Archer 20L Label - Nufarm

Archer 20L Label - Nufarm

Archer 20L Label - Nufarm


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Net: 20 LitresL80761112

<strong>Archer</strong> ®READ ENTIRE BOOKLET BEFORE USINGHAZARD CLASSIFICATION: 9.1B, 9.2A, 9.3CAPPROVED HANDLER:This product must be under the control of an approved handler when any quantity is being used. The person in charge of a place where the product is sold may sell thesubstance to a person only if he or she has confirmation that there is an approved handler at the place where it is to be used.This product must not be used for any purpose, or in any manner, contrary to this label unless authorised under appropriate legislation.ECOTOXIC• Toxic to aquatic organisms with long-lasting effects. Avoid contamination of any water supply with product or empty container.• Very toxic to the soil environment.Selective herbicide – very toxic to some plant species. Certain plants may be killed or damaged from root uptake of this product.Beware: Spray drift hazard. Apply this product carefully. Spray drift may cause serious damage to other desirable plants.Aerial Application: To minimise the risk of damage from drift of this product, especially where susceptible vegetation is within 0.5km, use low drift nozzles whichminimise the production of small droplets (less than 100 microns). Maintain a water rate of at least 30 litres/ha for aerial spraying. Do not add additional wetter unlessspecified on the label. Preferred wind conditions for spraying are a light constant breeze away from any sensitive crops.• Harmful to terrestrial vertebrates.• This product must not be applied onto or into water.• Do not use for treating turf that will be mown and the clippings used for making compost; or made available for collection for; or deposited at, a municipal green wasterecycling depot.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSSTORAGE• Keep out of reach of children. Store in original container tightly closed and in a locked, dry, cool, area away from foodstuffs, seeds, and fertilisers. Store in accordancewith NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals.• Stores containing 100 litres of <strong>Archer</strong> require signage, 1000 litres require bunding, and more than 1000 litres require emergency response plans.PERSONAL PROTECTION• Avoid skin and eye contact and inhalation of spray mist. When handling, wear eye protection, waterproof gloves, boots and overalls. Do not eat, drink or smoke whileusing. Remove protective clothing and wash hands and face thoroughly before meals and after work.EQUIPMENT• Apply using well maintained and accurately calibrated spray equipment.• Flush equipment thoroughly with clean water after use. If the spray unit which has applied <strong>Archer</strong> is to be used for the application of other chemicals to sensitive crops,ensure the unit is completely decontaminated.DISPOSAL• Triple rinse empty container and add rinsate to spray tank. Recycle empty container. Otherwise crush and bury in a suitable landfill.• Dispose of product only by using according to the label, or at an approved landfill.First Aid: If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. For advice contact the National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON (0800 764766) or a doctor immediately. If skin or haircontact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water. If splashed in eyes, wash out immediately with water.Spillage: Wear appropriate protective clothing and prevent material from entering waterways. Contain liquid spills and absorb with inert material. Sweep up contaminatedmaterial and dispose of safely in an approved landfill.Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. P7390See www.foodsafety.govt.nz for registration conditions.Marketed by:<strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited6 Manu Street, OtahuhuAuckland, NZTelephone 0-9-270-4157www.nufarm.co.nz<strong>Nufarm</strong> Emergency Phonelink: 0800 651 911 toll free 24 hours9Batch No:D.O.M:PROPER SHIPPING NAME CLASSENVIRONMENTALLY 9HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE,LIQUID, N.O.S.(clopyralid 30%)UN No.3082HAZCHEM2XPACKING GROUPIIIL80771112

Record Keeping:Records of use as described in NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals must be kept if using morethan 3 litres of <strong>Archer</strong> within 24 hours.Mixing:<strong>Archer</strong> mixes readily with water. Pour the measured quantity of <strong>Archer</strong> into the partly filled spray tankand add the remainder of the water. Mix well during filling.DIRECTIONS FOR USE:It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in theNew Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards<strong>Archer</strong> is selective to a wide range of crops except legumes and Compositae (daisy family). It iscompatible with most commonly used herbicides. <strong>Archer</strong> is damaging to clovers. At 100 ml/ha cloversin pasture may be severely suppressed for 2-6 months. Above 100ml/ha clovers may be removed fromthe sward.TURF AND AMENITY AREAS (golf courses, sports fields and playing fields):WEEDSRATECOMMENTSCloverCalifornian thistleBathurst bur, daisy, dandelion,hawksbeard, hawkbit, medics,Onehunga weed, oxeye daisy,narrow-leaved plantain,thistles (annual and biennial)YarrowCatsear, fireweedRagwort, sow thistle, lotusCape daisyHemlockLupinOld man’s beardBroom, gorseBroadcastLitres/ha0.71111.521-2Notrecommended12-25NotrecommendedSpot sprayHigh Vol.ml/100L70100100100150200200100200500500Spot sprayKnapsackml/10L172525253550502550125125Apply to actively growing plantsApply from rosette to early flower.Re-treatment may be required.Apply to actively growing plantsApply to actively growing foliage.Matted mature plants may needmore than one applicationApply to actively growing plantsApply to actively growing rosettesApply to actively growing rosettes.Use low rate on seedlingsApply to actively growing plants.Apply to actively growing plantsOct-JanWarning:Not for use in home gardens. For a period of 6 months following treatment, lawn clippings fromtreated areas must not be used in, or added to, compost heaps, used as a mulch around sensitiveplants or disposed of at any garden waste recycling centre. During this period lawn clippings shouldbe mulched back into the lawn, burnt or discarded.DIFFICULT TO CONTROL THISTLES:Add <strong>Archer</strong> at 100-200ml/ha to enhance the efficacy of Relay ® or Agritone ® against difficult to controlthistles.ASPARAGUS: (Established beds only)To control Californian thistle, yarrow, clover and thistles.Pre-cutting: Apply 0.5-1 litre/ha to within 3 days of cuttingDuring cutting: Apply 0.5 litre/ha. Do not cut within 3 days of treatment.Post-harvest: Apply 0.5-1 litre/ha over spears. Use directed application if spears are opening orferns are present. Some damage may occur if treatment is made over open spears ormature fronds.FODDER AND SUGAR BEETS:Apply 0.5 – 1 litre/ha for the control of Californian thistle and yarrow. Apply after the 2 true leaf stageof the crop and before bulbous root formation. <strong>Archer</strong> may be mixed with Betanal ® AM 11 Herbicide.FIELD BRASSICAS:Apply 0.5 - 1 litre/ha for control of Californian and other thistles and yarrow. Apply after the 2 true leafstage of the crop and before it closes over.CEREALS:Apply 0.3 – 1 litre/ha for the control of Californian thistle and yarrow and 1 litre/ha for control ofvolunteer potatoes. Apply after the 2 true leaf stage of crop and before the 2nd node stage. Forvolunteer potatoes apply after full potato emergence but before tuber formation. To improve thespectrum of weeds controlled, <strong>Archer</strong> may be tank mixed with Agritone or other cereal herbicides, andshould be applied at the timing recommended for these herbicides.WARNING:Do not use straw from <strong>Archer</strong> treated crops for compost or mulch.COMPATIBILITY:<strong>Archer</strong> is compatible with most commonly used herbicides and cereal fungicides and insecticides.CONSERVATION TILLAGE:<strong>Archer</strong> controls a range of hard to control weeds such as clovers, Californian and other thistles,plantains and yarrow in conservation tillage programmes (minimum tillage or direct drilling).


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