cbs course guide - Central TAFE

cbs course guide - Central TAFE

cbs course guide - Central TAFE


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centre fortraining excellenceCTE COURSE GUIDE 2014CENTRE FOR TRAININGEXCELLENCEVocational education and training (VET)educators have an increasingly important roleto play in raising the skill and productivitylevels of the Australian workforce andremoving barriers to participation andsuccess such as low language, literacy andnumeracy skills and disabilities. To satisfythis role, VET educators require a diverse skillset. They need to be innovative, adaptive andcollaborative professionals, a specialist intheir industry, and a highly skilled educatorwith a broad range of teaching andlearning skills.In recognition of the importance of the VETpractitioner’s role the Centre for TrainingExcellence (CTE) has been created to provideVET practitioners with a suite of targetedtraining and professional development<strong>course</strong>s. Our <strong>course</strong>s will enable VETeducators to maintain current knowledgeand to build on their skills for the everchanging vocational education and trainingenvironment. In 2014 all training <strong>course</strong>srelated to vocational education and trainingwill be delivered by the Centre. The Centre forTraining Excellence offers both accredited andnon-accredited programs that will meet all ofa VET practitioner’s continuous professionallearning requirements.The Centre for Training Excellence CapabilityShort Courses• Introduction to the VET Environment• Mapping and designing training andassessment programs• Assessment: from Compliance to Creativity• Assessing against Unit Requirements• Introduction to Instructional Intelligence• RPL Done Well• Sustainability Skills for Training• Providing Feedback to Students• Managing Challenging Learner Behaviour• Culturally Appropriate PedagogyNationally Recognised Units or Qualifications• TAELLN411 - Address Adult Language,Literacy and Numeracy Skills• TAEDEL501A - Facilitate e-learning• TAESS00005 Sustainable Practice Skill Set• TAE40110 - Certificate IV in Training andAssessment• BSB51607 - Diploma of Quality Auditing• TAE50111 - Diploma of Vocational Educationand Training• TAE50211 - Diploma of Training Design andDevelopment• TAE80312 - Vocational Graduate Certificatein Digital EducationFor information regarding Certificate IV inTraining and Assessment and the Diplomaof Quality Auditing please see the followingpages.Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)CTE has an RPL kit available for practitionerswho are able to provide evidence of existingknowledge and skills against the Units ofCompetency listed in nationally recognised<strong>course</strong>s. Alternatively you may alreadyhold units that may be packaged into yourqualification. Please contact CTE forfurther detail.Course Customisation and In-House TrainingOur <strong>course</strong>s can be customised to meet thespecific requirements of your organisationand can be conducted at your premises.Please contact CTE for further information.For CTE enquiries please contact:Phone: 9427 1555Email:trainingexcellence@central.wa.edu.auPostal Address:Locked Bag 6NORTHBRIDGE WA 6865On-site Training Location:Level Four, North Wing, 25 Aberdeen StreetNORTHBRIDGE 686542

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