Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government


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SECTION 7: CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT7.3.4 Floodplain ManagementFlooding represents the greatest natural hazard facing the nation. At the same time the tools availableto reduce the impacts associated with flooding are among the most developed when compared to otherhazard-specific <strong>mitigation</strong> techniques. In addition to approaches that cut across hazards such aseducation, outreach, and the training of local officials, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)contains specific regulatory measures that enable government officials to determine where and howgrowth occurs relative to flood hazards. Participation in the NFIP is voluntary for local governments;however, program participation is strongly encouraged by FEMA as a first step for implementing andsustaining an effective hazard <strong>mitigation</strong> program. It is therefore used as part of this assessment as a keyindicator for measuring local capability.In order for a county or municipality to participate in the NFIP they must adopt a local flood damageprevention ordinance which requires jurisdictions to follow established minimum building standards inthe floodplain. These standards require that all new buildings and substantial improvements to existingbuildings will be protected from damage by a 100-year flood event, and that new development in thefloodplain will not exacerbate existing flood problems or increase damage to other properties.A key service provided by the NFIP is the mapping of identified flood hazard areas. Once completed, theFlood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are used to assess flood hazard risk, regulate construction practicesand set flood insurance rates. FIRMs are an important source of information to educate residents,government officials and the private sector about the likelihood of flooding in their community.All jurisdictions in <strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> participate in the NFIP. The following is a prioritized list of actions thatthe jurisdictions are doing to remain compliant with the NFIP:<strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> NFIP Actions1. Adopt and enforce local floodplain regulations, ordinances and codes that require new andsubstantially improved structures to be designed and constructed to minimize or eliminatefuture flood damages (e.g., one-foot freeboard requirement for new construction in the onepercent annual chance flood hazard area).2. Identify repetitive loss structures and cost effective measures to reduce or eliminate futurelosses (e.g., acquisition, elevation, relocation, etc.).3. Participate in the Community Rating System, to exceed floodplain management requirements ofthe NFIP.4. Implement storm drainage improvements to reduce or alleviate severe flooding.5. Conduct public outreach on the NFIP by providing flood protection information to residents.6. Maintain current Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)s for each jurisdiction.7. Notify homeowners of FIRM changes.8. Require permits for all development in the A and V zones per the FIRM.9. Collect and maintain elevation certificates.<strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation PlanFebruary 20107:8

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