Pest Management Update - Almond Board of California

Pest Management Update - Almond Board of California

Pest Management Update - Almond Board of California


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<strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Update</strong>Bob Curtis<strong>Almond</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>

CEU CreditsContinuing Education Units are available formost sessions.Please check in at the CEU desk in the EastLobby for details and instructions

<strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Update</strong>Bob Curtis<strong>Almond</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>

Navel Orangeworm: Newmaterials; renewed focuson spray efficacyJoel P. Siegel, ResearchEntomologist, USDA/ARS

Many Players NowUC: Davis, RiversideUCCECSU: Chico, FresnoUSDA/ARS: Albany, ParlierIndustry ChemicalIndustry Mating DisruptionParamount FarmingPCAs

What I hope to cover:Review Population Dynamics: Bridgebetween mummies and new cropnutsOverwintering carryover, Heat UnitAccumulationRelationship among neighbors,pressureNew insecticide chemistries:Unadvertised benefits


Pistachios: OverwinteringDate Infestation NutsMAR 7 12.9% 1,8598MAY 31 75.10% 3219JUN 7 113.00% 476JUN 13 120.00% 371JUN 20 98.60% 293

Navel Orangeworm Degree Day Comparisons350032503000275025002250200017501500Avg HighAvg LowAvg Intermed1250100075050025000 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300

Degree Day ComparisonsYear Feb 1 June 21 Sept 152007 18.8 1,250.6 3,004.12010 13.5 866.9 2,5592012 30.0 1,180.5 2,982

300<strong>Almond</strong>South Pistachio250200150100500100 350 600 850 1100 1350 1600 1850 2100 2350 2600 2850 3100 3350

Dow AgroSciences 2011Treatment Mortality AdultsControl 0% 132Delegate 6.4 oz 88.89% 108Delegate 3.2 oz +Intrepid 12.8 oz49.59% 123Altacor 4 oz 16.67% 138

Treatment Hours Mortality AdultsAltacor (3.5oz) 24 32.46% 11448 46.67% 12072 65.83% 120Control 32.00% 121Delegate (6.2 24 66.67% 123oz)48 83.33% 12072 98.33% 120

1801601401201008060402000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200

Nothing isimprovedby time

DAY 1Treatment Mortality Eggs NutsIntrepid 16 oz 99.78% A 920 92Altacor 4 oz 99.80% A 500 50Delegate 6.2 oz 99.20% A 250 50DAY 14Treatment Mortality Eggs NutsIntrepid 16 oz 99.25% A 2,000 200Altacor 4 oz 97.50% B 2,000 200Delegate 6.2 oz 90.85% C 2,000 200

MortalityGallons per Acre Matters10.95– Fourth level» Fifth level0.90.85100 gpa150 gpa0.80.750.76 8 10 12 14 16 18 20Height


Orchard Weed<strong>Management</strong> <strong>Update</strong>Brad HansonExtension Weed SpecialistUC Davis

T&V weed science program focus<strong>Almond</strong> research centers on:• Weed control efficacy• Herbicide resistant weeds• Crop safety and herbicide injury• Fumigant and non-fumigantalternatives• Significant support <strong>of</strong> the <strong>California</strong><strong>Almond</strong> <strong>Board</strong> and other commodity groups andindustriesFourth level» Fifth level

T&V herbicide registrations<strong>Update</strong>d annually. Available online - easiest way is to find it is on the UC Weed Science blog

CA almond herbicide useTop 10 active ingredients2009 treated acreage1 glyphosate 1,300,3942 oxyfluorfen (Goal, Goaltender) 723,5243 glufosinate (Rely) 271,1354 paraquat (Gramoxone Inteon) 250,1565 pendimethalin (Prowl) 167,6896 2,4-D 152,4557 oryzalin (Surflan, etc) 99,2208 simazine (Princep, etc) 92,2209 flumioxazin (Chateau) 90,71810 carfentrazone (Shark) 68,36011 rimsulfuron (Matrix) 52,577740,000 A bearing almond (2010)

Confirmed glyphosate resistance(grouped by genus) USA CA WA ORPalmer amaranth and com. waterhempGiant and common ragweedAustralian fingergrassHairy fleabane and horseweedSourgrassJunglericeGoosegrassWild poinsettiaItalian and rigid ryegrassRagweed partheniumBuckhorn plantainJohnsongrassLiverseedgrass

SJV junglericeGreenhouse dose response• 0.75 lb ae/A use rate• Up to 4x• Photos taken 21 DAT

Other species <strong>of</strong> concern - goosegrassEleusine spp.• Goosegrass and threespike goosegrassC190-05 C190-07

Other species <strong>of</strong> concern - pigweedse.g. Palmer amaranth

What might we be in for?HorseweedPalmer amaranthJunglerice

2011-12 GR weed training sessions7 workshops in CA, OR, and WA• University, Extension, and USDA-ARS presentersResulted in a series <strong>of</strong> UC IPM publications• Selection Pressure, Shifting Populations, and HerbicideResistance and Tolerance• Glyphosate Stewardship: Keeping an Effective HerbicideEffective• Preventing and Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds inOrchards and Vineyards• Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Glyphosate-ResistantCropshttp://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/IPMPROJECT/glyphosateresistance.html

Herbicide evaluationsRecent focus on residual herbicides• Several new products• Additional MOA for resistance management• Tank mixes and sequential applications• Also burn down partner comparisons– Fourth level» Fifth level

Glyphosate + penoxsulam/oxyfluorfen

Weed density 120 DAT4030broadleavesfleabanegeraniumgrassesplants.m -220100untreatedglyphosateglyphosate + flumioxazinglyphosate + penox/oxyfluorglyphosate + indaziflamglyphosate + isoxabenglyphosate + simazine

Glyphosate vs glufosinate (w/resid)3025broadfleabanegeraniumgrasses20plants (m -2 )15105030 DAT60 DAT90 DATglyphosate + saflufenacil+ pendimethalin120 DAT30 DAT60 DAT90 DAT120 DATglufosinate+ pendimethalin

New (er) herbicidesPRE• Indaziflam• Penoxsulam• Rimsulfuron• IsoxabenPOST• Glufosinate• Saflufenacil• Pyraflufen

Herbicide injury research• Addressing Farm Advisorand industry questions• Training tools for herbicideinjury symptoms

Other weed management issuesVOC regulations• EC formulations <strong>of</strong> oxyfluorfenCrop safety <strong>of</strong> newer herbicides or usepatternsGlufosinate shortfall in 2013 (and 2014?)What else? Questions? Comments?

T&V weed science teamBrad Hanson - Cooperative Extension Weed Specialist• Chemical weed control, herbicide resistance, herbicide fate, methyl bromide altsLynn Sosnoskie, Ph.D. (Project Scientist)• Weed biology, ecology and resistance managementSorkel Kadir, Ph.D. (Visiting Scientist)• Herbicide fate in plants and soilSeth Watkins, B.Sc. . (Research Technician)• Orchard and vineyard herbicide efficacy and crop safety evaluationsMarcelo Moretti, M.Sc. (PhD Student)• Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> resistance in glyphosate- and paraquat-resistant Conyza, herbicidefield performance, control <strong>of</strong> herbicide resistant biotypesAndrew (Bob) Johnson, B.Sc. (MS Student)• Non-fumigant approaches for orchard re-plant issues, herbicide performanceUCCE and industry cooperators01/19/12

Thanks!Brad Hansonbhanson@ucdavis.edu530 752 8115http://ucanr.org/brad.hansonUC Davis Weed Researchand Information Centerhttp://wric.ucdavis.edu/http://ucanr.org/blogs/UCDWeedScience/UC Davis Statewide Integrated<strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Programhttp://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/

Biology and <strong>Management</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Almond</strong> DiseasesJ.E. AdaskavegUniversity <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, Riverside

Currently registeredand new fungicides foralmond production in<strong>California</strong>

Single-fungicides - Inorganics and Conventional SyntheticsM1&2Benzimidazoles Hydroxyanilides Sterol inhibitors (DMIs)1Inorganics1970sCopper,Sulfur1960sTopsin-M,T-MethylDicarboximides17ElevateMulti-site mode <strong>of</strong> actionDithiocarbamatesM31990sZiram,(Maneb)3Rovral, Iprodione,Nevado, Meteor21980sM4PhthalimidesCaptanRally, Laredo,Tilt, Indar, Quash,Bumper, Inspire11Single site mode <strong>of</strong> actionIsophthalonitrilesM5Bravo, Echo,Equus1940s 1950s 1960s1970s - 1980sIn development: picoxystrobin - FG11; severalnumbered compounds - unassigned to classNewly registered: Fontelis, Luna Sensation,Pending: Syllit, Bravo – new PHI and rate.Exempt Status: Polyoxin-DSDHIsXemium,Luna Privilege,Fontelis71960sQoIsAbound, Gem,Headline,picoxystrobin1990sFRAC groupAnilinopyrimidines9Guanidines19SyllitM61960sVangard,Scala1990sPolyoxinsPh - D1960sReduced risk fungicides

Conventional Synthetic Fungicides - – Pre-mixturesInspire Super3+9FRAC group3 DMIsAdament,Quadris Top,Quilt Xcel3+117+11Pristine,Luna Sensation,Merivon, Q8Y787 SDHIs9 Anilinopyrimidines11 QoIsNatural Products and BiocontrolsRegalia,Cerebrocide,Polyoxin-D organic,,Actinovate19• Natural products/biocontrolsfor organic almond production.• Polyoxin-D received anexempt status!

<strong>Update</strong> onmanagement <strong>of</strong>selected diseases <strong>of</strong>almond

<strong>Update</strong> on Scab Control –DiseasecycleAscus withascosporesMature ascomawith asci andascosporesSexual stage in <strong>California</strong>?DormanttreatmentsConidia (asexual stage)Overwinterproduction in the springing twigand throughout seasonlesionsPetal falltreatmentsInfection <strong>of</strong> twigs (

<strong>Update</strong> on Scab Control –Dormant treatments to reduce inoculum in the springBravo WeatherStikcv. Carmel, Butte Co.Fung.rateOil Timing--- - -Incidence <strong>of</strong> twig sporulation (%)April 4 June 12aa4 pt - Jan. 2012bca6 pt - Jan. 2012abaControl4 pt + Jan. 2012cdabBravo-Oil6 pt + Jan. 2012d0 20 40 600 20 40 60b•The 6-pt rate was more effective than the 4-pt rate.•In combination with 4% oil, the efficacy <strong>of</strong> was greatlyimproved and was extended into late spring.

<strong>Update</strong> on Scab Control –Dormant treatments to reduce inoculum in the spring• In October <strong>of</strong> 2012, Bravo WeatherStik received a Section2(ee) registration for dormant application between Dec. 1and Jan. 10, 2013 or before bud swell using the 4-pt rate.• Full registration is planned through IR-4 to change PHI to60 days and rate to 6 pts/A.• Goal:ALMOND - Treatment timing for scab and AlternariaDiseaseDormantPinkbudBloom Spring SummerFullbloomPetalfallTwoweekFiveweekMay JuneScab ++ - - + +++ +++ +/ - +/ -DormantchlorothalonilScab ++ - - - -+++ +++ +/ -Alternaria - - - - - +++ +++ +++

<strong>Update</strong> on Scab Control – New Usage

<strong>Update</strong> on Scab Control –In-season applications after start <strong>of</strong> twig sporulationcv. CarmelButte Co., 2012Treatment Rate (/A) 4-18 5-22Control --- --- ---Bravo 4 pts/A @ @Fontelis 14 fl oz @ @Quash + Ph-D* 3.5 oz + 6.2 oz @ @Luna Sensation 5 fl oz @ @Inspire Super +Surf.20 fl oz @ @Quadris Top 14 fl oz @ @Merivon 6.5 fl oz @ @Syllit 32 oz @ ---Bumper 4 fl oz --- @Application4/18 & 5/22/12 5/22 & 6/12/12dcdcdcdbcbcbbcda0 20 40 60bcabaab0 20 40 60Incidence on f ruit (%)The first in-season scab application has to be timed at beginning <strong>of</strong>twig lesion sporulation for best efficacy. For most fungicides, programsstarting early (A) were more effective than starting later (B).ccaaaA. B.

<strong>Update</strong> on Scab Control – SummaryAn effective 3-spray program includesdormant and two applications aftertwig infection sporulation.Multi-site fungicides with lowresistance potential (chlorothalonil,possibly mancozeb, captan, ziram)should be in rotations with thenewer single-site and pre-mixfungicides.Syllit is a new scab material andshould be used at 32 oz/A.Single-site fungicides should not beapplied once disease isdeveloping.

<strong>Update</strong> on Alternaria Leaf Spot ControlField trials 2012RotationPh-D, Luna Sensation, QuadrisTop, MerivonTank & premixturesSingleTreatment Rate (/A) 4-18 5-22Control --- --- ---Bravo 4 pts/A @ @Fontelis 14 fl oz @ @Quash + Ph-D* 3.5 oz + 6.2 oz @ @Luna Sensation 5 fl oz @ @Inspire Super + Surf. 20 fl oz @ @Quadris Top 14 fl oz @ @Merivon 6.5 fl oz @ @Syllit 32 oz @ ---Bumper 4 fl oz --- @cv. Carmel, Butte Co.Incid. (%)ccbcbcbcbcbbca0 20 40 60 80 100Defoliationratingbbbbbbbba0 1 2 3ControlMost effective :• Mixtures <strong>of</strong> FG 19 - Ph-D (polyoxin-D) and FG 3 fungicides (i.e., Inspire, Quash).• FG 7 - Fontelis (but high resistance potential when used alone)• Pre-mixtures: FG 3/11 - Adament, Quilt Excel, Quadris Top,FG 7/11 - Luna Sensation, Merivon• Chlorothalonil: multi-site MOA. Label will be modified for 6 qt/A / 60 days PHI.

<strong>Update</strong> on Hull Rot Control• Caused by Rhizopus stolonifer or by Monilinia fructicola• Both pathogens infect fruit and cause diebackRhizopus stoloniferMonilinia fructicola• Inoculum <strong>of</strong> Rhizopus stolonifer is omnipresent (soil)• Inoculum <strong>of</strong> Monilinia fructicola originates from other stonefruits (peaches, cherries) or almond. Blossom blight can becaused by M. laxa (North) and M. fructicola (South regions).

<strong>Update</strong> on Hull Rot ControlField trials 2012ControlPh-D 11.2DF 6.2 ozQuash 50WG 2.5 ozQuadris Top 14 fl ozInspire Super + Surf. 20 fl ozLuna Sensation 5 fl ozMerivon 6.8 fl ozJuly 6Early suture splitcbcNot doneJuly 2510-20% split0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20Hull rot countscv. Nonpareil, Colusa Co.bbcbcaApplicationbNot doneHull rot caused by R. stolonifer can be managed withearly hull split applications <strong>of</strong> selected fungicides.Typically, 70% reduction with a single application.bbbba

<strong>Update</strong> on Hull Rot ControlField trials 2012Applicationswith LunaExperience4-4 4-25 6-6 7-13--- --- --- ------ --- --- @aba@ --- --- ------ @ --- ---bcbc--- --- @ ---@ @ @ ---cv. Nonpareil, Stanislaus Co.cc0 10 20 30 40Hull rot countsHull rot caused by M. fructicola or by both pathogens ismanaged by late-spring applications. This study will berepeated in 2013 using different fungicides.

<strong>Update</strong> on Hull Rot Control - Summary• Knowledge on the management <strong>of</strong> hull rot isaccumulating.• Fungicide treatments can be effective in reducing hullrot caused by R. stolonifer and by M. fructicola.• For Rhizopus hull rot, early hull split applicationswhen susceptibility is high should be done.Fungicides are applied most effectively with NOWapplications.• For Monilinia hull rot, applications should be doneearlier (late spring). This needs further evaluation.• For the most effective integrated management <strong>of</strong> hull rot,hull split should be induced simultaneously with properwater management (i.e., deficit irrigation).

<strong>Update</strong> on Fungicide Resistance• QoIs (FRAC 11):• Resistance continues to be widespread in populations <strong>of</strong> thescab and Alternaria pathogen populations• SDHIs (FRAC 7):• Resistance in Alternaria spp. at some locationsCrossresistanceamongsub-groupsCross resistancetype123FG 7G(boscalidRRRFG 7F(fluxapyroxad,penthiopyrad)SMRRFG 7B(fluopyram)SSMRS= SensitiveR= Resistance (EC50 values > 10x <strong>of</strong> baseline, >1 ppmMR = Moderate resistance (EC50 values 3-

Statewide IPM Programwww.ipm.ucdavis.eduEFFICACY AND TIMING OF FUNGICIDES,BACTERICIDES, AND BIOLOGICALSFORDECIDUOUS TREE FRUIT, NUT,STRAWBERRY, AND VINE CROPS2013Jim AdaskavegPr<strong>of</strong>essorUniversity <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, RiversideDoug GublerExtension Plant PathologistUniversity <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong> DavisThemis MichailidesPlant PathologistUniversity <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, Davis/Kearney Agricultural CenterALMONDAPPLE AND PEARAPRICOTCHERRYGRAPEKIWIFRUITPEACHPISTACHIOPLUMPRUNESTRAWBERRYWALNUTUC Davis, Dept. <strong>of</strong> Plant Pathologywww.plpnem.ucdavis.eduUC Kearney Agricultural Centerwww.uckac.edu/plantpathStatewide IPM Programwww.ipm.ucdavis.edu

Make sure youare protected!Come visit thePosters for moreinformation!Thank you!

Vertebrate <strong>Pest</strong><strong>Management</strong>:What’s new?Roger A. BaldwinWildlife <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> AdvisorUCCE Statewide IPM Program

Field-Use Rodenticides• 1 st gen anticoagulantsused extensively.• As <strong>of</strong> spring 2011, nowrestricted use.• New labels may haveimplications forperimeter baiting.• Zinc phosphide still thesame.

Structural Rodenticides• 2 nd gen anticoagulants moredifficult to obtain but notrestricted use.• Can be used up to 50 feetfrom structures in baitstations.• Secondary toxicity risks:- 1 st generation—limited- e.g., 1 <strong>of</strong> 96 raptors collectedexhibited 1 st gen exposure- e.g., 2 <strong>of</strong> 30 kit foxes exhibited1 st gen exposure- 2 nd generation—more likely- e.g., 82 <strong>of</strong> 96 raptors exhibitedexposure- e.g., 27 <strong>of</strong> 30 kit foxes exhibitedexposure

Structural Rodenticides• Bromethalin moreavailable now.• Cholecalciferol is certifiedorganic.• Research intocholecalciferol +diphacinone for voles ispromising.

Aluminum Phosphide Changes• Buffer zones extendedfrom 15 to 100 feet.• Application sites now areto be posted.• Fumigation <strong>Management</strong>Plan is still required.• Contact local Ag Comm.<strong>of</strong>fice for details.

Current Status <strong>of</strong> Gas Cartridges• Used for ground squirrel.• Is not a restricted-usematerial.• U.S. EPA moving toexpand endangered speciesdelineations.• This would eliminate itsuse throughout most <strong>of</strong>Central Valley.

Carbon Monoxide Machines• Recently legalized in CA.• Cheetah was ineffectiveagainst CA ground squirrels.• PERC has exhibited varyingefficacy for pocket gophers(56%) and Belding’s groundsquirrel (76%).• Not registered as a pesticide.

Repellents• Anthraquinone is a postingestiverepellent currentlyused for repelling birdconsumption <strong>of</strong> crops suchas rice and sunflowers insome states.• Initial lab trials suggest itcould be effective for nutcrops.• Field trials are anticipatedin the future to further testthis material.

Field-Use Rodenticides• Recent study showed0.005% diphacinonegrain effective (90%)against ro<strong>of</strong> rats inalmonds.• Must be used during nonbearingseason.• Also highly effective ondeer mice (99%), but notcurrently on label for usein bait stations.

Field-Use Rodenticides• Vertebrate pest management is getting more complicated andchallenging.• When in doubt, contact local CE <strong>of</strong>fice or county Ag Comm.Office for up-to-date information on available control options.


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