TRC EvEnT - Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

TRC EvEnT - Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

TRC EvEnT - Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada


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STAY CONNECTEDIf you are interested in staying connected with the work<strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> through social media, visit us at trc.caOR...HASHTAG ALERT! We’ll be live-tweeting from theBritish Columbia National Event… find us under #BCNE.Follow us on Twitter @<strong>TRC</strong>_en for all news, events <strong>and</strong>opportunities for <strong>Reconciliation</strong>.Over 6,500 people like us on Facebook.You should too! Visit our <strong>Truth</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong><strong>Commission</strong> page <strong>and</strong> ‘like’ us today!Watch <strong>TRC</strong> videos on YouTube (The<strong>TRC</strong><strong>Canada</strong>) <strong>and</strong> Vimeo.Visit our website <strong>and</strong> click on the icons.<strong>TRC</strong> Event T-shirts!Purchase in the Registration Tent for $20 (cash only).Survivors will receive, with registration,a $10 <strong>of</strong>f coupon for the purchase <strong>of</strong> one T-shirt.BRITISHMessage from the <strong>Commission</strong>ers. ............................... 2Message from the BC First Nations Leadership Council. ............. 3COLUMBIABentwood Box ................................................. 4Schedule at a GlanceNATIONAL EVENTWednesday, September 18. ................................... 6Thursday, September 19. ..................................... 8SEPTEMBER 18-21, 2013Friday, September 20. ...................................... 10Saturday, September 21. .................................... 12VANCOUVER | PACIFIC NATIONAL EXHIBITIONSacred Fire.................................................... 14Share Your <strong>Truth</strong>............................................... 16Education Day ................................................ 19MapsPacific National Event Grounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Learning Place – PNE Agrodome ............................. 22Learning Place Programs ....................................... 24Missing Children .............................................. 25About the ProgramWednesday, September 18. .................................. 26Thursday, September 19. .................................... 28Friday, September 20. ...................................... 30Saturday, September 21. .................................... 32Additional Programming .................................... 32Important Information About Services. .......................... 34Honorary Witnesses ........................................... 36Contents

2 3A Message from the<strong>TRC</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>ersto theWelcome <strong>Truth</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Commission</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> (<strong>TRC</strong>) British ColumbiaNational Event in Vancouverfrom September 18-21, 2013.We acknowledge the Squamish,Musqueam <strong>and</strong> Tsleil-waututhNations, on whose traditionalphoto L-R: <strong>Commission</strong>er Marie Wilson, Justice Murray Sinclair, territory this historic gatheringChair <strong>and</strong> <strong>TRC</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>er Chief Wilton Littlechild.is taking place.<strong>TRC</strong> events provide an important opportunity for those affected by the legacy<strong>of</strong> the Indian Residential Schools to share their experiences with the <strong>Commission</strong><strong>and</strong> the public. They help educate Canadians about the country’s 150-year history<strong>of</strong> residential schools, <strong>and</strong> their legacy.This <strong>TRC</strong> National Event – the sixth <strong>of</strong> seven m<strong>and</strong>ated by the 2007 IndianResidential Schools Settlement Agreement – is being held in collaboration with<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, which has been m<strong>and</strong>ated by the First Nations LeadershipCouncil to advance reconciliation activities throughout BC. <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>has organized activities before <strong>and</strong> after the BC National Event.In preparation for this event, the <strong>TRC</strong> has held public hearings in Port Hardy,Campbell River, Port Alberni, Duncan (Cowichan), Victoria, Prince George,Williams Lake, Kamloops <strong>and</strong> Terrace.Survivors from these <strong>and</strong> adjacent communities shared their experiences with the<strong>Commission</strong> in public <strong>and</strong> private sessions. Most <strong>of</strong> these hearings were webcaston www.trc.ca, where the BC National Event will also be webcast, with largenumbers <strong>of</strong> people tuning in from all over the world. Survivors <strong>and</strong> their familymembers shared many personal <strong>and</strong> emotional stories, as well as hope for change<strong>and</strong> reconciliation.In this same spirit <strong>of</strong> openness, the <strong>TRC</strong> British Columbia National Event will <strong>of</strong>fer aunique opportunity for all Canadians, to hear first-h<strong>and</strong> the experiences <strong>of</strong> thosewho attended the schools, to bear witness to the legacy <strong>of</strong> the residential schools,<strong>and</strong> to celebrate Aboriginal culture. It is free <strong>and</strong> open to everyone.We welcome you to Vancouver as we continue on this national journey for truth,healing <strong>and</strong> reconciliation.Respectfully,Justice Murray SinclairchairChief Wilton LittlechildcommissionerDr. Marie WilsoncommissionerA Message from theBC First Nations Leadership CouncilBRITISH ColumbiaAssembly <strong>of</strong>First NationsFIRSTNATIONSSUMMITUNION OFBRITISH COLUMBIAINDIAN CHIEFSOn behalf<strong>of</strong> the BC Assembly <strong>of</strong> FirstNations, the First NationsSummit, <strong>and</strong> the Union <strong>of</strong> BC Indian Chiefs, the FirstNations Leadership Council welcomes the <strong>Truth</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> (<strong>TRC</strong>) toVancouver.We commend the <strong>Commission</strong> for the importantwork that it will undertake during the BC NationalEvent from September 18 to 21, <strong>and</strong> welcome all thosewho will take part – residential school Survivors <strong>and</strong>their family members who will share their stories,dignitaries, Church delegates, <strong>Commission</strong>ers, eventorganizers, volunteers, <strong>and</strong> British Columbians fromall walks <strong>of</strong> life.<strong>Truth</strong>-telling is a critical step along the path to healing<strong>and</strong> recovery for those impacted by the residentialschools <strong>and</strong> their legacy, <strong>and</strong> bearing witness tothe truths <strong>of</strong> others is equally important in movingtowards reconciliation. <strong>Reconciliation</strong> is onlypossible if it is firmly rooted in a shared underst<strong>and</strong>ing<strong>of</strong> each other’s truths.The residential school system sought to systematicallydestroy our languages, cultures, spirituality, families,communities <strong>and</strong> pride. It unquestionably didenormous <strong>and</strong> lasting damage, but it has alsoconfirmed our resilience. Our commitment toreclaiming our heritage <strong>and</strong> culture is stronger thanever, as is our commitment to reconciliation amongAboriginal <strong>and</strong> non-Aboriginal peoples.Thank you for being part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong>’s BC NationalEvent, <strong>and</strong> all <strong>of</strong> the events taking place during<strong>Reconciliation</strong> Week. We wish you many meaningful<strong>and</strong> memorable experiences.BC Assembly <strong>of</strong> First NationsFirst Nations SummitUnion <strong>of</strong> BC Indian Chiefs

45Bentwood BoxThe <strong>TRC</strong> Bentwood Box reflects the strength <strong>and</strong> resilience<strong>of</strong> Residential School Survivors <strong>and</strong> their descendants,<strong>and</strong> honours those Survivors who are no longer living.The Box will travel with the <strong>TRC</strong> to all <strong>of</strong> its seven NationalEvents throughout <strong>Canada</strong>.As the Box travels with the<strong>Commission</strong> to different provinces<strong>and</strong> territories, <strong>of</strong>ferings will bemade to it to commemoratepersonal journeys toward healing<strong>and</strong> reconciliation.At the end <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong>’s m<strong>and</strong>ate,it will be housed in the NationalResearch Centre at the University<strong>of</strong> Manitoba.Throughout the <strong>TRC</strong> NationalEvent, the Bentwood Box will beon site for the <strong>Commission</strong>ersSharing Panels, HonoraryWitness Ceremonies <strong>and</strong> duringthe Expressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>.Carved by Coast Salish artist Luke Marston, the <strong>TRC</strong> BentwoodBox is a lasting tribute to all Indian Residential School Survivors.Steamed <strong>and</strong> bent from a single piece <strong>of</strong> red cedar, the carvedpanels represent the unique cultures <strong>of</strong> former First Nations,Inuit <strong>and</strong> Métis students. The artist pays respect to his owngr<strong>and</strong>mother by depicting her residential schools experiencesat Kuper Isl<strong>and</strong> in the carvings.

Schedule at a Glance6 7Wednesday, September 18, 2013TIME EVENT VENUE6:30am-8am8am-8:30am9am-10:30am11am-1pmLighting <strong>of</strong> the Sacred Fire <strong>and</strong>Morning PrayersSurvivor WalkWelcome to the Territory,Opening Ceremonies <strong>and</strong>Induction <strong>of</strong> HonoraryWitnessesHow to Share your <strong>Truth</strong><strong>Reconciliation</strong> Dialogue. Be theChange: Young People Healingthe Past & Building the FutureSacred Fire siteFrom Sacred Fire to ColiseumColiseumForum — Sharing Circle AreaColiseum1pm-3pm <strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panel Coliseum1pm-2pm How to Share your <strong>Truth</strong> Forum — Sharing Circle Area1pm-2:30pmCreating <strong>and</strong> SharingDigital StoriesForum — Program Area1pm-3pm Survivors in Solidarity Forum — Panel AreaDaily ProgrammingTIME EVENT VENUE8am-5pm Survivor Registration Registration Tent9am-5pm Learning Place Agrodome9am-6pm Private Statement Gathering Rollerl<strong>and</strong>9am-5pm Displays <strong>and</strong> Artisans Agrodome1pm-5pmChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaAgrodome1pm-4pm11amnoon1:15pm-3pm<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue WorkshopChurches Listening Circle<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue TentChurches Listeningto Survivors Area3pm-4pm From the Heart Project Forum — Program Area3pm-4pm Expressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong> Coliseum4pm-5pmCall to Gather:Honorary WitnessCeremony <strong>and</strong> ReflectionsColiseumPhoto:Alert Bay Mission School, 1885. George M. Dawson / Library <strong>and</strong> Archives <strong>Canada</strong> / PA-037934IT’S ABOUT LOVE — A National Journey for Healing, Families <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>

8 9Schedule at a GlanceThursday, September 19, 2013TIME EVENT VENUE8:30am-9am<strong>Commission</strong>ers Welcome Forum — Panel Area9am-10amExpressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong> Forum — Panel Area9am-11amSharing CircleForum — Sharing Circle Area9:30am-2:30pmEducation DayColiseum <strong>and</strong> other locations10amnoon<strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panel Forum — Panel Area12:30pm-2:30pmSharing CircleForum — Sharing Circle Area1pm-1:30pm1pm-2:30pm1:15pm-3pm1:30pm-3pm3pm-4pmHonorary WitnessReflectionsIt Matters to Me:A Town Hall on <strong>Reconciliation</strong>Churches Listening Circle<strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing PanelFilm Screening:A Sorry StateForum — Panel AreaForum — Program AreaChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaForum — Panel AreaForum — Program Area3pm-5pm Sharing Circle Forum — Sharing Circle Area4pm-5pm4pm-6pmFilm Screening:The Story <strong>of</strong> Dancing BearCall to Gather: HonoraryWitness Reflections <strong>and</strong>Expressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>7pm-9pm Free Concert ColiseumForum — Program AreaForum — Panel AreaDaily ProgrammingTIME EVENT VENUE6:30am Sunrise Ceremony Sacred Fire site8am-5pm Survivor Registration Registration Tent9am-5pm Learning Place Agrodome9am-6pm Private Statement Gathering Rollerl<strong>and</strong>9am-5pmChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaFREE CONCERTPlease join us in celebrating some <strong>of</strong> BC’s most gifted performers.Featuring: Award-winning Canadiansongwriter <strong>and</strong> entertainerwith special guests• Inez Jasper• Zaccheus• Uzume Taiko• Leanne GooseAgrodome9am-5pm Displays <strong>and</strong> Artisans Agrodome• bitterly divine• Gary Fjellgaard• Royal Academy<strong>of</strong> Bhangra• Shot <strong>of</strong> ScotchTHURSday, SEPTEMBER 19 at 7pmAT THE PACIFIC COLISEUM

Friday, September 20, 2013TIME EVENT VENUE<strong>Commission</strong>ers WelcomeHonorary WitnessTalking CircleForum — Panel AreaForum — Panel Area9am-11am Sharing Circle Forum — Sharing Circle Area9am-10am Why Memory Matters - Panel Forum — Program Area9am-noon1pm-3:30pm<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue Workshop<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>and</strong> the Arts -Panel<strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing PanelFilm Screening:The Learning PathSharing CircleReconciling IndigenousHealing <strong>and</strong> HealthEducation Leadership<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue Workshop<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue TentForum — Program AreaForum — Panel AreaForum — Program AreaForum — Sharing Circle AreaForum — Program AreaSchedule at a Glance10111pm-4pm8:30am-9am9am-10:30am10am-11am10:30am-12:30pm11:30am-12:30pm12:30pm-2:30pm1:15pm-3pm1:30pm-3:30pmChurches Listening Circle<strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panel<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue TentChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaForum — Panel Area3pm-5pm Sharing Circle Forum — Sharing Circle Area4pm-6pm4pm-6pmCall to Gather: HonoraryWitness Reflections <strong>and</strong>Expressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>Film Screening:We Were ChildrenForum — Panel AreaForum — Program Area7pm-9pm Talent Night Forum — Panel Area7:30pm-9:30pmVancouver Giants Homeopenerhonouring SurvivorsColiseum*See p. 29 for ticket informationDaily ProgrammingTIME EVENT VENUE6:30am Sunrise Ceremony Sacred Fire site8am-6pm Survivor Registration Registration Tent9am-5pm Learning Place Agrodome9am-6pm Private Statement Gathering Rollerl<strong>and</strong>9am-5pmChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaAgrodome9am-5pm Displays <strong>and</strong> Artisans AgrodomeIn this emotional film, the pr<strong>of</strong>oundimpact <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s residentialschools is conveyed unflinchinglythrough the childhood experiences<strong>of</strong> Lyna Hart <strong>and</strong> Glen Anaquod.Date: September 20 | 4pmlocation: Forum — Program Area

Saturday, September 21, 20131pm-3pm <strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panel Forum — Panel Area1pm-3pm Sharing Circle Forum — Sharing Circle AreaHonouring Women’s Wisdom:Pathways <strong>of</strong> <strong>Truth</strong>, Resilience<strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong><strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue WorkshopForum — Program AreaDaily ProgrammingTIME EVENT VENUE6:30am Sunrise Ceremony Sacred Fire site9am-noon Survivor Registration Registration Tent9am-3pm Learning Place Agrodome9am-6pm Private Statement Gathering Rollerl<strong>and</strong>9am-3pmChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaAgrodome9am-3pm Displays <strong>and</strong> Artisans AgrodomeSchedule at a Glance12131pm-4pmTIME EVENT VENUE<strong>Commission</strong>ers Welcome:8:30am- Honorary Witness10:30am Ceremony <strong>and</strong> ExpressionsForum — Panel Area<strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>9am-10:30amInstitutions <strong>of</strong> Memory - Panel Forum — Program Area9am-noon<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue WorkshopDialogue Tent10amnoonSharing CircleForum — Sharing Circle Area10:30am-12:30pm<strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panel Forum — Panel Area11am- Film Screening:12:30pm Hidden LegaciesForum — Program Area1pm-2:30pm1:15pm-3pm4pm-5pm5pm-6pmChurches Listening CircleCall to Gather: HonoraryWitness Reflections <strong>and</strong>Expression <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>Survivor Birthday Party<strong>and</strong> Closing Ceremonies<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue TentChurches Listeningto Survivors AreaForum — Panel AreaForum — Panel Area<strong>TRC</strong> Indian Residential SchoolSurvivor Committee (IRSSC)This committee serves as an advisory body to the <strong>TRC</strong>.back L-R: John Banksl<strong>and</strong>, John Morrisseau, Eugene Arc<strong>and</strong>, Madeleine Basile, Lottie May Johnson, Rebekah Uqi Williamsfront L-R: <strong>TRC</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>er Chief Wilton Littlechild, Doris Young, Barney Williams Jr., Gordon Williams, Terri Brown

14 15SACREDFIREThe lighting <strong>of</strong> the Sacred Fire in June 2010 at the start <strong>of</strong>the <strong>TRC</strong>’s first National Event, in Winnipeg, MB, was anemotional beginning to a l<strong>and</strong>mark event, <strong>and</strong> a symbol<strong>of</strong> strength <strong>and</strong> warmth for everyone who participated.Ashes from the Winnipeg Sacred Fire were transported by members <strong>of</strong>the Indian Residential School Survivor Committee to Inuvik, NT, wherethey were added to the Sacred Fire that burned during the <strong>TRC</strong> NorthernNational Event in June/July 2011. From there, ashes were taken to theAtlantic National Event in Halifax (October 2011), to the SaskatchewanNational Event in Saskatoon (June 2012), <strong>and</strong> to the Quebec NationalEvent in Montreal (April 2013).At the close <strong>of</strong> the Quebec National Event, ashes from the Sacred Firewere entrusted to Barney Williams, BC Representative <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> SurvivorCommittee. They will be added to the Sacred Fire that will burn inVancouver for the duration <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> BC National Event.Date: Wednesday, September 18Begins: 6:30amLocation: Sacred Fire Site, PNEThe Lighting <strong>of</strong> the Sacred Fire happens before we begineach National Event to ensure that the Spirits <strong>and</strong> theTeachings guide <strong>and</strong> protect us while the <strong>Commission</strong>does its work.Madeleine Basile, Quebec representative on the <strong>TRC</strong> Survivor Committee, transfers the sacred ashes toBC representative Barney Williams. PHOTO: Melissa KnappPlease help us respect the protocols<strong>of</strong> the Sacred Fire• The Firekeeper has been entrusted with tending to this flame<strong>and</strong> deserves the utmost respect.• Traditionally, it is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the men to ensurethe Fire burns all day <strong>and</strong> all night.• A Sacred Fire is separate from a cooking or camp fire; pleasedo not throw garbage or cigarette butts into the Sacred Fire.• Please refrain from using drugs or alcohol near the Sacred Fire<strong>and</strong> for the duration <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> British Columbia National Event.If you wish to make an <strong>of</strong>feringto the Sacred Fire• If you wish to share a prayer or <strong>of</strong>fering, please ask theFirekeeper about the protocols.

About the Program16 17The <strong>TRC</strong> National Event <strong>of</strong>fers many waysfor you to share your truth with the <strong>Commission</strong>.Share Your <strong>Truth</strong><strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panel<strong>Commission</strong>ers Sharing Panels provide an opportunity for Survivors,Intergenerational Survivors, former teachers, those who worked in theschools, or anyone else who wants to speak publicly about the affect <strong>of</strong> theschools on their lives to share their truth directly with the <strong>Commission</strong>ers<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Truth</strong> <strong>and</strong> Reconcilication <strong>Commission</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>.* Registration: begins September 18 at the Registration Tent* Members <strong>of</strong> the public <strong>and</strong> the media may witness.DATES: September 18-21BEGINS: See Program at a GlanceLOCATION: Forum — Panel AreaSharing CirclesFacilitated by members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> Indian Residential School SurvivorsCommittee (IRSSC), Sharing Circles enable Survivors, their family members,former staff <strong>and</strong> anyone else affected by the residential schools to share theirtruth with others in a public setting.* Registration: begins September 18 at the Registration Tent* Members <strong>of</strong> the public <strong>and</strong> the media may witness.DATE: September 19-21Begins: See Program at a GlanceLocation: Forum — Sharing Circle AreaPrivate Statement GatheringThose wishing to share their experiences with the <strong>TRC</strong> in a private <strong>and</strong>confidential setting can do so. The Private Statement Gathering Area, locatedat Rollerl<strong>and</strong>, has individual rooms where private statements may be video oraudio recorded. Health Supports will be available.* Registration: begins September 18 at the Registration TentDATE: September 18-21Begins: See Program at a GlanceLocation: Rollerl<strong>and</strong>Photo: No. 610 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets Summer Camp, Abbotsford, BC, 1956.Library <strong>and</strong> Archives <strong>Canada</strong> /a210715HOW TO Share Your <strong>Truth</strong>information sessionYour statement is very important <strong>and</strong> can help Canadiansunderst<strong>and</strong> the legacy <strong>of</strong> Residential Schools. Those who lived,attended <strong>and</strong> worked at the schools are given a voice throughthe statement gathering process.This workshop will provide information on how you canshare your experience. The three statement-gathering options willbe discussed: private statement-gathering; sharing circles; <strong>and</strong><strong>Commission</strong>ers’ sharing panels. The role <strong>of</strong> Health Supports willalso be discussed.DATE: September 18Begins: 11am to noon, <strong>and</strong> 1 pm to 2 pmLocation: Forum — Circle Area

18 19Education DayW E ARE A L L O N EI F Y O U BE L I E V E I T, W A L K I T.The <strong>TRC</strong> is pleased to welcome students from across BritishColumbia to Education Day. Hundreds <strong>of</strong> students will participatein educational activities dealing with the residential schools.On Thursday, September 19, all displays <strong>and</strong> activities will bereserved for school groups until 2:15pmStudents will be given priority access for Education Dayactivities.Date: September 19, 9:30am to 2:30pmLOCATION: Coliseum <strong>and</strong> other PNE locationsW A L K F O R R E C ONC I L I A T I O N A N D A N E W W A Y F O R W A R D .S U N D A Y , S E P T 2 2 . D O W N T O W N V A N C O U V E RR E C ONC I L I A T I ONCANAD A . C APhoto: School b<strong>and</strong>, Kuper Isl<strong>and</strong> School. British Columbia Archives, D-05991

2021MapsPACIFIC NATIONAL EVENT GROUNDSHASTINGSRACE TRACKPACIFICCOLISEUMLPSacred FireLearning PlaceInformationRegistrationEDEducation Day Tents(September 19 only)Food TentRENFREW STREETROLLERLANDPSGITALIANGARDENSSKATEPARKCSAGRODOMELPLIVESTOCKBUILDINGEDPRSCPA<strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue Tents(September 18, 20 & 21 only)Program AreaSharing Circle AreaPanel AreaCSPSGSLInterpretation ServicesCultural Support- Health <strong>Canada</strong> DebriefFirst AidPrivateStatement GatheringSurvivor LoungeCSCSCSCSCSPRSCFORUMSLSANCTUARYPLAYLANDCSPAvHASTINGS STREETPARKING

Maps22 23The Learning PlaceEDBCPNE AGRODOMEA Church Archives & Listening to Survivors AreaB Project <strong>of</strong> the HeartC <strong>TRC</strong> Research AreaD Legacy <strong>of</strong> Hope DisplayE Vendors• Silversmith Craft• Wolf Pack Apparel• House <strong>of</strong> Ravens• Salmonberry Northwest Coast Art• Native & Creative• Spirit Dancer• Little Bear Trading• Kanatan Aski• Alpaca & Natural Fibers• A Bead at a Time• Laughing Crow Designs• Cree Spirit Crafts• Carol Henson-Nancy Dawson• House <strong>of</strong> Win-Chee• Joan I GlendaleEducation Displays• Traditional Salves• Mukwa Tipis• Etchiboy• Creations by Flo• Stewart Creations• HummingBird Event Productions• 3 Sisterz Accessoriez• Visual Medicine• Infinity Studio Designs• Dtugwe Art• Cheryl Bear Music• Mary Jane McDonough• Threads <strong>of</strong> Heritage• Dorothy Grant Ltd.A• Indian Residential SchoolsAdjudication Secretariat• National Research <strong>and</strong> Analysis,AANDC• Government <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>• Library <strong>and</strong> Archives <strong>Canada</strong>• Reconcilitation <strong>Canada</strong>• Dr. Amy Bombay <strong>and</strong> theAboriginal Healing Foundation• Kairos <strong>Canada</strong>• Witness Blanket• Theytus Books• Alberni Indian ResidentialSchool Paintings• UNYBC• Inspirit Foundation• Vancouver Aboriginal CommunityPolicing Centre Society• Health <strong>Canada</strong> Communications• Battered Women’s Support Services• Aboriginal Healing Centre NetworkHOURS:September 18-20 | 9am-5pmSeptember 21 | 9am-3pm

24About the ProgramThe Learning PlaceDisplaysThrough posters, photographs <strong>and</strong> videos, you can explore the history <strong>of</strong>residential schools in <strong>Canada</strong>, with a particular focus on the experiencefrom British Columbia. The <strong>TRC</strong> Research team, Archivists from theAnglican, United, Presbyterian <strong>and</strong> Catholic churches, <strong>and</strong> Library <strong>and</strong>Archives <strong>Canada</strong> will be on site to share information <strong>and</strong> collections.Churches Listening TO SURVIVORS AreaThis is a supportive place where Survivors <strong>and</strong> their family members canshare their experience with church representatives (Anglican, Presbyterian,Catholic <strong>and</strong> United Church) <strong>and</strong> receive a personal apology.100 Years <strong>of</strong> LOSS DisplayDeveloped by the Legacy <strong>of</strong> Hope Foundation, this display is aimed atraising awareness about the history <strong>and</strong> legacy <strong>of</strong> residential schools.More specifically, it’s designed to sensitize ane educate young Canadiansincluding Aboriginal,non-Aboriginal, <strong>and</strong> new Canadians, challengedstereotypes, <strong>and</strong> contribute to shifting opinions that foster inquiry,dialogue <strong>and</strong> action.VENDORSArts & Craft Vendors will have items for sale.DATES: September 18-20, 9am to5 pmSeptember 21, 9am to 3pmEducational DisplaysSee page 23 for a complete list.Location: AgrodomeTheMissing ChildrenPhoto:Funeral procession, Kenora, Ontario 1941. / Archives de la Société historique de Saint-Boniface,Collection générale de la SHSB, SHSB 1274ProjectWorking with Survivors <strong>and</strong> Aboriginal organizations,the <strong>TRC</strong>’s Missing Children Project is documenting thedeaths <strong>and</strong> the burial places <strong>of</strong> children who died whileattending a residential school. To date, the <strong>TRC</strong> hasidentifed the names <strong>of</strong>, or information about, more than3000 childern who died <strong>of</strong> disease or accident.Visit the Missing Children booth in the Learning Place.25DATES: September 18-20, 9am to 5pmSeptember 21, 9am to 3pmLocation: AgrodomePhoto:Transporting students to or from Christie Roman Catholic school on Meares Isl<strong>and</strong>.British Columbia Archives / aa-00928

26About the ProgramWednesday, September 18SURVIVORS’ WALK AND PROCESSIONJoin a procession <strong>of</strong> Survivors, their families <strong>and</strong> community members,<strong>and</strong> others for a historic procession from the Sacred Fire site on the PNEgrounds to the Coliseum.DATE: September 18Begins: 8amLocation: Sacred Fire site, PNEWELCOME TO THE TERRITORY, OPENING CEREMONIES<strong>and</strong> INDUCTION OF Honorary WITNESSESJoin First Nations leaders <strong>and</strong> other representatives who will welcomeSurvivors <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Truth</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> toVancouver for the BC National Event. This will be followed by the induction<strong>of</strong> five Honorary Witnesses – prominent public figures who will bear witnessto the truths <strong>of</strong> the residential school Survivors <strong>and</strong> share with others whatthey have heard <strong>and</strong> learned.DATE: September 18Begins: 9amLocation: ColiseumRECONCILIATION DIAGLOGUE. Be the Change:Young People Healing the Past <strong>and</strong> Building the FutureJoin this cross-cultural dialogue among young panelists who are facingthe intergenerational impacts <strong>of</strong> human rights violations such as theresidential schools, Holocaust, Japanese internment <strong>and</strong> Chinese headtax – <strong>and</strong> turning reconciliation into action. Co-hosted by the InspiritFoundation <strong>and</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong>.DATE: September 18Begins: 11amLocation: ColiseumHOW TO Share Your <strong>Truth</strong> information sessionYour statement can help Canadians underst<strong>and</strong> the legacy <strong>of</strong> ResidentialSchools. Those who were affected by the schools are given a voice throughthe statement gathering process.This workshop will provide information on how you can share your experiencethrough private statement gathering, a sharing circle or a <strong>Commission</strong>ers’sharing panel. The role <strong>of</strong> Health Supports will also be discussed.DATE: September 18Begins: 11am-noon & 1pm-2pmLocation: Forum – Circle AreaCreating & Sharing Digital StoriesDigital storytelling is the art <strong>of</strong> combining oral tradition with digital technology.These digital stories by women <strong>and</strong> men reveal the emotional detachment <strong>of</strong>intergenerational survivors from their parents, their reconnection with them,<strong>and</strong> their movement towards spiritual healing for families <strong>and</strong> communities.DATE: September 18BEGINS: 1pmLOCATION: Forum – Program AreaSURVIVORS IN SOLIDARITYRobert Waisman survived the horrors <strong>of</strong> the Buchenwald concentration campto become a successful businessman, a community leader <strong>and</strong> a committededucator. In this special presentation, he shares personal <strong>and</strong> powerfullessons about the perils <strong>of</strong> hate, racism <strong>and</strong> indifference.DATE: September 18BEGINS: 1:30pmLOCATION: Forum – Panel AreaFROM THE HEART:ENTER INTO THE JOURNEY FOR RECONCILIATIONThis BC-based community arts project <strong>of</strong>fers non-Indigenous Canadiansa creative way to take personal responsibility in the work <strong>of</strong> truth-telling<strong>and</strong> reconciliation. Director Will Weigler discusses the project’s pilot <strong>and</strong>upcoming productions.DATE: September 18BEGINS: 3pmLocation: Forum – Program AreaCALL TO GATHERCome together for a summary <strong>of</strong> the day’s activities, Expressions <strong>of</strong><strong>Reconciliation</strong>, <strong>and</strong> any announcements about activities to come.The day’s Honorary Witnesses will reflect on their experiences.DATE: September 18Begins: 4pmLocation: Coliseum27

About the Program28 29Thursday, September 19it matters to me: A TOWN HALL ON RECONCILIATIONTake part in a moderated dialogue about reconcilication <strong>and</strong> why it mattersto each <strong>of</strong> us. Special guests will begin the discussion. After that, the mic isopen <strong>and</strong> you’re invited to have your say.Dates: September 19Begins: 1pmLocation: Forum — Panel AreaCall to GatherCome together for a summary <strong>of</strong> the day’s activities, Expressions <strong>of</strong><strong>Reconciliation</strong>, <strong>and</strong> any announcements about activites to come.The day’s Honorary Witnesses will reflect on their experiences.Dates: September 19Begins: 4pmLocation: ColiseumFREE CONCERTFeaturing: Award-winning songwriter & entertainer George Leach with specialguests Inez Jasper, Zaccheus, Uzume Taiko, Leanne Goose, bitterly divine,Gary Fjellgaard, Royal Academy <strong>of</strong> Bhangra, <strong>and</strong> Shot <strong>of</strong> Scotch.Dates: September 19Begins: 7amLocation: ColiseumDaily Programming<strong>Reconciliation</strong>LunchChurch sponsors have come together to provide a complimentary lunchfor Survivors. All Survivors who register for the <strong>TRC</strong> National Event willreceive a complimentary voucher. Simply provide your voucher to any <strong>of</strong>the concession st<strong>and</strong>s on the PNE grounds. Then join us at the Food Tent.If you’re not a Survivor but would like to attend, please bring your lunchto the Food Tent.Dates: September 18-21Begins: 11:30am - 1:30pmLocation: Food Tent* The ‘lazy cross’ depicted on thejersey is the br<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the historicAlkali Lake Ranch where mosthockey players on the Bravesteam worked.

30 31About the ProgramFriday, September 20INDUCTION OF Honorary WITNESSESA highlight <strong>of</strong> <strong>TRC</strong> National Events is the induction <strong>of</strong> Honorary Witnesses,prominent public figures who undertake to bear witness to the truths <strong>of</strong>the residential school Survivors <strong>and</strong> share what they have heard <strong>and</strong> learnedwith others.Date: September 20Begins: 9amLocation: Forum – Panel AreaWHY MEMORY MATTERS: Recognition as a Key to the Future<strong>Reconciliation</strong> is not about forgetting, but about more active ways <strong>of</strong>remembering. Future relationships will not be fully functional if wedo not share an underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> the causes <strong>of</strong> our current reality. Inthis session, we consider why so few people have known about IndianResidential School history, <strong>and</strong> what having a shared underst<strong>and</strong>ingenables us to do.Date: September 20Begins: 9amLocation: Forum – Program AreaHonorary Witness Talking CircleThe <strong>TRC</strong>’s m<strong>and</strong>ate calls for “ongoing reconciliation” involving survivors,governments, churches <strong>and</strong> “the people <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>”. Many prominentcitizens are taking up the challenge as <strong>TRC</strong> “Honorary Witnesses”. Theyjoin Survivors <strong>and</strong> others to exchange personal experiences <strong>of</strong> facing <strong>and</strong>sharing residential school truths. What ideas <strong>and</strong> actions can help move usforward in reconciliation?Date: September 20Begins: 9:30amLocation: Forum – Panel AreaRECONCILIATION AND THE ARTSSome <strong>of</strong> the most eloquent voices responding to the legacies <strong>of</strong>residential school have been those <strong>of</strong> Aboriginal artists. Throughliterature, film, theatre, paintings, sculpture, dance, music, <strong>and</strong> more, theyhave <strong>of</strong>fered powerful testimony <strong>of</strong> oppression <strong>and</strong> resistance. This panelexplores how such creative expression can deepen our underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong>the challenges <strong>and</strong> possibilities <strong>of</strong> reconciliation.Reconciling Indigenous Healing<strong>and</strong> Health Education LeadershipSeven health practitioners – Indigenous <strong>and</strong> non-Indigenous – discusshow local protocols guide the reconciliation <strong>of</strong> health education <strong>and</strong>communities. Their strategies integrate Aboriginal l<strong>and</strong>-based healingpractices <strong>and</strong> promote self-care with community knowledge holders,health practitioners <strong>and</strong> students/clients.DATE: September 20BEGINS: 1pmLOCATION: Forum – Program AreaCall to gatherCome together for a summary <strong>of</strong> the day’s activities, Expressions <strong>of</strong><strong>Reconciliation</strong>, <strong>and</strong> any announcements about activities to come. The day’sHonorary Witnesses will reflect on their experiences.Date: September 20Begins: 4pmLocation: Forum – Panel AreaTalent nightCalling all performers — share your gifts! Bring your drum, song <strong>and</strong> your voiceto the stage for an evening <strong>of</strong> laughter, sharing <strong>and</strong> inspiration. Register to takepart at the Registration Tent.Date: September 20Begins: 7pmLocation: Forum – Panel AreaDate: September 20Begins: 10amLocation: Forum – Program AreaPhoto: Carpentry shop, Kamloops Indian Residential School, 1958-59. Basil Fox /Library <strong>and</strong> Archives <strong>Canada</strong> / PA-185-652

About the Program32 33Saturday, September 21INSTITUTIONS OF MEMORYThis summer, the <strong>TRC</strong> <strong>and</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Manitoba signed an agreementto establish a National Research Centre. In this session, representatives <strong>of</strong>the University <strong>of</strong> Manitoba, Algoma University, Nipissing University <strong>and</strong>University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia discuss among themselves <strong>and</strong> with audiencemembers their aspirations, commitments <strong>and</strong> the future direction <strong>of</strong>research, education <strong>and</strong> public information on Indian Residential Schools.Date: September 21BEGINS: 9amLOCATION: Forum — Program AreaHonouring Women’s Wisdom:Pathways <strong>of</strong> <strong>Truth</strong>, Resilience <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong>Aboriginal women are inspiring models <strong>of</strong> resilience who work to addresslegacy issues even as they revitalize matriarchal systems, cultural traditions<strong>and</strong> laws that ensured gender equity prior to colonization.Panelists reflect on the reclaiming <strong>of</strong> women’s wisdom <strong>and</strong> ways to help createa <strong>Canada</strong> that includes justice <strong>and</strong> equity for Aboriginal women <strong>and</strong> girls.DATE: September 21BEGINS: 1pmLOCATION: Forum – Program AreaAdditional ProgrammingFilm ScreeningsA variety <strong>of</strong> films will be screened during the British Columbia NationalEvent, including the feature-length We Were Children (September 20 at4pm), newly released by Eagle Vision, Entertainment One, <strong>and</strong> theNational Film Board. Complete list <strong>of</strong> films <strong>and</strong> screening times will beposted online <strong>and</strong> in the screening venue.DATES:September 19, 3pmSeptember 20, 11:30amSeptember 20, 4pmSeptember 21, 11amLocation: Forum — Program AreaRECONCILIATION CANADA DIALOGUE WORKSHOPSShare, discuss visions for a better future, <strong>and</strong> develop individual <strong>and</strong> collective<strong>Reconciliation</strong> Action Plans in this three-hour <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> workshopdesigned to engage Canadians in dialogue to revitalize relationships, increaseunderst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> our shared history, <strong>and</strong> explore reconciliation. Participantsinclude Residential School Survivors, community leaders, multi-cultural <strong>and</strong>faith groups, <strong>and</strong> other interested community members.DATES:September 18, 1pmSeptember 20, 9am <strong>and</strong> 1pmSeptember 21, 9am <strong>and</strong> 1pmLOCATION: <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Dialogue TentsCALL TO GATHER, REFLECTIONS BY HonoraryWITNESSES, AND SURVIVOR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONThe final Call to Gather features reflections by Honorary Witnesses, <strong>and</strong> acelebration to acknowledge all <strong>of</strong> the Survivors who were never able tocelebrate their birthdays while attending residential school. The <strong>TRC</strong> <strong>and</strong>special guests would like to wish you all a Happy Birthday!Date: September 21Begins: 3:30pmLocation: Forum – Panel AreaCHURCHES LISTENING CIRCLESAs well as the <strong>TRC</strong> Sharing Circles taking place in the Forum, Survivors havethe opportunity to participate in Listening Circles run by the Churches <strong>and</strong>held in the Churches Listening to Survivors Area. Each Listening Circle will befacilitated by an Aboriginal church leader <strong>and</strong> include up to eight Survivors aswell as leaders from the Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian <strong>and</strong> UnitedChurches. Statements will be video-recorded <strong>and</strong> included with statementsgathered by the <strong>TRC</strong>.DATES: September 19, 20 <strong>and</strong> 21BEGINS: 1:15pmLOCATION: Churches Listeningto Survivors AreaEXPRESSIONS OF RECONCILIATIONIndividuals, organizations <strong>and</strong> representatives <strong>of</strong> the parties to the IndianResidential Schools Settlement Agreement will make statements, presentations,or apologies directly to Survivors.DATES AND LOCATION: September 18-21; See Schedule at a Glance for details

3435About the ProgramImportant Information About ServicesSL SURVIVOR LOUNGEThis is a space where Survivors are welcome to rest <strong>and</strong> relax. It is open all day.DATES: September 18-21HOURS: 9am-5pmLOCATION: Hastings RoomCS Cultural Support Area for survivorsThis is a designated area for event participants to access Elders who canprovide cultural support services.Dates: September 18–21HOURs: 9am – 5pmLocation: Health <strong>Canada</strong> CulturalSupport TentsHS Health Support On SiteHealth <strong>Canada</strong> Health Support Workers are available on site. Wearingred vests <strong>and</strong> green vests, they are here to provide immediate supportthrough individual or family counseling, cultural supports such as Elders, orAboriginal health support workers who will listen <strong>and</strong> provide information.First Aid <strong>and</strong> ParamedicsHOURs: September 18 - 2pm to 6pmSeptember 19 <strong>and</strong> 20 - 8am to 9:30pmSeptember 21 – 8am to 6pmLocation: SW corner, Concourse level,ColiseumInformation BoothS<strong>TRC</strong> Staff <strong>and</strong> Volunteers will be on site to assist you with any questionsyou may have. Also located here is transportation information <strong>and</strong> theLost <strong>and</strong> Found.hours: 9am – 5pm Location: Gate 1, Gate 4,<strong>and</strong> at Registration TentInterpretation ServicesAll activities that take place in the Forum — Panel Area will <strong>of</strong>ferinterpretation services in the following languages: Secwépemc; Líl’wat;Halq’eméylem; French <strong>and</strong> English. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Sign Language Interpreterswill also be on site.Location: Forum — Panel AreaCMYKThe shape <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> logo— a circle — reflects the Circle <strong>of</strong> Life.In the Circle, we join together to share truth.The flames sustain life in the Circle <strong>and</strong> provide safety <strong>and</strong>sustenance. Most importantly, the flames shed light on what needsto be shared in the Circle — the experiences <strong>of</strong> those affected byIndian Residential Schools.The seven flames that make up the circle represent the seven sacredteachings: love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility <strong>and</strong>truth. The <strong>Truth</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconciliation</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> draws on each<strong>of</strong> those teachings in the work <strong>of</strong> truth-gathering, truth-telling,reconciliation, <strong>and</strong> each <strong>TRC</strong> National Event is dedicated to one<strong>of</strong> them. The British Columbia National Event is dedicated to thesacred teaching <strong>of</strong> honesty.To get more informationabout available health supportscall toll free:Health <strong>Canada</strong> British Columbia RegionRegional help line: (604) 658-2835The 24-HOUR NATIONAL CRISIS LINEis also available to provideimmediate emotional assistance:1-866-925-4419Teletypewriter: 1-800-267-1245 (Health <strong>Canada</strong>)

36photo Fred Cattroll“I call on all Canadians– elders <strong>and</strong> youth, Aboriginal or not– to commit to reconciliation<strong>and</strong> breaking down the wall <strong>of</strong>indifference. This is not just a dream,it is a collective responsibility.”-Rt. Hon. Michaëlle Jean, former Governor General <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>,is the <strong>TRC</strong>’s first Honorary Witness.Honorary Witnesses are called uponto be the keepers <strong>of</strong> history when anevent <strong>of</strong> historic significance occurs.Bearing witness to the thought provoking stories<strong>of</strong> residential school Survivors helps to validatethe survivor experience.Welcome to new <strong>TRC</strong> Honorary Witnesses:TO BE ANNOUNCEDHonorary Witnesses are then asked to store <strong>and</strong>care for the history they have witnessed <strong>and</strong> mostimportantly, to share it with their own communitywhen they return home.

AcknowledgementsSpecial thanks to all Survivors who traveled from near <strong>and</strong> far to share theirtruth <strong>and</strong> to everyone who has come to witness this important occasion.On behalf <strong>of</strong> the Survivors <strong>and</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong>, we would like to thank all thosewho supported <strong>and</strong> contributed to the success <strong>of</strong> the National Event.The UnitedChurch <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>The AnglicanChurch <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>OMI Lacombe<strong>Canada</strong>Sisters <strong>of</strong>the Child JesusThe PresbyterianChurch in <strong>Canada</strong>WymanUnited ChurchKAIROS<strong>Canada</strong>We would also like to express our appreciation to the volunteers that contributedto the success <strong>of</strong> the <strong>TRC</strong> National Event.For a complete listing <strong>of</strong> the organizations that contributed visit trc.ca

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