Bookkeeper Job Description-Current 4_08 - Westminster ...

Bookkeeper Job Description-Current 4_08 - Westminster ...

Bookkeeper Job Description-Current 4_08 - Westminster ...


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WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Revision 9/16/03, 11/1/04; <strong>Current</strong> 4/<strong>08</strong>1500 Scio Church Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 <strong>Bookkeeper</strong>(734) 761-9320 <strong>Job</strong> <strong>Description</strong>TITLE:PURPOSE:<strong>Bookkeeper</strong>Responsible for keeping the financial books of the Church.ACCOUNTABILITY:The <strong>Bookkeeper</strong> is accountable to the Pastoral Head of Staff, and the Sessionthrough the Financial Secretary and the Stewardship and Finance CommitteeRESPONSIBILITIES:WEEKLY:1. Process bills; issue, mail and deliver checks.2. Process deposits using input from the Financial Secretary.3. Maintain filing system for use by Session and Committees.4. Assist the Treasurer, Session, Committees, Staff and Membershipwhenever requested.SEMI-MONTHLY:1. Process and distribute paychecks for lay and pastoral staff.2. Maintain sick and vacation leave records for non-ordained employees.MONTHLY:1. Process and pay the Federal, FICA and State tax withholdings.2. Process Journal entries.3. Prepare financial reports for the Stewardship and Finance Committeeand Session making sure all bank accounts, mortgages, endowment,reserve and equity funds are in balance. These reports include theDesignated Funds Report and the Mission Outreach Report to be completedand balanced on a monthly basis.4. Attend Stewardship and Finance Committee meetings.5. Prepare monthly expense listings for all Committee chairs.6. Complete bank reconciliation; track down checks that have been outstandingmore than three months to reissue.7. Maintain 1520 Scio Church Road property files and escrow account. This iskept separate from the other church accounts and reports.8. Maintain Employer and Employee 403(b) Retirement Plan contributionsfor staff as requested.QUARTERLY:1. Process and mail quarterly Federal and FICA tax reports.2. Maintain Endowment Fund statement files; process investmentvaluations quarterly on the Financial Reports.<strong>Bookkeeper</strong> <strong>Job</strong> <strong>Description</strong> Page 1 of 2 <strong>Current</strong> 4/<strong>08</strong>

YEARLY:OTHER:TERMS:-2-1. Prepare annual reports for the Stewardship and Finance Committee,Session and WPC Membership.2. Close out the books at the end of each year.3. Prepare Payroll Tax W2 forms for employees.4. Prepare Payroll Tax W3 forms for the IRS and State of Michigan.5. Prepare 1099-Misc Forms for payments over $600 to non-staff speakers,musicians, missionaries, etc.6. Prepare 1098-C Forms for car donations valued at over $500 to donor.7. Enter new budget amounts in computer system for the new fiscal year.8. Set up filing folders for the next year.9. Box up and store seven years of files. Keep Payroll Records forever.10. Participate in the annual internal Audit of all financial records foraccounting (August) and payroll (January).11. Assist in the Stewardship Packet preparation.Back-up to the Office Manager as the need arises:1. Answer phones and help with walk-in member/visitors requests.2. Distribute Mail3. Check office phone messages and e-mail messages – respond accordingly.This is a regular hourly staff position averaging 20 hours per week.<strong>Bookkeeper</strong> <strong>Job</strong> <strong>Description</strong> Page 2 of 2 <strong>Current</strong> 4/<strong>08</strong>

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