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<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>ISSUE DATE: December 6, 2012TOTAL PAGES: 33CITY OF WENTZVILLE, MISSOURI310 WEST PEARCE BOULEVARDWENTZVILLE, MO 63385PLANNING DESIGN STUDIOin association with JACOBS727 NORTH FIRST STREET SUITE 360SAINT LOUIS, MO 63102TO:SUBJECT:PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEWENTZVILLE, MO 63385CONTRACT NO. B12WZ089PDS Project No. J1111This addendum forms a part of the contract documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated October29, 2012; and Addendum #1 dated November 28, 2012. Contractor shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum <strong>#2</strong>in the space provided on the Bid Form. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification.A. GENERAL1. Revisions to item in Addendum #1a. Addendum #1 Page A1-2 – 6. Maintenance Bond: The Maintenance Bond shall be revised asfollows:i. Maintenance Bond: The Contractor shall also furnish within five (5) days ofnotification of contract award a satisfactory Maintenance Bond in the full amount of 10%of the final construction cost. The Maintenance Bond furnished shall warrant the Workfor the guaranty period established in this City Contractor Agreement. The form of bondshall be provided for approval by City prior to issuing. The Maintenance Bond shall beissued to the City prior to final project closeout and remain in place one year after thedate of Final Acceptance.2. Revisions to item in Addendum #1a. Addendum #1 Page A1-2 – Supplemental General Conditions (SGC1): <strong>THE</strong> SUCCESSFULBIDDER shall be revised as follows:“<strong>THE</strong> SUCCESSFUL BIDDER shall at the time of the execution of the contract furnish aPerformance and Payment Bond and Maintenance Bond in accordance with the requirementslisted in the City-Contractor Agreement, Items 5 and 6”.As modified by Addendum #1 and <strong>#2</strong>.3. Revisions to item in Addendum #1a. Addendum #1 Page A1-2 - General Conditions: - 13.4.2 shall be revised as followsThere are fourteen (14) thirteen (13) holidays. They are:New Year’s DayMartin Luther King Jr. DayColumbus DayVeterans Day<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-1

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>President’s DayGood FridayMemorial DayIndependence DayLabor DayThanksgiving DayFriday after ThanksgivingChristmas EveChristmas DayNew Year’s Eve4. BASE BID PROPOSAL:a. Package A: Peruque Valley ParkBidders shall include in their base bid proposals for Package A (Peruque Valley Park - Page B7,item A) a cost equal to 100 cubic yards of rock excavation.b. Package B: Heartland ParkBidders shall include in their base bid proposals for Package B (Heartland Park - Page B10,item A) a cost equal to 600 cubic yards of rock excavation.c. Package A and Package B1. The contract value will be adjusted upward or downward based upon actual quantitiesof rock excavation at each park site as compared to the base bid quantity stated above,as calculated by the bid Rock Excavation unit price for each package.2. All other excavation in Package A and Package B is Unclassified Excavation.B. SPECIFICATION REVISIONS1. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTSa. Section 01700 Execution Requirements,Sub-section 1.7 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS,Sub-section F- “Record Drawings and Shop Drawings…”b. ADD ITEM #6 which reads:In addition, the contractor shall submit As-Built Drawings that meet the requirements in Division1100 of the City of Wentzville Construction Specifications and Standard Details (attached forreference). The City will provide the contractor the AutoCAD base files (of the bid documents)as the basis of preparing the as-built drawings.2. SECTION 02300 EARTHWORKa. Item 1.6 Project Conditions, ADD Item I - Per the drawings and Geotechnical Reports, areas inthe vicinity of the buildings and open shelters shall have unsuitable plastic clays removed to thedepths and widths recommended in the Geotechnical Reports. This removed material shall bereplaced with either compacted low plastic soil or 1-inch minus crushed limestone.3. SECTION 02300 EARTHWORKPART 3 EXECUTIONItem 3.4 Excavation, GeneralSection B Classified ExcavationAdd Item Number 33. Rock Execavation shall include the work necessary to excavate all Class “A” rock and remove itfrom the pipe trenches on the Parks Project. The item shall include, but is not be limited to, allmobilization of equipment and/or rental equipment, breakers, grease, oilers, along with haul off anddisposal of material.1) Construction MethodsThis will include all labor, materials, and equipment needed to complete the removal of all Class “A”excavation on the Parks Project, in accordance with the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer DistrictStandard Specifications for Sewers and Drainage Facilities Dated 2000 and as described in the JobSpecific Provisions.<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-2

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>2) The methods of blasting to remove the rock will not be permitted.3) Methods of Measurement and PaymentThis item shall be paid for at the unit bid price per cubic yard of Class “A” material broken andremoved from the site. The payment per cubic yard will be based on the measurements asdescribed in Part Three, Section H, second paragraph of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer DistrictStandard Specifications for Sewers and Drainage Facilities Dated 2000. All measurements, forpayline width per size of pipe, will be according to the table located in the technical specifications.Unauthorized Class “A” excavation will not be paid for and all costs incurred will be the responsibilityof the contractor. No additional pay for rock removal over the limits stated by pay line width.4) Field measurement of all rock removed will be verified through measurement of quantities asopposed to load counts for payment.4. SECTION 02791 SYN<strong>THE</strong>TIC TURF PLAYGROUND SURFACINGa. Item 1.4 Submittals, Item D – Add “Post construction testing shall be conducted upon completion ofwork and 12 months after initial inspection. Tests shall be performed at 3 locations as selected bythe owner’s representative by an independent testing agency acceptable to the Owner’sRepresentative.”b. Item 1.4 Submittals, Item E – Replace in its entirety with “Infill with certification of availability fromsupplier guaranteeing product supply reserved for the owner.”c. Item 2.3 Materials, Item B, Number 13 – Replace in its entirety with “Seaming: Seaming tape withadhesive bond”d. Item 2.3 Materials, Item D – Replace “HIC and G-Max values shall not be exceeded during the lifeof the turf system” with “HIC and G-Max values shall not be exceeded during the warranted periodwhen maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.”e. Item 2.3 Materials, Item E – Replace in its entirety with “Infill and Fall zone Materials: Infill shall benon-abrasive, non-toxic infill per manufacturer recommended system. Fall zone material and depthshall be per manufacturer’s recommendation to meet allowable HIC requirements.”f. Item 2.3 Materials, Item F – Replace “composite nailer board” with composite or treated lumbernailer board.”g. Item 2.3 Materials, Item G – Add in its entirety – Seaming: Seams to be adhered using a highquality, commercial grade adhesive manufactured specifically for use with synthetic turf systemsand a minimum 12” wide seaming tape. The adhesive bonding of system material componentsshall provide a permanent, tight, secure and hazard free play surface. Seams shall be flat.5. SECTION 02826 ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCESPART 2 PRODUCTS Paragraph 2.2 FABRICATION, Subparagraph A. – Delete and replace with thefollowing:A. Shop fabricate fence system to the maximum extent possible. Field verify dimensions andelevations for inclusion in the required shop drawing submittal. Field assembly shall followmanufacturer’s written instructions.6. SECTION 04423 – NATURAL STONEWORKa. Item 2.1 Stone Walls and Weirs, Item A, Number 1 – Replace in its entirety with “Color of stoneshall be a natural grey/buff blend of 60% Weathered and 40% quarried limestone ledge rock andboulders from Semco Distributing, Inc. (573) 547-1072 or 800 814-1072, or functional equivalent.”7. SECTION 11451 COMMERCIAL APPLIANCESa. Item 2.1 Cooler/Freezer, Item A, Number 1 – Replace “8 foot by 10 foot” with “10 foot by 10foot”<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-3

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>8. SECTION 13000a. Part 2 Products Item 2.3 H – Add the following:9. Provide tongue & groove wood decking below the standing seam roofing system permanufacturers available options. Color /finish of wood decking to be selected by owner frommanufacturer’s standard range of color/finish options.C. DRAWING REVISIONS1. See Attachment 2: Drawing showing Package A – Bid Alternate 7 limits.2. Drawing ClarificationPeruque Valley Park Phase One - Package ADrawing C-6.04, Details 1/C-6.04 & 2/C-6.04Heartland Park Phase One – Package BDrawing C-6.10, Details 1/C-6.10 & 2/C-6.10Add the following notes to both sheets:Notes:Manufacturer (Basis of Design)1. Metal gate shall be of the size and style indicated as manufactured by Basteel Perimeter Systems, 1400Magnolia, Ave. Franklin, TN 46401 (765-654-5225), www or functional equivalent.Materials2. Gates shall consist of horizontal rail supports and rolled vertical panel construction. Panels shall havethe same finish appearance from both sides (no front or back differences).3. Panels shall be 0.017, vertical roll formed full-hard steel, ASTM A-653 Grade 80 (80,000 psi). Quantitybased on gate size.4. Horizontal rails shall be 1-1/4” x 1-1/2” x required length, 14 gauge minimum ASTM A-653 Grade 50,full-hard steel (50,000 psi). Quantity based on gate size.5. Gate posts shall be ASTM-A 1011 (50,000 psi) and sized by manufacturer based on gate size. Shapeshall be square and 3’ longer than gate height above finish grade to allow for proper embedment inconcrete footing.6. Screws fasteners and bolts shall be 302 stainless steel.7. Top channels on gate panels shall be full-hard steel, ASTM A-653 Grade 80 (80,000 psi).Finish8. Horizontal rails shall be galvanized, to comply with G-90 specifications.9. Posts shall be galvanized to comply with ASTM B-6.10. Panels shall be finished with Kynar, high performance Fluoroceram color coating, oven-baked overmanufacturer’s standard prime coat. Color to be selected form manufacturer’s full range.11. Horizontal and top rails, posts, gates, and all hardware (except nuts and bolts) are finished with ovenbakedpolyester powder-coat paint. Color to match panels.Installation12. Follow manufacturer’s standard written specification/instructions for on-site field assembly andinstallation.3. Drawing ClarificationPeruque Valley Park Phase One - Package AHeartland Park Phase One – Package B<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-4

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>Drawing C-6.09, Details 1/C-6.09 & 2/C-6.09Revise as follows: Replace all references (both package A and B) of 2.0” square aluminum posts with2.5” square aluminum posts.D. BIDDERS QUESTIONS RECEIVED (submitted to ParksProject@wentzvillemo.org) & REPSONSESThis is a summary of the questions asked by plan holders/bidders for the <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong><strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECT Package A and Package B - PHASE ONEThis summary does not contain the e-mail chain of messages or any attachments to the original e-mail. The question may have been edited for clarity. Questions that resulted in the contractdocuments to be changed are incorporated into this Addendum.Questions and Responses as of the Close of Business December 3, 2012.Bidders Questions followed by PDS response (in blue italic):1. To: Jerry Hillin, Director of ProcurementRe: Wentzville Parks Projects* When is the landscape to be installed?* What is the completion date for these projects?* Can you please furnish a plan holders/general contracors list?Thank you in advance for you prompt attention to this matter.Dan T. Bishoplandscape architectFrisella NurseryRESPONSE: NTP will be issued in February 2013, the project will be completed in 365 calendardays after NTP. You should be able to schedule from that timeline.Plan holders list and pre-bid attendees list is attached. Thanks2. Will each subcontractor be require to provide a performance & payment bond or will the subcontractors beable to work under the General Contractor’s bond?Thank you,Chris LeaA. Waldbart & Sons Nursery314-895-4589 ext: 101RESPONSE: The bid documents require the general contractor to bond the entire project. Makesure your bid to the generals is clear as to what it includes and what it does not include.3. Good Afternoon,Would you please e-mail me a planholders list on this project bidding December 12.Thank you for your helpMichaelyn LentzMcGraw-Hill ConstructionRESPONSE: Attached are the current bidders list and the pre-bid attendee list.<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-5

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>Having said all of the above, I strongly request that RFL be approved, via addendum, prior to thebid because bidding contractors will not list a company without a guarantee that they will beapproved after-the-fact. This means that even if we give a lower number on bid day, they will notlist us and you will pay full price for the buildings. We have been $20-40 thousand lower thanPRC on previous bids and still did not get listed because of post-bid approval requirements.All I am asking is for a fair and competitive bid. If you approve us prior to bid via addendum andwe, unfortunately, do not give the lower number then shame on us. You will not hear anyprotesting on our end. We just would like the opportunity to be able to bid on a level playing field.Lastly, after looking over the plans and specifications, I see several potential problems that willmost likely require costly change orders afterwards.I hope that you take my comments into consideration and in the spirit in which it is intended(concern - not combative). If you will, please call me at 800-447-6570, extension 102 to discussthis further. Sincerely,Carl R. HackneyRFL, National Sales ManagerRESPONSE: CarlIn the Project Manual, Volume 1: Please reference Division 0 / Contracting Requirements /Information To Bidders / Page B22/ Product Substitutions“Requests for product substitutions will not be considered during bidding.”If Contractor’s bid includes substitutions it shall be at the Contractor’s risk and responsibilityto demonstrate that the substitution is a “functional equivalent” product during submittalreviews. During the review process, if substituted products are determined not to befunctionally equivalent, Contractor shall provide products as specified at no additional costto Owner.Keep in close contact with the City’s web site, the successful bidder for this project will bepublished at that location.No further clarification required.Thank you.10. Will there be tongue and groove wood decking under standing seam roofing on the following shelters: A1,A11, A12, A13Thank you, Curt Hutchinson Hutchinson Recreation & Design, Inc.RESPONSE: Curt<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-7

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>Yes, tongue & groove wood decking is required under the metal roof panels. Addendumn <strong>#2</strong>will further clarify this requirement. Thank you.11. Please clarify quantity of bleachers for the Heartland Park. Identification points to one area, it appears theremay be multiple bleachers in that area?Michael A. Seidel, P.E.Senior Vice PresidentGeneral Contracting | Construction ManagementRESPONSE: MikeDrawings C-3.05 and C-3.06, keyed note 6.3 shows the location of bleachers at each field. Thetotal number of bleachers is four (4); two (2) at each field. Thanks12. Mike,Please ask the architect about the following:When you are dealing with fall heights for playground equipment, the manufacturer, XGrass, does notrecommend putting down synthetic grass without a foam pad underneath as the synthetic grass system willnot pass G-max tests nor HIC tests without the use of a pad. Depending on fall heights, it is recommendedto put down a 1” pad beneath the turf for fall heights up to 6’, and a 2” pad for fall heights up to 11’.Nowhere in the specifications nor on the drawings does it mention an undersurface pad.Could you please have the architect advise?Thank you,Stephen JewellAcademy Sports TurfRESPONSE: MikeSPECIFICATION SECTION 02791, Item 2.3 D and E address these questions.Item D provides specified HIC and G-MAX values that shall not be exceeded.Item E requires infill and fall zone materials (what you refer to as pad) per manufacturersrequirements to meet specified HIC and G MAX values and certification by independentlaboratory testing.Drawing C-6.02, Detail 3 indicates fall zone pad installed per manufacturer’s recommendationsand requires size of pad to meet maximum HIC number as noted in specifications.Thanks13. In the interest of balancing the fairness of the bidding, we are requesting that you require General SportsVenue (Astroturf) to provide pricing for a 2.25” fiber height just as you are of Fieldturf and Sportexe. Allowingthem to bid a ¼” shorter fiber height will give them a pricing advantage due to use of less fiber.If you intend to play any type of contact sport on this field, it is important to provide the additional safetyprovided by a 2.25” fiber and corresponding infill.<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-8

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>Also, with regard to the Gmax testing, the specs call for testing at 6 month and 12 month intervals. Are we tounderstand that you want Gmax testing every 6 months over the life of the turf? Typically, if Gmax testing isrequired, it is required one test per year for the 8 year warranty term.Thank you,Mike JonesRegional Sales ManagerRESPONSE: MikeWe are not going to change the specification requirements.SPECIFICATION SECTION 02792 SYN<strong>THE</strong>TIC TURF SPORTS FIELD SURFACINGFor clarification the intent of the specifications for G-Max testing is as follows:Item1.3.E.1.a. – Testing of 12 locations at the completion of installation.Item1.3.E.1.b. – Testing of 12 locations at six months following completion of installation; andtesting of 12 locations at 12 months following completion of installation. Testing complete.Thank you.14. We have a couple items that we had some questions on in regards to the sports lighting on this project.1) Page 9 of the specifications seems to spell out Musco-Control Link pretty clearly. On sheets E-5 and E-6there are details for IDEC Field Lighting Controls and Hoffman enclosures with non-Musco equipmentpresent. Control-Link is incompatible with other control systems and we’d rather not put our cabinets insideof other cabinets if it’s not necessary. Please clarify if you intend to have other control systems present inaddition to Musco Control Link and if it will be necessary to put them inside of additional enclosures2) There was some unclear information regarding the pole attachments in this project that we need to makeaccommodations for. It looks like there will be a GE CAT#M4AR-40-M-5-A-1-G-MS4-1. Can you clarify 1)which poles these fixtures will be on, 2) what height they will be at, and 3) which direction they will befacing? There are comments on page 8 of the spec about possible future speakers. Can you clarify 1)which poles these speakers will be on, 2) what height they will be at, and 3) which direction they will befacing?3) Is there a soils (geotech) reports for either site? Should foundation designs be based off of standardsoils?Joe FoxMissouri Sales RepresentativeMusco LightingRESPONSE: JoeResponse to your Question #1:LC -1,2,or 3 are the designated locations for the sports field lighting control and monitoringcabinets provided by the sports lighting manufacturer, this is only a location designation anddoes not represent a cabinet that the sports lighting manufacturer will install his equipment in.No additional enclosures will be provided.<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-9

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>SP-1 and/or 2 are the electrical distribution panels provided by and installed by thecontractor. These panels provide power and over-current protection for the sports lightingcontrol and monitoring cabinets.Response to your Question <strong>#2</strong>:1. Refer to specification section 16511, 2.10 Poles, Item O, Q, and R.2. Receptacles to be mounted in the precast concrete base as shown in detail 2, SE-101B.Auxiliary Mounting plates to be mounted a min. 5’ above remote ballast enclosure andshould not interfere with servicing of the remote ballast enclosure.3. Sports lighting manufacturer to provide auxiliary mounting plates per pole specified insection 16511, 2.10 Poles, Item Q for future speakers and/or security features. Manufacturerto provide 2 mounting plates per pole for Peruque Valley Park and should face the fieldplaying surface and two mounting plates per pole at Heartland and should face the fieldplaying surface and parking lot.Response to your Question #3:Soils reports provided in volume 3, Appendix A and B of the Project Manual for both PeruqueValley and Heartland Park15. Questions from Jerry BartonAdd #1 explained that the 3 and 4 inch conduits to the maint bldg were to be provided and installed, with pullstrings, as part of the base bid. It went on to say that the extension of the conduits into the bldg, providingand installing wire in the 4 inch conduit and providing sealed engr drawings would be part of Alt # 3. It alsomentioned the panel to be installed in the maint bldg.ANSWER: Your Statement is incorrect, See Addendum #1, item E, question 21: Alternate #1 is theinstallation of the sanitary sewer force main.Alternate #3 states: The base bid includes the installation of a 3” communication conduit withpull string, a 4” electrical conduit with pull string from MSB to outside the concrete pavementarea as shown on E-1.01.Since the Alt #3 asks for sealed engr drawings, I assume you want the contractor to design the feeder,panel installation, grounding, ect for the maint bldg.ANSWER: The extension of the conduits, wire from MSB, pull string in the 3” communicationconduit, transformer, panel board and the sealed engineered drawings is part of Alternate #3.Please confirm that the contractor is to design the maint bldg electrical supply system.ANSWER: The contractor is responsible for the design and installation including but not limited tothe sizing of the wire, any necessary modifications to MSB to supply power to the maintenancebuilding, sizing of the transformer, and panel board per the requirements stated in C-1.02. Theelectrical design of the maintenance building (i.e. lighting, outlets, etc.) is not included in thisalternate and will be accomplished by the City.1. There is no breaker in panel MSB that is identified for the maint bldg feeder.<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-10

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>ANSWER: Correct, the MSB will need to be modified based on the design requirements set forthon C-1.02.2. Will the feeder be three phase or single phase, 480 volt?ANSWER: Single phase, refer to C-1.02 for additional requirements.3. Who provides the panel that will be installed in the maint bldg? What size (amps) is the panel? Will thepanel be 480 volt, or will a transformer be required?ANSWER: This alternate includes the electrical panel, refer to C-1.02 for other requirements4. Can you provide a floor plan of the maint bldg and indicate the location of the panel?ANSWER: There is no floor plan available.Thank YouJerry Barton16. Questions from Laura SchellenbergNuToys Leisure Products, IncLauraSee our comments below (in blue italic)GENERAL answer regarding comment 1-b and c, 4-a, and 5-a, It is the responsibility of thecontractor to insure that all the requirements of the specification are meet. It is also theresponsibility of the contractor to coordinate the specific requirements of the product suppliersto insure that the appropriate warranties are in place at the completion of the project. You willwant to make sure your response to general bidders is clear as to what is included and what isnot included in your bid.1) Part 1, Section 1.3a. Section A – The playground grass spec is for an 8 year warranty and XGrass is 10 yearsANSWER: Specified warranty is the minimum required warranty.b. Section C – XGrass does not warrant work they do not perform, including basework. The longevityand success of the system over time is paramount to the quality of the base installation. Also, thenailer board goes in first so installer would need to install that correctly as well.c. Section D – This would be the playground installer’s responsibility to install the equipmentcorrectly for the fall zones.2) Part 1, Section 1.4a. Section D – To conduct a test after the installation is complete will add approximately $5,000 tothe cost of the project. Is this requirement correct?ANSWER: Correct this is a requirementb. Section E – The XGrass system is infilled with coated sand, not rubber (the rubber gets up to 20%hotter than than the coated sand)ANSWER: Will revise section to the following in Addendum <strong>#2</strong>: Infill with certificate of availabilityfrom supplier guaranteeing product supply reserved for owner.<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-11

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>3) Part 2, Section 2.3a. Section B, Number 13 – “Micromechanical Bonding” is in reference to a Velcro seam. XGrass usesCordura seaming material and Nordot 34G Commercial Adhesive.ANSWER: Delete Micromechanical Bonding, Replace with Adhered seams, refer to Addendum<strong>#2</strong> for additional requirements.b. Section D – This states that the HIC and GMAX values shall not be exceeded for the “life of the turfsystem”. The “life of the turf system” is unknown. Additionally, who will be testing for thesescores? It is not stated who is responsible for the testing and when they will be done. XGrass hasa 10 year warranty on the product itself, but it does not include attenuation.ANSWER: The intent is for the manufacturer to provide a play surfacing system that meets therequired HIC and G-max requirements when maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’srecommendation through the life of the system which is the minimum 8 year warranty period.Testing requirements will be included in Addendum <strong>#2</strong>.c. Section E – XGrass infill is an acrylic coated, Microban enhanced, coated sand. This helps keep thebase of the fibers upright, drains very well, and acts as a ballast for the system to prevent wrinklingover time.ANSWER: Will revise section to the following in Addendum <strong>#2</strong>: Infill and Fall Zone Material: Infillshall be non-abrasive, non-toxic infill per manufacturer recommended system. Fall zone materialand depth shall be per manufacturer’s recommendation to meet allowable HIC requirements.d. Section F – XGrass utilizes a pressure treated board, not composite. Composite can be used, but itwill add cost.ANSWER: Detail 3/C-6.02 allows both composite and treated nailer board. Will include revision tospecification in Addendum <strong>#2</strong>4) Part 3, Section 3.1a. Section B – XGrass does not warrant base that is not installed by XGrass.5) Part 3, Section 3.2a. Section A – The drainage will be covered by the installed aggregate base so verifying thefunctionality of the drainage is not a possiblity.Laura SchellenbergNuToys Leisure Products, Inc.E. ADDITIONS TO <strong>THE</strong> BIDDERS LISTE-Mail Address Name Phone Numberfarinellanursery@charter.net Farinella Nursery / Landscape LLC Not providedamy@wehmeyerfarms.com Wehmeyer Farms, Inc. 636‐366‐9590abrown@rainericonstruction.com Raineri Construction 314‐667‐5913matt@kueselinc.com Kuesel Excavating 636‐978‐3478<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-12

<strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong>jgerstner@gerstnerelectric.com Gerstner Electric 636‐680‐5012rflotron@yahoo.com NB West Contracting 636‐677‐1414gaugenstein@xlcontracting.com XL Contracting Inc. 636‐970‐2710rcstormwater@yahoo.com RC Storm Water Management 314‐581‐0923brad@builtbyschneider.com Schneider Construction 636‐240‐0930carl@jacobiengineer.com Jacobi Geotechnical Engineering 636‐978‐7112F. CHANGES TO <strong>THE</strong> TYPED BIDDERS LISTsmcmullen@jhberra.com J.H. Berra Construction 314‐487‐5617jeff@pipeworksutilities.com Pipeworks Utilities 636‐397‐1555G. CHANGES TO <strong>THE</strong> TYPED PRE-BID ATTENDEE LISTlff@fryelectric.net Fry Electric 636‐939‐7989abrown@rainericonstruction.com Raineri Construction 314‐630‐1805H. ATTACHMENTS1. Subsurface Exploration - Peruque Valley Park – by Quality Testing March 4, 20112. Drawing showing Package A – Bid Alternate 7 limits.3. Division 1100 (As-Built Drawings) of the City of Wentzville Construction Specifications and StandardDetails (City of Wentzville)4. Updated Bidders ListEND OF <strong>ADDENDUM</strong> <strong>#2</strong><strong>THE</strong> <strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> <strong>AND</strong> HEARTL<strong>AND</strong> <strong>PARK</strong> PROJECTPackage A and Package B - PHASE ONEJ1111.01 and .02 A2-13

ST ST ST STUGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGEST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST STSS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SSUGE UGE UGE UGEST ST ST ST ST ST STSS SS SS SSUGE UGE UGE UGE UGEPAVILION LAYOUTPOINT #1N:1078163.65E:702846.63SS SSSS SS SSN:1078212.35E:702847.58N:1078207.36E:702847.26N:1078172.43E:702845.032.6RESTROOM LAYOUTPOINT <strong>#2</strong>AMPHI<strong>THE</strong>ATERLAYOUT -REFER TO 2/C3.08PAVILION LAYOUTPOINT <strong>#2</strong>N:1078211.92E:702875.71N:1078165.53E:702874.66 N:1078162.99E:702914.57N:1078149.93E:702883.68N:1078142.14E:702848.11 N:1078140.90E:702868.082.7R5.0' CTRN:1078126.74E:702870.182.6N:1078121.75E:702869.86N:1078121.87E:702867.87N:1078140.39E:702876.06N:1078126.42E:702875.17R5.00'CONCESSION LAYOUTPOINT <strong>#2</strong>N:1078193.15E:702876.412.111.3N:1078164.26E:702894.61N:1078154.60E:702888.99N:1078148.65E:702903.64N:1078163.94E:702899.60TREEWELL TREEWELL1.2CONCESSION LAYOUTPOINT <strong>#2</strong>N:1078168.58E:702905.57N:1078153.33E:702908.95N:1078148.02E:702913.6210.00'2.6N:1078132.06E:703006.85N:1078117.78E:703005.94<strong>PARK</strong>ING ISL<strong>AND</strong>LAYOUT- REFER TO 1/3.062.11R5.00'N:1078112.51E:703010.23R5.0' CTRN:1078117.46E:703010.93N:1078141.03E:703023.40N:1078131.05E:703022.762.1N:1078130.41E:703032.74N:1078120.43E:703032.1122.00'N:1078129.14E:703052.70N:1078128.51E:703062.68N:1078118.53E:703062.05 N:1078117.89E:703072.03N:1078119.16E:703052.07 N:1078107.91E:703071.39R100.00'N:1078091.78E:703058.422.7N:1078091.78E:703066.55N:1078077.95E:703079.40N:1078069.85E:703078.812.6R100.00'R5.0' CTRN:1078043.78E:703096.74N:1078106.01E:703101.33N:1078096.03E:703100.70N:1078095.39E:703110.68N:1078075.43E:703109.40N:1078045.11E:703123.33N:1078074.80E:703119.38N:1078060.50E:703118.47R131.00'N:1078042.34E:703091.95R5.00'N:1078038.92E:703097.88N:1078042.16E:703111.69E.J.E.J.E.J.E.J.E.J.E.J.E.J.KEYNOTE LEGENDE.J.E.J.E.J.E.J.E.J.5'TYP.E.J.E.J.6"1.1 PRE-ENGINEERED COMFORT STATION - REFERTO ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS.1.2 PRE-ENGINEERED CONCESSION - REFERTO ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS.1.3 PRE-ENGINEERED OPEN PAVILION - REFER TOARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS.1.4 PRE-ENGINEERED DUGOUT STRUCTURE- REFER TO 1/C- PRE-ENGINEERED STORAGE BUILDING- REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS.2.1 P.C.C. CURB <strong>AND</strong> GUTTER - TYPE 'O'REFER TO 700.082.2 P.C.C. FLUSH CURB - REFER TO 1/C6.02.2.3 P.C.C WALK - THICKENED EDGE - REFER TO2/C- P.C.C. SYN<strong>THE</strong>TIC TURF CURB - REFER TO 3/C-6.022.5 P.C.C. PAVEMENT (8") - REFER TO 4/C-6.022.6 P.C.C. WALKS (4" OR 6") - REFER TO 5/C-6.022.7 P.C.C. RAMP - TYPE 1 MODIFIED- REFER TO8/C-6.022.8 P.C.C. RAMP - TYPE 2 MODIFIED - REFER TO9/C-6.026"2.9 P.C.C. WHEEL STOP - REFER TO 6/C-6.022.10 P.C.C. STEPS - REFER TO 7/C-6.022.11 P.C.C. CURB TRANSITION - TYPE 1 - REFER TO1/C-6.032.12 P.C.C. CURB TRANSITION - TYPE 2 - REFER TO2/C-6.032.13 P.C.C. SPORTS FIELD CURB - REFER TO 3/C-6.032.14 TRENCH DRAIN - REFER T0 4/C-6.033.1 ASPHALT PAVEMENT (5") - REFER TO 7/C-6.035.1 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE - REFER TO 1/C-6.045.2 STONE RETAINING WALL - REFER TO 1-2/C-6.085.3 NATURAL STONE BOULDER - REFER TO 3/C-6.085.4 NATURAL STONE WIER - REFER TO 4/C-6.085.5 SRW WALL - REFER TO 5/C-6.086.1 SCOREBOARDS - REFER TO 1/C-6.136.2 <strong>PARK</strong> BENCH - REFER TO 2/C-6.136.3 TRASH RECEPTACLE - REFER TO 3/C-6.136.4 BIKE RACK - REFER TO 4/C-6.136.5 ALUMINUM BLEACHER - REFER TO 6/C-6.136.6 DRINKING FOUNTAIN - REFER TO 7/C-6.137.1 22' BACKSTOP - REFER TO 1/C- CHAIN-LINK FENCE - REFER TO 4/C- SWING GATE - REFER TO 5/C- DOUBLE SWING GATE - REFER TO 6/C- 20' FOUL POLE - REFER TO 5/C- ORNAMENTAL FENCE - REFER TO 4/C-6.092C-3.086"N:1078238.25E:702815.15N:1078234.96E:702807.095.2R10.0' CTRN:1078244.94E:702807.72N:1078223.91E:702823.26R5.00'N:1078219.24E:702817.952.64"R10.00'5.3N:1078233.26E:702833.88N:1078252.34E:702844.40N:1078250.53E:702839.36N:1078238.57E:702829.20N:1078237.93E:702839.18N:1078253.70E:702849.69N:1078232.62E:702843.86N:1078257.93E:702850.48N:1078221.37E:702863.18R62.5' CTRN:1078196.42E:702861.59N:1078262.45E:702865.80N:1078256.024" E:702880.41N:1078244.16E:702864.63N:1078238.83E:702864.29N:1078233.51E:702863.95N:1078230.08E:702883.78N:1078229.45E:702893.75N:1078210.44E:702877.51N:1078251.72E:702880.66FACE OF WALLN:1078249.71E:702885.74FACE OF WALLN:1078247.28E:702890.51N:1078234.75E:702889.08N:1078218.83E:702903.10N:1078208.53E:702907.45N:1078205.45E:702877.19 N:1078203.54E:702907.146"N:1078234.12E:702899.06N:1078213.52E:702907.77N:1078231.64E:702918.95N:1078212.89E:702917.75N:1078202.91E:702917.12E.J.E.J.FACE OF WALLFACE OF WALLFACE OF WALLR5.0' CTRN:1078218.92E:702822.94R62.50'TYP.R18.34'R23.67'R29.00' 4"2.6 4"2.6RADIUS POINTOF SEAT WALLS5.5TYP.FACE OF WALLR5.0' CTRN:1078213.84E:702902.785.2TYP.2.10TYP.7.6 TYP.R5.00'2.64"E.J.N:1078234.21E:702818.91E.J.E.J.E.J.TREEWELL TREEWELLTREEWELLTREEWELLE.J.LAKE WALL -REFER TO C-4.19AMPHI<strong>THE</strong>ATER LAYOUTPLAN0 10' 20'30'One Inch = Ten FeetDrawing Title:CITY OFWENTZVILLE310 WEST PEARCE BOULEVARDWENTZVILLE, MISSOURI 63385Seal:Name: JEFFREY E. NILGES DateLicense No: 2006005037Company License No: LAC-2006001845Project Title:No.Revision DateThis drawing and details on it, as an instrumentof service, is the property of PDS or itsconsultants and may be used for this specificproject only and shall not be loaned, copied orreproduced without the consent of PDS.Project Number:J1111Drawn By:RAWIssue Date:10/29/2012Drawing Number:<strong>PERUQUE</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>PARK</strong>PHASE ONE - <strong>PARK</strong>S & AQUATIC CENTER PROJECTPrepared by:727 North First Street Suite 360S a i n t L o u i s , M i s s o u r i 63102P 314.241.3600 F 314.241.3601Company License No: LAC-2006001845In Association with:JacobsCochranKJWWMoffittSCI LandTechCENTRAL PLAZA LAYOUTC-3.08

AS-BUILT DRAWINGSDIVISION 1100SECTION 1100As-Built Drawing Requirements1100.1 Description. This section covers the requirements for drawingscontaining information of infrastructure in the constructed or “as-built” state.1100.2 General. All entities who construct public waterlines or facilities, stormdrainage systems, impoundments, or sanitary sewers to be maintained by the City of Wentzvilleshall submit to the Engineering Division an as-built set of construction drawings as a part of theCity's acceptance process. All plan sheets shall be 24" x 36" reproducible mylar along withan AutoCad format digital file (contact the Engineering Division for acceptable formats).All applicable information listed below shall be included on all as-built drawings.1100.3 General Information. The following project summary information shallbe included on the as-built drawings.a. Project Nameb. City of Wentzville Engineering Project Number (to be included on the lower rightcorner of each sheet)c. Total linear footage and size of streets, water mains, sanitary sewer mains, stormsewer mains, number of valves, fire hydrants, manholes (sanitary and storm),and inlets (by type)d. Boundary of tract by courses and distance with referencese. Tie to Missouri State Plane Coordinate Systemf. Vicinity mapg. Scale of drawings and bar scaleh. North arrowi. Location of benchmarkj. Seal and signature of registered P.E. or P.L.S. licensed in the State of Missourik. All easements identified and dimensionedl. Statement designating drawings are "as-built"1100.4 Water System Information. The following information related to thewater system shall be provided.a. Water Main locationb. Pipe materialc. Pipe sized. Location of all fire hydrants, valves, air release valves, bends, fittings, taps, pumpstationse. Pipe lengths between fittings and other system facilitiesf. Location of casing pipe for future service lines.1100.5 Sanitary Sewer System Information. The as-built drawings shallindicate the horizontal and vertical location of the sanitary sewer system in plan and shallinclude the following information.a. Pipe materialb. Pipe sizeCity of WentzvilleConstruction Specifications and Standard DetailsEffective Date: 05/??/091100 - 1

c. Structure top elevation and the elevations of all incoming and outgoing pipeflowlinesd. Pipe slope and distancee. Pump station location including wet well, valve vault, retention chambersf. Pump station top and invert elevationsg. Retention chamber size, pipe material, slope and flowline elevationsh. Location of all sanitary sewer force main tracer wire access points and airrelease valves.1100.6 Storm Water Management System Information. The as-built drawingsshall indicate the horizontal and vertical location of the storm water management system in planand shall include the following information.a. Outline of 100 year flood plainb. Pipe materialc. Pipe sizec. Structure top elevation and the elevations of all incoming and outgoing pipeflowlinesd. Pipe slope and distanceg. Show permanent stormwater impoundments.h. Include topography of the as-built condition of all stormwater detention/retentionfacilities (under ground detention shall be dimensioned in lieu of topography).i. Control and overflow structure location and size, and elevations. This shallinclude all information relevant to the proper operation of the structure (i.e.opening size, low flow and outlet pipe size, slope and flowline elevation, etc.)Additionally the channel protection volume elevation and flood protectionelevations should be indicated on the plan. The volume of water contained foreach design condition should be provided. Should significant volume differencesfrom the design volume be determined, a recalculation of the actual design mayneed to be provided.j. Detention basin low flow swale locationEND OF SECTION1100 - 2City of WentzvilleConstruction Specifications and Standard DetailsEffective Date: 05/??/09

Peruque Valley Park Heartland Park Project -The City of Wentzville, MO<strong>PARK</strong>S PROJECT BIDDINGBidders List (CDs) Issued by the CityE-Mail Address Name Phone Numberbtaulbee@byrneandjones.com Byrne and Jones Construction 314‐567‐7997gmoore@gershenson.com Gershenson Construction 636‐938‐9595mseidel@gundakercommercial.com Gundaker Commercial Construction 636‐875‐5171don@atgsports.com ATG Sports 314‐667‐8906ljuern@demienconstruction.com Demien Construction 636‐332‐5500houskagolf@aol.com Houska Inc 636‐463‐2153garyr@crallo.com C. Rallo Contracting Co, Inc. 314‐664‐2900nrothe@budrovich.com Budrovich Excavating 314‐892‐3030estimating@kruppconstructioninc.com Krupp Construction 636‐391‐8844dlamb@lambconstructionco.com Lamb Construction 636‐240‐7907mikeg@pizzo.info Pizzo & Associates Ltd. 314‐780‐8487curt@hutchinson-recreation.com Hutchinson Recreation Design, Inc. 800‐848‐5616peterw@allinclusiverec.com All Inclusive Rec 314‐800‐5101gregmeyer@schaefermeyer.com Schaefer Meyer Seed‐Sod 636‐947‐7173chris@publicrestroomcompany.com Public Restrooms Co ‐ Chris Middleton 888‐888‐2060 x113dstein@muniegreencare.com Munie Greencare Professional 618‐624‐5005florissantsod@centurytel.net Florissant Sod Co. 636‐240‐5404bartone@bartonelectricinc.com Barton Electric Inc. 618‐654‐6626lauras@nutoys4fun.com NuToys Leisure Products, Inc. 314‐740‐7103rrobertson@allpurposeerectors.com All Purpose Erectors 618‐537‐7777smcmullen@jhberra.com J.H. Berra Construction 314‐489‐5617matth@kolbgrading.com Kolb Grading 314‐581‐4022semkegrading@hotmail.com Semke Grading 636‐250‐4225jvazquez.htcs@yahoo.com Home Turff LLC ‐ Joe Vazquez 636‐798‐3056lizwiggins@harlanco.net The Harlan Co. 314‐890‐2351 x22rcolehru@gmail.com HRU Services 314‐894‐4425stephen.schaller@hdsupply.com HD Supply 636‐480‐6935brian@simplybrightideas.com Simply Bright Ideas, Inc. 314‐718‐1688rolenski@astroturf.com Astroturf/Mid‐America Sports 314‐409‐5395jeff@pipeworksutilities.com Pipeworks Utilities 636‐397‐1555mike.jones@fieldturf.com Fieldturf 816‐204‐6406shannah@fencestl.com Consolidated Fence Company 636‐946‐6666mgardner@kozenywagner.com Kozeny ‐ Wagner, Inc. 636‐296‐2012rgross@stlcompost.com St. Louis Composting 314‐581‐6372wjelectric@charter.net W. J. Electric, Inc. 636‐220‐7425kjuinc@kjunnerstall.com K.J. Unnerstall Construction 636‐239‐2028callen@sanderscontractinginc.com Sanders Contracting, Inc. 314‐605‐6555farinellanursery@charter.net Farinella Nursery / Landscape LLC Not providedamy@wehmeyerfarms.com Wehmeyer Farms, Inc. 636‐366‐9590abrown@rainericonstruction.com Raineri Construction 314‐667‐5913matt@kueselinc.com Kuesel Excavating 636‐978‐3478jgerstner@gerstnerelectric.com Gerstner Electric 636‐680‐5012rflotron@yahoo.com NB West Contracting 636‐677‐1414gaugenstein@xlcontracting.com XL Contracting Inc. 636‐970‐2710rcstormwater@yahoo.com RC Storm Water Management 314‐581‐0923brad@builtbyschneider.com Schneider Construction 636‐240‐0930carl@jacobiengineer.com Jacobi Geotechnical Engineering 636‐978‐7112Planning Design Studio in association with JACOBS

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