Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government


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SECTION 8: MITIGATION STRATEGYTABLE 8.1: Mitigation Initiative Scoring SystemPrioritization CriteriaScoringPopulation Benefited4 - Project will benefit a multi-jurisdictionalarea.3 - Project will benefit ajurisdictional area.2 - Project will benefit less than 100%of a jurisdiction (i.e., neighborhood).Health and SafetyConsiderations *Add 1 point forprojects that benefit a multijurisdictionalarea.4 - Project would benefit 75% or more of thepopulation.3 - Project would benefit 50-74%of the population.2 - Project would benefit 25-49%ofthe population.1 - Project would benefit lessthan 25% of the population.Environmental Impact1 - Project improves the environment.0 - Risk to the environment isundetermined.(-1) - Project poses risk to theenvironment.Consistency with other Plans andPrograms4 - Project is incorporated into the <strong>LMS</strong>,CEMP and Comprehensive Plan, andsupports the National Flood InsuranceProgram (i.e., for flood related projects).3 - Project is incorporated into atleast two of these plans.2 - Project is incorporated into atleast one of these plans.1 - Project is consistent withother local standards, asidefrom <strong>LMS</strong>, CEMP andComprehensive Plan.Reduces Risk of Future PropertyDamage4 - Mitigates a hazard of high frequency orrisk.3 - Mitigates a hazard ofmoderate frequency or risk.2 -Mitigates a hazard of lowfrequency or risk.1 - Mitigates a hazard of verylow frequency or risk.Supports Essential or CriticalServices5 - Project will ensure continuity ofoperations for essential infrastructure orservices.3 - Project will supportinfrastructure or services withloss/damage history.1 - Project will support infrastructureor services without loss/damagehistory.0 - Project's operation willhave no impact on communityinfrastructure or services ifdisrupted.Probability of Receiving Fundingfor Implementation4 - Limited funding potential exists.3 -Potential funding sources areother state or federal grants orsimilar funding sources.2 - Potential funding is readilyavailable through emergencypreparedness or <strong>mitigation</strong> fundingsources.0 - Potential funding is readilyavailable through local fundingsources (e.g., budgeting,capital improvements).Feasibility of Implementation4 - Project would be relatively easy toimplement in one year.3 - Project would be easy toimplement in three years.2 - Project would be easy toimplement in five years.0 - Project would be difficult toimplement.Community Rating System4 - Project supports all four elements of CRSflood-related activities (public information,mapping and regulations, damage reductionand flood preparedness).3 - Project supports three CRSelements.2 - Project supports two CRSelements.1 - Project supports one CRSelement.0 - Project does notsupport any CRSelement.Repetitive Loss MitigationBenefit Cost Ratio4 - Project protects 50% or more ofRepetitive Loss (RL) structures.5 - Project has a Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of"1" or higher, using FEMA approvedsoftware.2 - Project protects less than 50%of RL structures.3 - Project has a BCR of less than"1" using FEMA approvedsoftware.0 - Project does not protect a RLstructure.0 - The BCR can not be determined.<strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> Multi-jurisdictional <strong>Local</strong> Mitigation StrategyFebruary 20108:3

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