TS System - Osstem.

TS System - Osstem.

TS System - Osstem.


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A Comparison of Implant Stability Quotients Measured Using Magnetic Resonance FrequencyAnalysis from Two Directions: Prospective Clinical Study during the Initial Healing PeriodNon-submerged type Implant Stability Analysis during InitialHealing Period by Resonance Frequency AnalysisJong-Chul Park, Hyun-Duck Kim, Soung-Min Kim, Myung-Jin Kim, Jong-Ho LeeClin. Oral Impl. Res. 2010;21(6):591-7Deug-Han Kim, Eun-Kyoung Pang, Chang-Sung Kim, Seong-Ho Choi, Kyoo-Sung ChoJ Korean Acad Periodontol 2009;39(3):339-48Objectives:Results:There were no differences between the two ISQs whenmeasured from different directions, but there weresignificant differences between the higher and lowervalues of the ISQs at each measurement point. Asignificant difference was also observed between the twoISQ variation groups in the pattern of change of the lowervalue for the period from immediately after surgery to 10weeks after surgery.Objectives:The purpose of the present study was to analyze theimplant stability quotient(ISQ) values for Korean nonsubmergedtype implant and determine the factors thataffect implant stability.Results:The lowest mean stability measurement was at 3 weeks.There was significant difference between implantplacement and 12 weeks. There was significant differencebetween implant placement and 12 weeks in diameters of4.1 mm and 4.8 mm. Also, there were significantdifferences between diameters of 4.1 mm and 4.8 mm atimplant placement and 12 weeks after surgery. This resultsuggests that the factor related to implant diameter mayaffect the level of implant stability. No statisticallysignificant relationship was found between the resonancefrequency analysis and the variables of maxilla/mandible,sex, anterior/posterior, implant length, age of patient, graftperforming, bone type, insertion torque during initialhealing period.SS <strong>System</strong> Clinical StudyGiven that the orientation of the transducer (mesiodistal orbuccolingual) affects the data obtained from a piezoelectricresonance frequency analysis (RFA), this study evaluatedwhether it is necessary to use measurements taken in twodifferent directions (mesiodistal and buccolingual) whenusing magnetic RFA to assess changes in the stiffness ofdental implants.Study design:A prospective clinical trial was completed, in a total of 53patients, on 71 non-submerged dental implants that wereinserted to replace the unilateral loss of mandibular molars.All of the implants were of the same diameter (4.1 mm),length (10 mm), and collar height (2.8 mm). The implantstability quotient (ISQ) was measured during the surgicalprocedure, and at 4 and 10 weeks after surgery.Measurements were taken twice in each direction: in thebuccolingual direction from the buccal side and in themesiodistal direction from the mesial side. The average oftwo measurements in each direction was regarded as therepresentative ISQ of that direction. The higher and lowervalues of the two ISQs (buccolingual and mesiodistal) werealso classified separately. In addition, the variation in ISQwas quantified by subtracting the lower value from thehigher value, and the implants were classified into twogroups according to this variation: one with ISQ variation of3 or more and the other with a variation of 0.05Sex 0.9918 > 0.05Anterior/Posterior 0.8408 > 0.05Length 0.6317 > 0.05Diameter 0.0092 < 0.05Age 0.3836 > 0.05Graft 0.9635 > 0.05Bone type 0.8354 > 0.05Insertion torque 0.0675 > 0.05SS <strong>System</strong> Clinical StudyTable 1. The change in implant stability quotient (ISQ) discrepancymeasured from two different directions at each measurementtime pointDiameter ISQ discrepancy* (mean SD) P-value**Straumann (N=25)During surgeryAt post-operative week 10<strong>Osstem</strong> SS II (N=28)During surgeryAt post-operative week 101.1 ± 2.720.42 ± 1.480.36 ± 3.6-0.14 ± 1.540.160.317Fig. 1. The comparison of the pattern of change in the implant stabilityquotient (ISQs) obtained from the four measures from surgeryto 10 weeks after surgery.3+Group=the group with ISQ variation of 3 or more.3-Group, the group with ISQ variation of

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