Name of the Scheme: MGNREGA STATE ... - Diksha

Name of the Scheme: MGNREGA STATE ... - Diksha

Name of the Scheme: MGNREGA STATE ... - Diksha


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• SEGC: The State needs to conduct SEGC meetings regularly during 2012-13. The SEGC may also explore instituting a fewimpact evaluation studies to increase development effectiveness through better use <strong>of</strong> <strong>MGNREGA</strong> resources.• Ombudsmen: All processes relating to appointment <strong>of</strong> Ombudsmen under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> should be completed for remainingdistricts.• Social Audit: A dedicated and an independent Social Audit Directorate should be established as soon as possible andsocial audits needs to be conducted at regular interval following <strong>the</strong> extant procedure. The audit reports need to be uploadedonto <strong>the</strong> website.B. Programmatic Issues• Issue/Verification <strong>of</strong> Job Cards: Issuance <strong>of</strong> job cards to <strong>the</strong> eligible households and verification <strong>of</strong> all job cards need to becompleted at <strong>the</strong> earliest.• Timely Payment <strong>of</strong> Wages: State may roll out electronic Fund Management System (e-FMS) and electronic MusterManagement System in all districts to eliminate <strong>the</strong> delays in wage payments. Fur<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> State needs to implement andstreng<strong>the</strong>n banking correspondent model for timely and door-step wage disbursements to <strong>the</strong> <strong>MGNREGA</strong> workers.However, in difficult areas like Integrated Action Plan districts, timely wage disbursement may be ensured by encouragingpayment in cash after following due procedure.• Completing Incomplete Works: The State Government needs to indicate lifetime <strong>of</strong> each work taken up under <strong>MGNREGA</strong>to ensure proper monitoring. If <strong>the</strong> works are physically completed, <strong>the</strong>n completion certificates need to be issued on priorityand data entries be made in MIS.• Asset Quality: The State should ensure a vibrant quality monitoring system for assets created under <strong>MGNREGA</strong>. Reportson quality <strong>of</strong> assets and <strong>the</strong>ir utility should be uploaded onto <strong>the</strong> website regularly. Fur<strong>the</strong>r, assets created could be mappedand photographs be uploaded onto <strong>the</strong> website.

4. 6. Sh. Paanda Saahu panch ando<strong>the</strong>rs Village Luka Para,Development BlockBaramkela District Raigarh.J-14015/C/1/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>FTS:-93655. 7 Shri Lekhraj SinhaPublic ServantMaratha Para, DhamtariDistt- Dhamtari, Chattisgarh.J-14015/C/6/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>6. 8 Smt Sunita SahuFormer SarpanchGram Panchayat – PitampuraDistt-Janjgir – Champa.J-14015/C/6/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>7. 14 Sh. Sanjay SrivastvaPresident I.N.C. Dongergarh,District Rajnandgaon.J-14015/C/13/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>8. 15 Sh. P.L. Verma Ex. Gen.Secretary, B.J.P. Dongergarh,District Rajnandgaon.J-14015/C/13/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>9. 22 Gandai Chhuikhadan,Megnath & o<strong>the</strong>rs.J-14015/C/13/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>Regarding irregularities andcorruption in village PanchayatLuka Para by Sarpanch Smt.Tara Sharma under MGNREGSin financial year <strong>of</strong> 2010-2011Regarding corruption Under<strong>MGNREGA</strong>.Regarding in properinvestigation in construction <strong>of</strong>Gothan embezzlement <strong>of</strong>Rs.52250/- under RojgarGuarantee work in G.Ppitnanpon, Janpath panchayatCorruption by SDO and use <strong>of</strong>contractor and fraudulentwithdrawal <strong>of</strong> <strong>MGNREGA</strong>.Complaints against SDO (civil)for irregularities in lining <strong>of</strong>canal work.Bribes for work <strong>of</strong> individualland.Forwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on31.1.2011Forwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on24.06.2011Forwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on24.06.2011Forwarded to SG on24.08.2011.Forwarded to SG on24.08.2011.Forwarded to SG on24.08.2011ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on11.6.2012.ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on4.10.2012.Text is same ascomplaint No.32ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rClarification sought on18.05.2012ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on6.12.2012.Reply is awaitedATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on12.11.2012

13. 27 Shri Rakesh Singh .J-14015/C/5/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>FTS:-11928Regarding corruption in villageSamera, Tehsil Navagad, DistrictZanjgir Champa, aChhattisgarhunder <strong>MGNREGA</strong> by Govt.<strong>of</strong>ficial including <strong>MGNREGA</strong><strong>of</strong>ficial.Forwarded to SG on28.4. 2011ATR received and examined.State Govt. informed that(i) Vinay Yadav GRSdismissed(ii) Sachiv G.P samerasuspended(iii) Superintendent,G.P.O, Raigarh,instructed to takeaction against “DakPal” Samera.(iv) Section Officer,Rajasva –Jangirchampainstructed to takeaction under sectionno against sarpanchGram Samera.(v) FIR lodged aginst allabove <strong>of</strong>ficials.Final action against <strong>the</strong><strong>of</strong>ficials sought on26.09.2011.ATR received fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on12.11.2012

14. 28 Shri Ishwar Chand DongarePresidentNational Student Union <strong>of</strong>IndiaDeobhogDistt- Raipur.J-14015/C/16/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>FTS:-1514530. Shri SL Saluja15.20 Sutri KaryakaramMonitoring NewsBilaspur, Chhattisgarh.J-14015/C/14/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>Regarding corruption and misuse<strong>of</strong> fund under <strong>MGNREGA</strong>.Regarding fake construction <strong>of</strong>dam under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> and tostop new works in Bilaspur.Forwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on08.09.2011Forwarded to SG on25.08.2011ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on19.6.2012.Letter issued on 1.10.2012Complaint same as at Sl.No.24Financial Year 2012-13CHHATTISGARHSl.No. <strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> complainant Allegation made Action taken by Ministry Action taken byStateGovernment16. 32. श्री कृ ष्ण कु भाय साहूग्राभ:- चॊदना,ऩोस्ट:- बेण्डयीव्हामा:-याजजभ, 493885भानयेगा के तहतवृऺायोऩण व वनसॊयऺणके नाभ ऩय 79000 रुप्रनत चौऩार चफूतयाForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 28.4.2011 &19.04.2012ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on4.10.2012.

जजरा:- धभतयी (छ.ग.)J-14015/1/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>(Pt.)FTS:-19550ननभ ाण कामा के मरएधन का दुरुऩमोग17. 46 कु .ककयण वभ ासहामक ग्रेड-03 (भनयेगा)रोकऩार जजरा जशऩुयद्वाया भनभानी कयने औयForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 16.08.2012Reply is awaitedजजरा ऩॊचामत:-जशऩुय (छ.ग.)अबद्र व्मवहाय के खिरापJ-14015/6/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS:- 22372मशकामत I18..47श्रीभनत साधना भॊडरोईग्राभ व ऩोस्ट:- चचचोराववकासिॊड:- छु रयमाभनयेगा के यामशमो काबयी भात्रा भे दुरुऩमोग केसॊफॊध भें IForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 21.8.2012ATR received and fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on6.12.2012.जजरा:- याजनन्दगाॉव (छ.ग)J-14015/13/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS- 14993

19. 48श्री याघवेन्द्र कु भाय गौयहाग्रा.ऩॊ. मसॊघयी,वव.ख्न. बफल्हाभनयेगा मोजनान्तगातशासकीम यामश का गफनForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 20.8.2012Reply is awaitedजजरा- बफरासऩुय (छ.ग.)IJ-14015/10/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS- 2308320. 50.श्री जे.के.ऩटेर“अचधवक्ता”भनयेगा मोजनाअॊतगातबूमभस्वाभी के बूमभ काForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 29.10.2012Reply is awaitedवीयेन्द्र नगयजफदास्ती अचधग्रहण कयभुकाभ: सयामऩामरउस ऩय सड़क ननभ ाणऩोस्ट: सयामऩामरककमे जाने फावत ।51.जजरा- भहासभुन्द (छ.ग.)J-14015/GC/12/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS:- 24210श्री सगीय िानउऩाध्मऺभनयेगा मोजनाअॊतगातननमभात स्टाऩडेभ कीForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 29.10.2012Reply is awaited21.मुवा काॊग्रेसगुॊवता की जाॊच केववधानसबा ऺेत्र-के शकारफावत Iऩता: ऩेट्रोर ऩॊऩ के ऩासढोढयऩाया योड के शकार

22.जजरा- कोण्डगाॉव (छ.ग.)J-14015/GC/13/2013-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS:- 2421152. श्री अशोक भाननकऩुयी(प्रदेश उऩाध्मऺ)आदशा नगय वाडा नो. 03वाटय फाड़ी के कामो भेंअननममभतता फयतनेफाफत IForwarded to <strong>the</strong> StateGovernment on 17.12.2012Reply is awaitedमशव भॊददय के ऩास, कवध ाजजरा:- कबफयधाभ (छत्तीसगढ़)J-14015/GC/14/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS:- 25293

VIPCHHATTISGARHSl.No. Complaint No.VIP DiaryNumber<strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Complainant Allegations Action Taken by <strong>the</strong>Ministry1. 1. 5352/MRD/07 Shri. Digvijay Singh, MLA,Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha4/28/2007Irregularities in construction <strong>of</strong> Pond underNREG <strong>Scheme</strong>, Dist. RajnandgaonNLM proposed on 11.9.08.Reminder sent on 25.04.10Report is awaited. VFile not ReceivedNot complaint copy <strong>of</strong> SG.2. 2. 2098/VIP/MRD/1 Shri Paresh Bagbahara, MLA02362/VIP/MRD/102667/MRD/10J-11060/20/2009-NREGAFTS:-19563. 5. FTS-33009/MRD/11.J-14015/VC/10/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>FTS:-127334. 6. FTS-47646/MRD/11.FTS-48518/MRD/11J-Shri Paresh Bagbahara, MLADr. Charan Das MahantSh. Motilal Vora, member <strong>of</strong>Parliament (RS), is forwarding aletter <strong>of</strong> Dr. Dinesh Yadav, districtpanchayat member.Sh. Motilal Vora, MP forwarding aletter <strong>of</strong> Sh. Mohd. Akbar, MLA.Letter dated 21.04.2010 Regardingirregularities in implementation <strong>of</strong>MGNREGS in Distt. Mahasamund,ChhattisgarhRegarding anomaly in <strong>the</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong><strong>MGNREGA</strong> in Sarguja district (Chhattisgarh)Use <strong>of</strong> machinery, violation <strong>of</strong> Labourmaterial ratio.Regarding use <strong>of</strong> sub-standard material indam and irregularities under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> indistrict Kabirdham.Forwarded to SG on19.05.2010. Report <strong>of</strong>NLM received andcomplaint found to bepartially true. Forwardedto SG on 25.04.2011N.ATR received fromS/Govt. Fur<strong>the</strong>rclarification sought on1.8.2012SATR received andclarification sought on19.10.2012Forwarded to StateGovernment on26.09.2011.ATR received on

Sl.No. Complaint No.VIP DiaryNumber14015/VC/17/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>5. 7. FTS-59979/MRJ-14015/VC/18/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>6. 9. FTS-70444/MRD/2011J-14015/VC/19/2011-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>7. 11. 47903/MRD/2012J-14015/V/7/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS-22451<strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Complainant Allegations Action Taken by <strong>the</strong>Ministry20.4.2012 State Govt.requested to providefur<strong>the</strong>r clarification videletter dated 6.7.2012Reminder Sent on24.8.2012ATR received andclarification sought on16.10.2012Shri Moti Lal Vora, Member <strong>of</strong> Regarding irregularities under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> in Forwarded to StateParliament (Rajya Sabha),RajnandgaonGovernment on 20.10.2011forwarding a letter <strong>of</strong> Shri Sanjaybeing examined.Srivastav, President, Dongergarh,District RajnandgaonReference dated 24.09.2011 fromShri Ravinder Chaube, Leader <strong>of</strong>Opposition (ChattisgarhAssembly), District Raipurश्री याभचॊद्र मसॊह देव जीग्राभ ऩॊचामत:- सयडी,बफशुनऩुय,जजरा:- कोरयमा (छ.ग)8. 12. 48424/MRD/2012 श्री ऩयेश फागफहयाJ-12015/V/1/2010- ववधामक<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-V(िल्रायी ववधान-सबा ऺेत्र क्रभाॊक-41)FTS:-21658जजरा:- भहासभुॊद (छ.ग.)Regarding to investigate <strong>the</strong> irregularities in Forwarded to State<strong>the</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> <strong>MGNREGA</strong>. Rural Government on 29.12.2011engineering services & Forest Deptt. InMahasamundभनयेगा के अन्तगात हो यहे कामो भे अननममभतता केसॊफॊध भें Iभनयेगा मोजनान्तगात जॉफ काडाधायी कोजॉफ नहीॊ उऩरफद्ध कयाने की मशकामत Iऩमााप्त भात्रा भेForwarded to StateGovernment on 17.8.2012Forwarded to StateGovernment on 21.8.2012

Sl.No. Complaint No.VIP DiaryNumber<strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Complainant Allegations Action Taken by <strong>the</strong>Ministry9. 14. 54551/MRD/2012श्री अजनन चन्द्राकयJ-14015/11/VC/2012 ववधामक-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-V ववधानसबा ऺेत्र- भहासभुन्दFTS-23275क्रभाॊक-4210. 15.62400/MRD/2012J-14015/11/VC/2012-<strong>MGNREGA</strong>-VFTS-23275जजरा- भहासभुन्द (छ.ग.)श्री अजनन चन्द्राकयववधामकववधानसबा ऺेत्र- भहासभुन्दक्रभाॊक-42जजरा- भहासभुन्द (छ.ग.)भनयेगा मोजनान्तगात भजदूयो के द्वाया कामा कयाकयभजदूयो का बुगतान ववगत 6 भहीनों से नहीॊ हुआ है Iराबहीन कामा स्थरों का चुनाव Iज़्मादातय कामों को ऩूणा न कयना I100 ददन का योजगाय उऩरब्ध न कयाना Iस्वीकृ त कामों की भाननटरयॊग न होने के कायण आचथाकअननममभतता Iसयऩॊच एवॊ योजगाय सहामक द्वाया भजदूयों की बुगतानयामश अऩने िातों भें जभा कयवानाForwarded to StateGovernment on 14.9.2012Forwarded to StateGovernment on 1.11.2012

CHHATTISGARHTotal Complaint ATRs received Fur<strong>the</strong>r clarification sought Pending for more than 1 yearVIP 11 2 2 4General 32 11 11 6

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