adult leagues - The City of Wentzville | Missouri

adult leagues - The City of Wentzville | Missouri

adult leagues - The City of Wentzville | Missouri

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TWEEN & TEEN PROGRAMSF.Y.I. (Fun, Youth, Interaction)Age: 11-13yrs Min: 25 Max: 75Progress Park is the place for youth to enjoy free timewith interactive games and friends. Games will includebasketball, volleyball, hula-hoop contest, four square, andDDR (Dance, Dance, Revolution)! <strong>The</strong> gymnasium will beclosed to the public and participants will not be able toleave once they enter. Participants will be supervised by<strong>Wentzville</strong> police and park staff.Pre-registration required.Date Time Location Feeh.o.p.p NightGrades 6-8Hangin’ Out at Progress Park(H.O.P.P.) has become a funand safe place for kids to spendsome time with their friends.Dance the night away, listeningto some <strong>of</strong> your favorite songsunder the supervision <strong>of</strong><strong>Wentzville</strong>’s recreation staff,volunteers, and police <strong>of</strong>ficers.Register at the front door andremember to bring money forrefreshments. Everyone isrequired to stay the entire timeDates January 20TimeMarch 16May 1807:00-09:00pm01/27 07:00-9:00pm Progress Park $8HELPING HANDSAge: 10-15yrsAre you looking for a way to better the community you livein? <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation is <strong>of</strong>fering a FREEvolunteer program for kids ages 10-15. This once a monthprogram will take place on the third Wednesday <strong>of</strong> everymonth. Parents will be responsible for transportation toand from the destination, and each child must be signed inand out.Date Time Location Fee01/18 04:30-05:30pm Varies by activity $FREE$02/15 04:30-05:30pm Varies by activity $FREE$03/21 04:30-05:30pm Varies by activity $FREE$04/18 04:30-05:30pm Varies by activity $FREE$LocationProgress ParkFee $3 At Door You snooze...you lose...Nothing kills a program faster than waiting untilthe last minute to register! Registration deadlinefor classes is one week prior to the start <strong>of</strong> eachsession or when full, unless otherwise noted. Ifthere are not enough registrants one week prior tothe start <strong>of</strong> a program (unless otherwise listed), itmay be cancelled. Register in person, bytelephone 636-332-9236, or online atwww.wentzvillemo.org.www.wentzvillemo.org 5

YOUTH PROGRAMSHIP HOP DANCEAge: 5-10yrs Min: 5 Max: 15 6 ClassesCome learn how to dance like the pros in this 6-week class. HipHop is a popular dance based on street dancing and seen <strong>of</strong>ten inmusic videos and commercials. It is the most current dance stylemaking a home in the dance industry. Participants need to weartennis shoes and comfortable clothing.MondaysDate Time Location Fee01/09–02/13 04:30-05:00pm ProgressParkCenter02/27-04/02 04:30-05:00pm ProgressParkCenter04/16-05/21 04:30-05:00pm ProgressParkCenterLittle wizards science experimentsAge: 4-6yrs Age: 7-9yrs Min: 10 Max: 20$35 Resident$40 Non-Resident$35 Resident$40 Non-Resident$35 Resident$40 Non-ResidentFor one hour, participants will be conducting science experimentsusing common household items. All experiments will be safe andfun! Be sure to wear appropriate clothing because someexperiments could get a little messy! Experiments will includementos explosion, shiny penny, and our famous volcanoeruptions! All supplies will be included in the price <strong>of</strong> the class.Parents are more than welcome to stay, however due to spacelimitations, please wait outside the classroom.Date Time Location FeeKid powerAges: 7-18yrs Min:10 Max:25Home schoolers – be preparedfor 1 full hour <strong>of</strong> power packedexercise, games, and fun!Participants will work tostrengthen their muscles andcardiovascular system. Youwill have so much fun you willnot want the class to end.Please make sure you are inexercise ready clothes andtennis shoes for each class.TuesdayDate 01/10-02/14Time02/28-04/0302:30-03:30pmLocation Progress Park Gym03/15Age 4-6yrs03/15Age 7-9yrs06:00-07:00pm07:15-08:15pmProgressParkProgressPark$15 Resident$18 Non-Resident$15 Resident$18 Non-ResidentFee$30 Resident$35 Non-ResidentTap danceAge: 5-10yrsWednesdayFeel the beat with your feet in this 6-week class. This is anintroductory class great for both boys and girls. Participants willneed to wear comfortable clothing and tap shoes.Session 1 01/11-02/15 Time 07:15pm-8:15pmRegistration deadline foreach program is one weekprior to the start <strong>of</strong> eachsession or when full, unlessotherwise noted.Session 2 02/29-04/04 Fee $35 ResidentSession 3 04/18-05/23$40 Non-Resident6 www.wentzvillemo.org

YOUTH PROGRAMSCamp wentzvilleAge: 6-12yrsMin: 50 Per Week Max: 150 Per WeekCome join the F.R.O.G.S (Friendly, Reliable, Outstanding, Genuine, Summer Fun!) at Camp<strong>Wentzville</strong> this summer! This fun-filled day camp is designed for children ages 6-12 years old. Campmeets from 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday. Campers will swim almost daily and participate in a widevariety <strong>of</strong> other activities including, but not limited to games, arts & crafts, field trips, cooking andscience activities, and much more. Every day is structured with fun, safe and exciting lesson plans!Many campers have so much fun they don’t want the day to end. Register early…this program will fillfast. In order to register you must present a birth certificate at registration to verify age.Time Location Fee09:00am-04:00pm Progress Park$75 Resident$90 Non-ResidentSession Dates Session Dates1 05/29-06/01 (4 day camp) 7 07/09-07/132 06/04-06/08 8 07/16-07/203 06/11-06/15 9 07/23-07/274 06/18-06/22 10 07/30-08/035 06/25-06/29 11 08/06-08/106 07/02-07/06(4 day camp)No Camp July 4th$15 additional fee those registering after the deadline.Sunrise Camp Sunset Camp Sunrise & SunsetCampPunch Card07:00am-09:00am 04:00pm-06:00pm 07:00am-09:00am04:00pm-06:00pmStaff need notification <strong>of</strong>punch card use 24hoursin advance$25 Resident$35 Resident$40 Resident$8 punch$30 Non-Resident$40 Non-Resident$50 Non-Resident$35/5 puncheswww.wentzvillemo.org 7

New Horizon Youth Sports LeagueYouth Baseball and S<strong>of</strong>tballAge: 5-16yrsYOUTH SPORTS AND LEAGUES<strong>The</strong> Youth Baseball/S<strong>of</strong>tball <strong>leagues</strong> are designed for children<strong>of</strong> all abilities – the league has three levels <strong>of</strong> play dependingon the skills <strong>of</strong> the child. Practices begin in March with gamesbeginning in April or May depending on the age level. Teamregistration and individual registrations are accepted. Childrenregistering individually will be randomly placed on draft teams.Registration begins January 3.Registration Deadline is February 13. Space is limited,once the deadline has passed, kids will be placed on awaiting list with residents receiving first priority.Volunteer Coaches NeededAll teams are coached by volunteers in the community who arelooking to make a difference in the lives <strong>of</strong> children. Volunteersdo not need to have a child enrolled in the program. Training isprovided. Any individual who coaches a <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks& Recreation youth sports team must pass a criminalbackground check. Adults interested in coaching areencouraged to call <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation.Age Description FeeCo-Ed 5-6yrs T-BallBoys 7-8yrs Machine PitchBoys 9-16yrs Kid PitchGirls 7-8yrs Coach PitchGirls 9-16yrs Kid Pitch$80 Each Resident$100 Each Non-ResidentCoaches paying for an entire team, need to provide playerpro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> residency. A 63385 zip code is not necessarily aresident. For questions on residency status, please contact therecreation <strong>of</strong>fice. Team registrations must be submitted with afull team and appropriate team fee. <strong>The</strong> roster may not haveless than 13 players or more than 15 players. (Teamregistrations will not be accepted after February 13.)S<strong>of</strong>tball Pitching ClinicAge 7-16yrsThis 45 minute clinic covers thebasics <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tball pitching. <strong>The</strong>clinic is designed for a child/parent or child/coach duo andwill cover fundamentals such aspitching wind-up, footwork, anddelivery techniques. This clinicwill be held in the gym.Coaches are welcome toattend.Date Saturday, March 10Time7-8yrs9-12yrs9:00-9:45am9:45-10:30am13-16yrs 10:30-11:15amLocationFee $15Progress Park GymEach participant mustprovide their own catcherfor the clinic.Registration deadline for eachprogram is one week prior to thestart <strong>of</strong> each session or when full,unless otherwise noted.8www.wentzvillemo.org

YOUTH SPORTS AND LEAGUESGIRL’S VOLLEYBALL LEAGUEAge: 8-14 yrsMin: 4 Teams Max: 14 teamsJump Start BasketballAge: 3-5yrsIt is never too early to get a―Jump Start‖ on basketballbasics. Come to Progress Parkgymnasium and learn the basics<strong>of</strong> basketball through interactiveinstruction and games. <strong>The</strong>―Jump Start‖ program is a fourweek instructional programcovering the basic skills <strong>of</strong>basketball using modifiedequipment for 3-5 year olds.Each child will work one-on-onewith their parent/guardian inperforming various drills, relays,and games related to basketball.<strong>The</strong> program will cover areassuch as, shooting, passing,dribbling, defense, andrebounding. Each child willreceive a t-shirt, miniaturebasketball and water bottle.SaturdayDate 01/28-02/18Time10:00-11:00amLocation Progress Park Gym<strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation is <strong>of</strong>fering a fun butcompetitive volleyball league for girls ages 8 – 14. This is agame only league, and no practices will be provided. <strong>The</strong>league will be governed by USA Volleyball and house rules.Each team will play a minimum <strong>of</strong> 7 matches. Register as ateam, or register individually. Shirts will be awarded to the firstplace team. Please visit our website www.wentzvillemo.org toview schedules and updated standings.SaturdayDate Time Location Team Fee03/03-04/14 Matches beginas early as8:30am.ProgressPark Gym$40 Resident$50 Non-ResidentCoach’s meeting February 23 rd at Progress Park ConferenceRoom at 7:00pm. Any team that is not represented may forfeittheir first game.Junior basketballAges: 6-10yrs Min: 30 Max: 120 8 Classes<strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation is <strong>of</strong>fering an instructionalbasketball league for beginners. Children will learn the basicskills and have fun while participating in games. <strong>The</strong>re will beno practices, and games will be <strong>of</strong>ficiated. <strong>The</strong> 6 – 7 year oldswill play on 8 foot rims, and the 8 – 10 year olds will play onthe 9 foot rims. Due to space limitations this program fills upfast, so register early! Volunteer coaches are needed! Pleasecontact Adam Bode at 636-332-9236 if interested.MondayDate Time Location Fee02/27-04/16 06:00-8:45pm ProgressPark Gym$45 Resident$60 Non-ResidentFee$45 Resident$55 Non-ResidentCoach’s meeting February 23rd at Progress Park Conferenceroom at 7:30pm.Registration deadline for eachprogram is one week prior tothe start <strong>of</strong> each session orwhen full, unless otherwisenoted.<strong>The</strong> very first basketball wasactually a soccer ball. It wasn'tuntil 1929 that the basketballused today was introduced.www.wentzvillemo.org 9

YOUTH SPORTS AND LEAGUESSOCCER TOTZAge: 4-5yrs Min: 30 Max: 400<strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation is <strong>of</strong>fering a 6 week micro soccer league for four and five year olds.Children will be introduced to the basic skills <strong>of</strong> soccer while playing games. Each child will receive agame shirt and an award at the end <strong>of</strong> the season. All participants will be divided into teams for 4on 4 instructional games in 45-minute increments. Game times will vary each week. All games willbe on Saturdays, with possible makeup games added at the end <strong>of</strong> the season or on Sundayafternoons.Saturday No games on Memorial Day weekend.Date Time Location Fee04/21-06/02 9:00am-12:00pm Progress Park $45 Resident$60 Non-ResidentKICK START SOCCERAge: 6-7yrs Min: 60 Max: 200This soccer program will be a step up from Soccer Totz. Six and seven year olds will play games ona bigger soccer field and more <strong>of</strong> the rules will apply. Teams will be coed with a minimum <strong>of</strong> 12 oneach team. Games will last 1 hour and each team will play a minimum <strong>of</strong> 6 games. Please don’thesitate to sign up, space is limited!Saturday No games Memorial Weekend.Date Time Location Team Fee04/21-06/02 12:00-03:00pm Progress Park $50 ResidentHOT SHOTZ SOCCER$65 Non-ResidentAges: 8-9yrs Min: 60 Max: 2006 GamesThis is an instructional soccer league for 8 and 9 year olds. Score will not be recorded. Teams willbe coed with a minimum <strong>of</strong> 10 players on each team. Games will consist <strong>of</strong> four 10 minute quartersand each team will play a minimum <strong>of</strong> 6 games. Please don’t hesitate to sign up, space is limited!Date Time Location Fee04/21-06/02 03:00-05:00pm Progress Park $50 Resident$65 Non-Resident10www.wentzvillemo.org

ADULT LEAGUESMEN’S RECREATIONAL SOFTBALL LEAGUEAge: 16yrs+Min: 4 Teams Max: 16 TeamsGentlemen, start your weekends <strong>of</strong>f by having some fun in aFriday night recreational s<strong>of</strong>tball league. <strong>The</strong> league is governedby USSSA rules and house rules. <strong>The</strong> league will consist <strong>of</strong> aminimum <strong>of</strong> 10 games. T-shirts will be awarded to the first placeteam in the league. Fees include a new s<strong>of</strong>tball for each game, 2new s<strong>of</strong>tballs for each team at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the league,USSSA fees, and two umpires for each game. All bats must beUSSSA approved, a list <strong>of</strong> these bats can be found on theirwebsite at www.usssa.com.FridayDate Time Location Team Fee04/13GamesBegin at06:30pmCO-REC SOFTBALL LEAGUEProgress ParkFireman’s Park$440Register Early! Spaceis limited and <strong>leagues</strong>fill up fast.Age: 16yrs +Min: 4 Teams Max: 16 TeamsGet a team <strong>of</strong> men and women together and join this funrecreational s<strong>of</strong>tball league. This league is governed by USSSA andhouse s<strong>of</strong>tball rules. <strong>The</strong> league will consist <strong>of</strong> a minimum <strong>of</strong> 10games guaranteed. T-shirts will be awarded to the first place team.Entry fees include a new s<strong>of</strong>tball for each game, two new s<strong>of</strong>tballsfor each team at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the league, USSSA fees, and oneumpire for each game. All bats must be USSSA approved.SundayDate Time Location Team Fee04/15-06/17 03:00pmProgress Park &Legion$350MEN’S “SNOWBALL” RECREATIONAL SOFTBALL TOURNEYAge: 16yrs +Min: 4 Teams Max: 12 TeamsS<strong>of</strong>tball players, are you getting the itch to play s<strong>of</strong>tball before spring gets here? <strong>The</strong> 6th annual Men’sRecreational "Snowball" S<strong>of</strong>tball Tournament will be able to get you back in the "swing" <strong>of</strong> things beforethe season begins. <strong>The</strong> teams will be divided into different pools for a round robin tournament. <strong>The</strong>winners <strong>of</strong> each pool will play a single elimination tournament to determine the winner. <strong>The</strong> tournamentwill consist <strong>of</strong> a minimum <strong>of</strong> 3 games. T-shirts will be awarded to the first place team. Fees include a news<strong>of</strong>tball for each game, t-shirts for tournament winners, and one umpire for each game. All bats must beUSSSA approved. A list <strong>of</strong> these bats can be found on their website at www.usssa.com.SundayDate Time LocationTeam Fee02/11-02/12 09:00am Progress Park and Fireman’s Park $160Coaches Meeting: Tuesday, February 7th, 7:00 pm at Progress Park – Conference Room. (Any teamwithout a representative may forfeit the first game.) Teams will be added after the deadline on anas-needed basis.www.wentzvillemo.org 11

ADULT LEAGUESWOMEN’S VOLLEYBALLAge: 16yrs+ Min: 4 Teams Max: 8 TeamsThis is a Tuesday night league participated byteams <strong>of</strong> all skill levels. <strong>The</strong> league isgoverned by USA and house rules. Each teamwill play a minimum <strong>of</strong> 7 matches along witha single elimination play<strong>of</strong>f. League winnerswill receive championship t-shirts and play<strong>of</strong>fwinners will receive a discount <strong>of</strong> 50% thefollowing session. All teams qualify for theplay<strong>of</strong>f.CO-REC VOLLEYBALLAge: 16yrs+ Min: 4 Teams Max: 12 TeamsThis co-ed volleyball league is for all skilllevels. Teams will play a minimum <strong>of</strong> 7matches at Progress Park gymnasium followedby a single elimination play<strong>of</strong>f. Winners <strong>of</strong> theleague will receive championship t-shirts theand winner <strong>of</strong> the play<strong>of</strong>f will receive 50% <strong>of</strong>fthe next session fee. Rosters are limited to 12players and 6 players can play on the court atone time.TuesdayDate Time Location FeeSundayDate Time Location FeeMatchesMatches01/24-03/20may beginas early as6:00pm.Progress ParkGym$24001/22-3/11may beginas early as2:00pm.ProgressPark Gym$240Schedules and standings are listed on the website at www.wentzvillemo.org.SPRING WIFFLE BALL TOURNAMENTAge: 16yrs+Min: 6 Teams Max: 10 TeamsThis is a combined recreation and competitive tournament. <strong>The</strong> teams will consist <strong>of</strong> three t<strong>of</strong>ive players, with a pitcher and two outfielders. Rotations can occur after each inning;however, positions can not be switched during an inning. You may bat up to five players, butonly three can play in the field. Official wiffle ball rules will apply with house rules added. Allequipment is provided. Games will be played under the lights at Rotary Park field. This will be adouble elimination tournament, so get a couple <strong>of</strong> your friends together and try to capture thefirst place trophy!Date Time Location Team Fee04/27 06:00pm-10:00pm Rotary Park Lower Field $45Registration deadline is one week prior to the start <strong>of</strong> each session or when full,unless otherwise noted.12www.wentzvillemo.org

FITNESS PROGRAMSyogaAge 16+ Min 10 Max 25 6 ClassesBring more harmony into your life and reduce stress in mind andbody. Increase flexibility, strength, and well being using yogapostures, meditation and breathing. See how ancient wisdom canenhance modern life. Bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and/ortowel and an open mind.Tuesday/ThursdayPersonal trainerWould you like to work one-ononewith a certified personaltrainer? <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks andRecreation <strong>of</strong>fers quality personaltraining services at reasonablerates. Don’t let those problemareas bother you. You mustcontact the recreation <strong>of</strong>fice topay for your sessions and choosewhen you would like yoursessions. Full payment must besubmitted. Patrons must have amembership or pay daily usagefee.Members & Residents1 Session $30.002 Sessions $58.503 Sessions $87.254 Sessions $112.505 Sessions $140.506 Sessions $162.00Non-Members & Non-Residents1 Session $35.002 Sessions $64.503 Sessions $96.00Date Time Location Fee01/10-02/16 06:15-07:15pm ProgressPark Center02/28-04/05 06:15-07:15pm ProgressPark CenterZUMBA$45 Resident$55 Non-Resident$45 Resident$55 Non-ResidentAge 16+ Min 10 Max 25 6 ClassesExperience a new way to achieve your fitness goals! With heartpounding Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves you will forgetyou are exercising and think you are at a dance party. <strong>The</strong> musicselections are fast and slow to help tone and sculpt the body.Zumba is geared for all fitness levels.Monday/WednesdayInstructor Nikki MaltarichDate Time Location Fee01/09-02/15 07:15-08:15pm ProgressPark Center02/27-04/04 07:15-08:15pm ProgressPark CenterTuesday/Thursday$45 Resident$55 Non-Resident$45 Resident$55 Non-ResidentInstructor Cydney SchildrothDate Time Location Fee01/10-02/16 05:00-06:00pm ProgressPark Center02/28-04/05 05:00-06:00pm ProgressPark Center$45 Resident$55 Non-Resident$45 Resident$55 Non-Resident4 Sessions $123.755 Sessions $154.506 Sessions $178.25Multiple Persons - An additional personcan participate at a cost <strong>of</strong> $10 perperson per session. Resident discountfee does not apply.Registration deadline for eachprogram is one week prior to thestart <strong>of</strong> each session or when full,unless otherwise noted.www.wentzvillemo.org 13

Just ONCE music PianoEDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS14Ages 13+Limited to 15 studentsSome music teachers may not want you to know this, but youdon’t need years <strong>of</strong> weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a fewhours, you can learn enough secrets <strong>of</strong> the trade to give youyears <strong>of</strong> musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regularpiano teachers teach note reading, piano pr<strong>of</strong>essionals usechords. You can learn all the chords you’ll need to play for anysong in this one session. Any song. Any style. Any key. If youcan find middle C and know the meaning <strong>of</strong> Every Good BoyDoes Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop.Total beginners can print out a free pamphlet on the treble clefby going online to this link-http://justonceclasses.com How chords work in a song How to get more out <strong>of</strong> sheet music by reading less <strong>of</strong> it How to form the three main types <strong>of</strong> chords How to handle different keys and time signatures How to avoid ―counting‖ How to simplify over 12,000 complex chordsAs seen on the PBS television program- ―Piano in a Flash!‖Date Time Location Fee01/25 06:00-9:00pm Green Lantern $50 Resident$55 Non-ResidentJUST ONCE SONG WRITINGAge: 13+Limited to 15 studentsHave you ever wanted to write your own songs? In just a fewhours you can learn the principles about what makes a song ahit. In this course, we will study popular songs and musictheory, and learn the craft and art <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional songwriting.All materials will be provided.Topics include:How to write ―the hook‖Lyric writingMelody and ChordsRhythm and TempoMusical FormArranging and RefiningCopyrightingMarketing your musicDate Time Location Fee03/21 06:00-9:00pm Green Lantern $50 Resident$55 Non-ResidentJust ONCE GuitarAge: 13+yrsMin: 5 Max: 15Have you ever wanted to learnthe guitar but simply find itdifficult to find the time? In justa few hours you can learnenough about playing the guitarto give you years <strong>of</strong> musicalenjoyment, and you won’t haveto take private lessons to do it.This crash course will teach yousome basic chords and get youplaying along with your favoritesongs right away. Bring youracoustic guitar; all other materialwill be included. For moreinformation go towww.justonceclasses.com.Topics include: How chords work in a song How to form the three maintypes <strong>of</strong> chords How to tune your guitar Basic strumming patterns How to buy a good guitar(things to avoid) How to play along with simpletunesWednesdayDateTimeLocationFeeFebruary 29th06:00-09:00pmGreen Lantern$50 Resident$55 Non-Residentwww.wentzvillemo.org

SPECIAL EVENTSLET’S DANCESwing, Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba & Cha-ChaAge: 16+ yrsDoes the music move you? Have fun, improve your health,stamina and have confidence on the dance floor. Dance the nightaway with your partner enjoying Swing, Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba,and Cha-Cha. Partners preferred but not required.Save <strong>The</strong> DateTuesdayDate Time Location FeeFebruary 3February 4Daddy’s LittleSweetheart Dinner &Dance01/17-03/06 07:15-08:15pmProgressPark Center$60 Resident$75 Non-ResidentFebruary 11February 26March 4thMarch 8thMarch 20Social DanceSunday Hoop TourneyIndoor WiffleballTourneyJob FairSee Back CoverLet’s DanceSocial dance on February 11th included in the fee.03/20-05/01 07:15-08:15pmProgressPark CenterSocial dance on April 14th included in the fee.DADDY’S LITTLE SWEETHEARTDINNER & DANCE$60 Resident$75 Non-ResidentMarch 31EasterEGGstravaganzaAge: 3-12yrsMin: 25 Couples Max: 60 CouplesMarch 31April 7April 13April 14April 14April 14Bone HuntSounds Of <strong>The</strong> SpringGrandparents’ BallSocial Dance9th Annual Mission:Clean StreamArbor Day Celebration<strong>The</strong> memories will last a lifetime if you attend this special evening.<strong>The</strong> night will consist <strong>of</strong> dinner, dancing, games, a craft and more.Each couple will receive a complimentary 5x7 photo to rememberthis special evening together. (Escorts for the girls may be dad,grandpa, uncle, <strong>adult</strong> older brother, or a special friend <strong>of</strong> thefamily)Dinner served includes mostaccioli with meat sauce, fettuccine,salad, bread, and dessert.Date Time Location FeeApril 27May 5thWiffleball TournamentYard Sale02/03 or 02/04 06:00-09:00pmProgressPark Center$50 Resident Couple$62 Non-ResidentCoupleJune 1Movie In <strong>The</strong> ParkRango$20 Each AdditionalChildJune 16Art In <strong>The</strong> Park$10 additional fee after registration deadline.July 4August 3July 4th CelebrationMovie In <strong>The</strong> ParkWinnie <strong>The</strong> PoohRegistration deadline is one weekprior to the start <strong>of</strong> each session orwhen full, unless otherwise noted.www.wentzvillemo.org 15

SPECIAL EVENTSSUNDAY HOOP TOURNEYAge: 16+ yrs Min: 4 Teams Max: 6 TeamsThis is a three on three, double elimination basketballtournament. Games will be played on half courts. Games willconsist <strong>of</strong> (2) quarters lasting (10) ten minutes with a (5) fiveminute halftime. <strong>The</strong> clock will be continuous and only stopfor half time. Winners will receive first place trophy! Due toMSHAA (<strong>Missouri</strong> State High School Activities Association)regulations, no high school players can participate.Date Time Location Team Fee02/26 09:00-12:00pm ProgressParkIndoor Wiffleball TourneyAge: 16+ yrs Min: 6 Teams$60Get out <strong>of</strong> the house and enjoy a competitive and funtournament. <strong>The</strong> tournament will be held inside ProgressPark gymnasium. Teams will be competing for first placetrophy! Teams will consist <strong>of</strong> three players; Infielder,Outfielder, and Pitcher. This is a double eliminationtournament with house rules. Game times will be limited tohalf an hour. All equipment will be provided.Date Time Location Fee03/04 09:00-12:00pm ProgressParkSounds <strong>of</strong> springAll Ages Min: 10 Max: 30$30<strong>Missouri</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Conservation and <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parksand Recreation are pairing up to <strong>of</strong>fer a spring time morningwalk. This walk will also include information on frogs, birds,and animals <strong>of</strong> the season. This is a moderate physical walkand proper athletic shoes are required. Please dressaccording to weather conditions.04/07 09:00-11:00am Rotary Park $FREE$Walking an extra 20minutes each day willburn <strong>of</strong>f 7 pounds <strong>of</strong>body fat per year.EASTEREGGSTRAVAGANZAAges 1-10 yrsHippity Hop! <strong>The</strong> Easter Bunnyhas been busy filling thousands<strong>of</strong> eggs with candy and prizes forthe annual EasterEGGstravaganza. Some eggs willcontain a slip <strong>of</strong> paper for prizes.Don’t forget your basket to collectall your goodies. Children will begrouped according to their age.Come early and enjoy facepainters and clowns. Registrationwill be taken in advance. Eachchild registered will receive aticket for hunting. You must haveyour ticket on the day <strong>of</strong> the hunt.Don’t miss this EGGciting event!Date Saturday, March 31Time1 & 2yrs 09:30am3-6yrs7-10yrsLocationFeeGates Open 08:30am09:45am10:30amRotary Park$2 In Advance$3 Day <strong>of</strong> EventPlease plan to arrive early to allowtime for parking prior to the hunttimes.16www.wentzvillemo.org

SPECIAL EVENTSGrandparents’ ballAges: 3– 16 yrsMin: 25 Couples Max: 60 Couples<strong>The</strong> kids will talk about how much fun they had for years to come. This program isdesigned for just the grandparents and grandkids. <strong>The</strong> evening will consist <strong>of</strong> food,dancing, games, and more. Each couple will receive a 5 x 7 photo taken by a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalphotographer to remember this special evening together. What better way to celebrate thespecial relationship between grandparents and grandkids.Dinner served includes mostaccioli with meat sauce, fettuccine, salad, bread, and dessert.Date Time Location Fee04/13 06:00-09:00pm Progress ParkCenter$45 Resident Couple$55 Non-Resident Couple$10 Each Additional Grandparent$15 Each Additional Grandchild*A couple consist <strong>of</strong> one grandparent and one grandchild.Fee includes dinner, goody bag for the child, and one complimentary 5 x 7 photo. CD or emailversion <strong>of</strong> the photo may be purchased for $10 to make additional copies for family and friends.NINTH ANNUAL: MISSION CLEAN STREAMAges: 6+ yrsJoin hundreds <strong>of</strong> volunteers, Greenway Network, Inc. and other cities in this major stream cleanup to help restore the Peruque, McCoy and Dardenne Creek Watersheds. <strong>The</strong>se streams areimportant to the health <strong>of</strong> our community and support a variety <strong>of</strong> wildlife and land uses fromagriculture to recreation and industry. Individuals, families and community groups are invited toparticipate. Meet at Quail Ridge Park where you’ll team up and be directed to a clean-up site.(Volunteers must provide transportation to clean-up sites.) After the clean-up, return to QuailRidge for a free picnic lunch to celebrate your hard work and watch artists weld sculptures frommetal that was found. Bring your water bottle and gloves if you have them! $$Free$$Date Description Time Location04/14Check In08:30amMeet at Quail Ridge Park04/28 (Rain Date)Clean UpPicnic Lunch09:00-11:30am11:30-12:30pmClean up site will be assignedARBOR DAYOpen to all ages<strong>The</strong> idea for Arbor day originally came from Nebraska where a lack <strong>of</strong> trees led to thefounding <strong>of</strong> Arbor day in the 1800’s. This year, with help from the <strong>Missouri</strong> Department <strong>of</strong>Conservation, we are <strong>of</strong>fering a class on tree planting and pruning. Games and handoutsfor kids will be provided as well as seedling give away.Date Time Location Fee04/14 12:00-02:00pm Rotary Park $Free$www.wentzvillemo.org 17

SPECIAL EVENTSART IN THE PARKAll AgesMin 10 Vendors Max 40 Vendors<strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation is looking for artists <strong>of</strong> all agesto showcase their talents in beautiful Rotary Park. Art in thePark will allow the artists to display their creations to the public,and sell their product with a 10% gratuity to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wentzville</strong>. This program is free to the public and the vendors.Tables will not be provided, but you may rent a table for $10.00.All vendors will have their art inspected by Parks & Recreationstaff. This is a family fun event. Bring the family and helpsupport Art in <strong>The</strong> Park at Rotary Park.Date Time Location Fee06/16 12:00PM-03:00pm Rotary Park $FREE$MOVIE IN THE PARKAll AgesCome join us at beautiful Rotary Park Amphitheatre for a FREEnight out! Both movies are rated PG and family friendly.Concessions will be available for purchase. Items include hotdogs, nachos, popcorn, candy, and our famous frito pies! Spaceis limited, so make sure to arrive early. Don’t forget a lawn chairor blanket to sit on!Date Time Location Movie06/01 08:30pm Rotary ParkAmphitheatre08/03 08:00pm Rotary ParkAmphitheatreRangoWinnie the PoohJULY FOURTH PARADE & CELEBRATIONDon’t miss the annual 4 th <strong>of</strong> July celebration and parade.Everyone is invited to participate in the parade by making ordesigning a float. <strong>The</strong> theme is Hats Off to Our Heroes . Floatswill be judged for 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd place. After the parade join usfor the annual celebration – details to come later! <strong>The</strong> paradeapplication and guidelines can be obtained from the Parks &Recreation <strong>of</strong>fice or online at WWW.WENTZVILLEMO.ORG/PR-JULY-4TH-CELEBRATION.ASPX.Note: Individuals participating in the parade may notthrow items from a car or a float. Individuals walkingnext to a car or float may hand out candy or items whilewalking the parade route.SPRING CITYWIDEYard salePeople love yard sales andbargains! Turn your trash totreasure by hosting a yard saleat your home. For $6 you canlist your sale or get togetherwith three <strong>of</strong> your neighbors andlist all <strong>of</strong> your sales for $15.Each sale will receive an <strong>of</strong>ficial<strong>City</strong> Yard Sale sign. Shoppersmay purchase bookletsbeginning Wednesday, May 2 at<strong>City</strong> Hall, Progress Park or theUtility Service Center for $2.Each booklet comes with atreasure map to help you locatethe bargains!Deadline to list your sale is April29th.Date Saturday, May 5TimeFee07:00am suggestedstart time.$6 per listing or3 neighbors for $15<strong>The</strong> <strong>City</strong>wide large item pick up isscheduled May 7th –11th on yourregular scheduled trash day.18www.wentzvillemo.org

ADULT PROGRAMSSOCIAL DANCEAge 40+ yrs Min 25 Max 100<strong>The</strong> perfect evening…a bottle <strong>of</strong> wine, music, conversations andlaughs with friends. <strong>The</strong> program is designed for older <strong>adult</strong>s.Music will be from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s and will include avariety <strong>of</strong> types <strong>of</strong> music including swing, fox trot, waltz,rumba, and cha-cha, line dancing and more. Advanceregistration required.Date Time Location FeeSNOW SCULPTURECONTESTOpen to all AgesWe are looking for the mostamazing snow creation you cancome up with! Take a picturewith your snowy creation andturn it into <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks andRecreation at 968 Meyer Rd. Allpictures due by March 31 st .02/11 07:00-09:00pm ProgressPark Center04/14 07:00-09:00pm ProgressPark CenterNEEDLE TURN APPLIQUE$8 Resident$10 Non-Resident$8 Resident$10 Non-ResidentAge 14+ yrs Min: 10 Max: 15 4 ClassesParticipants in this class will learn how to applique hummingbirds, flowers and stems, which is the first step into creating awall hanging, quilt, block, pillow, or endless ideas. Eachparticipant will need to provide sharp scissors, a thimble, and aruler.Date1st PlaceTimeNintendo 3DSTuesdays/ThursdaysDate Time Location Fee2nd Place 2012 Pool Pass02/07-02/16 07:00-9:00pmProgressParkConferenceRoom$20 Resident$25 Non-ResidentRegistration deadline for eachprogram is one week prior tothe start <strong>of</strong> each session orwhen full, unless otherwisenoted.AppliqueFinished WallHangingDid you know dancing is goodfor your brain, your bones andeven your relationships?www.wentzvillemo.org 19

ADULT PROGRAMSWOMEN’S SELF DEFENSETips and RemindersAge 13+ Min: 16 Max: 30 2 ClassesAges 13—17yrs must be accompanied by an <strong>adult</strong> 18 years+)<strong>The</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation Department is<strong>of</strong>fering a women’s self - defense class in coordination with the<strong>Wentzville</strong> Police Department. This class will teach the basics<strong>of</strong> hand to hand combat in close contact situations.Participants will be paired up in partners and simulate real lifescenarios to learn to defend themselves. This is a two daycourse taught by <strong>Wentzville</strong> police <strong>of</strong>ficers. All equipment willbe provided and participants are asked to dress in comfortablework out clothing. This program is resident priority. <strong>Wentzville</strong>residents will have the first chance to register. Non-residentswill be placed on waitlist. Registration is limited, so registerearly!Date Time Location Fee02/22-02/23 07:00-9:00pm ProgressGOLDEN GAMESAge 50+ yrsPark Center$Free$<strong>The</strong> annual St. Charles County Golden Games is scheduledfrom May 3-8, 2012. Golden Games is an Olympic stylefitness event to promote social, competitive, athletic, andrecreational activities. Events are scheduled at facilitiesthroughout St. Charles County. <strong>The</strong>re is something foreveryone! For more information on the Golden Games,contact the Chairman Ben Gammon at 636-447-4559.To avoid paying daily usagefees, we ask that all residentand non-resident membersuse their photo IDmembership card uponentering the recreationfacilities.Members who have lost theirphoto ID membership cardwill need to purchase areplacement card for $5before entering the facilities.Money saving tip forresidents—Any non-memberresident who wishes to usethe recreation facilities at theresident rate will want topurchase a Resident Photo IDcard for $5. At the time <strong>of</strong>purchase , the resident willhave one time free entry intothe facilities. You must bringpro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> residency such as;personal property tax receipt,or city water/sewer bill. <strong>The</strong>Resident card is valid for twoyears.Recreation and Complexmemberships are valid oneyear from the date <strong>of</strong>purchase. Pool membershipsare only valid through LaborDay weekend.Visit www.sccgoldengames.orgRegistration deadline foreach program is one weekprior to the start <strong>of</strong> eachsession or when full, unlessotherwise noted.20www.wentzvillemo.org

Progress park center rentalFACILITIES AND RENTALSProgress Park Center is a beautiful banquet facility that was remodeledin 2008. <strong>The</strong> facility is ideal for special occasions including weddings,family reunions, and additional events. <strong>The</strong> facility includes a fullkitchen, walk-in cooler, and a 43’ x 25’ wood dance floor. <strong>The</strong> hall canaccommodate seating for up to 225 people. Tables and chairs androom set-up are included in the price. <strong>The</strong> hall can be rented untilmidnight.Banquet Hall Rental RatesMeeting Rental RatesNon-Pr<strong>of</strong>it Group $400 $125 Two-Hour RentalNon-Resident, Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it $500 Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it $75 Two-Hour RentalOther Groups $600 $25 each additional hour (four hour max)<strong>The</strong> hall may also be rented for meetings, Monday through Thursday from 8:30am-5:00pm andSundays noon-6:00pmReservation SpecialistAll reservations are handled by our Reservation Specialist. To book any facility please contact theReservation Specialist at 636-332-9236.FACILITIES &Picnic SheltersPicnic SheltersPicnic shelters may be reserved by groups orindividuals. Pavilions are available for full dayrentals (8am-10pm) at Progress Park, Fireman’sPark and Rotary Park. <strong>The</strong>se picnic shelters may beutilized Sunday-Saturday.$25 Resident & Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it Organizations$50 Non-ResidentsProgress Park (968 Meyer Rd) Features an outdoor swimming pool with waterslide, concession stand, lighted baseball field,football field, picnic shelter with BBQ pit,playground, and restrooms. Recreation Center, banquet facility, andadministrative <strong>of</strong>fices are located at Progress Park.Recreation center includes a gymnasium, elevatedtrack, and a combined weight room and cardioroom.Fireman’s Park (203 W Pearce Blvd) Features a lighted baseball field, picnic shelter,and restrooms.Memorial Park (1419 Kathleen Dr)**New Playground** A 5 acre park that features a baseball field,soccer field, picnic shelter with a BBQ pit, newplayground and multi-purpose courts.Rotary Park (2577 W Meyer Rd, Foristell, MO) Features a 1.3 mile pedestrian non-motorizedtrail, 5 acre stocked lake, two picnic shelters withBBQ pits, playground, sand volleyball courts,horseshoe pits, and amphitheater. Home <strong>of</strong> the St. Charles County Fair, Holiday NightLights drive through Christmas display, St. LouisRenaissance Faire, other community events.Great location for company picnics.Peruque Valley Park (1335 S Point Prairie Rd) Opening 2014 74 acres undevelopedHeartland Park (100 WM Dierberg Dr) Opening 2013 50 acres undevelopedGreen Lantern (506 S Linn) Green Lantern Senior Center (636)-327-8720Splash Station Aquatic Center(1141 Peine Rd) Opening July 201322www.wentzvillemo.org

<strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks & Recreation Department968 Meyer Road<strong>Wentzville</strong>, MO 63385-3492PRSRT STDU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Wentzville</strong>, MOPermit #14ECRWSSPOSTAL CUSTOMERJOB FAIRWant to have fun while earning a little extra cash this summer? If so, then be sure toattend <strong>Wentzville</strong> Parks and Recreation Department’s Job Fair on Thursday, March 8,from 2:00-7:00p.m., at Progress Park. Temporary summer positions the <strong>City</strong> will takeapplications for include Lifeguards, Concessionaires, Day Camp Counselors, andUmpires. Applicants should be prepared to be interviewed at that time, highlymotivated, and age 16 or older by May 1, 2012. Starting pay varies depending onposition and experience.Applications can be filled out in advance by downloading the form from the <strong>City</strong>’s Website at www.wentzvillemo.org, or they can be picked up and completed on the day <strong>of</strong>the Job Fair. No advance appointments will be provided.For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Office at (636) 332-9236.

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