cbs course guide - Central TAFE

cbs course guide - Central TAFE

cbs course guide - Central TAFE


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Very welcoming and friendly training environment, exceptionallyknowledgeable trainer who explained concepts clearly and patientlyKim Veale, March 2013CTE COURSE GUIDE 2014training and assessmentTAELLN411ADDRESS ADULT LANGUAGE,LITERACY AND NUMERACY SKILLSPURPOSEThe unit describes the skills and knowledgea vocational trainer or assessor requires toidentify language, literacy and numeracy(LLN) skill requirements of training and thework environment, and to use resources andstrategies that meet the needs of the learnergroup. It is applicable for all individuals whoteach, train, assess and develop resources foradult learners.LEARNING OUTCOMES• Analyse LLN requirements of units ofcompetency, workplaces and learners• Select and use learning and assessmentresources and strategies to address LLNskill requirements• Identify the need for LLN support andintegrate into training and assessmentstrategies where required• Evaluate effectiveness of the learningsupport and assessment strategies selectedin addressing LLN requirementsDURATION2 half day (4 hours) face to face workshopsTIMES9.00am until 1pmDATESSemester One, 2014Intake 1 – Wednesdays 2 April & 14 May 2014Intake 2 – Saturdays 5 April & 17 May 2014Semester Two, 2014Intake 3 – Fridays 25 July & 15 August 2014Intake 4 – Saturdays 25 October & 15November 2014INVESTMENT$350 (GST free) per person includes <strong>course</strong>materials and assessment feesTAEDEL501AFACILITATE E-LEARNINGOVERVIEWThe delivery of the unit has been designedto assist trainers, facilitators or teachersto support learners effectively in an onlinelearning environment. The unit is an electivein TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training andAssessment, TAE50111 Diploma of VocationalEducation and Training and TAE50211 Diplomaof Training Design and Development. It isrecommended that <strong>course</strong> participants becurrently or recently employed as a trainer/teacher. As a Centre of Training Excellence(CTE) student, you will have access to theBlackboard Learn 9.1 Learning ManagementSystem (LMS). If your workplace uses analternative LMS (eg. Moodle) then you maychoose to complete assessments withinthat LMS.Participants will require approximately 4-6hours per week to successfully completethe requirements of the <strong>course</strong>. Tutorialswill be provided online each week on viaBlackboard Collaborate. These sessions willinclude a degree of technical support. Thefocus of the <strong>course</strong> is however mostly one-learning facilitation concepts and skills (nottechnical). Therefore, you should ideally havepriority access to support and mentorshipfrom LMS administrators or online educatorsin your workplace during this <strong>course</strong>(especially if you are using an LMS other thanBlackboard Learn).PURPOSECourse participants will:• Learn the principles of e-learning design ,delivery and assessment.• Develop the required knowledge and skillsto facilitate with fully online or blended<strong>course</strong>s using an appropriate selection ofe-learning tools.TAEDEL501AFACILITATE E-LEARNING cont...OUTCOMES• Establish the e-learning environment• ntroduce e-learning• Guide and facilitate e-learning• Monitor e-learning• Review e-learning processesDURATION9 weeksTIMESMonday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.30pm WST(via Blackboard Collaborate);DATESPlanned intakes (start dates):Intake 1 3rd FebruaryIntake 2 28th AprilIntake 3 21st JulyNote: Minimum 10 participant are required forthese intakes to proceed.INVESTMENT (GST EXEMPT)$650 per person48

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