cbs course guide - Central TAFE

cbs course guide - Central TAFE

cbs course guide - Central TAFE


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CBS COURSE GUIDE 2014public sector governmentCUATRA2012 TRAINING COURSESGOVERNMENT COMMON USEARRANGEMENTPlease note that at the time of going to print, this <strong>course</strong>information was correct. However, nationally recognised<strong>course</strong>s are often reviewed. Should any changes occur, wewill supply you with the most current information.CUATRA2012 COURSES<strong>Central</strong> Institute of Technology and themetropolitan public RTOs’ have partnered withthe Western Australian Government to offerWestern Australian Government agencies andother approved buyers a unique opportunity toaccess quality public <strong>course</strong>s and customisedoptions for delivery of <strong>course</strong>s based on theCommon Use Arrangement (CUATRA2012).Listed below are <strong>course</strong>s we offer togovernment agencies. These are offered on aper seat basis in our public <strong>course</strong>s. We alsooffer contextualised training in the workplace.Please contact CBS for formal quote to matchyour requirements.If the <strong>course</strong>s listed below in Category 4 arenot scheduled in our portfolio in the PublicQualifications Section, CBS has the capacityto deliver these in-house to your employeesallowing customisation at corporate level.These would be small group (a minimum of12 people) and facilitated sessions. Pleasecontact CBS for further information.Before registering in our public <strong>course</strong>s pleasego to the Department of Finance website:www.contractswa.finance.wa.gov.auUnder HR/PERSONNEL category – CUATRA2012Training Courses to view the Buyers Guidefor information on contract information,contractor details, order form and priceschedule by <strong>course</strong>.NOTE: The Common Use Arrangement does notcover catering and refreshment costs, pleasecontact CBS office for costs.CUATRA2012 TRAINING COURSESGOVERNMENT COMMON USEARRANGEMENT cont...Category 1: Information Technology• 1.0.6 - Excel Introduction (1 day)• 1.0.7 - Excel Intermediate (1day)• 1.0.19 - Project Introduction (1 day)Category 2: Working in Organisations• 2.0.3 - Job Application And Interview Skills(1 day) - titled Job Application and InterviewSkills in CBS program• 2.0.4 - Interpersonal and CommunicationSkills (1 day) - titled Communication andPersonalities in CBS program• 2.0.6 - Time Management (1 day) - titledManage Work Priorities in CBS program• 2.0.14 - Customer Service (1 day) - titledCustomer Service in CBS program• 2.0.25 - Minute Taking (1/2 day) - titledMeeting Preparation and Minute Taking inCBS programCategory 3: Management• 3.0.2 - Project Management (2 days) - titledProject Management in CBS programCategory 4: Nationally Recognised TrainingCourses• 4.0.1 - BSB50607 - Diploma of HumanResources Management (3 core plus 5electives units)• 4.0.2 - TAE40110 - Cert IV in Training andAssessment (7 core units plus 3 electiveunits)• 4.0.3 - BSB40807 - Cert IV in FrontlineManagement (4 core units plus 6 electiveunits)• 4.0.4 - BSB51107 - Diploma of Management(8 elective units)• 4.0.5 - BSB60407 - Advanced Diploma ofManagement (3 core units plus 5 electiveunits)• 4.0.6 - BSB51407 - Diploma of ProjectManagement (9 core units)CUATRA2012 TRAINING COURSESGOVERNMENT COMMON USEARRANGEMENT cont...• 4.0.7 - BSB40207 - Cert IV in Business (1core unit plus 9 elective units)• 4.0.8 - BSB50207 - Diploma of Business (8elective units)• 4.0.10 - PSP20104 - Certificate II inGovernment (4 core units plus 5 electiveunits)• 4.0.11 - PSP30104 - Certificate III inGovernment (7 core units plus 4 electiveunits)• 4.0.12 - PSP40104 - Certificate IV inGovernment (7 core units plus 8 electiveunits)• 4.0.16 - PSP41204 - Certificate IV inGovernment (Project Management) (10 coreunits plus 5 elective units) equivalent coreunits exist please see training package fordetails• 4.0.17 - PSP51304 - Diploma of Government(Project Management)) (10core units plus1 elective unit) equivalent core units existplease see training package for details• 4.0.19 - PSP51104 - Diploma of GovernmentManagement (7 core units plus 4 electiveunits)• 4.0.21 - PSP50804 - Diploma Governmentof Human Resources (6 core units plus 5elective units)Indepth thought to aspects that are engagedin general daily activitiesAaron Childs, Diploma of GovernmentManagement, 201340

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