Tourism Bridges across Continents - Belle Tourism International

Tourism Bridges across Continents - Belle Tourism International

Tourism Bridges across Continents - Belle Tourism International


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BTI Books<strong>Tourism</strong><strong>Bridges</strong> <strong>across</strong> <strong>Continents</strong>© 1998, McGraw-Hill Book Company Australia Pty Limited

<strong>Tourism</strong>: <strong>Bridges</strong> <strong>across</strong> <strong>Continents</strong>ISBN-10: 0074705415ISBN-13: 978-0074705414© 1998 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Reprinted 2001449 pagesDimensions: 9.4 x 6.8 x 0.9 inchesWeight: 1.9 poundsAuthors: Philip L. Pearce, Alastair M. Morrison, Joy L. Rutledge

Four Parts of <strong>Bridges</strong>DemandThe Demand for <strong>Tourism</strong> ServicesDistributionThe <strong>Tourism</strong> Service Distribution SystemDeliveryDevelopmentCarriers, Suppliers and DestinationMarketing Organizations<strong>Tourism</strong> Policy, Planning andDevelopment

Table of ContentsPart 1: Demand: the demand for tourismservicesChapter 1: Growth factors in tourism demandChapter 2: Motivational influences in tourismdemandChapter 3: Segmentation of tourism demandChapter 4: Travel decision-makingChapter 5: Influencing demand throughmarketingPart 2: Distribution: the tourism servicedistribution systemChapter 6: The distribution bridge: patterns andplayersChapter 7: The travel agentChapter 8: The tour operator and wholesalerChapter 9: Corporate travel managementChapter 10: Meetings, incentives, conventionsand exhibitionsPart 3: Delivery: carriers, suppliers anddestination marketing organizationsChapter 11: Destination marketingorganizationsChapter 12: Transport: accessing tourismservicesChapter 13: Attractions and eventsChapter 14: Accommodation and foodservicesPart 4: Development: tourism policy,planning and developmentChapter 15: Government organizations:policy and planningChapter 16: <strong>Tourism</strong> industry organizationsChapter 17: Education and training

Features of <strong>Bridges</strong><strong>Tourism</strong>: <strong>Bridges</strong> <strong>across</strong><strong>Continents</strong> is full of usefulfeatures that add value to thebasic text

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