A L U M N I N U M B C E L E B R A T I N G ... - Mines Magazine

A L U M N I N U M B C E L E B R A T I N G ... - Mines Magazine

A L U M N I N U M B C E L E B R A T I N G ... - Mines Magazine


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216eddionui^CARDSC. M. (Nick) Wafts. Ex-'25Coal SalesUnited Fuel & Equipment Co.Denver, Colo,Albert G. Wolf. '07Mining EngineerTexas Gulf Sulphur Co.Houston, TexasHarry R. Grace. Ex-'34Industrial SalesThe Sherwin-Williams Co.1632 Arapahoe St, Denver, Colo.Allen E. Hambly, "23Patent AttorneyByron Jackson Co.Los AngelesCalif.Knutsen and TerrillA. O. Knutsen, E)(-'26 A. C. Terrill, '05 jMining Machinery Brokers813 No. Los Angeles St., Anaheim, Caiif,Marshall D. Draper, '97Engineer of <strong>Mines</strong> and Metallurgy443 So. Peck Drive Beverly Hills, Caiif.Tenney C. DeSollar. '04iessemerMining EngineerAlabamaWalter G. Lofgren, '28Ingersoll-Rand CompanySales Engineer-—Los Angeles BranchLos Angeles, CaliforniaJohn H. Wilson, '23Geologist and ©sophyslcistVice-Pres. Independent Exploration Co2015 Ft. Worth Natl. Bant Bldg. 'Fort Worth, TexasJ. C. Wilkerson. '31Wilson Supply CompanyNixon Surface Confro) Gas Lift System1341 So. Hope St, Los Angeles, Calif,Charles T. Baroch, '23Metallurgical EngineerSpecializing in Process Research8130 Evergreen Ave. South Gate, CalifDan H. Griswold, '30Assistant Agricultural EngineerU, S, Soil Conservation ServicePrice, UtahH, E. Nyberg. "06Mining EngineerV. Carranza Num. 37, Depto, 4Mexico, D. F., MexicoPERSONAL NOTES(Continued from page 214)John R. Evans, '23, after several yearsspent in mining at Park City, Utah,joined the Midwest Refining Company atDenver in the Exploitation Department,spending considerable time in Denver,Wyoming, Montana and in Abilene,Texas. _ In 1931 Stanolind moved him toTulsa in the Petroleum Engineering Department;in 1933 he was transferred toCasper as Division Engineer and in 1935back to Tulsa as Chief Production Engineer.Glen E. Fassler, '29, sailed recently forPeru, where he will be associated withthe_ Andaray Gold <strong>Mines</strong> at Lima. Hismail address there is Casiila 1825.Ralph Finlay, '39, receives mail at Box203, Telluride, Colorado, where he is employedby the Veta <strong>Mines</strong>, Inc.Henry Forbes, '38, has been transferredfrom Wyoming to Texon, Texas, (Box488) by the Continental Oil Company,where he is now doing work in theirPipe Line department.Homer D. Ford, '05, has for manyyears been Manager of the gilsonitemines of the Barber Asphalt Corporation,in the Uintah Basin, Utah.C. L. French, '13, as Engineer forPfizer & Company, Inc., of Brooklyn, N.Y,, is in charge of maintenance and newconstruction. His company manufacturersdrugs and pharmaceutical products.Datiiel C. Frobes, '24, President ofDaniel C. Frobes Company, Salt LakeCity, markets mining supplies and equipment.Pedro Garcia, '36, is employed by theMasbate Consolidated Mining Co., RioGuinobatan, Masbate, P. I, 'P. H. Garrison, '39, is in Opelousas,La., doing seismograph work for theStanolind Oil & Gas Company,Wm. M. Gebo, '23, started working forthe United Verde Copper Company atJerome, Arizona, upon his graduation.After two years he went to fionduras,Central America, to look after a mahoganyconcession which he and hisbrother obtained. Tiring of this hejoined Ingersoll-Rand in 1926, workingat Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and PaintedPost, New York. He was then sent toDallas, Texas, for a short stay and thento Tulsa where he has since representedhis company.Karl V. Geib, '11, resigned his positionas General Superintendent of theMolybdenum Gold Mining Company atISI^ammoth, Arizona, and is at present athis home, 2020 South Grant Street Denver.'Marcus Geiger, '37, has completed hiswork in Trinidad, B. W. I. for theSeismograph Service Corporation and isnow being addressed in care of the company,709 Kennedy Building, Tulsa, Okla.Jack Greenspoon, '26, who is doingpetroleum development work for Hall-Baker Company of W^ilmington, California,makes his home in Long Beach,3740 Lewis Avenue,Donald C. Gregg, '22, is Geologist forthe Virac Mine in the Baguio district,Philippine Islands. They have recentlyuncovered a new ore body and find itnecessary to build a mill. Gregg makeshis home at the Pines Hotel, Baguio.(Continued on page 218)JP^ofedsionaiCARDSNinetta Davis. "20GeologistU. S. Geological Survey224 Custom House Denver, Colo.W. Ross Wilson, '31special Field Representative, Giant Div.Atlas Powder CompanyI Salt Lake CityUtahE. Dowden. '20Consulting Mining EngineerSrant St.Denver, Colo.Frank B. Harris. E.M., '13Engineer of <strong>Mines</strong>U. S. Smelting Refining & Mining Co,Designer of Solasco Hook Spad and Tag^1 ^'^ P^^e 154 this issue.1364 Glenmare St. Salt Lake City, UtahRobert O. Howell, '39EngineerJames R. Howeil, General Contractor1030 W. 6th Ave. Denver, Colo,E. H. Frenzell. '21Equipment EngineerGrazing Service Dept. of InteriorWashington, D. C.Will V. Norris. '21Consulting EngineerSpecializing in Illumination and AcousticsEugeneUniversity of OregonGeo. W. Mitchell. '23ManagerOregonMatachewan Consolidated <strong>Mines</strong>, Ltd.MatachewanOntarioT. C. Doolittle, Hon. '27Colorado Schoo! of <strong>Mines</strong>SoldenJoshua L, Soske, '29ColoradoGeologist and GeophysicistPres., Geophysical Engineering Corp.199 S. Fair Oaks Ave, Pasadena, Calif.San FranciscoP. J. McGuire. '15Oliver United Filters, Inc.C. D. Frobes. '24Edgar ClaysCaliforniaProducing Clays for Paper and CeramicsMclntyreGeorgiaAnnouncing Arrival— ofDavid Bruce Frobes, '61March 4, i?40Will Accept Position in 21 yearsf / /l u t a i tHarvey Mathews. '1318 years with Stearns-Roger.Sales Engineer in charge ofMining Dept. Made a Directorof the Company in January, 1940.A. L LADNER, '27STEARNSROGERM I N E S M A G A Z I N Eo no u r"<strong>Mines</strong> Men" in Our Organization3 0 t l t ^ ^ n n i v e r d a r i ^Harry McNeill. '2412 years with Stearns-Roger.Sales Engineer coveringthe Black Hills, Butte. andSalt Lalce City territory.These "<strong>Mines</strong> Men" wiir be glad to discussMetallurgical problems with youS T E A R N S R O G E RMF^f:,EMGINEEHS ____ rlE-MVER C O L O ."" " MAKUFACTUHEBSR H Boice #1, Richardson County, NebraskaNebraska's First Oil Well—A Result of Seismic SurveyByAPACHE EXPLORATION COMPANYP.O.BOX 17,1EXPLORATION COUNSELORSSeismic Surveys—Domestic and ForeignChas. S. Beech, '264 years with Stearns-Roger.Sales Engineer coveringColorado, Nevada, andCalifornia territory.HOUSTON. TEXASW. H, PARKER, JR.

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