Link-Belt®, MB® & Rex® Bearings

Link-Belt®, MB® & Rex® Bearings

Link-Belt®, MB® & Rex® Bearings


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<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ® , MB ®& Rex ® <strong>Bearings</strong>(English–Inch/Metric)Product Catalog

Alphabetical IndexAlphabetical Index1100 - FX3Y200Series Number Page Series Number Page Series Number Page1100 438 B400L 149-150 FB/FEB22400 125-12621300 4401000(Z) 437B500L 151B600L 152FB/FEB22600 127FB3S200 283105-120mm Bore Cylindricals SingleRow130-150mm Bore Cylindricals SingleRow160-200mm Bore Cylindricals SingleRow484485486BPLB6800(F) 187C25 370C25K 369C35 372FB3U200 282FBB22400 129FBB22600 130FC225 3762(K)1400(Z) 4412000U 8921200(Z) 43921500(Z) 44222200LB,LBK 20322300LB,LBK 20423000LB,LBK 20523100LB,LBK 20623200LB,LBK 20723900LB,LBK 20825-40mm Bore Cylindricals Single Row 47925-60mm Bore Cylindricals Double Row 4873000U 903200F 4573200FX 4563200P 45545-55mm Bore Cylindricals Single Row 4805000U 916000U 9260-70mm Bore Cylindricals Single Row 48165-95mm Bore Cylindricals Double Row 48875-85mm Bore Cylindricals Single Row 4829000U 9390-100mm Bore Cylindricals Single Row 483A20000 210A20000M 211A20000S 209C35K 371CB22400 141CB22600 142CL25 372CL25K 371CSEB22400 137-138CSEB22500 139CSEB22600 140CU/CEU300 350CU/CEU3K00 349DSB22400 145DSB2800 444DSHB22500 146DSLB6800 201EFB22500 131EFB22600 132EFRB22400 128EPB/EPEB22400 119EPB/EPEB22400F 120EPB/EPEB22500(F) 121EPB/EPEB22600 122EPB/EPEB22600F 123ER 406ER-K 405F2200(Z) 443F3S200 281F3U200 278-279F3W200 280F3Y200 277FC225K 375FC235 378FC235K 377FC3U200 285-286FC3Y200 284FC425 380FC425K 379FC435 382FC435K 381FCB22400 133-134FCB22600 135FCU/FCEU300 348FCU/FCEU3K00 347FF200 318FPS225 388FPS325 391FPSR2(K) 389FRU(G)200 297FRW(G)200 298FRY(G)200 296FU(G)200 294FU/FEU300 346FU/FEU3K00 345FW(G)200 295FX3S200 276FX3U200 274FX3W200 275FX3Y200 273FXRU(G)200 2912Index 2011

Alphabetical IndexAlphabetical IndexT3Y200 - ZT9000Series Number Page Series Number Page Series Number PageTAS3U200 309 ZA(S)3000 21 ZEP5000 35TB22400 143TB22600 144TBC25 373TC25 394TC25K 393TC35 396TC35K 395TDS3U200 310-311TFPS325 390TH3S200 308TH3U200 307TH3Y200 306TP 313, 397TPT 313, 397TQP 314, 398TSP 313, 397TSPT 313, 397TU300 351U(B)200 321U(B)G200 322-323UG300L 354UG3K00L 353W(B)200 324W(B)G200 325WF3S200 243WFB3S200 243WFX3S200 241WP3S200 239WPT3S200 240WTH3S200 244Y(B)200 319Y(B)G200 320YG300 355ZA(S)2000 19-20ZA(S)2000-72 25ZA(S)3000-72 26ZA(S)5000 22ZA(S)5000-72 27ZA(S)6000 23ZA(S)6000-72 28ZA(S)9000 24ZA(S)9000-72 29ZAF(S)5000 17ZAF(S)6000 18ZAT2000 82ZAT3000 83ZB(S)2000 39ZB(S)3000 40ZB(S)5000 41ZB(S)6000 42ZB S)9000 43ZBR2000 52ZBR3000 53ZBR5000 54ZBR6000 55ZBR9000 56ZCS2000 57ZCS3000 58ZCS5000 59ZCS6000 60ZCS9000 61ZD2000 87ZD5000 88ZEF2000 47ZEF3000 48ZEF5000 49ZEF6000 50ZEF9000 51ZEP2000 33ZEP3000 34ZEP6000 36ZEP9000 37ZF(S)5000 44ZF(S)6000 45ZF(S)9000 46ZFT5000 84ZGT5000 85ZHT5000 73-74ZHT6000 75-76ZMC2000 62ZMC3000 63ZMC5000 64ZMC6000 65ZMC9000 66ZNT2000 78ZNT3000 79ZNT5000 80ZNT6000 81ZP(S)5000 30ZP(S)6000 31ZP(S)9000 32ZST5000 77ZT2000 67ZT3000 68ZT5000 69ZT6000 70ZT9000 714Index 2011

Rex ®SphericalRoller BearingIndustries ServedMiningForest ProductsAggregatesSteelAir HandlingConstructionPackage Handling5

Self-AlignmentFeaturing the Rex’s NEW SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounts – Taking the Mystery Out of MountingAuxiliary end caps & three field interchangeableseal options ensure long bearing lifethrough a full range of applicationsIntegral Self-AlignmentRex ® Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> represent the continuationof 80 years of bearing technology andexperience. This design allows the innerrace to misalign freely in any directionup to 3° of total misalignment.By design, Rex <strong>Bearings</strong> accept both radial andthrust loads under static, oscillatory, or dynamicconditions. The load is taken on the rollerraceways, not the roller ends. This means thatwhen thrust is loaded up to their allowable limit,Rex <strong>Bearings</strong> do not exhibit rollerend wear.Self-aligning spherical roller bearing providesa total of 3 degrees static and dynamicmisalignmentRex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features & BenefitsSuper-finished raceways provide a cool running,quiet, high-speed and high-load capacity bearingAdapter sleeve assembly allows easyinstallation/removal, plus enablesuse of commercial grade shaftsHourglass Roller elements are precision groundand super-finished to provide longer bearing lifePositive Locking System allows minimal vibrationduring operation, therefore not requiringscheduled inspections for snugnessof mountingsSpyglass ® Optical Strain Sensor (OSS)Technology reduces installation errors bychanging color when tightXYNot InstalledInstalledYXPositive Locking System Mounting lockout utilizing Spyglass OSS Easy Installation: Simply tighten the locknutuntil the Spyglass ® shows proper indicationRex 6000 Series SHURLOK Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> are Also Available With These HousingsPillow BlockFlanged Units Flanged Cartridge Take-up Units Take-up AssembliesRex Spherical Roller Bearing 7Features & Benefits - 3

Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – NomenclatureNomenclatureSymbolABXZKMAASAFDescriptionTwo open auxiliary end capsTwo auxiliary end caps(open on housing side, closed on threaded cover side)Designates “SPECIAL UNITS”, contact Rexnord IndustriesClearance sealLight contact sealHeavy contact sealPillow block, fixedPillow block, floatingPillow block, fixed SAF interchangeA Z A - 2 207 FAFSPillow block, floating SAF interchangePPillow block, fixedPSPillow block, floatingEPPillow block, fixed Type E interchangeBFlanged block, fixed 4-boltBSFlanged block, floating 4-boltEFFlanged block, fixed 4-bolt Type E interchangeFFlanged block, fixed 4 or 6-boltFSFlanged block, floating 4 or 6-boltBRFlanged cartridge block, fixed 4-bolt roundCSCartridge block, steel housingMCCartridge block, cast iron housingDDuplex unitNTake-up block for protected screw frameTTake-up block for center pull frameATCenter pull take-up assemblyNTProtected screw take-up assemblyHTCenter pull take-up assemblyFTElevator boot end take-up assemblyGTElevator head end take-up assemblySTCenter pull spring loaded take-up assembly11 Size code – only for take-up blocks & assemblies2 2000 Series, single set collar3 3000 Series, eccentric locking collar5 5000 Series, double set collar6 6000 Series, SHURLOK ® tapered adapter sleeve9 9000 Series, tapered adapter sleeve207 2 7/16” – last two digits in 16 th of an inch100MM100 millimeters24 Inches of take-up adjustment – only for take-up assembliesAOne open auxiliary end cap (threaded cover side)BOne closed auxiliary end cap (threaded cover side)CClosed end capF4-bolt housing (pillow blocks only)GFace locked threaded coverHReverse assemblySMachined pilot on face of flanged unitsVViton seal material (when M seal suffix is used)YRedesigned shaft size – not interchangeable72 Steel housing78 Steel retainersNomenclature - 48Rex Spherical Roller Bearing

Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>To select a bearing, determine the appliedradial load, the applied thrust load, thedesired Rating Life, and applicable operatingconditions. The procedure shown here willaid in selecting a bearing to meet an L10design life. The formulas for calculating lifeexpectancy should be used to determine theRating Life L10 for the bearing selected.SelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Industrial—16 hour shift 4,000 10 40,000Industrial—continuous 8,700 10 80,000 to100,000Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Step 3Calculate the required C and select a roller bearing.a For radial load only:P = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2Select a roller bearing from Table 2 with a basic loadrating C equal to or greater than the required C.The selection procedures and rating formulasshown here are in agreement with The AmericanBearing Manufacturers Association Standards andANSI/ABMA STD 9-1990. Ratings are based onfatigue life. The Rating Life L10 or fatigue life at 90%reliability is the usual basis for bearing selection.To assure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.Step 3 (continued)b For combined radial and thrust loads:Select a trial roller bearing of the desiredshaft size from Table 2.Calculate the ratio of thrust load Fa to the radial load Fr.FaFrCalculate the equivalent radial load PP = XFr + YFaFaIf is equal to or less than e, then P = X1Fr + Y1FaFrFaIf is greater than e, then P = X2Fr + Y2FaFrFor values of e, X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, see Table 2.Calculate the required Crequired C = P using from Step 2.Consult Table 2, basic load rating. If a smallerbearing meets, or nearly meets, the requiredC, its life expectancy can be calculated.Note: If the load P is greater than .25C,consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionRex Spherical Roller Bearing 9Selection Guide - 5

Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionSelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toL10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load,pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factor( )BearingLifeSpeed, nHoursL10 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 1.93 2.38 2.93 3.31 3.61 3.86 4.07 4.27 4.444000 2.11 2.59 3.19 3.61 3.93 4.20 4.44 4.65 4.845000 2.25 2.77 3.42 3.86 4.20 4.50 4.75 4.97 5.186000 2.38 2.93 3.61 4.07 4.44 4.75 5.02 5.25 5.478000 2.59 3.19 3.93 4.44 4.84 5.18 5.47 5.73 5.9610000 2.77 3.42 4.20 4.75 5.18 5.54 5.85 6.12 6.3712000 2.93 3.61 4.44 5.02 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.47 6.7314000 3.07 3.78 4.65 5.25 5.73 6.12 6.47 6.77 7.0516000 3.19 3.93 4.84 5.47 5.96 6.37 6.73 7.05 7.3418000 3.31 4.07 5.02 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.30 7.6020000 3.42 4.20 5.18 5.85 6.37 6.81 7.20 7.54 7.8525000 3.65 4.50 5.54 6.25 6.81 7.29 7.70 8.06 8.3930000 3.86 4.75 5.85 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.51 8.8635000 4.04 4.97 6.12 6.92 7.54 8.06 8.51 8.92 9.2840000 4.20 5.18 6.37 7.20 7.85 8.39 8.86 9.28 9.6645000 4.36 5.36 6.60 7.46 8.13 8.69 9.18 9.61 10.0050000 4.50 5.54 6.81 7.70 8.39 8.97 9.48 9.92 10.3060000 4.75 5.85 7.20 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.50 10.9070000 4.97 6.12 7.54 8.51 9.28 9.92 10.50 11.00 11.4080000 5.18 6.37 7.85 8.86 9.66 10.30 10.90 11.40 11.9090000 5.36 6.60 8.13 9.18 10.00 10.70 11.30 11.80 12.30100000 5.54 6.81 8.39 9.48 10.30 11.00 11.70 12.20 12.70150000 6.25 7.70 9.48 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 13.80 14.40200000 6.81 8.39 10.30 11.70 12.70 13.60 14.40 15.00 15.70Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3000 3600 60003000 4.60 4.75 5.02 5.36 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 8.134000 5.02 5.18 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.865000 5.36 5.54 5.85 6.25 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 9.486000 5.66 5.85 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.60 8.13 8.59 10.008000 6.18 6.37 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.9010000 6.60 6.81 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 11.7012000 6.97 7.20 7.60 8.13 8.59 9.36 10.00 10.60 12.3014000 7.30 7.54 7.96 8.51 8.99 9.80 10.50 11.10 12.9016000 7.60 7.85 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.20 10.90 11.50 13.4018000 7.88 8.13 8.59 9.18 9.70 10.60 11.30 11.90 13.9020000 8.13 8.39 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.90 11.70 12.30 14.4025000 8.69 8.97 9.48 10.10 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 15.4030000 9.18 9.48 10.00 10.70 11.30 12.30 13.20 13.90 16.2035000 9.61 9.92 10.50 11.20 11.80 12.90 13.80 14.60 17.0040000 10.00 10.30 10.90 11.70 12.30 13.40 14.40 15.20 17.7045000 10.40 10.70 11.30 12.10 12.80 13.90 14.90 15.70 18.3050000 10.70 11.00 11.70 12.50 13.20 14.40 15.40 16.20 18.9060000 11.30 11.70 12.30 13.20 13.90 15.20 16.20 17.10 20.0070000 11.80 12.20 12.90 13.80 14.60 15.90 17.00 17.90 20.9080000 12.30 12.70 13.40 14.40 15.20 16.50 17.70 18.70 21.8090000 12.80 13.20 13.90 14.90 15.70 17.10 18.30 19.40 22.60100000 13.20 13.60 14.40 15.40 16.20 17.70 18.90 20.00 23.30150000 14.90 15.40 16.20 17.30 18.30 20.00 21.40 22.60 26.30200000 16.20 16.70 17.70 18.90 20.00 21.80 23.30 24.60 28.70CPBasic FormulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 ofany selected or trial bearing:Step 1Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:P = XFr + YFaFaif is equal to or less than e, thenFrP = X1Fr + Y1FaFaif is greater than e, thenFrP = X2Fr + Y2FaFor values of e, X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, consultthe appropriate bearing rating Table 2.Step 2Calculate the ratio of the basic load ratingC to the equivalent radial load.Step 3Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulawhere10/33/10Ln = a1a2a3L10Ln = Adjusted life for (100-n) % reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factorfor material and processinga3= Life adjustment factor for operatingconditions.For most normal applications, all factors will be takenas 1, and the Rating Life used as the selection basis orlife estimate. In addition, as long as standard catalogbearings are used, a2 will be normally set equal to one.The factor a3 covers such things as lubrication,misalignment, and temperature. Some conditionsthat could yield a3 significantly different than unityinclude speeds less than 20000 DN or greater than200000 DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) orabove 275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions,as well as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Selection Guide - 610Rex Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 2 • Load Ratings and Speed LimitsFaSize Co Static load rating C Basic load rating Approximate speed limit RPMCodeeFr ≤ eFaFr > enewtons pounds newtons pounds Z seal K seal M seal X1 Y1 X2 Y22 44433 9900 44433 9900 6500 4500 4400 0.46 1.00 1.47 0.67 2.203 63732 14200 64181 14300 5750 4000 3700 0.46 1.00 1.47 0.67 2.204 71811 16000 71362 15900 5250 3600 3300 0.46 1.00 1.47 0.67 2.205 95598 21300 90661 20200 4450 3100 2800 0.46 1.00 1.47 0.67 2.206 117590 26200 105023 23400 4050 2800 2500 0.39 1.00 1.75 0.67 2.607 142724 31800 122078 27200 3650 2500 2200 0.39 1.00 1.75 0.67 2.608 210046 46800 171448 38200 3300 2300 2000 0.39 1.00 1.75 0.67 2.609 249991 55700 210046 46800 2800 1900 1700 0.39 1.00 1.75 0.67 2.6010 412462 91900 368029 82000 2400 1700 1400 0.39 1.00 1.75 0.67 2.6011 572241 127500 529603 118000 2050 1400 1200 0.39 1.00 1.75 0.67 2.6012 649886 144800 630138 140400 1850 - 1100 0.33 1.00 2.00 0.67 3.0013 995026 221700 717657 159900 1600 - 1000 0.33 1.00 2.00 0.67 3.0014 1267458 282400 852751 190000 1000 - 900 0.33 1.00 2.00 0.67 3.0015 1394024 310600 954632 212700 900 - 800 0.33 1.00 2.00 0.67 3.0016 1622471 361500 1056065 235300 800 - 700 0.33 1.00 2.00 0.67 3.00Adjustment TableSizeCode2000SeriesShaft Size, Inches3000Series5000SeriesFactory Adjustment(Average Speeds)Std. AxialClearanceInchesStd. RadialClearanceInchesRecommended Adjustment High SpeedsSpeedsOverAxialClearanceInchesRadialClearanceInchesClearance AdjustmentInches per 1/12 Turn2-4 3/4 - 1 1/2 1 7/16 1 7/16 .007-.012 .0022-.0037 2000 RPM .012-.017 .0037-.0053 0.005 0.00165-6 1 11/16 - 2 1 11/16 - 1 15/16 1 1/2 - 1 15/16 .007-.012 .0020-.0034 1500 RPM .012-.017 .0034-.0049 0.005 0.00147-9 2 3/16 - 3 2 3/16 - 2 15/16 2 - 2 15/16 .010-.017 .0026-.0044 1250 RPM .017-.024 .0044-.0062 0.007 0.001810-11 3 3/16 - 4 3 7/16 - 3 15/16 3 3/16 - 4 .010-.017 .0025-.0043 1000 RPM .017-.024 .0043-.0060 0.007 0.001812-13 … … 4 3/16 - 5 .015-.025 .0032-.0054 750 RPM .025-.035 .0054-.0076 0.010 0.002214-16 … … 5 7/16 - 7 .015-.025 .0032-.0054 500 RPM .025-.035 .0054-.0076 0.010 0.0022AxialRadialRex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionAdjustment TableSizeCode6000SeriesShaft Size, Inches9000SeriesFactory Adjustment(Average Speeds)Std. AxialClearanceInchesStd. RadialClearanceInchesRecommended Adjustment High SpeedsSpeedsOverAxialClearanceInchesRadialClearanceInchesClearance AdjustmentInches per 1/12 Turn2-4 … … .007-.012 .0022-.0037 2000 RPM .012-.017 .0037-.0053 0.005 0.00165-6 1 15/16 … .007-.012 .0020-.0034 1500 RPM .012-.017 .0034-.0049 0.005 0.00147-9 2 3/16 - 2 15/16 1 15/16 - 2 1/2 .010-.017 .0026-.0044 1250 RPM .017-.024 .0044-.0062 0.007 0.001810-11 3 3/16 - 3 15/16 2 11/16 - 3 7/16 .010-.017 .0025-.0043 1000 RPM .017-.024 .0043-.0060 0.007 0.001812-13 4 3/16 - 4 15/16 3 11/16 - 4 7/16 .015-.025 .0032-.0054 750 RPM .025-.035 .0054-.0076 0.010 0.002214-16 … 4 15/16 - 6 7/16 .015-.025 .0032-.0054 500 RPM .025-.035 .0054-.0076 0.010 0.0022AxialRadialRex Spherical Roller Bearing 11Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 7

Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionTable 3 • Rex Size Code Interchange TableShaft SizeREX 2000Single Set CollarBearing NumberREX 3000Twist LockEccentric LockBearing NumberREX 5000Double Set CollarBearing NumberREX 6000ShurLok TaperedAdapterBearing NumberREX 9000Tapered AdapterBearing NumberSize CodeApproxOuterRace Dia.3/4 201215/16 201525mm2025MM2 2.3701 21001-1/8 210230mm2030MM1-3/16 21033 2.6301-1/4 210435mm2035MM1-7/16 2107 3107 51074 2.8301-1/2 21081-1/2 510840mm 2040MM 5040MM1-11/16 2111 3111 51115 3.3401-3/4 211245mm2045MM1-15/16 2115 3115 5115 611550mm 2050MM 5050MM 6045MM6 3.5402 220050mm9050MM1-15/16 91152 5200 920055mm 2055MM 5055MM 6055MM7 3.9402-3/16 2203 3203 5203 62032-1/4 220455mm9055MM2-3-16 920360mm 2060MM 5060MM 6060MM2-3/8 2206 62068 4.3202-7/16 2207 3207 5207 62072-1/2 2208 320865mm 2065MM 5065MM2-7/16 92072-1/2 5208 92082-11/16 2211 3211 5211 62112/3/4 2212 621270mm 2070MM 5070MM 6070MM9 5.1202-15/16 2215 3215 5215 621575mm 2075MM 5075MM 6075MM3 23002-11/16 92112-15/16 921575mm9075MM80mm 2080MM 5080MM 6080MM3-3/16 2303 5303 630310 5.90085mm 2085MM 5085MM 6085MM3-7/16 2307 3307 5307 63073-1/2 2308 330890mm 2090MM 5090MM80mm9080MM3-3/16 93033-7/16 93073-11/16 2311 5311 631111 7.090100mm 2100MM 5100MM 6100MM3-15/16 2315 3315 5315 63154 2400 54003-11/16 9311Y100mm9100MM3-15/16 9315Y4 9400Y4-3-16 5403Y 6403Y12 7.680110mm 5110MM 6110MM4-7/16 5407Y 6407Y4-1/2 5408Y115mm5115MM4-3/16 94034-7/16 9407125mm 5125MM 6125MM4-15/16 5415 641513 9.0505 5500130mm5130MM4-15/16 94155 95005-7/16 5507 650714 10.630140mm5140MM5-3-16 95035-7/16 9507150mm5150MM5-15/16 5515 651515 11.4206 5600160mm5160MM5-15/16 95156 96006-7/16 5607 6607 96076-15/16 5615 661516 12.6007 5700180mm5180MMInterchangeability Guide - 812Rex Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 4 • Radial load ratings in Pounds at Various RPM for Appropriate L10 Life HoursSizeL10Speed, RPMCodeMinimumLife Hours 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 35002 8000 * * * 2229 2045 1912 1811 1729 1661 1603 1553 1471 1375 1302 1262 1180 1117 106720000 * 2354 1912 1693 1553 1453 1375 1313 1262 1218 1180 1117 1045 989 958 896 849 81040000 2354 1912 1553 1375 1262 1180 1117 1067 1025 989 958 907 849 804 779 728 689 658100000 1789 1453 1180 1045 958 896 849 810 779 751 728 689 645 610 591 553 524 5003 8000 * * * 3220 2954 2762 2615 2497 2399 2316 2244 2124 1987 1881 1822 1704 1614 154120000 * 3401 2762 2446 2244 2098 1987 1897 1822 1759 1704 1614 1509 1429 1384 1295 1226 117040000 3401 2762 2244 1987 1822 1704 1614 1541 1480 1429 1384 1311 1226 1161 1125 1052 996 951100000 2583 2098 1704 1509 1384 1295 1226 1170 1125 1085 1052 996 931 882 854 799 756 7224 8000 * * * 3580 3284 3071 2908 2776 2667 2575 2495 2362 2209 2091 2026 1895 1794 171320000 * 3781 3071 2720 2495 2333 2209 2109 2026 1956 1895 1794 1678 1589 1539 1440 1363 130140000 3781 3071 2495 2209 2026 1895 1794 1713 1646 1589 1539 1457 1363 1290 1250 1169 1107 1057100000 2873 2333 1895 1678 1539 1440 1363 1301 1250 1207 1169 1107 1035 980 950 888 841 8035 8000 * * * 4548 4172 3902 3694 3527 3389 3271 3169 3001 2806 2657 2574 2408 2280 217620000 * 4804 3902 3455 3169 2964 2806 2680 2574 2485 2408 2280 2132 2018 1956 1829 1732 165340000 4804 3902 3169 2806 2574 2408 2280 2176 2091 2018 1956 1852 1732 1639 1588 1486 1407 1343100000 3649 2964 2408 2132 1956 1829 1732 1653 1588 1533 1486 1407 1315 1245 1207 1129 1068 10206 8000 * * * 5269 4833 4520 4280 4086 3926 3789 3671 3476 3251 3078 2982 2789 2641 252120000 * 5565 4520 4002 3671 3434 3251 3104 2982 2879 2789 2641 2470 2338 2265 2119 2006 191540000 5565 4520 3671 3251 2982 2789 2641 2521 2422 2338 2265 2145 2006 1899 1840 1721 1629 1556100000 4227 3434 2789 2470 2265 2119 2006 1915 1840 1776 1721 1629 1524 1443 1398 1307 1238 11827 8000 * * * 6124 5618 5254 4975 4750 4563 4405 4268 4041 3779 3578 3466 3242 3069 293120000 * 6469 5254 4652 4268 3991 3779 3608 3466 3346 3242 3069 2871 2718 2633 2463 2332 222640000 6469 5254 4268 3779 3466 3242 3069 2931 2816 2718 2633 2493 2332 2208 2139 2000 1894 1808100000 4914 3991 3242 2871 2633 2463 2332 2226 2139 2065 2000 1894 1771 1677 1625 1520 1439 13748 8000 * * * 8601 7890 7379 6986 6671 6409 6186 5994 5675 5307 5025 4868 4553 431120000 * 9085 7379 6534 5994 5606 5307 5067 4868 4699 4553 4311 4032 3817 3698 3459 327540000 9085 7379 5994 5307 4868 4553 4311 4116 3954 3817 3698 3501 3275 3100 3004 2809 2660100000 6901 5606 4553 4032 3698 3459 3275 3127 3004 2900 2809 2660 2488 2355 2282 2134 20219 8000 * * * 10537 9666 9040 8559 8172 7851 7579 7343 6952 6502 6156 5964 557820000 * 11130 9040 8005 7343 6868 6502 6208 5964 5757 5578 5281 4939 4676 4531 423740000 11130 9040 7343 6502 5964 5578 5281 5043 4845 4676 4531 4290 4012 3798 3680 3442100000 8455 6868 5578 4939 4531 4237 4012 3831 3680 3552 3442 3259 3048 2885 2796 261510 8000 * * * 18463 16936 15840 14997 14319 13757 13279 12866 12181 11392 10786 10450 977420000 * 19501 15840 14026 12866 12033 11392 10878 10450 10088 9774 9253 8654 8194 7939 742540000 19501 15840 12866 11392 10450 9774 9253 8835 8488 8194 7939 7516 7029 6655 6448 6031100000 14814 12033 9774 8654 7939 7425 7029 6712 6448 6224 6031 5710 5340 5056 4898 458111 8000 * * * 26569 24372 22794 21581 20605 19796 19109 18514 17529 16394 15521 1503820000 * 28063 22794 20183 18514 17316 16394 15653 15038 14516 14065 13316 12454 11791 1142440000 28063 22794 18514 16394 15038 14065 13316 12714 12215 11791 11424 10816 10116 9577 9279100000 21318 17316 14065 12454 11424 10684 10116 9658 9279 8957 8678 8216 7684 7275 704912 8000 * * * 31612 28999 27121 25677 24517 23554 22736 22029 20856 19506 1846820000 * 33390 27121 24015 22029 20603 19506 18624 17893 17272 16734 15844 14818 1402940000 33390 27121 22029 19506 17893 16734 15844 15128 14534 14029 13593 12869 12036 11395100000 25365 20603 16734 14818 13593 12712 12036 11492 11041 10657 10326 9776 9143 865613 8000 * * * 36003 33026 30888 29244 27922 26826 25894 25089 23753 2221520000 * 38027 30888 27350 25089 23464 22215 21211 20378 19671 19059 18044 1687640000 38027 30888 25089 22215 20378 19059 18044 17229 16552 15978 15481 14657 13707100000 28888 23464 19059 16876 15481 14478 13707 13088 12574 12138 11760 11134 1041314 8000 * * * 42780 39243 36702 34748 33178 31875 30769 2981120000 * 45186 36702 32498 29811 27881 26397 25204 24214 23374 2264640000 45186 36702 29811 26397 24214 22646 21441 20472 19668 18985 18395100000 34326 27881 22646 20053 18395 17204 16288 15552 14941 14422 1397415 8000 * * * 47892 43932 41087 38900 37142 35684 34445 3337320000 * 50584 41087 36381 33373 31212 29551 28215 27107 26166 2535240000 50584 41087 33373 29551 27107 25352 24003 22918 22018 21254 20592100000 38427 31212 25352 22448 20592 19259 18234 17410 16726 16145 1564316 8000 * * * 52980 48599 45453 43033 41088 3947520000 * 55959 45453 40247 36919 34528 32691 31213 2998840000 55959 45453 36919 32691 29988 28046 26553 25353 24357100000 42509 34528 28046 24834 22780 21305 20171 19260 18503Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section* Load exceeds 25% of the C rating, consult Rexnord Bearing DivisionShaded areas may require additional axial clearance and/or high speed temperature lubricant due to higher operating temperatures.Rex Spherical Roller Bearing 13Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 9

Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionAuxiliary Cap SealsKit NomenclatureSymbol DescriptionAopen capBclosed capSfloating type* leave blank for fixed type4-16 bearing size code from dimension page215 2 15/16” last two digits in 16th of an inch* not required for closed style capsA S 9 - 2 1 5Cast Iron Auxiliary CapFixed <strong>Bearings</strong> Only Floating (Expansion) <strong>Bearings</strong> Only V-Ring Seal GasketSize CodeA B C D* A B C D* E F G4 5 5/16 2 5/16 2 11/16 1 9/16 5 1/2 2 3/8 2 3/4 1 17/32 5/16 3/165 5 1/2 2 7/16 2 3/4 1 17/32 5 3/4 2 1/2 2 7/8 1 15/326 5 9/16 2 7/16 2 13/16 1 9/16 5 3/4 2 1/2 2 7/8 1 17/327 5 3/4 2 1/2 2 7/8 1 19/32 6 1/16 2 5/8 31/16 1 21/323/8 3/168 6 1/16 2 3/4 3 1/16 1 23/32 6 5/16 2 3/4 3 3/16 1 23/329 7 3 1/8 3 1/2 1 15/16 6 15/16 3 1/16 3 1/2 1 25/3210 6 15/16 3 1/16 3 1/2 1 13/16 7 3/8 3 5/8 3 11/16 1 29/327/16 1/43/1611 8 5/16 3 5/8 4 3/16 2 5/32 8 9/16 3 3/4 4 5/16 2 5/3212 8 1/2 3 3/4 4 1/4 2 3/16 9 3/8 4 5/16 4 11/16 2 1/213 10 1/8 4 1/2 5 1/16 2 9/32 10 9/16 4 3/4 5 5/16 2 9/3214 10 1/8 4 1/2 5 1/16 2 9/32 11 1/16 5 5 9/16 2 5/89/16 5/1615 11 1/16 4 15/16 5 9/16 2 5/8 11 1/2 4 15/16 5 3/4 2 3/416 11 3/16 5 5 5/8 2 1/2 11 5/8 5 1/4 5 13/16 2 5/8 5/8 3/8Auxiliary Caps - 1014Rex Spherical Roller Bearing

Adapter Auxiliary End Cap DimensionsKit NomenclatureSymbol DescriptionAopen capBclosed capSfloating type* leave blank for fixed type6-13 bearing size code from dimension page6 Type “A” open caps6000 type “B” closed caps215 2 15/16” last two digits in 16th of an inch* not required for closed style capsA S 9 6 2 1 5Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section“A” Prefix(Two Open Caps)Example: AMA6215“B” Prefix(One Open Cap One Closed Cap)Example: BMA6215Gasket Thickness“A” Suffix(One Open Caps)Example: MA6215A“B” Suffix(One Closed Cap)Example: MA6215BV-Ring Seal Detail6000 Series Adapter Mount Auxiliary Cap DimensionsCast Iron Auxiliary CapsBearingNumberSizeCodeFixed <strong>Bearings</strong> OnlyFloating (Expansion)ZAFS <strong>Bearings</strong> OnlyFloating (Expansion) ZPS, ZFS<strong>Bearings</strong> OnlyV-Ring SealA B C D A B C D A B C D E F G6115 6 5 7/8 2 9/16 2 15/16 1 23/32 6 1/4 2 11/16 3 1/8 1 29/32 6 1/2 2 13/16 3 1/4 1 29/32Gasket6203 7 6 1/16 2 5/8 3 1/32 1 3/4 6 7/16 2 25/32 3 7/32 1 15/16 6 5/8 2 7/8 3 5/16 1 15/1662068 6 11/16 3 1/32 3 11/32 2 1/32 7 3/16 3 5/32 3 19/32 2 9/32 7 7/16 3 9/32 3 23/32 2 9/3262073/8 3/16621162129 7 1/4 3 1/16 3 5/8 2 1/16 7 3/4 3 7/16 3 7/8 2 5/16 8 3 9/16 4 2 5/1662156303630710 7 15/16 3 17/32 3 31/32 2 1/4 8 7/16 3 25/32 4 7/32 2 1/2 8 11/16 3 29/32 4 11/32 2 1/27/16 1/43/166311631511 9 3 15/16 4 1/2 2 7/16 9 1/2 4 3/16 4 3/4 2 11/16 9 3/4 4 5/16 4 7/8 2 11/166403Y6407Y12 9 7/16 4 5/32 4 23/32 2 19/32 10 3/16 4 21/32 5 3/32 2 31/32 10 7/16 4 31/32 5 7/32 2 31/329/16 5/166415 13 11 5/8 5 1/4 5 13/16 3 1/32 12 3/8 5 5/8 6 3/16 3 13/32 12 13/16 5 27/32 6 13/32 3 13/32Rex Spherical Roller Bearing15Auxiliary Caps - 11

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC16

ZAF5000, ZAFS5000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesSAF InterchangePrecision milled endsCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCExpansion Fixed AL PApprox. PartWeight NumberL PApprox.WeightBase toCenterlineHeight30B Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesLABase toCenterlineHeightPB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesEDFixedGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)P P PMC D EEDExpansionFBoltsMGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)H M STwo-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZAFS5115 5 5 / 16 7/ 8 20.00 ZAF5115 5 5 / 1611/ 16 16.50 2 3 / 4 7 3 / 8 7 7 / 8 - 9.625 3 13 / 16 2 3 / 4 5/ 8 1 2 15 / 1615/ 167 2 3 / 16 ZAFS5203 5 31 / 3231/ 32 25.50 ZAF5203 5 31 / 3225/ 32 21.00 3 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11.000 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 1 / 4 1 3 / 88 2 7 / 16 ZAFS5207 6 25 / 32 1 1 / 16 32.50 ZAF5207 6 25 / 32 7/ 8 32.50 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 - 11.125 4 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 3 9 / 16 1 3 / 1692 11 / 16 ZAFS5211 7 1 / 2 45.00 ZAF5211 71 1 / 1 / 2 745.50 38 / 1 / 28 9 7 / 8 11 - 12.594 4 7 / 8 3 1 / 312 / 42 15 / 16 ZAFS5215 7 3 / 4 45.50 ZAF5215 7 3 / 4 45.00 3 3 / 4 1 1 / 44 1 / 16 1 3 / 8103 3 / 16 ZAFS5303 8 1 / 41360.00 ZAF5303 8/ 1 / 4 1553.00 4 1016 / 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 13.75016 - 553/ 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 816 4151/ 7 / 16163 7 / 16 ZAFS5307 9 9 / 32 76.50 ZAF5307 9 9 / 32 76.50 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 15.375 4 11 / 7 32 / 8 1 21 / 32 1 11 / 16Four-Bolt Pillow Block8 2 7 / 16 ZAFS5207F 6 25 / 32 1 1 / 16 31.50 ZAF5207F 6 25 / 32 7/ 8 31.00 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11.125 4 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1 1 / 4 3 9 / 16 1 1 / 1692 11 / 16 ZAFS5211F 7 1 / 2 44.50 ZAF5211F 71 1 / 1 / 2 744.50 38 / 1 / 28 9 7 / 8 11 2 1 / 8 12.594 4 7 / 8 3 1 / 512 / 82 15 / 16 ZAFS5215F 7 3 / 4 45.50 ZAF5215F 7 3 / 4 45.00 3 3 / 4 1 1 / 44 1 / 16 1 1 / 4103 3 / 16 ZAFS5303F 8 1 / 4 60.00 ZAF5303F 81 3 / 1 / 4 53.00 4 1015 16 / 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13.75016 553/ 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 8 116 4 15 / 5 / 16163 7 / 16 ZAFS5307F 9 9 / 32 75.50 ZAF5307F 9 9 / 32 75.00 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15.375 4 11 / 3 32 / 4 1 21 / 32 1 9 / 1611 3 15 / 16 ZAFS5315F 10 5 / 16 1 5 / 16 104.00 ZAF5315F 10 5 / 16 1 1 / 16 102.00 4 15 / 16 12 19 / 32 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16.500 6 1 / 4 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 25 / 32 5 5 / 8 1 53 / 6412 4 7 / 16 ZAFS5407YF 11 7 / 8 1 3 / 8 144.00 ZAF5407YF 11 7 / 8 1 143.00 6 14 1 / 2 16 3 1 / 4 18.375 6 1 / 4 5 1 / 8 7/ 8 2 1 / 16 6 3 / 16 1 3 / 413 4 15 / 16 ZAFS5415F 12 9 / 16 1 9 / 16 209.00 ZAF5415F 12 9 / 16 1 3 / 16 207.00 6 15 5 / 8 17 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 19.703 7 7 / 8 5 7 / 8 1 2 1 / 16 7 1 / 16 1 15 / 1614 5 7 / 16 ZAFS5507F 13 11 / 16 1 19 / 32 248.00 ZAF5507F 13 7 / 16 1 7 / 32 233.00 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22.000 8 6 1 / 4 1 2 5 / 8 8 3 / 16 2155 15 / 16 ZAFS5515F 14 9295.00 ZAF5515F274.00/ 16 1 17 / 32 14 1 / 4 1 5 / 326 ZAFS5600F 290.00 ZAF5600F 269.007 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24.750 8 1 / 8 6 3 / 4 1 2 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 2 3 / 16166 7 / 16 ZAFS5607F355.00 ZAF5607F337.0015 3 / 4 15 5 / 16 7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26.750 7 1 / 8 1 3 2 7 / 166 1 / 2 ZAFS5608F 353.00 ZAF5608F 335.001 21 / 32 1 9 / 32 8 3 / 4 9 3 / 46 15 / 16 ZAFS5615F376.00 ZAF5615F 347.0016 1 / 8 1511/ 16 7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28.000 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 2 11 / 16ZAF5000, ZAFS5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller Bearing7 ZAFS5700F 372.00 ZAF5700F 345.0017Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - size code 6-8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & sizecode 12 thru 13 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all sizesPad length tolerance, +/-.0075” for size codes 6 thru 13, +/-.015”for size codes 14 thru 16Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Blocks - 1Pillow Block

ZAF6000, ZAFS6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZAF6000, ZAFS6000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveSAF InterchangePrecision milled endsCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberApprox.WeightPartNumberHApprox.WeightSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt Holes30GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)LABase toCenterlineHeightC D EEDFixedFBoltsPMGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EDExpansionPMH L M P STwo-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZAFS6115 20.00 ZAF6115 16.50 2 3 / 4 7 3 / 8 7 7 / 8 - 9.625 3 41 / 64 2 3 / 4 5/ 8 1 5 5 / 16 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 815/ 167 2 3 / 16 ZAFS6203 25.50 ZAF6203 21.00 3 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11.000 3 49 / 64 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 31 / 32 3 15 / 64 1 5 / 32 1 3 / 88 2 7 / 16 ZAFS6207 32.50 ZAF6207 32.50 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 - 11.125 4 5 / 32 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 6 25 / 32 3 19 / 32 1 27 / 64 1 3 / 1692 11 / 16 ZAFS6211ZAF6211345.0045.00/ 29 7 / 8 11 - 12.594 4 17 / 32 3 1 / 31 72 / 1 / 242 15 / 16 ZAFS6215 ZAF6215 3 3 / 4 1 1 / 4 7 3 / 44 3 / 32 1 25 / 64 1 3 / 8103 3 / 16 ZAFS6303 59.00 ZAF6303 52.00 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 13.750 - 5 93/ 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 8 8 1 / 464 4611/ 64 1 19 / 7 / 16323 7 / 16 ZAFS6307 76.50 ZAF6307 76.50 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 15.375 4 11 / 7 32 / 8 1 21 / 32 9 9 / 32 1 11 / 16Four-Bolt Pillow Block8 2 7 / 16 ZAFS6207F 31.00 ZAF6207F 31.00 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11.125 4 5 / 32 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1 1 / 4 6 25 / 32 3 19 / 32 1 27 / 64 1 1 / 1629/ 16 ZAFS6211F 44.50 ZAF6211F 44.50 3 1 / 29 7 / 8 11 2 1 / 8 12.594 4 17 / 32 3 1 / 51 72 / 1 / 282 15 / 16 ZAFS6215F 45.00 ZAF6215F 45.00 3 3 / 4 1 1 / 4 7 3 / 44 3 / 32 1 25 / 64 1 1 / 4103 3 / 16 ZAFS6303F 59.00 ZAF6303F 52.00 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13.750 5 93/ 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 8 8 1 / 4 164 4 61 / 64 1 19 / 5 / 16323 7 / 16 ZAFS6307F 75.00 ZAF6307F 75.00 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15.375 4 11 / 3 32 / 4 1 21 / 32 9 9 / 32 1 9 / 1611 3 15 / 16 ZAFS6315F 103.00 ZAF6315F 103.00 4 15 / 16 12 19 / 32 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16.500 5 31 / 32 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 25 / 32 10 5 / 16 5 43 / 64 1 47 / 64 1 53 / 6412 4 7 / 16 ZAFS6407YF 144.00 ZAF6407YF 144.00 6 14 1 / 2 16 3 1 / 4 18.375 6 1 / 4 5 1 / 8 7/ 8 2 1 / 16 11 7 / 8 6 1 / 16 1 7 / 8 1 3 / 413 4 15 / 16 ZAFS6415F 208.00 ZAF6415F 208.00 6 15 5 / 8 17 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 19.703 7 15 / 16 5 7 / 8 1 2 1 / 16 12 9 / 16 6 61 / 64 2 1 / 4 1 15 / 16Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - size code 6-8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & size code12 thru 13 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Pillow Blocks - 218Auxiliary end caps - available in all sizesPad length tolerance, +/-.0075” for size codes 6 thru 13, +/-.015”for size codes 14 thru 16Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZA2000, ZAS2000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode234567891011678ShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance Between Bolt HolesC45°Expansion Fixed AC E H L SPartNumberC E H L SABase toCenterlineHeightBase toCenterlineHeightEFixedPDDN M N MBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DFBoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionM N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block3/ 4 - - - - - - ZA20124.4015/ 16 - - - - - - ZA2015 5 7 / 8 2 3/ 4 3 1 / 16 7/ 8 1 9 / 16 4 3 / 8 - 2 9 / 16 1/ 2 1 3 / 4 1 5 / 16 9/ 16 4.301 - - - - - - ZA2100 4.201 1 / 8 - - - - - - ZA21025.501 3 / 6 5 / 16 2 1 / 7 8 / 8 3 7 / 7 16 / 8 1 3 / 4 4 3 / 4 - 2 11 / 1 16 / 2 2 1 17 / 9 16 - - - - - - ZA210332 / 165.401 1 / 4 - - - - - - ZA21041 7 / 16 ZAS21076 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 1 3 7 / 7ZA21078 / 8 6 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 1 3 / 16 3 11 13/ 16 / 16 1 7 / 8 5 - 2 7 / 1 8 / 2 2 5 / 16 1 3 117.00/ 4 / 161 1 / 2 ZAS2108 ZA2108 6.901 11 / 16 ZAS21117 1 / 8 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 7ZA21118 / 8 7 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 5 / 16 4 1 13/ 4 / 16 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 - 3 1 / 1 8 / 2 2 5 / 8 2 1 119.50/ 32 / 161 3 / 4 ZAS2112 ZA2112 9.401 15 / 16 ZAS21158 3 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 15ZA2115/ 16 / 16 8 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 15/ 16 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 - 3 1 / 5 8 / 8 2 15 / 16 2 5 1110.90/ 16 / 162 ZAS2200 ZA2200 10.702 3 / 16 ZAS22038 7 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 5 15ZA2203/ 8 5 / 16 8 5 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 5 15/ 8 5 / 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 - 3 5 / 5 16 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 2513.50/ 8 / 322 1 / 4 ZAS2204 ZA2204 13.302 3 / 8 ZAS2206ZA220616.102 7 / 16 ZAS2207 9 1 / 4 2 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 215/ 16 ZA2207 9 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 215/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 - 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 16.302 1 / 2 ZAS2208 ZA2208 16.602 11 / 16 ZAS2211ZA221127.302 3 / 4 ZAS2212 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 16 2 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 16 2 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 - 4 3/ 4 4 1 / 16 3 3 13/ 8 / 162 15 / 16 ZAS2215 ZA2215 26.003 ZAS2300 ZA2300 25.603 3 / 16 ZAS2303ZA230341.803 7 / 16 ZAS2307 13 3 7 / 16 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 ZA2307 13 3 7 / 16 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 10 - 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 40.303 1 / 2 ZAS2308 ZA2308 39.803 11 / 16 ZAS2311ZA231158.003 15 / 16 ZAS2315 14 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 ZA2315 14 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 4 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 - 5 3 / 16 1 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 56.004 ZAS2400 ZA2400 55.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block1 15 / 16 ZAS2115F8 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 9 13ZA2115F/ 16 / 16 8 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 9 13/ 16 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 3 1 / 1 8 / 2 2 15 / 16 2 5 1113.20/ 16 /2 ZAS2200F ZA2200F1613.102 3 / 16 ZAS2203F8 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 5 13ZA2203F/ 8 5 / 16 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 5 13/ 8 5 / 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 3 5 / 1 16 / 2 3 1 / 4 2 5 2515.30/ 8 / 322 1 / 4 ZAS2204F ZA2204F 15.102 3 / 8 ZAS2206FZA2206F16.902 7 / 16 ZAS2207F 9 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 213/ 16 ZA2207F 9 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 213/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 1 / 2 1/ 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 16.602 1 / 2 ZAS2208F ZA2208F 16.40PApprox.WeightZA2000, ZAS2000 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 19Pillow Blocks - 3Pillow Block

ZA2000, ZAS2000 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCode91011ShaftDiameterPartNumberExpansion Fixed AC E H L SPartNumberC E H L SBase toCenterlineHeightFour-Bolt Pillow Block(continued)BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DFBoltsM N PZA2211F28.002 11 / 16 ZAS2211F2 3 / 4 ZAS2212F 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 15/ 16 / 16 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 15/ 16 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 4 5/ 8 4 1 / 16 3 3 13/ 8 / 162 15 / 16 ZAS2215F ZA2215F 26.803 ZAS2300F ZA2300F 26.503 3 / 16 ZAS2303FZA2303F42.103 7 / 16 ZAS2307F 13 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 ZA2307F 13 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 2 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 40.603 1 / 2 ZAS2308F ZA2308F 40.103 11 / 16 ZAS2311FZA2311F63.003 15 / 16 ZAS2315F 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 1 1 / 4 ZA2315F 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 3/ 4 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 61.004 ZAS2400F ZA2400F 60.00Approx.WeightPillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: forexpansion units, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Pillow Blocks - 420Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for sizecodes 2 & 3 and ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZA3000, ZAS3000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance Between Bolt HolesC45°Expansion Fixed AC E H L SPartNumberC E H L SBase toCenterlineHeightPDDL N M N MABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesEFixedGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DFBoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionM N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block4 1 7 / 16 ZAS3107 6 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 1 3 7 / 8 7/ 8 ZA3107 6 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 1 3 / 16 3 11 / 1613/ 16 1 7 / 8 5 - 2 59 / 64 1/ 2 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 425/ 32 7.205 1 11 / 16 ZAS3111 7 1 / 8 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 ZA3111 7 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 5 / 16 4 1 / 413/ 16 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 - 3 3 / 16 1/ 2 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 32 3/ 4 9.706 1 15 / 16 ZAS3115 8 3 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1615/ 16 ZA3115 8 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1615/ 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 - 3 9 / 32 5/ 8 2 3 / 4 2 5 / 1627/ 32 11.107 2 3 / 16 ZAS3203 8 7 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 5 / 8 515/ 16 ZA3203 8 5 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 5 / 8 515/ 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 - 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 831/ 32 13.8082 7 / 16 ZAS3207ZA32079 1 / 4 2 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 1 15/ 2 / 162 1 / 2 ZAS3208 ZA32089 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 215/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 - 3 21 / 32 5/ 8 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 64 16.5092 11 / 16 ZAS3211 10 7ZA3211/ 16 3 3 / 16 2 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 10 7/ 16 3 3 / 16 2 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 - 4 13 / 327.7064 / 4 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 642 15 / 16 ZAS3215 ZA3215 26.40103 7 / 16 ZAS3307ZA330713 3 7 / 16 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 13 3 7 / 16 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 10 - 4 37 / 740.9064 / 8 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 643 1 / 2 ZAS3308 ZA3308 40.4011 3 15 / 16 ZAS3315 14 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 ZA3315 14 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 4 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 - 5 3 / 16 1 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 56.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZAS3115F 8 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1613/ 16 ZA3115F 8 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1613/ 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 3 9 / 32 1/ 2 2 3 / 4 2 5 / 1627/ 32 13.407 2 3 / 16 ZAS3203F 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 513/ 16 ZA3203F 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 513/ 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 3 1 / 2 1/ 2 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 831/ 32 15.6082 7 / 16 ZAS3207F 9 1ZA3207F/ 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 13/ 2 / 162 1 / 2 ZAS3208F ZA3208F9 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 213/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 21 / 32 1/ 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 64 16.8092 11 / 16 ZAS3211F 10 7ZA3211F/ 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 15/ 16 / 16 10 7/ 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 15/ 16 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 4 13 / 528.4064 / 8 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 642 15 / 16 ZAS3215F ZA3215F 27.20103 7 / 16 ZAS3307FZA3307F13 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 13 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 2 4 37 / 341.2064 / 4 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 643 1 / 2 ZAS3308F ZA3308F 40.7011 3 15 / 16 ZAS3315F 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 1 1 / 4 ZA3315F 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 3/ 4 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 61.00PApprox.WeightZA3000, ZAS3000 - Rex 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits,1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 21Pillow Blocks - 5Pillow Block

ZA5000, ZAS5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZA5000, ZAS5000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCExpansion Fixed AC E H L SPartNumberC E H L S45°P P P PDDL N M N MABase toCenterlineHeightBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesEFixedGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DFBoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionM N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block4 1 7 / 16 ZAS5107 6 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 1 3 7 / 8 7/ 8 ZA5107 6 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 1 3 / 16 3 11 / 1613/ 16 1 7 / 8 5 - 3 9 / 16 1/ 2 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 411/ 16 7.5051 1 / 2 ZAS51087 1 / 8 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 7ZA51088 / 8 7 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 5 / 16 4 1 13/ 4 / 16 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 - 3 13 / 110.5016 / 2 2 5 / 8 2 1 11/ 32 / 161 11 / 16 ZAS5111 ZA5111 10.106 1 15 / 16 ZAS5115 8 3 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1615/ 16 ZA5115 8 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1615/ 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 - 3 13 / 16 5/ 8 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 16 11.5072 ZAS5200ZA52008 7 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 5 15/ 8 5 / 16 8 5 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 5 15/ 8 5 / 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 - 4 1 / 515.208 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 25/ 8 / 322 3 / 16 ZAS5203 ZA5203 15.808 2 7 / 16 ZAS5207 9 1 / 4 2 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 215/ 16 ZA5207 9 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 215/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 - 4 3 / 8 5/ 8 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 17.102 1 / 2 ZAS5208ZA520830.009 2 11 / 16 ZAS5211 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 16 2 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 ZA5211 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 16 2 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 - 4 7 / 8 3/ 4 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 813/ 16 29.002 15 / 16 ZAS5215 ZA5215 28.50103 3 / 16 ZAS5303ZA530313 3 7 / 16 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 13 3 7 / 16 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 10 - 5 5 / 744.4016 / 8 4 15 / 16 3 31 15/ 32 / 163 7 / 16 ZAS5307 ZA5307 42.503 11 / 16 ZAS5311ZA531160.5011 3 15 / 16 ZAS5315 14 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 ZA5315 14 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 4 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 - 6 1 / 4 1 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 59.504 ZAS5400 ZA5400 58.50Four-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZAS5115F 8 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1613/ 16 ZA5115F 8 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 1613/ 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 3 13 / 16 1/ 2 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 16 13.8072 ZAS5200F 8 7ZA5200F/ 8 3 1 / 4 1 5 13/ 8 5 / 16 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 5 13/ 8 5 / 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 4 1 / 117.008 / 2 3 1 / 4 2 5 25/ 8 / 322 3 / 16 ZAS5203F ZA5203F 17.608 2 7 / 16 ZAS5207F 9 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 213/ 16 ZA5207F 9 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 213/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 4 3 / 8 1/ 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 17.902 1 / 2 ZAS5208FZA5208F30.709 2 11 / 16 ZAS5211F 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 1615/ 16 ZA5211F 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 1615/ 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 4 7 / 8 5/ 8 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 813/ 16 29.702 15 / 16 ZAS5215F ZA5215F 29.20103 3 / 16 ZAS5303FZA5303F13 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 13 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 2 5 5 / 344.7016 / 4 4 15 / 16 3 31 15/ 32 / 163 7 / 16 ZAS5307F ZA5307F 42.803 11 / 16 ZAS5311FZA5311F65.5011 3 15 / 16 ZAS5315F 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 1 1 / 4 ZA5315F 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 3/ 4 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 64.504 ZAS5400F ZA5400F 63.50Approx.WeightPillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Pillow Blocks - 622Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZA6000, ZAS6000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesExpansion Fixed ACLPartNumberCLCBase toCenterlineHeight45BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesL NABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DEDFixedEFBoltsPMNGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EDExpansionH M N P SZA6211F28.00Two-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZAS6115 8 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 ZA6115 8 1 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 - 3 41 / 64 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 55 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 815/ 16 10.907 2 3 / 16 ZAS6203 8 7 / 8 5 ZA6203 8 5 / 8 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 - 3 49 / 64 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 15 / 64 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 3215/ 16 12.9082 3 / 8 ZAS6206ZA62069 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 9 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 - 4 5 / 32 2 11 / 516.1016 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 15/ 64 / 162 7 / 16 ZAS6207 ZA6207 16.302 11 / 16 ZAS6211ZA621127.309 2 3 / 4 ZAS6212 10 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 ZA6212 10 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 - 4 17 / 32 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 2 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 / 64 1 1 / 16 26.902 15 / 16 ZAS6215 ZA6215 26.00103 3 / 16 ZAS6303ZA630313 7 1 / 2 13 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 - 5 9 / 64 3 7 / 741.8016 / 8 2 1 / 4 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 32 1 5 / 83 7 / 16 ZAS6307 ZA6307 40.30113 11 / 16 ZAS6311ZA631158.0014 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 14 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 - 5 31 / 32 4 1 / 8 1 2 1 / 8 5 43 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 47 / 64 1 3 / 43 15 / 16 ZAS6315 ZA6315 56.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZAS6115F 8 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 ZA6115F 8 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 3 41 / 64 3 3 / 16 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 2 55 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 813/ 16 11.707 2 3 / 16 ZAS6203F 8 7 / 8 5 ZA6203F 8 7 / 8 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 3 49 / 64 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 5 / 8 3 15 / 64 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 3213/ 16 15.3082 3 / 8 ZAS6206FZA6206F9 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 9 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 4 5 / 32 3 3 / 116.908 / 2 1 3 / 4 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 13/ 64 / 162 7 / 16 ZAS6207F ZA6207F 16.602 11 / 16 ZAS6211F910 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 10 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 4 17 / 32 3 3 / 5 4 / 8 2 1 / 4 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 152 3 / 4 ZAS6212F ZA6212F/ 64 / 1626.802 15 / 16 ZAS6215F ZA6215F103 3 / 16 ZAS6303FZA6303F13 7 1 / 2 13 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 2 5 9 / 64 4 1 / 342.108 / 4 2 1 / 4 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 32 1 1 / 23 7 / 16 ZAS6307F ZA6307F 40.60113 11 / 16 ZAS6311FZA6311F15 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 15 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 5 31 / 32 4 1 / 363.002 / 4 2 5 / 8 5 43 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 47 / 64 1 1 / 43 15 / 16 ZAS6315F ZA6315F 61.00PMApprox.WeightZA6000, ZAS6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 23Pillow Blocks - 7Pillow Block

ZA9000, ZAS9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZA9000, ZAS9000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCExpansion Fixed ACLPartNumberCLBase toCenterlineHeight45BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesDL NM NABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DEEFixedFBoltsPGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EDExpansionH M N P STwo-Bolt Pillow Block71 15 / 16 ZAS9115ZA91158 7 / 8 58 5 / 8 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 - 3 5 / 32 2 9 / 513.7016 / 8 1 5 / 8 2 31 / 32 2 5 19 15/ 8 / 32 / 162 ZAS9200 ZA9200 13.608 2 3 / 16 ZAS9203 9 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 ZA9203 9 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 - 3 11 / 32 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 3215/ 16 16.4092 7 / 16 ZAS9207ZA920710 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 10 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 - 3 3 / 4 3 3 / 326.6016 / 4 2 3 5 / 8 3 3 23/ 8 / 32 1 1 / 162 1 / 2 ZAS9208 ZA9208 26.20102 11 / 16 ZAS9211ZA921113 7 1 / 2 13 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 - 4 1 / 4 3 7 / 743.0016 / 8 2 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 3 31 13/ 32 / 16 1 5 / 82 15 / 16 ZAS9215 ZA9215 41.80113 3 / 16 ZAS9303ZA930314 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 14 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 - 5 1 / 16 4 1 / 8 1 2 1 / 8 5 3 / 16 4 9 1561.00/ 16 / 16 1 3 / 43 7 / 16 ZAS9307 ZA9307 59.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block71 15 / 16 ZAS9115FZA9115F8 7 / 8 58 7 / 8 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 3 5 / 32 3 1 / 115.504 / 2 1 5 / 8 2 31 / 32 2 5 19 13/ 8 / 32 / 162 ZAS9200F ZA9200F 15.408 2 3 / 16 ZAS9203F 9 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 ZA9203F 9 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 11 / 32 3 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 4 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 3213/ 16 17.2092 7 / 16 ZAS9207FZA9207F10 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 10 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 3 3 / 4 3 3 / 527.304 / 8 2 1 / 4 3 5 / 8 3 3 23 15/ 8 / 32 / 162 1 / 2 ZAS9208F ZA9208F 29.30102 11 / 16 ZAS9211FZA9211F13 7 1 / 2 13 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 2 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 343.308 / 4 2 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 3 31 13/ 32 / 16 1 1 / 22 15 / 16 ZAS9215F ZA9215F 42.10113 3 / 16 ZAS9303FZA9303F15 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 15 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 1 / 366.002 / 4 2 5 / 8 5 3 / 16 4 9 15/ 16 / 16 1 1 / 43 7 / 16 ZAS9307F ZA9307F 64.00PMApprox.WeightPillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesPillow Blocks - 824Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZA2000-72, ZAS2000-72Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode4567891011ShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumber1 7 / 16 ZAS210772ZA2107723 7 / 81 1 / 2 ZAS210872 ZA2108721 11 / 16 ZAS211172ZA2111724 3 / 81 3 / 4 ZAS211272 ZA2112721 15 / 16 ZAS211572ZA2115724 9 / 162 ZAS220072 ZA2200722 3 / 16 ZAS220372ZA22037252 1 / 4 ZAS220472 ZA2204722 3 / 8 ZAS220672ZA2206722 7 / 16 ZAS220772 5 1 / 2 ZA2207722 1 / 2 ZAS220872 ZA2208722 11 / 16 ZAS221172ZA2211722 3 / 4 ZAS221272 ZA2212726 7 / 162 15 / 16 ZAS221572 ZA2215723 ZAS230072 ZA2300723 3 / 16 ZAS230372ZA2303723 7 / 16 ZAS230772 7 1 / 2 ZA2307723 1 / 2 ZAS230872 ZA2308723 11 / 16 ZAS231172ZA2311723 15 / 16 ZAS231572 8 1 / 2 ZA2315724 ZAS240072 ZA240072HLSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetween BoltHoles30°C D EDDL N M NMABase toCenterlineHeightFBoltsH M N P SApprox.Weight3 11 / 16 1 7 / 8 5 6 7 / 8 2 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 411/ 1613/ 16 7.504 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 7 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 3211/ 1613/ 16 10.504 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 1615/ 16 11.705 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 3 5 / 16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 813/ 1615/ 16 14.505 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 815/ 16 18.006 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 7/ 8 1 1 / 16 25.507 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 13 4 3 / 8 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 1 5 / 8 42.508 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 4 1 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 4 52.50EFixedPEExpansionPZA2000-72, ZAS2000-72 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansion units,1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 25Pillow Blocks - 9Cast Steel Pillow Block

ZA3000-72, ZAS3000-72 - Rex 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZA3000-72, ZAS3000-72Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumberHLSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt Holes30°LABase toCenterlineHeightC D EEFixedPDDN M N MFBoltsEExpansionH M N P S4 1 7 / 16 ZAS310772 3 7 / 8 ZA310772 3 11 / 16 1 7 / 8 5 6 7 / 8 2 59 / 64 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 425/ 3213/ 16 8.005 1 11 / 16 ZAS311172 4 3 / 8 ZA311172 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 7 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 32 3/ 413/ 16 10.506 1 15 / 16 ZAS311572 4 9 / 16 ZA311572 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 3 / 8 3 9 / 32 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 3 / 4 2 5 / 1627/ 3215/ 16 12.007 2 3 / 16 ZAS320372 5 ZA320372 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 2 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 831/ 3215/ 16 15.0082 7 / 16 ZAS320772ZA3207725 1 / 22 1 / 2 ZAS320872 ZA3208725 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 3 21 / 32 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 6415/ 16 18.0092 11 / 16 ZAS321172ZA3211726 7 / 162 15 / 16 ZAS321572 ZA3215726 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 13 / 64 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 64 1 1 / 16 26.80103 7 / 16 ZAS330772ZA3307727 1 / 23 1 / 2 ZAS330872 ZA3308727 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 13 4 37 / 64 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 64 1 5 / 8 42.5011 3 15 / 16 ZAS331572 8 1 / 2 ZA331572 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 4 1 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 4 52.00PApprox.WeightCast Steel Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesPillow Blocks - 1026Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZA5000-72, ZAS5000-72Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCExpansion Fixed ALApprox.WeightPart NumberLApprox.WeightBase toCenterlineHeight30°P P P PDDL N M N MABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesEFixedC D EFBoltsEExpansionH M N P S4 1 7 / 16 ZAS510772 3 7 / 8 8.50 ZA510772 3 11 / 16 7.30 1 7 / 8 5 6 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 411/ 1613/ 1651 1 / 2 ZAS510872 12.10 ZA51087210.704 3 / 8 4 1 / 41 11 / 16 ZAS511172 11.70 ZA511172 10.302 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 7 3 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 3211/ 1613/ 166 1 15 / 16 ZAS511572 4 9 / 16 12.80 ZA511572 4 9 / 16 11.90 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 3 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 1615/ 1672 ZAS520072 16.50 ZA52007216.00552 3 / 16 ZAS520372 15.20 ZA520372 15.402 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 4 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 813/ 1615/ 168 2 7 / 16 ZAS520772 5 1 / 2 19.40 ZA520772 5 1 / 2 18.60 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 815/ 162 1 / 2 ZAS520872 29.70 ZA52087228.909 2 11 / 16 ZAS521172 6 7 / 16 28.70 ZA521172 6 7 / 16 27.90 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 7 / 8 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 7/ 8 1 1 / 162 15 / 16 ZAS521572 28.20 ZA521572 27.40103 3 / 16 ZAS530372 46.60 ZA53037242.107 1 / 2 7 1 / 23 7 / 16 ZAS530772 44.70 ZA530772 40.203 3 / 4 10 13 5 5 / 16 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 1 5 / 83 11 / 16 ZAS531172 59.50 ZA53117250.8011 3 15 / 16 ZAS531572 8 1 / 2 58.50 ZA531572 8 1 / 2 49.80 4 1 / 8 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 4 1 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 44 ZAS540072 57.50 ZA540072 48.80ZA5000-72, ZAS5000-72 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 27Pillow Blocks - 11Cast Steel Pillow Block

ZA6000-72, ZAS6000-72 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZA6000-72, ZAS6000-72Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingHSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCExpansion Fixed AApprox.WeightPartNumberApprox.WeightBase toCenterlineHeight30°BDistanceBetween BoltHolesPL N M N MABase toCenterlineHeightC D EEFixedFBoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionH L M N P S6 1 15 / 16 ZAS611572 12.20 ZA611572 11.30 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 3 / 8 3 41 / 64 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 55 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 815/ 167 2 3 / 16 ZAS620372 14.80 ZA620372 14.30 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 3 49 / 64 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 3 15 / 64 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 3215/ 1682 3 / 8 ZAS620672 18.50 ZA620672 17.702 7 / 16 ZAS620772 18.40 ZA620772 17.602 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 4 5 / 32 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 2 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 / 6415/ 162 11 / 16 ZAS621172 27.00 ZA621172 26.209 2 3 / 4 ZAS621272 26.60 ZA621272 25.80 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 17 / 32 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 16 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 / 64 1 1 / 162 15 / 16 ZAS621572 25.50 ZA621572 24.70103 3 / 16 ZAS630372 44.00 ZA630372 39.503 7 / 16 ZAS630772 42.50 ZA630772 41.503 3 / 4 10 13 5 9 / 64 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 32 1 5 / 8113 11 / 16 ZAS631172 57.00 ZA631172 48.303 15 / 16 ZAS631572 55.00 ZA631572 46.304 1 / 8 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 31 / 32 4 1 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 5 43 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 47 / 64 2 1 / 4PCast Steel Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesPillow Blocks - 1228Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZA9000-72, ZAS9000-72Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed AApprox.WeightPartNumberHSApprox.WeightBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesDL NM NABase toCenterlineHeightC D EFBoltsH L M N P S71 15 / 16 ZAS911572 15.00 ZA911572 14.502 ZAS920072 14.90 ZA920072 14.402 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 3 5 / 32 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 2 31 / 32 2 5 / 819/ 3215/ 168 2 3 / 16 ZAS920372 18.70 ZA920372 17.90 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 3 11 / 32 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 3215/ 1692 7 / 16 ZAS920772 26.30 ZA920772 25.502 1 / 2 ZAS920872 25.90 ZA920872 25.103 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 3 3 / 4 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 16 3 5 / 8 3 3 / 823/ 32 1 1 / 16102 11 / 16 ZAS921172 45.20 ZA921172 40.702 15 / 16 ZAS921572 44.00 ZA921572 39.503 3 / 4 10 13 4 1 / 4 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 13 / 32 3 31 / 3213/ 16 1 5 / 8113 3 / 16 ZAS930372 60.00 ZA930372 51.303 7 / 16 ZAS930772 57.00 ZA930772 49.304 1 / 8 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 1 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 5 3 / 16 4 9 / 1615/ 16 2 1 / 430EFixedPEDExpansionPMZA9000-72, ZAS9000-72 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for fixed units, 1/8” PT: for expansionunits, 1/4”-28 UNFBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except ZAS seriesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 29Pillow Blocks - 13Cast Steel Pillow Block

ZP5000, ZPS5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingPillow BlockZP5000, ZPS5000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/4” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPillow Blocks - 14PartNumberBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed AL PApprox. PartWeight NumberL PApprox.WeightPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 4 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Expansion - size code 4 thru 8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & sizecode 12 thru 16 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”HBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D EFBolts“K” seals only available in size codes 4 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all sizesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.H M STwo-Bolt Pillow Block4 1 7 / 16 ZPS5107 4 11 / 32 9/ 16 10.70 ZP5107 3 31 / 3211/ 16 8.10 2 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 - 8 1 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 7 / 16 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 851 1 / 2 ZPS51084 13 / 115.70 ZP510816 / 2 4 7 1111.90/ 16 / 16111/ 16 ZPS5111 15.10 ZP5111 11.602 5 / 16 6 1 / 2 - 9 3 13 / 16 2 13 / 16 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 5 / 8 1 1 / 46 1 15 / 16 ZPS5115 4 15 / 16 9/ 16 16.10 ZP5115 4 3 / 411/ 16 13.40 2 1 / 2 7 - 9 3 / 4 3 13 / 16 2 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 7 / 16 2 15 / 16 1 1 / 472 ZPS52005 23 1121.80 ZP5200/ 32 / 16 5 1 1317.50/ 4 / 1623/ 16 ZPS5203 21.60 ZP5203 16.902 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 - 10 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 1 / 48 2 7 / 16 ZPS5207 6 3 / 16 3/ 4 25.90 ZP5207 5 3 / 4 7/ 8 21.20 3 8 1 / 4 - 11 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 3 9 / 16 1 3 / 82 1 / 2 ZPS520843.40 ZP520835.209 2 11 / 16 ZPS5211 7 3 / 16 3/ 4 42.50 ZP5211 6 23 / 32 7/ 8 33.90 3 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 - 13 4 7 / 8 3 7 / 8 7/ 8 2 1 / 16 4 1 / 16 1 5 / 82 15 / 16 ZPS5215 40.40 ZP5215 32.60Four-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZPS5115F 5 5 / 32 9/ 16 17.70 ZP5115F 511/ 16 15.80 2 1 / 2 7 2 1 / 4 9 3 / 4 3 13 / 16 4 5/ 8 1 2 15 / 16 1 1 / 472 ZPS5200F5 23 1122.10 ZP5200F/ 32 / 16 5 1 1319.60/ 2 / 1623/ 16 ZPS5203F 21.70 ZP5203F 18.802 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 10 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 1 / 4 1 1 / 48 2 7 / 16 ZPS5207F 6 7 / 32 3/ 4 27.40 ZP5207F 6 7/ 8 24.40 3 8 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 11 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 9 / 16 1 15 / 162 1 / 2 ZPS5208F44.20 ZP5208F38.209 2 11 / 16 ZPS5211F 7 5 / 16 3/ 4 43.40 ZP5211F 7 1 / 16 7/ 8 37.20 3 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 13 4 7 / 8 5 3/ 4 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 16 1 1 / 22 15 / 16 ZPS5215F 41.80 ZP5215F 35.10103 3 / 16 ZPS5303F8 3 1359.00 ZP5303F/ 8 / 16 8 1 1552.00/ 8 / 1637/ 16 ZPS5307F 57.00 ZP5307F 51.004 11 1 / 2 3 15 5 5 / 16 5 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 1 1 / 23 11 / 16 ZPS5311F98.00 ZP5311F86.0011 3 15 / 16 ZPS5315F 10 1 / 415/ 16 96.00 ZP5315F 9 7 / 8 1 1 / 16 84.00 5 13 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 16 3 / 4 6 1 / 4 6 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 24 ZPS5400F 95.00 ZP5400F 83.004 3 / 16 ZPS5403YF122.00 ZP5403YF110.0012 4 7 / 16 ZPS5407YF 11 5 / 8 7/ 8 119.00 ZP5407YF 11 1 / 4 1 108.00 5 3 / 4 14 3 / 4 4 18 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 1 3 / 4 6 3 / 16 1 13 / 164 1 / 2 ZPS5408YF 118.00 ZP5408YF 107.00134 15 / 16 ZPS5415F13 1 15206.00 ZP5415F171.00/ 8 / 16 12 1 / 2 1 5 / 325 ZPS5500F 203.00 ZP5500F 168.006 1 / 8 16 4 1 / 4 20 1 / 4 7 7 / 8 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 7 1 / 16 214 5 7 / 16 ZPS5507F 14 3 / 8 1 3 / 32 226.00 ZP5507F 14 1 7 / 32 211.00 6 11 / 16 18 5 / 16 3 11 / 16 22 8 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 8 3 / 16 2 1 / 16155 15 / 16 ZPS5515F274.00 ZP5515F255.0015 3 / 32 1 1 / 16 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 326 ZPS5600F 273.00 ZP5600F 254.007 1 / 16 20 1 / 2 4 3 / 16 24 3 / 4 8 1 / 8 6 3 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 11 / 16 2 1 / 46 7 / 16 ZPS5607F366.00 ZP5607F339.0016 6 15 / 16 ZPS5615F 16 3 / 4 1 3 / 16 352.00 ZP5615F 16 5 / 16 1 9 / 32 328.00 7 7 / 8 23 4 7 / 16 28 8 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 2 5 / 167 ZPS5700F 348.00 ZP5700F 326.003030SLABase toCenterlineHeightPEDFixedP P PMEDExpansionMGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZP6000, ZPS6000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed ALPApprox.WeightHPartNumberBDistance Between Bolt HolesCLPApprox.WeightTwo-Bolt Pillow BlockBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D EFBoltsH M S6 1 15 / 16 ZPS6115 4 15 / 16 1 16.10 ZP6115 4 3 / 4 1 1 / 8 13.40 2 1 / 2 7 - 9 3 / 4 3 41 / 64 2 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 7 / 16 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 47 2 3 / 16 ZPS6203 5 23 / 32 1 1 / 16 21.80 ZP6203 5 1 / 4 1 5 / 32 17.50 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 - 10 1 / 4 3 49 / 64 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 15 / 64 1 1 / 482 3 / 8 ZPS6206ZP620622.206 3 / 16 1 19 / 64 25.905 3 / 4 1 27 / 642 7 / 16 ZPS6207 ZP6207 21.203 8 1 / 4 - 11 1 / 4 4 5 / 32 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 3 19 / 32 1 3 / 82 11 / 16 ZPS621143.40 ZP621135.209 2 3 / 4 ZPS6212 7 3 / 16 1 17 / 64 42.40 ZP6212 6 23 / 32 1 25 / 64 34.20 3 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 - 13 4 17 / 32 3 7 / 8 7/ 8 2 1 / 16 4 3 / 32 1 5 / 82 15 / 16 ZPS6215 42.50 ZP6215 33.90Four-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZPS6115F 5 5 / 32 1 17.70 ZP6115F 5 1 1 / 8 15.80 2 1 / 2 7 2 1 / 4 9 3 / 4 3 41 / 64 4 5/ 8 1 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 47 2 3 / 16 ZPS6203F 5 23 / 32 1 1 / 16 22.10 ZP6203F 5 1 / 2 1 5 / 32 19.60 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 10 1 / 4 3 49 / 64 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 15 / 64 1 1 / 482 3 / 8 ZPS6206F28.40 ZP6206F25.406 7 / 32 1 19 / 64 6 1 27 / 642 7 / 16 ZPS6207F 27.40 ZP6207F 24.403 8 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 11 1 / 4 4 5 / 32 4 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 19 / 32 1 15 / 162 11 / 16 ZPS6211F44.20 ZP6211F38.209 2 3 / 4 ZPS6212F 7 5 / 16 1 17 / 64 42.50 ZP6212F 7 1 / 16 1 25 / 64 36.50 3 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 13 4 17 / 32 5 3/ 4 1 3 / 8 4 3 / 32 1 1 / 22 15 / 16 ZPS6215F 43.40 ZP6215F 37.20103 3 / 16 ZPS6303F59.00 ZP6303F52.008 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 8 1 / 8 1 19 / 323 7 / 16 ZPS6307F 57.00 ZP6307F 51.004 11 1 / 2 3 15 5 9 / 64 5 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 1 1 / 2113 11 / 16 ZPS6311F98.00 ZP6311F86.0010 1 / 4 1 39 / 64 9 7 / 8 1 47 / 643 15 / 16 ZPS6315F 96.00 ZP6315F 84.005 13 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 16 3 / 4 5 31 / 32 6 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 43 / 64 1 1 / 2124 3 / 16 ZPS6403YF 11 5122.00 ZP6403YF/ 8 1 3 / 4 11 1110.00/ 4 1 7 / 84 7 / 16 ZPS6407YF 119.00 ZP6407YF 118.005 3 / 4 14 3 / 4 4 18 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 1 3 / 4 6 1 / 16 1 13 / 1613 4 15 / 16 ZPS6415F 13 1 / 8 2 1 / 64 206.00 ZP6415F 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 171.00 6 1 / 8 16 4 1 / 4 20 1 / 4 7 15 / 16 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 61 / 64 230SLABase toCenterlineHeightEDFixedPMEDExpansionPMGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)ZP6000, ZPS6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - size code 6 thru 8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & sizecode 12 thru 13 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all sizesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 31Pillow Blocks - 15Pillow Block

ZP9000, ZPS9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZP9000, ZPS9000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/4” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed AD L PHApprox.WeightPartNumberBDistance Between Bolt HolesCD L PApprox.WeightBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)CEFBoltsH M STwo-Bolt Pillow Block71 15 / 16 ZPS91153 5 / 32 5 23 / 120.50 ZP911516.0032 / 2 3 5 / 32 5 1 19/ 4 / 322 ZPS9200 20.30 ZP9200 15.902 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 - 10 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 2 31 / 32 1 1 / 48 2 3 / 16 ZPS9203 3 11 / 32 6 3 / 1619/ 32 24.80 ZP9203 3 11 / 32 5 3 / 423/ 32 20.10 3 8 1 / 4 - 11 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 3 3 / 8 1 3 / 892 7 / 16 ZPS92073 3 / 4 7 3 1940.60 ZP9207/ 16 / 32 3 27 / 32 6 23 2332.20/ 32 / 322 1 / 2 ZPS9208 40.50 ZP9208 31.903 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 - 13 3 7 / 8 7/ 8 2 1 / 16 3 5 / 8 1 5 / 8Four-Bolt Pillow Block71 15 / 16 ZPS9115F3 5 / 32 5 23 / 120.50 ZP9115F18.1032 / 2 3 5 / 32 5 1 19/ 2 / 322 ZPS9200F 20.30 ZP9200F 17.902 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 10 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 2 31 / 32 1 1 / 48 2 3 / 16 ZPS9203F 3 11 / 32 6 7 / 3219/ 32 26.70 ZP9203F 3 11 / 32 623/ 32 22.80 3 8 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 11 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 492 7 / 16 ZPS9207F41.80 ZP9207F35.403 3 / 4 7 5 19/ 16 / 32 3 27 / 32 7 1 23/ 16 / 322 1 / 2 ZPS9208F 41.70 ZP9208F 34.603 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 13 5 3/ 4 1 3 / 8 3 5 / 8 1 1 / 2102 11 / 16 ZPS9211F56.00 ZP9211F51.204 1 / 4 8 3 11/ 8 / 16 4 1 / 4 8 1 13/ 8 / 162 15 / 16 ZPS9215F 55.00 ZP9215F 50.004 11 1 / 2 3 15 5 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 4 13 / 32 1 1 / 2113 3 / 16 ZPS9303F95.00 ZP9303F83.005 1 / 16 10 1 13/ 4 / 16 5 1 / 16 9 7 15/ 8 / 163 7 / 16 ZPS9307F 93.00 ZP9307F 81.005 13 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 16 3 / 4 6 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 / 16 1 1 / 23 11 / 16 ZPS9311YF121.00 ZP9311YF110.0012 3 15 / 16 ZPS9315YF 5 13 / 32 11 5 / 829/ 32 119.00 ZP9315YF 5 9 / 32 11 1 / 4 1 1 / 32 108.00 5 3 / 4 14 3 / 4 4 18 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 1 3 / 4 5 23 / 32 1 7 / 84 ZPS9400YF 118.00 ZP9400YF 107.00134 3 / 16 ZPS9403F204.00 ZP9403F174.006 3 / 4 13 1 29/ 8 / 32 6 13 / 16 12 1 / 2 1 1 / 84 7 / 16 ZPS9407F 202.00 ZP9407F 168.006 1 / 8 16 4 1 / 4 20 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 1 / 8 2144 15 / 16 ZPS9415F222.00 ZP9415F202.007 3 / 16 14 3 / 8 1 5 / 32 7 14 1 1 / 85 ZPS9500F 220.00 ZP9500F 201.006 11 / 16 18 5 / 16 3 11 / 16 22 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 7 3 / 32 2 1 / 16155 3 / 16 ZPS9503F273.00 ZP9503F254.007 3 / 16 15 3 / 32 1 3 / 8 7 7 / 16 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 165 7 / 16 ZPS9507F 269.00 ZP9507F 250.007 1 / 16 20 1 / 2 4 3 / 16 24 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 1 / 16 2 1 / 165 15 / 16 ZPS9515F350.00 ZP9515F328.0016 6 ZPS9600F 7 3 / 4 16 3 / 4 1 3 / 4 349.00 ZP9600F 7 3 / 4 16 5 / 16 1 11 / 16 327.00 7 7 / 8 23 4 7 / 16 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 9 1 / 16 2 5 / 166 7 / 16 ZPS9607F 342.00 ZP9607F 320.0030SLABase toCenterlineHeightEDFixedPMEDExpansionPMGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 7 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Expansion - size code 7 thru 8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & sizecode 12 thru 16 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 7 thru 11Pillow Blocks - 1632Auxiliary end caps - available in all sizesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZEP2000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode345678910891011ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D ERex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 33Pillow Blocks - 17FBoltsH L M N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block1 1 / 8 ZEP21021 3 / 16 ZEP2103 1 1 / 2 4 7 / 16 5 - 6 3 / 8 2 11 / 16 2 1 / 8 1/ 2 7/ 8 3 1 / 4 2 1 17 / 32 9/ 165.801 1 / 4 ZEP2104 5.701 7 / 16 ZEP2107 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 4 67-/ 827/ 8 2 1 / 114 / 1 / 8 3 7 / 82 25/ 16 1 3 116.90/ 4 / 161 1 / 2 ZEP2108 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 9.501 11 / 16 ZEP2111 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 7 / 1 8- 31// 8 2 1 2 1/ 1 / 4 4 3 / 82 25/ 8 2 1 119.90/ 32 / 161 3 / 4 ZEP2112 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 8 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 11.801 15 / 16 ZEP21152 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 - 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 15 / 16 2 5 1111.50/ 16 / 162 ZEP2200 11.402 3 / 16 ZEP2203 2 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 89-/ 835/ 16 2 9 / 5116 / 1 25/ 2 5/8 3 1 / 4 2 5 32 14.80/ 82 1 / 4 ZEP2204 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 10 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 5 7 / 3 16 / 4 18.602 3 / 8 ZEP220618.302 7 / 16 ZEP2207 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 - 10 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 18.202 1 / 2 ZEP2208 17.902 11 / 16 ZEP221129.302 3 / 4 ZEP22123 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 - 11 13 / 16 4 3 3 / 3 16 / 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 1328.80/ 8 / 162 15 / 16 ZEP2215 27.703 ZEP2300 27.503 3 / 16 ZEP230344.503 7 / 16 ZEP2307 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 - 13 13 / 16 4 3 / 8 3 1 / 2 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 42.503 1 / 2 ZEP2308 42.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block2 3 / 8 ZEP2206F18.402 7 / 16 ZEP2207F 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 3 5 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 18.302 1 / 2 ZEP2208F 18.002 11 / 16 ZEP2211F28.502 3 / 4 ZEP2212F3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 4 4 1 / 5 4 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 1328.30/ 8 / 162 15 / 16 ZEP2215F 27.303 ZEP2300F 27.003 3 / 16 ZEP2303F45.003 7 / 16 ZEP2307F 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 4 3 / 8 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 43.003 1 / 2 ZEP2308F 42.503 11 / 16 ZEP2311F63.003 15 / 16 ZEP2315F 4 1 / 4 12 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 61.004 ZEP2400F 60.00Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size code 3HBDistance Between Bolt HolesC30LNABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.EDPMNEDPMApprox.WeightZEP2000 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingType E Pillow Block

ZEP3000 - Rex 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZEP3000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingHB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance Between Bolt HolesCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D EFBoltsH L M N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block4 1 7 / 16 ZEP3107 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 - 7 3 / 8 2 59 / 64 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 425/ 32 7.105 1 11 / 16 ZEP3111 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 - 7 7 / 8 3 3 / 16 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 32 3/ 4 10.106 1 15 / 16 ZEP3115 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 - 8 7 / 8 3 9 / 32 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 3 / 4 2 5 / 1627/ 32 11.707 2 3 / 16 ZEP3203 2 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 - 9 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 831/ 32 15.1082 7 / 16 ZEP32072 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 - 10 1 / 2 3 21 / 32 2 11 / 518.4016 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 642 1 / 2 ZEP3208 18.1092 11 / 16 ZEP32113 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 - 11 13 / 16 4 13 / 64 3 3 / 329.5016 / 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 642 15 / 16 ZEP3215 28.10103 7 / 16 ZEP33073 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 - 13 13 / 16 4 37 / 64 3 1 / 743.102 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 643 1 / 2 ZEP3308 42.20Four-Bolt Pillow Block82 7 / 16 ZEP3207F2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 3 21 / 32 3 5 / 518.508 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 642 1 / 2 ZEP3208F 18.2092 11 / 16 ZEP3211F3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 4 13 / 64 4 1 / 528.704 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 642 15 / 16 ZEP3215F 27.70103 7 / 16 ZEP3307F3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 4 37 / 64 4 3 / 343.604 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 643 1 / 2 ZEP3308F 42.7011 3 15 / 16 ZEP3315F 4 1 / 4 12 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 61.0030LNABase toCenterlineHeightEDPMNGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EDPMApprox.WeightType E Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionPillow Blocks - 1834Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZEP5000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingHB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance Between Bolt HolesC30GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D ETwo-Bolt Pillow BlockLNABase toCenterlineHeightFBoltsP PP PDEM NGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)H L M N P4 1 7 / 16 ZEP5107 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 - 7 3 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 411/ 16 7.4051 1 / 2 ZEP51082 1 / 8 5 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 - 7 7 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 1 / 110.902 / 2 1 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 2 5 / 8 2 1 11/ 32 / 161 11 / 16 ZEP5111 10.506 1 15 / 16 ZEP5115 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 - 8 7 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 16 12.1072 ZEP52002 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 - 9 5 / 8 4 1 / 8 2 9 / 516.5016 / 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 1 / 4 2 5 25/ 8 / 322 3 / 16 ZEP5203 15.908 2 7 / 16 ZEP5207 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 - 10 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 19.302 1 / 2 ZEP520831.509 2 11 / 16 ZEP5211 3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 - 11 13 / 16 4 7 / 8 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 813/ 16 30.502 15 / 16 ZEP5215 30.10103 3 / 16 ZEP53033 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 - 13 13 / 16 5 5 / 16 3 1 / 7 2 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 3 31 1547.10/ 32 / 163 7 / 16 ZEP5307 44.70Four-Bolt Pillow Block8 2 7 / 16 ZEP5207F 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 3 5 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 19.402 1 / 2 ZEP5208F31.009 2 11 / 16 ZEP5211F 3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 4 5/ 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 813/ 16 30.002 15 / 16 ZEP5215F 29.70103 3 / 16 ZEP5303F3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 5 5 / 16 4 3 / 347.604 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 3 31 15/ 32 / 163 7 / 16 ZEP5307F 45.203 11 / 16 ZEP5311F65.5011 3 15 / 16 ZEP5315F 4 1 / 4 12 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 64.804 ZEP5400F 63.504 3 / 16 ZEP5403YF81.0012 4 7 / 16 ZEP5407YF 4 3 / 4 12 7 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 3/ 4 2 3 / 4 9 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 5 1 / 32 1 78.004 1 / 2 ZEP5408YF 76.00134 15 / 16 ZEP5415F5 1 / 2 14 7 / 8 16 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 5 9 / 7150.0016 / 8 3 11 1 / 8 7 1 / 16 5 3 / 4 1 3 / 165 ZEP5500F 147.00DEMApprox.WeightZEP5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 4 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Bore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 4 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 35Pillow Blocks - 19Type E Pillow Block

ZEP6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZEP6000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingHB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance Between Bolt HolesCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D EFBoltsH L M N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block6 1 15 / 16 ZEP6115 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 - 8 7 / 8 3 41 / 64 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 55 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 8 12.107 2 3 / 16 ZEP6203 2 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 - 9 5 / 8 3 49 / 64 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 15 / 64 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 32 16.5082 3 / 8 ZEP62062 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 - 10 1 / 2 4 5 / 32 2 11 / 519.3016 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 / 642 7 / 16 ZEP6207 18.502 11 / 16 ZEP621131.509 2 3 / 4 ZEP6212 3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 - 11 13 / 16 4 17 / 32 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 / 64 31.002 15 / 16 ZEP6215 28.70103 3 / 16 ZEP63033 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 - 13 13 / 16 5 9 / 64 3 1 / 747.102 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 323 7 / 16 ZEP6307 44.70Four-Bolt Pillow Block82 3 / 8 ZEP6206F2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 4 5 / 32 3 5 / 519.408 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 / 642 7 / 16 ZEP6207F 18.302 11 / 16 ZEP6211F31.009 2 3 / 4 ZEP6212F 3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 4 17 / 32 4 1 / 4 5/ 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 / 64 30.502 15 / 16 ZEP6215F 28.20103 3 / 16 ZEP6303F3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 5 9 / 64 4 3 / 347.604 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 323 7 / 16 ZEP6307F 45.20113 11 / 16 ZEP6311F4 1 / 4 12 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 31 / 32 4 1 / 365.502 / 4 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 5 43 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 47 / 643 15 / 16 ZEP6315F 64.80124 3 / 16 ZEP6403YF4 3 / 4 12 7 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 4 5 / 381.008 / 4 2 3 / 4 9 3 / 8 6 1 / 16 5 1 / 32 1 7 / 84 7 / 16 ZEP6407YF 78.0013 4 15 / 16 ZEP6415F 5 1 / 2 14 7 / 8 16 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 7 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 7/ 8 3 11 1 / 8 6 61 / 64 5 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 150.0030LNABase toCenterlineHeightEDPMNGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EDPMApprox.WeightType E Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see the Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesPillow Blocks - 2036Selection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZEP9000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingHB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance Between Bolt HolesCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D EFBoltsH L M N PTwo-Bolt Pillow Block71 15 / 16 ZEP91152 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 - 9 5 / 8 3 5 / 32 2 9 / 515.0016 / 8 1 1 / 2 5 2 31 / 32 2 5 19/ 8 / 322 ZEP9200 14.908 2 3 / 16 ZEP9203 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 - 10 1 / 2 3 11 / 32 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 32 18.6092 7 / 16 ZEP92073 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 - 11 13 / 16 3 3 / 4 3 3 / 328.1016 / 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 3 5 / 8 3 3 23/ 8 / 322 1 / 2 ZEP9208 27.70102 11 / 16 ZEP92113 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 - 13 13 / 16 4 1 / 4 3 1 / 7 2 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 13 / 32 3 31 1345.70/ 32 / 162 15 / 16 ZEP9215 44.50Four-Bolt Pillow Block8 2 3 / 16 ZEP9203F 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 3 11 / 32 3 5 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 32 18.7092 7 / 16 ZEP9207F3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 3 3 / 4 4 1 / 527.604 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 3 5 / 8 3 3 23/ 8 / 322 1 / 2 ZEP9208F 27.20102 11 / 16 ZEP9211F3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 4 1 / 4 4 3 / 346.204 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 13 / 32 3 31 13/ 32 / 162 15 / 16 ZEP9215F 45.00113 3 / 16 ZEP9303F4 1 / 4 12 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 1 / 370.002 / 4 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 5 3 / 16 4 9 15/ 16 / 163 7 / 16 ZEP9307F 68.003 11 / 16 ZEP9311YF78.2012 3 15 / 16 ZEP9315YF 4 3 / 4 12 7 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 5 13 / 32 4 5 / 8 3/ 4 2 3 / 4 9 3 / 8 5 23 / 32 5 1 / 32 1 1 / 32 75.904 ZEP9400YF 75.40134 3 / 16 ZEP9403F5 1 / 2 14 7 / 8 16 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 5 9 / 7150.0016 / 8 3 11 1 / 8 6 1 / 8 5 3 / 4 1 1 / 84 7 / 16 ZEP9407F 148.0030LNABase toCenterlineHeightEDPMNGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)DEPMApprox.WeightZEP9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 7 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 7 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see the Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 37Pillow Blocks - 21Type E Pillow Block

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC38

ZB2000, ZBS2000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode234567891011ShaftDiameterBearing DrawingCRBolt CircleRadiusExpansion Fixed BPartNumberAPartNumberAFour Bolt RoundFlange BlockDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleCRadius3-Bolt RoundCFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockGSNBR DistanceBolt Circle BetweenRadius Bolt HolesDFBoltsH3/16DPM ASide View FlangeWith PilotGNHD1/8PM AFull Side ViewFlange BlockG H M N P S3/ 4 - - ZB20124.3015/ 16 - - ZB2015 2 7 / 8 3 37 / 64 2 1 / 16 5 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 3/ 8 1/ 32 9/ 16 1 3 / 4 1 5 / 16 9/ 16 31 - - ZB21004.201 1 / 8 - - ZB21025.201 3 / 16 - - ZB2103 3 1 / 8 3 57 / 64 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 3/ 8 1/ 3219/ 32 2 1 17 / 32 9/ 16 3 1 / 4 5.101 1 / 4 - - ZB2104 5.001 7 / 16 ZBS2107ZB21073 3 / 4 3 7 / 16 4 21 / 64 2 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 2 7 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 116.80/ 4 / 16 3 9 / 161 1 / 2 ZBS2108 ZB2108 6.704-Bolt Round1 11 / 16 ZBS2111ZB21114 1 / 4 3 15 / 16 3 57 / 64 2 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 3 1 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 58.6032 / 8 2 5 / 8 2 1 11/ 32 / 16 4 1 / 161 3 / 4 ZBS2112 ZB2112 8.401 15 / 16 ZBS2115ZB21154 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 3 1 / 1 8 / 19.8011 2 / 16 / 16 2 15 / 16 2 5 11/ 16 / 16 4 3 / 82 ZBS2200 ZB2200 9.602 3 / 16 ZBS2203ZB22034 7 / 8 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 7 3 / 4 3 5 / 5 16 / 313.3011 8 / 32 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 5 13/ 8 / 16 52 1 / 4 ZBS2204 ZB2204 13.102 3 / 8 ZBS2206ZB220616.702 7 / 16 ZBS2207 5 3 / 8 ZB2207 5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 8 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 3/ 32 3/ 4 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 5 7 / 16 16.602 1 / 2 ZBS2208 ZB2208 16.402 11 / 16 ZBS2211ZB221126.502 3 / 4 ZBS2212 6 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 3 15 / 16 9 1 / 2 4 3/ 3 4 / 7 32 / 8 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 7 8 / 8 6 5 / 162 15 / 16 ZBS2215 ZB2215 25.603 ZBS2300 ZB2300 25.104-Bolt Square3 3 / 16 ZBS2303ZB230337.003 7 / 16 ZBS2307 7 3 / 8 ZB2307 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 1/ 4 1 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 3215/ 16 7 3 / 8 34.603 1 / 2 ZBS2308 ZB2308 34.103 11 / 16 ZBS2311ZB231159.003 15 / 8 3 / 8 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 5 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 5 3 / 7 16 / 1 8 / 4 1 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 8 1 16 ZBS2315 ZB2315/ 256.004 ZBS2400 ZB2400Approx.WeightZB2000, ZBS2000 - 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Machined pilot available, add suffix SSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size codes 2 thru 6Also not available on size code 7 on flange side of non-piloted bearings and size code 7thru 9 on flange side of piloted bearingsPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.003”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 39Flange Blocks - 13-Bolt & 4-Bolt Flanged Block

ZB3000, ZBS3000 - 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZB3000, ZBS3000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingCRBolt CircleRadiusExpansion Fixed BPartNumberAPartNumberAFour Bolt RoundFlange BlockDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBolt CircleRadiusCCRBolt CircleRadiusFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockDFBoltsGS NBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesH3/16DPSide View FlangeWith PilotGM A NHD1/8PFull Side ViewFlange BlockG H M N P S3-Bolt Round4 1 7 / 16 ZBS3107 3 3 / 4 ZB3107 3 7 / 16 4 21 / 64 2 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 2 59 / 64 1/ 2 1/ 32 5/ 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 425/ 32 3 9 / 16 7.004-Bolt Round5 1 11 / 16 ZBS3111 4 1 / 4 ZB3111 3 15 / 16 3 57 / 64 2 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 3 3 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 32 5/ 8 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 32 3/ 4 4 1 / 16 8.806 1 15 / 16 ZBS3115 4 1 / 2 ZB3115 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 3 9 / 32 1/ 2 1/ 1611/ 16 2 3 / 4 2 5 / 1627/ 32 4 3 / 8 10.007 2 3 / 16 ZBS3203 4 7 / 8 ZB3203 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 7 3 / 4 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 3/ 3211/ 16 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 831/ 32 5 13.6082 7 / 16 ZBS3207ZB32075 3 / 8 5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 8 3 21 / 5 32 / 3 8 / 316.8032 / 4 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 64 5 7 / 162 1 / 2 ZBS3208 ZB3208 16.6092 11 / 16 ZBS3211ZB32116 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 3 15 / 16 9 1 / 2 4 13 / 3 64 / 3 4 / 727.1032 / 8 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 64 6 5 / 162 15 / 16 ZBS3215 ZB3215 26.004-Bolt Square103 7 / 16 ZBS3307ZB33077 3 / 8 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 4 37 / 3 64 / 135.704 / 4 1 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 64 7 3 / 83 1 / 2 ZBS3308 ZB3308 35.2011 3 15 / 16 ZBS3315 8 3 / 8 ZB3315 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 5 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 5 3 / 16 7/ 8 1/ 4 1 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 8 1 / 2 56.00M AApprox.Weight3-Bolt & 4-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Machined pilot available, add suffix SSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size codes 4 thru 6Also not available on size code 7 on flange side of non-piloted bearings and size code 7thru 9 on flange side of piloted bearingsFlange Blocks - 240Pilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.003”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZB5000, ZBS5000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingCRBolt CircleRadiusFour Bolt RoundFlange BlockExpansion Fixed BPartNumberAPartNumberADistanceBetween BoltHolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadiusCFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockCSNBR DistanceBolt Circle BetweenRadius Bolt HolesDFBoltsH3/16DPSide View FlangeWith PilotMANHD1/8PFull Side ViewFlange BlockH M N P S3-Bolt Round4 1 7 / 16 ZBS5107 3 3 / 4 ZB5107 3 7 / 16 4 21 / 64 2 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 3 9 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 411/ 16 3 9 / 16 7.104-Bolt Round51 1 / 2 ZBS5108ZB51084 1 / 4 3 15 / 16 3 57 / 64 2 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 3 13 / 1 16 / 59.602 / 8 2 5 / 8 2 1 11/ 32 / 16 4 1 / 161 11 / 16 ZBS5111 ZB5111 9.206 1 15 / 16 ZBS5115 4 1 / 2 ZB5115 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 3 13 / 16 1/ 211/ 16 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 16 4 3 / 8 10.4072 ZBS5200ZB52004 7 / 8 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 7 3 / 4 4 1 / 515.0011 8 / 8 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 5 13/ 8 / 16 52 3 / 16 ZBS5203 ZB5203 14.408 2 7 / 16 ZBS5207 5 3 / 8 ZB5207 5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 8 4 3 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 4 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 5 7 / 16 17.702 1 / 2 ZBS5208ZB520829.209 2 11 / 16 ZBS5211 6 1 / 4 ZB5211 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 3 15 / 16 9 1 / 2 4 7 / 8 3/ 4 7/ 8 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 7/ 8 6 5 / 16 28.202 15 / 16 ZBS5215 ZB5215 27.704-Bolt Square103 3 / 16 ZBS5303ZB53037 3 / 8 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 5 5 / 339.6016 / 4 1 4 15 / 16 3 31 15/ 32 / 16 7 3 / 83 7 / 16 ZBS5307 ZB5307 37.703 11 / 16 ZBS5311ZB531161.5011 3 15 / 16 ZBS5315 8 3 / 8 ZB5315 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 5 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 6 1 / 4 7/ 8 1 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 8 1 / 2 60.504 ZBS5400 ZB5400 59.50M AApprox.WeightZB5000, ZBS5000 - 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Machined pilot available, add suffix SSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size codes 4 thru 6Also not available on size code 7 on flange side of non-piloted bearings and size code 7thru 9 on flange side of piloted bearingsPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.003”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 41Flange Blocks - 33-Bolt & 4-Bolt Flanged Block

ZB6000, ZBS6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZB6000, ZBS6000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed BPartNumberAPartNumberACRBolt CircleRadiusFour Bolt RoundFlange BlockDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadiusCCRBolt CircleRadiusFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockDFBoltsGSNBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesH3/16DPSide View FlangeWith PilotM AGNHD1/8PFull Side ViewFlange BlockG H M N P S4-Bolt Round6 1 15 / 16 ZBS6115 4 1 / 2 ZB6115 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 3 41 / 64 1/ 2 1/ 1611/ 16 2 55 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 8 9.807 2 3 / 16 ZBS6203 4 7 / 8 ZB6203 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 7 3 / 4 3 49 / 64 5/ 8 3/ 3211/ 16 3 15 / 64 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 32 5 13.3082 3 / 8 ZBS6206ZB62065 3 / 8 5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 8 4 5 / 5 32 / 3 8 / 316.7032 / 4 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 / 64 5 7 / 162 7 / 16 ZBS6207 ZB6207 16.602 11 / 16 ZBS6211ZB621126.509 2 3 / 4 ZBS6212 6 1 / 4 ZB6212 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 3 15 / 16 9 1 / 2 4 17 / 32 3/ 4 3/ 32 7/ 8 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 / 64 6 5 / 16 26.102 15 / 16 ZBS6215 ZB6215 25.604-Bolt Square103 3 / 16 ZBS6303ZB63037 3 / 8 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 5 9 / 3 64 / 137.004 / 4 1 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 32 7 3 / 83 7 / 16 ZBS6307 ZB6307 34.60113 11 / 16 ZBS6311ZB63118 3 / 8 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 5 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 5 31 / 7 32 / 159.008 / 4 1 1 / 8 5 43 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 47 / 64 8 1 / 23 15 / 16 ZBS6315 ZB6315 56.00M AApprox.Weight3-Bolt & 4-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTMachined pilot available, add suffix SSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size code 6Also not available on size code 7 on flange side of non-piloted bearings and size code 7thru 9 on flange side of piloted bearingsPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.003”Flange Blocks - 442Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZB9000, ZBS9000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingCRBolt CircleRadiusExpansion Fixed BPartNumberAPartNumberAFour Bolt RoundFlange BlockDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleCRadius4-Bolt RoundCBR DistanceBolt Circle BetweenRadius Bolt HolesFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockDFBoltsGS NH3/16DPM ASide View FlangeWith PilotGND1/8 1/8HPFull Side ViewFlange BlockG H M N P S71 15 / 16 ZBS9115ZB91154 7 / 8 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 7 3 / 4 3 5 / 5 32 / 313.5011 8 / 32 / 16 2 31 / 32 2 5 19/ 8 / 32 52 ZBS9200 ZB9200 13.408 2 3 / 16 ZBS9203 5 3 / 8 ZB9203 5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 8 3 11 / 32 5/ 8 3/ 32 3/ 4 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 32 5 7 / 16 17.0092 7 / 16 ZBS9207ZB92076 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 3 15 / 16 9 1 / 2 3 3 / 3 4 / 3 4 / 7 32 / 8 3 5 / 8 3 3 2325.80/ 8 / 32 6 5 / 162 1 / 2 ZBS9208 ZB9208 25.404-Bolt Square2 11 / 16 ZBS9211ZB921138.2010 2 15 / 16 ZBS9215 7 3 / 8 ZB9215 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 4 1 / 4 3/ 4 1/ 4 1 4 13 / 32 3 31 / 3213/ 16 7 3 / 8 37.003 ZBS9300 ZB9300 36.50113 3 / 16 ZBS9303ZB93038 3 / 8 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 5 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 5 1 / 7 16 / 162.008 / 4 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 16 4 9 15/ 16 / 16 8 1 / 23 7 / 16 ZBS9307 ZB9307 60.00M AApprox.WeightZB9000, ZBS9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTMachined pilot available, add suffix SSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size code 7 onflange side of non-piloted bearings and size code 7 thru 9 on flangeside of piloted bearingsPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.003”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 43Flange Blocks - 53-Bolt & 4-Bolt Flanged Block

ZF5000, ZFS5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZF5000, ZFS5000Photo Shows a 6-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/4” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABearing DrawingRBoltCircleRadiusCSix Bolt RoundFlange BlockCFour Bolt SquareFlange Block3/16P1BDistanceBetween HBolt HolesSide ViewFlange Block with PilotBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadiusExpansion Fixed BFBoltsPSApprox.WeightPartNumberAFBoltsPSSApprox.WeightDPM ADAP1HPFull Side View SquareFlange Block FloatingDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadiusD1/8PM AHFull Side ViewFlange Block FixedC D H M P14-Bolt Square4 1 7 / 16 ZFS5107 4 7 / 16 1/ 215/ 32 4 7 / 16 9.60 ZF5107 3 11 / 16 1/ 211/ 16 3 9 / 16 7.60 3 23 / 32 2 5 / 8 4 15 / 16 3 9 / 16 5/ 8 2 5 / 16 1/ 251 1 / 2 ZFS51085 112.60 ZF510813/ 2 / 32 4 3 / 4 4 1 / 110.4023 4 / 2 / 32 4 1 / 161 11 / 16 ZFS5111 12.30 ZF5111 9.703 57 / 64 2 3 / 4 5 1 / 8 3 13 / 16 5/ 8 2 5 / 815/ 326 1 15 / 16 ZFS5115 5 1 / 8 1/ 213/ 32 5 1 / 8 12.80 ZF5115 4 1 / 2 1/ 211/ 16 4 3 / 8 10.40 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 5 5 / 16 3 13 / 16 5/ 8 2 15 / 1615/ 3272 ZFS52005 3 / 5 4 / 118.00 ZF52008 / 2 5 5 / 8 5 514.4051/ 8 / 64 52 3 / 16 ZFS5203 17.30 ZF5203 13.704 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 5 7 / 8 4 1 / 811/ 16 3 1 / 421/ 328 2 7 / 16 ZFS5207 6 5/ 8 9/ 16 6 20.30 ZF5207 5 1 / 2 5/ 8 7/ 8 5 7 / 16 17.50 5 1 / 32 3 9 / 16 6 7 / 16 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 3 9 / 16 5/ 82 1 / 2 ZFS520835.40 ZF520829.909 2 11 / 16 ZFS5211 7 1 / 8 3/ 4 5/ 8 7 1 / 8 34.10 ZF5211 6 1 / 2 3/ 4 7/ 8 6 5 / 16 28.90 6 1 / 64 4 1 / 4 7 3 / 4 4 7 / 8 7/ 8 4 1 / 1621/ 322 15 / 16 ZFS5215 33.20 ZF5215 26.90103 3 / 16 ZFS53038 3/ 947.00 ZF53034 / 16 87 3 / 340.0015 8 / 4 / 16 7 3 / 83 7 / 16 ZFS5307 45.50 ZF5307 38.006 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 5 5 / 16 1 4 15 / 1611/ 163 11 / 16 ZFS531180.00 ZF531171.0011 3 15 / 16 ZFS5315 9 1 / 2 111/ 16 9 1 / 2 77.00 ZF5315 8 7 / 8 1 1 1 / 16 8 7 / 8 69.00 8 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 10 9 / 16 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 5 5 / 813/ 164 ZFS5400 76.00 ZF5400 68.006-Bolt Round4 3 / 16 ZFS5403Y127.00 ZF5403Y98.0012 4 7 / 16 ZFS5407Y 11 5 / 8 111/ 16 11 5 / 8 124.00 ZF5407Y 9 1 / 2 1 1 10 3 / 8 96.00 6 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 15 1 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 3/ 44 1 / 2 ZFS5408Y 123.00 ZF5408Y 95.00134 15 / 16 ZFS5415184.00 ZF5415159.0012 9 23/ 16 1 / 32 12 9 / 16 11 3 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 3 / 16 11 3 / 165 ZFS5500 183.00 ZF5500 156.007 7 16 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 1 1 / 2 7 1 / 16 3/ 44-Bolt & 6-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 4 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all other size codes, 1/4”PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Machined pilot available, add suffix SExpansion - size code 4 thru 8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & size code 12 thru13 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 4 thru 11Flange Blocks - 644Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size codes 4 thru 6 on flangeside of piloted bearings and size code 12 ZFS bearingsPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.003”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZF6000, ZFS6000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABearing DrawingExpansion Fixed BFBoltsPSApprox.WeightCRBoltCircleRadiusFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockPartNumberABDistanceBetweenBolt HolesFBolts4-Bolt SquareSide ViewFlange Block with PilotPSD D DM AM A AApprox.WeightDistanceBetween BoltHolesFull Side ViewFlange Block FixedRBoltCircleRadiusFull Side View SquareFlange Block FloatingC D H M6 1 15 / 16 ZFS6115 5 1 / 8 1/ 2 1 5 1 / 8 12.80 ZF6115 4 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 8 10.40 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 5 5 / 16 3 41 / 64 5/ 8 2 55 / 647 2 3 / 16 ZFS6203 5 3 / 4 5/ 8 1 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 18.00 ZF6203 5 5/ 8 1 5 / 32 5 14.40 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 5 7 / 8 3 49 / 6411/ 16 3 15 / 6482 3 / 8 ZFS62066 520.60 ZF6206/ 8 1 19 / 64 65 1 / 517.802 / 8 1 27 / 64 5 7 / 162 7 / 16 ZFS6207 20.30 ZF6207 17.505 1 / 32 3 9 / 16 6 7 / 16 4 5 / 32 3/ 4 3 19 / 322 11 / 16 ZFS621135.40 ZF621129.909 2 3 / 4 ZFS6212 7 1 / 8 3/ 4 1 17 / 64 7 1 / 8 34.70 ZF6212 6 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 25 / 64 6 5 / 16 29.20 6 1 / 64 4 1 / 4 7 3 / 4 4 17 / 32 7/ 8 4 3 / 322 15 / 16 ZFS6215 34.10 ZF6215 28.90103 3 / 16 ZFS63038 347.00 ZF6303/ 4 1 15 / 32 87 3 / 340.008 / 4 1 19 / 32 7 3 / 83 7 / 16 ZFS6307 45.50 ZF6307 38.006 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 5 9 / 64 1 4 61 / 64113 11 / 16 ZFS631180.00 ZF631171.009 1 / 2 1 1 39 / 64 9 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 1 1 47 / 64 8 7 / 83 15 / 16 ZFS6315 77.00 ZF6315 69.008 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 10 9 / 16 5 31 / 32 1 1 / 8 5 43 / 646-Bolt Round124 3 / 16 ZFS6403Y 11 5127.00 ZF6403Y98.00/ 8 1 1 3 / 4 11 5 / 8 9 1 / 2 1 1 7 / 8 10 3 / 847/ 16 ZFS6407Y 124.00 ZF6407Y 96.006 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 15 1 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 4 6 1 / 1613 4 15 / 16 ZFS6415 12 9 / 16 1 2 1 / 64 12 9 / 16 184.00 ZF6415 11 3 / 16 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 11 3 / 16 159.00 7 7 16 1 / 2 7 15 / 16 1 1 / 2 6 61 / 643/16SHP P PH1/8HZF6000, ZFS6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTMachined pilot available, add suffix SExpansion - size code 6 thru 8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & sizecode 12 thru 13 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size code 6 on flange side ofpiloted bearings and size code 12 ZFS bearingsSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 45Flange Blocks - 74-Bolt & 6-Bolt Flanged Block

ZF9000, ZFS9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZF9000, ZFS9000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/4” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAFlange Block - ExpansionDBearing DrawingRBoltCircleRadiusFBolts G P S Approx.WeightCSix Bolt RoundFlange BlockCFour Bolt SquareFlange BlockPartNumberABDistanceBetweenBolt HolesHSide ViewFlange Block with PilotB GDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadius3/16GSDDAPMAHPFull Side View SquareFlange Block FloatingFlange Block - FixedDFBoltsG P SGD1/8HFull Side ViewFlange Block FixedApprox.WeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesPMARBoltCircleRadiusC H M4-Bolt Square71 15 / 16 ZFS91155 3 / 4 3 7 / 5 16 / 5 8 / 516.00 ZF911516 / 16 5 5 / 8 5 3 1 / 5 11 4 / 8 / 912.9064 / 16 52 ZFS9200 15.00 ZF9200 12.704 1 / 2 3 3 / 16 5 7 / 811/ 16 2 31 / 328 2 3 / 16 ZFS9203 6 3 21 / 32 5/ 8 5 11/ 16 / 32 6 19.00 ZF9203 5 1 / 2 3 19 / 32 5/ 8 1/ 423/ 32 5 7 / 16 16.40 5 1 / 32 3 9 / 16 6 7 / 16 3/ 4 3 3 / 892 7 / 16 ZFS92077 1 / 8 4 3 / 3 32 / 1ZF920715 4 / 4 / 32 7 1 / 8 31.006 1 / 2 4 3 / 326.6015 23 32 / 4 / 64 / 32 6 5 / 162 1 / 2 ZFS9208 ZF9208 26.406 1 / 64 4 1 / 4 7 3 / 4 7/ 8 3 5 / 82 11 / 16 ZFS921145.30 ZF921137.6010 2 15 / 16 ZFS9215 8 4 5 / 8 3/ 4 3/ 8 7/ 16 8 44.00 ZF9215 7 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 1/ 413/ 16 7 3 / 8 37.00 6 23 / 32 4 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 1 4 13 / 323 ZFS9300 43.00 ZF9300 36.60113 3 / 16 ZFS93039 1 / 2 5 7 / 16 1 3/ 979.00 ZF93038 / 16 9 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 5 5 / 16 1 1 1566.00/ 4 / 16 8 7 / 83 7 / 16 ZFS9307 76.00 ZF9307 65.008 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 10 9 / 16 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 166-Bolt Round3 11 / 16 ZFS9311Y126.00 ZF9311Y96.0012 3 15 / 16 ZFS9315Y 11 5 / 8 5 19 / 32 1 3 23/ 16 / 32 11 5 / 8 124.00 ZF9315Y 9 1 / 2 5 17 / 32 1 1/ 8 1 1 / 32 10 3 / 8 94.00 6 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 15 1 / 8 1 1 / 4 5 23 / 324 ZFS9400Y 123.00 ZF9400Y 93.00134 3 / 16 ZFS940312 9 / 16 7 1 / 16 1 5/ 5184.00 ZF940316 / 8 12 9 / 16 11 3 / 16 7 1 / 32 1 1 / 9159.008 / 32 1 1 / 16 11 3 / 164 7 / 16 ZFS9407 182.00 ZF9407 157.007 7 16 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 6 1 / 84-Bolt & 6-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 7 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTMachined pilot available, add suffix SExpansion - size code 7 thru 8 is 3/8”, size code 9 thru 11 is 1/2” & sizecode 12 thru 13 is 3/4”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 7 thru 11Flange Blocks - 846Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except size code 12 ZFS bearingsSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZEF2000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetween BoltHolesRBoltCircleRadiusBearing DrawingCA C DRBolt CircleRadiusBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesFBoltsG H M N28.4041 7 / 16 ZEF2107 3 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 3 11 / 16 4 5 / 1 82 7 / 1/ 16 18 / 3 / 8 7.202 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 41 1 / 2 ZEF2108 4 1 / 8 2 59 / 64 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 1 8 / 8 1 7 / 16 10.0051 11 / 16 ZEF2111 4 1 / 8 2 59 / 64 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 831/ 1 8 / 112 / 7 / 168 2510.00/ 8 2 1 / 321 3 / 4 ZEF2112 4 3 / 8 3 3 / 32 4 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 2 11.2061 15 / 16 ZEF21154 3 / 8 3 3 / 32 4 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 3 1 / 1 8 / 111.002 / 8 1 1 / 2 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 162 ZEF2200 10.807 2 3 / 16 ZEF2203 4 7 / 8 3 29 / 64 5 6 1 / 4 3 5 / 16 5/ 8 1/ 8 1 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 14.1082 7 / 16 ZEF22075 3 / 8 3 51 / 64 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 3 1 / 5 2 / 317.308 / 16 1 11 / 16 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 322 1 / 2 ZEF2208 17.102 11 / 16 ZEF221192 3 / 4 ZEF22126 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 4 3/ 328.204 / 16 1 13 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 82 15 / 16 ZEF2215 27.203 ZEF2300 26.903 3 / 16 ZEF230342.0010 3 7 / 16 ZEF2307 7 4 61 / 64 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 1/ 4 1 15 / 16 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 40.503 1 / 2 ZEF2308 40.003 11 / 16 ZEF231164.0011 3 15 / 16 ZEF2315 7 3 / 4 5 31 / 64 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 7/ 8 1/ 4 2 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 69.004 ZEF2400 68.00GMHD1/8NAApprox.WeightZEF2000 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 47Flange Blocks - 9Type E Flanged Block

ZEF3000 - Rex 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZEF3000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetween BoltHolesRBoltCircleRadiusBearing DrawingCA C DRBolt CircleRadiusFBoltsBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesG H M N P4 1 7 / 16 ZEF3107 3 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 3 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 2 59 / 64 1/ 2 3/ 4 1 3 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 425/ 32 7.405 1 11 / 16 ZEF3111 4 1 / 8 2 59 / 64 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 8 3 3 / 16 1/ 213/ 16 1 7 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 32 3/ 4 10.306 1 15 / 16 ZEF3115 4 3 / 8 3 3 / 32 4 1 / 2 5 3 / 8 3 9 / 32 1/ 2 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 2 5 / 1627/ 32 11.207 2 3 / 16 ZEF3203 4 7 / 8 3 29 / 64 5 6 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 5/ 815/ 16 1 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 831/ 32 11.0082 7 / 16 ZEF32075 3 / 8 3 51 / 64 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 3 21 / 517.5032 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 11 / 16 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 1 1 / 642 1 / 2 ZEF3208 16.5092 11 / 16 ZEF32116 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 4 13 / 328.6064 / 4 1 1 / 16 1 13 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 1 / 642 15 / 16 ZEF3215 27.60103 7 / 16 ZEF33077 4 61 / 64 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 4 37 / 341.1064 / 4 1 11 / 64 1 15 / 16 4 15 / 16 3 31 / 32 1 9 / 643 1 / 2 ZEF3308 40.2011 3 15 / 16 ZEF3315 7 3 / 4 5 31 / 64 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 5 3 / 16 7/ 8 1 5 / 16 2 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 62.70NGHD1/8PMAApprox.WeightType E Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionFlange Blocks - 1048Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZEF5000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetween BoltHolesRBoltCircleRadiusBearing DrawingCA C DRBolt CircleRadiusFBoltsBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesG H M N P4 1 7 / 16 ZEF5107 3 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 3 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 3 9 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 16 1 3 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 3 / 411/ 16 7.7051 1 / 2 ZEF51084 1 / 8 2 59 / 64 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 8 3 13 / 1 16 / 111.002 / 8 1 7 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 1 11/ 32 / 161 11 / 16 ZEF5111 10.606 1 15 / 16 ZEF5115 4 3 / 8 3 3 / 32 4 1 / 2 5 3 / 8 3 13 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 8 1 1 / 2 2 15 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 16 11.7072 ZEF52004 7 / 8 3 29 / 64 5 6 1 / 4 4 1 / 5 8 / 115.708 / 8 1 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 2 5 13/ 8 / 162 3 / 16 ZEF5203 15.108 2 7 / 16 ZEF5207 5 3 / 8 3 51 / 64 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 4 3 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 16 1 11 / 16 3 9 / 16 2 29 / 32 7/ 8 18.302 1 / 2 ZEF520831.109 2 11 / 16 ZEF5211 6 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 4 7 / 8 3/ 4 3/ 16 1 13 / 16 4 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 7/ 8 30.102 15 / 16 ZEF5215 29.60103 3 / 16 ZEF53037 4 61 / 64 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 5 5 / 3 16 / 144.604 / 4 1 15 / 16 4 15 / 16 3 31 15/ 32 / 163 7 / 16 ZEF5307 42.703 11 / 16 ZEF531166.5011 3 15 / 16 ZEF5315 7 3 / 4 5 31 / 64 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 7/ 8 1/ 4 2 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 1 1 / 16 65.504 ZEF5400 64.50GMPHD1/8PNAApprox.WeightZEF5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 49Flange Blocks - 11Type E Flanged Block

ZEF6000 - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZEF6000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircle RadiusBearing DrawingCA C DRBolt CircleRadiusBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesFBoltsH M N P6 1 15 / 16 ZEF6115 4 3 / 8 3 3 / 32 4 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 3 41 / 64 1/ 2 1 1 / 2 2 55 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 8 11.707 2 3 / 16 ZEF6203 4 7 / 8 3 29 / 64 5 6 1 / 4 3 49 / 64 5/ 8 1 1 / 2 3 15 / 64 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 32 15.7082 3 / 8 ZEF62065 3 / 8 3 51 / 64 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 4 5 / 518.9032 / 8 1 11 / 16 3 19 / 32 2 29 / 32 1 27 / 642 7 / 16 ZEF6207 18.302 11 / 16 ZEF621131.109 2 3 / 4 ZEF6212 6 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 4 17 / 32 3/ 4 1 13 / 16 4 3 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 25 / 64 30.102 15 / 16 ZEF6215 29.60103 3 / 16 ZEF63037 4 61 / 64 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 5 9 / 344.6064 / 4 1 15 / 16 4 61 / 64 3 31 / 32 1 19 / 323 7 / 16 ZEF6307 42.70113 11 / 16 ZEF63117 3 / 4 5 31 / 64 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 5 31 / 766.5032 / 8 2 3 / 16 5 43 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 47 / 643 15 / 16 ZEF6315 65.50NHD1/8PMAApprox.WeightType E Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFlange Blocks - 1250Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZEF9000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadiusBearing DrawingA C DCRBolt CircleRadiusFBoltsBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesG H M N P71 15 / 16 ZEF91154 7 / 8 3 29 / 64 5 6 1 / 4 3 5 / 514.3015 32 / 8 / 16 1 1 / 2 2 31 / 32 2 5 19/ 8 / 322 ZEF9200 14.208 2 3 / 16 ZEF9203 5 3 / 8 3 51 / 64 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 3 11 / 32 5/ 8 1 1 / 16 1 11 / 16 3 3 / 8 2 29 / 3223/ 32 17.6092 7 / 16 ZEF92076 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 3 3 / 327.704 / 4 1 1 / 16 1 13 / 16 3 5 / 8 3 3 23/ 8 / 322 1 / 2 ZEF9208 27.402 11 / 16 ZEF921142.3010 2 15 / 16 ZEF9215 7 4 61 / 64 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 3/ 4 1 11 / 64 1 15 / 16 4 13 / 32 3 31 / 3213/ 16 41.103 ZEF9300 40.40113 3 / 16 ZEF93037 3 / 4 5 31 / 64 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 5 1 / 767.0016 / 8 1 5 / 16 2 3 / 16 5 3 / 16 4 9 15/ 16 / 163 7 / 16 ZEF9307 65.00NGHD1/8PMAApprox.WeightZEF9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 51Flange Blocks - 13Type E Flanged Block

ZBR2000 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZBR2000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode234567891011ShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing Drawing3JackscrewHoles ProvidedLMountingSurface toCollar FaceRBoltCircleRadiusCRBolt CircleRadiusCDFBoltsBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesAPilotDiameterH J M P U4-Bolt3/ 4 ZBR20123.7015/ 16 ZBR2015 3.000 2 9 / 16 1 5 / 16 1 13 / 16 4 3 / 8 2 9 / 16 5/ 16 7/ 16 1 1 / 4 1 3 / 4 9/ 16 5/ 8 3.601 ZBR2100 3.501 1 / 8 ZBR21024.901 3 / 16 ZBR2103 3.375 2 59 / 64 1 5 / 16 2 1 / 16 5 2 11 / 16 3/ 8 7/ 16 1 3 / 8 2 9/ 16 3/ 4 4.801 1 / 4 ZBR2104 4.601 7 / 16 ZBR21073.625 3 3 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 16 5 1 / 4 2 7 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 2 1 3 / 8 2 5 11/ 16 / 35.4016 / 41 1 / 2 ZBR2108 5.201 11 / 16 ZBR21114.250 3 5 / 8 1 19 / 32 2 9 / 16 6 1 / 8 3 1 / 7 8 / 1 16 / 2 1 17 / 32 2 5 11/ 8 / 78.4016 / 81 3 / 4 ZBR2112 8.101 15 / 16 ZBR21154.500 3 51 / 64 1 9 / 16 2 11 / 16 6 3 / 8 3 1 / 7 8 / 9 16 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 15 11/ 16 / 78.8016 / 82 ZBR2200 8.702 3 / 16 ZBR22035.000 4 1 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 7 1 / 8 3 5 / 1 16 / 913.802 / 16 1 9 / 16 3 1 13/ 4 / 16 12 1 / 4 ZBR2204 13.702 3 / 8 ZBR220614.902 7 / 16 ZBR2207 5.500 4 19 / 32 1 13 / 16 3 1 / 4 7 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 11 / 16 3 9 / 16 7/ 8 1 14.802 1 / 2 ZBR2208 14.402 11 / 16 ZBR221123.402 3 / 4 ZBR22126.375 5 19 / 64 2 3 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 4 5/ 3 8 / 4 2 4 1 / 723.0016 / 8 1 1 / 42 15 / 16 ZBR2215 22.303 ZBR2300 21.803 3 / 16 ZBR230335.503 7 / 16 ZBR2307 7.375 6 3 / 32 2 3 / 8 4 5 / 16 10 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 3/ 415/ 16 2 4 15 / 1615/ 16 1 1 / 4 34.003 1 / 2 ZBR2308 33.503 11 / 16 ZBR231152.003 15 / 16 ZBR2315 8.125 6 5 / 8 2 11 / 16 4 11 / 16 10 7 / 8 5 3 / 16 3/ 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 1 / 2 49.004 ZBR2400 48.50UJDHPLMountingSurface toCollar FaceMApprox.WeightFlanged Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Pilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size codes 2 & 3Flange Blocks - 1452Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZBR3000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterBDistanceBetween BoltHolesBearing DrawingRBolt CircleRadius3JackscrewHoles ProvidedLMountingSurface toCollar FaceRBoltCircleRadiusCCDB ADistance PilotBetween DiameterBolt HolesFBoltsH J M P U4-Bolt4 1 7 / 16 ZBR3107 3.625 3 3 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 16 5 1 / 4 2 59 / 64 3/ 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 2 5 / 1625/ 32 3/ 4 5.605 1 11 / 16 ZBR3111 4.250 3 5 / 8 1 19 / 32 2 9 / 16 6 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 7/ 16 1/ 2 1 17 / 32 2 5 / 8 3/ 4 7/ 8 8.606 1 15 / 16 ZBR3115 4.500 3 51 / 64 1 23 / 32 2 11 / 16 6 3 / 8 3 9 / 32 7/ 16 9/ 16 1 9 / 16 2 15 / 1627/ 32 7/ 8 9.007 2 3 / 16 ZBR3203 5.000 4 1 / 4 1 15 / 16 3 7 1 / 8 3 1 / 2 1/ 2 9/ 16 1 9 / 16 3 1 / 431/ 32 1 14.1082 7 / 16 ZBR32075.500 4 19 / 32 1 31 / 32 3 1 / 4 7 5 / 8 3 21 / 1 32 / 515.002 / 8 1 11 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 1 / 64 12 1 / 2 ZBR3208 14.6092 11 / 16 ZBR32116.375 5 19 / 64 2 13 / 64 3 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 4 13 / 5 64 / 323.808 / 4 2 4 1 / 16 1 1 / 64 1 1 / 42 15 / 16 ZBR3215 22.70103 7 / 16 ZBR33077.375 6 3 / 32 2 37 / 64 4 5 / 16 10 1 / 4 4 37 / 334.4015 64 / 4 / 16 2 4 15 / 16 1 9 / 64 1 1 / 43 1 / 2 ZBR3308 33.9011 3 15 / 16 ZBR3315 8.125 6 5 / 8 2 11 / 16 4 11 / 16 10 7 / 8 5 3 / 16 3/ 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 1 / 2 49.00UJDHPLMountingSurface toCollar FaceMApprox.WeightZBR3000 - Rex 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Pilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 53Flange Blocks - 15Flanged Cartridge Block

ZBR5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZBR5000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAPiotDiameterBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCRBoltCircleRadiusCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesR - Bolt Circle Radius3RJackscrew Bolt CircleHoles Provided RadiusDFBoltsPAB PilotDistance DiameterBetweenBolt HolesH J M P U4-Bolt4 1 7 / 16 ZBR5107 3.625 3 3 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 16 5 1 / 4 3 9 / 16 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 1 / 16 2 5 / 1611/ 16 3/ 4 5.9051 1 / 2 ZBR51084.250 3 5 / 8 1 19 / 32 2 9 / 16 6 1 / 8 3 13 / 7 16 / 1 16 / 2 2 7 / 32 2 5 11/ 8 / 79.1016 / 81 11 / 16 ZBR5111 8.706 1 15 / 16 ZBR5115 4.500 3 51 / 64 1 9 / 16 2 11 / 16 6 3 / 8 3 13 / 16 7/ 16 9/ 16 2 1 / 4 2 15 / 1611/ 16 7/ 8 9.6072 ZBR52005.000 4 1 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 7 1 / 8 4 1 / 1 8 / 913.702 / 16 2 3 / 8 3 1 13/ 4 / 16 12 3 / 16 ZBR5203 13.008 2 7 / 16 ZBR5207 5.500 4 19 / 32 1 13 / 16 3 1 / 4 7 5 / 8 4 3 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 9 / 16 3 9 / 16 7/ 8 1 15.902 1 / 2 ZBR520826.109 2 11 / 16 ZBR5211 6.375 5 19 / 64 2 3 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 4 7 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 4 2 7 / 8 4 1 / 16 7/ 8 1 1 / 4 24.802 15 / 16 ZBR5215 22.70103 3 / 16 ZBR53037.375 6 3 / 32 2 3 / 8 4 5 / 16 10 1 / 4 5 5 / 338.0015 16 / 4 / 16 2 15 / 16 4 15 15/ 16 / 16 1 1 / 43 7 / 16 ZBR5307 36.503 11 / 16 ZBR531156.0011 3 15 / 16 ZBR5315 8.125 6 5 / 8 2 11 / 16 4 11 / 16 10 7 / 8 6 1 / 4 3/ 4 1 1 / 8 3 9 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 1 / 2 53.004 ZBR5400 52.006-Bolt124 7 / 16 ZBR5407Y10.250 5 7 / 8 2 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 13 1 / 2 6 1 / 384.004 / 4 1 3 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 1 24 1 / 2 ZBR5408Y 83.00134 15 / 16 ZBR541511.000 6 3 / 8 2 31 / 32 6 3 / 8 14 3 / 4 7 7 / 7128.008 / 8 1 1 / 4 4 29 / 32 7 1 / 16 1 5 / 32 2 1 / 45 ZBR5500 125.0014 5 7 / 16 ZBR5507 13.000 7 1 / 4 3 7 / 32 7 1 / 4 17 8 7/ 8 1 3 / 8 4 25 / 32 8 3 / 16 1 7 / 32 2 184.00155 15 / 16 ZBR551514.000 8 1 / 4 3 1 / 16 8 1 / 4 19 8 1 / 7214.008 / 8 1 5 1 / 16 8 11 / 16 1 5 / 32 1 3 / 86 ZBR5600 213.006 7 / 16 ZBR5607246.0016 6 15 / 16 ZBR5615 15.000 8 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 2 19 8 3 / 4 1 1 5 3 / 8 9 3 / 4 1 9 / 32 1 1 / 2 241.007 ZBR5700 239.00CUJDHPLMountingSurface toCollar FaceMApprox.WeightFlanged Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 4 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Pilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” for size codes 4 thru 13Pilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.005” for size codes 14 thru 16Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” for size codes 4 thru 13Bore tolerance for mounting, +.005”/-.000” for size codes 14 thru 16Flange Blocks - 1654Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 4 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZBR6000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterBearing Drawing3JackscrewHoles ProvidedB LDistance MountingBetween Bolt Surface toHoles Collar FaceRBoltCircleRadiusCCRBolt CircleRadiusDFBoltsB ADistance PilotBetween DiameterBolt HolesH J M P U4-Bolt6 1 15 / 16 ZBR6115 4.500 3 51 / 64 2 2 11 / 16 6 3 / 8 3 41 / 64 7/ 16 9/ 16 1 41 / 64 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 8 7/ 8 9.607 2 3 / 16 ZBR6203 5.000 4 1 / 4 2 7 / 64 3 7 1 / 8 3 49 / 64 1/ 2 9/ 16 1 21 / 32 3 15 / 64 1 5 / 32 1 13.7082 3 / 8 ZBR62065.500 4 19 / 32 2 23 / 64 3 1 / 4 7 5 / 8 4 5 / 1 32 / 516.202 / 8 1 51 / 64 3 19 / 32 1 27 / 64 12 7 / 16 ZBR6207 15.902 11 / 16 ZBR621126.109 2 3 / 4 ZBR6212 6.375 5 19 / 64 2 17 / 32 3 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 4 17 / 32 5/ 8 3/ 4 2 4 3 / 32 1 25 / 64 1 1 / 4 24.802 15 / 16 ZBR6215 22.70103 3 / 16 ZBR63037.375 6 3 / 32 3 1 / 32 4 5 / 16 10 1 / 4 5 9 / 338.0015 64 / 4 / 16 2 7 / 64 4 61 / 64 1 19 / 32 1 1 / 43 7 / 16 ZBR6307 36.50113 11 / 16 ZBR63118.125 6 5 / 8 3 23 / 64 4 11 / 16 10 7 / 8 5 31 / 356.0032 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 39 / 64 5 43 / 64 1 47 / 64 1 1 / 23 15 / 16 ZBR6315 53.006-Bolt124 3 / 16 ZBR6403Y10.250 5 7 / 8 3 3 / 16 5 7 / 8 13 1 / 2 6 1 / 384.004 / 4 1 3 1 / 16 6 1 / 16 1 7 / 8 24 7 / 16 ZBR6407Y 83.0013 4 15 / 16 ZBR6415 11.000 6 3 / 8 4 1 / 16 6 3 / 8 14 3 / 4 7 15 / 16 7/ 8 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 6 61 / 64 2 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 128.00UJDHPLMountingSurface toCollar FaceMApprox.WeightZBR6000 - Rexonrd 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 55Flange Blocks - 17Flanged Cartridge Block

ZBR9000 - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZBR9000Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCRBoltCircleRadiusCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesR - Bolt Circle Radius3RJackscrew Bolt CircleHoles Provided RadiusDFBoltsH J M P U4-Bolt71 15 / 16 ZBR91155.000 4 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 3 7 1 / 8 3 5 / 1 32 / 912.202 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 31 19/ 32 / 32 12 ZBR9200 12.108 2 3 / 16 ZBR9203 5.500 4 19 / 32 1 21 / 32 3 1 / 4 7 5 / 8 3 11 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 11 / 16 3 3 / 823/ 32 1 15.2092 7 / 16 ZBR92076.375 5 19 / 64 1 3 / 4 3 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 3 3 / 5 4 / 322.708 / 4 2 3 5 23/ 8 / 32 1 1 / 42 1 / 2 ZBR9208 22.302 11 / 16 ZBR921136.4010 2 15 / 16 ZBR9215 7.375 6 3 / 32 2 1 / 4 4 5 / 16 10 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 3/ 415/ 16 2 4 13 / 3213/ 16 1 1 / 4 35.403 ZBR9300 34.70113 3 / 16 ZBR93038.125 6 5 / 8 2 9 / 16 4 11 / 16 10 7 / 8 5 1 / 3 16 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 1555.50/ 16 / 16 1 1 / 23 7 / 16 ZBR9307 53.506-Bolt3 11 / 16 ZBR9311Y84.2012 3 15 / 16 ZBR9315Y 10.250 5 7 / 8 2 11 / 32 5 7 / 8 13 1 / 2 5 13 / 32 3/ 4 1 3 1 / 16 5 23 / 32 1 1 / 32 2 81.904 ZBR9400Y 81.40134 3 / 16 ZBR940311.000 6 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 6 3 / 8 14 3 / 4 6 3 / 7128.004 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 6 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 44 7 / 16 ZBR9407 126.00144 15 / 16 ZBR941513.000 7 1 / 4 3 5 / 16 7 1 / 4 17 7 3 / 7178.0016 / 8 1 3 / 8 3 7 / 8 7 3 / 32 1 1 / 8 25 ZBR9500 177.0015 5 7 / 16 ZBR9507 14.000 8 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 8 1 / 4 19 7 9 / 16 7/ 8 1 4 3 / 16 8 1 / 16 1 5 / 16 1 3 / 8 209.005 15 / 16 ZBR9515241.0016 6 ZBR9600 15.000 8 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 8 1 / 2 19 7 3 / 4 1 1 4 1 / 4 9 1 / 16 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 2 240.006 7 / 16 ZBR9607 233.00CBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesAPilotDiameterUJDHLMountingSurface toCollar FaceMPApprox.WeightFlanged Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 7 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all other size codes, 1/4”PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” for size codes 7 thru 13Pilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.005” for size codes 14 thru 16Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” for size codes 7 thru 13Bore tolerance for mounting, +.005”/-.000” for size codes 14 thru 16Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Flange Blocks - 1856“K” seals only available in size codes 7 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZCS2000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing CartridgeUnit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode4567891011ShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameter1 7 / 16 ZCS21072.903.1240 2.203 2 7 / 8 2 5 / 161 1 / 2 ZCS2108 2.801 11 / 16 ZCS21114.503.6360 2.453 3 1 / 8 2 5 / 81 3 / 4 ZCS2112 4.401 15 / 16 ZCS21155.003.8330 2.453 3 1 / 8 2 15 / 162 ZCS2200 4.802 3 / 16 ZCS22036.404.2270 2.578 3 5 / 16 3 1 / 42 1 / 4 ZCS2204 6.302 3 / 8 ZCS22067.602 7 / 16 ZCS2207 4.6210 2.640 3 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 7.502 1 / 2 ZCS2208 7.302 11 / 16 ZCS221112.302 3 / 4 ZCS2212 11.905.4070 3.140 4 4 1 / 162 15 / 16 ZCS2215 10.803 ZCS2300 10.503 3 / 16 ZCS230317.903 7 / 16 ZCS2307 6.1940 3.453 4 3 / 8 4 15 / 16 16.403 1 / 2 ZCS2308 15.903 11 / 16 ZCS231131.103 15 / 16 ZCS2315 7.3750 4.000 5 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 28.804 ZCS2400 28.10DBCartridgeLengthDMMApprox.WeightZCS2000 - Rexnord 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4-28 UNFBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Locking plug thread size, 5/8”-18 UNFLocking plug & grease fitting supplied with bearingRecommended engagement of locking plug into cartridge slot is .125” +/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 57Cartridge Blocks - 1Cast Steel Cartridge Block

ZCS3000 - Rexnord 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZCS3000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing CartridgeUnit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameter4 1 7 / 16 ZCS3107 3.1240 2.203 2 59 / 64 2 5 / 16 3.105 1 11 / 16 ZCS3111 3.6360 2.453 3 3 / 16 2 5 / 8 4.706 1 15 / 16 ZCS3115 3.8330 2.453 3 9 / 32 2 3 / 4 3.507 2 3 / 16 ZCS3203 4.2270 2.578 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 6.7082 7 / 16 ZCS32077.704.6210 2.640 3 21 / 32 3 9 / 162 1 / 2 ZCS3208 7.6092 11 / 16 ZCS321112.505.4070 3.140 4 13 / 64 4 1 / 162 15 / 16 ZCS3215 11.50103 7 / 16 ZCS330717.006.1940 3.453 4 37 / 64 4 15 / 163 1 / 2 ZCS3308 16.1011 3 15 / 16 ZCS3315 7.3750 4.000 5 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 28.80DBCartridgeLengthDMMApprox.WeightCast Steel Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4-28 UNFBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Locking plug thread size, 5/8”-18 UNFLocking plug & grease fitting supplied with bearingRecommended engagement of locking plug into cartridge slot is .125” +/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Cartridge Blocks - 258Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZCS5000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Cartridge Unitwith Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameter4 1 7 / 16 ZCS5107 3.1240 2.203 3 9 / 16 2 5 / 16 3.3051 1 / 2 ZCS51085.703.6360 2.453 3 13 / 16 2 5 / 81 11 / 16 ZCS5111 5.106 1 15 / 16 ZCS5115 3.8330 2.453 3 13 / 16 2 15 / 16 5.3072 ZCS52008.104.2270 2.578 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 42 3 / 16 ZCS5203 7.508 2 7 / 16 ZCS5207 4.6210 2.640 4 3 / 8 3 9 / 16 8.702 1 / 2 ZCS520815.109 2 11 / 16 ZCS5211 5.4070 3.140 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 16 14.102 15 / 16 ZCS5215 12.10103 3 / 16 ZCS530319.806.1940 3.453 5 5 / 16 4 15 / 163 7 / 16 ZCS5307 17.903 11 / 16 ZCS531133.6011 3 15 / 16 ZCS5315 7.3750 4.000 6 1 / 4 5 5 / 8 32.604 ZCS5400 31.60DBCartridgeLengthDMMApprox.WeightZCS5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4-28 UNFBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Locking plug thread size, 5/8”-18 UNFLocking plug & grease fitting supplied with bearingRecommended engagement of locking plug into cartridge slot is .125” +/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 59Cartridge Blocks - 3Cast Steel Cartridge Block

ZCS6000 - Rexnord 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZCS6000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveSteel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthD M P6 1 15 / 16 ZCS6115 3.8330 2.453 3 41 / 64 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 8 5.307 2 3 / 16 ZCS6203 4.2770 2.578 3 49 / 64 3 15 / 64 1 5 / 32 8.1082 3 / 8 ZCS62069.104.6210 2.640 4 5 / 32 3 19 / 32 1 27 / 642 7 / 16 ZCS6207 8.702 11 / 16 ZCS621115.109 2 3 / 4 ZCS6212 5.4070 3.140 4 17 / 32 4 3 / 32 1 25 / 64 14.102 15 / 16 ZCS6215 12.10103 3 / 16 ZCS630319.806.1940 3.453 5 9 / 64 4 61 / 64 1 19 / 323 7 / 16 ZCS6307 17.90113 11 / 16 ZCS631133.607.3750 4.000 5 31 / 32 5 43 / 64 1 47 / 643 15 / 16 ZCS6315 32.60DPMApprox.WeightCast Steel Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4-28 UNFBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Locking plug thread size, 5/8”-18 UNFLocking plug & grease fitting supplied with bearingRecommended engagement of locking plug into cartridge slot is .125” +/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Cartridge Blocks - 460Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZCS9000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameter71 15 / 16 ZCS91156.604.2270 2.578 3 5 / 32 2 31 / 322 ZCS9200 6.508 2 3 / 16 ZCS9203 4.6210 2.640 3 11 / 32 3 3 / 8 7.9092 7 / 16 ZCS920711.605.4070 3.140 3 3 / 4 3 5 / 82 1 / 2 ZCS9208 11.202 11 / 16 ZCS921119.1010 2 15 / 16 ZCS9215 6.1940 3.453 4 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 17.903 ZCS9300 17.20113 3 / 16 ZCS930334.307.3750 4.000 5 1 / 16 5 3 / 163 7 / 16 ZCS9307 32.30DBCartridgeLengthDMMApprox.WeightZCS9000 - Rexnord 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4-28 UNFBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Locking plug thread size, 5/8”-18 UNFLocking plug & grease fitting supplied with bearingRecommended engagement of locking plug into cartridge slot is .125” +/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 61Cartridge Blocks - 5Cast Steel Cartridge Block

ZMC2000 - Rexnord 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZMC2000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode234567891011ShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthXD3/ 4 ZMC20123.1015/ 16 ZMC2015 3.0000 2 2 9 / 16 1 3 / 4 - - -1 ZMC21002.901 1 / 8 ZMC21023.501 3 / 16 ZMC2103 3.2190 2 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 2 - - -3.401 1 / 4 ZMC2104 3.301 7 / 16 ZMC21073.4370 2 3 / 16 2 7 / 8 2 5 / 33.9029 16 / 16 / 32 0.5311 1 / 2 ZMC2108 3.801 11 / 16 ZMC21113.9370 2 7 / 16 3 1 / 8 2 5 / 35.6029 8 / 16 / 32 0.5311 3 / 4 ZMC2112 5.401 15 / 16 ZMC21154.1250 2 7 / 16 3 1 / 8 2 15 / 35.8029 16 / 16 / 32 0.5312 ZMC2200 5.602 3 / 16 ZMC22034.5310 2 9 / 16 3 5 / 16 3 1 / 37.5029 4 / 16 / 32 0.5312 1 / 4 ZMC2204 7.302 3 / 8 ZMC22069.502 7 / 16 ZMC2207 5.0000 2 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 9.402 1 / 2 ZMC2208 9.202 11 / 16 ZMC221115.902 3 / 4 ZMC22125.8750 3 1 / 8 4 4 1 / 115.5016 / 4 1 1 / 32 0.5942 15 / 16 ZMC2215 14.403 ZMC2300 14.103 3 / 16 ZMC230322.503 7 / 16 ZMC2307 6.7500 3 7 / 16 4 3 / 8 4 15 / 16 9/ 32 1 1 / 16 0.594 20.503 1 / 2 ZMC2308 20.003 11 / 16 ZMC231138.503 15 / 16 ZMC2315 8.1250 4 1 / 8 5 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 5/ 16 1 9 / 32 0.781 36.504 ZMC2400 35.80M120XDepthBCartridgeLengthXDXLengthMXWidthApprox.WeightCast Iron Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableCartridge Blocks - 662Selection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZMC3000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthXD4 1 7 / 16 ZMC3107 3.4370 2 3 / 16 2 59 / 64 2 5 / 16 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 4.105 1 11 / 16 ZMC3111 3.9370 2 7 / 16 3 3 / 16 2 5 / 8 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 5.806 1 15 / 16 ZMC3115 4.1250 2 7 / 16 3 9 / 32 2 15 / 16 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 6.007 2 3 / 16 ZMC3203 4.5310 2 9 / 16 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 7.8082 7 / 16 ZMC32075.0000 2 5 / 8 3 21 / 32 3 9 / 39.6029 16 / 16 / 32 0.5312 1 / 2 ZMC3208 9.5092 11 / 16 ZMC32115.8750 3 1 / 8 4 13 / 64 4 1 / 116.1016 / 4 1 1 / 32 0.5942 15 / 16 ZMC3215 15.10103 7 / 16 ZMC33076.7500 3 7 / 16 4 37 / 64 4 15 / 921.1016 / 32 1 1 / 16 0.5943 1 / 2 ZMC3308 20.2011 3 15 / 16 ZMC3315 8.1250 4 1 / 8 5 3 / 16 5 5 / 8 5/ 16 1 9 / 32 0.781 36.50M120XDepthBCartridgeLengthXDXLengthXWidthMApprox.WeightZMC3000 - Rexnord 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 63Cartridge Blocks - 7Cast Iron Cartridge Block

ZMC5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZMC5000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameterXB1 D M120YXDepthXLengthBCartridgeLength4 1 7 / 16 ZMC5107 3.4370 2 3 / 16 - 3 9 / 16 2 5 / 16 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 - 4.3051 1 / 2 ZMC51083.9370 2 7 / 16 - 3 13 / 16 2 5 / 36.5029 8 / 16 / 32 0.531 -1 11 / 16 ZMC5111 5.906 1 15 / 16 ZMC5115 4.1250 2 7 / 16 - 3 13 / 16 2 15 / 16 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 - 6.5072 ZMC52004.5310 2 9 / 16 - 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 39.5029 4 / 16 / 32 0.531 -2 3 / 16 ZMC5203 8.808 2 7 / 16 ZMC5207 5.0000 2 5 / 8 - 4 3 / 8 3 9 / 16 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 - 10.602 1 / 2 ZMC520818.709 2 11 / 16 ZMC5211 5.8750 3 1 / 8 - 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 16 1/ 4 1 1 / 32 0.594 - 17.702 15 / 16 ZMC5215 15.70103 3 / 16 ZMC53036.7500 3 7 / 16 - 5 5 / 16 4 15 / 924.7016 / 32 1 1 / 16 0.594 -3 7 / 16 ZMC5307 22.803 11 / 16 ZMC531144.0011 3 15 / 16 ZMC5315 8.1250 4 1 / 8 - 6 1 / 4 5 5 / 8 5/ 16 1 9 / 32 0.781 - 41.504 ZMC5400 41.004 3 / 16 ZMC5403Y50.0012 4 7 / 16 ZMC5407Y 8.7500 4 1 / 4 - 6 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 5/ 16 1 1 / 2 0.781 - 47.004 1 / 2 ZMC5408Y 46.00134 15 / 16 ZMC541510.4370 5 9 / 16 6 7 7 / 8 7 1 / 595.0016 / 16 1 1 / 2 0.781 7 25 / 325 ZMC5500 92.0014 5 7 / 16 ZMC5507 11.5000 5 9 / 16 5 7 / 8 8 8 3 / 16 7/ 32 1 1 / 2 0.781 9 9 / 16 114.00155 15 / 16 ZMC551512.2500 5 7 / 8 6 1 / 8 8 1 / 8 8 21 / 7134.0032 / 32 1 1 / 2 0.781 10 3 / 86 ZMC5600 133.006 7 / 16 ZMC5607180.0016 6 15 / 16 ZMC5615 13.5630 6 3 / 16 6 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 9 23 / 32 7/ 32 1 1 / 2 0.781 11 3 / 8 167.007 ZMC5700 166.00DXB1XWidthYMApprox.WeightCast Iron Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 4 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, for size code 4 thru 11 +.000”/-.002”: for all other sizecodes, +.000”/-.003”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Cartridge Blocks - 864“K” seals only available in size codes 4 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZMC6000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthBearing DrawingAOutsideDiameterX120BCartridgeLengthB1 D M PXDSize Code6 - 12PMXDepthYXLengthBCartridgeLengthDXB1Size Code136 1 15 / 16 ZMC6115 4.1250 2 7 / 16 - 3 41 / 64 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 8 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 - 6.507 2 3 / 16 ZMC6203 4.5310 2 9 / 16 - 3 49 / 64 3 15 / 64 1 5 / 32 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 - 9.5082 3 / 8 ZMC62065.0000 2 5 / 8 - 4 5 / 32 3 19 / 32 1 27 / 310.9029 64 / 16 / 32 0.531 -2 7 / 16 ZMC6207 10.602 11 / 16 ZMC621118.709 2 3 / 4 ZMC6212 5.8750 3 1 / 8 - 4 17 / 32 4 3 / 32 1 25 / 64 1/ 4 1 1 / 32 0.594 - 17.702 15 / 16 ZMC6215 15.70103 3 / 16 ZMC63036.7500 3 7 / 16 - 5 9 / 64 4 61 / 64 1 19 / 924.7032 / 32 1 1 / 16 0.594 -3 7 / 16 ZMC6307 22.80113 11 / 16 ZMC63118.1250 4 1 / 8 - 5 31 / 32 5 43 / 64 1 47 / 544.0064 / 16 1 9 / 32 0.781 -3 15 / 16 ZMC6315 41.50124 3 / 16 ZMC6403Y8.7500 4 1 / 4 - 6 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 1 7 / 550.008 / 16 1 1 / 2 0.781 -4 7 / 16 ZMC6407Y 47.0013 4 15 / 16 ZMC6415 10.4370 5 9 / 16 6 7 15 / 16 6 61 / 64 2 1 / 4 5/ 16 1 1 / 2 0.781 7 25 / 32 95.00XWidthMPYApprox.WeightZMC6000 - Rexnord 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, for size code 6 thru 11 +.000”/-.002”: for all othersize codes, +.000”/-.003”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 65Cartridge Blocks - 9Cast Iron Cartridge Block

ZMC9000 - Rexnord 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZMC9000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing CartridgeUnit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthXB1 D M120YXDepthXLengthBCartridgeLength71 15 / 16 ZMC91154.5310 2 9 / 16 - 3 5 / 32 2 31 / 37.6029 32 / 16 / 32 0.531 -2 ZMC9200 7.408 2 3 / 16 ZMC9203 5.0000 2 5 / 8 - 3 11 / 32 3 3 / 8 3/ 1629/ 32 0.531 - 9.6092 7 / 16 ZMC92075.8750 3 1 / 8 - 3 27 / 32 3 5 / 115.608 / 4 1 1 / 32 0.594 -2 1 / 2 ZMC9208 15.202 11 / 16 ZMC921123.8010 2 15 / 16 ZMC9215 6.7500 3 7 / 16 - 4 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 9/ 32 1 1 / 16 0.594 - 22.503 ZMC9300 22.10113 3 / 16 ZMC93038.1250 4 1 / 8 - 5 3 / 32 5 3 / 541.0016 / 16 1 9 / 32 0.781 -3 7 / 16 ZMC9307 39.403 11 / 16 ZMC9311Y48.5012 3 15 / 16 ZMC9315Y 8.7500 4 1 / 4 - 5 13 / 32 5 23 / 32 5/ 16 1 1 / 2 0.781 - 46.204 ZMC9400Y 45.70134 3 / 16 ZMC940310.4370 5 9 / 16 6 6 13 / 16 6 1 / 592.008 / 16 1 1 / 2 0.781 7 25 / 324 7 / 16 ZMC9407 90.00144 15 / 16 ZMC941511.5000 5 9 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 3 / 16 7 3 / 7115.0032 / 32 1 1 / 2 0.781 9 9 / 165 ZMC9500 108.0015 5 7 / 16 ZMC9507 12.2500 5 7 / 8 6 1 / 8 7 7 / 16 8 1 / 16 7/ 32 1 1 / 2 0.781 10 3 / 8 130.005 15 / 16 ZMC9515178.0016 6 ZMC9600 13.5630 6 3 / 16 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 9 1 / 16 7/ 32 1 1 / 2 0.781 11 3 / 8 177.006 7 / 16 ZMC9607 170.00DXB1XWidthYMApprox.WeightCast Iron Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 7 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”O.D. tolerance, for size code 7 thru 11 +.000”/-.002”: for all othersize codes, +.000”/-.003”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 7 thru 11Cartridge Blocks - 1066Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZT2000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode234567891011ShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingFSSlotWidthGHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterTYA D F G J K L M P T YAllowableWorking Load(2/3 Yield Strength)3/ 4 ZT2201215/ 16 ZT220153/ 4 317/ 32 3 2 9 / 16 2 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 1 5 / 16 3 5 / 8 1 3 / 4 9/ 16 5/ 8 2 9 / 16 4,4004.001 ZT22100 3.901 1 / 8 ZT321025.501 3 / 16 ZT32103 7/ 8 3 1 / 217/ 32 3 3 / 8 2 11 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 9 / 16 1 17 / 32 4 1 / 8 2 9/ 16 5/ 8 2 7 / 8 5,7005.401 1 / 4 ZT32104 5.301 7 / 16 ZT42107 7/ 8 3 1 17/ 2 / 32 3 3 / 4 2 7 / 8 2 7 / 16 1 7 / 16 5 1 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 5 11/ 16 / 56.4016 / 8 3 1 / 4 7,6001 1 / 2 ZT42108 6.301 11 / 16 ZT521111 1 11/ 8 4 / 16 4 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 2 1 / 32 4 3 / 4 2 5 11/ 8 / 39.8016 / 4 3 13 / 16 12,3001 3 / 4 ZT52112 9.701 15 / 16 ZT621151 1 11/ 8 4 / 16 4 1 / 2 3 1 / 8 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 4 1 / 2 2 15 11/ 16 / 310.1016 / 4 3 15 / 16 12,3002 ZT62200 9.902 3 / 16 ZT7220313.601 3 / 8 4 1 13/ 2 / 16 5 3 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 3 1 13/ 4 / 16 1 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 13,5002 1 / 4 ZT72204 13.402 3 / 8 ZT8220618.302 7 / 16 ZT82207 1 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 16 5 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 29 / 32 5 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 7/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 20,90018.202 1 / 2 ZT82208 17.902 11 / 16 ZT9221128.802 3 / 4 ZT922121 5 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 13 / 16 6 7 / 16 4 4 7 / 8 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 6 11 / 16 4 1 / 728.4016 / 8 1 1 / 2 5 15 / 16 26,8002 15 / 16 ZT92215 27.603 ZT92300 27.003 3 / 16 ZT10230342.503 7 / 16 ZT102307 1 7 / 8 6 13 / 16 1 13 / 16 7 3 / 8 4 3 / 8 5 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 31 / 32 7 13 / 16 4 15 / 1615/ 16 1 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 27,30040.503 1 / 2 ZT102308 40.003 11 / 16 ZT11231171.003 15 / 16 ZT112315 2 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 2 1 / 16 8 7 / 8 5 3 / 16 5 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 12 1 / 8 4 9 / 16 9 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 8 7 11 / 16 45,40068.004 ZT112400 67.00JANSlotSpacingLKDSSlotWidthPMApprox.WeightZT2000 - Rexnord 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Take-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes except for size codes 2 & 3Allowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 67Cartridge Blocks - 1Take-Up Block

ZT3000 - Rexnord 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZT3000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingFSSlotWidthGHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterTA D F G J K L M P T YAllowableWorking Load(2/3 Yield Strength)4 1 7 / 16 ZT43107 7/ 8 3 1 / 217/ 32 3 3 / 4 2 59 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 7 / 16 5 1 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 5 / 1625/ 32 5/ 8 3 1 / 4 7,600 6.605 1 11 / 16 ZT53111 1 1 / 8 411/ 16 4 1 / 4 3 3 / 16 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 2 1 / 32 4 3 / 4 2 5 / 8 3/ 4 3/ 4 3 13 / 16 12,300 10.006 1 15 / 16 ZT63115 1 1 / 8 411/ 16 4 1 / 2 3 9 / 32 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 4 1 / 2 2 3 / 427/ 32 3/ 4 3 15 / 16 12,300 13.507 2 3 / 16 ZT73203 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 213/ 16 5 3 1 / 2 3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 3 1 / 431/ 32 1 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 13,500 13.9082 7 / 16 ZT8320718.401 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 16 5 1 / 2 3 21 / 32 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 29 / 32 5 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 1 1 / 64 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 20,9002 1 / 2 ZT83208 18.3092 11 / 16 ZT9321129.001 5 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 13 / 16 6 7 / 16 4 13 / 64 4 7 / 8 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 6 11 / 16 4 1 / 16 1 1 / 64 1 1 / 2 5 15 / 16 26,8002 15 / 16 ZT93215 28.00103 7 / 16 ZT10330741.101 7 / 8 6 13 / 16 1 13 / 16 7 3 / 8 4 37 / 64 5 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 31 / 32 7 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 1 9 / 64 1 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 27,3003 1 / 2 ZT103308 40.9011 3 15 / 16 ZT113315 2 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 2 1 / 16 8 7 / 8 5 3 / 16 5 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 12 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 9 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 8 7 11 / 16 45,400 68.00YJANSlotL KSpacingDSSlotWidthPMApprox.WeightTake-Up BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Take-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthCartridge Blocks - 268Selection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZT5000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingFGHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterSSlotWidthTYA D F G J K L M P T YAllowableWorking Load(2/3 Yield Strength)4 1 7 / 16 ZT45107 7/ 8 3 1 / 217/ 32 3 3 / 4 3 9 / 16 2 7 / 16 1 7 / 16 5 1 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 1 / 8 2 5 / 1611/ 16 5/ 8 3 1 / 4 7,600 6.8051 1 / 2 ZT551081 1 11/ 8 4 / 16 4 1 / 4 3 13 / 16 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 2 1 / 32 4 3 / 4 2 5 11/ 8 / 310.9016 / 4 3 13 / 16 12,3001 11 / 16 ZT55111 10.206 1 15 / 16 ZT65115 1 1 / 8 411/ 16 4 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 4 1 / 2 2 15 / 1611/ 16 3/ 4 3 15 / 16 12,300 10.8072 ZT7520015.201 3 / 8 4 1 13/ 2 / 16 5 4 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 3 1 13/ 4 / 16 1 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 13,5002 3 / 16 ZT75203 14.508 2 7 / 16 ZT85207 1 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 16 5 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 29 / 32 5 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 7/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 20,900 19.402 1 / 2 ZT9520831.509 2 11 / 16 ZT95211 1 5 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 13 / 16 6 7 / 16 4 7 / 8 4 7 / 8 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 6 11 / 16 4 1 / 16 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 15 / 16 26,800 30.102 15 / 16 ZT95215 28.80103 3 / 16 ZT10530344.001 7 / 8 6 13 / 16 1 13 / 16 7 3 / 8 5 5 / 16 5 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 31 / 32 7 13 / 16 4 15 15/ 16 / 16 1 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 27,3003 7 / 16 ZT105307 42.003 11 / 16 ZT11531175.0011 3 15 / 16 ZT115315 2 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 2 1 / 16 8 7 / 8 6 1 / 4 5 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 12 1 / 8 4 9 / 16 9 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 8 7 11 / 16 45,400 72.004 ZT115400 71.004 3 / 16 ZT125403Y94.0012 4 7 / 16 ZT125407Y 2 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 2 1 / 16 9 13 / 16 6 1 / 4 6 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 13 7 / 16 5 1 / 32 10 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 1 2 1 / 8 8 11 / 16 53,700 91.004 1 / 2 ZT125408Y 90.00134 15 / 16 ZT135415130.002 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 10 7 / 8 7 7 / 8 6 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 14 7 / 8 5 3 / 4 11 1 / 4 7 1 / 16 1 5 / 32 2 1 / 2 9 7 / 16 68,0005 ZT135500 127.0014 5 7 / 16 ZT145507 3 1 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 15 3 / 8 8 8 5 20 5 / 8 6 1 / 2 16 8 3 / 16 1 1 / 32 3 1 / 2 12 7 / 16 140,900 417.00155 15 / 16 ZT155515426.003 1 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 15 3 / 8 8 1 / 8 8 5 20 5 / 8 7 7 / 32 16 8 11 / 16 1 5 / 32 3 1 / 2 12 15 / 16 140,9006 ZT155600 424.006 7 / 16 ZT165607433.0016 6 15 / 16 ZT165615 3 1 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 15 3 / 8 8 3 / 4 8 5 20 5 / 8 8 1 / 16 16 9 3 / 4 1 9 / 32 3 1 / 2 12 15 / 16 165,300 428.007 ZT165700 426.00JANSlotSpacingLKPDSSlotWidthPMApprox.WeightZT5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 4 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for allother size codes, 1/4” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Take-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 4 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 69Cartridge Blocks - 3Take-Up Block

ZT6000 - Rexnord 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingZT6000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingFSSlotWidthGHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterTA D F G J K L M P T YAllowableWorking Load(2/3 Yield Strength)6 1 15 / 16 ZT66115 1 1 / 8 411/ 16 4 1 / 2 3 41 / 64 3 5 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 2 5 / 16 4 1 / 2 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 8 3/ 4 3 15 / 16 12,300 10.807 2 3 / 16 ZT76203 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 213/ 16 5 3 49 / 64 3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 3 15 / 64 1 5 / 32 1 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 13,500 15.2082 3 / 8 ZT8620619.901 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 16 5 1 / 2 4 5 / 32 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 29 / 32 5 7 / 8 3 19 / 32 1 27 / 64 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 20,9002 7 / 16 ZT86207 19.402 11 / 16 ZT9621131.509 2 3 / 4 ZT96212 1 5 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 13 / 16 6 7 / 16 4 17 / 32 4 7 / 8 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 6 11 / 16 4 3 / 32 1 25 / 64 1 1 / 2 5 15 / 16 26,800 30.102 15 / 16 ZT96215 28.80103 3 / 16 ZT10630344.001 7 / 8 6 13 / 16 1 13 / 16 7 3 / 8 5 9 / 64 5 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 31 / 32 7 13 / 16 4 61 / 64 1 19 / 32 1 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 27,3003 7 / 16 ZT106307 42.00113 11 / 16 ZT11631175.002 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 2 1 / 16 8 7 / 8 5 31 / 32 5 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 12 1 / 8 4 9 / 16 9 7 / 16 5 43 / 64 1 47 / 64 2 1 / 8 7 11 / 16 45,4003 15 / 16 ZT116315 72.00124 3 / 16 ZT126403Y94.002 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 2 1 / 16 9 13 / 16 6 1 / 4 6 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 13 7 / 16 5 1 / 32 10 3 / 8 6 1 / 16 1 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 8 11 / 16 53,7004 7 / 16 ZT126407Y 91.0013 4 15 / 16 ZT136415 2 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 10 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 6 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 14 7 / 8 5 3 / 4 11 1 / 4 6 61 / 64 2 1 / 4 2 1 / 2 9 7 / 16 68,000 130.00YJAN LSlotSpacingKDSSlotWidthPMApprox.WeightTake-Up BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all other size codes, 1/4”PTTake-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthCartridge Blocks - 470Selection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZT9000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingFSSlotWidthGHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterTA D F G J K L M P T YAllowableWorking Load(2/3 Yield Strength)71 15 / 16 ZT7911513.701 3 / 8 4 1 13/ 2 / 16 5 3 5 / 32 3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 2 31 19/ 32 / 32 1 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 13,5002 ZT79200 13.608 2 3 / 16 ZT89203 1 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 16 5 1 / 2 3 11 / 32 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 29 / 32 5 7 / 8 3 3 / 823/ 32 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 20,900 18.7092 7 / 16 ZT9920729.101 5 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 13 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 27 / 32 4 7 / 8 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 6 11 / 16 3 5 23/ 8 / 32 1 1 / 2 5 15 / 16 26,8002 1 / 2 ZT99208 28.702 11 / 16 ZT10921142.6010 2 15 / 16 ZT109215 1 7 / 8 6 13 / 16 1 13 / 16 7 3 / 8 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 31 / 32 7 13 / 16 4 13 / 3213/ 16 1 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 27,300 41.403 ZT109300 40.70113 3 / 16 ZT11930375.502 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 2 1 / 16 8 7 / 8 5 3 / 32 5 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 12 1 / 8 4 9 / 16 9 7 / 16 5 3 15/ 16 / 16 2 1 / 8 7 11 / 16 45,4003 7 / 16 ZT119307 73.503 11 / 16 ZT129311Y91.2012 3 15 / 16 ZT129315Y 2 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 2 1 / 16 9 13 / 16 5 13 / 32 6 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 13 7 / 16 5 1 / 32 10 3 / 8 5 23 / 32 1 1 / 32 2 1 / 8 8 11 / 16 53,700 88.904 ZT129400Y 88.40134 3 / 16 ZT139403130.002 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 10 7 / 8 6 13 / 16 6 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 14 7 / 8 5 3 / 4 11 1 / 4 6 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 9 7 / 16 68,0004 7 / 16 ZT139407 128.00144 15 / 16 ZT149415411.003 1 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 15 3 / 8 7 3 / 16 8 5 20 5 / 8 6 1 / 2 16 7 3 / 32 1 1 / 8 3 1 / 2 12 7 / 16 140,9005 ZT149500 410.0015 5 7 / 16 ZT159507 3 1 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 15 3 / 8 7 7 / 16 8 5 20 5 / 8 7 7 / 32 16 8 1 / 16 1 5 / 16 3 1 / 2 12 15 / 16 140,900 421.005 15 / 16 ZT169515428.0016 6 ZT169600 3 1 / 8 14 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 15 3 / 8 7 3 / 4 8 5 20 5 / 8 8 1 / 16 16 9 1 / 16 1 11 / 16 3 1 / 2 12 15 / 16 165,300 427.006 7 / 16 ZT169607 420.00YJANSlotSpacingLKDSSlotWidthPMApprox.WeightZT9000 - Rexnord 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 7 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all other size codes, 1/4”PTTake-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 7 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 71Cartridge Blocks - 5Take-Up Block

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC72

ZHT5000Photo Shows a Center Pull Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode5ShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssembly1 1 / 2 ZHT551081 11 / 16 ZHT551116 1 15 / 16 ZHT6511572 ZHT752002 3 / 16 ZHT752038 2 7 / 16 ZHT8520791011TravelLength12182430361218243036121824303612182430362 1 / 22 11 / 162 15 / 16ZHT95208ZHT95211ZHT9521512182430363 3 / 16 ZHT1053031218243 7 / 16 ZHT105307 30363 11 / 16 ZHT115311 12183 15 / 16 ZHT115315 24304 ZHT115400 36ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYBFrameBolt HoleSpacing27 1/233 1/23 15 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/227 1/233 1/23 15 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/227 1/233 1/24 7 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/228 1/234 1/24 3 / 8 40 1/246 1/252 1/230 1/236 1/25 1 / 8 42 1/248 1/254 1/232385 5 / 8 44505636427 485460GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)----XKAdjustmentBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H K L X Y Adjust.29 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/230 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/232 1/238 1/22 44 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/42 46 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/22-Bolt3 13 / 16 4 5/ 8 7/ 8 6 9 / 16 8 7 / 1619 1/225 1/231 1/237 1/243 1/23 13 / 16 4 5/ 8 7/ 8 6 9 / 16 8 7 / 1619 1/225 1/231 1/237 1/243 1/24 1 / 8 4 5/ 8 1 3 / 16 6 13 / 16 920263238444 3 / 8 4 3/ 4 3/ 4 7 1 / 2 9 3 / 1620263238444-Bolt4 7 / 8 5 5/ 8 7/ 8 8 1 / 8 10 3 / 421 3/427 3/433 3/439 3/445 3/45 5 / 16 5 3/ 4 7/ 8 8 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 34222840466 1 / 4 6 3/ 4 7/ 8 10 5 / 8 14 3 / 162632384450H1-8NC1-8NC1 1/4-7NC1 1/4-7NC1 1/2-6NC1 3/4-5NC2-41/2NC1521273339152127333915212733391521273339162228344016 1/422 1/428 1/434 1/440 1/417 1/223 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/2DGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)ELAllowableWorkingLoad12,30012,30013,00016,30026,80027,30038,400Approx.Weight5969778695596977869570819098108778696107119128142159174191152177186205224241270290311337ZHT5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 73Take-up Assemblies - 1Center Pull Take-up Assembly

Center Pull Take-up Assembly ZHT5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCode12ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesCompleteTake-upAssembly4 3 / 16 ZHT125403Y4 7 / 16 ZHT125407YPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 5 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all other size codes, 1/4”PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 5 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesTake-up Assemblies - 2TravelLength1218243036424 15 / 16 ZHT13541512181324305 ZHT135500 36421814 5 7 / 16 ZHT145507 3042155 15 / 16 ZHT155515 18306 ZHT155600 426 7 / 16 ZHT165607 1816 6 15 / 16 ZHT165615 307 ZHT165700 42ABase toCenterlineHeightBFrameBolt HoleSpacing40 3/446 3/47 1 /52 3/4258 3/464 3/470 3/444 1/250 1/28 1 /56 1/2862 1/268 1/274 1/25510 9 / 16 67795510 9 / 16 67795510 9 / 16 6779GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)5C D E F H K L X Y Adjust.4-Bolt(continued)45 3/451 3/457 3/463 3/469 3/475 3/449 1/255 1/25 1 /61 1/2267 1/273 1/279 1/2617 7385617 7385617 73856 1 / 4 8 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 12 1 / 4 15 1 / 22632384450567 7 / 8 9 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 13 1 / 2 16 3 / 42935414753598 12 1 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 23 1 / 2 22 1 / 2 4836608 1 / 8 12 1 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 23 1 / 2 22 1 / 2 4836608 3 / 4 12 1 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 23 1 / 2 22 1 / 2 483660742-4 1/2 NC2 1/4-4 1/2 NC3-4 NC3-4 NC3-4 NC19253137434920 1/426 1/432 1/438 1/444 1/450 1/4183042183042183042Allowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.AllowableWorkingLoad53,30068,000136,700136,700136,700Approx.Weight331362391410433461440460496527555587129314201547130014271554130414311558Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZHT6000Photo Shows a Center Pull Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveCenter pull type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssembly6 1 15 / 16 ZHT661157 2 3 / 16 ZHT76203891011122 3 / 8 ZHT862062 7 / 16 ZHT86207TravelLength1218243036121824303612182430362 11 / 16 ZHT96211 12182 3 / 4 ZHT96212 24302 15 / 16 ZHT96215 363 3 / 16 ZHT1063031218243 7 / 16 ZHT106307 30363 11 / 16 ZHT1163111218243 15 / 16 ZHT116315 3036124 3 / 16 ZHT126403Y 1824304 7 / 16 ZHT126407Y 3642ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYBFrameBolt HoleSpacing27 1/233 1/23 15 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/227 1/233 1/24 7 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/228 1/234 1/24 3 / 8 40 1/246 1/252 1/230 1/236 1/25 1 / 8 42 1/248 1/254 1/232385 5 / 8 44505636427 48546040 3/446 3/47 1 /52 3/4258 3/464 3/470 3/4XGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)---22KAdjustmentBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H K L X Y Adjust.2-Bolt29 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/23 41 / 64 4 5/ 8 7/ 8 6 9 / 16 8 7 / 1619 1/225 1/231 1/237 1/243 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/23 49 / 64 4 5/ 8 1 3 / 16 6 13 / 16 930 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/24-Bolt32 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/2545 3/451 3/457 3/463 3/469 3/475 3/420263238444 5 / 32 4 3/ 4 3/ 4 7 1 / 2 9 3 / 1620263238444 17 / 32 5 5/ 8 7/ 8 8 1 / 8 10 3 / 421 3/427 3/433 3/439 3/445 3/4225 9 / 64 5 3/ 7 4 / 8 8 3 /11284 13/341640465 31 / 32 6 3/ 4 7/ 8 10 5 / 8 14 3 / 1626323844506 1 / 4 8 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 12 1 / 4 15 1 / 22632384450561-8 NC1 1/4-7 NC1 1/4-7 NC1 1/2-6 NC1 3/4-5 NC2-4 1/2 NC2-4 1/2NCH152127333915212733391521273339162228344016 1/422 1/428 1/434 1/440 1/417 1/223 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/2192531374349DGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EAllowableWorkingLoad12,30013,00016,30026,80027,30038,40053,300LApprox.Weight596977869570819098108778696107119128142159174191152177186205224241270290311337331362391410433461ZHT6000 - Rexnord 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 75Take-up Assemblies - 3Center Pull Take-up Assembly

Center Pull Take-up Assembly ZHT6000 - Rexnord 6000 Series Shurlok Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesCompleteTake-upAssembly13 4 15 / 16 ZHT136415Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 6 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTSeals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 6 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthTake-up Assemblies - 4TravelLength121824303642ABase toCenterlineHeightBFrameBolt HoleSpacing44 1/250 1/28 1 /56 1/2862 1/268 1/274 1/2GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)49 1/255 1/25 1 /61 1/2267 1/273 1/279 1/2C D E F H K L X Y Adjust.4-Bolt(continued)7 15 / 16 9 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 13 1 / 2 16 3 / 4293541475359762 1/4-4 1/2 NC20 1/426 1/432 1/438 1/444 1/450 1/4Selection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.AllowableWorkingLoad68,000Approx.Weight440460496527555587Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZST5000Photo Shows a Center Pull Spring Loaded Take-Up Framewith Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull type spring loaded frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter5PartNumber1 1 / 2 ZST55108181 11 / 16 ZST5511118Adjust.ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYBFrameBolt HoleSpacingGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)ZXKAdjustmentBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCC D E F H K L X Y Z2-Bolt21 3 15 / 16 33 1 / 2 - 35 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 4 5/ 8 7/ 8 6 9 / 16 8 7 / 16 436 1 15 / 16 ZST6511518 21 3 15 / 16 33 1 / 2 - 35 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 4 5/ 8 7/ 8 6 9 / 16 8 7 / 16 4372 ZST75200182 3 / 16 ZST752031821 4 7 / 16 33 1 / 2 - 35 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 4 5/ 8 1 3 / 16 6 13 / 16 9 438 2 7 / 16 ZST8520718 21 4 3 / 8 34 1 / 2 - 36 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 4 3/ 4 3/ 4 7 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 439101112132 1 / 2 ZST95208182 11 / 16 ZST95211182 15 / 16 ZST95215183 3 / 16 ZST105303183 7 / 16 ZST105307183 11 / 16 ZST115311183 15 / 16 ZST115315184 ZST115400184 3 / 16 ZST125403Y184 7 / 16 ZST125407Y184 15 / 16 ZST135415185 ZST135500184-Bolt22 5 1 / 8 36 1 / 2 2 38 1 / 2 4 7 / 8 5 5/ 8 7/ 8 8 1 / 8 10 3 / 4 4522 1 / 4 5 5 / 8 38 2 40 1 / 4 5 5 / 16 5 3/ 4 7/ 8 8 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 451-8 NC1-8 NC1 1/4 -7 NC1 1/4 -7 NC1 1/2-6 NC1 3/4-5 NC23 1 / 2 7 42 2 1 / 2 44 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 6 3/ 4 7/ 8 10 5 / 8 14 3 / 16 48 1 / 22-4 1/2 NCABase toCenterlineHeightHWorking LoadInches of SpringDeflection1 3 5DELGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)AllowableWorkingLoadApprox.Weight39 870 1,800 3,400 12,300 69.0039 870 1,800 3,400 12,300 69.0039 870 1,800 3,400 13,000 81.0039 870 1,800 3,400 16,300 86.0040 1 / 4 1,300 3,400 5,250 26,800 142.0040 1 / 4 1,800 3,700 6,800 27,300 177.0041 2,600 5,200 9,400 38,400 270.0025 7 1 / 2 46 3 / 4 5 51 3 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 12 1 / 4 15 1 / 2 48 1 /2-24 1/2 NC41 2,600 5,200 9,400 53,300 362.0026 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 50 1 / 2 5 1 / 2 55 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 9 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 13 1 / 2 16 3 / 4 522 1/4-4 1/2 NC 45 1 / 2 4,475 11,200 18,000 68,000 460.00ZST5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 5 thru 11, 1/8” PT: for all othersize codes, 1/4” PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”“K” seals only available in size codes 5 thru 11Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable frame load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 77Take-up Assemblies - 5Center Pull Spring Loaded Take-up Assembly

ZNT2000 - Rexnord 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZNT2000Photo Shows a Protected Screw Type Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode67891011ShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssembly1 15 / 16 ZNT621152 ZNT622002 3 / 16 ZNT722032 1 / 4 ZNT72204TravelLength121824303612182430362 3 / 8 ZNT82206 12182 7 / 16 ZNT82207 24302 1 / 2 ZNT82208 362 11 / 16 ZNT92211 12182 15 / 16 ZNT92215 24303 ZNT92300 363 3 / 163 7 / 163 1 / 2ZNT102303ZNT102307ZNT10230812182430363 11 / 163 15 / 164ZNT112311ZNT112315ZNT1124001218243036ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYBFrameBolt HoleSpacing26 1/232 1/23 15 / 16 38 1/244 1/250 1/24 3 / 1627 1/233 1/239 1/245 1/251 1/228 1/234 1/24 3 / 8 40 1/246 1/252 1/230 1/236 1/25 1 / 8 42 1/248 1/254 1/25 5 / 8323844505673642485460HGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)---22KAdjustmentXBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCC D E F H I K L V X Y Z Adjust.28 1/234 1/240 1/246 1/252 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/230 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/232 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/22-Bolt3 1 / 8 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 1 7 / 3225 3/831 3/837 3/843 3/849 3/83 5 / 16 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 1 9 / 3226 3/832 3/838 3/844 3/850 3/83 1 / 2 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 8 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 5 / 1627 3/433 3/439 3/445 3/451 3/44-Bolt4 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 4 9 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 42303648544 3 / 8 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 4 10 11 3 / 4 1 23 / 3232384450565 3 / 16 5 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 12 14 1 / 2 2 1 / 1636 5/1642 5/1648 5/1654 5/1660 5/16KVDIEZ123/4 -10NC 3 1813 / 16 243036123/4 -10NC 3 1813 / 16 243036127/8-9NC 3 1815 / 16 243036121-8NC 5 181 / 16 243036121 1/8-7NC 5 183 / 16 2430361 1/4-7NC 6 3 / 81218243036ABase toCenterlineHeightLGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)AllowableWorkingLoad3,0003,6004,4006,8008,40015,600Approx.Weight4550566370495466737859637479858593113120128118127145154166209217249269279Protected Screw Take-up AssemblyAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthTake-up Assemblies - 678Selection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZNT3000Photo Shows a Protected Screw Type Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssembly6 1 15 / 16 ZNT631157 2 3 / 16 ZNT7320389102 7 / 16 ZNT832072 1 / 2 ZNT832082 11 / 16 ZNT932112 15 / 16 ZNT932153 7 / 16 ZNT1033073 1 / 2 ZNT10330811 3 15 / 16 ZNT113315TravelLength121824303612182430361218243036121824303612182430361218243036ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYHBFrameBolt HoleSpacing26 1/232 1/23 15 / 16 38 1/244 1/250 1/227 1/233 1/24 3 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/228 1/234 1/24 3 / 8 40 1/246 1/252 1/230 1/236 1/25 1 / 8 42 1/248 1/254 1/25 5 / 8323844505673642485460GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)---22KAdjustmentXBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCKVDIEZABase toCenterlineHeightLGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D E F H I K L V X Y Z Adjust. AllowableWorkingLoad28 1/234 1/240 1/246 1/252 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/230 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/232 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/22-Bolt3 9 / 32 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 1 7 / 3225 3/831 3/837 3/843 3/849 3/83 1 / 2 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 1 9 / 3226 3/832 3/838 3/844 3/850 3/83 21 / 32 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 8 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 5 / 1627 3/433 3/439 3/445 3/451 3/44-Bolt4 13 / 64 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 4 9 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 42303648544 37 / 64 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 4 10 11 3 / 4 1 23 / 3232384450565 3 / 16 5 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 12 14 1 / 2 2 1 / 1636 5/1642 5/1648 5/1654 5/1660 5/16123/4-10 NC 3 1813 / 16 243036123/4-10 NC 3 1813 / 16 243036127/8-9 NC 3 1815 / 16 243036121-8 NC 5 181 / 16 243036121 1/8-7 NC 5 183 / 16 2430361 1/4-7 NC12186 3 / 8 2430363,0003,6004,4006,8008,40015,600Approx.Weight4550566370495466737859637479858593113120128118127145154166209217249269279ZNT3000 - Rexnord 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 79Take-up Assemblies - 7Protected Screw Take-up Assembly

ZNT5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZNT5000Photo Shows a Protected Screw Type Take-Up Framewith Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssembly6 1 15 / 16 ZNT6511572 ZNT752002 3 / 16 ZNT752038 2 7 / 16 ZNT8520791011TravelLength1218243036121824303612182430362 1 / 2 ZNT95208 12182 11 / 16 ZNT95211 24302 15 / 16 ZNT95215 363 3 / 16 ZNT1053033 7 / 16 ZNT10530712182430363 11 / 163 15 / 164ZNT115311ZNT115315ZNT1154001218243036ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYHBFrameBolt HoleSpacing26 1/232 1/23 15 / 16 38 1/244 1/250 1/227 1/233 1/24 3 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/228 1/234 1/24 3 / 8 40 1/246 1/252 1/230 1/236 1/25 1 / 8 42 1/248 1/254 1/25 5 / 8323844505673642485460GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)---22KAdjustmentXBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCC D E F H I K L V X Y Z Adjust.28 1/234 1/240 1/246 1/252 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/230 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/232 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/22-Bolt3 13 / 16 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 1 7 / 3225 3/831 3/837 3/843 3/849 3/84 1 / 8 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 1 9 / 3226 3/832 3/838 3/844 3/850 3/84 3 / 8 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 8 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 5 / 1627 3/433 3/439 3/445 3/451 3/44-Bolt4 7 / 8 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 4 9 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 42303648545 5 / 16 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 4 10 11 3 / 4 1 23 / 3232384450566 1 / 4 5 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 12 14 1 / 2 2 1 / 1636 5/1642 5/1648 5/1654 5/1660 5/16KVDIEZ123/4-10 NC 3 1813 / 16 243036123/4-10 NC 3 1813 / 16 243036127/8-9 NC 3 1815 / 16 243036121-8 NC 5 181 / 16 243036121 1/8-7 NC 5 183 / 16 243036121 1/4-7 NC 6 183 / 8 243036ABase toCenterlineHeightLGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)AllowableWorkingLoad3,0003,6004,4006,8008,40015,600Approx.Weight4752586572515668758061657681878795115122130120129147156168211219251271281Protected Screw Take-up AssemblyAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthTake-up Assemblies - 880Selection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZNT6000Photo Shows a Protected Screw Type Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleeveProtected screw type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssembly6 1 15 / 16 ZNT661157 2 3 / 16 ZNT762038910112 3 / 8 ZNT862062 7 / 16 ZNT86207TravelLength1218243036121824303612182430362 11 / 162 3 / 42 15 / 16ZNT96211ZNT96212ZNT9621512182430363 3 / 16 ZNT1063033 7 / 16 ZNT1063073 11 / 16 ZNT1163113 15 / 16 ZNT11631512182430361218243036ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingYHBFrameBolt HoleSpacing26 1/232 1/23 15 / 16 38 1/244 1/250 1/227 1/233 1/24 3 / 16 39 1/245 1/251 1/228 1/234 1/24 3 / 8 40 1/246 1/252 1/25 1 / 830 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/232385 5 / 8 44505673642485460GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)---22KAdjustmentXBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCC D E F H I K L V X Y Z Adjust.28 1/234 1/240 1/246 1/252 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/247 1/253 1/230 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/254 1/232 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/22-Bolt3 41 / 64 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 1 7 / 3225 3/831 3/837 3/843 3/849 3/83 49 / 64 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 1 9 / 3226 3/832 3/838 3/844 3/850 3/84 5 / 32 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 3 8 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 5 / 1627 3/433 3/439 3/445 3/451 3/44-Bolt4 17 / 32 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 4 9 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 1 9 / 1630364248545 9 / 64 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 4 10 11 3 / 4 1 23 / 3232384450565 31 / 32 5 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 5 12 14 1 / 2 2 1 / 1636 5/1642 5/1648 5/1654 5/1660 5/16KVDIEZ123/4-10 NC 3 1813 / 16 243036123/4-10 NC 3 1813 / 16 243036127/8-9 NC 3 1815 / 16 243036121-8 NC 5 181 / 16 243036121 1/8-7 NC 5 183 / 16 243036121 1/4-7 NC 6 183 / 8 243036ABase toCenterlineHeightLGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)AllowableWorkingLoad3,0003,6004,4006,8008,40015,600Approx.Weight4752586572515668758061657681878795115122130120129147156168211219251271281ZNT6000 - Rexnord 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 81Take-up Assemblies - 9Protected Screw Take-up Assembly

ZAT2000 - Rexnord 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZAT2000Photo Shows a Center Pull, Side Mounted Take-Up Framewith Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull side mounted frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAdjust.ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)LNABase to Centerline HeightIRMounting BoltCenter to MountingBolt CenterRMountingBolt Centerto MountingBolt CenterRMountingBolt Centerto MountingBolt CenterAdjustmentCRMountingBolt Centerto MountingBolt CenterXC E F H I L N O S X Y6-Bolt4 1 7 / 16 ZAT421079 9 1 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 6 7 / 16 15 7 / 8 5 3 / 16 1/ 3 2 / 16 1 1 / 2 3 5 / 8 3 3 7 / 8 15 13 1 / 8 3/4-10 NC 18.405 1 11 / 16 ZAT521119 9 2 4 1 / 16 7 17 5 13 / 1 16 / 2 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 3 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 3 / 4 16 13 1 / 2 7/8-9 NC 26.806 1 15 / 16 ZAT621159 9 2 4 1 / 16 7 17 5 13 / 1 16 / 2 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 3 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 3 / 4 16 13 1 / 2 7/8-9 NC 27.107 2 3 / 16 ZAT722039 9 2 4 13 / 16 7 1 / 2 18 6 9 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 4 3 9 / 16 5 7 / 16 16 15 / 16 14 5 / 16 1-8 NC 33.708-Bolt8 2 7 / 16 ZAT8220712 12 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 6 1 / 16 21 11 / 16 7 5 / 16 1/ 5 2 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 16 3 13 / 16 5 7 / 8 20 3 / 4 18 1 1/8-7 NC 51.009 2 15 / 16 ZAT9221512 12 2 7 / 16 5 3 / 8 6 1 / 2 23 8 1 / 8 1/ 5 2 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 4 6 3 / 4 21 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 1 1/4-7 NC 75.00YSOIHApprox.WeightTake-up AssemblyAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes on outboard side onlySelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionTake-up Assemblies - 1082Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZAT3000Photo Shows a Center Pull, Side Mounted Take-Up Framewith Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull side mounted frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberAdjust.ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingEGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)LNABase to Centerline HeightIRMounting BoltCenter to MountingBolt CenterRMountingBolt Centerto MountingBolt CenterRMountingBolt Centerto MountingBolt CenterAdjustmentCC E F H I L N O S X Y6-Bolt4 1 7 / 16 ZAT431079 9 1 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 6 7 / 16 15 7 / 8 5 3 / 16 1/ 3 2 / 16 1 1 / 2 3 5 / 8 3 3 7 / 8 15 13 1 / 8 3/4-10 NC 18.405 1 11 / 16 ZAT531119 9 2 4 1 / 16 7 17 5 13 / 1 16 / 2 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 3 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 3 / 4 16 13 1 / 2 7/8-9 NC 26.806 1 15 / 16 ZAT631159 9 2 4 1 / 16 7 17 5 13 / 1 16 / 2 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 3 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 3 / 4 16 13 1 / 2 7/8-9 NC 27.107 2 3 / 16 ZAT732039 9 2 4 13 / 16 7 1 / 2 18 6 9 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 4 3 9 / 16 5 7 / 16 16 15 / 16 14 5 / 16 1-8 NC 33.708-Bolt8 2 7 / 16 ZAT8320712 12 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 6 1 / 16 21 11 / 16 7 5 / 16 1/ 5 2 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 16 3 13 / 16 5 7 / 8 20 3 / 4 18 1 1/8-7 NC 51.009 2 15 / 16 ZAT9321512 12 2 7 / 16 5 3 / 8 6 1 / 2 23 8 1 / 8 1/ 5 2 / 16 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 4 6 3 / 4 21 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 1 1/4-7 NC 75.00SRMountingBolt Centerto MountingXBolt CenterOIHApprox.WeightZAT3000 - Rexnord 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codes on outboard side onlySelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 83Take-up Assemblies - 11Take-up Assembly

ZFT5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZFT5000Photo Shows an Elevator Boot Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull elevator boot frameBack plate makes casing dust tightCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingEGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)L1/21 1/8ABase toCenterlineHeightGGBolt Hole Bolt HoleSpacing (Width) Spacing (Width)VIEnd of Frame at RodEnd to MountingBolt CenterAdjustmentC E F K L S V X Y Adjust.6 1 15 / 16 ZFT651159 3 11 / 16 6 5 1 / 2 23 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1/ 2 10 5 / 8 7 3 / 16 21 3 / 4 11 19 1 / 2 7/8-9 NC 9 63.008 2 7 / 16 ZFT8520712 3 15 / 16 7 1 / 2 7 5 / 16 28 5 / 8 6 1 / 8 1/ 2 12 7 / 16 8 5 / 16 27 14 24 1 / 4 1 1/8-7 NC 12 88.002 1 / 2 ZFT9520812117.009 2 11 / 16 ZFT9521112 4 3 / 8 7 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 30 3 / 8 6 13 / 16 1/ 2 13 7 / 8 8 5 / 8 28 5 / 8 14 25 3 / 8 1 1/4-7 NC 12 115.002 15 / 16 ZFT9521512 114.00CK3 7/8 IEnd of Frame toMounting Bolt CenterVXSFeltY#10 Gage PlateApprox.WeightBoot End Take-up AssemblyAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionTake-up Assemblies - 1284Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

ZGT5000Photo Shows an Elevator Head Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull elevator head frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBFrameBolt HoleSpacingBearing DrawingGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)SAdjustmentABase toCenterlineHeightBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D E F H J L S X Y Adjust. AllowableWorkingLoad6 1 15 / 16 ZGT651156 3 5 / 16 10 1 3 / 4 12 3 13 / 16 3 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 2 4 15 / 16 16 1 / 2 15 7 / 8 13 5 / 8 1-8 NC 6 12,300 50.008 2 7 / 16 ZGT852077 4 1 / 8 11 2 13 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 4 5/ 3 8 / 4 4 15 / 16 19 7 / 16 18 3 / 4 13 5 / 8 1 1/4-7 NC 7 20,900 74.002 1 / 2 ZGT952087103.009 2 11 / 4 5 / 8 12 2 1 / 2 14 1 / 2 4 7 / 8 5 5/ 3 8 / 4 5 1 / 4 20 7 / 8 17 7 / 8 15 1 16 ZGT952117 / 2 1 1/2-6 NC 7 26,800 101.002 15 / 16 ZGT952157 100.00310/ 16 ZGT105303105 1 / 8 13 3 16 5 5 / 16 5 3/ 3140.004 / 4 6 25 1 / 16 23 3 / 16 19 1 / 2 1 3/4-5 NC 10 27,3003 7 / 16 ZGT10530710 138.003 11 / 16 ZGT11531110214.0011 3 15 / 5 13 / 16 14 3 17 6 1 / 4 5 3/ 3 4 / 4 8 1 / 4 27 3 / 4 26 7 16 ZGT11531510 / 16 22 2-4 1/2 NC 10 45,400 211.004 ZGT11540010 210.0012 4 7 / 16 ZGT125407Y10 6 13 / 16 17 3 1 / 2 20 6 1 / 4 6 7/ 3 8 / 4 9 1 / 4 32 1 / 4 29 1 / 2 24 1 / 2 2-4 1/2 NC 10 1 / 2 53,700 260.00413/ 16 ZGT135415107 3 / 16 18 3 1 / 2 21 7 7 / 8 6 7/ 3 8 / 4 9 7 / 16 34 5 / 8 31 3 / 4 26 5 /2 1/4-329.00164 1/2 NC10 1 / 2 68,0005 ZGT13550010 326.0014 5 7 / 16 ZGT14550710 9 11 / 16 23 7 31 8 10 1 1 / 8 1 10 1 / 2 44 7 / 8 42 1 / 4 35 3-4 NC 10 1 / 2 125,000 1,200.00515/ 16 ZGT155515109 11 / 16 23 7 31 8 1 / 8 10 1 1 / 8 1 10 1 / 2 44 7 / 8 42 1 / 4 35 3-4 NC 10 1 / 2 125,000 1,200.006 ZGT155600106 7 / 16 ZGT1656071016 6 15 / 9 11 / 16 23 7 31 8 3 / 4 10 1 1 / 8 1 10 1 / 2 44 7 / 8 42 1 / 4 35 3-4 NC 10 1 16 ZGT16561510/ 2 125,000 1,200.007 ZGT16570010YHXLDJEApprox.WeightZGT5000 - Rexnord 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rexnord Interchangeability guideLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8 PTBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - available in all size codesAllowable working load is 2/3 yield strengthSelection Guide, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rexnord Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 85Take-up Assemblies - 13Head End Take-up Assembly

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC86

ZD2000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Duplex UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode4567891011ShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesRBoltCircleRadiusBearing DrawingE1RBolt CircleRadiusEBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesD E1 E F H K M N P S ZRecommendedHousing BoreDiameter1 7 / 16 ZD21072 9 / 16 1 13 / 16 2 7 / 8 3 3 / 4 3 5 / 3 16 / 5 8 / 16 1 3 / 4 2 5 / 7 16 / 53.0032 / 8 2.8375 1.725 2.83601 1 / 2 ZD2108 2.901 11 / 16 ZD21112 7 / 8 2 1 / 32 3 1 / 8 4 1 / 4 3 3 / 3 4 / 5 8 / 16 2 1 / 32 2 5 / 3 8 / 54.2016 / 8 3.3495 1.930 3.34801 3 / 4 ZD2112 4.001 15 / 16 ZD21153 2 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 4 1 / 2 4 3/ 5 8 / 16 2 5 / 16 2 15 / 34.6021 16 / 16 / 32 3.5465 1.875 3.54502 ZD2200 4.502 3 / 16 ZD22033 13 / 32 2 13 / 32 3 5 / 16 5 1 / 8 4 9 / 7 16 / 5 16 / 16 2 5 / 8 3 1 / 16.2011 4 / 8 / 16 3.9400 1.880 3.93852 1 / 4 ZD2204 6.102 3 / 8 ZD22067.802 7 / 16 ZD2207 3 23 / 32 2 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 5 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 16 2 29 / 32 3 9 / 16 1/ 4 3/ 4 4.3337 2.225 4.3322 7.702 1 / 2 ZD2208 7.502 11 / 16 ZD221113.302 3 / 4 ZD22124 21 / 64 3 1 / 16 4 6 1 / 2 6 1/ 3 2 / 8 3 3 / 8 4 1 / 1 16 / 313.104 / 4 5.1202 2.600 5.11872 15 / 16 ZD2215 12.103 ZD2300 11.603 3 / 16 ZD230318.703 7 / 16 ZD2307 4 61 / 64 3 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 7 3 / 8 6 13 / 16 5/ 8 7/ 16 3 31 / 32 4 15 / 16 3/ 16 7/ 8 5.9075 2.664 5.9060 17.203 1 / 2 ZD2308 16.803 11 / 16 ZD231135.503 15 / 16 ZD2315 6 3 / 16 4 3 / 8 5 3 / 16 9 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 5/ 817/ 32 4 9 / 16 5 5 / 815/ 64 1 7.0890 3.190 7.0875 31.204 ZD2400 30.50SNZDPKMH.045 Max ShimsApprox.WeightZD2000 - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Outer race O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.001”Recommended housing bore diameter tolerance, +.002”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableSelection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 87Duplex - 1Duplex Unit

ZD5000 - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingZD5000Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Duplex UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 3°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetween BoltHolesRBolt CircleRadiusBearing DrawingE1RBolt CircleRadiusEBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesD E1 E F H K M N P S ZRecommendedHousing BoreDiameter4 1 7 / 16 ZD5107 2 9 / 16 1 13 / 16 3 9 / 16 3 3 / 4 3 5 / 16 3/ 8 5/ 16 1 3 / 4 2 5 / 16 7/ 32 5/ 8 2.8375 1.725 2.8360 3.4051 1 / 2 ZD51082 7 / 8 2 1 / 32 3 13 / 16 4 1 / 4 3 3 / 3 4 / 5 8 / 16 2 1 / 32 2 5 / 3 8 / 55.4016 / 8 3.3495 1.930 3.34801 11 / 16 ZD5111 4.806 1 15 / 16 ZD5115 3 2 1 / 8 3 13 / 16 4 1 / 2 4 3/ 8 5/ 16 2 5 / 16 2 15 / 16 3/ 1621/ 32 3.5465 1.875 3.5450 5.2072 ZD52003 13 / 32 2 13 / 32 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 8 4 9 / 7 16 / 5 16 / 16 2 5 / 8 3 1 / 17.9011 4 / 8 / 16 3.9400 1.880 3.93852 3 / 16 ZD5203 7.308 2 7 / 16 ZD5207 3 23 / 32 2 5 / 8 4 3 / 8 5 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 16 2 29 / 32 3 9 / 16 1/ 4 3/ 4 4.3337 2.225 4.3322 8.802 1 / 2 ZD520816.609 2 11 / 16 ZD5211 4 21 / 64 3 1 / 16 4 7 / 8 6 1 / 2 6 1/ 2 3/ 8 3 3 / 8 4 1 / 16 1/ 4 3/ 4 5.1202 2.600 5.1187 15.302 15 / 16 ZD5215 13.20103 3 / 16 ZD53034 61 / 64 3 1 / 2 5 5 / 16 7 3 / 8 6 13 / 5 16 / 7 8 / 16 3 31 / 32 4 15 / 3 16 / 721.2016 / 8 5.9075 2.664 5.90603 7 / 16 ZD5307 19.403 11 / 16 ZD531138.0011 3 15 / 16 ZD5315 6 3 / 16 4 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 8 5 / 8 5/ 817/ 32 4 9 / 16 5 5 / 815/ 64 1 7.0890 3.190 7.0875 35.004 ZD5400 34.00NPZDPKMSH.045 Max ShimsApprox.WeightDuplex UnitAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideBore size = nominal shaft size +.001”/-.000”Outer race O.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.001”Recommended housing bore diameter tolerance, +.002”/-.000”Seals - To specify K or M seal, replace “Z” in part number with “K” or “M”Auxiliary end caps - not availableDuplex - 288Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

2000UPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller BearingProduct FeaturesPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysHardened spring locking collarSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode234567891011ShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameter3/ 4 2012U 0.750015/ 16 2015U 0.93751 2100U 1.00001 1 / 8 2102U 1.12501 3 / 16 2103U 1.18751 1 / 4 2104U 1.25001 7 / 16 2107U 1.43751 1 / 2 2108U 1.50001 11 / 16 2111U 1.68751 3 / 4 2112U 1.75001 15 / 16 2115U 1.93752 2200U 2.00002 3 / 16 2203U 2.18752 1 / 4 2204U 2.25002 3 / 8 2206U 2.37502 7 / 16 2207U 2.43752 1 / 2 2208U 2.50002 11 / 16 2211U 2.68752 3 / 4 2212U 2.75002 15 / 16 2215U 2.93753 2300U 3.00003 3 / 16 2303U 3.18753 7 / 16 2307U 3.43753 1 / 2 2308U 3.50003 11 / 16 2311U 3.68753 15 / 16 2315U 3.93754 2400U 4.0000Bearing DrawingBOutsideDiameterCBearingWidthBOutsideDiameterENHCWidthABoreDiameterE G H M N PApprox.Weight2.3780 1.1200 1.93 1.57 2.57 1.74 1.31 0.98 1.202.6280 1.3100 2.18 1.62 2.69 1.96 1.53 0.97 1.602.8375 1.3100 2.38 1.78 2.88 2.30 1.75 1.12 1.703.3495 1.5800 2.78 1.91 3.13 2.58 2.02 1.12 2.703.5465 1.5300 3.04 1.91 3.13 2.89 2.31 1.14 3.103.9400 1.6600 3.38 2.06 3.32 3.25 2.62 1.24 4.004.3337 1.7500 3.76 2.19 3.51 3.56 2.90 1.31 5.005.1202 2.1300 4.45 2.44 4.00 4.05 3.37 1.37 8.505.9075 2.3100 5.11 2.66 4.39 4.91 3.97 1.50 12.007.0890 2.7500 6.16 3.13 5.20 5.63 4.56 1.75 21.50GPM2000U - Rex 2000 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideBearing O.D. tolerance, +.0000”/-.0010”Bore tolerance for all size codes, +.0010”/-.0000”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 89Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 1Replacement Insert

3000U - Rex 3000 Series Eccentric Locking Collar Spherical Roller Bearing3000UPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller BearingProduct FeaturesPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEccentric locking collarSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingBOutsideDiameterCBearing WidthBOutsideEDiameterE G H M N P4 1 7 / 16 3107U 1.4375 2.8375 1.3100 2.38 1.83 2.92 2.30 1.75 1.17 1.905 1 11 / 16 3111U 1.6875 3.3495 1.5800 2.78 1.95 3.18 2.58 2.02 1.17 2.906 1 15 / 16 3115U 1.9375 3.5465 1.5300 3.04 2.06 3.28 2.89 2.31 1.29 3.307 2 3 / 16 3203U 2.1875 3.9400 1.6600 3.38 2.24 3.50 3.25 2.62 1.42 4.3082 7 / 16 3207U 2.43752 1 / 2 3208U 2.50004.3337 1.7500 3.76 2.33 3.65 3.56 2.90 1.45 5.2092 11 / 16 3211U 2.68752 15 / 16 3215U 2.93755.1202 2.1300 4.45 2.63 4.20 4.05 3.37 1.57 8.50103 7 / 16 3307U 3.43753 1 / 2 3308U 3.50005.9075 2.3100 5.11 2.84 4.57 4.91 3.97 1.68 11.5011 3 15 / 16 3315U 3.9375 7.0890 2.7500 6.16 3.13 5.19 5.63 4.56 1.75 20.70NCWidthHGPAMBoreDiameterApprox.WeightReplacement InsertAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityBearing O.D. tolerance, +.0000”/-.0010”Bore tolerance for all size codes, +.0010”/-.0000”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 290Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

5000UPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller BearingProduct FeaturesPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysTwo hardened spring locking collarsSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingBOutsideDiameterBOutsideDiameterCBearingWidthE G H M N P4 1 7 / 16 5107U 1.4375 2.8375 1.3100 2.38 1.78 3.56 2.30 1.75 1.12 2.2051 1 / 2 5108U 1.50001 11 / 16 5111U 1.68753.3495 1.5800 2.78 1.91 3.81 2.58 2.02 1.12 3.506 1 15 / 16 5115U 1.9375 3.5465 1.5300 3.04 1.91 3.81 2.89 2.31 1.14 3.7072 5200U 2.00002 3 / 16 5203U 2.18753.9400 1.6600 3.38 2.06 4.13 3.25 2.62 1.24 5.508 2 7 / 16 5207U 2.4375 4.3337 1.7500 3.76 2.19 4.37 3.56 2.90 1.31 6.002 1 / 2 5208U 2.50009 2 11 / 16 5211U 2.6875 5.1202 2.1300 4.45 2.44 4.87 4.05 3.37 1.37 10.502 15 / 16 5215U 2.9375103 3 / 16 5303U 3.18753 7 / 16 5307U 3.43755.9075 2.3100 5.11 2.66 5.32 4.91 3.97 1.50 14.503 11 / 16 5311U 3.687511 3 15 / 16 5315U 3.9375 7.0890 2.7500 6.16 3.13 6.25 5.63 4.56 1.75 24.504 5400U 4.00004 3 / 16 5403YU 4.187512 4 7 / 16 5407YU 4.4375 7.6820 2.6800 6.80 3.12 6.25 6.19 5.03 1.78 27.004 1 / 2 5408YU 4.5000134 15 / 16 5415U 4.93755 5500U 5.00009.0579 3.5600 7.87 3.94 7.88 7.05 5.75 2.10 57.5014 5 7 / 16 5507U 5.4375 10.6329 4.0000 9.18 4.00 8.00 8.18 6.50 2.00 75.00155 15 / 16 5515U 5.93756 5600U 6.000011.4203 4.0000 9.86 4.07 8.13 8.64 7.20 2.06 87.006 7 / 16 5607U 6.437516 6 15 / 16 5615U 6.9375 12.6014 4.2500 10.88 4.38 8.75 9.72 8.05 2.25 107.007 5700U 7.0000ENHCWidthGPABore MDiameterApprox.Weight5000U - Rex 5000 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityMetric bore sizes available, see Rex Interchangeability guideBearing O.D. tolerance for size codes 4 thru 13, +.0000”/-.0010”: for all other size codes,+.0000”/-.0015”Bore tolerance for all size codes, +.0010”/-.0000”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 91Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 3Replacement Insert

6000U - Rex 6000 Series SHURLOK ® Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller Bearing6000UPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller BearingProduct FeaturesOptical Strain Sensor TechnologyPositive locking systemTapered adapter sleevePrecision ground & superfinished racewaysSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingBOutsideDiameterCBearing WidthBOutside EDiameterNCWidthHGPABoreDiameterE G H M N P6 1 15 / 16 6115U 1.9375 3.5465 1.5300 3.04 2.34 3.64 2.86 2.31 1.58 3.107 2 3 / 16 6203U 2.1875 3.9400 1.6600 3.38 2.43 3.77 3.24 2.62 1.60 4.0082 3 / 8 6206U 2.37502 7 / 16 6207U 2.43754.3337 1.7500 3.76 2.74 4.16 3.59 2.90 1.86 5.002 11 / 16 6211U 2.68759 2 3 / 4 6212U 2.7500 5.1202 2.1300 4.45 2.96 4.53 4.09 3.37 1.90 8.502 15 / 16 6215U 2.9375103 3 / 16 6303U 3.18753 7 / 16 6307U 3.43755.9075 2.3100 5.11 3.31 5.14 4.95 3.97 2.15 12.00113 11 / 16 6311U 3.68753 15 / 16 6315U 3.93757.0890 2.7500 6.16 3.79 5.97 5.67 4.56 2.42 21.50124 3 / 16 6403YU 4.18754 7 / 16 6407YU 4.43757.6820 2.6800 6.80 4.00 6.25 6.06 5.03 2.66 27.5013 4 15 / 16 6415U 4.9375 9.0579 3.5600 7.87 5.02 7.93 6.95 5.75 3.24 48.00MApprox.WeightReplacement InsertAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityBearing O.D. tolerance, +.0000”/-.0010”Bore tolerance for all size codes, +.0010”/-.0000”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 492Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

9000UPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller BearingProduct FeaturesPrecision ground & superfinished racewaysEnhanced life mounting styleSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingBOutsideDiameterCBearingWidthBOutsideEDiameterNCWidthHGE G H M N PPABoreDiameter MApprox.Weight9000U - Rex 9000 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller Bearing71 15 / 16 9115U 1.94002 9200U 2.00003.9400 1.6600 3.38 1.89 3.14 2.97 2.62 1.06 4.208 2 3 / 16 9203U 2.1900 4.3337 1.7500 3.76 2.03 3.34 3.38 2.90 1.15 5.3092 7 / 16 9207U 2.44002 1 / 2 9208U 2.50005.1202 2.1300 4.45 2.18 3.74 3.63 3.37 1.11 7.802 11 / 16 9211U 2.690010 2 15 / 16 9215U 2.9400 5.9075 2.3100 5.11 2.53 4.25 4.41 3.97 1.37 13.003 9300U 3.0000113 3 / 16 9303U 3.19003 7 / 16 9307U 3.44007.0890 2.7500 6.16 3.01 5.07 5.19 4.56 1.63 25.003 11 / 16 9311YU 3.690012 3 15 / 16 9315YU 3.9400 7.6820 2.6800 6.80 3.16 5.41 5.72 5.03 1.82 25.004 9400YU 4.0000134 3 / 16 9403U 4.19004 7 / 16 9407U 4.44009.0579 3.5600 7.87 3.85 6.76 6.13 5.75 2.07 57.00144 15 / 16 9415U 4.94005 9500U 5.000010.6329 4.0000 9.18 4.13 7.19 7.09 6.50 2.13 69.00155 3 / 16 9503U 5.19005 7 / 16 9507U 5.440011.4203 4.0000 9.86 4.38 7.57 8.06 7.20 2.38 85.005 15 / 16 9515U 5.940016 6 9600U 6.0000 12.6014 4.2500 10.88 4.50 7.75 9.06 8.05 2.37 104.006 7 / 16 9607U 6.4400Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityBearing O.D. tolerance for size codes 7 thru 13, +.0000”/-.0010”: for all other size codes,+.0000”/-.0015”Bore tolerance for all size codes, +.0010”/-.0000”Selection Guide, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Rex Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 93Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 5Replacement Insert

www.rexnord.comRex Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rex Industries, LLC94

Rex Replacement KitsRex AccessoriesSet Collar KitEccentric Locking Collar KitThreaded Cover KitAdapter Sleeve KitZ Seal Kit - Contains 2 Seal AssembliesK Seal Kit - Contains 2 Seal AssembliesM Seal Kit - Contains 2 Seal AssembliesMicrolock Assembly KitPart NumbersSizeCodeZ K MThreadedCover KitSet CollarKitEccentric LockingCollar KitMicrolockAssembly KitAdapterAssembly Kit2 ZS2 KS2 MS2 TC2 SC2 - ML2 -3 ZS3 KS3 MS3 TC3 SC3 - ML2 -4 ZS4 KS4 MS4 TC4 SC4 SC3107 ML2 -5 ZS5 KS5 MS5 TC5 SC5 SC3111 ML2 -6 ZS6 KS6 MS6 TC6 SC6 SC3115 ML2 -7 ZS7 KS7 MS7 TC7 SC7 SC3203 ML28 ZS8 KS8 MS8 TC8 SC89 ZS9 KS9 MS9 TC9 SC910 ZS10 KS10 MS10 TC10 SC10Additional NotesSC3207SC3208SC3211SC3215SC3307SC330811 ZS11 KS11 MS11 TC11 SC11 SC3315 ML412 ZS12Y - MS12Y TC12Y SC12Y - ML413 ZS13 - MS13 TC13 SC13 - ML414 ZS14NEW - MS14 TC14NEW SC14 - ML415 ZS15NEW - MS15 TC15NEW SC15 - ML416 ZS16NEW - MS16 TC16NEW SC16 - ML4*Floating units require ML-3ML3ML3ML4*AK7115AK7200AK8203AK9207AK9208AK10211AK10215AK10300AK11303AK11307AK11308AK12311YAK12315YAK12400YAK13403AK13407AK14415AK14500AK15503AK15507AK16515AK16600AK16607Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing 95Replacement Kits - 1

Rex AccessoriesSHURLOK Installation ToolsRex is pleased to offer a quick installation tool for the SHURLOKbearing. This tool is designed as a supplement to the spanner wrenchor drift pin method. The installation tool can be attached to a 3/4” or1/2” drive ratchet, torque wrench, or breaker bar which can be used asa lever arm. Simply fit the installation tool over the locknut by placingthe tool’s teeth into the locknut slots. The tool’s unique shape allowsit to be used from the side or the top of the bearing. To order, referto the table below for the installation tool that fits your shaft size.Part Number Size Code Shaft Sizes105-90420-11 6 1-15/16”105-90420-21 7 2-3/16”105-90420-31 8 2-3/8”, 2-7/16”105-90420-41 9 2-11/16”, 2-3/4”, 2-15/16”105-90420-51 10 3-3/16’, 3-7/16”105-90420-61 11 3-11/16”, 3-15/16”105-90420-71 12 4-3/16”, 4-7/16”105-90420-81 13 4-15/16”SHURLOK Installation - 296Rex ® Spherical Roller Bearing

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ®SphericalRoller BearingIndustries ServedMiningForest ProductsAggregatesSteelAir HandlingConstructionPackage Handling97

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features and BenefitsSeries B22400, B22500 & B22600 Spherical Roller Bearing Units and Takeups – Features and BenefitsSeries B22400 are single collar mounted spherical roller bearing units. SeriesB22500 are double collar mounted spherical roller bearing units. Series B22600are adapter mounted spherical roller bearing units. These units provide economicand versatile arrangements for supporting shafts carrying substantial radialor combination radial and thrust loads. These units are especially adaptable12345for conveyors, elevators, general industrial machinery, heavier duty fans andblowers, power transmission applications, ditchers, trenchers, pavers andother such applications. These series of bearings are easy to mount, sealed,pre-lubricated and do not require bearing adjustment during mounting.671. Mounting Feature• B22400 Series – Spring locking collarlocks inner ring securely to shaft.• B22500 Series – Two spring lockingcollars lock inner ring securely to shaft.• B22600 Series – Taperedadapter mounting system.2. Choice of three seals, floating labyrinth Type H,spring-loaded lip Type E, and triple lip Type E7.3. Long inner ring for high stabilityand load support.4. Self-aligning double row sphericalroller bearing adjusts ±2° to allowfor alignment variations betweenshaft and supporting structure.5. Double contoured retainer pocketsassure accurate roller control.6. Sturdy, compact one-piece castiron or cast steel housing.7. Slotted bolt holes in pillow block basesfacilitate mouting; bottom of base is machined.Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Self-aligning double row spherical roller bearingshave high LDN values and are designed todistribute the load over the symmetrical rollers,assuring positive tracking and smooth operation.The large roller complement provides highcapacity for radial or combined radial-thrust loads.Osculation clearance at the ends of the rollerscompensates for shock loads and preventsdestructive edge loading. These precisionbearings with double contoured retainerpockets are designed to meet a broad rangeof application requirements.Spring Locking Collar (s) - B22400 & B22500 SeriesThe spring locking collar(s) design provides asecure grip of the wide inner ring bearing to theshaft. The set screws extend through the innerring of the bearing and lock firmly onto the shaft.Installation is fast and simple. Correctly tighteningthe set screws produces elastic strain in the springlocking collar resulting in a continuous pressure onthe set screw threads and providing a positive lock.Adapter Mount – B22600 SeriesThe adapter mounting provides better concentricity and shaft control,increasing service life. Where Turned, Ground and Polished shafting is thenorm on collar-mounted units, the maximized mounting power of the B22600allows for Commercial Grade Shafting compatibility (a commonly used gradeof shafting due to its price and availability). Shaft damage from set screwsis eliminated with the B22600’s improved mounting design. Shaft damagefrom the bearing inner ring fretting to the shaft (the result of a clearance orloose fit) is also eliminated. These improvements facilitate easier bearingremoval, replacement bearing installation and longer shaft service life.Features and Benefits - 298<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

Interchangeable Seals-Seal TypesThree standard sealing systems are available each offering maximum protection for the bearing.These seals are interchangeable and are designed for grease lubrication.Type H Seal Type E Seal Type E7 SealType H floating labyrinth seals have multipleself-centering rings held securely in a steelcarrier. Type H seals are normally furnished.Type E spring loaded lip seals utilize a spring toprovide uniform pressure for keeping the sealinglip in contact with the inner ring. Type E seals arenormally used for liquid splash environments.Type E7 triple lip seal with metal outboardguard is designed for the most severe ofapplications. The outboard metal guardprotects the inner seal lips from abrasionand damage. The three molded, heavycontact lips provide excellent protectionfrom abrasive media, dust and moisture.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features and BenefitsOne-Piece Cast Iron or Cast Steel HousingsCompact one-piece housings provide for strengthand load support. Scientifically contouredhousing design provides superior rigidity.Cast iron or cast steel pillow blocks have twoor four slotted bolt holes with ample spaceprovided for drilling dowel pin holes. Flangedand flanged cartridge units have drilledmounting holes and machined mounting surfacesfor maximum stability. Cartridge units havecast iron or steel housings and are finishedto precision tolerances. Takeup units havemachined slots for smooth, precise operation.Pillow blocks, flanged, and cartridge units areavailable for fixed or expansion operation.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 99Features and Benefits - 3

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> - NomenclatureNomenclatureSymbolCCSEEFEPFFBFCPPKTDSDSHDescriptionCartridge unitCartridge unit; steel housingFlanged unit; 4-bolt squarePillow block; cast ironFlanged unit; 3- and 4-boltFlanged bracket unitFlanged cartridge unit; 4-bolt roundPillow blockPillow block; cast steel housingTakeup unit, slotted guidesTakeup, conveyor, hinged top,welded steel frameTakeup, conveyor, extra strength,welded steel frameP E -B22 4 39 F H C 17HRCollar opposite cover (B22400 only)EB22Expansion unit (not used with CSE symbol)Spherical roller bearing; extended inner ringseparable outer rings4 400 series designation (one locking collar)5 500 series designation (two locking collars)6 600 series designation (adapter mounted)BInner ring bore equal to a bore of preceding smaller bearing group39 Shaft diameter in 16ths of an inchM55Metric series, bore in mmFHEE7CFour bolt base pillow blockFloating labyrinth sealSpring-loaded lip sealTriple lip sealClosed end unit18 Takeup adjustment, inches17HGrease designation4 Clearance other than standardNomenclature- 4100<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

Series B22400, B22500 & B22600 Sphereical Roller BearingTo select a bearing, determine the applied radialload, the applied thrust load, the desired Rating Life,and applicable operating conditions. The procedureshown here will aid in selecting a bearing to meetan L10 design life. The formulas for calculatinglife expectancy should be used to determinethe Rating Life L10 for the bearing selected.SelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Industrial—16 hour shift 4,000 10 40,000Industrial—continuous 8,700 10 80,000 to100,000Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Step 3Calculate the required C and select a roller bearing.a For radial load only:P = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2Select a roller bearing from Table 2 with a basic loadrating C equal to or greater than the required C.The selection procedures and rating formulas shownhere are in agreement with The American BearingManufacturers Association Standards and ANSI/ABMA Standards STD 11-1990. Ratings are basedon fatigue life. The Rating Life L10 or fatigue lifeat 90% reliability is the usual basis for bearingselection. For radial load applications only,Table 4, can be used to select a bearingor to determine L10 life expectancy.Step 3 (continued)b For combined radial and thrust loads:Select a trial roller bearing of the desired shaft size from Table 2.Calculate the ratio of thrust load Fa to the radial load Fr.FaFrCalculate the equivalent radial load PP = XFr + YFaTo assure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.FaIf is equal to or less than e, then P = X1Fr + Y1FaFrFaIf is greater than e, then P = X2Fr + Y2FaFrFor values of e, X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, see Table 2.Calculate the required Crequired C = P using from Step 2.Consult Table 2, basic load rating. If a smallerbearing meets, or nearly meets, the requiredC, its life expectancy can be calculated.Note: If the load P is greater than .25C,consult Rexnord Bearing Division.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 101Selection Guide- 5

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionSelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toBearingLifeHoursL10L10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load,pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factorSpeed, nC(P)50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 1.93 2.38 2.93 3.31 3.61 3.86 4.07 4.27 4.444000 2.11 2.59 3.19 3.61 3.93 4.20 4.44 4.65 4.845000 2.25 2.77 3.42 3.86 4.20 4.50 4.75 4.97 5.186000 2.38 2.93 3.61 4.07 4.44 4.75 5.02 5.25 5.478000 2.59 3.19 3.93 4.44 4.84 5.18 5.47 5.73 5.9610000 2.77 3.42 4.20 4.75 5.18 5.54 5.85 6.12 6.3712000 2.93 3.61 4.44 5.02 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.47 6.7314000 3.07 3.78 4.65 5.25 5.73 6.12 6.47 6.77 7.0516000 3.19 3.93 4.84 5.47 5.96 6.37 6.73 7.05 7.3418000 3.31 4.07 5.02 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.30 7.6020000 3.42 4.20 5.18 5.85 6.37 6.81 7.20 7.54 7.8525000 3.65 4.50 5.54 6.25 6.81 7.29 7.70 8.06 8.3930000 3.86 4.75 5.85 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.51 8.8635000 4.04 4.97 6.12 6.92 7.54 8.06 8.51 8.92 9.2840000 4.20 5.18 6.37 7.20 7.85 8.39 8.86 9.28 9.6645000 4.36 5.36 6.60 7.46 8.13 8.69 9.18 9.61 10.0050000 4.50 5.54 6.81 7.70 8.39 8.97 9.48 9.92 10.3060000 4.75 5.85 7.20 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.50 10.9070000 4.97 6.12 7.54 8.51 9.28 9.92 10.50 11.00 11.4080000 5.18 6.37 7.85 8.86 9.66 10.30 10.90 11.40 11.9090000 5.36 6.60 8.13 9.18 10.00 10.70 11.30 11.80 12.30100000 5.54 6.81 8.39 9.48 10.30 11.00 11.70 12.20 12.70150000 6.25 7.70 9.48 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 13.80 14.40200000 6.81 8.39 10.30 11.70 12.70 13.60 14.40 15.00 15.70Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3000 3600 60003000 4.60 4.75 5.02 5.36 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 8.134000 5.02 5.18 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.865000 5.36 5.54 5.85 6.25 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 9.486000 5.66 5.85 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.60 8.13 8.59 10.008000 6.18 6.37 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.9010000 6.60 6.81 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 11.7012000 6.97 7.20 7.60 8.13 8.59 9.36 10.00 10.60 12.3014000 7.30 7.54 7.96 8.51 8.99 9.80 10.50 11.10 12.9016000 7.60 7.85 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.20 10.90 11.50 13.4018000 7.88 8.13 8.59 9.18 9.70 10.60 11.30 11.90 13.9020000 8.13 8.39 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.90 11.70 12.30 14.4025000 8.69 8.97 9.48 10.10 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 15.4030000 9.18 9.48 10.00 10.70 11.30 12.30 13.20 13.90 16.2035000 9.61 9.92 10.50 11.20 11.80 12.90 13.80 14.60 17.0040000 10.00 10.30 10.90 11.70 12.30 13.40 14.40 15.20 17.7045000 10.40 10.70 11.30 12.10 12.80 13.90 14.90 15.70 18.3050000 10.70 11.00 11.70 12.50 13.20 14.40 15.40 16.20 18.9060000 11.30 11.70 12.30 13.20 13.90 15.20 16.20 17.10 20.0070000 11.80 12.20 12.90 13.80 14.60 15.90 17.00 17.90 20.9080000 12.30 12.70 13.40 14.40 15.20 16.50 17.70 18.70 21.8090000 12.80 13.20 13.90 14.90 15.70 17.10 18.30 19.40 22.60100000 13.20 13.60 14.40 15.40 16.20 17.70 18.90 20.00 23.30150000 14.90 15.40 16.20 17.30 18.30 20.00 21.40 22.60 26.30200000 16.20 16.70 17.70 18.90 20.00 21.80 23.30 24.60 28.70Basic FormulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 ofany selected or trial bearing:Step 1Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:FaP = XFr + YFaFrif Fa is equal to or less than e, thenFr P = X1Fr + Y1Faif is greater than e, thenP = X2Fr + Y2FaFor values of e, X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, consultthe appropriate bearing rating Table 2.Step 2Calculate the ratio of the basic load ratingC to the equivalent radial load.Step 3Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulawhereLn = a1a2a3L10Ln = Adjusted life for (100-n) % reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factorfor material and processinga3= Life adjustment factor for operatingconditions.For most normal applications, all factors will be takenas 1, and the Rating Life used as the selection basis orlife estimate. In addition, as long as standard catalogbearings are used, a2 will be normally set equal to one.The factor a3 covers such things as lubrication,misalignment, and temperature. Some conditionsthat could yield a3 significantly different than unityinclude speeds less than 20000 DN or greater than200000 DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) orabove 275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions,as well as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Selection Guide- 6102<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 2 • Load Ratings and Speed LimitsSizeCodeCo Static load rating C Basic load rating Approximate speed limit RPM*Fa/Fr ≤ eFa/Fr > eenewtons pounds newtons pounds H seal E seal E7 seal X1 Y1 X2 Y2B416 66100 14900 51200 11500 4500 3500 --- 0.51 1.00 1.32 0.67 1.96B420 80500 18100 60900 13700 4000 3000 2375 0.48 1.00 1.40 0.67 2.08B424B524B624B428B528B432B531B631B436B536B635B440B540B639B448B548B647B456B556B655B464B564B663B572B671B580B67993200 20900 64900 14600 3600 2750 2175 0.44 1.00 1.54 0.67 2.29127700 28700 89800 20200 3100 2350 1850 0.45 1.00 1.51 0.67 2.25147700 33200 94300 21200 2800 2150 1675 0.40 1.00 1.68 0.67 2.50197500 44400 117400 26400 2500 1950 1500 0.40 1.00 1.68 0.67 2.50238000 53500 139700 31400 2300 1750 1350 0.38 1.00 1.80 0.67 2.68318000 71500 185900 41800 1950 1500 1150 0.38 1.00 1.79 0.67 2.67403400 90700 226800 51000 1650 1250 1000 0.38 1.00 1.77 0.67 2.64609400 137000 351800 79100 1400 1100 850 0.36 1.00 1.88 0.67 2.79790200 178000 419400 94300 1300 1000 775 0.38 1.00 1.80 0.67 2.68944700 212000 520400 117000 1200 900 650 0.37 1.00 1.83 0.67 2.72<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionIf the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.For vertical shift application, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.* Based on grease lubrication and moderate load.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 103Load Ratings & Speed Limits- 7

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionTable 3 • Size Code Interchange TableShaft SizeB22400 SeriesSingle Set CollarB22500 SeriesDouble Set CollarB22600 SeriesTapered AdapterBearing Number Bearing Number Bearing NumberSize Code1 B22416B41625mmB224M251-3/16 B224191-1/4 B22420B42030mmB224M301-7/16 B22423 B22523 B22623 B4241-1/2 B22424 B52435mm B224M35 B6241-1/2 B224B241-5/8 B224261-11/16 B22427 B225271-3/4 B2242840mmB224M401-3/4 B224B281-15/16 B22431 B22531 B226312 B2243245mmB224M4550mmB224M502 B225322-3/16 B22435 B22535 B226352-1/4 B2243655mmB224M552-1/4 B224B362-7/16 B22439 B22539 B226392-1/2 B2244060mmB224M602-11/16 B22443 B22543 B226432-3/4 B224442-15/16 B22447 B22547 B226473 B2244865mmB224M6570mmB224M7075mmB224M753-3/16 B224513-7/16 B22455 B22555 B226553-1/2 B2245680mmB224M8085mmB224M853-11/16 B224593-15/16 B22463 B22563 B226634 B22464 B2256490mmB224M90100mmB224M1004-3/16 B225674-7/16 B22571 B226714-1/2 B22572110mmB225M110115mmB225M1154-15/16 B22579 B226795 B22580125mmB225M125B428B528B432B531B631B436B536B635B440B540B639B448B548B647B456B556B655B464B564B663B572B671B580B679Interchangeability Guide- 8104<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 4 • Radial load ratings in pounds at Various RPM for Appropriate L10 Life HoursSizeCodeL10Lifehours50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 3500B416 8000 * * * 2589 2375 2221 2103 2008 1929 1862 1804 1708 1598 1513 1466 1371 1298 123920000 * 2735 2221 1967 1804 1688 1598 1526 1466 1415 1371 1298 1214 1149 1113 1041 986 94140000 2735 2221 1804 1598 1466 1371 1298 1239 1190 1149 1113 1054 986 933 904 846 801 765100000 2078 1688 1371 1214 1113 1041 986 941 904 873 846 801 749 709 687 642 608 581B420 8000 * * * 3085 2830 2646 2506 2392 2298 2219 2150 2035 1903 1802 1746 1633 1546 147620000 * 3258 2646 2343 2150 2010 1903 1817 1746 1685 1633 1546 1446 1369 1326 1240 1174 112140000 3258 2646 2150 1903 1746 1633 1546 1476 1418 1369 1326 1256 1174 1112 1077 1008 954 911100000 2475 2010 1633 1446 1326 1240 1174 1121 1077 1040 1008 954 892 845 818 765 725 692B424 8000 * * * 3287 3016 2820 2670 2549 2449 2364 2291 2169 2028 1920 1861 1740 1648 1573B524 20000 * 3472 2820 2497 2291 2142 2028 1937 1861 1796 1740 1648 1541 1459 1413 1322 1252 1195B624 40000 3472 2820 2291 2028 1861 1740 1648 1573 1511 1459 1413 1338 1252 1185 1148 1074 1017 971100000 2638 2142 1740 1541 1413 1322 1252 1195 1148 1108 1074 1017 951 900 872 816 772 737B428 8000 * * * 4548 4172 3902 3694 3527 3389 3271 3169 3001 2806 2657 2574 2408 2280 2176B528 20000 * 4804 3902 3455 3169 2964 2806 2680 2574 2485 2408 2280 2132 2018 1956 1829 1732 165340000 4804 3902 3169 2806 2574 2408 2280 2176 2091 2018 1956 1852 1732 1639 1588 1486 1407 1343100000 3649 2964 2408 2132 1956 1829 1732 1653 1588 1533 1486 1407 1315 1245 1207 1129 1068 1020B432 8000 * * * 4773 4379 4095 3877 3702 3557 3433 3326 3149 2945 2789 2702 2527 2392 2284B531 20000 * 5042 4095 3626 3326 3111 2945 2812 2702 2608 2527 2392 2237 2118 2052 1920 1817 1735B631 40000 5042 4095 3326 2945 2702 2527 2392 2284 2195 2118 2052 1943 1817 1721 1667 1559 1476 1409100000 3830 3111 2527 2237 2052 1920 1817 1735 1667 1609 1559 1476 1381 1307 1266 1184 1121 1071B436 8000 * * * 5944 5453 5100 4828 4610 4429 4275 4142 3922 3668 3473 3365 3147 2979 2845B536 20000 * 6278 5100 4516 4142 3874 3668 3502 3365 3248 3147 2979 2786 2638 2556 2390 2263 2161B635 40000 6278 5100 4142 3668 3365 3147 2979 2845 2733 2638 2556 2420 2263 2143 2076 1942 1838 1755100000 4769 3874 3147 2786 2556 2390 2263 2161 2076 2004 1942 1838 1719 1628 1577 1475 1396 1333B440 8000 * * * 7070 6485 6065 5743 5483 5268 5085 4927 4664 4362 4130 4002 3743 3543B540 20000 * 7468 6065 5371 4927 4608 4362 4165 4002 3863 3743 3543 3314 3138 3040 2843 2692B639 40000 7468 6065 4927 4362 4002 3743 3543 3383 3250 3138 3040 2878 2692 2548 2469 2309 2186100000 5673 4608 3743 3314 3040 2843 2692 2570 2469 2383 2309 2186 2045 1936 1876 1754 1661B448 8000 * * * 9412 8633 8074 7645 7299 7013 6769 6558 6209 5807 5498 5327 4982B548 20000 * 9941 8074 7150 6558 6134 5807 5545 5327 5142 4982 4717 4412 4177 4047 3785B647 40000 9941 8074 6558 5807 5327 4982 4717 4504 4327 4177 4047 3831 3583 3393 3287 3074100000 7552 6134 4982 4412 4047 3785 3583 3421 3287 3173 3074 2911 2722 2577 2497 2335B456 8000 * * * 11483 10534 9852 9327 8906 8556 8259 8002 7576 7085 6708 6500 6079B556 20000 * 12129 9852 8723 8002 7484 7085 6765 6500 6274 6079 5755 5383 5096 4937 4618B655 40000 12129 9852 8002 7085 6500 6079 5755 5495 5279 5096 4937 4675 4372 4139 4010 3751100000 9214 7484 6079 5383 4937 4618 4372 4174 4010 3871 3751 3551 3321 3144 3047 2849B464 8000 * * * 17810 16338 15280 14466 13813 13270 12809 12411 11750 10989 10405 10081B564 20000 * 18811 15280 13530 12411 11607 10989 10493 10081 9731 9428 8926 8348 7904 7658B663 40000 18811 15280 12411 10989 10081 9428 8926 8523 8188 7904 7658 7250 6781 6420 6220100000 14290 11607 9428 8348 7658 7162 6781 6474 6220 6004 5817 5508 5151 4877 4725B572 8000 * * * 21233 19477 18216 17246 16467 15820 15271 14796 14008 13101 12404B671 20000 * 22426 18216 16130 14796 13838 13101 12509 12018 11601 11240 10642 9952 942340000 22426 18216 14796 13101 12018 11240 10642 10161 9762 9423 9130 8644 8084 7654100000 17036 13838 11240 9952 9130 8538 8084 7719 7415 7158 6935 6566 6141 5814B580 8000 * * * 26344 24165 22601 21398 20431 19628 18947 18357 17380 16255B679 20000 * 27825 22601 20012 18357 17169 16255 15520 14911 14393 13945 13203 1234840000 27825 22601 18357 16255 14911 13945 13203 12606 12111 11691 11327 10724 10030100000 21137 17169 13945 12348 11327 10594 10030 9577 9201 8881 8605 8147 7619<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering Section* Load exceeds 25% of the C rating, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 105Load Ratings & Speed Limits- 9

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011Rexnord Industries, LLC106

PB22400, PEB22400Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB416B420B424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed ALSPartNumberSLBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H M P U W Approx.Weight1 PEB22416H 3 5 / 16 5/ 8 PB22416H 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 9 / 16 4 3 / 8 5 15 / 16 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 16 3/ 8 7/ 8 1 3 / 417/ 32 1 9 / 16 1 29 / 32 5.0025.00 PEB224M25H 84.10 15.90 PB224M25H 79.40 15.90 39.67 111.10 150.80 65.09 52.40 10.00 22.20 44.40 13.50 39.70 48.40 2.101 3 / 16 PEB22419H3 5 / 5PB22419H8 / 81 1 / 4 PEB22420H PB22420H3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 2 11 / 16 2 3 / 16 3/ 8 1 1 / 16 1 31 / 3217/ 32 1 5 / 8 1 31 / 32 6.0030.00 PEB224M30H 92.10 15.90 PB224M30H 88.90 15.90 44.45 120.60 160.30 68.26 55.60 10.00 27.00 50.00 13.50 41.30 50.00 2.901 7 / 16 PEB22423H3 7 / 7PB22423H8 / 81 1 / 2 PEB22424H PB22424H3 11 / 1613/ 16 1 7 / 8 5 6 9 / 16 2 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 5 / 1621/ 32 1 25 / 32 2 3 / 16 7.0035.00 PEB224M35H 98.40 22.22 PB224M35H 93.70 20.60 47.62 127.00 166.69 73.02 57.20 12.00 30.20 58.70 16.70 45.20 55.60 3.201 5 / 8 PEB22426HPB22426H1 11 / 16 PEB22427H 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 PB22427H 4 1 / 413/ 16 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 7 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 19 / 3221/ 32 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 10.001 3 / 4 PEB22428H PB22428H40.00 PEB224M40H 111.10 22.22 PB224M40H 108.00 20.60 53.98 139.70 180.98 79.38 63.50 12.00 33.30 65.90 16.70 48.40 57.20 4.701 15 / 16 PEB22431HPB22431H4 9 15/ 16 / 162 PEB22432H PB22432H4 9 / 1615/ 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 7 / 821/ 32 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 12.0045.00 PEB224M45H PB224M45H 115.90 23.80 115.90 23.80 57.15 158.80 206.38 79.38 63.50 16.00 34.90 73.00 16.70 48.40 57.905.5050.00 PEB224M50H PB224M50H 5.202 3 / 16 PEB22435HPB22435H155 / 162 1 / 4 PEB22436H PB22436H515/ 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 5 / 8 3 5 / 16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 425/ 32 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 14.0055.00 PEB224M55H 127.00 23.80 PB224M55H 127.00 23.80 63.50 171.40 219.08 84.14 65.10 16.00 41.30 82.60 19.80 52.40 61.90 6.502 7 / 16 PEB22439HPB22439H5 1 15/ 2 / 162 1 / 2 PEB22440H PB22440H5 1 / 215/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 8 3 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 9 / 1627/ 32 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 17.0060.00 PEB224M60H 139.70 23.80 PB224M60H 139.70 23.80 69.85 181.00 231.78 88.90 68.30 16.00 41.30 90.50 21.40 55.60 65.10 8.002 11 / 16 PEB22443HPB22443H29.002 3 / 4 PEB22444H PB22444H6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 3 3 / 3 16 / 4 2 4 1 27/ 16 / 32 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PEB22447H PB22447H27.003 PEB22448H PB22448H65.00 PEB224M65HPB224M65H13.2070.00 PEB224M70H 163.50 27.00 PB224M70H 163.50 27.00 82.55 206.40 265.10 101.60 81.00 20.00 57.20 103.20 21.40 61.90 70.60 13.0075.00 PEB224M75H PB224M75H 12.503 3 / 16 PEB22451HPB22451H43.003 7 / 16 PEB22455H 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 PB22455H 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 10 13 4 3 / 8 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 4 29 / 3215/ 16 2 21 / 32 3 42.003 1 / 2 PEB22456H PB22456H 41.0080.00 PEB224M80H PB224M80H 190.50 41.30 190.50 41.30 95.25 254.00 330.20 111.12 87.30 24.00 57.20 124.60 23.80 67.50 76.2019.6085.00 PEB224M85H PB224M85H 19.1045°HLMWUPDEFixedMUDEExpansionPB22400, PEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 107Pillow Blocks - 12-Bolt Pillow Block

2-Bolt Pillow Block PB22400, PEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPillow Blocks - 2PartNumberExpansion Fixed ALSPartNumberLSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesC D E F H M P U W Approx.Weight3 11 / 16 PEB22459HPB22459H61.003 15 / 8 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 3 / 16 1 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 16 3 7 16 PEB22463H PB22463H/ 1659.00B464 4 PEB22464H PB22464H90.00 PEB224M90H PB224M90H 28.70215.90 57.20 215.90 57.20 107.95 298.40 387.40 128.59 106.40 24.00 66.70 142.90 27.00 77.80 87.30100.00 PEB224M100H PB224M100H 26.903B464L15 / 16 - - - PLB22463H8 3 / 8 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 14 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 3 / 16 1 2 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 58.004 - - - PLB22464HPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide section108Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

PB22400F, PEB22400FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansionSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberFixedPartNumberBearing DrawingSABase toCenterlineHeightBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)45°Bolts – FHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionC D E F H L M P S U W Approx.WeightB4321 15 / 16 PEB22431FH PB22431FH2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 8 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 3 3 / 1 16 / 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 7 21 13/ 8 / 32 / 16 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 13.002 PEB22432FH PB22432FH45.00 PEB224M45FH PB224M45FH6.3057.15 158.80 40.50 212.70 79.38 81.00 12.00 34.90 115.90 73.00 16.70 20.60 48.40 57.9050.00 PEB224M50FH PB224M50FH 5.902 3 / 16 PEB22435FH PB22435FHB436 2 1 / 4 PEB22436FH PB22436FH2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 8 7 / 8 3 5 / 16 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 5 / 8 5 3 1 / 425/ 3213/ 16 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 15.0055.00 PEB224M55FH PB224M55FH 63.50 171.40 42.90 225.40 84.14 82.60 12.00 41.30 127.00 82.60 19.80 20.60 52.40 61.90 6.902 7 / 16 PEB22439FH PB22439FHB440 2 1 / 2 PEB22440FH PB22440FH2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 9 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 1627/ 3213/ 16 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 19.0060.00 PEB224M60FH PB224M60FH 69.85 181.00 44.40 235.00 88.90 85.70 12.00 44.40 139.70 90.50 21.40 20.60 55.60 65.10 8.602 11 / 16 PEB22443FH PB22443FH30.002 3 / 4 PEB22444FH PB22444FH3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 3 3 / 5 4 / 8 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 16 4 1 27 15/ 16 / 32 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PEB22447FH PB22447FH 29.00B448 3 PEB22448FH PB22448FH 28.0065.00 PEB224M65FH PB224M65FH13.7070.00 PEB224M70FH PB224M70FH 82.55 206.40 47.60 265.10 101.60 95.20 16.00 57.20 163.50 103.20 21.40 23.80 61.90 70.60 13.5075.00 PEB224M75FH PB224M75FH 13.003 3 / 16 PEB22451FH PB22451FH45.003 3 / 4 10 2 13 4 3 / 8 4 1 / 3 8 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 29 153 7 / / 32 / 16 1 1 / 2 2 21 16 PEB22455FH PB22455FH/ 32 3B456 3 1 / 2 PEB22456FH PB22456FH43.0080.00 PEB224M80FH PB224M80FH95.25 254.00 50.80 330.20 111.12 104.80 20.00 57.20 190.50 124.60 23.80 38.10 67.50 76.20 20.5085.00 PEB224M85FH PB224M85FH 20.003 11 / 16 PEB22459FH PB22459FH69.003 15 / 16 PEB22463FH PB22463FH 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 67.00B464 4 PEB22464FH PB22464FH 66.0090.00 PEB224M90FH PB224M90FH 107.95 317.50 57.20 387.40 128.59 114.30 20.00 66.70 215.90 142.90 27.00 31.80 77.80 87.3032.10100.00 PEB224M100FH PB224M100FH 30.30PB22400F, PEB22400F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.4-Bolt Pillow Block<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 109Pillow Blocks - 3

PB22500, PEB22500, PB22500F, PEB22500F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingPB22500, PEB22500, PB22500F, PEB22500FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumberHLSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D E F H M P S UTwo-Bolt Pillow BlockB524 1 7 / 16 PEB22523H 4 11 / 32 PB22523H 3 31 / 32 2 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 - 8 1 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 7 / 16 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 2 5 / 1611/ 16 1 1 / 8 1 25 / 32 10.00B528 1 11 / 16 PEB22527H 4 13 / 16 PB22527H 4 7 / 16 2 5 / 16 6 1 / 2 - 9 3 13 / 16 2 13 / 16 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 19 / 3223/ 32 1 1 / 4 1 29 / 32 12.00B531 1 15 / 16 PEB22531H 4 15 / 16 PB22531H 4 3 / 4 2 1 / 2 7 - 9 3 / 4 3 13 / 16 2 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 7 / 16 2 7 / 823/ 32 1 1 / 4 1 29 / 32 14.00B5362 PEB22532HPB22532H5 23 / 32 5 1 / 4 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 - 10 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 521.008 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 25/ 4 / 32 1 1 / 4 2 1 / 162 3 / 16 PEB22535H PB22535H 20.00B540 2 7 / 16 PEB22539H 6 3 / 16 PB22539H 5 3 / 4 3 8 1 / 4 - 11 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 3 9 / 1613/ 16 1 3 / 8 2 3 / 16 24.00B5482 11 / 16 PEB22543HPB22543H7 3 / 16 6 23 / 32 3 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 - 13 4 7 / 8 3 7 / 7 8 / 8 2 1 / 16 4 1 2939.00/ 16 / 32 1 5 / 8 2 7 / 162 15 / 16 PEB22547H PB22547H 37.00Four-Bolt Pillow BlockB531 1 15 / 16 PEB22531FH 4 7 / 8 PB22531FH 4 7 / 8 2 1 / 2 7 2 1 / 4 9 3 13 / 16 3 13 / 16 1/ 2 1 11 / 16 2 7 / 823/ 32 7/ 8 1 29 / 32 16.00B5362 PEB22532FHPB22532FH5 15 / 322 3 / 16 PEB22535FH PB22535FH5 15 / 32 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 9 15 / 16 4 1 / 8 4 1/ 2 2 3 1 / 425/ 32 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 16 22.00B540 2 7 / 16 PEB22539FH 5 7 / 8 PB22539FH 5 7 / 8 3 8 5 / 8 2 5 / 8 10 5 / 8 4 3 / 8 4 3 / 8 1/ 2 2 1 / 8 3 9 / 1613/ 16 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 16 26.00B5482 11 / 16 PEB22543FHPB22543FH6 15 / 16 6 15 / 16 3 1 / 2 9 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 12 5 / 8 4 7 / 8 4 3 / 538.004 / 8 2 5 / 16 4 1 29/ 16 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 7 / 162 15 / 16 PEB22547FH PB22547FH 36.00B556 3 7 / 16 PEB22555FH 8 PB22555FH 8 4 11 1 / 2 3 14 1 / 4 5 5 / 16 5 3/ 4 2 1 / 2 4 29 / 3215/ 16 1 1 / 2 2 21 / 32 56.00B5643 15 / 16 PEB22563FHPB22563FH8 13 / 164 PEB22564FH PB22564FH8 13 / 16 4 7 / 16 12 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 15 5 / 8 6 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7/ 8 2 7 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 13 / 16 3 1 / 16 76.004 3 / 16 PEB22567YFH PB22567YFH92.004 7 / 16 PEB22571YFH 9 3 / 8 PB22571YFH 9 3 / 8 4 3 / 4 13 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 4 5 / 8 3/ 4 2 3 / 4 6 3 / 16 1 1 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 88.00B572 4 1 / 2 PEB22572YFH PB22572YFH 87.00110.00 PEB225M110YFH PB225M110YFH 238.10 238.10 120.65 342.90 63.50 419.10 158.75 117.48 20.00 69.80 157.16 25.40 34.90 79.3740.70115.00 PEB225M115YFH PB225M115YFH 39.504 15 / 16 PEB22579YFH PB22579YFH11B580/ 8 11 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 15 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 5 9 / 7129.0016 / 8 3 7 1 / 16 1 5 / 32 1 1 / 2 3 15 / 165 PEB22580YFH PB22580YFH 128.00125.00 PEB225M125YFH 282.57 PB225M125YFH 282.57 139.70 393.70 69.80 469.90 200.02 141.34 24.00 76.20 179.38 29.37 38.10 100.01 58.1030°Bolts – FLABase toCenterlineHeightMUPDEFixedMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionApprox.WeightPillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionPillow Blocks - 4110Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

PB22600, PEB22600Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed ALSPartNumberSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCLSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesC D E F H M P U W Approx.WeightB624 1 7 / 16 PEB22623H 3 7 / 8 7/ 8 PB22623H 3 11 / 1613/ 16 1 7 / 8 5 6 9 / 16 2.71 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 39 / 64 2 3 / 16 7.00B631 1 15 / 16 PEB22631H 4 9 / 1615/ 16 PB22631H 4 9 / 1615/ 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 3.08 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 31 / 3239/ 64 1 55 / 64 2 9 / 32 12.00B635 2 3 / 16 PEB22635H 515/ 16 PB22635H 515/ 16 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 5 / 8 3.16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 5 / 32 5/ 8 1 29 / 32 2 7 / 16 14.00B639 2 7 / 16 PEB22639H 5 1 / 215/ 16 PB22639H 5 1 / 215/ 16 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 8 3.28 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 5 / 845/ 64 1 31 / 32 2 9 / 16 17.00B6472 11 / 16 PEB22643HPB22643H6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 6 7 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 3.86 3 3 / 3 16 / 4 2 4 5 / 329.0032 / 4 2 19 / 64 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PEB22647H PB22647H 27.00B655 3 7 / 16 PEB22655H 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 PB22655H 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 10 13 4.29 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 4 15 / 16 7/ 8 2 37 / 64 3 42.00B663 3 15 / 16 PEB22663H 8 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 PB22663H 8 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 4.94 4 3 / 16 1 2 5 / 8 5 7 / 1615/ 16 2 15 / 16 3 7 / 16 59.0045°Bolts – FHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDEFixedMUDEExpansionPB22600, PEB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 111Pillow Blocks - 52-Bolt Pillow Block

PB22600F, PEB22600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingPB22600F, PEB22600FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumberLSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBBase to DistanceCenterline Between BoltHeight Holes45°GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Bolts – FHLABase toCenterlineHeightMPWUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedC D E F H M P S U WMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionB631 1 15 / 16 PEB22631FH 4 9 / 16 PB22631FH 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 8 3 / 8 3.08 3 3 / 16 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 2 31 / 3239/ 6413/ 16 1 55 / 64 2 9 / 32 13.00B635 2 3 / 16 PEB22635FH 5 PB22635FH 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 8 7 / 8 3.16 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 5 / 8 3 5 / 32 5/ 813/ 16 1 29 / 32 2 7 / 16 15.00B639 2 7 / 16 PEB22639FH 5 1 / 2 PB22639FH 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 9 1 / 4 3.28 3 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 4 3 5 / 8 5/ 813/ 16 1 31 / 32 2 9 / 16 19.00B6472 11 / 16 PEB22643FHPB22643FH6 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 10 7 / 16 3.86 3 3 / 530.004 / 8 2 1 / 4 4 5 45 15/ 32 / 64 / 16 2 19 / 64 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PEB22647FH PB22647FH 29.00B655 3 7 / 16 PEB22655FH 7 1 / 2 PB22655FH 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 2 13 4.29 4 1 / 8 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 4 15 / 1655/ 64 1 1 / 2 2 37 / 64 3 43.00B663 3 15 / 16 PEB22663FH 8 1 / 2 PB22663FH 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 4.94 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 5 7 / 1615/ 16 1 1 / 4 2 15 / 16 3 7 / 16 67.00Approx.Weight4-Bolt Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsPillow Blocks - 6112Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

PKB22400, PKEB22400Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumberLSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCBBase to DistanceCenterline BetweenHeight Bolt HolesContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 113Pillow Blocks - 745°F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightMPWUDEFixedMUDEExpansionC D E F H M P S U W Approx.Weight1 3 / 16 - - PKB22419HB420 1 1 / 4 - - PKB22420H3 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 2 11 / 16 2 3 / 16 3/ 8 1 1 / 16 1 31 / 3217/ 32 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 1 31 / 32 7.0030.00 - - PKB224M30H 88.90 44.45 120.60 160.30 68.26 55.60 10.00 27.00 50.00 13.50 15.90 41.30 50.00 3.201 7 / 16 PKEB22423HPKB22423H3B424/ 81 1 / 2 PKEB22424H PKB22424H3 11 / 16 1 7 / 8 5 6 7 / 8 2 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 5 / 1621/ 3213/ 16 1 25 / 32 2 3 / 16 7.0035.00 PKEB224M35H 98.40 PKB224M35H 93.70 47.62 127.00 174.60 73.02 57.20 12.00 30.20 58.70 16.70 20.60 45.20 55.60 3.401 5 / 8 PKEB22426HPKB22426HB4281 11 / 16 PKEB22427H 4 3 / 8 PKB22427H 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 7 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 5 / 16 2 19 / 3221/ 3213/ 16 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 10.001 3 / 4 PKEB22428H PKB22428H40.00 PKEB224M40H 111.10 PKB224M40H 108.00 53.98 139.70 187.30 79.38 63.50 12.00 33.30 65.90 16.70 20.60 48.40 57.20 4.80B4321 15 / 16 PKEB22431HPKB22431H4 9 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 8 2 7 21 15/ 8 / 32 / 16 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 12.002 PKEB22432H PKB22432H45.00 PKEB224M45H PKB224M45H 5.80115.90 115.90 57.15 158.80 212.70 79.38 63.50 16.00 34.90 73.00 16.70 23.80 48.40 57.9050.00 PKEB224M50H PKB224M50H 5.502 3 / 16 PKEB22435HPKB22435H5B436 2 1 / 4 PKEB22436H PKB22436H5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 3 5 / 16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 425/ 3215/ 16 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 16.0055.00 PKEB224M55H 127.00 PKB224M55H 127.00 63.50 171.40 225.40 84.14 65.10 16.00 41.30 82.60 19.80 23.80 52.40 61.90 7.102 7 / 16 PKEB22439HPKB22439H5B440/ 2 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 2 11 / 519.0016 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 9 27 15/ 16 / 32 / 16 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 162 1 / 2 PKEB22440H PKB22440H 18.0060.00 PKEB224M60H 139.70 PKB224M60H 139.70 69.85 181.00 235.00 88.90 68.30 16.00 44.40 90.50 21.40 23.80 55.60 65.10 8.602 11 / 16 PKEB22443HPKB22443H30.002 3 / 4 PKEB22444H PKB22444H6 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 3 3 / 3 16 / 4 2 1 / 4 4 1 27/ 16 / 32 1 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PKEB22447H PKB22447H 29.00B448 3 PKEB22448H PKB22448H 28.0065.00 PKEB224M65H PKB224M65H13.7070.00 PKEB224M70H 163.50 PKB224M70H 163.50 82.55 206.40 265.10 101.60 81.00 20.00 57.20 103.20 21.40 27.00 61.90 70.60 13.5075.00 PKEB224M75H PKB224M75H 13.003 3 / 16 PKEB22451HPKB22451H45.007 1 / 2 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 13 4 3 / 8 3 7 / 7 16 / 8 2 1 / 4 4 29 153 7 / / 32 / 16 1 5 / 8 2 21 16 PKEB22455H PKB22455H/ 32 3B456 3 1 / 2 PKEB22456H PKB22456H43.0080.00 PKEB224M80H PKB224M80H 190.50 190.50 95.25 254.00 330.20 111.12 87.30 24.00 57.20 124.60 23.80 41.30 67.50 76.2020.2085.00 PKEB224M85H PKB224M85H 19.70B4643 11 / 16 PKEB22459HPKB22459H64.008 1 / 2 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 3 / 16 1 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 4 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 163 15 / 16 PKEB22463H PKB22463H 62.00PKB22400, PKEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller Bearing2-Bolt Cast Steel Pillow Block

2-Bolt Cast Steel Pillow Block PKB22400, PKEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB464ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPillow Blocks - 8Expansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumberLBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesC D E F H M P S U W Approx.Weight4 PKEB22464H 8 1 / 2 PKB22464H 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 3 / 16 1 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 2 1 / 4 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 62.0090.00 PKEB224M90H 215.90PKB224M90H 215.90 107.95 298.40 387.40 128.59 106.4 24.00 66.70 142.90 27.00 57.20 77.80 87.3029.90100.00 PKEB224M100H PKB224M100H 28.10Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide section114Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

PKB22400F, PKEB22400FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB432B436B440B448B456B464ShaftDiameterExpansion Fixed APartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingSBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Bolts – FC D E F H L M P S U W Approx.Weight1 15 / 16 PKEB22431FH PKB22431FH2 PKEB22432FH PKB22432FH2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 8 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 7 / 821/ 3213/ 16 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 13.0045.00 PKEB224M45FH PKB224M45FH57.15 158.80 40.50 212.70 79.38 81.00 12.00 34.90 115.90 73.00 16.70 20.60 48.40 57.90 6.1050.00 PKEB224M50FH PKB224M50FH 5.802 3 / 16 PKEB22435FH PKB22435FH2 1 / 4 PKEB22436FH PKB22436FH2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 8 7 / 8 3 5 / 16 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 5 / 8 5 3 1 / 425/ 3213/ 16 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 16.0055.00 PKEB224M55FH PKB224M55FH 63.50 171.40 42.90 225.40 84.14 82.60 12.00 41.30 127.00 82.60 19.80 20.60 52.40 61.90 7.302 7 / 16 PKEB22439FH PKB22439FH2 1 / 2 PKEB22440FH PKB22440FH2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 9 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 1627/ 3213/ 16 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 20.0060.00 PKEB224M60FH PKB224M60FH 69.85 181.00 44.40 235.00 88.90 85.70 12.00 44.40 139.70 90.50 21.40 20.60 55.60 65.10 9.302 11 / 16 PKEB22443FH PKB22443FH30.002 3 / 4 PKEB22444FH PKB22444FH3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 10 7 / 16 4 3 3 / 5 4 / 8 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 16 4 1 27 15/ 16 / 32 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PKEB22447FH PKB22447FH 29.003 PKEB22448FH PKB22448FH 28.0065.00 PKEB224M65FH PKB224M65FH13.7070.00 PKEB224M70FH PKB224M70FH 82.55 206.40 47.60 265.10 101.60 95.20 16.00 57.20 163.50 103.20 21.40 23.80 61.90 70.60 13.5075.00 PKEB224M75FH PKB224M75FH 13.003 3 / 16 PKEB22451FH PKB22451FH49.003 7 / 16 PKEB22455FH PKB22455FH 3 3 / 4 10 2 13 4 3 / 8 4 1 / 8 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 29 / 3215/ 16 1 1 / 2 2 21 / 32 33 1 / 2 PKEB22456FH PKB22456FH47.0080.00 PKEB224M80FH PKB224M80FH95.25 254.00 50.80 330.20 111.12 104.80 20.00 57.20 190.50 124.60 23.80 38.10 67.50 76.20 22.0085.00 PKEB224M85FH PKB224M85FH 21.503 11 / 16 PKEB22459FH PKB22459FH76.003 15 / 16 PKEB22463FH PKB22463FH 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 74.004 PKEB22464FH PKB22464FH 73.0090.00 PKEB224M90FH PKB224M90FH 107.95 317.50 57.2035.20387.40 128.59 114.30 20.00 66.70 215.90 142.90 27.00 31.80 77.80 87.30100.00 PKEB224M100FH PKB224M100FH 33.5045°HLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionPKB22400F, PKEB22400F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 115Pillow Blocks - 94-Bolt Cast Steel Pillow Block

PKB22500F, PKEB22500F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingPKB22500F, PKEB22500FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)F - BoltsC D E F H L M P S U4 3 / 16 PKEB22567YFH PKB22567YFH97.004 7 / 16 PKEB22571YFH PKB22571YFH 4 3 / 4 13 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 6 1 / 4 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 2 3 / 4 10 6 3 / 16 1 1 29 / 64 3 1 / 8 93.00B572 4 1 / 2 PKEB22572YFH PKB22572YFH 92.00110.00 PKEB225M110YFH PKB225M110YFH120.65 342.90 63.50 419.10 158.75 120.60 20.00 69.80 254.00 157.16 25.4 36.90 79.50 43.00115.00 PKEB225M115YFH PKB225M115YFH 41.704 15 / 16 PKEB22579YFH PKB22579YFH5B580/ 2 15 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 6 3 / 7125.008 / 8 3 11 23 / 32 7 1 / 16 1 5 / 32 1 9 / 16 3 15 / 165 PKEB22580YFH PKB22580YFH 124.00125.00 PKEB225M125YFH PKB225M125YFH 139.70 393.70 69.80 469.90 200.02 161.93 24.00 76.20 297.66 179.38 29.37 39.69 100.01 56.6045°BDistance Between Bolt HolesCHLABase toCenterlineHeightMUPDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionApprox.Weight4-Bolt Cast Steel Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionPillow Blocks - 10116Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

PKB22600, PKEB22600Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberLPartNumberSLBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt Holes45°Bolts – FHLABase toCenterlineHeightMPWUDEFixedC D E F H M P U S WMUDEExpansionB624 1 7 / 16 PKEB22623H 3 7 / 8 PKB22623H 3 11 / 16 1 7 / 8 5 6 7 / 8 2.71 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 3 / 16 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 39 / 6413/ 16 2 3 / 16 7.00B631 1 15 / 16 PKEB22631H 4 9 / 16 PKB22631H 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 8 3 / 8 3.08 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 31 / 3239/ 64 1 55 / 6415/ 16 2 9 / 32 12.00B635 2 3 / 16 PKEB22635H 5 PKB22635H 5 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 8 7 / 8 3.16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 5 / 32 5/ 8 1 29 / 3215/ 16 2 7 / 16 16.00B639 2 7 / 16 PKEB22639H 5 1 / 2 PKB22639H 5 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 3.28 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 5 / 845/ 64 1 31 / 3215/ 16 2 9 / 16 18.00B6472 11 / 16 PKEB22643H 6 7PKB22643H/ 16 6 7 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 3.86 3 3 / 330.0016 / 4 2 1 / 4 4 5 55/ 32 / 64 2 19 / 64 1 1 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PKEB22647H PKB22647H 29.00B655 3 7 / 16 PKEB22655H 7 1 / 2 PKB22655H 7 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 10 13 4.29 3 7 / 16 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 4 15 / 16 7/ 8 2 37 / 64 1 5 / 8 3 43.00B663 3 15 / 16 PKEB22663H 8 1 / 2 PKB22663H 8 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 4.94 4 3 / 16 1 2 5 / 8 5 7 / 16 1 5 / 16 2 15 / 16 2 1 / 4 3 7 / 16 62.00Approx.WeightPKB22600, PKEB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 117Pillow Blocks - 112-Bolt Cast Steel Pillow Block

PKB22600F, PKEB22600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingPKB22600F, PKEB22600FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast steel housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance Between Bolt HolesCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)45°Bolts – FHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedC D E F H L M P S U WMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionB631 1 15 / 16 PKEB22631FH PKB22631FH 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 32 8 3 / 8 3.08 3 3 / 16 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 31 / 3239/ 6413/ 16 1 55 / 64 2 9 / 32 13.00B635 2 3 / 16 PKEB22635FH PKB22635FH 2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 8 7 / 8 3.16 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 5 / 8 5 3 5 / 32 5/ 813/ 16 1 29 / 32 2 7 / 16 16.00B639 2 7 / 16 PKEB22639FH PKB22639FH 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 / 4 9 1 / 4 3.28 3 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 2 3 5 / 8 5/ 813/ 16 1 31 / 32 2 9 / 16 20.00B6472 11 / 16 PKEB22643FH PKB22643FH3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 10 7 / 16 3.86 3 3 / 530.004 / 8 2 1 / 4 6 7 / 16 4 5 45 15/ 32 / 64 / 16 2 19 / 64 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 PKEB22647FH PKB22647FH 29.00B655 3 7 / 16 PKEB22655FH PKB22655FH 3 3 / 4 10 2 13 4.29 4 1 / 8 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 1655/ 64 1 1 / 2 2 37 / 64 3 47.00B663 3 15 / 16 PKEB22663FH PKB22663FH 4 1 / 4 12 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 4.94 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 5 7 / 1615/ 16 1 1 / 4 2 15 / 16 3 7 / 16 74.00B671 4 7 / 16 PKEB22671FH PKB22671FH 4 3 / 4 13 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 5.53 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 2 3 / 4 9 3 / 8 6 1 / 8 1 1 / 32 1 3 / 8 3 9 / 32 3 3 / 4 93.00B679 4 15 / 16 PKEB22679FH PKB22679FH 5 1 / 2 15 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 6.06 5 3 / 8 7/ 8 3 10 7 / 8 6 3 / 4 1 3 / 16 1 1 / 2 3 19 / 32 4 124.00Approx.Weight4-Bolt Cast Steel Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsPillow Blocks - 12118Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

EPB22400, EPEB22400Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed APartNumberPartNumberBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt Holes45F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDEFixedC D E F H L M P U WMUDEExpansion1 7 / 16 EPEB22423H EPB22423H 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 7 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 2 5 / 1621/ 32 1 25 / 32 2 3 / 16 8.0035.00 EPEB224M35H EPB224M35H 47.62 120.60 152.40 187.30 73.02 57.20 12.00 28.60 98.40 58.70 16.70 45.20 55.60 3.101 1 / 2 EPEB224B24H EPB224B24H1 5 / 8 EPEB22426H EPB22426H 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 4 6 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 2 19 / 3221/ 32 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 11.001 11 / 16 EPEB22427H EPB22427H40.00 EPEB224M40H EPB224M40H 53.98 133.40 165.10 200.00 79.38 63.50 12.00 31.80 111.10 65.90 16.70 48.40 57.20 5.401 3 / 4 EPEB224B28H EPB224B28H1 15 / 16 EPEB22431H EPB22431H 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 8 7 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 7 / 821/ 32 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 12.002 EPEB22432H EPB22432H45.00 EPEB224M45H EPB224M45H5.5057.15 154.00 184.20 225.40 79.38 63.50 16.00 33.30 115.90 73.00 16.70 48.40 57.9050.00 EPEB224M50H EPB224M50H 5.202 3 / 16 EPEB22435H EPB22435H 2 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 9 5 / 8 3 5 / 16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 1 / 425/ 32 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 15.0055.00 EPEB224M55H EPB224M55H 63.50 166.70 203.20 244.50 84.14 65.10 16.00 38.10 127.00 82.60 19.80 52.40 61.90 6.602 1 / 4 EPEB224B36H EPB224B36H2 7 / 16 EPEB22439H EPB22439H 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 10 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 1627/ 32 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 17.002 1 / 2 EPEB22440H EPB22440H60.00 EPEB224M60H EPB224M60H 69.85 176.20 222.20 266.70 88.90 68.30 16.00 41.30 139.70 90.50 21.40 55.60 65.10 8.202 11 / 16 EPEB22443H EPB22443H2 3 / 4 EPEB22444H EPB22444H2 15 / 16 EPEB22447H EPB22447H3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 4 3 3 / 16 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 1627/ 32 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 32 28.003 EPEB22448H EPB22448H65.00 EPEB224M65H EPB224M65H13.5070.00 EPEB224M70H EPB224M70H 79.38 198.40 247.60 300.00 101.60 81.00 20.00 47.60 160.30 103.20 21.40 61.90 70.60 13.3075.00 EPEB224M75H EPB224M75H 12.803 3 / 16 EPEB22451H EPB22451H3 7 / 16 EPEB22455H EPB22455H 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 13 13 / 16 4 3 / 8 3 1 / 2 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 29 / 3215/ 16 2 21 / 32 3 43.003 1 / 2 EPEB22456H EPB22456H80.00 EPEB224M80H EPB224M80H20.0095.25 236.50 287.30 350.80 111.12 88.90 24.00 57.20 190.50 124.60 23.80 67.50 76.2085.00 EPEB224M85H EPB224M85H 19.50Approx.WeightEPB22400, EPEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 119Pillow Blocks - 13Type E 2-Bolt Pillow Block

EPB22400F, EPEB22400F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingEPB22400F, EPEB22400FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D E F H L M P U W Approx.Weight21.002 1 / 4 EPEB224B36FH EPB224B36FHB4402 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 3 5 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 272 7 / / 16 / 32 2 3 / 16 2 9 16 EPEB22439FH EPB22439FH/ 1620.002 1 / 2 EPEB22440FH EPB22440FH60.00 EPEB224M60FH EPB224M60FH 69.85 176.20 222.20 47.60 266.70 88.90 92.10 16.00 41.30 139.70 90.50 21.4 55.60 65.1 8.802 11 / 16 EPEB22443FH EPB22443FH31.002 3 / 4 EPEB22444FH EPB22444FH3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 4 4 1 / 5 4 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 27/ 16 / 32 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 EPEB22447FH EPB22447FH29.00B448 3 EPEB22448FH EPB22448FH65.00 EPEB224M65FH EPB224M65FH14.0070.00 EPEB224M70FH EPB224M70FH 79.38 198.40 250.80 54.00 300.00 101.60 108.00 16.00 47.60 160.30 103.20 21.4 61.90 70.6 13.8075.00 EPEB224M75FH EPB224M75FH 13.303 3 / 16 EPEB22451FH EPB22451FH47.003 7 / 16 EPEB22455FH EPB22455FH 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 4 3 / 8 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 29 / 3215/ 16 2 21 / 32 3 46.00B456 3 1 / 2 EPEB22456FH EPB22456FH 45.0080.00 EPEB224M80FH EPB224M80FH95.25 236.50 290.50 60.30 350.80 111.12 120.60 20.00 57.20 190.50 124.60 23.8 67.50 76.2 21.3085.00 EPEB224M85FH EPB224M85FH 20.803 11 / 16 EPEB22459FH EPB22459FH69.003 15 / 16 EPEB22463FH EPB22463FH 4 1 / 4 11 7 / 8 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 5 1 / 16 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 5 / 8 8 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 67.00B464 4 EPEB22464FH EPB22464FH 66.0090.00 EPEB224M90FH EPB224M90FH 107.95 301.60 330.20 57.20 387.40 128.59 114.30 20.00 66.70 215.90 142.90 27.0 77.80 87.332.10100.00 EPEB224M100FH EPB224M100FH 30.3045F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDEFixedMGBoltHoleSpacing(Width)UDEExpansionType E 4-Bolt Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionPillow Blocks - 14120Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

EPB22500, EPEB22500, EPB22500F, EPEB22500FPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingBase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D E F H L M U W Approx.WeightTwo-Bolt Pillow BlockB524 1 7 / 16 EPEB22523H EPB22523H 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 - 7 3 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 25 / 32 2 3 / 16 8.00B528 1 11 / 16 EPEB22527H EPB22527H 2 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 - 7 7 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 2 19 / 32 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 12.00B531 1 15 / 16 EPEB22531H EPB22531H 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 - 8 7 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 13.00B536 2 3 / 16 EPEB22535H EPB22535H 2 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 - 9 5 / 8 4 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 16.00B540 2 7 / 16 EPEB22539H EPB22539H 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 - 10 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 18.00B5482 11 / 16 EPEB22543H EPB22543H3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 - 11 11 / 16 4 7 / 8 3 13 / 331.0016 / 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 EPEB22547H EPB22547H 29.00B556 3 7 / 16 EPEB22555H EPB22555H 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 - 13 13 / 16 5 5 / 16 3 1 / 2 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 29 / 32 2 21 / 32 3 45.00Four-Bolt Pillow BlockB540 2 7 / 16 EPEB22539FH EPB22539FH 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 3 5 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 21.00B5482 11 / 16 EPEB22543FH EPB22543FH3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 533.004 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 EPEB22547FH EPB22547FH 31.00B556 3 7 / 16 EPEB22555FH EPB22555FH 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 7 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 5 5 / 16 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 29 / 32 2 21 / 32 3 48.00B5643 15 / 16 EPEB22563FH EPB22563FH4 1 / 4 11 7 / 8 13 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 4 6 1 / 8 4 1 / 371.002 / 4 2 5 / 8 8 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 164 EPEB22564FH EPB22564FH 70.004 3 / 16 EPEB22567YFH EPB22567YFH92.004 7 / 16 EPEB22571YFH EPB22571YFH 4 3 / 4 12 3 / 4 14 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 6 1/ 4 4 5 / 8 3/ 4 2 3 / 4 9 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 3 1 / 8 - 88.00B572 4 1 / 2 EPEB22572YFH EPB22572YFH 87.00110.00 EPEB225M110YFH EPB225M110YFH 120.65 323.90 358.80 63.50 419.10 158.75 117.48 20.00 69.80 238.10 157.16 79.37 -40.70115.00 EPEB225M115YFH EPB225M115YFH 39.504 15 / 16 EPEB22579YFH EPB22579YFH5B580/ 2 14 5 / 16 16 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 18 1 / 2 7 7 / 8 5 9 / 7129.0016 / 8 3 11 1 / 8 7 1 / 16 3 15 / 16 -5 EPEB22580YFH EPB22580YFH 128.00125.00 EPEB225M125YFH EPB225M125YFH 139.70 363.60 409.60 69.80 469.90 200.02 141.29 24.00 76.20 282.57 179.38 100.01 - 58.1045°BDistance Between Bolt HolesCF - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionEPB22500, EPEB22500, EPB22500F, EPEB22500F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 121Pillow Blocks - 15Type E 2 & 4-Bolt Pillow Block

EPB22600, EPEB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingEPB22600, EPEB22600Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesC D E F H L M P U WB624 1 7 / 16 EPEB22623H EPB22623H 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 7 3 / 8 2.71 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 39 / 64 2 3 / 16 8.00B631 1 15 / 16 EPEB22631H EPB22631H 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 16 7 1 / 4 8 7 / 8 3.08 2 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 31 / 3239/ 64 1 55 / 64 2 9 / 32 12.00B635 2 3 / 16 EPEB22635H EPB22635H 2 1 / 2 6 9 / 16 8 9 5 / 8 3.16 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 2 5 3 5 / 32 5/ 8 1 29 / 32 2 7 / 16 15.00B639 2 7 / 16 EPEB22639H EPB22639H 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 10 1 / 2 3.28 2 11 / 16 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 5 / 845/ 64 1 31 / 32 2 9 / 16 17.00B6472 11 / 16 EPEB22643H EPB22643H3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 3.86 3 3 / 329.0016 / 4 1 7 / 8 6 5 / 16 4 5 55/ 32 / 64 2 19 / 64 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 EPEB22647H EPB22647H 27.00B655 3 7 / 16 EPEB22655H EPB22655H 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 13 13 / 16 4.29 3 1 / 2 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 / 16 7/ 8 2 37 / 64 3 43.0045°F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightMPWUDEFixedMUDEExpansionApprox.WeightType E 2-Bolt Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsPillow Blocks - 16122Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

EPB22600F, EPEB22600FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode Diameter Part Number Part NumberBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C D E F H L M P U WB639 2 7 / 16 EPEB22639FH EPB22639FH 2 3 / 4 6 15 / 16 8 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 10 1 / 2 3.28 3 5 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 2 3 5 / 5 8 / 8 1 31 / 32 2 9 / 16 20.002B64711 / 16 EPEB22643FH EPB22643FH3 1 / 8 7 13 / 16 9 7 / 8 2 1 / 8 11 13 / 16 3.86 4 1 / 5 4 / 8 1 7 /631.008 5/4 5 45/ 32 / 64 2 19 / 64 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 EPEB22647FH EPB22647FH 16 29.00B655 3 7 / 16 EPEB22655FH EPB22655FH 3 3 / 4 9 5 / 16 11 5 / 16 2 3 / 8 13 13 / 16 4.29 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 2 4 15 55/ 16 / 64 2 37 / 64 3 46.0045°F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightMWUPDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EFixedMUDGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EExpansionApprox.WeightEPB22600F, EPEB22600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/-.005” (+/-0.13mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 123Pillow Blocks - 17Type E 4-Bolt Pillow Block

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC124

FB22400, FEB22400Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB416B420B424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed B SquareDistanceAPartBetweenNumberABolt HolesPartNumberCBSquare DistanceBetween Bolt HolesF - BoltsB CircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCF - BoltsDFBoltsG H J M N PFB22451H41.003-Bolt Round1 FEB22416H 3 1 / 4 FB22416H 2 7 / 8 - 4 1 / 8 2 19 / 32 4 3 / 4 2 9 / 16 3/ 8 1/ 32 9/ 16 2 15 / 16 1 3 / 4 5 1 / 817/ 32 3.0025.00 FEB224M25H 82.60 FB224M25H 73.00 - 104.78 65.90 120.60 65.09 10.00 0.80 14.30 74.60 44.40 130.20 13.50 1.301 3 / 16 FEB22419HFB22419H3 1 /1 1 /24 FEB22420H FB22420H3 1 / 8 - 4 1 / 2 2 23 / 32 5 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 3/ 8 1/ 3219/ 32 3 1 / 16 1 31 / 32 5 1 / 217/ 32 6.0030.00 FEB224M30H 88.90 FB224M30H 79.40 - 114.30 69.00 130.20 68.26 10.00 0.80 15.10 77.80 50.00 139.70 13.50 2.401 7 / 16 FEB22423HFB22423H3 3 /1 1 /42 FEB22424H FB22424H3 7 / 16 - 5 2 29 / 32 5 7 / 8 2 7 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 32 5/ 8 3 5 / 16 2 5 / 16 6 1 / 421/ 32 7.0035.00 FEB224M35H 95.20 FB224M35H 87.30 - 127.00 73.80 149.20 73.02 12.00 0.80 15.90 84.10 58.70 158.80 16.70 3.204-Bolt Round1 5 / 8 FEB22426HFB22426H1 11 / 16 FEB22427H 4 1 / 4 FB22427H 3 15 / 16 3 57 / 64 5 1 / 2 3 5 / 32 6 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 32 5/ 8 3 1 / 2 2 19 / 32 6 3 / 421/ 32 9.001 3 / 4 FEB22428H FB22428H40.00 FEB224M40H 108.00 FB224M40H 100.00 98.83 139.70 80.20 161.90 79.38 12.00 0.80 15.90 88.90 65.90 171.40 16.70 4.301 15 / 16 FEB22431HFB22431H4 1 /2 FEB22432H2FB22432H4 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 5 3 / 4 3 3 / 16 6 11 / 16 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 1611/ 16 3 9 / 16 2 7 / 8 721/ 32 10.0045.00 FEB224M45H FB224M45H 5.00114.30 108.00 103.17 146.05 81.00 169.90 79.38 12.00 1.60 17.50 90.50 73.00 177.80 16.7050.00 FEB224M50H FB224M50H 4.702 3 / 16 FEB22435HFB22435H4 7 /2 1 /84 FEB22436H FB22436H4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 6 3 / 8 3 13 / 32 7 3 / 8 3 5 / 16 5/ 8 3/ 3211/ 16 3 25 / 32 3 1 / 4 7 3 / 425/ 32 14.0055.00 FEB224M55H 123.80 FB224M55H 123.80 114.30 161.92 86.50 187.30 84.14 16.00 2.40 17.50 96.00 82.60 196.80 19.80 6.502 7 / 16 FEB22439HFB22439H5 3 /2 1 /82 FEB22440H FB22440H5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 6 3 / 4 3 19 / 32 7 3 / 4 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 3/ 32 3/ 4 3 31 / 32 3 9 / 16 8 1 / 827/ 32 17.0060.00 FEB224M60H 136.50 FB224M60H 136.50 121.06 171.45 91.30 196.80 88.90 16.00 2.40 19.00 100.80 90.50 206.40 21.40 7.902 11 / 16 FEB22443HFB22443H28.002 3 / FEB22444H 6 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 7 7 / 8 4 3 / 32 9 1 / 8 4 3/ 3 4 / 7 32 / 8 4 7 / 16 4 1 / 16 9 1 27/ 2 / 2 15 /3216 FEB22447H FB22447H26.003 FEB22448H FB22448H65.00 FEB224M65H FB224M65H12.7070.00 FEB224M70H 158.80 FB224M70H 158.80 141.27 200.02 104.00 231.80 101.60 20.00 2.40 22.20 112.70 103.20 241.30 21.40 12.5075.00 FEB224M75H FB224M75H 12.004-Bolt Square3 3 / 16 FEB22451H3 7 / 16 FEB22455H 7 3 / 8 FB22455H 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 9 1 / 2 4 9 / 16 8 7 / 16 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 1/ 4 13 1 / 2 FEB22456H FB22456H4 29 / 32 4 29 / 32 11 7 / 1615/ 1639.0080.00 FEB224M80H FB224M80H 18.60187.30 187.30 170.64 241.30 115.90 214.31 111.12 20.00 6.40 25.40 124.60 124.60 290.50 23.8085.00 FEB224M85H FB224M85H 18.10CLMountingSurface toCollar FaceB NB N A MBCircle DistanceBetween Bolt HolesPJDHGApprox.WeightFB22400, FEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 125Flange Blocks - 1Flanged Block

Flanged Block FB22400, FEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB464ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesFlange Blocks - 2Expansion Fixed B SquareDistanceAPartBetweenNumberABolt HolesPartNumberB CircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCDFBoltsG H J M N PFB22459H59.004-Bolt Square(continued)3 11 / 16 FEB22459H3 15 / 8 3 / 8 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 10 3 / 4 5 7 / 32 9 3 / 4 5 1 / 7 16 / 1 8 / 4 1 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 12 29 / 32 1 1 16 FEB22463H FB22463H/ 3257.004 FEB22464H FB22464H90.00 FEB224M90H 212.70FB224M90H 215.90 192.88 273.05 132.60 247.60 128.59 24.00 6.40 28.60 142.90 142.90 327.80 26.2027.70100.00 FEB224M100H FB224M100H 25.90Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all size codesFor expansion units, dimensions “G”, “L” & “P” are minimum values.For maximum values, add 3/8”H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip seals126Approx.WeightSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

FB22600, FEB22600Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsFixed or Expansion - Total of 3/8” expansionSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterBearing DrawingExpansion Fixed B SquareDistancePart Number A Part Number A Between BoltHolesCBSquare DistanceBetween Bolt HolesF - BoltsB CircleDistanceBetween BoltHolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCDFBoltsH J M N P3-Bolt RoundB624 1 7 / 16 FEB22623H 3 3 / 4 FB22623H 3 7 / 16 - 5 2 3 / 4 5 7 / 8 2.71 1/ 2 5/ 8 3 5 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1/ 2 7.004-Bolt RoundB631 1 15 / 16 FEB22631H 4 1 / 2 FB22631H 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 5 3 / 4 3 9 / 64 6 11 / 16 3.08 1/ 211/ 16 3 9 / 16 2 31 / 32 7 5/ 8 10.00B635 2 3 / 16 FEB22635H 4 7 / 8 FB22635H 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 6 3 / 8 3 17 / 64 7 3 / 8 3.16 5/ 811/ 16 3 25 / 32 3 5 / 32 7 3 / 441/ 64 14.00B639 2 7 / 16 FEB22639H 5 3 / 8 FB22639H 5 3 / 8 4 49 / 64 6 3 / 4 3 3 / 8 7 3 / 4 3.28 5/ 8 3/ 4 3 31 / 32 3 5 / 8 8 1 / 8 5/ 8 17.00B6472 11 / 16 FEB22643H FB22643H6 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 5 9 / 16 7 7 / 8 3 31 / 32 9 1 / 8 3.86 3/ 7 4 / 8 4 7 / 16 4 5 / 32 9 1 4527.00/ 2 / 642 15 / 16 FEB22647H FB22647H 26.004-Bolt SquareB655 3 7 / 16 FEB22655H 7 3 / 8 FB22655H 7 3 / 8 6 23 / 32 9 1 / 2 4 31 / 64 8 7 / 16 4.29 3/ 4 1 4 29 / 32 4 15 / 16 11 7 / 1655/ 64 39.00B663 3 15 / 16 FEB22663H 8 3 / 8 FB22663H 8 1 / 2 7 19 / 32 10 3 / 4 5 7 / 64 9 3 / 4 4.94 7/ 8 1 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 5 7 / 16 12 29 / 3259/ 64 57.00NCBCircle DistanceBetween Bolt HolesF-BoltsNLMountingSurface toCollar FaceAMPJDHApprox.WeightFB22600, FEB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all size codesDimensions for “D”, “L” & “P” based on unmounted conditionFor expansion units, dimensions “G”, “L” & “P” are minimum values.For maximum values, add 3/8”H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 127Flange Blocks - 3Flanged Block

EFRB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingEFRB22400Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB424B428B432B436B440B448B456B464ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberB SquareDistanceBetween BoltHolesBearing DrawingB CircleDistanceBetween BoltHolesBC SquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCast FaceBCircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNA C DF - BoltsFBoltsG H J M N58.001 7 / 16 EFRB22423H 3 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 2 31 / 32 3 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 2 7 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 16 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 32 2 5 / 16 6 1 / 16 8.0035.00 EFRB224M35H 88.90 125.81 75.40 93.70 117.50 73.02 12.00 1.60 34.90 102.40 58.70 154.00 3.401 1 / 2 EFRB224B24H1 5 / 8 EFRB22426H 4 1 / 8 5 53 / 64 3 9 / 32 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 8 1 7 / 16 4 9 / 32 2 19 / 32 7 7 / 3211.001 11 / 16 EFRB22427H 10.0040.00 EFRB224M40H 104.80 148.03 83.30 108.00 136.50 79.38 12.00 3.20 36.50 108.70 65.90 183.40 5.101 3 / 4 EFRB224B28H1 15 / 16 EFRB22431H 4 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 3 9 / 32 4 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 8 1 7 / 16 4 5 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 5 / 1611.002 EFRB22432H 10.0045.00 EFRB224M45H5.30111.10 157.18 83.30 114.30 142.90 79.38 12.00 3.20 36.50 109.50 73.00 185.7050.00 EFRB224M50H 5.002 3 / 16 EFRB22435H 4 7 / 8 6 57 / 64 3 1 / 2 5 6 1 / 4 3 5 / 16 5/ 8 1/ 8 1 9 / 16 4 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 8 9 / 32 15.0055.00 EFRB224M55H 123.80 175.03 88.90 127.00 158.80 84.14 16.00 3.20 39.70 117.50 82.60 210.30 7.102 1 / 4 EFRB224B36H18.002 7 / 5 3 / 8 7 19 / 32 3 23 / 32 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 3 1 / 5 2 / 3 8 / 16 1 23 / 32 4 15 / 16 3 9 / 16 8 31 16 EFRB22439H/ 3217.002 1 / 2 EFRB22440H60.00 EFRB224M60H 136.50 192.89 94.50 139.70 174.60 88.90 16.00 4.80 43.70 125.40 90.50 227.80 7.902 11 / 16 EFRB22443H26.002 3 / 4 EFRB22444H6 8 31 / 64 4 7 / 32 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 4 3/ 325.004 / 16 1 25 / 32 5 13 / 32 4 1 / 16 10 1 / 82 15 / 16 EFRB22447H24.003 EFRB22448H65.00 EFRB224M65H11.7070.00 EFRB224M70H 152.40 215.49 107.20 165.10 196.90 101.60 20.00 4.80 45.20 137.30 103.20 257.20 11.5075.00 EFRB224M75H 11.003 3 / 16 EFRB22451H42.003 7 / 16 EFRB22455H 7 9 59 / 64 4 21 / 32 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 1/ 4 1 31 / 32 5 3 / 4 4 29 / 32 11 21 / 32 41.003 1 / 2 EFRB22456H 40.0080.00 EFRB224M80H18.90177.80 251.23 118.30 187.30 235.00 111.12 20.00 6.40 50.00 146.00 124.60 296.1085.00 EFRB224M85H 18.403 11 / 16 EFRB22459H3 15 / 7 3 / 4 10 61 / 64 5 15 / 32 8 7 / 8 9 3 / 4 5 1 / 7 16 / 1 8 / 4 2 7 / 32 6 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 12 31 16 EFRB22463H/ 3256.004 EFRB22464H90.00 EFRB224M90H27.20196.80 278.21 138.90 247.65 247.65 128.59 24.00 6.40 56.40 168.30 142.90 329.40100.00 EFRB224M100H 25.40AJDHLMounting Surfaceto Cast FaceGMApprox.WeightType E Flanged BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionFlange Blocks - 4128Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

EFB22500Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberB SquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesB CircleDistanceBetween BoltHolesBearing DrawingCBSquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceBCircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNA C DFBoltsG H J M NB524 1 7 / 16 EFB22523H 3 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 3 5 / 8 3 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 3 9 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 16 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 32 2 5 / 16 6 1 / 16 8.00B528 1 11 / 16 EFB22527H 4 1 / 8 5 53 / 64 3 15 / 16 4 1 / 4 5 3 / 8 3 13 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 8 1 7 / 16 4 9 / 32 2 19 / 32 7 7 / 32 11.00B531 1 15 / 16 EFB22531H 4 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 3 15 / 16 4 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 3 13 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 8 1 7 / 16 4 5 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 5 / 16 12.00B536 2 3 / 16 EFB22535H 4 7 / 8 6 57 / 64 4 1 / 4 5 6 1 / 4 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1/ 8 1 9 / 16 4 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 8 9 / 32 16.00B540 2 7 / 16 EFB22539H 5 3 / 8 7 19 / 32 4 9 / 16 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 4 3 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 16 1 23 / 32 4 15 / 16 3 9 / 16 8 31 / 32 18.00B5482 11 / 16 EFB22543H6 8 31 / 64 5 1 / 16 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 4 7 / 3 8 / 328.004 / 16 1 25 / 32 5 13 / 16 4 1 / 16 10 1 / 82 15 / 16 EFB22547H 26.00B556 3 7 / 16 EFB22555H 7 9 59 / 64 5 13 / 32 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 5 5 / 16 3/ 4 1/ 4 1 31 / 32 5 3 / 4 4 29 / 32 11 21 / 32 44.00B5643 15 / 16 EFB22563H7 3 / 4 10 61 / 64 6 7 / 32 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 6 1 / 7 8 / 160.008 / 4 2 7 / 32 6 5 / 8 5 5 / 8 12 31 / 324 EFB22564H 59.00F - BoltsAMJDHLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceGApprox.WeightEFB22500 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings& Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 129Flange Blocks - 5Type E Flanged Block

EFB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingEFB22600Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberB SquareDistanceBetween BoltHolesB CircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingCBSquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceBCircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNA C DFBoltsH J M N PB624 1 7 / 16 EFB22623H 3 1 / 2 4 61 / 64 3 29 / 64 3 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 2.71 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 32 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 1631/ 64 8.00B631 1 15 / 16 EFB22631H 4 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 3 57 / 64 4 1 / 2 5 5 / 8 3.08 1/ 2 1 7 / 16 4 5 / 16 2 31 / 32 7 5 / 1639/ 64 11.00B635 2 3 / 16 EFB22635H 4 7 / 8 6 57 / 64 4 3 / 32 5 6 1 / 4 3.16 5/ 8 1 9 / 16 4 5 / 8 3 5 / 32 8 9 / 32 5/ 8 15.00B639 2 7 / 16 EFB22639H 5 3 / 8 7 19 / 32 4 11 / 32 5 1 / 2 6 7 / 8 3.28 5/ 8 1 23 / 32 4 15 / 16 3 5 / 8 8 31 / 32 5/ 8 17.00B6472 11 / 16 EFB22643H6 8 31 / 64 4 59 / 64 6 1 / 2 7 3 / 4 3.86 325.00/ 4 1 25 / 32 5 13 / 32 4 5 / 32 10 1 45/ 8 / 642 15 / 16 EFB22647H 24.00B655 3 7 / 16 EFB22655H 7 9 59 / 64 5 21 / 64 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 4.29 3/ 4 1 31 / 32 5 3 / 4 4 15 / 16 11 21 / 3255/ 64 41.00B663 3 15 / 16 EFB22663H 7 3 / 4 10 61 / 64 6 7 / 64 8 7 / 8 10 1 / 4 4.94 7/ 8 2 7 / 32 6 5 / 8 5 7 / 16 12 31 / 3259/ 64 56.00F - BoltsAMPJDHLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceApprox.WeightType E Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTDimensions for “D”, “L” & “P” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionFlange Blocks - 6130Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

FBB22400Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing FlangedBracket Unit with High-Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB424B432B440B448ShaftDiameterPartNumberBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersBearing DrawingBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersKCMounting Bolt HoleCenters to MountingBolt CenterCMounting BoltHole Centersto MountingBolt CenterLMountingSurface toCollar FaceAUDistanceBetweenTwo UpperHolesEUDistanceBetween TwoUpper HolesBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersCMounting BoltHole Centersto MountingBolt CenterA D E F G H J K M N3-Bolt1 7 / 16 FBB22423H2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 2 29 / 32 2 3 7 / 16 2 7 / 8 3 1 / 1 4 / 1 2 / 5 32 / 8 3 5 / 16 4 1 / 4 2 5 / 16 5 31 / 32 6.401 1 / 2 FBB22424H35.00 FBB224M35H 60.30 31.80 73.80 50.80 87.30 73.02 82.60 12.00 0.80 15.90 84.10 108.00 58.70 151.60 2.901 15 / 16 FBB22431H2 15 / 16 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 16 2 3 / 4 4 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 4 1/ 1 11 2 / 16 / 16 3 9 / 16 5 3 / 16 2 7 / 8 7 5 / 16 10.002 FBB22432H45.00 FBB224M45H74.60 41.30 81.00 69.80 108.00 79.38 101.60 12.00 1.60 17.50 90.50 131.80 73.00 185.70 4.4050.00 FBB224M50H 4.304-Bolt3 3 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 19 / 32 3 5 3 / 8 3 1 / 2 4 7 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 3 32 / 4 3 31 / 32 6 1 / 4 3 9 / 16 8 15 / 16 17.5060.00 FBB224M60H 95.20 44.40 91.30 76.20 136.50 88.90 123.80 16.00 2.40 19.00 100.80 158.80 90.50 227.00 8.102 11 / 16 FBB22443H30.002 3 / 4 FBB22444H3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 4 3 / 32 4 6 1 / 4 4 5 3 / 3 4 / 3 4 / 7 32 / 8 4 7 / 16 7 4 1 / 16 10 1 / 82 15 / 16 FBB22447H28.003 FBB22448H65.00 FBB224M65H13.7070.00 FBB224M70H 98.40 57.20 104.00 101.60 158.80 101.60 146.00 20.00 2.40 22.20 112.70 177.80 103.20 257.20 13.5075.00 FBB224M75H 12.802 7 / 16 FBB22439H2 1 / 2 FBB22440HKF- BoltsAUDistanceBetweenTwo UpperHolesENF- BoltsMJDLMountingSurface toCollar FaceHGApprox.WeightFBB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code B424, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes,1/8” PTH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 131Flange Blocks - 7Flanged Bracket Block

FBB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingFBB22600Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing FlangedBracket Unit with High-Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersBearing DrawingBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersKCMounting BoltHole Centersto MountingBolt CenterCMounting Bolt HoleCenters to MountingBolt CenterAUDistanceBetweenTwo UpperHolesELMountingSurface toCollar FaceUDistanceBetween TwoUpper HolesBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersA D E F H J K M N3-BoltB624 1 7 / 16 FBB22623H 2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 4 2 3 7 / 16 2.71 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 5/ 8 3 5 / 16 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 31 / 32 6.40B631 1 15 / 16 FBB22631H 2 15 / 16 1 5 / 8 3 9 / 64 2 3 / 4 4 1 / 4 3.08 4 1/ 211/ 16 3 9 / 16 5 3 / 16 2 31 / 32 7 5 / 16 10.004-BoltB639 2 7 / 16 FBB22639H 3 3 / 4 1 3 / 4 3 3 / 8 3 5 3 / 8 3.16 4 7 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 4 3 31 / 32 6 1 / 4 3 5 / 32 8 15 / 16 17.50B6472 11 / 16 FBB22643H3 7 / 8 2 1 / 4 3 61 / 64 4 6 1 / 4 3.28 5 3 / 3 4 / 730.004 / 8 4 7 / 16 7 3 5 / 8 10 1 / 82 15 / 16 FBB22647H 28.00KF - BoltsCMounting BoltHole Centersto MountingBolt CenterAUDistanceBetweenTwo UpperHolesENF- BoltsMJDLMountingSurface toCollar FaceHApprox.WeightFlanged Bracket BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code B624, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes,1/8” PTDimensions for “D” & “L” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionFlange Blocks - 8132Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

FCB22400Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB416B420B424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterB SquareDistanceBetween BoltHolesBearing DrawingBSquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesB CircleDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCCBCircle DistanceBetween Bolt HolesDFBoltsF - BoltsLMountingSurface toCollar FaceH J K M P U Y4-Bolt1 FCB22416H 3.000 2 9 / 16 3 5 / 8 1 9 / 32 4 3 / 8 2 9 / 5 16 / 7 16 / 16 1 1 / 4 2 1 3 17/ 4 / 5 32 / 8 1 5 / 8 4.0025.00 FCB224M25H 76.200 65.10 92.08 32.50 111.10 65.09 8.00 11.10 31.80 50.80 44.40 13.50 15.90 41.30 1.601 3 / 16 FCB22419H3.375 2 59 / 64 4 1 / 8 1 9 / 32 5 2 11 / 3 16 / 7 8 / 16 1 3 / 8 2 1 / 4 1 31 17/ 32 / 3 32 / 4 1 5 / 8 5.001 1 / 4 FCB22420H30.00 FCB224M30H 85.720 74.20 104.78 32.50 127.00 68.26 10.00 11.10 34.90 57.20 50.00 13.50 19.00 41.30 2.201 7 / 16 FCB22423H3.625 3 3 / 32 4 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 5 1 / 4 2 7 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 2 1 3 / 8 2 3 / 16 2 5 21/ 16 / 3 32 / 4 1 7 / 8 6.001 1 / 2 FCB22424H35.00 FCB224M35H 92.080 78.60 111.12 37.30 133.40 73.02 10.00 12.70 34.90 55.60 58.70 16.70 19.00 47.60 2.601 5 / 8 FCB22426H4.250 3 5 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 17 / 32 6 1 / 8 3 1 / 7 8 / 1 16 / 2 1 17 / 32 2 7 / 16 2 19 211 11 / / 32 / 7 32 / 8 1 7 16 FCB22427H/ 8 9.001 3 / 4 FCB22428H40.00 FCB224M40H 107.950 92.10 130.18 38.90 155.60 79.38 10.00 12.70 38.90 61.90 65.90 16.70 22.20 47.60 3.801 15 / 16 FCB22431H4.500 3 51 / 64 5 3 / 8 1 17 / 32 6 3 / 8 3 1 / 7 8 / 9 16 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 7 21/ 8 / 7 32 / 8 1 29 / 32 9.002 FCB22432H45.00 FCB224M45H 4.00114.300 96.40 136.52 38.90 161.90 79.38 10.00 14.30 39.70 61.90 73.00 16.70 22.20 48.4050.00 FCB224M50H 4.305.000 4 1 / 4 6 1 21 / 32 7 1 / 8 3 5 / 1 16 / 9 2 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 3 1 25/ 4 / 32 1 2 1 / 32 12.0055.00 FCB224M55H 127.000 107.90 152.40 42.10 181.00 84.14 12.00 14.30 39.70 63.50 82.60 19.80 25.40 51.60 5.605.500 4 19 / 32 6 1 / 2 1 13 / 16 7 5 / 8 3 1 / 1 2 / 5 2 / 8 1 11 / 16 2 5 / 8 3 9 / 7 16 / 8 1 2 5 / 32 16.0060.00 FCB224M60H 139.700 116.70 165.10 46.00 193.70 88.90 12.00 15.90 42.90 66.70 90.50 22.20 25.40 54.80 7.202 11 / 16 FCB22443H25.002 3 / 4 FCB22444H6.375 5 19 / 64 7 1 / 2 1 31 / 32 8 3 / 4 4 5/ 3 8 / 4 2 3 1 / 8 4 1 27/ 16 / 32 1 1 / 4 2 5 / 162 15 / 16 FCB22447H24.003 FCB22448H65.00 FCB224M65H11.6070.00 FCB224M70H 161.920 134.50 190.50 50.00 222.20 101.60 16.00 19.00 50.80 79.40 103.20 21.40 31.80 58.70 11.4075.00 FCB224M75H 11.003 3 / 16 FCB22451H38.007.375 6 3 / 32 8 5 / 8 2 7 / 16 10 1 / 4 4 3 / 3 15 8 / 4 / 16 2 3 7 / 16 4 29 153 7 / / 32 / 16 1 1 / 4 2 25 16 FCB22455H / 32 37.003 1 / 2 FCB22456H 36.0080.00 FCB224M80H 17.40187.320 154.80 219.08 61.90 260.40 111.12 20.00 23.80 50.80 87.30 124.60 23.80 31.80 70.6085.00 FCB224M85H 16.902 3 / 162 7 / 16FCB22435HFCB22439H2 1 / 42 1 / 2FCB22436HFCB22440HMPYDKUHJAPilotDiameterApprox.WeightFCB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 133Flange Blocks - 9Flanged Cartridge Block

Flanged Cartridge Block FCB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB464ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesFlange Blocks - 10PartNumberAPilotDiameterB SquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesB CircleDistanceBetween BoltHolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCDFBoltsH J K M P U Y52.004-Bolt(continued)3 11 / 16 FCB22459H3 15 / 8.125 6 5 / 8 9 3 / 8 2 21 / 32 10 7 / 8 5 3 / 3 16 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 32 1 1 / 2 3 1 16 FCB22463H/ 1650.004 FCB22464H90.00 FCB224M90H 206.380 168.30 238.12 67.50 276.20 131.76 20.00 28.60 63.50 104.80 142.90 26.20 38.10 77.8024.60100.00 FCB224M100H 22.80Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code B416, 1/4”-28 UNF: for allother size codes, 1/8” PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip seals134Approx.WeightSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

FCB22600Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesSelf aligning type E interchangeCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilities - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterB SquareDistanceBetween BoltHolesBearing DrawingBSquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesB CircleDistanceBetween BoltHolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCDFBoltsH J K M P U Y4-BoltB624 1 7 / 16 FCB22623H 3.625 3 3 / 32 4 3 / 8 1 17 / 64 5 1 / 4 2.71 3/ 8 1/ 2 1 3 / 8 2 3 / 16 2 1 / 429/ 64 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6.00B631 1 15 / 16 FCB22631H 4.500 3 51 / 64 5 3 / 8 1 31 / 64 6 3 / 8 3.08 7/ 16 9/ 16 1 9 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 31 / 3239/ 64 7/ 8 1 29 / 32 9.00B635 2 3 / 16 FCB22635H 5.000 4 1 / 4 6 1 1 / 2 7 1 / 8 3.16 1/ 2 9/ 16 1 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 3 5 / 32 5/ 8 1 2 1 / 32 12.00B639 2 7 / 16 FCB22639H 5.500 4 19 / 32 6 1 / 2 1 19 / 32 7 5 / 8 3.28 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 11 / 16 2 5 / 8 3 5 / 841/ 64 1 2 5 / 32 16.00B6472 11 / 16 FCB22643H6.375 5 19 / 64 7 1 / 2 1 53 / 64 8 3 / 4 3.86 5/ 325.008 / 4 2 3 1 / 8 4 5 45/ 32 / 64 1 1 / 4 2 5 / 162 15 / 16 FCB22647H 24.00B655 3 7 / 16 FCB22655H 7.375 6 3 / 32 8 5 / 8 2 25 / 64 10 1 / 4 4.29 3/ 415/ 16 2 3 7 / 16 4 15 / 1657/ 64 1 1 / 4 2 25 / 32 37.00B663 3 15 / 16 FCB22663H 8.125 6 5 / 8 9 3 / 8 2 17 / 32 10 7 / 8 4.94 3/ 4 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 5 7 / 1659/ 64 2 3 1 / 16 50.00CBCircle DistanceBetween Bolt HolesF - BoltsLMountingSurface toCollar FaceMPYDUKHJAPilotDiameterApprox.WeightFCB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTDimensions for “D”, “L” & “P” based on unmounted conditionPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 135Flange Blocks - 11Flanged Cartridge Block

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC136

CSEB22400Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB416B420B424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthD L M P U1 CSEB22416H 2.6650 2 2 9 / 16 2 9 / 16 1 3 / 4 9/ 16 1 9 / 16 3.0025.00 CSEB224M25H 67.6900 50.800 65.09 65.10 44.40 14.30 39.70 1.301 3 / 16 CSEB22419H1 1 / 4 CSEB22420H2.9150 2 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 2 11 / 16 1 31 / 32 9/ 16 1 5 / 8 4.0030.00 CSEB224M30H 74.0400 53.980 68.26 68.30 50.00 14.30 41.30 1.701 7 / 16 CSEB22423H1 1 / 2 CSEB22424H3.1240 2 3 / 16 2 7 / 8 2 7 / 8 2 5 / 1611/ 16 1 25 / 32 4.0035.00 CSEB224M35H 79.3500 55.560 73.02 73.00 58.70 17.50 45.20 1.801 5 / 8 CSEB22426H6.003.6360 2 7 / 16 3 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 19 111 11 / / 32 / 16 1 29 16 CSEB22427H/ 325.001 3 / 4 CSEB22428H40.00 CSEB224M40H 92.3500 61.910 79.38 79.40 65.90 17.50 48.40 2.501 15 / 16 CSEB22431H6.003.8330 2 25 / 64 3 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 2 7 23/ 8 / 32 1 29 / 322 CSEB22432H 5.0045.00 CSEB224M45H2.6097.3600 60.720 79.38 79.40 73.00 18.30 48.4050.00 CSEB224M50H 2.302 3 / 16 CSEB22435H2 1 / 4 CSEB22436H4.2270 2 1 / 2 3 5 / 16 3 5 / 16 3 1 / 413/ 16 2 1 / 16 7.0055.00 CSEB224M55H 107.3600 63.500 84.14 84.10 82.60 20.60 52.40 3.202 1 / 4 CSEB224B36H2 7 / 16 CSEB22439H 4.6210 2 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 7/ 8 2 3 / 16 8.002 1 / 2 CSEB22440H60.00 CSEB224M60H 117.3700 66.680 88.90 88.90 90.50 22.20 55.60 3.902 11 / 16 CSEB22443H14.002 3 / 4 CSEB22444H5.4040 3 1 / 8 4 4 4 1 / 7 16 / 8 2 7 / 162 15 / 16 CSEB22447H13.003 CSEB22448H65.00 CSEB224M65H6.6070.00 CSEB224M70H 137.2616 79.380 101.60 101.60 103.20 22.20 61.90 6.4075.00 CSEB224M75H 5.903 3 / 16 CSEB22451H20.006.1940 3 7 / 16 4 3 / 8 4 3 / 8 4 29 153 7 / / 32 / 16 2 21 16 CSEB22455H/ 3218.003 1 / 2 CSEB22456H80.00 CSEB224M80H 157.3300 87.310 111.12 111.10 124.60 23.80 67.50 9.00MPUDLMPUDLApprox.WeightCSEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 137Cartridge Blocks - 1Cast Steel Cartridge Block

Cast Steel Cartridge Block CSEB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesCartridge Blocks - 2PartNumberAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthD L M P UB456 85.00 CSEB224M85H 157.3300 87.310 111.12 111.10 124.60 23.80 67.50 8.603 11 / 16 CSEB22459H33.003 15 / 7.3750 4 5 1 / 16 5 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 3 1 16 CSEB22463H/ 1631.00B464 4 CSEB22464H90.00 CSEB224M90H15.90187.3200 101.600 128.59 128.60 142.90 27.00 77.80100.00 CSEB224M100H 14.10Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityO.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codes*Expansion plug diameter .531” (13.49mm), engagement depth.125” +/-.015” (3.18mm +/-0.38mm)Hole for fixed location & slot for expansion location in the same housingH labyrinth seals standard138Approx.WeightAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

CSEB22500Photo Shows a Spherical Roller BearingCartridge Unit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationTwo hardened spring locking collarsField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameterD L M P UB524 1 7 / 16 CSEB22523H 3.1240 2 3 / 16 3 9 / 16 3 9 / 16 2 5 11/ 16 / 16 1 25 / 32 4.20B528 1 11 / 16 CSEB22527H 3.6360 2 7 / 16 3 13 / 16 3 13 / 16 2 19 11/ 32 / 16 1 29 / 32 5.60B531 1 15 / 16 CSEB22531H 3.8330 2 25 / 64 3 13 / 16 3 13 / 16 2 7 11/ 8 / 16 1 29 / 32 6.102 CSEB22532HB5364.2270 2 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 4 1 / 8 3 1 13/ 4 / 16 2 1 / 16 9.002 3 / 16 CSEB22535HB540 2 7 / 16 CSEB22539H 4.6210 2 5 / 8 4 3 / 8 4 3 / 8 3 9 / 7 16 / 8 2 3 / 16 10.102B548/ 16 CSEB22543H5.4070 3 1 / 8 4 7 / 8 4 7 / 8 4 1 / 716.4016 / 8 2 7 / 162 15 / 16 CSEB22547H 15.30B556 3 7 / 16 CSEB22555H 6.1940 3 7 / 16 5 5 / 16 5 5 / 16 4 29 15/ 32 / 16 2 21 / 32 21.103B564/ 16 CSEB22563H36.107.3750 4 6 1 / 8 6 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 16 3 1 / 164 CSEB22564H 35.604 3 / 16 CSEB22567YH52.804 7 / 7.9670 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 1 3 1 16 CSEB22571YH / 8 50.60B572 4 1 / 2 CSEB22572YH 49.90110.00 CSEB225M110YH22.80202.36 107.95 158.75 158.75 157.16 25.4 79.37115.00 CSEB225M115YH 22.504 15 / 16 CSEB22579YH55.309.3427 5B580/ 16 7 7 / 8 7 7 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 5 / 32 3 15 / 165 CSEB22580YH 54.70125.00 CSEB225M125YH 237.30 141.28 200.02 200.02 174.38 29.37 100.01 24.60MPUDLMBCartridgeLengthPUDLApprox.WeightCSEB22500 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityO.D. tolerance, for size codes B564 and smaller +.000”/-.002”(+0.00mm/-0.05mm): for all other size codes +.000”/-.003”(+0.00mm/-0.08mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codes*Expansion plug diameter .531” (13.49mm), engagement depth .125” +/-.015”(3.18mm +/-0.38mm)Hole for fixed location & slot for expansion location in the same housingH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 139Cartridge Blocks - 3Cast Steel Cartridge Block

CSEB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingCSEB22600Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing CartridgeUnit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthA MOutsideDiameterPUDLMBCartridgeLengthD L M P UB624 1 7 / 16 CSEB22623H 3.1240 2 3 / 16 2.71 2 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 1/ 2 1 39 / 64 4.00B631 1 15 / 16 CSEB22631H 3.8330 2 25 / 64 3.08 3 1 / 16 2 31 / 3239/ 64 1 55 / 64 5.00B635 2 3 / 16 CSEB22635H 4.2270 2 1 / 2 3.16 3 5 / 32 3 5 / 32 5/ 8 1 29 / 32 7.00B639 2 7 / 16 CSEB22639H 4.6210 2 5 / 8 3.28 3 19 / 64 3 5 / 845/ 64 1 31 / 32 8.00B6472 11 / 16 CSEB22643H14.005.4070 3 1 / 8 3.86 3 7 / 8 4 5 55/ 32 / 64 2 19 / 642 15 / 16 CSEB22647H 13.00B655 3 7 / 16 CSEB22655H 6.1940 3 7 / 16 4.29 4 5 / 16 4 15 / 16 7/ 8 2 37 / 64 18.00B663 3 15 / 16 CSEB22663H 7.3750 4 4.94 4 15 / 16 5 7 / 1615/ 16 2 15 / 16 31.00PUDLApprox.WeightCast Steel Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityO.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)Expansion - is 3/8” for all size codes*Expansion plug diameter .531” (13.49mm), engagement depth.125” +/-.015” (3.18mm +/-0.38mm)Hole for fixed location & slot for expansion location in the same housingDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionH labyrinth seals standardCartridge Blocks - 4140All size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

CB22400Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing CartridgeUnit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB416B420B424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthD L M P U W1 CB22416H 3.0000 2 2 9 / 16 2 19 / 32 1 3 17/ 4 / 32 1 9 / 16 1 29 / 32 3.0025.00 CB224M25H 76.2000 50.800 65.09 65.90 44.40 13.50 39.70 48.40 1.401 3 / 16 CB22419H3.2190 2 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 2 23 / 32 1 31 17/ 32 / 32 1 5 / 8 1 31 / 32 4.001 1 / 4 CB22420H30.00 CB224M30H 81.7600 53.980 68.26 69.00 50.00 13.50 41.30 50.00 1.701 7 / 16 CB22423H3.4370 2 3 / 16 2 7 / 8 2 29 / 32 2 5 21/ 16 / 32 1 25 / 32 2 3 / 16 4.001 1 / 2 CB22424H35.00 CB224M35H 87.3000 55.560 73.02 73.80 58.70 16.70 45.20 55.60 2.101 5 / 8 CB22426H3.9370 2 7 / 16 3 1 / 8 3 5 / 32 2 19 211 11 / / 32 / 32 1 29 / 32 2 1 16 CB22427H/ 4 6.001 3 / 4 CB22428H40.00 CB224M40H 100.0000 61.910 79.38 80.20 65.90 16.70 48.40 57.20 2.901 15 / 16 CB22431H4.1250 2 7 / 16 3 1 / 8 3 5 / 32 2 7 21/ 8 / 32 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 6.002 CB22432H45.00 CB224M45H3.10104.7800 61.910 79.38 80.20 73.00 16.70 48.40 57.9050.00 CB224M50H 3.004.5310 2 9 / 16 3 5 / 16 3 11 / 32 3 1 25/ 4 / 32 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 8.0055.00 CB224M55H 115.0900 65.090 84.14 84.90 82.60 19.80 52.40 61.90 3.805.0000 2 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 3 17 / 32 3 9 27/ 16 / 32 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 10.0060.00 CB224M60H 127.0000 66.680 88.90 89.70 90.50 21.40 55.60 65.10 4.802 11 / 16 CB22443H18.002 3 / 4 CB22444H 17.005.8750 3 1 / 8 4 4 1 / 32 4 1 27/ 16 / 32 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 322 15 / 16 CB22447H16.003 CB22448H65.00 CB224M65H8.1070.00 CB224M70H 149.2200 79.380 101.60 102.40 103.20 21.40 61.90 70.60 8.0075.00 CB224M75H 7.803 3 / 16 CB22451H25.0023.0080.00 CB224M80H11.20171.4500 87.310 111.12 111.10 124.60 23.80 67.50 76.2085.00 CB224M85H 11.002 3 / 162 7 / 163 7 / 16CB22435HCB22439HCB22455H 6.7500 3 7 / 16 4 3 / 8 4 3 / 8 4 29 / 3215/ 16 2 21 / 32 32 1 / 42 1 / 23 1 / 2CB22436HCB22440HCB22456HPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTO.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionAOutsideDiameterBCartridgeLengthL<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 141Cartridge Blocks - 5MApprox.WeightLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.PWUDCB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingCast Iron Cartridge Block

CB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingCB22600Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing CartridgeUnit with Cast Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberAOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingBCartridgeLengthAOutsideDiameterD L M P UB624 1 7 / 16 CB22623H 3.4370 2 3 / 16 2.71 2 13 / 16 2 1 / 4 9/ 16 1 43 / 64 4.00B631 1 15 / 16 CB22631H 4.1250 2 7 / 16 3.08 3 11 / 64 2 31 / 3243/ 64 1 55 / 64 6.00B635 2 3 / 16 CB22635H 4.5310 2 9 / 16 3.16 3 7 / 32 3 5 / 3221/ 32 1 29 / 32 8.00B639 2 7 / 16 CB22639H 5.0000 2 5 / 8 3.28 3 25 / 64 3 5 / 843/ 64 2 3 / 64 10.00B6472 11 / 16 CB22643H5.8750 3 1 / 8 3.86 4 4 5 / 318.0032 / 4 2 19 / 642 15 / 16 CB22647H 16.00B655 3 7 / 16 CB22655H 6.7500 3 7 / 16 4.29 4 3 / 8 4 15 / 16 7/ 8 2 9 / 16 23.00MPUDBCartridgeLengthLApprox.WeightCast Iron Cartridge BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTDimensions for “D”, “P” & “U” based on unmounted conditionO.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsCartridge Blocks - 6142Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

TB22400Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationHardened spring locking collarField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingSSlotWidthNSlotSpacingA C D F G J K L M T U W YB4161 TB22416H 3/ 4 3.000 0.531 3 2 1 / 4 2 9 / 16 2 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 16 2 3 5 / 8 1 3 / 5 4 / 8 1 9 / 16 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 16 4.4025.00 TB224M25H 19.10 76.200 13.490 76.20 57.20 65.09 50.80 31.80 103.20 50.80 92.10 44.40 15.90 39.70 48.40 65.10 2.001 3 / 16 TB22419H 7/B4208 3.500 0.531 3 3 / 8 2 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 9 / 16 2 1 / 8 4 1 / 8 1 31 / 55.7032 / 8 1 5 / 8 1 31 / 32 2 7 /1 1 /84 TB22420H 5.6030.00 TB224M30H 22.20 88.900 13.490 85.73 63.50 68.26 58.70 36.50 115.90 53.90 104.80 50.00 15.90 41.30 50.00 73.00 2.601 7 / 16 TB22423HB424 1 1 / 2 TB22424H7/ 8 3.500 0.531 3 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 2 7 / 8 2 3 / 8 1 7 / 16 5 1 / 16 2 3 / 16 4 1 / 8 2 5 / 16 5/ 8 1 25 / 32 2 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 6.4035.00 TB224M35H 22.20 88.900 13.490 95.25 69.80 73.02 60.30 36.50 128.60 55.60 104.80 58.70 15.90 45.20 55.60 82.60 2.901 5 / 8 TB22426H9.70B4281 11 / 16 TB22427H 1 1 / 8 4.000 0.6871 3 / 4 TB22428H4 1 / 4 3 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 2 7 / 16 4 3 / 4 2 19 / 32 3/ 4 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 3 13 / 169.5040.00 TB224M40H 28.60 101.600 17.460 107.95 82.60 79.38 81.00 49.20 150.80 61.90 120.60 65.90 19.00 48.40 57.20 96.80 4.50B4321 15 / 16 TB22431H1 1 / 8 4.000 0.687 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 2 7 / 16 4 1 / 2 2 7 / 39.908 / 4 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 3 15 /2 TB22432H169.7045.00 TB224M45H28.60 101.600 17.460 114.30 85.70 79.38 81.00 49.20 157.20 61.90 114.30 73.00 19.00 48.40 57.90 100.00 4.7050.00 TB224M50H2 3 / 16 TB22435HB436 2 1 / 4 TB22436H1 3 / 8 4.500 0.813 5 3 3 / 4 3 5 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 1 / 4 3 1 / 4 1 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 4 5 / 8 14.1055.00 TB224M55H 34.90 114.300 20.640 127.00 95.20 84.14 95.20 57.20 181.00 63.50 133.40 82.60 31.80 52.40 61.90 117.50 6.802 7 / 16 TB22439H18.001B440/ 8 5.125 1.063 5 1 / 2 4 3 1 / 2 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 5 / 8 5 7 / 8 3 9 / 16 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 5 1 /2 1 /162 TB22440H 17.8060.00 TB224M60H 34.90 130.180 26.990 139.70 101.60 88.90 104.80 57.20 198.40 66.70 149.20 90.50 31.80 55.60 65.10 128.60 8.302 11 / 16 TB22443H23.602 3 / 4 TB22444H 23.501 5 / 8 5.937 1.812 6 7 / 16 4 3 / 4 4 4 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 6 11 / 16 4 1 / 16 1 1 / 2 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 32 5 15 /2 15 /1616 TB22447H 23.00B448 3 TB22448H 22.9065.00 TB224M65H10.6070.00 TB224M70H 41.30 150.810 46.020 163.50 120.60 101.60 120.60 69.80 231.80 79.40 169.90 103.20 38.10 61.90 70.60 150.80 10.3075.00 TB224M75H 10.20B4563 7 / 16 TB22455H43.501 7 / 8 6.812 1.812 7 3 / 8 5 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 4 7 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 7 / 16 7 13 / 16 4 29 / 32 1 5 / 8 2 21 / 32 3 6 5 /3 1 /162 TB22456H 43.1080.00 TB224M80H47.60 173.020 46.020 187.30 139.70 111.12 123.80 73.00 254.00 87.30 198.40 124.60 41.30 67.50 76.20 160.30 20.5085.00 TB224M85H 20.00B4643 15 / 16 TB22463H77.002 1 / 8 8.625 2.062 8 7 / 8 7 5 1 / 16 5 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 12 1 / 8 4 1 / 8 9 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 7 11 /4 TB22464H1676.0090.00 TB224M90H53.98 219.080 52.370 225.40 177.80 128.59 133.40 79.40 308.00 104.80 239.70 142.90 54.00 77.80 87.30 195.30 34.90100.00 TB224M100H 34.50Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTTake-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015” (+0.13mm/-0.38mm)H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionLAC<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 143Take-up Blocks - 1JYTGHAdjustingScrewClearanceHoleDiameterFMWUDSSlotWidthKApprox.WeightSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.TB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingTake-Up Block

TB22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingTB22600Photo Shows a Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationEnhanced life mounting styleField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingLSSlotWidthNSlotSpacingACA C D F G J K L M T U W YB624 1 7 / 16 TB22623H 7/ 8 3.500 0.531 3 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 2.71 2 3 / 8 1 7 / 16 5 1 / 16 2 3 / 16 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 5/ 8 1 39 / 64 2 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 6.40B631 1 15 / 16 TB22631H 1 1 / 8 4.000 0.687 4 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 3.08 3 3 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 3 / 16 2 7 / 16 4 1 / 2 2 31 / 32 3/ 4 1 55 / 64 2 9 / 32 3 15 / 16 9.70B635 2 3 / 16 TB22635H 1 3 / 8 4.500 0.813 5 3 3 / 4 3.16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 1 / 4 3 5 / 32 1 1 / 4 1 29 / 32 2 7 / 16 4 5 / 8 14.10B639 2 7 / 16 TB22639H 1 3 / 8 5.125 1.063 5 1 / 2 4 3.28 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 13 / 16 2 5 / 8 5 7 / 8 3 5 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 31 / 32 2 9 / 16 5 1 / 16 17.80B6472 11 / 16 TB22643H13.501 5 / 8 5.937 1.812 6 7 / 16 4 3 / 4 3.86 4 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 1 / 8 6 11 / 16 4 5 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 19 / 64 2 25 / 32 5 15 / 162 15 / 16 TB22647H 13.00B655 3 7 / 16 TB22655H 1 7 / 8 6.812 1.812 7 3 / 8 5 1 / 2 4.29 4 7 / 8 2 7 / 8 10 3 7 / 16 7 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 1 5 / 8 2 37 / 64 3 6 5 / 16 43.10B663 3 15 / 16 TB22663H 2 1 / 8 8.625 2.062 8 7 / 8 7 4.94 5 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 12 1 / 8 4 1 / 8 9 7 / 16 5 7 / 16 2 1 / 8 2 15 / 16 3 7 / 16 7 11 / 16 76.00JYTGHAdjustingScrewClearanceHoleDiameterFMWUDSSlotWidthKApprox.WeightTake-Up BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTDimensions for “D” & “U” based on unmounted conditionTake-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.005”/-.015” (+0.13mm/-0.38mm)H labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionTake-up Blocks - 2144Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

DSB22400Photo Shows a Hinged Top, Welded Steel Conveyor Take-Up Framewith Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesCompleteTake-upAssemblyTravelLength12B4321 15 / 16 DSB22431H 182445.00 DSB224M45H 121850.00 DSB224M50H 2412B4362 3 / 16 DSB22435H 18241255.00 DSB224M55H 1824122 7 / 16 DSB22439H182430B4401260.00 DSB224M60H182430122 15 / 16 DSB22447H182430B44865.00 DSB224M65H 1270.00 DSB224M70H182475.00 DSB224M75H 3012B4563 7 / 16 DSB22455H18243080.00 DSB224M80H 121885.00 DSB224M85H302412B4643 15 / 16 DSB22463H1824301290.00 DSB224M90H18100.00 DSB224M100H2430ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBFrameBolt HoleSpacing26 1/23 15 / 16 32 1/238 1/2100.00673.1825.5977.927 1/24 3 / 16 33 1/239 1/2106.40698.5850.91003.328 1/24 3 /34 1/2840 1/246 1/2723.9111.10876.31028.71181.130 1/25 1 /36 1/2842 1/248 1/2774.4130.20927.11079.51231.9325 5 /3884450812.8142.90965.21117.61270.07177.8036424854914.41066.81219.21371.6KF - BoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)------250.80250.80C E F H K L M U V W Z Adjust.28 1/234 1/240 1/2723.9876.31028.729 1/235 1/241 1/2749.3901.71054.130 1/236 1/242 1/248 1/2774.7927.11079.51231.932 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/23 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 7 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 2 7 / 8 1 29 / 32 1 1 / 4 2 9 / 32 4 1 / 812182476.20 16.00 44.40 184.20 209.60 73.00 48.40 31.80 57.90 104.80304.8457.2609.63 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 7 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 1 9 / 32 2 7 / 16 4 1 / 812182476.20 16.00 44.40 196.80 220.70 82.60 52.40 32.50 61.90 104.80304.8457.2609.6123 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 8 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 2 9 / 16 4 1 /188243076.20 20.00 44.40 209.60 231.80 90.50 55.60 34.90 65.10 104.80<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 145Take-up Assemblies - 1304.8457.2609.6762.0124 5/ 8 2 9 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 1 5 / 8 2 25 / 32 5 1 /1882430825.5977.91130.3101.60 16.00 50.80 235.00 269.90 103.20 61.90 41.30 70.60 130.201282.734 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/4304.8457.2609.6762.0124 3/ 4 2 10 11 13 / 16 4 29 / 32 2 21 / 32 1 23 / 32 3 5 5 /1882430870.01022.41174.8101.60 20.00 50.80 254.00 300.00 124.60 67.50 43.60 76.20 142.901327.22 1 / 238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/263.50Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTFor size code B464, frame has hinged top constructionFrames with 18” (457.20mm) adjustment or more have center supporting pad welded tobottom of frameH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsAdjustmentBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCKABase toCenterlineHeight304.8457.2609.6762.05 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 12 14 11 / 16 5 5 / 8 3 1 / 16 2 3 7 / 16 6 7 / 812182430977.91120.31282.7127.00 20.00 57.20 304.80 373.10 142.90 77.80 50.80 87.30 174.601435.1HMGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)UEVLWZVEnd Closure304.8457.2609.6762.0Approx.Weight43495419.522.224.549556022.224.927.25561667124.927.229.932.280899710536.340.444.447.610711612413248.552.656.259.918019220221281.687.191.696.2Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.DSB22400 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingProtected Screw Take-up Assembly

DSHB22500Photo Shows a Hinged Top, Extra Strength Welded Steel Conveyor Take-UpFrame with Spherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesExtra strength welded steel frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingMisalignment capabilitites - Total of 4°Broad range of sealing optionsFactory set clearance & lubricationField interchangeable sealsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterCompleteTake-upAssemblyB531 1 15 / 16 DSHB22531HB536 2 3 / 16 DSHB22535HB540 2 7 / 16 DSHB22539HB548 2 15 / 16 DSHB22547HB556 3 7 / 16 DSHB22555HB564 3 15 / 16 DSHB22563HTravelLength121824121824121824121824303612182430361218243036ABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBFrameBolt HoleSpacing27 1/23 15 / 16 33 1/239 1/227 1/24 7 / 16 33 1/239 1/228 1/24 5 / 8 34 1/240 1/230 1/236 1/25 1 / 8 42 1/248 1/254 1/232385 5 / 8 44505673642485460F - BoltsKGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)---22AdjustmentBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCC E F H K L M U W Z Adjust.29 1/235 1/241 1/229 1/235 1/241 1/230 1/236 1/242 1/232 1/238 1/244 1/250 1/256 1/234 1/440 1/446 1/452 1/458 1/438 1/244 1/22 1 / 2 50 1/256 1/262 1/2KH3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 7 3 / 4 10 5 / 8 2 7 / 8 1 29 / 32 2 9 / 32 4 1 / 81218244 1 / 2 5/ 8 2 7 3 / 4 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 4 2 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 5 1 / 4 1812244 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 8 1 / 4 12 13 / 16 3 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 2 9 / 16 5 1 / 4 1812244 1 / 2 5/ 8 2 9 1 / 4 13 15 / 16 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 2 25 / 32 5 1 / 4 24121830364 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 10 15 1 / 16 4 29 / 32 2 21 / 32 3 5 5 / 812182430365 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 12 17 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 7 / 16 6 7 / 81218243036LMUABase toCenterlineHeight GBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EUMWZUEnd ClosureApprox.Weight7888988393103105118132125140155170185146162178194210260278296314332DSHB22500 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesProtected Screw Take-upPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTH labyrinth seals standardAll size codes available with type E lip seals & E7 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionTake-up Assemblies - 2146Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller BearingTake-up Assembly

LHD_FRAMEPhoto Shows a Protected Screw Type FrameProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameWelded steel frameBearing DrawingSKAdjustmentBBolt Hole SpacingCMKRHFMountingBoltsVZDGBolt HoleSpacingELOverallFrameHeightLHD - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Protected Screw Take-up FrameBearing DimensionsAvailable Shaft SizesSizeCodePB/PKB22400/22600SeriesAdditional NotesPB22500SeriesEPB22400/22500/22600SeriesPartNumberAdjustmentLengthBBolt HoleSpacingPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.GBolt HoleSpacing in WidthDirectionLOverallFrameHeightC D E F H K M R S V ZLHD20 1 3 / 16-2 1 / 2 1 7 / 16-2 7 / 16 1 7 / 16-2 1 / 2LHD2024 24 41 432 1 / 2 5 1 / 4 4 5 5 / 1 8 / 4 8 1 / 2 11 4 356.00/ 4 2 6 1 /LHD2030 30 47 49465.00LHD2012 12 293148.00LHD2018 18 35 37 52.00LHD2036 36 53 55 70.00LHD2048 48 65 67 81.00LHD2512 12 32 3 / 4 35 1 / 4 81.00LHD2518 18 38 3 / 4 41 1 / 4 100.00LHD25 2 11 / 16-3 2 11 / 16-2 15 / 16 2 11 / 16-33 6 1 / 4 5 5 1 / 5 2 / 3 8 / 8 10 3 / 8 13 1 / 4 5 1 2 9 / 16 7 1 / 8LHD2524 24 44 3 / 4 47 1 / 4 110.00LHD2530 30 50 3 / 4 53 1 / 4 115.00LHD2536 36 56 3 / 4 59 1 / 4 120.00LHD2548 48 68 3 / 4 71 1 / 4 127.00LHD3012 12 35 1 / 2 38 1 / 4 158.00LHD3018 18 41 1 / 2 44 1 / 4 162.00LHD30 3 3 / 16-3 1 / 2 3 7 / 16 -LHD3024 24 47 1 / 2 503 7/ 46 6 1 / 3 2 / 1166.004 / 2 11 3 / 4 14 1 / 4 6 1 2 1 / 2 9LHD3030 30 53 1 / 2 56 1 / 4 173.00LHD3036 36 59 1 / 2 62 1 / 4 183.00LHD3048 48 71 1 / 2 74 1 / 4 214.00LHD3512 12 37 1 / 4 40173.00LHD3518 18 43 1 / 4 46 190.00LHD35 3 11 / 16-4 3 15 / 16-4 1 / 2 3 3 / 16-3 1 / 2LHD3524 24 49 1 / 4 523 7 6 6 1 / 3 2 / 1195.004 / 2 12 5 / 8 16 6 1 1 / 4 2 1 / 2 9LHD3530 30 55 1 / 4 58 200.00LHD3536 36 61 1 / 4 64 210.00LHD3548 48 73 1 / 4 76 234.00LHD4012 12 41 1 / 4 44175.00LHD40 - 4 15 / 16-5 -LHD4024 24 53 1 / 4 563 7 7 6 1 / 3 2 / 1265.004 / 2 14 5 / 8 20 6 1 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 9 13 / 16LHD4030 30 59 1 / 4 62 270.00LHD4018 18 47 1 / 4 50 220.00LHD4036 36 65 1 / 4 68 290.00LHD4048 48 77 1 / 4 80 300.00LHD5012 12 4749 1 / 290.00LHD50 - - -LHD5024 24 59 614 7 3 / / 24 8 1 / 2 7 7 / 1325.008 / 2 17 1 / 2 23 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 11 1 / 4LHD5030 30 65 67 1 / 2 330.00LHD5018 18 53255 1 / 2 300.00LHD5036 36 71 73 1 / 2 350.00LHD5048 48 83 85 1 / 2 360.00Approx.Weight<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 147Take-up Frames - 1Take-Up Frames

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC148

B400LPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesHardened spring locking collarSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB416B420B424B428B432B436B440B448B456ShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameterBOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingCBearingWidthMNTABoreDiameterRHCBearingWidthYEBOutsideDiameterE H M N R T Y1 B416L 1.0000 2.3750 1.1880 2 2.56 1.75 1.307 0.046 1/ 2 1 1.3025.00 B4M25L 25.0000 60.3250 30.1800 50.80 65.09 44.40 33.200 1.170 12.70 25.40 0.601 3 / 16 B419L 1.18751 1 / 4 B420L 1.25002.6250 1.3120 2 5 / 16 2.69 1.97 1.532 0.062 1/ 2 1 1 / 16 1.8030.00 B4M30L 30.0000 66.6750 33.3200 58.70 68.26 50.00 38.910 1.570 12.70 26.99 0.801 7 / 16 B423L 1.43751 1 / 2 B424L 1.50002.8345 1.3100 2 1 / 2 2.88 2.31 1.745 0.062 5/ 8 1 3 / 32 2.2035.00 B4M35L 35.0000 72.0000 33.2700 63.50 73.02 58.70 44.320 1.570 15.90 27.78 1.001 1 / 2 B4B24L 1.50001 5 / 8 B426L 1.62501 11 / 16 B427L 1.68753.3464 1.5780 2 7 / 8 3.13 2.59 2.027 0.062 5/ 8 1 7 / 32 3.201 3 / 4 B428L 1.750040.00 B4M40L 40.0000 85.0000 40.0800 73.00 79.38 65.90 51.480 1.570 15.90 30.96 1.401 3 / 4 B4B28L 1.75001 15 / 16 B431L 1.9375 3.5433 1.5260 3 3 / 16 3.13 2.88 2.307 0.078 5/ 8 1 7 / 32 3.302 B432L 2.000045.00 B4M45L 45.000050.00 B4M50L 50.000090.0000 38.7600 81.00 79.38 73.00 58.590 1.980 15.90 30.96 1.502 3 / 16 B435L 2.18752 1 / 4 B436L 2.25003.9370 1.6560 3 1 / 2 3.31 3.25 2.620 0.062 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 4.6055.00 B4M55L 55.0000 100.0000 42.0600 88.90 84.14 82.60 66.550 1.570 19.00 31.75 2.102 1 / 4 B4B36L 2.25002 7 / 16 B439L 2.4375 4.3307 1.7500 3 7 / 8 3.50 3.56 2.901 0.07813/ 16 1 5 / 16 5.802 1 / 2 B440L 2.500060.00 B4M60L 60.0000 110.0000 44.4500 98.40 88.90 90.50 73.690 1.980 20.60 33.34 2.602 11 / 16 B443L 2.68752 3 / 4 B444L 2.75002 15 / 16 B447L 2.93755.1172 2.1250 4 17 / 32 4.00 4.06 3.370 0.07813/ 16 1 9 / 16 9.503 B448L 3.000065.00 B4M65L 65.000070.00 B4M70L 70.0000 130.0000 53.9800 115.10 101.60 103.20 85.600 1.980 20.60 39.69 4.3075.00 B4M75L 75.00003 3 / 16 B451L 3.18753 7 / 16 B455L 3.43755.9045 2.3130 5 11 / 32 4.38 4.91 3.975 0.12527/ 32 1 23 / 32 13.50Approx.WeightB400L - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 149Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 1Replacement Insert

Replacement Insert B400L - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22400 Series Single Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeB456B464ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityBearing O.D. tolerance, +.001”/-.000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bore tolerance, +.0010”/-.0000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bearing width tolerance, +/-.025” (+/-0.64mm)Housing must allow clearance for this adjustment on dimension “C”Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 2ABoreDiameterBOutsideDiameterCBearingWidthE H M N R T Y3 1 / 2 B456L 3.5000 5.9045 2.3130 5 11 / 32 4.38 4.91 3.975 0.12527/ 32 1 23 / 32 13.5080.00 B4M80L 80.000085.00 B4M85L 85.0000149.9740 58.7500 135.70 111.12 124.60 100.970 3.180 21.40 43.66 6.103 11 / 16 B459L 3.68753 15 / 16 B463L 3.9375 7.0856 2.7500 6 3 / 8 5.06 5.63 4.561 0.12531/ 32 2 24.004 B464L 4.000090.00 B4M90L 90.0000100.00 B4M100L 100.0000179.9740 69.8500 161.90 128.59 142.90 115.850 3.180 24.60 50.80 10.80150Approx.WeightLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

B500LPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesTwo hardened spring locking collarsSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABoreDiameterBOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingCBearingWidthMTAN BoreDiameterRCBearingWidthHYEBOutsideDiameterE H M N R T YB524 1 7 / 16 B523L 1.4375 2.8345 1.3100 2 1 / 2 3.56 2.31 1.745 0.062 5/ 8 1 25 / 32 2.40B528 1 11 / 16 B527L 1.6875 3.3464 1.5780 2 7 / 8 3.81 2.59 2.027 0.062 5/ 8 1 29 / 32 3.50B531 1 15 / 16 B531L 1.9375 3.5433 1.5260 3 3 / 16 3.81 2.88 2.307 0.078 5/ 8 1 29 / 32 3.80B5362 B532L 2.00002 3 / 16 B535L 2.18753.9370 1.6560 3 1 / 2 4.13 3.25 2.620 0.062 3/ 4 2 1 / 16 6.00B540 2 7 / 16 B539L 2.4375 4.3307 1.7500 3 7 / 8 4.38 3.56 2.901 0.07813/ 16 2 3 / 16 7.20B5482 11 / 16 B543L 2.68752 15 / 16 B547L 2.93755.1172 2.1250 4 17 / 32 4.88 4.06 3.370 0.07813/ 16 2 7 / 16 11.10B556 3 7 / 16 B555L 3.4375 5.9045 2.3130 5 11 / 32 5.31 4.91 3.975 0.12527/ 32 2 21 / 32 15.70B5643 15 / 16 B563L 3.93754 B564L 4.00007.0856 2.7500 6 3 / 8 6.13 5.63 4.561 0.12531/ 32 3 1 / 16 26.704 3 / 16 B567YL 4.18754 7 / 16 B571YL 4.4375 7.6815 - - 6.25 6.19 5.032 0.145 1 3 1 / 8 37.00B572 4 1 / 2 B572YL 4.5000110.00 B5M110YL 110.0000115.00 B5M115YL 115.0000195.1101 - - 158.75 157.23 127.813 3.683 25.40 79.38 16.704 15 / 16 B579YL 4.9375B580 5 B580YL 5.00009.0574 - - 7.88 7.04 5.750 0.145 1 1 / 16 3 15 / 16 41.20125.00 B5M125YL 125.0000 230.0580 - - 200.15 178.94 146.050 3.683 26.80 100.01 18.50Approx.WeightB500L - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22500 Series Double Locking Collar Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityBearing O.D. tolerance, +.001”/-.000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bore tolerance, +.0010”/-.0000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bearing width tolerance, +/-.025” (+/-0.64mm)Housing must allow clearance for this adjustment on dimension “C”Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 151Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 3Replacement Insert

Replacement Insert B600L - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt B22600 Series Adapter Mounted Spherical Roller BearingB600LPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesEnhanced life mounting styleSelf aligningSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 4BOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingCBearingWidthMNTRCBearingWidthHYEBOutsideDiameterE H M N R T YB624 1 7 / 16 B623L 2.8345 1.3100 2 1 / 2 2.71 2 1 / 4 1.745 0.062 1/ 2 1 3 / 32 2.10B631 1 15 / 16 B631L 3.5433 1.5260 3 3 / 16 3.08 2 31 / 32 2.307 0.078 9/ 16 1 7 / 32 3.30B635 2 3 / 16 B635L 3.9370 1.6560 3 1 / 2 3.16 3 5 / 32 2.620 0.06219/ 32 1 1 / 4 4.50B639 2 7 / 16 B639L 4.3307 1.7500 3 7 / 8 3.36 3 5 / 8 2.901 0.078 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 5.90B6472 11 / 16 B643L2 15 / 16 B647L5.1172 2.1250 4 17 / 32 3.86 4 5 / 32 3.370 0.07843/ 64 1 9 / 16 9.50B655 3 7 / 16 B655L 5.9045 2.3130 5 11 / 32 4.31 4 15 / 16 3.975 0.12551/ 64 1 23 / 32 12.80B663 3 15 / 16 B663L 7.0856 2.7500 6 3 / 8 4.94 5 7 / 16 4.561 0.12555/ 64 2 23.20Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension for “H” based on unmounted conditionBearing O.D. tolerance, +.001”/-.000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bore tolerance, +.0010”/-.0000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bearing width tolerance, +/-.025” (+/-0.64mm)Housing must allow clearance for this adjustment on dimension “C”Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide section152Approx.WeightLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing

Bearing DrawingThreaded Cover Kit Set Collar Kit Microlock Assembly Kit Adapter Sleeve Kit<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Replacement KitsBearing DimensionsH SealE SealE7 SealSize Code H E E7Threaded CoverKitSet CollarKitMicrolockAssembly KitAdapterAssembly KitB416 B417HS B417ES B417E7S B417TC B417SC B436MLK* -B420 B420HS B420ES B420E7S B420TC B420SC B436MLK* -B424B524B624B428B528B432B531B631B436B536B635B440B540B639B448B548B647B456B556B655B464B564B663B424HS B424ES B424E7S B424TC B424SC B436MLK* SNW623B428HS B428ES B428E7S B428TC B428SC B436MLK* -B432HS B432ES B432E7S B432TC B432SC B436MLK* SNW631B436HS B436ES B436E7S B436TC B436SC B436MLK* SNW635B440HS B440ES B440E7S B440TC B440SC B448MLK ► SNW639B448HS B448ES B448E7S B448TC B448SC B448MLK ► SNW647B456HS B456ES B456E7S B456TC B456SC B580MLK◊ SNW655B464HS B464ES B464E7S B464TC B464SC B580MLK◊ SNW663B572 B572YHS B572YES B572YE7S B572YTC B22572Y5S B580YMLK◊ -B580 B580YHS B580YES B580YE7S B580YTC B22580Y5S B580YMLK◊ -Additional Notes* CB cartridge blocks in these size codes require B436MLK1 Microlock Kit► CB cartridge blocks in these size codes require B456MLK Microlock Kit◊ CB cartridge blocks in these size codes require B572MLK Microlock Kit<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Spherical Roller Bearing 153Accessories - 1Replacement Insert

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC154

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ®Split HousedSpherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Industries ServedMiningForest ProductsAggregatesSteelAir HandlingConstructionPackage HandlingWaste Water Treatment155

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Features and BenefitsSeries 6600, 6800, 6900, SAF22600, 7600, 7800, 7900, SAF22300 Spherical Roller BearingSelf-aligning spherical roller bearing pillow blocksand takeups provide high load carrying capacityfor radial or combination radial and thrust loads.36They are designed for use on conveyors,dryers, road building equipment, runout tables,fans, crushers, hammermills and many otherhigh-precision, heavy-duty applications.8124571. Spherical roller bearings may be direct oradapter mounted. Housings have provisionfor fixed or expansion mounting.2. Choice of seals — Type R multilabyrinth,D5 Pentac®, or Type D8 independentlyflushable seals — effectively retainlubricant and exclude contaminants.3. Removable housing cap facilitates bearingmounting, inspection and maintenance.4. Mating surfaces are machined. Capsand bases matched and marked.5. Base and cap are dowelled foraccurate assembly and security.6. Oil or grease lubrication ready. Large lubricantreservoir in base prolongs lubrication interval.7. Slotted bolt holes in base facilitate mounting;machined finish on base for firm seating onsupporting surface. Pry slots for easycap removal.8. Dimpled flats for bearing monitor probes.Series 22200, 22300, 23000 Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Self-aligning and self-contained spherical rollerbearings provide high capacity for heavy-duty andhigh-precision applications.They are used extensively on earth-movingequipment, vibrating screens, steel milland paper mill equipment,embossing rolls, printing presses, andtorque converters.13241. Positive roller guidance is providedfrom rugged retainer design.2. Large high-capacity rollers forextended bearing life.3. Controlled raceway curvatures affordprecise osculation clearance preventingroller edge loading.4. Micro-finished raceways assuresmooth operation.5. Outer ring groove and three symmetricallyspaced holes for maximum lubrication access.5Features and Benefits - 2156<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Series A20000 Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong>Self-aligning separable outer ring bearings ofsingle row adjustable and double row adjustableor non adjustable types for high capacity andRollersRollers symmetrical roller design permitsnatural roller positioning and distribution ofload in dynamic operation. Curvatures of rollercontact surfaces are contoured to control stressdistribu-tion under all combinations of radialand thrust loads within design capacities.minimum space requirements. These compactbearings feature the latest design refinements.Rings4The geometry and sections of the outer andinner rings and rollers result in high capacityand long bearing life. Controlled racewaycurvatures on inner and outer rings and rollersafford precise osculation clearances preventingroller edge loading. Outer ring racewaysare spherically finished to provide freedomof alignment under variable conditions.2311. Controlled raceway curvatures affordprecise osculation clearance to avoid edgeloading and provide high capacity.2. Roller guidance is provided by doublecontoured coined steel retainer pockets.3. Large rollers for extended bearing life.4. Micro-finished raceways assuresmooth operation.RetainersDouble contoured deep coined pocketsprovide accurate roller guidance. Separateretainer for each row of rollers allows rollersto seek ultimate rolling path and operatingangle for all radial/thrust load conditions.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Features and Benefits<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 157Features and Benefits - 3

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Features and BenefitsA Seal Choice for Every EnvironmentA Seal Choice for Every EnvironmentSelect the proper seal from<strong>Link</strong>-Belt’s seal menu.Metal Triple-Ring R SealThis industry standard seal provides a labyrinthgrease chamber between the housing groovesand the seal rings. Operates at high speed;good for moderate dust, dirt or moisture.D5 PenTac 5-Point Sealing SystemRugged contact lip seal, molded on a Kevlar®body, rotates with the shaft. The PenTac sealacts as a flinger, keeping debris away fromthe seal area, and provides five seal points.D5 PenTac 5-Point Sealing System1 - Seals shaft2 - Seals housing3 - Creates a grease chamber toprevent bearing contamination4 - Acts as a flinger5 - Grease chambers created bymulti-labyrinth chamberDirt/ DustSpeedWash DownX Good XX Better XXX BestTr iple Ring PenT ac ® Taconite Wash DownR Seal D5 Seal D8 Seal T SealXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXD8 Taconite Sealing SystemA rugged cast carrier protects a metal labyrinthoutboard seal and a spring-loaded inboardseal. When independently lubricated, the D8system directs the grease between the twoseals, purging all contaminants before they canreach the bearing chamber. Thousands are inuse in the toughest applications worldwide.Exclusive T Water SealAvailable on special order, this patented sealwas developed for use on equipment whichexperiences constant water splash or frequentwash down. The unique T-shaped lip seal ridesin a stainless steel carrier and rotates withthe shaft. It seals the shaft and its one-way,double-contact lips allow for grease purge fromthe bearing chamber, but prevent the reverseflow of water or debris. <strong>Link</strong> Belt’s T seal isthe standard in the environmental equipmentindustry. <strong>Link</strong> Belt Bearing offers Pillow Blockswith special features for severe wash downenvironments. Black Rilsan Nylon 11 coatedhousings, stainless steel hardware and endcaps or solid closed end housings, and thepatented T contact water seal are the standardfeatures of the BP-LB6800 series. Units maybe further modified to meet specific needs.Shaft Part Number Shaft Part Number1 7/16” BP-LB6823 3 3/16” BP-LB6851*2 3/16” BP-LB6835* 3 15/16” BP-LB6863F2 7/16” BP-LB6839* 4 1/2” BP-LB6872F2 11/16” BP-LB6843* 4 15/16” BP-LB6879F2 15/16” BP-LB6847**For four-bolt base add suffix “F.”Unit with one side solid cast closed, add “C”suffix.Features and Benefits - 4158<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

6600, 6800, 6900, 7600, 7800, 7900 NomenclatureSymbolBPPPKDSELBDescriptionPillow block; two-piece; black Rilsan nylon II coatedPillow block; two-piecePillow block; two-piece cast steel housing(66, 68, 76 and 78 series)Takeup, welded steel frame, hinged topExpansion MountingSpherical roller bearing66 Adapter mounted with 23000LBK bearing68 Adapter mounted with 22200LBK bearing69 Adapter mounted with 22300LBK bearing76 Direct shaft mounted with 23000LB bearing78 Direct shaft mounted with 22200LB bearing79 Direct shaft mounted with 22300LB bearingMMetric bore adapter mountP E - LB 79 65 F B C -T2/ 3<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Nomenclature39 Shaft diameter in 16ths of an inch — adapter mounted65 Inner ring bore in millimeters — direct shaft mounted60 Shaft diameter in millimeters — adapter mountedFFour bolt base pillow blockNoneD5D8BRH"T" Water sealsPentac 5-point sealsIndependently flushable sealFelt contact sealMulti-labyrinth sealMulti-labyrinth seal (6600. 7600 series only)CClosed end unitT2Locknut and washer included (76, 78, 79 series)2 Internal clearance less than C00 Basic C0 internal clearanceNoneInternal clearance greater than C0 (standard)4 Internal clearance greater than C312 Takeup adjustment, inches<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 159Nomenclature - 5

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - NomenclatureSAF22600, SAF22300 NomenclatureSymbolFSAFNoneSNoneEDescriptionFour bolt basePillow block; two-piece; inch series; labyrinth sealGray IronCast SteelFixed Unit — Furnish with spacer ringExpansion Unit223 Direct shaft mounted with 22300LB spherical roller bearing226 Adapter mounted with 22300LBK spherical roller bearing17 One-fifth bearing bore diameter in mmCTClosed end unitHousing MaterialLockwasher and locknut NOT INCLUDED (22300 Series)F SAF 226 17 -215 /NoneDirect shaft mounted shaft size215 Adapter mounted shaft size in inch and 1⁄16, i.e., 215 is 2 15⁄16 inch shaft size2 Internal clearance less than C00 Basic internal clearanceNoneInternal clearance greater than C0 (standard)4 Internal clearance greater than C3Radial ClearanceLarge Bore NomenclatureSymbolDescriptionP LB 222 44 K C 71516PPKPillow block; two piecePillow block; two piece cast steelLBSpherical Roller Bearing222 Direct shaft mounted with 22200LB bearing223 Direct shaft mounted with 22300LB bearing225 Adapter mounted with 22200LBK bearing226 Adapter mounted with 22300LBK bearing230 Adapter or direct shaft mounted with 23000 bearing231 Adapter or direct shaft mounted with 23100 bearing232 Adapter or direct shaft mounted with 23200 bearing44 One-fifth bearing bore diameter in mmKTapered bore bearingCEnd closure71516 7 15/16” – shaft sizeNomenclature - 6160<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

22200, 22300, 23000, 23100, 23200, 23900 NomenclatureSymbolDescription2 Used to distinguish from other series22 Bearing dimension series (22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 39)16 One-fifth of bore diameter (mm)LBDesignation for <strong>Link</strong>-Belt spherical roller bearingNoneKW33C2C0C3C4W22C40C50Cylindrical boreTapered boreLubrication holes and groove in outer ring (standard)Internal clearance less than C0Basic internal clearanceInternal clearance greater than C0 (standard)Internal clearance greater than C3Reduced O.D. tolerance in center of standard tolerance rangeReduced O.D. tolerance on high sideReduced O.D. tolerance on low side2 22 16 LB K / W33 / C0 / C40/ W4<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - NomenclatureW4Inner ring marked to show high point of eccentricityA 20000 NomenclatureSymbolDescriptionA 22 196 M C0 C40ASpherical roller bearing, separable outer ring(s)22 Basic bearing series23 Larger O.D. or greater load rating than series 2224 Larger O.D. or greater load rating than series 23196 Bore size in hundredths of an inchNoneMSDouble row roller bearing; separable outer ringsDouble row bearing; separable outer rings with spacer for preadjusted clearanceSingle row roller bearing; adjustableC2C0C3Internal clearance less than C0Standard internal clearanceInternal clearance greater than C0W22C40C50Reduced O.D. tolerance in center of tolerance rangeReduced O.D. tolerance in high half of tolerance rangeReduced O.D. tolerance in low half of tolerance range<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 161Nomenclature - 7

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionSeries 6600, 6800, 6900, 7600, 7800, 7900, 22600, 22300, 22200, 22300, 23000, A20000, A20000MTo select a pillow block, determine the appliedradial load, the applied thrust load, the desiredRating Life, the required minimum shaft size, andapplicable operating conditions. The procedureshown here will aid in selecting a pillow block tomeet an L10 design life. The formulas for calculatinglife expectancy should be used to determinethe Rating Life L10 for the pillow block selected.Spherical roller bearing pillow blocks are availablein Series 6600, 6800, 22600, 7600, 7800, and22300. Because a number of series are available,several different pillow blocks that will fulfilland L10 life requirement can often be chosen.SelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursHeavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Industrial—16 hour shift 4,000 10 40,000Industrial—continuous 8,700 10 80,000 to100,000Industrial—High reliability — — 120,000 to300,000Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Some of the factors to consider whenchoosing between series are: cost, speed limit,minimum shaft diameter, thrust load, spacelimitations, and type of shaft mounting.The selection procedures and rating formulasshown here are in agreement with TheAmerican Bearing Manufacturers AssociationStandards and ANSI/ ABMA Standards STD11-1990. Ratings are based on fatigue life.The Rating Life L10 or fatigue life at 90% reliabilityis the usual basis for bearing selection.b For combined radial and thrust loads:Select a roller bearing pillow block of the desired shaft size from Table2 or Table 4 Calculate the ratio of thrust load Fa to the radial load Fr.Calculate the equivalent radial load PP = XFr + YFaIfIfFaFrFaFris equal to or less than e, then P = X1Fr + Y1Fais greater than e, then P = X2Fr + Y2FaFor values of e, X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, see Table 2 or Table 4Required C = P using from Step 2For radial load applications only, Table3 can be used to select a unit or todetermine L10 life expectancy.To assure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.FaFrStep 3Calculate the required C and select a roller bearing pillow block.a For radial load only: P = FrConsult the bearing rating Table 2 or Table 4, to see if the selectedbearing meets or exceeds the required C. The life expectancy ofother sizes and series of bearings can be calculated similarly.Required C = P using from Step 2Select a roller bearing pillow block from Table 2 or Table 4 having abasic load rating C equal to or greater than the required C.Selection Guide- 8162<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

SelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toL10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load, pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factorC(P)BearingLifeSpeed, nHoursL10 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 1.93 2.38 2.93 3.31 3.61 3.86 4.07 4.27 4.444000 2.11 2.59 3.19 3.61 3.93 4.20 4.44 4.65 4.845000 2.25 2.77 3.42 3.86 4.20 4.50 4.75 4.97 5.186000 2.38 2.93 3.61 4.07 4.44 4.75 5.02 5.25 5.478000 2.59 3.19 3.93 4.44 4.84 5.18 5.47 5.73 5.9610000 2.77 3.42 4.20 4.75 5.18 5.54 5.85 6.12 6.3712000 2.93 3.61 4.44 5.02 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.47 6.7314000 3.07 3.78 4.65 5.25 5.73 6.12 6.47 6.77 7.0516000 3.19 3.93 4.84 5.47 5.96 6.37 6.73 7.05 7.3418000 3.31 4.07 5.02 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.30 7.6020000 3.42 4.20 5.18 5.85 6.37 6.81 7.20 7.54 7.8525000 3.65 4.50 5.54 6.25 6.81 7.29 7.70 8.06 8.3930000 3.86 4.75 5.85 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.51 8.8635000 4.04 4.97 6.12 6.92 7.54 8.06 8.51 8.92 9.2840000 4.20 5.18 6.37 7.20 7.85 8.39 8.86 9.28 9.6645000 4.36 5.36 6.60 7.46 8.13 8.69 9.18 9.61 10.0050000 4.50 5.54 6.81 7.70 8.39 8.97 9.48 9.92 10.3060000 4.75 5.85 7.20 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.50 10.9070000 4.97 6.12 7.54 8.51 9.28 9.92 10.50 11.00 11.4080000 5.18 6.37 7.85 8.86 9.66 10.30 10.90 11.40 11.9090000 5.36 6.60 8.13 9.18 10.00 10.70 11.30 11.80 12.30100000 5.54 6.81 8.39 9.48 10.30 11.00 11.70 12.20 12.70150000 6.25 7.70 9.48 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 13.80 14.40200000 6.81 8.39 10.30 11.70 12.70 13.60 14.40 15.00 15.70Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3000 3600 60003000 4.60 4.75 5.02 5.36 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 8.134000 5.02 5.18 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.865000 5.36 5.54 5.85 6.25 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 9.486000 5.66 5.85 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.60 8.13 8.59 10.008000 6.18 6.37 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.9010000 6.60 6.81 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 11.7012000 6.97 7.20 7.60 8.13 8.59 9.36 10.00 10.60 12.3014000 7.30 7.54 7.96 8.51 8.99 9.80 10.50 11.10 12.9016000 7.60 7.85 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.20 10.90 11.50 13.4018000 7.88 8.13 8.59 9.18 9.70 10.60 11.30 11.90 13.9020000 8.13 8.39 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.90 11.70 12.30 14.4025000 8.69 8.97 9.48 10.10 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 15.4030000 9.18 9.48 10.00 10.70 11.30 12.30 13.20 13.90 16.2035000 9.61 9.92 10.50 11.20 11.80 12.90 13.80 14.60 17.0040000 10.00 10.30 10.90 11.70 12.30 13.40 14.40 15.20 17.7045000 10.40 10.70 11.30 12.10 12.80 13.90 14.90 15.70 18.3050000 10.70 11.00 11.70 12.50 13.20 14.40 15.40 16.20 18.9060000 11.30 11.70 12.30 13.20 13.90 15.20 16.20 17.10 20.0070000 11.80 12.20 12.90 13.80 14.60 15.90 17.00 17.90 20.9080000 12.30 12.70 13.40 14.40 15.20 16.50 17.70 18.70 21.8090000 12.80 13.20 13.90 14.90 15.70 17.10 18.30 19.40 22.60100000 13.20 13.60 14.40 15.40 16.20 17.70 18.90 20.00 23.30150000 14.90 15.40 16.20 17.30 18.30 20.00 21.40 22.60 26.30200000 16.20 16.70 17.70 18.90 20.00 21.80 23.30 24.60 28.70Basic FormulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 ofany selected or trial bearing:Step 1Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:P = XFr + YFaFaif is equal to or less than e, thenFrP = X1Fr + Y1FaFaif is greater than e, thenFrP = X2Fr + Y2FaFor values of e, X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, consult theappropriate bearing rating Table 2 Table 4.Step 2Calculate the ratio of the basic load ratingC to the equivalent radial load.Step 3Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Live AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulawhereLn = a1a2a3L10Ln = Adjusted life for (100-n) % reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factorfor material and processinga3= Life adjustment factor for operatingconditions.For most normal applications, all factors will be takenas 1, and the Rating Life used as the selection basis orlife estimate. In addition, as long as standard catalogbearings are used, a2 will be normally set equal to one.The factor a3 covers such things as lubrication,misalignment, and temperature. Some conditionsthat could yield a3 significantly different than unityinclude speeds less than 20000 DN or greater than200000 DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) orabove 275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions,as well as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 163Selection Guide - 9

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing -Engineering SectionSeries A20000SA20000S single row angular contact sphericalroller bearings are suitable for a wide varietyof mounting arrangements. In the applicationof these bearings, it is important to considerthat radial loads produce a thrust reactionwhich must be opposed by another force…usually the thrust reaction from anotherbearing. This force maintains the bearingrings in their correct operating position.Normally, two single row angularSelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Industrial—16 hour shift 4,000 10 40,000Industrial—continuous 8,700 10 80,000 to100,000Continuous—high reliability — — 120,000 to300,000Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Step 3Determine a required shaft diameter and make a temporaryselection for each bearing to fit this shaft.contact bearings are mounted opposedto one another on a common shaft. Asthrust or thrust reactions are alwayspresent, it is advisable to calculateboth bearing lives concurrently.The selection procedures and rating formulasshown here are in agreement with TheAmerican Bearing Manufacturers AssociationStandards and ANSI/ ABMA STD 11-1990.Ratings are based on fatigue life. The RatingStep 5Calculate resultant bearing thrust load Fa.Fa = TF + TTF is the thrust reaction from the opposite single row angular contactbearing. The applied thrust load T is positive (+) if in the same direction asTF, and negative (–) if in the opposite direction. If Fa is negative, substitutezero for Fa.Step 6Calculate the ratio of the resultant bearing thrust load Fa to the radial loadFr for each bearing.Step 7Calculate the equivalent radial load P for both trial bearings.P = XFr + YFaFaIf is equal to or less than e, thenFrX1 = 1.0P = X1Fr + Y1Fa whereY1 = 0IfFaFris greater than e, then P = X2Fr + Y2Fa.Life L10 or fatigue life at 90% reliabilityis the usual basis for bearing selection.To assure a satisfactory bearingapplication, fitting practice, mounting,lubrication, sealing, static rating, housingstrength, operating conditions andmaintenance must be considered.Step 4Calculate each induced thrust reaction TF fromthe radial loads Fr on each bearing.0.5 FrTF =Y2This reaction is directed along the shaft and tends to separate theindividual inner ring and roller assemblies from their outer rings.For values of e, X2, and Y2, see the bearing rating table.Step 8Calculate the required C rating of each bearing to verify the trial selections.required C = P using from Step 2Consult the bearing rating table to see if the selectedbearings meet or exceed the required C in each case.Selection Guide - 10164<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

SelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toL10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load,pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factorC(P)BearingLifeSpeed, nHoursL10 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 1.93 2.38 2.93 3.31 3.61 3.86 4.07 4.27 4.444000 2.11 2.59 3.19 3.61 3.93 4.20 4.44 4.65 4.845000 2.25 2.77 3.42 3.86 4.20 4.50 4.75 4.97 5.186000 2.38 2.93 3.61 4.07 4.44 4.75 5.02 5.25 5.478000 2.59 3.19 3.93 4.44 4.84 5.18 5.47 5.73 5.9610000 2.77 3.42 4.20 4.75 5.18 5.54 5.85 6.12 6.3712000 2.93 3.61 4.44 5.02 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.47 6.7314000 3.07 3.78 4.65 5.25 5.73 6.12 6.47 6.77 7.0516000 3.19 3.93 4.84 5.47 5.96 6.37 6.73 7.05 7.3418000 3.31 4.07 5.02 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.30 7.6020000 3.42 4.20 5.18 5.85 6.37 6.81 7.20 7.54 7.8525000 3.65 4.50 5.54 6.25 6.81 7.29 7.70 8.06 8.3930000 3.86 4.75 5.85 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.51 8.8635000 4.04 4.97 6.12 6.92 7.54 8.06 8.51 8.92 9.2840000 4.20 5.18 6.37 7.20 7.85 8.39 8.86 9.28 9.6645000 4.36 5.36 6.60 7.46 8.13 8.69 9.18 9.61 10.0050000 4.50 5.54 6.81 7.70 8.39 8.97 9.48 9.92 10.3060000 4.75 5.85 7.20 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.50 10.9070000 4.97 6.12 7.54 8.51 9.28 9.92 10.50 11.00 11.4080000 5.18 6.37 7.85 8.86 9.66 10.30 10.90 11.40 11.9090000 5.36 6.60 8.13 9.18 10.00 10.70 11.30 11.80 12.30100000 5.54 6.81 8.39 9.48 10.30 11.00 11.70 12.20 12.70150000 6.25 7.70 9.48 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 13.80 14.40200000 6.81 8.39 10.30 11.70 12.70 13.60 14.40 15.00 15.70Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3000 3600 60003000 4.60 4.75 5.02 5.36 5.66 6.18 6.60 6.97 8.134000 5.02 5.18 5.47 5.85 6.18 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.865000 5.36 5.54 5.85 6.25 6.60 7.20 7.70 8.13 9.486000 5.66 5.85 6.18 6.60 6.97 7.60 8.13 8.59 10.008000 6.18 6.37 6.73 7.20 7.60 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.9010000 6.60 6.81 7.20 7.70 8.13 8.86 9.48 10.00 11.7012000 6.97 7.20 7.60 8.13 8.59 9.36 10.00 10.60 12.3014000 7.30 7.54 7.96 8.51 8.99 9.80 10.50 11.10 12.9016000 7.60 7.85 8.29 8.86 9.36 10.20 10.90 11.50 13.4018000 7.88 8.13 8.59 9.18 9.70 10.60 11.30 11.90 13.9020000 8.13 8.39 8.86 9.48 10.00 10.90 11.70 12.30 14.4025000 8.69 8.97 9.48 10.10 10.70 11.70 12.50 13.20 15.4030000 9.18 9.48 10.00 10.70 11.30 12.30 13.20 13.90 16.2035000 9.61 9.92 10.50 11.20 11.80 12.90 13.80 14.60 17.0040000 10.00 10.30 10.90 11.70 12.30 13.40 14.40 15.20 17.7045000 10.40 10.70 11.30 12.10 12.80 13.90 14.90 15.70 18.3050000 10.70 11.00 11.70 12.50 13.20 14.40 15.40 16.20 18.9060000 11.30 11.70 12.30 13.20 13.90 15.20 16.20 17.10 20.0070000 11.80 12.20 12.90 13.80 14.60 15.90 17.00 17.90 20.9080000 12.30 12.70 13.40 14.40 15.20 16.50 17.70 18.70 21.8090000 12.80 13.20 13.90 14.90 15.70 17.10 18.30 19.40 22.60100000 13.20 13.60 14.40 15.40 16.20 17.70 18.90 20.00 23.30150000 14.90 15.40 16.20 17.30 18.30 20.00 21.40 22.60 26.30200000 16.20 16.70 17.70 18.90 20.00 21.80 23.30 24.60 28.70Basic FormulaLife Expectancy (pair of bearings)To calculate the Rating Life L10 of any pairof selected or trial bearings:Step 1Calculate each induced thrust reaction TF fromthe radial loads Fr on each bearing.TF =0.5 FrY2This reaction is directed along the shaft and tends to separate theindividual inner ring and roller assemblies from their outer rings.Step 2Calculate each resultant bearing thrust load Fa.Fa = TF + TTF is the thrust reaction from the opposite single rowangular contact bearing. The applied thrust load T is positive(+) if in the same direction as TF, and negative (–) if in theopposite direction. If Fa is negative, substitute zero for Fa.Step 3Calculate the ratio of the resultant bearing,thrustload Fa to the radial load Fr for each bearing.Step 4Calculate the equivalent radial load P forboth trial bearings. P = XFr + YFrFaIf is equal to or less than e, thenFrP = X1Fr + Y1Fa whereFaIf is greater than e, thenFrP = X2Fr + Y2Fa.For values of e, X2, and Y2 see the bearing rating table.Step 5Calculate each ratio of the bearing basic loadrating C to its equivalent radial load.Step 6Approximate life expectancy of each bearing from Table 1.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulaLn = a1a2a3L10where Ln = Adjusted life for (100-n) % reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factorfor material and processinga3 = Life adjustment factor for operatingconditions.For most normal applications, all factors will be taken as 1,and the Rating Life used as the selection basis or life estimate.In addition, as long as standard catalog bearings are used,a2 will be normally set equal to one. The factor a3 coverssuch things as lubrication, misalignment, and temperature.Some conditions that could yield a3 significantly differentthan unity include speeds less than 20000 DN or greater than200000 DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) orabove 275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions,as well as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 165Selection Guide - 11

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 2 • 6600, 6800, 7600, 7800 Series Load ratings and speed limitsAdapter MountedBasic Bearing NumberShaftDiameterinches/mm Number BearingDirect Shaft MountedBearingSizeNumberCo StaticLoadRatingSeat mm Number pounds/newtonsC BasicLoadRatingpounds/newtonsOilApproximateSpeed Limit RPM*GreaseD5 Seal1mmPush-in#eX1 Y1 X2 Y21 7/16 LB6823 … … 22209LB 23600 20800 6200 5300 5300 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.91 1/2 LB682440 LB68M40 105000 925001 11/16 LB6827 … … 22210LB 25500 22000 5500 5000 5000 0.26 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.21 3/4 LB682845 LB68M45 113000 979001 15/16 LB6831 … … 22211LB 32500 27000 5000 4500 4500 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.42 LB683250 LB68M50 145000 1200002 3/16 LB6835 … … 22213LB 46500 38000 4300 3800 3800 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.260 LB68M60 207000 1690002 7/16 LB6839 75 LB7875 22215LB 53000 41500 3700 3400 3400 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.665 LB68M65 236000 1850002 11/16 LB6843 80 LB7880 22216LB 58500 46500 3500 3200 3200 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.770 LB68M70 260000 2070002 15/16 LB6847 85 LB7885 22217LB 73500 58500 3250 3000 3000 0.22 1.00 3.0 0.67 4.53 LB684875 LB68M75 327000 2600003 3/16 LB6851 90 LB7890 22218LB 81500 64000 3000 2600 2600 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.380 LB68M80 363000 2850003 7/16 LB6855 100 LB78100 22220LB 104000 80000 2800 2200 2200 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.23 1/2 LB685690 LB68M90 463000 3560003 11/16 LB6859 110 LB78110 22222LB 132000 102000 2500 2000 2000 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.03 15/16 LB68634 LB6864 587000 454000100 LB68M1004 3/16 LB6867 120 LB78120 22224LB 163000 120000 2300 1900 1900 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.0110 LB68M110 725000 5340004 7/16 LB6871 130 LB78130 22226LB 196000 143000 2100 1800 1800 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.94 1/2 LB6872115 LB68M115 872000 6360004 15/16 LB6879 140 LB78140 22228LB 228000 166000 1950 1700 1700 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.05 LB6880125 LB68M125 1010000 738000FaFr≤ eFaFr> eLoad Ratings & Speed Limits - 12166<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 2 • 6600, 6800, 7600, 7800 Series Load ratings and speed limits (continued)Basic Bearing NumberAdapter Mounted Direct Shaft MountedShaftDiameterinches/mmNumberBearingSeat mm NumberBearingSizeNumberCo StaticLoadRatingpounds/newtonsC BasicLoadRatingpounds/newtonsOilApproximateSpeed Limit RPM*GreaseD5 Seal1mmPush-in#eX1 Y1 X2 Y25 3⁄16 LB6883150 LB78150 22230LB 270000 190000 135 LB68M135 1200000 8450001850 1600 1600 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.05 7⁄16 LB6887160 LB78160 22232LB 310000 216000 140 LB68M140 1380000 9610001700 1500 1500 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.95 15/16 LB6895170 LB78170 22234LB 345000 2500006 LB68961530000 1110000150 LB68M1501600 1300 1300 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.96 7/16 LB68103180 LB78180 22236LB 365000 2550006 1/2 LB681041620000 1130000160 LB68M1601500 1300 1300 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.06 15⁄16 LB68111190 LB78190 22238LB 415000 2700007 LB681121850000 1200000170 LB68M1701400 1200 1200 0.28 1.00 2.4 0.67 3.67 3⁄16 LB68115200 LB78200 22240LB 450000 300000 180 LB68M180 2000000 13300001300 1100 1100 0.29 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.57 1⁄2 LB681207 15⁄16 LB68127220 LB78220 22244LB 550000 3650008 LB681282450000 16200001200 1000 1000 0.29 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.5200 LB68M2008 7⁄16 LB661358 1⁄2 LB66136240 LB76240 23048LB 490000 2600008 15⁄16 LB661432180000 11600009 LB661441100 1000 1000 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.1220 LB66M2209 7⁄16 LB66B1519 1⁄2 LB66B1529 15⁄16 LB66159670000 3450002980000 153000010 7⁄16 LB66167950 850 850 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.110 1⁄2 LB66168260 LB66M260FaFr≤ eFaFr> e<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering Section* Speed limits are based on the following:1. Type R seals properly aligned.a. For the type B seals, limit is 800 surface feet per minute (4.0 m/s) with good alignment.b. For type D8 seals, limit is 1500 surface feet per minute (7.6 m/s) with good alignment.2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricants and/or more frequent relubrication may be required).4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heat sources, such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed 100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.# D5 Pentac speed limits in the chart are based on pushing the Pentac seal against the housing face a distance of 1mm as specif ied bythe service instructions. The Pentac seal can be pressed in a distance of 2mm for high contaminant environments.The speed limit at a 2mm “Push-In” distance should be limited to 80% of those listed in the chart.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 167Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 13

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 3 • Radial Load Ratings in Pounds at Various RPM for Appropriate L10 Life HoursBasic Unit NumberAdapterDirectMountedShaftMountedL10MinimumLife, hoursLoad Ratings & Speed Limits - 14Radial Load Ratings, poundsSpeed, RPM50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 3500LB6823 8000 8017 6512 5289 4683 4296 4018 3804 3632 3490 3368 3264 3090 2890 2736 2651 2479 2347 2241LB6824 20000 6090 4947 4018 3558 3264 3052 2890 2759 2651 2559 2479 2347 2195 2078 2014 1883 1783 1703LB68M40 40000 4947 4018 3264 2890 2651 2479 2347 2241 2153 2078 2014 1907 1783 1688 1636 1530 1448 1383100000 3758 3052 2479 2195 2014 1883 1783 1703 1636 1579 1530 1448 1355 1282 1243 1162 1100 1051LB6827 8000 8479 6887 5594 4954 4544 4250 4024 3842 3691 3563 3452 3268 3056 2894 2804 2622 2483 2370LB6828 20000 6441 5232 4250 3763 3452 3228 3056 2918 2804 2706 2622 2483 2322 2198 2130 1992 1886 1801LB68M45 40000 5232 4250 3452 3056 2804 2622 2483 2370 2277 2198 2130 2017 1886 1786 1730 1618 1532 1463100000 3975 3228 2622 2322 2130 1992 1886 1801 1730 1670 1618 1532 1433 1356 1314 1229 1164 1111LB6831 8000 10406 8453 6866 6079 5577 5216 4938 4715 4530 4372 4236 4011 3751 3551 3441 3218 3047 2909LB6832 20000 7905 6421 5216 4618 4236 3962 3751 3582 3441 3322 3218 3047 2850 2698 2614 2445 2315 2210LB68M50 40000 6421 5216 4236 3751 3441 3218 3047 2909 2795 2698 2614 2475 2315 2191 2123 1986 1880 1795100000 4878 3962 3218 2850 2614 2445 2315 2210 2123 2049 1986 1880 1758 1665 1613 1508 1428 1364LB6835 8000 14646 11896 9663 8556 7849 7340 6950 6636 6375 6154 5962 5645 5279 4998 4843 4529 4288 4094LB68M60 20000 11126 9037 7340 6500 5962 5576 5279 5041 4843 4675 4529 4288 4011 3797 3679 3441 3258 311040000 9037 7340 5962 5279 4843 4529 4288 4094 3934 3797 3679 3483 3258 3084 2988 2795 2646 2526100000 6865 5576 4529 4011 3679 3441 3258 3110 2988 2884 2795 2646 2475 2343 2270 2123 2010 1919LB6839 LB7875 8000 15995 12992 10553 9344 8572 8016 7590 7247 6962 6721 6511 6165 5766 5459 5289 4946 4683 4472LB68M65 20000 12151 9869 8016 7098 6511 6090 5766 5505 5289 5105 4946 4683 4380 4147 4018 3758 3558 339740000 9869 8016 6511 5766 5289 4946 4683 4472 4296 4147 4018 3804 3558 3368 3263 3052 2890 2759100000 7497 6090 4946 4380 4018 3758 3558 3397 3263 3150 3052 2890 2703 2559 2479 2319 2195 2096LB6843 LB7880 8000 17922 14557 11824 10470 9604 8982 8504 8120 7801 7530 7296 6908 6460 6116 5926 5542 5247 5010LB68M70 20000 13615 11059 8982 7954 7296 6824 6460 6168 5926 5720 5542 5247 4908 4646 4502 4210 3986 380640000 11059 8982 7296 6460 5926 5542 5247 5010 4814 4646 4502 4262 3986 3774 3657 3420 3238 3091100000 8401 6824 5542 4908 4502 4210 3986 3806 3657 3530 3420 3238 3028 2867 2778 2598 2460 2348LB6847 LB7885 8000 22547 18314 14876 13172 12083 11300 10699 10215 9814 9474 9179 8690 8127 7695 7455 6973 6602 6303LB6848 20000 17128 13912 11300 10006 9179 8584 8127 7760 7455 7197 6973 6602 6174 5845 5664 5297 5015 4788LB68M75 40000 13912 11300 9179 8127 7455 6973 6602 6303 6056 5845 5664 5362 5015 4748 4600 4302 4073 3889100000 10569 8584 6973 6174 5664 5297 5015 4788 4600 4441 4302 4073 3810 3607 3495 3268 3094 2955LB6851 LB7890 8000 24667 20036 16274 14410 13219 12363 11705 11176 10737 10364 10042 9507 8892 8418 8156 7628 7222 6896LB68M80 20000 18738 15220 12363 10947 10042 9391 8892 8490 8156 7873 7628 7222 6755 6395 6196 5795 5486 523840000 15220 12363 10042 8892 8156 7628 7222 6896 6625 6395 6196 5866 5486 5194 5033 4707 4456 4255100000 11562 9391 7628 6755 6196 5795 5486 5238 5033 4858 4707 4456 4168 3946 3823 3576 3385 3232LB6855 LB78100 8000 30834 25045 20343 18013 16523 15453 14631 13970 13421 12955 12552 11884 11115 10523 10196 9535 9028 8620LB6856 20000 23423 19025 15453 13684 12552 11739 11115 10612 10196 9842 9535 9028 8443 7994 7745 7244LB68M90 40000 19025 15453 12552 11115 10196 9535 9028 8620 8281 7994 7745 7333 6858 6493 6291 5884100000 14453 11739 9535 8443 7745 7244 6858 6548 6291 6073 5884 5570 5210 4932 4779 4470LB6859 LB78110 8000 39313 31932 25937 22966 21067 19703 18654 17811 17112 16518 16004 15152 14171 13417 12999 12158LB6863 20000 29864 24257 19703 17447 16004 14968 14171 13531 12999 12548 12158 11510 10765 10192 9875 9236LB6864 40000 24257 19703 16004 14171 12999 12158 11510 10990 10559 10192 9875 9349 8744 8279 8021 7502LB68M100 100000 18427 14968 12158 10765 9875 9236 8744 8349 8021 7743 7502 7102 6642 6289 6093 5699LB6867 LB78120 8000 46251 37567 30514 27019 24785 23180 21946 20955 20132 19433 18828 17826 16672 15784 15293LB68M110 20000 35135 28538 23180 20525 18828 17609 16672 15918 15293 14762 14303 13542 12665 11991 1161840000 28538 23180 18828 16672 15293 14303 13542 12930 12422 11991 11618 10999 10287 9739 9436100000 21679 17609 14303 12665 11618 10865 10287 9822 9436 9109 8825 8356 7815 7399 7168LB6871 LB78130 8000 55115 44768 36363 32198 29536 27623 26153 24971 23990 23157 22437 21243 19867 18810 18224LB6872 20000 41869 34008 27623 24459 22437 20984 19867 18969 18224 17592 17044 16137 15092 14289 13844LB68M115 40000 34008 27623 22437 19867 18224 17044 16137 15408 14803 14289 13844 13107 12259 11606 11245100000 25834 20984 17044 15092 13844 12948 12259 11705 11245 10855 10517 9957 9312 8817 8542LB6879 LB78140 8000 63980 51968 42211 37377 34286 32066 30359 28987 27849 26882 26046 24659 23063 21835LB6880 20000 48603 39478 32066 28393 26046 24359 23063 22020 21156 20421 19786 18733 17520 16587LB68M125 40000 39478 32066 26046 23063 21156 19786 18733 17886 17184 16587 16071 15216 14230 13473100000 29990 24359 19786 17520 16071 15030 14230 13587 13054 12601 12209 11559 10810 10235LB6883 LB78150 8000 73230 59481 48314 42780 39243 36702 34748 33178 31875 30769 29811 28225 26397 24992LB68M135 20000 55630 45186 36702 32498 29811 27881 26397 25204 24214 23374 22646 21441 20053 1898540000 45186 36702 29811 26397 24214 22646 21441 20472 19668 18985 18395 17415 16288 15421100000 34326 27881 22646 20053 18395 17204 16288 15552 14941 14422 13974 13230 12373 11715LB6887 LB78160 8000 83251 67621 54925 48635 44613 41724 39504 37718 36237 34979 33891 32087 30009LB68M140 20000 63242 51369 41724 36946 33891 31696 30009 28653 27528 26572 25745 24375 2279740000 51369 41724 33891 30009 27528 25745 24375 23273 22360 21583 20912 19799 18517100000 39023 31696 25745 22797 20912 19558 18517 17680 16986 16396 15886 15040 14066LB6895 LB78170 8000 96356 78265 63571 56290 51636 48292 45722 43655 41941 40485 39225 37138 34733LB6896 20000 73197 59455 48292 42761 39225 36686 34733 33163 31861 30755 29798 28212 26385LB68M150 40000 59455 48292 39225 34733 31861 29798 28212 26937 25879 24981 24203 22915 21431100000 45165 36686 29798 26385 24203 22636 21431 20463 19659 18977 18386 17408 16280LB68103 LB78180 8000 98283 79830 64842 57416 52668 49258 46636 44529 42780 41295 40010 37880LB68104 20000 74661 60644 49258 43616 40010 37419 35427 33826 32498 31370 30394 28776LB68M160 40000 60644 49258 40010 35427 32498 30394 28776 27476 26397 25480 24687 23373100000 46068 37419 30394 26913 24687 23089 21860 20872 20052 19356 18754 17756LB68111 LB78190 8000 104064 84526 68657 60793 55767 52156 49379 47148 45296 43724 42363 40109LB68112 20000 79053 64211 52156 46182 42363 39620 37511 35816 34410 33215 32182 30469LB68M170 40000 64211 52156 42363 37511 34410 32182 30469 29092 27949 26979 26140 24748100000 48778 39620 32182 28496 26140 24447 23146 22100 21232 20495 19857 18800LB68115 LB78200 8000 115627 93918 76285 67548 61963 57951 54866 52387 50329 48582 47071 44565LB68M180 20000 87837 71346 57951 51313 47071 44023 41679 39796 38233 36906 35757 3385440000 71346 57951 47071 41679 38233 35757 33854 32324 31055 29977 29044 27498100000 54198 44023 35757 31662 29044 27163 25718 24555 23591 22772 22064 20889LB68120 LB78220 8000 140679 114267 92814 82183 75388 70507 66754 63737 61234 59108 57269 54221LB68127 20000 106868 86804 70507 62431 57269 53561 50710 48418 46517 44902 43505 41189LB68128 40000 86804 70507 57269 50710 46517 43505 41189 39328 37784 36472 35337 33456LB68M200 100000 65941 53561 43505 38522 35337 33049 31290 29876 28703 27706 26844 25415LB66135 LB76240 8000 100210 81396 66114 58542 53701 50224 47551 45402 43619 42104LB66136 20000 76125 61833 50224 44472 40794 38153 36122 34490 33135 31985LB66143 40000 61833 50224 40794 36122 33135 30990 29340 28014 26914 25980LB66144 100000 46972 38153 30990 27440 25172 23542 22289 21281 20446 19736LB66M220LB66151 LB76280LB66152LB66159 8000 132971 108006 87728 77680 71257 66643 63096 60244 57879 55869LB66160 20000 101012 82047 66643 59010 54131 50626 47931 45765 43968 42442LB66167 40000 82047 66643 54131 47931 43968 41121 38932 37173 35713 34473LB66168 100000 62328 50626 41121 36411 33401 31238 29575 28239 27130 26188LB66M260* Load exceeds 25% of the C rating, consult Rexnord Bearing Division168<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 4 • Series 6900, 7900, SAF22600, SAF22300 Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBasic Bearing NumberFa FaBearing≤ e > eAdapter Mounted Direct Shaft Mounted SizeCo Static C Basic ApproximateFr FrNumberLoad Rating Load Rating Speed Limit RPM*eShaft DiameterBearingNumber Seat Numberinchesmmpounds/ pounds/newtons newtonsOil Grease X1 Y1 X2 Y21 7/16 LB6923 45 LB7945 22309LB 40000 35500 4800 3800 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.81 1/2 LB6924 178000 1580001 11/16 LB6927 50 LB7950 22310LB 48000 42500 4300 3400 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.8214000 1890001 15/16 LB6931 55 LB7955 22311LB 57000 50000 4000 3200 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.82 LB6932 254000 2220002 3/16 LB6935 65 LB7965 22313LB 80000 65500 3400 2600 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.0356000 2910002 7/16 LB6939 75 LB7975 22315LB 98000 83000 3000 2200 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.02 1/2 LB6940 436000 3690002 11/16 LB6943 80 LB7980 22316LB 112000 93000 2800 2000 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.0498000 4140002 15/16 LB6947 85 LB7985 22317LB 122000 102000 2600 1900 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.0543000 4540003 3/16 22618-303 90 22318 22318LB 140000 114000 2400 1800 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.0623000 5070003 7/16 22620-307 100 22320 22320LB 183000 146000 2200 1700 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.03 1/2 22620-308 814000 6490003 15/16 22622-315 110 22322 22322LB 236000 180000 2000 1600 0.33 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.14 22622-400 1050000 8010004 3/16 22624-403 120 22324 22324LB 260000 204000 1800 1400 0.33 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.11160000 9070004 7/16 22626-407 130 22326 22326LB 305000 236000 1700 1300 0.33 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.11360000 10500004 15/16 22628-415 140 22328 22328LB 360000 275000 1500 1100 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.05 22628-500 1600000 12200005 3/16 22630-503 150 22330 22330LB 405000 310000 1400 1000 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.01800000 13800005 7/16 22632-507 160 22332 22332LB 425000 325000 1300 950 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.71890000 14500005 15/16 22634-515 170 22334 22334LB 475000 360000 1300 950 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.72110000 1600000<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionIf the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.*Speed limits are based on the following:1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricantsand/or more frequent relubrication may be required).4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heat sources,such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed 100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 169Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 15

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 5 • Radial Load Ratings in Pounds at Various RPM for Appropriate L10 Life HoursBasic Unit NumberAdapterMountedDirect ShaftMountedL10MinimumLife,hoursRadial Load Ratings, poundsSpeed, RPM50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 3500LB6923 LB7945 8000 13682 11114 9027 7993 7332 6857 6492 6199 5956 5749 5570 5274 4932 4670 4524 4231 4006 3825LB6924 20000 10394 8443 6857 6072 5570 5209 4932 4709 4524 4367 4231 4006 3747 3547 3437 3214 3043 290640000 8443 6857 5570 4932 4524 4231 4006 3825 3675 3547 3437 3254 3043 2881 2792 2611 2472 2360100000 6413 5209 4231 3747 3437 3214 3043 2906 2792 2695 2611 2472 2312 2189 2121 1983 1878 1793LB6927 LB7950 8000 16380 13305 10807 9569 8778 8210 7773 7421 7130 6882 6668 6313 5905 5590 5416 5066 4796 457920000 12444 10107 8210 7269 6668 6237 5905 5638 5416 5228 5066 4796 4485 4247 4115 3848 3643 347940000 10107 8210 6668 5905 5416 5066 4796 4579 4399 4247 4115 3896 3643 3449 3342 3126 2959 2826100000 7678 6237 5066 4485 4115 3848 3643 3479 3342 3226 3126 2959 2768 2620 2539 2374 2248 2146LB6931 LB7955 8000 19271 15653 12714 11258 10327 9658 9144 8731 8388 8097 7845 7428 6947 6577 6372 5960 5642 5387LB6932 20000 14639 11891 9658 8552 7845 7337 6947 6633 6372 6151 5960 5642 5277 4996 4841 4527 4286 409340000 11891 9658 7845 6947 6372 5960 5642 5387 5176 4996 4841 4583 4286 4058 3932 3677 3482 3324100000 9033 7337 5960 5277 4841 4527 4286 4093 3932 3795 3677 3482 3256 3083 2987 2793 2645 2525LB6935 LB7965 8000 25245 20505 16656 14748 13529 12653 11979 11438 10989 10607 10277 9730 9100 8616 8348 7807 7391 705720000 19178 15577 12653 11203 10277 9612 9100 8689 8348 8058 7807 7391 6913 6545 6341 5931 5615 536140000 15577 12653 10277 9100 8348 7807 7391 7057 6780 6545 6341 6004 5615 5316 5151 4817 4561 4355100000 11833 9612 7807 6913 6341 5931 5615 5361 5151 4972 4817 4561 4265 4038 3913 3659 3465 3308LB6939 LB7975 8000 31990 25984 21106 18688 17143 16033 15180 14494 13924 13441 13023 12330 11531 10918 10578 9893 9366 8943LB6940 20000 24301 19739 16033 14197 13023 12180 11531 11010 10578 10211 9893 9366 8760 8294 8036 7515 7115 679440000 19739 16033 13023 11531 10578 9893 9366 8943 8592 8294 8036 7608 7115 6736 6527 6104 5779 5518100000 14995 12180 9893 8760 8036 7515 7115 6794 6527 6300 6104 5779 5405 5117 4958 4637 4390 4192LB6943 LB7980 8000 35844 29115 23648 20940 19208 17965 17008 16240 15602 15060 14592 13815 12921 12233 11852 11085 10495 1002120000 27229 22117 17965 15907 14592 13647 12921 12337 11852 11441 11085 10495 9815 9293 9004 8421 7972 761240000 22117 17965 14592 12921 11852 11085 10495 10021 9627 9293 9004 8524 7972 7548 7313 6840 6476 6183100000 16801 13647 11085 9815 9004 8421 7972 7612 7313 7059 6840 6476 6056 5734 5556 5196 4919 4697LB6947 LB7985 8000 39313 31932 25937 22966 21067 19703 18654 17811 17112 16518 16004 15152 14171 13417 12999 12158 11510 1099020000 29864 24257 19703 17447 16004 14968 14171 13531 12999 12548 12158 11510 10765 10192 9875 9236 8744 834940000 24257 19703 16004 14171 12999 12158 11510 10990 10559 10192 9875 9349 8744 8279 8021 7502 7102 6781100000 18427 14968 12158 10765 9875 9236 8744 8349 8021 7743 7502 7102 6642 6289 6093 5699 5395 515222618 22318 8000 43938 35689 28988 25668 23546 22021 20849 19907 19125 18461 17887 16935 15838 14995 14529 13588 12865 1228320000 33378 27111 22021 19499 17887 16729 15838 15122 14529 14024 13588 12865 12032 11391 11037 10322 9773 933140000 27111 22021 17887 15838 14529 13588 12865 12283 11801 11391 11037 10449 9773 9253 8965 8384 7938 7579100000 20595 16729 13588 12032 11037 10322 9773 9331 8965 8653 8384 7938 7424 7029 6810 6369 6030 575822620 22320 8000 56272 45707 37125 32873 30155 28203 26701 25495 24494 23643 22908 21688 20284 19204 18607 17402 16476 1573120000 42747 34722 28203 24973 22908 21424 20284 19367 18607 17961 17402 16476 15409 14589 14135 13220 12516 1195040000 34722 28203 22908 20284 18607 17402 16476 15731 15113 14589 14135 13382 12516 11850 11481 10738 10166 9707100000 26376 21424 17402 15409 14135 13220 12516 11950 11481 11082 10738 10166 9508 9002 8722 8157 7723 737422622 22322 8000 69376 56351 45771 40529 37178 34770 32920 31432 30198 29149 28242 26739 25008 23677 22940 21454 20313 1939520000 52702 42807 34770 30788 28242 26414 25008 23877 22940 22143 21454 20313 18997 17986 17426 16298 15431 1473340000 42807 34770 28242 25008 22940 21454 20313 19395 18633 17986 17426 16499 15431 14609 14155 13238 12534 11967100000 32519 26414 21454 18997 17426 16298 15431 14733 14155 13663 13238 12534 11722 11098 10753 10056 9521 909122624 22324 8000 78626 63864 51874 45933 42135 39406 37309 35623 34224 33036 32008 30304 28342 26833 25999 24315 23021 2198020000 59729 48515 39406 34893 32008 29935 28342 27061 25999 25096 24315 23021 21530 20384 19750 18471 17488 1669840000 48515 39406 32008 28342 25999 24315 23021 21980 21117 20384 19750 18699 17488 16557 16042 15003 14205 13563100000 36855 29935 24315 21530 19750 18471 17488 16698 16042 15485 15003 14205 13285 12578 12186 11397 10791 1030322626 22326 8000 90960 73882 60011 53138 48744 45588 43161 41211 39592 38218 37029 35058 32788 31043 30077 28129 26632 2542820000 69098 56125 45588 40367 37029 34631 32788 31306 30077 29033 28129 26632 24908 23582 22848 21369 20231 1931740000 56125 45588 37029 32788 30077 28129 26632 25428 24430 23582 22848 21632 20231 19154 18558 17357 16433 15690100000 42636 34631 28129 24908 22848 21369 20231 19317 18558 17914 17357 16433 15369 14551 14098 13185 12483 1191922628 22328 8000 105991 86092 69928 61919 56799 53121 50294 48021 46135 44534 43148 40851 38206 36173 35047 32778 31033 2963120000 80517 65400 53121 47037 43148 40354 38206 36480 35047 33830 32778 31033 29024 27479 26624 24900 23574 2250940000 65400 53121 43148 38206 35047 32778 31033 29631 28467 27479 26624 25207 23574 22320 21625 20225 19148 18283100000 49682 40354 32778 29024 26624 24900 23574 22509 21625 20874 20225 19148 17909 16955 16428 15364 14546 1388922630 22330 8000 119481 97049 78828 69800 64028 59882 56695 54133 52007 50201 48640 46051 43069 40776 39508 36949 34983 3340220000 90765 73724 59882 53024 48640 45490 43069 41122 39508 38136 36949 34983 32717 30976 30012 28069 26575 2537440000 73724 59882 48640 43069 39508 36949 34983 33402 32090 30976 30012 28415 26575 25160 24378 22799 21585 20610100000 56005 45490 36949 32717 30012 28069 26575 25374 24378 23531 22799 21585 20188 19113 18519 17319 16398 1565722632 22332 8000 125262101745 82642 73177 67126 62780 59438 56752 54524 52631 50993 48279 45153 42749 41419 38737 36675 3501820000 95156 77291 62780 55589 50993 47691 45153 43112 41419 39981 38737 36675 34301 32475 31464 29427 27861 2660240000 77291 62780 50993 45153 41419 38737 36675 35018 33643 32475 31464 29790 27861 26378 25557 23902 22630 21607100000 58715 47691 38737 34301 31464 29427 27861 26602 25557 24670 23902 22630 21165 20038 19415 18157 17191 1641422634 22334 8000 138752112702 91542 81058 74355 69541 65839 62864 60395 58298 56485 53478 50015 47353 45880 42909 40625 3878920000 105404 85615 69541 61576 56485 52827 50015 47755 45880 44287 42909 40625 37995 35972 34853 32596 30861 2946640000 85615 69541 56485 50015 45880 42909 40625 38789 37266 35972 34853 32998 30861 29218 28309 26476 25067 23934100000 65038 52827 42909 37995 34853 32596 30861 29466 28309 27327 26476 25067 23444 22196 21505 20113 19042 18182* Load exceeds 25% of the C rating, consult Rexnord Bearing Division<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits - 16170<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 6 • Series 22200LB, 22200LBK Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing Number Co Static Load Rating C Basic Load Rating Speed Limit, rpmCylindricalBoreTaperedborenewtons pounds newtons pounds Grease Oil X1 Y1 X2 Y222209LB 22209LBK 105000 23600 92500 20800 5300 6200 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.922210LB 22210LBK 113000 25500 97900 22000 5000 5500 0.26 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.222211LB 22211LBK 145000 32500 120000 27000 4500 5000 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.422212LB 22212LBK 180000 40500 151000 34000 4000 4500 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.222213LB 22213LBK 207000 46500 169000 38000 3800 4300 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.222214LB 22214LBK 222000 50000 178000 40000 3600 4000 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.422215LB 22215LBK 236000 53000 185000 41500 3400 3700 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.622216LB 22216LBK 260000 58500 207000 46500 3200 3500 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.722217LB 22217LBK 327000 73500 260000 58500 3000 3250 0.22 1.00 3.0 0.67 4.522218LB 22218LBK 363000 81500 285000 64000 2600 3000 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.322219LB 22219LBK 400000 90000 316000 71000 2400 2900 0.24 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.322220LB 22220LBK 463000 104000 356000 80000 2200 2800 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.222222LB 22222LBK 587000 132000 454000 102000 2000 2500 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.022224LB 22224LBK 725000 163000 534000 120000 1900 2300 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.022226LB 22226LBK 872000 196000 636000 143000 1800 2100 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.922228LB 22228LBK 1010000 228000 738000 166000 1700 1950 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.022230LB 22230LBK 1200000 270000 845000 190000 1600 1850 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.022232LB 22232LBK 1380000 310000 961000 216000 1500 1700 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.922234LB 22234LBK 1530000 345000 1110000 250000 1300 1600 0.26 1.00 2.6 0.67 3.922236LB 22236LBK 1620000 365000 1130000 255000 1300 1500 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.022238LB 22238LBK 1850000 415000 1200000 270000 1200 1400 0.28 1.00 2.4 0.67 3.622240LB 22240LBK 2000000 450000 1330000 300000 1100 1300 0.29 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.522244LB 22244LBK 2450000 550000 1620000 365000 1000 1200 0.29 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.522248LB 22248LBK 2890000 650000 1870000 420500 750 950 0.27 1.00 2.5 0.67 3.7eFa≤ eFrFaFr> e<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionIf the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Speed limits are based on the following:1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricantsand/or more frequent relubrication may be required).4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heat sources,such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed 100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 171Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 17

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 7 • Series 22300LB,22300LBK Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing Number Co Static Load Rating C Basic Load Rating Speed Limit rpmCylindricalBoreTaperedBorenewtons pounds newtons pounds Grease Oil e X1 Y1 X2 Y222308LB 22308LBK 145000 32500 129000 29000 4500 5600 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.822309LB 22309LBK 178000 40000 158000 35500 3800 4800 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.822310LB 22310LBK 214000 48000 189000 42500 3600 4300 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.822311LB 22311LBK 254000 57000 222000 50000 3200 4000 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.822312LB 22312LBK 302000 68000 260000 58500 3000 3800 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.822313LB 22313LBK 356000 80000 291000 65500 2600 3400 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022314LB 22314LBK 378000 85000 320000 72000 2400 3200 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022315LB 22315LBK 436000 98000 369000 83000 2200 3000 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022316LB 22316LBK 498000 112000 414000 93000 2000 2800 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022317LB 22317LBK 543000 122000 454000 102000 1900 2600 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022318LB 22318LBK 623000 140000 507000 114000 1800 2400 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022319LB 22319LBK 681000 153000 556000 125000 1800 2400 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022320LB 22320LBK 814000 183000 649000 146000 1700 2200 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022322LB 22322LBK 1050000 236000 801000 180000 1600 2000 0.33 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.122324LB 22324LBK 1160000 260000 907000 204000 1400 1800 0.33 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.122326LB 22326LBK 1360000 305000 1050000 236000 1300 1700 0.33 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.122328LB 22328LBK 1600000 360000 1220000 275000 1100 1500 0.34 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022330LB 22330LBK 1800000 405000 1380000 310000 1000 1400 0.33 1.00 2.0 0.67 3.022332LB 22332LBK 1890000 425000 1450000 325000 950 1300 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.722334LB 22334LBK 2110000 475000 1600000 360000 950 1300 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.722336LB 22336LBK 2360000 530000 1730000 390000 900 1200 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.722338LB 22338LBK 2540000 570000 1850000 415000 850 1100 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.722340LB 22340LBK 2800000 630000 2070000 465000 850 1100 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.822344LB 22344LBK 3340000 750000 2360000 530000 700 900 0.35 1.00 2.0 0.67 2.922348LB 22348LBK 3800000 854500 2600000 584500 670 850 0.32 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.222356LB 22356LBK 5150000 1157800 3500000 787000 560 710 0.31 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.2Fa≤ eFrFaFr> eIf the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Speed limits are based on the following:1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricantsand/or more frequent relubrication may be required).4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heatsources, such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 18172<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 8 – Series 23000LB, 23000LBK Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing NumberCylindricalBoreTaperedBoreCo Static Load RatingC Basic Dynamic LoadRatingIf the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Speed limits are based on the following:1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricantsand/or more frequent relubrication may be required).Speed Limit, rpm Fa/Fr ≤ e Fa/Fr > enewtons pounds newtons pounds Grease Oil e X1 Y1 X2 Y223044LB 23044LBK 1980000 445100 1090000 245000 950 1200 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.123048LB 23048LBK 2180000 490000 1160000 260000 950 1100 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.123052LB 23052LBK 2580000 580000 1430000 321500 800 950 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.123056LB 23056LBK 2980000 670000 1530000 345000 800 950 0.25 1.00 2.7 0.67 4.123060LB 23060LBK 3700000 832000 1920000 431600 670 850 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.223064LB 23064LBK 3850000 865500 1960000 440600 630 800 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.223068LB 23068LBK 4400000 989200 2280000 512600 560 710 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.223072LB 23072LBK 4700000 1056600 2390000 537500 530 670 0.24 1.00 2.8 0.67 4.223076LB 23076LBK 5100000 1146500 2500000 562000 530 630 0.22 1.00 3.0 0.67 4.523080LB 23080LBK 5900000 1326500 2970000 668000 480 600 0.23 1.00 3.0 0.67 4.423084LB 23084LBK 5850000 1315200 2910000 654200 450 560 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.323088LB 23088LBK 6350000 1427500 3150000 708200 430 530 0.23 1.00 2.9 0.67 4.323092LB 23092LBK 7100000 1596200 3450000 775600 400 500 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.623096LB 23096LBK 7950000 1787200 3800000 854300 400 480 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.6230530LB 230530LBK 9200000 2068200 4400000 989200 340 430 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.6230560LB 230560LBK 10700000 2405500 5000000 1124000 320 400 0.22 1.00 3.0 0.67 4.5230600LB 230600LBK 12200000 2743000 5450000 1225200 300 360 0.21 1.00 3.3 0.67 4.8230630LB 230630LBK 12700000 2855000 5900000 1326400 280 340 0.22 1.00 3.1 0.67 4.74. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heatsources, such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 9 – Series 23100LB, 23100LBK Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing NumberCylindricalBoreTaperedBoreCo Static Load RatingC Basic Dynamic LoadRatingSpeed Limit, rpm Fa/Fr ≤ e Fa/Fr > enewtons pounds newtons pounds Grease Oil e X1 Y1 X2 Y223144LB 23144LBK 2710000 609200 1570000 353000 710 950 0.30 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323148LB 23148LBK 3100000 697000 1790000 402500 670 850 0.30 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323152LB 23152LBK 3750000 843000 2160000 485500 600 800 0.32 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.223156LB 23156LBK 4000000 899300 2230000 501500 560 750 0.30 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323160LB 23160LBK 4800000 1079000 2670000 600500 500 670 0.31 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323164LB 23164LBK 5500000 1236500 3050000 685700 480 600 0.31 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.223168LB 23168LBK 6600000 1483800 3600000 809500 430 560 0.31 1.00 2.1 0.67 3.223172LB 23172LBK 7100000 1596200 3800000 854500 400 530 0.31 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.223176LB 23176LBK 7600000 1708500 4000000 899200 400 500 0.30 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323180LB 23180LBK 7900000 1776000 4150000 933000 380 480 0.29 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.423184LB 23184LBK 9400000 2113200 5000000 1124000 340 450 0.31 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323188LB 23188LBK 10300000 2315500 5300000 1191500 320 430 0.30 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323192LB 23192LBK 10900000 2450500 5700000 1281400 300 400 0.31 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.323196LB 23196LBK 11700000 2630500 6050000 1360100 300 380 0.31 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.3231530LB 231530LBK 14100000 3169800 7150000 1607400 260 340 0.30 1.00 2.2 0.67 3.3231560LB 231560LBK 15500000 3484500 7850000 1764800 240 320 0.30 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.4231600LB 231600LBK 17500000 3934000 8750000 1967000 220 280 0.30 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.4231630LB 231630LBK 19400000 4361100 9600000 2158100 200 260 0.30 1.00 2.3 0.67 3.4If the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Speed limits are based on the following:1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricantsand/or more frequent relubrication may be required).4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heatsources, such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 173Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 19

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionTable 10 – Series 23200LB, 23200LBK Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing NumberCylindricalBoreTaperedBoreCo Static Load RatingC Basic Dynamic LoadRatingSpeed Limit, rpm Fa/Fr ≤ e Fa/Fr > enewtons pounds newtons pounds Grease Oil e X1 Y1 X2 Y223244LB 23244LBK 3400000 764500 2020000 454000 670 900 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.923248LB 23248LBK 4050000 910500 2440000 548500 630 800 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.723252LB 23252LBK 4550000 1022900 2740000 616000 560 750 0.37 1.00 1.8 0.67 2.723256LB 23256LBK 4900000 1101600 2880000 647500 530 670 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.923260LB 23260LBK 5900000 1326400 3400000 764500 480 630 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.923264LB 23264LBK 6900000 1551200 3900000 877000 450 600 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.823268LB 23268LBK 7800000 1753500 4400000 989200 400 530 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.823272LB 23272LBK 8550000 1922100 4800000 1079000 380 500 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.823276LB 23276LBK 9200000 2068500 5150000 1157800 360 480 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.923280LB 23280LBK 10400000 2338000 5800000 1303900 340 450 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.823284LB 23284LBK 11700000 2630500 6450000 1450000 320 430 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.923288LB 23288LBK 12800000 2877500 6900000 1551200 300 400 0.35 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.923292LB 23292LBK 13700000 3080000 7350000 1652400 280 380 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.823296LB 23296LBK 14400000 3237500 7850000 1764800 260 360 0.36 1.00 1.9 0.67 2.8If the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Speed limits are based on the following:1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)2. Proper operating internal clearance.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricantsand/or more frequent relubrication may be required).4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heatsources, such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed100°C (212°F).5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.Table 11 – Series 23900LB, 23900LBK Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing NumberCylindricalBoreTaperedBoreCo Static Load RatingC Basic Dynamic LoadRatingSpeed Limit, rpm Fa/Fr ≤ e Fa/Fr > enewtons pounds newtons pounds Grease Oil e X1 Y1 X2 Y223944LB 23944LBK 1240000 279000 625000 140500 1000 1300 0.18 1.00 3.8 0.67 5.723948LB 23948LBK 1300000 292500 635000 143000 950 1200 0.17 1.00 4.0 0.67 6.0If the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.4. Normal room temperature environment and no extraneous heatSpeed limits are based on the following:sources, such that bearing operating temperature does not exceed1. Negligible seal torque (e.g., non-contact seals)100°C (212°F).2. Proper operating internal clearance.5. Equivalent radial load not greater than 7% of C.3. Adequate lubrication and maintenance (special lubricants6. Axial load, if any, not greater than 20% of radial load.and/or more frequent relubrication may be required).Table 12 • Series A20000S Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearing Weight Co Static Load Rating C Basic Load Ratingnumber Kilograms pounds newtons pounds newtons poundsApprox. SpeedLimit RPM^e X2 Y2A22100S 0.2 0.5 36 500 8210 33 300 7480 7100 0.51 0.40 1.17A22150S 0.3 0.6 46 600 10500 37 800 8510 5700 0.44 0.40 1.37A22196S 0.5 1.1 73 800 16600 55 100 12400 4500 0.40 0.40 1.49A23225S 0.6 1.4 98 800 22200 68 500 15400 4000 0.40 0.40 1.49A22262S 0.9 2.0 136 100 30600 93 200 21000 3500 0.37 0.40 1.61A23275S 2.1 4.7 187 700 42200 150 300 33800 2850 0.40 0.40 1.49A22300S 1.4 3.0 159 200 35800 108 500 24400 3100 0.38 0.40 1.59A23300S 2.3 5.0 201 500 45300 132 600 29800 2650 0.38 0.40 1.57A23334S 2.0 4.4A22413S 4.1 9.0 395 100 88800 244 700 55000 2100 0.38 0.40 1.60Please consult for availability.^ For oil lubrication only. For grease lubrication, use 75% of these values.Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 20174<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Table 13 • Series A20000, A20000M Load Ratings and Speed LimitsBearingNumberWeight Co Static Load Rating C Basic Load Rating Approximatespeed limitRPM*kilograms pounds newtons newtons newtons pounds X1 Y1 X2 Y2A22100 0.4 1.0A22100M 0.4 1.0 66 100 14900 51 200 11500 7100 0.51 1.00 1.32 0.67 1.96A22112 0.4 0.9A22112M 0.4 0.9A22118 0.6 1.3 80 500 18100 60 900 13700 6200 0.48 1.00 1.40 0.67 2.08A22118M 0.6 1.4A22125 0.5 1.1A22125M 0.5 1.2A22137 0.6 1.3 93 200 20900 64 900 14600 5700 0.44 1.00 1.54 0.67 2.29A22137M 0.6 1.4A22150 0.5 1.2A22150M 0.6 1.3A22177 0.9 2.0 127 700 28700 89 800 20200 4800 0.45 1.00 1.51 0.67 2.25A22177M 0.9 2.0A22196 1.0 2.1 147 700 33200 94 300 21200 4500 0.40 1.00 1.68 0.67 2.50A22196M 1.0 2.3A23196 1.4 3.1 189 000 42500 130 300 29300 4200 0.45 1.00 1.50 0.67 2.24A23196M 1.5 3.3A24196 2.0 4.3 245 500 55200 164 600 37000 3850 0.48 1.00 1.39 0.67 2.07A24196M 2.1 4.7A23200 1.4 3.2A23200M 1.5 3.3 197 500 44400 117 400 26400 4000 0.40 1.00 1.68 0.67 2.50A23225 1.3 2.8A23225M 1.3 2.9A24236 1.8 3.9 238 000 53500 139 700 31400 3600 0.38 1.00 1.80 0.67 2.68A24236M 2.0 4.3A22262 1.9 4.2 272 700 61300 159 700 35900 3500 0.37 1.00 1.81 0.67 2.70A23262 2.9 6.5 249 400 67300 194 400 43700 3250 0.42 1.00 1.62 0.67 2.42A23262M 3.1 6.9A23275 4.2 9.3 375 000 84300 257 500 57900 2850 0.40 1.00 1.67 0.67 2.49A23275M 4.4 9.8A22275 3.0 6.6 318 000 71500 185 900 41800 3100 0.38 1.00 1.79 0.67 2.67A22275M 3.1 6.8A22295 2.7 6.0A22295M 2.8 6.2A23334 4.0 8.9 403 400 90700 226 800 51000 2650 0.38 1.00 1.77 0.67 2.64A23334M 4.3 9.4A22343 4.3 9.4 516 000 116000 274 000 61600 2600 0.43 1.00 1.57 0.67 2.33A22343M 4.4 9.8A22351 4.9 10.9A22351M 5.1 11.3A22362 4.7 10.4A22362M 4.9 10.8A24374 7.5 16.0 609 400 137000 351 800 79100 2200 0.36 1.00 1.88 0.67 2.79A22354 9.6 21.1A22354M 10.0 22.1A22400 8.6 18.9 790 200 178000 419 400 94300 2100 0.38 1.00 1.80 0.67 2.68A22400M 8.8 19.3A22413 8.4 18.6A22413M 8.7 19.1A23472 13.6 30.0 944 700 212000 520 400 117000 1800 0.37 1.00 1.83 0.67 2.72* For oil lubrication only. For grease lubrication, use 75% of these values.eFa≤ eFrFaFr> e<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 175Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 21

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionCylindrical Bore <strong>Bearings</strong> - Radial ClearancesSeries 22200, 22300, 23000,23100, 23200Radial Internal Clearance, InchesC2 C0 C3 (basic) C4Basic Size Bore (mm) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max08 40 0.0006 0.0012 0.0012 0.0018 0.0018 0.0024 0.0024 0.003209 4510 5011 5512 6013 6514 7015 7516 8017 8518 9019 9520 10022 11024 12026 13028 14030 15032 16034 17036 18038 19040 2000.0008 0.0014 0.0014 0.0022 0.0022 0.0030 0.0030 0.00390.0010 0.0017 0.0017 0.0026 0.0026 0.0036 0.0036 0.00470.0012 0.0020 0.0020 0.0032 0.0032 0.0044 0.0044 0.00570.0014 0.0025 0.0025 0.0039 0.0039 0.0053 0.0053 0.00710.0017 0.0031 0.0031 0.0048 0.0048 0.0064 0.0064 0.00830.0020 0.0038 0.0038 0.0057 0.0057 0.0075 0.0075 0.00950.0024 0.0043 0.0043 0.0065 0.0065 0.0087 0.0087 0.01100.0026 0.0047 0.0047 0.0071 0.0071 0.0095 0.0095 0.01220.0028 0.0051 0.0051 0.0079 0.0079 0.0103 0.0103 0.013344 220 0.0032 0.0055 0.0055 0.0087 0.0087 0.0114 0.0114 0.014948 240 0.0036 0.0059 0.0059 0.0095 0.0095 0.0126 0.0126 0.016552 26056 2800.0039 0.0067 0.0067 0.0103 0.0103 0.0138 0.0138 0.018060 300 0.0044 0.0075 0.0075 0.0110 0.0110 0.0145 0.0145 0.019764 32068 34072 36076 38080 40084 42088 44092 46096 4805305606006300.0047 0.0079 0.0079 0.0122 0.0122 0.0161 0.0161 0.02170.0051 0.0087 0.0087 0.0134 0.0134 0.0177 0.0177 0.02360.0055 0.0094 0.0094 0.0146 0.0146 0.0197 0.0197 0.02600.0055 0.0102 0.0102 0.0161 0.0161 0.0217 0.0217 0.02830.0059 0.0110 0.0110 0.0173 0.0173 0.0236 0.0236 0.03070.0067 0.0122 0.0122 0.0189 0.0189 0.0256 0.0256 0.0335C2 = Internal clearance less than C0C0 = Internal clearanceC3 = Internal clearance greater than C0C4 = Internal clearance greater than C3Radial Clearances - 22176<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Tapered Bore <strong>Bearings</strong> - Radial ClearancesSeries 22200, 22300, 23000,23100, 23200Radial Internal Clearance, InchesC2 C0 C3 (basic) C4Basic Size Bore (mm) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max08 40 0.0008 0.0014 0.0014 0.0020 0.0020 0.0026 0.0026 0.003309 4510 500.0012 0.0018 0.0018 0.0024 0.0024 0.0031 0.0031 0.003911 5512 60 0.0014 0.0022 0.0022 0.0030 0.0030 0.0037 0.0037 0.004713 6514 7015 75 0.0018 0.0028 0.0028 0.0037 0.0037 0.0047 0.0047 0.005916 8017 8518 9019 950.0020 0.0030 0.0030 0.0043 0.0043 0.0055 0.0055 0.007120 10022 11024 1200.0025 0.0039 0.0039 0.0053 0.0053 0.0067 0.0067 0.008726 13028 1400.0030 0.0047 0.0047 0.0063 0.0063 0.0079 0.0079 0.010230 15032 1600.0033 0.0051 0.0051 0.0071 0.0071 0.0091 0.0091 0.011834 17036 1800.0037 0.0055 0.0055 0.0079 0.0079 0.0102 0.0102 0.013438 19040 2000.0041 0.0063 0.0063 0.0087 0.0087 0.0114 0.0114 0.014644 220 0.0047 0.0071 0.0071 0.0098 0.0098 0.0126 0.0126 0.016148 240 0.0053 0.0079 0.0079 0.0106 0.0106 0.0138 0.0138 0.017752 26056 2800.0059 0.0087 0.0087 0.0118 0.0118 0.0154 0.0154 0.019360 300 0.0065 0.0094 0.0094 0.0130 0.0130 0.0169 0.0169 0.021364 32068 3400.0075 0.0106 0.0106 0.0142 0.0142 0.0185 0.0185 0.023272 36076 38080 40084 42088 44092 46096 4805305606006300.0083 0.0118 0.0118 0.0157 0.0157 0.0205 0.0205 0.02560.0091 0.0130 0.0130 0.0173 0.0173 0.0224 0.0224 0.02830.0102 0.0146 0.0146 0.0193 0.0193 0.0248 0.0248 0.03110.0114 0.0161 0.0161 0.0213 0.0213 0.0268 0.0268 0.03430.0126 0.0181 0.0181 0.0236 0.0236 0.0299 0.0299 0.0386<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionC2 = Internal clearance less than C0C0 = Internal clearanceC3 = Internal clearance greater than C0C4 = Internal clearance greater than C3<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing177Radial Clearances - 23

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionShaft Bearing Seat DiametersClass of Fit and Shaft DiametersBearingSeries22200,22300,23000Nominal bearing boreand shaft diameterBearing boretolerance#Bearing bore tolerances are in accord withthe system of tolerancing established bythe International Standards Organization(ISO) and adopted by the American BearingManufacturers Association (ABMA) and theAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI).A system of limits and fits has beenestablished by ISO for shafts. A portion ofthis system has been adopted by ABMA toprovide flexibility in selecting shaft fits. Shaftfits are designated by a lower case letter anda number, such as h6. The letter indicatesthe location of the shaft tolerance limits withrespect to the nominal bearing bore. Thenumber indicates the size of the tolerance zone.Shaft fits recommended for various typesof applications are listed in the table atright. A graphic relationship of various shaftfits is illustrated in the figure at the left.Bearing/Shaft diameter fits*Many factors influence the proper fit on thebearing inner ring on a shaft. The magnitudeof the load and its direction with respect tobearing inner or outer rings are generallythe first factors considered in shaft fitselection. The effects of other factors suchas vibration, shock, temperature, speed, etc.are of secondary importance but sometimesneed to be considered. Where assemblyor disassembly requirements are of primeimportance special shaft fits may be required.Appropriate diameter shafting is determined(as shown) from the tables below.f6 g6 h6 h5 j5Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance ToleranceBasic Size inches mm Fit Shaft Dia. Fit Shaft Dia. Fit Shaft Dia. Fit Shaft Dia. FitShaftDia.08 1.5748 40.000 +.0000 -.0005 .0005L -0.0010 .0001T -0.0004 .0005T 0.0000 .0005T 0.0000 .0007T 0.0002.0016L -0.0016 .0010L -0.0010 .0006L -0.0006 .0004L -0.0004 .0002L -0.000209 1.7717 45.000 +0 -12 13L -25 3T -9 12T +0 12T +0 18T 610 1.9685 50.000 41L -41 25L -25 16L -16 11L -11 5L -511 2.1654 55.000 +.0000 -.000612 2.3622 60.000 .0006L -0.0012 .0002T -0.0004 .0006T 0.0000 .0006T 0.0000 .0008T 0.000213 2.5591 65.000 .0019L -0.0019 .0011L -0.0011 .0007L -0.0007 .0005L -0.0005 .0003L -0.000314 2.7559 70.000 +0 -15 15L -30 5T -10 15T +0 15T +0 21T 615 2.9528 75.000 49L -49 29L -29 19L -19 13L -13 7L -716 3.1496 80.00017 3.3465 85.000 +.0000 -.000818 3.5433 90.000 .0006L -0.0014 .0003T -0.0005 .0008T 0.0000 .0008T 0.0000 .0010T 0.000219 3.7402 95.000 .0023L -0.0023 .0014L -0.0014 .-0009L -0.0009 .0006L -0.0006 .0004L -0.000420 3.9370 100.000 +0 -20 16L -36 8T -12 20T +0 20T +0 26T 622 4.3307 110.000 58L -58 34L -34 22L -22 15L -15 9L -924 4.7244 120.00026 5.1181 130.000 +.0000 -.001028 5.5118 140.000 .0006L -0.0016 .0004T -0.0006 .0010T 0.0000 …. …. .0013T 0.000330 5.9055 150.000 .0026L -0.0026 .0016L -0.0016 .0010L -0.0010 …. …. .0005L -0.000432 6.2992 160.000 +0 -25 18L -43 11T -14 25T +0 …. …. 32T 734 6.6929 170.000 68L -68 39L -39 25L -25 …. …. 11L -1136 7.0866 180.00038 7.4803 190.000 +.0000 -.0012 .0008L -0.0020 .0006T -0.0006 .0012T 0.0000 …. …. …. ….40 7.8740 200.000 .0032L -0.0032 .0018L -0.0018 .0012L -0.0012 …. …. …. ….44 8.6614 220.000 +0 -30 20L -50 15T -15 30T +0 …. …. …. ….48 9.4488 240.000 79L -79 44L -44 29L -29 …. …. …. ….52 10.2362 260.000 +.0000 -.0014 .0008L -0.0022 .0007T -0.0007 .0014T 0.0000 …. …. …. …..0034L -0.0034 .0019L -0.0019 .0012L -0.0012 …. …. …. ….56 11.0236 280.000 +0 -35 21L -56 18T -17 35T +0 …. …. …. ….60 11.811 300.000 88L -88 49L -49 32L -32 …. …. …. ….1μm = .001 mm#The arithmetical mean of the largest and smallest single diameter to be within tolerance shown.Allowable deviations from mean diameter per ANSI/ABMA STD 20, latest printing."Shaft and Housing Seat Diameters - 24178<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Class of Fit SelectionInner ring stationary inrelation to direction of load.Direction of loadindeterminate or inner ringrotating in relation todirection of load.Operating conditionAll loadsBearing/Shafts Diameter Fits*Inner ring has to beeasily displacedInner ring does not haveto be easily displacedRadial loadLight load0.08C 0.18CExamplesWheel onstationary shaftTension pulleys and ropesheavesElectric apparatus,machine tools, pumps,ventilators, industrial trucksApplications in general,electrical motors, turbinespumps, combustion engines,gear transmissions,wood working machinesJournal boxesfor locomotives & otherheavyrail vehicles,traction motorsNominal shaft diametermm

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionHousing Bearing Seat DiametersClass of Fit and Housing BoresBearing outside diameter tolerances arein accord with the system of tolerancingestablished by the International StandardsOrganization (ISO) and adopted bythe American Bearing ManufacturersAssociation (ABMA) and the AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI).A system of limits and fits has been establishedby ISO for shafts. A portion of this system hasbeen adopted by ABMA to provide flexibility inselecting shaft fits. Housing fits are designatedby a capital letter and a number, such asH7. The letter indicates the location of thehousing bore tolerance limits with respectto the nominal bearing O.D. The numberindicates the size of the tolerance zone.Housing fits recommended for various typesof applications are listed in the table at right.A graphic relationship of various housingfits is illustrated in the figure at the left.The class of fit is determined by nature of loading(oscillating, vibrating, reversing, etc.), axialmovement requirements, temperature conditions,housing material and cross section of housing.Shaft expansion increases bearing centerdistances and requires all but one bearing ona shaft to be movable axially in the housing. Inmost bearings the outer rings are subjected tostationary loads which permit a loose housing fit.Operating temperature may affect the housing fit,as the housing may dissipate heat rapidly and notexpand with the outer ring. However, the loose fitmust never be greater than necessary. Excessivelooseness results in less accurate shaft centeringand additional ring deformation under load.The appropriate housing bores are determined(as shown) from the tables below.Bearing Series Nominal bearingBearing/Housing diameter fits^O.D. andG7 H8 H7 H6 J7222, 232 223 230 231 housing bore Bearing boretolerance #Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance ToleranceBasic Size inches mm FitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBore09 .. .. .. 3.3465 85.000 +.0000 -.0006 .0005L 0.0005 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0005T -0.000510 08 .. .. 3.5433 90.000 .0025L 0.0019 .0028L 0.0022 .0020L 0.0014 .0015L 0.0009 .0015L 0.000911 09 .. .. 3.9370 100.000 +0 -15 12L 12 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 13T -1312 10 .. .. 4.3307 110.000 62L 47 69L 54 50L 35 37L 22 37L 2213 11 .. .. 4.7244 120.00014 .. .. .. 4.9312 125.000 +.0000 -.0008 .0006L 0.0006 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0006T -0.000615 12 .. .. 5.1181 130.000 .0030L 0.0022 .0033L 0.0025 .0024L 0.0016 .0018L 0.0010 .0018L 0.001016 13 .. .. 5.5118 140.000 +0 -20 14L 14 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 14T -1417 14 .. .. 5.9055 150.000 74L 54 83L 63 60L 40 45L 25 46L 2618 15 .. .. 6.2992 165.000 +.0000 -.0010 .0006L 0.0006 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0006T -0.000619 16 .. .. 6.6929 170.000 .0032L 0.0022 .0035L 0.0025 .0026L 0.0016 .0020L 0.0010 .0020L 0.0010+0 -25 14L 14 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 14T -1420 17 24 22 7.0866 180.000 79L 54 88L 63 65L 40 50L 25 51L 26.. 18 .. .. 7.4803 190.000 +.0000 -.001222 19 26 24 7.8740 200.000.. .. 28 26 8.2677 210.000 .0006L 0.0006 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0007T -0.000724 20 .. .. 8.4646 215.000 .0036L 0.0024 .0040L 0.0028 .0030L 0.0018 .0024L 0.0012 .0023L 0.0011.. .. 30 28 8.8583 225.000 +0 -30 15L 15 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 16T -1626 .. .. .. 9.0551 230.000 91L 61 102L 72 76L 46 59L 29 60L 30.. 22 32 .. 9.4488 240.00028 .. .. 30 9.8425 250.000.. 24 34 .. 10.2362 260.000 +.0000 -.001430 .. .. 32 10.6299 270.000 .0007L 0.0007 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0007T -0.0007.. 26 36 34 11.0236 280.000 .0041L 0.0027 .0044L 0.0030 .0034L 0.0020 .0026L 0.0012 .0027L 0.001332 .. 38 .. 11.4173 290.000 +0 -35 17L 17 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 16T -16.. 28 .. 36 11.8110 300.000 104L 69 116L 81 87L 52 67L 32 71L 3634 .. 40 .. 12.2047 310.00036 30 .. 38 12.5984 320.000 +.0000 -.001638 32 44 40 13.3858 340.000 .0007L 0.0007 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0007L -0.000740 34 48 .. 14.1732 360.000 .0045L 0.0029 .0051L 0.0035 .0038L 0.0022 .0030L 0.0014 .0031L 0.0015.. .. .. 44 14.5669 370.000 +0 -40 18L 18 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 18T -18.. 36 .. .. 14.9606 380.000 115L 75 129L 89 97L 57 76L 36 79L 3944 38 52 48 15.7480 400.000.. 40 56 .. 16.5354 420.000 +.0000 -.0018 .0008L 0.0008 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0000 +.0000 .0009T -0.000948 .. .. .. 17.3228 440.000 .0051L 0.0033 .0056L 0.0038 .0043L 0.0025 .0034L 0.0016 .0034L 0.0016+0 -45 20L 20 0 +0 0 +0 0 +0 20T -20.. 44 60 .. 18.1102 460.000 128L 83 142L 97 108L 63 85L 40 88L 43# The arithmetical mean of the largest and smallest single diameter to be within tolerance shown.Allowable deviations from mean diameter per ANSI/ABMA STD 20, latest printing."^ Symbol L indicates a loose or clearance fit. Symbol T indicates a tight or interference fit.The appropriate housing bore for any class of fit can be easily determined by applying the housing tolerance to the nominal housing bore.Example: (Using basic bearing size 09 and fit class G7).inchesmmNominal housing bore = 3.3465 3.3465 = 85.000 85.000Shaft bore tolerance = + .0005 + .0019 = + 0.012 + 0.047Resultant housing bore = 3.3470 3.3484 = 85.012 85.047Shaft and Housing Seat Diameters - 26180<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Class of Fit SelectionHousingconstruction Operating condition Examples Class of Fit RemarksHousing not splitradiallyHousing split orhousing not splitradiallyHousing rotating inrelation to directionof loadDirection of loadindeterminateHousing stationary inrelation to directionof loadHeavy loads on bearingsin thin-walled housingNormal and heavy loadsLight loadsHeavy shock loadsHeavy and normal loads where outer ringdoes not have to be axially diplaceableNormal and light loads where displaceablityof outer ring is desireableShock loads, a tempoorary completeunloadingAll loadsHousing not splitradiallySupporting wheels incranes, wheel hubswith roller bearings,crank bearingsWheel hubs withroller bearings, crankbearingsP6*N6*Conveyor rollers,rope sheaves,tension pulleys M6*Electrical fractionmotorsElectrical motors,pumps , crankshaftmain bearingsJournal boxes for railvehiclesBearing applicationsin general, journalboxes for railvehiclesK6*J6*H6*Housing split radially Line shafting H7Outer ring notaxially displaceableOuter ring, as arule, not axiallydisplaceableOuter ring as a rule,axially displaceableOuter ring easilydisplacecable axially<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing - Engineering SectionHeat supplied through shaft Dryer cylinders G7Bearing/Housing Diameter Fits ^J6 K6 K7 M6 M7 N6 N7 P7Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance ToleranceFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBoreFitHousingBore.0002T –.0002 .0007T –.0007 .0010T –.0010 .0012T –.0012 .0014T –.0014 .0016T –.0016 .0018T –.0018 .0025T –.0025.0013L 0.0007 .0008L 0.0002 .0010L 0.0004 .0003L –.0003 .0006L 0 .0001T –.0007 .0002L –.0004 .0005T –.00116T –6 18T –18 25T –25 28T –28 35T –35 38T –38 45T –45 59T –5931L 16 19L 4 25L 10 9L –6 15L 0 1T –16 5L –10 9T –24.0003T 0.0003 .0008T –.0008 .0011T –.0011 .0013T –.0013 .0016T –.0016 .0019T –.0019 .0022T –.0022 .0028T –.0028.0015L 0.0007 .0010L 0.0002 .0013L 0.0005 .0005L –.0003 .0008L 0 .0001T –.0009 .0002L –.0006 .0004T –.00127T –7 21T –21 28T –28 33T –33 40T –40 45T –45 52T –52 68T –6838L 18 24L 4 32L 12 12L –8 20L 0 0T –20 8L –12 8T –28.0003T –.0003 .0008T –.0008 .0011T –.0011 .0013T –.0013 .0016T –.0016 .0019T –.0019 .0022T –.0022 .0028T –.0028.0017L 0.0007 .0012L 0.0002 .0015L 0.0005 .0007L –.0003 .0010L 0 .0001L –.0009 .0004L –.0006 .0002T –.00127T –7 21T –21 28T –28 33T –33 40T –40 45T –45 52T –52 68T –6843L 18 29L 4 37L 12 17L –8 25L 0 5L –20 13L –12 3T –28.0003T –.0003 .0010T –.0010 .0013T –.0013 .0015T –.0015 .0018T –.0018 .0022T –.0022 .0026T –.0026 .0032T –.0032.0021L 0.0009 .0014L 0.0002 .0017L 0.0005 .0009L –.0003 .0012L 0 .0002L –.0010 .0004L –.0008 .0002T –.00147T –7 24T –24 33T –33 37T –37 46T –46 51T –51 60T –60 79T –7952L 22 35L 5 43L 13 22L –8 30L 0 8L –22 16L –14 3T –33.0003T –.0003 .0010T –.0010 .0014T –.0014 .0016T –.0016 .0020T –.0020 .0023T –.0023 .0028T –.0028 .0034T –.0034.0023L 0.0009 .0016L 0.0002 .0020L 0.0006 .0010L –.0004 .0014L 0 .0003L –.0011 .0006L –.0008 0 –.00147T –7 22T –27 36T –36 41T –41 52T –52 57T –57 66T –66 88T –8860L 25 40L 5 51L 16 26L –9 35L 0 10L –25 21L –14 1T –36.0003T –.0003 .0012T –.0012 .0016T –.0016 .0018T –.0018 .0022T –.0022 .0026T –.0026 .0030T –.0030 .0039T –.0039.0027L 0.0011 .0018L 0.0002 .0022L 0.0006 .0012L –.0004 .0016L 0 .0004L –.0012 .0008L –.0008 .0001T –.00177T –7 29T –29 40T –40 46T –46 57T –57 62T –62 73T –73 98T –9869L 29 47L 7 57L 17 30L –10 40L 0 14L –26 26L –16 1T –41.0003T –.0003 .0012T –.0012 .0018T –.0018 .0020T –.0020 .0025T –.0025 .0028T –.0028 .0034T –.0034 .0044T –.0044.0031L 0.0013 .0022L 0.0004 .0025L 0.0007 .0014L –.0004 .0018L 0 .0006L –.0012 .0009L –.0009 .0001T –.00197T –7 32T –32 45T –45 50T –50 63T –63 67T –67 80T –80 108T –10878L 33 53L 8 63L 18 35L –10 45L 0 18L –27 28L –17 0 –45For cast iron or steel housings. For housings of light metal, select tolerances which give slightly tighter fits than those shown.* Where wider tolerances are permissible P7, N7, M7, K7, J7 and H7 may be used for P6, N6, M6, K6, J6 and H6 respectively.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 181Shaft and Housing Seat Diameters - 27

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC182

PLB6800, PLB6800F, PLB6600FPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode2220922210222112221322215222162221722218222202221522216222172221822220VShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)F - BoltsC E F H K L P TTwo-Bolt Pillow Block1 7 / 16 PLB6823R2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 7 - 8 1 / 4 2 3 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 8 4 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 16 11.001 1 / 2 PLB6824R40.00 PLB68M40R 57.15 158.80 177.80 - 209.60 60.30 12.00 20.60 92.10 111.10 158.80 27.00 5.001 11 / 16 PLB6827R2 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 7 - 8 1 / 4 2 3 / 1 15 8 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 8 1 1 / 8 12.001 3 / 4 PLB6828R45.00 PLB68M45R 63.50 165.10 177.80 - 209.60 60.30 12.00 23.80 92.10 120.60 168.30 28.60 5.401 15 / 16 PLB6831R2 3 / 4 7 3 / 8 7 7 / 8 - 9 5 / 8 2 3 / 5 15 4 / 8 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 7 1 / 4 1 3 / 16 14.002 PLB6832R50.00 PLB68M50R 69.85 187.30 200.00 - 244.50 69.80 16.00 23.80 98.40 133.40 184.20 30.20 6.402 3 / 16 PLB6835R 3 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11 3 1 / 5 4 / 8 1 4 3 / 8 5 15 / 16 8 1 / 4 1 13 / 32 22.0060.00 PLB68M60R 76.20 206.40 241.30 - 279.40 82.60 16.00 25.40 111.10 150.80 209.60 35.70 10.002 7 / 16 PLB6839R 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 - 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 27.0065.00 PLB68M65R 82.55 219.10 244.50 - 285.80 79.40 16.00 28.60 120.60 161.90 212.70 37.30 12.202 11 / 16 PLB6843R 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 38.0070.00 PLB68M70R 88.90 244.50 279.40 - 330.20 88.90 20.00 31.80 133.40 177.80 241.30 38.10 17.202 15 / 16 PLB6847R3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 1 / 4 5 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 42.003 PLB6848R75.00 PLB68M75R 95.25 250.80 279.40 - 330.20 88.90 20.00 31.80 127.00 185.70 254.00 40.50 19.003 3 / 16 PLB6851R 4 10 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 - 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 47.0080.00 PLB68M80R 101.60 260.40 298.40 - 349.20 98.40 20.00 33.30 149.20 201.60 266.70 44.40 21.303 7 / 16 PLB6855R4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 - 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 7 8 / 8 1 1 / 2 6 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 71.003 1 / 2 PLB6856R90.00 PLB68M90R 114.30 295.30 333.40 - 387.40 111.10 24.00 38.10 152.40 225.40 298.40 48.40 30.80Four-Bolt Pillow Block2 7 / 16 PLB6839FR 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 1 8 / 2 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 27.0065.00 PLB68M65FR 82.55 219.10 244.50 47.60 285.80 79.40 12.00 28.60 120.60 161.90 212.70 37.30 12.202 11 / 16 PLB6843FR 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 38.0070.00 PLB68M70FR 88.90 244.50 279.40 50.80 330.20 88.90 16.00 31.80 133.40 177.80 241.30 38.10 17.202 15 / 16 PLB6847FR3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 4 5 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 42.003 PLB6848FR75.00 PLB68M75FR 95.25 250.80 279.40 50.80 330.20 88.90 16.00 31.80 127.00 185.70 254.00 40.50 19.003 3 / 16 PLB6851FR 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 47.0080.00 PLB68M80FR 101.60 263.50 295.30 54.00 349.20 98.40 16.00 33.30 149.20 201.60 266.70 44.40 21.304 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 1 / 2 6 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 71.003 7 / 16 PLB6855FR3 1 / 2 PLB6856FRHVDiameterof theShaftLABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedTExpansionVDiameterof theShaftApprox.WeightPLB6800, PLB6800F, PLB6600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 & 6600 Series Spherical Roller BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 183Pillow Blocks - 1Split Pillow Block

Split Pillow Block PLB6800, PLB6800F, PLB6600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 & 6600 Series Spherical Roller BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeVShaftDiameterPillow Blocks - 2PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)CEFBoltsH K L P T2 3 / 4 11 3 / 16 18 9 / 16 24 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 675.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block(continued)22220 90.00 PLB68M90FR 114.30 295.30 333.40 60.30 387.40 114.30 20.00 38.10 152.40 225.40 298.40 48.40 30.803 11 / 16 PLB6859FR222223 15 / 16 PLB6863FR 4 15 / 16 12 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 5 / 8 6 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 12 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 87.004 PLB6864FR100.00 PLB68M100FR 125.41 320.70 368.30 69.80 419.10 120.60 20.00 41.30 165.10 244.50 311.20 54.00 39.50222244 3 / 16 PLB6867FR 5 1 / 4 13 1 / 4 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 13 1 / 2 2 9 / 32 104.00110.00 PLB68M110FR 133.35 336.60 368.30 69.80 419.10 120.60 20.00 44.40 181.00 265.10 342.90 57.90 47.204 7 / 16 PLB6871FR22226 4 1 / 2 PLB6872FR6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 7 3 / 4 11 11 / 32 14 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 149.00115.00 PLB68M115FR 152.40 371.50 406.40 82.60 466.70 130.20 24.00 47.60 196.80 288.10 368.30 62.70 63.504 15 / 16 PLB6879FR22228 5 PLB6880FR6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 1 1 15 / 16 7 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 15 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 167.00125.00 PLB68M125FR 152.40 406.40 435.00 85.70 511.20 149.20 24.00 49.20 196.80 300.00 393.70 66.70 71.20222305 3 / 16 PLB6883FR 6 5 / 16 17 18 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 21 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 2 8 1 / 8 12 9 / 16 16 2 3 / 4 187.00135.00 PLB68M135FR 160.34 431.80 463.60 95.20 539.80 158.80 24.00 50.80 206.40 319.10 406.40 69.80 84.80222325 7 / 16 PLB6887FR 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 6 1 / 4 1 2 8 1 / 2 13 3 / 8 17 2 31 / 32 221.00140.00 PLB68M140FR 169.86 441.30 489.00 95.20 558.80 158.80 24.00 50.80 215.90 339.70 431.80 75.40 94.805 15 / 16 PLB6895FR22234 6 PLB6896FR7 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 2 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 14 1 / 4 18 3 1 / 8 280.00150.00 PLB68M150FR 179.39 492.10 549.30 108.00 628.60 171.40 24.00 54.00 235.00 362.00 457.20 79.40 119.806 7 / 16 PLB68103FR22236 6 1 / 2 PLB68104FR7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 2 1 / 8 9 5 / 8 14 15 / 16 18 3 / 4 3 5 / 32 304.00160.00 PLB68M160FR 190.50 530.20 600.10 117.50 679.40 181.00 24.00 54.00 244.50 379.40 476.20 80.20 137.906 15 / 16 PLB68111FR22238 7 PLB68112FR7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 15 13 / 16 20 1 / 2 3 5 / 16 370.00170.00 PLB68M170FR 200.02 549.30 619.10 114.30 711.20 190.50 30.00 60.30 260.40 401.60 520.70 84.10 167.80222407 3 / 16 PLB68115FR 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 11 16 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 17 / 32 450.00180.00 PLB68M180FR 209.55 571.50 635.00 127.00 749.30 203.20 30.00 60.30 279.40 425.40 565.20 89.70 204.107 1 / 2 PLB68120FR22244PLB22544K71516 37 15 / 3 / 4 11 7 / 8 18 5 / 8 - -16PLB68127FR 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 11 3 / 16 18 9 / 16 24 1 / 2 3 13 / 16665.00PLB22544K8 38/ 4 11 7 / 8 18 5 / 8 - -PLB68128FR 2 3 / 4 11 3 / 16 18 9 / 16 24 1 / 2 3 13 / 16200.00 PLB68M200FR 241.30 628.60 708.00 133.40 831.80 222.20 36.00 69.80 284.20 471.50 622.30 96.80 301.60184Approx.WeightContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Continued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCode222482304823056VShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)CEFBoltsH K L P TFour-Bolt Pillow Block(continued)8 7 / 16 PLB22548K87168 15 / 16 PLB22548K8151610 1 / 4 29 30 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 35 14 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 14 1 / 8 20 1 / 2 - - 1,000.008 7 / 16 PLB66135FH8 1 / 2 PLB66136FH 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 11 16 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 13 / 16 430.009 PLB66144FH220.00 PLB66M220FH 209.55 571.50 635.00 127.00 749.30 203.20 30.00 60.30 279.40 425.40 565.20 96.80 195.009 15 / 16 PLB66159FH540.0010 7 / 16 PLB66167FH 515.009 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 11 3 / 4 19 1 / 16 24 1 / 2 4 1 / 410 1 / 2 PLB66168FH 510.0010 PLB66160FH 530.009 7 / 16 PLB66B151FH 550.009 1 / 2 PLB66B152FH 545.00260.00 PLB66M260FH 241.30 628.60 708.00 133.40 831.80 222.20 36.00 69.80 298.40 484.20 622.30 108.00 247.20Approx.WeightPLB6800, PLB6800F, PLB6600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 & 6600 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for 4 1/2” (115mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for allother shaft sizes, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 1/4” for 1 3/4” (40mm) and smaller shaft sizes: all other shaft sizesprovide 3/8”Drain plug tap size - for 3 3/16” (80mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for 3 7/16”(90mm) thru 6” (150mm), 1/4” PT: for all other shaft sizes, 1/2” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalMulti-labyrinth seals standardAll shaft sizes available with type D5 Pentac sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 185Pillow Blocks - 3Split Pillow Block

PLB6800D8, PLB6800FD8, PLB6600FD8 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 & 6600 Series Spherical Roller Bearing With D8 SealSplit Pillow BlockPLB6800D8, PLB6800FD8, PLB6600FD8Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Two-Piece PillowBlock Unit with Independently Flushable SealsProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingIndependently flushable sealsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeVShaftDiameterAdditional NotesPillow Blocks - 4PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C E F H J K L P TTwo-Bolt Pillow Block122209/ 16 PLB6823D82 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 7 - 8 1 / 4 2 3 / 1 13 12.008 / 2 / 16 4 7 / 16 5 4 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 1 /1 1 / 162 PLB6824D8 11.0022210 1 11 / 16 PLB6827D8 2 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 7 - 8 1 / 4 2 3 / 1 15 8 / 2 / 16 4 13 / 32 4 15 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 8 1 1 / 8 13.00122211/ 16 PLB6831D82 3 / 4 7 3 / 8 7 7 / 8 - 9 5 / 8 2 3 / 5 15 16.004 / 8 / 16 4 23 / 32 5 5 / 16 5 1 / 4 7 1 / 4 1 3 /2 PLB6832D81614.0022213 2 3 / 16 PLB6835D8 3 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11 3 1 / 5 4 / 8 1 5 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 5 15 / 16 8 1 / 4 1 13 / 32 24.0022215 2 7 / 16 PLB6839D8 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 - 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 1 / 8 5 17 / 32 5 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 30.0022216 2 11 / 16 PLB6843D8 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 1 / 4 6 1 / 32 6 9 / 16 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 38.00222217/ 16 PLB6847D83 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 3 47.002 / 4 1 1 / 4 5 11 / 16 6 3 / 8 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 /3 PLB6848D83242.0022218 3 3 / 16 PLB6851D8 4 10 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 - 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 6 3 / 4 7 3 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 52.0022220 3 7 / 16 PLB6855D8 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 - 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 7 8 / 8 1 1 / 2 6 21 / 32 7 5 / 16 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 79.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block22215 2 7 / 16 PLB6839FD8 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 1 8 / 2 1 1 / 8 5 17 / 32 5 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 30.0022217 2 15 / 16 PLB6847FD8 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 4 5 11 / 16 6 3 / 8 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 47.0022218 3 3 / 16 PLB6851FD8 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 16 6 3 / 4 7 3 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 52.0022220 3 7 / 16 PLB6855FD8 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 1 / 2 6 21 / 32 7 5 / 16 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 79.00322222/ 16 PLB6859FD84 15 / 16 12 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 5 / 8 7 7 / 32 7 15 / 16 9 5 / 8 12 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 98.003 15 / 16 PLB6863FD822224 4 3 / 16 PLB6867FD8 5 1 / 4 13 1 / 4 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 4 7 31 / 32 8 9 / 16 10 7 / 16 13 1 / 2 2 9 / 32 116.0022226 4 7 / 16 PLB6871FD8 6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 5 1 / 7 8 / 8 1 7 / 8 8 31 / 64 9 7 / 32 11 19 / 32 14 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 165.0022228 4 15 / 16 PLB6879FD8 6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 1 1 15 / 16 8 7 / 32 8 15 / 16 11 13 / 16 15 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 184.0022232 5 7 / 16 PLB6887FD8 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 6 1 / 4 1 2 9 5 / 32 9 13 / 16 13 3 / 8 17 2 31 / 32 244.00522234/ 16 PLB6895FD87 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 2 1 / 8 10 1 / 8 11 14 1 / 4 18 3 1 / 8 309.006 PLB6896FD8622236/ 16 PLB68103FD87 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 2 1 / 8 10 11 / 16 11 3 / 8 14 15 / 16 18 3 / 4 3 5 / 32 322.006 1 / 2 PLB68104FD8622238/ 16 PLB68111FD87 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 11 11 / 32 12 1 / 16 15 13 / 16 20 1 / 2 3 5 / 16 411.007 PLB68112FD87 1 / 2 PLB68120FD822244 7 15 / 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 12 3 / 16 13 3 / 16 18 9 / 16 24 1 / 2 3 13 16 PLB68127FD8/ 16 750.008 PLB68128FD88 7 / 16 PLB66135FD823048 8 1 / 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 12 1 / 32 12 11 / 16 16 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 13 2 PLB66136FD8/ 16 478.009 PLB66144FD8230569 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 13 9 / 32 14 7 / 16 19 1 / 16 24 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 605.009 1 / 2 PLB66B152FD810 1 / 2 PLB66168FD8Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for 4 1/2” (115mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for allother shaft sizes, 1/4” PTSeal assembly lubrication fitting tap size: for 1 3/4” and smaller shaft sizes, 1/4-28 UNF:for all other shaft sizes, 1/8” PTRecommended shaft finish under D8 seals, 10-20 micro inchesExpansion - is 1/4” for 1 3/4” (40mm) and smaller shaft sizes: all other shaft sizesprovide 3/8”Drain plug tap size - for 3 3/16” (80mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for 3 7/16”(90mm) thru 6” (150mm), 1/4” PT: for all other shaft sizes, 1/2” PT186F - BoltsLH VDiameterof theA ShaftBase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EJ-ClosedK-OpenApprox.WeightMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalTaconite seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing-

BPLB6800Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingTwo piece cast iron housingStainless steel hardwarePatented T contact water sealFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeVShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesBearing DrawingDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)F - BoltsC E F H K L P TTwo-Bolt Pillow Block22209 1 7 / 16 BPLB6823 2 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 7 - 8 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 1/ 213/ 16 3 5 / 8 4 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 1 / 16 11.0022213 2 3 / 16 BPLB6835 3 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11 3 1 / 4 5/ 8 1 4 3 / 8 5 15 / 16 8 1 / 4 1 13 / 32 22.0022215 2 7 / 16 BPLB6839 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 - 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 27.0022216 2 11 / 16 BPLB6843 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 38.0022217 2 15 / 16 BPLB6847 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 5 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 42.0022218 3 3 / 16 BPLB6851 4 10 1 / 4 11 3 / 4 - 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 47.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block22215 2 7 / 16 BPLB6839F 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 27.0022216 2 11 / 16 BPLB6843F 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 38.0022217 2 15 / 16 BPLB6847F 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 42.0022218 3 3 / 16 BPLB6851F 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 47.0022222 3 15 / 16 BPLB6863F 4 15 / 16 12 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 5 / 8 6 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 12 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 87.0022226 4 1 / 2 BPLB6872F 6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 7 3 / 4 11 11 / 32 14 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 149.0022228 4 15 / 16 BPLB6879F 6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 1 1 15 / 16 7 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 15 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 167.00HLABase toCenterlineHeightVDiameterof theShaftGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedTExpansionVDiameterof theShaftApprox.WeightBPLB6800 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for 4 1/2” and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for all other shaftsizes, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 1/4” for 1 7/16” : all other shaft sizes provide 3/8”Drain plug tap size - for 3 3/16” and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for all other shaft sizes,1/4” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalExlusive T water seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 187Pillow Blocks - 5Split Pillow Block

PKLB6800F, PKLB6600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 & 6600 Series Spherical Roller BearingPKLB6800F, PKLB6600FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Two-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast steel housingBroad range of sealing optionsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode222152221622217222202222222226222282223222234222362223822244VShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)F - BoltsC E F H K L P T2 7 / 16 PKLB6839FR 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 4 3 / 1 8 / 2 1 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 1 15 / 32 37.0065.00 PKLB68M65FR 82.55 219.10 244.50 47.60 285.80 111.10 12.00 38.10 120.60 161.90 260.40 37.30 16.802 11 / 16 PKLB6843FR 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 4 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 7 11 1 1 / 2 51.0070.00 PKLB68M70FR 88.90 244.50 279.40 50.80 330.20 123.80 16.00 41.30 133.40 177.80 279.40 38.10 23.102 15 / 16 PKLB6847FR3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 4 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 7 3 / 8 11 1 / 2 1 19 / 32 51.003 PKLB6848FR75.00 PKLB68M75FR 95.25 250.80 279.40 50.80 330.20 123.80 16.00 41.30 133.40 187.30 292.10 40.50 23.103 7 / 16 PKLB6855FR4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 6 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6 1 / 2 8 13 / 16 13 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 97.003 1 / 2 PKLB6856FR90.00 PKLB68M90FR 114.30 295.30 333.40 60.30 387.40 152.40 20.00 47.60 165.10 223.80 349.20 48.40 44.003 11 / 16 PKLB6859FR3 15 / 4 15 / 16 12 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 6 1 / 3 2 / 4 2 7 9 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 2 1 16 PKLB6863FR/ 8 112.004 PKLB6864FR100.00 PKLB68M100FR 125.41 320.70 368.30 69.80 419.10 165.10 20.00 50.80 177.80 247.60 387.40 54.00 50.804 7 / 16 PKLB6871FR6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 7 1 / 7200.004 / 8 2 1 / 4 7 3 / 4 11 1 / 2 18 1 / 4 2 15 / 324 1 / 2 PKLB6872FR 196.00115.00 PKLB68M115FR 152.40 371.50 406.40 82.60 466.70 184.20 24.00 57.20 196.80 292.10 463.60 62.70 88.904 15 / 16 PKLB6879FR6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 6 7 / 8 1 2 1 / 2 7 1 / 2 11 15 / 16 19 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 207.005 PKLB6880FR125.00 PKLB68M125FR 152.40 406.40 435.00 85.70 511.20 174.60 24.00 63.50 190.50 303.20 489.00 66.70 93.905 7 / 16 PKLB6887FR 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 8 1 2 3 / 4 8 1 / 2 13 1 / 2 20 1 / 2 2 31 / 32 270.00140.00 PKLB68M140FR 169.86 441.30 489.00 95.20 558.80 203.20 24.00 69.80 215.90 342.90 520.70 75.40 122.505 15 / 16 PKLB6895FR7 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 3 9 1 / 4 14 1 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 368.006 PKLB6896FR150.00 PKLB68M150FR 179.39 492.10 549.30 108.00 628.60 222.20 24.00 76.20 235.00 362.00 565.20 79.40 166.906 7 / 16 PKLB68103FR7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 3 1 / 4 9 5 / 8 14 15 / 16 23 1 / 4 3 5 / 32 390.006 1 / 2 PKLB68104FR160.00 PKLB68M160FR 190.50 530.20 600.10 117.50 679.40 231.80 24.00 82.60 244.50 379.40 590.60 80.20 176.906 15 / 16 PKLB68111FR7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 9 3 / 4 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 4 10 1 / 4 15 13 / 16 25 3 5 / 16 470.007 PKLB68112FR170.00 PKLB68M170FR 200.02 549.30 619.10 114.30 711.20 247.60 30.00 82.60 260.40 401.60 635.00 84.10 213.207 1 / 2 PKLB68120FR875.007 15 / 9 1 / 2 25 7 / 8 27 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 32 12 1 3 / 4 4 12 5 / 8 18 11 / 16 29 1 / 4 3 13 16 PKLB68127FR/ 16830.008 PKLB68128FRHLABase toCenterlineHeightVDiameterof theShaftGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedTExpansionVDiameterof theShaftApprox.WeightCast Steel Split Pillow BlockPillow Blocks - 6188Continued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

Continued...Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeVShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C E F H K L P T22244 200.00 PKLB68M200FR 241.30 657.20 701.70 184.20 812.80 304.80 48.00 101.60 320.70 474.70 743.00 96.80 376.508 1 / 2 PKLB66136FH562.00823048/ 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 10 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 11 16 1 / 2 26 1 / 2 3 13 / 169 PKLB66144FH 528.00220.00 PKLB66M220FH 209.55 571.50 635.00 127.00 749.30 263.50 30.00 88.90 279.40 419.10 673.10 96.80 240.409 1 / 2 PKLB66B152FH800.009 15 / 16 PKLB66159FH 790.00923056/ 2 25 7 / 8 27 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 32 12 1 3 / 4 4 12 5 / 8 18 11 / 16 29 1 / 4 4 1 / 410 PKLB66160FH 780.0010 1 / 2 PKLB66168FH 770.00260.00 PKLB66M260FH 241.30 657.20 701.70 184.20 812.80 304.80 48.00 101.60 320.70 474.70 743.00 108.00 358.30Approx.WeightPKLB6800F, PKLB6600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 & 6600 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesDrain plug tap size - for 6” (150mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/4” PT: for all other shaftsizes, 1/2” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalMulti-labyrinth seals standardAll shaft sizes available with type D5 Pentac sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 189Pillow Blocks - 7Cast Steel Split Pillow Block

PKLB6800FD8 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 Series Spherical Roller Bearing With D8 SealPKLB6800FD8Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller Bearing Two-Piece Pillow BlockUnit with Independently Flushable SealsProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast steel housingIndependantly flushable sealsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeVShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)F - BoltsLH VDiameterof theA ShaftBase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EJ-ClosedK-OpenC E F H J K L P T22215 2 7 / 16 PKLB6839FD8 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 1 / 2 5 17 / 32 6 1 / 16 6 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 1 15 / 32 41.0022217 2 15 / 16 PKLB6847FD8 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 4 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 6 1 / 16 6 5 / 8 7 3 / 8 11 1 / 2 1 19 / 32 57.0022220 3 7 / 16 PKLB6855FD8 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 6 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6 21 / 32 7 5 / 16 8 13 / 16 13 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 97.0022226 4 7 / 16 PKLB6871FD8 6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 7 1 / 4 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 1 / 4 11 1 / 2 18 1 / 4 2 15 / 32 190.0022228 4 15 / 16 PKLB6879FD8 6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 6 7 / 8 1 2 1 / 2 8 3 / 8 9 11 15 / 16 19 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 210.0022236 6 7 / 16 PKLB68103FD8 7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 3 1 / 4 10 11 / 16 11 3 / 8 14 15 / 16 23 1 / 4 3 5 / 32 422.00Approx.WeightCast Steel Split Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4” PTSeal assembly lubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTRecommended shaft finish under D8 seals, 10-20 micro inchesExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesDrain plug tap size - for 4 15/16” and smaller shaft sizes, 1/4” PT: for all other shaftsizes, 1/2” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitPillow Blocks - 8190Dimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalTaconite seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong>Load Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB7800, PLB7800F, PLB7600FPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageDirect shaft mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterV1LargeShaftDiameterV2SmallShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingABase toCenterlineHeightDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)CEFBoltsH K L P TTwo-Bolt Pillow Block22215 2.95 3 7 / 16 2 13 / 16 PLB7875R 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 - 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 35.0022216 3.15 3 5 / 8 3 PLB7880R 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 35.0022217 3.35 3 15 / 16 3 3 / 16 PLB7885R 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 5 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 40.0022218 3.54 4 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 PLB7890R 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 - 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 42.0022220 3.94 4 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 PLB78100R 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 - 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 6 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 62.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block22215 2.95 3 7 / 16 2 13 / 16 PLB7875FR 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 1/ 2 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 8 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 35.0022216 3.15 3 5 / 8 3 PLB7880FR 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 35.0022217 3.35 3 15 / 16 3 3 / 16 PLB7885FR 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 7 5 / 16 10 1 19 / 32 40.0022218 3.54 4 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 PLB7890FR 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 42.0022220 3.94 4 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 PLB78100FR 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 6 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 62.0022222 4.33 4 7 / 8 4 3 / 16 PLB78110FR 4 15 / 16 12 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 5 / 8 6 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 12 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 78.0022224 4.72 5 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 PLB78120FR 5 1 / 4 13 1 / 4 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 13 1 / 2 2 9 / 32 102.0022226 5.12 5 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 PLB78130FR 6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 7 3 / 4 11 19 / 32 14 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 141.0022228 5.51 6 1 / 4 5 5 / 16 PLB78140FR 6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 1 1 15 / 16 7 3 / 4 11 13 / 16 15 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 162.0022230 5.91 6 5 / 8 5 3 / 4 PLB78150FR 6 5 / 16 17 18 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 21 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 2 8 1 / 8 12 9 / 16 16 2 3 / 4 182.0022232 6.30 7 6 1 / 16 PLB78160FR 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 6 1 / 4 1 2 8 1 / 2 13 3 / 8 17 2 31 / 32 202.0022234 6.69 7 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 PLB78170FR 7 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 2 1 / 8 9 1 / 4 14 1 / 4 18 3 1 / 8 240.0022236 7.09 7 13 / 16 6 7 / 8 PLB78180FR 7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 2 1 / 8 9 5 / 8 14 15 / 16 18 3 / 4 3 5 / 32 279.0022238 7.48 8 3 / 8 7 1 / 4 PLB78190FR 7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 15 13 / 16 20 1 / 2 3 5 / 16 345.0022240 7.87 8 3 / 4 7 5 / 8 PLB78200FR 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 11 16 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 17 / 32 415.00PLB22244322244 8.66 9 9 / 16 8 5 / 16 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 3 / 4 11 7 / 8 18 5 / 8 - -2PLB78220FR 2 3 / 4 11 3 / 16 18 9 / 16 24 1 / 2 3 13 / 16620.0022248 9.45 10 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 PLB22248 10 1 / 4 29 30 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 35 14 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 14 1 / 8 20 1 / 2 - - 976.0023048 9.45 10 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 PLB76240FH 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 11 16 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 13 / 16 430.0023056 11.02 12 10 3 / 4 PLB76280FH 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 11 3 / 4 19 1 / 16 24 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 595.00HLABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedV1LargeShaftDiameterTExpansionV2SmallShaftDiameterApprox.WeightPLB7800, PLB7800F, PLB7600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 7800 & 7600 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for 3.5433” (90mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for allother shaft sizes, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesDrain plug tap size - for 3.5433” (90mm) and smaller shaft sizes,1/8” PT: for 3.9370” (100mm) thru 6.6929” (170mm), 1/4” PT: for allother shaft sizes, 1/2” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong>Shaft & Housing Seat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 191Pillow Blocks - 9Split Pillow Block

PKLB7800F, PKLB7600F - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 7800 & 7600 Series Spherical Roller BearingPKLB7800F, PKLB7600FPhoto Shows a 4-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast steel housingFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageDirect shaft mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterV1LargeShaftDiameterV2SmallShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C E F H K L P T22215 2.9528 3 7 / 16 2 13 / 16 PKLB7875FR 3 1 / 4 8 5 / 8 9 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 11 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 1/ 2 1 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 6 3 / 8 10 1 / 4 1 15 / 32 35.0022216 3.1496 3 5 / 8 3 PKLB7880FR 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 4 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 7 11 1 1 / 2 48.0022217 3.3465 3 15 / 16 3 3 / 16 PKLB7885FR 3 3 / 4 9 7 / 8 11 2 13 4 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 4 7 3 / 8 11 1 / 2 1 19 / 32 50.0022220 3.9370 4 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 PKLB78100FR 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 6 3/ 4 1 7 / 8 6 1 / 2 8 13 / 16 13 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 85.0022222 4.3307 4 7 / 8 4 3 / 16 PKLB78110FR 4 15 / 16 12 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 3/ 4 2 7 9 3 / 4 15 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 105.0022226 5.1181 5 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 PKLB78130FR 6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 7 1 / 4 7/ 8 2 1 / 4 7 3 / 4 11 1 / 2 18 1 / 4 2 15 / 32 187.0022228 5.5118 6 1 / 4 5 5 / 16 PKLB78140FR 6 16 17 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 20 1 / 8 6 7 / 8 1 2 1 / 2 7 1 / 2 11 15 / 16 19 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 190.0022232 6.2992 7 6 1 / 16 PKLB78160FR 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 8 1 2 3 / 4 8 1 / 2 13 1 / 2 20 1 / 2 2 31 / 32 250.0022234 6.6929 7 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 PKLB78170FR 7 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 3 9 1 / 4 14 1 / 4 22 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 344.0022236 7.0866 7 13 / 16 6 7 / 8 PKLB78180FR 7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 9 1 / 8 1 3 1 / 4 9 5 / 8 14 15 / 16 23 1 / 4 3 5 / 32 365.0022238 7.4803 8 3 / 8 7 1 / 4 PKLB78190FR 7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 9 3 / 4 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 4 10 1 / 4 15 13 / 16 25 3 5 / 16 450.0022244 8.6614 9 9 / 16 8 5 / 16 PKLB78220FR 9 1 / 2 25 5 / 8 27 7 / 8 7 1 / 4 32 12 1 3 / 4 4 12 5 / 8 18 11 / 16 29 1 / 4 3 13 / 16 770.0023048 9.4488 10 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 PKLB76240FH 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 10 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 11 16 1 / 2 26 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 530.0023056 11.0236 12 10 3 / 4 PKLB76280FH 9 1 / 2 25 7 / 8 27 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 32 12 1 3 / 4 4 12 5 / 8 18 11 / 16 29 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 745.00HLABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedV1LargeShaftDiameterTExpansionV2SmallShaftDiameterApprox.WeightCast Steel Split Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesDrain plug tap size - for 6.6929” (170mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/4” PT: for all othershaft sizes, 1/2” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalMulti-labyrinth seals standardPillow Blocks - 10Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong>Shaft & Housing Seat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.192<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB6900,PLB6900F, SAF22600Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeVShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)CF - BoltsEFBoltsH K L P TTwo-Bolt Pillow Block122309/ 16 PLB6923R2 3 / 4 7 1 / 4 8 - 9 5 / 8 2 3 / 5 4 / 8 1 4 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 16 20.001 1 / 2 PLB6924R22310 1 11 / 16 PLB6927R 3 7 3 / 4 9 - 10 5 / 8 2 3 / 5 4 / 8 1 1 / 8 4 1 / 2 5 7 / 8 7 7 / 8 1 15 / 32 23.00122311/ 16 PLB6931R3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11 3 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 3 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 8 1 / 2 1 9 / 16 28.002 PLB6932R22313 2 3 / 16 PLB6935R 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 3 2 / 4 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 5 / 8 1 23 / 32 41.00222315/ 16 PLB6939R4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 - 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 15 / 16 52.002 1 / 2 PLB6940R22316 2 11 / 16 PLB6943R 4 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 12 5 / 8 - 14 1 / 4 3 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 6 1 / 8 8 3 / 8 11 1 / 4 2 59.0022317 2 15 / 16 PLB6947R 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 - 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 7 8 / 8 1 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 2 1 / 2 71.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block22313 2 3 / 16 PLB6935FR 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 5 / 8 1 23 / 32 41.00222315/ 16 PLB6939FR4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 15 / 16 52.002 1 / 2 PLB6940FR22316 2 11 / 16 PLB6943FR 4 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 12 5 / 8 2 1 / 4 14 1 / 4 3 7 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 / 16 6 1 / 8 8 3 / 8 11 1 / 4 2 59.0022317 2 15 / 16 PLB6947FR 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 3 8 / 4 1 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 2 1 / 2 71.0022318 3 3 / 16 SAF22618303 4 3 / 4 12 13 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 2 4 3 / 3 8 / 4 2 6 7 / 8 9 1 / 4 12 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 97.00322320/ 16 SAF226203075 1 / 4 13 1 / 4 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 13 1 / 2 2 7 / 16 111.003 1 / 2 SAF22620308322322/ 16 SAF226223156 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 5 1 / 7 8 / 8 1 7 / 8 7 3 / 4 11 11 / 16 14 1 / 2 2 21 / 32 149.004 SAF2262240022324 4 3 / 16 SAF22624403 6 5 / 16 17 18 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 21 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 2 1 / 2 8 3 / 8 12 1 / 2 16 2 13 / 16 225.0022326 4 7 / 16 SAF22626407 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 6 1 / 4 1 2 5 / 8 8 3 / 4 13 5 / 16 17 3 5 / 16 228.00422328/ 16 SAF226284157 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 2 3 / 4 9 5 / 8 14 3 / 16 18 3 1 / 4 330.005 SAF2262850022330 5 3 / 16 SAF22630503 7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 9 3 / 4 14 7 / 8 18 3 / 4 3 7 / 16 375.0022332 5 7 / 16 SAF22632507 7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 10 3 / 4 15 11 / 16 20 1 / 2 3 5 / 8 430.0022334 5 15 / 16 SAF22634515 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 11 1 / 4 16 1 / 2 22 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 515.0022348 8 15 / 16 PLB22648K81516 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 15 1 / 2 24 - - 1,370.0022356 10 7 / 16 PLB22656K10716 14 36 3 / 4 38 1 / 4 10 3 / 4 43 3 / 4 18 1 / 4 2 5 18 28 - - 2,262.00HLABase toCenterlineHeightVDiameterof theShaftGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedTExpansionVDiameterof theShaftApprox.WeightPLB6900, PLB6900F, SAF22600 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6900 Series & SAF22600 Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for 2 11/16” and smaller shaft sizes,1/8” PT: for all other shaft sizes, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesDrain plug tap size - for 2 11/16” and smaller shaft sizes,1/8” PT: for all other shaft sizes, 1/4” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalMulti-labyrinth seals standardAll shaft sizes available with type D5 Pentac sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 193Pillow Blocks - 11Split Pillow Block

PLB7900, PLB7900F, SAF22300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 7900 Series & SAF22300 Spherical Roller BearingPLB7900, PLB7900F,SAF22300Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageDirect shaft mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterV1LargeShaftDiameterV2SmallShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)C E F Bolts H K L P TTwo-Bolt Pillow Block22309 1.77 2 1 / 8 1 11 / 16 PLB7945R 2 3 / 4 7 1 / 4 8 - 9 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 5/ 8 1 4 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 2 1 5 / 16 18.0022310 1.97 2 3 / 8 1 7 / 8 PLB7950R 3 7 3 / 4 9 - 10 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 4 1 / 2 5 7 / 8 7 7 / 8 1 15 / 32 22.0022311 2.17 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 16 PLB7955R 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 8 9 1 / 2 - 11 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 8 1 / 2 1 9 / 16 27.0022313 2.56 3 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 PLB7965R 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 - 13 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 5 / 8 1 23 / 32 39.0022315 2.95 3 7 / 16 2 13 / 16 PLB7975R 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 - 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 15 / 16 50.0022316 3.15 3 5 / 8 3 PLB7980R 4 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 12 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 14 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 6 1 / 8 8 3 / 8 11 1 / 4 2 58.0022317 3.35 3 15 / 16 3 3 / 16 PLB7985R 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 - 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 2 1 / 2 71.00Four-Bolt Pillow Block22313 2.56 3 1 / 16 2 7 / 16 PLB7965FR 3 1 / 2 9 5 / 8 11 2 13 3 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 4 7 9 5 / 8 1 23 / 32 39.0022315 2.95 3 7 / 16 2 13 / 16 PLB7975FR 4 10 3 / 8 11 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 13 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 5 7 / 8 7 15 / 16 10 1 / 2 1 15 / 16 50.0022316 3.15 3 5 / 8 3 PLB7980FR 4 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 12 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 14 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 6 1 / 8 8 3 / 8 11 1 / 4 2 58.0022317 3.35 3 15 / 16 3 3 / 16 PLB7985FR 4 1 / 2 11 5 / 8 13 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 15 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 6 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 2 1 / 2 71.0022318 3.54 4 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 SAF22318 4 3 / 4 12 13 1 / 2 2 1 / 4 15 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 3/ 4 2 6 7 / 8 9 3 / 16 12 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 94.0022320 3.94 4 1 / 2 3 13 / 16 SAF22320 5 1 / 4 13 1 / 4 14 1 / 2 2 3 / 4 16 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 10 7 / 16 13 1 / 2 2 7 / 16 118.0022322 4.33 4 7 / 8 4 3 / 16 SAF22322 6 14 5 / 8 16 3 1 / 4 18 3 / 8 5 1 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 7 3 / 4 11 11 / 16 14 1 / 2 2 21 / 32 147.0022324 4.72 5 5 / 16 4 9 / 16 SAF22324 6 5 / 16 17 18 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 21 1 / 4 6 1 / 4 1 2 1 / 2 8 3 / 8 12 1 / 2 16 2 13 / 16 215.0022326 5.12 5 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 SAF22326 6 11 / 16 17 3 / 8 19 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 22 6 1 / 4 1 2 5 / 8 8 3 / 4 13 5 / 16 17 3 5 / 16 215.0022328 5.51 6 1 / 4 5 5 / 16 SAF22328 7 1 / 16 19 3 / 8 21 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 24 3 / 4 6 3 / 4 1 2 3 / 4 9 3 / 8 14 3 / 16 18 3 1 / 4 320.0022330 5.91 6 5 / 8 5 3 / 4 SAF22330 7 1 / 2 20 7 / 8 23 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 26 3 / 4 7 1 / 8 1 3 9 3 / 4 14 7 / 8 18 3 / 4 3 7 / 16 350.0022332 6.30 7 6 1 / 16 SAF22332 7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 10 3 / 4 15 11 / 16 20 1 / 2 3 5 / 8 410.0022334 6.69 7 7 / 16 6 7 / 16 SAF22334 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 11 1 / 4 16 1 / 2 22 1 / 4 3 3 / 4 485.0022348 9.45 10 1 / 2 9 1 / 16 PLB22348 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 15 1 / 2 24 - - 1,322.0022356 11.02 12 3 / 4 10 3 / 4 PLB22356 14 36 3 / 4 38 1 / 4 10 3 / 4 43 3 / 4 18 1 / 4 2 5 18 28 - - 2,203.00HLABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedV1LargeShaftDiameterTExpansionV2SmallShaftDiameterApprox.WeightSplit Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for 3.1496” (80mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for allother shaft sizes, 1/4” PTExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesDrain plug tap size - for 3.1496” (80mm) and smaller shaft sizes, 1/8” PT: for 3.3465”(85mm) thru 4.3307” (110mm), 1/4” PT: for 4.7244” (120mm) thru 6.2992”(160mm), 3/8” PT: for all other shaft sizes, 1/2” PTMinimum extension of shaft beyond locknut, .06” for closed end unitDimension “P” is recommended dimension for cap removalMulti-labyrinth seals standardPillow Blocks - 12194SAF pillow blocks include locknut and washerSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB23000KPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)F - BoltsCHVDiameterof theShaftLABase toCenterlineHeightEFBoltsGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedExpansionH K LVDiameterof theShaftFour-Bolt Pillow Block723044/ 16 PLB23044K715167 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 10 3 / 4 15 11 / 16 413.008 PLB23044K88 1 / 2 PLB23048K81223048 8 15 / 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 11 1 / 8 16 11 16 PLB23048K81516/ 16 474.009 PLB23048K9230529 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 11 7 / 8 18 13 / 16 530.009 15 / 16 PLB23056K9151623056 10 PLB23056K10 9 7 / 8 26 1 / 4 29 1 / 2 5 1 / 2 34 1 / 4 9 1 1 / 2 4 12 1 / 16 20 3 / 16 800.0010 7 / 16 PLB23056K107162306012 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 15 1 / 2 24 1,200.002306412 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 16 1 / 2 24 1,250.0023068 12 1 / 2 PLB23068K1212 12 32 33 1 / 2 10 39 15 1 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 16 15 3 / 4 24 1,550.002307212 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 16 1 / 4 26 1,650.001323076/ 16 PLB23076K1315161,700.0012 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 16 1 / 4 2614 PLB23076K14 3,245.0023080 15 PLB23080K15 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 18 28 3 / 4 2,300.0023084 15 3 / 4 PLB23084K1534 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 18 28 3 / 4 2,300.0023088 16 1 / 2 PLB23088K1612 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 19 3 / 8 31 2,550.0023092 17 PLB23092K17 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 19 3 / 8 31 2,850.0023096 18 PLB23096K18 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 21 3 / 4 34 4,250.00230530 19 1 / 2 PLB230530K1912 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 22 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 5,200.00230560 21 PLB230560K21 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 22 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 3,745.00230600 22 PLB230600K22 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 24 5 / 8 40 5,525.00230630 24 PLB230630K24 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 24 5 / 8 40 5,356.009 7 / 1610 15 / 1611 15 / 1612 15 / 16PLB23052K9716PLB23060K101516PLB23064K111516PLB23072K1215169 1 / 2111213PLB23052K912PLB23060K11PLB23064K12PLB23072K13Approx.WeightPLB23000K - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23000 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease Call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication Fitting Tap Size, 1/4” PTExpansion is 3/8” for all shaft sizesMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 195Pillow Blocks - 13Split Pillow Block

PLB23000 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23000 Series Spherical Roller BearingPLB23000Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Two-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageDirect shaft mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterV1LargeShaftDiameterV2SmallShaftDiameterBearing DrawingPartNumberDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesF - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)CGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedEV1LargeShaftDiameterFBoltsHExpansionLV2SmallShaftDiameterFour-Bolt Pillow Block23044 8.66 9 9 / 16 8 5 / 16 PLB23044 7 7 / 8 21 5 / 8 24 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 28 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 8 15 11 / 16 413.0023048 9.45 10 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 PLB23048 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 16 11 / 16 388.0023052 10.24 11 1 / 2 9 15 / 16 PLB23052 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 18 13 / 16 547.0023056 11.02 12 1 / 2 10 3 / 4 PLB23056 9 7 / 8 26 1 / 4 29 1 / 2 5 1 / 2 34 1 / 4 9 1 1 / 2 4 20 3 / 16 528.0023060 11.81 13 11 1 / 2 PLB23060 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,200.0023064 12.60 13 3 / 4 12 1 / 4 PLB23064 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,300.0023068 13.39 15 13 PLB23068 12 32 33 1 / 2 10 39 15 1 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 3 / 16 24 1,550.0023072 14.17 15 3 / 4 13 3 / 4 PLB23072 12 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 26 1,650.0023076 14.96 16 3 / 4 14 1 / 2 PLB23076 12 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 26 1,700.0023080 15.75 17 1 / 2 15 3 / 8 PLB23080 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,300.0023084 16.54 18 16 PLB23084 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,300.0023088 17.32 19 1 / 2 17 PLB23088 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 2,550.0023092 18.11 20 17 3 / 4 PLB23092 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 2,850.0023096 18.90 21 18 1 / 2 PLB23096 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 4,250.00230530 20.87 22 1 / 2 20 3 / 8 PLB230530 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 5,200.00230560 22.05 - - PLB230560 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 3,745.00Approx.WeightAdditional NotesSplit Pillow BlockPlease Call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication Fitting Tap Size, 1/4” PTExpansion is 3/8” for all shaft sizesMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.Pillow Blocks - 14196<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB23100KPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Max.DistanceBetween BoltHolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Four-Bolt Pillow Block23144 8 PLB23144K8 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 16 1 / 2 496.0023148 8 15 / 16 PLB23148K81516 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 18 5 / 8 820.0023152 9 7 / 16 PLB23152K9716 10 1 / 4 29 30 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 35 14 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 20 1 / 2 1,029.0023156 10 7 / 16 PLB23156K10716 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,253.0023160 10 15 / 16 PLB23160K101516 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,333.0023164 11 15 / 16 PLB23164K111516 12 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 26 1,768.0023168 12 7 / 16 PLB23168K12716 14 36 3 / 4 38 1 / 4 10 3 / 4 43 3 / 4 18 1 / 4 2 5 28 2,265.0023172 13 7 / 16 PLB23172K13716 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,442.0023176 13 15 / 16 PLB23176K131516 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,473.0023180 15 PLB23180K15 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 3,119.0023184 15 3 / 4 PLB23184K1534 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 4,039.0023188 16 1 / 2 PLB23188K1612 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 4,003.0023192 17 PLB23192K17 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,600.0023196 18 PLB23196K18 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,707.00231530 19 1 / 2 PLB231530K1912 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 40 6,002.00231560 21 PLB231560K21 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 40 5,881.00F - BoltsCHVDiameterof theShaftLABase toCenterlineHeightEGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedFBoltsHExpansionLVDiameterof theShaftApprox.WeightPLB23100K - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23100 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease Call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication Fitting Tap Size, 1/4” PTExpansion is 3/8” for all shaft sizesMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 197Pillow Blocks - 15Split Pillow Block

PLB23100 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23100 Series Spherical Roller BearingPLB23100Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Two-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageDirect shaft mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterV1Large ShaftDiameterV2Small ShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCABase toCenterlineHeightB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Four-Bolt Pillow Block23144 8.66 9 9 / 16 8 5 / 16 PLB23144 8 1 / 4 22 1 / 2 25 5 29 1 / 2 8 1 1 / 4 3 3 / 8 16 1 / 2 466.0023148 9.45 10 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 PLB23148 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 18 5 / 8 782.0023152 10.24 11 1 / 2 9 15 / 16 PLB23152 10 1 / 4 29 30 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 35 14 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 20 1 / 2 985.0023156 11.02 12 1 / 2 10 3 / 4 PLB23156 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 14 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,206.0023160 11.81 13 11 1 / 2 PLB23160 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,305.0023164 12.60 14 12 1 / 4 PLB23164 12 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 26 1,504.0023168 13.39 15 13 PLB23168 14 36 3 / 4 38 1 / 4 10 3 / 4 43 3 / 4 18 1 / 4 2 5 28 2,172.0023172 14.17 16 13 3 / 4 PLB23172 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,322.0023176 14.96 17 14 1 / 2 PLB23176 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,348.0023180 15.75 17 1 / 2 15 1 / 4 PLB23180 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 2,979.0023184 16.54 18 1 / 2 15 3 / 4 PLB23184 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 3,894.0023188 17.32 19 1 / 2 17 PLB23188 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 3,852.0023192 18.11 20 17 3 / 4 PLB23192 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,391.0023196 18.90 21 18 1 / 2 PLB23196 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,506.00231530 20.87 - - PLB231530 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 40 6,002.00231560 22.05 - - PLB231560 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 40 5,881.00F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedEFBoltsV1LargeShaftDiameterHExpansionLV2SmallShaftDiameterApprox.WeightAdditional NotesSplit Pillow BlockPlease Call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication Fitting Tap Size, 1/4” PTExpansion is 3/8” for all shaft sizesMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.Pillow Blocks - 16198<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB23200KPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical RollerBearing Two-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageTapered adapter mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingB Min.DistanceBetween BoltHolesDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)Four-Bolt Pillow Block23244 8 PLB23244K8 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 18 5 / 8 712.0023248 8 15 / 16 PLB23248K81516 10 1 / 4 29 30 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 35 14 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 20 1 / 2 1,080.0023252 9 7 / 16 PLB23252K9716 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,301.0023256 10 7 / 16 PLB23256K10716 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,400.0023260 10 15 / 16 PLB23260K101516 12 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 26 1,822.0023264 11 15 / 16 PLB23264K111516 14 36 3 / 4 38 1 / 4 10 3 / 4 43 3 / 4 18 1 / 4 2 5 28 2,173.0023268 12 7 / 16 PLB23268K12716 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,582.0023272 13 7 / 16 PLB23272K13716 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 3,278.0023276 13 15 / 16 PLB23276K131516 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 3,245.0023280 15 PLB23280K15 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 4,297.0023284 15 3 / 4 PLB23284K1534 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,800.0023288 16 1 / 2 PLB23288K1612 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,798.0023292 17 PLB23292K17 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,461.0023296 18 PLB23296K18 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 40 6,362.00F - BoltsCHVDiameterof theShaftLABase toCenterlineHeightEGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKFixedFBoltsHExpansionLVDiameterof theShaftApprox.WeightPLB23200K - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23200 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease Call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication Fitting Tap Size, 1/4” PTExpansion is 3/8” for all shaft sizesMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 199Pillow Blocks - 17Split Pillow Block

PLB23200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23200 Series Spherical Roller BearingPLB23200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Spherical Roller BearingTwo-Piece Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingTwo piece cast iron housingFixed or Expansion - Up to 3/8” expansionMatched base & capLarge reservoir for grease or oil storageDirect shaft mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterV1LargeShaftDiameterV2Small ShaftDiameterPartNumberBearing DrawingABase toCenterlineHeightDrain Plug **BDistance Between Bolt HolesCB Min.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesB Max.DistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsHGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)LABase toCenterlineHeightCGBolt HoleSpacing(Width)EKEFixedFBoltsV1LargeShaftDiameterHExpansionLV2SmallShaftDiameterFour-Bolt Pillow Block23244 8.66 9 9 / 16 8 5 / 16 PLB23244 9 1 / 2 24 3 / 4 27 7 / 8 5 1 / 4 32 3 / 4 8 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 18 5 / 8 661.0023248 9.45 10 1 / 2 9 3 / 16 PLB23248 10 1 / 4 29 30 1 / 2 8 3 / 4 35 14 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 4 20 1 / 2 1,032.0023252 10.24 11 1 / 2 9 15 / 16 PLB23252 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,247.0023256 11.02 12 1 / 2 10 3 / 4 PLB23256 12 32 3 / 4 33 1 / 2 9 38 1 / 4 15 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 24 1,400.0023260 11.81 13 11 1 / 2 PLB23260 12 13 / 16 35 36 1 / 2 10 1 / 2 41 3 / 4 15 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 2 26 1,754.0023264 12.60 14 12 1 / 4 PLB23264 14 36 3 / 4 38 1 / 4 10 3 / 4 43 3 / 4 18 1 / 4 2 5 28 2,243.0023268 13.39 15 13 PLB23268 14 1 / 2 39 1 / 4 40 3 / 4 11 46 17 1 / 8 2 5 28 3 / 4 2,492.0023272 14.17 16 13 3 / 4 PLB23272 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 3,143.0023276 14.96 17 14 1 / 2 PLB23276 15 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 43 1 / 2 12 1 / 4 48 3 / 4 18 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 31 3,100.0023280 15.75 17 1 / 2 15 1 / 4 PLB23280 17 44 1 / 2 46 5 / 8 14 1 / 2 52 3 / 4 22 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 5 1 / 2 34 4,132.0023284 16.54 18 1 / 2 15 3 / 4 PLB23284 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,636.0023288 17.32 19 1 / 2 17 PLB23288 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,608.0023292 18.11 20 17 3 / 4 PLB23292 18 47 1 / 8 48 7 / 8 15 54 1 / 4 21 5 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 3 / 4 35 3 / 4 4,461.0023296 18.90 21 18 1 / 2 PLB23296 20 52 1 / 2 54 16 60 22 3 6 40 6,362.00Approx.WeightAdditional NotesSplit Pillow BlockPlease Call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication Fitting Tap Size, 1/4” PTExpansion is 3/8” for all shaft sizesMulti-labyrinth seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered materialfurnished on request.Pillow Blocks - 18200<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

DSLB6800Photo Shows a Hinged Top, Welded Steel Conveyor Take-Up Frame withSpherical Roller Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingIndependantly flushable sealsTapered adpater mountedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterAdjust.PartNumberBearing DrawingABase toCenterlineHeightKF - BoltsBFrameBolt HoleSpacingGFrame BoltHole Spacing(Width)AdjustmentBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCC E F H K L V W Z30 1 / 222215 2 7 / 1622217 2 15 / 1622220 3 7 / 1622222 3 15 / 162222234 5 15 / 1618 DSLB683918 365 1 / / 2 388 2/ 24 5103.00/ 8 2 9 1 / 4 10 7 / 8 3 15 / 32 2 19 / 32 5 5 / 824 DSLB683924 42 1 / 2 44 1 / 2 111.0012 DSLB68391232 1 / 2 94.0030 DSLB683930 48 1 / 2 50 1 / 2 119.0018 DSLB684718 38 405 5 / 8 2/ 44 3130.00/ 4 2 10 11 13 / 16 3 1 / 2 2 5 / 8 5 5 / 824 DSLB684724 44 46 1 / 4 145.0012 DSLB6847123234 1 / 4 120.0030 DSLB684730 50 52 1 / 4 155.0018 DSLB685518 42 4472 1 / / 22 5 3218.00/ 4 2 1 / 4 12 14 11 / 16 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 4 6 7 / 824 DSLB685524 48 50 1 / 2 230.0012 DSLB6855123638 1 / 2 206.0030 DSLB685530 54 56 1 / 2 242.0018 DSLB686318 7 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 5 3/ 4 2 1 / 4 12 15 11 / 16 4 3 / 8 3 1 / 2 6 7 / 824 DSLB686324 48 50 1 / 2 285.0012 DSLB6863123638 1 / 2 255.0030 DSLB686330 54 56 1 / 2 300.0022226 4 7 / 16 24 DSLB687124 10 53 3 56 1 / 2 6 7/ 8 4 14 1 / 20 1 / 4 4 7 / 8 3 3 / 4 7 7 / 8 432.0018 DSLB6871184750 1 / 2 414.0030 DSLB687130 59 62 1 / 2 450.0022228 4 15 / 16 24 DSLB687924 10 1 / 2 55 3 58 1 / 2 6 1 4 15 1 / 21 1 / 8 4 3 / 4 3 27 / 32 7 7 / 8 494.0018 DSLB6879184952 1 / 2 475.0030 DSLB687930 61 64 1 / 2 515.0024 DSLB689524 6112 1 / / 8 668 3 3 / / 4 726.004 7 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 4 18 15 / 16 25 1 / 2 5 33 / 64 4 1 / 2 9 7 / 830 DSLB689530 67 7 / 8 72 1 / 4 746.0018 DSLB68951855 7 / 8 60 1 / 4 708.0042 DSLB689542 79 7 / 8 84 1 / 4 784.00KABase toCenterlineHeightHV V VELGFrameBolt HoleSpacing(Width)ZWApprox.WeightDSLB6800 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 6800 Series Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityExpansion - is 3/8” for all shaft sizesFor shaft sizes 2 7/16” thru 2 15/16”, frame has removable top constructionFrames with adjustment of 18” (457.2mm) or more have center supporting pad weldedto bottom of frameTaconite seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 201Take-up Assembly - 1Protected Screw Take-up Assembly

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC202

22200LB, 22200LBKPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCylindrical or Tapered boreRoller riding retainersSelf aligningHigh CapacitySee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindricalPartNumberTaperedPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingDABoreDiameterRBOutsideDiameterRCBearing WidthCylindrical BoreCBearingWidthEBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRCBearing WidthTapered BoreD E REBOutsideDiameter22209LBC3 22209LBKC3 1.7717 3.34652.10 3.001.300.90550.03922210LBC3 22210LBKC3 1.9685 3.5433 2.30 3.20 1.4022211LBC3 22211LBKC3 2.1654 3.9370 0.9843 2.60 3.601.9022212LBC3 22212LBKC3 2.3622 4.3307 1.1024 2.80 4.00 2.6022213LBC3 22213LBKC3 2.5591 4.72442.90 4.40 0.059 3.4022214LBC3 22214LBKC3 2.7559 4.9213 1.22053.10 4.60 3.7022215LBC3 22215LBKC3 2.9528 5.1181 3.30 4.80 3.9022216LBC3 22216LBKC3 3.1496 5.5118 1.2992 3.50 5.104.9022217LBC3 22217LBKC3 3.3465 5.9055 1.4173 3.70 5.50 6.1022218LBC3 22218LBKC3 3.5433 6.2992 1.5748 3.90 5.90 7.6022219LBC3 22219LBKC3 3.7402 6.6929 1.6929 4.20 6.20 0.079 9.5022220LBC3 22220LBKC3 3.9370 7.0866 1.8110 4.40 6.60 11.4022222LBC3 22222LBKC3 4.3307 7.8740 2.0866 4.80 7.40 16.6022224LBC3 22224LBKC3 4.7244 8.4646 2.2835 5.20 8.00 20.2022226LBC3 22226LBKC3 5.1181 9.0551 2.5197 5.70 8.5025.1022228LBC3 22228LBKC3 5.5118 9.8425 2.6772 6.10 9.30 32.400.09822230LBC3 22230LBKC3 5.9055 10.6299 2.8740 6.50 10.10 40.9022232LBC3 22232LBKC3 6.2992 11.4173 3.1496 6.90 10.90 52.0022234LBC3 22234LBKC3 6.6929 12.20477.40 11.5064.603.385822236LBC3 22236LBKC3 7.0866 12.5984 7.80 11.90 67.4022238LBC3 22238LBKC3 7.4803 13.3858 3.6220 8.20 12.70 0.118 81.9022240LBC3 22240LBKC3 7.8740 14.1732 3.8583 8.60 13.50 95.0022244LBC3 22244LBKC3 8.6614 15.7480 4.2520 9.40 15.10 133.0022248LBC3 22248LBKC3 9.4488 17.3228 4.7244 10.60 16.30 0.157 175.70Approx.Weight22200LB, 22200LBK - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 22200 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityTapered bore, 1:12 on diameterDimension “R” is the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Load Ratings &Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 203Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 1Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>

22300LB, 22300LBK - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 22300 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearing22300LB, 22300LBKPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCylindrical or Tapered boreRoller riding retainersSelf aligningExtra high capacitySee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindricalPartNumberTaperedPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingDABoreDiameterRBOutsideDiameterRCBearing WidthCylindrical BoreCBearingWidthEBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRCBearing WidthTapered BoreD E REBOutsideDiameter22308LBC3 22308LBKC3 1.5748 3.5433 1.2992 1.90 3.202.800.05922309LBC3 22309LBKC3 1.7717 3.9370 1.4173 2.20 3.60 3.1022310LBC3 22310LBKC3 1.9685 4.3307 1.5748 2.40 3.904.0022311LBC3 22311LBKC3 2.1654 4.7244 1.6929 2.60 4.30 5.2022312LBC3 22312LBKC3 2.3622 5.1181 1.8110 2.90 4.60 6.6022313LBC3 22313LBKC3 2.5591 5.5118 1.8898 3.10 5.00 0.079 7.9022314LBC3 22314LBKC3 2.7559 5.9055 2.0079 3.30 5.40 9.8022315LBC3 22315LBKC3 2.9528 6.2992 2.1654 3.50 5.80 11.9022316LBC3 22316LBKC3 3.1496 6.6929 2.2835 3.70 6.20 14.1022317LBC3 22317LBKC3 3.3465 7.0866 2.3622 3.90 6.5016.3022318LBC3 22318LBKC3 3.5433 7.4803 2.5197 4.10 6.90 19.5022319LBC3 22319LBKC3 3.7402 7.8740 2.6378 4.30 7.30 22.600.09822320LBC3 22320LBKC3 3.9370 8.4646 2.8740 4.50 7.90 28.9022322LBC3 22322LBKC3 4.3307 9.4488 3.1496 4.90 8.90 40.0022324LBC3 22324LBKC3 4.7244 10.2362 3.3858 5.30 9.70 49.0022326LBC3 22326LBKC3 5.1181 11.0236 3.6614 5.90 10.3062.5022328LBC3 22328LBKC3 5.5118 11.8110 4.0157 6.30 11.10 78.2022330LBC3 22330LBKC3 5.9055 12.5984 4.2520 6.60 11.90 92.000.11822332LBC3 22332LBKC3 6.2992 13.3858 4.4882 7.10 12.70 110.0022334LBC3 22334LBKC3 6.6929 14.1732 4.7244 7.40 13.50 129.0022336LBC3 22336LBKC3 7.0866 14.9606 4.9606 7.80 14.30 153.0022338LBC3 22338LBKC3 7.4803 15.7480 5.1968 8.40 14.90176.0022340LBC3 22340LBKC3 7.8740 16.5354 5.4331 8.80 15.70 0.157 200.0022344LBC3 22344LBKC3 8.6614 18.1102 5.7087 9.60 17.30 287.0022348LBC3 22348LBKC3 9.4488 19.6850 6.1024 10.70 18.40 0.197 321.9022356LBC3 22356LBKC3 11.0236 22.8346 6.8898 12.60 21.30 0.236 482.80Approx.WeightUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityTapered bore, 1:12 on diameterDimension “R” is the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>- 2204For shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

23000LB, 23000LBKPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCylindrical or Tapered boreRoller riding retainersSelf aligningExtra high capacitySee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindrical TaperedPartNumberPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingDBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRRCBearing WidthCylindrical BoreCBearingWidthEBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRCBearing WidthTapered BoreD E REBOutsideDiameter23044LBC3 23044LBKC3 8.6614 13.3858 3.5433 9.60 12.60 0.12 64.8023048LBC3 23048LBKC3 9.4488 14.1732 3.6220 10.00 13.60 0.10 74.6023052LBC3 23052LBKC3 10.2362 15.7480 4.0945 11.40 14.70 0.16 101.9023056LBC3 23056LBKC3 11.0236 16.5354 4.1732 11.80 15.80 0.12 117.6023060LBC3 23060LBKC3 11.8110 18.1102 4.6457 13.00 17.00 0.12 163.3023064LBC3 23064LBKC3 12.5984 18.8976 4.7638 13.90 16.40 0.16 165.1023068LBC3 23068LBKC3 13.3858 20.4724 5.2362 14.80 19.20 0.20 220.5023072LBC3 23072LBKC3 14.1732 21.2598 5.2756 15.70 20.00 0.20 231.5023076LBC3 23076LBKC3 14.9606 22.0472 5.3150 16.50 20.80 0.20 246.9023080LBC3 23080LBKC3 15.7480 23.6220 5.8268 17.30 22.30 0.20 319.7023084LBC3 23084LBKC3 16.5354 24.4094 5.9055 18.10 23.10 0.20 330.7023088LBC3 23088LBKC3 17.3228 25.5906 6.1811 19.20 24.00 0.24 378.4023092LBC3 23092LBKC3 18.1102 26.7717 6.4173 20.00 25.10 0.24 438.7023096LBC3 23096LBKC3 18.8976 27.5591 6.4961 20.80 25.90 0.24 463.00230530LBC3 230530LBKC3 20.8661 30.7087 7.2835 22.90 29.00 0.24 651.20230560LBC3 230560LBKC3 22.0472 32.2835 7.6772 24.10 30.60 0.24 756.80230600LBC3 230600LBKC3 23.6220 34.2520 7.8740 25.80 32.50 0.24 855.80230630LBC3 230630LBKC3 24.8031 36.2205 8.3465 27.30 34.10 0.30 1,029.60Approx.Weight23000LB, 23000LBK - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23000 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityTapered bore, 1:12 on diameterDimension “R” is the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters section Guide sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 205Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 3Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>

23100LB, 23100LBK - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23100 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearing23100LB, 23100LBKPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCylindrical or Tapered boreRoller riding retainersSelf aligningHigh CapacitySee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindrical TaperedPartNumberPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingBOutsideDiameterDABoreDiameterRRCBearing WidthCylindrical BoreCBearingWidthEBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRCBearing WidthTapered BoreD E REBOutsideDiameter23144LBC3 23144LBKC3 8.6614 14.5669 4.7244 9.80 13.50 0.16 116.0023148LBC3 23148LBKC3 9.4488 15.7480 5.0394 10.60 14.70 0.16 142.0023152LBC3 23152LBKC3 10.2362 17.3228 5.6693 11.40 16.30 0.16 193.1023156LBC3 23156LBKC3 11.0236 18.1102 5.7480 12.40 16.90 0.20 206.3023160LBC3 23160LBKC3 11.8110 19.6850 6.2992 13.20 18.40 0.20 273.4023164LBC3 23164LBKC3 12.5984 21.2598 6.9291 14.00 20.00 0.20 354.9023168LBC3 23168LBKC3 13.3858 22.8346 7.4803 14.80 21.50 0.20 451.9023172LBC3 23172LBKC3 14.1732 23.6220 7.5591 15.70 20.00 0.20 474.0023176LBC3 23176LBKC3 14.9606 24.4094 7.6378 16.50 23.10 0.20 500.4023180LBC3 23180LBKC3 15.7480 25.5905 7.8740 17.60 24.00 0.24 564.4023184LBC3 23184LBKC3 16.5354 27.5591 8.8189 18.30 25.90 0.24 745.1023188LBC3 23188LBKC3 17.3228 28.3465 8.8976 19.20 26.70 0.24 789.2023192LBC3 23192LBKC3 18.1102 29.9213 9.4488 20.30 27.90 0.30 925.9023196LBC3 23196LBKC3 18.8976 31.1024 9.7638 21.10 29.10 0.30 1,040.60231530LBC3 231530LBKC3 20.8661 34.2520 10.7087 23.20 32.20 0.30 1,381.60231560LBC3 231560LBKC3 22.0472 36.2205 11.0236 24.40 34.10 0.30 1,599.40231600LBC3 231600LBKC3 23.6220 38.5827 11.8110 26.10 36.40 0.30 1,975.60231630LBC3 231630LBKC3 24.8031 40.5512 12.4016 27.30 38.30 0.30 2,288.00Approx.WeightUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityTapered bore, 1:12 on diameterDimension “R” is the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>- 4206For shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters section Guide sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

23200LB, 23200LBKPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCylindrical or Tapered boreRoller riding retainersSelf aligningHigh CapacitySee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindrical TaperedPartNumberPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingDBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRRCBearing WidthCylindrical BoreCBearingWidthEBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRCBearing WidthTapered BoreD E REBOutsideDiameter23244LBC3 23244LBKC3 8.6614 15.7480 5.6693 9.80 14.70175.700.1623248LBC3 23248LBKC3 9.4488 17.3228 6.2992 10.60 16.30 231.5023252LBC3 23252LBKC3 10.2362 18.8976 6.8504 11.60 17.60297.6023256LBC3 23256LBKC3 11.0236 19.6850 6.9291 12.40 18.40 319.700.2023260LBC3 23260LBKC3 11.8110 21.2598 7.5591 13.20 20.00 414.5023264LBC3 23264LBKC3 12.5984 22.8346 8.1890 14.00 21.50 522.5023268LBC3 23268LBKC3 13.3858 24.4094 8.8189 15.10 22.80643.7023272LBC3 23272LBKC3 14.1732 25.5905 9.1339 15.90 24.00 727.500.2423276LBC3 23276LBKC3 14.9606 26.7717 9.4488 16.70 25.10 813.5023280LBC3 23280LBKC3 15.7480 28.3465 10.0787 17.60 26.70 983.2023284LBC3 23284LBKC3 16.5354 29.9213 10.7087 18.70 27.901,170.6023288LBC3 23288LBKC3 17.3228 31.1024 11.0236 19.50 29.10 1,298.500.3023292LBC3 23292LBKC3 18.1102 32.6772 11.6535 20.30 30.60 1,511.4023296LBC3 23296LBKC3 18.8976 34.2520 12.2047 21.10 32.20 1,742.40Approx.Weight23200LB, 23200LBK - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23200 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityTapered bore, 1:12 on diameterDimension “R” is the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters section Guide sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 207Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 5Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>

23900LB, 23900LBK - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 23900 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearing23900LB, 23900LBKPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCylindrical or Tapered boreRoller riding retainersSelf aligningHigh CapacitySee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindricalPartNumberTaperedPartNumberABoreDiameterBearing DrawingDBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRRCBearing WidthCylindrical BoreCBearingWidthEBOutsideDiameterABoreDiameterRCBearing WidthTapered BoreD E REBOutsideDiameter23944LBC3 23944LBKC3 8.6614 11.81109.50 11.1026.702.36220.0823948LBC3 23948LBKC3 9.4488 12.5984 10.40 11.90 28.90Approx.WeightUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityTapered bore, 1:12 on diameterDimension “R” is the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>- 6208For shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters section Guide sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

A20000SPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesSingle rowAdjustableSelf aligningDeep coined retainerDouble contoured roller pocketSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPartNumberABoreDiameterBOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingCBearingWidthBOutsideDiameterErCWidthJS2HABoreDiameterS1D E H J R r S1 & S2A22100S 1.0000 2.3750 0.7810 1.37 2.00 0.7930 0.4910 0.046 0.046 0.187 1.00A22150S 1.5000 2.8345 0.6700 1.81 2.50 0.6500 0.5460 0.062 0.062 0.015 1.10A22196S 1.9680 3.5433 0.7870 2.38 3.18 0.7870 0.6510 0.078 0.078 0.024 1.20A23225S 2.2500 3.9370 0.8280 2.65 3.50 0.8600 0.6930 0.093 0.062 0.000 4.00A22262S 2.6250 4.4677 0.9480 3.06 4.07 1.0000 0.6900 0.140 0.062 0.090 2.00A23275S 2.7553 5.9045 1.1880 3.42 5.25 1.1880 0.9600 0.080 0.080 0.000 4.60A22300S 3.0000 5.1172 1.0620 3.40 4.57 1.0620 0.9280 0.078 0.078 0.000 2.40A23300S 3.0000 5.9045 1.1090 4.00 5.34 1.2360 0.9250 0.140 0.125 0.048 5.00A23334S 3.3457 5.9045 1.1090 4.00 5.34 1.1090 0.9250 0.125 0.125 0.048 5.10RDApprox.WeightA20000S - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 20000 Series Single-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availability▲ Housing recess: recommended 3/16”, minimum 1/16”Dimension “R” & “r” are the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersBearing O.D. tolerance, +.001”/-.000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bore tolerance for shaft sizes 3.0000” and smaller, +.0005”/-.0000” (+0.013mm/-0.000mm): for all other shaft sizes, +.0010”/-.0000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)“S1” dimension applies to bore diameters 3.000” to 4.1331”, “S2” dimension for allothersSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 209Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 7Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>

A20000Photo Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesDouble rowAdjustableSelf aligningDeep coined retainersDouble contoured roller pocketSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPartNumberABoreDiameterBOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingCBearingWidthBOutsideDiameterErCWidthHJRABoreDiameterD E H J R rA22100 1.0000 2.3750 1.1880 1.31 2.00 1.1880 0.4910 0.046 0.046 1.20A22112 1.1250 2.3750 1.1880 1.31 2.00 1.1880 0.4910 0.046 0.046 1.20A22118 1.1875 2.6250 1.3120 1.50 2.31 1.3120 0.5410 0.046 0.062 1.20A22125 1.2500 2.6250 1.3120 1.50 2.31 1.3120 0.5410 0.046 0.062 1.20A22137 1.3775 2.8345 1.3100 1.68 2.50 1.3100 0.5460 0.046 0.062 1.60A22150 1.5000 2.8345 1.3100 1.68 2.50 1.3100 0.5460 0.046 0.062 1.60A22177 1.7712 3.3464 1.5780 2.00 2.87 1.5780 0.6510 0.080 0.062 1.60A22196 1.9680 3.5433 1.5260 2.25 3.18 1.5260 0.6510 0.062 0.078 2.30A23196 1.9680 3.9370 1.6560 2.25 3.50 1.6560 0.6240 0.093 0.062 2.30A24196 1.9680 4.3299 2.0620 2.18 3.83 2.0620 0.8360 0.062 0.080 4.00A23200 2.0000 3.9370 1.6560 2.50 3.50 1.6560 0.6930 0.093 0.062 4.00A23225 2.2500 3.9370 1.6560 2.50 3.50 1.6560 0.6930 0.093 0.062 4.00A24236 2.3616 4.3307 1.7500 2.68 3.87 1.7500 0.7630 0.062 0.078 4.00A22262 2.6250 4.4677 1.7160 3.00 4.07 1.7160 0.6900 0.140 0.062 6.60A23262 2.6250 5.0000 2.1880 2.90 4.44 2.1880 0.9360 0.078 0.078 6.60A22275 2.7500 5.1172 2.1250 3.31 4.57 2.1500 0.9280 0.080 0.078 6.90A23275 2.7553 5.9045 2.3750 3.19 5.25 2.3750 0.9600 0.080 0.080 6.90A22295 2.9522 5.1172 2.1250 3.31 4.57 2.1500 0.9280 0.140 0.078 6.90A23334 3.3457 5.9045 2.3130 3.75 5.34 2.3130 0.9250 0.078 0.125 6.90A22343 3.4375 6.0000 2.7500 4.00 5.43 2.7500 1.1730 0.078 0.125 11.30A22351 3.5100 6.0000 2.7500 4.00 5.43 2.7500 1.1730 0.078 0.125 11.30A22362 3.6250 6.0000 2.7500 4.00 5.43 2.7500 1.1730 0.078 0.125 11.30A24374 3.7402 7.0866 2.6770 4.19 6.38 2.6770 1.1520 0.093 0.125 11.30DApprox.WeightA20000 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 20000 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller BearingAdditional NotesUnmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availability▲ Housing recess: recommended 3/16”, minimum 1/16”Dimension “R” & “r” are the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersBearing O.D. tolerance, +.001”/-.000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bore tolerance for shaft sizes 2.5000” and smaller, +.0005”/-.0000” (+0.013mm/-0.000mm): for all other shaft sizes, +.0010”/-.0000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bearing width tolerance, +/-.025” (+/-0.64mm)Housing must allow clearance for this adjustment on dimension “C”Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>- 8210Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller BearingAdjustable

A20000M - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 20000 Series Double-Row Self-Aligning Spherical Roller BearingA20000MPhoto Shows an Unmounted Spherical Roller Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesDouble rowFactory adjustedSelf aligningDeep coined retainersDouble contoured roller pocketSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPartNumberABoreDiameterBOutsideDiameterBearing DrawingCBearingWidthBOutsideDiameterErCWidthHJRABoreDiameterD E H J R rA22100M 1.0000 2.3750 1.1880 1.31 2.00 1.1880 0.4910 0.046 0.046 1.00A22112M 1.1250 2.3750 1.1880 1.31 2.00 1.1880 0.4910 0.046 0.046 1.00A22118M 1.1875 2.6250 1.3120 1.50 2.31 1.3120 0.5410 0.046 0.062 1.00A22125M 1.2500 2.6250 1.3120 1.50 2.31 1.3120 0.5410 0.046 0.062 1.00A22137M 1.3775 2.8345 1.3100 1.68 2.50 1.3100 0.5460 0.046 0.062 1.70A22150M 1.5000 2.8345 1.3100 1.68 2.50 1.3100 0.5460 0.046 0.062 1.70A22177M 1.7712 3.3464 1.5780 2.00 2.87 1.5780 0.6510 0.080 0.062 1.70A22196M 1.9680 3.5433 1.5260 2.25 3.18 1.5260 0.6510 0.062 0.078 2.40A23196M 1.9680 3.9370 1.6560 2.25 3.50 1.6560 0.6240 0.093 0.062 2.40A23200M 2.0000 3.9370 1.6560 2.50 3.50 1.6560 0.6930 0.093 0.062 4.00A23225M 2.2500 3.9370 1.6560 2.50 3.50 1.6560 0.6930 0.093 0.062 4.00A24196M 1.9680 4.3299 2.0620 2.18 3.83 2.0620 0.8360 0.062 0.080 4.00A24236M 2.3616 4.3307 1.7500 2.68 3.87 1.7500 0.7630 0.062 0.078 4.00A23262M 2.6250 5.0000 2.1880 2.90 4.44 2.1880 0.9360 0.078 0.078 6.70A22275M 2.7500 5.1172 2.1250 3.31 4.57 2.1500 0.9280 0.080 0.078 9.50A22295M 2.9522 5.1172 2.1250 3.31 4.57 2.1500 0.9280 0.140 0.078 9.50A23275M 2.7553 5.9045 2.3750 3.19 5.25 2.3750 0.9600 0.080 0.080 9.50A23334M 3.3457 5.9045 2.3130 3.75 5.34 2.3130 0.9250 0.078 0.125 9.50A22343M 3.4375 6.0000 2.7500 4.00 5.43 2.7500 1.1730 0.078 0.125 15.00A22351M 3.5100 6.0000 2.7500 4.00 5.43 2.7500 1.1730 0.078 0.125 15.00A22362M 3.6250 6.0000 2.7500 4.00 5.43 2.7500 1.1730 0.078 0.125 15.00DApprox.WeightFactory AdjustedAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityComplete part number includes clearance symbol, i.e. A22100MC0▲ Housing recess: recommended 3/16”, minimum 1/16”Dimension “R” & “r” are the largest fillet radius that will clear bearing cornersBearing O.D. tolerance, +.001”/-.000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bore tolerance for shaft sizes 2.5000” and smaller, +.0005”/-.0000” (+0.013mm/-0.000mm): for all other shaft sizes, +.0010”/-.0000” (+0.025mm/-0.000mm)Bearing width tolerance, +/-.025” (+/-0.64mm)Housing must allow clearance for this adjustment on dimension “C”Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical Roller <strong>Bearings</strong> SelectionGuide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFor shaft bearing seat diameters, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Spherical <strong>Bearings</strong> Shaft & HousingSeat Diameters sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 211Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong> - 9Unmounted <strong>Bearings</strong>

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC212

PLB6600, PLB6800,PLB66M00, PLB68M00 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsShaftDiameterPillowBlockSpherical RollerBearingHousingLabyrinthSealBearingAdapterAssemblyContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 213Replacement Parts - 1C-SpacerRingEndClosureOptional EndClosure2-Bolt Cast IronAdapter Housing4-Bolt Cast IronAdapter HousingPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number1 7 / 16 PLB6823R 22209LBKC3 LB69233R H309023 68244 LB69246R PLB6823R02 -1 1 / 2 PLB6824R 22209LBKC3 LB69243R H309024 68244 LB69246R PLB6824R02 -1 11 / 16 PLB6827R 22210LBKC3 LB69273R H310027 68284 LB69286R PLB6827R02 -1 3 / 4 PLB6828R 22210LBKC3 LB69283R H310028 68284 LB69286R PLB6828R02 -1 15 / 16 PLB6831R 22211LBKC3 LB69313RA H311031 69244 LB69326R PLB6831R02 -2 PLB6832R 22211LBKC3 LB69323R H311032 69244 LB69326R PLB6832R02 -2 3 / 16 PLB6835R 22213LBKC3 LB69353RA H313035 69324 LB69366R PLB6835R02 -2 7 / 16 PLB6839R* 22215LBKC3 LB68393RA H315039 68404 LB68406R PLB6839R02 -2 11 / 16 PLB6843R* 22216LBKC3 LB68433RA H316043 68444 LB68446R PLB6843R02 -2 15 / 16 PLB6847R* 22217LBKC3 LB68473RA H317047 68484 LB68486R PLB6847R02 -3 PLB6848R* 22217LBKC3 LB68483R H317048 68484 LB68486R PLB6848R02 -3 3 / 16 PLB6851R* 22218LBKC3 LB68513R H318051 68524 LB68526R PLB6851R02 -3 7 / 16 PLB6855R* 22220LBKC3 LB68553RA H320055 68564 LB68566R PLB6855R02 -3 1 / 2 PLB6856R* 22220LBKC3 LB68563R H320056 68564 LB68566R PLB6856R02 -3 11 / 16 PLB6859FR 22222LBKC3 LB68593R H322059 68644 LB68646R - PLB6859FR023 15 / 16 PLB6863FR 22222LBKC3 LB68633RA H322063 68644 LB68646R - PLB6863FR024 PLB6864FR 22222LBKC3 LB68643R H322064 68644 LB68646R - PLB6864FR024 3 / 16 PLB6867FR 22224LBKC3 LB68673R H3124067 68684 LB68686R - PLB6867FR024 7 / 16 PLB6871FR 22226LBKC3 LB68713RA H3126071 68724 LB68726R - PLB6871FR024 1 / 2 PLB6872FR 22226LBKC3 LB68723R H3126072 68724 LB68726R - PLB6872FR024 15 / 16 PLB6879FR 22228LBKC3 LB68793R H3128079 68804 LB68806R - PLB6879FR025 PLB6880FR 22228LBKC3 LB68803R H3128080 68804 LB68806R - PLB6880FR025 3 / 16 PLB6883FR 22230LBKC3 LB68833R H3130083 68844 LB68846R - PLB6883FR025 7 / 16 PLB6887FR 22232LBKC3 LB68873R H3132087 68924 LB68886R - PLB6887FR025 15 / 16 PLB6895FR 22234LBKC3 LB68953R H3134095 68964 LB68966R - PLB6895FR026 PLB6896FR 22234LBKC3 LB68963R H3134096 68964 LB68966R - PLB6896FR026 7 / 16 PLB68103FR 22236LBKC3 LB681033R H3136103 681044 LB681046R - PLB68103FR026 1 / 2 PLB68104FR 22236LBKC3 LB681043R H3136104 681044 LB681046R - PLB68104FR026 15 / 16 PLB68111FR 22238LBKC3 LB681113R H3138111 681124 LB681126R - PLB68111FR027 PLB68112FR 22238LBKC3 LB681123R H3138112 681124 LB681126R - PLB68112FR027 3 / 16 PLB68115FR 22240LBKC3 LB681153R H3140115 681164 LB681166R - PLB68115FR027 1 / 2 PLB68120FR 22244LBKC3 LB681203R H3144120 681284 LB681286R - PLB68120FR027 15 / 16 PLB68127FR 22244LBKC3 LB681273R H3144127 681284 LB681286R - PLB68127FR028 PLB68128FR 22244LBKC3 LB681283R SNW448 681284 LB681286R - PLB68128FR02AdapterLockwasherLocknutPLB6600, PLB6800,PLB66M00, PLB68M00 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement Parts Replacement Insert

PLB6600, PLB6800, PLB66M00, PLB68M00 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsContinued...Bearing DimensionsShaftDiameterPillowBlockSphericalRoller BearingLabyrinthSealAdapterAssemblyC-SpacerRingEndClosure2-Bolt Cast IronAdapter Housing4-Bolt Cast IronAdapter HousingPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number8 7 / 16 PLB66135FH 23048LBKC3 LB661353H SNP30488716 661444 LB661446 - PLB66135FH028 1 / 2 PLB66136FH 23048LBKC3 LB661363H SNP3048812 661444 LB661446 - PLB66136FH029 PLB66144FH 23048LBKC3 LB661443H SNP30489 661444 LB661446 - PLB66144FH029 7 / 16 PLB66B151FH 23056LBKC3 LB66B1513H SNP30569716 661684 LB661686 - PLB66B151FH029 1 / 2 PLB66B152FH 23056LBKC3 LB66B1523H SNP3056912 661684 LB661686 - PLB66B152FH029 15 / 16 PLB66159FH 23056LBKC3 LB661593H SNP305691516 661684 LB661686 - PLB66159FH0210 PLB66160FH 23056LBKC3 LB661603H SNP305610 661684 LB661686 - PLB66160FH0210 7 / 16 PLB66167FH 23056LBKC3 LB661673H SNP305610716 661684 LB661686 - PLB66167FH0210 1 / 2 PLB66168FH 23056LBKC3 LB661683H SNP30561012 661684 LB661686 - PLB66168FH0240.00 PLB68M40R 22209LBKC3 LB69M403R H309 68244 LB69246R PLB68M40R02 -45.00 PLB68M45R 22210LBKC3 LB69M453R H310 68284 LB69286R PLB68M45R02 -50.00 PLB68M50R 22211LBKC3 LB69M503R H311 69244 LB69326R PLB68M50R02 -60.00 PLB68M60R 22213LBKC3 LB69M603R H313 69324 LB69M606R PLB68M60R02 -65.00 PLB68M65R* 22215LBKC3 LB68M653R H315 68404 LB68M656R PLB68M65R02 -70.00 PLB68M70R* 22216LBKC3 LB68M703R H316 68444 LB68446R PLB68M70R02 -75.00 PLB68M75R* 22217LBKC3 LB68M753R H317 68484 LB68486R PLB68M75R02 -80.00 PLB68M80R* 22218LBKC3 LB68M803R H318 68524 LB68526R PLB68M80R02 -90.00 PLB68M90R* 22220LBKC3 LB68M903R H320 68564 LB68566R PLB68M90R02 -100.00 PLB68M100FR 22222LBKC3 LB68633R H322 68644 LB68646R PLB68M100FR02110.00 PLB68M110FR 22224LBKC3 LB68M1103R H3124 68684 LB68686R - PLB68M110FR02115.00 PLB68M115FR 22226LBKC3 LB68M1153R H3126 68724 LB68726R - PLB68M115FR02125.00 PLB68M125FR 22228LBKC3 LB68M1253R H3128 68804 LB68806R - PLB68M125FR02135.00 PLB68M135FR 22230LBKC3 LB68M1353R H3130 68844 LB68846R - PLB68M135FR02140.00 PLB68M140FR 22232LBKC3 LB68M1403R H3132 68924 LB68886R - PLB68M140FR02150.00 PLB68M150FR 22234LBKC3 LB68M1503R H3134 68964 LB68966R - PLB68M150FR02160.00 PLB68M160FR 22236LBKC3 LB68M1603R H3136 681044 LB681046R - PLB68M160FR02170.00 PLB68M170FR 22238LBKC3 LB68M1703R H3138 681124 LB681126R - PLB68M170FR02180.00 PLB68M180FR 22240LBKC3 LB68M1803R H3140 681164 LB681166R - PLB68M180FR02200.00 PLB68M200FR 22244LBKC3 LB68M2003R H3144 681284 LB681286R - PLB68M200FR02220.00 PLB66M220FH 23048LBKC3 LB66M2203H H3048 661444 LB661446 - PLB66M220FH02260.00 PLB66M260FH 23056LBKC3 LB66M2603H H3056 661684 LB661686 - PLB66M260FH02Additional Notes*2 - bolt base listed. For 4-bolt base add suffix F; i.e. PLB6839FR Pillow Block orPLB6839FR02 housing.Replacement InsertHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.Replacement Parts - 2214<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB6600D8, PLB6800D8 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsShaftDiameterPillowBlockSphericalRoller BearingD8 SealHousingAdapterAssemblyC-SpacerEndClosure2-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousing4-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousingPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number1 7 / 16 PLB6823D8 22209LBKC3 LB6923D8 H309023 68244 LB6924D86 PLB6823D802 -1 1 / 2 PLB6824D8 22209LBKC3 LB6924D8 H309024 68244 LB6924D86 PLB6824D802 -1 11 / 16 PLB6827D8 22210LBKC3 LB6927D8 H310027 68284 LB6928D86 PLB6827D802 -1 15 / 16 PLB6831D8 22211LBKC3 LB6931D8 H311031 69244 LB6932D86 PLB6831D802 -2 PLB6832D8 22211LBKC3 LB6932D8 H311032 69244 LB6932D86 PLB6832D802 -2 3 / 16 PLB6835D8 22213LBKC3 LB6935D8 H313035 69324 LB6936D86 PLB6835D802 -2 7 / 16 PLB6839D8* 22215LBKC3 LB6839D8 H315039 68404 LB6840D86 PLB6839D802 -2 11 / 16 PLB6843D8* 22216LBKC3 LB6843D8 H316043 68444 LB6844D86 PLB6843D802 -2 15 / 16 PLB6847D8* 22217LBKC3 LB6847D8 H317047 68484 LB6848D86 PLB6847D802 -3 PLB6848D8* 22217LBKC3 LB6848D8 H317048 68484 LB6848D86 PLB6848D802 -3 3 / 16 PLB6851D8* 22218LBKC3 LB6851D8 H318051 68524 LB6852D86 PLB6851D802 -3 7 / 16 PLB6855D8* 22220LBKC3 LB6855D8 H320055 68564 LB6856D86 PLB6855D802 -3 11 / 16 PLB6859FD8 22222LBKC3 LB6859D8 H322059 68644 LB6868D86 - PLB6859FD8023 15 / 16 PLB6863FD8 22222LBKC3 LB6863D8 H322063 68644 LB6868D86 - PLB6863FD8024 3 / 16 PLB6867FD8 22224LBKC3 LB6867D8 H3124067 68684 LB6868D86 - PLB6867FD8024 7 / 16 PLB6871FD8 22226LBKC3 LB6871D8 H3126071 68724 LB6880D86 - PLB6871FD8024 15 / 16 PLB6879FD8 22228LBKC3 LB6879D8 H3128079 68804 LB6880D86 - PLB6879FD8025 7 / 16 PLB6887FD8 22232LBKC3 LB6887D8 H3132087 68924 LB6888D86 - PLB6887FD8025 15 / 16 PLB6895FD8 22234LBKC3 LB6895D8 H3134095 68964 LB68104D86 - PLB6895FD8026 PLB6896FD8 22234LBKC3 LB6896D8 H3134096 68964 LB68104D86 - PLB6896FD8026 7 / 16 PLB68103FD8 22236LBKC3 LB68103D8 H3136103 681044 LB68104D86 - PLB68103FD8026 1 / 2 PLB68104FD8 22236LBKC3 LB68104D8 H3136104 681044 LB68104D86 - PLB68104FD8026 15 / 16 PLB68111FD8 22238LBKC3 LB68111D8 H3138111 681124 LB68112D86 - PLB68111FD8027 PLB68112FD8 22238LBKC3 LB68112D8 H3138112 681124 LB68112D86 - PLB68112FD8027 1 / 2 PLB68120FD8 22244LBKC3 LB68120D8 H3144120 681284 LB68128D86 - PLB68120FD8027 15 / 16 PLB68127FD8 22244LBKC3 LB68127D8 H3144127 681284 LB68128D86 - PLB68127FD8028 PLB68128FD8 22244LBKC3 LB68128D8 SNW448 681284 LB68128D86 - PLB68128FD8028 7 / 16 PLB66135FD8 23048LBKC3 LB66135D8 SNP30488716 661444 LB66144D86 - PLB66135FD8028 1 / 2 PLB66136FD8 23048LBKC3 LB66136D8 SNP3048812 661444 LB66144D86 - PLB66136FD8029 PLB66144FD8 23048LBKC3 LB66144D8 SNP30489 661444 LB66144D86 - PLB66144FD8029 1 / 2 PLB66B152FD8 23056LBKC3 LB66152D8 SNP3056912 661684 LB66168D86 - PLB66B152FD80210 1 / 2 PLB66168FD8 23056LBKC3 LB66168D8 SNP30561012 661684 LB66168D86 - PLB66168FD802BearingAdapterLockwasherLocknutOptional EndClosurePLB6600D8, PLB6800D8 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsAdditional Notes*2 - bolt base listed. For 4-bolt base add suffix F; i.e. PLB6839FD8 Pillow Block orPLB6839FD802 housing.Housing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 215Replacement Parts - 3Replacement Insert

PLB6900, SAF22600 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsPLB6900, SAF22600 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsShaftDiameterPillowBlockSphericalRoller BearingHousingMulti-Labyrinth SealType RBearingAdapterAssemblyC-SpacerEndClosure2-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousing4-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousingPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number1 7 / 16 PLB6923R 22309LBKC3 LB69233R H2309023 69244 LB69246R PLB6923R02 -1 1 / 2 PLB6924R 22309LBKC3 LB69243R SNW109112 69244 LB69246R PLB6924R02 -1 11 / 16 PLB6927R 22310LBKC3 LB69273R H2310027 69284 LB69286R PLB6927R02 -1 15 / 16 PLB6931R 22311LBKC3 LB69313RA SNW11111516 69324 LB69326R PLB6931R02 -2 PLB6932R 22311LBKC3 LB69323R H2311032 69324 LB69326R PLB6932R02 -2 3 / 16 PLB6935R* 22313LBKC3 L69353R H2313035 68444 LB69366R PLB6935R02 -2 7 / 16 PLB6939R* 22315LBKC3 LB68393RA H2315039 68524 LB68406R PLB6839R02 -2 1 / 2 PLB6940R* 22315LBKC3 LB68403R SNW115212 68524 LB68406R PLB6840R02 -2 11 / 16 PLB6943R* 22316LBKC3 LB68433RA H2316043 69444 LB68446R PLB6843R02 -2 15 / 16 PLB6947R* 22317LBKC3 LB69473K SNW11721516 68564 LB68486R PLB6847R02 -3 3 / 16 SAF22618303 22318LBKC3 LB68513R H2318051 68644 LB68526R - SAF618303023 7 / 16 SAF22620307 22320LBKC3 LB68553RA H2320055 68684 LB68566R - SAF620307023 1 / 2 SAF22620308 22320LBKC3 LB68563R SNW120312 68684 LB68566R - SAF620308023 15 / 16 SAF22622315 22322LBKC3 LB68633RA H2322063 69644 LB68646R - SAF622315024 SAF22622400 22322LBKC3 LB68643R SNW1224 69644 LB68646R - SAF622400024 3 / 16 SAF22624403 22324LBKC3 LB68673R SNW1244316 69684 LB68686R - SAF624403024 7 / 16 SAF22626407 22326LBKC3 LB68713RA SNW1264716 69724 LB68726R - SAF626407024 15 / 16 SAF22628415 22328LBKC3 LB68793R SNW12841516 69804 LB68806R - SAF628415025 SAF22628500 22328LBKC3 LB68803R SNW1285 69804 LB68806R - SAF628500025 3 / 16 SAF22630503 22330LBKC3 LB68833R SNW1305316 69844 LB68846R - SAF630503025 7 / 16 SAF22632507 22332LBKC3 LB68873R SNW1325716 681124 LB68886R - SAF632507025 15 / 16 SAF22634515 22334LBKC3 LB68953R SNW13451516 69964 LB68966R - SAF634515028 15 / 16 PLB22648K81516 22348LBKC3 - SNP14881516 - - - PLB648K815160210 7 / 16 PLB22656K10716 22356LBKC3 - H235610716 - - - PLB656K1071602AdapterLockwasherLocknutOptional EndClosureAdditional Notes*2 - bolt base listed. For 4-bolt base add suffix F; i.e. PLB6939FR Pillow Block orPLB6939FR02 housing.Replacement InsertHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.Replacement Parts - 4216<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB7600, PLB7800 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsShaftDiameterPillowBlockSphericalRoller BearingV1Labyrinth SealHousingV2C-SpacerEndClosure2-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousing4-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousingPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number2.9528 PLB7875R* 22215LBC3 L78753R1 LB78753R2 68404 LB68446R PLB7875R02 -3.1496 PLB7880R* 22216LBC3 L78803R1 LB68483R 68444 LB68486R PLB7880R02 -3.3465 PLB7885R* 22217LBC3 L78853R1 L78853R2 68484 L78856R PLB7885R02 -3.5433 PLB7890R* 22218LBC3 LB68663R L78903R2 68524 LB68526R PLB7890R02 -3.9370 PLB78100R* 22220LBC3 LB68723R L781003R2 68564 L781006R PLB78100R02 -4.3307 PLB78110FR 22222LBC3 LB68783R LB68673R 68644 LB68686R - PLB78110FR024.7244 PLB78120FR 22224LBC3 LB68B853R LB781203R2 68684 LB68726R - PLB78120FR025.1181 PLB78130FR 22226LBC3 L781303R1 LB68793R 68724 LB68806R - PLB78130FR025.5118 PLB78140FR 22228LBC3 L781403R1 LB68B853R 68804 LB68846R - PLB78140FR025.9055 PLB78150FR 22230LBC3 L781503R1 L781503R2 68844 L781506R - PLB78150FR026.2992 PLB78160FR 22232LBC3 LB681123R LB781603R2 68924 LB68966R - PLB78160FR026.6929 PLB78170FR 22234LBC3 L781703R1 LB681033R 68964 LB681046R - PLB78170FR027.0866 PLB78180FR 22236LBC3 LB681253R LB681103R 681044 LB681126R - PLB78180FR027.4803 PLB78190FR 22238LBC3 L781903R1 LB681163R 681124 LB681166R - PLB78190FR027.8740 PLB78200FR 22240LBC3 L782003R1 L782003R2 681164 L782006R - PLB78200FR028.6614 PLB78220FR 22244LBC3 L782203R1 L782203R2 681284 L782206R - PLB78220FR028.6614 PLB22244 22244LBC3 - - - - - PLB244029.4488 PLB76240FH 23048LBC3 LB661683H LB762403H2 661444 LB661686 - PLB76240FH029.4488 PLB22248 22248LBC3 - - - - - PLB2480211.0236 PLB76280FH 23056LBC3 LB762803H1 LB762803H2 661684 LB762806 - PLB76280FH02BearingOptional EndClosurePLB7600, PLB7800 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsAdditional Notes*2 - bolt base listed. For 4-bolt base add suffix F; i.e. PLB7875FR Pillow Block orPLB7875FR02 housing.Housing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 217Replacement Parts - 5Replacement Insert

PLB7900, SAF22300 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsPLB7900, SAF22300 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsShaftDiameterPillowBlockSphericalRoller BearingV1Labyrinth SealHousingV2C-SpacerEndClosure2-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousing4-Bolt Cast IronAdapter MountedHousingPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number1.7717 PLB7945R 22309LBC3 LB69343R LB69273R 69244 LB69286R PLB7945R02 -1.9685 PLB7950R 22310LBC3 L79503R1 LB69303R 69284 LB69326R PLB7950R02 -2.1654 PLB7955R* 22311LBC3 LB79553R1 LB69333R 69324 LB69366R PLB7955R02 -2.5591 PLB7965R* 22313LBC3 LB79653R1 LB68393RA 68444 LB68406R PLB7965R02 -2.9528 PLB7975R* 22315LBC3 L78753R1 LB78753R2 68524 LB68446R PLB7975R02 -3.1496 PLB7980R* 22316LBC3 L78803R1 LB68483R 69444 LB68486R PLB7980R02 -3.3465 PLB7985R* 22317LBC3 L78853R1 L78853R2 68564 L78856R PLB7985R02 -3.5433 SAF22318 22318LBC3 LB68663R L78903R2 69564 LB68526R - SAF318023.9370 SAF22320 22320LBC3 LB68723R L781003R2 68684 L781006R - SAF320024.3307 SAF22322 22322LBC3 LB68783R LB68673R 69644 LB68686R - SAF322024.7244 SAF22324 22324LBC3 LB68B853R LB781203R2 69684 LB68726R - SAF324025.1181 SAF22326 22326LBC3 L781303R1 LB68793R 69724 LB68806R - SAF326025.5118 SAF22328 22328LBC3 L781403R1 LB68B853R 69804 LB68846R - SAF328025.9055 SAF22330 22330LBC3 L781503R1 L781503R2 69844 L781506R - SAF330026.2992 SAF22332 22332LBC3 LB681123R LB781603R2 69884 LB68966R - SAF332026.6929 SAF22334 22334LBC3 L781703R1 LB681033R 69964 LB681046R - SAF334029.4488 PLB22348 22348LBC3 - - - - - PLB3480211.0236 PLB22356 22356LBC3 - - - - - PLB35602BearingOptional EndClosureAdditional Notes*2 - bolt base listed. For 4-bolt base add suffix F; i.e. PLB7955FR Pillow Block orPLB7955FR02 housing.Replacement InsertHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.Replacement Parts - 6218<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB2300K Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsHousingBearingAdapterLockwasherLocknutOptional EndClosurePLB2300K Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsShaftDiameterPartNumberBearingInsertAdapterAssyHousingPart Number7 15 / 16 PLB23044K71516 23044LBKC3 H3044127 PLB044K71516028 PLB23044K8 23044LBKC3 SNW30448 PLB044K8028 1 / 2 PLB23048K812 23048LBKC3 SNP3048812 PLB048K812028 15 / 16 PLB23048K81516 23048LBKC3 SNP30481516 PLB048K81516029 PLB23048K9 23048LBKC3 SNP30489 PLB048K9029 7 / 16 PLB23052K9716 23052LBKC3 SNP30529716 PLB052K9716029 1 / 2 PLB23052K912 23052LBKC3 SNP30529716 PLB052K912029 15 / 16 PLB23056K91516 23056LBKC3 SNP305691516 PLB056K915160210 PLB23056K10 23056LBKC3 SNP305610 PLB056K100210 7 / 16 PLB23056K10716 23056LBKC3 SNP305610716 PLB056K107160210 15 / 16 PLB23060K101516 23060LBKC3 SNP3060101516 PLB3060K1015160211 PLB23060K11 23060LBKC3 SNP3060101516 PLB3060K110211 15 / 16 PLB23064K111516 23064LBKC3 SNP3064111516 PLB3064K1115160212 PLB23064K12 23064LBKC3 SNP306412 PLB3064K120212 1 / 2 PLB23068K1212 23068LBKC3 SNP30681212 PLB3068K12120212 15 / 16 PLB23072K121516 23072LBKC3 SNP3072121516 PLB3072K1215160213 PLB23072K13 23072LBKC3 SNP307213 PLB3072K130213 15 / 16 PLB23076K131516 23076LBKC3 SNP3076131516 PLB3076K1315160214 PLB23076K14 23076LBKC3 SNP307614 PLB3076K140215 PLB23080K15 23080LBKC3 SNP308015 PLB3080K150215 3 / 4 PLB23084K1534 23084LBKC3 SNP30841534 PLB3084K15340216 1 / 2 PLB23088K1612 23088LBKC3 SNP30881612 PLB3088K16120217 PLB23092K17 23092LBKC3 SNP309217 PLB3092K170218 PLB23096K18 23096LBKC3 SNP309618 PLB3096K180219 1 / 2 PLB230530K1912 230530LBKC3 SNP305301912 PLB30530K19120221 PLB230560K21 230560LBKC3 SNP3056021 PLB30560K210222 PLB230600K22 230600LBKC3 SNP3060022 PLB30600K220224 PLB230630K24 230630LBKC3 SNP3063024 PLB30630K2402Additional NotesHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 219Replacement Parts - 7Replacement Insert

PLB23000 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsPLB23000 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsHousingBearingOptional EndClosureShaftDiameterPartNumberBearingInsertHousingPart Number8.6614 PLB23044 23044LBC3 PLB044029.4488 PLB23048 23048LBC3 PLB0480210.2362 PLB23052 23052LBC3 PLB0520211.0236 PLB23056 23056LBC3 PLB0560211.8110 PLB23060 23060LBC3 PLB30600212.5984 PLB23064 23064LBC3 PLB30640213.3858 PLB23068 23068LBC3 PLB30680214.1732 PLB23072 23072LBC3 PLB30720214.9606 PLB23076 23076LBC3 PLB30760215.7480 PLB23080 23080LBC3 PLB30800216.5354 PLB23084 23084LBC3 PLB30840217.3228 PLB23088 23088LBC3 PLB30880218.1102 PLB23092 23092LBC3 PLB30920218.8976 PLB23096 23096LBC3 PLB30960220.8661 PLB230530 230530LBC3 PLB305300222.0472 PLB230560 230560LBC3 PLB3056002Additional NotesHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.Replacement InsertReplacement Parts - 8220<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB23100K Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsHousingBearingAdapterLockwasherLocknutOptional EndClosurePLB23100K Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsShaftDiameterPartNumberBearingInsertAdapterAssyHousingPart Number8 PLB23144K8 23144LBKC3 SNW30448 PLB3144K8028 15 / 16 PLB23148K81516 23148LBKC3 SNP314881516 PLB3148K81516029 7 / 16 PLB23152K9716 23152LBKC3 SNP31529716 PLB3152K97160210 7 / 16 PLB23156K10716 23156LBKC3 SNP315610716 PLB3156K107160210 15 / 16 PLB23160K101516 23160LBKC3 SNP3160101516 PLB3160K1015160211 15 / 16 PLB23164K111516 23164LBKC3 SNP3164111516 PLB3164K1115160212 7 / 16 PLB23168K12716 23168LBKC3 SNP316812716 PLB3168K127160213 7 / 16 PLB23172K13716 23172LBKC3 SNP317213716 PLB3172K137160213 15 / 16 PLB23176K131516 23176LBKC3 SNP3176131516 PLB3176K1315160215 PLB23180K15 23180LBKC3 SNP318015 PLB3180K150215 3 / 4 PLB23184K1534 23184LBKC3 SNP31841534 PLB3184K15340216 1 / 2 PLB23188K1612 23188LBKC3 SNP31881612 PLB3188K16120217 PLB23192K17 23192LBKC3 SNP319217 PLB3192K170218 PLB23196K18 23196LBKC3 SNP319618 PLB3196K180219 1 / 2 PLB231530K1912 231530LBKC3 SNP315301912 PLB31530K19120221 PLB231560K21 231560LBKC3 SNP3156021 PLB31560K2102Additional NotesHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 221Replacement Parts - 9Replacement Insert

PLB23100 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsPLB23100 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsHousingBearingOptional EndClosureShaftDiameterPartNumberBearingInsertHousingPart Number8.6614 PLB23144 23144LBC3 PLB3144029.4488 PLB23148 23148LBC3 PLB31480210.2362 PLB23152 23152LBC3 PLB31520211.0236 PLB23156 23156LBC3 PLB31560211.8110 PLB23160 23160LBC3 PLB31600212.5984 PLB23164 23164LBC3 PLB31640213.3858 PLB23168 23168LBC3 PLB31680214.1732 PLB23172 23172LBC3 PLB31720214.9606 PLB23176 23176LBC3 PLB31760215.7480 PLB23180 23180LBC3 PLB31800216.5354 PLB23184 23184LBC3 PLB31840217.3228 PLB23188 23188LBC3 PLB31880218.1102 PLB23192 23192LBC3 PLB31920218.8976 PLB23196 23196LBC3 PLB31960220.8661 PLB231530 231530LBC3 PLB315300222.0472 PLB231560 231560LBC3 PLB3156002Additional NotesHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.Replacement InsertReplacement Parts - 10222<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

PLB23200K Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsHousingBearingAdapterLockwasherLocknutOptional EndClosurePLB23200K Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsShaftDiameterPartNumberBearingInsertAdapterAssyHousingPart Number8 PLB23244K8 23244LBKC3 SNW1448 PLB3244K8028 15 / 16 PLB23248K81516 23248LBKC3 SNP14881516 PLB3248K81516029 7 / 16 PLB23252K9716 23252LBKC3 SNP1529716 PLB3252K97160210 7 / 16 PLB23256K10716 23256LBKC3 SNP325610716 PLB3256K107160210 15 / 16 PLB23260K101516 23260LBKC3 SNP3260101516 PLB3260K1015160211 15 / 16 PLB23264K111516 23264LBKC3 SNP3264111516 PLB3264K1115160212 7 / 16 PLB23268K12716 23268LBKC3 SNP326812716 PLB3268K127160213 7 / 16 PLB23272K13716 23272LBKC3 SNP327213716 PLB3272K137160213 15 / 16 PLB23276K131516 23276LBKC3 SNP3276131516 PLB3276K1315160215 PLB23280K15 23280LBKC3 SNP328015 PLB3280K150215 3 / 4 PLB23284K1534 23284LBKC3 SNP32841534 PLB3284K15340216 1 / 2 PLB23288K1612 23288LBKC3 SNP32881612 PLB3288K16120217 PLB23292K17 23292LBKC3 SNP329217 PLB3292K170218 PLB23296K18 23296LBKC3 SNP329618 PLB3296K1802Additional NotesHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing 223Replacement Parts - 11Replacement Insert

PLB23200 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsPLB23200 Spherical Roller Bearing Unit Replacement PartsBearing DimensionsHousingBearingOptional EndClosureShaftDiameterPartNumberBearingInsertHousingPart Number8.6614 PLB23244 23244LBC3 PLB3244029.4488 PLB23248 23248LBC3 PLB32480210.2362 PLB23252 23252LBC3 PLB32520211.0236 PLB23256 23256LBC3 PLB32560211.8110 PLB23260 23260LBC3 PLB32600212.5984 PLB23264 23264LBC3 PLB32640213.3858 PLB23268 23268LBC3 PLB32680214.1732 PLB23272 23272LBC3 PLB32720214.9606 PLB23276 23276LBC3 PLB32760215.7480 PLB23280 23280LBC3 PLB32800216.5354 PLB23284 23284LBC3 PLB32840217.3228 PLB23288 23288LBC3 PLB32880218.1102 PLB23292 23292LBC3 PLB32920218.8976 PLB23296 23296LBC3 PLB329602Additional NotesHousing part numbers listed above include seals and C-Spacer ring.Replacement InsertReplacement Parts - 12224<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Split Housed Spherical Roller Bearing

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ®Klean-GardDura-KleanIndustries ServedFood and Beverage Industry225

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features and Benefits<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ® Klean-Guard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>For Beverage & Food Conveying Applications:Select <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Dura-Klean or Klean-Gard bearings23Klean-GardPolyamide (black) or polypropylene (white)housings available. Antimicrobial products andstainless steel inserts available. Available inpillow blocks, 2-bolt, 3-bolt & 4-bolt flanges.Snap on cap (open or closed) available.176Dura-KleanRilsan nylon coated with black oxideinserts and food grade grease.Available in pillow blocks, 2-bolt, 3-bolt & 4-boltflanges and take-up units up to 1 15/16” bore size.1. Corrosion resistant fittings forrelubrication. Bearing insert factoryprelubricated with food-grade grease.2. Rugged, reinforced housing material availablein Polyamide (black) or Polypropylene(white) for extreme corrosion resistance.3. Inch or metric shaft sizes available.4. Both open and closed auxiliary safety capsfit tightly to the machined housing andare sealed with heavy duty O-rings.5. AISI 316 stainless steel spacer bushing andwasher for trouble-free, positive mounting.6. Front and rear auxiliary rotary shaft sealsprovided with spring loaded double lipseal to guard critical bearing componentsand prevent conveyor contamination.7. Alignable, high capacity, stainless steel or blackoxide ball bearing mounted with setscrewsto the shaft. Integral bearing lip seals.45Klean-Gard <strong>Bearings</strong> are furnished with antimicrobial productprotection. It is formulated to inhibit the growth of bacteria, moldand mildew that may cause discoloration, odor or degradation.Always maintain good hygiene; proper cleaning procedures are still required.Interchangeable with cast iron units Beverage bearingconfiguration available upon request, add the prefix “W.”Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 2226<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Klean-Gard NomenclatureSymbolKKLWFFBFXPSSSDescriptionPolyamide (Black) housing materialPolypropylene (White) housing materialBeverage unit with water drainage featuresFlanged unit, 3 and 4-boltFlanged bracket unit, 3-boltFlanged unit, 2-boltPillow block, standard backingExtended inner ring, black oxide coated rings, molded lip sealsExtended inner ring, stainless steel insert, molded lip seals2 Series 200 ball bearing designationEInner ring bore equal to a bore of the next larger bearing group20 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inchM30Shaft size in millimetersK FX - S 2 E 20 DC<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – NomenclatureNoneCDDCOpen end unit, basic unitClosed end unit, no auxiliary sealsOpen end unit, end cap with seal and rear auxiliary dual lip sealClosed end unit, end cap and rear auxiliary dual lip sealDura-Klean NomenclatureSymbolWDescriptionDura-Klean (White) housingW F 3 S 2 E 20 EFFBFXPPTTHFlanged unit, 3 and 4-boltFlanged bracket unit, 3-boltFlanged unit, 2-boltPillow block, standard backingPillow block, tapped baseTake-up, wide slot3 Integral bearing sealsSExtended inner ring, spring locking, black oxide coated rings2 Series 200 ball bearing designationEInner ring bore equal to a bore of the next larger bearing group20 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inchM30Shaft size in millimetersEMolded single lip seals<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 227Nomenclature - 3

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionKlean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>To select a bearing, determine the appliedradial load, the applied thrust load, thedesired Rating Life, and applicable operatingconditions. The procedure shown here willaid in selecting a bearing to meet an L10design life. The formulas for calculating lifeexpectancy should be used to determine theRating Life L10 for the bearing selected.The selection procedures and rating formulasSelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Step 3Calculate the required C and select a ball bearing.a For radial load only:P = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic loadrating C equal to or greater than the required C.shown here are in agreement with The AmericanBearing Manufacturers Association Standards andANSI/ABMA Standards STD 9-1990. Ratings arebased on fatigue life. The Rating Life or fatiguelife at 90% reliability is the usual basis forbearing selection.Series S200 and SS200 are extended onone side only for compactness and low cost.In combination with its companion line ofStep 3 (continued)c For combined radial and thrust loads when Fais greaterFrthan 0.19, use the following trial method:Maximum P = .56Fr + 2.30FaMaximum required C = P using from Step 2Select a trial ball bearing with a basic load rating C fromTable 3 approximately equal to the maximum required C.With this trial bearing calculate: FaNd 2economically designed housings, this series isapplicable to light or moderate duty requirements.Also, economically designed housings mustbe applied within proportionate load limits.To assure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.Determine X and Y from Table 2.Calculate P for the trial bearing.P = XFr + YFarequired C = P for the trial bearing using from Step 2Consult Table 3, basic load rating. If a smaller bearing meets ornearly meets the required C, its life expectancy can be calculated.Note: If the load P is greater than .15C for series S200and SS200, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.b For combined radial and thrust loads when FaFrP = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2is 0.19 or less:Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic load rating C equalto or greater than the required C.Selection Guide - 4228<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

SelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toBearinglife,hoursL10L10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load, pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factor( )C(P)CPratioSpeed, n50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 2.08 2.62 3.30 3.77 4.15 4.47 4.75 5.01 5.234000 2.29 2.88 3.63 4.15 4.57 4.92 5.23 5.51 5.765000 2.46 3.10 3.91 4.47 4.92 5.30 5.64 5.93 6.206000 2.62 3.30 4.15 4.75 5.23 5.64 5.99 6.30 6.598000 2.88 3.63 4.57 5.23 5.76 6.20 6.59 6.94 7.2510000 3.10 3.91 4.92 5.64 6.20 6.68 7.10 7.47 7.8112000 3.30 4.15 5.23 5.99 6.59 7.10 7.54 7.94 8.3014000 3.47 4.37 5.51 6.30 6.94 7.47 7.94 8.36 8.7416000 3.63 4.57 5.76 6.59 7.25 7.81 8.30 8.74 9.1418000 3.77 4.75 5.99 6.86 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.09 9.5020000 3.91 4.92 6.20 7.10 7.81 8.42 8.94 9.41 9.8425000 4.21 5.30 6.68 7.65 8.42 9.07 9.63 10.1 10.630000 4.47 5.64 7.10 8.13 8.94 9.63 10.2 10.8 11.335000 4.71 5.93 7.47 8.55 9.41 10.1 10.8 11.3 11.940000 4.92 6.20 7.81 8.94 9.84 10.6 11.3 11.9 12.445000 5.12 6.45 8.13 9.30 10.2 11.0 11.7 12.3 12.950000 5.30 6.68 8.42 9.63 10.6 11.4 12.1 12.8 13.460000 5.64 7.10 8.94 10.2 11.3 12.1 12.9 13.6 14.270000 5.93 7.47 9.41 10.8 11.9 12.8 13.6 14.3 14.980000 6.20 7.81 9.84 11.3 12.4 13.4 14.2 14.9 15.690000 6.45 8.13 10.2 11.7 12.9 13.9 14.8 15.5 16.2100000 6.68 8.42 10.6 12.1 13.4 14.4 15.3 16.1 16.8150000 7.65 9.63 12.1 13.9 15.3 16.5 17.5 18.4 19.3200000 8.42 10.6 13.4 15.3 16.8 18.1 19.3 20.3 21.2Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3600 6000 100003000 5.44 5.64 5.99 6.45 6.86 7.54 8.63 10.2 12.14000 5.99 6.20 6.59 7.10 7.54 8.30 9.50 11.3 13.45000 6.45 6.68 7.10 7.65 8.13 8.94 10.2 12.1 14.46000 6.86 7.10 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.50 10.9 12.9 15.38000 7.54 7.81 8.30 8.94 9.50 10.5 12.0 14.2 16.810000 8.13 8.42 8.94 9.63 10.2 11.3 12.9 15.3 18.112000 8.63 8.94 9.50 10.2 10.9 12.0 13.7 16.2 19.314000 9.09 9.41 10.0 10.8 11.4 12.6 14.4 17.1 20.316000 9.50 9.84 10.5 11.3 12.0 13.2 15.1 17.9 21.218000 9.88 10.2 10.9 11.7 12.4 13.7 15.7 18.6 22.020000 10.2 10.6 11.3 12.1 12.9 14.2 16.2 19.3 22.825000 11.0 11.4 12.1 13.1 13.9 15.3 17.5 20.7 24.630000 11.7 12.1 12.9 13.9 14.8 16.2 18.6 22.0 26.135000 12.3 12.8 13.6 14.6 15.5 17.1 19.6 23.2 27.540000 12.9 13.4 14.2 15.3 16.2 17.9 20.5 24.3 28.745000 13.4 13.9 14.8 15.9 16.9 18.6 21.3 25.2 29.950000 13.9 14.4 15.3 16.5 17.5 19.3 22.0 26.1 31.060000 14.8 15.3 16.2 17.5 18.6 20.5 23.4 27.8 32.970000 15.5 16.1 17.1 18.4 19.6 21.5 24.6 29.2 34.680000 16.2 16.8 17.9 19.3 20.5 22.5 25.8 30.5 36.290000 16.9 17.5 18.6 20.0 21.3 23.4 26.8 31.8 37.7100000 17.5 18.1 19.3 20.7 22.0 24.3 27.8 32.9 39.0150000 20.0 20.7 22.0 23.7 25.2 27.8 31.8 37.7 44.6200000 22.0 22.8 24.3 26.1 27.8 30.5 35.0 41.4 49.1Basic formulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 of any selectedor trial bearing:Step 1 Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:P = XFr + YFa using X and Yfrom Table 2 below.Step 2 Calculate the ratio of basic load rating Cto the equivalent radial load.C(P)Step 3 Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Table 2 • X and Y factorsfor ball bearingsFaNd 2eFaFaFr ≤ e Fr > eX Y X Y25 .19 1.0 0 .56 2.3037.5 .21 1.0 0 .56 2.1550 .22 1.0 0 .56 1.9975 .24 1.0 0 .56 1.85100 .26 1.0 0 .56 1.71125 .27 1.0 0 .56 1.63150 .28 1.0 0 .56 1.56200 .30 1.0 0 .56 1.45300 .34 1.0 0 .56 1.31500 .38 1.0 0 .56 1.15750 .42 1.0 0 .56 1.041000 .44 1.0 0 .56 1.00For values between those in the tablelinear interpolation can be used.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulaL’n = a1a2a3L10where L’n = Adjusted life for (100-n)% reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factor for materialand processinga3 = Life adjustment factor foroperating conditions.For most normal applications, all factors willbe taken as 1, and the Rating Life used as theselection basis or life estimate. In addition, aslong as standard catalog bearings are used, a2will be normally set equal to one. The factor a3covers such things as lubrication, misalignment,and temperature. Some conditions that couldyield a3 significantly different than unity includespeeds less than 20000 DN or greater than 200000DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) or above275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions, aswell as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 229Selection Guide- 5

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionTable 3 • Load ratings, speed limits and ball dataSizeCodeCoStaticload ratingCBasicload ratingnewtons pounds newtons poundsApproximatespeed limitRPM*Table 4 • Radial load ratings in pounds at various RPM for appropriate L10 life hoursdBalldiameterinchesNNumberofballs204 6,590 1480 9,830 2210 7500 5/16 8 .781205 7,830 1760 10,810 2430 6800 5/16 9 .879206 11,300 2530 15,030 3380 5600 3/8 9 1.27207 15,300 3440 19,880 4470 4800 7/16 9 1.72208 19,900 4460 25,100 5640 4500 1/2 9 2.25209 20,400 4590 25,220 5670 4000 1/2 9 2.25210 23,200 5220 27,090 6090 3600 1/2 10 2.50If the load P is greater than .15C for S200 and SS200 consult Rexnord Bearing Products.*Based on grease lubrication and moderate load.SizeCode204205206207208209210L10Minimumlife hoursRadial load ratings, pounds/Speed, RPM50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 50008000 … … 489 427 387 361 341 323 310 297 286 270 253 237 230 213 201 191 183 17020000 … 451 361 314 288 268 253 239 228 220 213 201 186 176 170 158 149 142 136 12640000 454 361 288 253 228 213 201 191 183 176 170 160 149 140 136 127 119 114 109 96100000 331 263 209 182 166 154 145 137 131 126 122 115 107 100 97 90 85 80 77 718000 … … 537 469 425 396 374 355 340 326 314 297 277 260 253 234 220 210 201 18620000 … 496 396 345 316 294 277 263 250 242 234 220 205 193 187 173 163 155 149 13840000 498 396 316 277 250 234 220 209 201 193 186 176 163 154 149 139 131 124 119 111100000 364 289 229 200 182 169 159 151 144 139 134 126 117 110 106 99 93 88 84 788000 … … 745 651 590 549 519 492 471 451 434 411 384 360 350 323 304 290 277 25720000 … 688 549 378 438 407 384 363 346 335 323 304 282 267 258 239 225 214 205 19140000 691 549 438 384 346 323 304 289 277 266 257 243 225 212 206 191 180 171 164 152100000 505 401 318 278 252 234 221 209 200 193 186 175 162 153 148 137 129 123 117 1098000 … … 984 859 778 725 684 649 622 595 573 541 506 474 461 426 401 381 365 33820000 … 908 725 631 577 537 506 479 456 441 426 401 372 351 339 314 296 282 270 25040000 912 759 577 506 456 426 401 380 365 351 338 319 296 279 271 251 236 224 216 200100000 668 530 421 367 334 310 292 277 265 255 246 231 215 202 195 181 171 162 155 1448000 … … 1100 968 877 816 771 731 701 670 645 610 569 534 519 479 451 429 411 38120000 … 1020 816 711 650 605 569 539 514 496 479 451 419 395 382 354 333 317 304 28240000 1020 816 650 569 514 480 452 428 411 395 380 359 334 313 304 282 266 252 242 225100000 752 597 474 414 376 349 328 312 298 287 277 261 242 228 220 204 192 182 174 1628000 … … 1240 1080 986 918 867 821 787 753 725 685 640 600 583 539 507 482 462 42820000 … 1150 918 799 731 680 640 606 578 558 539 507 471 444 429 397 374 356 341 31640000 1150 918 731 640 578 539 507 481 461 443 427 404 375 352 342 317 298 283 272 252100000 847 672 534 466 423 393 370 351 336 323 312 294 273 256 248 230 216 205 197 1828000 … … 1330 1160 1050 985 931 882 845 809 778 736 687 644 626 578 544 518 49620000 … 1230 985 858 785 730 687 651 620 599 578 544 505 476 461 426 401 382 36640000 1240 985 785 687 620 597 545 517 495 476 459 433 402 378 367 340 320 304 292100000 909 722 573 500 455 422 397 377 361 347 335 315 293 275 266 247 232 221 211Nd2Operation in the high speed shaded areas requires frequent relubrication.Heavy lines define recommended speed ranges of bearing and seal variations.If the load P is greater than .15C for S200 and SS200 consult Rexnord Bearing Products.Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 6230<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

KPS200, KLPS200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow BlockUnit with Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bushing & washersInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene ASize ShaftCode Diameter204205206207208PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightDEBasic UnitKP-S200J W WOpen Unit withAuxillary SealsKP-S200DZClosed Unit withEnd Cap and SealKP-S200DCC D E F H J L S W Z3/ 4 KPS212 KLPS212 1 5 / 16 3 25 / 32 5 1 / 32 1 1 / 8 1 3 / 16 3/ 843/ 64 3/ 4 3 1 / 32 7/ 8 1 7 / 32 1 1 / 8 1.5020.00 KPS2M20 KLPS2M20 33.30 96.00 128.00 28.58 30.00 10.00 17.00 19.00 77.00 22.00 30.80 28.80 0.681 KPS216 KLPS216 1 7 / 16 4 11 / 64 5 31 / 64 1 11 / 64 1 23 / 64 3/ 843/ 6413/ 16 3 11 / 32 7/ 8 1 9 / 32 1 13 / 64 1.8025.00 KPS2M25 KLPS2M25 36.50 106.00 140.00 29.77 34.50 10.00 17.00 20.60 85.00 22.00 32.70 30.70 0.801 3 / 16 KPS219 KLPS2191 1 / 4 KPS2E20 KLPS2E201 11 / 16 4 49 / 64 6 27 / 64 1 11 / 32 1 27 / 64 1/ 225/ 3261/ 64 3 55 / 6415/ 16 1 3 / 8 1 19 / 64 1.8030.00 KPS2M30 KLPS2M30 42.90 121.00 163.00 34.13 36.00 12.00 20.00 24.20 98.00 24.00 35.00 33.00 0.801 1 / 4 KPS220 KLPS2201 3 / 8 KPS222 KLPS222 1 7 / 8 4 31 / 32 6 37 / 64 1 9 / 16 1 33 / 64 1/ 225/ 32 1 7 / 64 4 1 / 415/ 16 1 9 / 16 1 15 / 32 2.001 7 / 16 KPS223 KLPS22335.00 KPS2M35 KLPS2M35 47.60 126.00 167.00 39.67 38.60 12.00 20.00 28.20 108.00 24.00 39.50 37.50 0.901 1 / 2 KPS224 KLPS224 2 5 11 / 32 7 9 / 32 1 21 / 32 1 33 / 64 1/ 225/ 32 1 13 / 64 4 13 / 3215/ 16 1 41 / 64 1 9 / 16 2.2040.00 KPS2M40 KLPS2M40 50.80 136.00 185.00 42.06 38.60 12.00 20.00 30.60 112.00 24.00 41.60 39.60 1.00Approx.WeightKPS200, KLPS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed Limitssection<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>231Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Klean-Gard Pillow Blocks - 12-Bolt Pillow Block

KPSS200, KLPSS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Stainless Steel Ball BearingKPSS200, KLPSS200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block Unit withStainless Steel Insert and Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bearing insertStainless steel bushing & washersAlignable & relubricatableSpring locking setscrew mountPrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene ASize ShaftCode Diameter204205206207208PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsC D E F H J L S W Z3/ 4 KPSS212 KLPSS212 1 5 / 16 3 25 / 32 5 1 / 32 1 1 / 8 1 3 / 16 3/ 843/ 64 3/ 4 3 1 / 32 7/ 8 1 7 / 32 1 1 / 8 1.5020.00 KPSS2M20 KLPSS2M20 33.30 96.00 128.00 28.58 30.00 10.00 17.00 19.00 77.00 22.00 30.80 28.80 0.681 KPSS216 KLPSS216 1 7 / 16 4 11 / 64 5 31 / 64 1 3 / 16 1 23 / 64 3/ 843/ 6413/ 16 3 11 / 32 7/ 8 1 9 / 32 1 13 / 64 1.8025.00 KPSS2M25 KLPSS2M25 36.50 106.00 140.00 30.17 34.50 10.00 17.00 20.60 85.00 22.00 32.70 30.70 0.801 3 / 16 KPSS219 KLPSS2191 1 / 4 KPSS2E20 KLPSS2E201 11 / 16 4 49 / 64 6 27 / 64 1 11 / 32 1 27 / 64 1/ 225/ 3261/ 64 3 55 / 6415/ 16 1 3 / 8 1 19 / 64 1.8030.00 KPSS2M30 KLPSS2M30 42.90 121.00 163.00 34.13 36.00 12.00 20.00 24.20 98.00 24.00 35.00 33.00 0.801 1 / 4 KPSS220 KLPSS2201 3 / 8 KPSS222 KLPSS222 1 7 / 8 4 31 / 32 6 37 / 64 1 9 / 16 1 33 / 64 1/ 225/ 32 1 7 / 64 4 1 / 415/ 16 1 9 / 16 1 15 / 32 2.001 7 / 16 KPSS223 KLPSS22335.00 KPSS2M35 KLPSS2M35 47.60 126.00 167.00 39.67 38.60 12.00 20.00 28.20 108.00 24.00 39.50 37.50 0.901 1 / 2 KPSS224 KLPSS224 2 5 11 / 32 7 9 / 32 1 11 / 16 1 33 / 64 1/ 225/ 32 1 13 / 64 4 13 / 3215/ 16 1 41 / 64 1 9 / 16 2.2040.00 KPSS2M40 KLPSS2M40 50.80 136.00 185.00 42.87 38.60 12.00 20.00 30.60 112.00 24.00 41.60 39.60 1.00HLABase toCenterlineHeightDEBasic UnitKP-SS200J W WOpen Unit withAuxillary SealsKP-SS200DZClosed Unit withEnd Cap and SealKP-SS200DCApprox.WeightAdditional Notes2-Bolt Pillow BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionKlean-Gard Pillow Blocks - 2232Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

KFXS200, KLFXS200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bushing & washersInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene BSize ShaftCode Diameter204205206207208PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingNDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceAF - BoltsDHLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceBasic UnitJOpen Unit withAuxiliary SealsKFX-S200 KFX-S200D KFX-S200DCA D F H J N WWJClosed Unit withEnd Cap and Seal3/ 4 KFXS212 KLFXS212 3.54 1 23 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 3/ 851/ 64 1 13 / 16 4 9 / 16 1 11 / 16 0.9020.00 KFXS2M20 KLFXS2M20 90.00 34.30 62.00 28.58 10.00 20.00 46.00 116.00 43.00 0.411 KFXS216 KLFXS216 3.90 1 15 / 32 2 13 / 16 1 11 / 64 3/ 8 7/ 8 1 61 / 64 5 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 1.0025.00 KFXS2M25 KLFXS2M25 99.00 37.30 71.00 29.77 10.00 22.50 49.50 130.00 47.50 0.451 3 / 16 KFXS219 KLFXS2191 1 / 4 KFXS2E20 KLFXS2E204.61 1 3 / 4 3 11 / 32 1 11 / 32 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 11 / 64 5 53 / 64 2 3 / 32 1.2530.00 KFXS2M30 KLFXS2M30 117.00 44.20 85.00 34.13 10.00 26.00 55.00 148.00 53.00 0.561 1 / 4 KFXS220 KLFXS2201 3 / 8 KFXS222 KLFXS222 5.12 1 7 / 8 3 21 / 32 1 9 / 16 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 21 / 64 6 3 / 8 2 1 / 4 1.501 7 / 16 KFXS223 KLFXS22335.00 KFXS2M35 KLFXS2M35 130.00 47.70 93.00 39.67 10.00 26.00 59.00 162.00 57.00 0.681 1 / 2 KFXS224 KLFXS224 5.67 2 1 / 16 4 1 / 64 1 21 / 32 3/ 8 1 3 / 16 2 37 / 64 6 59 / 64 2 15 / 32 2.0040.00 KFXS2M40 KLFXS2M40 144.00 52.40 102.00 42.06 10.00 30.00 65.50 176.00 62.50 0.90Approx.WeightKFXS200, KLFXS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed Limitssection<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>233Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Klean-Gard Flange Blocks - 32-Bolt Flanged Block

KFXSS200, KLFXSS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Stainless Steel Ball BearingKFXSS200, KLFXSS200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Unit withStainless Steel Insert and Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bearing insertStainless steel bushing & washersSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene BSize ShaftCode Diameter204205206207208PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingNDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesALMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceF - BoltsDHLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceBasic UnitJOpen Unit withAuxiliary SealsKFX-SS200 KFX-SS200D KFX-SS200DCA D F H J N WWJClosed Unit withEnd Cap and Seal3/ 4 KFXSS212 KLFXSS212 3.54 1 23 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 3/ 851/ 64 1 13 / 16 4 9 / 16 1 11 / 16 0.9020.00 KFXSS2M20 KLFXSS2M20 90.00 34.30 62.00 28.58 10.00 20.00 46.00 116.00 43.00 0.411 KFXSS216 KLFXSS216 3.90 1 15 / 32 2 13 / 16 1 3 / 16 3/ 8 7/ 8 1 61 / 64 5 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 1.0025.00 KFXSS2M25 KLFXSS2M25 99.00 37.30 71.00 30.17 10.00 22.50 49.50 130.00 47.50 0.451 3 / 16 KFXSS219 KLFXSS2191 1 / 4 KFXSS2E20 KLFXSS2E204.61 1 3 / 4 3 11 / 32 1 11 / 32 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 11 / 64 5 53 / 64 2 3 / 32 1.2530.00 KFXSS2M30 KLFXSS2M30 117.00 44.20 85.00 34.13 10.00 26.00 55.00 148.00 53.00 0.561 1 / 4 KFXSS220 KLFXSS2201 3 / 8 KFXSS222 KLFXSS222 5.12 1 7 / 8 3 21 / 32 1 9 / 16 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 21 / 64 6 3 / 8 2 1 / 4 1.501 7 / 16 KFXSS223 KLFXSS22335.00 KFXSS2M35 KLFXSS2M35 130.00 47.70 93.00 39.67 10.00 26.00 59.00 162.00 57.00 0.681 1 / 2 KFXSS224 KLFXSS224 5.67 2 1 / 16 4 1 / 64 1 11 / 16 3/ 8 1 3 / 16 2 37 / 64 6 59 / 64 2 15 / 32 2.0040.00 KFXSS2M40 KLFXSS2M40 144.00 52.40 102.00 42.87 10.00 30.00 65.50 176.00 62.50 0.90Approx.WeightAdditional Notes2-Bolt Flanged BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionKlean-Gard Flange Blocks - 4234Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

KFS200, KLFS200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bushing & washersInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene BSize ShaftCode Diameter205206207208PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingE - SquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt Holes BoltsLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceF - BoltsDHLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceBasic UnitJOpen Unit withAuxiliary SealsKF-S200 KF-S200D KF-S200DCD E F H J WWJClosed Unit withEnd Cap and Seal1 KFS216 KLFS216 2.76 1 15 / 32 1 11 / 64 3 55 / 64 3/ 8 7/ 8 1 61 / 64 1 7 / 8 0.9025.00 KFS2M25 KLFS2M25 70.00 37.30 29.77 98.00 10.00 22.50 49.50 47.50 0.411 3 / 16 KFS219 KLFS2191 1 / 4 KFS2E20 KLFS2E203.27 1 3 / 4 1 11 / 32 4 21 / 64 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 11 / 64 2 3 / 32 1.4030.00 KFS2M30 KLFS2M30 83.00 44.20 34.13 110.00 10.00 26.00 55.00 53.00 0.631 1 / 4 KFS220 KLFS2201 3 / 8 KFS222 KLFS222 3.62 1 7 / 8 1 9 / 16 4 23 / 32 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 21 / 64 2 1 / 4 1.901 7 / 16 KFS223 KLFS22335.00 KFS2M35 KLFS2M35 92.00 47.70 39.67 120.00 10.00 26.00 59.00 57.00 0.861 1 / 2 KFS224 KLFS224 4.02 2 1 / 16 1 21 / 32 5 5 / 32 3/ 8 1 3 / 16 2 37 / 64 2 15 / 32 2.5040.00 KFS2M40 KLFS2M40 102.00 52.40 42.06 131.00 10.00 30.00 65.50 62.50 1.13Approx.WeightKFS200, KLFS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed Limitssection<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>235Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Klean-Gard Flange Blocks - 54-Bolt Flanged Block

KFSS200, KLFSS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Stainless Steel Ball BearingKFSS200, KLFSS200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Unit withStainless Steel Insert and Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bearing insertStainless steel bushing & washersSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene BSize ShaftCode Diameter205206207208PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingE - SquareDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt Holes BoltsLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceF - BoltsD E F H J W1 KFSS216 KLFSS216 2.76 1 15 / 32 1 3 / 16 3 55 / 64 3/ 8 7/ 8 1 61 / 64 1 7 / 8 0.9025.00 KFSS2M25 KLFSS2M25 70.00 37.30 30.17 98.00 10.00 22.50 49.50 47.50 0.411 3 / 16 KFSS219 KLFSS2191 1 / 4 KFSS2E20 KLFSS2E203.27 1 3 / 4 1 11 / 32 4 21 / 64 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 11 / 64 2 3 / 32 1.4030.00 KFSS2M30 KLFSS2M30 83.00 44.20 34.13 110.00 10.00 26.00 55.00 53.00 0.631 1 / 4 KFSS220 KLFSS2201 3 / 8 KFSS222 KLFSS222 3.62 1 7 / 8 1 9 / 16 4 23 / 32 3/ 8 1 1 / 64 2 21 / 64 2 1 / 4 1.901 7 / 16 KFSS223 KLFSS22335.00 KFSS2M35 KLFSS2M35 92.00 47.70 39.67 120.00 10.00 26.00 59.00 57.00 0.861 1 / 2 KFSS224 KLFSS224 4.02 2 1 / 16 1 11 / 16 5 5 / 32 3/ 8 1 3 / 16 2 37 / 64 2 15 / 32 2.5040.00 KFSS2M40 KLFSS2M40 102.00 52.40 42.87 131.00 10.00 30.00 65.50 62.50 1.13DHLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceBasic UnitJOpen Unit withAuxiliary SealsWJClosed Unit withEnd Cap and SealKF-SS200 KF-SS200D KF-SS200DCApprox.WeightAdditional Notes4-Bolt Flanged BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionKlean-Gard Flange Blocks - 6236Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

KFBS200, KLFBS200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Bracket Unitwith Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bushing & washersInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene BSize ShaftCode Diameter205206207PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersNCenterlineto BoltHole CenterKCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterUDistanceBetweenBolt HolesELMountingSurface toInner RingF - BoltsUDistanceBetweenBolt HolesDHBasic UnitKFB-S200LMounting Surfaceto Inner RingLong Hub FaceJOpen Unit withAuxillary SealsKFB-S200DWJClosed Unit withEnd Cap and SealKFB-S200DCD E F H J K N W Approx.Weight1 KFBS216 KLFBS216 1 13 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 17 / 32 1 5 / 8 1 11 / 64 2 23 / 32 3/ 8 9/ 16 2 1 / 64 3 17 / 32 4 57 / 64 1 15 / 16 0.6025.00 KFBS2M25 KLFBS2M25 46.00 28.58 38.90 41.28 29.77 69.00 10.00 14.00 51.20 89.80 124.00 49.20 0.271 3 / 16 KFBS219 KLFBS2191 1 / 4 KFBS2E20 KLFBS2E202 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 1 11 / 32 3 13 / 64 3/ 8 9/ 16 2 11 / 64 3 55 / 64 5 15 / 32 2 3 / 32 1.1030.00 KFBS2M30 KLFBS2M30 52.40 31.70 44.20 47.60 34.13 81.00 10.00 14.00 55.20 97.90 139.00 53.20 0.501 1 / 4 KFBS220 KLFBS2201 3 / 8 KFBS222 KLFBS222 2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 7 / 8 2 1 9 / 16 3 11 / 16 7/ 16 9/ 16 2 21 / 64 4 15 / 64 6 5 / 64 2 1 / 4 1.601 7 / 16 KFBS223 KLFBS22335.00 KFBS2M35 KLFBS2M35 60.30 31.70 47.70 50.80 39.67 94.00 12.00 14.00 59.10 107.60 154.00 57.20 0.72KFBS200, KLFBS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed Limitssection<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>237Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Klean-Gard Flange Blocks - 7Flanged Bracket Block

KFBSS200, KLFBSS200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Klean-Gard Intermediate Duty Stainless Steel Ball BearingKFBSS200, KLFBSS200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Bracket Unit withStainless Steel Insert and Polyamide HousingProduct FeaturesReinforced Polyamide or Polypropylene housingStainless steel bearing insertStainless steel bushing & washersSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsPolyamide Polypropylene BSize ShaftCode Diameter205206207PartNumberPartNumberBearing DrawingBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersNCenterlineto Bolt HoleCenterKCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterUDistanceBetweenBolt HolesELMountingSurface toInner RingF - BoltsUDistanceBetweenBolt HolesDHBasic UnitKFB-S200LMounting Surfaceto Inner RingLong Hub FaceJOpen Unit withAuxillary SealsKFB-S200DWJClosed Unit withEnd Cap and SealKFB-S200DCD E F H J K N W Approx.Weight1 KFBSS216 KLFBSS216 1 13 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 17 / 32 1 5 / 8 1 3 / 16 2 23 / 32 3/ 8 9/ 16 2 1 / 64 3 17 / 32 4 57 / 64 1 15 / 16 0.6025.00 KFBSS2M25 KLFBSS2M25 46.00 28.58 38.90 41.28 30.17 69.00 10.00 14.00 51.20 89.80 124.00 49.20 0.271 3 / 16 KFBSS219 KLFBSS2191 1 / 4 KFBSS2E20 KLFBSS2E202 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 1 11 / 32 3 13 / 64 3/ 8 9/ 16 2 11 / 64 3 55 / 64 5 15 / 32 2 3 / 32 1.1030.00 KFBSS2M30 KLFBSS2M30 52.40 31.70 44.20 47.60 34.13 81.00 10.00 14.00 55.20 97.90 139.00 53.20 0.501 1 / 4 KFBSS220 KLFBSS2201 3 / 8 KFBSS222 KLFBSS222 2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 7 / 8 2 1 9 / 16 3 11 / 16 7/ 16 9/ 16 2 21 / 64 4 15 / 64 6 5 / 64 2 1 / 4 1.601 7 / 16 KFBSS223 KLFBSS22335.00 KFBSS2M35 KLFBSS2M35 60.30 31.70 47.70 50.80 39.67 94.00 12.00 14.00 59.10 107.60 154.00 57.20 0.72Additional NotesFlanged Bracket BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, Rp 1/8” parallel thread per ISO 7/1 latest revisionNote: 1/8” PT external thread will not fitPolypropylene housings furnished with viton seals, o-ring & AISI 316 stainless steelbushings and washersSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionKlean-Gard Flange Blocks - 8238Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

WP3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow BlockUnit with Nylon Coated HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingCast iron housingInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional infoBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toBDistanceBetweenBearing DrawingSC D E F H L S U WCenterlineHeight Bolt Holes3/ 4 WP3S212E 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 19 / 3211/ 16 3/ 4 1 19 / 64 1.6020420.00 WP3S2M20E 33.34 98.40 130.20 28.58 38.10 10.00 12.70 65.90 17.50 19.00 32.90 0.727/ 8 WP3S214E20515/ 16 WP3S215E 1 7 / 16 4 5 3 / 8 1 11 / 64 1 5 / 8 3/ 8 9/ 16 2 7 / 811/ 1613/ 16 1 9 / 32 1.901 WP3S216E25.00 WP3S2M25E 36.51 101.60 136.50 30.17 41.30 10.00 14.30 73.00 17.50 20.60 32.50 0.861 1 / 8 WP3S218E2061 3 / 16 WP3S219E 1 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 1 11 / 32 1 3 / 4 1/ 211/ 16 3 5 / 1615/ 1661/ 64 1 29 / 64 2.801 1 / 4 WP3S2E20E30.00 WP3S2M30E 42.86 117.50 160.30 34.13 44.40 12.00 17.50 84.10 23.80 24.20 36.90 1.261 1 / 4 WP3S220E2071 3 / 8 WP3S222E 1 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 1/ 213/ 16 3 11 / 1613/ 16 1 7 / 64 1 35 / 64 3.501 7 / 16 WP3S223E35.00 WP3S2M35E 47.62 125.40 161.90 39.67 47.60 12.00 20.60 93.70 20.60 28.20 39.30 1.582081 1 / 2 WP3S224E 2 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 11 / 16 1 7 / 8 1/ 213/ 16 415/ 16 1 13 / 64 1 41 / 64 4.4040.00 WP3S2M40E 50.80 136.50 179.40 42.87 47.60 12.00 20.60 101.60 23.80 30.60 41.70 1.981 5 / 8 WP3S226E209 1 11 / 16 WP3S227E 2 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 1/ 213/ 16 4 5 / 16 7/ 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 5.501 3 / 4 WP3S228E210 1 15 / 16 WP3S231E 2 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 1 51 / 64 2 1 / 8 5/ 8 7/ 8 4 1/ 215/ 16 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 5.8045BDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsHABase toCenterlineHeightLDEUApprox.WeightWP3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Dura-Klean Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)Selection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & SpeedLimits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>239Dura-Klean Pillow Blocks - 12-Bolt Pillow Block

WPT3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Dura-Klean Intermediate Duty Ball BearingWPT3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Tapped BasePillow Block with Nylon Coated HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingCast iron tapped base housingInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingLBDistanceBetween BoltHolesABase toCenterlineHeightF - TapC D EBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCFDepthFTapL N U2043/ 4 WPT3S212E 1 5 / 16 2 2 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 2 1/ 2 3/8-16 2 19 / 32 1 1 / 8 3/ 4 1.3020.00 WPT3S2M20E 33.34 50.80 73.00 28.58 38.10 12.70 3/8-16 65.90 28.600 19.00 0.597/ 8 WPT3S214E20515/ 16 WPT3S215E 1 7 / 16 2 2 7 / 8 1 11 / 64 1 1 / 2 1/ 2 3/8-16 2 7 / 8 1 5 / 1651/ 64 1.501 WPT3S216E25.00 WPT3S2M25E 36.51 50.80 73.00 29.77 38.10 12.70 3/8-16 73.00 33.300 20.20 0.681 1 / 8 WPT3S218E2061 3 / 16 WPT3S219E 1 11 / 16 3 4 1 11 / 32 1 1 / 2 5/ 8 7/16-14 3 5 / 16 1 19 / 3261/ 64 2.501 1 / 4 WPT3S2E20E30.00 WPT3S2M30E 42.86 76.20 101.60 34.13 38.10 15.90 7/16-14 84.10 40.500 24.20 1.131 1 / 4 WPT3S220E2071 3 / 8 WPT3S222E 1 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 3/ 4 1/2-13 3 11 / 16 1 27 / 32 1 7 / 64 3.601 7 / 16 WPT3S223E35.00 WPT3S2M35E 47.62 82.55 111.90 39.67 47.60 19.00 1/2-13 93.70 46.900 28.20 1.62210 1 15 / 16 WPT3S231E 2 1 / 4 4 5 7 / 16 1 13 / 16 2 7/ 8 5/8-11 4 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 1 17 / 64 5.7045NUDEApprox.WeightTapped Base Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)Selection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.Dura-Klean Pillow Blocks - 2240<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

WFX3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with Nylon Coated HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingCast iron housingInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceF - BoltsABDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNPJDLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceA D F G H J N P2043/ 4 WFX3S212E 3 17 / 32 1 31 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 3/ 823/ 64 9/ 16 2 1 / 64 4 13 / 32 9/ 32 1.1020.00 WFX3S2M20E 89.69 37.70 61.90 28.58 10.00 9.10 14.30 51.20 111.90 7.10 0.507/ 8 WFX3S214E20515/ 16 WFX3S215E 3 57 / 64 1 35 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 11 / 64 7/ 16 3/ 819/ 32 2 4 29 / 3219/ 64 1.501 WFX3S216E25.00 WFX3S2M25E 98.82 39.30 68.30 29.77 10.00 9.50 15.10 50.80 124.60 7.50 0.681 1 / 8 WFX3S218E2061 3 / 16 WFX3S219E 4 19 / 32 1 47 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 11 / 32 7/ 1625/ 6419/ 32 2 15 / 64 5 19 / 3227/ 64 2.201 1 / 4 WFX3S2E20E30.00 WFX3S2M30E 116.68 44.00 81.00 34.13 10.00 9.90 15.10 56.70 142.10 10.70 1.001 1 / 4 WFX3S220E2071 3 / 8 WFX3S222E 5 1 / 8 1 59 / 64 3 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 1/ 223/ 64 5/ 8 2 23 / 64 6 1 / 833/ 64 2.701 7 / 16 WFX3S223E35.00 WFX3S2M35E 130.18 48.80 92.10 39.69 12.00 9.10 15.90 59.90 155.60 13.10 1.212081 1 / 2 WFX3S224E 5 21 / 32 2 5 / 64 4 1 21 / 32 1/ 227/ 64 5/ 8 2 35 / 64 6 25 / 32 1/ 2 3.8040.00 WFX3S2M40E 143.67 52.80 101.60 42.06 12.00 10.70 15.90 65.10 172.20 12.70 1.701 5 / 8 WFX3S226E209 1 11 / 16 WFX3S227E 5 27 / 32 2 9 / 64 4 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 1/ 2 3/ 8 5/ 8 2 9 / 16 7 3 / 3235/ 64 4.401 3 / 4 WFX3S228E210 1 15 / 16 WFX3S231E 6 3 / 16 2 25 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 13 / 16 9/ 1637/ 64 3/ 4 2 57 / 64 7 7 / 1635/ 64 5.60HGApprox.WeightWFX3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Dura-Klean Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>241Dura-Klean Flange Blocks - 32-Bolt Flanged Block

4-Bolt Flanged Block WF3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Dura-Klean Intermediate Duty Ball BearingWF3S200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with Nylon Coated HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingCast iron housingInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional infoBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberDura-Klean Flange Blocks - 4BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.NLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareF - BoltsAP<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>JDLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceA D E F G H J N P2043/ 4 WF3S212E 2 1 / 2 1 31 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 3/ 823/ 64 9/ 16 2 1 / 64 4 13 / 32 9/ 32 1.6020.00 WF3S2M20E 63.50 37.70 61.90 28.58 85.70 10.00 9.10 14.30 51.20 111.90 7.10 0.727/ 8 WF3S214E20515/ 16 WF3S215E 2 3 / 4 1 35 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 11 / 64 3 3 / 4 7/ 16 3/ 819/ 32 2 4 29 / 3219/ 64 1.901 WF3S216E25.00 WF3S2M25E 69.85 39.30 68.30 29.77 95.20 10.00 9.50 15.10 50.80 124.60 7.50 0.861 1 / 8 WF3S218E2061 3 / 16 WF3S219E 3 1 / 4 1 47 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 11 / 32 4 1 / 4 7/ 1625/ 6419/ 32 2 15 / 64 5 19 / 3227/ 64 2.601 1 / 4 WF3S2E20E30.00 WF3S2M30E 82.55 44.00 81.00 34.13 108.00 10.00 9.90 15.10 56.70 142.10 10.70 1.171 1 / 4 WF3S220E2071 3 / 8 WF3S222E 3 5 / 8 1 59 / 64 3 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 4 5 / 8 1/ 223/ 64 5/ 8 2 23 / 64 6 1 / 837/ 64 3.401 7 / 16 WF3S223E35.00 WF3S2M35E 92.08 48.80 92.10 39.67 117.50 12.00 9.10 15.90 59.90 155.60 14.70 1.532081 1 / 2 WF3S224E 4 2 5 / 64 4 1 21 / 32 5 1 / 8 1/ 227/ 64 5/ 8 2 35 / 64 6 25 / 32 1/ 2 4.7040.00 WF3S2M40E 101.60 52.80 101.60 42.06 130.20 12.00 10.70 15.90 64.70 172.20 12.70 2.121 5 / 8 WF3S226E209 1 11 / 16 WF3S227E 4 1 / 8 2 9 / 64 4 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 5 3 / 8 1/ 2 3/ 8 5/ 8 2 9 / 16 7 3 / 3235/ 64 5.401 3 / 4 WF3S228E210 1 15 / 16 WF3S231E 4 3 / 8 2 19 / 64 4 1 / 2 1 13 / 16 5 5 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 2 3/ 4 2 13 / 16 7 7 / 16 9/ 16 6.20242HGApprox.Weight

WFB3S200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged BracketUnit with Nylon Coated HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingCast iron housingInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional infoBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter204205206207PartNumberB CCenterline Bolt Holeto Bolt Hole Center toCenters Bolt CenterBearing DrawingNKLMountingSurface toInner RingBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersCBolt HoleCenter toBolt Center45UDistanceBetweenBolt HolesAUDistance BetweenBolt HolesEF - BoltsPDLMountingSurfaceto Inner RingHub FaceA D E F G H K N P3/ 4 WFB3S212E 1 11 / 16 7/ 8 1 11 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 3/ 8 7/ 32 5/ 16 3 4 1 / 411/ 32 1.2020.00 WFB3S2M20E 42.90 22.20 34.10 38.10 63.50 28.58 60.30 10.00 5.50 7.90 76.20 108.00 8.70 0.547/ 8 WFB3S214E15/ 16 WFB3S215E 1 13 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 29 / 64 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 1 11 / 64 2 1 / 2 3/ 8 9/ 32 3/ 8 3 3 / 8 4 3 / 419/ 64 1.701 WFB3S216E25.00 WFB3S2M25E 46.00 28.60 38.90 41.30 69.80 29.77 63.50 10.00 7.10 9.50 85.70 120.60 7.50 0.771 1 / 8 WFB3S218E1 3 / 16 WFB3S219E 2 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 11 / 32 2 3 / 4 3/ 8 9/ 32 3/ 8 3 3 / 4 5 3 / 8 3/ 8 2.201 1 / 4 WFB3S2E20E30.00 WFB3S2M30E 52.30 31.80 43.70 47.60 82.60 34.13 69.80 10.00 7.10 9.50 95.20 136.50 9.50 1.001 1 / 4 WFB3S220E1 3 / 8 WFB3S222E 2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 59 / 64 2 3 3 / 4 1 9 / 16 3 1 / 4 1/ 223/ 64 1/ 2 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 831/ 64 3.201 7 / 16 WFB3S223E35.00 WFB3S2M35E 60.30 31.80 48.80 50.80 95.20 39.67 82.60 12.00 9.10 12.70 108.00 155.60 12.30 1.44GHApprox.WeightWFB3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Dura-Klean Intermediate Duty Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4”-28 UNFSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>243Dura-Klean Flange Blocks - 5Flanged Bracket Block

Take-Up Block WTH3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Dura-Klean Intermediate Duty Ball BearingWTH3S200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-UpUnit with Nylon Coated HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant nylon coatingCast iron housingInner & outer rings black oxide coatedSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatablePrelubricated with food grade greaseSee Features & Benefits for additional infoBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterAdditional NotesPartNumberDura-Klean Take-up Blocks - 6HAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingSSlotWidthA C D F G J K L T U W Y2043/ 4 WTH3S212E 3/ 4 3.000 0.531 2 27 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 31 / 32 1 1 / 16 3 5 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 2 21 / 32 2.4020.00 WTH3S2M20E 19.00 76.200 13.490 72.20 57.20 28.58 47.60 31.80 100.80 27.00 92.10 15.90 19.00 33.30 67.50 1.107/ 8 WTH3S214E20515/ 16 WTH3S215E3/ 4 3.000 0.531 2 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 11 / 64 1 27 / 32 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 32 1 3 / 32 3 5 / 8 5/ 851/ 64 1 5 / 16 2 21 / 32 2.701 WTH3S216E25.00 WTH3S2M25E 19.00 76.200 13.490 73.80 57.20 29.77 46.80 31.80 102.40 27.80 92.10 15.90 20.20 33.30 67.50 1.201 1 / 8 WTH3S218E2061 3 / 16 WTH3S219E7/ 8 3.500 0.531 3 11 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 11 / 32 2 3 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 15 / 32 1 3 / 32 4 1 / 8 5/ 861/ 64 1 29 / 64 2 27 / 32 3.201 1 / 4 WTH3S2E20E30.00 WTH3S2M30E 22.20 88.900 13.490 84.90 63.50 34.13 55.60 36.50 113.50 27.80 104.80 15.90 24.20 36.90 72.20 1.441 1 / 4 WTH3S220E2071 3 / 8 WTH3S222E7/ 8 3.500 0.531 3 11 / 16 2 3 / 4 1 9 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 13 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 7 / 64 1 35 / 64 2 31 / 32 4.001 7 / 16 WTH3S223E35.00 WTH3S2M35E 22.20 88.900 13.490 93.70 69.80 39.67 58.70 36.50 122.20 30.20 104.80 15.90 28.20 39.30 75.40 1.802081 1 / 2 WTH3S224E 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 21 / 32 2 27 / 32 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 5 / 16 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 3 15 / 32 5.3040.00 WTH3S2M40E 28.60 100.810 17.480 106.40 82.60 42.06 72.20 49.20 141.30 33.30 120.60 19.00 29.80 41.70 88.60 2.381 5 / 8 WTH3S226E209 1 11 / 16 WTH3S227E 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 3 15 / 32 5.301 3 / 4 WTH3S228E210 1 15 / 16 WTH3S231E 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 9 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 13 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 1 43 / 64 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 3 19 / 32 6.60Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTSelection Guide, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see Klean-Gard/Dura-Klean Load Ratings & Speed LimitssectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.LNSlotSpacingC244AJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterWUSSlotWidthKApprox.Weight<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Klean-Gard & Dura-Klean Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>D

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ®200 SeriesBall <strong>Bearings</strong>Industries ServedAggregatesAgricultureAir HandlingPackage HandlingConstructionShipping245

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features & Benefits<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ® 200 Series Standard & Intermediate Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>Series 200 standard and intermediate duty ballbearing units provide a versatility of applicationarrangements for carrying shafts with radial orcombination radial and thrust loads. They aredesigned for general purpose industrial machinery,conveyors, chain and belt drives, fans and blowers,power transmission and many other applications.21Collar Mounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>Series C200, U200, S200, W200, Y200 collarmounted or spring locking ball bearings, andround, square and hex bore ball bearingsprovide economic and versatile arrangementsfor supporting shafts, especially with the2-piece formed steel flanged housings.354These product lines are designed for lightindustrial applications, agricultural machinery,lawn and garden equipment, recreationalvehicles and other applications.1. Extended or wide inner ring for moderateor high stability and load support.2. Choice of Centrik-lok locking device,eccentric cam locking collar or springlocking or spring locking collar with setscrews to lock inner ring securely to shaft.3. Choice of steel-clad type H labyrinth seal,type N single lip seal or type E3 triplelip seal. W200 & S200 series have thetype E single lip seal only available.4. Compact one-piece housing providesexcellent mounting support.5. Alignable precision deep groove ball bearingmanufactured of quality alloy bearing steelprovides high capacity and long life.2141. Precision deep groove ball bearingsor quality alloy bearing steel providehigh capacity and long life.2. Choice of Centrik-lok locking device,eccentric cam locking collar or springlocking or spring locking collar with setscrews to lock inner ring securely to shaft.3. Optional features such as spherical or cylindricalO.D.’s, relubricatable or non-relubricatable.4. Extended or wide inner rings to meetdiverse application requirements.3Features & Benefits - 2246<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Wide and Extended Inner Ring Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>Centrik-LokPrecision alignable ball bearings of deepgroove construction for high capacity and highprecision applications. Centrik-Lok devicesecurely locks the bearing to the shaft. Thismethod of locking provides excellent holdingpower and also centers the shaft in the bearing.It eliminates shaft damage because setscrewsdon’t contact the shaft making bearing removaleasier. The C200 wide inner ring furnishesincreased shaft support and accommodateswider seals for extra lubricant capacity.Spring LockingPrecision alignable ball bearings of deepgroove construction for high capacity and highprecision applications. Spring locking collar orset screw locking securely locks the bearing tothe shaft. The U200 wide inner ring furnishesincreased shaft support and accommodateswider seals for extra lubricant capacity.Eccentric Cam Locking CollarsPrecision alignable ball bearings of deepgroove construction. Eccentric cam lockingcollars hold the bearings securely to theshaft and further tightens with bearingrotation. The Y200 wide inner ring providesincreased shaft support and accommodateswide seals for extra lubricant capacity.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features & BenefitsSteel Clad SealsSeal Type “N” Seal Type “H” Seal Type “E” Seal Type “E3”All bearing type seals are crimped tightly in thebearing outer rings with steel members andcannot be blown out during relubrication.Type N lip seals have the same contouredexternal trash guard for maximum lip protectionand a full land riding lip for grease retentionand dirt exclusion. The Type N seal rides on aprecision ground surface of the bearing innerring for smooth operation and tightness.Type H multi-labyrinth seal with contouredexternal trash guard is an excellent all purposelow friction seal for grease lubrication.Type E molded lip seal with external trash guardfor maximum lip protection and a full land ridinglip for grease retention and dirt exclusion.Type E3 triple lip seal is a tight high torque sealfor ultimate dirt exclusion. It has anexternal trash guard to protect theprecision die molded lip members.One-piece HousingsRugged one-piece precision machined housingsof many types provide a versatility of mountingarrangement and facilitate installation. Allmounting surfaces are fully machined and allhousings provide for easy bearing relubrication.Grease flows through the fitting into a machinedgrease groove and through the lubricant holesof the outer ring directly into the bearingchamber between the seals. Pillow blocks haveslotted bolt holes with ample space providedfor drilling dowel pin holes. Flanged units havedrilled mounting holes. Take up units havemachined slots for accurate adjustment.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>247Features & Benefits - 3

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Nomenclature200 Series NomenclatureSymbolFFBFFFCFXFRFXRHMPPHPLPSPTTDescriptionFlanged unit, 3 and 4-boltFlanged bracket unit, 3-boltFlanged screw conveyor unit, 4-boltFlanged cartridge unit, 4-bolt roundFlanged unit, 2-boltFlanged unit, 3 and 4-bolt inboard mountingFlanged unit, 2-bolt inboard mountingHanger screw conveyor unitPillow block, standard backingPillow block, high backingPillow block, low backingPillow block, formed steel housingPillow block, tapped baseTake-up, standard slotPL 3 U 2 E 20 H C K75THTake-up, wide slotTASConveyor take-up, formed steel frameTDSConveyor take-up, hinged top, welded steel frameNTConveyor take-up, welded channel frame3 Integral bearing sealsCSUYWWide inner ring, Centrik-Lok collarExtended inner ring, spring lockingWide inner ring, spring lockingWide inner ring, eccentric cam locking collarExtended inner ring, eccentric cam locking collarNoneGNon-relubricatable bearingRelubricatable bearing2 Series 200 ball bearing designationBEInner ring bore equal to a bore of preceding smaller bearing groupInner ring bore equal to a bore of following larger bearing group20 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inchM30Shaft size, metric series in millimetersJSteel retainersE3EHNTriple lip sealsMolded single lip sealsFloating labyrinth sealsSingle lip sealsCClosed end unitK75Nickel plated housing18 Take-up adjustment, inchesNomenclature - 4248<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

200 Series Collar Unmounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> NomenclatureSymbolSUYWNoneBNoneGDescriptionExtended inner ring, spring lockingWide inner ring, spring lockingWide inner ring, eccentric cam locking collarExtended inner ring, eccentric cam locking collarO.D. of outer ring is sphericalO.D. of outer ring is cylindricalNon-relubricatable bearingRelubricatable bearing2 Series 200 ball bearing designationBEInner ring bore equal to a bore of preceding smaller bearing groupInner ring bore equal to a bore of following larger bearing group20 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inchM30Shaft size, metric series in millimetersU B G 2 E 20 H L<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – NomenclatureE3EHNL1LTriple lip sealsMolded single lip sealsFloating labyrinth sealsSingle lip sealsBearing without collarBearing with collar & setscrewsHex, Round and Square Bore Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> NomenclatureSymbolDescriptionNoneBore is basic metric size31 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inch31 R B G 3 - 2 10 E3RSKNoneBBearing bore is roundBearing bore is squareBearing bore is hexO.D. of outer ring is sphericalO.D. of outer ring is cylindricalNoneNon-relubricatableG Relubricatable (two holes in outer ring @ 180°)NoneMetric width outer ring; basic inch width inner ring2 Basic inch width outer ring; intermediate inch width inner ring3 Basic inch width outer ring; basic inch width inner ring4 Basic inch width outer ring; unground spherical O.D. with flatground cylindrical center; intermediate inch width inner ring5 Metric width outer ring; intermediate inch width inner ring6 Basic inch width outer ring; wide inch width inner ring7 Wide metric width outer ring; intermediate inch width inner ring8 Wide metric width outer ring; wide inch width inner ring2 Series 200 ball bearing designationEBore is .031 inch oversize10 One fifth of basic mm bore sizeNoneJNE3Non-metallic retainerFormed steel retainer, two-pieceSingle lip sealsTriple lip seals<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 249Nomenclature - 5

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionSeries 200 Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>To select a bearing, determine the applied radialload, the applied thrust load, the desired Rating Life,and applicable operating conditions. The procedureshown here will aid in selecting a bearing to meetan L10 design life. The formulas for calculatinglife expectancy should be used to determinethe Rating Life L10 for the bearing selected.The selection procedures and rating formulasshown here are in agreement with TheAmerican Bearing Manufacturers AssociationStandards and ANSI/ABMA Standards STDSelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,0009-1990. Ratings are based on fatigue life. TheRating Life or fatigue life at 90% reliabilityis the usual basis for bearing selection.Series C200, U200, Y200, and hex, square andround bore bearings have wide inner rings forload support; however, the S200 and W200 seriesare extended on one side only for compactnessand low cost. In combination with its companionline of economically designed housings, thisseries is applicable to light or moderate dutyrequirements. Where non-relubricatable bearingsStep 3 (continued)are used, bearing life is often limited by grease life,which is in turn affected by operating conditions.Also, economically designed housings mustbe applied within proportionate load limits. Toassure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.c For combined radial and thrust loads when Fais greaterFrthan 0.19, use the following trial method:Maximum P = .56Fr + 2.30FaMaximum required C = P using from Step 2Select a trial ball bearing with a basic load rating C fromTable 3 approximately equal to the maximum required C.Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Step 3Calculate the required C and select a ball bearing.a For radial load only:P = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic loadrating C equal to or greater than the required C.b For combined radial and thrust loads when FaFrP = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2is 0.19 or less:With this trial bearing calculate: FaNd 2Determine X and Y from Table 2.Calculate P for the trial bearing.P = XFr + YFarequired C = P for the trial bearing using from Step 2Consult Table 3, basic load rating. If a smaller bearing meets ornearly meets the required C, its life expectancy can be calculated.Note: If the load P is greater than .25C for series C200, U200,Y200, hex, square, and round bore bearings or greater than .15Cfor series S200 and W200, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic load rating C equalto or greater than the required C.Selection Guide - 6250<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

SelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life a nd speed toBearinglife,hoursL10( )CPL10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load, pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factorC(P)ratioSpeed, n50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 2.08 2.62 3.30 3.77 4.15 4.47 4.75 5.01 5.234000 2.29 2.88 3.63 4.15 4.57 4.92 5.23 5.51 5.765000 2.46 3.10 3.91 4.47 4.92 5.30 5.64 5.93 6.206000 2.62 3.30 4.15 4.75 5.23 5.64 5.99 6.30 6.598000 2.88 3.63 4.57 5.23 5.76 6.20 6.59 6.94 7.2510000 3.10 3.91 4.92 5.64 6.20 6.68 7.10 7.47 7.8112000 3.30 4.15 5.23 5.99 6.59 7.10 7.54 7.94 8.3014000 3.47 4.37 5.51 6.30 6.94 7.47 7.94 8.36 8.7416000 3.63 4.57 5.76 6.59 7.25 7.81 8.30 8.74 9.1418000 3.77 4.75 5.99 6.86 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.09 9.5020000 3.91 4.92 6.20 7.10 7.81 8.42 8.94 9.41 9.8425000 4.21 5.30 6.68 7.65 8.42 9.07 9.63 10.1 10.630000 4.47 5.64 7.10 8.13 8.94 9.63 10.2 10.8 11.335000 4.71 5.93 7.47 8.55 9.41 10.1 10.8 11.3 11.940000 4.92 6.20 7.81 8.94 9.84 10.6 11.3 11.9 12.445000 5.12 6.45 8.13 9.30 10.2 11.0 11.7 12.3 12.950000 5.30 6.68 8.42 9.63 10.6 11.4 12.1 12.8 13.460000 5.64 7.10 8.94 10.2 11.3 12.1 12.9 13.6 14.270000 5.93 7.47 9.41 10.8 11.9 12.8 13.6 14.3 14.980000 6.20 7.81 9.84 11.3 12.4 13.4 14.2 14.9 15.690000 6.45 8.13 10.2 11.7 12.9 13.9 14.8 15.5 16.2100000 6.68 8.42 10.6 12.1 13.4 14.4 15.3 16.1 16.8150000 7.65 9.63 12.1 13.9 15.3 16.5 17.5 18.4 19.3200000 8.42 10.6 13.4 15.3 16.8 18.1 19.3 20.3 21.2Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3600 6000 100003000 5.44 5.64 5.99 6.45 6.86 7.54 8.63 10.2 12.14000 5.99 6.20 6.59 7.10 7.54 8.30 9.50 11.3 13.45000 6.45 6.68 7.10 7.65 8.13 8.94 10.2 12.1 14.46000 6.86 7.10 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.50 10.9 12.9 15.38000 7.54 7.81 8.30 8.94 9.50 10.5 12.0 14.2 16.810000 8.13 8.42 8.94 9.63 10.2 11.3 12.9 15.3 18.112000 8.63 8.94 9.50 10.2 10.9 12.0 13.7 16.2 19.314000 9.09 9.41 10.0 10.8 11.4 12.6 14.4 17.1 20.316000 9.50 9.84 10.5 11.3 12.0 13.2 15.1 17.9 21.218000 9.88 10.2 10.9 11.7 12.4 13.7 15.7 18.6 22.020000 10.2 10.6 11.3 12.1 12.9 14.2 16.2 19.3 22.825000 11.0 11.4 12.1 13.1 13.9 15.3 17.5 20.7 24.630000 11.7 12.1 12.9 13.9 14.8 16.2 18.6 22.0 26.135000 12.3 12.8 13.6 14.6 15.5 17.1 19.6 23.2 27.540000 12.9 13.4 14.2 15.3 16.2 17.9 20.5 24.3 28.745000 13.4 13.9 14.8 15.9 16.9 18.6 21.3 25.2 29.950000 13.9 14.4 15.3 16.5 17.5 19.3 22.0 26.1 31.060000 14.8 15.3 16.2 17.5 18.6 20.5 23.4 27.8 32.970000 15.5 16.1 17.1 18.4 19.6 21.5 24.6 29.2 34.680000 16.2 16.8 17.9 19.3 20.5 22.5 25.8 30.5 36.290000 16.9 17.5 18.6 20.0 21.3 23.4 26.8 31.8 37.7100000 17.5 18.1 19.3 20.7 22.0 24.3 27.8 32.9 39.0150000 20.0 20.7 22.0 23.7 25.2 27.8 31.8 37.7 44.6200000 22.0 22.8 24.3 26.1 27.8 30.5 35.0 41.4 49.1Basic formulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 of any selectedor trial bearing:Step 1 Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:P = XFr + YFa using X and Yfrom Table 2 below.Step 2 Calculate the ratio of basic load rating Cto the equivalent radial load.C(P)Step 3 Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Table 2 • X and Y factors for ball bearingsFaNd 2eFaFr ≤ e FaFr > eX Y X Y25 .19 1.0 0 .56 2.3037.5 .21 1.0 0 .56 2.1550 .22 1.0 0 .56 1.9975 .24 1.0 0 .56 1.85100 .26 1.0 0 .56 1.71125 .27 1.0 0 .56 1.63150 .28 1.0 0 .56 1.56200 .30 1.0 0 .56 1.45300 .34 1.0 0 .56 1.31500 .38 1.0 0 .56 1.15750 .42 1.0 0 .56 1.041000 .44 1.0 0 .56 1.00For values between those in the tablelinear interpolation can be used.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulaL’n = a1a2a3L10where L’n = Adjusted life for (100-n)% reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factor for materialand processinga3 = Life adjustment factor foroperating conditions.For most normal applications, all factors willbe taken as 1, and the Rating Life used as theselection basis or life estimate. In addition, aslong as standard catalog bearings are used, a2will be normally set equal to one. The factor a3covers such things as lubrication, misalignment,and temperature. Some conditions that couldyield a3 significantly different than unity includespeeds less than 20000 DN or greater than 200000DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) or above275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions, aswell as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 251Selection Guide - 7

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionTable 3 • Load ratings, speed limits and ball dataSizeCodeCoStaticload ratingCBasicload ratingnewtons pounds newtons poundsN & ESeals‡Approximatespeed limitRPM*dBalldiameterH Seals E3 Seals inchesNNumberofballs203 4490 1110 8100 1820 9000 12000 … 19/64 7 .617204 6590 1480 9830 2210 7500 10000 … 5/16 8 .781205 7830 1760 10810 2430 6800 9600 1000 5/16 9 .879206 11300 2530 15030 3380 5600 8000 … 3/8 9 1.27207 15300 3440 19880 4470 4800 6850 700 7/16 9 1.72208 19900 4460 25100 5640 4500 6000 650 1/2 9 2.25209 20400 4590 25220 5670 4000 5330 600 1/2 9 2.25210 23200 5220 27090 6090 3600 4800 550 1/2 10 2.5211 29200 6570 33540 7540 3200 4360 500 9/16 10 3.16212 36000 8080 40520 9110 3000 4000 450 5/8 10 3.91213 40100 9010 44220 9940 3850 … 400 21/32 10 4.31215 49200 11100 51600 11600 3300 … 350 11/16 11 5.2217 63600 14300 64500 14500 2950 … 300 25/32 11 6.71220 92900 20900 94300 21200 2500 … … 1 10 10.0Nd 2If the load P is greater than .15C for S200 and W200 or .25C all others, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.* Based on grease lubrication and moderate load.‡ N & E seals operation at higher speeds up to H seal speed limit is allowable providing the lip seal frictiondoes not result in operating temperatures over 225°F (107°C).Load Ratings & Speed Limits- 8252<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Table 4 • Radial load ratings in pounds at various RPM for appropriate L10 life hoursBearing SizeNumberC200Y200U200W200S200SizeCodeL10Minimumlife,hoursRadial load ratings, poundsSpeed, RPM50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 35002B088000 … … 397 347 315 293 276 262 250 241 232 219 203 191 184 171 161 153210 20000 … 369 293 256 232 216 203 193 184 177 171 161 150 141 136 126 119 113203211 40000 369 293 232 203 184 171 161 153 146 141 136 128 119 112 108 100 94 902M17 100000 272 216 171 150 136 126 119 113 108 104 100 94 87 82 79 74 69 668000 … … 483 422 383 356 335 318 304 292 282 266 247 232 224 208 196 18621220000 … 448 356 311 282 262 247 234 224 215 208 196 182 171 165 153 144 1372042M2040000 448 356 282 247 224 208 196 186 178 171 165 155 144 136 131 122 114 109100000 330 262 208 182 165 153 144 137 131 126 122 114 106 100 97 90 84 802148000 … … 531 464 421 391 368 350 334 321 310 292 271 255 246 229 215 204215 20000 … 493 391 342 310 288 271 258 246 237 229 215 200 188 181 168 159 151205216 40000 493 391 310 271 246 229 215 204 196 188 181 171 159 149 144 134 126 1202M25 100000 363 288 229 200 181 168 159 151 144 139 134 126 117 110 106 99 93 882188000 … … 738 645 586 544 512 486 465 447 432 406 377 355 343 318 299 284219 20000 … 685 544 475 432 401 377 358 343 329 318 299 278 261 252 234 221 2092062E20 40000 685 544 432 377 343 318 299 284 272 261 252 238 221 208 200 186 175 1662M30 100000 505 401 318 278 252 234 221 209 200 193 186 175 162 153 148 137 129 1232208000 … … 976 853 775 719 677 643 615 591 571 537 499 469 453 421 396 376222 20000 … 906 719 628 571 530 499 474 453 436 421 396 367 346 334 310 292 277207223 40000 906 719 571 499 453 421 396 376 360 346 334 314 292 274 265 246 231 2202M35 100000 668 530 421 367 334 310 292 277 265 255 246 231 215 202 195 181 171 1628000 … … 1232 1076 978 908 854 811 776 746 720 678 629 592 572 531 499 47422420000 … 1143 908 793 720 669 629 598 572 550 531 499 464 436 421 391 368 3502082M4040000 1143 908 720 629 572 531 499 474 454 436 421 396 368 346 334 310 292 277100000 843 669 531 464 421 391 368 350 334 321 310 292 271 255 246 229 215 2042268000 … … 1238 1082 983 912 859 816 780 750 724 681 633 595 575 534 502 477227 20000 … 1150 912 797 724 672 633 601 575 553 534 502 466 439 423 393 370 351209228 40000 1150 912 724 633 575 534 502 477 456 439 423 399 370 348 336 312 294 2792M45 100000 847 672 534 466 423 393 370 351 336 323 312 294 273 257 248 230 216 2062318000 … … 1330 1162 1056 980 922 876 838 806 778 732 679 639 617 573 539 51220000 … 1235 980 856 778 722 679 645 617 594 573 539 501 471 455 422 397 3772E32 21040000 1235 980 778 679 617 573 539 512 490 471 455 428 397 374 361 335 315 3002M50 100000 910 722 573 501 455 422 397 377 361 347 335 315 293 276 266 247 232 2212322352M552118000 … … 1647 1439 1307 1213 1142 1085 1037 997 963 906 841 792 764 710 668 63420000 … 1529 1213 1060 963 894 841 799 764 735 710 668 620 583 563 523 492 46740000 1529 1213 963 841 764 710 668 634 607 583 563 530 492 463 447 415 390 371100000 1126 894 710 620 563 523 492 467 447 430 415 390 362 341 329 306 288 273E3 SEALS<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section2368000 … … 1990 1738 1579 1466 1379 1310 1253 1205 1164 1095 1016 956 923 857 807 766238 20000 … 1847 1466 1281 1164 1080 1016 966 923 888 857 807 749 705 680 632 594 565212239 40000 1847 1466 1164 1016 923 857 807 766 733 705 680 640 594 559 540 501 472 4482M60 100000 1361 1080 857 749 680 632 594 565 540 519 501 472 438 412 398 369 348 330N & E SEALS2402432M652442138000 … … 2171 1896 1723 1599 1505 1430 1368 1315 1270 1195 1109 1044 1008 935 880 83620000 … 2015 1599 1397 1270 1179 1109 1053 1008 969 935 880 817 769 742 689 649 61640000 2015 1599 1270 1109 1008 935 880 836 800 769 742 699 649 610 589 547 515 489100000 1485 1179 935 817 742 689 649 616 589 567 547 515 478 450 434 403 379 3608000 … … 2533 2213 2011 1867 1757 1669 1596 1534 1482 1394 1294 1218 1176 1092 1027247 20000 … 2352 1867 1631 1482 1375 1294 1229 1176 1131 1092 1027 954 897 866 804 7572152E48 40000 2352 1867 1482 1294 1176 1092 1027 976 933 897 866 815 757 712 688 638 6012M75 100000 1733 1375 1092 954 866 804 757 719 688 661 638 601 558 525 507 470 4432558000 … … 3167 2766 2513 2333 2196 2086 1995 1918 1852 1743 1618 1522 1470 136520000 … 2940 2333 2038 1852 1719 1618 1537 1470 1413 1365 1284 1192 1122 1083 10052E56 21740000 2940 2333 1852 1618 1470 1365 1284 1220 1167 1122 1083 1019 946 890 860 7982M85 100000 2166 1719 1365 1192 1083 1005 946 899 860 826 798 751 697 656 633 5882632E642M1002208000 … … 4630 4045 3675 3411 3210 3049 2917 2804 2708 2548 2365 2226 214920000 … 4298 3411 2980 2708 2514 2365 2247 2149 2066 1995 1877 1743 1640 158340000 4298 3411 2708 2365 2149 1995 1877 1783 1706 1640 1583 1490 1383 1302 1257100000 3167 2514 1995 1743 1583 1470 1383 1314 1257 1208 1167 1098 1019 959 926* Load exceeds 25% of the C rating, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.Operation in the high speed shaded areas requires frequent relubrication.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 253Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 9

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionHousing Bearing Seat Diameters For Cylindrical O.D. Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>Class of fit selectionHousingconstructionHousing notsplit radiallyHousing splitor not splitradiallyHousing rotatingin relation todirection of loadDirection of loadindeterminateHousingstationary inrelation todirectionof loadsOperating conditionNormal and heavy loadsLight loadsHeavy shock loadsNormal and heavy loadswhere outer ring does nothave to beaxially displaceableNormal and light loadswhere displaceability ofouter ring is desirableShock loads temporarycomplete unloadingAllloadsHousing notsplit radiallyHousing splitradiallyClassof fit**For cast iron or steel housings. For housings of light metal, select tolerances whichgive slightly tighter fits than those shown.N6M6K6J6H6H7RemarksOuter ringnot axiallydisplaceableOuter ring, as arule, not axiallydisplaceableOuter ring, asa rule, axiallydisplaceableOuter ringis easilydisplaceableaxiallyClass of fit and housing bores (inches/μm)Basic sizeBearing/housing diameter fitsW200,Y200,U200,C200R200,S200,K200,Nominalbearing O.D. and Bearinghousing bore O.D.tolerancemm Inches FitH7 H6 J6 K6 M6 N6Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance ToleranceHousingboreFitHousingboreFitHousingboreFitHousingboreFitHousingboreFitHousingbore+.0000 .0000 –.0000 .00000 –.0000 .0002T –.0002 .0005T –.0005 .0008T –.0008 .0011T –.00112M17 211 203 40 1.5748 –.0005 .0015L +.0010 .0011L +.0006 .0009L +.0004 .0006L +.0001 .0003L –.0002 .0000 –.00052M20 212 204 47 1.8504 +0 0 – 0 0 – 0 5T – 5 13T –13 20T –20 28T –28–13 38L +25 28L +15 23L +10 15L +2 8L –5 0 –132M25 216 205 52 2.0472 +.0000 .0000 –.0000 .0000 –.0000 .0002T –.0002 .0006T –.0006 .0010T –.0010 .0013T –.00132M30 219 206 62 2.4409 –.0005 .0017L +.0012 .0012L +.0007 .0010L +.0005 .0006L +.0001 .0002L –.0003 .0001T –.00062M35 223 207 72 2.8346 +0 0 – 0 0 – 0 5T – 5 15T –15 25T –25 33T – 432M40 225 208 80 3.1496 –13 43L +30 30L +17 26L +13 15L +2 5L – 8 2T –152M45 228 209 85 3.3465 +.0000 .0000 –.0000 .0000 –.0000 .0002T –.0002 .0007T –.0007 .0012T –.0012 .0016T –.00162M50 231 210 90 3.5433 –.0006 .0020L +.0014 .0015L +.0009 .0013L +.0007 .0008L +.0002 .0003L –.0003 .0001T –.00072M55 235 211 100 3.9370 +0 0 – 0 0 – 0 5T – 5 18T –18 30T – 30 40T – 402M60 239 212 110 4.3307 –15 50L +35 38L +23 33L +18 20L +5 8L – 8 3T –18Please consult for availability.1μm = .001 mmThe appropriate housing bore for any class of fit can be easily determined by applying the housing tolerance to the nominal housing bore.Example, (using basic size 211 and class of fit H7):inchesmmNominal housing bore = 1.5748 1.5748 40.000 40.000Housing bore tolerance = – .0000 + .0010 – 0.000 + 0.025Resultant housing bore = 1.5748 1.5758 40.000 40.025Symbol L indicates a loose or clearance fit. Symbol T indicates a tight or interference fit.The arithmetical mean of the largest and smallest single diameter to be within tolerance shown. Allowable deviations from mean diameterper ANSI/ABMA Standard 20, latest printing.Housing Seat Diameters - 10254<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

P3C200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityCentrik-Lok shaft locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC45F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U W5/ 8 P3C210N *2031 3 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 3 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 118 / 2 2 11 / 13 / 64 3 41 32 / 4 / 64 1 13 1/ 64 1.00/ 2 P3C2B08N * 1 1 / 8204 3/ 4 P3C212N * 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 7 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 19 / 32 1 3 11 23/ 8 / 16 / 32 1 19 / 64 1.707/ 8 P3C214N *2051 7 / 16 4 5 3 / 8 1 5 / 16 1 5 / 3 8 / 9 8 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 9 11/ 16 / 3 16 / 4 1 9 / 32 1.901 P3C216N *1 1 / 8 P3C218N *1 13 / 162061 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 1 1 / 2 1 3 / 1 11 4 / 2 / 16 3 5 151 3 / / 16 / 7 16 / 8 1 29 16 P3C219N */ 64 2.8021 1 / 4 P3C2E20N *1 1 / 4 P3C220N *22071 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 11 / 16 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 3 11 131 3 / / 16 / 16 1 1 35 8 P3C222N */ 64 3.802 1 / 41 7 / 16 P3C223N *208 1 1 / 2 P3C224N * 2 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 15 / 16 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 4 2 1 15/ 2 / 16 1 3 / 16 1 41 / 64 4.701 5 / 8 P3C226N *2 1 / 22092 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 1 15 / 16 2 1 131 11 / / 2 / 16 4 5 / 7 16 / 8 1 3 / 16 1 21 16 P3C227N */ 32 5.402 11 / 161 3 / 4 P3C228N *1210/ 16 P3C231N *2 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 2 1 / 32 2 1 / 5 8 / 7 8 / 8 4 1 / 2 2 7 15/ 8 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 25 / 32 6.102 P3C2E32N *2 P3C232N *2112 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 9 1 / 16 2 3 / 16 2 3 / 528 / 8 1 5/ 81 5 / 16 1 5 / 16 2 1 / 64 7.802 3 / 16 P3C235N * 3 1 / 82212/ 4 P3C236N *2 11 / 16 7 1 / 2 9 1 / 2 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 532 / 8 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 1 / 88 1 1 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 7 / 64 11.402 7 / 16 P3C239N * 3 3 / 8MWUDEApprox.WeightP3C200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Centrik-Lock Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othersize codes, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standardNickel plated housings available through size code 212, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 255Pillow Block - 12-Bolt Pillow Block

P3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingP3Y200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC D E F H L M S U W5/ 8 P3Y210N *■112031 3 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 15 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 11 / 32 1 1 / 3 59/ 8 / 4 / 64 1 13 16 P3Y211N *■/ 64 1.101/ 2 P3Y2B08N *■204 3/ 4 P3Y212N *■ 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 23 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 19 / 32 1 5 11/ 16 / 16 1 3 / 64 1 19 / 64 1.807/ 8 P3Y214N *Δ■152051 7 / 16 4 5 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 1 5 / 3 8 / 9 8 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 1 11/ / 2 / 16 1 1 / 16 1 9 16 P3Y215N *Δ■/ 32 2.001 P3Y216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 P3Y218N *■2061 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 1 29 / 32 1 3 / 1 11 4 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 16 1 3 151 3 / / 4 / 16 1 3 / 16 1 29 16 P3Y219N *■/ 64 2.801 1 / 4 P3Y2E20N *■1 1 / 4 P3Y220N *Δ■2071 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 2 1 / 64 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 3 11 / 16 2 3 131 3 / / 16 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 35 8 P3Y222N *Δ■/ 64 4.001 7 / 16 P3Y223N *Δ■208 1 1 / 2 P3Y224N *Δ■ 2 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 2 7 / 32 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 4 2 3 15/ 8 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 41 / 64 5.001 5 / 8 P3Y226N *Δ■2092 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 2 1 131 11 / / 2 / 16 4 5 / 16 2 1 / 7 2 / 8 1 3 / 8 1 21 16 P3Y227N *Δ■/ 32 5.701 3 / 4 P3Y228N *Δ■1210/ 16 P3Y231N *Δ■2 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 2 15 / 32 2 1 / 5 8 / 7 8 / 8 4 1 / 2 2 3 15/ 4 / 16 1 1 / 2 1 25 / 32 6.402 P3Y2E32N *Δ■2 P3Y232N *Δ■2112 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 9 1 / 16 2 13 / 16 2 3 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 3 1 5 / 16 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 64 8.402 3 / 16 P3Y235N *Δ■2 1 / 4 P3Y236N *Δ■212 2 3 / 2 11 / 16 7 1 / 2 9 1 / 2 3 1 / 16 2 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 3 5 / 16 1 1 / 16 1 27 / 32 2 7 8 P3Y238N *Δ■/ 64 11.602 7 / 16 P3Y239N *Δ■C45F - BoltsLABase toCenterlineH HeightMWUDEApprox.Weight2-Bolt Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othersize codes, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Pillow Block - 2256Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

P3U200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211212PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingSBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC45F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U W1/ 2 P3U2B08N *■51 3 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 3 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 11 / 32 - 3 41/ / 4 / 64 1 13 8 P3U210N *■/ 64 1.0011/ 16 P3U211N *■17.00 P3U2M17N *■ 30.16 88.90 117.50 27.78 38.10 10.00 12.70 59.50 - 19.00 16.30 30.60 0.453/ 4 P3U212N *■ 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 19 11/ 32 - / 3 16 / 4 1 19 / 64 1.7020.00 P3U2M20N *■ 33.34 98.40 130.20 32.54 38.10 10.00 12.70 65.90 - 17.50 19.00 32.90 0.767/ 8 P3U214N Δ*■151 7 / 16 4 5 3 / 8 1 23 / 64 1 5 / 3 8 / 9 8 / 16 2 7 11 51/ / 8 - / 16 / 64 1 9 16 P3U215N Δ*■/ 32 1.901 P3U216N Δ*■25.00 P3U2M25N Δ*■ 36.51 101.60 136.50 34.53 41.30 10.00 14.30 73.00 - 17.50 20.20 32.50 0.861 1 / 8 P3U218N *■1 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 1 9 / 16 1 3 / 1 11 4 / 2 / 16 3 5 15 611 3 / / 16 - / 16 / 64 1 29 16 P3U219N *■/ 64 2.701 1 / 4 P3U2E20N *■30.00 P3U2M30N *■ 42.86 117.50 160.30 39.69 44.40 12.00 17.50 84.10 - 23.80 24.20 36.90 1.221 1 / 4 P3U220N Δ*■1 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 49 / 64 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 3 11 131 3 / / 16 - / 16 1 7 / 64 1 35 8 P3U222N Δ*■/ 64 3.701 7 / 16 P3U223N Δ*■35.00 P3U2M35N Δ*■ 47.62 125.40 161.90 44.85 47.60 12.00 20.60 93.70 - 20.60 28.20 39.30 1.671 1 / 2 P3U224N Δ*■ 2 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 29 / 32 1 7 / 1 13 15 8 / 2 / 16 4 - / 16 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 4.7040.00 P3U2M40N Δ*■ 50.80 136.50 179.40 48.42 47.60 12.00 20.60 101.60 - 23.80 29.80 41.70 2.121 5 / 8 P3U226N Δ*■2 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 2 1 / 32 2 1 131 11 / / 2 / 16 4 5 / 16 - 7/ 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 16 P3U227N Δ*■/ 32 5.401 3 / 4 P3U228N Δ*■45.00 P3U2M45N Δ*■ 53.98 142.90 184.20 51.59 50.80 12.00 20.60 109.50 - 22.20 31.40 42.10 2.431 15 / 16 P3U231N Δ*■2 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 2 3 / 32 2 1 / 5 8 / 7 8 / 8 4 1 15/ 2 - / 16 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 6.102 P3U2E32N Δ*■50.00 P3U2M50N Δ*■ 57.15 157.20 200.00 53.18 54.00 16.00 22.20 114.30 - 23.80 32.10 45.20 2.752 P3U232N Δ*■2 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 9 1 / 16 2 1 / 4 2 3 / 5 8 / 8 1 5 - 1 5 / 16 1 13 / 32 2 1 / 64 7.802 3 / 16 P3U235N Δ*■55.00 P3U2M55N Δ*■ 63.50 171.40 230.20 57.15 60.30 16.00 25.40 127.00 - 33.30 35.70 51.20 3.512 1 / 4 P3U236N Δ*■2 3 / 2 11 / 16 7 1 / 2 9 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 2 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 - 1 1 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 7 8 P3U238N Δ*■/ 64 11.402 7 / 16 P3U239N Δ*■60.00 P3U2M60N Δ*■ 68.26 190.50 241.30 63.50 63.50 16.00 28.60 136.50 - 27.00 39.70 53.60 5.13MWDEUApprox.WeightP3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 257Pillow Block - 32-Bolt Pillow Block

P3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter213215217220PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesC D E F H L M S U WApprox.Weight2 1 / 2 P3U240NΔ*3 8 1 / 8 10 1 / 2 2 11 / 16 2 7 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 6 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 16 1 11 / 16 2 1 / 16 15.902 11 / 16 P3U243NΔ*65.00 P3U2M65NΔ* 76.20 206.40 266.70 68.26 73.00 20.00 33.30 152.40 106.40 30.20 42.90 52.40 7.162 3 / 4 P3U244NΔ*2 15 / 3 1 / 4 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 4 2 7 / 8 3 1 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 8 6 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 5 / 16 1 13 / 16 2 7 16 P3U247NΔ*/ 32 19.503 P3U2E48NΔ*75.00 P3U2M75NΔ* 82.55 225.40 298.40 73.02 82.60 20.00 34.90 165.10 117.50 33.30 46.00 56.40 8.783 7 / 16 P3U255NΔ*3 3 / 4 10 13 3 9 / 16 3 1 / 7 2 / 8 1 5 / 8 7 7 / 16 5 3 / 16 1 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 28.703 1 / 2 P3U2E56NΔ*85.00 P3U2M85NΔ * 95.25 254.00 330.20 90.49 88.90 24.00 41.30 188.90 131.80 41.30 54.00 63.50 12.923 15 / 16 P3U263N*4 7 / 16 11 7 / 8 15 1 / 4 4 1 / 4 4 1 / 7 4 / 8 1 13 / 16 8 7 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 7 / 8 2 37 / 64 3 1 / 64 50.204 P3U2E64N*100.00 P3U2M100N* 112.71 301.60 387.40 107.95 108.00 24.00 46.00 225.40 150.80 47.60 65.50 76.60 22.602-Bolt Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othersize codes, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)Size codes 203 to 212 don’t have mounting collars* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsPillow Block - 4258Nickel plated housings available through size code 212, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

P3W200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberA BBase to DistanceCenterline BetweenHeight Bolt HolesBearing DrawingSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC D E F H L M S U W1/ 2 P3W2B08E ▲2031 3/ 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 11 / 32 1 1 / 3 8 / 7 4 / 8 1 13 5/ 64 0.90/ 8 P3W210E ▲204 3/ 4 P3W212E ▲ 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 7 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 1 8 / 2 2 19 / 32 1 5 11 59/ 16 / 16 / 64 1 19 / 64 1.607/ 8 P3W214E ▲152051 7 / 16 4 5 3 / 8 1 7 / 32 1 5 / 3 8 / 9 8 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 1 11 59/ / 2 / 16 / 64 1 9 16 P3W215E ▲/ 32 1.801 P3W216E ▲1 1 / 8 P3W218E ▲2061 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 1 13 / 32 1 3 / 1 11 4 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 16 1 3 151 3 / / 4 / 16 1 3 / 64 1 29 16 P3W219E ▲/ 64 2.501 1 / 4 P3W2E20E ▲1 1 / 4 P3W220E ▲2071 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 17 / 32 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 3 11 / 16 2 3 131 3 / / 16 / 16 1 5 / 32 1 35 8 P3W222E ▲/ 64 3.701 7 / 16 P3W223E ▲208 1 1 / 2 P3W224E ▲ 2 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 23 / 32 1 7 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 16 4 2 3 15/ 8 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 41 / 64 4.601 5 / 8 P3W226E ▲2092 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 1 23 / 32 2 1 131 11 / / 2 / 16 4 5 / 16 2 1 / 7 2 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 21 16 P3W227E ▲/ 32 5.001 3 / 4 P3W228E ▲1210/ 16 P3W231E ▲2 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 5 8 / 7 8 / 8 4 1 / 2 2 3 15/ 4 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 25 / 32 5.502 P3W2E32E ▲C45WUF - BoltsL DMABase toCenterlineHHeightEApprox.WeightP3W200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes, 1/8”PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 259Pillow Block - 52-Bolt Pillow Block

P3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingP3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberA BBase to DistanceCenterline BetweenHeight Bolt HolesBearing DrawingSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC45F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L S U W204 3/ 4 P3S212E▲ 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 19 / 3211/ 16 3/ 4 1 19 / 64 1.507/ 8 P3S214E▲20515/ 16 P3S215E▲ 1 7 / 16 4 5 3 / 8 1 11 / 64 1 5 / 8 3/ 8 9/ 16 2 7 / 811/ 1651/ 64 1 9 / 32 1.701 P3S216E▲1 1 / 8 P3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 P3S219E▲ 1 11 / 16 4 5 / 8 6 5 / 16 1 11 / 32 1 3 / 4 1/ 211/ 16 3 5 / 1615/ 1661/ 64 1 29 / 64 2.601 1 / 4 P3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 P3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 P3S222E▲ 1 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 1/ 213/ 16 3 11 / 1613/ 16 1 7 / 64 1 35 / 64 3.401 7 / 16 P3S223E▲208 1 1 / 2 P3S224E▲ 2 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 21 / 32 1 7 / 8 1/ 213/ 16 415/ 16 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 4.401 5 / 8 P3S226E▲209 1 11 / 16 P3S227E▲ 2 1 / 8 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 1/ 213/ 16 4 5 / 16 7/ 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 5.001 3 / 4 P3S228E▲210 1 15 / 16 P3S231E▲ 2 1 / 4 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 1 13 / 16 2 1 / 8 5/ 8 7/ 8 4 1 / 215/ 16 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 5.80WUDEApprox.Weight2-Bolt Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionPillow Block - 6260Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

PH3Y200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableHigh base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC45F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U W1 1 / 8 PH3Y218N *■2062 5 1 / 2 7 1 29 / 32 1 15 / 1 111 3 / 16 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 8 1 3 / 7 4 / 8 1 3 / 16 1 29 16 PH3Y219N *■/ 64 3.701 1 / 4 PH3Y2E20N *■1 1 / 4 PH3Y220N *Δ■207 1 3 / 2 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 2 1 / 64 2 1 / 5 2 / 3 8 / 4 4 1 / 4 2 3 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 9 / 32 1 35 8 PH3Y222N *Δ■/ 64 4.701 7 / 16 PH3Y223N *Δ■1 5 / 8 PH3Y226N *Δ■2092 3 / 8 6 5 / 8 8 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 2 3 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 4 4 9 / 16 2 1 151 11 / / 2 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 21 16 PH3Y227N *Δ■/ 32 7.901 3 / 4 PH3Y228N *Δ■210 1 15 / 16 PH3Y231N *Δ■ 2 3 / 4 8 1 / 16 10 1 / 8 2 15 / 32 2 5 / 5 8 / 7 8 / 8 5 2 3 / 4 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 2 1 25 / 32 9.502 PH3Y232N *Δ■2113 1 / 8 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 8 2 13 / 16 3 5/ 7 8 / 8 5 5 / 8 3 1 1 / 8 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 64 13.202 3 / 16 PH3Y235N *Δ■2 1 / 4 PH3Y236N *Δ■212 2 3 / 3 1 / 8 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 3/ 7 4 / 8 5 7 / 8 3 5 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 27 / 32 2 7 8 PH3Y238N *Δ■/ 64 14.402 7 / 16 PH3Y239N *Δ■MWUDEApprox.WeightPH3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 261Pillow Block - 72-Bolt High Backing Height Pillow Block

PH3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingPH3U200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableHigh base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter206207209210211212PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC45F - BoltsLABase toCenterlineHeightHC D E F H L S U W1 1 / 8 PH3U218N *■2 5 1 / 2 7 1 9 / 16 1 15 / 1 11 16 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 7 611 3 / 8 / 8 / 64 1 29 16 PH3U219N *■/ 64 3.801 1 / 4 PH3U2E20N *■30.00 PH3U2M30N *■ 50.80 139.70 177.80 39.69 49.20 12.00 17.50 92.10 22.20 24.20 36.90 1.711 1 / 4 PH3U220N *Δ■1 3 / 2 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 1 / 5 2 / 3 8 / 4 4 1 / 4 1 1 / 4 1 7 / 64 1 35 8 PH3U222N *Δ■/ 64 4.701 7 / 16 PH3U223N *Δ■35.00 PH3U2M35N *Δ■ 60.32 158.80 209.60 44.85 63.50 16.00 19.00 108.00 31.80 28.20 39.30 2.121 5 / 8 PH3U226N *Δ■2 3 / 8 6 5 / 8 8 1 / 4 2 1 / 32 2 3 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 4 4 9 151 11 / / 16 / 16 1 15 / 64 1 21 16 PH3U227N *Δ■/ 32 7.901 3 / 4 PH3U228N *Δ■45.00 PH3U2M45N *Δ■ 60.32 168.30 209.60 51.59 60.30 16.00 19.00 115.90 23.80 31.40 42.10 3.561 15 / 16 PH3U231N *Δ■ 2 3 / 4 8 1 / 16 10 1 / 8 2 3 / 32 2 5 / 5 8 / 7 8 / 8 5 1 1 / 4 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 9.5050.00 PH3U2M50N *Δ■ 69.85 204.80 257.20 53.18 66.70 16.00 22.20 127.00 31.80 32.10 46.40 4.282 PH3U232N *Δ■3 1 / 8 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 8 2 1 / 4 3 5/ 7 8 / 8 5 5 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 13 / 32 2 1 / 64 13.202 3 / 16 PH3U235N *Δ■55.00 PH3U2M55N *Δ■ 79.38 225.40 288.90 57.15 76.20 16.00 22.20 142.90 28.60 35.70 51.20 5.942 1 / 4 PH3U236N *Δ■2 3 / 3 1 / 8 8 7 / 8 11 3 / 8 2 1 / 2 3 3/ 7 4 / 8 5 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 2 7 8 PH3U238N *Δ■/ 64 14.402 7 / 16 PH3U239N *Δ■60.00 PH3U2M60N *Δ■ 79.38 225.40 288.90 63.50 76.20 20.00 22.20 149.20 31.80 39.70 53.60 6.48WUDEApprox.Weight2-Bolt High Backing Height Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionPillow Block - 8262Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

PL3Y200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableLow base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesS45BDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsLABase toCenterlineHeightHC D E F H L M S U W5/ 8 PL3Y210N *■112031 1 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 1 15 / 32 1 3 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 2 2 1 / 8 1 1 / 9 59/ 8 / 16 / 64 1 13 16 PL3Y211N *■/ 64 1.001/ 2 PL3Y2B08N *■204 3/ 4 PL3Y212N *■ 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 23 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 7 8 / 16 2 17 / 32 1 5 11/ 16 / 16 1 3 / 64 1 19 / 64 1.707/ 8 PL3Y214N *Δ■15205 / 1 5 / 16 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 1 3 / 4 1 3 / 3 4 / 5 8 / 8 2 11 / 16 1 1 / 9 2 / 16 1 1 / 16 1 9 16 PL3Y215N *Δ■/ 32 1.901 PL3Y216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 PL3Y218N *■2061 9 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 1 29 / 32 1 7 / 1 111 3 / 8 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 32 1 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 16 1 29 16 PL3Y219N *■/ 64 2.601 1 / 4 PL3Y2E20N *■1 1 / 4 PL3Y220N *Δ■2071 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 2 1 / 64 1 7 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 3 5 / 8 2 3 131 3 / / 16 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 35 8 PL3Y222N *Δ■/ 64 3.801 7 / 16 PL3Y223N *Δ■208 1 1 / 2 PL3Y224N *Δ■ 1 15 / 16 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 2 7 / 32 1 7 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 3 15 / 16 2 3 15/ 8 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 41 / 64 4.801 5 / 8 PL3Y226N *Δ■209 1 11 / 2 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 2 1/ 3 2 / 4 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 7 2 / 8 1 3 / 8 1 21 16 PL3Y227N *Δ■/ 32 5.501 3 / 4 PL3Y228N *Δ■1210/ 16 PL3Y231N *Δ■2 3 / 16 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 2 15 / 32 2 1 / 5 13 8 / 8 / 16 4 7 / 16 2 3 15/ 4 / 16 1 1 / 2 1 25 / 32 6.202 PL3Y2E32N *Δ■2 PL3Y232N *Δ■2112 7 / 16 6 3 / 4 9 1 / 16 2 13 / 16 2 3 / 5 15 8 / 8 / 16 4 15 / 16 3 1 5 / 16 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 64 8.002 3 / 16 PL3Y235N *Δ■2 1 / 4 PL3Y236N *Δ■212 2 3 / 2 11 / 16 7 1 / 2 9 1 / 2 3 1 / 16 2 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 3 5 / 16 1 1 / 16 1 27 / 32 2 7 8 PL3Y238N *Δ■/ 64 11.602 7 / 16 PL3Y239N *Δ■MUDEApprox.WeightPL3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes, 1/8”PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 263Pillow Block - 92-Bolt Low Backing Height Pillow Block

PL3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball Bearing2-Bolt Low Backing Height Pillow BlockPL3U200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableLow base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211212Additional NotesPillow Block - 10PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesC D E F H L S U W5/ 8 PL3U210N *■111 1 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 1 3 / 32 1 3 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 2 2 1 / 9 41/ 8 / 16 / 64 1 13 16 PL3U211N *■/ 64 0.901/ 2 PL3U2B08N *■17.00 PL3U2M17N *■ 26.99 88.90 120.60 27.78 34.90 10.00 12.70 54.00 14.30 16.30 30.60 0.413/ 4 PL3U212N *■ 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 7 8 / 16 2 17 11/ 32 / 3 16 / 4 1 19 / 64 1.6020.00 PL3U2M20N *■ 31.75 98.40 130.20 32.54 38.10 10.00 11.10 64.30 17.50 19.00 32.90 0.727/ 8 PL3U214N *Δ■151 5 / 16 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 1 23 / 64 1 3 / 3 4 / 5 8 / 8 2 11 / 9 51/ 16 / 16 / 64 1 9 16 PL3U215N *Δ■/ 32 1.801 PL3U216N *Δ■25.00 PL3U2M25N *Δ■ 33.34 104.80 139.70 34.53 44.40 10.00 15.90 68.30 14.30 20.20 32.50 0.811 1 / 8 PL3U218N *■1 9 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 1 11 8 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 3 611 3 / 32 / 4 / 64 1 29 16 PL3U219N *■/ 64 2.501 1 / 4 PL3U2E20N *■30.00 PL3U2M30N *■ 39.69 120.60 160.30 39.69 47.60 12.00 17.50 80.20 19.00 24.20 36.90 1.131 1 / 4 PL3U220N *Δ■1 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 49 / 64 1 7 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 3 5 131 3 / / 8 / 16 1 7 / 64 1 35 8 PL3U222N *Δ■/ 64 3.501 7 / 16 PL3U223N *Δ■35.00 PL3U2M35N *Δ■ 46.04 125.40 161.90 44.85 47.60 12.00 19.00 92.10 20.60 28.20 39.30 1.581 1 / 2 PL3U224N *Δ■ 1 15 / 16 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 29 / 32 1 7 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 3 15 15/ 16 / 16 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 4.5040.00 PL3U2M40N *Δ■ 49.21 136.50 179.40 48.42 47.60 12.00 19.00 100.00 23.80 29.80 41.70 2.031 5 / 8 PL3U226N *Δ■1 11 / 2 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 2 1 / 32 2 1/ 3 2 / 4 4 1 / 7 4 / 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 16 PL3U227N *Δ■/ 32 5.201 3 / 4 PL3U228N *Δ■45.00 PL3U2M45N *Δ■ 52.39 142.90 184.20 51.59 50.80 12.00 19.00 108.00 22.20 31.40 42.10 2.341 15 / 16 PL3U231N *Δ■2 3 / 16 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 2 3 / 32 2 1 / 5 13 8 / 8 / 16 4 7 15/ 16 / 16 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 5.902 PL3U2E32N *Δ■50.00 PL3U2M50N *Δ■ 55.56 157.20 200.00 53.18 54.00 16.00 20.60 112.70 23.80 32.10 45.20 2.662 PL3U232N *Δ■2 7 / 16 6 3 / 4 9 1 / 16 2 1 / 4 2 3 / 5 15 8 / 8 / 16 4 15 / 16 1 5 / 16 1 13 / 32 2 1 / 64 7.402 3 / 16 PL3U235N *Δ■55.00 PL3U2M55N *Δ■ 61.91 171.40 230.20 57.15 60.30 16.00 23.80 125.40 33.30 35.70 51.20 3.332 1 / 4 PL3U236N *Δ■2 3 / 2 11 / 16 7 1 / 2 9 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 2 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 9 / 16 2 7 8 PL3U238N *Δ■/ 64 11.002 7 / 16 PL3U239N *Δ■60.00 PL3U2M60N *Δ■ 68.26 190.50 241.30 63.50 63.50 16.00 28.60 136.50 27.00 39.70 53.60 4.95Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes, 1/8”PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC26445F - BoltsLABase toCenterlineH HeightLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.WDEApprox.Weight<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>U

PL3W200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableLow base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC45F - BoltsHLABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U W5/ 8 PL3W210E ▲2031 1 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 3 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 3 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 2 2 1 / 8 1 1 / 9 8 / 7 16 / 8 1 13 1/ 64 0.90/ 2 PL3W2B08E ▲204 3/ 4 PL3W212E ▲ 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 7 / 32 1 1 / 3 2 / 7 8 / 16 2 17 / 32 1 5 11 59/ 16 / 16 / 64 1 19 / 64 1.607/ 8 PL3W214E ▲152051 5 / 16 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 1 7 / 32 1 3 / 3 4 / 5 8 / 8 2 11 / 16 1 1 / 9 59/ 2 / 16 / 64 1 9 16 PL3W215E ▲/ 32 1.801 PL3W216E ▲1 1 / 8 PL3W218E ▲2061 9 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 1 13 / 32 1 7 / 1 111 3 / 8 / 2 / 16 3 5 / 32 1 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 64 1 29 16 PL3W219E ▲/ 64 2.501 1 / 4 PL3W2E20E ▲1 1 / 4 PL3W220E ▲2071 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 17 / 32 1 7 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 3 5 / 8 2 3 131 3 / / 16 / 16 1 5 / 32 1 35 8 PL3W222E ▲/ 64 3.701 7 / 16 PL3W223E ▲208 1 1 / 2 PL3W224E ▲ 1 15 / 16 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 23 / 32 1 7 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 3 15 / 16 2 3 15/ 8 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 41 / 64 4.601 5 / 8 PL3W226E ▲209 1 11 / 2 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 1 23 / 32 2 1/ 3 2 / 4 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 7 2 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 21 16 PL3W227E ▲/ 32 5.001 3 / 4 PL3W228E ▲1 15 / 16 PL3W231E ▲2102 3 / 16 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 5 13 8 / 8 / 16 4 7 / 16 2 3 15/ 4 / 16 1 9 / 32 1 25 / 32 5.502 PL3W2E32E ▲MWUDEApprox.WeightPL3W200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othersize codes, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 265Pillow Block - 112-Bolt Low Backing Height Pillow Block

PL3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingPL3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableLow base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesS45BDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsHABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L S U W204 3/ 4 PL3S212E▲ 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 2 3/ 8 7/ 16 2 17 / 3211/ 16 3/ 4 1 19 / 64 1.407/ 8 PL3S214E▲20515/ 16 PL3S215E▲ 1 5 / 16 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 2 1 11 / 64 1 3 / 4 3/ 8 5/ 8 2 11 / 16 9/ 1651/ 64 1 9 / 32 1.801 PL3S216E▲1 1 / 8 PL3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 PL3S219E▲ 1 9 / 16 4 3 / 4 6 5 / 16 1 11 / 32 1 7 / 8 1/ 211/ 16 3 5 / 32 3/ 461/ 64 1 29 / 64 2.601 1 / 4 PL3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 PL3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 PL3S222E▲ 1 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 6 3 / 8 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 1/ 2 3/ 4 3 5 / 813/ 16 1 7 / 64 1 35 / 64 3.301 7 / 16 PL3S223E▲208 1 1 / 2 PL3S224E▲ 1 15 / 16 5 3 / 8 7 1 / 16 1 21 / 32 1 7 / 8 1/ 2 3/ 4 3 15 / 1615/ 16 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 4.201 5 / 8 PL3S226E▲209 1 11 / 16 PL3S227E▲ 2 1 / 16 5 5 / 8 7 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 1/ 2 3/ 4 4 1 / 4 7/ 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 5.001 3 / 4 PL3S228E▲210 1 15 / 16 PL3S231E▲ 2 3 / 16 6 3 / 16 7 7 / 8 1 13 / 16 2 1 / 8 5/ 813/ 16 4 7 / 1615/ 16 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 5.70LWDEUApprox.Weight2-Bolt Low Backing Height Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othersize codes, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionPillow Block - 12266Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

PT3U200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Tapped Base Pillow BlockProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron tapped base housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLABase toCenterlineHeightF - TapC D E45BDistance BetweenBolt HolesCFDepthFTapNUDL N U204 3/ 4 PT3U212N *■ 1 5 / 16 2 2 7 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 1 / 1 2 / 2 3/8-16 2 19 / 32 1 1 / 3 8 / 4 1.207/ 8 PT3U214N *Δ■152051 7 / 16 2 2 7 / 8 1 23 / 64 1 1 / 1 2 / 2 3/8-16 2 7 / 8 1 5 51/ 16 PT3U215N *Δ■/ 16 / 64 1.401 PT3U216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 PT3U218N *■2061 11 / 16 3 4 1 9 / 16 1 1 / 5 2 / 8 7/16-14 3 5 / 16 1 19 611 3 / 16 PT3U219N *■/ 32 / 64 2.501 1 / 4 PT3U2E20N *■1 1 / 4 PT3U220N *Δ■207 1 3 / 1 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 1 49 / 64 2 3/ 4 1/2-13 3 11 / 16 1 27 / 32 1 7 8 PT3U222N *Δ■/ 64 3.401 7 / 16 PT3U223N *Δ■1209/ 16 PT3U227N *Δ■2 1 / 8 3 3 / 4 5 2 1 / 32 2 7/ 8 1/2-13 4 1 / 4 2 9 / 32 1 15 / 64 4.901 3 / 4 PT3U228N *Δ■1210/ 16 PT3U231N *Δ■2 1 / 4 4 5 7 / 16 2 3 / 32 2 7/ 8 5/8-11 4 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 1 17 / 64 5.602 PT3U2E32N *Δ■EApprox.WeightPT3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 267Pillow Block - 13Tapped Base Pillow Block

PT3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingPT3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Tapped Base Pillow BlockProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron tapped base housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLABase toCenterlineHeightF - TapC D E45BDistance BetweenBolt HolesCFDepthFTapNUDL N U204 3/ 4 PT3S212E ▲ 1 5 / 16 2 2 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 2 1/ 2 3/8-16 2 19 / 32 1 1 / 8 3/ 4 1.007/ 8 PT3S214E ▲20515/ 16 PT3S215E ▲ 1 7 / 16 2 2 7 / 8 1 11 / 64 1 1 / 2 1/ 2 3/8-16 2 7 / 8 1 5 / 1651/ 64 1.301 PT3S216E ▲1 1 / 8 PT3S218E ▲206 1 3 / 16 PT3S219E ▲ 1 11 / 16 3 4 1 11 / 32 1 1 / 2 5/ 8 7/16-14 3 5 / 16 1 19 / 3261/ 64 2.301 1 / 4 PT3S2E20E ▲1 1 / 4 PT3S220E ▲207 1 3 / 8 PT3S222E ▲ 1 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 3/ 4 1/2-13 3 11 / 16 1 27 / 32 1 7 / 64 3.101 7 / 16 PT3S223E ▲2091 11 / 16 PT3S227E ▲1 3 / 4 PT3S228E ▲2 1 / 8 3 3 / 4 5 1 49 / 64 2 7/ 8 1/2-13 4 1 / 4 2 9 / 32 1 15 / 64 4.80210 1 15 / 16 PT3S231E ▲ 2 1 / 4 4 5 7 / 16 1 13 / 16 2 7/ 8 5/8-11 4 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 1 17 / 64 5.30EApprox.WeightTapped Base Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionPillow Block - 14268Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

PSY200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow BlockUnit with Stamped Steel HousingProduct FeaturesFormed steel housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & non-relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberRadialLoadRatingABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingSBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsHABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U1/ 2 PSY2B08N *■203 5/ 8 PSY210N *■ 600 1 3 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 15 / 32 1 1 / 16 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 11 / 32 1 1 / 833/ 6459/ 64 0.9011/ 16 PSY211N *■204 3/ 4 PSY212N *■ 700 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 23 / 32 1 1 / 8 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 16 9/ 16 1 3 / 64 1.107/ 8 PSY214N *Δ■20515/ 16 PSY215N *Δ■ 800 1 7 / 16 4 1 / 16 5 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 1 7 / 32 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 2 1/ 2 1 1 / 16 1.301 PSY216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 PSY218N *■206 1 3 / 16 PSY219N *■ 985 1 11 / 16 4 49 / 64 6 5 / 16 1 29 / 32 1 7 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 16 3 5 / 16 1 3 / 449/ 64 1 3 / 16 2.001 1 / 4 PSY2E20N *■1 1 / 4 PSY220N *Δ■207 1 3 / 8 PSY222N *Δ■ 1,300 1 7 / 8 5 5 / 64 6 15 / 16 2 1 / 64 1 5 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 16 3 3 / 4 2 3 / 1649/ 64 1 9 / 32 2.701 7 / 16 PSY223N *Δ■LMUDEApprox.WeightPSY200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availability* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 269Pillow Block - 15Formed Steel Pillow Block

PSU200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingPSU200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block Unitwith Stamped Steel HousingProduct FeaturesFormed steel housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & non-relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberRadialLoadRatingABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingSBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsHABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L S U5/ 8 PSU210N *■20311/ 16 PSU211N *■ 600 1 3 / 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 3 / 32 1 1 / 16 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 11 / 3233/ 6441/ 64 0.901/ 2 PSU2B08N *■204 3/ 4 PSU212N *■ 700 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 1 / 8 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 5 / 8 9/ 16 3/ 4 1.107/ 8 PSU214N *Δ■20515/ 16 PSU215N *Δ■ 800 1 7 / 16 4 1 / 16 5 3 / 8 1 23 / 64 1 7 / 32 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 55 / 64 1/ 251/ 64 1.301 PSU216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 PSU218N *■206 1 3 / 16 PSU219N *■ 985 1 11 / 16 4 49 / 64 6 5 / 16 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 16 3 5 / 1649/ 6461/ 64 2.001 1 / 4 PSU2E20N *■1 1 / 4 PSU220N *Δ■207 1 3 / 8 PSU222N *Δ■ 1,300 1 7 / 8 5 5 / 64 6 15 / 16 1 49 / 64 1 5 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 16 3 3 / 449/ 64 1 7 / 64 2.701 7 / 16 PSU223N *Δ■LUDEApprox.WeightFormed Steel Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availability* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionPillow Block - 16270Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

PSW200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block Unitwith Stamped Steel HousingProduct FeaturesFormed steel housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & non-relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberRadialLoadRatingABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingSBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsHABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U5/ 8 PSW210E ▲203 1/ 2 PSW2B08E ▲ 600 1 3/ 16 3 1 / 2 4 5 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 16 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 11 / 32 1 1 / 833/ 64 7/ 8 0.70204 3/ 4 PSW212E ▲ 700 1 5 / 16 3 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 1 7 / 32 1 1 / 8 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 5 / 8 1 5 / 16 9/ 1659/ 64 0.907/ 8 PSW214E ▲20515/ 16 PSW215E ▲ 800 1 7 / 16 4 1 / 16 5 3 / 8 1 7 / 32 1 7 / 32 3/ 8 7/ 32 2 55 / 64 1 1 / 2 1/ 259/ 64 1.101 PSW216E ▲1 1 / 8 PSW218E ▲206 1 3 / 16 PSW219E ▲ 985 1 11 / 16 4 49 / 64 6 5 / 16 1 13 / 32 1 7 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 16 3 5 / 16 1 3 / 449/ 64 1 3 / 64 1.701 1 / 4 PSW2E20E ▲1 1 / 4 PSW220E ▲207 1 3 / 8 PSW222E ▲ 1,300 1 7 / 8 5 5 / 64 6 15 / 16 1 17 / 32 1 5 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 16 3 3 / 4 2 3 / 1649/ 64 1 5 / 32 2.401 7 / 16 PSW223E ▲LMUDEApprox.WeightPSW200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availability▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 271Pillow Block - 17Formed Steel Pillow Block

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC272

FX3Y200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceBearing DrawingF - BoltsA D F G H J M N P1/ 2 FX3Y2B08N*■203 53 1 17 / 32 2 1 / 8 1 15 / 3 32 / 1 8 / 1 16 / 2 1 25 / 32 1 1 / 8 3 7 33/ 8 FX3Y210N*■/ 8 / 64 1.0011/ 16 FX3Y211N*■204 3/ 4 FX3Y212N*■ 3 17 / 32 1 51 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 23 / 3 32 / 1 8 / 9 16 / 16 2 1 / 64 1 5 / 16 4 13 37/ 32 / 64 1.307/ 8 FX3Y214N*Δ■152053 57 / 64 1 13 / 16 2 11 / 16 1 3 / 7 4 / 1 19 16 / 16 / 32 2 1 1 / 2 4 29 35/ 16 FX3Y215N*Δ■/ 32 / 64 1.701 FX3Y216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FX3Y218N*■2064 19 / 32 1 31 / 32 3 3 / 16 1 29 / 7 32 / 1 19 16 / 16 / 32 2 15 / 64 1 3 / 4 5 19 211 3 / 16 FX3Y219N*■/ 32 / 32 2.501 1 / 4 FX3Y2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FX3Y220N*Δ■2075 1 / 8 2 5 / 64 3 5 / 8 2 1 / 1 64 / 1 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 23 / 64 2 3 / 16 6 1 111 3 / 8 FX3Y222N*Δ■/ 8 / 16 3.301 7 / 16 FX3Y223N*Δ■208 1 1 / 2 FX3Y224N*Δ■ 5 21 / 32 2 9 / 32 4 2 7 / 1 32 / 1 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 35 / 64 2 3 / 8 6 25 45/ 32 / 64 4.501 5 / 8 FX3Y226N*Δ■2095 27 / 32 2 9 / 32 4 1 / 4 2 7 / 1 32 / 1 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 7 3 111 11 / 16 FX3Y227N*Δ■/ 32 / 16 5.401 3 / 4 FX3Y228N*Δ■1210/ 16 FX3Y231N*Δ■6 3 / 16 2 5 / 8 4 9 / 16 2 15 / 9 32 / 5 16 / 3 32 / 4 2 57 / 64 2 3 / 4 7 7 25/ 16 / 32 6.602 FX3Y2E32N*Δ■2 FX3Y232N*Δ■2117 1 / 4 2 31 / 32 5 2 13 / 5 16 / 5 13 8 / 32 / 16 3 1 / 4 3 8 1 31/ 2 / 32 8.002 3 / 16 FX3Y235N*Δ■ABDistance NBetweenBolt HolesMPJDHLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceGApprox.WeightFX3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for allother size codes, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 273Flange Block - 12-Bolt Flanged Block

FX3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFX3U200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211PartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceF - BoltsABDistance NBetweenBolt HolesPJDHLMounting Surfaceto Inner Ring Hub FaceA D F G H J N P1/ 2 FX3U2B08N*■5/ 3 1 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 1 3 / 3 32 / 5 8 / 1 32 / 2 1 25 / 32 3 7 / 1 8 FX3U210N*■8 / 4 0.9011/ 16 FX3U211N*■17.00 FX3U2M17N*■ 76.20 31.80 54.00 27.78 10.00 4.00 12.70 45.20 98.40 6.40 0.413/ 4 FX3U212N*■ 3 17 / 32 1 31 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 9 / 3 13 32 / 8 / 9 64 / 16 2 1 / 64 4 13 / 9 32 / 32 1.2020.00 FX3U2M20N*■ 89.69 37.70 61.90 32.54 10.00 5.20 14.30 51.20 111.90 7.10 0.547/ 8 FX3U214N*Δ■153 57 / 64 1 35 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 23 / 7 64 / 3 19 16 / 16 / 32 2 4 29 19/ 16 FX3U215N*Δ■/ 32 / 64 1.601 FX3U216N*Δ■25.00 FX3U2M25N*Δ■ 98.82 39.30 68.30 34.53 10.00 4.80 15.10 50.80 124.60 7.50 0.721 1 / 8 FX3U218N*■4 19 / 32 1 47 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 9 / 7 11 19 16 / 16 / 64 / 32 2 15 / 64 5 19 271 3 / 16 FX3U219N*■/ 32 / 64 2.401 1 / 4 FX3U2E20N*■30.00 FX3U2M30N*■ 116.68 44.00 81.00 39.69 10.00 4.40 15.10 56.70 142.10 10.70 1.081 1 / 4 FX3U220N*Δ■5 1 / 8 1 59 / 64 3 5 / 8 1 49 / 1 64 / 5 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 23 / 64 6 1 331 3 / 8 FX3U222N*Δ■/ 8 / 64 3.001 7 / 16 FX3U223N*Δ■35.00 FX3U2M35N*Δ■ 130.18 48.80 92.10 44.85 12.00 4.00 15.90 59.90 155.60 13.10 1.351 1 / 2 FX3U224N*Δ■ 5 21 / 32 2 5 / 64 4 1 29 / 1 11 32 / 2 / 5 64 / 8 2 35 / 64 6 25 / 1 32 / 2 4.2040.00 FX3U2M40N*Δ■ 143.67 52.80 101.60 48.42 12.00 4.40 15.90 64.70 172.20 12.70 1.901 5 / 8 FX3U226N*Δ■5 27 / 32 2 9 / 64 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 1 32 / 7 2 / 5 64 / 8 2 9 / 16 7 3 351 11 / 16 FX3U227N*Δ■/ 32 / 64 5.101 3 / 4 FX3U228N*Δ■45.00 FX3U2M45N*Δ■ 148.30 54.40 108.00 51.59 12.00 2.80 15.90 65.10 180.20 13.90 2.301 15 / 16 FX3U231N*Δ■6 3 / 16 2 25 / 64 4 9 / 16 2 3 / 9 19 32 / 16 / 3 64 / 4 2 57 / 64 7 7 / 9 16 / 16 6.302 FX3U2E32N*Δ■50.00 FX3U2M50N*Δ■ 157.16 60.70 115.90 53.18 14.00 7.50 19.00 73.40 188.90 14.30 2.842 FX3U232N*Δ■7 1 / 4 2 21 / 32 5 2 1 / 5 13 13 4 / 8 / 32 / 16 3 1 / 4 8 1 21/ 2 / 32 7.402 3 / 16 FX3U235N*Δ■55.00 FX3U2M55N*Δ■ 184.15 67.50 127.00 57.15 16.00 10.30 20.60 82.60 215.90 16.70 3.33GApprox.Weight2-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for allother size codes, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionFlange Block - 2274Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FX3W200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMountingSurface toCollar FaceF - BoltsABDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNMPJDHLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceA D F G H J M N P1/ 2 FX3W2B08E▲2033 1 31 / 64 2 1 / 8 1 1 / 3 23 8 / 8 / 1 64 / 2 1 25 / 32 1 1 / 8 3 7 155/ 8 / 32 0.60/ 8 FX3W210E▲204 3/ 4 FX3W212E▲ 3 17 / 32 1 21 / 32 2 7 / 16 1 7 / 3 32 / 7 8 / 9 16 / 16 2 1 / 64 1 5 / 16 4 13 29/ 32 / 64 1.007/ 8 FX3W214E▲152053 57 / 64 1 43 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 7 / 7 29 19 32 / 16 / 64 / 32 2 1 1 / 2 4 29 27/ 16 FX3W215E▲/ 32 / 64 1.401 FX3W216E▲1 1 / 8 FX3W218E▲2064 19 / 32 1 53 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 13 / 7 27 19 32 / 16 / 64 / 32 2 15 / 64 1 3 / 4 5 19 331 3 / 16 FX3W219E▲/ 32 / 64 2.101 1 / 4 FX3W2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FX3W220E▲207 1 3 / 5 1 / 8 1 31 / 32 3 5 / 8 1 17 / 1 32 / 7 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 23 / 64 2 3 / 16 6 1 / 9 8 FX3W222E▲8 / 16 3.001 7 / 16 FX3W223E▲208 1 1 / 2 FX3W224E▲ 5 21 / 32 2 3 / 16 4 1 23 / 1 15 32 / 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 35 / 64 2 3 / 8 6 25 39/ 32 / 64 4.001 5 / 8 FX3W226E▲2095 27 / 32 2 3 / 16 4 1 / 4 1 23 / 1 15 32 / 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 7 3 191 11 / 16 FX3W227E▲/ 32 / 32 4.701 3 / 4 FX3W228E▲1210/ 16 FX3W231E▲6 3 / 16 2 13 / 32 4 9 / 16 1 23 / 9 11 32 / 16 / 3 16 / 4 2 57 / 64 2 3 / 4 7 7 / 9 16 / 16 5.702 FX3W2E32E▲GApprox.WeightFX3W200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for allother size codes, 1/8” PT▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 275Flange Block - 32-Bolt Flanged Block

FX3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFX3S200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceF - BoltsABDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNPJDHLMounting Surfaceto Inner Ring Hub FaceA D F G H J N P204 3/ 4 FX3S212E▲ 3 17 / 32 1 31 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 3/ 823/ 64 9/ 16 2 1 / 64 4 13 / 32 9/ 32 1.107/ 8 FX3S214E▲20515/ 16 FX3S215E▲ 3 57 / 64 1 35 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 11 / 64 7/ 16 3/ 819/ 32 2 4 29 / 3219/ 64 1.501 FX3S216E▲1 1 / 8 FX3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 FX3S219E▲ 4 19 / 32 1 47 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 11 / 32 7/ 1625/ 6419/ 32 2 15 / 64 5 19 / 3227/ 64 2.101 1 / 4 FX3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FX3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 FX3S222E▲ 5 1 / 8 1 59 / 64 3 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 1/ 223/ 64 5/ 8 2 23 / 64 6 1 / 833/ 64 2.701 7 / 16 FX3S223E▲208 1 1 / 2 FX3S224E▲ 5 21 / 32 2 5 / 64 4 1 21 / 32 1/ 227/ 64 5/ 8 2 35 / 64 6 25 / 32 1/ 2 3.801 5 / 8 FX3S226E▲209 1 11 / 16 FX3S227E▲ 5 27 / 32 2 9 / 64 4 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 1/ 2 3/ 8 5/ 8 2 9 / 16 7 3 / 3235/ 64 4.401 3 / 4 FX3S228E▲210 1 15 / 16 FX3S231E▲ 6 3 / 16 2 25 / 64 4 9 / 16 1 13 / 16 9/ 1637/ 64 3/ 4 2 57 / 64 7 7 / 1635/ 64 5.60GApprox.Weight2-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFlange Block - 4276Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

F3Y200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingNLMountingSurface toCollar FaceBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareF - BoltsAMPJDLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceA D E F G H J M N P204 3/ 4 F3Y212N *■ 2 1 / 2 1 51 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 23 / 32 3 3 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 9 16 / 16 2 1 / 64 1 5 / 16 4 13 37/ 32 / 64 1.607/ 8 F3Y214N *Δ■152052 3 / 4 1 13 / 16 2 11 / 16 1 3 / 4 3 3 / 7 4 / 1 19 16 / 16 / 32 2 1 1 / 2 4 29 35/ 16 F3Y215N *Δ■/ 32 / 64 2.001 F3Y216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 F3Y218N *■2063 1 / 4 1 31 / 32 3 3 / 16 1 29 / 32 4 1 / 7 4 / 1 19 16 / 16 / 32 2 15 / 64 1 3 / 4 5 19 211 3 / 16 F3Y219N *■/ 32 / 32 3.201 1 / 4 F3Y2E20N *■1 1 / 4 F3Y220N *Δ■2073 5 / 8 2 5 / 64 3 5 / 8 2 1 / 64 4 5 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 23 / 64 2 3 / 16 6 1 111 3 / 8 F3Y222N *Δ■/ 8 / 16 4.201 7 / 16 F3Y223N *Δ■208 1 1 / 2 F3Y224N *Δ■ 4 2 9 / 32 4 2 7 / 32 5 1 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 35 / 64 2 3 / 8 6 25 45/ 32 / 64 5.301 5 / 8 F3Y226N *Δ■2094 1 / 8 2 9 / 32 4 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 5 3 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 7 3 111 11 / 16 F3Y227N *Δ■/ 32 / 16 6.501 3 / 4 F3Y228N *Δ■1210/ 16 F3Y231N *Δ■4 3 / 8 2 17 / 32 4 1 / 2 2 15 / 32 5 5 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 3 16 / 4 2 13 / 16 2 3 / 4 7 7 51/ 16 / 64 7.202 F3Y2E32N *Δ■2 F3Y232N *Δ■2115 1 / 8 2 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 2 13 / 16 6 3 / 5 8 / 1 29 8 / 16 / 32 3 11 / 64 3 8 1 15/ 2 / 16 9.502 3 / 16 F3Y235N *Δ■2 1 / 4 F3Y236N *Δ■2125 5 / 8 3 1 / 8 5 3 / 8 3 1 / 16 6 7 / 5 8 / 1 15 8 / 16 / 16 3 25 / 64 3 5 / 16 9 7 152 3 / 8 F3Y238N *Δ■/ 32 / 16 12.502 7 / 16 F3Y239N *Δ■HGApprox.WeightF3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: forall other size codes, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 277Flange Block - 54-Bolt Flanged Block

F3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingF3U200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211212PartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingNLMountingSurface toCollar FaceBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareF - BoltsA MPJD GLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceA D E F G H J M N P1/ 2 F3U2B08N *■5/ 2 1 / 8 1 1 / 4 2 1 / 8 1 3 / 32 3 3/ 5 8 / 1 32 / 2 1 25 / 32 - 3 7 / 1 8 F3U210N *■8 / 4 1.0011/ 16 F3U211N *■17.00 F3U2M17N *■ 53.98 31.80 54.00 27.78 76.20 10.00 4.00 12.70 45.20 - 98.40 6.40 0.453/ 4 F3U212N *■ 2 1 / 2 1 31 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 9 / 32 3 3 / 3 13 8 / 8 / 9 64 / 16 2 1 / 64 - 4 13 / 9 32 / 32 1.5020.00 F3U2M20N *■ 63.50 37.70 61.90 32.54 85.70 10.00 5.20 14.30 51.20 - 111.90 7.10 0.687/ 8 F3U214N *Δ■152 3 / 4 1 35 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 23 / 64 3 3 / 7 4 / 3 19 16 / 16 / 32 2 - 4 29 19/ 16 F3U215N *Δ■/ 32 / 64 1.901 F3U216N *Δ■25.00 F3U2M25N *Δ■ 69.85 39.30 68.30 34.53 95.20 10.00 4.80 15.10 50.80 - 124.60 7.50 0.861 1 / 8 F3U218N *■3 1 / 4 1 47 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 9 / 16 4 1 / 7 11 191 3 / 4 / 16 / 64 / 32 2 15 / 64 - 5 19 / 7 16 F3U219N *■32 / 16 3.101 1 / 4 F3U2E20N *■30.00 F3U2M30N *■ 82.55 44.00 81.00 39.69 108.00 10.00 4.40 15.10 56.70 - 142.10 11.10 1.401 1 / 4 F3U220N *Δ■3 5 / 8 1 59 / 64 3 5 / 8 1 49 / 64 4 5 / 1 8 / 5 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 23 / 64 - 6 1 331 3 / 8 F3U222N *Δ■/ 8 / 64 3.901 7 / 16 F3U223N *Δ■35.00 F3U2M35N *Δ■ 92.08 48.80 92.10 44.85 117.50 12.00 4.00 15.90 59.90 - 155.60 13.10 1.751 1 / 2 F3U224N *Δ■ 4 2 5 / 64 4 1 29 / 32 5 1 / 1 11 8 / 2 / 5 64 / 8 2 35 / 64 - 6 25 / 1 32 / 2 5.0040.00 F3U2M40N *Δ■ 101.60 52.80 101.60 48.42 130.20 12.00 4.40 15.90 64.70 - 172.20 12.70 2.251 5 / 8 F3U226N *Δ■4 1 / 8 2 9 / 64 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 32 5 3 / 1 8 / 7 2 / 5 64 / 8 2 9 / 16 - 7 3 351 11 / 16 F3U227N *Δ■/ 32 / 64 6.201 3 / 4 F3U228N *Δ■45.00 F3U2M45N *Δ■ 104.78 54.40 108.00 51.59 136.50 12.00 2.80 15.90 65.10 - 180.20 13.90 2.801 15 / 16 F3U231N *Δ■4 3 / 8 2 19 / 64 4 1 / 2 2 3 / 32 5 5 / 1 13 8 / 2 / 3 64 / 4 2 13 / 16 - 7 7 / 9 16 / 16 6.902 F3U2E32N *Δ■50.00 F3U2M50N *Δ■ 111.12 58.30 114.30 53.18 142.90 12.00 5.20 19.00 71.40 - 188.90 14.30 3.102 F3U232N *Δ■5 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 4 15 / 16 2 1 / 4 6 3 / 5 8 / 5 29 8 / 16 / 32 3 11 / 64 - 8 1 / 5 2 / 8 8.902 3 / 16 F3U235N *Δ■55.00 F3U2M55N *Δ■ 130.18 65.10 125.40 57.15 161.90 16.00 7.90 23.00 80.60 - 215.90 15.90 4.002 1 / 4 F3U236N *Δ■5 5 / 8 2 27 / 32 5 3 / 8 2 1 / 2 6 7 / 5 11 15 8 / 8 / 32 / 16 3 25 / 64 - 9 7 412 3 / 8 F3U238N *Δ■/ 32 / 64 11.902 7 / 16 F3U239N *Δ■60.00 F3U2M60N *Δ■ 142.88 72.20 136.50 63.50 174.60 16.00 8.70 23.80 86.10 - 234.20 16.30 5.35HApprox.WeightContinued...4-Bolt Flanged BlockFlange Block - 6278<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Continued...Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter213215217PartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceA D E F G H J M N PApprox.Weight2 1 / 2 F3U240N *Δ2 11 / 16 F3U243N *Δ5 7 / 8 2 25 / 32 5 7 / 8 2 11 / 16 7 3 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 32 3/ 4 3 5 / 32 4 3 / 16 9 13 / 16 5/ 8 14.4065.00 F3U2M65N *Δ 149.22 70.60 149.20 68.26 187.30 16.00 2.40 19.00 80.20 106.40 249.20 15.90 6.502 3 / 4 F3U244N *Δ2 15 / 16 F3U247N *Δ 6 2 31 / 32 6 3 / 8 2 7 / 8 7 3 / 4 3/ 4 3/ 32 3/ 4 3 3 / 8 4 5 / 8 10 1 / 411/ 16 17.403 F3U2E48N *Δ75.00 F3U2M75N *Δ 152.40 75.40 161.90 73.02 196.80 20.00 2.40 19.00 85.70 117.50 260.40 17.50 7.853 7 / 16 F3U255N *Δ3 1 / 2 F3U2E56N *Δ6 3 / 4 3 21 / 32 7 1 / 2 3 9 / 16 8 9 / 16 3/ 4 3/ 32 1 4 1 / 32 5 3 / 16 11 3 / 8 3/ 4 25.7085.00 F3U2M85N *Δ 171.45 92.90 190.50 90.49 217.50 20.00 2.40 25.40 102.40 131.80 288.90 19.00 11.55F3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes, 1/8”PTSize codes 203 to 212 don’t have mounting collars* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 279Flange Block - 74-Bolt Flanged Block

F3W200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingF3W200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingNLMountingSurface toCollar FaceBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareF - BoltsAMPJDLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceA D E F G H J M N P1/ 2 F3W2B08E▲2032 1 / 8 1 31 / 64 2 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 3 3 23/ 8 / 1 64 / 2 1 25 / 32 1 1 / 8 3 7 155/ 8 / 32 0.80/ 8 F3W210E▲204 3/ 4 F3W212E▲ 2 1 / 2 1 21 / 32 2 7 / 16 1 7 / 32 3 3 / 3 8 / 7 8 / 9 16 / 16 2 1 / 64 1 5 / 16 4 13 29/ 32 / 64 1.307/ 8 F3W214E▲152052 3 / 4 1 43 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 7 / 32 3 3 / 7 29 19 4 / 16 / 64 / 32 2 1 1 / 2 4 29 27/ 16 F3W215E▲/ 32 / 64 1.801 F3W216E▲1 1 / 8 F3W218E▲2063 1 / 4 1 53 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 13 / 32 4 1 / 7 27 19 4 / 16 / 64 / 32 2 15 / 64 1 3 / 4 5 19 331 3 / 16 F3W219E▲/ 32 / 64 2.901 1 / 4 F3W2E20E▲1 1 / 4 F3W220E▲207 1 3 / 3 5 / 8 1 31 / 32 3 5 / 8 1 17 / 32 4 5 / 1 8 / 7 2 / 5 16 / 8 2 23 / 64 2 3 / 16 6 1 / 9 8 F3W222E▲8 / 16 3.701 7 / 16 F3W223E▲208 1 1 / 2 F3W224E▲ 4 2 3 / 16 4 1 23 / 32 5 1 / 1 15 8 / 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 35 / 64 2 3 / 8 6 25 39/ 32 / 64 4.801 5 / 8 F3W226E▲2094 1 / 8 2 3 / 16 4 1 / 4 1 23 / 32 5 3 / 1 15 8 / 2 / 5 32 / 8 2 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 7 3 191 11 / 16 F3W227E▲/ 32 / 32 5.601 3 / 4 F3W228E▲1210/ 16 F3W231E▲4 3 / 8 2 5 / 16 4 1 / 2 1 23 / 32 5 5 / 1 19 8 / 2 / 3 32 / 4 2 13 / 16 2 3 / 4 7 7 37/ 16 / 64 6.102 F3W2E32E▲HGApprox.Weight4-Bolt Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for allother size codes, 1/8” PT▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFlange Block - 8280Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions ofordered material furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

F3S200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingNLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareF - BoltsAPJDLMounting Surfaceto Inner RingHub FaceA D E F G H J N P204 3/ 4 F3S212E▲ 2 1 / 2 1 31 / 64 2 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 8 3/ 823/ 64 9/ 16 2 1 / 64 4 13 / 32 9/ 32 1.607/ 8 F3S214E▲20515/ 16 F3S215E▲ 2 3 / 4 1 35 / 64 2 11 / 16 1 11 / 64 3 3 / 4 7/ 16 3/ 819/ 32 2 4 29 / 3219/ 64 1.901 F3S216E▲1 1 / 8 F3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 F3S219E▲ 3 1 / 4 1 47 / 64 3 3 / 16 1 11 / 32 4 1 / 4 7/ 1625/ 6419/ 32 2 15 / 64 5 19 / 3227/ 64 2.601 1 / 4 F3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 F3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 F3S222E▲ 3 5 / 8 1 59 / 64 3 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 4 5 / 8 1/ 223/ 64 5/ 8 2 23 / 64 6 1 / 837/ 64 3.401 7 / 16 F3S223E▲208 1 1 / 2 F3S224E▲ 4 2 5 / 64 4 1 21 / 32 5 1 / 8 1/ 227/ 64 5/ 8 2 35 / 64 6 25 / 32 1/ 2 4.701 5 / 8 F3S226E▲209 1 11 / 16 F3S227E▲ 4 1 / 8 2 9 / 64 4 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 5 3 / 8 1/ 2 3/ 8 5/ 8 2 9 / 16 7 3 / 3235/ 64 5.401 3 / 4 F3S228E▲210 1 15 / 16 F3S231E▲ 4 3 / 8 2 19 / 64 4 1 / 2 1 13 / 16 5 5 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 2 3/ 4 2 13 / 16 7 7 / 16 9/ 16 6.20HGApprox.WeightF3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 281Flange Block - 94-Bolt Flanged Block

FB3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFB3U200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Bracket UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter204205206207PartNumberBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersBearing DrawingCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterNKBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub Face45UDistanceBetweenBolt HolesAUDistance BetweenBolt HolesELMountingSurface toInner RingHub FaceF - BoltsA D E F G H K N P3/ 4 FB3U212N *■ 1 11 / 16 7/ 8 1 11 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 1 9 / 32 2 3 / 8 3/ 8 1/ 16 5/ 16 3 4 1 / 411/ 32 1.4020.00 FB3U2M20N *■ 42.90 22.20 34.10 38.10 63.50 32.50 60.30 10.00 1.60 7.90 76.20 108.00 8.70 0.637/ 8 FB3U214N *Δ■15/ 16 FB3U215N *Δ■ 1 13 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 29 / 64 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 1 23 / 64 2 1 / 2 3/ 8 3/ 32 3/ 8 3 3 / 8 4 3 / 419/ 64 1.901 FB3U216N *Δ■25.00 FB3U2M25N *Δ■ 46.00 28.60 38.90 41.30 69.80 34.53 63.50 10.00 2.40 9.50 85.70 120.60 7.50 0.861 1 / 8 FB3U218N *■1 3 / 16 FB3U219N *■ 2 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 2 3 / 4 3/ 8 1/ 16 3/ 8 3 3 / 4 5 3 / 8 3/ 8 2.501 1 / 4 FB3U2E20N *■30.00 FB3U2M30N *■ 52.30 31.80 43.70 47.60 82.60 39.69 69.80 10.00 1.60 9.50 95.20 136.50 9.50 1.131 1 / 4 FB3U220N *Δ■1 3 / 8 FB3U222N *Δ■ 2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 59 / 64 2 3 3 / 4 1 49 / 64 3 1 / 4 1/ 2 5/ 32 1/ 2 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 831/ 64 3.401 7 / 16 FB3U223N *Δ■35.00 FB3U2M35N *Δ■ 60.30 31.80 48.80 50.80 95.20 44.85 82.60 12.00 4.00 12.70 108.00 155.60 12.30 1.53PDGHApprox.WeightFlanged Bracket BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4”-28 UNF* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionFlange Block - 10282Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FB3S200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Bracket UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersBearing DrawingCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterNKLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceBCenterlineto Bolt HoleCentersCBolt HoleCenter toBolt CenterUDistanceBetweenBolt Holes45AUDistance BetweenBolt HolesELMountingSurface toInner RingHub FaceF - BoltsA D E F G H K N P204 3/ 4 FB3S212E▲ 1 11 / 16 7/ 8 1 11 / 32 1 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 3/ 8 7/ 32 5/ 16 3 4 1 / 411/ 32 1.207/ 8 FB3S214E▲20515/ 16 FB3S215E▲ 1 13 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 29 / 64 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 1 11 / 64 2 1 / 2 3/ 8 9/ 32 3/ 8 3 3 / 8 4 3 / 419/ 64 1.701 FB3S216E▲1 1 / 8 FB3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 FB3S219E▲ 2 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 1 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 1 11 / 32 2 3 / 4 3/ 8 9/ 32 3/ 8 3 3 / 4 5 3 / 8 3/ 8 2.201 1 / 4 FB3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FB3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 FB3S222E▲ 2 3 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 59 / 64 2 3 3 / 4 1 9 / 16 3 1 / 4 1/ 223/ 64 1/ 2 4 1 / 4 6 1 / 831/ 64 3.201 7 / 16 FB3S223E▲PDGHApprox.WeightFB3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/4”-28 UNF▲ E lip seals standardNickel plated housings available, add suffix K75Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 283Flange Block - 11Flanged Bracket Block

FC3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingFC3Y200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterBBolt HoleCircleDiameterBearing DrawingBBolt HoleCircleDiameterF - BoltsLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCLMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceC D F H M U YMYDHUAPilotDiameter7/ 8 FC3Y214N *Δ■15205 / 3.000 3 5 / 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 8 1 3 / 3 4 / 5 8 / 8 1 1 / 1 2 / 2 1 7 16 FC3Y215N *Δ■/ 16 3.101 FC3Y216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 FC3Y218N *■2063.375 4 1 / 8 1 3 / 8 5 1 29 / 7 13 32 / 16 / 16 1 3 271 3 / / 4 / 64 1 23 16 FC3Y219N *■/ 32 4.601 1 / 4 FC3Y2E20N *■1 1 / 4 FC3Y220N *Δ■2073.625 4 3 / 8 1 21 / 32 5 1 / 4 2 1 / 7 64 / 16 1 1 / 16 2 3 151 3 / 8 FC3Y222N *Δ■/ 16 / 32 2 4.901 7 / 16 FC3Y223N *Δ■208 1 1 / 2 FC3Y224N *Δ■ 3.625 4 3 / 8 1 43 / 64 5 1 / 4 2 7 / 7 32 / 16 1 1 / 32 2 3 15/ 8 / 32 2 1 / 16 4.601 5 / 8 FC3Y226N *Δ■2094.250 5 1 / 8 1 45 / 64 6 1 / 8 2 7 / 1 32 / 2 1 1 / 16 2 1 151 11 / / 2 / 32 2 5 16 FC3Y227N *Δ■/ 64 6.601 3 / 4 FC3Y228N *Δ■210 1 15 / 16 FC3Y231N *Δ■ 4.500 5 3 / 8 1 7 / 8 6 3 / 8 2 15 / 1 32 / 2 1 13 / 64 2 3 / 5 4 / 8 2 1 / 4 7.70211A 2 FC4Y232N *Δ■ 4.500 5 3 / 8 1 31 / 32 6 3 / 8 2 13 / 1 16 / 2 1 1 / 32 3 5/ 8 2 17 / 64 7.202 FC3Y232N *Δ■211B5.000 6 1 27 / 32 7 1 / 8 2 13 / 9 16 / 16 1 3 7/ 8 2 1 / 8 11.002 3 / 16 FC3Y235N *Δ■2 1 / 4 FC3Y236N *Δ■212 2 3 / 5.500 6 1 / 2 1 29 / 32 7 5 / 8 3 1 / 9 16 / 16 1 3 5 / 7 16 / 8 2 11 8 FC3Y238N *Δ■/ 64 12.502 7 / 16 FC3Y239N *Δ■Approx.WeightAdditional NotesFlanged Cartridge BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 206 and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/8” PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsFlange Block - 12284Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FC3U200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode205206207208209210211A211B212213215ShaftDiameterPartNumberAPilotDiameterBBolt HoleCircleDiameterBearing DrawingBBolt HoleCircleDiameterF - BoltsLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCLMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceC D F G H M U YYHDUG APilotDiameter7/ 8 FC3U214N*Δ■153.000 3 5 55/ / 8 / 64 4 3 / 8 1 23 / 3 64 / 8 - 5/ 8 - 1/ 2 1 7 16 FC3U215N*Δ■/ 16 3.001 FC3U216N*Δ■25.00 FC3U2M25N*Δ■ 76.200 92.08 21.80 111.10 34.53 10.00 - 15.90 - 12.70 36.50 1.351 1 / 8 FC3U218N*■3.375 4 1 / 8 1 9 / 64 5 1 9 / 7 13 271 3 / 16 / 16 - / 16 - / 64 1 23 16 FC3U219N*■/ 32 4.501 1 / 4 FC3U2E20N*■30.00 FC3U2M30N*■ 85.720 104.78 29.00 127.00 39.69 10.00 - 20.60 - 10.70 43.70 2.001 1 / 4 FC3U220N*Δ■3.625 4 3 / 8 1 31 / 64 5 1 / 4 1 49 / 7 64 / 3 16 / 16 1 1 151 3 / 8 FC3U222N*Δ■/ 16 - / 32 2 4.601 7 / 16 FC3U223N*Δ■35.00 FC3U2M35N*Δ■ 92.080 111.20 37.70 133.40 44.85 10.00 4.80 27.00 - 11.90 50.80 2.101 1 / 2 FC3U224N*Δ■ 3.625 4 3 / 8 1 15 / 32 5 1 / 4 1 29 / 7 32 / 1 16 / 32 1 1 15/ 32 - / 32 2 1 / 16 4.3040.00 FC3U2M40N*Δ■ 92.080 111.12 37.30 133.40 48.42 10.00 0.80 26.20 - 11.90 52.40 1.951 5 / 8 FC3U226N*Δ■4.250 5 1 / 8 1 9 / 16 6 1 / 8 2 1 / 1 32 / 2 - 1 1 151 11 / / 16 - / 32 2 5 16 FC3U227N*Δ■/ 64 6.301 3 / 4 FC3U228N*Δ■45.00 FC3U2M45N*Δ■ 107.950 130.18 39.70 155.60 51.59 12.00 - 27.00 - 11.90 52.80 2.841 15 / 16 FC3U231N*Δ■ 4.500 5 3 / 8 1 41 / 64 6 3 / 8 2 3 / 1 11 32 / 2 / 64 1 13 / 64 - 5/ 8 2 1 / 4 7.4050.00 FC3U2M50N*Δ■ 114.300 136.52 41.70 161.90 53.18 12.00 4.40 30.60 - 15.90 57.20 3.332 FC4U232N*Δ■ 4.500 5 3 / 8 1 21 / 32 6 3 / 8 2 1 / 1 4 / 1 2 / 32 1 1 / 32 - 5/ 8 2 17 / 64 7.7055.00 FC4U2M55N*Δ■ 114.300 136.52 42.10 161.90 57.15 12.00 0.80 26.20 - 15.90 57.50 3.502 FC3U232N*Δ■5.000 6 1 17 / 32 7 1 / 8 2 1 / 9 4 / 5 16 / 32 1 - 7/ 8 2 1 / 8 9.902 3 / 16 FC3U235N*Δ■55.00 FC3U2M55N*Δ■ 127.000 152.40 38.90 181.00 57.15 14.00 4.00 25.40 - 22.20 54.00 4.452 1 / 4 FC3U236N*Δ■2 3 / 5.500 6 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 7 5 / 8 2 1 / 9 2 / 16 - 1 - 7/ 8 2 11 8 FC3U238N*Δ■/ 64 12.002 7 / 16 FC3U239N*Δ■60.00 FC3U2M60N*Δ■ 139.700 165.10 41.30 193.70 63.50 14.00 - 25.40 - 22.20 55.20 5.406.375 7 1 / 2 1 13 / 16 8 3 / 4 2 11 / 5 16 / 3 8 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 3 / 16 1 1 / 16 2 3 / 16 17.0065.00 FC3U2M65N*Δ 161.920 190.50 46.00 222.20 68.26 16.00 4.80 30.20 106.40 27.00 55.60 7.656.375 7 1 / 2 1 13 / 16 8 3 / 4 2 7 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 16 1 1 / 16 4 5 / 8 1 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 17.702 1 / 22 3 / 4FC3U240N*ΔFC3U244N*Δ2 11 / 162 15 / 16FC3U243N*ΔFC3U247N*ΔApprox.WeightFC3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingContinued...<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 285Flange Block - 13Flanged Cartridge Block

Flanged Cartridge Block FC3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingContinued...Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter215217220Additional NotesFlange Block - 14PartNumberAPilotDiameterBBolt HoleCircleDiameterLMountingSurface toCollar FaceC D F G H M U YApprox.Weight3 FC3U2E48N*Δ 6.375 7 1 / 2 1 13 / 16 8 3 / 4 2 7 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 16 1 1 / 16 4 5 / 8 1 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 17.7075.00 FC3U2M75N*Δ 161.920 190.50 46.00 222.20 73.02 16.00 4.80 27.00 117.50 31.80 56.40 8.003 7 / 16 FC3U255N*Δ7.375 8 5 / 8 2 13 / 32 10 1 / 4 3 9 / 3 16 / 4 - 1 5 / 8 5 3 / 16 1 5 / 32 2 25 / 32 34.003 1 / 2 FC3U2E56N*Δ85.00 FC3U2M85N*Δ 187.320 219.08 61.10 260.40 90.49 20.00 - 41.30 131.80 29.40 70.60 15.303 15 / 16 FC3U263N*8.120 9 3 / 8 3 1 / 8 10 7 / 8 4 1 / 3 4 / 4 - 2 1 / 8 5 15 / 16 1 1 / 8 3 9 / 16 41.804 FC3U2E64N*100.00 FC3U2M100N* 206.250 238.12 79.40 276.20 107.95 20.00 - 54.00 150.80 28.60 90.50 18.80Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 206 and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/8” PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)Size codes 203 to 212 don’t have mounting collars* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth seals286Δ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FXY200, FXYG200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Unitwith High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature2-bolt carriage outboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsNon-RelubricatableSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberERelubricatablePartNumberBearing DrawingEEF - BoltsAHousingDiameter45BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesAN Housing MDiameterLMountingSurface toCollar FaceD F H K M N1/ 2 FXY2B08N *■ FXYG2B08N *■203 5/ 8 FXY210N *■ 2 3 / 16 FXYG210N *■ 2 3 / 32 1 25 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 19 / 64 1 15 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 845/ 64 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 0.6011/ 16 FXY211N *■ FXYG211N *■204 3/ 4 FXY212N *■ 2 15 / 32 FXYG212N *■ 2 3 / 8 2 1 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 15 / 32 1 23 / 32 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 16 0.807/ 8 FXY214N *Δ■ FXYG214N *Δ■20515/ 16 FXY215N *Δ■ 2 23 / 32 FXYG215N *Δ■ 2 5 / 8 2 9 / 32 3 1 31 / 64 1 3 / 4 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 1.001 FXY216N *Δ■ FXYG216N *Δ■1 1 / 8 FXY218N *■FXYG218N *■206 1 3 / 16 FXY219N *■ 3 3 / 32 FXYG219N *■ 3 3 / 32 2 23 / 32 3 9 / 16 1 21 / 32 1 29 / 32 3/ 815/ 3257/ 64 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 16 1.401 1 / 4 FXY2E20N *■ FXYG2E20N *■1 1 / 4 FXY220N *Δ■ FXYG220N *Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FXY222N *Δ■ 3 1 / 2 FXYG222N *Δ■ 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 8 3 15 / 16 1 25 / 32 2 1 / 64 3/ 8 1/ 215/ 16 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 2.001 7 / 16 FXY223N *Δ■ FXYG223N *Δ■DKHLMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceAHousing MDiameterDKHApprox.WeightFXY200, FXYG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFLoading slots are on mounting face side for non-relubricatable units* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 287Flange Block - 152-Bolt High Test Iron Flanged Block

FXU200, FXUG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFXU200, FXUG200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & optional relubrication feature2-bolt carriage outboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsNon-RelubricatableSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberERelubricatablePartNumberBearing DrawingEEF - BoltsAHousingDiameter45BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesB NDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceAHousingDiameterDKHLMountingSurface toInner RingHub FaceAHousingDiameterD F H K N1/ 2 FXU2B08N*■ FXUG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FXU210N*■ 2 3 / 16 FXUG210N*■ 2 3 / 32 1 25 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 64 1 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 845/ 64 3 3 / 16 0.6011/ 16 FXU211N*■ FXUG211N*■204 3/ 4 FXU212N*■ 2 15 / 32 FXUG212N*■ 2 3 / 8 2 1 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 11 / 64 1 9 / 32 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 3 9 / 16 0.807/ 8 FXU214N*Δ■ FXUG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FXU215N*Δ■ 2 23 / 32 FXUG215N*Δ■ 2 5 / 8 2 9 / 32 3 1 7 / 32 1 23 / 64 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 3 3 / 4 1.001 FXU216N*Δ■ FXUG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FXU218N*■FXUG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FXU219N*■ 3 3 / 32 FXUG219N*■ 3 3 / 32 2 23 / 32 3 9 / 16 1 27 / 64 1 9 / 16 3/ 815/ 3257/ 64 4 7 / 16 1.401 1 / 4 FXU2E20N*■ FXUG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FXU220N*Δ■ FXUG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FXU222N*Δ■ 3 1 / 2 FXUG222N*Δ■ 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 8 3 15 / 16 1 39 / 64 1 49 / 64 3/ 8 1/ 215/ 16 4 13 / 16 2.001 7 / 16 FXU223N*Δ■ FXUG223N*Δ■DKHApprox.Weight2-Bolt High Test Iron Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFLoading slots are on mounting face side for non-relubricatable units* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionFlange Block - 16288Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FXW200, FXWG200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature2-bolt carriage outboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsNon-RelubricatableSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberERelubricatablePartNumberBearing DrawingEEF - BoltsAHousingDiameter45BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceAN Housing MDiameterDKHLMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceAHousing MDiameterD F H K M N1/ 2 FXW2B08E▲2032 3FXWG2B08E▲/ 16 2 35/ 32/ 8 FXW210E▲ FXWG210E▲1 25 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1/ 4 3/ 845/ 64 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 0.50204 3/ 4 FXW212E▲ 2 15 / 32 FXWG212E▲ 2 3 / 8 2 1 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 11 / 32 1 7 / 32 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 16 0.707/ 8 FXW214E▲ FXWG214E▲20515/ 16 FXW215E▲ 2 23 / 32 FXWG215E▲ 2 5 / 8 2 9 / 32 3 1 11 / 32 1 7 / 32 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 0.801 FXW216E▲ FXWG216E▲1 1 / 8 FXW218E▲ FXWG218E▲206 1 3 / 16 FXW219E▲ 3 3 / 32 FXWG219E▲ 3 3 / 32 2 23 / 32 3 9 / 16 1 17 / 32 1 13 / 32 3/ 815/ 3257/ 64 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 16 1.201 1 / 4 FXW2E20E▲ FXWG2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FXW220E▲ FXWG220E▲207 1 3 / 8 FXW222E▲ 3 1 / 2 FXWG222E▲ 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 8 3 15 / 16 1 21 / 32 1 17 / 32 3/ 8 1/ 215/ 16 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 1.801 7 / 16 FXW223E▲ FXWG223E▲DKHApprox.WeightFXW200, FXWG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFLoading slots are on mounting face side for non-relubricatable units▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 289Flange Block - 172-Bolt High Test Iron Flanged Block

FXRY200, FXRYG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingFXRY200, FXRYG200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Unitwith High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature2-bolt carriage inboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberEF - BoltsDistanceBetweenBolt Holes45LMountingSurface toCollar FaceBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesVFrameOpeningNMHDULMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceVMin.FrameOpeningD E F H M N UMHDUVMin.FrameOpening1/ 2 FXRY2B08N*■ FXRYG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FXRY210N*■ FXRYG210N*■ 2 1 / 259/ 64 1 7 / 8 1 15 / 32 2 3 / 16 1/ 4 3/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 1621/ 64 0.6011/ 16 FXRY211N*■ FXRYG211N*■204 3/ 4 FXRY212N*■ FXRYG212N*■ 2 13 / 16 1 3 / 64 2 5 / 32 1 23 / 32 2 15 / 32 5/ 1627/ 64 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 1623/ 64 0.807/ 8 FXRY214N*Δ■ FXRYG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FXRY215N*Δ■ FXRYG215N*Δ■ 3 1 1 / 16 2 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 2 23 / 32 5/ 1627/ 64 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 423/ 64 1.001 FXRY216N*Δ■ FXRYG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FXRY218N*■ FXRYG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FXRY219N*■ FXRYG219N*■ 3 9 / 16 1 3 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 29 / 32 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 32 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 1627/ 64 1.401 1 / 4 FXRY2E20N*■ FXRYG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FXRY220N*Δ■ FXRYG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FXRY222N*Δ■ FXRYG222N*Δ■ 3 15 / 16 1 9 / 32 3 7 / 32 2 1 / 64 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 7/ 16 2.001 7 / 16 FXRY223N*Δ■ FXRYG223N*Δ■Approx.Weight2-Bolt High Test Iron Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFShort shank square neck carriage bolt is not recommended* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionFlange Block - 18290Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FXRU200, FXRUG200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & optional relubrication feature2-bolt carriage inboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode Diameter Part Number Part NumberEF - BoltsDistanceBetweenBolt Holes45LMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesNVFrameOpeningHDULMountingSurface toInner RingHub FaceVMin.FrameOpeningD E F H N UHDUVMin.FrameOpening1/ 2 FXRU2B08N*■ FXRUG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FXRU210N*■ FXRUG210N*■ 2 1 / 241/ 64 1 7 / 8 1 3 / 32 2 3 / 16 1/ 4 3/ 8 3 3 / 1621/ 64 0.6011/ 16 FXRU211N*■ FXRUG211N*■204 3/ 4 FXRU212N*■ FXRUG212N*■ 2 13 / 16 3/ 4 2 5 / 32 1 9 / 32 2 15 / 32 5/ 1627/ 64 3 9 / 1623/ 64 0.807/ 8 FXRU214N*Δ■ FXRUG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FXRU215N*Δ■ FXRUG215N*Δ■ 351/ 64 2 3 / 8 1 23 / 64 2 23 / 32 5/ 1627/ 64 3 3 / 423/ 64 1.001 FXRU216N*Δ■ FXRUG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FXRU218N*■ FXRUG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FXRU219N*■ FXRUG219N*■ 3 9 / 1661/ 64 2 13 / 16 1 9 / 16 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 32 4 7 / 1627/ 64 1.401 1 / 4 FXRU2E20N*■ FXRUG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FXRU220N*Δ■ FXRUG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FXRU222N*Δ■ FXRUG222N*Δ■ 3 15 / 16 1 7 / 64 3 7 / 32 1 49 / 64 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 4 13 / 16 7/ 16 2.001 7 / 16 FXRU223N*Δ■ FXRUG223N*Δ■Approx.WeightFXRU200, FXRUG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFShort shank square neck carriage bolt is not recommended* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 291Flange Block - 192-Bolt High Test Iron Flanged Block

FXRW200, FXRWG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingFXRW200, FXRWG200Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature2-bolt carriage inboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberEF - BoltsDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar Face45BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesVFrameOpeningNMHDULMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceVMin.FrameOpeningD E F H M N UMHDUVMin.FrameOpening2031/ 2 FXRW2B08E▲ FXRWG2B08E▲5/ 8 FXRW210E▲ FXRWG210E▲2 1 / 2 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 16 1/ 4 3/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 1621/ 64 0.50204 3/ 4 FXRW212E▲ FXRWG212E▲ 2 13 / 1659/ 64 2 5 / 32 1 7 / 32 2 15 / 32 5/ 1627/ 64 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 1623/ 64 0.707/ 8 FXRW214E▲ FXRWG214E▲20515/ 16 FXRW215E▲ FXRWG215E▲ 359/ 64 2 3 / 8 1 7 / 32 2 23 / 32 5/ 1627/ 64 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 423/ 64 0.801 FXRW216E▲ FXRWG216E▲1 1 / 8 FXRW218E▲ FXRWG218E▲206 1 3 / 16 FXRW219E▲ FXRWG219E▲ 3 9 / 16 1 3 / 64 2 13 / 16 1 13 / 32 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 32 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 1627/ 64 1.201 1 / 4 FXRW2E20E▲ FXRWG2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FXRW220E▲ FXRWG220E▲207 1 3 / 8 FXRW222E▲ FXRWG222E▲ 3 15 / 16 1 5 / 32 3 7 / 32 1 17 / 32 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 7/ 16 1.801 7 / 16 FXRW223E▲ FXRWG223E▲Approx.Weight2-Bolt High Test Iron Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFShort shank square neck carriage bolt is not recommended▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFlange Block - 20292Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FY200, FYG200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature3 or 4-bolt carriage outboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsNon-RelubricatableSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberAHousingDiameterBearing DrawingYRelubricatablePartNumberNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE3030 30AHousingDiameterBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE45LMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceMAHousingDiameterD E F H K M N Y3-Bolt1/ 2 FY2B08N*■FYG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FY210N*■ 1 25 / 32 FYG210N*■ 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 19 / 64 1 15 / 32 2 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 845/ 64 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 19 / 32 0.6011/ 16 FY211N*■ FYG211N*■204 3/ 4 FY212N*■ 2 1 / 16 FYG212N*■ 2 3 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 15 / 32 1 23 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 25 / 32 0.807/ 8 FY214N*Δ■FYG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FY215N*Δ■ 2 9 / 32 FYG215N*Δ■ 2 3 / 8 3 1 31 / 64 1 3 / 4 2 5 / 8 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 1.001 FY216N*Δ■ FYG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FY218N*■FYG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FY219N*■ 2 23 / 32 FYG219N*■ 2 13 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 21 / 32 1 29 / 32 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 3257/ 64 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 16 2 7 / 32 1.401 1 / 4 FY2E20N*■ FYG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FY220N*Δ■FYG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FY222N*Δ■ 3 1 / 8 FYG222N*Δ■ 3 7 / 32 3 15 / 16 1 25 / 32 2 1 / 64 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 215/ 16 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 2 13 / 32 2.001 7 / 16 FY223N*Δ■ FYG223N*Δ■4-Bolt208 1 1 / 2 FY224N*Δ■ 3 15 / 32 FYG224N*Δ■ 3 21 / 32 4 11 / 16 2 2 7 / 32 3 7 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 5 13 / 16 - 3.001 5 / 8 FY226N*Δ■FYG226N*Δ■209 1 11 / 16 FY227N*Δ■ 3 11 / 16 FYG227N*Δ■ 3 13 / 16 4 3 / 4 2 2 7 / 32 4 7 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 7 / 8 - 3.101 3 / 4 FY228N*Δ■ FYG228N*Δ■2101 15 / 16 FY231N*Δ■FYG231N*Δ■3 7 / 82 FY2E32N*Δ■ FYG2E32N*Δ■4 1 / 16 5 2 1 / 8 2 15 / 32 4 15 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 6 1 / 8 - 3.60DKHApprox.WeightFY200, FYG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFLoading slots are on mounting face side for non-relubricatable units* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 293Flange Block - 21High Test Iron Flanged Block

FU200, FUG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFU200, FUG200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & optional relubrication feature3 or 4-bolt carriage outboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingY30NBDistance BetweenBolt HolesBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberAHousingDiameterPartNumberAHousingDiameterEDistanceBetweenBolt Holes3030LMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE45LMountingSurface toInner RingHub FaceAHousingDiameterD E F H K N Y3-Bolt1/ 2 FU2B08N*■FUG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FU210N*■ 1 25 / 32 FUG210N*■ 1 29 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 64 1 3 / 32 2 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 845/ 64 3 3 / 16 1 19 / 32 0.6011/ 16 FU211N*■ FUG211N*■204 3/ 4 FU212N*■ 2 1 / 16 FUG212N*■ 2 3 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 11 / 64 1 9 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 3 9 / 16 1 25 / 32 0.807/ 8 FU214N*Δ■FUG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FU215N*Δ■ 2 9 / 32 FUG215N*Δ■ 2 3 / 8 3 1 7 / 32 1 23 / 64 2 5 / 8 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 3 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 1.001 FU216N*Δ■ FUG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FU218N*■FUG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FU219N*■ 2 23 / 32 FUG219N*■ 2 13 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 27 / 64 1 9 / 16 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 3257/ 64 4 7 / 16 2 7 / 32 1.401 1 / 4 FU2E20N*■ FUG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FU220N*Δ■FUG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FU222N*Δ■ 3 1 / 8 FUG222N*Δ■ 3 7 / 32 3 15 / 16 1 39 / 64 1 49 / 64 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 215/ 16 4 13 / 16 2 13 / 32 2.001 7 / 16 FU223N*Δ■ FUG223N*Δ■4-Bolt208 1 1 / 2 FU224N*Δ■ 3 15 / 32 FUG224N*Δ■ 3 21 / 32 4 11 / 16 1 51 / 64 1 29 / 32 3 7 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 5 13 / 16 - 3.001 5 / 8 FU226N*Δ■FUG226N*Δ■209 1 11 / 16 FU227N*Δ■ 3 11 / 16 FUG227N*Δ■ 3 13 / 16 4 3 / 4 1 55 / 64 2 1 / 32 4 7 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 5 7 / 8 - 3.101 3 / 4 FU228N*Δ■ FUG228N*Δ■2101 15 / 16 FU231N*Δ■FUG231N*Δ■3 7 / 82 FU2E32N*Δ■ FUG2E32N*Δ■4 1 / 16 5 1 57 / 64 2 3 / 32 4 15 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 6 1 / 8 - 3.60DKHApprox.WeightHigh Test Iron Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFLoading slots are on mounting face side for non-relubricatable units* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionFlange Block - 22294Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FW200, FWG200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Unitwith High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature3 or 4-bolt carriage outboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingYNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE3030 30Bearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberAHousingDiameterPartNumberAHousingDiameterDistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE45LMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceMAHousingDiameterD E F H K M N Y3-Bolt1/ 2 FW2B08E▲203125FWG2B08E▲5/ 32/ 8 FW210E▲ FWG210E▲ 129/ 32 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 845/ 64 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 1 19 / 32 0.50204 3/ 4 FW212E▲ 2 1 / 16 FWG212E▲ 2 3 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 11 / 32 1 7 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 25 / 32 0.707/ 8 FW214E▲FWG214E▲20515/ 16 FW215E▲ 2 9 / 32 FWG215E▲ 2 3 / 8 3 1 11 / 32 1 7 / 32 2 5 / 8 5/ 1627/ 6425/ 32 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 4 1 7 / 8 0.801 FW216E▲ FWG216E▲1 1 / 8 FW218E▲FWG218E▲206 1 3 / 16 FW219E▲ 2 23 / 32 FWG219E▲ 2 13 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 17 / 32 1 13 / 32 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 3257/ 64 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 16 2 7 / 32 1.201 1 / 4 FW2E20E▲ FWG2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FW220E▲FWG220E▲207 1 3 / 8 FW222E▲ 3 1 / 8 FWG222E▲ 3 7 / 32 3 15 / 16 1 21 / 32 1 17 / 32 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 7/ 8 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 2 13 / 32 1.801 7 / 16 FW223E▲ FWG223E▲4-Bolt208 1 1 / 2 FW224E▲ 3 15 / 32 FWG224E▲ 3 21 / 32 4 11 / 16 1 29 / 32 1 23 / 32 3 7 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 8 5 13 / 16 - 2.801 5 / 8 FW226E▲FWG226E▲209 1 11 / 16 FW227E▲ 3 11 / 16 FWG227E▲ 3 13 / 16 4 3 / 4 1 29 / 32 1 23 / 32 4 7 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 5 7 / 8 - 2.901 3 / 4 FW228E▲ FWG228E▲2101 15 / 16 FW231E▲FWG231E▲3 7 / 82 FW2E32E▲ FWG2E32E▲ 4 1/ 16 5 1 29 / 32 1 23 / 32 4 15 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 6 1 / 8 - 3.10DKHApprox.WeightFW200, FWG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFLoading slots are on mounting face side for non-relubricatable units▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 295Flange Block - 23High Test Iron Flanged Block

FRY200, FRYG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingFRY200, FRYG200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature3 or 4-bolt carriage inboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberYNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE3030 30DistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceVFrameOpeningF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE45LMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceD E F H M N U Y3-Bolt1/ 2 FRY2B08N*■ FRYG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FRY210N*■ FRYG210N*■ 2 1 / 259/ 64 1 7 / 8 1 15 / 32 2 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 1621/ 64 1 19 / 32 0.6011/ 16 FRY211N*■ FRYG211N*■204 3/ 4 FRY212N*■ FRYG212N*■ 2 13 / 16 1 3 / 64 2 5 / 32 1 23 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 1627/ 64 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 1623/ 64 1 25 / 32 0.807/ 8 FRY214N*Δ■ FRYG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FRY215N*Δ■ FRYG215N*Δ■ 3 1 1 / 16 2 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 2 5 / 8 5/ 1627/ 64 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 423/ 64 1 7 / 8 1.001 FRY216N*Δ■ FRYG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FRY218N*■ FRYG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FRY219N*■ FRYG219N*■ 3 9 / 16 1 3 / 16 2 13 / 16 1 25 / 32 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 32 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 1627/ 64 2 7 / 32 1.401 1 / 4 FRY2E20N*■ FRYG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FRY220N*Δ■ FRYG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FRY222N*Δ■ FRYG222N*Δ■ 3 15 / 16 1 9 / 32 3 7 / 32 2 1 / 64 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 7/ 16 2 13 / 32 2.001 7 / 16 FRY223N*Δ■ FRYG223N*Δ■4-Bolt208 1 1 / 2 FRY224N*Δ■ FRYG224N*Δ■ 4 11 / 16 1 3 / 8 3 9 / 16 2 7 / 32 3 7 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 3 / 8 5 13 / 16 1/ 2 - 3.001 5 / 8 FRY226N*Δ■ FRYG226N*Δ■209 1 11 / 16 FRY227N*Δ■ FRYG227N*Δ■ 4 3 / 4 1 3 / 8 3 25 / 32 2 7 / 32 4 7 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 1 / 2 5 7 / 8 1/ 2 - 3.101 3 / 4 FRY228N*Δ■ FRYG228N*Δ■2101 15 / 16 FRY231N*Δ■ FRYG231N*Δ■2 FRY2E32N*Δ■ FRYG2E32N*Δ■5 1 1 / 2 3 31 / 32 2 15 / 32 4 15 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 3 / 4 6 1 / 8 1/ 2 - 3.60MHDUVMin.FrameOpeningApprox.WeightHigh Test Iron Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFShort shank square neck carriage bolt is not recommended* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionFlange Block - 24296Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FRU200, FRUG200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & optional relubrication feature3 or 4-bolt carriage inboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberYNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE3030 30DistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface to InnerRing Hub FaceF - BoltsVFrameOpeningNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE45LMountingSurface toInner RingHub FaceD E F H N U YHDUVMin.FrameOpening3-Bolt1/ 2 FRU2B08N*■ FRUG2B08N*■203 5/ 8 FRU210N*■ FRUG210N*■ 2 1 / 241/ 64 1 7 / 8 1 3 / 32 2 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 8 3 3 / 1621/ 64 1 19 / 32 0.6011/ 16 FRU211N*■ FRUG211N*■204 3/ 4 FRU212N*■ FRUG212N*■ 2 13 / 16 3/ 4 2 5 / 32 1 9 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 1627/ 64 3 9 / 1623/ 64 1 25 / 32 0.807/ 8 FRU214N*Δ■ FRUG214N*Δ■20515/ 16 FRU215N*Δ■ FRUG215N*Δ■ 351/ 64 2 3 / 8 1 23 / 64 2 5 / 8 5/ 1627/ 64 3 3 / 423/ 64 1 7 / 8 1.001 FRU216N*Δ■ FRUG216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 FRU218N*■ FRUG218N*■206 1 3 / 16 FRU219N*■ FRUG219N*■ 3 9 / 1661/ 64 2 13 / 16 1 9 / 16 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 32 4 7 / 1627/ 64 2 7 / 32 1.401 1 / 4 FRU2E20N*■ FRUG2E20N*■1 1 / 4 FRU220N*Δ■ FRUG220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 FRU222N*Δ■ FRUG222N*Δ■ 3 15 / 16 1 7 / 64 3 7 / 32 1 49 / 64 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 4 13 / 16 7/ 16 2 13 / 32 2.001 7 / 16 FRU223N*Δ■ FRUG223N*Δ■4-Bolt208 1 1 / 2 FRU224N*Δ■ FRUG224N*Δ■ 4 11 / 16 1 11 / 64 3 9 / 16 1 29 / 32 3 7 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 5 13 / 16 1/ 2 - 3.001 5 / 8 FRU226N*Δ■ FRUG226N*Δ■209 1 11 / 16 FRU227N*Δ■ FRUG227N*Δ■ 4 3 / 4 1 15 / 64 3 25 / 32 2 1 / 32 4 7 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 5 7 / 8 1/ 2 - 3.101 3 / 4 FRU228N*Δ■ FRUG228N*Δ■2101 15 / 16 FRU231N*Δ■ FRUG231N*Δ■2 FRU2E32N*Δ■ FRUG2E32N*Δ■5 1 17 / 64 3 31 / 32 2 3 / 32 4 15 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 6 1 / 8 1/ 2 - 3.60Approx.WeightFRU200, FRUG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFShort shank square neck carriage bolt is not recommended* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 297Flange Block - 25High Test Iron Flanged Block

FRW200, FRWG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingFRW200, FRWG200Photo Shows a 3-Bolt Ball Bearing FlangedUnit with High Test Iron HousingProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & optional relubrication feature3 or 4-bolt carriage inboard mountingSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsNon-Relubricatable Relubricatable BSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberPartNumberYNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE3030 30DistanceBetweenBolt HolesLMountingSurface toCollar FaceVFrameOpeningF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE45LMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceD E F H M N U Y3-Bolt2031/ 2 FRW2B08E▲ FRWG2B08E▲5/ 8 FRW210E▲ FRWG210E▲2 1 / 2 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 32 1/ 4 3/ 8 1 1 / 8 3 3 / 1621/ 64 1 19 / 32 0.50204 3/ 4 FRW212E▲ FRWG212E▲ 2 13 / 1659/ 64 2 5 / 32 1 7 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 1627/ 64 1 5 / 16 3 9 / 1623/ 64 1 25 / 32 0.707/ 8 FRW214E▲ FRWG214E▲20515/ 16 FRW215E▲ FRWG215E▲ 359/ 64 2 3 / 8 1 7 / 32 2 5 / 8 5/ 1627/ 64 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 423/ 64 1 7 / 8 0.801 FRW216E▲ FRWG216E▲1 1 / 8 FRW218E▲ FRWG218E▲206 1 3 / 16 FRW219E▲ FRWG219E▲ 3 9 / 16 1 3 / 64 2 13 / 16 1 13 / 32 3 3 / 32 3/ 815/ 32 1 3 / 4 4 7 / 1627/ 64 2 7 / 32 1.201 1 / 4 FRW2E20E▲ FRWG2E20E▲1 1 / 4 FRW220E▲ FRWG220E▲207 1 3 / 8 FRW222E▲ FRWG222E▲ 3 15 / 16 1 5 / 32 3 7 / 32 1 17 / 32 3 1 / 2 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 3 / 16 4 13 / 16 7/ 16 2 13 / 32 1.801 7 / 16 FRW223E▲ FRWG223E▲4-Bolt208 1 1 / 2 FRW224E▲ FRWG224E▲ 4 11 / 16 1 9 / 32 3 9 / 16 1 23 / 32 3 7 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 3 / 8 5 13 / 16 1/ 2 - 2.801 5 / 8 FRW226E▲ FRWG226E▲209 1 11 / 16 FRW227E▲ FRWG227E▲ 4 3 / 4 1 9 / 32 3 25 / 32 1 23 / 32 4 7 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 1 / 2 5 7 / 8 1/ 2 - 2.901 3 / 4 FRW228E▲ FRWG228E▲2101 15 / 16 FRW231E▲ FRWG231E▲2 FRW2E32E▲ FRWG2E32E▲5 1 9 / 32 3 31 / 32 1 23 / 32 4 15 / 32 1/ 2 5/ 8 2 3 / 4 6 1 / 8 1/ 2 - 3.10MHDUVMin.FrameOpeningApprox.WeightHigh Test Iron Flanged BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 204 and below, 10-32 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/4”-28 UNFShort shank square neck carriage bolt is not recommended▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionFlange Block - 26298Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

MSTPhoto Shows an Formed Steel 2-Bolt Flanged Housing HalfProduct Features2-piece formed steel housingFor collar mounted, round, square or hexbore bearingsAlignable & non-relubricatable2-bolt carriage mountingBearing not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodePart NumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesHole SizeFBearing DrawingBolt SizeF - BoltsVFrameOpeningEBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesE G H K NNKHSGS Carriage BoltVMin.FrameOpening203 40MST 2 1 / 2 9/ 32 1/ 4 1 15 / 16 2 5 / 1613/ 32 0.075 9/ 32 3 3 / 16 0.006 0.100 600 0.10204 47MST 2 13 / 1611/ 32 5/ 16 2 3 / 16 2 5 / 8 1/ 2 0.083 5/ 16 3 9 / 16 0.021 0.115 700 0.20205 52MST 311/ 32 5/ 16 2 3 / 8 2 51 / 64 1/ 2 0.08311/ 32 3 3 / 4 0.021 0.115 800 0.20206 62MST 3 9 / 1613/ 32 3/ 8 2 13 / 16 3 5 / 1619/ 32 0.10411/ 32 4 7 / 16 0.011 0.104 1,100 0.20ShortShankLongShankRadialLoadRatingApprox.WeightMST - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Relubricatable Two-Piece Formed Steel Flanged Housing HalfAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityAssembly requires two housing halvesFor bearing insert information, see Unmounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 299Flange Block - 27Bearing Service Parts and Kits

Bearing Service Parts and Kits MSTR - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Non-relubricatable Two-Piece Formed Steel Triangular Flanged Housing HalfMSTRPhoto Shows a Formed Steel 3-BoltTriangular Flanged Housing HalfProduct Features2-piece formed steel housingFor collar mounted, round, square orhex bore bearingsAlignable & non-relubricatable3-bolt carriage mountingBearing not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodePartNumberAdditional NotesFlange Block - 28BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesHoleSizeBearing DrawingCBDistance BetweenBolt HolesT30 30F - BoltsPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityAssembly requires two housing halvesFor bearing insert information, see Unmounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.FBoltSizeVFrameOpeningC G H J KYJKS Carriage BoltHSTYGVMin.FrameOpening204 47MSTR 2 13 / 1611/ 32 5/ 16 2 3 / 16 3 9 / 16 1/ 2 0.083 3 5/ 16 0.021 0.115 1 1 / 16 1 5 / 16 700 0.25205 52MSTR 311/ 32 5/ 16 2 3 / 8 3 3 / 4 1/ 2 0.083 3 5 / 3211/ 32 0.021 0.115 1 7 / 64 1 3 / 8 800 0.50206 62MSTR 3 9 / 1613/ 32 3/ 8 2 13 / 16 4 7 / 1619/ 32 0.104 3 11 / 1611/ 32 0.011 0.10431/ 32 1 1 / 2 1,100 0.50300ShortShankLongShankRadialLoadRatingApprox.Weight<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

MS, MSCPhoto Shows a Formed Steel 3-Bolt or4-Bolt Round Flanged Housing HalfProduct Features2-piece formed steel housingFor collar mounted, round, square orhex bore bearingsAlignable & non-relubricatable3 or 4-bolt carriage mountingBearing not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodePartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesHoleSizeFBoltSizeBearing DrawingCBDistance BetweenBolt Holes30 30VFrameOpeningF - BoltsCBDistance BetweenBolt HolesC G H KKHSS Carriage BoltsShortShankLong ShankGVMin.FrameOpening3-Bolt203 40MSC1 2 1 / 2 9/ 32 1/ 4 1 15 / 16 3 3 / 1613/ 32 0.075 9/ 32 0.006 0.100 600 0.13204 47MSC1 2 13 / 1611/ 32 5/ 16 2 3 / 16 3 9 / 16 1/ 2 0.083 5/ 16 0.021 0.115 700 0.2020552MS2113 / 5 32 / 16 2 3 / 8 3 3 / 10.104 0 0.073 1,10011 4 / 2 / 3252MSC1 0.083 0.021 0.115 8000.30206 62MSC1 3 9 / 1613/ 32 3/ 8 2 13 / 16 4 7 / 1619/ 32 0.10411/ 32 0.011 0.104 1,100 0.3572MS20.1340.044 1,7002073 15 13/ 16 / 3 32 / 8 3 3 / 16 4 13 19/ 16 / 3072MS3 32 0.149 / 8 0.014 1,900 0.5072MSC1 0.104 0.011 0.104 1,4004-Bolt208 80MSC1 4 11 / 1617/ 32 1/ 2 3 9 / 16 5 13 / 1649/ 64 0.13413/ 32 0.013 0.107 1,700 0.80209 85MSC1 4 3 / 417/ 32 1/ 2 3 13 / 16 5 7 / 849/ 64 0.134 7/ 16 0.013 0.107 1,700 1.00210 90MSC1 517/ 32 1/ 2 4 6 1 / 849/ 64 0.149 7/ 16 0 0.077 1,900 1.00211 100MSC1 5 7 / 1617/ 32 1/ 2 4 7 / 16 6 9 / 1649/ 64 0.14915/ 32 0 0.077 1,900 1.10RadialLoadRatingApprox.WeightMS, MSC - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Non-Relubricatable Two-Piece Formed Steel Round Flanged Housing HalfAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityAssembly requires two housing halvesFor bearing insert information, see Unmounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 301Flange Block - 29Bearing Service Parts and Kits

Bearing Service Parts and Kits GMSA, GMSB - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Relubricatable Two-Piece Formed Steel Round Flanged Housing HalfGMSA, GMSBPhoto Shows a Formed Steel 3-Bolt or 4-BoltRound Flanged Housing HalfProduct Features2-piece formed steel housingFor collar mounted, round, square orhex bore bearingsAlignable & relubricatable3 or 4-bolt carriage mountingBearing not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodePartNumberAdditional NotesFlange Block - 30BDistanceBetweenBolt HolesHoleSizeBearing DrawingPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityAssembly requires one GMSA & one GMSBFor bearing insert information, see Unmounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> sectionG100MSA & G100MSB hole tolerance +/- .015” (+/- .038mm)GMSA are housing halves with straight lube fittingsGMSB are housing halves without fittingsNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.FBoltSize30VFrameOpeningCBDistance BetweenBolt Holes3030F - BoltsC G H KCBDistance BetweenBolt Holes45KHSS Carriage BoltsShortShankLongShank<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>GRadialLoadRatingVMin.FrameOpening3-Bolt205 G52MSA 311/ 32 5/ 16 2 3 / 8 3 3 / 4 1/ 2 0.08311/ 32 0.021 0.115 800 0.30G62MSA0.1040.011 0.104 1,100206G62MSA33 9 13/ 16 / 30.13432 / 8 2 13 / 16 4 7 19/ 16 / 30 0.044 1,40032 / 8G62MSB 0.104 0.011 0.104 1,1000.50G62MSB3 0.134 0 0.044 1,400207G72MSAG72MSB3 15 / 1613/ 32 3/ 8 3 3 / 16 4 13 / 1613/ 32 0.134 7/ 16 0 0.044 1,400 0.504-Bolt208G80MSAG80MSB4 11 / 1617/ 32 1/ 2 3 9 / 16 5 13 / 1649/ 64 0.149 5/ 8 0.013 0.107 1,700 0.90209G85MSAG85MSB4 3 / 417/ 32 1/ 2 3 13 / 16 5 7 / 849/ 64 0.149 5/ 8 0.013 0.107 1,700 0.90210G90MSAG90MSB517/ 32 1/ 2 4 6 1 / 849/ 64 0.164 1/ 2 0 0.077 1,900 1.00211G100MSAG100MSB5 7 / 1617/ 32 1/ 2 4 9 / 16 6 9 / 1649/ 64 0.164 5/ 8 0 0.077 2,300 1.20302Approx.Weight

T3Y200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingStandard slot designBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrewClearanceNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingNL SlotSpacingSSlotWidthCAJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterMWUDSSlotWidthKA C D F G J K L T U W Y5/ 8 T3Y210N*■112039/ 16 1.875 0.281 2 3 / 16 1 7 / 8 1 15 / 32 1 11 / 16 1 1 13/ 16 3 / 16 2 1 / 1 59/ 4 / 2 / 64 1 13 / 64 1 15 16 T3Y211N*■/ 16 1.001/ 2 T3Y2B08N*■204 3/ 4 T3Y212N*■ 9/ 16 2.125 0.281 2 1 / 2 1 7 / 8 1 23 / 32 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 5 15/ 16 / 16 2 5 / 1 8 / 2 1 3 / 64 1 5 / 16 2 3 / 32 1.507/ 8 T3Y214NΔ*■15205 / 9/ 16 2.375 0.281 2 3 / 4 2 1 3 / 4 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 2 7 / 1 8 / 2 1 1 / 16 1 5 / 16 2 7 16 T3Y215NΔ*■/ 32 2.001 T3Y216NΔ*■1 1 / 8 T3Y218N*■206 1 3 / 5/ 8 2.875 0.406 3 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 1 29 / 32 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 32 3 1 / 9 2 / 16 1 3 / 16 1 29 / 64 2 19 16 T3Y219N*■/ 32 3.001 1 / 4 T3Y2E20N*■1 1 / 4 T3Y220NΔ*■11207 1 3 / / 16 3.375 0.406 3 11 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 1 / 64 2 1 1 / 4 4 11 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 5/ 8 1 9 / 32 1 35 / 64 2 7 8 T3Y222NΔ*■/ 8 3.401 7 / 16 T3Y223NΔ*■208 1 1 11/ 2 T3Y224NΔ*■ / 16 3.500 0.406 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 2 7 / 32 2 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 8 1 11 / 32 4 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 3 / 8 1 41 / 64 3 1 / 8 4.501 5 / 8 T3Y226NΔ*■209 1 11 / 7/ 8 3.750 0.406 4 5 / 16 3 1 / 8 2 7 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 7 / 16 5 3 / 8 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 3 / 8 1 21 / 32 3 1 16 T3Y227NΔ*■/ 4 5.301 3 / 4 T3Y228NΔ*■210 1 15 / 16 T3Y231NΔ*■ 7/ 8 4.000 0.406 4 9 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 15 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 13 / 32 4 3 / 5 4 / 8 1 1 / 2 1 53 / 64 3 3 / 8 6.002 T3Y232NΔ*■2111 1 / 8 4.500 0.531 5 3 3 / 4 2 13 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 6 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 5 1 / 3 4 / 4 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 64 3 25 / 32 7.602 3 / 16 T3Y235NΔ*■Approx.WeightT3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all other size codes, 1/8”PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 303Take-Up Blocks - 1Take-Up Block

T3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingT3U200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingStandard slot designBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211PartNumberHAdjustingScrewClearanceNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingLNSlotSpacingSSlotWidthCAJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterWUDSSlotWidthKA C D F G J K L T U W Y5/ 8 T3U210N*■11 9/ 16 1 7 / 8 0.281 2 3 / 16 1 7 / 8 1 3 / 32 1 11 / 16 1 1 13/ 16 3 / 16 2 1 / 1 41/ 4 / 2 / 64 1 13 / 64 1 15 16 T3U211N*■/ 16 1.001/ 2 T3U2B08N*■17.00 T3U2M17N*■ 14.30 47.620 7.140 55.60 47.60 27.78 42.90 27.00 76.20 20.60 57.20 12.70 16.30 30.60 49.20 0.453/ 4 T3U212N*■ 9/ 16 2 1 / 8 0.281 2 1 / 2 1 7 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 5 15/ 16 / 16 2 5 / 1 8 / 3 2 / 4 1 5 / 16 2 3 / 32 1.5020.00 T3U2M20N*■ 14.30 53.980 7.140 63.50 47.60 32.54 42.90 27.00 84.10 23.80 66.70 12.70 19.00 33.30 53.20 0.687/ 8 T3U214N*Δ■15 9/ 16 2 3 / 8 0.281 2 3 / 4 2 1 23 / 64 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 2 7 / 1 51/ 8 / 2 / 64 1 5 / 16 2 7 16 T3U215N*Δ■/ 32 2.001 T3U216N*Δ■25.00 T3U2M25N*Δ■ 14.30 60.320 7.140 69.80 50.80 34.53 42.90 27.00 90.50 25.40 73.00 12.70 20.20 33.30 56.40 0.901 1 / 8 T3U218N*■5/ 8 2 7 / 8 0.406 3 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 32 3 1 / 9 611 3 / 2 / 16 / 64 1 29 / 64 2 19 16 T3U219N*■/ 32 3.001 1 / 4 T3U2E20N*■30.00 T3U2M30N*■ 15.90 73.020 10.310 82.60 60.30 39.69 47.60 28.60 106.40 27.80 88.90 14.30 24.20 36.90 65.90 1.351 1 / 4 T3U220N*Δ■111 3 / / 16 3 3 / 8 0.406 3 11 / 16 2 5 / 8 1 49 / 64 2 1 1 / 4 4 11 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 5/ 8 1 7 / 64 1 35 / 64 2 7 8 T3U222N*Δ■/ 8 3.401 7 / 16 T3U223N*Δ■35.00 T3U2M35N*Δ■ 17.50 85.720 10.310 93.70 66.70 44.85 50.80 31.80 119.10 30.20 101.60 15.90 28.20 39.30 73.00 1.501 1 11/ 2 T3U224N*Δ■ / 16 3 1 / 2 0.406 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 29 / 32 2 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 8 1 11 / 32 4 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 3 1 / 8 4.5040.00 T3U2M40N*Δ■ 17.50 88.900 10.310 103.20 73.00 48.42 50.80 31.80 130.20 34.10 104.80 15.90 29.80 41.70 79.40 2.001 5 / 8 T3U226N*Δ■1 11 / 7/ 8 3 3 / 4 0.406 4 5 / 16 3 1 / 8 2 1 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 7 / 16 5 3 / 8 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 5 2 / 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 3 1 16 T3U227N*Δ■/ 4 5.301 3 / 4 T3U228N*Δ■45.00 T3U2M45N*Δ■ 22.20 95.250 10.310 109.50 79.40 51.59 57.20 36.50 136.50 34.90 114.30 15.90 31.40 42.10 82.60 2.401 15 / 16 T3U231N*Δ■ 7/ 8 4 0.406 4 9 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 3 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 13 / 32 4 3 / 5 4 / 8 1 17 / 64 1 53 / 64 3 3 / 8 6.002 T3U2E32N*Δ■50.00 T3U2M50N*Δ■ 22.20 101.600 10.310 115.90 82.60 53.18 57.20 36.50 142.90 35.70 120.60 15.90 32.10 46.40 85.70 2.702 T3U232N*Δ■1 1 / 8 4 1 / 2 0.531 5 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 6 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 5 1 / 3 4 / 4 1 13 / 32 2 1 / 64 3 25 / 32 7.602 3 / 16 T3U235N*Δ■55.00 T3U2M55N*Δ■ 28.60 114.300 13.490 127.00 95.20 57.15 73.00 49.20 158.80 39.70 133.40 19.00 35.70 51.20 96.00 3.40Approx.WeightTake-Up BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size code 203, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othersize codes, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionTake-Up Blocks - 2304Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

T3S200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingStandard slot designSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrewClearanceBearing DrawingSTake-upSlotWidthNL SlotSpacingNTake-upSlotSpacingCAJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterMWUDSSlotWidthKA C D F G J K L T U W Y204 3/ 4 T3S212E▲ 9/ 16 0.281 2 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 5 / 1615/ 16 2 5 / 8 1/ 2 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 2 3 / 32 1.507/ 8 T3S214E▲20515/ 16 T3S215E▲9/ 16 0.281 2 3 / 8 2 3 / 4 2 1 11 / 64 1 11 / 16 1 1 / 16 3 9 / 16 1 2 7 / 8 1/ 251/ 64 1 5 / 16 2 7 / 32 2.001 T3S216E▲1 1 / 8 T3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 T3S219E▲5/ 8 0.406 2 7 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 1 11 / 32 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 8 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 32 3 1 / 2 9/ 1661/ 64 1 29 / 64 2 19 / 32 3.001 1 / 4 T3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 T3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 T3S222E▲11/ 16 0.406 3 3 / 8 3 11 / 16 2 5 / 8 1 9 / 16 2 1 1 / 4 4 11 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 5/ 8 1 7 / 64 1 35 / 64 2 7 / 8 3.401 7 / 16 T3S223E▲208 1 1 / 2 T3S224E▲11/ 16 0.406 3 1 / 2 4 1 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 21 / 32 2 1 1 / 4 5 1 / 8 1 11 / 32 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 3 1 / 8 4.501 5 / 8 T3S226E▲209 1 11 / 16 T3S227E▲7/ 8 0.406 3 3 / 4 4 5 / 16 3 1 / 8 1 49 / 64 2 1 / 4 1 7 / 16 5 3 / 8 1 3 / 8 4 1 / 2 5/ 8 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 3 1 / 4 5.301 3 / 4 T3S228E▲210 1 15 / 16 T3S231E▲ 7/ 8 0.406 4 4 9 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 13 / 16 2 1 / 4 1 7 / 16 5 5 / 8 1 13 / 32 4 3 / 4 5/ 8 1 17 / 64 1 53 / 64 3 3 / 8 6.00Approx.WeightT3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT▲E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 305Take-Up Blocks - 3Take-Up Block

TH3Y200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingTH3Y200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingWide slot designBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrewClearanceSSlotWidthBearing DrawingLNSlotSpacingNSlotSpacingCAJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterMWUDSSlotWidthKA C D F G J K L T U W Y204 3/ 4 TH3Y212N*■ 3/ 4 0.531 3 2 27 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 23 / 32 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 31 / 32 1 1 / 16 3 5 / 5 8 / 8 1 3 / 64 1 5 / 16 2 21 / 32 2.407/ 8 TH3Y214N*Δ■15205 / 3/ 4 0.531 3 2 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 3 / 4 1 27 / 32 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 32 1 3 / 32 3 5 / 5 8 / 8 1 1 / 16 1 5 / 16 2 21 16 TH3Y215N*Δ■/ 32 2.701 TH3Y216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 TH3Y218N*■206 1 3 / 7/ 8 0.531 3 1 / 2 3 11 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 29 / 32 2 3 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 15 / 32 1 3 / 32 4 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 3 / 16 1 29 / 64 2 27 16 TH3Y219N*■/ 32 3.201 1 / 4 TH3Y2E20N*■1 1 / 4 TH3Y220N*Δ■207 1 3 / 7/ 8 0.531 3 1 / 2 3 11 / 16 2 3 / 4 2 1 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 13 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 9 / 32 1 5 / 8 2 31 8 TH3Y222N*Δ■/ 32 4.001 7 / 16 TH3Y223N*Δ■208 1 1 / 2 TH3Y224N*Δ■ 1 1 / 8 0.688 3.969 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 2 27 / 32 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 5 / 16 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 8 1 41 / 64 3 15 / 32 5.301 5 / 8 TH3Y226N*Δ■209 1 11 / 1 1 / 8 0.688 3.969 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 7 / 32 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 3 / 8 1 3 / 4 3 15 16 TH3Y227N*Δ■/ 32 5.301 3 / 4 TH3Y228N*Δ■1210/ 16 TH3Y231N*Δ■1 1 / 8 0.688 3.969 4 9 / 16 3 3 / 8 2 15 / 32 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 1 43 / 64 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 1 / 2 1 25 / 32 3 19 / 32 6.602 TH3Y2E32N*Δ■2 TH3Y232N*Δ■2111 3 / 8 1.062 5.094 5 7 / 16 4 2 13 / 16 3 19 / 32 2 1 / 2 7 7 / 16 1 3 / 4 5 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 23 / 32 2 1 / 64 4 23 / 32 13.502 3 / 16 TH3Y235N*Δ■2 1 / 4 TH3Y236N*Δ■212 2 3 / 1 3 / 8 1.062 5.094 5 7 / 16 4 3 1 / 16 3 19 / 32 2 1 / 2 7 7 / 16 2 1 / 16 5 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 27 / 32 2 7 / 64 4 23 8 TH3Y238N*Δ■/ 32 12.902 7 / 16 TH3Y239N*Δ■Approx.WeightWide Slot Take-Up BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionTake-Up Blocks - 4306Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

TH3U200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingWide slot designBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrewClearanceNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingLNSlotSpacingSSlotWidthA C D F G J K L T U W Y204 3/ 4 TH3U212N*■ 3/ 4 3 0.531 2 27 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 9 / 32 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 31 / 32 1 1 / 16 3 5 / 5 8 / 3 8 / 4 1 5 / 16 2 21 / 32 2.407/ 8 TH3U214N*Δ■152053/ 4 3 0.531 2 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 23 / 64 1 27 / 32 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 32 1 3 / 32 3 5 / 5 51/ 8 / 8 / 64 1 5 / 16 2 21 16 TH3U215N*Δ■/ 32 2.701 TH3U216N*Δ■1 1 / 8 TH3U218N*■2067/ 8 3 1 / 2 0.531 3 11 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 9 / 16 2 3 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 15 / 32 1 3 / 32 4 1 / 5 611 3 / 8 / 8 / 64 1 29 / 64 2 27 16 TH3U219N*■/ 32 3.201 1 / 4 TH3U2E20N*■1 1 / 4 TH3U220N*Δ■1 35 / 64207 1 3 / 7/ 8 3 1 / 2 0.531 3 11 / 16 2 3 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 13 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 1 / 5 8 / 8 1 7 / 64 2 31 8 TH3U222N*Δ■ 1 5 / 8 / 32 4.001 7 / 16 TH3U223N*Δ■ 1 35 / 64208 1 1 / 2 TH3U224N*Δ■ 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 29 / 32 2 27 / 32 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 5 / 16 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 3 15 / 32 5.301 5 / 8 TH3U226N*Δ■209 1 11 / 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 2 1 / 32 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 15 / 64 1 21 / 32 3 15 16 TH3U227N*Δ■/ 32 5.301 3 / 4 TH3U228N*Δ■1210/ 16 TH3U231N*Δ■1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 9 / 16 3 3 / 8 2 3 / 32 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 1 43 / 64 4 3 / 3 4 / 4 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 3 19 / 32 6.602 TH3U2E32N*Δ■2 TH3U232N*Δ■2111 3 / 8 5.094 1.062 5 7 / 16 4 2 1 / 4 3 19 / 32 2 1 / 2 7 7 / 16 1 3 / 4 5 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 13 / 32 2 1 / 64 4 23 / 32 13.502 3 / 16 TH3U235N*Δ■2 1 / 4 TH3U236N*Δ■212 2 3 / 1 3 / 8 5.094 1.062 5 7 / 16 4 2 1 / 2 3 19 / 32 2 1 / 2 7 7 / 16 2 1 / 16 5 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 2 7 / 64 4 23 8 TH3U238N*Δ■/ 32 12.902 7 / 16 TH3U239N*Δ■CAJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterWUDSSlotWidthKApprox.WeightTH3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of ordered material furnishedon request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 307Take-Up Blocks - 5Wide Slot Take-Up Block

TH3S200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingTH3S200Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingWide slot designSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberHAdjustingScrewClearanceBearing DrawingLNTake-upSlotSpacingNSlotSpacingSTake-upSlotWidthA C D F G J K L T U W Y204 3/ 4 TH3S212E▲ 3/ 4 3 0.531 2 27 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 8 1 1 / 4 3 31 / 32 1 1 / 16 3 5 / 8 5/ 8 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 2 21 / 32 2.407/ 8 TH3S214E▲20515/ 16 TH3S215E▲3/ 4 3 0.531 2 29 / 32 2 1 / 4 1 11 / 64 1 27 / 32 1 1 / 4 4 1 / 32 1 3 / 32 3 5 / 8 5/ 851/ 64 1 5 / 16 2 21 / 32 2.701 TH3S216E▲1 1 / 8 TH3S218E▲206 1 3 / 16 TH3S219E▲7/ 8 3 1 / 2 0.531 3 11 / 32 2 1 / 2 1 11 / 32 2 3 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 15 / 32 1 3 / 32 4 1 / 8 5/ 861/ 64 1 29 / 64 2 27 / 32 3.201 1 / 4 TH3S2E20E▲1 1 / 4 TH3S220E▲207 1 3 / 8 TH3S222E▲7/ 8 3 1 / 2 0.531 3 11 / 16 2 3 / 4 1 9 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 7 / 16 4 13 / 16 1 3 / 16 4 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 7 / 64 1 5 / 8 2 31 / 32 4.001 7 / 16 TH3S223E▲208 1 1 / 2 TH3S224E▲ 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 21 / 32 2 27 / 32 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 5 / 16 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 11 / 64 1 41 / 64 3 15 / 32 5.301 5 / 8 TH3S226E▲209 1 11 / 16 TH3S227E▲ 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 3 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 9 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 15 / 64 1 3 / 4 3 15 / 32 5.301 3 / 4 TH3S228E▲210 1 15 / 16 TH3S231E▲ 1 1 / 8 3.969 0.688 4 9 / 16 3 3 / 8 1 13 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 5 15 / 16 1 43 / 64 4 3 / 4 3/ 4 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 3 19 / 32 6.60CAJYTHGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterWUDSSlotWidthKApprox.WeightAdditional NotesWide Slot Take-Up BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Take-Up Blocks - 6308<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

TAS3U200Photo Shows a Formed Steel Conveyor Take-UpFrame with Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCenter pull side mounted steel frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableTA3U200 take-up unitSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode205206207208209210211ShaftDiameterAdditional NotesAdjust.LengthPartNumberGBoltHoleSpacingBearing DrawingF - BoltsSBoltCenter toBolt CenterPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTClosed end take-ups available, add suffix COn closed end take-up, bearing assembly is reversedFrames with 6” (152.40mm) adjustment have six holesFrames with 9” (228.60mm) or 12” (304.80mm) adjustment have eight holesFrames with 18” (457.20mm) adjustment have ten holes* N lip seals standardCSBolt Centerto Bolt CenterAdjustmentSBolt Centerto Bolt CenterGBolt EHoleSpacingOpen EndClosed End<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 309Take-up Assemblies - 1KRJLVDC D E F H J K L R T V W Y15/ 16 TAS3U215N6*Δ■6 4 1 / 8 4 1 / 2 13 1 / 4 1 23 / 64 4 7 / 5 8 / 1 16 / 8 7 3 / 16 3 3 / 8 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 2 1 5 / 8 1 51 / 64 3 37 / 64 2 27 / 32 7.501 TAS3U216N6*Δ■25.00 152 TAS3U2M25N6*Δ■ 104.80 114.30 336.50 34.53 123.80 8.00 3.20 198.40 85.70 58.70 38.10 41.30 45.60 90.90 72.20 3.406 TAS3U218N6*■41 1 / 7 / 8 158 3 / 16 11.008 12 TAS3U218N12*■ 5 1 / 5 3 / 21 4 1 9 / 16 6 1 / 3 4 / 3 8 / 14 3 / 8 16 3 11 / 16 2 7 / 8 1 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 2 11 / 32 4 19 / 64 3 1 / 15.0016 26 TAS3U219N6*■ 41 3 / 7 / 8 15 8 3 / 16 11.001612 TAS3U219N12*■ 5 3 / 8 21 14 3 / 16 15.00152 TAS3U2M30N6*■123.80 381.00 208.00 4.9530.00133.4039.69 158.80 10.00 4.80 93.70 73.00 41.30 54.00 59.50 109.10 88.90305 TAS3U2M30N12*■ 136.50 533.40 360.40 6.756 TAS3U220N6*Δ■41 1 / 7 / 8 158 5 / 16 13.504 12 TAS3U220N12*Δ■ 5 1 / 5 3 / 21 4 1 49 / 64 6 1 / 3 4 / 3 8 / 14 5 / 8 16 3 3 / 4 2 7 / 8 1 5 / 8 2 1 / 8 2 31 / 64 4 7 / 16 3 35 / 15.2016 646 TAS3U223N6*Δ■ 41 7 / 7 / 8 15 8 5 / 16 13.001612 TAS3U223N12*Δ■ 5 3 / 8 21 14 5 / 16 16.00152 TAS3U2M35N6*Δ■123.80 381.00 211.10 6.1035.00133.4044.85 158.80 10.00 4.80 95.20 73.00 41.30 54.00 63.10 112.70 90.10305 TAS3U2M35N12*Δ■ 136.50 533.40 363.50 6.809 TAS3U224N9*Δ■5 191 1 / 2 6 5 / 3 / 48 129/ 32 7 7 / 3 8 / 1118 / 1 / 44 4124.00/ 2 3 5 / 8 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 3 1 / 16 5 9 / 32 4 3 / 818 TAS3U224N18*Δ■ 6 28 3 / 4 20 1 / 4 31.00229 TAS3U2M40N9*Δ■127.00 501.60 285.80 10.8040.00168.3048.42 200.00 10.00 6.40 114.30 92.10 41.30 69.80 77.80 134.10 111.10457 TAS3U2M40N18*Δ■ 152.40 730.20 514.40 13.959 TAS3U227N9*Δ■5 191 11 / 3 / 4 11 3 / 16 25.501618 TAS3U227N18*Δ■ 6 286 5 / 3 / 48 2 1 / 32 7 7 / 3 8 / 1208 / 3 / 16 32.004 4 5 / 8 3 5 / 8 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 3 1 / 16 5 7 / 16 4 1 / 29 TAS3U228N9*Δ■ 5 191 3 / 3 / 4 11 3 / 16 25.00418 TAS3U228N18*Δ■ 6 28 3 / 4 20 3 / 16 31.50229 TAS3U2M45N9*Δ■127.00 501.60 284.20 11.2545.00168.3041.59 200.00 10.00 6.40 117.50 92.10 41.30 69.80 77.80 138.10 114.30457 TAS3U2M45N18*Δ■ 152.40 730.20 512.80 14.209 TAS3U231N9*Δ■5 191 15 / 16 6 5 / 3 / 48 23/ 32 7 7 / 3 8 / 1118 / 1 / 44 4523.00/ 8 3 5 / 8 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 4 3 1 / 16 5 19 / 32 4 17 / 3218 TAS3U231N18*Δ■ 6 28 3 / 4 20 1 / 4 29.80229 TAS3U2M50N9*Δ■127.00 501.60 285.80 10.3550.00168.3053.18 200.00 10.00 6.40 117.50 92.10 41.30 69.80 77.80 142.10 115.10457 TAS3U2M50N18*Δ■ 152.40 730.20 514.40 13.409 TAS3U232N9*Δ■5 2125 / 8 11 3 / 16 32.3018 TAS3U232N18*Δ■ 6 307 1 / 5 / 88 2 1 / 4 8 1 / 1 4 / 1202 / 3 / 16 41.204 5 1 / 2 4 1 / 4 2 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 3 11 / 16 6 5 / 16 5 1 / 169 TAS3U235N9*Δ■ 5 212 3 / 5 / 8 11 3 / 16 29.901618 TAS3U235N18*Δ■ 6 30 5 / 8 20 3 / 16 39.00229 TAS3U2M55N9*Δ■127.00 549.30 284.20 13.4555.00181.0057.15 209.60 12.00 6.40 139.70 108.00 63.50 82.60 93.70 160.30 128.60457 TAS3U2M55N18*Δ■ 152.40 777.90 512.80 17.55■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.THWYApprox.WeightTAS3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingCenter Pull Take-up Assembly

TDS3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingProtected Screw Take-up AssemblyPhoto Shows a Hinged Top, Welded Steel ConveyorTake-Up Frame with Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw type steel frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableTD3U200 take-up unitSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter210211212215217Adjust.LengthTake-up Assemblies - 2PartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBFrameBolt HoleSpacingKAdjustmentABase toCenterline HeightBFrame Bolt Hole SpacingCGBolt HoleSpacing WidthDirectionF - BoltsKHMGBolt HoleSpacingWidthDirectionContinued...UEVLWEnd ClosureC E F H K L M U V W Z28 1 / 22 7 / 1630 1 / 22 15 / 163 7 / 161 15 / 16 18 TDS3U231N18*Δ■ 3 15 / 16 32 1 / 2 - 34 1 / 2 3 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 7 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 - 1 17 55/ 64 / 64 1 15 / 16 4 1 / 8 47.0012 TDS3U231N12*Δ■26 1 / 2 28 1 / 2 41.0024 TDS3U231N24*Δ■ 38 1 / 2 40 1 / 2 52.00305 TDS3U2M50N12*Δ■673.10723.9018.4550.00 457 TDS3U2M50N18*Δ■ 100.00 825.50 - 876.30 76.20 16.00 44.40 184.20 209.60 - 32.10 21.80 49.20 104.80 21.15610 TDS3U2M50N24*Δ■ 977.90 1,028.70 23.402 3 / 16 18 TDS3U235N18*Δ■ 4 3 / 16 33 1 / 2 - 35 1 / 2 3 5/ 8 1 3 / 4 7 3 / 4 8 11 / 16 - 1 13 55/ 32 / 64 2 3 / 32 4 1 / 8 51.0012 TDS3U235N12*Δ■27 1 / 2 29 1 / 2 45.0024 TDS3U235N24*Δ■ 39 1 / 2 41 1 / 2 56.00305 TDS3U2M55N12*Δ■698.50749.3020.2555.00 457 TDS3U2M55N18*Δ■ 106.40 850.90 - 901.70 76.20 16.00 44.40 196.80 220.70 - 35.70 21.80 53.30 104.80 22.95610 TDS3U2M55N24*Δ■ 1,003.30 1,054.10 25.2018 TDS3U239N18*Δ■ 344 3 / / 2 368 -/ 23 358.00/ 4 1 3 / 4 8 1 / 4 9 1 / 8 - 1 9 31/ 16 / 32 2 5 / 32 4 1 / 824 TDS3U239N24*Δ■ 40 1 / 2 42 1 / 2 63.0012 TDS3U239N12*Δ■30 1 / 2 52.0030 TDS3U239N30*Δ■ 46 1 / 2 48 1 / 2 68.00305 TDS3U2M60N12*Δ■725.90774.7023.4060.00457 TDS3U2M60N18*Δ■ 876.30 927.10 26.10111.10-76.20 20.00 44.40 209.60 231.80 - 39.70 24.60 54.80 104.80610 TDS3U2M60N24*Δ■ 1,028.70 1,079.50 28.35762 TDS3U2M60N30*Δ■ 1,181.10 1,231.90 30.6018 TDSU247N18*Δ 365 1 / / 2 388 2/ 24 585.00/ 8 2 9 1 / 4 10 5 / 8 4 5 / 8 1 13 / 16 1 5 / 32 2 13 / 64 5 1 / 824 TDSU247N24*Δ 42 1 / 2 44 1 / 2 93.0012 TDSU247N12*Δ32 1 / 2 76.0030 TDSU247N30*Δ 48 1 / 2 50 1 / 2 101.00305 TDSU2M75N12 *Δ774.70825.5034.2075.00457 TDSU2M75N18 *Δ 927.10 977.90 38.25130.2050.80101.60 16.00 50.80 235.00 269.90 117.50 46.00 29.40 56.00 130.20610 TDSU2M75N24 *Δ 1,079.50 1,130.30 41.85762 TDSU2M75N30 *Δ 1,231.90 1,282.70 45.4518 TDSU255N18*Δ 38 405 5 / 8 2/ 44 3108.00/ 4 2 10 11 13 / 16 5 3 / 16 2 1 / 8 1 7 / 16 2 1 / 2 5 5 / 824 TDSU255N24*Δ 44 46 1 / 4 116.0012 TDSU255N12*Δ3234 1 / 2 99.0030 TDSU255N30*Δ 50 52 1 / 4 124.0085.00305 TDSU2M85N12 *Δ 812.80870.00 44.55142.90 50.80101.60 20.00 50.80 254.00 300.00 131.80 54.00 36.50 63.50 142.90457 TDSU2M85N18 *Δ 965.20 1,022.40 48.60310<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>ZVApprox.Weight

Continued...Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterAdditional NotesAdjust.LengthPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBFrameBolt HoleSpacingGBolt HoleSpacing WidthDirectionC E F H K L M U V W Z217 85.00610 TDSU2M85N24 *Δ 1,117.601,174.80 52.20142.90 50.80101.60 20.00 50.80 254.00 300.00 131.80 54.00 36.50 63.50 142.90762 TDSU2M85N30 *Δ 1,270.00 1,327.20 55.803 15 / 1618 TDSU263N18* 42 4472 1 / / 22 5 3185.00/ 4 2 1 / 4 12 14 11 / 16 5 15 / 16 2 37 / 64 1 45 / 64 3 1 / 64 6 7 / 824 TDSU263N24* 48 50 1 / 2 195.0012 TDSU263N12*3638 1 / 2 173.0022030 TDSU263N30* 54 56 1 / 2 205.00305 TDSU2M100N12*914.40977.9077.85100.00457 TDSU2M100N18* 1,066.80 1,130.30 83.25177.8063.50127.00 20.00 57.20 304.80 373.10 150.80 65.50 43.20 76.60 174.60610 TDSU2M100N24* 1,219.20 1,282.70 87.75762 TDSU2M100N30* 1,371.60 1,435.10 92.25Please call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTClosed end take-ups available, add suffix CSize code 220 has hinged top constructionFrames with 18” (457.20mm) adjustment or more have center supporting pad welded tobottom of frame* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 311Take-up Assemblies - 3Approx.WeightTDS3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball Bearing Protected Screw Take-up Assembly

NT3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Ball BearingPhoto Shows a Welded Channel Conveyor Take-Up Framewith Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesProtected screw welded channel frameCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode205206207210ShaftDiameterAdjust.LengthPartNumberBearing DrawingABase toCenterlineHeightRKBFrameBolt HoleSpacingCBBolt Hole SpacingAdjustmentF - BoltsKC D E F H J K L R U WHJWUDEThru BoreA LBase toCenterlineHeight15/ 16 NT3U215N6*61 NT3U216N6*2 3 / 4 10 7 / 8 12 1 / 4 1 23 / 64 1 3 / 4 1/ 2 3/ 16 1 1 / 2 2 7 / 16 4 3 / 16 251/ 64 1 9 / 32 4.5025.00 152 NT3U2M25N6* 69.80 276.20 311.20 34.53 44.40 12.00 4.80 38.10 61.90 106.40 50.80 20.20 32.50 2.001 3 / 16 6 NT3U219N6* 3 10 7 / 8 12 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 1 3 / 4 1/ 2 3/ 16 1 1 / 2 2 7 / 16 4 11 / 16 261/ 64 1 15 / 32 5.0030.00 152 NT3U2M30N6* 76.20 276.20 311.20 39.69 44.40 12.00 4.80 38.10 61.90 119.10 50.80 24.20 37.30 2.259 NT3U223N9*141 7 / 16 3 11 / 1 / 2 16 1 / 216 1 49 / 64 2 1 / 1 4 / 19.502 / 4 2 2 3 / 4 5 9 / 16 2 1 / 2 1 7 / 64 1 9 / 1612 NT3U223N12* 17 1 / 2 19 1 / 2 10.0035.00229 NT3U2M35N9*368.30 419.10 4.3093.7044.85 57.20 12.00 6.40 50.80 69.80 141.30 63.50 28.20 39.70305 NT3U2M35N12* 444.50 495.30 4.501 15 / 16 12 NT3U231N12* 4 21 / 32 19 21 1 / 2 2 3 / 32 3 1 / 4 5/ 8 5/ 16 2 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 6 29 / 32 3 1 17 / 64 1 25 / 32 19.009 NT3U231N9*16 18 1 / 2 18.0018 NT3U231N18* 25 27 1 / 2 21.00229 NT3U2M50N9*406.40 469.908.1050.00 305 NT3U2M50N12* 118.30 482.60 546.10 53.18 82.60 16.00 7.90 63.50 88.90 175.40 76.20 32.10 45.20 8.55457 NT3U2M50N18* 635.00 698.50 9.50Approx.WeightAdditional NotesTake-up AssemblyPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PT* N lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Take-up Assemblies - 4312<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

TP, TPT, TSP, TSPTPhoto Shows a T-Frame Protected Screw Take-Up Framefor Ball Bearing Pillow Block MountingProduct FeaturesProtected screw T-frame takeupMild steel or AISI 304 stainless steel framePillow block or tapped base pillowblock mountingPillow blocks not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingETGBolt HoleSpacingHCBBolt Hole SpacingF - BoltsKLAdjustmentVNMax. NMin.Bearing DimensionsMild Steel Stainless Steel Bolt Hole SpacingSizeCode Adjust.Mouting PlateAdjust.ScrewBolt Hole SpacingLength Part Approx. Part Approx.GC E F F1 H K L T VNumber Weight Number WeightB WidthSq.DirectionDrive ThreadNNSizemin. N maxPillow Block Mounting3 TP1003 3.00 TSP1003 2.60 3 9 / 16 6 7 / 8203-6 TP1006 4.00 TSP1006 3.50 72051 / 2 5 / 8 - 2 15 / 16 4 5 / 16 3 11 / 3 16 / 3 8 / 1 8 / 4 1 1 / 2 5 1 / 7 4 / 8 1 1 / 3 16 10 3 / 82 / 8 5/8 - 119 TP1009 5.10 TSP1009 4.40 11 1 / 16 14 3 / 8LNF1VTP, TPT, TSP, TSPT - Standard Duty Ball Bearing Protected Screw Take-up Frame206-209210-212213-217204-2054 1/ 1 2 / 1 2 / 4 1 7 / 8 7 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 1 32 / 2 3/4 - 105 1 / 5 4 / 5 8 / 1 8 / 4 2 1 / 4 10 1 1 / 2 2 27 / 1 32 / 2 7/8 - 93 TPT1003 3.00 TSPT1003 2.60 3 6 7 / 86 TP2506 7.10 TSP2506 5.80 7 3 / 8 113 - 3 13 / 16 5 11 / / 2169 TP2509 8.40 TSP2509 7.00 10 3 / 8 14 1 / 23 TP2503 5.80 TSP2503 4.80 4 3 / 8 8 1 / 212 TP25012 9.90 TSP25012 8.10 13 3 / 8 17 1 / 29 TP3009 13.10 TSP3009 13.40 10 1 / 8 154 - 5 9 / 16 8 11 / / 81612 TP30012 16.00 TSP30012 16.50 14 1 / 8 19 1 / 86 TP3006 11.00 TSP3006 11.40 6 1 / 8 11 1 / 818 TP30018 20.40 TSP30018 21.60 21 1 / 8 26 1 / 812 TP40012 42.90 - - 2027 3 / 45 1 / 2 - 8 1 / 2 11 3 / 4 7 1 / 3 2 / 3 4 / 1 4 / 4 3 1 / 2 14 2 1 / 8 3 1 /Pinned18 TP40018 52.10 - - 26 33 3 / 42Nut24 TP40024 61.30 - - 32 39 3 / 41 1/4 - 7Tapped Base Pillow Block Mounting9 / 166 TPT1006 4.00 TSPT1006 3.50 7 1 / 16 2 5 / 8 2 - - 10 3 / 8 3 11 / 16 3/ 8 3/ 8 1/ 4 1 1 / 2 3 7/ 8 1 1 / 2 3/ 8 5/8 - 119 TPT1009 5.10 TSPT1009 4.40 11 1 / 16 14 3 / 82064 1/ 7 2 / 1 16 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 1 2 / 2 3/4 - 106 TPT25016 7.10 TSPT25016 5.80 7 3 / 8 113 3 - -/ 29 TPT25019 8.40 TSPT25019 7.00 10 3 / 8 14 1 / 23 TPT25013 5.80 TSPT25013 4.80 4 3 / 8 8 1 / 212 TPT250112 9.90 TSPT250112 8.10 13 3 / 8 17 1 / 22074 1/ 1 2 / 1 2 / 4 1 7 / 8 4 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 2 1/ 2 3/4 - 106 TPT25026 7.10 TSPT25026 5.80 7 3 / 8 113 3 1 / 4 - -/ 29 TPT25029 8.40 TSPT25029 7.00 10 3 / 8 14 1 / 23 TPT25023 5.80 TSPT25023 4.80 4 3 / 8 8 1 / 212 TPT250212 9.90 TSPT250212 8.10 13 3 / 8 17 1 / 22104 1/ 5 2 / 1 8 / 4 1 7 / 8 5 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 2 1/ 2 3/4 - 106 TPT25056 7.10 TSPT25056 5.80 7 3 / 8 113 4 - -/ 29 TPT25059 8.40 TSPT25059 7.00 10 3 / 8 14 1 / 23 TPT25053 5.80 TSPT25053 4.80 4 3 / 8 8 1 / 212 TPT250512 9.90 TSPT250512 8.10 13 3 / 8 17 1 / 2Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityFor pillow block dimensions, see Pillow Block Ball Bearing sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 313Take-Up Frames - 1Take-up Frames

TQP - Standard Duty Ball Bearing Quick Release Protected Screw Take-up FrameTQPPhoto Shows a T-Frame Quick Release Take-Up Frame forBall Bearing Pillow Block MountingProduct FeaturesProtected screw T-frame takeupAISI 304 stainless steel framePillow block mountingPillow blocks not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCode Adjust.Length203-205206-209PartNumberBolt Hole SpacingNminNmaxBearing DrawingZTKC F1 K L T U V ZCUAdjustmentNMaxVNMinF1Adjust. Screw6 TQP1006102 15 / 16 4 5 / 3 / 8 3316 / 23 / 328 5 1 / 334 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 7 / 34.0016 / 8 5/8 - 119 TQP1009 14 3 / 8 5 23 / 32 5 5.006 TQP250611 1 / 2 1 9 / 16 47.009 TQP2509 3 13 / 16 5 11 / 16 14 1 / 2 1/ 2 3 1 / 16 7 1 6 2 1 / 32 4 7 / 8 1/ 2 3/4 - 10 8.2012 TQP25012 17 1 / 2 4 9 / 16 8 9.50Sq.DriveThreadSizeLApprox.WeightAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityFor pillow block dimensions, see Pillow Block Ball Bearing sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Take-up FramesTake-Up Frames - 2314<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

LCPhoto Shows a Light Duty Conveyor Take-Up FrameProduct FeaturesBolted steel frames2 or 4-bolt frame mountingBolt hole centers adjustablePillow blocks not includedSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingFMountingBoltsHLMountingSurface toTop of FrameKAdjustmentKWUBolt Hole Spacing Between Paired Mounting BoltsBBolt Hole SpacingCRT - BoltsF - BoltsVDGBolt HoleSpacingELC - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Universal Take-up FrameBearing DimensionsSizeCode205210211/212Adjust.LengthPartNumberBFrameLMoutingU SurfaceBetween to Top ofPairs Frame15 1 / 4 171 5 / 8 2 1 / 8Bolt Hole SpacingGWidthDirectionC D E F H K R T VWminWmaxApprox.Weight2 1 / 8 2 11 / 16 6 16 3 46 LC16 165.259 LC19 19 18 1 / 4 20 1 3 / 4 2 5 / 8 3/ 8 3/ 16 5 1 3 / 4 5/ 16 1 1 / 16 3 5 15 / 16 6.3012 LC112 22 21 1 / 4 23 6.606 LC26 19 1 / 8 18 1 / 8 20 1 / 4 10.009 LC29 22 1 / 8 21 1 / 8 23 1 / 42 3 / 3 1 / 1/ 1/ 9 / 2 3 / 3/ 1 11 / 3 / 7 1 /10.2012 LC212 25 1 / 8 24 1 / 8 26 1 / 48 8 2 4 16 8 32 411.5018 LC218 31 1 / 8 30 1 / 8 32 1 / 4 13.809 LC39 25 5 / 16 24 1 / 16 26 9 / 16 20.4012 LC312 28 5 / 16 272 3 / 1 / 16 294 3 5 / 9 / 1616 3 4 5/ 5 8 / 16 8 5 / 32 2 3 / 122.254 / 2 1 5 / 8 4 1 / 4 918 LC318 34 5 / 16 33 1 / 16 35 9 / 16 26.5024 LC324 40 5 / 16 39 1 / 16 41 9 / 16 33.00Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityFor pillow block dimensions, see Pillow Block Ball Bearing sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 315Take-Up Frames - 3Take-up Frames

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC316

HM3U200Photo Shows a Screw Conveyor Hanger Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingHigh test iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberEBase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingKThreadSizeBKThreadSizeEBase ToCenterlineHeightCFHDGMNAEBoltsTypical InstallationA B C D F G H M N208 1 1 / 2 HM3U224N*Δ■ 2 1 / 2 3/4-10 NC 3 7 / 8 5.19 0.218 1 29 / 32 1 3 / 4 0.7340 0.97 1.00 2.083 5.00210 2 HM3U2E32N*Δ■ 2 1 / 2 3/4-10 NC 4 3 / 8 5.44 0.170 2 3 / 32 1 3 / 4 0.8280 0.91 1.00 2.475 6.30212 2 7 / 16 HM3U239N*Δ■ 3 5 / 8 7/8-9 NC 5 1 / 4 7.00 0.310 2 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 0.9380 1.75 1.06 3.012 11.30215 3 HM3U2E48N*Δ 3 5 / 8 7/8-9 NC 6 1 / 8 7.44 0.375 2 7 / 8 2 1 / 2 1.0620 2.00 1.06 3.624 12.90217 3 7 / 16 HM3U255N*Δ 4 1 / 2 1 1/8-12 NF 7 1 / 2 9.25 0.344 3 9 / 16 3 9 / 16 1.4380 2.56 1.88 4.158 24.80Approx.WeightHM3U200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilitySize codes 208 & 210 to fit 1 1/4” square tubingSize codes 212 & 215 to fit 1 3/4” square tubingSize code 217 to fit 2 1/2” square tubing* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 317Hanger and Trough Units - 1Screw Conveyor Hanger Block

FF200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFF200Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Screw ConveyorTrough End Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housing2 ball bearing inserts in housingSpring locking setscrew mountRelubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLMoutingSurface toCollar FaceNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareF - BoltsAMPRDLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceA D E F G H M N P R208 1 1 / 2 FF224N* 4 4 1 / 16 4 3 13 / 16 5 1 / 1 8 / 1 2 / 9 4 / 16 - 6 25 / 1 32 / 2 4 7 / 32 10.002 FF232N*2115 1 / 8 4 13 / 16 4 15 / 16 4 1 / 2 6 3 / 5 8 / 5 11 8 / 16 / 16 - 8 1 / 5 2 / 8 5 1 / 32 17.402 3 / 16 FF235N*212 2 7 / 16 FF239N* 5 5 / 8 5 5 / 16 5 3 / 8 5 6 7 / 5 8 / 5 11 8 / 16 / 16 - 9 7 19/ 32 / 32 5 17 / 32 20.802 3 / 4 FF244N*2156 6 1 / 16 6 3 / 8 5 3 / 4 7 3 / 3 4 / 5 4 / 3 16 / 4 4 5 / 8 10 1 112 15 / / 4 / 16 6 9 16 FF247N*/ 32 31.103 FF2E48N*217 3 7 / 16 FF255N* 6 3 / 4 7 5 / 8 7 7 1 / 8 8 9 / 3 16 / 1 4 / 2 1 5 3 / 16 11 3 / 3 8 / 4 7 23 / 32 50.20HGApprox.WeightScrew Conveyor Trough End BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 212 and below, 1/4” PT: forall other size codes, 3/8” PTSupport thrust load (preferably in shear) with heavy duty snap ring andsquare face washerIncludes two bearings with seals and inner ring setscrews orcollar with setscrews* N lip seals standardHanger and Trough Units - 2318Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Y200, YB200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceSealed & non-relubricatableSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberCylindricalJOuterRing WidthBearing DrawingPartNumberMSphericalJOuterRing WidthTDHGJOuterRing WidthBO.D.NBDiameterMrTHJOuterRing WidthD G H M N r TDGNBDiameter1/ 2 YB2B08NL*■Y2B08NL*■203 5/ 8 YB210NL*■ 0.4724 Y210NL*■ 0.5118 1.5748 1 15 / 32 0.5469 1.0938 1 1 / 8 0.941 0.02417/ 32 0.3011/ 16 YB211NL*■ Y211NL*■204 3/ 4 YB212NL*■ 0.5512 Y212NL*■ 0.5906 1.8504 1 23 / 32 0.6719 1.3438 1 5 / 16 1.121 0.03917/ 32 0.507/ 8 YB214NL*Δ■Y214NL*Δ■20515/ 16 YB215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 Y215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 2.0472 1 3 / 4 0.6875 1.3750 1 1 / 2 1.313 0.03917/ 32 0.701 YB216NL*Δ■ Y216NL*Δ■1 1 / 8 YB218NL*■Y218NL*■206 1 3 / 16 YB219NL*■ 0.6299 Y219NL*■ 0.7087 2.4409 1 29 / 32 0.7188 1.4375 1 3 / 4 1.587 0.039 5/ 8 0.901 1 / 4 YB2E20NL*■ Y2E20NL*■1 1 / 4 YB220NL*Δ■Y220NL*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 YB222NL*Δ■ 0.6693 Y222NL*Δ■ 0.7480 2.8346 2 1 / 64 0.7422 1.4844 2 3 / 16 1.847 0.03911/ 16 1.551 7 / 16 YB223NL*Δ■ Y223NL*Δ■208 1 1 / 2 YB224NL*Δ■ 0.7087 Y224NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.1496 2 7 / 32 0.8438 1.6875 2 3 / 8 2.083 0.03923/ 32 1.901 5 / 8 YB226NL*Δ■Y226NL*Δ■209 1 11 / 16 YB227NL*Δ■ 0.7480 Y227NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.3465 2 7 / 32 0.8438 1.6875 2 1 / 2 2.281 0.03923/ 32 2.101 3 / 4 YB228NL*Δ■ Y228NL*Δ■2101 15 / 16 YB231NL*Δ■Y231NL*Δ■0.78742 YB2E32NL*Δ■ Y2E32NL*Δ■0.8661 3.5433 2 15 / 32 0.9688 1.9375 2 3 / 4 2.475 0.03923/ 32 2.102112 YB232NL*Δ■Y232NL*Δ■0.82682 3 / 16 YB235NL*Δ■ Y235NL*Δ■0.9843 3.9370 2 13 / 16 1.0938 2.1875 3 2.749 0.05913/ 16 3.402 1 / 4 YB236NL*Δ■Y236NL*Δ■212 2 3 / 8 YB238NL*Δ■ 0.8661 Y238NL*Δ■ 1.0630 4.3307 3 1 / 16 1.2188 2.4375 3 1 / 4 3.012 0.059 7/ 8 3.802 7 / 16 YB239NL*Δ■ Y239NL*Δ■Approx.WeightY200, YB200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Non-relubricatable Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing cornerBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below, +.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm): for all other size codes, +.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 319Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 1Replacement Insert

YG200, YBG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Eccentric Locking Relubricatable Ball BearingYG200, YBG200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilityEccentric cam locking deviceSealed & relubricatableSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberCylindricalJOuterRing WidthBearing DrawingPartNumberMSphericalTJOuterRing WidthYDHGJOuterRing WidthBO.D.NBDiameterMrTYHJOuterRing WidthD G H M N r T YDGNBDiameter1/ 2 YBG2B08NL*■YG2B08NL*■203 5/ 8 YBG210NL*■ 0.4724 YG210NL*■ 0.5118 1.5748 1 15 / 32 0.5469 1.0938 1 1 / 8 0.941 0.02417/ 32 0.158 0.3011/ 16 YBG211NL*■ YG211NL*■204 3/ 4 YBG212NL*■ 0.5512 YG212NL*■ 0.5906 1.8504 1 23 / 32 0.6719 1.3438 1 5 / 16 1.121 0.03917/ 32 0.176 0.507/ 8 YBG214NL*Δ■YG214NL*Δ■20515/ 16 YBG215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 YG215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 2.0472 1 3 / 4 0.6875 1.3750 1 1 / 2 1.313 0.03917/ 32 0.176 0.701 YBG216NL*Δ■ YG216NL*Δ■1 1 / 8 YBG218NL*■YG218NL*■206 1 3 / 16 YBG219NL*■ 0.7087 YG219NL*■ 0.7087 2.4409 1 29 / 32 0.7188 1.4375 1 3 / 4 1.587 0.039 5/ 8 0.202 0.901 1 / 4 YBG2E20NL*■ YG2E20NL*■1 1 / 4 YBG220NL*Δ■YG220NL*Δ■207 1 3 / 8 YBG222NL*Δ■ 0.7480 YG222NL*Δ■ 0.7480 2.8346 2 1 / 64 0.7422 1.4844 2 3 / 16 1.847 0.03911/ 16 0.239 1.551 7 / 16 YBG223NL*Δ■ YG223NL*Δ■208 1 1 / 2 YBG224NL*Δ■ 0.8268 YG224NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.1496 2 7 / 32 0.8438 1.6875 2 3 / 8 2.083 0.03923/ 32 0.253 1.901 5 / 8 YBG226NL*Δ■YG226NL*Δ■209 1 11 / 16 YBG227NL*Δ■ 0.8661 YG227NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.3465 2 7 / 32 0.8438 1.6875 2 1 / 2 2.281 0.03923/ 32 0.254 2.101 3 / 4 YBG228NL*Δ■ YG228NL*Δ■2101 15 / 16 YBG231NL*Δ■YG231NL*Δ■0.90552 YBG2E32NL*Δ■ YG2E32NL*Δ■0.8661 3.5433 2 15 / 32 0.9688 1.9375 2 3 / 4 2.475 0.03923/ 32 0.268 2.102112 YBG232NL*Δ■YG232NL*Δ■0.98432 3 / 16 YBG235NL*Δ■ YG235NL*Δ■0.9843 3.9370 2 13 / 16 1.0938 2.1875 3 2.749 0.05913/ 16 0.295 3.402 1 / 4 YBG236NL*Δ■YG236NL*Δ■212 2 3 / 8 YBG238NL*Δ■ 1.0630 YG238NL*Δ■ 1.0630 4.3307 3 1 / 16 1.2188 2.4375 3 1 / 4 3.012 0.059 7/ 8 0.330 3.802 7 / 16 YBG239NL*Δ■ YG239NL*Δ■Approx.WeightReplacement InsertAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing cornerBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below, +.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm): for all other size codes, +.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionUnmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 2320Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

U200, UB200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountSealed & non-relubricatableSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211212PartNumberCylindricalJOuterRing WidthBearing DrawingPartNumberTSSphericalJOuterRing WidthDGJOuterRing WidthBO.D.NBDiameterTSrJOuterRing WidthD G N r S TDGNBDiameter1/ 2 UB2B08NL*■U2B08NL*■5/ 8 UB210NL*■ 0.4724 U210NL*■ 0.5118 1.5748 1 3 / 32 0.4531 0.941 0.024 0.15 #10-32 0.2511/ 16 UB211NL*■ U211NL*■17.00 UB2M17NL*■ 12.0000 U2M17NL*■ 13.0000 40.0000 27.78 11.5090 23.900 0.610 3.80 #10-32 0.103/ 4 UB212NL*■ 0.5512 U212NL*■ 0.5906 1.8504 1 9 / 32 0.5313 1.121 0.039 0.19 #1/4-28 0.5020.00 UB2M20NL*■ 14.0000 U2M20NL*■ 15.0000 47.0000 32.54 13.4940 28.470 1.000 4.80 #1/4-28 0.207/ 8 UB214NL*Δ■U214NL*Δ■15/ 16 UB215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 U215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 2.0472 1 23 / 64 0.5625 1.313 0.039 0.22 #1/4-28 0.501 UB216NL*Δ■ U216NL*Δ■25.00 UB2M25NL*Δ■ 15.0000 U2M25NL*Δ■ 15.0000 52.0000 34.53 14.2880 33.350 1.000 5.60 #1/4-28 0.201 1 / 8 UB218NL*■U218NL*■1 3 / 16 UB219NL*■ 0.6299 U219NL*■ 0.7087 2.4409 1 9 / 16 0.6094 1.587 0.039 0.22 #1/4-28 0.801 1 / 4 UB2E20NL*■ U2E20NL*■30.00 UB2M30NL*■ 16.0000 U2M30NL*■ 18.0000 62.0000 39.69 15.4780 40.310 1.000 5.60 #1/4-28 0.351 1 / 4 UB220NL*Δ■U220NL*Δ■1 3 / 8 UB222NL*Δ■ 0.6693 U222NL*Δ■ 0.7480 2.8346 1 49 / 64 0.6563 1.847 0.039 0.25 #5/16-24 1.201 7 / 16 UB223NL*Δ■ U223NL*Δ■35.00 UB2M35NL*Δ■ 17.0000 U2M35NL*Δ■ 19.0000 72.0000 44.85 16.6690 46.910 1.000 6.40 #5/16-24 0.551 1 / 2 UB224NL*Δ■ 0.7087 U224NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.1496 1 29 / 32 0.7344 2.083 0.039 0.32 #5/16-24 1.5040.00 UB2M40NL*Δ■ 18.0000 U2M40NL*Δ■ 22.0000 80.0000 48.42 18.6530 52.910 1.000 8.10 #5/16-24 0.701 5 / 8 UB226NL*Δ■U226NL*Δ■1 11 / 16 UB227NL*Δ■ 0.7480 U227NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.3465 2 1 / 32 0.7969 2.281 0.039 0.32 #5/16-24 2.001 3 / 4 UB228NL*Δ■ U228NL*Δ■45.00 UB2M45NL*Δ■ 19.0000 U2M45NL*Δ■ 22.0000 85.0000 51.59 20.2410 57.940 1.000 8.10 #5/16-24 0.901 15 / 16 UB231NL*Δ■U231NL*Δ■0.78742 UB2E32NL*Δ■ U2E32NL*Δ■0.8661 3.5433 2 3 / 32 0.8261 2.475 0.039 0.38 #3/8-24 2.2050.00 UB2M50NL*Δ■ 20.0000 U2M50NL*Δ■ 22.0000 90.0000 53.18 21.0340 62.860 1.000 9.60 #3/8-24 1.002 UB232NL*Δ■U232NL*Δ■0.82682 3 / 16 UB235NL*Δ■ U235NL*Δ■0.9843 3.9370 2 1 / 4 0.8438 2.749 0.059 0.38 #3/8-24 2.4055.00 UB2M55NL*Δ■ 21.0000 U2M55NL*Δ■ 25.0000 100.0000 57.15 21.4310 69.820 1.500 9.60 #3/8-24 1.102 1 / 4 UB236NL*Δ■U236NL*Δ■2 3 / 8 UB238NL*Δ■ 0.8661 U238NL*Δ■ 1.0630 4.3307 2 1 / 2 0.9375 3.012 0.059 0.38 #3/8-24 3.402 7 / 16 UB239NL*Δ■ U239NL*Δ■60.00 UB2M60NL*Δ■ 22.0000 U2M60NL*Δ■ 27.0000 110.0000 63.50 23.8130 76.500 1.500 9.60 #3/8-24 1.50Approx.WeightU200, UB200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Non-relubricatable Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing cornerBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below, +.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm): for all other size codes, +.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 321Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 3Replacement Insert

UG200, UBG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Relubricatable Ball BearingUG200, UBG200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesBroad range of sealing optionsWide inner ring for increased shaft stabilitySpring locking setscrew mountSealed & relubricatableSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter203204205206207208209210211212PartNumberCylindricalJOuterRing WidthBearing DrawingPartNumberTSSphericalJOuterRing WidthDGJOuterRing WidthBO.D.YNBDiameterTSrJOuterRing WidthD G M N r S T YDGYNBDiameter1/ 2 UBG2B08NL*■UG2B08NL*■5/ 8 UBG210NL*■ 0.4724 UG210NL*■ 0.5118 1.5748 1 3 / 32 0.4531 - 0.941 0.024 0.15 #10-32 0.158 0.2511/ 16 UBG211NL*■ UG211NL*■17.00 UBG2M17NL*■ 12.0000 UG2M17NL*■ 13.0000 40.0000 27.78 11.5090 - 23.900 0.610 3.80 #10-32 4.010 0.103/ 4 UBG212NL*■ 0.5512 UG212NL*■ 0.5906 1.8504 1 9 / 32 0.5313 - 1.121 0.039 0.19 #1/4-28 0.176 0.5020.00 UBG2M20NL*■ 14.0000 UG2M20NL*■ 15.0000 47.0000 32.54 13.4940 - 28.470 1.000 4.80 #1/4-28 4.470 0.207/ 8 UBG214NL*Δ■UG214NL*Δ■15/ 16 UBG215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 UG215NL*Δ■ 0.5906 2.0472 1 23 / 64 0.5625 - 1.313 0.039 0.22 #1/4-28 0.176 0.501 UBG216NL*Δ■ UG216NL*Δ■25.00 UBG2M25NL*Δ■ 15.0000 UG2M25NL*Δ■ 15.0000 52.0000 34.53 14.2880 - 33.350 1.000 5.60 #1/4-28 4.470 0.201 1 / 8 UBG218NL*■UG218NL*■1 3 / 16 UBG219NL*■ 0.7087 UG219NL*■ 0.7087 2.4409 1 9 / 16 0.6094 - 1.587 0.039 0.22 #1/4-28 0.202 0.801 1 / 4 UBG2E20NL*■ UG2E20NL*■30.00 UBG2M30NL*■ 18.0000 UG2M30NL*■ 18.0000 62.0000 39.69 15.4780 - 40.310 1.000 5.60 #1/4-28 5.130 0.351 1 / 4 UBG220NL*Δ■UG220NL*Δ■1 3 / 8 UBG222NL*Δ■ 0.7480 UG222NL*Δ■ 0.7480 2.8346 1 49 / 64 0.6563 - 1.847 0.039 0.25 #5/16-24 0.239 1.201 7 / 16 UBG223NL*Δ■ UG223NL*Δ■35.00 UBG2M35NL*Δ■ 19.0000 UG2M35NL*Δ■ 19.0000 72.0000 44.85 16.6690 - 46.910 1.000 6.40 #5/16-24 6.070 0.551 1 / 2 UBG224NL*Δ■ 0.8268 UG224NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.1496 1 29 / 32 0.7344 - 2.083 0.039 0.32 #5/16-24 0.253 1.5040.00 UBG2M40NL*Δ■ 21.0000 UG2M40NL*Δ■ 22.0000 80.0000 48.42 18.6530 - 52.910 1.000 8.10 #5/16-24 6.430 0.701 5 / 8 UBG226NL*Δ■UG226NL*Δ■1 11 / 16 UBG227NL*Δ■ 0.8661 UG227NL*Δ■ 0.8661 3.3465 2 1 / 32 0.7969 - 2.281 0.039 0.32 #5/16-24 0.254 2.001 3 / 4 UBG228NL*Δ■ UG228NL*Δ■45.00 UBG2M45NL*Δ■ 22.0000 UG2M45NL*Δ■ 22.0000 85.0000 51.59 20.2410 - 57.940 1.000 8.10 #5/16-24 6.450 0.901 15 / 16 UBG231NL*Δ■UG231NL*Δ■0.90552 UBG2E32NL*Δ■ UG2E32NL*Δ■0.8661 3.5433 2 3 / 32 0.8281 - 2.475 0.039 0.38 #3/8-24 0.268 2.2050.00 UBG2M50NL*Δ■ 23.0000 UG2M50NL*Δ■ 22.0000 90.0000 53.18 21.0340 - 62.860 1.000 9.60 #3/8-24 6.810 1.002 UBG232NL*Δ■UG232NL*Δ■0.98432 3 / 16 UBG235NL*Δ■ UG235NL*Δ■0.9843 3.9370 2 1 / 4 0.8438 - 2.749 0.059 0.38 #3/8-24 0.295 2.4055.00 UBG2M55NL*Δ■ 25.0000 UG2M55NL*Δ■ 25.0000 100.0000 57.15 21.4310 - 69.820 1.500 9.60 #3/8-24 7.490 1.102 1 / 4 UBG236NL*Δ■UG236NL*Δ■2 3 / 8 UBG238NL*Δ■ 1.0630 UG238NL*Δ■ 1.0630 4.3307 2 1 / 2 0.9375 - 3.012 0.059 0.38 #3/8-24 0.330 3.402 7 / 16 UBG239NL*Δ■ UG239NL*Δ■60.00 UBG2M60NL*Δ■ 27.0000 UG2M60NL*Δ■ 27.0000 110.0000 63.50 23.8130 - 76.500 1.500 9.60 #3/8-24 8.380 1.50Approx.WeightContinued...Replacement InsertUnmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 4322<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Continued...Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode Diameter213215217220Additional NotesPartNumberCylindricalJOuterRing WidthPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below,+.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm)Bearing O.D. tolerance for size codes 209 thru 214,+.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)Bearing O.D. tolerance for size codes 215 thru 217,+.0000”/-.0008” (+0.000mm/-0.020mm)Bearing O.D. tolerance for all other size codes,+.0000”/-.0010” (+0.000mm/-0.025mm)PartNumberSphericalJOuterRing WidthBO.D.D G M N r S T Y2 1 / 2 - - UG240NL*Δ2 11 / 16 - - UG243NL*Δ1.0630 4.7244 2 11 / 16 1.0000 4 3 / 16 3.331 - - - 0.343 5.8065.00 - - UG2M65NL*Δ 27.0000 120.0000 68.26 25.4000 106.40 84.610 - - - 8.710 2.602 3 / 4 - - UG244NL*Δ2 15 / 16 - - UG247NL*Δ 1.1417 5.1181 2 7 / 8 1.0625 4 5 / 8 3.624 - - - 0.367 7.303 - - UG2E48NL*Δ75.00 - - UG2M75NL*Δ 29.0000 130.0000 73.02 26.9870 117.50 92.050 - - - 9.320 3.303 7 / 16 - - UG255NL*Δ3 1 / 2 - - UG2E56NL*Δ1.3386 5.9055 3 9 / 16 1.4375 5 3 / 16 4.158 - - - 0.415 9.5085.00 - - UG2M85NL*Δ 34.0000 150.0000 90.49 36.5130 131.80 105.610 - - - 10.540 4.303 15 / 16 - - UG263NL*4 - - UG2E64NL*1.5748 7.0866 4 1 / 4 1.6719 5 15 / 16 4.913 - - - 0.504 16.00100.00 - - UG2M100NL* 40.0000 180.0000 107.95 42.4660 150.80 124.790 - - - 12.800 7.20Dimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing corner* N lip seals standard■ Available with H labyrinth sealsΔ Available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Approx.Weight<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 323Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 5UG200, UBG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Relubricatable Ball Bearing Replacement Insert

W200, WB200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Non-relubricatable Ball BearingW200, WB200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesEccentric cam locking deviceSealed & non-relubricatableSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsCylindricalSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberSphericalPartNumberBearing DrawingBO.D.MTJOuterRing WidthDHGJOuterRing WidthNBDiameterMTrHJOuterRing WidthD G H M N r TDGNBDiameter1/ 2 WB2B08EL▲ W2B08EL▲203 5/ 8 WB210EL▲ W210EL▲ 1.5748 0.5118 1 1/ 8 0.2559 0.7500 1 1 / 8 0.879 0.02417/ 32 0.30204 3/ 4 WB212EL▲ W212EL▲ 1.8504 0.5906 1 7 / 32 0.2953 0.8437 1 5 / 16 1.013 0.03917/ 32 0.507/ 8 WB214EL▲ W214EL▲20515/ 16 WB215EL▲ W215EL▲ 2.0472 0.5906 1 7 / 32 0.2953 0.8437 1 1 / 2 1.210 0.03917/ 32 0.501 WB216EL▲ W216EL▲1 1 / 8 WB218EL▲ W218EL▲206 1 3 / 16 WB219EL▲ W219EL▲ 2.4409 0.7087 1 13 / 32 0.3543 0.9375 1 3 / 4 1.587 0.039 5/ 8 0.751 1 / 4 WB2E20EL▲ W2E20EL▲1 1 / 4 WB220EL▲ W220EL▲207 1 3 / 8 WB222EL▲ W222EL▲ 2.8346 0.7480 1 17 / 32 0.3740 1.0000 2 3 / 16 1.847 0.03911/ 16 1.301 7 / 16 WB223EL▲ W223EL▲208 1 1 / 2 WB224EL▲ W224EL▲ 3.1496 0.8661 1 23 / 32 0.4330 1.1875 2 3 / 8 2.083 0.03923/ 32 1.601 5 / 8 WB226EL▲ W226EL▲209 1 11 / 16 WB227EL▲ W227EL▲ 3.3465 0.8661 1 23 / 32 0.4330 1.1875 2 1 / 2 2.109 0.03923/ 32 1.701 3 / 4 WB228EL▲ W228EL▲2101 15 / 16 WB231EL▲ W231EL▲2 WB2E32EL▲ W2E32EL▲3.5433 0.8661 1 23 / 32 0.4330 1.1875 2 3 / 4 2.306 0.03923/ 32 1.75Approx.WeightReplacement InsertAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing cornerBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below,+.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm): for all other size codes,+.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionUnmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 6Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.324<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

WG200, WBG200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesEccentric cam locking deviceSealed & relubricatableSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterCylindricalPartNumberSphericalPartNumberBearing DrawingBO.D.MTJOuterRing WidthDHGYNJOuterRing WidthBDiameterMTrDHGYNBDiameterJOuterRing WidthD G H M N r T Y1/ 2 WBG2B08EL▲ WG2B08EL▲2035/ 8 WBG210EL▲ WG210EL▲ 1.5748 0.5118 1 1/ 8 0.2559 0.7500 1 1 / 8 0.879 0.02417/ 32 0.158 0.30204 3/ 4 WBG212EL▲ WG212EL▲ 1.8504 0.5906 1 7 / 32 0.2953 0.8437 1 5 / 16 1.013 0.03917/ 32 0.176 0.507/ 8 WBG214EL▲ WG214EL▲20515/ 16 WBG215EL▲ WG215EL▲ 2.0472 0.5906 1 7 / 32 0.2953 0.8437 1 1 / 2 1.210 0.03917/ 32 0.176 0.501 WBG216EL▲ WG216EL▲1 1 / 8 WBG218EL▲ WG218EL▲206 1 3 / 16 WBG219EL▲ WG219EL▲ 2.4409 0.7087 1 13 / 32 0.3543 0.9375 1 3 / 4 1.587 0.039 5/ 8 0.202 0.751 1 / 4 WBG2E20EL▲ WG2E20EL▲1 1 / 4 WBG220EL▲ WG220EL▲207 1 3 / 8 WBG222EL▲ WG222EL▲ 2.8346 0.7480 1 17 / 32 0.3740 1.0000 2 3 / 16 1.847 0.03911/ 16 0.239 1.301 7 / 16 WBG223EL▲ WG223EL▲208 1 1 / 2 WBG224EL▲ WG224EL▲ 3.1496 0.8661 1 23 / 32 0.4330 1.1875 2 3 / 8 2.083 0.03923/ 32 0.253 1.601 5 / 8 WBG226EL▲ WG226EL▲209 1 11 / 16 WBG227EL▲ WG227EL▲ 3.3465 0.8661 1 23 / 32 0.4330 1.1875 2 1 / 2 2.109 0.03923/ 32 0.254 1.701 3 / 4 WBG228EL▲ WG228EL▲1210/ 16 WBG231EL▲ WG231EL▲2 WBG2E32EL▲ WG2E32EL▲ 3.5433 0.8661 123/ 32 0.4330 1.1875 2 3 / 4 2.306 0.03923/ 32 0.268 1.75Approx.WeightWG200, WBG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Eccentric Locking Relubricatable Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing cornerBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below, +.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm): for all other size codes, +.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 325Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 7Replacement Insert

SG200 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Intermediate Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingSG200Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesSpring locking setscrew mountSealed & relubricatableSpherical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBO.D.JOuterRing WidthBearing DrawingTSDGJOuterRing WidthYNBDiameterD G N S T Y204 3/ 4 SG212EL▲ 1.8504 0.5906 1 1 / 8 0.3760 1.116 0.23 1/4-28 0.176 0.407/ 8 SG214EL▲20515/ 16 SG215EL▲ 2.0472 0.5906 1 11 / 64 0.3760 1.313 0.25 1/4-28 0.176 0.501 SG216EL▲1 1 / 8 SG218EL▲206 1 3 / 16 SG219EL▲ 2.4409 0.7087 1 11 / 32 0.3920 1.587 0.31 5/16-24 0.202 0.701 1 / 4 SG2E20EL▲1 1 / 4 SG220EL▲207 1 3 / 8 SG222EL▲ 2.8346 0.7480 1 9 / 16 0.4540 1.847 0.34 5/16-24 0.239 1.101 7 / 16 SG223EL▲208 1 1 / 2 SG224EL▲ 3.1496 0.8661 1 21 / 32 0.4850 2.084 0.34 5/16-24 0.253 1.401 5 / 8 SG226EL▲209 1 11 / 16 SG227EL▲ 3.3465 0.8661 1 49 / 64 0.5320 2.281 0.36 5/16-24 0.254 1.651 3 / 4 SG228EL▲210 1 15 / 16 SG231EL▲ 3.5433 0.8661 1 13 / 16 0.5320 2.478 0.38 3/8-24 0.268 1.70Approx.WeightReplacement InsertAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityDimension “r”, max fillet radius of housing to clear bearing cornerBearing O.D. tolerance for size code 208 and below, +.0000”/-.0005” (+0.000mm/-0.013mm): for all other size codes, +.0000”/-.0006” (+0.000mm/-0.015mm)▲ E lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadUnmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 8Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.326<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

HexPhoto Shows an Unmounted Hex Bore Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesBearing DrawingAHGBN DiameterHGBN Diameter<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Hex Bore Ball BearingSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.Sealed & non-relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.CJOuterRing WidthJOuterRing WidthSphericalCylindricalBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberIndustryNumberBO.D.JOuter RingWidthA C G H NCylindrical2045/ 8 10KB204N* 204KRR40.626 0.728111.8504 0.5512/ 16 11KB204N* 204KRR2 0.695 0.7970.412 0.8250 1.121 0.30205 7/ 8 14KB205N*Δ 205KRR2 2.0472 0.5906 0.876 1.010 0.500 1.0000 1.313 0.40206 1 16KB206N* 206KRR6 2.4409 0.6299 1.001 1.153 0.472 0.9449 1.587 0.60207 1 1 / 8 18KB207N*Δ 207KRR9 2.8346 0.6693 1.126 1.299 0.742 1.4844 1.847 1.10209 1 1 / 2 24KB209N*Δ 209KRR2 3.3465 0.7480 1.501 1.732 0.591 1.1811 2.281 1.40210 1 5 / 8 26KB3210E3 Δ W210PP7 3.5433 1.1875 1.626 1.876 0.594 1.1875 2.475 1.60Spherical20411/ 16 11K204N* 204KRRB2 1.8504 0.5906 0.695 0.797 0.412 0.8250 1.121 0.30205 7/ 8 14K205N*Δ 205KRRB2 2.0472 0.5906 0.876 1.010 0.500 1.0000 1.313 0.40206 1 16K206N* 206KRRB6 2.4409 0.7087 1.001 1.153 0.472 0.9449 1.587 0.60207 1 1 / 8 18K207N*Δ 207KRRB9 2.8346 0.7480 1.126 1.299 0.742 1.4844 1.847 1.10208 1 1 / 4 20K5208E3 Δ W208PPB16 3.1496 0.7087 1.251 1.450 0.718 1.4375 2.083 1.20209 1 1 / 2 24K209N*Δ 209KRRB2 3.3465 0.8661 1.501 1.732 0.591 1.1811 2.281 1.40210 1 5 / 8 26K3210E3 Δ W210PPB7 3.5433 1.1875 1.626 1.876 0.594 1.1875 2.475 1.60Approx.WeightAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityΔ E3 triple lip seals are standard for size codes 208 & 210On size codes 205, 207 & 209, Δ available with E3 triple lip sealsSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 327Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 9

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Round Bore Ball BearingRoundPhoto Shows an Unmounted Square Bore Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.Triple lip sealsOptional relubrication featureSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingHGJOuterRing WidthANBDiameterHGJOuterRing WidthANBDiameterHGJOuterRing WidthANBDiameterStyle 1 Style 2 Style 3*Note: Drawing represents spherical O.D. bearingBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberIndustryNumberStyleBO.D.JOuterRing WidthA G H N YApprox.WeightNon-relubricatableCylindrical20819RB208E3 Δ W208PP7 10.70871 3 / 16 1.1880 0.594 1.18751.3019RB3208E3 Δ W208PP4 33.1496 1.18752.083 -24RB6208E3 Δ W208PP2 21 1 / 2 1.5005 0.844 1.6875 1.5024RB8208E3 Δ W208PP10 1 0.8268210 1 15 / 16 31RB3210E3 Δ W210PP2 3 3.5433 1.1875 1.9380 0.594 1.1875 2.475 - 1.50211 2 3 / 16 35RB3211E3 Δ W211PP2 3 3.9370 1.3125 2.1880 0.656 1.3125 2.749 - 2.25Spherical7/ 8 14R4208E3 Δ W208PPB14 2 3.4380 1.1875 0.8900 0.719 1.437519R208E3 Δ W208PPB7 10.70871.30208 1 3 / 16 1.1880 0.594 1.1875 2.083 -19R3208E3 Δ W208PPB4 3 3.14961.18751 1 / 2 24R6208E3 Δ W208PPB2 2 1.5005 0.844 1.6875 1.5024R3209E3 Δ W209PPB4 3 3.34650.594 1.18751209/ 2 1.1875 1.53502.28124R4209E3 Δ W209PPB6 2 3.4380 0.719 1.4375-1.5045.00 R3209E3 Δ W209PPB2 3 85.0000 30.1620 45.0000 15.080 30.1620 57.940 0.602101 3 / 4 28R3210E3 Δ W210PPB51.78501.603 3.5433 1.18750.594 1.1875 2.475 -1 15 / 16 31R3210E3 Δ W210PPB2 1.9380 1.50211 2 3 / 16 35R3211E3 Δ W211PPB2 3 3.9370 1.3125 2.1880 0.656 1.3125 2.749 - 2.25Continued...Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 10328<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Bearing DrawingHGANBDiameter<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Round Bore Ball BearingJOuterRing WidthContinued...Bearing DimensionsStyle 3*Note: Drawing represents spherical O.D. bearingSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberIndustryNumberStyleBO.D.JOuterRing WidthA G H N YApprox.Weight210211209210211RelubricatableCylindrical1 3 / 8 22RBG3210E3 Δ GW210PP31.40651.403 3.5433 1.18750.594 1.1875 2.475 0.2551 15 / 16 31RBG3210E3 Δ GW210PP2 1.9380 1.501 5 / 8 26RBG3211E3 Δ GW211PP41.66001.603 3.9370 1.31250.656 1.3125 2.749 0.2672 3 / 16 35RBG3211E3 Δ GW211PP2 2.1880 2.25Spherical1 1 / 2 24RG3209E3 Δ GW209PPB43.3465 1.1875 1.5350 0.594 1.1875 2.281 0.248 1.50345.00 RG3209E3 Δ GW209PPB2 85.0000 30.1620 45.0000 15.080 30.1620 57.940 6.300 0.601 3 / 8 22RG3210E3 Δ GW210PPB31.40651.401 3 / 4 28RG3210E3 Δ GW210PPB5 3 3.5433 1.1875 1.7850 0.594 1.1875 2.475 0.255 1.601 15 / 16 31RG3210E3 Δ GW210PPB2 1.9380 1.501 5 / 8 26RG3211E3 Δ GW211PPB41.66001.603 3.9370 1.31250.656 1.3125 2.749 0.2672 3 / 16 35RG3211E3 Δ GW211PPB2 2.1880 2.25Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityUnground spherical O.D. tolerance, +/- .005” (+/- 0.13mm).Center portion of O.D. is cylindricalΔ E3 triple lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 329Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 11

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Square Bore Ball BearingSquarePhoto Shows an Unmounted Square Bore Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesSpherical or Cylindrical O.D.Triple lip sealsOptional relubrication featureSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingHGJOuterRing WidthANBDiameterHGJOuterRing WidthANBDiameterHGJOuterRing WidthANBDiameterStyle 1 Style 2 Style 3*Note: Drawing represents spherical O.D. bearingBearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberIndustryNumberStyleBO.D.JOuterRing WidthA G H N YApprox.WeightNon-relubricatableCylindrical7/ 8 14SB5208E3 Δ W208PP13 10.7087 0.90501.5016SB2208E3 Δ W208PP9 2 1.187511.030020816SB5208E3 Δ W208PP6 1 3.1496 0.70870.719 1.4375 2.083 -1.7018SB22E08E3 Δ W208PP8 2 1.18751 1 / 818SB52E08E3 Δ W208PP5 1 0.70871.1850 1.50211 1 1 / 2 24SB3211E3 Δ W211PP3 3 3.9370 1.3125 1.5300 0.656 1.3125 2.749 - 2.40Spherical7/ 8 14S4208E3 Δ W208PPB113.43800.90501.5021.187516S2208E3 Δ W208PPB911.0300 1.7016S5208E3 Δ W208PPB6 1 3.1496 0.70872080.719 1.4375 2.083 -18S22E08E3 Δ W208PPB82 1.18751 1 / 8 18S42E08E3 Δ W208PPB12 3.43801.1850 1.5018S52E08E3 Δ W208PPB5 1 3.1496 0.708720S2209E3 Δ W209PPB53.3465209 1 1 / 4 220S4209E3 Δ W209PPB7 3.43801.1875 1.2800 0.719 1.4375 2.281 - 1.85211 1 1 / 2 24S3211E3 Δ W211PPB3 3 3.9370 1.3125 1.5300 0.656 1.3125 2.749 - 2.40Continued...Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 12330<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Bearing DrawingHGY Y YANBDiameterHGANBDiameterHGANBDiameter<strong>Link</strong>-Belt Square Bore Ball BearingJOuterRing WidthJOuterRing WidthJOuterRing WidthStyle 1 Style 2 Style 3Continued...Bearing Dimensions*Note: Drawing represents spherical O.D. bearingSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberIndustryNumberStyleBO.D.JOuterRing WidthA G H N YApprox.WeightRelubricatableCylindrical209 1 1 / 4 20SBG5209E3 Δ GW209PP8 1 3.3465 0.8661 1.2800 0.719 1.4375 2.281 0.254 1.85211 1 1 / 2 24SBG3211E3 Δ GW211PP3 3 3.9370 1.3125 1.5300 0.656 1.3125 2.749 0.267 2.40Spherical1 16SG5208E3 Δ GW208PPB6 10.8661 1.03001.7020818SG22E08E3 Δ GW208PPB8 2 3.1496 1.18750.719 1.4375 2.083 0.2531 1 / 8 1.185018SG52E08E3 Δ GW208PPB5 1 0.86611.50209 1 1 / 4 20SG5209E3 Δ GW209PPB8 1 3.3465 0.8661 1.2800 0.719 1.4375 2.281 0.254 1.85211 1 1 / 2 24SG3211E3 Δ GW211PPB3 3 3.9370 1.3125 1.5300 0.656 1.3125 2.749 0.267 2.40Additional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityUnground spherical O.D. tolerance, +/- .005” (+/- 0.13mm).Center portion of O.D. is cylindricalΔ E3 triple lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 331Unmounted Replacement <strong>Bearings</strong> - 13

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC332<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 200 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt ®300 SeriesHeavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>Industries ServedAggregatesAir HandlingForestryMiningSteelPackage Handling333

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Features and BenefitsSeries 300 Heavy Duty Ball Bearing UnitsSeries 300 wide inner ring ball bearing units aredesigned for heavy duty applications requiring highcapacity and/or high speed in a compact footprint.Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>32Manufactured from quality alloy bearing steelto precision tolerances, these bearings are usedextensively on general industrial equipment, high5416speed fans and blowers and heavier duty powertransmission and material handling equipment.1. Choice of adapter mount, spring lockingcollar with setscrews or eccentric cam lockingcollar to lock inner ring securely to shaft.2. Choice of steel-clad molded type Hclearance seal or type N double lip seal.3. Alignable, precision, deep groove ball bearingof quality alloy bearing steel provideshigh capacity for radial/thrust loads.4. Wide inner ring for greater contactsurface between shaft and bearing.5. One-piece, cast iron housings available in manytypes for a variety of application requirements.6. Prelubricated and relubricatable.Heavy series precision alignable ball bearings ofdeep groove construction with larger balls andthicker rings for high capacity and longer life.The extra inner ring width furnishes ultimateshaft and load support and concentricityfor high speed precision application.The spring locking collar design provides asecure grip of the wide inner ring bearing tothe shaft. The two set screws extend throughthe inner ring of the bearing and lock firmlyinto the shaft. Tightening the two set screwsproduces elastic strain in the spring locking collarresulting in a continuous pressure on the shaft.The eccentric cam locking collar design providesa secure grip of the wide inner ring bearing to theshaft and further tightens with bearing rotation.The adapter mount design provides betterconcentricity and shaft control, increasingservice life. The adapter mount allows foreasy installation/removal and enables theuse of commercial grade shafting.Furnished with anti-rotation pin in the outer ringto prevent the outer ring from spinningin the bearing housing.One-piece Cast Iron HousingsCompact, one-piece cast iron housings providestrength with minimum size and weight, andexcellent rigidity. All housings are designedwith standard mounting dimensions and havefinished mounting surfaces for proper installationstability. Pillow blocks have slotted bolt holeswith ample space provided for drilling dowel pinholes and are also available with high backingdimensions. Flanged and flanged cartridge unitshave drilled mounting holes. Take up units havemachined slots for accurate adjustment.Bearing Mounted Molded Rubber SealType H SealThese molded rubber seals effectively retain lubricant and protect againstcontamination.An external seal guard enhances protection against contaminationand protects the molded rubber seal. A snap ring locates and retainsthe molded rubber seal in the outer ring to ensure proper operation.This is an excellent non-contact seal for grease lubrication.Type N SealThese molded rubber double lip seals have two full landriding lips that effectively retain lubricant and protect againstcontamination. These seals ride on a precision ground surface ofthe bearing inner ring for smooth operation and tightness.Features & Benefits - 2 334<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

300 Series NomenclatureSymbolDescriptionCCartridge unitFFlanged unit, 4-bolt squareFCFlanged cartridge unit, 4-bolt roundPPillow block, standard backingPLPillow block, low backingP2Pillow block, high backingTTake-up, slotted guidesEExpansion unitUBearing sealed unit, spring locking, relubricatableYBearing sealed unit, eccentric cam locking collar, relubricatable3 Series 300 ball bearing designationKAdapter mounted27 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inchP E -U 3 K 27 J N C 17H 4<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – NomenclatureJSteel retainersNoneNSteel clad clearance sealMolded double lip sealsCClosed end unit17HGrease designation4 Clearance, other than standardReplacement Ball Bearing NomenclatureSymbolUGYGDescriptionWide inner ring, bearing seals, spring locking collarWide inner ring, bearing seals, eccentric cam locking collarUG 3 K 47 N L3 Series 300 ball bearing designationKAdapter mounted47 Shaft size in sixteenths of an inchNoneNSteel clad clearance sealMolded double lip sealsL1LBearing without collarBearing with collar & setscrews<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 335Nomenclature - 3

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionSeries 300 Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>To select a bearing, determine the appliedradial load, the applied thrust load,the desired Rating Life, and applicableoperating conditions. The procedureshown here will aid in selecting a bearing to meetan L10 design life. The formulas for calculatinglife expectancy should be used to determinethe Rating Life L10 for the bearing selected.SelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Industrial—16 hour shift 4,000 10 40,000Industrial—Continuous 8,700 10 80,000 to 100,000Step 2Determine a required from Table 1.Step 3Calculate the required C and select a ball bearing.a For radial load only:P = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2The selection procedures and rating formulasshown here are in agreement with The AmericanBearing Manufacturers Association Standards andANSI/ABMA STD 9-1990. Ratings are based onfatigue life. The Rating Life L10 or fatigue life at 90%reliability is the usual basis for bearing selection.Step 3 (continued)To assure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.c For combined radial and thrust loads when Fais greaterFrthan 0.19, use the following trial method:Maximum P = .56Fr + 2.30FaMaximum required C = P using from Step 2Select a trial ball bearing with a basic load rating C fromTable 3 approximately equal to the maximum required C.With this trial bearing calculate: FaNd 2Determine X and Y from Table 2.Calculate P for the trial bearing.P = XFr + YFarequired C = P for the trial bearing using from Step 2Consult Table 3, basic load rating. If a smaller bearing meets ornearly meets the required C, its life expectancy can be calculated.Note: If the load P is greater than .25C, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic loadrating C equal to or greater than the required C.b For combined radial and thrust loads when FaFrP = Frrequired C = P using from Step 2is 0.19 or less:Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic load rating C equalto or greater than the required C.Selection Guide - 4336<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

SelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toBearinglife,hoursL 10C(P)L10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load, pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factorC(P)ratioSpeed, n50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 2.08 2.62 3.30 3.77 4.15 4.47 4.75 5.01 5.234000 2.29 2.88 3.63 4.15 4.57 4.92 5.23 5.51 5.765000 2.46 3.10 3.91 4.47 4.92 5.30 5.64 5.93 6.206000 2.62 3.30 4.15 4.75 5.23 5.64 5.99 6.30 6.598000 2.88 3.63 4.57 5.23 5.76 6.20 6.59 6.94 7.2510000 3.10 3.91 4.92 5.64 6.20 6.68 7.10 7.47 7.8112000 3.30 4.15 5.23 5.99 6.59 7.10 7.54 7.94 8.3014000 3.47 4.37 5.51 6.30 6.94 7.47 7.94 8.36 8.7416000 3.63 4.57 5.76 6.59 7.25 7.81 8.30 8.74 9.1418000 3.77 4.75 5.99 6.86 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.09 9.5020000 3.91 4.92 6.20 7.10 7.81 8.42 8.94 9.41 9.8425000 4.21 5.30 6.68 7.65 8.42 9.07 9.63 10.1 10.630000 4.47 5.64 7.10 8.13 8.94 9.63 10.2 10.8 11.335000 4.71 5.93 7.47 8.55 9.41 10.1 10.8 11.3 11.940000 4.92 6.20 7.81 8.94 9.84 10.6 11.3 11.9 12.445000 5.12 6.45 8.13 9.30 10.2 11.0 11.7 12.3 12.950000 5.30 6.68 8.42 9.63 10.6 11.4 12.1 12.8 13.460000 5.64 7.10 8.94 10.2 11.3 12.1 12.9 13.6 14.270000 5.93 7.47 9.41 10.8 11.9 12.8 13.6 14.3 14.980000 6.20 7.81 9.84 11.3 12.4 13.4 14.2 14.9 15.690000 6.45 8.13 10.2 11.7 12.9 13.9 14.8 15.5 16.2100000 6.68 8.42 10.6 12.1 13.4 14.4 15.3 16.1 16.8150000 7.65 9.63 12.1 13.9 15.3 16.5 17.5 18.4 19.3200000 8.42 10.6 13.4 15.3 16.8 18.1 19.3 20.3 21.2Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3600 6000 100003000 5.44 5.64 5.99 6.45 6.86 7.54 8.63 10.2 12.14000 5.99 6.20 6.59 7.10 7.54 8.30 9.50 11.3 13.45000 6.45 6.68 7.10 7.65 8.13 8.94 10.2 12.1 14.46000 6.86 7.10 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.50 10.9 12.9 15.38000 7.54 7.81 8.30 8.94 9.50 10.5 12.0 14.2 16.810000 8.13 8.42 8.94 9.63 10.2 11.3 12.9 15.3 18.112000 8.63 8.94 9.50 10.2 10.9 12.0 13.7 16.2 19.314000 9.09 9.41 10.0 10.8 11.4 12.6 14.4 17.1 20.316000 9.50 9.84 10.5 11.3 12.0 13.2 15.1 17.9 21.218000 9.88 10.2 10.9 11.7 12.4 13.7 15.7 18.6 22.020000 10.2 10.6 11.3 12.1 12.9 14.2 16.2 19.3 22.825000 11.0 11.4 12.1 13.1 13.9 15.3 17.5 20.7 24.630000 11.7 12.1 12.9 13.9 14.8 16.2 18.6 22.0 26.135000 12.3 12.8 13.6 14.6 15.5 17.1 19.6 23.2 27.540000 12.9 13.4 14.2 15.3 16.2 17.9 20.5 24.3 28.745000 13.4 13.9 14.8 15.9 16.9 18.6 21.3 25.2 29.950000 13.9 14.4 15.3 16.5 17.5 19.3 22.0 26.1 31.060000 14.8 15.3 16.2 17.5 18.6 20.5 23.4 27.8 32.970000 15.5 16.1 17.1 18.4 19.6 21.5 24.6 29.2 34.680000 16.2 16.8 17.9 19.3 20.5 22.5 25.8 30.5 36.290000 16.9 17.5 18.6 20.0 21.3 23.4 26.8 31.8 37.7100000 17.5 18.1 19.3 20.7 22.0 24.3 27.8 32.9 39.0150000 20.0 20.7 22.0 23.7 25.2 27.8 31.8 37.7 44.6200000 22.0 22.8 24.3 26.1 27.8 30.5 35.0 41.4 49.1Basic formulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 of any selectedor trial bearing:Step 1 Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:P = XFr + YFa using X and Yfrom Table 2 below.Step 2 Calculate the ratio of basic load rating Cto the equivalent radial load.C(P)Step 3 Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Table 2 • X and Y factors for ball bearingsFaNd 2eFaFaFr ≤ e Fr > eX Y X Y25 .19 1.0 0 .56 2.3037.5 .21 1.0 0 .56 2.1550 .22 1.0 0 .56 1.9975 .24 1.0 0 .56 1.85100 .26 1.0 0 .56 1.71125 .27 1.0 0 .56 1.63150 .28 1.0 0 .56 1.56200 .30 1.0 0 .56 1.45300 .34 1.0 0 .56 1.31500 .38 1.0 0 .56 1.15750 .42 1.0 0 .56 1.041000 .44 1.0 0 .56 1.00For values between those in the tablelinear interpolation can be used.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulaL’n = a1a2a3L10where L’n = Adjusted life for (100-n)% reliablility,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factor for materialand processinga3 = Life adjustment factor foroperating conditions.For most normal applications, all factors willbe taken as 1, and the Rating Life used as theselection basis or life estimate. In addition, aslong as standard catalog bearings are used, a2will be normally set equal to one. The factor a3covers such things as lubrication, misalignment,and temperature. Some conditions that couldyield a3 significantly different than unity includespeeds less than 20000 DN or greater than 200000DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) or above275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions, aswell as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 337Selection Guide - 5

<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering SectionTable 3 • Load ratings, speed limits and ball dataSizeCodeCoStaticload ratingCBasic load ratingY300, U300CBasic load ratingU3K00Approximatespeed limitRPM*dBalldiameternewtons pounds newtons pounds newtons pounds Std. Seals N Seals inchesNNumberofballs312 7 ,890 1770 12,370 2780 - - 10950 … 3/8 7 .984316 10 ,900 2450 16,460 3700 - - 9350 … 7/16 7 1.34319 15 ,700 3530 21,660 4870 - - 8300 6100 31/64 8 1.88323 19 ,100 4290 25,620 5760 - - 7550 5400 17/32 8 2.26324 24 ,000 5390 31,230 7020 - - 7200 … 19/32 8 2.82328 31 ,600 7110 40,750 9160 - - 6200 4300 11/16 8 3.78331 37 ,800 8500 47,600 10700 61830 13900 5600 3900 3/4 8 4.50335 44 ,600 10000 55,200 12400 71480 16070 4950 3550 13/16 8 5.28339 51 ,900 11700 62,700 14100 - - 4450 3250 7/8 8 6.12344 68 ,100 15300 80,100 18000 104180 23420 3950 2800 1 8 8.00347 77 ,100 17300 88,100 19800 113470 25510 3700 2650 1-1/16 8 9.03351 86 ,600 19500 93,900 21100 123000 27650 3400 … 1-1/8 8 10.1356 107 ,200 24100 109,400 24600 142700 32080 3100 … 1-1/4 8 12.5363 140 ,500 31600 133 ,400 30000 173100 38910 2750 … 1-7/16 8 16.5If the load P is greater than .25C consult Rexnord Bearing Division.*Based on grease lubrication and moderate load.Nd2Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 6338<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Table 4 • Radial load ratings in pounds at various RPM for appropriate L10 life hoursBearing SizeNumberSizeCode312316319323324328331335339344347351356363L10Minimumlife, hoursRadial load ratings, poundsSpeed, RPM50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 35008000 … … 607 530 482 447 421 400 382 368 355 334 310 292 282 262 246 23420000 … 564 447 391 355 330 310 295 282 271 262 246 229 215 208 193 181 17240000 564 447 355 310 282 262 246 234 224 215 208 195 181 171 165 153 144 137100000 415 330 262 229 208 193 181 172 165 158 153 144 134 126 121 113 106 1018000 … … 808 706 641 595 560 532 509 489 473 445 413 388 375 348 328 31120000 … 750 595 520 473 439 413 392 375 361 348 328 304 286 276 257 241 22940000 750 595 473 413 375 348 328 311 298 286 276 260 241 227 219 204 192 182100000 553 439 348 304 276 257 241 229 219 211 204 192 178 167 162 150 141 1348000 … … 1064 929 844 784 737 701 670 644 622 585 543 511 494 458 431 41020000 … 987 784 685 622 577 543 516 494 475 458 431 400 377 364 338 318 30240000 987 784 622 543 494 458 431 410 392 377 364 342 318 299 289 268 252 240100000 727 577 458 400 364 338 318 302 289 278 268 252 234 220 213 197 186 1778000 … … 1258 1099 998 927 872 829 792 762 736 692 643 605 584 542 510 48520000 … 1168 927 810 736 683 643 610 584 561 542 510 474 446 430 399 376 35740000 1168 927 736 643 584 542 510 485 463 446 430 405 376 354 341 317 298 283100000 860 683 542 474 430 399 376 357 341 328 317 298 277 261 252 234 220 2098000 … … 1533 1339 1217 1130 1063 1010 966 929 897 844 783 737 712 661 622 59120000 … 1423 1130 987 897 832 783 744 712 684 661 622 577 543 524 487 458 43540000 1423 1130 897 783 712 661 622 591 565 543 524 493 458 431 416 386 364 345100000 1049 832 661 577 524 487 458 435 416 400 386 364 337 318 307 285 268 2548000 … … 2000 1748 1588 1474 1387 1318 1260 1212 1170 1101 1022 962 929 862 811 77120000 … 1857 1474 1288 1170 1086 1022 971 929 893 862 811 753 709 684 635 598 56840000 1857 1474 1170 1022 929 862 811 771 737 709 684 644 598 562 543 504 474 451100000 1368 1086 862 753 684 635 598 568 543 522 504 474 440 414 400 371 350 3328000 … … 2337 2041 1855 1722 1620 1539 1472 1415 1367 1286 1194 1123 1085 1007 948 90020000 … 2169 1722 1504 1367 1269 1194 1134 1085 1043 1007 948 880 828 799 742 698 66340000 2169 1722 1367 1194 1085 1007 948 900 861 828 799 752 698 657 634 589 554 526100000 1598 1269 1007 880 799 742 698 663 634 610 589 554 514 484 467 434 408 3888000 … … 2708 2366 2149 1995 1878 1784 1706 1640 1584 1490 1383 1302 1257 1167 1098 104320000 … 2514 1995 1743 1584 1470 1383 1314 1257 1209 1167 1098 1019 959 926 860 809 76940000 2514 1995 1584 1383 1257 1167 1098 1043 998 959 926 872 809 761 735 682 642 610100000 1852 1470 1167 1019 926 860 809 769 735 707 682 642 596 561 542 503 473 4498000 … … 3079 2690 2444 2269 2135 2028 1940 1865 1801 1695 1573 1480 1429 1327 124920000 … 2859 2269 1982 1801 1672 1573 1494 1429 1374 1327 1249 1159 1091 1053 978 92040000 2859 2269 1801 1573 1429 1327 1249 1186 1134 1091 1053 991 920 866 836 776 730100000 2106 1672 1327 1159 1053 978 920 874 836 804 776 730 678 638 616 572 5388000 … … 3931 3434 3120 2896 2726 2589 2476 2381 2299 2163 2008 1890 1825 169420000 … 3649 2896 2530 2299 2134 2008 1908 1825 1754 1694 1594 1480 1392 1344 124840000 3649 2896 2299 2008 1825 1694 1594 1514 1448 1392 1344 1265 1174 1105 1067 991100000 2689 2134 1694 1480 1344 1248 1174 1116 1067 1026 991 932 865 814 786 7308000 … … 4324 3778 3432 3186 2998 2848 2724 2619 2529 2380 2209 2079 2007 186320000 … 4014 3186 2783 2529 2348 2209 2098 2007 1930 1863 1753 1628 1532 1479 137340000 4014 3186 2529 2209 2007 1863 1753 1666 1593 1532 1479 1392 1292 1216 1174 1090100000 2958 2348 1863 1628 1479 1373 1292 1227 1174 1129 1090 1025 952 896 865 8038000 … … 4608 4026 3657 3395 3195 3035 2903 2791 2695 2536 2354 2215 2139 198620000 … 4278 3395 2966 2695 2502 2354 2236 2139 2057 1986 1869 1735 1632 1576 146340000 4278 3395 2695 2354 2139 1986 1869 1775 1698 1632 1576 1483 1377 1296 1251 1161100000 3152 2502 1986 1735 1576 1463 1377 1308 1251 1203 1161 1093 1014 955 922 8568000 … … 5373 4693 4264 3959 3725 3539 3384 3254 3142 2957 2745 2583 249420000 … 4987 3959 3458 3142 2917 2745 2607 2494 2398 2315 2178 2022 1903 183740000 4987 3959 3142 2745 2494 2315 2178 2069 1979 1903 1837 1729 1605 1510 1458100000 3675 2917 2315 2022 1837 1706 1605 1525 1458 1402 1354 1274 1183 1113 10758000 … … 6552 5724 5200 4827 4543 4315 4127 3969 3832 3606 3347 3150 304120000 … 6082 4827 4217 3832 3557 3347 3180 3041 2924 2823 2657 2466 2321 224140000 6082 4827 3832 3347 3041 2823 2657 2524 2414 2321 2241 2109 1957 1842 1778100000 4481 3557 2823 2466 2241 2080 1957 1859 1778 1710 1651 1554 1442 1357 1310<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> – Engineering Section* Load exceeds 25% of the C rating, consult Rexnord Bearing Division.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 339Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 7

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC340

PU3K00, PEU3K00Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEnhanced life mounting styleFixed or Expansion - Up to 11/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberLPartNumberLSBase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - Bolts45HABase toCenterlineHeightMWUDEFixedC D E F H M S U WMWUDEExpansionTotalAxialApprox.ExpansionWeight331 1 11 / 16 PEU3K27 6 7 / 32 PU3K27 6 3 1 / 8 8 7 / 8 11 1 / 8 2 17 / 32 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 2 11 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 35 / 64 1 27 / 32 1/ 4 17.00335 1 15 / 16 PEU3K31 6 13 / 16 PU3K31 6 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 10 1 / 4 12 5 / 8 2 19 / 32 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 2 31 / 32 1 1 / 4 1 43 / 64 1 31 / 32 9/ 32 23.00344 2 3 / 16 PEU3K35 7 15 / 16 PU3K35 7 3 / 4 4 11 13 / 16 14 5 / 8 3 1 / 32 3 3 / 4 7/ 8 1 5 / 8 3 3 / 8 1 5 / 8 1 27 / 32 2 3 / 16 7/ 32 35.00347 2 7 / 16 PEU3K39 8 3 / 8 PU3K39 8 3 / 8 4 1 / 4 12 15 1 / 8 3 3 / 16 4 7/ 8 1 3 / 4 3 7 / 8 1 5 / 8 1 15 / 16 2 7 / 16 7/ 32 41.00351 2 11 / 16 PEU3K43 9 PU3K43 9 4 9 / 16 12 1 / 4 15 3 / 8 3 5 / 16 4 5 / 16 7/ 8 1 15 / 16 4 5 / 32 1 5 / 8 2 1 / 4 2 5 / 811/ 32 50.00356 2 15 / 16 PEU3K47 10 1 / 16 PU3K47 9 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 12 7 / 8 16 1 / 8 3 17 / 32 5 1 2 1 / 4 4 13 / 32 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 8 2 3 / 411/ 32 60.00363 3 7 / 16 PEU3K55 11 1 / 16 PU3K55 11 1 / 16 5 11 / 16 14 1 / 2 17 5 / 16 3 31 / 32 5 1 2 9 / 16 5 3 / 16 1 1 / 2 2 29 / 32 3 9 / 3211/ 32 82.00PU3K00, PEU3K00 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Adapter Mounted Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for expansion units with shaft sizes 1 15/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for other expansion units and all fixed units, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)1 11/16” thru 2 7/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contactlip seals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>341Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Pillow Blocks - 12-Bolt Pillow Block

PU300, PEU300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingPU300, PEU300Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountFixed or Expansion - Up to 11/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed ASize ShaftBase toCode Diameter PartCenterlineNumberLPartNumberLHeightSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - Bolts45HLMABase toCenterlineHeightWUDEFixedC D E F H M S U WMWUDEExpansionTotalAxialExpansion312 3/ 4 PEU312 3 3 / 16 PU312 3 1 / 16 1 5 / 8 5 6 1 / 2 1 15 / 32 1 3 / 4 1/ 213/ 16 1 5 / 8 7/ 827/ 32 1 3 / 64 3/ 16 3.007/ 8 PEU314 PU31431615/ 16 PEU315 3 23 / 32 PU315 3 9 / 16 1 7 / 8 5 1 / 2 7 1 43 / 64 2 1/ 2 7/ 8 2 7/ 863/ 64 1 15 / 64 3/ 16 4.001 PEU316 PU3163191 1 / 8 PEU318 PU3184 1 / 41 3 / 16 PEU319 PU3194 1 / 16 2 1 / 8 6 7 / 16 8 1 / 4 1 59 / 64 2 1 / 4 1/ 215/ 16 2 5 / 16 1 1 / 16 1 9 / 64 1 13 / 32 3/ 16 5.901 1 / 4 PEU320 PU320323 1 3 / 8 PEU322 4 11 / 16 PU322 4 1 / 2 2 3 / 8 7 3 / 8 9 1 / 4 2 3 / 32 2 3 / 8 5/ 8 1 2 9 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 2 3/ 16 7.501 7 / 16 PEU323 PU323324 1 1 / 2 PEU324 5 7 / 32 PU324 5 2 5 / 8 8 10 1 / 8 2 5 / 16 2 5 / 8 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 3 1 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 25 / 64 1 39 / 64 3/ 16 11.501 5 / 8 PEU326 PU326328 1 11 / 16 PEU327 5 5 / 8 PU327 5 1 / 2 2 7 / 8 8 1 / 4 10 1 / 4 2 19 / 32 3 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 3 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 35 / 64 1 27 / 32 3/ 16 13.001 3 / 4 PEU328 PU328331 1 15 / 16 PEU331 6 7 / 32 PU331 6 3 1 / 8 8 7 / 8 11 1 / 8 2 13 / 16 3 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 / 8 3 7 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 43 / 64 1 31 / 32 1/ 4 17.202 PEU332 PU332335 2 1 / 8 PEU334 6 13 / 16 PU334 6 5 / 8 3 1 / 2 10 1 / 4 12 5 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 3 15 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 27 / 32 2 3 / 16 9/ 32 21.502 3 / 16 PEU335 PU3353392 1 / 4 PEU336 PU3367 3 / 162 7 / 16 PEU339 PU3397 1 / 8 3 5 / 8 11 1 / 4 13 3 / 4 3 5 / 16 3 1 / 2 3/ 4 1 5 / 8 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 15 / 16 2 7 / 16 9/ 32 27.503442 11 / 16 PEU343 PU3437 15 / 162 3 / 4 PEU344 PU3447 3 / 4 4 11 13 / 16 14 5 / 8 3 13 / 16 3 3 / 4 7/ 8 1 5 / 8 4 3 / 4 1 5 / 8 2 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 7/ 32 39.00347 2 15 / 16 PEU347 8 3 / 8 PU347 8 3 / 8 4 1 / 4 12 15 1 / 8 4 3 / 32 4 7/ 8 1 3 / 4 4 15 / 16 1 5 / 8 2 3 / 8 2 3 / 4 7/ 32 44.503513 PEU348 PU34893 3 / 16 PEU351 PU3519 4 9 / 16 12 1 / 4 15 3 / 8 4 13 / 32 4 5 / 16 7/ 8 1 15 / 16 5 11 / 16 1 5 / 8 2 19 / 32 311/ 32 53.003563 7 / 16 PEU355 10 1PU355/ 163 1 / 2 PEU356 PU3569 7 / 8 5 1 / 8 12 7 / 8 16 1 / 8 4 15 / 16 5 1 2 1 / 4 6 1 5 / 8 2 29 / 32 3 9 / 3211/ 32 70.00363 3 15 / 16 PEU363 11 1 / 16 PU363 11 1 / 16 5 11 / 16 14 1 / 2 17 5 / 16 5 9 / 16 5 1 2 9 / 16 7 1 1 / 2 3 9 / 32 3 11 / 1611/ 32 98.00Approx.WeightAdditional Notes2-Bolt Pillow BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for expansion units with shaft sizes 2 7/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for other expansion units and all fixed units, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available withdual contact lip seals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionPillow Blocks - 2342Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

P2U300Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableHigh base to center heightSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - Bolts45HLMABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L M S U W7/ 8 P2U31431615/ 16 P2U315 2 5 1 / 2 7 1 43 / 64 2 1/ 2 7/ 8 3 11 / 16 2 7/ 863/ 64 1 15 / 64 4.201 P2U3163191 1 / 8 P2U3181 3 / 16 P2U3192 3 / 8 6 5 / 8 8 1 / 4 1 59 / 64 2 3 / 8 1/ 2 7/ 8 4 5 / 16 2 5 / 16 1 1 9 / 64 1 13 / 32 6.501 1 / 4 P2U320323 1 3 / 8 P2U322 2 3 / 4 8 1 / 4 10 1 / 8 2 3 / 32 2 3 / 4 5/ 815/ 16 4 7 / 8 2 9 / 16 1 1 / 8 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 2 8.901 7 / 16 P2U3231 5 / 8 P2U326328 1 11 / 16 P2U327 3 1 / 8 9 11 2 19 / 32 3 5/ 8 1 3 / 16 5 3 / 4 3 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 35 / 64 1 27 / 32 14.001 3 / 4 P2U3282 P2U332335 2 1 / 8 P2U334 3 3 / 4 10 1 / 4 12 5 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 3 / 8 3/ 4 1 7 / 16 6 7 / 8 3 15 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 27 / 32 2 3 / 16 22.902 3 / 16 P2U3353392 1 / 4 P2U3362 7 / 16 P2U3394 1 / 8 11 1 / 4 13 3 / 4 3 5 / 16 4 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 7 1 / 2 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 15 / 16 2 7 / 16 31.103442 11 / 16 P2U3432 3 / 4 P2U3444 9 / 16 12 14 13 / 16 3 13 / 16 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 1 3 / 4 8 7 / 16 4 3 / 4 1 3 / 8 2 1 / 4 2 5 / 8 44.00347 2 15 / 16 P2U347 4 9 / 16 12 3 / 8 15 3 / 8 4 3 / 32 4 3 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 8 11 / 16 4 15 / 16 1 3 / 8 2 3 / 8 2 3 / 4 47.20WUDEApprox.WeightP2U300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contact lipseals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>343Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Pillow Blocks - 32-Bolt High Backing Height Pillow Block

PLY300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingPLY300Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEccentric cam locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPart NumberABase toCenterlineHeightBDistanceBetweenBolt HolesBearing DrawingLABase toCenterlineHeightSBDistance BetweenBolt HolesCF - BoltsC D E F H L M S U319 1 3 / 16 PLY319N 1 7 / 8 5 3 / 8 6 13 / 16 2 1 / 32 1 15 / 16 1/ 2 7/ 8 3 11 / 16 1 15 / 16 3/ 4 1 1 / 4 4.60323 1 7 / 16 PLY323N 2 1 / 8 6 7 9 / 16 2 5 / 32 2 1 / 8 1/ 215/ 16 4 3 / 32 2 3 / 16 3/ 4 1 5 / 16 5.90328 1 11 / 16 PLY327N 2 5 / 8 7 1 / 2 9 7 / 16 2 9 / 16 2 5 / 8 5/ 8 1 3 / 16 5 1 / 8 2 3 / 4 1 1 33 / 64 11.30331 1 15 / 16 PLY331N 2 13 / 16 8 1 / 4 10 7 / 16 2 25 / 32 2 7 / 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 5 9 / 16 3 1 1 41 / 64 15.00335 2 3 / 16 PLY335N 3 1 / 16 9 11 5 / 16 2 15 / 16 3 1 / 8 3/ 4 1 7 / 16 6 1 / 32 3 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 23 / 32 18.50339 2 7 / 16 PLY339N 3 5 / 16 9 3 / 4 12 5 / 16 3 5 / 32 3 5 / 16 3/ 4 1 1 / 2 6 17 / 32 3 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 1 25 / 32 23.20344 2 11 / 16 PLY343N 3 13 / 16 11 1 / 4 14 3 / 16 3 9 / 16 3 13 / 16 7/ 8 1 3 / 4 7 9 / 16 4 1 5 / 16 2 36.10347 2 15 / 16 PLY347N 4 1 / 8 12 15 1 / 8 3 15 / 16 4 1 / 16 7/ 8 1 7 / 8 8 1 / 8 4 7 / 16 1 5 / 16 2 7 / 32 43.4045HMWUDEApprox.Weight2-Bolt Low Backing Height Pillow BlockAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +.000”/-.010” (+0.00mm/-0.25mm)N dual contact lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionPillow Blocks - 4344Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FU3K00, FEU3K00Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEnhanced life mounting styleFixed or Expansion - Up to 11/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed BSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberAPartNumberABearing DrawingDistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareLMountingSurface toCollar FaceD GA M A MPJLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceFixedD E F G H J M N PHPJDLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceExpansionTotalAxialExpansion331 1 11 / 16 FEU3K27 5 15 / 16 FU3K27 5 1 / 2 5 1 / 8 2 27 / 32 2 17 / 32 6 1 / 2 5/ 821/ 6411/ 16 3 17 / 64 2 11 / 16 8 5 / 817/ 32 1/ 4 12.00335 1 15 / 16 FEU3K31 6 3 / 8 FU3K31 6 5 3 / 4 2 61 / 64 2 19 / 32 7 5 / 16 3/ 423/ 64 3/ 4 3 9 / 16 2 31 / 32 9 11 / 1625/ 64 9/ 32 17.60344 2 3 / 16 FEU3K35 7 3 / 4 FU3K35 7 5 / 16 7 3 35 / 64 3 1 / 32 8 7 / 8 7/ 817/ 32 7/ 8 4 11 / 32 3 3 / 8 11 25 / 3221/ 64 7/ 32 26.90347 2 7 / 16 FEU3K39 8 1 / 4 FU3K39 7 7 / 8 7 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 3 3 / 16 9 1 / 16 7/ 811/ 16 7/ 8 4 11 / 16 3 7 / 8 12 1 / 16 7/ 32 7/ 32 30.80356 2 15 / 16 FEU3K47 9 7 / 8 FU3K47 9 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 4 3 / 8 3 17 / 32 11 127/ 32 1 1 / 4 5 17 / 32 4 13 / 32 14 17 / 32 7/ 3211/ 32 49.70363 3 7 / 16 FEU3K55 10 15 / 16 FU3K55 10 3 / 8 9 1 / 2 4 59 / 64 3 31 / 32 12 1 / 8 1 1 / 815/ 16 1 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 5 3 / 16 16 1 / 1615/ 6411/ 32 65.30HGApprox.WeightFU3K00, FEU3K00 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Adapter Mounted Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for expansion units with shaft sizes 1 15/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for other expansion units and all fixed units, 1/8” PT1 11/16” thru 2 7/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contactlip seals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>345Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Flange Blocks - 54-Bolt Flanged Block

FU300, FEU300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFU300, FEU300Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountFixed or Expansion - Up to 11/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DrawingBearing DimensionsExpansion Fixed BSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberAPartNumberADistanceBetweenBolt HolesF - BoltsNBDistance BetweenBolt HolesE - SquareLMountingSurface toCollar FaceAMPJDLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceFixedD E F G H J M N PHGAMPJDLMounting Surfaceto Collar FaceExpansionTotalAxialExpansion312 3/ 4 - - FU312 2 3 / 4 2 7 / 8 1 19 / 32 1 15 / 32 3 7 / 8 7/ 16 1/ 8 1/ 2 1 51 / 64 1 5 / 8 5 1 / 1615/ 64 - 2.507/ 8 FEU314 FU31431615/ 16 FEU315 3 11 / 16 FU315 3 1 / 4 3 1 / 2 1 51 / 64 1 43 / 64 4 5 / 8 1/ 2 1/ 8 9/ 16 2 3 / 64 2 6 1 / 1619/ 64 3/ 16 4.001 FEU316 FU3163191 1 / 8 FEU318 FU3184 1 / 81 3 / 16 FEU319 FU3193 5 / 8 3 13 / 16 2 3 / 64 1 59 / 64 4 15 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 8 5/ 8 2 5 / 16 2 5 / 16 6 17 / 3225/ 64 3/ 16 4.701 1 / 4 FEU320 FU320323 1 3 / 8 FEU322 4 15 / 32 FU322 4 1 / 16 4 2 1 / 4 2 3 / 32 5 1 / 8 1/ 2 5/ 32 5/ 8 2 1 / 2 2 9 / 16 6 25 / 32 7/ 16 9/ 32 6.001 7 / 16 FEU323 FU323324 1 1 / 2 FEU324 5 FU324 4 9 / 16 4 5 / 8 2 15 / 32 2 5 / 16 6 5/ 8 5/ 32 5/ 8 2 11 / 16 3 1 / 16 7 29 / 32 1/ 2 9/ 32 8.501 5 / 8 FEU326 FU326328 1 11 / 16 FEU327 5 1 / 2 FU327 5 4 7 / 8 2 3 / 4 2 19 / 32 6 1 / 4 5/ 8 5/ 3211/ 16 3 3 / 64 3 1 / 4 8 9 / 3235/ 64 3/ 16 10.201 3 / 4 FEU328 FU328331 1 15 / 16 FEU331 5 15 / 16 FU331 5 1 / 2 5 1 / 8 2 31 / 32 2 13 / 16 6 1 / 2 5/ 8 5/ 3211/ 16 3 17 / 64 3 7 / 16 8 5 / 837/ 64 1/ 4 12.202 FEU332 FU332335 2 1 / 8 FEU334 6 3 / 8 FU334 6 5 3 / 4 3 7 / 32 3 1 / 16 7 5 / 16 3/ 4 5/ 32 3/ 4 3 9 / 16 3 15 / 16 9 11 / 1621/ 32 9/ 32 16.502 3 / 16 FEU335 FU3353392 1 / 4 FEU336 FU3366 13 / 162 7 / 16 FEU339 FU3396 3 / 8 6 3 15 / 32 3 5 / 16 7 5 / 8 3/ 4 5/ 32 3/ 4 3 31 / 32 4 3 / 16 10 1 / 821/ 32 9/ 32 19.203442 11 / 16 FEU343 FU3437 3 / 42 3 / 4 FEU344 FU3447 5 / 16 7 3 31 / 32 3 13 / 16 8 7 / 8 7/ 8 5/ 32 7/ 8 4 11 / 32 4 3 / 4 11 25 / 32 3/ 4 7/ 32 30.00347 2 15 / 16 FEU347 8 1 / 4 FU347 7 7 / 8 7 1 / 4 4 5 / 16 4 3 / 32 9 1 / 16 7/ 8 7/ 32 7/ 8 4 11 / 16 4 15 / 16 12 1 / 16 7/ 8 7/ 32 33.503563 7 / 16 FEU355 FU3559 7 / 83 1 / 2 FEU356 FU3569 1 / 4 8 1 / 2 5 5 / 32 4 15 / 16 11 1 7/ 32 1 1 / 4 5 17 / 32 6 14 17 / 32 111/ 32 58.00363 3 15 / 16 FEU363 10 15 / 16 FU363 10 3 / 8 9 1 / 2 5 25 / 32 5 9 / 16 12 1 / 8 1 1 / 8 7/ 32 1 3 / 8 6 3 / 16 7 16 1 / 16 1 3 / 3211/ 32 78.00HGApprox.WeightAdditional Notes4-Bolt Flanged BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for expansion units with shaft sizes 2 7/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for other expansion units and all fixed units, 1/8” PT1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contact lipseals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionFlange Blocks - 6346Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

FCU3K00, FCEU3K00Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingEnhanced life mounting styleFixed or Expansion - Up to 13/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansionSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberFixedPartNumberBearing DrawingCBBolt Hole F - BoltsCircle DiameterAPilotDiameterBBolt HoleCircleDiameterLMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceMPYDFixedAPilotDiameterH J HJKULMountingSurfaceto CollarFaceMPYDKExpansionC D F H J K M P U YUAPilotDiameterTotalAxialExpansion331 1 11 / 16 FCEU3K27 FCU3K27 6.000 7 1 5 / 16 8 1 / 8 2 17 / 32 1/ 2 9/ 16 1 13 / 64 2 1 / 8 2 11 / 1639/ 64 7/ 8 1 23 / 32 1/ 4 14.80335 1 15 / 16 FCEU3K31 FCU3K31 6.375 7 5 / 8 1 17 / 64 9 2 19 / 32 5/ 8 5/ 8 1 5 / 16 2 9 / 32 2 31 / 3225/ 6415/ 16 1 7 / 8 1/ 4 20.90344 2 3 / 16 FCEU3K35 FCU3K35 7.750 9 1 29 / 64 10 3 / 8 3 1 / 32 5/ 8 3/ 4 1 9 / 16 2 27 / 32 3 3 / 8 3/ 8 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 413/ 32 30.50347 2 7 / 16 FCEU3K39 FCU3K39 8.250 9 1 / 2 1 9 / 16 10 7 / 8 3 3 / 16 5/ 8 3/ 4 1 5 / 8 3 1 / 8 3 7 / 8 5/ 16 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 813/ 32 31.80356 2 15 / 16 FCEU3K47 FCU3K47 9.875 11 3 / 8 1 5 / 8 12 7 / 8 3 17 / 32 3/ 4 7/ 8 1 29 / 32 3 11 / 16 4 13 / 32 7/ 32 1 1 / 4 2 25 / 3213/ 32 55.00363 3 7 / 16 FCEU3K55 FCU3K55 11.000 12 1 / 2 1 59 / 64 14 3 31 / 32 3/ 4 7/ 8 2 1 / 16 4 7 / 32 5 3 / 1615/ 64 1 3 / 8 3 3 / 1613/ 32 71.40Approx.WeightFCU3K00, FCEU3K00 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Adapter Mounted Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)1 11/16” thru 2 7/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contactlip seals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>347Load Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Flange Blocks - 7Flanged Cartridge Block

FCU300, FCEU300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingFCU300, FCEU300Photo Shows a 4-Bolt Ball Bearing Flanged Cartridge UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountFixed or Expansion - Up to 13/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansionSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberFixedPartNumberAPilotDiameterBearing DrawingBBolt HoleCircleDiameterBBolt HoleCircle DiameterLMountingSurface toCollar FaceCC D F H J K M P U YTotalAxialExpansion312 3/ 4 - FCU312 3.125 3 3 / 421/ 32 4 1 / 2 1 15 / 32 5/ 16 7/ 1613/ 16 1 7 / 32 1 5 / 813/ 64 1/ 255/ 64 - 3.007/ 8 - FCU31431615/ 16 - FCU315 3.688 4 1 / 251/ 64 5 3 / 8 1 43 / 64 3/ 8 7/ 16 7/ 8 1 5 / 16 219/ 64 5/ 8 1 3 / 64 - 4.501 - FCU3163191 1 / 8 - FCU3181 3 / 16 - FCU3194.125 561/ 64 6 1 59 / 64 7/ 16 7/ 1631/ 32 1 7 / 16 2 5 / 1625/ 64 5/ 8 1 7 / 32 - 6.001 1 / 4 FCEU320 FCU320323 1 3 / 8 FCEU322 FCU322 4.500 5 3 / 8 1 6 3 / 8 2 3 / 32 7/ 16 7/ 16 1 3 / 32 1 9 / 16 2 9 / 16 7/ 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 1/ 4 7.501 7 / 16 FCEU323 FCU323324 1 1 / 2 FCEU324 FCU324 5.000 6 1 9 / 64 7 1 / 8 2 5 / 16 1/ 2 1/ 2 1 11 / 64 1 23 / 32 3 1 / 16 1/ 2 5/ 8 1 23 / 64 1/ 4 10.001 5 / 8 FCEU326 FCU326328 1 11 / 16 FCEU327 FCU327 5.500 6 1 / 2 1 19 / 64 7 5 / 8 2 19 / 32 1/ 2 1/ 2 1 19 / 64 1 59 / 64 3 1 / 435/ 64 3/ 4 1 19 / 32 1/ 4 12.201 3 / 4 FCEU328 FCU328331 1 15 / 16 FCEU331 FCU331 6.000 7 1 27 / 64 8 1 / 8 2 13 / 16 1/ 2 9/ 16 1 25 / 64 2 1 / 8 3 7 / 16 9/ 16 7/ 8 1 23 / 32 1/ 4 15.002 FCEU332 FCU332335 2 1 / 8 FCEU334 FCU334 6.375 7 5 / 8 1 17 / 32 9 3 1 / 16 5/ 8 5/ 8 1 17 / 32 2 9 / 32 3 15 / 1621/ 3215/ 16 1 7 / 8 1/ 4 19.502 3 / 16 FCEU335 FCU3353392 1 / 4 FCEU336 FCU3362 7 / 16 FCEU339 FCU3396.875 8 1 / 8 1 5 / 8 9 1 / 2 3 5 / 16 5/ 8 5/ 8 1 11 / 16 2 15 / 32 4 3 / 1621/ 3215/ 16 2 1 / 8 1/ 4 23.503442 11 / 16 FCEU343 FCU3432 3 / 4 FCEU344 FCU3447.750 9 1 7 / 8 10 3 / 8 3 13 / 16 5/ 8 3/ 4 1 15 / 16 2 27 / 32 4 3 / 425/ 32 1 1 / 8 2 1 / 413/ 32 32.50347 2 15 / 16 FCEU347 FCU347 8.250 9 1 / 2 2 10 7 / 8 4 3 / 32 5/ 8 3/ 4 2 3 / 32 3 1 / 8 4 15 / 16 3/ 4 1 1 / 8 2 3 / 813/ 32 37.003563 7 / 16 FCEU355 FCU3553 1 / 2 FCEU356 FCU3569.875 11 3 / 8 2 13 / 32 12 7 / 8 4 15 / 16 3/ 4 7/ 8 2 17 / 32 3 11 / 16 6 1 1 1 / 4 2 25 / 3213/ 32 64.00363 3 15 / 16 FCEU363 FCU363 11.000 12 1 / 2 2 25 / 32 14 5 9 / 16 3/ 4 7/ 8 2 25 / 32 4 7 / 32 7 1 3 / 32 1 3 / 8 3 3 / 1613/ 32 85.00F - BoltsMPHYDUKFixedLMounting SurfaceTo Collar FaceAPilotDiameterJMPHYDKUExpansionAPilotDiameterJApprox.WeightAdditional NotesFlanged Cartridge BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for shaft sizes 1 3/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for all othershaft sizes, 1/8” PTPilot Diameter tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contact lipseals, add suffix NFlange Blocks - 8348Selection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

CU3K00, CEU3K00Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Cartridge Unit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingEnhanced life mounting styleFixed or Expansion - Up to 11/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansionSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberFixedPartNumberBearing DrawingAO.D.BCartridgeHousingWidthAOutside DiameterMWUDFixedBHousingWidthD M U W YMWUDExpansionYTotalAxialExpansion331 1 11 / 16 CEU3K27 CU3K27 5.0000 2 1 / 32 2 17 / 32 2 11 / 16 1 35 / 64 1 31 / 3219/ 32 1/ 4 7.70335 1 15 / 16 CEU3K31 CU3K31 5.3750 2 3 / 16 2 19 / 32 2 31 / 32 1 37 / 64 2 3 / 1611/ 16 9/ 32 9.70344 2 3 / 16 CEU3K35 CU3K35 6.5620 2 3 / 4 3 1 / 32 3 3 / 8 1 53 / 64 2 5 / 813/ 16 7/ 32 17.00347 2 7 / 16 CEU3K39 CU3K39 6.9690 3 3 3 / 16 3 7 / 8 1 15 / 16 2 3 / 413/ 16 7/ 32 19.70351 2 11 / 16 CEU3K43 CU3K43 7.5940 3 3 / 16 3 5 / 16 4 5 / 32 2 3 111/ 32 26.90356 2 15 / 16 CEU3K47 CU3K47 8.3750 3 9 / 16 3 17 / 32 4 13 / 32 2 1 / 8 3 9 / 32 111/ 32 35.50363 3 7 / 16 CEU3K55 CU3K55 9.3750 4 1 / 16 3 31 / 32 5 3 / 16 2 27 / 64 3 11 / 16 111/ 32 49.50LockingPlugApprox.WeightCU3K00, CEU3K00 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Adapter Mounted Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for expansion units with shaft sizes 1 15/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for other expansion units and all fixed units, 1/8” PTO.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)1 11/16” thru 2 7/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contactlip seals, add suffix N<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>349Locking plug thread sizes: for shaft sizes 1 15/16” and below, 7/16”-20 UNF: for all othershaft sizes, 5/8”-18 UNFSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Cartridge Blocks - 9Cartridge Block

CU300, CEU300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingCU300, CEU300Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Cartridge Unit with Steel HousingProduct FeaturesSteel housingSpring locking setscrew mountFixed or Expansion - Up to 11/32” expansionAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsExpansionSize ShaftCode Diameter PartNumberFixedPartNumberAO.D.Bearing DrawingAOutside DiameterBCartridgeHousingWidthMWUDFixedBHousingWidthMWUDExpansionD M U W YYTotalAxialExpansionLockingPlug *312 3/ 4 CEU312 CU312 2.4690 1 5 / 32 1 15 / 32 1 5 / 827/ 32 1 3 / 64 3/ 8 3/ 16 1.207/ 8 CEU314 CU31431615/ 16 CEU315 CU315 3.0000 1 1 / 4 1 43 / 64 263/ 64 1 15 / 64 3/ 8 3/ 16 2.001 CEU316 CU3163191 1 / 8 CEU318 CU3181 3 / 16 CEU319 CU3193.4380 1 3 / 8 1 59 / 64 2 5 / 16 1 9 / 64 1 13 / 3213/ 32 3/ 16 2.701 1 / 4 CEU320 CU320323 1 3 / 8 CEU322 CU322 3.7500 1 1 / 2 2 3 / 32 2 9 / 16 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 2 9/ 16 3/ 16 3.501 7 / 16 CEU323 CU323324 1 1 / 2 CEU324 CU324 4.1880 1 21 / 32 2 5 / 16 3 1 / 16 1 25 / 64 1 39 / 64 9/ 16 3/ 16 5.001 5 / 8 CEU326 CU326328 1 11 / 16 CEU327 CU327 4.5940 1 27 / 32 2 19 / 32 3 1 / 4 1 35 / 64 1 27 / 32 9/ 16 3/ 16 6.501 3 / 4 CEU328 CU328331 1 15 / 16 CEU331 CU331 5.0000 2 1 / 32 2 13 / 16 3 7 / 16 1 43 / 64 1 31 / 3219/ 32 1/ 4 7.702 CEU332 CU332335 2 1 / 8 CEU334 CU334 5.3750 2 3 / 16 3 1 / 16 3 15 / 16 1 27 / 32 2 3 / 1611/ 16 9/ 32 9.702 3 / 16 CEU335 CU3353392 1 / 4 CEU336 CU3362 7 / 16 CEU339 CU3395.7810 2 3 / 8 3 5 / 16 4 3 / 16 1 15 / 16 2 7 / 1623/ 32 9/ 32 12.003442 11 / 16 CEU343 CU3432 3 / 4 CEU344 CU3446.5620 2 3 / 4 3 13 / 16 4 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 2 5 / 813/ 16 7/ 32 17.00347 2 15 / 16 CEU347 CU347 6.9690 3 4 3 / 32 4 15 / 16 2 3 / 8 2 3 / 413/ 16 7/ 32 19.703513 CEU348 CU3483 3 / 16 CEU351 CU3517.5940 3 3 / 16 4 13 / 32 5 11 / 16 2 19 / 32 3 111/ 32 26.903563 7 / 16 CEU355 CU3553 1 / 2 CEU356 CU3568.3750 3 9 / 16 4 15 / 16 6 2 29 / 32 3 9 / 32 111/ 32 35.50363 3 15 / 16 CEU363 CU363 9.3750 4 1 / 16 5 9 / 16 7 3 9 / 32 3 11 / 16 111/ 32 49.50Approx.WeightAdditional NotesCartridge BlockPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for expansion units with shaft sizes 2 7/16” and below, 1/4”-28 UNF: for other expansion units and all fixed units, 1/8” PTO.D. tolerance, +.000”/-.002” (+0.00mm/-0.05mm)Bore tolerance for mounting, +.002”/-.000” (+0.05mm/-0.00mm)1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contact lipseals, add suffix NCartridge Blocks - 10350Locking plug thread sizes: for shaft sizes 2 7/16” and below, 7/16”-20 UNF: for all othershaft sizes, 5/8”-18 UNFSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

TU300Photo Shows a Ball Bearing Take-Up UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableMachined slotsSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaft PartDiameter NumberHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterNSlotSpacingBearing DrawingSSlotWidthLNSlotSpacingCAJYTGFHAdjustingScrew HoleDiameterA C D F G J K L M T U W Y7/ 8 TU31431615/ 16 TU315 3/ 4 3.000 0.531 3 5 / 16 2 1 / 4 1 43 / 64 2 1 1 / 4 4 3 / 8 1 3 / 8 3 5 / 8 2 5/ 863/ 64 1 15 / 64 2 3 / 4 3.201 TU3161 1 / 4 TU320323 1 3 / 8 TU322 7/ 8 3.500 0.531 4 2 3 / 4 2 3 / 32 2 3 / 8 1 7 / 16 5 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 4 1 / 8 2 9 / 16 5/ 8 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 5.501 7 / 16 TU323324 1 1 / 2 TU324 1 1 / 8 4.125 0.687 4 5 / 8 3 1 / 4 2 5 / 16 3 3 / 16 1 15 / 16 6 1 / 8 1 25 / 32 4 7 / 8 3 1 / 16 3/ 4 1 25 / 64 1 39 / 64 3 13 / 16 8.50331 1 15 / 16 TU331 1 1 / 4 5.125 0.812 5 1 / 2 4 2 13 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 3 / 8 2 3 / 16 5 7 / 8 3 7 / 16 1 1 43 / 64 1 31 / 32 4 5 / 8 13.702 TU332335 2 1 / 8 TU334 1 1 / 4 5.500 0.812 5 13 / 16 4 1 / 8 3 1 / 16 3 3 / 4 2 1 / 4 7 3 / 4 2 3 / 8 6 1 / 4 3 15 / 16 1 1 27 / 32 2 3 / 16 4 27 / 32 17.202 3 / 16 TU3353392 1 / 4 TU3362 7 / 16 TU3391 3 / 8 6.000 1.062 6 1 / 4 4 1 / 2 3 5 / 16 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 8 5 / 8 2 9 / 16 6 3 / 4 4 3 / 16 1 3 / 8 1 15 / 16 2 7 / 16 5 7 / 16 20.00347 2 15 / 16 TU347 1 5 / 8 7.500 1.312 8 5 3 / 4 4 3 / 32 4 3 / 4 2 3 / 4 10 1 / 2 3 1 / 4 8 1 / 4 4 15 / 16 1 1 / 4 2 3 / 8 2 3 / 4 6 1 / 2 37.50MWUDKSSlotWidthApprox.WeightTU300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size, 1/8” PTTake-up slot spacing & width tolerance, +.000”/-.015” (+0.00mm/-0.38mm)1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contact lipseals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>351Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Take-Up Blocks - 11Take-Up Block

LHD - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Protected Screw Take-up FrameLHD_FRAMEPhoto Shows a Protected Screw Type FrameProduct FeaturesProtected screw type frameWelded steel frameBearing DrawingSKAdjustmentBBolt Hole SpacingCMKRHFMountingBoltsVZDGBolt HoleSpacingELOverallFrameHeightBearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftSizeAdditional NotesPartNumberAdjustmentLengthBBolt HoleSpacingPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.GBolt HoleSpacing inWidth DirectionLOverallFrameHeightC D E F H K M R S V ZApprox.WeightLHD20 7/ 8-1 15 / 16LHD25 2-2 3 / 16LHD2024 24 41 432 1 / 2 5 1 / 4 4 5 5/ 1 8 / 4 8 1 / 2 11 4 356.00/ 4 2 6 1 /LHD2030 30 47 49465.00LHD2012 12 293148.00LHD2018 18 35 37 52.00LHD2036 36 53 55 70.00LHD2048 48 65 67 81.00LHD2524 24 44 3 / 4 473 6 1 / / 44 5 5 1 / 5 2 / 3110.008 / 8 10 3 / 8 13 1 / 4 5 1 2 9 / 16 7 1 / 8LHD2530 30 50 3 / 4 53 1 / 4 115.00LHD2512 12 32 3 / 4 35 1 / 4 81.00LHD2518 18 38 3 / 4 41 1 / 4 100.00LHD2536 36 56 3 / 4 59 1 / 4 120.00LHD2548 48 68 3 / 4 71 1 / 4 127.00LHD3012 12 35 1 / 2 38 1 / 4 158.00LHD3018 18 41 1 / 2 44 1 / 4 162.00LHD30 2 1 / 4-2 7 / 16LHD3024 24 47 1 / 2 503 7/ 46 6 1 / 3 2 / 1166.004 / 2 11 3 / 4 14 1 / 4 6 1 2 1 / 2 9LHD3030 30 53 1 / 2 56 1 / 4 173.00LHD3036 36 59 1 / 2 62 1 / 4 183.00LHD3048 48 71 1 / 2 74 1 / 4 214.00LHD3512 12 37 1 / 4 40173.00LHD3518 18 43 1 / 4 46 190.00LHD35 2 11 / 16-3 3 / 16LHD3524 24 49 1 / 4 523 76 6 1 / 3 2 / 1195.004 / 2 12 5 / 8 16 6 1 1 / 4 2 1 / 2 9LHD3530 30 55 1 / 4 58 200.00LHD3536 36 61 1 / 4 64 210.00LHD3548 48 73 1 / 4 76 234.00LHD4012 12 41 1 / 4 44175.00LHD40 3 7 / 16-3 15 / 16LHD4024 24 53 1 / 4 563 77 6 1 / 3 2 / 1265.004 / 2 14 5 / 8 20 6 1 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 9 13 / 16LHD4030 30 59 1 / 4 62 270.00LHD4018 18 47 1 / 4 50 220.00LHD4036 36 65 1 / 4 68 290.00LHD4048 48 77 1 / 4 80 300.00LHD5012 12 4749 1 / 290.00LHD50 -LHD5024 24 59 614 7 3 / / 24 8 1 / 2 7 7/ 1325.008 / 2 17 1 / 2 23 1 / 2 6 3 / 4 1 1 / 2 3 3 / 8 11 1 /LHD5030 30 65 67 1 / 42 330.00LHD5018 18 53255 1 / 2 300.00LHD5036 36 71 73 1 / 2 350.00LHD5048 48 83 85 1 / 2 360.00Take-Up Frames - 12352<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

UG3K00LPhoto Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesEnhanced life mounting styleSealed & relubricatableAlignable spherical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBO.D.Bearing DrawingJOuterRing WidthMJOuterRing WidthGDNBOutsideDiameterD G M N331 1 11 / 16 UG3K27L 4.3307 1.2598 2 19 / 3231/ 32 2 11 / 16 2.702 5.70335 1 15 / 16 UG3K31L 4.7244 1.3386 2 13 / 16 1 2 31 / 32 2.959 6.60344 2 3 / 16 UG3K35L 5.9055 1.6142 3 1 / 16 1 3 / 16 3 3 / 8 3.732 11.50347 2 7 / 16 UG3K39L 6.2992 1.6929 3 5 / 16 1 1 / 4 3 7 / 8 3.990 14.40351 2 11 / 16 UG3K43L 6.6929 1.7717 3 13 / 16 1 5 / 16 4 5 / 32 4.247 21.50356 2 15 / 16 UG3K47L 7.4806 1.9291 4 3 / 32 1 13 / 32 4 13 / 32 4.763 23.50363 3 7 / 16 UG3K55L 8.4646 2.1654 4 15 / 16 1 9 / 16 5 3 / 16 5.339 33.00Approx.WeightUG3K00L - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Adapter Mounted Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availability1 11/16” thru 2 7/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contactlip seals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty BallBearing Load Ratings & Speed Limits section<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>353Note: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Unmounted Units - 13Replacement Insert

UG300L - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingUG300LPhoto Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesSpring locking setscrew mountSealed & relubricatableAlignable spherical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPart NumberBO.D.Bearing DrawingJOuter RingWidthD G M N T312 3/ 4 UG312L 2.0472 0.7874 1 15 / 5 32 / 8 1 5 11/ 8 1.194 / 32 1.007/ 8 UG314L153162.4409 0.8661 1 43 11 13/ 16 UG315L/ 64 / 16 2 1.451 / 32 1.501 UG316L1319/ 8 UG318L2.8346 0.9449 1 59 25/ 64 / 32 2 5 / 16 1.708 1/ 2 1.701 3 / 16 UG319L1 1 / 4 UG320L3233.1496 1.0236 2 3 271 3 / / 32 / 32 2 9 / 16 1.946 1 8 UG322L/ 2 2.101 7 / 16 UG323L324 1 1 / 2 UG324L 3.5433 1.1024 2 5 59/ 16 / 64 3 1 / 16 2.204 9/ 16 2.901 5 / 8 UG326L328 1 11 / 3.9370 1.1811 2 19 / 32 1 3 / 64 3 1 / 2 2.443 5 16 UG327L/ 8 3.951 3 / 4 UG328L331 1 15 / 16 UG331L 4.3307 1.2598 2 13 / 16 1 9 / 64 3 7 21/ 16 2.701 / 32 4.702 UG332L335 2 1 / 4.7244 1.3386 3 1 / 16 1 7 / 32 3 15 / 16 2.959 3 8 UG334L/ 4 6.602 3 / 16 UG335L2339/ 4 UG336L5.1181 1.4173 3 5 / 16 1 3 / 8 4 3 / 16 3.216 3/ 4 7.952 7 / 16 UG339L2344/ 16 UG343L5.9055 1.6142 3 13 / 16 1 9 / 16 4 3 / 4 3.732 7/ 8 11.502 3 / 4 UG344L347 2 15 / 16 UG347L 6.2992 1.6929 4 3 / 32 1 23 / 32 4 15 / 16 3.990 7/ 8 13.003 UG348L3516.6929 1.7717 4 13 / 32 1 13 / 16 5 11 / 16 4.247 1 18.003 3 / 16 UG351L3567.4806 1.9291 4 15 / 16 2 1 / 32 6 4.763 1 1 / 8 23.50363 3 15 / 16 UG363L 8.4646 2.1654 5 9 / 16 2 9 / 32 5.339 1 1 / 4 33.003 7 / 16 UG355L3 1 / 2 UG356LMTJOuter RingWidthDGNBOutsideDiameterApprox.WeightAdditional NotesReplacement InsertPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availability1 1/8” thru 1 7/16” & 1 5/8” thru 2 15/16” shaft sizes also available with dual contact lipseals, add suffix NSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Unmounted Units - 14354<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

YG300Photo Shows an Unmounted Ball Bearing UnitProduct FeaturesEccentric cam locking deviceSealed & relubricatableAlignable spherical O.D.See Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberBO.D.Bearing DrawingJOuterRing WidthMTHGJOuterRing WidthDNBOutsideDiameterD G H M N T319 1 3 / 16 YG319NL 2.8346 0.9449 2 1 / 3225/ 32 1.48 1 15 / 16 1.70811/ 16 1.70323 1 7 / 16 YG323NL 3.1496 1.0236 2 5 / 3227/ 32 1.62 2 3 / 16 1.94611/ 16 2.10328 1 11 / 16 YG327NL 3.9370 1.1811 2 9 / 16 1 3 / 64 1.94 2 3 / 4 2.44313/ 16 3.95331 1 15 / 16 YG331NL 4.3307 1.2598 2 25 / 32 1 9 / 64 2.08 3 2.701 7/ 8 4.70335 2 3 / 16 YG335NL 4.7244 1.3386 2 15 / 16 1 7 / 32 2.24 3 1 / 4 2.959 7/ 8 6.60339 2 7 / 16 YG339NL 5.1181 1.4173 3 5 / 32 1 3 / 8 2.47 3 1 / 2 3.21615/ 16 7.95344 2 11 / 16 YG343NL 5.9055 1.6142 3 9 / 16 1 9 / 16 2.74 4 3.732 1 1 / 16 11.50347 2 15 / 16 YG347NL 6.2992 1.6929 3 15 / 16 1 23 / 32 2.93 4 7 / 16 3.990 1 1 / 4 13.00Approx.WeightYG300 - <strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Eccentric Locking Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityN dual contact lip seals standardSelection Guide, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see <strong>Link</strong>-Belt Heavy Duty Ball BearingLoad Ratings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.<strong>Link</strong>-Belt 300 Series Heavy Duty Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>355Unmounted Units - 15Replacement Insert

www.rexnord.comRexnord Industries, LLC, 7601 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214-3120 USAPhone: 317-273-5500 Fax: 317-273-5620© 2011 Rexnord Industries, LLC356

MB25 & 35 SeriesBall BearingIndustries ServedAggregatesAgricultureAir HandlingPackage HandlingConstructionShipping357

MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Features & BenefitsMounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> Designed for Long Life and Precision PerformanceMB bearings provide design and performancefeatures developed by decades of experiencein supplying precision ball bearing inserts forother major mounted bearing manufacturersand complete mounted units to machineryand equipment manufacturers. They are pricedcompetitively to bearings of comparableconstruction. In addition to sound basic designand construction, special features minimize thethree most common causes of premature bearingfailure… loosening of bearings on rotating shafts,entrance of contaminants or loss of lubricant dueto seal failure and insufficient housing strength.Standard duty and medium duty foot-mountedpillow blocks, flange units, take-up blocks andhanger bearings cataloged in the following pagesare available from stock. For other sizes, mountingsor special requirements to fit your applications,please consult the Rexnord Bearing Products.Concentric setscrew shaft locking deviceThe MB method of fastening the bearing innerrace to the shaft provides substantial improvementin holding power compared to eccentriclocking collars and even greater improvementover 120° set screw positioning, over-collarsand other types of locking arrangement.Combination seal-flinger systemOptimum protection from loss of lubricant andentrance of dirt and contaminants is achievedwith positive lip-type contact seals. The resultinglonger seal life extends bearing life significantly.Rugged, one-piece cast iron housingHousings are designed to withstand bearingload ratings, external vibration and shock. Footmounted pillow block bolt holes are elongatedfor easy installation and adjustment.Spherically-seated bearing insert withanti-rotation deviceThe spherical fit between the outer race O.D.and I.D. of the block is precisely controlledfor easy shaft alignment. The anti-rotationdevice is permanently installed in the bearinginsert O.D. It engages one of the housinginsertion slots, preventing outer race creepand wear of housing. There is no danger oflosing a separable pin during field replacementof bearings and no danger of preloading thebearing as is possible in other designs where alube fitting is tightened against a locking pin.Precision Mounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> with shafting locking deviceMB concentric setscrew precision mounted ballbearings feature a concentric setscrew shaft lockingdevice, resulting in a great improvement in theholding power (locking efficiency). Field experienceshows substantial improvement in holding powerwhen compared to eccentric locking collars andeven greater improvement in locking efficiencywhen compared to 120° set screw positioningand other types of locking arrangements. Thelocking set screws are located at a 90° angularrelationship, rather than the traditional 120°.Features & Benefits - 2358MB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Precision Mounted Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> with Shafting Locking DeviceStandard sealing arrangementsStandard steel clad Type N single lip seals have a useful temperature range of –40°F to +225°Fand can withstand temperatures of 250°F for intermittent service. Special sealing arrangementsare available for higher temperatures and “free-running”or special contamination resistance.Special optional sealing arrangementsSuffix-MHFF indicates flingers both sides. This provides a sealed, “free-running” bearing withheat shield protection. It is satisfactory for temperatures from –40°F to +225°F. Rexnord BearingProducts must be consulted regarding availability of any of these optional sealing configurations.Examples for ordering:1.Bearing Insert MB251–716–MHFFPA2.Mounted Unit C251–716–MHFFHigh temperature ball bearing inserts and housed unitsMounted ball bearings and MB25, MB35 and ER series inserts are available for hightemperature applications up to 400°F. The “E1” package provides the following features.1. Extra Internal Diameters Clearance (DC) based on a 200°F temperature differentialbetween inner and outer races, compensates for the inner race expanding at afaster rate than the outer race and will avoid preloading of the bearings.2. Steel Retainer (Cage) – 2 piece riveted construction.3. High Temperature Lubrication – prelubricated with a No.2 consistency bentone-base grease withpetroleum oil. When operated near upper limit, (400°F to 450°F) daily relubrication is required.4. Viton Seals withstand temperatures to 400°F.N SEALSBASIC MB25/35 SEALS214 thru 218 Basic Sizes haveNyla-K seals and FlingersFLINGERSMB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Features & BenefitsExamples for ordering:1.Bearing Insert MB251–716–E1PA2.Mounted Unit C251–716–E1Free running applications and applications above 400°FSealing options such as –FF (flingers only) for “free running” applications and/or temperaturesover 400°F where contamination is not severe. The flinger acts as a labyrinth seal. Hightemperature bearings require a greater amount of diametral clearance (DC) and a highertemperature lubricant. Consult Rexnord Bearing Products for recommendations.–MHFF214 thru 218 Basic Sizes haveModified Nyla-K seals and Flingersuse suffix MKFFE1 SEALSExamples for ordering:1. Bearing Insert MB251–716–FFPA2. Mounted Unit C251–716–FF–E1214 thru 218 Basic Sizes haveViton seals and Flingersuse suffix TFFFLINGERS–FFMB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>359Features & Benefits - 3

MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - NomenclatureNomenclatureSymbolNCCLFC2FC4FPS2FPS3FPSR2MCHBMEHBMFBPFC4PSTBCTCTFPS3DescriptionNickel plated housing, penetrated rings, foodgrade greasePillow block, standard backingPillow block, low backingFlanged unit, 2-boltFlanged unit, 4-boltFlanged unit, formed steel housing, 2-boltFlanged unit, formed steel housing, 3-bolt roundFlanged unit, formed steel housing, 2-bolt w/ rubberbearing insertHanger screw conveyor unitHanger unitFlanged bracket unit, 3-boltFlanged cartridge unit, 4-bolt roundPillow block, formed steel housingPillow block, tapped baseTake-up, wide slotFlanged unit, formed steel housing, 3-bolttriangular housingN FC2 25 1 - 716 - FF JF PB25KNarrow inner ring, standard duty, Centrik-Lok collar25 Narrow inner ring, standard duty, spring locking35KNarrow inner ring, medium duty, Centrik-Lok collar35 Narrow inner ring, medium duty, spring lockingNoneShaft diameter less than 1 inch or a metric bore1 Shaft diameter equal to or greater than 1 inch- Dash used as separator716 Inch shaft fraction without the slash35 Metric shaft diameter in millimeters- Dash used to separate suffix from bore designationEDCSTLNoneE1FFHFFMHFFBearing with steel retainer and increased clearanceBearing with steel retainer and standard clearanceStandard single lip sealViton seals, increased clearance, steel retainer, high temp. lubeFlingers only, 50% grease fillFlingers only, 10% oil fillFlingers only 10% grease fillXXNon-standard grease designationPBPDBearing with 100% grease fillBearing with preservative onlyNomenclature - 4360MB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Unmounted NomenclatureSymbolKMBMBERMSLMSLNRERDescriptionBall bearing, spherical O.D. with lube groove and anti rotation pinBall bearing, spherical O.D. with lube groove and anti rotation pinAdapter series, cylindrical O.D. with lube groove and O.D.locating ringBall bearing, cylindrical O.D., wide inner ring, spring lockingBall bearing, cylindrical O.D., narrow inner ring, spring lockingRubber cartridge unit (used in FPSR2 units)25 Narrow inner ring, standard duty, spring locking - KMB & MBseries only35 Narrow inner ring, medium duty, spring locking - KMB & MBseries onlyMB 25 1 - 716 - FF JF PAMB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - NomenclatureNoneShaft diameter less than 1 inch or a metric bore1 Shaft diameter equal to or greater than 1 inch12 Shaft diameter in sixteenths of an inch - ER, RER, MSL, MSLNseries only204 Shaft diameter in one fifth of a millimeter - ER, RER, MSL,MSLN series onlyNoneKSetscrew locking – ER series onlyCentrik-Lok collar – ER series only- Dash used as separator716 Inch shaft fraction without the slash – KMB & MB series only35 Metric shaft diameter in millimeters – KMB & MB series only- Dash used to separate suffix from bore designationEDCSTLBearing with steel retainer and increased clearanceBearing with steel retainer and standard clearanceNoneE1FFHFFMHFFStandard single lip sealViton seals, increased clearance, steel retainer, high temp. lubeFlingers only, 50% grease fillFlingers only, 10% oil fillFlingers only 10% grease fillWOExternal locating ring omitted – ER series onlyXXNon-standard grease designationPASuffix designation for unmounted replacement bearing insertMB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 361Nomenclature - 5

MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionMB 25 and 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>To select a bearing, determine the applied radialload, the applied thrust load, the desired Rating Life,and applicable operating conditions. The procedureshown here will aid in selecting a bearing to meetan L10 design life. The formulas for calculatinglife expectancy should be used to determinethe Rating Life L10 for the bearing selected.The selection procedures and rating formulasshown here are in agreement with TheAmerican Bearing Manufacturers AssociationSelectionStep 1Determine an appropriate L10 design life.Operating Design L10time, life, design life,Type of service hours per year years hoursLight seasonal usage 500 to 750 3-5 3,000Heavy seasonal usage 1,400 to 1,600 4-6 8,000Industrial—8 hour shift 2,000 10 20,000Standards and ANSI/ABMA Standards STD9-1990. Ratings are based on fatigue life. TheRating Life or fatigue life at 90% reliabilityis the usual basis for bearing selection.Series 25 and 35 bearings have extendedinner rings on one side only for compactnessand low cost. These series are applicableto light or moderate duty requirements.Step 3 (continued)Where non-relubricatable bearings are used,bearing life is often limited by grease life, whichis in turn affected by operating conditions.Also, economically designed housings mustbe applied within proportionate load limits. Toassure a satisfactory bearing application, fittingpractice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, staticrating, housing strength, operating conditionsand maintenance must be considered.c For combined radial and thrust loads when Fa is greaterFrthan 0.19, use the following trial method:Maximum P = .56Fr + 2.30Fa( )CMaximum required C = P using from Step 2PSelect a trial ball bearing with a basic load rating C fromTable 3 approximately equal to the maximum required C.Step 2CDetermine a required ( from Table 1.P)Step 3Calculate the required C and select a ball bearing.a For radial load only:P = Frrequired C =C(P) ( )CP using from Step 2PSelect a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic loadrating C equal to or greater than the required C.FaWith this trial bearing calculate: Nd 2Determine X and Y from Table 2.Calculate P for the trial bearing.P = XFr + YFaC( ) ( )Crequired C = P for the trial bearing using from Step 2PPConsult Table 3, basic load rating. If a smaller bearing meets ornearly meets the required C, its life expectancy can be calculated.Note: If the load P is greater than .15C for series 25and 35 consult Rexnord Bearing Products.b For combined radial and thrust loads when FaFrP = FrC Crequired C = ( P using ( from Step 2P)P)is 0.19 or less:Select a ball bearing from Table 3 with a basic load rating C equalto or greater than the required C.Selection Guide - 6362MB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

SelectionSymbols for formulas:C = basic load rating, pounds (or newtons)Co = static load rating, pounds (or newtons)e = a reference valueFa = thrust load, pounds (or newtons)Fr = radial load, pounds (or newtons)Table 1 • Relation of L10 life and speed toBearinglife,hoursL10C(P)L10 = rating life, hoursn = speed, revolutions per minuteP = equivalent radial load, pounds (or newtons)X = radial factorY = thrust factorC(P)ratioSpeed, n50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8003000 2.08 2.62 3.30 3.77 4.15 4.47 4.75 5.01 5.234000 2.29 2.88 3.63 4.15 4.57 4.92 5.23 5.51 5.765000 2.46 3.10 3.91 4.47 4.92 5.30 5.64 5.93 6.206000 2.62 3.30 4.15 4.75 5.23 5.64 5.99 6.30 6.598000 2.88 3.63 4.57 5.23 5.76 6.20 6.59 6.94 7.2510000 3.10 3.91 4.92 5.64 6.20 6.68 7.10 7.47 7.8112000 3.30 4.15 5.23 5.99 6.59 7.10 7.54 7.94 8.3014000 3.47 4.37 5.51 6.30 6.94 7.47 7.94 8.36 8.7416000 3.63 4.57 5.76 6.59 7.25 7.81 8.30 8.74 9.1418000 3.77 4.75 5.99 6.86 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.09 9.5020000 3.91 4.92 6.20 7.10 7.81 8.42 8.94 9.41 9.8425000 4.21 5.30 6.68 7.65 8.42 9.07 9.63 10.10 10.6030000 4.47 5.64 7.10 8.13 8.94 9.63 10.20 10.80 11.3035000 4.71 5.93 7.47 8.55 9.41 10.10 10.80 11.30 11.9040000 4.92 6.20 7.81 8.94 9.84 10.60 11.30 11.90 12.4045000 5.12 6.45 8.13 9.30 10.2 0 11.00 11.70 12.30 12.9050000 5.30 6.68 8.42 9.63 10.60 11.40 12.10 12.80 13.4060000 5.64 7.10 8.94 10.20 11.30 12.10 12.90 13.60 14.2070000 5.93 7.47 9.41 10.80 11.90 12.80 13.6 0 14.30 14.9080000 6.20 7.81 9.84 11.30 12.40 13.40 14.20 14.90 15.6090000 6.45 8.13 10.20 11.70 12.90 13.90 14.80 15.50 16.20100000 6.68 8.42 10.60 12.10 13.40 14.40 15.30 16.10 16.80150000 7.65 9.63 12.10 13.90 15.30 16.50 17.50 18.40 19.30200000 8.42 10.60 13.40 15.30 16.80 18.10 19.30 20.30 21.20Speed, n900 1000 1200 1500 1800 2400 3600 6000 100003000 5.44 5.64 5.99 6.45 6.86 7.54 8.63 10.20 12.104000 5.99 6.20 6.59 7.10 7.54 8.30 9.50 11.30 13.405000 6.45 6.68 7.10 7.65 8.13 8.94 10.20 12.10 14.406000 6.86 7.10 7.54 8.13 8.63 9.50 10.90 12.90 15.308000 7.54 7.81 8.30 8.94 9.50 10.50 12.00 14.20 16.8010000 8.13 8.42 8.94 9.63 10.20 11.30 12.90 15.30 18.1012000 8.63 8.94 9.50 10.20 10.90 12.00 13.70 16.20 19.3014000 9.09 9.41 10.0 10.80 11.40 12.60 14.40 17.10 20.3016000 9.50 9.84 10.5 11.30 12.00 13.20 15.10 17.90 21.2018000 9.88 10.20 10.90 11.70 12.40 13.70 15.70 18.60 22.0020000 10.20 10.60 11.30 12.10 12.90 14.20 16.20 19.30 22.8025000 11.00 11.40 12.10 13.10 13.90 15.30 17.50 20.70 24.6030000 11.70 12.10 12.90 13.90 14.80 16.20 18.60 22.00 26.1035000 12.30 12.80 13.60 14.60 15.50 17.10 19.60 23.20 27.5040000 12.90 13.40 14.20 15.30 16.20 17.90 20.50 24.30 28.7045000 13.40 13.90 14.80 15.90 16.90 18.60 21.30 25.20 29.9050000 13.90 14.40 15.30 16.50 17.50 19.30 22.00 26.10 31.0060000 14.80 15.30 16.20 17.50 18.60 20.50 23.40 27.80 32.9070000 15.50 16.10 17.10 18.40 19.60 21.50 24.60 29.20 34.6080000 16.20 16.80 17.90 19.30 20.50 22.50 25.80 30.50 36.2090000 16.90 17.50 18.60 20.00 21.30 23.40 26.80 31.80 37.70100000 17.50 18.10 19.30 20.70 22.00 24.30 27.80 32.90 39.00150000 20.00 20.70 22.00 23.70 25.20 27.80 31.80 37.70 44.60200000 22.00 22.80 24.30 26.10 27.80 30.50 35.00 41.40 49.10Basic formulaLife ExpectancyTo calculate the Rating Life L10 of any selectedor trial bearing:Step 1 Determine the equivalent radial load P.a For radial load only:P = Frb For combined radial and thrust load:P = XFr + YFa using X and Yfrom Table 2 below.Step 2 Calculate the ratio of basic load rating Cto the equivalent radial load.C(P)Step 3 Approximate the bearing life from Table 1.Table 2 • X and Y factors for ball bearingsFaNd 2eFaFaFr ≤ e Fr > eX Y X Y25 .19 1.0 0 .56 2.3037.5 .21 1.0 0 .56 2.1550 .22 1.0 0 .56 1.9975 .24 1.0 0 .56 1.85100 .26 1.0 0 .56 1.71125 .27 1.0 0 .56 1.63150 .28 1.0 0 .56 1.56200 .30 1.0 0 .56 1.45300 .34 1.0 0 .56 1.31500 .38 1.0 0 .56 1.15750 .42 1.0 0 .56 1.041000 .44 1.0 0 .56 1.00For values between those in the tablelinear interpolation can be used.Life AdjustmentThe Rating Life, L10, may be modified for someapplications in accordance with the formulaL’n = a1a2a3L10where L’n = Adjusted life for (100-n)% reliability,a1 = Life adjustment factor for reliabilitya2 = Life adjustment factor for materialand processinga3 = Life adjustment factor foroperating conditions.For most normal applications, all factors willbe taken as 1, and the Rating Life used as theselection basis or life estimate. In addition, aslong as standard catalog bearings are used, a2will be normally set equal to one. The factor a3covers such things as lubrication, misalignment,and temperature. Some conditions that couldyield a3 significantly different than unity includespeeds less than 20000 DN or greater than 200000DN, temperatures below –40°F (–40°C) or above275°F (135°C). For other possible conditions, aswell as additional information on life adjustmentfactors, consult Rexnord Bearing Products.MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionMB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 363Selection Guide - 7

MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionTable 3 - Load RatingsBasicsizeCoStatic load ratingCBasic load ratingApproximate speed limitRPM*d BalldiameterNNumber ofballsNewtons pounds Newtons pounds N seals E,E1 seals Flingers only inches203 4940 1110 8100 1820 14000 9000 15800 19/64 7 0.617204 6590 1480 9830 2210 10000 7500 13400 5/16 8 0.781205 7830 1760 10810 2430 9600 6800 11400 5/16 9 0.879206 11300 2530 15030 3380 8000 5600 9800 3/8 9 1.27207 15300 3440 19880 4470 6850 4800 8400 7/16 9 1.72208 19900 4460 25100 5640 6000 4500 7500 1/2 9 2.25209 20400 4590 25220 5670 5330 4000 6800 1/2 9 2.25210 23200 5220 27090 6090 4800 3600 6400 1/2 10 2.50211 29200 6570 33540 7540 4360 3200 5800 9/16 10 3.16212 36000 8080 40520 9110 4000 3000 5300 5/8 10 3.91K seals TFF seals Flingers only214 38300 8620 48000 10800 3050 2850 4600 11/16 10 4.73215 37600 8460 47600 10700 2900 2700 4400 11/16 10 4.73216 50700 11400 59600 13400 2700 2550 4050 3/4 11 6.19218 64000 14400 73800 16600 2400 2250 3600 7/8 10 7.66If the load is greater than .25C consult Rexnord Bearing Products.* Approximate speed limits are based on grease lubrication and moderate load.Nd 2Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 8364MB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

Table 4 - Load RatingsL10BasicBearingMinimumSizeLife,Hours203204205206207208209210211212214215216218Radial Load Ratings in Pounds at Various Revolutions Per Minute50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 1600 1800 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 50008000 – – 398 347 315 293 276 262 251 241 233 219 203 198 191 184 171 161 152 146 13520000 – 369 293 256 233 216 203 193 184 178 171 161 150 146 141 135 126 118 113 107 10040000 369 293 233 203 184 171 161 152 146 141 135 128 118 115 112 107 100 94 89 85 79100000 272 216 171 150 135 126 118 113 108 104 100 94 87 85 82 79 73 69 65 63 588000 – – 483 422 383 356 335 318 304 293 282 266 247 241 232 224 208 195 185 178 16420000 – 449 356 311 282 262 247 234 224 216 208 195 182 178 171 164 153 144 137 130 12140000 449 356 282 247 224 208 195 185 178 171 164 155 144 140 136 130 121 114 108 104 96100000 330 262 208 182 164 153 144 137 131 126 122 114 106 104 100 96 89 84 80 76 718000 – – 531 464 421 391 368 350 335 322 311 292 271 265 255 246 229 215 204 195 18120000 – 493 391 342 311 288 271 258 246 238 229 215 200 195 188 181 168 158 150 143 13340000 493 391 311 271 246 229 215 204 195 188 181 171 158 154 150 143 133 125 119 114 106100000 363 288 229 200 181 168 158 150 144 138 134 125 117 114 110 106 98 92 88 84 788000 – – 739 646 586 545 512 487 466 448 432 407 378 368 355 342 318 299 284 272 25220000 – 686 545 476 432 401 378 359 343 331 318 299 279 272 262 252 234 220 209 200 18540000 686 545 432 378 343 318 299 284 272 262 252 238 220 215 208 200 185 175 166 159 147100000 505 401 318 279 252 234 220 209 201 193 186 175 163 159 153 147 136 129 122 117 1088000 – – 978 854 776 720 678 644 616 592 572 538 500 487 470 453 421 395 375 360 33320000 – 908 720 629 572 530 500 475 454 438 421 395 369 360 346 333 310 292 277 264 24540000 908 720 572 500 454 421 395 375 360 346 333 314 292 284 275 264 245 231 220 210 195100000 669 530 421 369 333 310 292 277 266 255 246 231 215 210 203 195 180 170 161 155 1438000 – – 1230 1070 979 909 855 812 777 748 722 679 630 615 593 572 532 499 473 454 42020000 – 1140 909 794 722 669 630 599 573 552 532 499 466 454 437 420 391 368 350 333 30940000 1140 909 722 630 573 532 499 473 454 437 420 397 368 359 348 333 309 292 277 266 246100000 844 669 532 466 420 391 368 350 335 322 311 292 272 266 256 246 228 215 204 195 1818000 – – 1240 1080 984 914 860 817 782 751 725 683 634 618 596 575 534 501 476 457 42320000 – 1150 914 798 725 673 634 602 576 555 534 501 468 457 439 423 393 370 352 335 31140000 1150 914 725 634 576 534 501 476 457 439 423 399 370 361 350 335 311 293 279 267 247100000 848 673 534 468 423 393 370 352 337 324 313 293 273 267 257 247 229 216 205 196 1828000 – – 1330 1160 1050 982 924 877 840 807 779 733 681 664 641 617 574 538 511 49120000 – 1230 982 857 779 723 681 647 618 597 574 538 503 491 472 454 422 398 378 36040000 1230 982 779 681 618 574 538 511 491 472 454 428 398 387 375 360 334 315 300 287100000 911 723 574 503 454 422 398 378 362 348 336 315 294 287 276 265 246 232 220 2118000 – – 1640 1440 1300 1210 1140 1080 1040 1000 965 908 843 823 793 764 711 667 633 60820000 – 1530 1210 1060 965 895 843 801 766 739 711 667 623 608 584 562 523 492 468 44640000 1530 1210 965 843 766 711 667 633 608 584 562 530 492 480 465 446 414 390 371 355100000 1120 895 711 623 562 523 492 468 448 430 416 390 364 355 342 329 305 287 273 2618000 – – 1990 1740 1580 1460 1380 1310 1250 1200 1160 1090 1010 994 958 923 859 806 765 73420000 – 1850 1460 1280 1160 1080 1010 968 925 893 859 806 752 734 706 679 632 595 565 53940000 1850 1460 1160 1010 925 859 806 765 734 706 679 641 595 580 562 539 500 472 448 429100000 1360 1080 859 752 679 632 595 565 542 520 503 472 440 429 414 397 368 347 330 3168000 – – 2360 2060 1870 1740 1630 1550 1480 1430 1380 1300 1200 1170 1130 1090 1010 95520000 – 2190 1740 1520 1380 1280 1200 1140 1090 1050 1010 955 892 870 837 805 750 70540000 2190 1740 1380 1200 1090 1010 955 907 870 837 805 760 705 687 666 639 593 559100000 1610 1280 1010 892 805 750 705 670 642 617 596 559 521 509 490 471 437 4128000 – – 2340 2040 1850 1720 1620 1540 1470 1410 1370 1280 1190 1160 1120 1080 100020000 – 2170 1720 1500 1370 1270 1190 1130 1080 1040 1000 946 884 862 829 798 74340000 2170 1720 1370 1190 1080 1000 946 899 862 829 798 753 699 681 660 633 587100000 1600 1270 1000 884 798 743 699 664 636 611 591 554 516 504 486 467 4338000 – – 2930 2560 2320 2160 2030 1930 1840 1770 1710 1610 1490 1460 1410 1350 126020000 – 2720 2160 1880 1710 1590 1490 1420 1360 1310 1260 1180 1100 1080 1030 1000 93040000 2720 2160 1710 1490 1360 1260 1180 1120 1080 1030 1000 943 875 853 827 792 736100000 2000 1590 1260 1100 1000 930 875 832 797 765 740 694 647 632 609 585 5428000 – – 3630 3170 2880 2670 2510 2390 2280 2200 2120 2000 1850 1810 1740 168020000 – 3370 2670 2330 2120 1970 1850 1760 1680 1620 1560 1460 1370 1330 1280 123040000 3370 2670 2120 1850 1680 1560 1460 1390 1330 1280 1230 1160 1080 1050 1020 982100000 2480 1970 1560 1370 1230 1150 1080 1030 988 948 917 860 801 783 754 724MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionSee previous page for Basic Load RatingOperation in the shaded areas require frequent relubrication.If the load P is greater than .25C consult Rexnord Bearing Products.MB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> 365Load Ratings & Speed Limits - 9

MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong> - Engineering SectionER, ER-K Series Housing FitsSizeCodeOutside Diameterof BearingRotating HousingStationary HousingDiameter Resultant Fit Diameter Resultant FitMin Max Min Max Loose Tight Min Max Loose Tight204 1.8499 1.8540 1.8498 1.8504 0.0005 0.0006 1.8503 1.8509 0.0010 0.0001205 2.0466 2.0472 2.0466 2.0471 0.0005 0.0006 2.0471 2.0476 0.0010 0.0001206 2.4403 2.4409 2.4403 2.4408 0.0005 0.0006 2.4408 2.4413 0.0010 0.0001207 2.8340 2.8346 2.8340 2.8345 0.0005 0.0006 2.8345 2.8350 0.0010 0.0001208 3.1490 3.1496 3.1490 3.1495 0.0005 0.0006 3.1495 3.1500 0.0010 0.0001209 3.3457 3.3465 3.3458 3.3464 0.0007 0.0007 3.3464 3.3470 0.0013 0.0001210 3.5425 3.5433 3.5426 3.5432 0.0007 0.0007 3.5432 3.5438 0.0013 0.0001211 3.9362 3.9370 3.9363 3.9369 0.0007 0.0007 3.9369 3.9375 0.0013 0.0001212 4.3299 4.3307 4.3300 4.3306 0.0007 0.0007 4.3306 4.3312 0.0013 0.0001214 4.9203 4.9213 4.9204 4.9212 0.0009 0.0009 4.9211 4.9219 0.0016 0.0002215 5.1171 5.1181 5.1172 5.1180 0.0009 0.0009 5.1179 5.1187 0.0016 0.0002216 5.5108 5.5118 5.5109 5.5117 0.0009 0.0009 5.5116 5.5124 0.0016 0.0002Housing Fits - 10366MB 25 &35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>

C25KPhoto Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsCentrik-Lok shaft locking deviceAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSize ShaftCode DiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingLBMin. DistanceBetweenBolt HolesABase toCenterlineHeightF - BoltsBMax. DistanceBetweenBolt HolesBMin. DistanceBetween Bolt HolesBMax. DistanceBetween Bolt HolesC45C D E F H L M U1 1 / 8 1.112 1 / 2 5.283 1 / 8 10.121/ 2 C25K-12♦● □Δ203 51 3 / 16 3 1 / 8 4 1 63/ 8 5 / 64 1 5 / 3 16 / 1 8 / 2 2 9 41/ 8 C25K-58♦● □Δ/ 32 / 64 1.071 13 /11 64/ 16 C25K-1116♦● □Δ 1.05204 3/ 4 C25K-34♦● □Δ 1 5 / 16 3 3 / 8 4 3 / 16 5 1 / 4 1 5 / 64 1 7 / 16 3/ 817/ 32 2 17 / 32 1 3 / 823/ 32 1.517/ 8 C25K-78♦● □Δ1.8120515/ 16 C25K-1516♦● □Δ 1 7 / 16 3 7 / 16 4 9 / 16 5 1 / 2 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 16 3/ 819/ 32 2 13 / 16 1 9 / 16 3/ 4 1.781 C25K1♦● □Δ 1.7525.00 C25K-25♦● □Δ 36.52 87.30 115.90 139.70 28.58 36.52 10.00 15.10 71.40 39.70 19.00 0.801 1 / 8 C25K1-18♦● □Δ1 13 / 16 2.452061 11 / 16 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 19 / 64 1 5 / 1 21 8 / 2 / 32 3 1 291 3 / 16 C25K1-316♦● □Δ/ 4 / 32 2.4221 1 / 4 C25K1-14S♦● □Δ 2.3930.00 C25K-30♦● □Δ 42.88 104.80 130.20 158.80 32.94 41.28 12.00 16.70 82.60 50.80 23.00 1.101 1 / 4 C25K1-14♦● □Δ23.57207 1 3 / 1 7 / 8 4 9 / 16 5 9 / 16 6 11 / 16 1 15 / 32 1 3 / 1 4 / 3 2 / 4 3 11 / 16 1 1 8 C25K1-38♦● □Δ/ 32 3.472 1 / 41 7 / 16 C25K1-716♦● □Δ 3.412081 1 / 2 C25K1-12♦● □Δ2 1 / 8 5 1 / 32 6 1 / 32 7 1 / 4 1 9 / 16 1 7 / 1 8 / 74.602 / 8 4 1 / 8 2 1 / 2 1 5 / 641 5 / 8 C25K1-58♦● □Δ 4.461 5 / 8 C25K1-58L♦● □Δ2092 1 / 8 5 13 / 32 6 17 / 32 7 3 / 4 1 19 / 32 2 1 291 11 / / 2 / 32 4 1 / 4 1 1 16 C25K1-1116♦● □Δ/ 16 5.212 11 / 161 3 / 4 C25K1-34♦● □Δ 5.141 7 / 8 C25K1-78♦● □Δ6.28210 1 15 / 16 C25K1-1516♦● □Δ 2 1 / 4 5 27 / 32 6 27 / 32 8 1 / 4 1 41 / 64 2 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 4 1 / 2 2 7 / 8 1 3 / 32 6.192 C25K2♦● □Δ 6.102 C25K2L♦● □Δ2 7 / 8 7.78211 2 3 / 2 1 / 2 6 5 / 16 7 1 / 2 8 7 / 8 1 3 / 4 2 5 / 5 16 / 8 1 4 31 / 32 1 7 16 C25K2-316♦● □Δ/ 32 7.483 1 / 82 1 / 4 C25K2-14♦● □Δ 7.382 1 / 4 C25K2-14L♦● □Δ212 2 3 / 2 3 / 4 6 29 / 32 8 5 / 32 9 5 / 8 1 57 / 64 2 3 / 5 8 / 8 1 1 / 16 5 15 / 32 1 5 8 C25K2-38♦● □Δ/ 16 9.883 3 / 82 7 / 16 C25K2-716♦● □Δ 9.76215 2 15 / 16 C25K2-1516♦● □Δ 3 1 / 2 8 1 / 8 10 1 / 8 12 2 1 / 8 2 7 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 32 6 21 / 32 3 15 / 16 1 21 / 64 16.73215 2 15 / 16 C25K2-1516♦● □Δ 3 1 / 2 8 1 / 8 10 1 / 8 12 2 1 / 8 2 7 / 8 7/ 8 1 7 / 32 6 21 / 32 3 15 / 16 1 21 / 64 16.73HMDEUApprox.WeightC25K - MB MB25 Series Standard Duty Centrik-Lok Ball BearingAdditional NotesPlease call 1-866-REXNORD for availabilityLubrication fitting tap size: for size codes 203 thru 205, 1/4-28 UNF: for all other sizecodes, 1/8” PTBase to centerline tolerance, +/- .005”(+/- 0.13mm)Lip seals standard♦ Available with E1 viton seals for size codes 212 and smaller♦ Available with TFF viton seals for size codes above 212MB 25 & 35 Series Ball <strong>Bearings</strong>367Available with free running style seals, add suffix ● FF, □ HFF or Δ MHFF for size codes212 and smallerAdd suffix ● FF, □ SFF or Δ MKFF for size codes above 212Selection Guide, see MB Ball Bearing Selection Guide sectionLoad Ratings & Speed Limits, see MB Ball Bearing LoadRatings & Speed Limits sectionNote: Dimensions subject to change. Certified dimensions of orderedmaterial furnished on request.Pillow Blocks - 12-Bolt Pillow Block

C25 - MB MB25 Series Standard Duty Spring Locking Ball BearingC25Photo Shows a 2-Bolt Ball Bearing Pillow Block UnitProduct FeaturesCorrosion resistant powder coatingCast iron housingBroad range of sealing optionsSpring locking setscrew mountAlignable & relubricatableSee Features & Benefits for additional info.Bearing DimensionsSizeCodeShaftDiameterPartNumberABase toCenterlineHeightBearing DrawingBMin. DistanceBetween BoltHolesBMax. DistanceBetween BoltHolesBMin. DistanceBetween Bolt HolesBMax. DistanceBetween Bolt HolesCF - BoltsHALABase toCenterlineHeightC D E F H L U1.811/ 2 C25-12♦● □Δ1.11203 5/ 8 C25-58♦● □Δ 1 3 / 16 3 1 / 8 4 1 / 8 563/ 64 1 5 / 16 3/ 8 1/ 2 2 9 / 3241/ 64 1.0711/ 16 C25-1116♦● □Δ 1.052043/ 4 C25-34♦● □Δ 1 5 / 16 3 3 / 8 4 3 / 16 5 1 / 4 1 1 / 8 1 7 / 16 3/ 817/ 32 2 17 / 32 3/ 4 1.5120.00 C25-20♦● □Δ 33.32 85.70 106.40 133.30 28.58 36.52 10.00 13.50 64.30 19.00 0.707/ 8 C25-78♦● □Δ20515/ 16 C25-1516♦● □Δ 1 7 / 16 3 7 / 16 4 9 / 16 5 1 / 2 1 11 / 64 1 7 / 16 3/ 819/ 32 2 13 / 1651/ 64 1.781 C251♦● □Δ 1.7525.00 C25-25♦● □Δ 36.52 87.30 115.90 139.70 29.77 36.52 10.00 15.10 71.40 20.20 0.801 1 / 8 C251-18♦● □Δ2.452061 3 / 16 C251-316♦● □Δ 1 11 / 16 4 1 / 8 5 1 / 8 6 1 / 4 1 11 / 32 1 5 / 8 1/ 221/ 32 3 1 / 461/ 64 2.421 1 / 4 C251-14S♦● □Δ 2.3930.00 C25-30♦● □Δ 42.88 104.80 130.20 158.80 34.14 41.28 12.00 16.70 82.60 24.20 1.101 1 / 4 C251-14♦● □Δ3.572071 3 / 8 C251-38♦● □Δ 1 7 / 8 4 9 / 16 5 9 / 16 6 11 / 16 1 9 / 16 1 3 / 4 1/ 2 3/ 4 3 11 / 16 1 7 / 64 3.471 7 / 16 C251-716♦● □Δ 3.4135.00 C25-35♦● □Δ 47.62 115.90 141.30 169.90 39.67 44.45 12.00 19.00 93.70 28.20 1.601 1 / 2 C251-12♦● □Δ2208/ 8 5 1 / 32 6 1 / 32 7 1 / 4 1 21 / 32 1 7 / 1 8 / 74.602 / 8 4 1 / 8 1 11 / 641 5 / 8 C251-58♦● □Δ 4.4640.00 C25-40♦● □Δ 53.98 127.80 153.20 184.20 42.06 47.62 12.00 22.20 104.80 29.80 2.001 5 / 8 C251-58L♦● □Δ5.28209 1 11 / 16 C251-1116♦● □Δ 2 1 / 8 5 13 / 32 6 17 / 32 7 3 / 4 1 49 / 64 2 1/ 229/ 32 4 1 / 4 1 15 / 64 5.211 3 / 4 C251-34♦● □Δ 5.141 7 / 8 C251-78♦● □Δ6.28210 1 15 / 16 C251-1516♦● □Δ 2 1 / 4 5 27 / 32 6 27 / 32 8 1 / 4 1 13 / 16 2 1 / 8 5/ 8 1 4 1 / 2 1 17 / 64 6.192 C252♦● □Δ 6.102 C252L♦● □Δ7.78211 2 3 / 16 C252-316♦● □Δ 2 1 / 2 6 5 / 16 7 1 / 2 8 7 /