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A L U M N I N U M B C E L E B R A T I N G ... - Mines Magazine

A L U M N I N U M B C E L E B R A T I N G ... - Mines Magazine


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P f ' o f e d d i o n c t iCARDSDale Nix, P,E., '26Foreign Division99c; °" Californiaf25Bush St. San Francisco. Calif.Howard J. Wallace, '04Licensed Civil Engmeer1643 N. Sierra Bonlta Ave..'^'^"y'^""'^H. C. Harris, '32Calif.Foundry MetallurgistMack Mfg. Corp.New BrunswickNew JerseyFred W. Kirby, '22National Electric Coil Co.Columbus .OhioMax W. Ball, '06Consulting Petroleum EngineerL. P. Rooney, Ex-'2IGeneral Petroleum Corp. of CaliforniaLos AngelesCaliforniaWill H. Coghill. '03k> > Principal EngineerNonmetals D,v.. U. S. Bureau of <strong>Mines</strong>Supervising EngineerTusc.loosa""*'""'StationAlabamaHugh R. Van Wagenen. '06Vice-President and ManagerReliance Mining CompanyVan Nuys Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif.PERSONAL NOTES(Continued from fage 218}<strong>Mines</strong> men with the Hercules PowderCompany m Delaware include TedM K. Budd '24, Assistant AdveAisineManager. N. S. Greensfelder, '12, whfdied some years ago, was Adve;tisinEManager and started the Hercules nublication, The Explosives Engineer.L/o^^ (7. Mason, '38 and Josep/i L.Creede Mills, Inc., at Creede, Coloradothe Gulf Research & Development Companyreceives mail at 1109^ Beechhtreet, Duncan, Okla.-P. iW. McHugh, '11, formerly Vice-President in charge of sales for the DorrCompany, is President of Petree and Dorr?ofrN!'Y.'Frank McKinless, '23, Sales Engineerfor the Jackson Tube Company of Brooklyn,N. Y., spent several weeks in Denverlast month.i««r^«« Meljcer, '39, is employed bythe Stanolind Oil & Gas Company, doing^^'^V.^Tff^..^'''^' ^"'i addre sed atBox 1540, Midland, Texas.Hugh Miller, '25, Chemical Engineerfor the American Cyanamid & ChemicalCorporation, resides at 953 "B" StreetMeadviile, Penna.'^"eet,Jdarold Mitchell '36, is also at Hempstead,Texas, at the present time, wheretie IS doing seismograph work for TheTexas Company.fFm E Mitchell, '36, is Sales Engineerfor the Oil Well Supply Companyand resides at 1923 Erun AveJue, Apt. 4Houston, Texas.'C O. Moss, '02, began his experiencem the mining industry but twelve yearsago the urge came upon him to get intothe petroleum field. He started in Sieengmeering department of the Deep RockOil Company, then served as Chief Eneineerand is now Superintendent of theirGasoline and Gas department. He islocated at Tuisa, Okla.Fair la-CARDSDewey A. Dutton, '21Consulting Engineer^^ming — CivilColoradoRussell H. Voile, '26Vice-President and General ManagerPlains Exploration Company'^J^^!!^^'^.Denver, ColoDent L Lay, '35Acetylene Service Company, Inc.Acetylene Oxygen Carbide"°^^-'St.Edward C. HanleyComplimentsDenver, CoioColorado School of <strong>Mines</strong>GoldenColoradoJesse R. MorganDeanColorado School of <strong>Mines</strong>Golden _ .I—oloradoJames W. Dudgeon, 'I3Gre^t WDepartmentGreat Western Sugar CompanyUenver „. '^oloradoJ. Harlan Johnson. M.Sc. '23GoldenColorado''Skill and Tools are the Foundationof a Job-Well-Done'C. H. Carpenter, '09Chief EngineerLee Wilson Sales Corporationl^^lSBIount St. Cleveland. OhioSidney S. Snfiall, E.M,. 'I7^*, ^o'^^''"9fon Gamon Meter CoWorthmgton Pump & Machinery Corp.Los Angelesn^vz^^-alitorniaA. L. Pierce, '22Mill SuperintendentOhio <strong>Mines</strong> CorporationGold Point M JNevadaDaniel L. Becic, '12Regional ManagerDodge Bros. Corporation'Q^Q Lloyd Bldg.Seattle, Wash,Chas. L Harrington, '12Mining EngineerU. S. Mineral Surveyor''^'^^ SP^'^g^Coloradolof %n ^"t"T ^'^'"^ addressed at100 No. Chickasaw, Bartlesville, OklaPh;uLl\ .^ seismograph department ofrliillips Petroleum Company.Dale Nix, '26, has had a varied experienceas a Petroieum Engineer withthe MaWand Oii Company of Texas, ¥heCalifornia Company, The Bahrein PetrokumCompany of Bahrein Island, Per^an•juit, Ihe California Texas Oil Company m New York City, and at presentis_ Petroleum Engineer for the ForeffinDiyision of the Standard Oil Company ofoffice 'n'' •'''"'''J San F^nciscooftice. During his 4 years as Assistanthe played a very important part in thedevelopment of the Bahrein oil industryAlbert C. Norton, '07, Consulting Engineerfor Calaveras Public Utility Dittrfiand President of Norton ConstructionCompany, moved his residence recen fj t"1954 Hopkins Street, Berkeley CalifRussell B Paul, '02, Resident EngineerNew Jersey Zinc Company, f onefanTof-AjfeS^^'"-^^^'^John H. MasonDirector Physical Education & AthleticsColorado School of <strong>Mines</strong>Golden _ .ColoradoGeorge Yeager, '40President, Student CouncilColorado School of <strong>Mines</strong>feo/den _ ."-oloradoGeorge W. Thomas. '26Registered Chemical Engineerfc-olden „ ,"--oloradoJohn H. Winchell, '17SLlSr^f*'-"* UnderwriterTJ, c '*^««''=y ManagerThe Eg.itabl. Ute^ A„.ran« Society of t.eSecurity BuildingDenver, Colo.Warren C. Prosser, Ex-'07T h e S k i l l is Y o u r s —W e f u r n i s h t h e ^Hools 99Kistler's, your office outfitters, keep an eagle eye out forthe "tops" in every line; and with pardonable pride remindDraftsmen and Engineers that this is headquarters forRICHTER DRAV/ING INSTRUMENTS and HAMILTONT-SPUARES, DRAWING BOARDS, and TABLES.E n g i n e e r i n g S u p p l y D e p a r t m e n tATKistler ^^FM^ t ' t . ^ DenverBuilding f l J L ^ U S ^ A220(Continued on page 222)ColoradoTHEMIKES MAGAZINE * APRIL 1940THE MINES MAGAZINE ^ APRIL 1940 221

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