Article Eurowine sur le BIB de Septembre 2011 - Performance BIB ...

Article Eurowine sur le BIB de Septembre 2011 - Performance BIB ... Article Eurowine sur le BIB de Septembre 2011 - Performance BIB ...


Marketing & TechnologyMarketing & TechnologieBIB ®Success StoryInterview with Jenny Bond,President of Performance BIBAn interview of Jenny Bond, President of the Performance BIBassociation. There were about 2 billion litres of wine filled inBag-in-Box®(BIB) worldwide in 2008. Sales of wine in BIB havebeen rising constantly for the last thirty years, with technicalimprovements allowing better quality as well as more premiumwines to be filled in BIB.BIB ® L'histoire du succèsEntretien avec Jenny Bond, Présidente dePerformance BIB.Le Bag-in-Box ® c'est deux milliards de litres de vin vendus en 2008 et une croissanceconstante depuis trente ans. Croissance des ventes, en volume et en valeur,croissance d'une gamme en voie de premuimisation. Point d'étape et perspectived'avenir avec Jenny Bond, Directrice de l'association Performance BIB.Retrouvez cet article parmi les dossiers dewww.vitisphere.comMots-clés : BIB, performance© Fiduz16 | 2011 SEPTEMBER | N°46

Marketing & TechnologyMarketing & Technologie<strong>BIB</strong> ®Success StoryInterview with Jenny Bond,Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong>An interview of Jenny Bond, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong>association. There were about 2 billion litres of wine fil<strong>le</strong>d inBag-in-Box®(<strong>BIB</strong>) worldwi<strong>de</strong> in 2008. Sa<strong>le</strong>s of wine in <strong>BIB</strong> havebeen rising constantly for the last thirty years, with technicalimprovements allowing better quality as well as more premiumwines to be fil<strong>le</strong>d in <strong>BIB</strong>.<strong>BIB</strong> ® L'histoire du succèsEntretien avec Jenny Bond, Prési<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong><strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong>.Le Bag-in-Box ® c'est <strong>de</strong>ux milliards <strong>de</strong> litres <strong>de</strong> vin vendus en 2008 et une croissanceconstante <strong>de</strong>puis trente ans. Croissance <strong>de</strong>s ventes, en volume et en va<strong>le</strong>ur,croissance d'une gamme en voie <strong>de</strong> premuimisation. Point d'étape et perspectived'avenir avec Jenny Bond, Directrice <strong>de</strong> l'association <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong>.Retrouvez cet artic<strong>le</strong> parmi <strong>le</strong>s dossiers <strong>de</strong>www.vitisphere.comMots-clés : <strong>BIB</strong>, performance© Fiduz16 | <strong>2011</strong> SEPTEMBER | N°46

EuroWineWhat is the globalmarket and carbonfootprint for <strong>BIB</strong>Packaging?J. Bond : We know (based uponindustry sources) that in 2008, therewere about 2 billion litres of wine fil<strong>le</strong>din Bag-in-Box®(<strong>BIB</strong>) worldwi<strong>de</strong> and thatthis represented 10.4% of the total winevolume sold in packages.Glass remains the princip<strong>le</strong> package ofchoice with 78.3% of the total volume.It has been estimated however that glassaccounts for about 95% of global carbondioxi<strong>de</strong> (CO2) equiva<strong>le</strong>nt emissions forwine packaging and <strong>BIB</strong> only accountsfor about 1.6% of total CO2 equiva<strong>le</strong>ntemissions (Source: “The EnvironmentalImpact of Wine Packaging”, Eva Shea,Université <strong>de</strong> Provence Aix-Marseil<strong>le</strong>,Département Master LEA, September2009). Since glass bott<strong>le</strong>s are gettinglighter in several countries and <strong>BIB</strong> isgrowing its market share, the overallten<strong>de</strong>ncy worldwi<strong>de</strong> is towards a“greening” of wine packaging. In the UKthere has been a trend towards filling <strong>BIB</strong>in the UK rather than the country of originparticularly for wines being shipped longdistances for examp<strong>le</strong> from the NewWorld . Whether or not this continues will<strong>de</strong>pend upon such factors as the perceivedcarbon savings and the quality advantagesof packaging at <strong>de</strong>stination.What is the basis forthe rise of <strong>BIB</strong>?J. Bond : <strong>BIB</strong> is the only containerthat will allow the wine to stay fresh formany weeks once the package has beenopened. Tremendous progress has beenma<strong>de</strong> in improving the quality of <strong>BIB</strong>wines offered, laying the groundworkfor repeat purchases. Part of this qualityimprovement comes from the wine itselfbut much is the result of better fillingpractices and packaging.Newer generations of wine consumersare seeking, in addition to the p<strong>le</strong>a<strong>sur</strong>eof drinking wine, convenience, but alsoeco-responsib<strong>le</strong> consumption. Severalin<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt life-cyc<strong>le</strong> assessments forwine packaging (availab<strong>le</strong> from shown the very favourab<strong>le</strong>environmental impact of <strong>BIB</strong> packaging.It is important to emphasise that eachpackaging format has its own pros andcons but they all have their place in themarket and wine consumers today arefortunate to have such a wi<strong>de</strong> range ofchoice <strong>de</strong>pending on their life sty<strong>le</strong> anddrinking habits.What are the fastestgrowing markets for<strong>BIB</strong> wine?J. Bond : The growth rate of <strong>BIB</strong> is rapidin the largest <strong>BIB</strong> consuming countries(USA and France) and <strong>BIB</strong> industryobservers have estimated (unpublishedfigures) that worldwi<strong>de</strong> wine <strong>BIB</strong> growthwas probably about 10% per year in2009 and 2010. This would put the totalvolume of <strong>BIB</strong> sold at over 2.4 billion litresin 2010. About half of this total volumewas fil<strong>le</strong>d in only three countries in 2010:a litt<strong>le</strong> over 0.5 billion litres were fil<strong>le</strong>d inthe USA, slightly un<strong>de</strong>r 0.5 billion litreswere fil<strong>le</strong>d in France and about 0.2 billionlitres were fil<strong>le</strong>d in Australia. Most of therest of the filling occurred in Germany,UK, Spain, Italy, Chi<strong>le</strong>, Argentina, SouthAfrica, New Zealand, Canada, Russia andEastern Europe. In terms of consumptioncentres, we of course have witnessedthe rise of the Scandinavian countries(Swe<strong>de</strong>n, Norway, and Finland) thataccount between them for about 0.15billion litres of wine sold in <strong>BIB</strong>.Many insi<strong>de</strong> observers believe that thelargest volume increases in future <strong>BIB</strong> sa<strong>le</strong>swill come from the Southern Europeanwine producing countries: not only France(already the 2nd largest <strong>BIB</strong> market inthe world) but also from Portugal, Spainand Italy as their wine consumers furtherdiscover the advantages of <strong>BIB</strong> wine forboth high quality appellation wines andfor more ordinary tab<strong>le</strong> wines. Since <strong>BIB</strong>is so well suited to the occasional wineconsumer (responsibly seeking a glassof good quality wine from time to time)and the occasional wine consumer is inthe rise in all of these wine producingcountries, <strong>BIB</strong> packaging should have anexcel<strong>le</strong>nt future before it.© <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> - J. BondDo you confirm apremiumisation of<strong>BIB</strong> wine?J. Bond : As Tim Patterson pointed outin a May 1, 2010 Wines and Vines artic<strong>le</strong>(entit<strong>le</strong>d "How Good Is That Wine Bag,Really?"), "Box wines are a fast-growingsegment of the wine marketplace, and thewine quality standard has been rising justas rapidly. In the U.S., the explosion ofthe premium 3-liter category has liftedthe sa<strong>le</strong>s and reputation of box wines tosomewhere near where they have been inother countries for years." and "Box winesmake up half or more of the volume ofwine sa<strong>le</strong>s in Australia, Swe<strong>de</strong>n andNorway, and a good 20% in not onlythe UK but also France. In the U.S., thecategory accounts for about 18% of winesa<strong>le</strong>s volume."The trend towards the premiumisationof wines in <strong>BIB</strong> has been going on manyyears in quite a few countries. In theUnited States, this was illustrated by theintroduction of the 3 litre “Black Box” butalso premium brands by Hardy’s (“BanrockStation”), Delicato (“Bota Box”), Origin(“Voyage”) and others. In Europe not onlyare better appellation wines and brandsnow more wi<strong>de</strong>ly availab<strong>le</strong>, but we areseeing more chateau and expensive winesproposed in <strong>BIB</strong>.N°46 |SEPTEMBRE <strong>2011</strong> | 17

EuroWineConfirmez-vous lapremiumisation <strong>de</strong>s vinsen <strong>BIB</strong> ?Comme l'a déclaré Tim Patterson dansun artic<strong>le</strong> consacré au vin en <strong>BIB</strong> dunuméro <strong>de</strong> mai <strong>de</strong> Wines and Vines : «<strong>le</strong>sstandards <strong>de</strong> qualité <strong>de</strong>s vins en <strong>BIB</strong> ontprogressé tout aussi vite que <strong>le</strong>s ventes<strong>de</strong> vins en <strong>BIB</strong>. Aux Etats-Unis, l'explosion<strong>de</strong> la catégorie premium en <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>de</strong> 3litres a poussé <strong>le</strong>s ventes et la réputation<strong>de</strong>s vins en <strong>BIB</strong> au niveau où el<strong>le</strong>s sontdans d'autres pays <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s années.(…) Les vins en <strong>BIB</strong> représentent la moitié,voire plus, <strong>de</strong>s volumes <strong>de</strong> vin vendus enAustralie, en Suè<strong>de</strong> et en Norvège et ungros 20 % au Royaume-Uni et en France.Aux Etats-Unis, la part <strong>de</strong> marché du <strong>BIB</strong>est <strong>de</strong> l'ordre <strong>de</strong> 18 % <strong>de</strong>s ventes <strong>de</strong> vinen volume.»La tendance à la premiumisation <strong>de</strong>svins en <strong>BIB</strong> existe <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs annéesdans <strong>de</strong> nombreux pays. Aux Etats-Unis,el<strong>le</strong> s'est traduite par l'introduction <strong>de</strong>s <strong>BIB</strong><strong>de</strong> trois litres Black Box, mais aussi par <strong>le</strong>développement <strong>de</strong> marques premiumcomme Banrock Station par Hardy's,Bota Box par Delicato, Voyage par Originet d'autres encore. En Europe, <strong>le</strong> format<strong>BIB</strong> est adopté par <strong>de</strong>s appellations, <strong>de</strong>schâteaux et <strong>de</strong>s marques <strong>de</strong> plus en plusprestigieux.About <strong>Performance</strong><strong>BIB</strong>...The primary objectives of this non-profittechnical and scientific association are to:further the scientific un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of thetechnical performance and environmentalimpact of <strong>BIB</strong> packaging systems in or<strong>de</strong>rto further improve the quality of theproduct offered to the final consumer.disseminate this scientifically establishedknow<strong>le</strong>dge throughout the entire supplychain<strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> will be launching a new2012-13 program for its members with thegoal of better reaching the <strong>BIB</strong> consumer,with quality <strong>BIB</strong> wine but also with <strong>BIB</strong>education.Sophie Vialis (Inter Rhône) is chairpersonof the <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> Shelf-Life WorkGroup. Future themes will inclu<strong>de</strong> Wine<strong>BIB</strong> Shelf-life study results after openingpackage, recommen<strong>de</strong>d procedures forWine <strong>BIB</strong> Shelf-life trials, establishinga "best before" date for wine <strong>BIB</strong>s,mea<strong>sur</strong>ement of CO2 loss during the storageof wine <strong>BIB</strong>s, good filling practices withnew technologies and recommendationsfor the transport of <strong>BIB</strong> wine. <strong>Performance</strong><strong>BIB</strong> also has a very active EducationalWork Group (chaired by Eddie Fellowsof CRP Print and Packaging) thatexamines Wine <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>le</strong>gislative constraints,consumer preferences and, above all,the <strong>de</strong>velopment and imp<strong>le</strong>mentation ofa new communications strategy to theentire <strong>BIB</strong> supply chain. In addition to theexisting internal communications website(, a new website will bead<strong>de</strong>d to better communicate the truecharacteristics of wine <strong>BIB</strong> packaging toretai<strong>le</strong>rs, brand owners, final consumersand other interested parties. <strong>Performance</strong><strong>BIB</strong> will en<strong>sur</strong>e a balanced factualapproach, highlighting the significantsustainability benefits and the very highquality of <strong>BIB</strong> wines supplied to consumers.Results from these work Groups andother contributors will be presented ata <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> General Meeting inBristol, England in October 2012. Existingand potential members wishing to join thenew <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> program are invitedto consult www.© <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> - J. VialisA propos <strong>de</strong><strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong>...Cette association scientifique ettechnique à but non-lucratif a pourvocation :‣ d'approfondir <strong>le</strong>s connaissancesscientifiques concernant <strong>le</strong>sperformances techniques etenvironnementa<strong>le</strong>s <strong>de</strong>s systèmes Bagin-Box®afin d’améliorer la qualité duproduit délivré au consommateur.‣ promouvoir l’emballage ainsi que<strong>le</strong>s pratiques <strong>de</strong> remplissage, <strong>de</strong>distribution et <strong>de</strong> fin <strong>de</strong> vie à traversl'ensemb<strong>le</strong> <strong>de</strong> la chaîne logistique.<strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> lancera unprogramme 2012-13 pour ses membres,afin <strong>de</strong> mieux communiquer auprèsdu consommateur. Sophie Vialis (InterRhône) est en charge du groupe <strong>de</strong>travail <strong>sur</strong> la durée <strong>de</strong> vie. Les thèmesabordés incluront une étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong> ladurée <strong>de</strong> vie après ouverture, <strong>le</strong>spratiques recommandées pour <strong>le</strong>stests <strong>sur</strong> la durée <strong>de</strong> vie, la créationd'une date <strong>de</strong> péremption pour <strong>le</strong>s vinsen <strong>BIB</strong>, la me<strong>sur</strong>e <strong>de</strong>s pertes en CO2durant <strong>le</strong> stockage <strong>de</strong>s vins en <strong>BIB</strong>,<strong>le</strong>s bonnes pratiques et <strong>le</strong>s nouvel<strong>le</strong>stechnologies <strong>de</strong> remplissage ainsi que<strong>le</strong>s recommandations pour <strong>le</strong> transport<strong>de</strong>s vins en <strong>BIB</strong>.<strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> dispose éga<strong>le</strong>mentd'un groupe <strong>de</strong> travail très actif dirigépar Eddie Fellows <strong>de</strong> CRP Print andPackaging qui étudie <strong>le</strong>s contraintesrég<strong>le</strong>mentaires liées au vin en <strong>BIB</strong>, <strong>le</strong>spréférences <strong>de</strong>s consommateurs etavant tout <strong>le</strong> développement et lamise en œuvre d'une nouvel<strong>le</strong> stratégie<strong>de</strong> communication pour l'ensemb<strong>le</strong> <strong>de</strong>la chaîne logistique <strong>BIB</strong>. En plus du siteexistant (, dédié auxcommunications internes <strong>de</strong>s membres<strong>de</strong> l'association, un nouveau site doitêtre créé pour communiquer <strong>sur</strong> <strong>le</strong>scaractéristiques réel<strong>le</strong>s du <strong>BIB</strong> auprès<strong>de</strong>s distributeurs, du consommateur et<strong>de</strong> tous ceux que <strong>le</strong> vin en <strong>BIB</strong> intéresse.Forte d'une approche factuel<strong>le</strong>,<strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong>, mettra en avant, entoute objectivité <strong>le</strong>s avantages du <strong>BIB</strong>en terme <strong>de</strong> développement durab<strong>le</strong>comme <strong>de</strong> qualité pour <strong>le</strong> vin et, donc,pour <strong>le</strong> consommateur.<strong>Performance</strong> <strong>BIB</strong> présentera <strong>le</strong>s résultats<strong>de</strong> ces groupes <strong>de</strong> travail lors <strong>de</strong> sonGeneral Meeting à Bristol, au Royaume-Uni en Octobre 2012.N°46 |SEPTEMBRE <strong>2011</strong> | 19

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