Bachelor thesis by Oliver Rohe

Bachelor thesis by Oliver Rohe

Bachelor thesis by Oliver Rohe


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Institute for Computer Science<br />

Software Engineering Group<br />

Warburger Straße 100<br />

33098 Paderborn<br />

Germany<br />

Model Transformation <strong>by</strong> Interpreting Triple<br />

Graph Grammars: Evaluation and Case Study.<br />

Thesis to receive the degree<br />

”<strong>Bachelor</strong> of Computer Science”<br />

within the integrated course of studies<br />

computer science.<br />

<strong>by</strong><br />

<strong>Oliver</strong> <strong>Rohe</strong><br />

Dringenberger Str.61<br />

33014 Bad Driburg<br />

submitted to<br />

Dr. Ekkart Kindler<br />

and<br />

Prof. Dr. Gerd Szwillus<br />

Paderborn, January 2, 2006


I here<strong>by</strong> declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and<br />

belief, it contains no material previously published or written <strong>by</strong> another person nor material<br />

which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree of a university<br />

or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement is made in the text.<br />

Paderborn, January 2, 2006<br />

<strong>Oliver</strong> <strong>Rohe</strong>

Contents<br />

1 Introduction 3<br />

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

1.2 Goals and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

1.3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

2 Model Transformation 6<br />

2.1 Triple Graph Grammars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

2.2 Interpreter Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

3 Case Study 28<br />

3.1 Fujaba- TGG Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

3.2 Eclipse/EMF TGG Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

3.3 Mapping both models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

4 Realization 47<br />

4.1 Common Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

4.2 Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

5 Conclusion 52<br />

List of figures 55<br />

Bibliography 56<br />


Chapter 1<br />

Introduction<br />

1.1 Motivation<br />

In software engineering the usage of formal methods provides all kinds of different techniques<br />

for the specification, design, verification, validation and development of a system, which are<br />

supported <strong>by</strong> a wide range of different, sometimes incompatible tools. Also, these formal<br />

methods very often make use of different underlying formalisms and notations, which makes<br />

them difficult to use because knowing them all in detail is difficult and keeping different<br />

formal models of the same system consistent even more.<br />

The model driven development (MDD) approach is addressing these problems <strong>by</strong> ensuring<br />

the use of standard notations and models, which are widely understood and which can be<br />

consistently shared and reused between different steps of the software design life cycle.<br />

This approach is captured <strong>by</strong> the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [1], which is defined <strong>by</strong><br />

the Object Management Group (OMG) [2] and which is a set of standards and technologies<br />

to decouple models and to bridge them between different modeling languages and platforms.<br />

Therefore, it defines platform-independent models (PIM) and its automated transformation to<br />

one or more platform-specific models (PSMs).<br />

To adapt the MDD concepts, the most difficult part is to provide models and formalisms that<br />

can be related to each other across the software development life cycle and the tools to ensure<br />

a consistent transformation from one formalism into the other.<br />

The ComponentTools [3] project addresses these problems <strong>by</strong> providing an infrastructure to<br />

ease the application, integration and transformation of different formal models. Therefore, a<br />

model transformation mechanism has been developed as well as an application interface to<br />

integrate third party tools that can directly make use of the transformed models.<br />

In order to transform models with different formalisms and from different sources generally,<br />

a defined interface was implemented to interpret a formal model as graph and then perform a<br />

graph transformation with triple graph grammars.<br />

Transforming the structure of a model instance that has an object oriented meta model is<br />

very similar to a graph transformation, because its object instances and references can be<br />

interpreted as nodes and edges. Besides, objects may also contains properties like names or<br />

IDs, which can be transformed as well <strong>by</strong> using attributed graphs, where a node is assigned<br />

one or more properties.<br />



Therefore, the underlying graph model is all important for the model transformation, since<br />

it must contain all the information to be transformed. It must be very general and it must<br />

contain the most common concepts used in a variety of existing object- oriented models, so<br />

that different models can be transformed correctly.<br />

In the project group ComponentTools [3] , a first prototype of the TGG interpreter and<br />

its underlying TGG model has been developed. This version successfully transforms a<br />

ComponentLibrary [3] model into a PetriNetKernel [4] model as well as into a PetriNetMarkupLanguage<br />

[5] model.<br />

Although the concepts of the interpreter architecture is very general, the problem is to say<br />

whether it is always possible to transform any given model instance into another. This is due<br />

to the fact that models often times are very different in their structure and the information they<br />

keep and it is not clear whether both can always be mapped to the graph interface appropriately<br />

to perform a transformation into another model.<br />

The question is, wether there exists some model specific features or concepts that can not be<br />

interpreted generally and which would need to adjust the interpreter and the graph model in order<br />

to perform the transformation. However, doing so whenever a single model transformation<br />

can not be performed is not the desired behavior.<br />

1.2 Goals and Methods<br />

The subject of this <strong>thesis</strong> is to evaluate the existing interpreter architecture and its underlying<br />

TGG graph model <strong>by</strong> implementing yet another example model transformation. The goal is to<br />

get a better understanding which requirements and features are needed to describe and to perform<br />

a wide range of different model transformations. Especially, it should help to understand<br />

what a model instance and its meta model must look like in order to apply a transformation, or<br />

which properties may prevent a transformation to be successful.<br />

The results will then be used to extend the current interpreter architecture in order to get the<br />

example transformation to work, although it is very important not to make the architecture<br />

unnecessarily complex <strong>by</strong> adding useless features, but rather to keep its concepts very clear<br />

and general.<br />

The example transformation will be performed from the Fujaba TGG model to the ComponentTools<br />

TGG model. The speciality is that both models are different TGG models, whereas<br />

the latter one is also the underlying model for the transformation itself.<br />

Also, for the Fujaba TGG model, there exists already a very comfortable TGG rule modeling<br />

editor and now the goal is to use it indirectly for the ComponentTools TGG model as well,<br />

<strong>by</strong> transforming the created Fujaba TGG rules into the corresponding ComponentTools TGG<br />

rules and format. Thus, it replaces the painfull usage of the ComponentTools TGG rule editor,<br />

which, although was generated automatically <strong>by</strong> the EMF framework and hence gotten for<br />

free, is very difficult to use and therefore very error-prone.<br />

Another speciality is, that the example implementation will be done in a kind of bootstrapping<br />

manner. Therefore, the first rule set is going to be modeled with the ComponentTools editor<br />


1.3. OVERVIEW<br />

<strong>by</strong> hand and then after successfully doing a transformation, the Fujaba TGG editor can be used<br />

to remodel the rule set. The created Fujaba model will then be transformed and the result<br />

can be used again as a rule input for the interpreter, to transform a Fujaba TGG model into a<br />

ComponentTools TGG model.<br />

1.3 Overview<br />

Chapter two explains the idea of the model transformation. Therefore, triple graph grammars<br />

are introduced as well as the interpreter architecture and the matching algorithm. In chapter<br />

three, the example model transformation will be explained. Besides, both models are presented<br />

and the transformation details are illustrated. In chapter four the current implementation and<br />

its weaknesses will be evaluated, as well as the changes and enhancements being made during<br />

the work of this <strong>thesis</strong> in order to get the example transformation to work.<br />

The fourth chapter then gives an overview and provides ideas and strategies for future work<br />

and research.<br />


Chapter 2<br />

Model Transformation<br />

Transforming models is a very challenging problem. The existing approaches very often<br />

either lack performance or generality, which means that an efficient transformation usually is<br />

restricted to a certain class of models, whereas general approaches usually are only applicable<br />

for very small input models.<br />

The goal of ComponentTools [3] was to ease this drawback and to be general and performant<br />

at once. Therefore, the idea was to interpret any in- memory model [6] as a graph and then<br />

perform a graph transformation using triple graph grammar rules. The following chapter will<br />

give an idea how, the specification and the execution of a model transformation is done.<br />

2.1 Triple Graph Grammars<br />

Triple Graph Grammars are an extension of Graph Grammars. They consist of a set of Triple<br />

Graph Rules to formally describe a graph transformation. A TGG rule itself consist of three<br />

declarative graph rewriting rules (source-, correspondence- and target- rule), whereas each<br />

rule again is splitted into a condition graph (left side) and an action graph (right side).<br />

Additionally, the correspondence rule maps source- and target- rule elements onto each other<br />

and therefore allows a bidirectional n:m mapping of its elements. That makes the rule applicable<br />

in both direction, since the correspondence mappings between the model elements always<br />

allow a unique identification of the elements belonging together.<br />

This is very benefiting, since it allows a mapping between two structurally different graphs. In<br />

addition, it simplifies the handling of the rules, because the correspondence structure can store<br />

additional information, which might be necessary for the transformation.<br />

Therefore, a TGG rule is nothing more than a mapping bettween the rules of two different<br />

graph grammars, which means that for every existing rule and its defined structural graph<br />

rewriting in the first grammar, there exists a corresponding graph rewriting rule in the second<br />

graph grammar and vice versa. In other words, whenever the node structure of a source graph<br />

instance allows the fireing of one of the rules from the first graph grammar, there exists a<br />

corresponding node structure in the target graph instance that allows the fireing of the second<br />

graph grammar’s rule.<br />

Figure 2.1 shows a simple TGG rule that was used within the context of the ComponentTools<br />

[3] project. It transforms a Track into its corresponding PetriNet construct.<br />



R<br />

L<br />

:Track<br />

source<br />

:Project<br />

:Inport<br />

++<br />

:Outport<br />

2.1.1 Graph Transformation<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

correspondence<br />

:Corresp<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

target<br />

:Petrinet<br />

++<br />

:Place<br />

++<br />

:Arc<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Transition<br />

Figure 2.1 : A simple triple graph grammar rule.<br />

A graph transformation between two different graph instances can be performed <strong>by</strong> applying<br />

TGG rules stepwise. Every rule defines one transformation step, which extends the transforming<br />

target graph instance according to its definition on the right side of the target grammar rule<br />

(When the rule is read from left to right. Otherwise the right side of the source graph grammar<br />

rule is considered).<br />

The left side of the TGG rule like in the figure 2.2 defines the precondition of the transformation<br />

step. It shows two nodes from the source and the target grammar, mapped <strong>by</strong> a correspondence<br />

node. The right part of the source side defines the structure that already exists in<br />

the source graph instance and that needs to be transformed into the corresponding target graph<br />

structure. For none- deleting rules, which are currently only supported <strong>by</strong> the interpreter, the<br />

elements on the left side are always also on the ride side, which means that the graph is always<br />

only extended, but never reduced. The difficulties of handling deleting rules will be discussed<br />

in the chapter 5.<br />

R<br />

L<br />

:Track<br />

source correspondence target<br />

:Project<br />

:Inport<br />

:Outport<br />

:Corresp<br />

Figure 2.2 : Left side pre condition.<br />

:Petrinet<br />

When both, the rule’s left side and the source’s right side (L Form) can be successfully mapped<br />

within the graph instances, the rule can be fully applied and the target graph instance can be<br />

extended, as defined on the right side of the target graph grammar rule 2.3 .<br />

7<br />

++<br />



L+R<br />

R<br />

:Track<br />

source correspondence target<br />

:Project :Corresp<br />

:Inport<br />

:Outport<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Petrinet<br />

++<br />

:Place<br />

++<br />

:Arc<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Transition<br />

Figure 2.3 : Target right side, that needs to be created.<br />

Since the rule is applicable in both direction, the same principle holds, when the rule is read<br />

from right to left. In this case, the source graph instance is extended according to the definition<br />

on the right side of the source graph grammar rule.<br />

2.2 Interpreter Architecture<br />

The first prototype of the interpreter was developed during the project group ComponentTools<br />

[3] to support the model driven development <strong>by</strong> providing a tool that performs a well defined<br />

transformation of different formal models. The goal was to do the transformation generally<br />

and efficiently, without ever modifying the interpreter and its algorithm when a new model<br />

transformation has to be performed. Therefore, a graph interface was developed to allow the<br />

interpretation of a model instance as graph and then perform a graph transformation via triple<br />

graph grammars.<br />

The interpreter architecture that is shown in figure 2.4 is separated into four main components.<br />

In-<br />

Memory<br />

Model<br />

(Instance)<br />

Model<br />

Adapter<br />

Graph-<br />

Type<br />

Model<br />

TGG<br />

Interpreter<br />

TGG<br />

Rules<br />

Model<br />

Adapter<br />

Figure 2.4 : The interpreter architecture.<br />

8<br />

++<br />

++<br />

In-<br />

Memory<br />

Model<br />



1. The graph type models are referenced <strong>by</strong> the triple graph grammar rules and represent<br />

the meta model type definitions of the in- memory model instances.<br />

2. The model adapters are used as a graph interface <strong>by</strong> the interpreter to navigate on the<br />

in- memory model instances and its types.<br />

3. The TGG rule graphs describe the single transformation steps.<br />

4. The interpreter performes the transformation of two graphs <strong>by</strong> stepwise applying the<br />

TGG rules.<br />

Each of these components will be explained more in detail in the following sections.<br />

2.2.1 Graph Type Model<br />

The goal of the interpreter is to be independent from any model instance that has to be transformed.<br />

Therefore, the structure and the types of the models are hidden behind a graph interface.<br />

The interpreter then simply uses a model adapter (see Section 2.2.2) to virtually translate<br />

the model instance as graph. In order to hide the element types of a model, the interpreter uses<br />

a defined type interface called a graph type model. Each graph type model is equivalent to the<br />

actual meta model of the model instance.<br />

A graph type model contains node-, edge- and property- types, which are shown in figure 2.5 .<br />

*<br />

GraphElementType<br />

EdgeType<br />

GraphType<br />

+ description: String<br />

*<br />

graphTypes<br />

graphElementTypes<br />

NodeType<br />

+ role: String + name: String<br />

in<br />

*<br />

out<br />

*<br />

1<br />

source<br />

1 target<br />

1<br />

*<br />

PropertyType<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ type: String<br />

nodeType<br />

propertyTypes<br />

Figure 2.5 : A graph type and its node-, edge- and property- types.<br />

The figure 2.6 shows a graph type model that copies the meta model given as UML class<br />

diagram.<br />

Car<br />

color:String<br />

0..1<br />

1<br />

0..1<br />

0..*<br />

Engine<br />

Tire<br />

p1:PropertyType<br />

name=“color“<br />

type=“String“<br />

n1:NodeType<br />

name=“Car“<br />

e1:EdgeType<br />

role=“car2engine“<br />

n2:NodeType<br />

name=“Engine“<br />

e2:EdgeType<br />

role=“car2tire“<br />

n3:NodeType<br />

name=“Tire“<br />

Figure 2.6 : An UML class diagram and its corresponding graph type model instance.<br />



2.2.2 Model Adapter<br />

The main focus of the interpreter architecture is to be usable for every possible in- memory<br />

model and format [6]. Therefore, an adapter interface was developed to allow the interpretation<br />

of a model instance as a graph. That allows the interpreter to work directly on the model<br />

instances, but simply uses the model adapters to virtually interpret its objects and references as<br />

nodes and edges. That makes it independent from its input, but still allows to manipulate any<br />

model instance <strong>by</strong> just calling graph interface methods declared in the model adapters shown<br />

in the figure 2.7 .<br />

public interface RealModelAdapter<br />

{<br />

public RealModelAdapter(GraphType graphType, Object realModelInstance);<br />

}<br />

public abstract Object getRootElement();<br />

public abstract NodeType getNodeType(Object object) ;<br />

public abstract Collection getNeighbors(Object source, EdgeType edgeType);<br />

public abstract Collection getAllNeighbors(Object source);<br />

public abstract void deleteNode(Object object);<br />

public abstract void deleteEdge(EdgeType edgeType, Object source, Object target);<br />

public abstract void getPropertyValue(Object object, String property);<br />

public abstract void setPropertyValue(Object object, String property, Object value);<br />

public abstract Object createNode(NodeType nodeType, Hashtable propertyValues) ;<br />

public abstract void createEdge(EdgeType edgeType, Object source, Object target);<br />

Figure 2.7 : The model adapter interface.<br />

In figure 2.7 the adapter interface methods are shown. As an example, the last method<br />

createEdge is used to create a new reference from an object source to an object target.<br />

During the method call the interpreter passes an edge type to the model adapter to let it know<br />

what kind of reference has to be created. The last but one method createNode creates a new<br />

object based on the node type parameter passed <strong>by</strong> the interpreter. An example for the usage of<br />

the model adapter is given in the method countNeighbors presented below 2.8 . This method<br />

simply counts the number of neighbor objects.<br />



Integer countNeighbors(Object source, RealModelAdapter adapter)<br />

1: nodeType ← adapter.getNodeType(source)<br />

2: outgoingEdgeTypes ← nodeType.getOutgoingEdges(source)<br />

3: counter ← 0<br />

4: while (outgoingEdgeTypes.hasNext()) do<br />

5: edgeType ← outgoingEdgeType.next()<br />

6: neighbors ← adapter.getNeighbors(edgeType)<br />

7: counter ← counter + neighbors.size()<br />

8: end while<br />

9: return counter<br />

Figure 2.8 : Example, how the interpreter interacts with the model adapter.<br />

Figure 2.9 shows the routine of the model adapter that returns the node type, depending<br />

on the objects real type. The node types are defined in the graph type meta model and will<br />

be loaded together with the initialization of the adapter. Below there is an extract of the method.<br />

NodeType getNodeType(Object object)<br />

1: if (object instanceof UMLProject ) then<br />

2: return umlprojectNodeType<br />

3: else if (object instanceof UMLClassDiagram ) then<br />

4: return umlclassdiagramNodeType<br />

...<br />

5: end if<br />

Figure 2.9 : Example implementation of the getNodeType routine.<br />

2.2.3 TGG Rule Graphs<br />

TGG rule graphs consists of nodes, edges and properties and they resemble object diagrams<br />

to clone object structures, the same as might occur in the real model instances. A TGG rule<br />

graph consists of three graph rewriting rules, where each rule defines the rewriting step how<br />

the corresponding model is to be extended.<br />

Additionaly, the graph elements reference the graph type models (see Figure 2.10 ). These types<br />

are the same as those that are used <strong>by</strong> the model adapter to translate the in- memory models for<br />

the interpreter. Therefore, the structure and the used object types of a TGG graph rule can be<br />

directly matched with the in- memory model instances to perform the transformation.<br />



Edge<br />

Graph<br />

+ description: String<br />

*<br />

*<br />

GraphElement<br />

edge<br />

graph<br />

graphElement<br />

Node<br />

in * * 1 1 target<br />

out<br />

source<br />

*<br />

GraphElementType<br />

EdgeType<br />

GraphType<br />

+ description: String<br />

*<br />

graphTypes<br />

graphElementTypes<br />

node nodetype<br />

edgetype<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1 node<br />

*<br />

Property<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ type: String<br />

properties<br />

NodeType<br />

+ role: String + name: String<br />

in<br />

*<br />

out<br />

*<br />

1<br />

source<br />

property propertytype<br />

1 target<br />

Figure 2.10 : The graph- and graph type- meta model.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

*<br />

PropertyType<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ type: String<br />

nodeType<br />

propertyTypes<br />

Figure 2.11 shows how the interpreter architecture interacts together. The interpreter transforms<br />

the model source instance. Therefore, it matches the source graph rule within the object<br />

structure of the source model. However, since the interpreter is supposed to be independend<br />

from the model instances, it must not know its structure, and its types, and therefore, the model<br />

adapters are used to hide both of them. The interpreter can then compare the elements of the<br />

rule directly with the model object instances <strong>by</strong> comparing its types.<br />

Real model source instance<br />

c1:Car eng1:Engine<br />

color=“Silver“<br />

t1:Tire t2:Tire t3:Tire t4:Tire<br />

TGG source graph rule<br />

p1:Property<br />

value=“Silver“<br />

n1:Node<br />

name=“Manta“<br />

e1:Edge<br />

++<br />

++<br />

n2:Node<br />

name=“Continental“<br />

interpreter:Interpreter<br />

source:RealModelAdapter<br />

(c1,n1)<br />

(eng1,n2)<br />

(t1,n3)<br />

(t2,n3)<br />

(t3,n3)<br />

(t4,n3)<br />

Source graph model type definition<br />

p1:PropertyType<br />

name=“color“<br />

type=“String“<br />

n1:NodeType<br />

name=“Car“<br />

e1:EdgeType<br />

role=“car2engine“<br />

n2:NodeType<br />

name=“Engine“<br />

Figure 2.11 : A graph and the referenced model type definition.<br />

12<br />

Represents a relation.<br />

e2:EdgeType<br />

role=“car2tire“<br />

n3:NodeType<br />



2.2.4 Interpreter<br />

The interpreter finally performs the model transformation <strong>by</strong> applying the TGG rules stepwise.<br />

Therefore, it tries to match the condition part of the TGG rule within the object structures of the<br />

source, target and correspondence graph. This matching is similar to the (sub) graph matching<br />

problem, where a smaller subgraph is searched within a bigger main graph. Before explaining<br />

the interpreter algorithm, firstly a short recapitulation of graph theory is given to get familiar<br />

with the notion again.<br /> (Sub-) Graph Matching<br />

Graphs<br />

A graph is defined as a tuple G = (V, E), whereas V is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges<br />

(see Figure 2.12 ).<br />

V ={v1, v2, v3}, E ={{v1, v2}, {v2, v3}, {v1, v3}}<br />

Directed-/Undirected Graph<br />

v 1<br />

v 2<br />

Figure 2.12 : A simple graph.<br />

Depending on the application domain a graph can be directed or undirected. Former means<br />

that an edge between two nodes has an explicit direction. Therefore the set of edges is defined<br />

as tuples of sorted nodes E ={(u, v) | u, v ∈ V }. Undirected graphs have unsorted pairs of<br />

nodes (see Figure 2.13 ).<br />

V ={v1, v2, v3}, E ={(v1, v2), (v2, v3), (v3, v1)}<br />

Labeled-/Attributed Graph<br />

v 1<br />

v 2<br />

Figure 2.13 : A directed graph.<br />

A graph can be labeled or attributed. That means all of its nodes and edges are labeled<br />

differently (but arbitrarily), so that they can be distinguished. To label the nodes and edges, a<br />

13<br />

v 3<br />

v 3


graph must have a labeling function which assigns every node or edge an unique id, name or<br />

index (see Figure 2.14 ).<br />

Here is an example for a graph with a node and edge labeling function.<br />

E = (V, E, µ, η), V ={v1, v2, v3} E ={(v1, v2), (v2, v3), (v3, v1)}<br />

µ : v → Lv η : e → Le<br />

Sub Graphs<br />

v 1<br />

A<br />

v 2<br />

C<br />

B<br />

Figure 2.14 : An attributed graph.<br />

A subgraph, as part of a main graph, is usually defined as a subset of the nodes and edges of<br />

the original graph. More formally, a graph G ′<br />

= (V ′<br />

, E ′<br />

, µ ′<br />

, η ′<br />

), is a subgraph of a graph<br />

G = (V, E, µ, η) short G ′<br />

⊆ G iff, V ′<br />

⊆ V and E ′<br />

⊆ E ∪ (V ′<br />

× V ′<br />

). Additional, the labeling<br />

functions must be identical.<br />

Morphisms between graphs<br />

µ(v) ′<br />

� ′<br />

µ(v) if v ∈ V<br />

=<br />

undefined otherwise<br />

A relationship between two graphs is defined as a Morphism from one graph G ′<br />

to another<br />

graph G.<br />

When considering the edge relation in a graph as a binary relation, then a morphism is defined<br />

as a mapping function f : G ′<br />

→ G such that f(u ∗ v) = f(u)αf(v), where ∗ is the relation<br />

on G ′<br />

and α is the relation on G. That means that when there exist two nodes u, v in the<br />

source graph, being related <strong>by</strong> ∗, then the node images f(u), f(v) must be related <strong>by</strong> the target<br />

relation α as well.<br />

In graph theory a morphism is called a Homomorphism.<br />

Homomorphism<br />

Given two graphs,<br />

G ′<br />

= (V ′<br />

, E ′<br />

), V ′<br />

= {A, B, C}, E ′<br />

= {(A, B), (B, C), (C, A)}<br />

G = (V, E), V = {D, E, F, G, H},<br />

14<br />

v 3


E = {(D, E), (E, F ), (F, D), (F, G), (G, H), (H, F )}<br />

a homomorphism f between the two graphs is defined as.<br />

f : V ′<br />

→ V such that (u, v) ∈ E ′<br />

⇒ ((f(u), f(v)) ∈ E<br />

The figure 2.15 shows one possible homomorphism between the two graphs.<br />

Isomorphism<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

The arrow shows a possible node mapping.<br />

Figure 2.15 : A possible homomorphism f(A) = G,f(B) = H,f(C) = F<br />

[The word ”isomorphism” applies when two complex structures can be mapped<br />

onto each other, in such a way that to each part of one structure there is a corresponding<br />

part in the other structure...(Gdel, Escher, Bach) [7]]<br />

An isomorphism is a bijective (surjective and injective) mapping f between two graphs. It<br />

usually indicates that they are identical and that every element in the source graph can be<br />

mapped to an equal node in the target graph and vice versa. The definition for a sub graph<br />

isomorphism is given in the same way, except that a certain part of the target graph is ignored.<br />

It is exactly the part that doesn’t exists in the target graph. This definition for a sub graph<br />

isomorphism is usually very helpfull, since often times, the target graph has much more nodes<br />

than the source graph and one is looking for subgraphs to be identical only to a certain subpart<br />

of the target graph (sub graph isomorphism). Figure 2.16 shows the the four cases for different<br />

mapping functions.<br />

15<br />

D<br />

G<br />

F<br />

E<br />



1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br /> Graph Matching Algorithm<br />

a<br />

c<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

b<br />

(a) Bijective (injective and surjective) (b) Injective, not surjective<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

(c) Surjective, not injective (d) Not surjective, not injective<br />

Figure 2.16 : Mapping functions between two graphs.<br />

The graph isomorphism problem is very difficult to solve and not yet proven to be in either of<br />

the sets P or NP -Complete. However the sub graph isomorphism problem is proven to be in<br />

NP-Complete [8].<br />

For every matching algorithm, it is almost unavoidable to try every node mapping combination<br />

between the two graphs. Unfortunately, this leads very quickly to a search space explosion,<br />

since trying every combination for two graphs G ′<br />

= (V ′<br />

, E ′<br />

) and G = (V, E) with |V ′<br />

| = m<br />

and |V | = n nodes causes the algorithm in worst case to try m × n! different combinations<br />

and therefore it runs exponentially long.<br />

That is <strong>by</strong> far too long for an efficient application. However, in most of the cases enough<br />

information exists to reduce the search space, which then results in an acceptable, quadratic<br />

time. These will be discussed in the following sections.<br />

Example<br />

Figure 2.17 shows an example of how to systematically try every node mapping combination.<br />

Starting with the first node v ′ ′<br />

1 ∈ V of the source graph G ′<br />

, |V | possibilities are left to match<br />

the node with a node vi ∈ V of graph G. When the node was matched successfully, the next<br />

node v ′<br />

2 has |V | − 1 possibilities, to be matched and so on.<br />

16<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

a<br />

b<br />

d<br />

c<br />



n<br />

Node Mapping<br />

v' 1<br />

v' 2<br />

v' 3<br />

v' 4<br />

v' 5<br />

v' 5<br />

v' 4<br />

v 4<br />

v' 1<br />

v' 3<br />

v' 2<br />

v 5<br />

G' G<br />

v 3<br />

f(v' 1 )=v 1<br />

v 5<br />

v 4<br />

v 4<br />

v 2<br />

v 3<br />

v 4<br />

(1) (2)<br />

v 5<br />

v 4<br />

v 3<br />

v 1<br />

Figure 2.17 : Searchtree<br />

When a node n ′<br />

from graph G ‘ does can be mapped to another node n from a graph G ?<br />

Depending on the underlying graph model and its graph properties there can exists many<br />

different criteria for equalness. However, the structure is the main property to be checked<br />

when two graphs are compared for equality. Therefore, the answer of the question above can<br />

be directly derived from the definition of a graph homomorphism in the section It<br />

says, whenever there exists an edge e ′<br />

between two nodes (n ′<br />

1 , n′ 2 ) in graph G′ , their node<br />

images f(n ′<br />

1 ) = n1, f(n ′<br />

2 ) = n2 must be connected <strong>by</strong> an edge e in G as well.<br />

That means whenever the algorithm tries to match two nodes, it must check whether they have<br />

the same outgoing edges and hence the same neighbors.<br />

The following pseudocode will explain the simplified checkoutgoingEdges routine that is a<br />

part of the interpreter algorithm and which checks the homomorphism condition.<br />

As input there are two nodes n ′<br />

∈ G ′<br />

to be a subset of G<br />

...<br />

v 4<br />

v 1<br />

v 2<br />

v 4<br />

= (V ′<br />

, E ′<br />

) and n ∈ G = (V, E) whereas G ′<br />

is supposed<br />

17<br />

v 5<br />

v 3<br />

n<br />

n-1<br />

n-2<br />

n-3<br />

1<br />



boolean checkoutgoingEdges(Node n ′<br />

1 , Node n1)<br />

1: if (n ′<br />

1 .getOutgoingEdges().size() > n1.getOutgoingEdges().size()) then<br />

2: return false<br />

3: end if<br />

4: while (n ′<br />

5:<br />

.getOutgoingEdges().hasNext()) do<br />

(e ′<br />

← n ′<br />

.getOutgoingEdges().next()<br />

6: if (isMapped(e ′<br />

.getTargetNode())) then<br />

7: n2 ← getMappingPartner(e ′<br />

.getTargetNode())<br />

8: found ← false<br />

9: while (n1.getOutgoingEdges().hasNext() & !found) do<br />

10: e ← n1.getOutgoingEdges().next()<br />

11: if (e.getTargetNode().equals(n2)) then<br />

12: found ← true<br />

13: end if<br />

14: end while<br />

15: if (not found) then<br />

16: return false<br />

17: end if<br />

18: end if<br />

19: end while<br />

20: return true<br />

The checkoutgoingEdges routine simply iterates over all outgoing edges of the first node<br />

n ′<br />

1 ∈ G′ and checks if the target node is already mapped to a node n2 ∈ G. In that case, the<br />

node n2 must be a neighbor node of the node n1, for which n ′<br />

1 is supposed to be the mapping<br />

partner.<br />

Backtracking<br />

The backtracking step is a systematic approach to handle dead ends while running through<br />

the search space to find a solution for a given problem. During the matching application<br />

the algorithm traverses through both graphs G ′<br />

= (V ′<br />

, E ′<br />

), G = (V, E), and tries every<br />

node mapping combination between their nodes. Whenever it ends up in a dead solution, it<br />

discards the last node mapping, makes one step back and proceeds with the next possible node<br />

mapping pair. Programmatically, a backtracking step usually is implemented as recursion.<br />

One backtracking step means going up one recursion step.<br />

Depth First Search vs. Breath First Search<br />

Both, Depth First- and Breath First- Search can be used to traverse a graph systematically.<br />

The advantage of BFS is guaranteed to find the shortest solution path first. That means using<br />

BFS allows the algorithm to find the smallest subgraph first, because the breadth-first strategy<br />

always expands all the nodes at one level of the graph before expanding any of their neighbor.<br />

This property is important when graphs again are subgraphs of other graphs and hence the<br />

interpreter could match them at once. This feature will be explained more in detail in chapter<br />

5.<br />

The default search algorithm used within the interpreter is BFS, but only a few lines of code<br />

would need to be changed in order let it use DFS instead.<br />



The difficulty of the matching algorithm is that it performes a BFS search on two graphs simultaneously.<br />

Therefore a recursive nested routine is implemented to systematicaly try every node<br />

matching possibility.<br />

The routine matchGraphs 2.19 tries to perform a graph matching between the two given<br />

graphs G ′<br />

= (V ′<br />

, E ′<br />

) and G = (V, E). Therefore, it initiates the breath-first search for the<br />

root node mapping and then explores recursively the neighbor nodes.<br />

Vector matchGraphs(Graph G ′<br />

, Graph G)<br />

1: while (V ′<br />

.hasNext()) do<br />

2: n ′ ′<br />

1 ← V .next()<br />

3: while (V .hasNext()) do<br />

4: n1 ← V .next()<br />

5: if (matchNodes(n ′<br />

1 ,n1)) then<br />

6: nodeMapping ← new NodeMapping(n ′<br />

1 ,n1)<br />

7: mappings.add(nodeMapping)<br />

8: edgesCopy ← n ′<br />

1 .getOutgoingEdges()<br />

9: success ← exploreEdges(nodeMapping,edgesCopy,mappings,emptyVector)<br />

10: if (success) then<br />

11: return mappings<br />

12: else<br />

13: mappings.clear<br />

14: end if<br />

15: end if<br />

16: end while<br />

17: end while<br />

Figure 2.18 : This routine checks if a graph is subgraph of another graph.<br />

boolean matchNodes(Node n ′<br />

1 ,Node n1)<br />

1: success ← checkoutgoingEdges(n ′<br />

1 ,n1)<br />

2: return success<br />

Figure 2.19 : This routine is used to match two nodes with each other.<br />



boolean exploreEdges(NodeMapping nodeMapping, Vector edgesCopy, Vector mappings,Vector<br />

levelMappings)<br />

1: source ← nodeMapping.getSourceNode()<br />

2: target ← nodeMapping.getTargetNode()<br />

3: if (!edgesCopy.isEmpty()) then<br />

4: e ′<br />

← edgesCopy.next()<br />

i<br />

5: n ′<br />

i<br />

← e′<br />

i .getTargetNode()<br />

6: while (target.getOutgoingEdges().hasNext()) do<br />

7: ei ← target.getOutgoingEdges().next()<br />

8: ni ← ei.getTargetNode()<br />

9: if ( isMapped(ni) & isMapped(n ′<br />

i )) then<br />

10: oldMapping ← node2nodeMapping.get(nu) {}//node2nodeMapping is global<br />

map<br />

11: oldMapping2 ← node2nodeMapping.get(n ′<br />

u)<br />

12: if (oldMapping.equals(oldMapping2)) then<br />

13: newMapping ← oldMapping<br />

14: end if<br />

15: else if (matchNodes(n ′<br />

i ,ni)) then<br />

16: newMapping ← new NodeMapping(n ′<br />

i ,ni)<br />

17: end if<br />

18: if (newMapping != null) then<br />

19: levelMappings.add(newMapping)<br />

20: mappings.add(newMapping)<br />

21: edgesCopy.remove(e ′<br />

i )<br />

22: success ← exploreEdges(nodeMapping,edgesCopy,mappings,levelMappings)<br />

23: if (success) then<br />

24: return true<br />

25: else<br />

26: levelMappings.remove(newMapping)<br />

27: mappings.remove(newMapping)<br />

28: end if<br />

29: end if<br />

30: end while<br />

31: return false<br />

32: else<br />

33: while (levelMappings.hasNext()) do<br />

34: tmpMapping ← levelMappings.next()<br />

35: newEdgesCopy ← tmpMapping.getSourceNode().getOutgoingEdges()<br />

36: success ← exploreEdges(tmpMapping,edgesCopy,mappings,emptyVector)<br />

37: if (!success) then<br />

38: return false<br />

39: end if<br />

40: end while<br />

41: end if<br />

Figure 2.20 : This routine explores all outgoing edges of a node.<br />

The routine exploreEdges shown in the figure 2.20 simply tries to match all nodes at a given<br />

level <strong>by</strong> running through the outgoing edges of the actual parent node mapping’s source node<br />



and then recursively tries to find a mapping partner within the neighbor nodes of the parent<br />

node mapping’s target node. Once all nodes at a certain level are mapped, for each of these<br />

level node mappings, the routine is recursively called again.<br />

Graph- Rewriting/Production<br />

A graph may be produced <strong>by</strong> a graph grammar. Besides, its graph rewriting rules stepwise<br />

extends the graph according to its definition of the right side (as explained in Chapter 2.1 ).<br />

Therefore, the left side can be considered as a precondition subgraph, that needs to be matched<br />

within the existing graph in order to extend it. The matchGraph algorithm can be used to<br />

stepwise apply the graph rewriting rules and therefore extend the graph.<br />

Graph- Parsing/Derivation<br />

A graph that was produced <strong>by</strong> a graph grammar has been stepwise extended <strong>by</strong> the graph grammar<br />

rules. By deriving a produced graph back, its rule application order can be reconstructed.<br />

Besides, the graph rewriting rules will be virtually reapplied on the existing graph. During this<br />

reaplication, the graph and its elements are categorized into an already produced part and a<br />

virtually none- existing part.<br />

A rule can be successfully reaplied, whenever its precondition subgraph on the left side can<br />

be successfully matched within the already produced part of the graph and its right side can<br />

be matched within the virtually none existing part of the graph. Figure 2.21 shows a possible<br />

model instance and its produced elements.<br />

in01:Inport<br />

out01:Outport<br />

p1:Project<br />

t01:Track s01:Signal<br />

c01:Con<br />

in02:Inport<br />

out02:Outport<br />

Already produced<br />

Figure 2.21 : Nodes were already successfully reproduced<br />

The following rule shown in the figure 2.22 could be successfully reaplied, since its left precondition<br />

side can be matched within the already produced part of the graph. Therefore,<br />

the left side of the rule must be matched within the produced part of the model and the<br />

right side must be matched within the not yet produced part. A possible matching would<br />

be (r1,p1),(r2,in01),(r3,t01),(r4,out01).<br />



R<br />

L<br />

++<br />

++<br />

r3:Track<br />

++<br />

source<br />

r1:Project<br />

++<br />

r2:Inport<br />

++<br />

r4:Outport<br />

Figure 2.22 : The graph rewriting rule that could be reaplied next.<br />

The following algorithm derives a graph back <strong>by</strong> stepwise reapplying the TGG rules on the<br />

graph as long as it has still not yet produced elements e.g. whenever there exists produced<br />

elements, that still have not yet produced neighbors. This set is called the front (see Figure<br />

2.23 ), since these elements mark the border between the left and the right side of a graph<br />

grammar rule. It is also used as starting context for possible node mappings and therefore<br />

helps to reduce the search space. This is because, whenever a rule is going to be matched,<br />

at least one of its elements on the left side must be a matching partner for at least one of the<br />

nodes in the front. Every time a rule is successfully matched, the front needs to be updated<br />

and elements get removed when they no longer have not yet produced neighbors.<br />

The Front<br />

in01:Inport<br />

out01:Outport<br />

p1:Project<br />

t01:Track s01:Signal<br />

c01:Con<br />

in02:Inport<br />

++<br />

out02:Outport<br />

Already produced<br />

Figure 2.23 : The front that marks the border for the graph grammar rule’s left and right side.<br />

The following algorithm assumes at least one start element to be in the front.<br />



Vector deriveGraph(Vector ruleGraphs,Graph G)<br />

1: while (!theFront.hasNext()) //theFront is a global list do<br />

2: frontELement ← theFront.next()<br />

3: while (ruleGraphs.hasNext()) do<br />

4: ruleGraph ← ruleGraphs.next()<br />

5: nodeList ← ruleGraph.getNodes()<br />

6: while (nodeList.hasNext()) do<br />

7: node ← nodeList.next()<br />

8: success ← matchNodes(node,frontElement)<br />

9: if (success) then<br />

10: nodeMapping ← new NodeMapping(node,frontElement)<br />

11: mappings.add(nodeMapping)<br />

12: edgesCopy ← node.outgoingEdges<br />

13: success ← exploreEdges(nodeMapping,edgesCopy,mappings,emptyVector)<br />

14: if (success) then<br />

15: while (nodeMappings.hasNext()) do<br />

16: nodeMapping ← nodeMappings.next()<br />

17: theFront.add(nodeMapping.getSourceNode())<br />

18: produced.add(nodeMapping.getSourceNode())<br />

19: updateTheFront()<br />

20: deriveOrder.add(ruleGraph)<br />

21: end while<br />

22: else<br />

23: mappings.clear<br />

24: end if<br />

25: end if<br />

26: end while<br />

27: end while<br />

28: end while<br />

29: return deriveOrder<br />

Figure 2.24 : This routine parses a graph.<br />

boolean updateTheFront()<br />

1: while (theFront.hasNext()) do<br />

2: node ← theFront.next()<br />

3: outgoingEdges ← node.getOutgoingEdges()<br />

4: stayInFront ← false<br />

5: while (outgoingEdges.hasNext() & !stayInFront) do<br />

6: neighbor ← outgoingEdges.next()<br />

7: if (!isProduced(neighbor)) then<br />

8: stayInFront ← true<br />

9: end if<br />

10: end while<br />

11: if (!stayInFront) then<br />

12: theFront.remove(node)<br />

13: end if<br />

14: end while<br />

Figure 2.25 : This routine updates the front.<br />



In order to use the algorithm exploreEdges from above, the matchNodes routine needs to be<br />

changed, such that two nodes can only be matched when the first node is on the left side and<br />

the second node is already produced, or when the first node is only on the right side, but then<br />

the second node must not be produced yet.<br />

boolean matchNodes(Node n ′<br />

1 ,Node n1)<br />

1: success ← (((n ′<br />

1 .isLeft() & isAlreadyProduced(n1)) or (!n ′<br />

1 .isLeft() &<br />

!isAlreadyProduced(n1))) ( & checkoutgoingEdges(n ′<br />

1 ,n1))<br />

2: return success<br />

Search space reduction<br />

Figure 2.26 : This routine matches two nodes.<br />

In order to optimize the graph matching application, the underlying graph model is very<br />

important. As already mentioned, the structure is one property to be checked, but there could<br />

be many more. For example, labled nodes and edges could be compared as well. Therefore,<br />

the matchNodes routine can be changed such that whenever two nodes are going to be matched<br />

its labels are checked first.<br />

success ← ((n ′<br />

i .label == ni.label) & (checkoutgoingEdges(n ′<br />

i ,ni))<br />

Since the checkoutgoingEdges check is more expensive, the label check should be done first.<br />

At this point, many different properties can be checked. The more properties and the more<br />

restrictive the equalness of two graphs is defined, the earlier a dead end is recognized.<br />

Briefing<br />

In the above section, several graph algorithms were introduced that are almost all used within<br />

the interpreter algorithm that will be explained in the next chapter The checkoutgoingEdges<br />

routine assures that the homomorphism condition (structure preserving) is not violated.<br />

The exploreEdges routine together with the matchGraph routine can be used to perform<br />

a graph rewriting application. The exploreEdges routine together with the deriveGraph routine<br />

can be used to parse a graph and reproduce its rule application order.<br /> Interpreter Algorithm<br />

The interpreter transforms two models into each other <strong>by</strong> performing a graph transformation<br />

with triple graph grammars. Therefore, it tries iteratively to apply the TGG rules in order to<br />

build up the corresponding target model.<br />

A TGG rule can be applied whenever its precondition can be successfully matched within<br />

the existing elements of the source, correspondence and target models. Depending on<br />

the reading direction, the precondition of the TGG rule is composed of the source graph<br />

grammar rule’s left and right side, the correspondence left side and the target graph grammar<br />

rules left side. This structure altogether is sometimes also called the L structure. The<br />



matching and the creation of the new target model elements can be divided into five main steps:<br />

1. Matching the source graph rewriting rule.<br />

2. Matching the correspondence.<br />

3. Matching the target graph rewriting rule’s precondition side.<br />

4. Extending the target model.<br />

5. Extending the correspondence between both models.<br />

R<br />

L<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Track<br />

++<br />

source correspondence target<br />

:Project<br />

++<br />

1<br />

:Inport<br />

++<br />

:Outport<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

2 3<br />

:Corresp<br />

:Corresp<br />

5<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

:Corresp<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Petrinet<br />

++<br />

:Place<br />

++<br />

:Arc<br />

++<br />

4<br />

++<br />

++<br />

:Transition<br />

Figure 2.27 : The five steps of the interpreter algorithm.<br />

For the first step, the deriveGraph method can be used. The only difference is that, instead<br />

of getting a graph as input, the source in- memory model is used. However, this can be<br />

interpreted as a graph using the model adapter. After the interpreter has successfully matched<br />

the source graph grammar rule, it just needs to call the matchCorrespondence routine in step<br />

two, in order to go on with the TGG rule matching.<br />

In the second step, the correspondence between the source elements and the target elements<br />

needs to be checked. Therefore, the matchCorrespondence routine simply tries to map the<br />

correspondence nodes from the TGG rule within the real correspondence nodes between the<br />

source and target in- memory model that has been newly created during the transformation.<br />

This correspondence matching is not like a real graph matching, but rather an operation on<br />

data structures. Therefore, it stepwise retrieves the real correspondence nodes for all, in<br />

the first step, mapped source model object instances and tries to match these with the rule<br />

correspondence nodes.<br />

When a rule correspondence node could be found, the real correspondence nodes outgoing<br />

edges are checked within the source mappings, to make sure it is the right correspondence<br />

node, so far. In the next step its target outgoing edges must be mapped within the left side of<br />

the target graph grammar rule of the TGG rule.<br />

Therefore, in the third step, the matchCorrespondence runs through the outgoing edges of the<br />

currently treated real correspondence node and checks if their neighbor nodes (these are the<br />

25<br />

++<br />



objects of the target in- memory model) can be matched within the left precondition structure<br />

of the target graph rewriting rule. For every successfull matching, a node mapping is created,<br />

which maps the rule node with the target in- memory model object.<br />

After the L structure was successfully matched, the TGG rule can be fully applied. Therefore,<br />

the routine doTransfomationStep runs through the nodes of the target graph grammar rule and<br />

creates a new object for every node that is only on the right side of the TGG rule.<br />

Thereafter, new edges are created <strong>by</strong> running through the same nodes to check if there exists<br />

edges that are only on the right side. When it does, for every of these edges, a new reference is<br />

created <strong>by</strong> using the nodes (mapping) partner (objects of the target model instance) as source<br />

object and the neighbor nodes (mapping) partner is used as target object.<br />

Then the interpreter can just call the model adapter method createEdge to create a new reference.<br />

In the last step, the newly created target elements must be mapped to its corresponding<br />

source elements. Therefore, the interpreter runs through the correspondence graph rewriting<br />

rule and creates a new node, for every rule rule node only on the right side. Additionally,<br />

it runs through the outgoing edges of the rule correspondence node and then retrieves the<br />

mapping partner object of the edge’s neighbor node, <strong>by</strong> using the global maintained map<br />

node2nodeMappings, which stores the current node mapping for every mapped rule node.<br />

Thereafter, the mapping partner (the model instance object) is stored in the newly created list,<br />

which will be assigned to the newly created correspondence node, using the global maintained<br />

map realCorrespondenceNodes2modelInstanceElements.<br />

Changing the Transformation Direction<br />

The transformation direction can be changed <strong>by</strong> calling the interpreter routine switchDirection(String<br />

direction). The method simply exchanges all currently maintained data structures,<br />

as well as the side of the model adapters, without loosing any information about the current<br />

transformation status. Switching the direction during the transformation is necessary when<br />

performing incremental transformation steps from any side of the in- memory model instances.<br />

Incremental Transformation<br />

The interpreter also supports incremental transformation steps. Although, this feature is still<br />

in development, it can be used for simple model changes. For this purpose, the interpreter can<br />

register itself as observer to the source and target model adapters and then listen for model<br />

changes. The adapter can send the following event types:<br />


• NEW NODE<br />



The property changed event is send, when a property value was changed.<br />

The new node event is send, when a new object was created outside of the interpreter<br />

environment. Besides, the interpreter receives the newly created objects from the adapter, puts<br />



them in the front, switches the transformation direction when necessary, and simply triggers<br />

the transformation routine again. However, the interpreter does not restart the complete model<br />

transformation, but rather transforms only the newly created objects.<br />

The delete node event is send, when an object was deleted outside of the interpreter environment.<br />

Besides, the interpreter receives the deleted object from the adapter and then revokes<br />

the TGG rule that created this object. Therefore, it maintaines a list that stores all objects and<br />

references that were created within the same transformation step and maps each list entry to<br />

the list itself. The interpreter then deletes all objects and references using the model adapter<br />

method deleteNode(Object source) and deleteEdge(EdgeType edgeType, Object source, Object<br />

target) respectively, and then updates all its data structures that had a reference to the deleted<br />

objects and references. However, the interpreter does not check the consistency of the models,<br />

after having revoked a TGG rule. Very often the model is getting inconsistent afterwards, and<br />

other TGG rules would need to be revoked as well. However, this feature is not yet supported,<br />

but the interpreter could also maintain a tree like hierarchy of applied TGG rules. Therefore,<br />

the interpreter could trace back affected objects and revoke its TGG rules as well.<br />

The delete edge event is handled exactly in the same way than the delete node event.<br />

Restriction<br />

The interpreter algorithm is not restricted to context free graph grammars, where every lefthand<br />

side consists of a single node but rather supports also context- sensitive graph grammars<br />

in which both left- and right-hand side of a production are graphs. The only restriction is that<br />

all nodes of the graph grammar needs to be reachable from at least one node on the left-hand<br />

side.<br />


Chapter 3<br />

Case Study<br />

This case study is meant to improve the current interpreter architecture and to help understanding<br />

which requirements and features are needed to perform a wide range of different<br />

model transformations. Therefore, an example transformation from the Fujaba TGG model<br />

to the ComponentTools TGG model has been developed. During the implementation the<br />

interpreter architecture was evaluated and the results were then used to enhance the architecture<br />

in order to get the transformation done. These enhancements will be described in chapter 4.<br />

Additionally, this example transformation will help to ease the modelling of a ComponentTools<br />

TGG model, because from this work on the Fujaba editor can be used to create any TGG model<br />

that ought to be the input for the interpreter and then ues the interpreter itself to transform<br />

this model into the corresponding ComponentTools format. This avoids the painful usage of<br />

the very user unfriendly ComponentTools editor, which was generated automatically <strong>by</strong> the<br />

Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) (see Section 3.2).<br />

The special on this transformation is that both models are triple graph grammar models,<br />

whereas the ComponentTools TGG model also serves as the underlying graph model for the<br />

interpreter. The implementation of the example transformation was done in a kind of bootstrapping<br />

manner. Therefore, the first TGG rules and graph type models were modeled with<br />

the ComponentTools TGG- editor, which could be then used to transform a small part of the<br />

Fujaba model into the ComponentTools model. The results were then again used as TGG ruleand<br />

graph type model- input for the interpreter, in order transform an even bigger part of the<br />

Fujaba model. This step was repeated until the whole Fujaba model could be sucessfully transformed.<br />

Figure 3.1 shows the bootstrapping process during the implementation of the example<br />

transformation.<br />



EMF Editor<br />

Fujaba Editor<br />

Modeling<br />

ComponentTools TGGModel<br />

FujabaTGG2ComponentToolsTGG'<br />

Fujaba TGGModel<br />

FujabaTGG2ComponentToolsTGG<br />

Rule- Catalog & Type Models<br />

Modeling Input<br />

Result<br />

TGG Interpreter<br />

Figure 3.1 : Bootstrapping the ComponentTools TGG model.<br />

new input<br />

ComponentTools TGGModel<br />

FujabaTGG2ComponentToolsTGG''<br />

In the following sections both TGG models and its elements will be introduced. Besides, the<br />

two model editors are explained and how both models were mapped onto each other.<br />

3.1 Fujaba- TGG Editor<br />

The Fujaba Tool Suite [9] is an UML [10] development environment that features among other<br />

things, the modelling of software systems and the code generation out of it. It was developed<br />

at the University of Paderborn and it supports the most common UML diagrams like class- and<br />

activity diagrams and statecharts.<br />

Additionally, Fujaba provides a plugin mechanism that was used to extend the Fujaba- model<br />

and the editor to support the modeling of TGG rules. Figure 3.2 shows the extended part of the<br />

Fujaba model.<br />



UMLIncrement<br />

UMLDiagramitem<br />

UMLConnection<br />

UMLLink<br />

+ modifier: Integer<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ type: Integer<br />

ASGElement<br />

+ name: String<br />

UMLObject<br />

+ modifier: Integer<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ type: Integer<br />

ASGDiagram<br />

UMLDiagram<br />

UMLObjectDiagram<br />

TGGDiagram 0..*<br />

diagram2element<br />

0..*<br />

diagram2element<br />

0..*<br />

TGGObject<br />

+ side: Integer<br />

outlink2source<br />

0..1<br />

inlink2target 0..*<br />

0..*<br />

0..1 0..*<br />

TGGLink<br />

Figure 3.2 : The extended part of the Fujaba model<br />

3.1.1 Creating a Fujaba TGG Model<br />

A Fujaba TGG model can be created <strong>by</strong> specifying three different class diagrams that represent<br />

the meta type definition of the source-, correspondence- and target- models. Each element in a<br />

class diagram represents a certain type for one of the elements found in the three in- memory<br />

model instances.<br />

The TGG model also contains TGG rules (TGG diagrams) that describe the single transformation<br />

steps. A TGG diagram is an object diagram using the types defined in the class diagrams.<br />

These object structures define the three graph rewriting rules and every element in the TGG<br />

diagram references one type of the above defined graph type models.<br />

3.1.2 TGG Rule Specification in Fujaba<br />

A TGG model can easily be created <strong>by</strong> using the Fujaba editor to model the class diagrams and<br />

the TGG rules. The figure 3.3 shows the Fujaba editor and a TGG diagram that describes the<br />

transformation step of a Fujaba TGG diagram object into the corresponding ComponentTools<br />

Graph object.<br />



Figure 3.3 : The Fujaba editor showing a TGG diagram.<br />

TGG objects can be edited in a dialog (see figure 3.4 ) that allows to set important properties<br />

listed below.<br />

• The objects name.<br />

• The type of the object, which references one of the class diagram’s elements.<br />

• The side, which sets one of the three graph rewriting rules (source, correspondence or<br />

target).<br />

• The modifier ’left’ or ’right’, which defines the actual rule side of the element (in Fujaba<br />

they are called ’None’ and ’Create’)<br />

• The constraint that defines whether the node should be treated as normal, or as condition<br />

node.<br />



3.1.3 Fujaba Graph Type Model<br />

Figure 3.4 : The part of the Fujaba graph type model.<br />

The Fujaba model provides the very basic UML elements like classes, associations and others,<br />

in order to model UML diagrams. Since the current interpreter architecture does not support<br />

abstraction (see Chapter 5) the graph type in figure 3.5 was modeled without it.<br />

UMLProject<br />

0..1<br />

project2diagram<br />

0..*<br />

UMLClassDiagram<br />

+ name: String<br />

0..*<br />

diagram2element<br />

UMLClass<br />

+ name: String<br />

0..1<br />

class2attr<br />

0..*<br />

UMLAttr<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ type: String<br />

0..*<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />

0..*<br />

0..1<br />

project2diagram<br />

project2typelist<br />

0..*<br />

typelist2type<br />

role2targetclass<br />

0..*<br />

assoc2rightrole<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />

UMLRole<br />

+ adornment: Integer<br />

UMLTypeList<br />

0..1<br />

0..*<br />

UMLAssoc<br />

+ name: String<br />

attrexpr2attr<br />

TGGDiagram<br />

+ name: String<br />

diagram2element<br />

0..*<br />

0..1<br />

assoc2leftrole<br />

0..1<br />

0..*<br />

0..*<br />

diagram2element<br />

0..*<br />

TGGObject<br />

+ modifier: Integer<br />

+ name: String<br />

+ side: Integer<br />

+ type: Integer<br />

0..1<br />

object2class<br />

object2attrexpr<br />

UMLAtrrExprPair<br />

+ expression: Integer<br />

+ operator: Integer<br />

diagram2element<br />

outlink2source<br />

inlink2target<br />

0..1 0..*<br />

link2assoc<br />

Figure 3.5 : The Fujaba graph type model as a UML class diagram.<br />

3.2 Eclipse/EMF TGG Editor<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />

0..*<br />

0..1<br />

0..*<br />

1<br />

0..*<br />

TGGLink<br />

0..*<br />

+ modifier: Integer<br />

expr2assignedexpr<br />

The ComponentTools infrastructure was developed <strong>by</strong> a project group at the University of<br />

Paderborn. The tool allows to easily apply formal methods in the development cycle of<br />

a system. Therefore, an application interface was developed as well as a transformation<br />

32<br />

0..1<br />



mechanism to allow third party tools to be integrated, <strong>by</strong> transforming formal models into<br />

each other and then allow different tools to work on one and the same model. Therefore,<br />

ComponentTools has developed a triple graph grammar model that is used to model the rules<br />

and the type definitions (see Chapter 2.4 ) that are necessary for the transformation.<br />

The ComponentTools TGG model, generated <strong>by</strong> the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) [11].<br />

EMF is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications.<br />

From a model specification described in XMI, EMF provides tools and runtime support<br />

to produce a set of Java classes implementing the model, a set of adapter classes that enable<br />

viewing and command-based editing of the model, and a basic editor.<br />

3.2.1 Creating a ComponentTools TGG Model<br />

A ComponentTools TGG model consists of three graph types, which define the meta type<br />

definition of the three in- memory models, in the same way the class diagrams do in a Fujaba<br />

TGG model. A graph type model consists of node-, edge- and property- types, whereas each<br />

of these elements represent a type for one of the elements in the in- memory model instances.<br />

Furthermore, the TGG model contains TGG rule graphs and each rule again defines the three<br />

graph rewriting rules for the triple graph grammar application. A TGG rule graph consists<br />

of nodes, edges and properties and resembles object diagrams, in the same way as the TGG<br />

diagrams do in Fujaba.<br />

3.2.2 TGG Rule Specification in ComponentTools<br />

A ComponentTools TGG model can be created <strong>by</strong> using the tree based XMI editor, which was<br />

generated <strong>by</strong> the EMF framework. Figure 3.6 shows the ComponentTools editor modeling a<br />

TGG rule that transforms a TGG diagram into the corresponding ComponentTools graph.<br />



Figure 3.6 : The ComponentTools Editor modeling a TGG rule graph.<br />

The elements can be edited <strong>by</strong> using the property cell editor, which can be seen in the lower<br />

part of figure 3.6 .<br />

3.2.3 ComponentTools Meta Model<br />

A graph type may contain element types like node- and edge- types, whereas the first one<br />

can have multiple property types that represents certain class attributes. A TGG rule graph<br />

contains elements like nodes and edges. Nodes can have properties that again have a reference<br />

to an element type. Figure 3.7 shows the underlying graph model of the interpreter architecture<br />

as an EMF class diagram.<br />



Figure 3.7 : The ComponentTools graph type model as EMF class diagram.<br />

3.3 Mapping both models<br />

As seen above, the Fujaba- and the ComponentTools- models are very similar to each other.<br />

They almost have the same structure and they provide the same information that is necessary<br />

for a transformation with triple graph grammars. Therefore, the Fujaba model could have been<br />

easily used as underlying graph model for the interpreter too.<br />

However, modelling a new graph model with EMF was the first choice, because Fujaba<br />

contains some elements and features that are useless for the interpreter architecture and hence<br />

would have made it unnecessarily complex. EMF also provides comfortable ways to map<br />

other models to its internal Ecore model representation, which is used for the model code- and<br />

editor generation. Nevertheless, Fujaba would have been a good choice as well, since some of<br />

the enhancement being made to the interpreter are actually adapted from the Fujaba model.<br />

The following two sections show an example TGG rule in both, the Fujaba as well as the<br />

CoamponentTools notation. Both diagrams are modeled as UML object diagram whereas the<br />

related elements are drawn in the same color. Both models only show the part of the model<br />

that is necessary for defining the TGG rule that transforms a Fujaba TGG diagram into the<br />

corresponding ComponentTools graph.<br />



3.3.1 Representation in ComponentTools<br />

The TGGCatalog of the ComponentTools model represents the root element of the project.<br />

This object references the GraphTypes and the TGG rule Graphs. The GraphTypes, source<br />

(blue color), correspondence (orange color) and target (green color), define the element types<br />

of the three in- memory models. The Graphs and its elements define the object structure of the<br />

three graph rewriting rules (source, correspondence and target). Each of these object structures<br />

and its elements reference elements of one of the GraphTypes.<br />

nt1:NodeType<br />

name:=”UMLProject”<br />

n1:Node<br />

name:=”project”<br />

left:=true<br />

source:=true<br />

et1:EdgeType<br />

role:=”project2diagram”<br />

et2:EdgeType<br />

role:=”diagram2project”<br />

e1:Edge<br />

left:=false<br />

map:=true<br />

gt1:GraphType<br />

description:=”source”<br />

e2:Edge<br />

left:=false<br />

map:=true<br />

nt2:NodeType<br />

name:=”TGGDiagram”<br />

pt1:PropertyType<br />

name:=”name”<br />

type:=”String”<br />

n2:Node<br />

name:=”tggdiagram”<br />

left:=false<br />

source:=true<br />

t1:TGGCatalog<br />

p1:Property<br />

operator:=ASSIGN<br />

et3:EdgeType<br />

gt2:GraphType<br />

description:=”correspondence”<br />

corres1:NodeType<br />

name:=”project2catalog”<br />

role:=”p2t2p” et4:EdgeType<br />

et6:EdgeType<br />

role:=”t2g2t”<br />

e3:Edge<br />

left:=true<br />

map:=true<br />

3.3.2 Representation in Fujaba<br />

corres2:NodeType<br />

name:=”tggdiag2graph”<br />

cor1:Node<br />

name:=”project2catalog”<br />

left:=true<br />

map:=true<br />

g1:Graph<br />

role:=”p2t2t”<br />

descr:=”TGGDiagram2Graph”<br />

et7:EdgeType<br />

role:=”t2g2g”<br />

gl1:GraphElementTypes<br />

e4:Edge<br />

left:=true<br />

map:=true<br />

cor2:Node<br />

e7:Edge e8:Edge<br />

left:=false<br />

name:=”tggdiag2graph”<br />

left:=false<br />

left:=false<br />

map:=true<br />

map:=true<br />

map:=true<br />

nt3:NodeType<br />

name:=”TGGCatalog”<br />

et5:EdgeType<br />

role:=”tggcatalog2graph”<br />

n3:Node<br />

name:=”tggcatalog”<br />

side:=”right”<br />

modifier:=”none”<br />

Figure 3.8 : ComponentTools TGG model at runtime.<br />

et5:EdgeType<br />

role:=”tggcatalog2graph”<br />

gt3:GraphType<br />

description:=”target”<br />

nt4:NodeType<br />

name:=”Graph”<br />

e5:Edge<br />

left:=false<br />

target:=true<br />

e6:Edge<br />

left:=false<br />

target:=true<br />

pt2:PropertyType<br />

name:=”name”<br />

type:=”String”<br />

n4:Node<br />

name:=”graph”<br />

side:=”right”<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

p1:Property<br />

operator:=ASSIGN<br />

The Fujaba notation is very similar (see Figure 3.9 ). The root element is an object of type<br />

UMLProject, which references the UMLClassDiagram objects source (blue color), correspondence<br />

(orange color) and target (green color). These again define the element types of the<br />

three in- memory models. The UMLProject object also has a reference to the TGGDiagram<br />

object (purple object td1). The TGG diagram and its references define the object structure<br />

of the three graph rewriting rules (source, correspondence and target). Each of these object<br />

structures and its elements reference elements of one of the class diagram.<br />



c1:UMLClass<br />

name:=”UMLProject”<br />

adornment:=0<br />

cd1:UMLClassDiagram<br />

name:=”source”<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

name:=”project2diagram”<br />

r1:UMLRole r2:UMLRole<br />

o1:TGGObject<br />

name:=”project”<br />

side:=”left”<br />

modifier:=”none”<br />

adornment:=0<br />

t1:TGGLink<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

t2:TGGLink<br />

c2:UMLClass<br />

name:=”TGGDiagram”<br />

a1:UMLAttr<br />

name:=”name”<br />

type:=”String”<br />

o2:TGGObject<br />

name:=”tggdiagram”<br />

side:=”left”<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

p1:UMLProject<br />

t6:TGGLink<br />

modifier:=”none”<br />

td1:TGGDiagram<br />

r5:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=0<br />

r6:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=3<br />

name:=”TGGDiagram2Graph”<br />

r9:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=0<br />

r10:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=3<br />

cd2:UMLClassDiagram<br />

name:=”correspondence”<br />

c5:UMLClass<br />

name:=”project2catalog”<br />

a3:UMLAssoc<br />

name:=”p2t2p”<br />

a3:UMLAssoc<br />

name:=”t2g2t”<br />

cor1:TGGObject<br />

name:=”project2catalog”<br />

side:=”map”<br />

modifier:=”none”<br />

c6:UMLClass<br />

name:=”tggdiag2graph”<br />

a4:UMLAssoc<br />

name:=”p2t2t”<br />

a5:UMLAssoc<br />

name:=”t2g2g”<br />

tl1:UMLTypeList<br />

r7:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=0<br />

r8:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=3<br />

r11:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=0<br />

r12:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=3<br />

t5:TGGLink<br />

modifier:=”none”<br />

c3:UMLClass<br />

name:=”TGGCatalog”<br />

a2:UMLAssoc<br />

cd3:UMLClassDiagram<br />

name:=”target”<br />

name:=”tggcatalog2graph”<br />

adornment:=0<br />

c4:UMLClass<br />

name:=”Graph”<br />

r3:UMLRole r4:UMLRole<br />

o3:TGGObject<br />

name:=”tggcatalog”<br />

side:=”right”<br />

modifier:=”none”<br />

adornment:=0<br />

t3:TGGLink<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

t4:TGGLink<br />

a2:UMLAttr<br />

name:=”name”<br />

type:=”String”<br />

o4:TGGObject<br />

name:=”graph”<br />

side:=”right”<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

t2:UMLAttrExprPair<br />

t7:TGGLink<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

cor2:TGGObject<br />

name:=”tggdiag2graph”<br />

t8:TGGLink<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

expression:=”name:=o4.getName()”<br />

side:=”map”<br />

modifier:=”create”<br />

t2:UMLAttrExprPair<br />

expression:=”name:=o2.getName()”<br />

3.3.3 Mapping The Elements<br />

Figure 3.9 : Fujaba TGG model at runtime.<br />

In this section, the elements of both models are mapped onto each other. Therefore, in the<br />

following sections, the TGG rules are introduced that are needed for the transformation. For<br />

a better understanding of a correct model transformation, the creation of bidirectional references<br />

have been explicitly modeled <strong>by</strong> using two references in both direction. However, both<br />

the Fujaba and the ComponentTools model allow to maintain the consistency of bidirectional<br />

references within the model, and therefore, would not make it necessary to explicitly set both<br />

directions.<br /> UMLProject2TGGCatalog<br />

The UMLProject- and TGGCatalog- objects represent the root elements of their models and<br />

therefore must be transformed manually <strong>by</strong> hand . That means, whenever a Fujaba model<br />

is to be transformed into a ComponentTools model, its UMLProject object is transformed <strong>by</strong><br />

creating a new TGGCatalog object <strong>by</strong> hand. This is also called the axiom, since there exists no<br />

precondition for this rule.<br /> UMLClassDiagram2GraphType<br />

The UMLClassDiagram- and the GraphType- objects represent the root object for the element<br />

types. The first one references UMLClass-, UMLAssoc- (associations) and UMLAttr-<br />



(attributes) objects, whereas the latter one references Node-, Edge- and Property type objects.<br />

This rule creates a new GraphType object as well as references in both directions to the TG-<br />

GCatalog object for every UMLClassDiagram object referenced <strong>by</strong> an UMLProject object.<br />

Vice versa, it creates a new UMLClassDiagram object and references in both directions to the<br />

UMLProject object for every GraphType object referenced <strong>by</strong> a TGGCatalog object (see Figure<br />

3.10 ).<br />

p1:UMProject<br />

project2diagram<br />

++<br />

++<br />

cd1:UMLClassDiagram<br />

(a)<br />

diagram2project<br />

++<br />

t1:TGGCatalog<br />

catalog2graphtype graphtype2catalog<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

gt1:GraphType<br />

Figure 3.10 : Transforms an UMLClassDiagram object into a GraphType object.<br /> TGGDiagram2Graph<br />

The TGGDiagram- and the Graph- object represents the root element for the TGG rule<br />

object structures. The first one references TGGObject- (objects), TGGLink- (references) and<br />

UMLAttrPairExpr- (attribute instances) objects, whereas the latter one references Nodes,<br />

Edges and Properties.<br />

This rule creates a new Graph object as well as new references in both directions to the TG-<br />

GCatalog object for every TGGDiagram object referenced <strong>by</strong> the UMLProject object. Vice<br />

versa, it creates a new TGGDiagram object and references in both directions to the UMLProject<br />

object for every Graph object referenced <strong>by</strong> the TGGCatalog object (see Figure 3.11 ).<br />

p1:UMProject<br />

++ diagram2project<br />

++<br />

project2diagram<br />

td1:TGGDiagram<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

t1:TGGCatalog<br />

catalog2graph<br />

graph2catalog ++<br />

++<br />

++ ++<br />

g1:Graph<br />

Figure 3.11 : Transforms an TGGDiagram object into a Graph object.<br /> UMLTypeList2GraphElementTypes<br />

The UMLTypeList- and the GraphElementTypes- object represents a type list. The first one<br />

contains UMLClass objects only, whereas the latter one contains all Node- and Edge- Type<br />

objects. The GraphElementTypes element was introduced to allow Node- and Edge- Types to<br />

be referenced <strong>by</strong> multiple GraphTypes (see Chapter 4).<br />

38<br />



This rule creates a new GraphElementTypes object as well as a new reference for the TGGCatalog<br />

object for the one UMLTypeList object that is referenced <strong>by</strong> the UMLProject object. Vice<br />

versa, it creates a new UMLTypeList object and a new reference for the UMLProject object for<br />

the one GraphElementTypes object that is referenced <strong>by</strong> the TGGCatalog object (see Figure<br />

3.12 ).<br />

p1:UMProject<br />

typelist2project<br />

++<br />

project2typelist<br />

++<br />

++<br />

list:UMLTypeList<br />

(a)<br />

t1:TGGCatalog<br />

catalog2elementtypelist<br />

++<br />

++<br />

elementtypelist2catalog<br />

glist:GraphElementTypes<br />

Figure 3.12 : Transforms an UMLTypeList object into a GraphElementTypes object.<br /> UMLClass2NodeType<br />

The UMLClass- and the NodeType- object represent an element type. The first one may be<br />

referenced as type <strong>by</strong> the TGGObject objects and can be connected to other UMLClass objects<br />

using UMLAssoc objects. The latter one is referenced as type <strong>by</strong> a Node object and can be<br />

connected to other NodeType objects using EdgeType objects.<br />

This rule creates a new NodeType object as well as new references in both directions to the<br />

GraphElementTypes object for every UMLClass referenced <strong>by</strong> the UMLTypeList object. Vice<br />

versa, it creates a new UMLClass object and references in both directions to the UMLTypeList<br />

object for every NodeType object referenced <strong>by</strong> the GraphElementTypes object (see Figure<br />

3.13 ).<br />

list:UMLTypeList<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

glist:GraphElementTypes<br />

++<br />

type2typelist typelist2type elementtypelist2elementtype<br />

elementtype2elementtypelist ++<br />

++ ++<br />

n1:NodeType<br />

Figure 3.13 : Transforms an UMLClass object into a NodeType object.<br /> UMLClass2NodeType-Correspondence<br />

This rule creates new references in both directions between a GraphType object and a Node-<br />

Type object for every reference found between an UMLClassDiagram object and an UMLClass<br />

object. Vice versa, it creates new references in both directions between an UMLClassDiagram<br />

object and an UMLClass object for every reference found between a GraphType object and a<br />

NodeType object (see Figure 3.14 ).<br />

39<br />



cd:UMLClassDiagram<br />

element2diagram diagram2element<br />

c1:UMLClass<br /> UMLAssoc2EdgeType<br />

++ ++<br />

(a)<br />

gt:GraphType<br />

++ graphtype2elementtype<br />

elementtype2graphtype ++<br />

n1:NodeType<br />

Figure 3.14 : This rule only transforms a reference.<br />

An UMLAssoc (association) object in Fujaba represents the connection type between two<br />

UMLClass objects (see Figure 3.15 ). Therefore, it references a left and a right UMLRole<br />

object, which again references the source and the target class objects. Additionally, the role<br />

has a field called ’adornment’, which defines the association kind between the two classes. The<br />

adornment can be set to the following values:<br />

• NONE - The roles target class gets a reference of the partner class.<br />

• REFERENCE - The roles target class won’t get a reference of the partner class.<br />

• AGGREGATION, COMPOSIION, QUALIFIED - All three are not supported <strong>by</strong> the<br />

ComponentTools model.<br />

When both, the left and right UMLRole ist set to NONE, the association is bidirectional. When<br />

one of the roles is set to REFERENCE, the association is unidirectional.<br />

UMLClass<br />

+ name: String<br />

0..1<br />

role2targetclass<br />

assoc2rightrole<br />

0..*<br />

0..1<br />

UMLRole<br />

+ adornment: Integer<br />

UMLAssoc<br />

0..1 + name: String<br />

assoc2leftrole<br />

Figure 3.15 : The UMLAssoc part of the Fujaba model.<br />

The difficulty in transforming UMLAssocs is that there are many different kinds and each of<br />

it needs to be transformed differently. In ComponentTools, a connection type is defined as<br />

directed EdgeType between two NodeTypes.<br />

In the following, the TGG rules will be explained that are needed to get the transformation of<br />

the different UMLAssocs done.<br />

UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Bidirectional<br />

This rule creates two different EdgeType objects and new references in both directions to<br />

the GraphElementTypes object for every bidirectional UMLAssoc object referenced <strong>by</strong> an<br />

UMLClassDiagram object. Vice versa, it creates a new bidirectional UMLAssoc object (and a<br />

new left and right UMLRole object which are both set to NONE) and new references in both<br />

40<br />

0..1<br />

0..1<br />



directions to the UMLClassDiagram object for every pair of EdgeType objects cross referencing<br />

the same source and target NodeType objects and referenced <strong>by</strong> the GraphElementTypes<br />

object (see Figure 3.16 ).<br />

++<br />

++<br />

targetclass2role<br />

left:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE”<br />

right:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE”<br />

targetclass2role<br />

++ ++<br />

role2targetclass<br />

++<br />

role2targetclass<br />

rightassoc2rightrole<br />

++<br />

rightrole2rightassoc<br />

++<br />

++<br />

c2:UMLClass<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

++<br />

leftrole2leftassoc<br />

++<br />

leftassoc2leftrole<br />

(a)<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

++<br />

diagram2element<br />

++<br />

++<br />

element2diagram<br />

cd:UMLClassDiagram<br />

n1:NodeType n2:NodeType<br />

++<br />

outedge2source<br />

inedge2target ++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

source2outedge<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

inedge2target<br />

e1:EdgeType<br />

e2:EdgeType<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

++<br />

list:GraphElementTypes<br />

g1:GraphType<br />

(b)<br />

++<br />

source2outedge ++<br />

outedge2source<br />

++<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

Figure 3.16 : Transforms a bidirectional UMLAssoc object into two EdgeType objects.<br />

UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Unidirectional-1<br />

This rule does the same as the rule UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Bidirectional, except that it only creates<br />

one new EdgeType object and new references in both directions to the GraphElementTypes<br />

object for every unidirectional UMLAssoc (left UMLRole is set to NONE, right UMLRole is<br />

set to REFERENCE) object referenced <strong>by</strong> an UMLClassDiagram object and vice versa creates<br />

an unidirectional UMLAssoc object for every EdgeType object that is referenced <strong>by</strong> the<br />

GraphElementTypes object and that has no corresponding EdgeType object showing in the<br />

other direction.<br />

++<br />

++<br />

targetclass2role<br />

left:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE”<br />

right:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”REF”<br />

++<br />

role2targetclass<br />

rightrole2rightassoc<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

rightassoc2rightrole<br />

++ targetclass2role<br />

role2targetclass ++<br />

c2:UMLClass<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

leftrole2leftassoc<br />

++<br />

(a)<br />

++<br />

leftassoc2leftrole<br />

++<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

diagram2element element2diagram<br />

++ ++<br />

cd:UMLClassDiagram<br />

nt1:NodeType nt2:NodeType<br />

outedge2source inedge2target<br />

source2outedge target2inedge<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

et1:EdgeType<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

++<br />

type2elementTypes<br />

list:GraphElementTypes<br />

gt1:GraphType<br />

(b)<br />

++<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

Figure 3.17 : Transforms an unidirectional UMLAssoc object into one EdgeType object.<br />



UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Unidirectional-2<br />

This rule does the same as the rule UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Unidirectional-1, except that it<br />

creates a new EdgeType object that references the source and the target NodeType object in<br />

the opposite direction.<br />

++<br />

++<br />

targetclass2role<br />

left:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”REF”<br />

++<br />

role2targetclass<br />

rightrole2rightassoc<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

rightassoc2rightrole<br />

right:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE”<br />

++ targetclass2role<br />

role2targetclass ++<br />

c2:UMLClass<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

leftrole2leftassoc<br />

++<br />

(a)<br />

++<br />

leftassoc2leftrole<br />

++<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

diagram2element element2diagram<br />

++ ++<br />

cd:UMLClassDiagram<br />

nt1:NodeType nt2:NodeType<br />

inedge2target outedge2source<br />

target2inedge ++<br />

++ source2outedge<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

et1:EdgeType<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

++<br />

type2elementTypes<br />

list:GraphElementTypes<br />

gt1:GraphType<br />

(b)<br />

++<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

Figure 3.18 : Transforms an unidirectional UMLAssoc object into one EdgeType object.<br />

UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Bidirectional-SelfAssociation<br />

This rule does the same as the rule UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Bidirectional, except that the left<br />

and the right UMLRole object of the UMLAssoc object references the same target UMLClass<br />

object (see Figure 3.19 ).<br />

++<br />

++<br />

target2role<br />

++<br />

role2target<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

left:UMLRole right:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE” adornment:=”NONE”<br />

leftrole2leftassoc<br />

++<br />

++<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

++<br />

diagram2element<br />

c1:UMLClassDiagram<br />

(a)<br />

role2target<br />

rightrole2rightassoc<br />

++<br />

++<br />

target2role<br />

++<br />

leftassoc2leftrole rightassoc2rightrole<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

element2diagram<br />

++<br />

outedge2source<br />

++<br />

++<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

n1:NodeType<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

source2outedge target2inedge inedge2target<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++ outedge2source<br />

inedge2target target2inedge<br />

++<br />

e1:EdgeType e2:EdgeType<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

list:GraphElementTypes<br />

g1:GraphType<br />

(b)<br />

++<br />

outedge2source<br />

++<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

Figure 3.19 : Transforms a bidirectional self UMLAssoc object into two EdgeType objects.<br />

UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Reference<br />



This rule only creates new references between a GraphType object and an EdgeType object for<br />

every reference found between an UMLClassDiagram object and an UMLAssoc object. Vice<br />

versa, it creates new references in both directions between an UMLClassDiagram object and<br />

an UMLAssoc object for every reference found between a GraphType object and a EdgeType<br />

object.<br />

UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Unidirectional-1-SelfAssociation<br />

This rule does the same as the rule UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Unidirectional-1, except that it handles<br />

the self association (see Figure 3.20 ).<br />

++<br />

targetclass2role<br />

++<br />

role2targetclass<br />

++ ++<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

left:UMLRole right:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE” adornment:=”REF”<br />

++<br />

leftrole2leftassoc<br />

++<br />

diagram2element<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

cd:UMLClassDiagram<br />

(a)<br />

++<br />

targetclass2role<br />

++<br />

role2targetclass<br />

++<br />

rightassoc2rightrole<br />

leftassoc2leftrole ++<br />

++<br />

element2diagram<br />

++<br />

rightrole2rightassoc<br />

nt1:NodeType<br />

++ ++<br />

source2outedge<br />

target2inedge<br />

outedge2source inedge2target<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

et1:EdgeType<br />

++<br />

elementTypes2type<br />

++<br />

type2elementtypes<br />

list:GraphElementTypes<br />

gt1:GraphType<br />

(b)<br />

++<br />

graphtype2elementtype<br />

Figure 3.20 : Transforms an unidirectional UMLAssoc object into one EdgeType object.<br /> UMLAttr2PropertyType<br />

The UMLAttr- and the PropertyType- object represents a property definition. The first one is<br />

referenced <strong>by</strong> UMLClass objects and the latter one <strong>by</strong> NodeType objects.<br />

This rule creates a new PropertyType object and a new reference in both directions to the<br />

NodeType object for every UMLAttr (attribute) object that is referenced <strong>by</strong> an UMLClass<br />

object. Vice versa, it creates a new UMLAttr object and a new reference in both direction to<br />

the UMLClass object for every PropertyType object that is referenced <strong>by</strong> a NodeType object<br />

(see figure 3.21 ).<br />

++<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

nt1:NodeType<br />

class2attr<br />

++<br />

propertyType2nodeType<br />

++<br />

attr2class<br />

++<br />

nodeType2propertyType<br />

++<br />

a1:UMLAttr<br />

(a)<br />

pt1:PropertyType<br />

Figure 3.21 : Transforms an UMLAttr object into a PropertyType object.<br />

43<br />

(b)<br />


3.3. MAPPING BOTH MODELS<br /> UMLAttrExprPair2Property<br />

The UMLAttrExprPair- and the Property- object represents an instance of a property. The<br />

first one is referenced <strong>by</strong> UMLObject objects and itself has a reference to an UMLAttr object,<br />

which defines its type. The latter one is referenced <strong>by</strong> Node objects an itself has a reference to<br />

a PropertyType object, which defines its type.<br />

This rule creates a new Property object and references in both directions to the Node object as<br />

well as a reference to the PropertyType object for every UMLAttrExprPair object referenced<br />

<strong>by</strong> an UMLObject object. Vice versa, it creates a new UMLAttrExprPair object and references<br />

in both direction to the Node object as well as a reference to the UMLAttr object for every<br />

Property object referenced <strong>by</strong> a Node object (see Figure 3.21 ).<br />

a1:UMLAttr<br />

attr2attrexpr<br />

++<br />

o1:UMLObject<br />

p1:UMLAttrExprPair<br />

n1:Node<br />

object2attrexpr<br />

node2property<br />

++<br />

++ ++<br />

attrexpr2object<br />

++<br />

attrexpr2attr<br />

property2node<br />

++ ++<br />

pt1:Property<br />

(a) (b)<br />

pt1:PropertyType<br />

++<br />

property2propertytype<br />

Figure 3.22 : Transforms an UMLAttrExprPair object into a Property object.<br /> UMLAttrExprPairAssigned2PropertyAssigned<br />

The class UMLAttrExprPair object in Fujaba represents an instance of the UMLAttr class. It<br />

defines a field of type String called expression that either stores a simle value or a complex<br />

object returned back <strong>by</strong> a method call. Additionally, it defines a field called operator to define<br />

how the expression is going to be evaluated.<br />

In the ComponentTools model a Property object represents an instance of the PropertyType<br />

class. The Property object can be assigned a simple value or another Property instance.<br />

The rule creates a reference from the Property object to the assigned Property object for every<br />

UMLAttrExprPair object that references another UMLAttrExprPair object through its expression<br />

field. Vice versa, it sets the expression property of the two UMLAttrExprPair objects for<br />

every Property object referencing another Property object (see Figure 3.23 ).<br />

o1:UMLObject<br />

p2:UMLAttrExprPair<br />

expression:=”o2.getText()”<br />

operator:=”:=”<br />

object2attrexpr<br />

only existing in the GraphType model<br />

o2:UMLObject<br />

object2attrexpr<br />

p1:UMLAttrExprPair<br />

expression:=”o1.getName()”<br />

operator:=”:=”<br />

n1:Node<br />

node2property<br />

p1:Property<br />

(a) (b)<br />

++<br />

n2:Node<br />

node2property<br />

property2assignedProperty<br />

p2:Property<br />

Figure 3.23 : Transforms the expression field into an assigned property.<br />


3.3. MAPPING BOTH MODELS<br /> TGGObject2Node<br />

The TGGObject- and Node- objects represent an element instance in both models and are both<br />

contained in a TGG rule object diagram. The first one is referenced <strong>by</strong> a TGGDiagram object<br />

and can be connected to other TGGObject- objects using UMLLink objects. Additionally,<br />

it references a UMLClass object, which defines its type. The latter one is referenced <strong>by</strong> a<br />

Graph object and can be connected to other Node objects using Edge objects. Additionally, it<br />

references a NodeType object, which defines its type.<br />

This rule creates a new Node object and references in both directions to the Graph object for<br />

every TGGObject object referenced <strong>by</strong> a TGGDiagram object. Vice versa, it creates a new<br />

TGGObject and references in both directions to the TGGDiagram object for every Node object<br />

referenced <strong>by</strong> a Graph object (see Figure 3.24 ).<br />

c1:UMLClass<br />

++<br />

class2object<br />

object2class<br />

++<br />

td1:TGGDiagram<br />

diagram2element<br />

++<br />

++<br />

element2diagram<br />

o1:TGGObject<br />

(a)<br />

++<br />

g1:Graph<br />

graph2node<br />

++ ++<br />

node2graph<br />

++<br />

n1:Node<br />

(b)<br />

nt1:NodeType<br />

node2nodetype<br />

++<br />

nodetype2node<br />

++<br />

Figure 3.24 : Transforms an UMLObject object into a Node object.<br /> TGGLink2Edge<br />

The TGGLink- and Edge object represent a connection instance in both models. The first is<br />

referenced <strong>by</strong> a TGGDiagram object and connects two TGGObject objects with each other.<br />

Additionally, it references an UMLAssoc object which defines its type. The latter one is<br />

referenced <strong>by</strong> a Graph object and connects two Node objects with each other. Additionally, it<br />

references an Edge object, which defines its type. The following rules transform the different<br />

TGGLink objects into an Edge objects.<br />

TGGLink2Edge-Forth<br />

This rule creates a new Edge object and references in both directions to the source Node object,<br />

to the target Node object and to the Graph object, respectively and a reference to the<br />

EdgeType object for every TGGLink object that has a reference to an UMLAssoc object and<br />

that is referenced <strong>by</strong> a TGGDiagram an (see Figure 3.25 ).<br />



source:UMLClass<br />

role2target<br />

left:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE”<br />

leftrole2leftassoc<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

TGGLink2Edge-Back<br />

object2class<br />

td1:TGGDiagram<br />

source:TGGObject<br />

assoc2link ++<br />

++<br />

link2assoc<br />

l1:TGGLink<br />

target:TGGObject<br />

(a)<br />

diagram2element<br />

++<br />

link2source source2link<br />

++ ++ ++<br />

link2target target2link<br />

++<br />

++<br />

++<br />

element2diagram<br />

source:Node<br />

edge2source<br />

source2edge<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

e1:Edge<br />

node2type<br />

target:Node<br />

edge2type<br />

source:NodeType<br />

graph2element<br />

edge2target<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

element2graph<br />

target2edge ++<br />

++<br />

(b)<br />

outedge2source<br />

e2:EdgeType<br />

g1:Graph<br />

Figure 3.25 : Transforms an UMLLink object into an Edge object.<br />

This rule does the same as the TGGLink2Edge-Forth, except that it creates an Edge that is<br />

directed in the other direction (see Figure 3.26 ).<br />

target:UMLClass<br />

role2target<br />

right:UMLRole<br />

adornment:=”NONE”<br />

rightrole2rightassoc<br />

a1:UMLAssoc<br />

object2class<br />

source:TGGObject<br />

assoc2link ++<br />

++<br />

link2assoc<br />

td1:TGGDiagram<br />

l1:TGGLink<br />

diagram2element<br />

++<br />

link2source source2link<br />

++ ++ ++<br />

link2target target2link<br />

++<br />

++<br />

target:TGGObject<br />

(a)<br />

++<br />

element2diagram<br />

source:Node<br />

edge2source<br />

source2edge<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

e1:Edge<br />

node2type<br />

target:Node<br />

edge2type<br />

target:NodeType<br />

graph2element<br />

edge2target<br />

++ ++<br />

++<br />

element2graph<br />

target2edge ++<br />

++<br />

(b)<br />

outedge2source<br />

e2:EdgeType<br />

g1:Graph<br />

Figure 3.26 : Transforms an UMLLink object into an Edge object (other direction).<br />


Chapter 4<br />

Realization<br />

This chapter discusses the problems that occurred during the implementation of the example<br />

transformation and it explains the enhancements beeing made to the interpreter and the underlying<br />

graph model in order to get the transformation to work.<br />

4.1 Common Problems<br />

Creating the TGG rules is the most difficult part, since the developer need to know both models<br />

in detail. However, once the rules are created the model transformation is just a push on the<br />

button.<br />

During the evaluation of the interpreter and the example implementation many errors have been<br />

corrected and improvements were made. The localization of errors was very difficult because<br />

the algorithm trace had to be analyzed in order to understand why the error occurred and where<br />

to find it. Therefore, in most cases the complete matching process had to be debugged. Due<br />

to the many recursions this very difficult. Below are the most common reasons for errors that<br />

caused the interpreter to produce strange results.<br />

• The modeled TGG rules and graph type definitions contained errors. (e.g. a modeling<br />

error, like a forgotten property setting).<br />

• The interpreter algorithm contained errors. (e.g. data structures were not maintained<br />

correctly).<br />

• The adapter implementation contained errors. (e.g. the implementation did not match<br />

the rule and the graph type definition)<br />

4.2 Problems and Solutions<br />

4.2.1 TGG Rules only creating References/Edges.<br />

During the transformation the problem occurred that UMLDiagramItems (UML-<br />

Classes,UMLAssocs...) can be contained <strong>by</strong> multiple ASGDiagrams (UMLClassDiagram,<br />

TGGDiagram...). Therefore, an UMLClass object can be referenced <strong>by</strong> multiple UMLClass-<br />

Diagram objects, but only at least one reference was transformed correctly. This was because<br />

other diagrams that had a reference on this element were thrown out of the front too early.<br />

Therefore, the front was extended and an EdgeMapping was introduced in order to track all<br />

the produced references so far.<br />


4.2. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS<br /> EdgeMapping<br />

By transforming two models into each other, the source model needs to be parsed in order to<br />

reconstruct its structure and stepwise build up the target model. Therefore, the source graph<br />

rewriting rule of the TGG rules must be virtually reapplied on the source model.<br />

When a TGG rule could be applied successfully, elements matched with rule nodes only on<br />

the right side will be marked as produced. Additionaly, they will be marked as front elements,<br />

when they still have not yet produced neighbors. This border defines the TGG rules left and<br />

right side.<br />

In the first prototype version of the TGG interpreter elements have been thrown out of the<br />

front whenever all of its neighbors were reproduced. But to fully transform a model, it is also<br />

important to check whether all its references and hence all outgoing edges of a node can be<br />

reproduced.<br />

In the new version, an object is thrown out of the front only if all of its references and hence its<br />

outgoing edges have been successfully reproduced.<br />

An edge mapping will be created, when its reference was mapped with an edge of a TGG<br />

rule only on the right side. It contains the source- and target objects which are mapped with<br />

the source- and target nodes of the edge. Additionally, the edge type is stored to identify the<br />

mapped reference.<br />

public class EdgeMapping<br />

{<br />

private Object sourceObject;<br />

private Object targetObject;<br />

private EdgeType edgeType;<br />

}<br />

public EdgeMapping(Object sourceObject,EdgeType edgeType,Object targetObject)<br />

{<br />

this.sourceObject=sourceObject;<br />

this.edgeType=edgeType;<br />

this.targetObject=targetObject;<br />

}<br />

Figure 4.1 : The class EdgeMapping of the interpreter.<br />

The above enhancement allows to have rules that only creates references (see. 4.2 ).<br />

source<br />

correspondence<br />

:UMLClassDiagram :Corresp<br />

element2diagram<br />

++ ++<br />

diagram2element<br />

assoc:UMLAssoc<br />

:Corresp<br />

target<br />

:GraphType<br />

++<br />

graphtype2edgetype<br />

back:EdgeType<br />

Figure 4.2 : A rule that only creates a reference.<br />



4.2.2 TGG Rules only creating or changing Properties.<br /> PropertyMapping<br />

The above modification can be extended, such that a model is fully transformed only, whenever<br />

all its objects, references and properties are transformed. That allows to have TGG rules, only<br />

change or create properties of a an object. Although, this was possible before <strong>by</strong> using the<br />

structure of the TGG rules and define an own NodeType for this property, i.e. HeightNodeType,<br />

it is much easier and efficient <strong>by</strong> extending the front, such that objects are thrown out of it only<br />

if all its properties have been reproduced. However, this again has the disadvantage that the<br />

front might be getting polluted of objects, which properties can not be changed. Although, the<br />

transformation would be correct nevertheless, at the end of the transformation, the front would<br />

not be empty. Therefore the feature is currently not enabled.<br />

public class PropertyMapping<br />

{<br />

private Object sourceObject;<br />

private PropertyType propertyType;<br />

}<br />

public PropertyMapping(Object sourceObject,PropertyType propertyType)<br />

{<br />

this.sourceObject=sourceObject;<br />

this.propertyType=propertyType;<br />

}<br />

Figure 4.3 : PropertyMapping to trace the already produced properties.<br />

4.2.3 TGG rule condition.<br /> Property Operators<br />

In the ComponentTools model a Node object can reference multiple Properties. A Property<br />

has a certain value assigned, which can be evaluated through the interpreter at runtime <strong>by</strong><br />

comparing its values with the properties defined <strong>by</strong> the in- memory model objects.<br />

The new version now supports multiple operators for the evaluation. Therefore, the Property<br />

element in the ComponentTools model had to be extended <strong>by</strong> an operator that has one of the<br />

following values:<br />

• Equal (==)<br />

• Greater Equal (>=)<br />

• Greater (>)<br />

• Less Equal (


The interpreter can now evaluate the rule node property value with the in- memory model object<br />

property value <strong>by</strong> using the rule nodes property operator.<br />

The following simplified rule transforms a bidirectional UML association into two EdgeTypes<br />

with different directions, depending on the adornment property of the UMLRole object. When<br />

both the left and right UMLRole object is set to ’NONE’ a bidirectional association has been<br />

found and two EdgeTypes will be created in the ComponentTools model.<br />

left:UMLRole<br />

adornment==0<br />

source:UMLClass<br />

target:UMLClass<br />

source<br />

:UMLClassDiagram<br />

assoc:UMLAssoc<br />

name:=forth.getName()<br />

right:UMLRole<br />

adornment==0<br />

correspondence<br />

:Corresp<br />

:Corresp<br />

:Corresp<br />

:Corresp<br />

target<br />

:GraphType<br />

back:EdgeType<br />

name:=assoc.getName()<br />

out2source<br />

source:NodeType<br />

:GraphElementTypes<br />

forth:EdgeType<br />

name:=assoc.getName()<br />

in2target<br />

in2target out2source<br />

target:NodeType<br />

Figure 4.4 : Transforms a bidirectional UMLAssoc into two EdgeTypes.<br /> Comparing Properties with each other.<br />

Mapping properties were used during the creation of the target model objects. Therefore, a<br />

correspondence node could define a mapping property that consisted of the source- and target<br />

node properties. Whenever the target object was created, its attributes were initialized with the<br />

values from the mapping properties source property.<br />

In the new version of the interpreter architecture, mapping properties were removed out of the<br />

graph model. Instead, properties can now be assigned and compared with arbitrary properties<br />

from other nodes, using the operators from section That allows to compare the fields of<br />

arbitrary objects, from both, the source, and the target in- memory model. The only restriction<br />

is that node properties can only be compared with properties from other nodes when they are<br />

connected <strong>by</strong> an edge or <strong>by</strong> a correspondence node. That guarantees that the target node, when<br />

not already happend, can always be matched directly within the in- memory model objects to<br />

retrieve the actual property value.<br /> EMF Containment References<br />

In the old version of the ComponentTools model, GraphElementTypes like Node- and Edge-<br />

Types could only be contained <strong>by</strong> one GraphType. Although this is the usual case, sometimes<br />

it happens that different GraphTypes reference each other, or may be composed of several<br />

other GraphTypes. The problem occurred during the transformation of UMLClass objects,<br />

since they can be referenced <strong>by</strong> multiple UMLClassDiagrams objects and therefore caused the<br />

transformation to produce wrong results, because NodeTypes were only added to at most one<br />

GraphType. Though, the lost references were no problem during the transformation from left<br />

to right (Fujaba2ComponentTools), the model was not transformed correctly and therefore,<br />



could not be transformed back into the original Fujaba model.<br />

Therefore, a new element called GraphElementTypes was added to the ComponentTools model<br />

to store all the defined element types as containment reference and then allow other GraphTypes<br />

to just reference these.<br /> Online evaluation of cardinalities.<br />

In the new version of the interpreter cardinalities are evaluated at runtime to improve the efficiency.<br />

Therefore, whenever a NodeMapping and its outgoing Edges are explored (using the<br />

exploreEdges method), the edges are sorted depending on the size of the in- memory model<br />

neighbors that are returned <strong>by</strong> the RealModelAdapter’s method getNeighbors(EdgeType edgeType,<br />

Object source).<br /> Optional- /Negative edges<br />

Negative- and optional edges can be used to express that certain object references must not, or<br />

must not necessarily exist, in order to fully apply the TGG rule. For example, an Object a can<br />

only be transformed if it has no reference to a neighbor object of type B, or an Object a can<br />

always be transformed, regardless whether it has a reference to a neighbor object of type B<br />

or not. Therefore, the underlying graph model was changed, such that an Edge has a Property<br />

called KIND, which can be set to the following values.<br />

• NORMAL - The default setting to treat an Edge as normal.<br />

• OPTIONAL - The Edge must not necessarily be matched within the in- memory model<br />

instances.<br />

• NEGATIVE - The Edge must not be matchable within the in- memory model instances<br />

in order to apply the TGG rule.<br />

The interpreter handles negative edges in the way that it returns false in the current transformation<br />

step, whenever it can map a negative edge within the references of an in- memory model<br />

object. In the case of optional edges, it continuous with the transformation anyway, even when<br />

it can not match an optional Edge within the references of an in- memory model object, and<br />

there is no other reference left to try.<br />

Although, this feature is supported <strong>by</strong> the interpreter, it was not yet needed in any of the TGG<br />

rules and might get thrown out again, when it turns out to be a problem while trying to prove<br />

the correctness of a transformation (see Chapter 5). It was just added to try different modeling<br />

techniques.<br />

Sometimes negative edges can be avoided <strong>by</strong> splitting up a transformation step into two separate<br />

rules and then refining each rules using a more restrictive context around the transforming<br />

object.<br />


Chapter 5<br />

Conclusion<br />

The implemented example transformation and the enhancements being made during the<br />

work of this <strong>thesis</strong> helped to improve the current interpreter architecture and to get a better<br />

understanding about the assets and drawbacks of a model transformation with triple graph<br />

grammars. Additionally, the implemented example now helps to ease the modeling of the<br />

ComponentTools- TGG rule’s set and the GraphType definition models needed for a transformation,<br />

<strong>by</strong> using the Fujaba editor, instead of the very user unfriendly ComponentTools<br />

EMF editor. Therefore, a created Fujaba TGG model can be transformed into the necessary<br />

ComponentTools format.<br />

As a result it turned out that the underlying interpreter graph model is all important for being<br />

compatible to perform a wide range of different model transformation. The difficulty is that the<br />

interpreter has to be as general and efficient as possible but may not make any assumption about<br />

the models to be transformed, other than all must underly an object oriented meta model, in<br />

order to interpret them as a a graph. Therefore, the ComponentTools GraphModel must contain<br />

the most common concepts used in a variaty of object oriented meta models. The following list<br />

shows the ones known so far:<br />

• Object oriented<br />

• Type and instance level<br />

• Abstract data types (types, operations, variables, conditions)<br />

• Primitive types<br />

• Abstraction (not yet supported)<br />

Although it is nice to have a clean Graph Grammar model as underlying model for the<br />

interpreter, it is not necessarily needed, because the required information could be also<br />

provided <strong>by</strong> using the Adaptable pattern [12] to extend an existing model, i.e. to store the<br />

triple graph grammar informations. That makes it is very easy to replace the underlying<br />

ComponentTools model with any object oriented model, i.e. Java or EMF. Therefore, it would<br />

be possible for the future to make the interpreter even more independent from its own model to<br />

support the usage of different underlying models. However, that would make it also necessary<br />

to let it make use of some sort of strategy interface (strategy pattern [12]) to always support all<br />

features that are used in any underlying model.<br />

One strategy could be for example the already mentioned Abstraction concept used in many<br />

object oriented meta models that would allow to have only one TGG rule for very simmilar ob-<br />


ject structures, which could then make use of the super type hierarchies defined in a GraphType<br />

model definition.<br />

Another result is that although the interpreter works very efficient and reliable working with it<br />

is very difficult. This is because very often the complete algorithm trace needs to be debugged,<br />

in order to understand why certain results are produced. Therefore, it would be very helpfull<br />

for the future to have a visual debug interface that allows to follow the interpreter algorithms<br />

matching process in order to track the errors.<br />

One more problem is the uniqueness of TGG rules. Sometimes it happens that different rules<br />

can be applied at the same time to one and the same object structure. This is very often, when<br />

rules are a subset of other rules. In the example transformation, the rule UMLAssoc2EdgeType-<br />

Unidirectional-Ref1 is a subset of the rule UMLAssoc2EdgeType-Unidirectional-Bidirectional.<br />

The problem occurs, when the rule is applied from the target- to the source side, because then<br />

the interpreter can not decide, whether a single found EdgeType object has to be transformed<br />

into a bidirectional, or into an unidirection UMLAssoc object. Although sometimes, it is possible<br />

to avoid these conflicts, <strong>by</strong> splitting up the transformation step, in order to make the rules<br />

unique again, very often it is not. In this case the interpreter needs to have a priority in which<br />

order to apply the rules. For example, the problem with the UMLAssocs could be solved,<br />

<strong>by</strong> ordering the TGG rules (preprocessing), such that the bigger one (UMLAssoc2EdgeType-<br />

Unidirectional-Bidirectional) is always tried to be applied first.<br />

Another feature to be implemented in the future is the matching of multiple TGG rules at<br />

the same time. That would allow the interpreter to decompose the TGG rules into common<br />

subgraphs and then match them at once. Figure 5.1 shows an example where two graphs are<br />

matched at the same time.<br />

r 3<br />

r 2<br />

C<br />

E A<br />

v 1, r 1<br />

v 2, r 2<br />

v 3, r 3<br />

v 4<br />

v 5<br />

r 1<br />

w 4<br />

w 8<br />

w 9<br />

D<br />

B<br />

r 4<br />

r 5<br />

v 3<br />

v 2<br />

C<br />

E A<br />

v 1<br />

w 5 w6<br />

r 4<br />

r 5<br />

w 2<br />

w 3<br />

w 4<br />

w 7<br />

K<br />

L<br />

w 1<br />

v 4<br />

v 5<br />

w 7<br />

w 8<br />

w 5<br />

K<br />

B<br />

C A<br />

Figure 5.1 : Decomposing TGG rules and match them at the same time.<br />

53<br />

B<br />

w 9<br />

L<br />

E<br />

w 1<br />

w 2<br />

w 4<br />

D<br />

w 3<br />

C w6

List of Figures<br />

2.1 A simple triple graph grammar rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.2 Left side pre condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.3 Target right side, that needs to be created. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

2.4 The interpreter architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

2.5 A graph type and its node-, edge- and property- types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

2.6 An UML class diagram and its corresponding graph type model instance. . . . 9<br />

2.7 The model adapter interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

2.8 Example, how the interpreter interacts with the model adapter. . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

2.9 Example implementation of the getNodeType routine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

2.10 The graph- and graph type- meta model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

2.11 A graph and the referenced model type definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

2.12 A simple graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

2.13 A directed graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

2.14 An attributed graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

2.15 A possible homomorphism f(A) = G,f(B) = H,f(C) = F . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

2.16 Mapping functions between two graphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

2.17 Searchtree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

2.18 This routine checks if a graph is subgraph of another graph. . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

2.19 This routine is used to match two nodes with each other. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

2.20 This routine explores all outgoing edges of a node. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20<br />

2.21 Nodes were already successfully reproduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

2.22 The graph rewriting rule that could be reaplied next. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22<br />

2.23 The front that marks the border for the graph grammar rule’s left and right side. 22<br />

2.24 This routine parses a graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

2.25 This routine updates the front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

2.26 This routine matches two nodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

2.27 The five steps of the interpreter algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

3.1 Bootstrapping the ComponentTools TGG model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

3.2 The extended part of the Fujaba model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

3.3 The Fujaba editor showing a TGG diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

3.4 The part of the Fujaba graph type model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

3.5 The Fujaba graph type model as a UML class diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

3.6 The ComponentTools Editor modeling a TGG rule graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

3.7 The ComponentTools graph type model as EMF class diagram. . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

3.8 ComponentTools TGG model at runtime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

3.9 Fujaba TGG model at runtime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

3.10 Transforms an UMLClassDiagram object into a GraphType object. . . . . . . . 38<br />

3.11 Transforms an TGGDiagram object into a Graph object. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br />


3.12 Transforms an UMLTypeList object into a GraphElementTypes object. . . . . . 39<br />

3.13 Transforms an UMLClass object into a NodeType object. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

3.14 This rule only transforms a reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

3.15 The UMLAssoc part of the Fujaba model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

3.16 Transforms a bidirectional UMLAssoc object into two EdgeType objects. . . . 41<br />

3.17 Transforms an unidirectional UMLAssoc object into one EdgeType object. . . . 41<br />

3.18 Transforms an unidirectional UMLAssoc object into one EdgeType object. . . . 42<br />

3.19 Transforms a bidirectional self UMLAssoc object into two EdgeType objects. . 42<br />

3.20 Transforms an unidirectional UMLAssoc object into one EdgeType object. . . . 43<br />

3.21 Transforms an UMLAttr object into a PropertyType object. . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

3.22 Transforms an UMLAttrExprPair object into a Property object. . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

3.23 Transforms the expression field into an assigned property. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

3.24 Transforms an UMLObject object into a Node object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

3.25 Transforms an UMLLink object into an Edge object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

3.26 Transforms an UMLLink object into an Edge object (other direction). . . . . . 46<br />

4.1 The class EdgeMapping of the interpreter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

4.2 A rule that only creates a reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

4.3 PropertyMapping to trace the already produced properties. . . . . . . . . . . . 49<br />

4.4 Transforms a bidirectional UMLAssoc into two EdgeTypes. . . . . . . . . . . 50<br />

5.1 Decomposing TGG rules and match them at the same time. . . . . . . . . . . . 53<br />


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