33rd Ordinary UEFA Congress in Copenhagen 03 11 ... - UEFA.com

33rd Ordinary UEFA Congress in Copenhagen 03 11 ... - UEFA.com

33rd Ordinary UEFA Congress in Copenhagen 03 11 ... - UEFA.com

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SportsfileHungary ishost<strong>in</strong>g thef<strong>in</strong>al roundof theEuropeanFutsalChampionship.Getty ImagesSpa<strong>in</strong>’s XaviHernandezdonates acheque forEUR 100,000to the ICRC.Bongarts/Getty ImagesThe GermanFootballAssociationtakes a standaga<strong>in</strong>st racism.one else had managed to hold Zvezdaeven to a draw.In the f<strong>in</strong>al, Zvezda meetother <strong>UEFA</strong> Women’s Cup debutantes,FCR 2001 Duisburg. The Germanside only entered the <strong>com</strong>petition <strong>in</strong>the second qualify<strong>in</strong>g round, but theirrecord over seven matches is just asimpressive with six w<strong>in</strong>s and one draw.It was <strong>in</strong> the first leg of their semif<strong>in</strong>al<strong>in</strong> Lyon that Duisburg were heldto a draw (1-1), but they came backwith a 3-1 w<strong>in</strong> at home.The first leg of the f<strong>in</strong>al is<strong>in</strong> Russia on 16 May. The two teamsthen meet <strong>in</strong> Duisburg on 22 May.This is the last time the f<strong>in</strong>al will beplayed on a home and away basis –next season the <strong>com</strong>petition will havea new format, under the new nameof <strong>UEFA</strong> Women’s Champions League.European FutsalChampionship –First f<strong>in</strong>al round withtwelve teamsThe f<strong>in</strong>al round of the2009/10 European Futsal Championshiptakes place <strong>in</strong> Hungaryand, for the first time, there are12 f<strong>in</strong>alists.Hungary, who qualifyautomatically as hosts,found out who theywould be up aga<strong>in</strong>stwhen the qualify<strong>in</strong>gmatches were <strong>com</strong>pleted<strong>in</strong> mid-March. Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, Spa<strong>in</strong>,the Czech Republic, Italy, Belgium,Portugal and Russia won the qualify<strong>in</strong>gm<strong>in</strong>i-tournaments and will bejo<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Hungary by the best fourrunners-up, Belarus, Serbia, Azerbaijanand Slovenia.The f<strong>in</strong>al draw is be<strong>in</strong>g heldat the Kölcsey Convention Centre,Debrecen, on 24 September. The12 teams will be divided <strong>in</strong>to fourgroups. The f<strong>in</strong>al tournament takesplace from 19 to 30 January.Football and socialresponsibilityAccord<strong>in</strong>g to Senes Erzik, a<strong>UEFA</strong> vice-president and chairman ofthe Fair Play and Social ResponsibilityCommittee, “social responsibilitymust be written <strong>in</strong> <strong>UEFA</strong>’s DNA”.After the Unite Aga<strong>in</strong>stRacism conference <strong>in</strong>Warsaw <strong>in</strong> early March,<strong>UEFA</strong> has cont<strong>in</strong>uedpursu<strong>in</strong>g many activities<strong>in</strong> the field of social responsibility, oneof which was Earth Hour, organised bythe World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on28 March. This consisted <strong>in</strong> turn<strong>in</strong>g offall lights as a mark of awareness ofclimate change and the need to preservethe environment.Also, at the <strong>UEFA</strong> ChampionsLeague quarter-f<strong>in</strong>al betweenFC Barcelona and Olympique Lyonnaison 10 March, <strong>UEFA</strong> presented aEUR 100,000 cheque to Xavi Hernandez,capta<strong>in</strong> of the uefa.<strong>com</strong> users’ Team ofthe Year. Xavi donated the money tothe Score for the Red Cross campaign,launched at EURO 2008 <strong>in</strong> support ofthe International Committee of theRed Cross (ICRC) rehabilitation projectfor landm<strong>in</strong>e victims <strong>in</strong> Afghanistan.In addition, <strong>UEFA</strong> is onceaga<strong>in</strong> participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the annual SpecialOlympics Europe/Eurasia (SOEE) footballweek, which takes place from25 April to 3 May this year. A unifiedmatch between <strong>UEFA</strong> staff and SpecialOlympics players is be<strong>in</strong>g held on27 April <strong>in</strong> Nyon.Many of the member associationsalso have campaigns underway. In Belgium, for example, the“En un goal, de la rue à l’école” project(one goal, from street to school) hasbeen launched <strong>in</strong> favour of children<strong>in</strong> Africa; <strong>in</strong> Germany, the footballassociation showed racism the redcard <strong>in</strong> March; the Association ofEuropean Professional FootballLeagues (EPFL) organised a weekendaga<strong>in</strong>st hunger; and clubs are follow<strong>in</strong>gsuit, with FK Partizan of Belgrade,for example, br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g footballersand basketball players together to sayno to racism.Football, a ray of light <strong>in</strong> a cloud of gloom, as depicted by Dix,a cartoonist at the anti-racism conference <strong>in</strong> Warsaw.15

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