwo preschool classes are offered two mornings a week <strong>and</strong> threemornings a week. A full day kindergarten program is offered fivedays a week. www.vermontcatholic.org.Healthy Babies, Kids <strong>and</strong> FamiliesParent Education <strong>and</strong> support for eligible families. This program isa benefit of the Medicaid <strong>and</strong> Dr. Dinosaur health insurance, <strong>and</strong>helps families connect with high quality health care <strong>and</strong> supportservices in their community. A HBK&F nurse or family supportworker can assist with pregnancy planning, prenatal <strong>and</strong> postnatalcare, child development needs, resource availabilities, advocacy<strong>and</strong> support. For more information, contact: www.healthyvermonters.infoNortheast Kingdom <strong>Community</strong> ActionNEKCA’s Early Childhood Programs for St. Johnsbury are housed atthe Lincoln Center, 115 Lincoln St. www.nekcavt.org.Licensed CentersThere are 11 licensed centers in St. Johnsbury, including the schoolbasedpreschool program, NEKCA Head Start, Good ShepherdPreschool as well as full day for-profit or not-for-profit child carecenters. They are licensed to serve a total of 297 children. Many ofthe programs are part day programs.Registered HomesThere are hundreds of registered child care providers in theNortheast Kingdom. They are required by the Vermont ChildDevelopment Division to take 45 hours of training in child development,program management <strong>and</strong> other related areas when theyregister to provide care. For information, visit www.brightfutures.dcf.state.vt.us, where a providers are sortable by town.UmbrellaUmbrella is the regional child care resource <strong>and</strong> referral agencywith a book lending library <strong>and</strong> an early childhood newsletter forprofessionals. 1222 Main St., Suite 301, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819,748-8645, www.umbrellanek.org.Kingdom Montessori78 Eastern Ave, Lyndonville, VT 05851, 626-3876Post-Secondary EducationLyndon State CollegeLyndon State College prepares students for personal <strong>and</strong> professionalsuccess through experience-based, high-quality programsin the liberal arts <strong>and</strong> professional studies that develop creative<strong>and</strong> critical thinking for success in today’s global society. PO Box919 1001 College Rd, Lyndonville, VT 05851, 626-6413. www.lyndonstate.edu.Springfield College of Human ServicesThe academic programs of Springfield College’s School of HumanServices, situated in 11 locations throughout the country, aredesigned to meet the needs of working adults who wish to earna degree in human services. 347 Emerson Falls Rd., Suite 2, St.Johnsbury, VT 05819, 748-5402, www.shsstjohnsbury@spfldcol.eduUVM ExtensionThe mission of University of Vermont Extension is to improve thequality of life of Vermonters by providing research-based educationalprograms <strong>and</strong> practical information concerning Vermontcommunities, families, farms, businesses, <strong>and</strong> the natural environment.397 Railroad St., Suite 3, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-1740,751-8307.Sterling CollegeThe Sterling College community combines structured academicstudy with experiential challenges <strong>and</strong> plain hard work to buildresponsible problem solvers who become stewards of the environmentas they pursue productive lives. PO Box 72, CraftsburyCommon, VT 05827, 1-800-648-3591 or 802-586-7711.<strong>Community</strong> College of VermontThe <strong>Community</strong> College of Vermont is one of five Vermont statecolleges <strong>and</strong> has been accredited since 1975 by the New Engl<strong>and</strong>Association of Schools <strong>and</strong> Colleges. Providing quality, affordableeducation to over 9,000 students each year, CCV does not have acentral campus. Instead it serves students at 12 learning centersaround the state <strong>and</strong> via the Internet. CCV is an open-admissionscollege. Students, who range in age from 14 to 78, enroll for asingle course or full-time study, choosing a pace that works forthem. 1197 Main Street, Suite 3, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-2240,748-6673.Private Elementary SchoolsCaledonia CountyRiverside School: 2-8, 30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, 626-8552,www.theriversideschool.org.East Burke School: 8-11, 15 Students, 611 Route 114, East Burke,VT, 626-8317, www.eastburkeschool.org.Good Shepherd Catholic School: PK-8, 156 Students, 121 MapleStreet St. Johnsbury, VT, 751-8223, www.goodshepherdschoolvt.org.Seventh-Day Adventist: 3-7, 6 Students, 54 Southard Street, StJohnsbury, VT, 748-9528.Stevens School: 2-8, 1510 Bayley Hazen Raod, Peacham, 592-3194.Waterford Elementary School: PK-8, 174 Students, 276 Duck PondRoad, St. Johnsbury, VT, 748-9393, www.waterfordschoolvt.org.Orleans CountySt. Paul’s School, Barton: K-8, 48 Students, 54 Eastern Ave, Barton,VT, 525-3931, www.stpaulscatholicschool.org.Sacred Heart School, Newport: PK-8, 136 Students, 47 ClermontTerrace, Newport, VT, 334-8185, www.sacredheartnewport.org.Essex CountySt. Albert School: 1-8, 38 Students, PO Box 177, Beecher Falls, VT,246-8631.WANT A SUBSCRIPTION TO:Subscription Rates$18 one-year$32 two-yearYOUR NAMEADDRESSTOWN, STATE, ZIPReturn completed form to:The North Star MonthlyPO Box 319Danville VT 05828100 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM ALMANACaddress: PO Box 357, Derby,VT, 05829. Phone: 766-5324.Contact: Bill Gardyne, secretary.Email: bill@gardyne-vermont.com.Fairbanks Museum<strong>and</strong> PlanetariumThe Fairbanks Museum wasfounded in 1889. Inside theclassic Victorian building, area dazzling array of animals <strong>and</strong>artifacts, dolls <strong>and</strong> tools <strong>and</strong>shells <strong>and</strong> fossils, as well asVermont’s only public planetarium<strong>and</strong> the Eye on theSky Weather Gallery. A full calendarof events, workshops,lectures <strong>and</strong> field programsinvites everyone to explorethe nature of the world. 1302Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819. Phone, 748-2372, www.fairbanksmuseum.orgGlover Historical SocietyThe society’s museum is locatedon the second floor of themunicipal building, the former“Leonard homestead.” Photos(then <strong>and</strong> now) <strong>and</strong> cemeterylists are some of the itemsbeing archived. Genealogicaldata is being gathered. Manypublications are available forsale. Mailing address: PO Box208, Glover, VT, 05839. Phone:525-6212 or 525-6227 (townclerk). Contact: Joan Alex<strong>and</strong>er,secretary, joanalex_05839@yahoo.com. Web site: www.gloverhistoricalsociety.org.Email: gloverhistory@yahoo.com.GreensboroHistorical SocietyThe society resides in therestored library, whichwas built in 1900 <strong>and</strong> housesrecords <strong>and</strong> artifacts. It isopen by request <strong>and</strong> appointmentyear round <strong>and</strong> for anexhibit each summer. Museumon Breezy Avenue next toWilley’s Store in Greensboro.Mailing address: PO Box 151,Greensboro, VT, 05841. Phone,586-6913. Contact: JennyStoner, president. Email: jennystoner@gmail.com.Groton Historical SocietyThe beautifully furnished oldhouse built in 1840 contains acollection of items relating tolocal history. Peter Paul 1840House, 1203 Scott Highway,Groton. Mailing address: P.O.Box 89, Groton, VT, 05046.Phone: 584-3417. Contact:Richard Brooks, president.Hardwick HistoricalSocietyLocated off Church Street behindthe Town House, the restoredHardwick Depot, home to thesociety, houses artifacts of thetown’s past, including items relatedto the granite industry, therailroad, Hardwick Academy <strong>and</strong>the civil war. Mailing address: POBox 177, Hardwick, VT, 05843.Phone, 472-8555. E-Mail: hardwickhistoricalsociety@verizon.net. For information contactMary Brochu at 472-6836.Holl<strong>and</strong> Historical SocietyThe museum is housed in the formerCongregational Church, builtin 1848. There are photographs,household furnishings, textiles,farm implements, military artifacts,<strong>and</strong> church <strong>and</strong> town memorabilia.Activities include OldHome Day on the first Sunday inAugust. 693 Gore Road, Holl<strong>and</strong>.Mailing address: PO Box 483,Derby Line, VT, 05830. Phone,766-5375. Contact: Bea Nelson,secretary.Isl<strong>and</strong> PondHistorical SocietyThe historical society occupiesthe second floor of the restoredrailway station. There are permanentdisplays of photographs,railroad memorabilia, 19thcenturyclothing <strong>and</strong> uniforms,lumbering tools, local newspapers,<strong>and</strong> Odd Fellows memorabilia.Canadian National RailwayStation, 2nd Floor, Main Street,Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond. Mailing address: POBox 408, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT, 05846.Phone, 723-4345. Contact:Clifford Biron, curator.Lyndon Historical SocietyThe society’s major function is todiscover <strong>and</strong> collect any materialwhich may help to establish orillustrate the history of the town.The society provides for the preservationof such material <strong>and</strong>distributes historical information<strong>and</strong> arouses interest in the pastby publishing historical material,by holding meetings <strong>and</strong> discussions,by marking historic buildings,sites <strong>and</strong> trails, <strong>and</strong> by usingmedia to awaken public interest.202 Center Street, LyndonCenter. Mailing address: PO Box85, Lyndon Center, VT, 05850.Phone, 626-5344. Email: fletchergirl@kingcon.com.Lunenburg HistoricalSocietyThe society’s collection includesmany books, documents, <strong>and</strong>photographs pertaining to thehistory of Lunenburg <strong>and</strong> its residents.Visitors by appointment.Old Town Hall, 54 Park Street,Lunenburg. Mailing address: POBox 195, Lunenburg, VT, 05906.Phone, 892-6102. Contact: JohnBrink, president. Email: questions@lunenburghistoricalsociety.org.Web site: www.lunenburghistoricalsociety.org.MemphremagogHistorical SocietyThe museum has permanentdisplay panels of 19th-century<strong>and</strong> 20th-century photographsof the history of Newport, surroundingtowns <strong>and</strong> LakeMemphremagog, plus anAbenaki culture timeline of theNewport/Lake Memphremagogarea from Paleolithic times to thepresent. There are yearly changingshowcases of local history.The society maintains an historicalwalking tour along Newport’swaterfront <strong>and</strong> Main Street of10 l<strong>and</strong>marks long forgotten—in both English <strong>and</strong> French. Thesociety also offers to the publicfamily genealogy research in theNewport area <strong>and</strong> a photographcollection. Emory Hebard StateOffice Building, 100 Main Street,Newport. Mailing address: 96Stagecoach Drive, Newport,VT, 05855. Phone, 334-6195.Contact: Barbara Malloy, president.Morgan Historical SocietyTodd Pond Road <strong>and</strong> Route 111,Morgan. Mailing address: PO Box113, Morgan, VT, 05853. Phone,723-5907. Contact: Beverly May,president.Old North ChurchConstructed in 1832, the OldNorth Church on WheelockRoad in North Danville beganas a Union Meeting House supportingseveral denominations.The church is of post <strong>and</strong> beamconstruction with a stone foundation<strong>and</strong> metal gable roof withclapboard siding. It is recognizedas a historic site by the state ofVermont. For information, contactSue Strifert at 748-4096.Old Stone HouseLocated in a quiet <strong>and</strong> picturesqueNortheast Kingdom village,the museum includes sixbuildings on 55 acres. Seeminglyuntouched by time, this hillsidetown is centered around a monumentalstone dormitory, calledAthenian Hall, built in 1834-36 bythe Rev. Alex<strong>and</strong>er Twilight, thenation’s first African-Americancollege graduate <strong>and</strong> state legislator.The stone house now houses21 rooms of exhibits focusingon 19th century life in northernVermont. The collection includesfurniture, textiles, photographs,pottery, folk <strong>and</strong> fine art, as wellas many of the tools <strong>and</strong> utensilsof daily life. The exhibits continuein Twilight’s own house, twomore historic houses <strong>and</strong> a traditionalbarn. The museum is locatedin the Brownington VillageHistoric District, amidst 19th centuryhomes <strong>and</strong> a church, surroundedby farml<strong>and</strong>. 109 OldStone House Road, Brownington,VT, 05860. Phone, 754-2022.Peacham HistoricalAssociationThe association identifies, collects,preserves <strong>and</strong> makes availablethe history of Peacham <strong>and</strong>encourages interest through lectures,exhibits, publications <strong>and</strong>other activities. Peacham is aNational Historic Village District.A permanent exhibit of tools, atelephone exchange, <strong>and</strong> itemsfrom an old country store are displayedin a three-room historicalhouse. An 1800s blacksmith shophas been restored with a workingwooden forge. Archives <strong>and</strong> themuseum library are housed ina former town office. HistoricalHouse, 153 Church Street,Peacham. Blacksmith Shop,101 Church Street, Peacham.Archives, 643 Bayley-HazenRoad, Peacham. Mailing address:PO Box 101, Peacham, VT, 05862.E-mail: info@peacham.net. Website: www.peacham.net.Ryegate Historical SocietyLocated in the Whitelaw Hall. 54Paper Mill Road, East Ryegate.Mailing address: PO Box 366,Ryegate, VT, 05402. E-maildawhite@fairpoint.net. Forinformation contact DwightWhite at 584-3520.102 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESSt. Johnsbury AthenaeumThe St. Johnsbury Athenaeum isa private, nonprofit public library<strong>and</strong> art gallery. The Athenaeumfills two roles: it serves the peopleof St. Johnsbury by enrichingtheir lives, <strong>and</strong> it st<strong>and</strong>s asa regional <strong>and</strong> national treasure,a monument to the 19thcenturybelief in learning. 1171Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819. Phone, 748-8291. Email:inform@stjathenaeum.org. Website: www.stjathenaeum.org.Sheffield HistoricalSocietyThe society has displays on Dr.S.A. Jones <strong>and</strong> the Drake Family,an early Sheffield family, as wellas many pictures <strong>and</strong> photoalbums of the town’s history. 37Dane Road, Sheffield. Email: normalee@charter.net.For informationcontact Norma L. Williams at626-8862.Stannard HistoricalSocietyThe society has undertaken therestoration of the town’s mostprominent l<strong>and</strong>mark, the 1888Stannard Church. Constructedin a pristine, carpenter gothicstyle, the church is listed on theNational Register of HistoricSites. Old Methodist Church,Stannard Mountain Road,Stannard. Mailing address: 92Old Pasture Road, GreensboroBend, VT, 05842. For informationcontact Jan Lew<strong>and</strong>oski at533-2561.Walden HistoricalCommitteeMailing Address: PO Box 54,West Danville, VT, 05873. Forinformation call Joanne Fosterat 563-2472.Photo by Bradford TowneThe ArtsCatamount ArtsCatamount Arts was founded in 1975 with a mission of enhancingthe cultural climate of northern Vermont <strong>and</strong> New Hampshire. Theorganization is located in the Masonic Temple of St. Johnsbury,which was the largest <strong>and</strong> gr<strong>and</strong>est Masonic building in thestate with more than 700 members when it opened in 1912.The Masonic Lodge gave the showplace building to Catamountin 2005, in return for a no-cost lease in perpetuity of the topfloor. Catamount Arts transformed the lower two floors into a<strong>Community</strong> Arts Center, which features two movie theaters, twostate-of-the-art classrooms, an 80-seat performance space <strong>and</strong> agallery showcasing work by area artists. 115 Eastern Avenue, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone: 748-2600 or 888-757-5559. E-mail:Contact@Catamountarts.org. Web site: www.catamountarts.org.Dog MountainDogs are celebrated at this unique art gallery, outdoor sculpturegardens <strong>and</strong> Dog Chapel. All feature the work of acclaimedVermont artist Stephen Huneck, author/illustrator of My Dog’sBrain, Sally Goes to the Vet <strong>and</strong> The Dog Chapel. Dog Mountainis located on 400 acres with spectacular views, nature walks <strong>and</strong>snowshoeing. 143 Parks Road, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone,748-2700 or 800-449-2580. E-mail: info@dogmt.com. Web: www.dogmt.com.Kingdom County ProductionsBased in Barnet, Kingdom County Productions (KCP) was establishedto make films rooted in northern New Engl<strong>and</strong>. KCP hasproduced seven award-winning dramatic feature films, six documentaries,a radio variety show, a touring musical theater production,<strong>and</strong> an Emmy-winning television comedy series. 949Somers Road, Barnet, VT, 05821. Phone, 592-3190. E-mail: info@kingdomcounty.com.Memphremagog Arts CollaborativeThe Memphremagog Arts Collaborative began at a meeting ofarea artists in October of 2006. The organization boasts live performances,classes, a summer art show <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Annual</strong> Art OnMain. 138 Main Street, Newport, VT, 05855. Phone, 505-1265.Northeast Kingdom Artisans GuildFounded in September of 1997 by seven local artisans as a cooperativecraft shop, the Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild is ashowcase for more than 100 of Vermont’s finest artisans. 430Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 748-0158.E-mail: nekguild@kingcon.com. Web site: www.nekartisansguild.com.The Northeast Kingdom Classical SeriesA non-profit arts organization that presents four chambermusic programs annually, featuring distinguished chamber artists.These concerts draw an average attendance of over 125music lovers <strong>and</strong> are presented at various St. Johnsbury venues.Concerts are scheduled in the winter months (October throughApril). Phone, 626-9204 or 748-5451 or 748-8012. Web site:www.nekclassicalseries.org.Quimby GalleryThe gallery exhibits contemporary work <strong>and</strong> serves as an educationalresource for Lyndon State College <strong>and</strong> the local community.There are student, faculty <strong>and</strong> regional art shows. LyndonState College, Lyndonville, VT, 05851. Phone, 626-9371.St. Johnsbury B<strong>and</strong>Founded in 1830, the St. Johnsbury B<strong>and</strong> is the nation’s thirdoldest community b<strong>and</strong>. The b<strong>and</strong> performs throughout NewEngl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> hosts traditional Monday evening concerts at theSt. Johnsbury b<strong>and</strong>st<strong>and</strong> in Courthouse Park from mid-Junethrough mid-August. St. Johnsbury B<strong>and</strong>, P.O. Box 243, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819. E-mail: Manager@stjohnsburyb<strong>and</strong>.org.Web site: www.stjohnsburyb<strong>and</strong>.org.The St. Johnsbury PlayersThe organization has produced two to three productions peryear for more than 100 years. These productions have beenpresented in several venues, including Fuller Hall, the MorseCenter, South Church, <strong>and</strong> the St. Johnsbury School. Each yearSt. Johnsbury Players donates several scholarships to graduatingarea high school students.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 103
O:\Proj-11\AIM\2025-1-G Broadb<strong>and</strong>\Data\MapDocuments\PresentationsAndReports\SOW2_768_200_Service_ByCensusBlock.mxd 1/13/<strong>2012</strong> kabNorthfieldTopsham5BraintreeWarren64KINGDOM ALMANACWilliamstown VershireNewburyincolnR<strong>and</strong>olphWest Fairlee768/200 kbps Roxbury Broadb<strong>and</strong> AvailabilityWashingtonFairlee 25NSH65Served, Projects in Progress, <strong>and</strong> Target Communities Mapping InitiativeRelease High-Speed 12A Tunbridge1 Internet Availablity Corinth100Brookfieldhester110244StraffordBradfordGranville22532362431iptonChelsea 105ABethel105NortonCanaanFranklinHighgateBerkshire Richford Thetford Jay5 Holl<strong>and</strong>BraintreeAlburgh120DerbyTroyNewport TownAverill7VershireWarners GrantRoyalton105Newport City242 101Warren GoreAverys GoreSwanton R<strong>and</strong>olphSheldon113 West FairleeMorgan129LemingtonEnosburgWestfieldCoventryeld HancockFairleeIsle La Motte7MontgomeryLewisSharonCharlestonNorth HeroSt. Albans Town Tunbridge 91BrowningtonSt. Albans CityBakersfieldFairfieldIrasburgBloomfieldStockbridge 12244BrightonRochesterLowell58118henNorwich Strafford73BelvidereBarton WestmoreBarnard BethelGeorgiaAlbanyGr<strong>and</strong> IsleThetfordFerdin<strong>and</strong>BrunswickFletcher WatervilleEden5AFairfaxNSHNewark314104A PomfretRoyalton14Glover 113109SuttonPittsfield MiltonJohnsonCraftsburyEast Haven10416 SheffieldMaidstoneSouth HeroCambridge Sharon Hyde ParkHartford91BurkeWestfordGreensboroGranby102llington7100Chittenden Stockbridge 12NorwichWolcottColchesterWheelock 122108128 4MorristownVictoryUnderhillLyndon42AGuildhallBridgewater Barnard15StannardEssexHardwickWinooski 12NSHKirbyBurlingtonElmoreWoodstockJerichoPomfret Stowe14 WaldenLunenburg1215St. JohnsburySouth BurlingtonWillistonWoodburyHartl<strong>and</strong>Danville 5 2 Concord100A2A100HartfordWorcesterutl<strong>and</strong> KillingtonBoltonCabotA5Shelburne RichmondWaterburySt. George4WaterfordCalaisyRutl<strong>and</strong> City4 Bridgewater 5PlymouthHinesburg12 MiddlesexPeachamMendon CharlotteHuntingtonMarshfieldBarnetWoodstockDuxbury7100B 2 East Montpelier 2321ReadingHartl<strong>and</strong> Montpelier Notes:MoretownWest100A302 PlainfieldMonktonWindsorStarksboro Windsor14Census GrotonFerrisburghFaystonRyegateblocks categorized as 'No Population' have no building7BBuels GoreBerlin Barre CityShrewsbury1005WaitsfieldBarre Town locations. Census blocks categorized as 'Served' are blocks withVergennesPlymouth121763endonOrange302t Holly44A100 percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong>Panton WalthamNorthfield17 BristolReadingTopshamWarren64Williamstownservice Newbury as Notes: of 12/31/2010. Census blocks categorized as ‘Served7New Haven LincolnLudlowCavendish 106 West Windsor WindsorAddisonRoxburyWashingtonby 2013’ Census are blocks categorized with projected as 'No Population' 100 percent have broadb<strong>and</strong>no building1006525NSHWeybridge Weathersfieldlocations. Census blocks categorized as 'Served' are blocks withWallingford12512ABrookfieldCorinth availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong> service as of 2013 according100110MiddleburyBradford55Mount Holly44A100 percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong>BaltimoreGranvilleBridportRipton5to forwardChelseaservice looking as of 12/31/2010. datasets Census provided blocks by categorized service providers. as ‘Served5CornwallBraintreeLudlowCavendish 106Census blocksVershire by 2013’ categorized are blocks with as ‘Unserved’ projected 100 are percent blocks broadb<strong>and</strong> with lessR<strong>and</strong>olphWest Fairlee10WeathersfieldSalisbury HancockFairleetonthan 100 availability percent broadb<strong>and</strong> of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong> availability service <strong>and</strong> at as least of 2013 1 unserved accordingMount Tabor Shoreham7Tunbridge155Baltimore5building. to244 Percent forward broadb<strong>and</strong> looking datasets availability provided of 768/200 by service broadb<strong>and</strong> providers.74 Whiting LeicesterRochesterGoshenStraffordAndover Chester Springfield73eBethelservice Census was calculated blocks categorized using as the ‘Unserved’ 12/31/2010 are blocks Broadb<strong>and</strong> with lessThetford7310Westonthan 100 percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability <strong>and</strong> at least 1 unservedOrwellRoyalton113Sudbury 11 Br<strong>and</strong>on 11Mapping Initiative non-satellite 768/200 address-levelPittsfieldbuilding. Percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong>Sharon3091Chester Springfieldbroadb<strong>and</strong> availability dataset <strong>and</strong> forward looking datasetsL<strong>and</strong>grove Andover Chittenden Stockbridge 12service was calculated using the 12/31/2010 Broadb<strong>and</strong>Norwichprovided by service providers.BarnardPeru Benson Hubbardton Pittsford11Mapping Initiative non-satellite 768/200 address-level11NSHPomfretnderrybroadb<strong>and</strong> availability dataset <strong>and</strong> forward looking datasets22A3Hartford 768/200 provided broadb<strong>and</strong> by service providers. indicates a download speed of atWest Haven Grafton ProctorRutl<strong>and</strong>KillingtonWindham CastletonRockingham411 LondonderryBridgewaterFair Haven West Rutl<strong>and</strong> Rutl<strong>and</strong> City4least 0.768 Mbps <strong>and</strong> an upload speed of at least 0.2 Mbps.CSH12Mendon4AWoodstock768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong> service indicates a download speed of at4 Grafton 7522A Windham RockinghamHartl<strong>and</strong>100Aleast 0.768 Mbps <strong>and</strong> an upload speed of at least 0.2 Mbps.WinhallIraPoultney7BShrewsbury5Plymouth5Athens ClarendonReadingMiddletown SpringsNotes:aica7West Windsor WindsorCensus blocks categorized as 'No Population' have no buildingAthens10031locations. Census blocks categorized as 'Served' are blocks withJamaica TinmouthWellsWallingfordMount Holly44A100 percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong>Townshend WestminsterBroadb<strong>and</strong> Service Status by Census Blockservice as of 12/31/2010. Census blocks categorized as ‘Served149LudlowCavendish 106WeathersfieldStrattonTownshend WestminsterBroadb<strong>and</strong> Service Status by Census Blockby 2013’ are blocks with projected 100 percent broadb<strong>and</strong>availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong> service as of 2013 accordingPawlet DanbyMount TaborNon Population155Baltimore5to forward looking datasets provided by service providers.Census Non blocks Populationcategorized as ‘Unserved’ are blocks with lessboro10Westonthan 100 percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability <strong>and</strong> at least 1 unservedWardsboro BrooklineServedbuilding. Percent broadb<strong>and</strong> availability of 768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong>Brookline Andover Chester SpringfieldServedL<strong>and</strong>groveservice was calculated using the 12/31/2010 Broadb<strong>and</strong>100Rupert Putney Dorset Peru1111 To Be ServedMapping Initiativebynon-satellite2013768/200 address-levelPutneybroadb<strong>and</strong> To Be availability Served dataset by <strong>and</strong> 2013 forward looking datasetsomersetprovided by service providers.Newfane Newfane PSH 11 LondonderryUnserved Target <strong>Community</strong>DoverPSHUnserved Target <strong>Community</strong>Manchesterarsburg DummerstonWilmingtonMarlboroBrattleboro8100dsboroWhitinghamHalifax Guilford112768/200 broadb<strong>and</strong> service indicates a download speed of atGraftonS<strong>and</strong>gateWindham Rockinghamleast 0.768 Mbps <strong>and</strong> an upload speed of at least 0.2 Mbps.Winhall5768/200 768/200 kbps kbps Broadb<strong>and</strong> Service Availability313 DummerstonAthensJamaicaArlington Sunderl<strong>and</strong>Stratton 5 Townshend WestminsterBroadb<strong>and</strong> Service Status by Census BlockMarlboro 57Non Population7A BrattleboroBMI data, with forward looking dataWardsboro Brookline BMI data, with forward looking dataServed100PutneyTo Be Served by 2013Shaftsbury GlastenburySomersetNewfaneDoverPSHUnserved Target <strong>Community</strong>67BNSH142768/200 kbps Broadb<strong>and</strong> Service AvailabilityDummerston0 5 10Searsburgby 2010 Census Block, as of December 31, 2010Bennington Halifax Woodford 1425Guilford Wilmington MarlboroBrattleboroBMI 0 data, with 5forward looking 10 Milesdata8Pownal7112100ReadsboroStamfordWhitinghamVernonVernone Environmental using the non-satellite 768/200 address level broadb<strong>and</strong>d MappingSources:InitiativeThis dataset(BMI).was developedThe BMI,by StoneaEnvironmentalcollaborationusing theofnon-satelliteVCGI,768/200theaddressVT DPS,level broadb<strong>and</strong>availability dataset developed by the Broadb<strong>and</strong> Mapping Initiative (BMI). The BMI, a collaboration of VCGI, the VT DPS,104 <strong>and</strong> the VTA, is funded through a SBDD grant from the NTIA. Forward looking data was provided by broadb<strong>and</strong> <strong>2012</strong> service KINGDOM GUIDEng from the the non-satellite NTIA. Forward 768/200 looking data address was provided level broadb<strong>and</strong> by broadb<strong>and</strong> serviceproviders; 2010 census blocks (US Census Bureau); Wire center boundaries (VCGI); Administrative boundaries, VCGI.ureau); Wire Release center 1, January boundaries 13, <strong>2012</strong>. (VCGI); Administrative boundaries, VCGI.Halifax112Guilford(BMI). The BMI, a collaboration of VCGI, the VT DPS,ard looking data was provided by broadb<strong>and</strong> serviceboundaries (VCGI); Administrative boundaries, VCGI.142by 2010 by Census 2010 Census Block, Block, as of as of December 31, 2010Vernon0 5 10MilesMilesThis map was provided by the Vermont Telecommunications Authorityproduced for the State of Vermontproduced for the State of Vermontproduced for the State of Vermont
KINGDOM PROFILESPhoto by Flip ButtlingPost OfficesBarnet30 Monument Circle. Phone: 633-4000.Officer-in-charge: Linda M. Stokes.Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:15-11:15, 1:15-4:45;Sat, 7:15-10:45.Barton405 Main Street. Phone: 525-6262.Postmaster: Stephen Rines. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-noon, 1-4:30; Sat, 8-11:30.East Burke552 VT Route 114. Phone: 626-3686.Postmaster: Nancy A. Cote. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-12, 1:45-5; Sat, 8-11:30.West Burke30 Post Office Road. Phone: 467-3344.Officer-In-Charge: Susan Fisher. Hours:Mon-Fri, 7:30-12, 2-4:30; Sat, 8:45-11:45.Canaan350 Christian Hill. Phone: 266-3473.Officer-in-charge: Wendy M. D’Anjou.Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-1, 2-5; Sat, 9-11:30.Beecher Falls1110 Route 253. Phone: 266-3037.Postmaster: Christiane C. (Cross) Lanctot.Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-12:30, 1:30-5:15;Sat, 8:30-noon.Cabot3123 Main Street. Phone: 563-9929.Officer-In-Charge: Claudette McAllister.Hours: Mon-Fri, 7-12, 2-4:30; Sat, 8-11.Charleston1165 Route 105. Phone: 895-2738.Officer-in-charge: Sarah J. Doty. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-12:30, 1:45-4:45; Sat, 8:30-11:30.Concord343 Main Street. Phone: 695-2994.Officer-in-charge: S<strong>and</strong>ra A. Curtis.Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30-12, 1:15-4:30; Sat8-11.Coventry177 Main Street, Coventry. Postmaster:Lucille M. Jones. Phone: 754-6013. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-noon, 1-5.Craftsbury• Suite 1, 118 South Craftsbury Road.Postmaster: Norma J. Waterhouse. Phone:586-9650. Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:30-noon, 1-4;Sat, 7:30-10:30.• 1354 North Craftsbury Road, CraftsburyCommon. Postmaster: Diane A. Sanville.Phone: 586-2209. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-noon,1-4:30; Sat, 8-11.Danville• 35 Park Street. Phone: 684-3406. Officerin-charge:Jody M. Crane. Hours: Mon-Fri,8-12:30, 1:30-4:45; Sat 8-11.• 2748 U.S. Route 2 W. Phone: 684-1158.Postmaster: Garey R. Larrabee. Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30-11:30, 1:30-5:30; Sat 7:30-11:30.Derby• 3275 U.S. 5. Postmaster: Linda K. Gullard.Phone: 766-5051. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-1,2-4:30; Sat, 8:15-11:15.• 84 Main St., Derby Line. Postmaster:Deborah L. Smith. Phone: 873-3332. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-4:45; Sat, 8-11:45.• 3141 Beebe Road. Officer-in-charge:Jocelyne Boyer. Phone: 873-3629. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-12:30, 1:30-4:30.East Haven472 School Street. Phone: 467-3907.Postmaster: Deborah A. Lefebvre. Hours:Mon-Fri 7-11, 1-5; Sat 7-11.Glover2984 Glover Street. Officer-in-chargeWendy Currier. Phone: 525-8822. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-5; Sat, 8:30-11:30.Groton1236 Scott Highway. Phone: 584-3479.Postmaster: Thomas W. Page. Hours: Mon-Fri 8-12, 2-5; Sat 8:30-11:30.Guildhall7031 Route 102. Postmaster: Elvina M.Allen. Phone: 676-3067. Hours: Mon-Fri,8-4Granby9023 Granby Road. Officer-in-charge:Cindy Bilodeau. Phone: 328-2427. Mon-Fri 8-9:30, 3-4:30; Sat. 8:30-11:30.Greensboro• 12 Cemetery Ridge. Officer-in-charge:Sherry L. Cowles. Phone: 533-2500.Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:15-12:30, 1:15-4:30;Sat, 8-11:30.• 975 Main St., Greensboro Bend. Officerin-charge:Karen Riendeau. Phone: 533-7711. Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:45-12:30, 2-4:45;Sat, 8-11:15.Hardwick• 45 Main Street. Phone: 472-5437.Postmaster: Kristine M. McAllister.Hours: Mon-Fri 7:45-12, 1:30-4:30; Sat7:30-10:30.• 52 Mill Street. Phone: 472-6022.Postmaster: Diane A. McCoy. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-5; Sat 9-12.Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond32 Main Street. Phone: 723-5995.Postmaster: James B. Cross. Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:30-12:30, 1:30-5; Sat, 7:30-noon.Lowell296 Hazens Notch Road. Officer-incharge:Cheryl Clarke. Phone: 744-2706.Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-noon, 1-4:30; Sat.8:30-11.Lyndon• 5992 Memorial Drive. Phone: 626-5837.Officer-In-Charge: Janine L. Goss. Hours:Mon-Fri, 7:30-12, 2-4:45; Sat 8:30-11:30.• 325 Center Street, Lyndon Center.Officer-in-charge: Linda E. Brinkerhoff.Phone: 626-3310. Hours: Mon-Fri,8-12:30, 2:30-4:30; Sat 8:30-10:30.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 105
KINGDOM ALMANAC• 1025 Broad Street, Lyndonville. Phone:626-5421. Officer-in-charge: Mary B.Phelps. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-5; Sat 9-12.Lunenburg10 South Lunenburg Road. Postmaster:Richard A. Santaw. Phone: 892-5396.Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-11:30, 1:30-5; Sat,8-11:30.Morgan8411 Route 111. Postmaster: Lindi L.Pronto. Phone: 895-2700. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-1, 1:30-4:15; Sat, 8:30-11.Newport• 59 Coventry Street. Postmaster: Eric K.Dolloff. Phone: 334-2420. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-5; Sat 9-12.• 4168 Route 105, Newport Center.Officer-in-charge: Christine M. Starr.Phone: 334-7214. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-12,1-4:30; Sat, 8:30-11.Norton445 Vt Route 114 S. Officer-in-charge:Patrick D. Clarke. Phone: 822-5577.Hours: Mon-Fri 8-12, 12:30-4:15; Sat.8:30-11:30.Orleans2 Water Street. Postmaster: Carmen J.Riendeau. Phone: 754-6550. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-1, 2-5; Sat, 8:30-11:30.Peacham79 Church Street. Postmaster: Elaine L.Bellavance. Phone: 592-3372. Postmaster:Elaine L. Bellavance. Hours: Mon-Fri,8-12, 1-4:30; Sat, 9-11.Sheffield3037 Main Street. Phone: 626-9668.Officer-in-charge: David W. Burke. Hours:Mon-Fri 8-12, 1-4:45; Sat, 9-11:30.St. Johnsbury• 1153 Main Street. Phone: 748-0711.Officer-in-charge: Philip Halpin. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-5; Sat, 9-12.• 1064 US Route 2 E, East St. Johnsbury.Phone: 748-7891. Officer-in-charge:Addie M. Chase. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30-11:30, 12:30-4:30; Sat, 8:30-11.• 1616 Memorial Drive, St. JohnsburyCenter. Phone: 748-4773. Officer-In-Charge: Melanie J. Harrington. Hours:Mon-Fri, 8-12, 2-4:45; Sat, 8-11.Sutton4253 Calendar Brook Road. Phone: 467-8872. Officer-in-charge: Barbara A. Pine.Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:30-11:30, 1-4:45; Sat,8-11.Troy6694 VT Route 100. Officer-in-charge:Rebecca L. Johnson. Phone: 744-2708.Hours: Mon-Fri 8:15-12:15, 1:15-4:45;Sat. 8:15-11:45.Westfield31 N Hill Road Unit 2 . Phone: 744-6887.Postmaster: Lynn Danforth. Hours: Mon-Fri 8:15-10:15, 2:30-4:30; Sat. 8:15-10:15.MediaRadio StationsWMOO-FM 92.1 – Music varies, ABCNews. Phone: 766-3294.WGMT 97.7 FM – Songs from the ‘80s,‘90s <strong>and</strong> today. Phone: 626-9800.WVPA 88.5 FM – National Public Radio<strong>and</strong> Vermont Public Radio programs suchas Vermont Edition, Morning Edition, CarTalk <strong>and</strong> All Things Considered. Phone:655-9451.WKXH 105.5 FM – Today’s Country Music.Phone: 748-2362.WIKE 1490 AM – Hot Country Music,Boston Red Sox baseball <strong>and</strong> local sports.Phone: 766-4489.WSTJ 1340 AM – The Music of Your Life,st<strong>and</strong>ards. Boston Red Sox Baseball.Phone: 748-2344.Television StationsWFFF-TV – Channel 44, Fox 44, is owned<strong>and</strong> operated by Smith Media Inc. <strong>and</strong>provides news, storm tracking, sports<strong>and</strong> entertainment. WFFF-TV is carriedon many of Vermont’s cable TV systems.298 Mountain View Drive, Colchester, VT,05446. Phone: 660-9333. E-mail: news@fox44.net. Web site: www.fox44.net.WCAX-TV – Channel 3, located inBurlington, is a CBS affiliate, locallyowned <strong>and</strong> operated by the same familythat started it. On the air since 1954as Vermont’s first television station. POBox 608, Burlington, VT, 05402. Phone:658-6300. Mt. Mansfield Television, Inc.,www.wcax.com.WPTZ-TV – Channel 5 located inPlattsburg, NY, is an NBC affiliate servingnorthern New York, most of Vermont,southern Quebec, <strong>and</strong> southern Ontario.WPTZ-TV reaches over 1.5 million viewersweekly. Its sister station (WNNE-TV)serves southern Vermont from its locationin the Connecticut River Valley. 45Roosevelt Highway Colchester, VT, 05446.Phone: 655-0027.WNNE-TV Channel 31 – The sister stationof WPTZ serves southern <strong>and</strong> centralVermont <strong>and</strong> the Connecticut River Valleyof New Hampshire from its Vermont studioin White River Junction. 203 DewittDrive, White River Junction, VT, 05001.WVNY-TV Channel 22 – An ABC affiliatelocated at 530 Shelburne Rd., Burlington,VT, 05401. Straight Line Communications.Phone: 860-2222. WGMU-CA – A UPNaffiliate. Licensed to Rutl<strong>and</strong>, studiosare located at 115 Pine Haven Shores,Shelburne, VT.WGMU-CA - Channel 39. 279 Dorr Drive,Rutl<strong>and</strong>, VT, 05701. Equity BroadcastingCorp. Phone: 773-4118.Vermont Public Television Stations 88 –Vermont Public Television’s mission is toenrich Vermonters’ lives, through broadcast,new technology, <strong>and</strong> communityoutreach, with quality local <strong>and</strong> nationalprograms <strong>and</strong> services, that educate <strong>and</strong>promote culture <strong>and</strong> citizenship.Newspapers-DailyThe Caledonian-Record – Establishedin 1837, it is a family-owned independentnewspaper serving the NortheastKingdom of Vermont <strong>and</strong> the NorthCountry of New Hampshire. Publisheddaily, Monday through Saturday, witha focus on local news. P.O. Box 8, 190Federal St., St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819Phone: 748-8121. E-mail: news@caledonian-record.com.The Newport Daily Express – Establishedin 1936, it focuses on daily happenings<strong>and</strong> events in northern Vermont, alongwith state <strong>and</strong> New Engl<strong>and</strong> news. P.O.Box 347, Newport, VT, 05855-0347. 178Hill St, Newport, VT, 05855-9430. Phone:334-6568. Email: editor@newportdailyadv.com.The Times Argus – The newspaper ismore than 100 years old <strong>and</strong> serves ascentral Vermont’s morning daily newspaper.The mission of the Times Argus <strong>and</strong>Vermont Classifieds is to be the primarysource of news <strong>and</strong> information for thecommunity <strong>and</strong> the state of Vermont. P.O.Box 707, 540 Main St., Barre, VT, 05641Phone: 479-0191 Email: news@timesargus.com.Newspapers-WeeklyBarton Chronicle – For 35 years, theChronicle has covered Orleans Countyfrom its home in Barton. P.O. Box 660,Barton, VT, 05822 Phone: 525-3531.E-mail: news@bartonchronicle.com.106 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESHardwick Gazette - Published by Hardwick Publishing Company,the Gazette covers hard news, community events <strong>and</strong> sports inHardwick <strong>and</strong> nine surrounding towns. PO Box 367, Main Street,Hardwick, VT, 05843-0367. Phone: 472-6521.<strong>Community</strong> MagazinesThe North Star Monthly – This monthly publication containsfeature articles, human interests stories <strong>and</strong> historical piecesfocusing on the Northeast Kingdom <strong>and</strong> its inhabitants. Copiesare distributed through newsst<strong>and</strong>s across the region <strong>and</strong> bbymailed subscription. PO Box 319, Danville, VT, 05828-0319. Phone:684-1056. E-mail: info@northstarmonthly.com. Website: www.northstarmonthly.comNorthl<strong>and</strong> Journal – Publisher Scott Wheeler <strong>and</strong> his team featurehuman interest <strong>and</strong> historical articles that focus on NorthernVermont. P.O. Box 812, Derby, VT, 05829. Phone: 334-5920.Website: www.northl<strong>and</strong>journal.com.Living Healthy - Published twice a year by North Star Publishing,Living Healthy’s content is geared toward health, fitness <strong>and</strong>nutrition as it relates to the Northeast Kingdom. Website: www.livinghealthyvt.comMagazines-OtherGreen Mountain Trading Post – “No News Is Good News.” Thispublication features literary writing <strong>and</strong> a significant classifiedssection. P.O. Box 34, East Charleston, VT, 05833. Phone: 748-3964.Northern Woodl<strong>and</strong>s – The mission of Northern Woodl<strong>and</strong>s isto encourage a culture of forest stewardship in the Northeastby increasing underst<strong>and</strong>ing of <strong>and</strong> appreciation for the naturalwonders, economic productivity, <strong>and</strong> ecological integrity of theregion’s forests. Northern Woodl<strong>and</strong>s Education, Inc., is a nonprofiteducational organization. 1776 Center Road, P.O. Box 471,Corinth, VT, 05039. Phone: 290-5232. E-mail: mail@northernwoodl<strong>and</strong>s.org;Web site: www.northernwoodl<strong>and</strong>s.org.The Art of Caring...The Science of HealingAt North Country Hospital quality patient care isour greatest commitment, employees are ourgreatest asset, excellent patient experience is ourgreatest accomplishment, <strong>and</strong> the health of thecommunity is our greatest responsibility. Ourboard certified clinicians <strong>and</strong> technicians blendmedical expertise <strong>and</strong> the latest technology withgenuine concern for our patients.Newport, Vermont 802.334.7331www.northcountryhospital.orgPostal CodesAlbany ..................................... 05820Averill ..................................... 05901Barnet, McIndoe Falls, Passumpsic ..05861,05821,05050Barton ..........................05822,05839,05875Bloomfield ................................. 05905Brownington ................................ 05860Brunswick .................................. 05905East Burke .................................. 05832West Burke ................................. 05871Cabot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05647Canaan .................................... 05903West Charleston ............................. 05872Concord ................................... 05824Craftsbury .................................. 05826Danville .................................... 05828West Danville, Walden ....................... 05873Derby ..................................... 05829East Haven ................................. 05837Glover ..................................... 05839Granby .................................... 05840West Glover ................................ 05875Greensboro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05841Groton ..................................... 05046Guildhall ................................... 05905Hardwick ................................... 05843East Hardwick ............................... 05836Holl<strong>and</strong> .................................... 05830Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond-Brighton ......................... 05846Jay ........................................ 05859Kirby ...................................... 05824Lowell ..................................... 05847Lyndon .................................... 05849Lyndon Center .............................. 05850Lyndonville ................................. 05851Maidstone ................................. 05905Morgan .................................... 05853Newark .................................... 05871Newbury ................................... 05051Newport ................................... 05855Newport Center ............................. 05857Orleans .................................... 05860Peacham ................................... 05862Ryegate, East Ryegate ........................ 05042South Ryegate .............................. 05069Sheffield ................................... 05866St. Johnsbury ............................... 05819St. Johnsbury Center ......................... 05863East St. Johnsbury ........................... 05838Stannard ................................... 05842Sutton ..................................... 05867Troy ....................................... 05859Walden ...................05873,05843,05647,05836Waterford .................................. 05819Lower Waterford ............................ 05848Wells River ................................. 05081Westfield ................................... 05874Westmore .............................05822,05860Wheelock .................................. 05851 107
KINGDOM ALMANACMedical ServicesNortheastern Vermont Regional HospitalNVRH is a nonprofit, acute care, critical access hospital, providing primary<strong>and</strong> preventive care, surgical <strong>and</strong> specialty services, inpatient <strong>and</strong> outpatientcare <strong>and</strong> 24-hour, physician-staffed emergency services. NVRHoffers high quality, cost-effective medical services matching patient needswith the best possible care. The staff is a collaborative group of highlytrained medical professionals whose common goal is to provide excellent,comprehensive health care. 1315 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury. Mailingaddress, PO Box 905, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 748-8141. Web site:www.nvrh.org.North Country HospitalA private, nonprofit acute care community hospital serving 22 communitiesin a two-county area in the rural Northeast Kingdom. Located in aneasily accessible part of the City of Newport, NCH blends medical expertise<strong>and</strong> technology with a genuine concern for people. In addition to a populationbase of over 27,000 residents, the hospital provides care to the manyarea visitors, summer vacationers, skiers <strong>and</strong> other sportsmen. 189 ProutyDrive, Newport, VT, 05857. Phone, 334-7331. Web site, www.nchsi.org.Copley HospitalFor more than 72 years, Copley has been serving the needs of the community.Copley is a nonprofit provider of health care in Lamoille County <strong>and</strong>the towns that surround it. Core services are primary care, women’s <strong>and</strong>children’s services, emergency services, general surgery <strong>and</strong> orthopedics.528 Washington Highway, Morrisville, VT, 05661. Phone, 888-4231. Website, www.copleyhealthsystems.org.Northern Counties Health CareNorthern Counties Health Care Inc., a nonprofit corporation, administersa health care system with a unique commitment to the people of thethree counties (Caledonia, Essex <strong>and</strong> Orleans) that make up Vermont’sNortheast Kingdom. Locally elected community members make up thegoverning Board which decides policy <strong>and</strong> strives to assure that the servicespeople in the area need are being provided. Health Center locationsin Brighton, Hardwick, Danville, St. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Concord. Dental Centersin Brighton <strong>and</strong> Hardwick.Caledonia Home Health CareCaledonia Home Health Care & Hospice is nationally accredited by the<strong>Community</strong> Health Accreditation Program <strong>and</strong> certified by Medicare <strong>and</strong>Medicaid to provide comprehensive home care <strong>and</strong> hospice services tothe residents of Caledonia <strong>and</strong> southern Essex counties <strong>and</strong> the Town ofGreensboro; Phone, 748-8116 or 800-924-8166; E-mail, donnab@nchcvt.org; Contact, Donna Bollmanalso; P.O. Box 383, 161 Sherman Drive, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Calex Ambulance ServicesNon-profit ambulance service <strong>and</strong> American Red Cross <strong>Community</strong>Training Center. Ambulance service provides emergency <strong>and</strong> non-emergencytransportation to six towns in Caledonia <strong>and</strong> Essex counties, as wellas paramedic services to some 20 towns in the Northeast Kingdom; Phone,748-7544; E-mail, calexdirector@charter.net or calexaccounts@charter.net; Contacts, Jay R. Wood, Pamela Scott; 1453 Hospital Drive, P.O. Box570, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819-0570.Derby Line AmbulanceAmbulance service for Derby, Derby Line, Morgan, Holl<strong>and</strong>, East Charleston<strong>and</strong> West Charleston. Operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365days a year. Second largest ambulance service in region, with fleet of fourambulances. One of few ambulance services in state that h<strong>and</strong>les transfersinto Canada; Phone, 873-3250; E-mail, derbylineambulance@surfglobal.net; Contact, Amy Fletcher; P.O. Box 105, 67 Beach Street, Derby Line, VT,05830.Expert care with a personal touchEmergency ServicesWomen’s <strong>and</strong>Children’s ServicesRehabilitationServicesGeneral SurgeryOrthopedics& Sports MedicineCardiologyDiagnostic ImagingBirthing CenterSleep MedicineUrologyCancer Care528 Washington Highway, Morrisville 802-888-8888 www.copleyvt.org108 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM ALMANACOrganizations & ClubsAmerican Legion – The American Legion waschartered by the U.S. Congress as a patriotic,mutual-help, wartime veterans organizationof the United States armed forces whoserved during a wartime period as definedby Congress. In addition to organizing commemorativeevents <strong>and</strong> volunteer activities,the American Legion is active in U.S. politics.Posts located in Newport, Brighton, Orleans,East Hardwick, Canaan <strong>and</strong> St. Johnsbury.American Society of Dowsers – You do notneed to be able to dowse to be a member<strong>and</strong> beginners are welcomed. Dowsers arefriendly people who are delighted to sharetheir knowledge. The American Society ofDowsers has over 3,000 members internationally.P.O. Box 24, 184 Brainerd St.,Danville, VT, 05828. Phone, 684-3417 or684-2565. E-mail: asd@dowsers.org.Area Agency on Aging – Serving Caledonia,Essex <strong>and</strong> Orleans Counties, the Area Agencyon Aging is a private, non-profit United Wayorganization whose purpose is to supportelders 60 <strong>and</strong> older in remaining active,healthy <strong>and</strong> able to live independently for aslong as possible. Locations in St. Johnsbury,Newport <strong>and</strong> Hardwick. Go to www.medicarehelpvt.netfor more information.Arts Council, Inc. – Burklyn Arts Council isa private, not-for-profit organization thatbrings the arts to the schools <strong>and</strong> communitiesof Lyndon, Sutton, East Haven,Sheffield, Wheelock, Burke <strong>and</strong> Newark. P.O.Box 1056, Lyndonville, VT, 05851. Phone,328-2683. Contact: Cara Berryman; berryman@wildblue.net.Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks – Toinculcate the principles of charity, justice,brotherly love <strong>and</strong> fidelity, The Elks of theUnited States of America serve people <strong>and</strong>communities through benevolent programs,demonstrating that Elks Care <strong>and</strong> Elks Share.Locations in St. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Derby.Elizabeth H. Brown Humane Society –Animal rescue organization, educating thepublic on animal-rescue needs. Legislativeadvocacy <strong>and</strong> owner assistance provided.PO Box 4039, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819-4039.Phone, 695-2925. Contact: Pat Mitchell.Gilman Housing Trust/Home OwnershipCenter – A rural regional housing nonprofitorganization providing service in thethree counties of the Northeast Kingdom ofVermont. GHT works to improve the qualityof seniors, families, <strong>and</strong> people with physical<strong>and</strong> mental disabilities. P.O. Box 259, 48Elm Street, Lyndonville, VT, 05851. Phone,535-3554 or 888-698-8466. Contact: GeorgeMathias.Green Mountain United Way – The GreenMountain United Way assists programs thatprovide services for children <strong>and</strong> their families,the elderly, the physically disabled, thementally h<strong>and</strong>icapped, the homeless <strong>and</strong>victims of violence <strong>and</strong> abuse. 1325 MainStreet, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone,745-0101. Contact: Nelson Baker; nbaker@gmunitedway.org.Kingdom Animal Shelter, Inc. – An all volunteerorganization that established a catadoption program at Morrisons Feed Bag<strong>and</strong> sponsors reduced-fee spay/neuterclinics several times a year. A member ofthe Vermont Humane Federation <strong>and</strong> thestate-wide cruelty response system, it collaborateswith other humane societies <strong>and</strong>rescue groups in the area. PO Box 462,St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 741-7387.Contact: Joyce Littlefield. E-mail: info@kingdomanimalshelter.com.Kiwanis Club – A global organization ofvolunteers who are changing the world onechild <strong>and</strong> one community at a time. TheSt. Johnsbury Kiwanis Club is the only clubin the region that operates a free swimmingpool with lessons, afternoon swim<strong>and</strong> evening family swim. P.O. Box 204,St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 684-2125.Contact: Kathy Fenoff.Lions Club – Lions Clubs International (LCI) isthe world’s largest secular service organizationwith over 44,500 clubs <strong>and</strong> more than1.4 million members in 201 countries aroundthe world. At the local, zone, region, district,<strong>and</strong> international level, Lions membersexemplify their motto “We Serve.” Locationsin St. Johnsbury, Derby <strong>and</strong> Orleans.Lyndon Area Sports Association – The governingorganization of the Fenton Chester IceArena, the home rink of local hockey associations,high schools <strong>and</strong> colleges, <strong>and</strong> a facilityfor large events. 145 College Road, P.O.Box 367, Lyndon Center, VT, 05850. Phone,626-9361. Contact: Shawna Wilkerson.Lyndon Rotary Club – Rotary club membershiprepresents a cross-section of a community’sbusiness <strong>and</strong> professional men <strong>and</strong>women. The club is a philantropic organizationsupporting many local activities <strong>and</strong>organizations <strong>and</strong> schedules luncheons oncea week. PO Box 416, Lyndonville, VT, 05851.Northeast Kingdom <strong>Community</strong> Action –Believing in each individual’s potential forgrowth <strong>and</strong> change, NEKCA is committedto empowering those who seek assistanceto improve the quality of their lives by providingdirect program activities, referrals,advocacy, <strong>and</strong> education in a non-judgmentalmanner to people <strong>and</strong> communities inthe Northeast Kingdom. Contact: Mary LeeBlais. 13 Cherry St., St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Phone, 748-8997.St. Johnsbury Chamber of Commerce –A nonprofit group focused on developing,marketing <strong>and</strong> promoting downtown St.Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> the surrounding area. P.O.Box 327, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone,748-7121.St. Johnsbury <strong>Community</strong> of Concern – Apartnership of adults, parents, adolescents,<strong>and</strong> community organizations dedicated tothe prevention <strong>and</strong> delay of the use of drugs<strong>and</strong> alcohol by teenagers. Contact: bburk@stj.k12.vt.us.St. Johnsbury Development Fund – ThisCorporation was organized in 1956 to promote<strong>and</strong> increase the general welfare ofthe St. Johnsbury area by assisting <strong>and</strong> promotingthe general business interests ofthe businesses in the region. P.O. Box 1126,Lyndonville, VT, 05851-1126.St. Johnsbury Railroad Heritage Society– Railroad-related organization, featuringhistoric displays <strong>and</strong> events. Contact: NatTripp, 839 Tripp Lane, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819. Phone, 748-8406. E-mail: rivertripp@earthlink.net.St. Johnsbury Rotary Club – Rotary clubmembership represents a cross-section ofthe community’s business <strong>and</strong> professionalmen <strong>and</strong> women. Clubs meet weekly <strong>and</strong> arenonpolitical, nonreligious <strong>and</strong> open to all cultures,races, <strong>and</strong> creeds. The St. JohnsburyRotary Club was charted on Jan. 17, 1924as Rotary Club #1579. It now encompassesthe towns of St. Johnsbury, Barnet, Concord,Danville, Greensboro, Hardwick, Peacham,Ryegate, Walden <strong>and</strong> Waterford. P.O. Box171, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Umbrella Inc. of St. Johnsbury – A private,not-for-profit organization servingCaledonia <strong>and</strong> southern Essex Counties. Itsmission is fostering communities of strongwomen, supported families <strong>and</strong> safe homesby offering supportive programming in twoareas: the Domestic <strong>and</strong> Sexual ViolenceProgram <strong>and</strong> Child Care Support Services.Both provide direct services to individuals<strong>and</strong> work with the community on longtermsolutions. 1222 Main St., Ste. 301,St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 748-8645or 800-916-8645. Email: info@umbrellanek.org. Contact: Michelle Fay.Vermont Association of Business Industry& Rehabilitation – Established in 1979, theVABIR is dedicated to matching job seekers<strong>and</strong> employers. With offices in St. Johnsbury<strong>and</strong> Newport, VABIR provides free employment<strong>and</strong> consultation services to workerswith disabilities <strong>and</strong> interested businesses.67 Eastern Ave., Suite 3, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819. Phone, 748-2771. Contact: RobinBoutin; robin.boutin@ahs.state.vt.us.Veterans of Foreign Wars– A congressionally-charteredwar veterans organization. TheVFW has 1.6 million members <strong>and</strong> is the largestAmerican organization of combat veterans.Locations in Newport, St. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong>Lyndonville.110 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM ALMANACChambers of CommerceBartonP.O. Box 776, Barton, VT, 05822Phone: 239-4147Email: info@centerofthekingdom.comWeb site: www.centerofthekingdom.comBurke AreaP.O. Box 347, East Burke, VT, 05832Phone: 626-4124Email: burkechamber@burkevermont.comWeb site: www.burkevermont.comDanvillePO Box 253, Danville VT, 05828E-mail: info@danvillechamber.comWeb site: www.danvillevtchamber.comHeart of VermontP.O. Box 111, Hardwick, VT 05843Phone: 472-5906Email: chamber@heartofvt.comWeb site: www.heartofvt.comLower Cohase RegionalP.O. Box 35, Wells River, VT, 05081-0035Phone: 757-2549Email: info@cohase.orgWeb site: www.cohase.orgIsl<strong>and</strong> Pond Chamber of CommercePO Box 255, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT, 05846Email: chamber@isl<strong>and</strong>pondchamber.orgWeb: www.isl<strong>and</strong>pondchamber.orgJay Peak AreaP.O. Box 436, Montgomery Center, VT,05471Phone: 988-4120Email: info@jaypeakvermont.orgWeb site: www.jaypeakvermont.orgLyndon AreaPO Box 886, Lyndonville, VT, 05851Phone: 626-9696.E-mail: info@lyndonvermont.com.Web site: www.lyndonvermont.com.North Country246 Causeway, Newport, VT, 05855Phone: 334-7782 or 800-635-4643Email: chamber@vtnorthcountry.orgWeb site: www.vtnorthcountry.orgNortheast KingdomGreen Mountain Mall, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819Phone: 748-3678 or 800-639-6379Email: nekinfo@nekchamber.comWeb site: www.nekchamber.comSt. JohnsburyP.O. Box 327, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819Phone, 748-7121Email: info@discoverstjvt.comWeb site: www.discoverstjvt.comPlaces of WorshipBarnet Congregational Church: 684-3360or 633-2381.East Burke Congregational UnitedChurch of Christ: Worship Sunday 9a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Oct-May;Phone, 626-5584.Baptist Church: Route 5, NorthLyndonville, VT, 05851. Services Sundaysat 9 a.m.; Phone, 626-9237.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DaySaints: Route 5, South Lyndon, VT 05849.626-5822.First Congregational Church: 6 ParkStreet, Lyndonville, VT, 05851; Servicesat 10 a.m.; Phone, 626-5300.Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall:South Wheelock Road, Lyndon, VT,05849; Public meetings at 10:30 a.m.;Phone, 626-8479.Universalist Church: Route 5A, WestBurke, VT, 05871.West Burke Methodist Church: ChurchStreet, West Burke, VT, 05871; Servicesat 10 a.m.; Phone, 467-3466.Beth El Synagogue: Hospital Road, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819; Phone, 748-5683.United Church of Cabot: 2 Common Way,Cabot, VT, 05647; Phone, 563-2278.First Baptist Church: Cabot, VT, 05647;Phone, 584-3556.Christ Covenant Ministries: Cabot, VT,05647; Phone, 426-3744.Concord <strong>Community</strong> Church: 481 MainConcord, VT, 05824; Phone, 695-1100.West Danville United Methodist Church:84 Route 15 Danville, VT, 05828; Sundayworship <strong>and</strong> Fellowship, 9:30 a.m.;Phone, 648-1201.Walden United Methodist Church: WestDanville, VT, 05873; Phone, 563-2265.Danville Congregational Church: 87 HillSt., Danville, VT, 05828; Phone, 684-2176.First Baptist Church: 235 Scott Highway,Groton, VT, 05046; Phone, 584-3556.United Church: South Main Street,Hardwick, VT, 05843; Phone, 472-6800.All Saint’s Anglican Church: DowsersHall, Danville, VT, 05828; Sunday Serviceat 10:30 am.Living Water Assembly of God: MillStreet, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. SundayService at 10:30 a.m.; Phone, 748-2141.Grace Brethren Church: Routes 5 & 14,Irasburg, VT, 05845; Phone, 754-2363.Lyndon Center Baptist Church: CollegeStreet, Lyndon Center, VT, 05850; SundayService at 10:15 a.m.; Phone, 626-9237.North Danville Baptist Church: NorthDanville, VT, 05819; Sunday Service 9:30a.m.Pleasant Street Baptist Church: 26Pleasant Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819;Sunday service 11 a.m.; Friday AfternoonTea Room, 2-4 p.m.; Phone, 748-4096.Union Baptist Church: Rt. 5, South, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819; Sunday Service10:15 a.m.; Phone, 748-5639.Queen of Peace Church: Rt. 2 Danville,VT, 05828; Mass, Saturday 6 p.m.;Sunday service 11:30 a.m.; Phone, 684-3944.Karme Choling Shambhala MeditationCenter: 369 Patenaude Lane, Barnet, VT,05821; Daily meditation, 7-8 a.m. <strong>and</strong>5:30-6:30 p.m.; Phone, 633-2384.St. Johnsbury Shambhala MeditationCenter: Eastern Avenue, St. Johnsbury,VT, 05819; Sitting meditation,Wednesday 6-6:30 p.m. (Intro Sitting)<strong>and</strong> Sunday 9-10 a.m.; Phone, 748-4240.St. John the Evangelist: Main Street, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Mass, Saturday4 p.m., Sunday, 7:30 a.m. <strong>and</strong> 11 a.m.;Rectory phone, 748-8129.St. Elizabeth Church: 7 East Street,Lyndonville, VT, 05851; Mass, Saturday4:30 p.m., Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; Phone,748-8129 (covered by St. JohnsburyParrish).Christian Science Society: 1274 MainStreet, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819; SundayService, 10 a.m.; Phone, 748-3234.Old North Church: North Danville,VT, 05819; Sunday Service, 7:30 p.m.;Lamplight services the last Sunday ofeach month May thru September.South Congregational Church: 1052 MainStreet, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819; SundayService, 10 a.m. (Time subject to changeduring summer); Phone, 748-3315.North Congregational Church: 1325Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819;<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 111
KINGDOM ALMANACSunday Service, 10 a.m.; Phone, 748-2603.Third Congregational Church: Route 2East, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819; SundayService, 10 a.m. (Alternate month servicesat Lower Waterford); Phone, 748-8390.St.Andrew’s Episcopal: 1265 MainStreet, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819; SundayService, 10 a.m.; Phone, 748-2121.St. Peter’s Episcopal Mission: 51 ElmStreet, Lyndonville, VT, 05851; SundayService, 10 a.m.; Phone, 626-5705.First Congregational Church: Breezy HillRoad, St. Johnsbury Center, VT, 05863;Sunday Service, 10:30 a.m.; Phone, 748-3772.United Methodist Church: Park Street,Danville, VT, 05828: Sunday Service, 9:30a.m.; Parsonage phone, 684-3389.United Methodist Church: 100 ChurchStreet, Lyndonville, VT, 05851; SundayService, 10 a.m. <strong>and</strong> July <strong>and</strong> August, 9a.m.; Phone, 626-5057.Grace United Methodist Church: 36Central Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819;Sunday Service 10 a.m. <strong>and</strong> July <strong>and</strong>August, 9 a.m.; Phone, 748-2895.Calvery Chapel Northeast Kingdom: 165Park Avenue, Lyndonville, VT, 05851;Sunday Service, 10 a.m.; WednesdayNight Worship; Phone, 626-4488. E-mail:calverynek@myfairpoint.net.Presbyterian Church of Barnet: Duringschool year, 520 West Main Street,Barnet, VT; During summer, 278 BarnetCenter Road Barnet, VT, 05821; SundayService, 10 a.m., (Time subject to changeduring summer months); Phone, 633-4068.Seventh-Day Adventist: 54 SouthardStreet, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819;Saturday Service, 11 a.m.; Sabath School,10 a.m.; Phone, 748-9528.Universalist Church: 47 Cherry Street,St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819; Sunday Service,10:30 a.m.; Fellowship Hour followingservice with coffee; Phone, 748-2442.Faith Lighthouse Assembly of GodChurch: 189 Glen Road, Newport, VT,05855.Newport Baptist Church: 834 MainStreet, Newport, VT, 05855; Phone, 334-5554.Newport First Baptist Church: 22 CedarStreet, Newport, VT, 05855; Phone, 334-5554.Victory Baptist Church: 15 SecondStreet, Unit 4, Newport, VT, 05855;Phone, 525-3381; E-mail, deskofkel@aol.com.St. Mary Star of the Sea: 191 ClermontTerrace, Newport, VT, 05855; Phone,334-5066.Christian Science Society of Newport:East Main, Newport, VT, 05855; Phone,334-5840.Church of Christ: PO Box 484, Newport,VT, 05855; Phone, 334-2028.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DaySaints: Beebe Road, Newport, VT, 05855;Phone, 334-5700.Saint Mark Episcopal Church: SecondStreet, Newport, VT, 05855; Phone, 334-7365.Evangelical Free Church: PO Box 947,Newport, VT, 05855; Phone, 334-5282.Prepare Ye the way of the Lord:Newport City, VT; Phone, 334-6133.Life in Christ Fellowship: 125 MainStreet, Newport City, VT, 334-7220.Solid Rock Assembly of God: Barton, VT;Phone, 525-3888.Barton Baptist Church: Route 16, Barton,VT; Phone, 525-3624.Brighton Baptist Church: Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond,VT; Phone, 723-6451.Bible Baptist Church: 361 Hazen NotchRoad, Lowell, VT; Phone, 744-6356.Grace Brethren Church: Junction ofRoutes 5 <strong>and</strong> 14, Irasburg, VT; Phone,754-2363.St. Edwards Parish Hall: 59 Elm Street,Derby Line, VT; Phone, 873-4577.Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church:748 Quarry Road, Derby, VT; Phone, 334-5282.Congregational Church of Coventry:1893 Coventry Station Road, Coventry,VT, 05825; Rev. Anne Squire; Phone, 754-8795.Economic DevelopmentNortheastern Vermont Development AssociationAs the regional development corporation, NVDA works oninfrastructure improvements, assists companies relocatingto the area, helps existing businesses to grow, <strong>and</strong> administersrevolving loan funds. NVDA also fosters key partnershipswith the Small Business Development Center, the NortheastKingdom Collaborative, the Northeast Kingdom Travel <strong>and</strong>Tourism Association <strong>and</strong> chambers of commerce in the region.36 Eastern Avenue. PO Box 630, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Phone, 748-5181. E-mail: info@nvda.net. Web site: www.nvda.net.Northeast Kingdom Enterprise CollaborativeThe Northeast Kingdom Enterprise Collaborative wasformed in 1996 to find ways to collaborate on economicdevelopment <strong>and</strong> community development issues inOrleans, Essex <strong>and</strong> Caledonia counties. Members includeregional development organizations, educators, social service<strong>and</strong> employment agencies, local government officials,business people, non-profit organizations, health care providers<strong>and</strong> conservation organizations.Northern <strong>Community</strong> Investment CorporationAs a private, non-profit, community-based corporation, NCICstrives to generate <strong>and</strong> preserve employment <strong>and</strong> other socialeconomic benefits for the region. This is all done by the prudentinvestment of its own resources <strong>and</strong> hardworking staff.347 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 748-5101. www.ncic.org.Department of Economic DevelopmentThe state Department of Economic Development, part ofthe Agency of Commerce <strong>and</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Development,works to create <strong>and</strong> retain quality jobs <strong>and</strong> strengthen thecompetitiveness of Vermont’s businesses <strong>and</strong> the overalleconomy. While the department is responsible for statewideeconomic development policy <strong>and</strong> assumes a leadershiprole, it works with a variety of partners, includingother state <strong>and</strong> federal government agencies; institutionsof higher learning; municipalities; regional developmentcorporations; <strong>and</strong> non-governmental organizations. Phone,866-933-6249. www.thinkvermont.com.112 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM ALMANACState LibrariesBailey/Howe LibraryThe University of Vermont Libraries are northern New Engl<strong>and</strong>’s premier public research library, offering extensive information resourcesparticularly in the liberal arts, health <strong>and</strong> life sciences, <strong>and</strong> in the study of the environment. They are educational leaders in addressingthe information needs of our dynamic learning communities, <strong>and</strong> in the formation <strong>and</strong> promulgation of sound information practices <strong>and</strong>policies. The primary steward of materials by <strong>and</strong> about Vermont. The Bailey/Howe library is located at 538 Main Street, Burlington, VT05404-0036, 656-2023. The Bailey/Howe Library is open Mon-Sun but access to certain collections is limited depending on the day. Goto library.uvm.edu to check available hours.Vermont State LibraryThe library is open to the public. Only state employees, state legislators <strong>and</strong> attorneys are permitted to check out materials. Members ofthe public may check out materials through the Interlibrary Program. This is a Federal Depository Library. There is a computer <strong>and</strong> cardcatalog system; however the card catalog is no longer being updated. There is access to WestLaw available. Hours: Mon-Fri 7:45 a.m to4:30 p.m., Pavilion Office Building, 109 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05609.Local LibrariesAlbany Public LibraryThe collection of the library contains 4,961 volumes. The librarycirculates 1,488 items per year. The library serves a populationof 840 residents. 530 Main Street, Albany, VT 05820. Phone: 755-6107.Alden Balch Memorial LibraryA public library serving Lunenburg. The collection of the librarycontains 9,000 volumes. The library circulates 12,955 items peryear. The library serves a population of 1328 residents. 24 EastMain Street, Lunenburg, VT, 05906. Phone: 892-5365.Alice Ward Memorial LibraryThe Greek Revival structure was built in 1846 as a stage stop on theroute from Franklin, N.H., to Montreal. The library shares the buildingwith the Canaan Historical Society. 27 Park Street, PO Box 134,Canaan, VT, 05903. Phone: 266-7135. Librarian: Gloria Bunnell.Baldwin Memorial LibraryBaldwin Memorial Library, which serves a population of 1,003 inWells River, contains 11,898 volumes. 33 Main Street; PO Box 337,Wells River, VT, 05081-0337. Phone: 757-2693.Barnet Public LibraryBarnet Public Library contains 9,003 volumes <strong>and</strong> circulates 3,258items per year. The library serves a population of 1,690 residents.147 Church Street, PO Box 34, Barnet, VT, 05821-0034. Phone:633-4436.Barton Public LibraryPO Box 549, 100 Church St., Barton 05822; 525-6524; barton_pub@dol.state.vt.us; Librarian: Jo Ann Mendrina.Brainerd Memorial LibraryThe collection of the library contains 8000 volumes. The librarycirculates 823 items per year. The library serves a population of2289 residents. 4215 Bruce Badger Memorial Highway, Danville VT,05828; Librarian: Elizabeth Szymanik, 748-4423Cabot Public LibraryThe Cabot Public Library contains 8,000 volumes <strong>and</strong> serves apopulation of 1,334 residents. 3084 Main Street, P.O. Box 6, Cabot,VT, 05647. Phone: 563-2721.Cobleigh Public LibraryIn 1905 Eber W. Cobleigh donated $15,000 to erect a public librarybuilding in Lyndonville. The library, which was opened in 1907, isan inviting community center, which provides programs, services,books <strong>and</strong> materials, public space, <strong>and</strong> information to all residentsin the Lyndon area. 4 Depot St., Lyndonville, VT, 05851. Phone:626-5475.Concord Public LibraryThe library contains 4,000 volumes <strong>and</strong> serves a population of1224 residents. Town Hall, Main Street, P.O. Box 188, Concord, VT,05824-0188. Phone: 695-2220.Craftsbury Public LibraryThe mission of the Craftsbury Public Library is to meet the evolvingeducational, cultural, informational, <strong>and</strong> recreational needs of thecommunity through traditional resources <strong>and</strong> new technologies.12 Church Street, Craftsbury Common, VT 05827. Library Director:Linda Wells. Phone: 586-9683.Dailey Memorial LibraryThe mission of the Dailey Memorial Library is to provide <strong>and</strong> maintaina collection of materials that meet the educational, cultural,<strong>and</strong> recreational needs of all members of the community. TheLibrary seeks to identify community needs <strong>and</strong> to provide programsfor all children <strong>and</strong> adults of the area. Main Street, PO Box30, Derby, VT, 05829-0030. Library Director: Barbara Whitehill.Phone: 766-5063.Davies Memorial LibraryDavies Memorial Library is a public library that contains 3,506volumes <strong>and</strong> circulates 1,319 items per year. The library serves apopulation of 1,210 residents. 532 Maple St., PO Box 56, LowerWaterford, VT, 05848. Phone: 748-4609. Library Director: LisaWood.East Burke <strong>Community</strong> LibraryPO Box 309, East Burke VT, 05832; Phone: 626-9823; Librarian:Lyle SeegerGoodrich Memorial LibraryThe library opened with an inventory of about 6,500 books, <strong>and</strong>now has over 10,000, including some rare volumes, among themVermont historical works given by the late Andrew Zabriskie.202 Main Street, Newport, VT, 05855. Phone: 334-7902. LibraryDirector: Caroline Nicholson.Glover Public LibraryThe library collection contains 5,800 volumes, <strong>and</strong> about 945are circulated per year. The library serves a population of 982residents. 51 Bean Hill Road, Glover, VT, 05839-0196. Phone: 525-4365. Library Director: Toni Eubanks.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 113
KINGDOM ALMANACGreensboro Free LibraryThe library has 15,898 volumes <strong>and</strong> serves a population of 990residents. 53 Wilson Street, Greensboro, VT, 05841. Phone: 533-2531. Library Director: Mary Metcalf.Groton Public LibraryWireless Internet is available free in <strong>and</strong> around the library, whichhas a book drop. 1304 Scott Memorial Highway, Groton. Phone:584–3358. Librarian: Marjorie Shane. Email: groton_free@vals.state.vt.us.Haskell Free LibraryThe Haskell Free Library provides materials <strong>and</strong> services in bothEnglish <strong>and</strong> French. 93 Caswell Avenue, Derby Line, VT. Phone:873-3022.Hitchock Memorial LibraryA public library affiliated with Westfield. The collection of thelibrary contains 6,000 volumes. The library circulates 720 itemsper year. The library serves a population of 525 residents. 1252 VtRoute 100, Westfield, VT 05874. Phone: 744-8258Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond Public LibraryThe library contains 8,100 volumes <strong>and</strong> serves a population of1,332 residents. 49 Mill Street, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT, 05846-0422.Phone: 723-6134. Library Director: John Zuppa.Jeudevine Memorial LibraryThe library has served Hardwick for over 100 years while exp<strong>and</strong>ingprograms, hours <strong>and</strong> materials. The library is an active memberof the Vermont Automated Library System <strong>and</strong> the collectionincludes videos, DVDs, music on cassette <strong>and</strong> CDs, audio bookson cassette <strong>and</strong> CDs, journals <strong>and</strong> newspapers. PO Box 53693,North Main Street, Hardwick, VT, 05843. Phone: 472-5948. Email:jeudevine@hotmail.com.Jones Memorial LibraryThe library contains 27,050 volumes <strong>and</strong> serves a population of2,568 residents. 1 Water Street, Orleans, VT, 05860-0038. Phone:754-6660.. Library Director: Joanne Pariseau.Leach Public LibraryThe collection of the library contains 13,380 volumes. The librarycirculates 5,670 items per year. The library serves a population of1,098 residents. Library director: Rolinda Chase. 130 Park Avenue,Irasburg, VT 05845. Phone: 754-2526.Lowell <strong>Community</strong> LibraryThe collection of the library contains 5,850 volumes. The librarycirculates 4,826 items per year. The library serves a population of752 residents. Vermont 100, Lowell, VT 05847. Phone: 744-2447.Peacham LibraryThe library serves the Peacham community <strong>and</strong> surrounding areas.Bayley-Hazen Road, P.O. Box 253, Peacham, VT, 05862. Phone: 592-3216. Web site: www.peacham.net/library.Pope Memorial LibraryServing the town of Danville, the library contains 14,996 volumes<strong>and</strong> circulates more than 6,000 per year. It serves a population of2,289 residents. 121 Park Street, P.O. Box 260, Danville, VT, 05828-0260. Phone: 684-2256.R<strong>and</strong> Memorial LibraryServing the town of Troy <strong>and</strong> offering a wide variety of books,inter-library loan, magazines videos <strong>and</strong> audiobooks. Library directory:Emily Andrews, 988-4741. 160 Railroad Street, North Troy,VT 05859.Samuel Read Hall LibraryLocated on the campus of Lyndon State College, the library’s missionis to provide a haven for inquiry <strong>and</strong> reflection. It providesresources, staff <strong>and</strong> services that encourage research, engagecuriosity, <strong>and</strong> cultivate lifelong learning. 1001 College Road,Lyndonville, VT, 05851, Phone: 626-6200.South Ryegate Corner LibraryThe library’s collection contains 5,800 volumes, <strong>and</strong> it serves apopulation of 1,188 residents. 140 Church Street South Ryegate,VT, 05069.St. Johnsbury AthenaeumThe St. Johnsbury Athenaeum is a private, nonprofit public library<strong>and</strong> art gallery fulfilling two roles: it serves the people of SaintJohnsbury by enriching their lives, <strong>and</strong> it st<strong>and</strong>s as a regional <strong>and</strong>national treasure, a monument to the 19th-century belief in learning.1171 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone: 748-8291.E-mail Address: inform@stjathenaeum.org. Web site: www.stjathenaeum.org.District CourtsEssex District(includes Concord, East Haven, Victory, Brighton, Lunenburg,Guildhall, Canaan)Family, Criminal, Civil: 75 Courthouse Dr., Guildhall, VT, 05905,676-3910. Hon. M. Kathleen Manley, Presiding Judge; MargaretVilleneuve, Court Manager.Probate: Hon. Allen Hodgdon, Presiding Judge; Lisa Moore,Register. PO Box 426, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT, 05846, 723-4770.Caledonia District(includes Barnet, Burke, Danville, Groton, Hardwick, Kirby, Lyndon,Newark, Peacham, Ryegate, Sheffield, St. Johnsbury, Stannard,Sutton, Walden, Waterford, Wheelock)Family, Criminal, Civil: 1126 Main St., Suite 1, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819. Phone, 748-6600.Hon. Hon. M. Kathleen Manley, PresidingJudge; Margaret Villeneuve, Court Manager.Probate: Hon. Ernest T. Balivet, Presiding Judge; Marylin Newman,Register. 1126 Main St., Suite 1, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819, 748-6605.Washington District(includes Cabot)Family, Criminal, Civil: Civil, 65 State St., Montpelier, VT, 05602.Phone, 828-2091. Hon. Howard VanBenthuysen, Presiding Judge;S<strong>and</strong>ra Holt, Court Manager.Probate: Hon. George Belcher, Presiding Judge; Janice Brown,Register. 10 Elm St., Unit 2, Montpelier, VT, 05602, 828-3405.Orleans district(includes, Greensboro, Glover, Barton, Irasburg, Coventry,Newport, Westmore <strong>and</strong> Derby)Family, Criminal, Civil: 247 Main St., Newport, VT, 05855.CivilPhone, 334-3344; Family Phone, 334-3305. Criminal, 217 MainSt., Newport, VT, 05855, 334-3325. Hon. Robert R. Bent, PresidingJudge; Penelope Carrier, Court Manager.Probate: Hon. John P. Monette, Presiding Judge; Faye Moore,Register, 334-3366.114 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM ALMANACCounty GovernmentCaledonia CountyIncorporated on Nov. 5, 1792, the county was called “Caledonia”for the ancient Roman name of Scotl<strong>and</strong>, out of regard for theemigrants from that country who had purchased large tracts ofl<strong>and</strong> in the county, <strong>and</strong> had large <strong>and</strong> flourishing settlements inBarnet <strong>and</strong> Ryegate.County Seat: St. JohnsburyPopulation: 31,227 (2010).Area: 651 sq. mi.Court House: 1126 Main Street, Saint Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Phone: 748-6660.Clerk of Superior Court: Kathleen Pearl, 748-6600.Judge of Probate: Honorable Ernest T. Balivet.Registrar of Probate: Marilyn Newman, 748-6605.Sheriff’s Dept.: Dean Shatney, Sheriff. 1126 Main Street, Suite2, Saint Johnsbury, VT, 05819, 748-6666.Essex CountyLocated in the Northeast corner of the state, this rural countyhas a long tradition in the logging <strong>and</strong> paper industry.County Seat: GuildhallPopulation: 6,306 (2010).Area: 665 sq. mi.Court House: 75 Courthouse Drive, Guildhall, VT, 05905. Phone:676-3910.Clerk of Superior Court: Kathleen Pearl, 676-3910.Judge of Probate: Honorable Allen D. Hodgdon.Registrar of Probate: Lisa Moore, 723-4700.Sheriff’s Dept.: Trevor Colby, Sheriff. 91 Courthouse Drive,Guildhall, VT, 05905, 892-1111.Washington CountyLocated in the middle of the state with Caledonia County to the east<strong>and</strong> the heavily populated Chittenden County to the west, the areaserves as one of the main gateways from the state’s rural NortheastKingdom to the state capital <strong>and</strong> Burlington.County Seat: MontpelierPopulation: 59,534 (2010).Area: 690 sq. mi.Court House: 65 State Street, Montpelier, VT, 05602, 828-2091.Clerk of Superior Court: Claire Mee, 828-2091.Judge of Probate: Honorable George Belcher.Registrar of Probate: Janice Brown, 828-3405.Sheriff’s Dept.: W. Sam Hill, Sheriff. PO Box 678, Montpelier, VT,05601. Phone: 223-3001.Orleans CountyOrleans County is one of the four northernmost counties in the state,bordering Canada. It is the fifth largest county in Vermont <strong>and</strong> liesbetween the eastern <strong>and</strong> western ranges of the Green Mountains. Ithas the largest area of the three counties comprising the NortheastKingdom.County Seat: NewportPopulation: 27,231 (2010).Area: 721 sq. mi.Court House: 247 Main Street, Newport VT, 05855. Phone: 334-3344.Clerk of Superior Court: Tina de la Bruere, 334-3344.Judge of Probate: Honorable John P. Monette.Registrar of Probate: Faye Moore, 334-3366.Sheriff’s Dept.: Kirk Martin, Sheriff. 255 Main St., Newport, VT,05855, 334-3333.Senior ServicesDarling Inn Senior Meal Site – Healthy, nutritious sit down mealMonday through Friday. Lunch is served at noon. A great chancefor socialization with entertainment weekly <strong>and</strong> homemade food.76 Depot Street, Lyndonville, VT 05851, phone, 626-8700, darlingsmeals@myfairpoint.net.Craftsbury <strong>Community</strong> Care Center – A Level III residential carehome located in the heart of the Northeast Kingdom. Residentsenjoy spacious private units with full bath, emergency-call system<strong>and</strong> a patio or a porch. Contact: Lance W. Comfort. 1784 EastCraftsbury Road, Craftsbury, VT 05826, phone, 586-2414, cccc@vtlink.net.St. Johnsbury Health & Rehabilitation Center – The mission is toprovide the finest quality health care, rehabilitative <strong>and</strong> supportservices to residents <strong>and</strong> their families. Contact: Shirley Ward.1248 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, 748-8757, shirley.ward@reveraliving.com.Caledonia Home Health Care – Nationally accredited by the<strong>Community</strong> Health Accreditation Program <strong>and</strong> certified byMedicare <strong>and</strong> Medicaid, the organization provides comprehensiveservices to the residents of Caledonia <strong>and</strong> southern Essexcounties <strong>and</strong> the Town of Greensboro. Contact: Donna Bollman.P.O. Box 383, 161 Sherman Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, phone,748-8116, donnab@nchcvt.org.Canterbury Inn, Inc. – A Level III residential, community carehome, offering many services. In addition to overseeing medications,providing three home-cooked meals a day <strong>and</strong> assistingwith bathing <strong>and</strong> dressing, Canterbury also helps with transportationto/from doctor’s appointments. Contact: W<strong>and</strong>a Waugh. 46Cherry St., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, phone, 748-5556, oldfolks@together.net.St. Johnsbury House – Nestled in the heart of the historic district,a beautifully restored 19th-century l<strong>and</strong>mark housing a senior livingcommunity in the charm of a gr<strong>and</strong> hotel from another era. Inaddition to 39 attractive independent-living apartments. Contact:Ted Hartman. 1207 Main St., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, phone, 748-1772, stj@GMDGseniorliving.com.Sunset Home – Level IV Care home within walking distance tomuseum, churches, Athenaeum, banks, downtown stores, <strong>and</strong>post office. P.O. Box 361, 73 Prospect St., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819,phone, 748-2735, bmwilkins@passumpsicbank.com.The Area Agency on Aging – Provides information, assistance <strong>and</strong>support for adults age 60 <strong>and</strong> over (<strong>and</strong> their families) to remainhealthy <strong>and</strong> independent. Phone, 800-642-5119, www.nevaaa.org.Maple Lane Nursing <strong>and</strong> Retirement – A facility with 71 beds. 60Maple Street, Barton VT, phone, 754-8575.Good Living Senior Center—is a non-profit organization offeringfree or low cost activities to older adults in the greater St.Johnsbury area. Regularly scheduled <strong>and</strong> seasonal activities, specialevents, parties, <strong>and</strong> trips are designed to promote enjoyment,health, life-long learning, creative expression, <strong>and</strong> social interaction.Home to the St. Johnsbury Senior Meals program. Locatedin the St. Johnsbury House at 1207 Main Street, publishes anewsletter <strong>and</strong> program calendar each month. Contact: DirectorSusan Shaw at 748-8470, at goodliving@vtlink.net, or on the webat www.stjgoodliving.org.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 115
KINGDOM PROFILES116 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDEPhoto by Bernard Woolums
KINGDOM ALMANACState ForestsGroton State ForestTucked away in central Vermont, the 25,000-acre Groton State Forestis the second largest protected area in the state. Within its boundariesare six state parks <strong>and</strong> year round recreation. Despite being nestledbetween US Interstates 89 <strong>and</strong> 91 <strong>and</strong> containing a number of roads<strong>and</strong> trails, the park maintains a wild atmosphere of the northeastonce lost, <strong>and</strong> now returning. Massive mammals, like black bear <strong>and</strong>moose, call the park home. Mink, beaver <strong>and</strong> otters live in <strong>and</strong> arounda number of lakes, rivers, creeks, bogs <strong>and</strong> kettle ponds. Today, StateHighway 232 (also called the Groton Forest Highway) snakes its waynorth/south through the heart of the state forest. Visitors to thestate forest will find that recreational opportunities <strong>and</strong> facilitiesrival national parks of similar size. The state forest is serviced by avast network of hiking <strong>and</strong> multi-purpose trails for mountain biking,horseback riding, <strong>and</strong> off road use. In the wintertime the network oftrails that surround the Groton Nature Center, located on the shoreof Lake Groton, are used for snowshoeing <strong>and</strong> cross country skiing.Hiking east of the Groton Nature Center, forest visitors can explorethe 700-acre Peacham Bog, one of the largest bogs in Vermont (bealert for poison sumac). Many visitors also take the hike up to thetop of Owlshead Mountain (not to be confused with Owl’s HeadMountain in southern Vermont near the Massachusetts border). Thepeak of Owlshead is due east of the Kettle Pond Campground. Visitorscan almost drive to the summit on a multi-use road (check conditions)<strong>and</strong> take an easy 1/10 of a mile trek to the summit. If you want alittle bit more of a challenge, consider hiking from the New DiscoveryCampground, about a two-mile one-way trek up the gently slopingside of the mountain. The view is tremendous <strong>and</strong> well worth thedrive or the foot work to get there. For more information on GrotonState Forest, contact Big Deer State Park, 303 Boulder Beach Road,Groton, VT, 05046. In the summer call 584-3822 <strong>and</strong> during the winter,479-4280. For more information, visit www.outdoorplaces.com.Victory State ForestVictory State Forest offers 15,826 acres for canoeing, kayaking,fishing, hiking, hunting <strong>and</strong> limited camping. Wildlife viewing is terrificin this region of the state. The Victory Basin <strong>and</strong> the WildlifeManagement Area offer an opportunity to view moose, black bear,white-tailed deer, river otter, red fox <strong>and</strong> much more. The forestis located in the northeastern area of Vermont near St. Johnsbury<strong>and</strong> Lyndonville <strong>and</strong> offers visitors the opportunity to view BurkeMountain, elevation 3,267 feet, <strong>and</strong> Umpire Mountain, 3,020 feet.Darling State Park is located within the Forest offering camping, hiking,hunting <strong>and</strong> picnicking amongst a forest of spruce <strong>and</strong> fir. TheVictory Basin offers views of a remote northern ecosystem created byglaciers. Picturesque mountains surround the low-lying swampl<strong>and</strong>.Snowmobiling <strong>and</strong> mountain biking are extremely popular forms ofrecreation within this state forest. Contact: Vermont Department ofForest Parks & Recreation, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT,05671. Phone, 241-3670. parks@fpr.anr.state.VTus.Brighton State ParkBrighton State Park lies in the heart of Vermont’s northeastern highl<strong>and</strong>s.A deep evergreen forest blankets much of the surrounding hills.Ponds <strong>and</strong> lakes are nestled in the wide valleys. This is the wildest<strong>and</strong> most isolated area in Vermont, rich in legends of Indians <strong>and</strong> loggers,railroads <strong>and</strong> rum-runners. According to local lore, Five IroquoisNations <strong>and</strong> the St. Francis Abenakis camped here <strong>and</strong> used IndianPoint as a meeting ground. The surrounding forest is the result ofcenturies of change. It is vastly different from the forest encounteredby the first European settlers. Logging, agriculture <strong>and</strong> developmentcontinue to shape the forest. Despite, or perhaps because of humaninfluence, the forest to the west of Spectacle Pond has been transformedinto a unique collection of plants <strong>and</strong> animals. The mature redpine st<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> its understory of boreal plants is a unique natural communitythat has hosted nesting ravens. The 15-acre site is a state designatednatural area. Along this trail, you will be able to explore someof the nature <strong>and</strong> history of Brighton <strong>and</strong> the Northeast Kingdom. 102State Park Road, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT, 05846. Phone, 723-4360.Maidstone State ParkMaidstone is the most remote of Vermont’s state parks <strong>and</strong> still retainsmuch of the wilderness character associated with the NortheastKingdom. Maidstone Lake was created when glacial ice carved outa deep basin in a pre-existing valley. When the last glaciers melted12,000 years ago, a deep, clear, cold lake was formed. The lake offersgood lake trout <strong>and</strong> salmon fishing <strong>and</strong> has had some outst<strong>and</strong>ingrecord catches. Maidstone Lake is one of the lakes in Vermont whereloons have reared their young in recent years. Loons love the solitudeof the northern lakes where shores are rimmed with spruce-fir shade.Once common in Vermont, the loon has recently been removedfrom the endangered species list, but remains a species of concern.Maidstone was designated by the state of Vermont as a state park in1938. The camp areas were wilderness, but the area around the lodgewas a Civilian Conservation Corps camp. The CCC built many sites withfireplaces for camping, which are still in use today. The campgroundhas 44 tent/trailer sites <strong>and</strong> 37 lean-tos. Three of the four rest roomsinclude hot showers. A sanitary dump station is available, but nohookups. There are play areas, hiking trails, <strong>and</strong> swimming beaches inthe campground. A picnic shelter, swimming beach, <strong>and</strong> an additionalrest room are available at the day use area. Surrounding the park areacres of forest l<strong>and</strong>s that offer miles of logging roads for mountainbiking or just walking. R1, Box 388, Guildhall, VT, 05905. Phone, 676-3930.Crystal Lake State ParkIn 1759, during the French <strong>and</strong> Indian War, Roger’s Rangers werechased into the Crystal Lake-Barton area, according to the historybooks. It is believed that Robert Roger was familiar with this area atthe age of 15 <strong>and</strong> that he participated in <strong>and</strong> helped lead the raid onSt. Francis in Canada. At one time, there was a granite quarry on theeast side of Crystal Lake. Near the turn of the century, steamboatsbarged stones across the lake. The park’s beach house was made ofgranite quarried beside the lake. It was constructed in the late thirtiesby the CCC. It has a very unusual architectural design <strong>and</strong> receivedprominent recognition the year it was built. Crystal Lake is approximatelythree miles long <strong>and</strong> about one mile in width. In some placesit is known to be more than 100 feet deep. It is a glacial lake beautifullysituated among rough hewn mountain sides. The beach area hasalmost a mile of s<strong>and</strong>y shoreline with a marked swimming area. Thelarge historic granite bathhouse has rest rooms, changing areas, <strong>and</strong> aconcession st<strong>and</strong>. There are approximately 40 free st<strong>and</strong>ing charcoalgrills, nearly 80 picnic tables, play areas, rental boats <strong>and</strong> canoes, <strong>and</strong>lots of parking space. 96 Bellwater Ave., Barton, VT, 05822. Phone,525-6205.New Discovery State ParkAs early as 1704, Native Americans <strong>and</strong> the French were using routesthrough Groton to reach Canada <strong>and</strong> Massachusetts. Colonistssettled this area of Vermont slightly earlier than the rest of the statethrough the accessible network of waterways. The rocky, tree coveredhillsides were originally cloaked with white pine, spruce, hemlock,beech, maple <strong>and</strong> birch. These were logged by local farmersfor lumber, fuel <strong>and</strong> potash. The logging industry was large-scale foralmost 100 years while the railroad was operating. Today, logging isstill a vital industry in the area, but has lost some of its dominance infavor of modern society’s leisure time movement with its private cottages/seasonalhomes <strong>and</strong> a variety of outdoor recreation activities.4239 Route 232, Marshfield, VT, 05658. Phone, 426-3042.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 117
KINGDOM ALMANACEmployment & Industry (Largest Public <strong>and</strong> Private Employers)Barton• Maple Lane Nursing <strong>and</strong> Retirement. 60 Maple Street,Barton, VT. Phone, 754-8575.Barnet• Barnet School, 163 Kid Row. Phone, 633-4978. Web site:www.kidrow.net. Public school, K-8.• Karme-Choling, 369 Patneaude Lane. Phone, 633-2384.Web site: www.karmecholing.org. Meditation instruction.East Burke/West Burke• Burke Mountain Academy, 60 Alpine Lane, East Burke.Phone, 626-5607. Web site: www.burkemtnacademy.org. Ski School.• Burke Mountain Ski Area, 233 Sherburne Lodge Road,East Burke. Phone, 626-7300. Web site: www.skiburke.com.• Burke Town School, 3293 Burke Hollow Road, WestBurke. Phone, 467-3385. Public school, K-8.Cabot• Cabot Creamery, 2878 Main Street. Phone, 563-3393.Web site: www.cabotcheese.com. Creamery cooperative.• Cabot School, 25 Common Road. Phone, 563-2289. Website: www.cabotschool.org. Public school, PK-12.• Zutano, 1785 Coits Pond Road. Phone, 563-2961. Website: www.zutano.com. Children <strong>and</strong> infant wearwholesale.Canaan• Canaan Schools, 99 School Street, Canaan, VT, 05903.Concord• Barnie’s Market, 166 Main Street. Phone, 695-8133.Convenience store.• Concord School, 173 School Street. Phone, 695-2550.Web site: www.concordvtschool.com. Public school,PK-12.• Concord Health Center, 201 East Main Street. Phone,695-2512. Web site: www.nchcvt.org. Health care.Danville/West Danville• Danville School, 148 Peacham Road, Danville. Phone,684-2292. Web site: www.danvillek12vt.org. Publicschool, PK-12.• Laferriere Construction Inc., 525 Wightman Road,Danville. Phone, 684-3606. Building contractor.• Marty’s First Stop, Route 2, Danville VT, 05828. Phone,684-2574. Convenience store, deli, hardware, feed <strong>and</strong>groceries.Derby• Derby Elementary School, 907 Elm Street, Derby Line,VT, 05830.• North Country Junior Union High School, 57 JuniorHigh Drive, Derby, VT, 05829. Phone, 766-2276.Groton• Upper Valley Grill & General Store, 2967 ScottHighway. Phone, 584-3101. Full-service restaurant.Guildhall• Guildhall Elementary School. Phone, 676-3955.Hardwick• Gr<strong>and</strong> Union Family Markets, 82 Route 15 West.Phone, 472-6504. Grocery.• Hardwick Area Health Center, 56 High Street. Phone,472-3300. Health center.• Hardwick Elementary School, 135 South Main Street.Phone, 472-5411. Public school, K-6.• Hazen Union High School 26, 126 Hazen Union Drive.Phone, 472-6511. Web site: www.hazenunion.org.Public school, 7-12.Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond• Brighton Elementary School, 825 Railroad Street.Phone, 723-4373.Irasburg• Irasburg Village School. Phone, 754-8810Orleans• Poulin Lumber Inc., 439 Wolcott Street. Phone, 472-5581. Web site: www.poulinlumber.comLyndon Center/Lyndonville• Lyndon Institute Inc., 168 Institute Circle, LyndonCenter, 626-9400. Web site: www.lyndoninstitute.org.• Lyndon State College, 1001 College Road, Lyndonville.Phone, 626-6200. Web site: www.lyndonstate.edu. Statecollege.• Lyndon Town School, 2591 Lily Pond Road,Lyndonville. Phone, 626-3209. Web site: www.lyndonschool.org.Public school, K-8.• NSA Industries Inc., 815 Industrial Parkway,Lyndonville. Phone, 748-5007. Web site: www.nsaindustries.com.Sheet metal fabricators.• Vermont Aerospace Manufacturing, Inc., 966 IndustrialParkway, Lyndonville. Phone, 748-8705. Web site: www.vtaerospace.com. Aircraft components manufacturers.• Kennemetal Inc., 378 Main Street, Lyndonville. Phone,626-3331. Web site: www.kennemetal.com.Peacham• Peacham Corner Art Guild, Main Street. Phone, 592-3332. Antiques dealer.• Peacham School, 340 Bayley-Hazen Road, Peacham,VT, 05862. Phone, 592-3513.Ryegate/South Ryegate• Darling’s Auto Repair, 315 Creamery Road, SouthRyegate. Phone, 584-4773. Automobile repairing <strong>and</strong>service.• Ryegate Power Station, 247 Weesner Drive, Ryegate.Phone, 633-3500. Electric company.118 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM ALMANACSheffield• Millers Run School, 3249 Vermont Route 122. Phone,626-9755. Web site: www.millersrunschool.org. Publicschool, PK-8.St. Johnsbury• Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, 1315Hospital Drive. Phone, 748-8141. Web site: www.nvrh.org. Hospital.• Passumpsic Savings Bank, 497 Railroad Street. Phone,748-3196. Web site: www.passumpsicbank.com. Bank.• St. Johnsbury Academy, 1000 Main Street. Phone, 748-8171. Web site: www.stjohnsburyacademy.org. Private,9-12.• St. Johnsbury School, 257 Western Avenue. Phone, 748-4744. Web site: www.stjsd. Public school, PK-8.• Weidmann Electrical Technology, 1 Gordon Mills Way.Phone, 748-8106. Web site: www.weidmann-electrical.com. Electrical insulation for transformer manufacturers.Sutton• The King George School, 2684 King George FarmRoad. Phone, 467-1200. Web site: www.kinggeorgeschool.com.Private school, 9-12.Walden• Walden School, 135 Cahoon Farm Road, West Danville.Phone, 563-3000. Web site: www.waldenschoolvt.org.Public school, K-8.Waterford• Rabbit Hill Inn, 48 Lower Waterford Road. Phone,748-5168. Web site: www.rabbithillinn.com. Bed <strong>and</strong>breakfast.Human ServiceRiverside Life Enrichment CenterDay programs for elderly or disabled adults; Phone, 626-3900or 866-926-3900; E-mail, rlec@sover.net; 2104 East Burke Road,Rte. 114, Lyndonville, VT, 05851.Good Living Senior CenterRegular weekly activities <strong>and</strong> special events. Located in the St.Johnsbury House, a former gr<strong>and</strong> hotel; Susan Shaw, director;Phone, 748-8470.ESD (Economic Services division)Administers state <strong>and</strong> federal programs such as Medicaid, FoodStamps, <strong>and</strong> Reach Up to assist eligible Vermonters in need;Phone, 800-775-0526 or 334-6504.Fuel Assistance in VermontTo apply for fuel assistance you must fill out a fuel assistanceapplication each year; Phone, 800-479-6151 or 241-1165; Website, www.dpath.state.vt.us.Migrant Education Even StartA literacy program for qualified families, including EarlyEducation, Adult Education <strong>and</strong> Literacy, Parenting <strong>and</strong> Parent<strong>and</strong> Child Together time. If you have moved within the past threeyears, do “h<strong>and</strong>s on” work in agriculture, have a child under eightyears old <strong>and</strong> have an adult education need, you may be eligible.American Red CrossThe American Red Cross offers compassionate services in fiveareas: community services that help the needy; support <strong>and</strong>comfort for military members <strong>and</strong> their families; the collection,processing <strong>and</strong> distribution of lifesaving blood <strong>and</strong> blood products;educational programs that promote health <strong>and</strong> safety; <strong>and</strong>international relief <strong>and</strong> development programs. Phone, 800-660-9130. E-mail, dcunningham@nvtrRedCross.orgNortheast Kingdom <strong>Community</strong> ActionNEKCA is a non-profit community agency in the NortheastKingdom area founded in 1964 to address the needs of disadvantagedresidents. It has executive offices in the historic U.S.Customs House Building at 70 Main Street in Newport. It hasadministrative offices in St. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Newport with satellitefacilities in Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond <strong>and</strong> Canaan. The agency administersa Head Start program <strong>and</strong> over 100 other programs aimed at lowincome Vermonters.Northeast Kingdom Human Services Inc.Northeast Kingdom Human Services, Inc. provides services forresidents of Caledonia, Essex, <strong>and</strong> Orleans Counties who maybe challenged by conditions affecting mind, body, <strong>and</strong> spirit.Services are delivered through efficient mental health, developmental,<strong>and</strong> substance abuse programs for people of all ages.Crisis intervention services are available 24 hours a day every dayof the year. Offices are located at 154 Duchess Avenue, Newport(334-6744) <strong>and</strong> 2225 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street, St. Johnsbury (748-3181).Northeast Kingdom Youth ServicesNortheast Kingdom Youth Services is a not-for-profit organizationfor the youth of Caledonia <strong>and</strong> Essex County. Its missionit to support youth, their families <strong>and</strong> communities throughquality programs that strengthen life skills. 24 Bagley Street, St.Johnsbury. 748-8732.Planned Parenthood of Northern New Engl<strong>and</strong>Services include abortion referral, birth control services, emergencycontraception, general health care, HIV testing, HPV <strong>and</strong>Hepatitis, men’s health services, patient education, pregnancytesting, options <strong>and</strong> services, STD testing <strong>and</strong> treatment, women’shealth services, HPV <strong>and</strong> Hepatitis vaccines. 79 CoventrySt., PO Box 932, Newport, VT, 05855. 334-5822.St. Johnsbury NutritionThe St. Johnsbury Nutritional Center provides meals throughtwo programs, Meals-On-Wheels <strong>and</strong> the Meal Site at the St.Johnsbury House. Meals are served five days a week in the diningroom of the St. Johnsbury House <strong>and</strong> by volunteer drivers tothe homebound <strong>and</strong> disabled. 748-5467.Cable TelevisionCharter Communications1-888-438-2421. Serves St. Johnsbury, Waterford, Concord, Kirby,Lyndon, Barnet, Ryegate, Groton, Cabot, Peacham, Wheelock,Sheffield, Sutton, <strong>and</strong> Burke. Office located at 459 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St.Johnsbury VT, 05819. Website: www.charter.comComcastServes Barton, Brighton, Coventry, Craftsbury, Derby, Greensboro,Irasburg, Newport <strong>and</strong> Westmore. 1-866-740-4703. www.comcast.com<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 119
KINGDOM ALMANACState RepresentativesCALEDONIA – 1(Barnet, Ryegate, Waterford)• Leigh Larocque (R), 2414 Old Silo Road, St. Johnsbury, VT,05819. Phone: 748-3481. E-mail: llarocque@leg.state.vt.us.CALEDONIA – 2(Hardwick, Stannard, Walden)• Lucy Leriche (D), PO Box 259, Hardwick, VT, 05843. Phone:472-5738. E-mail: lleriche@leg.state.vt.us.CALEDONIA – 3(St. Johnsbury)• Gerald Reis (R), 1640B Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819.Phone, 748-8132. E-mail: greis@leg.state.vt.us.• Robert South (D), PO Box 206, 2176 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone: 748-0873. E-mail: rsouth@leg.state.vt.us.CALEDONIA – 4(Burke, Lyndon, Sutton)• Howard Crawford (R), PO Box 906, 1000 Main Street, St.Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone: 626-8226.• Richard Lawrence (R), PO Box 181, 194 Bean Pond Road,Lyndonville, VT, 05851. Phone: 626-5917. E-mail: rlawrence@leg.state.vt.us.CALEDONIA-WASHINGTON – 1(Cabot, Danville, Peacham)• Kitty Beattie Toll (D), PO Box 192, Danville, VT, 05828. Phone:684-3671. E-mail address: ktoll@leg.state.vt.us.CALEDONIA-ESSEX – 1(Bloomfield, Brunswick, Concord, Granby, Guildhall, Kirby,Lunenburg, Maidstone, Victory)• Janice Peaslee (R), PO Box 12, Guildhall, VT, 05905. Phone:328-4452. E-mail: jpeaslee@leg.state.vt.us.ESSEX-CALEDONIA-ORLEANS-1(Averill, Avery’s Gore, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond, Canaan, East Haven,Ferdin<strong>and</strong>, Lemington, Lewis, Newark, Norton, Warner’s Grant,Warren’s Gore, Westmore)• William Johnson (R), 3603 Route 102, Canaan, VT, 05903.Phone: 277-8329.ORLEANS-1(Brownington, Charleston, Derby, Holl<strong>and</strong>, Morgan)• Lynn Batchelor (R), 165 Beach St., Derby Line, VT, 05830. Phone:873-3006. E-mail: lbatchelor@leg.state.vt.us or lynnbatch@yahoo.com.• Robert W. Lewis (R), 41 Bates Hill Rd., Derby, VT, 05829. Phone: 766-8824. E-mail: rlewis@leg.state.vt.us.ORANGE-CALEDONIA – 1(Groton, Newbury, Topsham, Wells River)Chip Conquest (D), 409 Bible Hill Road, Wells River, VT, 05081. Phone:757-3803. E-mail: cconquest@leg.state.vt.us.ORLEANS-CALEDONIA-1(Albany, Barton, Craftsbury. Glover, Greensboro, Sheffield <strong>and</strong>Wheelock)• Vicki Strong (R), 1367 Creek Rd., Irasburg, VT. 05845. Phone: 754-2790. E-mail: vstrong@leg.state.vt.us or victoriastrong@juno.com orvickistrongvt@gmail.com.• Sam Young (D), P.O. Box 10, West Glover, VT, 05875. Phone: 321-0365. E-mail: syoung@leg.state.vt.us.ORLEANS-2Coventry, Irasburg, Newport City, Newport Town.• Duncan Kilmartin (R) 76 Widgeon Drive, Newport, VT 05855, 334-7883. E-mail: dkilmartin@leg.state.vt.us. Michael Marcotte, (R), 106Private Pond Rd., Newport Vt, 05855, 334-6302.• Michael Marcotte, (R/D), 106 Private Pond Rd., Newport Vt, 05855,334-6302.ORLEANS-FRANKLIN - 1Jay, Lowell, Montgomery, Troy, Westfield• Mark Higley (R) PO Box 10, Lowell, VT 05847, 744-6379. E-mail:mhigley@leg.state.vt.us.State SenatorsCALEDONIA DISTRICT(Barnet, Burke, Danville, Groton, Hardwick, Kirby, Lyndon, Newark,Peacham, Ryegate, St. Johnsbury, Sheffield, Stannard, Sutton,Walden, Waterford, Wheelock, Wells River)• Jane Kitchel (D), PO Box 82, 81 Walden Hill Road, Danville, VT,05828. Phone: 648-3482. E-mail: janek45@hotmail.com.• Joe Benning (R), PO Box 142, 291 Happy Hill Rd., Lyndonville,VT, 05851. Phone: 626-3600, E-Mail: jbenning@leg.state.vt.us orbeaner77@myfairpoint.net.ESSEX-ORLEANS DISTRICT(Concord, East Haven, Norton. Canaan, Averill, Lemington, Lewis,Brighton, Ferdin<strong>and</strong>, Brunswick, Guildhall, Lunenburg, Victory)• Vincent Illuzzi (R), 527 Ridgehill Drive, Newport, VT, 05855.Phone: 334-2807. E-mail: villuzzi@leg.state.vt.us.• Robert Starr (D), 958 Vermont Route 105W, North Troy, VT,05859. Phone: 988-2877.U.S. SenatePatrick Leahy (D), 433 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington,DC, 20510; Phone, (202) 224-4242. Montpelier Office: P.O. Box933; 87 State Street; Phone, 229-0569. Burlington Office: 199Main Street, <strong>4th</strong> Floor; Phone, 863-2525 or 800-642-3193 (forVermonters). E-mail: senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov. Web site:www.leahy.senate.gov.Bernard S<strong>and</strong>ers (I), 332 Dirksen Building, Washington, DC,20510; Phone, (202) 224-5141. St. Johnsbury Office: 51 Depot St.,Suite 201; Phone, 748-0191. Burlington Office: 1 Church Street;Phone, 862-0697 or (800) 339-9834 (for Vermonters). Web site:www.s<strong>and</strong>ers.senate.gov.U.S. HousePeter Welch (D), 1404 Longworth House Office Building,Washington, DC, 20515; Phone, (202) 225-4115. BurlingtonOffice: 30 Main Street; Phone, 652-2450 or 888-605-7270 (forVermonters). Web site: www.welch.house.gov.Golf CoursesSt. Johnsbury Country ClubThis challenging par-70, 18-hole course measures 6,388 yards. Ithas a course rating of 70.4 <strong>and</strong> a slope rating of 129 on bent grass.Designed by Geoffrey S. Cornish, ASGCA, it opened in 1924. Located at5 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819. Phone, 748-9894.Country Club of BarreThe par-71, 18-hole course opened in 1924 <strong>and</strong> measures 6,250 yards.The course rating is 70.2, <strong>and</strong> the slope rating is 123 on bent grass.Located at Plainfield Road, Barre, VT, 05641. Phone, 476-7658.120 <strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE
KINGDOM PROFILESJay Peak Golf CourseThe 18-hole course at the Jay Peak facility features all the hallmarksof Vermont golf. Designed by Graham Cooke, the course opened in2006. Located at 4850 Route 242, Jay, VT, 05859-9404. Phone, (800)451-4449.Kirby Country ClubThis 570-acre, nine-hole public course in Kirby has lovely views. Cartrental is available. Located at 661 Route 2, Concord, VT, 05824. Phone,748-9200.Orleans Country ClubEstablished in 1928, this 18-hole public course with competitive ratesmeasures 6,123 yards. It was designed by Alex Reid. Located on 58,Orleans, VT. Phone, 754-2333.Newport Country ClubOffering guests well-kept greens <strong>and</strong> outst<strong>and</strong>ing meals, this 18-hole,par-72 golf course is home to members from both sides of the US/Canadian border. Located at 509 Mount Vernon Street, Newport, VT,05855. Phone, 334-2391.Barton Golf ClubRated one of the best deals in golf nationwide by Golf Digest magazine,this public 18-hole course measures 5,800 yards It was designed byBrian King. Located at 548 Telfer Hill Road Barton, VT, 05822. Phone,525-1126.Gr<strong>and</strong>ad’s Invitational Golf CourseAt 2,284 yards, this public course designed by Ralph Chase has 18holes. Located in Newark Village, VT, 05871. Phone, 467-3739.Mountain View Country ClubThe semi-private par-35 links style course measures 2,816 yards.Located at 112 Country Club Rd., Greensboro, VT. Phone, 533-7477.Lake Willoughby GolfThe nine-hole public course measures 2,300 yards. Golf carts<strong>and</strong> a driving range are available. Located two miles from LakeWilloughby at the top of Hinton Hill in Westmore, VT. Phone, 723-4783.Farmers MarketsDanville: Route 2, Danville, VTPhone: 802-626-8396Mid-May-October, Wednesdays, 9-1 p.m.Hardwick: Route 15W, Hardwick, VTPhone: 802-586-7572May 7-October, Fridays, 3 - 6 p.m.Westmore: Westmore <strong>Community</strong> ChurchHinton Hill Road <strong>and</strong> Route 5A, Westmore, VTPhone: 802-467-8531June-September, Mondays, 1 p.m.-6 p.m.Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond: Route 105, Brighton, VTPhone: 802-723-5963Late June-September, Fridays, 3-5 p.m.Newport: Causeway <strong>and</strong> I-91, Newport, VTPhone: 802-754-6917Mid June-late October, Wednesdays <strong>and</strong> Saturdays, 9-2 p.m.St. Johnsbury: Pearl Street, St. Johnsbury, VTPhone: 802-626-8396Mid May-October, Saturdays, 9-1 p.m.Ski AreasPhoto by Margie AndersonBurke MountainOffers 45 trails, four lifts <strong>and</strong> a 2,011-foot vertical drop with 80 percentsnowmaking coverage <strong>and</strong> skiable terrain of 250 acres that includes trails<strong>and</strong> glades. Burke Mountain is renowned for its breathtaking views <strong>and</strong>ski racing heritage. It is the home of the Burke Mountain Academy, thepreeminent ski academy in the country with 45 Olympians to its credit.The mountain features sweeping, winding trails, with an average of 217inches of snowfall each year. A unique blend of friendly, genuine staff<strong>and</strong> traditional terrain define the character of one of the last remainingVermont ski classics. A variety of terrain accommodates skiers of everylevel with 25 percent novice, 45 percent intermediate, <strong>and</strong> 30 percentexpert trails. Burke also has four terrain parks to keep the freestylists busy.223 Sherburne Lodge Road, East Burke. Phone, 626-7300. Snowphone,866-496-1699. E-mail: info@skiburke.com. Web Site: www.skiburke.com.Jay Peak ResortOffers 76 trails, eight lifts <strong>and</strong> a 2,153-foot vertical drop with 85 percentsnowmaking coverage <strong>and</strong> skiable terrain of 385 acres that includes trails,glades <strong>and</strong> chutes. Located only a few miles from the Canadian border,Jay Peak has a different perspective on the sport; the mountain reignssupreme, <strong>and</strong> unparalleled gladed terrain <strong>and</strong> the abutting backcountryattracts some of the best skiers <strong>and</strong> riders around. Big-mountain skiing<strong>and</strong> riding are affordable for all through a number of discount <strong>and</strong> valueaddedprograms. Lodging is virtually all ski-in/ski-out, <strong>and</strong> the area isalways one of the last in the east to close. 4850 Route 242, Jay. Phone,988-2611. Snowphone, 988-9601. E-mail: info@jaypeakresort.com. WebSite: www.jaypeakresort.com.Lyndon Outing ClubThe Lyndon Outing Club offers four seasons of fun. It has been open tothe community since 1937, offering year-round events. Site rentals areavailable for community member events, ski lessons, alpine <strong>and</strong> nordicskiing, a terrain park <strong>and</strong> an outdoor skating rink. PO Box 112, Lyndonville,VT, 05851. Phone, 626-8465.<strong>2012</strong> KINGDOM GUIDE 121
Kingdom Business DirectoryAccountingNorthridge Business Solutions4580 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.535.1149northridgevt@gmail.comAnimalsMorrison’s Feed Bag1186 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury802.748.0010www.morrisonsfeeds.comHardwick Veterinary Clinic64 North Main St., Hardwick VT802.472.8400www.hardwickvet.comAntiquesAntiques & Emporium182 South Wheelock Rd., Lyndonville VT802.626.3500www.antiques<strong>and</strong>emporium.comPeacham Corner GuildPeacham, VT802.592.3332Route 5 Antiques277 Main Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.8879, pamwayne@myfairpoint.netApplesBurtt’s Apple Orchard283 Cabot Plains Road, Cabot VT802.917.2614, www.burttsappleorchard.comAppliancesCircle A Appliance159 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury VT802.751.1141abfbl@charter.netArchitectsBlack River DesignMontpelier VT802.223.2044www.blackriverdesign.comArtsSt. Johnsbury Ballet StudioRailroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.684.3420Burklyn ArtsLyndon, VTBurklynArts40@gmail.com www.burklynarts.orgNortheast Kingdom Artisans Guild430 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.0518, www.nekartisansguild.comThe Artful Eye443 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.424.1414, www.theartfuleye.comJerry Ralya7909 VT Route 14, Craftsbury Common VT802.586.7514www.jerryralya.comPAM FestPeacham, VTwww.pamfest.comMiller’s Thumb14 Breezy Ave, Greensboro VT802.533.2045www.millersthumbgallery.comMAC Center for the Arts158 Main Street, Newport VT802.334.1966www.memphremagogartscollaborative.comAttorneysBucknam, Black, Brazil PC1097 Main Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5525, www.vtlegalhelp.comLaw Office of Charles D. Hickey, PLC69 Winter St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3919AttractionsOld Stone HouseBrowington VT802.754.2022, www.oldstonehousemuseum.orgBread & PuppetRoute 122, Glover VT802.525.3031/1271, breadpup@together.net, www.bread<strong>and</strong>puppet.orgJeudevine Falls2259 Route 14 N, Hardwick VT 05843802.472.5486, www.waterfallswedding.comKingdom TrailsEast Burke, VT802.626.0737, www.kingdomtrails.orgLog Cabin Farm AlpacasOn the Barton-Albany Road, East Albany VT802.673.6441, www.logcabinfarm.comDown to Earth Worm Farm281 The Bend Road, Greensboro VT802.533.9836www.downtoearthwormfarmvt.comAutomotiveCabot Garage, Inc.3102 Main Street, Cabot VT802.563.2270, www,cabotgarage.netSouth Main Auto448 Main St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3219, john.v@southmainauto.biz,www.southmainsales<strong>and</strong>service.comBurke View GarageRte. 114, Lyndonville VT802.626.3282Berry Tire Co.1545 Red VIllage Road, Lyndonville VT802.626.9326Carroll’s Automotive4772 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5200, wwwcautovt.comCroteau’s AutomotiveRoute 5, Orleans VT802.754.6920Custom Collision17 Craftsbury Rd, Hardwick VT802.472.9500Groton Garage1243 Scott Highway, Groton VT802.584.3841Rowell Brothers FordHardwick VT802.472.5546Mike’s Service CenterMain St., Hardwick VT802.472.8296Quick Lane8 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8235moe@vtquicklane.comTaylor’s Automotive, Inc.334 Barton-Orleans Road, Barton VT802.525.3456Wes Ward Auto Repair1193 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3636www.wesward.comBanksUnion Bank6 locations across the region1.866.862.1891www.unionbankvt.comTD Bank301 Railroad St. St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3185susan.malick@tdbanknorth.comPassumpsic Bank8 Locations across the Kingdom800.370.3196www.passumpsicbank.comMerchant’s Bank481 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5017www.mbvt.comBooksTwice Told Tales189 East Main Street, Newport VT802.334.5506twicetoldtales1@myfairpoint.netBoxcar & Caboose394 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3551www.boxcar<strong>and</strong>caboose.comGreen Mountain BooksBroad Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.5051www.greenmtnbooks.comBoutiqueJay River Creations1077 Route 242, Jay VT802.323.2186Building SuppliesLarrabees Building Supply1410 Route 2 West, West Danville, VT802.684.3622, www.larrabeesupply.comNorthend Hardwoods8 Deans Lane, Lyndonville VT802.626.3275, www.northendhardwoods.comE.M. Brown & Sons169 Main St., Barton VT802.525.3422, embrowninc@myfairpoint.netWheeler Building Supply152 Church St., Lyndonville VT802.626.5102Poulin LumberDerby, Hardwick, Enosburg, Williamstown800.479.4971, www.poulinlumber.comHopkins & Sons43 Raymond St., Lyndonville VT802.626.5555
Kingdom Business DirectoryCabinetsCalendar Brook Cabinetry4863 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5658www.calendarbrookcabinetry.comScott Davis CabinetmakerBarnet VT802.633.3637, sdaviscab@gmail.comwww.scottdaviscabinetmakers.comCafe or COffee ShopsPaddy CakesEastern Avenue, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5658www.calendarbrookcabinetry.comRachel’s Teapot & Cafe43 Main Street, Derby Line VT802.873.3505CampgroundTree Corners Family Campground24 Old Stage Coach Road, Danville VT802.684.2550www.sugarridgervpark.comSugar Ridge RV Park & Campground95 Route 58 West, West Irasburg, VTSummer: 802.755.6219, Winter: 802.754.6042,www.treecorners.com, info@treecorners.comC<strong>and</strong>yHobo’s C<strong>and</strong>y Stop394 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3551www.hobosc<strong>and</strong>ystop.comChambers of CommerceLyndon AreaLyndonville, VT802.626.9696info@lyndonvermont.comwwwlyndonvermont.comHeart of VermontHardwick VT802.472.5906www.hardwickvtarea.comNortheast KingdomSt. Johnsbury VT1.800.639.6379, www.nekchamber.comBurke AreaEast Burke, VT802.626.4124, www.burkevermont.comburkechamber@burkevermont.comSt. JohnsburyPO Box 327, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.7121, www.discoverstjvt.comChiropractorsLyndonville Chiropractic11 Hill Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.5866ChurchesDanville United Methodist ChurchOn the Green, Danville VT802.684.3896Danville Congregational ChurchHill Street, Danville VT802.684.1151CleaningTop Carpet CleaningRte. 5, St. Johnsbury Ctr., VT802.748.3900Moore’s Dry Cleaning189 East Main Street, Newport VT802.334.7025, www.mooresdrycleaning.comCleanway ServicesSt. Johnsbury VT802.748.1697 or 877.748.1167www.cleanwayservices.comClothingElizabeth’s Large Size Fashions1 Eastern Ave, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3180Hardwick Clothing CompanySouth Main St., Hardwick VT802.472.5334Frogs & Lily Pads443 Railroad St. #3, St. Johnsbury VT802.748-2975Caplans Army Store457 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury802.748.3236ComputersNortheast Computer Systems602 Main Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.1050, www.necomp.comtim@necomp.comConstructionAC TradesPO Box 106, Peacham VT802.684.9890Graves Builders329 Cloud Brook Road, Barnet VT802.633.2579gravesbuild@myfairpoint.netEmmons ConstructionDanville, VT802.684.3856New Engl<strong>and</strong> HomecraftersPO Box 375, Lyndonville VT800.321.8688 or 866.230.0700www.newengl<strong>and</strong>homecrafters.comwww.beanshomes.comDale Wells, Building Contractor129 Johnson Rd., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.2713Laferriere Construction525 Whightman Road, Danville VT802.684.36064 Seasons Sunrooms163 Morey Road, Sutton VT800.683.8577sunrooms@pshift.comwww.vtsunrooms.comKen’s Karpentry1307 Brown Farm Road, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.9475kenskarpentry@charter.netwww.kenskarpentry.comNew Engl<strong>and</strong> Foam & Coating108 Concord Ave, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5605newengl<strong>and</strong>foam@myfairpoint.netwww.newengl<strong>and</strong>foam<strong>and</strong>coating.comTanguay Homes419 Vt Route 105 #A Newport, VT802.334.1384tanguayhomes@comcast.netwww.tanguayhomes.comConvenience StoresEast Burke Market461 Rte 114, East Burke VT802.626.5010Cabot Village Store3109 Main Street, Cabot VTHorizon Deli & Convenience, Inc.652 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury802.748.5537, horizonsdeli@myfairpoint.netMarty’s First StopRoute 2, Danville VT802.684.2574Fordham’s Mobile Mart78 Broad St., Lyndonville VT802.626-1120Kerrigan’s Market4080 US Route 5, West Burke VT802.467.8800Lanoue’s General StoreMain Street, Orleans VT802.754.6365Northeast Kingdom Country Store466 Route 114, East Burke VT802.626.4611The Willey’s StoreGreensboro VT802.533.2621CraftsCountry Thyme Quilt Shop60 Route 111, Derby VT802.766.2852The Knitting Gnome1115 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.424.1142www.knittinggnome.comDentistDanville Dental Group31 Mountain Drive Danville, VT802.684.1133www.danvilledentalgroup.comEducation<strong>Community</strong> College of VermontPO Box 489, Montpelier, VT 05602.St. Johnsbury Academy1000 Main Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8171www.stjacademy.orghilltoppers@stjacademy.orgThe Thaddeus Stevens School1510 Bayley Hazen Road Peacham, VT802.592.3194jawhansen@gmail.comRiverside School30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville VT802.626.8552www.trsweb.orgtheriversideschool@charter.netSterling CollegeCraftsbury Common, Craftsbury VT800.648.3591, www.sterlingcollege.edu
Kingdom Business DirectoryLyndon State CollegeLyndon VT1.800.225.1998, www.lyndonstate.eduNorthwoods Stewardship Center154 Leadership Drive, East Charleston VT802.723.6551, www.northwoodscenter.orgEquestrianD-N-D Stables1952 VT Route 114, East Burke VT802.626.8237, dndstables1952@aol.comwww.horserentals.com/dndstables.htmlEquipment RentalsAll Around Rental1763 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.7841info@allaroundrental@gmail.comwww.allaroundrental.comNewport Rental Center5025 US Route 5, Newport VT802.334.8011www.vt-rental.comFeedLyndonville Agway6601 Memorial Drive, Lyndonville VT802.626.5538West Burke Feed15 VT Route 5A, West Burke VT802.467.1366FitnessS&J Fitness4 South Main Street, Hardwick VT802.472.3242www.hardwickgym.comXtra Innings Performance791 Broad Street, Lyndonville VT802.249.7870xiptraining@gmail.comFlooringCarpet Connection199 Depot Street, Lyndonville, VT802.626.9026thecarpetconnection@myfairpoint.netDon’s Carpet One24 Kent Lane, Newport VT802.334.5271, www.carpetone.comGreg’s Floor S<strong>and</strong>ingBarnet VT802.684.3318FloristsArtistic Gardens438 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5646. www.artisticgardensvt.comThe Flower Basket156 Daniels Rd., Hardwick VT802.472.3397, www.theflowerbasket.bizPerennial PleasuresBrick House Road, East Hardwick VT802.472.5104, www.perennialpleasures.netAll About Flowers196 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5656 or 800.499.6565www.allaboutflowersflorist.netall-about-flowers@hotmail.comFoodsPer Smoked of Vermont281 The Bend Road, Greensboro VT802.533.2444per-nwd@vtlink.netFramingFraming Format & Gallery485 Lafayette St, St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.3964, www.framingformat.netFrame Dames418 Railroad St. Suite 2, St. Johnsbury, VT802.751.8721Rowe Designs287 East Main Street, Newport VT802.334.1700, jbaileyrowe@hotmail.comwww.rowedesigns.comFurnitureStahler FurnitureRoute 5, Lyndonville, VT1.877.489.0484, www.stahlerfurniture.comFamily FurnitureDerby, VT <strong>and</strong> Littleton, NH802.334.1404Mayo’s Furniture802 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8725GardeningPerennial Pleasures NurseryBrick House Road, East Hardwick, VT802.472.5104, www.perennialpleasures.netGift Shops & RetailJoe’s Pond Craft ShopRoute 2, West Danville VT802.684.2192, www.joespondcrafts.comPeacham Corner GuildMain Street, Peacham VTinfo@peacham.net,www.peacham.net/craftshopMoose River Lake & Lodge Store370 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.2423Simon the Tanner2 Main Street, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond VT802.723.4452www.simonthetanner.comDiamond Hill StoreRoute 2, Danville VT802.684.9797, diamondh@charter.netCovered Bridge Primitives791 Main Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.5043, cbprimitives@aol.comSamadhi Store30 Church St., Barnet VT802.633.4440www.samadhicushions.comSuzie Lynn’s Gifts & 1/2 Off Cards59 Waterfront Plaza, Newport VT802.334.8376, suzie-lynn@comcast.netGlassMayo’s Glass Service744 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8895Gold & Old CoinsOld Coins & Jewelry Shop10 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.9174, www.mayosglass.cominfo@mayosglass.comGreenhouseHoughton’s GreenhousesRed Village Rd., Lyndonville VT802.626.9545GymnasticsKingdom Gymanstics2000 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.7898info@kingdomvtgymnastics.comwww.kingdomvtgymnastics.comHair CareModern Divine Barber Shop77 Concord Ave, St. Johnsbury VT802.745.8093Health & WellnessArmstrong’s Better Hearing198 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.4852 or 800.838.4327Reiki Retreat90 Farm St., East Ryegate VT802.757.2809reikiretreat@charter.netwww.oldvillageschool.com/reikiretreatCopley Hospital528 Washington Highway, Morrisville VT802.888.8888, www.copleyvt.orgNorth Country Hospital189 Prouty Drive, Newport VT802.334.7331www.nchsi.comNortheastern Vermont Regional HospitalHospital Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8141www.nvrh.orgEye Associates1290 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8126www.eyeassociatesnne.netKarme Choling369 Pateneaude Lane, Barnet VT802.633.2384www.karmecholing.orgThe Acupuncture WorksBarnet VT802.633.2700www.the acupunctureworks.comBarnet Trade Post60 Monument Circle, Barnet VT802.633.2700www.barnettradepost.comHeatingFarmyard Store & Taylor Rental3262 US Route 5, Derby VT802.766.271<strong>4th</strong>efarmyardstore@myfairpoint.net.www.bournes.netDead River Company189 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8934 or 800.222.9276www.deadriver.com
Kingdom Business DirectoryAppalachian SupplyRte 5 North, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.4513www.appalachiansupplyinc.comHistoric PreservationS.A. Fishburn399 Old Stagecoach Rd, Danville VT802.334.7109safishburn@gmail.comwww.safishburn.netHome DecorAll About Home5025 US Route 5, Newport VT802.684.2524www.allabouthomevt.netInsuranceDennis, Ricker & Brown23 Church St, Lyndonville, VT802.626.3354www.drbinsurance.com/lyndonvilleBarrett Insurance309 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., Suite 102, St. ohnsbury VT802.748.5224info@thebarrettagency.comwww.thebarrettagency.comBerwick Agency185 Church Street, Peacham VT802.592.3234, www.berwickagency.comCalderwood Insurance132 South Main St., Hardwick VT802.472.5517 or 800.622.3296mikeg@calderwoodins.comJewelryKennedy’s1214 Main St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.GEMS or 800.407.GEMSL<strong>and</strong>scapingBuck’s L<strong>and</strong>scaping553 Rocky Ridge Rd., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.8892 or 802.751.9491Nature by DesignBarton, VT802.754.6400www.naturebydesign.comLightingHigh BeamsSutton, VT802.467.3943, www.highbeams.comLocksmithWestcott’s Lock ServiceSt. Johnsbury, VT802.748.3369LodgingLakeview Cabins662 South Barton Rd., Barton VT802.525.4463,www.lakeviewcabinsvacation.comCedarwood Resort1181 Route 242, North Troy VT802.988-4459www.cedarwoodresortvt.comEmergo Farm261 Webster Hill, Danville VT802.684.2215emergo@together.netwww.emergofarm.comColonnade Inn28 Back Center Road, Lyndonville VT802.626.9316www.lyndonvermont.comLyndon Motor Lodge6148 Memorial Drive, Lyndon VT802.626.3548www.lyndonmotorlodge.comlyndonlodge@charter.netVermont Day Dreams765 Parker Road, West Glover VT802.525.4051, vtdaydreams@yahoo.comwww.vermontdaydreams.comInjun Joe CourtsRoute 2, West Danville VT802.684.3430Goulet Seasonal RentalsIsl<strong>and</strong> Pond, VT802.723.4455 or 800.750.2425,brightongarage@hotmail.comA Place in Time B&BNewport Center, VT802.334.6950 or 802.274-2300/2301,vbuttice@comcast.netBurke Cottage Rentals2316 US Route 5, West Burke VT802.467.3416, gweed@kingcon.comMountain Lake Cottages52 Old 5A, Westmore VT802.525.3072mtnlakecottages@myfairpoint.netwww.vermontmountainlakecottages.comThe Village Inn of East BurkeRoute 114, East Burke VT802.626.3161, info@villageofeastburke.comwww.villageinnofeastburke.comRodgers Country Inn & CabinsWest Glover, VT802.525.6677 or 800.729.1704jnrodger@together.netwww.rodgerscountryinn.comLog HomesNortheast Log HomesGroton, VT800.992.6526tmcorey@northeasternlog.comLoggingLemieux Logging & Trucking402 Lapierre Drive, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.4314LumberGoodridge LumberAlbany, VT802.755.6298www.goodridgelumber.comMapleGadapee Family Sugar House718 Calkins Camp Road, Danville, VT802.684.3323, gadmaple@together.netRowell Sugar HouseRoute 15, Walden, VT802.563.2756Center Hill Maples73 Old Carrick Lane, Barnet, VT802.633.4491Sugar Ridge Farm566 Stannard Mountain Rd., Danville VT802.748.0892Goodrich’s Maple Farm2427 US Route 2, Cabot VT802.426.3388goodrichsmaple@yahoo.comwww.goorichmaplefarm.comNatural FoodsSt. Johnsbury Food Co-op490 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.9498gm@stjfoodcoop.comwww.stjfoodcoop.comBuffalo Mountain Co-opMain Street, Hardwick VT802.472.6020, www.buffalomountaincoop.orgPharmaciesCenter for an Agricultural Economy121 Mill Street, Hardwick VT802.472.5840www.hardwickagriculture.orgcenter@hardwickagricullture.orgPharmaciesGauthier’s Pharmacy, Inc.415 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.3122 or 802.748.8941PetsAquaRealm452 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.5558djnelson@aquarealmaquarium.com,www.aquarealmaquarium.comNorth Danville Pet Hotel1319 North Danville Road, Danville VT802.748.5810Pawfection Grooming Salon101 Depot St., Lyndonville VT802.535.7958PlumbingGreenwoods Plumbing145 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.1370tonygph@live.comHarris Plumbing & Heating590 Main St., Lyndonville VT802.626.5841www.harrishp.comHebert & SonsPO Box 915, Lyndonville VT802.626.4600info@hebert<strong>and</strong>sons.bizTrombley Plumbing & Heating77 Concord Ave., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.1953www.tromblyplumbing.netReal EstateBegin Realty309 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.2045 or 802.684.1127www.beginrealty.com
Kingdom Business DirectoryCentury 21 Farm & Forest Realty5043 US Route 5, Derby VT800.273.5371 or 802.626.4222info@farm<strong>and</strong>forest.comwww.farm<strong>and</strong>forest.comJim Campbell Real Estate601 Eastman Street, Newport VT802.334.3400jimmyc@jimcampbellrealestate.comwww.jimcampbellrealestate.comChoice Real Estate163 Wolcott Street, Hardwick, VT802.472.3338inquiries@choicerealestatevt.comwww.choicerealestatevt.comLussier Real Estate540 Main Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.9541www.lussierrealestateagency.comMontshire Title & Closing Company1097 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.1300, info@montshiretitle.comwww.montshiretitle.comMorrill & Guyer Real Estate & ReynoldsReal Estate Appraisal791 Broad Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.9111realestate@homeinthekingdom.comwww.homeinthekingdom.comQuatrini Real Estate1111 Main Street, St. Johnsbury VT802.748.9543, info@quatrini.comwww.quatrini.comStoneCrest PropertiesPO Box 132, Lyndonville VT802.626.4790www.stonecrestpropertiesvt.comBig Bear Real EstateVT 100, North Troy VT802.744.6844, info@bigbearrevt.comwww.bigbearrevtt.comBurke Mill Properties234 VT Route 114, East Burke VT802.626.5220, www.burkemill.combmp@burkemillproperties.comLang McLaughry Spera277 Main St., Lyndonville VT802.626.8441, www.lmsre.cominfo@lmsre.comSnowbowl PropertiesJay, VT802.988.2918 or 1.800.331.0519www.jaypeakrentals.cominfo@snowbowl.comGreat Northern L<strong>and</strong> Co., LLC1045 VT Route 242, Jay VT802.323.7400, peterfina@aol.comwww.greatnorthernrealty.comRecreationPassumpsic River OutfittersPassumpsic, VT802.578.3151, www.paddleprovt.comjason@paddleprovt.comRestaurantsBrown’s Market Bistro1261 Scott Highway, Groton VT802.584.4124www.brownsmarketbistro.comCreamery Restaurant46 Hill St., Danville VT802.684.3616East Garden Chinese169 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.9088Junipers2059 Darling Hill Road, Lyndonville VT802.626.8310, www.junipersrestaurant.comGoodfellas59 Parker Rd., Danville VT802.748-4249House of Pizza287 Portl<strong>and</strong> St., St. Johnsbury VT & 93 Main St.,Lyndonville VT802.748-5144 or 802.626.4500Tastings Restaurant66 Main Street, North Troy VT802.988.4063www.tastingsinvt.comThe Pond’s Edge69 Cross Street, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond VT802.723.4590Trifecta LoungeRoute 5, Irasburg VT802.754.9799Trout River BreweryRoute 5, Lyndonville VT802.626.9396Willey’s Restaurant & CateringRoute 114, East Burke VT802.626.9900, www.willeysrestaurant.netThe Freighthouse Restaurant100 Broad Street, Lyndonville VT802.626.1400www.thelyndonfreighthouse.comGlover Busy BeeRoute 16, Glover VT802.525.4800SeniorsRiverside Life Enrichment Center2104 East Burke Road, Lyndonville VT802.626.3900 or 866.926.3900rlec@sover.net.B&B SepticSt. Johnsbury, VT802.748.9858Septic ServiceServicesBedor’s Tree ServicePO Box 47, St. Johnsbury Center VT802.748.1605 or 800.493.6945Classen’s Tree Service2931 Route 18, Waterford VT802.748.2775 or 1.800.606.9721classenscrane@yahoo.comBedor’s Royal ThronePO Box 47, St. Johnsbury Center VT802.748.1605 or 800.493.6945www.bedors.comSewingThe Sewing Studio310 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury VT802.748.1599, www.sewingstudiovt.comSewin Love Fabric Shoppe101 Depot St., Lyndonville VT802.427.3070www.sewinlovefabric.comSkiing/SnowboardingThe Snow Job1486 Cross Road, Jay VT802.988.4464info@thesnowjob.comSolarSolartech754 Station Road, Sutton VT802.535.6191info@solartechvt.comSporting GoodsVillage Sports Shop511 Broad St Lyndonville, VT802.626.8448East Burke SportsRte 114, East Burke VT802.626.3215, skibike@charterinternet.comwww.eastburkesports.comClyde River Outfitters10 Cross Street, Isl<strong>and</strong> Pond VT802.723.6500, info@clyderiveroutfitters.comwww.facebook.com/clyderiveroutfittersTax PreparationMagnus & Associates459 Portl<strong>and</strong> Street, St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.5555TrailersKingdom Trailers4819 Memorial Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT802.748.0608www.trailersforme.comTransportationKingdom ExpressSt. Johnsbury <strong>and</strong> Newport VT802.535.3354www.kingdomexpressvt.comYogaInspired Yoga1077 VT Route 242, Jay, VT802.323.7911, www.jaywestfieldyoga.comSatyaloka Studio102 Depot St., Lyndonville VT802.626.6196Photo by Patricia Lapinski
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Clear vision beginswith healthy eyes.Don’t forget about your flexible spendingaccount. Some expire December 31st.For over thirty years, Ophthalmology Associates<strong>and</strong> now Eye Associates of Northern New Engl<strong>and</strong>has been dedicated to providing comprehensive<strong>and</strong> state of the art medical <strong>and</strong> surgicaleye care to the people of northern New Engl<strong>and</strong>.Cabinets • CountertopsDoors • WindowsALSO FEATURING:Full Line of Lumber<strong>and</strong>Building MaterialsCall our friendly <strong>and</strong>knowledgeable staff for all of yourbuilding supply needs.Brian Mawhinney, OD • Paul Lindstrom, ODKrista Haight, MD • Stephen Phipps, MDTed V.J. Houle, MDwww.eyeassociatesnne.netBUILDINGSUPPLY1410 Route 2 WestWest Danville, Vermont 05873802-684-3622 • fax: 802-684-3697
A trusted company in home heating.Year after year, homes <strong>and</strong> businesses throughout the Northeast Kingdom havetrusted Dead River Company to keep them warm <strong>and</strong> comfortable with reliablepropane <strong>and</strong> heating oil delivery. Being local lets us respond quickly whenever youcall. And our years of experience provide peace of mind knowing that we will alwaysbe there when you need us—providing exceptional customer service.• Propane <strong>and</strong> Heating Oil Delivery• Home Heating System Design & Installation• Comprehensive Service Plans• Energy-Saving Solutions189 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury, VT • (802) 748-89342300 Dartmouth College Highway, North Haverhill, NH • (603) 787-2088www.deadriver.com
802-626-5220 • www.burkemill.comAndrea D Kupetz, Realtor • bmp@burkemillproperties.comFabulous Log Home On 20 AcresAT THE ENTRANCE TOEAST BURKE VILLAGE AT234 VT ROUTE 114This 3 bedroom, 2 bath Log home is located at the end of a longdriveway with wonderful privacy, great views <strong>and</strong> Southeasterly exposure.Most of the l<strong>and</strong> is open meadow <strong>and</strong> pasture l<strong>and</strong> for horsesor other livestock. The house has cathedral ceilinged living room w/beautiful fireplace & hardwood floors. The partially finished basementmakes a great recreation space. The oversized 2 car garage has ahuge insulated workshop upstairs <strong>and</strong> the barn has several horse stalls<strong>and</strong> great hay storage. $349,000All About Flowers196 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, VT(802)748-5656 l (800)499-6565Remember when listeningwas e fortless?Call today to make an appointment for a FREEPrescriptFit hearing <strong>and</strong> lifestyle assessment.APPOINTMENT DATES:September 12, 13 & 14 • September 26, 27 & 28Weddings • Funerals • Silk Floral Designs • PlantsVermont Wines • Fruit & Gift BasketsLake Champlain Chocolates • Home & Garden GiftsWIRE SERVICEDelivery to Surrounding Communitiesallaboutflowersflorist.com / all-about-flowers@hotmail.comwww.wi-series.comARMSTRONG’SIntroducing new Wi Series• Reduce listening effort inby Starkey — the hearing aids noisy environments*Better Hearing • Improve Service, listening Ltd. to music <strong>and</strong> TVdesigned to make listening• Help phone calls sound bettereasy802-748-4852 198 Eastern Ave. – St. Johnsbury, 198 Eastern VT Ave. 05819 – St. Johnsbury, VT 05819<strong>and</strong> enjoyable again.• Not whistle or buzz800-838-4327 802-748-4852 Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9-41-800-838-4327America’s Largest HearingHours: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 9-4 Instrument ManufacturerSound fromwhen connected To learn more, to visit:your FINANCING TV... AVAILABLE the transmitter... www.starkey.comAdvanced features are designed to:• Fit comfortably, designed for your earsS<strong>and</strong>iDianeRebeccaIsabelleIsabelleAmerican owned <strong>and</strong>operated since 1967.streamsstereo sounddirectly to yourhearing aids.Hearing Center Name hasbeen in business for XX years.We strive to offer you the besthearing instruments available plusan exceptional patient experience.We know how important yourX-Day Event!Join us for our X-day Open HouseMonth XX-XX, XX a.m. to XX p.m.
YOUR CHOICE ... YOUR SCHOOLTHE RIGHT SIZELarge enough to offer the programs you want,small enough to give you a place. LI cares aboutevery student, day or boarding, local or global.You belong in this close,welcoming community!THE RIGHT TEACHERSA published novelist, an award-winning artist,a national ski coach, scientists <strong>and</strong> technicians ...teachers committed to helping you succeed.We’re all here for you!... LI musicians <strong>and</strong>dancers enjoy performingall around Vermont... LI travel study:how about art in Italyor biology in Hawaii,Arizona, or Yellowstone?... you can liveEuropean History inMunich or Prague withyour LI travel-mates... work-study studentsmake a differencewith patients in localhealth care facilitesTHE RIGHT COURSESWhether your plans are for college, the arts,your own business, science, or technology,LI has the program for you. H<strong>and</strong>s-on experience <strong>and</strong>free college courses can put you a step ahead.Find <strong>and</strong> follow your path at your pace!THE RIGHT RESULTSLI graduates succeed in college, arts schools,technical institutes, careers, <strong>and</strong> life. Alumni haveearned distinction in the Olympics, on stage, in courtrooms<strong>and</strong> classrooms, in business <strong>and</strong> government.Whatever your goals, LI will help you get there!68 Institute CircleLyndon Center, VT 05850802-626-5232www.LyndonInstitute.orgVermont’s High School of Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences
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