Download the booklet - Global Production Engineering - TU Berlin

Download the booklet - Global Production Engineering - TU Berlin

Download the booklet - Global Production Engineering - TU Berlin


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10Professor Seliger, you‘re <strong>the</strong> Dean and cofounderof <strong>the</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Production</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>(GPE) curriculum, created in 1997. Whatled you to found this course of study?In collaboration with <strong>the</strong> DAAD (DeutscherAkademischer Austauschdienst), we hit on<strong>the</strong> idea of encouraging more non-Europeanstudents to study in Germany. Our institutionis very well suited to that, since we have aplethora of accessory resources and offera first-class and internationally recognizedengineering education. We have made greatstrides and have around 1,000 applicants annually,of which we are able to accept about70 who meet all <strong>the</strong> requirements and bringall <strong>the</strong> essential qualifications with <strong>the</strong>m.What are some specifics you would emphasizein <strong>the</strong> organization of this curriculum?Every year, we conduct a thorough survey ofour students at every level so we can get intowhat changes are wanted in all <strong>the</strong> fields andthus continue to improve. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, weare redoubling our project-oriented effortsand have been able to significantly expand ourconnections to our industrial partners, so thatwe now have access to a considerable collaborationnetwork. And, of course, we place strongemphasis on <strong>the</strong> city of <strong>Berlin</strong> itself: Next tocurriculum, we focus on cultural development;we take our students to <strong>the</strong>aters andmuseums, we attend exhibits, conventions, andconcerts and celebrate <strong>the</strong> holidays toge<strong>the</strong>r.Thus, in addition to professional qualification,GPE focuses strongly on integrating ourstudents into our community. The „Manufacturing“track offered by GPE has foundstrong resonance in industry. What movedyou to introduce <strong>the</strong> „Solar“ major now?The solar industry, which has shown stronggrowth not just in <strong>Berlin</strong>-Brandenburg,but also throughout Germany, came to usand told us that <strong>the</strong>y needed academictechnicalleaders for <strong>the</strong>ir export markets,which already make up far more than 50%of <strong>the</strong>ir current business. So, we expandedour core competencies of engineering, leanengineering, management, and organizationof <strong>the</strong> value creation process by adding anillustrious network in <strong>the</strong> solar field, and nowoffer a major in „Solar.“ This network includes

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