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Notes to the Financial Statements(c) Share holdings of Company and Group key management personnelThe number of ordinary shares in Computershare Limited held during the financial year by each director and named Companyand Group key management personnel, including details of shares granted as remuneration during the current financial year andordinary shares provided as the result of the exercise of remuneration options during the current financial year, is included in thetable below.Granted asremuneration underBalance at beginninglong term incentiveOn marketBalance atof periodschemespurchases / (sales)Other30 June <strong>2008</strong>DirectorsC.J. Morris 55,590,427 - (251,890) - 55,338,537A.N. Wales 30,092,384 - (1,000,000) - 29,092,384P.J. Maclagan 15,977,176 - 22,824 - 16,000,000A.S. Murdoch 524,800 - - - 524,800*W.S. Crosby 191,406 32,740 - - 224,146P.D. DeFeo 80,000 - - - 80,000*M. Kerber 40,000 - - - 40,000S.D. Jones 14,000 - - - 14,000W.E. Ford - - - - -*A.L. Owen - - 2,000 - 2,000Company and Group key management personnelP. Conn 306,073 17,339 (4,572) - 318,840S. Irving 147,594 4,050 - 637 152,281S. Rothbloom 152,250 38,250 (49,924) - 140,576T. Honan 63,439 14,793 (70,000) 604 8,836* Shareholding effective as at date of resignation.(d) Loans and other transactions to directors and other key management personnelComputershare has not made any loans to directors and executive directors or other key management personnel during thecurrent financial year.Computershare has not entered into other transactions with directors and executive directors or other key management personnelduring the current financial year other than those disclosed in note 33.32. REMUNERATION OF AUDITORSConsolidatedParent entity<strong>2008</strong> 2007 <strong>2008</strong> 2007$ $ $ $During the year the following fees were paid or payable for services provided bythe auditor of the parent entity, its related practices and non-related audit firms:Assurance services:Auditing or review of financial statements> PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia 830,666 624,534 604,585 568,696> Related practices of PricewaterhouseCoopers 1,996,797 1,377,748 - -2,827,423 2,002,282 604,585 568,696Other assurance services (a)> PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia 18,263 32,817 73,982 75,962> Related practices of PricewaterhouseCoopers 2,452,505 218,133 - -2,470,768 250,950 73,982 75,962Remuneration received, or due and receivable, by auditors otherthan the auditor of the parent entity and its affiliates for:Auditing or review of financial statements 45,917 26,101 - -Other services 20,436 50,148 - -(a) This relates primarily to regulatory and compliance reviews.PAGE 76 Computershare Annual Report <strong>2008</strong>

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