UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT - Securities Class Action Services

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT - Securities Class Action Services

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT - Securities Class Action Services


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IN THE <strong>UNITED</strong> <strong>STATES</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong> <strong>COURT</strong><br />

FOR THE <strong>DISTRICT</strong> OF DELAWARE<br />

--------------------------------------x<br />

GERALD LEVINE, individually and :<br />

on behalf of all others similarly :<br />

situated, :<br />

:<br />

Plaintiff, :<br />

:<br />

v. :<br />

:<br />


formerly known as MALVY TECHNOLOGY, :<br />












:<br />

Defendants. :<br />

--------------------------------------x<br />

follows:<br />


Plaintiff, by his counsel, alleges for his Complaint as<br />


1. This action seeks redress on behalf of plaintiff and all<br />

others similarly situated for losses they sustained as a result of<br />

defendants' manipulation of the market in and misleading statements<br />

and omissions of material facts relating to the stock of Malvy<br />

Technology, Inc. ("Malvy" or "the Company")(now known as Metal<br />

Recovery Technologies, Inc. or "MRTI"). This action is brought

pursuant to Sections 9, 10(b), and 20 of the <strong>Securities</strong> Exchange<br />

Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. sections 78i, 78j(b), and 78t, and Rule 10b-<br />

5(1)-(3) promulgated by the <strong>Securities</strong> and Exchange Commission<br />

("SEC") thereunder.<br />

2. Beginning no later than early 1993, defendants Michael<br />

Lucas, Michel Rabhi and Jack Alexander conspired with others<br />

identified below to swindle open market purchasers of the stock of<br />

Malvy (then known as Sphinx Natural Resources, Inc.). Their scheme<br />

ultimately defrauded investors of many millions of dollars, much of<br />

which eventually lined the pockets of defendants and their co-<br />

conspirators.<br />

3. The scheme was a simple one. First, the conspirators<br />

caused Malvy to enter into an agreement to acquire 100% of the<br />

stock of a French Company, Malvy France, for $32,500,000. In fact,<br />

defendants acquired Malvy France from an entity which they<br />

controlled, and most of the purported purchase price in reality<br />

came back to them.<br />

4. In order to pay for the acquisition of Malvy France,<br />

defendants Alexander, Lucas and Rabhi purportedly caused the<br />

Company to issue 16,250,000 shares under SEC Regulation "S" to<br />

foreign investors for $2 per share. In fact, much of that stock<br />

was purchased by defendants through various affiliates. Defendants<br />

then pumped up the price of Malvy's stock through a series of acts<br />

including false and misleading public statements and also bribes to<br />

stock traders and brokers. As the price of Malvy's stock soared in<br />

late 1993 and early 1994, defendants unlawfully dumped their<br />


unregistered stock on unwitting investors, reaping huge profits.<br />

Ultimately, Malvy's stock price crashed, leaving the investing<br />

public holding stock of little value.<br />

5. This Court has jurisdiction of this action under Section<br />

27 of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. section 78aa, and pursuant to 28<br />

U.S.C. sections 1331 and 1337.<br />

6. Malvy is incorporated under the laws of the State of<br />

Delaware. Certain of the omissions and misrepresentations<br />

complained of herein were omitted from or contained in documents<br />

and/or wires disseminated within this jurisdiction. In addition,<br />

by knowingly manipulating the market in, and misrepresenting facts<br />

relating to, a Delaware corporation, defendants have transacted<br />

business within this jurisdiction. Accordingly, venue is proper in<br />

this District.<br />

7. The fraud alleged herein was perpetrated in large measure<br />

by means of the mails, the telephone and other instrumentalities of<br />

interstate commerce. During the class period, Malvy's common stock<br />

was traded on the NASDAQ National Market System.<br />


8. Plaintiff, Gerald Levine, is an individual who resides in<br />

Brooklyn, New York, and is a citizen of the State of New York.<br />

Plaintiff Levine purchased 16,000 shares of Malvy common stock at<br />

various times during the period from November 1, 1993 through and<br />

including May 24, 1995 (the "<strong>Class</strong> Period"), beginning with the<br />


purchase of 2,000 shares on November 1, 1993 and ending with the<br />

purchase of 10,000 shares on October 18, 1994. As a result of the<br />

fraud alleged herein, plaintiff Levine purchased Malvy stock at<br />

prices that were artificially inflated and he thereby sustained<br />

substantial damages.<br />

9. Defendant Malvy, now known as Metal Recovery<br />

Technologies, Inc., is a corporation organized under the laws of<br />

the State of Delaware with its principal executive offices<br />

presently located in East Chicago, Indiana. Over the last five<br />

years, the Company has engaged in a number of businesses, none of<br />

them profitably.<br />

10. Defendant Michael Lucas ("Lucas") became a Director and<br />

Chairman of the Board of Malvy on or about October 20, 1994 and<br />

continued to hold those positions through the end of the <strong>Class</strong><br />

Period. Prior to October 20, 1994, defendant Lucas did not<br />

formally hold a position with the Company, but at all material<br />

times he had the ability to and did in fact significantly influence<br />

the Company's affairs.<br />

11. Defendant Jack Alexander is a Fort Smith, Arkansas based<br />

promoter who owned a controlling interest in Malvy (then known as<br />

Sphinx) until April 1993. Thereafter, he continued to control Malvy<br />

through his beneficial ownership of 100% of the Company's Series A<br />

Preferred Stock, which gave him the power to elect a majority of<br />

the Company's Board of Directors. Two members of that Board, David<br />

Hoyle and Tony Viele, were his associates and nominees.<br />

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12. Defendant Michel Rabhi, with defendant Lucas, owned a

controlling block of Malvy's common stock through their ownership<br />

and control of Vaughan Investments. Although Rabhi never served as<br />

an officer or director of Malvy, he and defendant Lucas had the<br />

ability to and in fact controlled the Company's affairs. At all<br />

relevant times following April 1993, a majority of Malvy's Board of<br />

directors, as well as its executive officers, were appointed by and<br />

served at the behest of defendants Lucas and Rabhi.<br />

13. Each of the foregoing individual defendants, by reason of<br />

their management and board positions and ownership of stock, were<br />

"controlling" persons of Malvy within the meaning of Section 20 of<br />

the Exchange Act and had the power and influence to control Malvy<br />

and exercised same to cause Malvy to engage in the acts complained<br />

of herein.<br />

14. Each of the foregoing individual defendants, because of<br />

their respective positions, had access to adverse non-public<br />

information about the business and finances and the future business<br />

prospects of Malvy and acted to conceal the same in violation of<br />

their statutory and common law duties, as particularized below.<br />

15. Defendant Gary Salter ("Salter") was a stock promoter who<br />

worked through a Boca Raton, Florida company called Corporate Asset<br />

Management, Inc. ("CAM"). In or about March 1993, defendant Salter<br />

conspired with defendants Lucas and Rabhi to manipulate and inflate<br />

the price of Malvy stock by means of false and misleading public<br />

statements and also bribes to stock traders and brokers.<br />

16. Defendant SGA Goldstar Research, Inc. ("Goldstar")<br />


publishes a Nashville, Tennessee based stock newsletter service<br />

called "SGA Goldstar Whisper Stocks." Goldstar's principals<br />

conspired with defendant Salter to fraudulently promote Malvy's<br />

stock and were paid for doing so.<br />

17. Defendant Barron Chase <strong>Securities</strong>, Inc., is a Boca Raton,<br />

Florida stock brokerage firm that made a market in Malvy stock. At<br />

least one of the firm's traders, Larry Turrell, and a number of its<br />

brokers, including David W. D'Andrea, Joseph Micelli, Jr. and<br />

Nicolas J. Giandomenico, were bribed by defendant Salter to<br />

manipulate the market for Malvy's stock.<br />

18. Defendant Euro-Atlantic <strong>Securities</strong>, Inc. is a Boca Raton<br />

based stock brokerage firm that made a market in Malvy stock. A<br />

number of the firm's brokers, including Simon D. Baier, and one of<br />

its traders were bribed by defendant Salter to manipulate the<br />

market for Malvy's stock.<br />

19. Defendant La Jolla Capital Corp. ("LJCC") is a San Diego<br />

based investment firm that made a market in Malvy stock. A number<br />

of the firm's brokers were bribed by defendant Salter to manipulate<br />

the market for Malvy's stock.<br />

20. Defendant Cohig and Associates ("Cohig") is a Chicago<br />

based brokerage firm. At least one of Cohig's brokers, Donald<br />

Henderson, was bribed by defendant Salter to manipulate the price<br />

of Malvy's stock.<br />

21. Defendant Gruntal and Company, Inc. ("Gruntal") is a New<br />

6<br />

York City based brokerage firm. At least one of Gruntal's brokers,<br />

Tom Brozel, was bribed by defendant Salter to manipulate the price

of Malvy's stock.<br />

22. Defendants Gary Salter, Goldstar, Barron Chase, Euro-<br />

Atlantic, LJCC, Cohig and Gruntal are sued individually and as co-<br />

conspirators, and the liability of each arises from the fact that<br />

each conspired to and engaged in all or part of the unlawful acts,<br />

plans, schemes or transactions to defraud alleged herein.<br />

23. The acts in furtherance of the conspiracy by<br />

representatives of defendants Goldstar, Barron Chase, Euro-<br />

Atlantic, LJCC, Cohig and Gruntal were all ones which those<br />

representatives had the actual and/or apparent authority to<br />

perform, were within the scope of their employment, were of the<br />

kind they were authorized to perform, and were actuated at least in<br />

part by a desire to serve their employers, and therefor the entity<br />

defendants are liable for their acts pursuant to the doctrine of<br />

respondent superior.<br />

24. Defendants Goldstar, Barron Chase, Euro-Atlantic, LJCC,<br />

Cohig and Gruntal were in a position to control the fraudulent<br />

conduct in question, but failed to do so.<br />


25. This action is brought as a class action under Rules<br />

23(a) and 23(b)(3) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.<br />

26. The <strong>Class</strong> is defined as and consists of all persons or<br />

7<br />

entities who purchased the common stock of Malvy on the open market<br />

between November 1, 1993 and May 24, 1995, inclusive ("the <strong>Class</strong>").

The <strong>Class</strong> is specifically defined to exclude defendants, their<br />

affiliates, members of the families of the individual defendants,<br />

any entity in which any of the defendants has a controlling<br />

interest, and the legal representatives, heirs, successors or<br />

assigns of any of the foregoing.<br />

27. In excess of fifty million shares of Malvy were traded<br />

between November 1, 1993 and May 24, 1995 ("the <strong>Class</strong> Period").<br />

Upon information and belief, plaintiff alleges that there are in<br />

excess of 1,000 geographically dispersed members of the <strong>Class</strong>.<br />

Thus, the <strong>Class</strong> is so numerous that joinder of all of its members<br />

would be impracticable.<br />

28. Plaintiff is a member of the <strong>Class</strong>, has sustained<br />

damages, is committed to pursuing this action, and has retained<br />

competent counsel experienced in litigation of this nature.<br />

Plaintiff is an adequate representative of the <strong>Class</strong> in that he has<br />

the same interests as all of the members of the <strong>Class</strong>, and he will<br />

fairly and adequately protect the interests of the <strong>Class</strong>.<br />

29. The claims asserted on behalf of plaintiff are typical of<br />

those asserted on behalf of the <strong>Class</strong>.<br />

30. There are questions of law and fact common to the <strong>Class</strong>,<br />

including the following:<br />

(a) whether the defendants herein made misleading<br />

statements and omissions of fact regarding Malvy's business,<br />

finances and prospects during the <strong>Class</strong> Period;<br />

were material;<br />

8<br />

(b) whether the defendants' misstatements and omissions

Malvy's stock;<br />

(c) whether defendants manipulated the market for<br />

(d) whether defendants acted with scienter;<br />

(e) whether defendants' acts had the purpose and effect<br />

of artificially inflating the market price of Malvy stock<br />

throughout the <strong>Class</strong> Period;<br />

(f) whether defendants, in order to effectuate and in<br />

connection with such course of conduct, engaged in acts or conduct<br />

in violation of Sections 9, 10(b) and/or 20 of the Exchange Act;<br />

and<br />

claims.<br />

(g) the measure of damages applicable to plaintiff's<br />

31. The aforesaid questions of fact and law are common to the<br />

<strong>Class</strong> and predominate over questions affecting only individual<br />

members. A class action is superior to other available methods for<br />

the fair and efficient adjudication of this controversy.<br />

32. The likelihood of members of the <strong>Class</strong> prosecuting<br />

separate individual actions is remote due to the relatively small<br />

losses suffered by each <strong>Class</strong> member as compared to the losses<br />

suffered by the <strong>Class</strong> as a whole and compared to the burden and<br />

expense of prosecuting litigation of this nature and magnitude.<br />

Plaintiff anticipates no difficulty in the management of this case.<br />

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33. Malvy was incorporated in Delaware as Sphinx Mining Inc.<br />

on May 4, 1990. The Company changed its name to Sphinx Natural

Resources, Inc. on June 28, 1991 and changed its name to Malvy on<br />

June 14, 1993. It adopted its present name, MRTI, on June 30,<br />

1995.<br />

34. Until mid-1993, the Company, then known as Sphinx Natural<br />

Resources, Inc., was engaged primarily in the businesses of mining<br />

and developing precious metals in Alaska, the production of oil and<br />

gas in Oklahoma and New Mexico, and the transmission of gas through<br />

a pipeline in Oklahoma. Those businesses were not profitable. The<br />

Company was controlled at that time by defendant Alexander, who<br />

served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.<br />

35. In or about early 1993, defendants Lucas and Rabhi<br />

entered into a conspiracy with defendant Alexander (collectively,<br />

Lucas, Rabhi, and Alexander are referred to as "the insider<br />

defendants") to take control of Malvy (then known as Sphinx),<br />

promote the price of the stock, and swindle unsuspecting investors.<br />

Their scheme ultimately defrauded investors of many millions of<br />

dollars, much of which lined the insider defendants' pockets and<br />

those of their co-conspirators.<br />

36. In furtherance of their conspiracy, in or about April,<br />

1993, defendant Alexander sold 790,000 shares of Malvy common stock<br />

to Vaughan Investments, a British company controlled by defendants<br />

Lucas and Rabhi. At or about that time, defendant Alexander<br />

resigned his positions with the Company, and defendants Lucas and<br />

Rabhi, with Alexander's consent, appointed Stephen Smith, William<br />

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Greenwood, and Roy Pearce as their nominees to the Company's Board.<br />

37. Although Alexander resigned his positions with the

Company, two of his nominees, Tony Viele and David Hoyle, remained<br />

as officers of the Company and on Malvy's Board. Moreover,<br />

defendant Alexander retained beneficial ownership of 100% of the<br />

Company's Series A Preferred stock, which entitled him to elect a<br />

majority of the Company's Board. Alexander thereby retained<br />

control of the Company.<br />

38. In or about April 1993, the insider defendants caused the<br />

Company to issue 800,000 shares of unregistered stock to certain<br />

"offshore entities" at the price of $1.00 per share. Most, if not<br />

all, of that stock was purchased by affiliates of defendants Lucas<br />

and Rabhi.<br />

39. In furtherance of their scheme, the insider defendants<br />

caused the Company to enter into an agreement to acquire control of<br />

Malvy Technology S.A. ("Malvy France"), a French corporation<br />

engaged in the development of an anti-theft device for the<br />

automotive industry (hereinafter the "Malvy Device" or "the<br />

Device"). In June 1993, the Company changed its name to Malvy<br />

Technologies, Inc. and announced that it was refocusing its<br />

operations on the production and sale of the Malvy Device.<br />

40. On or about July 13, 1993, Malvy announced that it had<br />

agreed to acquire 100% of Malvy France for some $32.5 million from<br />

Bondlumi Investments Ltd., an entity with legal situs in the British<br />

Virgin Islands. A report in the July 14, 1993 Daily Oklahoman<br />

11<br />

stated that the Company intended to finance the purchase in stages<br />

by placing 16.25 million shares of stock with overseas investors

over a six-month period. The article further reported that the<br />

Company stated that the Malvy Device already had been recommended by<br />

one French insurer to policy holders, that production of the device<br />

in France could begin as early as September, and that Malvy was<br />

talking to General Motors and other car makers about installing the<br />

device during the automobile production process.<br />

41. Defendants Lucas and Rabhi failed to disclose the facts<br />

that Bondlumi was controlled by them or that Bondlumi had acquired<br />

the stock of Malvy France for a tiny fraction of the $32.5 million<br />

price paid by Malvy for that stock. In fact, Malvy's acquisition<br />

of Malvy France from Bondlumi was a scheme through which Lucas and<br />

Rabhi enriched themselves at the expense of the Company and its<br />

investors.<br />

42. Malvy then proceeded to sell some 16.25 million shares of<br />

its stock at $2 per share to finance its acquisition of Malvy<br />

France. The unregistered shares were sold to "overseas entities"<br />

pursuant to Regulation S through an underwriter called Sinenvest<br />

Limited Corp. ("Sinenvest"), a company with legal situs in Panama<br />

and offices on the Isle of Man. In fact, Sinenvest was controlled<br />

by defendants Lucas and Rabhi. Moreover, most of the 16.25 million<br />

shares "sold" through Sinenvest were "purchased" by affiliates of<br />

Lucas and Rabhi.<br />

43. In or about March 1993, defendants Lucas and Rabhi<br />

entered into a conspiracy with defendant Gary Salter, a Boca Raton,<br />

12<br />

Florida based stock promoter, who operated through a company called<br />

Corporate Asset Management, Inc. ("CAM"), to manipulate and inflate

the price of Malvy's stock. In the fall of 1993, CAM began issuing<br />

press releases and investment reports, described below, touting<br />

Malvy to potential investors.<br />

44. In addition, in furtherance of his conspiracy with Lucas<br />

and Rabhi, Salter bribed stock brokers and traders at various<br />

brokerage firms to stimulate trading activity in and inflate the<br />

price of Malvy's stock. Cash payoffs were given to brokers,<br />

typically in the amount of 15% of any sales the brokers made of<br />

Malvy stock. The brokerage firms involved included defendants<br />

Barron Chase, LJCC, Euro-Atlantic, and Gruntal. Defendants also<br />

began a campaign of touting Malvy's prospects in order to drive up<br />

the price of its stock.<br />

45. On or about August 15, 1993, the London Sunday Telegraph<br />

reported as follows:<br />

A month ago, when just back from Cannes, I brought you<br />

news that all France was talking about a revolutionary<br />

anti-car theft device invented by former Citroen engineer<br />

Michael Malvy.<br />

At the time, Malvy Technology's Nasdaq-listed shares<br />

stood at $2. Since then, news of this invention, which<br />

disengages steering wheels by employing a specially-coded<br />

ignition key, has hit the United States. It has<br />

generated so much interest that Malvy is the largest<br />

traded stock on Nasdaq. The shares are now $5.<br />

46. Beginning at the latest with an October 7, 1993 CAM press<br />

release, which is described in paragraph 47, below, and continuing<br />

until at least May 24, 1995, the insider defendants knowingly<br />

issued and/or caused Malvy to issue a series of highly favorable<br />

public statements which touted Malvy and its stock in, inter alia,<br />


press releases, SEC filings and shareholder reports. Such public<br />

statements by the insider defendants were misleading by virtue of<br />

their failure to include material facts relating to the finances,<br />

management, and business prospects of Malvy, or by their failure to<br />

correct earlier favorable statements that had become misleading by<br />

virtue of later negative developments. Included among defendants'<br />

false and misleading favorable statements concerning Malvy were<br />

statements touting the existing state of development and the<br />

current commercial prospects of the Malvy Device. The favorable<br />

statements disseminated by the defendants consistently conveyed the<br />

false and misleading impression that Malvy had the rights to a<br />

workable technology which would be commercially viable in the near<br />

term, and that there would likely be rapid and substantial near-<br />

term growth in the Company's revenues and earnings. In fact,<br />

defendants' statements were false and misleading and were part of a<br />

course of business and scheme to defraud, which operated as a fraud<br />

and deceit upon the investing public because of the misstatements<br />

in and omissions from those documents detailed below.<br />

47. Defendants initiated their fraudulent touting of the<br />

stock by causing defendant Salter, through CAM, to issue a grossly<br />

misleading piece on Malvy on or about October 7, 1993. The release<br />

stated, inter alia, that Malvy "has created a 'better mousetrap,'<br />

and the world is beating a path to it's [sic] door;" that the use<br />

for the Malvy Device "doesn't stop at just vehicles, it also<br />

applies to industrial valves, pipelines, buses, heavy equipment<br />

(such as bulldozers, tractors, earth-movers, etc.), as well as<br />


oats;" that the Company scheduled the introduction of the Malvy<br />

Device in the United States for Spring 1994 and estimated that it<br />

would generate $100,000,000 in sales on 200,000 locks at $500.00<br />

per lock in the first full year of U.S. operations (1995); and that<br />

such projection was "indeed conservative" because of the Malvy<br />

Device's "modest price," the high auto theft rates, and the number<br />

of new and expensive vehicles. The release also stated that in<br />

France the Company had a "projected production rate of 100,000<br />

locks annually, generating $50,000,000, and a gross profit of<br />

$20,000,000 in the second year." It further stated that the Malvy<br />

Device had recently been subjected to "a rigorous 'real world'<br />

laboratory test" and that the Malvy Device permitted "Malvy<br />

Technology engineers" to observe that the Malvy Device operated<br />

"flawlessly" under driving conditions that were unusually extreme<br />

and arduous. In fact, as subsequently revealed, the original<br />

equipment market (OEM) device could not even be produced and had not<br />

reached a stage of production where estimates of its sales had any<br />

reasonable historical or other basis.<br />

48. In furtherance of their scheme, in or about the fall of<br />

1993, the insider defendants prepared and distributed to the<br />

investing public a so-called Focus Report on Malvy in conjunction<br />

with CAM. The Focus Report stated that the French insurance<br />

industry had been conducting "extensive tests" on the device and<br />

"will shortly recommend it to policy holders" and that the Company<br />

had reached agreement with French vehicle giant Peugeot MTC "to<br />

develop the Malvy anti-theft device for use on motorcycles," thus<br />


purportedly expanding the Malvy Device's "uses from automobiles,<br />

buses, trucks, boats, planes, industrial valves, and heavy<br />

equipment." The Focus Report stated that this development<br />

strengthened the Company's sales projection of 40,000 units<br />

(yielding gross sales of $20 million and gross profits of $8<br />

million) for the French market in 1994, and further noted that for<br />

its first year in the United States, "Malvy figures it will achieve<br />

a highly conservative 75,000 installations of its anti-theft lock,<br />

which translates into $37,500,000 in sales." The Focus Report<br />

further stated that the Malvy Device could be manufactured for<br />

almost the same price as the Neiman lock generally used by<br />

automobile manufacturers; that it therefore could replace the<br />

Neiman lock in auto production lines for minimal cost; and that<br />

"this development is in progress with a major European luxury<br />

automobile manufacturer."<br />

49. Defendant Lucas, pursuant to the conspiracy described<br />

above, again fraudulently touted the Company by providing a staff<br />

writer at The Daily Oklahoman with Company literature and an<br />

interview with Company President Smith that led to the publication<br />

of an article on Malvy on or about October 14, 1993. The article<br />

stated, inter alia, that Smith said the Malvy lock was "the only<br />

device, mechanical or electrical, which fully protects and prevents<br />

a vehicle from being stolen" and that it would similarly protect<br />

anything with a wheel, including cars, boats, motorcycles and<br />

tractors. The article further stated that the Malvy Device would<br />

start selling in France and Germany in November of 1993, that the<br />

Malvy Device would cost $500 in the United States and about $700 in

Europe, and that Company literature predicted "first-year [1994]<br />

sales of 40,000 units, generating revenue of about $20 million in<br />

Europe alone."<br />

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50. On October 22, 1993, and again on October 25, 1993,<br />

defendant Lucas, pursuant to the conspiracy described above, caused<br />

the stock to be touted through the "SGA Goldstar Whisper Stocks"<br />

newsletter, a widely distributed investment newsletter, which<br />

stated that the Company very conservatively projected 75,000<br />

installations in its first full year of U.S. operations. The later<br />

article stated that the Company "has started up production and<br />

projects to sell approximately 100,000 units in FY 1994."<br />

51. In early November 1993, the Company held a show for<br />

analysts, brokers and others at the Waldorf Astoria in New York,<br />

where it displayed a BMW fitted with the Malvy Device. At the<br />

show, the insider defendants reiterated the projections referenced<br />

above, and continued to tout the Company's and its stock's<br />

prospects.<br />

52. In November 1993, defendant Lucas, pursuant to the<br />

conspiracy described above, also caused an article on the Company<br />

to appear in "Individual Investor." The article stated, inter<br />

alia, that commercial production of the lock would begin in France<br />

that month, that the U.S. introduction would occur at the Detroit<br />

Motor Show in February, and that Peugeot had agreed to buy the<br />

locks for use on its motorcycles. The article quoted Mr. Malvy as<br />

projecting sales of "a minimum of 40,000 units" in the European<br />

accessory market in 1994, creating sales of $20 million. Also in

November 1993, defendant Lucas, pursuant to the conspiracy<br />

described above, caused market analyst Dan Dorfman to tout the<br />

stock on his widely followed television show.<br />

17<br />

53. In late 1993, the insider defendants took advantage of<br />

Malvy inflated stock price to dump much of their indirect stock<br />

holdings on the market. Such sales were illegal because the stock<br />

was unregistered and not saleable in the U.S. market. Nonetheless,<br />

the insider defendants sold much of their holdings, thereby reaping<br />

enormous profits from the fraud they had perpetrated.<br />

54. In addition, defendants Lucas and Rabhi "lent" Malvy<br />

money through other affiliates, including Clearwater Enterprises<br />

Limited and Monarch Asset Management Limited. These loans were<br />

repaid with Malvy stock, which defendants Lucas and Rabhi then<br />

caused their affiliates to dump on the market at considerable<br />

profit.<br />

55. An April 1994 news release by the Company announced that<br />

distributors of Caterpillar construction equipment in France<br />

successfully exhibited the Malvy Device on their best-selling<br />

Backhoe loader and would offer it as an option on that equipment.<br />

56. On or about April 21, 1994, the Company filed its Form<br />

10-K with the SEC for the year ended December 31, 1993. The Form<br />

10-K stated, inter alia, that the Malvy Device was being<br />

developed for three markets -- the auto accessory and replacement<br />

markets, as well as the original equipment market. The Form 10-K<br />

further stated that it was anticipated that the cost of manufacture<br />

for the original equipment market would be "comparable with

existing steering wheel locks." The Form 10-K added that<br />

manufacturing and fabrication problems were being worked out and<br />

18<br />

improvements were being made to the production process. It stated<br />

that a production rate of 2,000 locks per month was anticipated<br />

during the second half of 1994 and that shipments to distributors<br />

were anticipated to commence in August. The Form 10-K additionally<br />

stated that "the Device is designed to work on most automobiles<br />

sold in the world, and can also be adapted to motorcycles, trucks<br />

and heavy construction equipment. . . ."<br />

57. In or about August 1994, Malvy distributed its 1993<br />

Annual Report to Shareholders, which continued to tout the<br />

Company's prospects. The Letter to Shareholders noted that the<br />

Company had experienced some delays associated with the manufacture<br />

of the after-market device, but attributed those delays to "changes<br />

required to the manufacturing process in order to increase the<br />

number of units produced and our insistence on first class quality<br />

and reliability. . . . Despite the initial production problems we<br />

are targeting production of 15,000 units in 1994 and 100,000 units<br />

for 1995." The Letter further stated: "It is anticipated that the<br />

original equipment version of the 'Malvy' will not be available<br />

until 1996, however, the Company is working very closely with a<br />

number of vehicle manufacturers, both in the USA and Europe." The<br />

Letter concluded as follows: "The reception given to the Malvy<br />

products has been very encouraging and I am confident that 1994<br />

will see your company well on the road to an exciting and

profitable future."<br />

58. On October 17, 1994, the Company announced that it had<br />

successfully achieved its first two weeks' production targets and<br />

19<br />

that "[p]roduction is continuing satisfactorily and the Malvy Anti-<br />

Theft device will be launched at the British Motor Show commencing<br />

on the 18th of October."<br />

59. On October 20, 1994, the Company announced that Michael<br />

Lucas had been appointed a director and chairman of the board and<br />

that Smith had resigned from all of his posts with the company.<br />

Lucas was quoted as saying that production of the Device was<br />

"proceeding satisfactorily and that the interest shown in the<br />

product at the British Motor Show has been very encouraging."<br />

60. On November 2, 1994, the Company announced that it had<br />

exceeded its October production target and that it had successfully<br />

completed a financing to raise $2 million for additional working<br />

capital.<br />

61. On December 8, 1994, the Company announced that it had in<br />

fact raised $2.5 million for working capital and that the launch of<br />

the Malvy device in the United Kingdom had successfully commenced,<br />

with interest being shown in numerous other countries.<br />

62. On January 26, 1995, the Company issued a press release,<br />

which quoted defendant Lucas as stating that "dealer and public<br />

demand for the Malvy product is excellent. Malvy dealers are<br />

currently being appointed in England and France. . . . Sales<br />

targets are being met. It [the Device] is budgeted to move to a<br />

profitable sales level during the third quarter of 1995. . . . OEM

(original equipment manufacture) progress is very encouraging and<br />

our engineers believe that the Malvy [Device] will be perfected for<br />

volume manufacture during 1995. . . . We are at last selling and<br />

delivering the product to an enthusiastic market and we have a<br />

realistic objective of being profitable by the third quarter of<br />

1995."<br />

20<br />

63. On February 23, 1995, the Company announced that it had<br />

approved a 20-1 reverse split of its common shares because its<br />

large capitalization and low share price "were an impediment to<br />

investor interest."<br />

64. On April 27, 1995, Malvy announced its acquisition of<br />

Metal Recovery Industries (International) Inc. for $12 million<br />

cash, the issuance of 14 million restricted shares and a<br />

conditional deferred payment of $25 million. Metal Recovery<br />

purportedly owned technology to "upgrade galvanized steel scrap<br />

into clean scrap for steel making."<br />

65. On or about May 24, 1995, Malvy filed its Annual Report<br />

on Form 10-K with the SEC for the year ended December 31, 1994. It<br />

was signed by defendant Lucas. The Form 10-K disclosed for the<br />

first time the following facts: (1) during 1994 the Company's<br />

French subsidiary had manufactured only approximately 3,000 after-<br />

market locks; (2) sales of the Device did not commence until<br />

December 1994; (3) demand for the Device was mixed, "with some<br />

indications that the initial retail selling price, approaching<br />

$1,000, was too high"; (4) "the major problem encountered was an

insufficient variety of hubs being available to enable the Malvy to<br />

be fitted to a broad enough range of vehicles," as a result of<br />

which sales were "limited to a small selection of vehicles." The<br />

Form 10-K further disclosed that the "Malvy Device for the Original<br />

Equipment Manufacturer is still in the design and development<br />

21<br />

stage. Early prototypes have been found to be unsatisfactory after<br />

extensive testing. . . ."<br />

66. Then, on June 30, 1995 Malvy announced that it had<br />

changed its name to Metal Recovery Technologies, Inc. and that it<br />

had changed its business emphasis to the de-zincing of scrap steel.<br />

It appears from that announcement and the Company's SEC filings<br />

that the Company has substantially curtailed the Malvy operations.<br />

The Company's stock price declined substantially as a result of the<br />

disclosures in paragraphs 65-66.<br />

COUNT I<br />



67. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations of<br />

paragraphs 1 through 66 of this Complaint as if set forth in full.<br />

68. Throughout the <strong>Class</strong> Period, in connection with<br />

plaintiff's and the <strong>Class</strong>' purchases of Malvy common stock,<br />

defendants issued and caused the Company to issue public reports,<br />

releases, and statements that were materially false and misleading<br />

in violation of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-<br />

5(1)-(3) promulgated thereunder. Those reports, releases, and<br />

statements were materially false and misleading for the reasons

specified in paragraph 68, below. In addition, certain statements<br />

by the Company that may have been true when made became misleading<br />

by virtue of the emergence of the facts set forth in paragraph 64,<br />

and each of the defendants breached his duty to correct when the<br />

prior statements became incomplete and misleading in light of those<br />

subsequent events.<br />

22<br />

69. Defendants' statements in paragraphs 47-62, above, were<br />

materially misleading with respect to the Company's business,<br />

finances and prospects in that they misrepresented material facts<br />

and omitted to disclose material facts necessary in order to make<br />

the statements made not misleading. Defendants omitted to disclose<br />

at least the following material facts:<br />

(a) that the Malvy Device would only work on a small<br />

selection of vehicles because there was an insufficient variety of<br />

hubs available to fit the Device to most vehicles;<br />

(b) that the original equipment device was still in the<br />

design stage, had not been shown to be technically feasible, and,<br />

indeed, that early prototypes were found to be unsatisfactory after<br />

extensive testing;<br />

(c) that the original equipment device could not be<br />

installed for anything close to the modest price of the competing<br />

Neiman lock, which was in general use in the automotive industry;<br />

(d) that the Company did not have a commitment from<br />

Peugeot to put the device on its motorcycles;<br />

(e) that the Company did not have a commitment from a

major European luxury car manufacturer to install the device as<br />

original equipment; and<br />

(f) that, at its projected $1,000 sales price, the<br />

device was not commercially viable for the aftermarket/accessory<br />

markets, even if it were available for a broad range of cars.<br />

23<br />

70. In addition, Defendant Lucas, pursuant to the conspiracy<br />

described above, made projections of Malvy's sales that totally<br />

lacked any reasonable basis, as set forth above.<br />

71. The statutory safe harbor provided for forward-looking<br />

statements under certain circumstances does not apply to any of the<br />

allegedly false and misleading statements pleaded in this<br />

Complaint; those statements were not identified as "forward-looking<br />

statements" when made. Nor was it stated that actual results<br />

"could differ materially from those projected." Nor did meaningful<br />

cautionary statements identifying important factors that could<br />

cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in<br />

the statements at issue accompany those statements. Further, the<br />

statements were made by Defendant Lucas with knowledge that they<br />

were misleading.<br />

72. Because of their positions with Malvy, defendants Malvy,<br />

Alexander, Lucas and Rabhi had access to and knowledge of the above<br />

facts and other undisclosed information of a material nature<br />

concerning the business, finances and future business prospects of<br />

Malvy and they acted with knowledge or with reckless disregard of<br />

the misleading nature of their statements and omissions regarding<br />

the Company.

73. Plaintiffs and the <strong>Class</strong> purchased Malvy stock in direct<br />

or indirect reliance upon defendants' statements and in reliance<br />

upon the integrity of the market for Malvy securities.<br />

74. Plaintiff will rely, in part, upon the presumption of<br />

reliance established by the fraud-on-the-market doctrine in that:<br />

24<br />

(a) defendants made public misrepresentations or failed<br />

to disclose facts in public documents issued during the <strong>Class</strong><br />

Period;<br />

material;<br />

(b) the omissions and misrepresentations of fact were<br />

(c) Malvy met the requirements for listing, and was<br />

listed on the NASDAQ National Market System, a highly efficient and<br />

automated market;<br />

(d) as a regulated issuer, Malvy filed periodic public<br />

reports with the SEC and the NASDAQ;<br />

(e) Malvy's trading volume was substantial, averaging<br />

many thousands of shares per day during the <strong>Class</strong> Period,<br />

reflecting numerous trades each day;<br />

(f) the misrepresentations and omissions alleged would<br />

induce a reasonable investor to misjudge the value of the common<br />

stock of Malvy; and<br />

(g) plaintiff and the members of the <strong>Class</strong> purchased or<br />

otherwise acquired their Malvy stock between the time defendants<br />

failed to disclose or misrepresented material facts and the time<br />

the true facts were disclosed, without knowledge of the omitted or

misrepresented facts.<br />

75. Defendants' course of conduct, as described above,<br />

constituted a device, scheme, or artifice to defraud and operated<br />

as a fraud and deceit upon plaintiff and the <strong>Class</strong>.<br />

76. By reason of defendants' statements and acts, plaintiff<br />

and each member of the <strong>Class</strong> have been injured in connection with<br />

25<br />

their purchases of Malvy stock in that they purchased that stock at<br />

prices that were artificially inflated by defendants' misleading<br />

statements.<br />

77. As to all defendants other than Malvy and Lucas,<br />

plaintiff instituted this action within three years of the<br />

transactions at issue and within one year of the time he was placed<br />

on notice of defendants' fraud. As to defendants Malvy and Lucas,<br />

plaintiffs claims have been tolled by filing of a earlier suit.<br />

COUNT II<br />



78. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations of<br />

paragraphs 1 through 66 of this Complaint as if set forth in full.<br />

79. Defendants, in concert with others, effected or caused to<br />

be effected a series of transactions in the common stock of Malvy,<br />

which created actual and apparent trading activity in such stock<br />

and raised the price such stock, for the purpose of inducing the<br />

purchase of the stock by others.<br />

80. For the purpose of inducing purchases of Malvy stock by

others, defendants made statements that were false and misleading<br />

with respect to material matters, as more fully stated above.<br />

81. Defendants knew of the falsity of their statements<br />

regarding Malvy and acted willfully at all times relevant hereto.<br />

82. Plaintiffs purchases of Malvy were at prices that were<br />

affected by defendants' manipulative actions and plaintiff and<br />

members of the <strong>Class</strong> were damaged by defendants' acts.<br />

26<br />




83. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations of<br />

paragraphs 1 through 66 of this Complaint as if set forth in full.<br />

84. Defendants Alexander, Lucas, and Rabhi were, by reason of<br />

their stock ownership, management positions and/or membership on<br />

the Company's Board of Directors during the <strong>Class</strong> Period,<br />

controlling persons of Malvy within the meaning of Section 20 of<br />

the Exchange Act and had the power and influence, and exercised the<br />

same, to cause Malvy to engage in the wrongful practices complained<br />

of herein.<br />

85. Defendants Alexander, Lucas, and Rabhi are therefore<br />

liable to plaintiff and the <strong>Class</strong> pursuant to Section 20 of the<br />

Exchange Act.<br />


Plaintiff demands trial by jury on all claims.


WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants<br />

and in favor of plaintiff and each member of the <strong>Class</strong> as follows:<br />

27<br />

(a) That this Court declare this action to be a class action<br />

pursuant to Rules 23(a) and 23(b)(3) of the Federal Rules of Civil<br />

Procedure;<br />

(b) That this Court order rescission of plaintiff's and the<br />

<strong>Class</strong>' investments and/or award plaintiff and the <strong>Class</strong> the full<br />

compensatory damages, including pre-judgment interest, that they<br />

have sustained;<br />

(c) That this Court award plaintiff reasonable counsel and<br />

expert fees, as well as the costs and disbursements incident to the<br />

prosecution of this action; and<br />

(d) That this Court award such other and further relief as<br />

may be just and proper.<br />

Dated: October 31, 1996<br />



David B. Zlotnick<br />

1039 North Sixth Avenue<br />

Tucson, Arizona 85705<br />


/s/<br />

By: _________________________________________<br />

Norman M. Monhait (DSBA ID No. 1040)<br />

Suite 1401, Mellon Bank Center<br />

P.O. Box 1070<br />

Wilmington, DE 19899-1070<br />

(302) 656-4433<br />

Attorneys for Plaintiffs

(520) 798-3255<br />


Donald B. Lewis<br />

5 Cynwyd Road<br />

Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004<br />

(610) 668-0331<br />

28<br />



Gerald Levine ("Plaintiff") declares, as to the claims<br />

asserted under the federal securities laws, that:<br />

1. Plaintiff has reviewed the Complaint and authorized<br />

its filing.<br />

2. Plaintiff did not purchase the security that is the<br />

subject of this action at the direction of plaintiff's counsel or<br />

in order to participate in this private action.<br />

3. Plaintiff is willing to serve as a representative<br />

party on behalf of the class, including providing testimony at<br />

deposition and trial, if necessary.<br />

4. Plaintiff had the following transactions in the<br />

common stock of Malvy during the <strong>Class</strong> Period alleged in the<br />

Complaint:<br />

(a) on November 1, 1993 plaintiff purchased 2,000<br />

shares for $11,128.75;<br />

(b) on December 30, 1993 plaintiff purchased 2,000<br />

shares for $7,628.75;<br />

(c) on April 5, 1994 plaintiff purchased 1,000<br />

shares for $3,083.75;<br />

(d) on May 13, 1994 plaintiff purchased 1,000

shares for $2,739.75;<br />

(e) on October 18, 1994 plaintiff purchased 10,000<br />

shares for $6,141.25;<br />

5. During the three years prior to the date of this<br />

Certificate, Plaintiff has not sought to serve or served as a<br />

representative party for a class in any action filed under the<br />

federal securities laws other than the related matter of Levine vs.<br />

Metal Recovery, et al. Number 95-960JJF (D. Del.)<br />

6. Plaintiff will not accept any payment for serving as a<br />

representative party on behalf of the class beyond the Plaintiff's<br />

pro rata share of any recovery, except such reasonable costs and<br />

expenses (including lost wages) directly relating to the<br />

representation of the class as ordered or approved by the court.<br />

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true<br />

and correct. Executed this day of October, 1996 at<br />

Brooklyn, New York.<br />

3 Aug 1997<br />

/s/<br />

________________________<br />

Gerald Levine

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