April 2013 - Delaware Tribe of Indians

April 2013 - Delaware Tribe of Indians

April 2013 - Delaware Tribe of Indians


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Page 4 Lënapeí Pampil (<strong>Delaware</strong> Indian News) <strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong><strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong> Environmental ProgramJimmie Johnson, DTEP DirectorHope this finds everyonewell. Since the first <strong>of</strong> <strong>2013</strong>DTEP has experienced quite abit <strong>of</strong> change. Michael Marshallhas moved from DTEP ProgramAssistant to the <strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong>Housing Program. Michael’s positionwith DTEP was a part-timeposition and because <strong>of</strong> budgetlimitations will not be filled duringthis fiscal year.In February DTEP relocatedour <strong>of</strong>fices from the CommunityCenter building to the new SocialServices building at our BartlesvilleTribal Headquarters. In mid-February, an EPA Indian GeneralAssistance Program (GAP) grantproposal was submitted to EPARegion 6 for FY <strong>2013</strong> funding.Included in this proposal was theconversion <strong>of</strong> the DTEP ProgramAssistant position from a parttimeposition to a full-time one.A “document destruction” system,including an industrial papershredder, was included in thisgrant proposal. Expansion <strong>of</strong> ourcurrent recycling capabilities andthe addition <strong>of</strong> an Alley Cat stylerecycling trailer were also proposed.The addition <strong>of</strong> a mobilerecycling unit enables DTEP toprovide recycling collection capabilitiesat tribal and communityfunctions that are not held at theTribal Headquarters complex.All projects proposed are stillsubject to approval by the EPA.In March, EPA Acting AdministratorBob Perciasepe sent a letteradvising all tribal entities <strong>of</strong> possiblebudget cuts to all grant programsdue to government sequestration.DTEP is now waiting onEPA Region 6 Office to advise uswhat types <strong>of</strong> cuts we can expectand when the cuts will take effect.Regardless, DTEP will strive tomaintain its current capabilitiesand programs.An Energy Audit report wasreceived from Oklahoma StateUniversity in February <strong>2013</strong>, theresult <strong>of</strong> an energy audit <strong>of</strong> theCommunity Center building performedby Scott Frazier <strong>of</strong> OSUin November 2012. This energyaudit outlined practices and proceduresthat can be utilized bythe <strong>Tribe</strong> to maximize the energyefficiency in our facilities. Stepsare currently being taken to implementthese proposed changes.An annual event, OperationClean House, is being held on<strong>April</strong> 20, <strong>2013</strong> at the Conoco-Phillips parking lot in Bartlesville,and the Washington County Fairgroundsin Dewey. DTEP personneland volunteers are going to beparticipating at the Dewey collectionsite. Please see the flyerin this issue for more informationregarding this cleanup/recyclingevent.Feel free to contact DTEP DirectorJimmie Johnson at 918-337-6584 or jimmiejohnson@delawaretribe.org for any questionsor concerns that you mayhave.Wanishi.■Cobell SettlementFor questions about the Cobellsettlement and how it affectsyou, see their web site at:www.indiantrust.comOther ways to get information:Call Toll-Free: 1-800-961-6109Email: Info@IndianTrust.comBy Mail:Indian Trust SettlementP.O. Box 9577Dublin, OH 43017-4877Be sure that they have your correctaddress!!From the Tribal Manager,Curtis ZunighaAs the spring season finallybegins, the <strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong>administrative staff is very busywith continued growth and development.We’ve completed thenew Social Services Building andhave moved several programs andstaff there. Our kitchen expansionin the Community Center shouldbe complete by mid-<strong>April</strong>. OurCaney, Kansas facility now housesour Financial Services <strong>of</strong>fice(DTFS), the tribe’s facilities managementcompany (DFMS), ourTribal Court, and a new program,Child Support Enforcement. We’reglad to welcome tribal memberGina Roth to the staff as director<strong>of</strong> Child Support Enforcement.We’re also hiring an assistant forthe program. For more information,please contact our HumanResources Manager Mike Taylorat mtaylor@delawaretribe.org.We also welcome another newstaff member, Jana Roth, servingas Executive Assistant to theChief. Jana is a member <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong> and brings manyyears <strong>of</strong> experience as an educatorand is former director <strong>of</strong> the IndianEducation Program at Broken Arrow(OK) Public Schools.The <strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>Tribe</strong> continuesto expand our theme <strong>of</strong> “Returnto Kansas.” An application for theCaney, KS property has been submittedto Bureau <strong>of</strong> Indian Affairsto be placed in federal trust status.Our Historic Preservation Officeis housed on the campus <strong>of</strong> EmporiaState University and directedby Dr. Brice Obermeyer. We areserving as Executive Producerfor a documentary film about ourhistoric presence in Kansas duringthe 19th century.And just recently Tribal Councilmember Annette Ketchumand Dee Ketchum (<strong>Delaware</strong> EnterpriseAuthority) spoke withcity <strong>of</strong>ficials in Leavenworth, KSabout developing a presence inthat city. Leavenworth is the site<strong>of</strong> our former reservation from1830 to 1866. Moving the tribalgovernment headquarters to Kansaswould allow the tribe to fullyexercise its tribal sovereignty andgovernmental powers. Being outsidethe jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the CherokeeNation in Oklahoma and therestrictions in our Memorandum<strong>of</strong> Agreement will provide opportunitiesfor expanding economicdevelopment and servicesto our <strong>Delaware</strong> members. By nomeans will we forsake our considerableinvestment in Bartlesvilleand Chelsea, Oklahoma. We willmaintain a perpetual tribal governmentpresence in both placesas we expand our growth intoKansas.Rapid expansion and growthrequires planning and communication.Tribal leaders and staffhave been engaged in strategicplanning to identify the best wayto grow and move forward. As thefirst draft <strong>of</strong> the tribe’s strategicplan becomes available, we’ll askyou, the tribal members, for yourreview and comment. Your inputis valid and <strong>of</strong> great value to thisprocess.However, you may contact usat anytime with your thoughtsand opinions. You’ll find contactinformation for all elected leadersand staff on our tribal website,www.delawaretribe.org.■To Contact TribalLeaders and StaffThere is a tribal council, trustboard, tribal court, and staff directoryon the tribal web site at:www.delawaretribe.orgYou may also email the tribe attribe@delawaretribe.org oremail appropriate individuals attheir own email addresses (alsoon the web site).Please understand that your inputis important and is valued.

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