April 2013 - Delaware Tribe of Indians

April 2013 - Delaware Tribe of Indians

April 2013 - Delaware Tribe of Indians


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Page 18 Lënapeí Pampil (<strong>Delaware</strong> Indian News) <strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong>continued from page 17Don Mason gave a report onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the Tribal Court. Thejudges met today in Caney withall judges present. Discussion washeld regarding several issues. Hesaid the judges would like businesscards, he said the judgeswould like robes (the judges wereadvised the <strong>Tribe</strong> does have robesfor them), they are interested inestablishing a Tribal Bar Association,John Chapman Young waselected Vice-Chief judge, Constitutionand Code revision and needfor a budget. The judges wereasked to submit a budget as wellas a sketch <strong>of</strong> how they would likethe room in Caney and also a list<strong>of</strong> items they need. Judge Masonis going to visit Osage NationTANF and will go with Gina Rothto introduce her to CSE at OsageNation. He is also going to visitthe TANF program at the CreekNation. He has talked to the federal<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong> TANF. Judge Masonis working with Lacey Harrisand likely Gina Roth to meet withWashington County DHS. Thejudges are working on criteria forcourt advocates.Jenifer Pechonick made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-01 Enrollment 2nd Chet Brooks.There are 12 new members approved.Motion passed all in favor.Jenifer Pechonick made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-02 Adopting the Tribal SealDesign, 2nd Annette Ketchum.Discussion: Annette Ketchumwanted to mention that JaniferBrown worked diligently on theprocess <strong>of</strong> design, input and approval.Motion passed all in favor.Chet Brooks made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-03 638 Submission, 2nd JeniferPechonick. Motion passed all infavor.Nathan Young made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-04Caney Land into Trust Status, 2ndChet Brooks. Motion passed all infavor.Jenifer Pechonick made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-05 Membership into UINOKT,2nd Nathan Young. Motion passedall in favor.Annette Ketchum made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-06 Establish Gift Shop Account,2nd Jenifer Pechonick.Nathan Young requested wehave workshop. Workshop scheduledfor January 17.The Council went into ExecutiveSession.The Council resumed regularsession.Annette Ketchum made a motionto waive the 90 day period forbenefits for the Administrative Assistant.2nd Chet Brooks. Motionpassed all in favor.Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.* * *Monday, February 4, <strong>2013</strong><strong>Delaware</strong> CommunityCenterRespectfully submitted by JeniferPechonickThe Chief called the meeting toorder at 6:40 pm. Assistant ChiefChet Brooks prayed in Lenape andEnglish. Present: Chief Pechonick,Assistant Chief Chet Brooks, JeniferPechonick, Nathan Young, AnnetteKetchum, Janifer Brown andVerna Crawford.Guests: Curtis Zunigha, Charlesand Mary Randall, Rick Barnes,Michelle Vernon, CeCe Biggoose,Greg Brown, Bruce Martin, MelanieDowns, Susan Hefner, JanaRoth, Tim and Janet Houseberg,John Dillingham, Lesa Steele,Nathan Scullawl, Amanda Proctor,Anita Mathis, Gina Roth, andDavid McCullough.The Chief recognized the guestsin the audience and asked if anyonewished to address the Council.John Dillingham, <strong>Delaware</strong> EnterpriseAuthority (DEA) Chair,presented the annual report <strong>of</strong> theDEA from 2012.Verna Crawford made a motionto approve the agenda withchanges to include Resolutions<strong>2013</strong>-10 and <strong>2013</strong>-11. 2nd JeniferPechonick. Motion passed all infavor.Annette Ketchum made a motionto accept the January 7, <strong>2013</strong>minutes with the insertion <strong>of</strong> TribalManager’s report highlights.2nd Jenifer Pechonick. Motionpassed. 5 yes, 2 abstain (VernaCrawford and Janifer Brown dueto absence at the meeting.)Nathan Young made a motionto approve the November andthe December financials pendingaudit. 2nd Verna Crawford. Discussion:Budget preparation andcash-flow report. Motion passedall in favor.Jenifer Pechonick made a motionto suspend the agenda to include<strong>Delaware</strong> Tribal FinancialServices (DTFS) who was mistakenlyleft <strong>of</strong>f the agenda. 2ndJanifer Brown. Motion passed allin favor. Tim Houseberg presentedan update to the Tribal Council regarding<strong>Delaware</strong> Tribal FinancialServices. He outlined the upcomingcalendar for DTFS and forecast.Nathan Young made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-10,to accept electronic signaturesand forms. 2nd Jenifer Pechonick.Motion passed all in favor.Janifer Brown made a motionto approve Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-11 toauthorize the DTFS Committee tooversee modifications or changesto the <strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indians</strong>Insurance Codes. 2nd VernaCrawford Motion passed all infavor.Curtis Zunigha gave the TribalManager report:Tribal Manager’s ReportCurtis ZunighaTribal OperationsWe are aggressively moving intothe Caney Building and will bemoving into the new Social ServicesBuilding during February.The following tribal programsand functions will be relocated tothe Social Services Building:• Housing (Management andServices)• Indian Child Welfare• Environmental• Community Services• LIHEAP/REACH• Library/Museum/ArchivesWe are simultaneously beginningoccupancy <strong>of</strong> our KansasHeadquarters Building in Caney.There will be a room dedicated fora tribal administration <strong>of</strong>fice pool.The following tribal programs andfunctions are located in the KansasHeadquarters Building:• Child Support Enforcement• Financial Services• Tribal Court• <strong>Delaware</strong> Facilities ManagementSolutions (DFMS)Kitchen ExpansionDemolition <strong>of</strong> the kitchen is expectedwithin the week.The dining hall will remainopen and lunch will be serveddaily throughout the constructionperiod. The dining hall willalso remain available for necessarybusiness meetings. Projectedcompletion is <strong>April</strong> 1.Tribal CourtThe court’s first case <strong>of</strong> <strong>2013</strong> washeld in Caney on January 29.Caney Property Fee-to-Trust ApplicationThe application was sent to theBIA Office in Muskogee for review<strong>of</strong> technical composition andconstruction. Then we will schedulea meeting with BIA EasternOklahoma Regional Director RobertImpson and Chief Pechonickwill deliver the trust applicationfor approval. We expect this to occurduring February.BIA 638 Program ProposalThe collaboration with the BIAliaison, Mr. Larsen, continues. Iwill not likely have a draft to presentfor review until approximatelyFebruary 21.PersonnelWe have established Leslie Fall-Leaf’s role with the tribe as fulltimeEnrollment Director withadditional duties as Tribal CourtClerk. We also hired a temporaryadministrative assistant to supportChief Pechonick and assistme with other administrative duties.Her name is Jana Roth, sheis a tribal member and formerDirector <strong>of</strong> Indian Education forthe Broken Arrow Public SchoolDistrict.Cherokee Nation and theMOAWe are working with the administrationto provide all documentsrelated to the Housing funds, theIndian Housing Plan, and the AnnualPerformance report.Nathan Young made a motion toapprove the <strong>2013</strong> Holiday Schedule,2nd Annette Ketchum. Discussion:The Council added oneday, on Good Friday, March 29.Motion passed all in favor.Verna Crawford Janifer Brown.Discussion: The Council agreesthe Policies and Procedures are anorganic document that may needto be changed as time passes.Poll Vote: Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-07Establishing Authority on FinancialAccounts. Resolution passed1-23-13 7-0 Vote.Nathan Young made a motion toapprove Resolution <strong>2013</strong>-08 NewEnrollment, 2nd Chet Brooks. 19new members. Motion passed allin favor.Nathan Young made a motion toenter into executive session, 2ndJanifer Brown.Motion passed all in favor.Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.■<strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indians</strong>Bartlesville Tribal Offices:170 NE BarbaraBartlesville, OK 74006918-337-6590Chelsea Housing Office:6 Northview Dr.Chelsea, OK918-789-2525Caney Office:601 High StreetCaney, KS 67333620-879-2189Office Hours:8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. M-F

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