<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chThree <strong>UEFA</strong> honorarymembers attendedthe congress: (from left)Jean Fournet-Fayard,Gerhard Aignerand Lennart Johansson.Four new honorary membersOn the re<strong>com</strong>mendation of the Executive Committee, as presentedby the <strong>UEFA</strong> president, the <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> conferred the title of honorarymember on four former members of the <strong>UEFA</strong> Executive Committee.Per Omdal (Norway) was electedto the Executive Committee <strong>in</strong> 1992and held the office of vice-president from1996 to 2007. He did not stand forre-election this year. He also served as amember of the FIFA Executive Committeefrom 1992 to 2002.“My best memories,” he said,“are from the ten years when I led thework of the EEAB [East European Assis-IN BRIEF■ All 53 <strong>UEFA</strong> member associationswere represented at the <strong>33rd</strong> <strong>Ord<strong>in</strong>ary</strong><strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong>.■ In addition to ViacheslavKoloskov, Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder andPer Omdal, one other member of theExecutive Committee did not stand forre-election: Franco Carraro (Italy), whowas elected <strong>in</strong> 2004.■ For the first time, for the sakeof transparency, the ballot papers werecounted <strong>in</strong> the congress hall <strong>in</strong> view ofthe cameras, which showed the scrut<strong>in</strong>eersat work on the giant screen.■ Danny Jordaan, CEO of the2010 World Cup Organis<strong>in</strong>g Committee,made a presentation on how preparations<strong>in</strong> South Africa were progress<strong>in</strong>g.It was a timely presentation, giventhat the qualifiers resumed a coupleof days later.■ The FIFA <strong>Ord<strong>in</strong>ary</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> willtake place <strong>in</strong> Nassau <strong>in</strong> the Bahamason 2/3 June. On 1 June, <strong>UEFA</strong> memberassociations will hold a preparatorymeet<strong>in</strong>g.■ Tel Aviv will be the venue forthe 34th <strong>Ord<strong>in</strong>ary</strong> <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> on25 March 2010.<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chtance Bureau], which <strong>com</strong>prised tennational football associations thatemerged from the break-up of the USSR,plus Albania. The situation was verydifficult because we had to start fromscratch <strong>in</strong> every area, such as grassrootsfootball, TV contracts and transfers.Our jo<strong>in</strong>ts efforts were fruitful, whichwas really reward<strong>in</strong>g.”Viacheslav Koloskov (Russia)was elected to the <strong>UEFA</strong> Executive Committee<strong>in</strong> 1994 and was also on the FIFAExecutive Committee, which he servedas a vice-president from 1980 to 1996,then as a member from 1996 to 1998and from 2000 to 2009. At the <strong>UEFA</strong><strong>Congress</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Copenhagen</strong>, he stood downfrom both <strong>com</strong>mittees.“The right to represent Russiafor 15 years on the Executive Committee,”he said, “has been a greathonour. Dur<strong>in</strong>g that time, I had the goodfortune to work under the presidencyof some outstand<strong>in</strong>g personalities:Jacques Georges, Lennart Johanssonand Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i.“I believe that <strong>UEFA</strong>’s decisionto hold a <strong>UEFA</strong> Champions League f<strong>in</strong>aland a <strong>UEFA</strong>Cup f<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>Moscow was asign of its trust<strong>in</strong> the RussianFootball Union.And I hopethat Russialived up to theexpectations.“Overthe years, I haveworked on different <strong>com</strong>mittees, <strong>in</strong>close cooperation with <strong>UEFA</strong> directors,and I would like to express my deepgratitude to them for the professionalismand loyalty that I have alwaysenjoyed.“My term of office as a <strong>UEFA</strong>Executive Committee member has expired,but my life <strong>in</strong> football will go on.”<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chGiangiorgio Spiess (Switzerland)was elected as a member of the <strong>UEFA</strong>Executive Committee <strong>in</strong> 1994 and servedthree terms, up to 2007. He was then aco-opted member until last June.“Myfondest memoriesof my timeon the ExecutiveCommittee are,without anydoubt, of see<strong>in</strong>gchildren hav<strong>in</strong>g alovely time play<strong>in</strong>g football at the m<strong>in</strong>ipitch<strong>in</strong>augurations I attended.”Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder(Germany) jo<strong>in</strong>ed the <strong>UEFA</strong> ExecutiveCommittee <strong>in</strong> 2000 and f<strong>in</strong>ished hissecond term this year. He served as a vicepresidentfrom 2007. He has also servedtwo separate terms on the FIFA ExecutiveCommittee, from 1992 to 1998 andfrom 2002 to 2006.“The years I spent on the ExecutiveCommittee were a very positive experience:we shared our views <strong>in</strong> opendiscussions. Worthy of mention is the factthat follow<strong>in</strong>g the election of MichelPlat<strong>in</strong>i as <strong>UEFA</strong> president, relations withFIFA improved and we are now on thesame wavelength.”■ Up to the congress <strong>in</strong> <strong>Copenhagen</strong>,there were 15 <strong>UEFA</strong> honorarymembers, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g two honorary presidents,Jacques Georges † and LennartJohansson, together with GerhardAigner, Hans Bangerter, Sandor Barcs,Egidius Braun, Des Casey, Jos. Coler †,José Crahay †, Jean Fournet-Fayard,Artemio Franchi †, Sir Bert Millichip †,Sir Stanley Rous †, Nikolay Ryashentsev †and Lucien Schmidl<strong>in</strong> †.<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.ch<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.ch06 uefadirect 5.09
Amicale desanciens and Orderof MeritAmong the guests at thecongress <strong>in</strong> <strong>Copenhagen</strong> were manymembers of the Amicale des anciens(circle of former <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>com</strong>mitteemembers). Members have to haveserved on <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>com</strong>mittees for atleast 12 years and no longer be <strong>in</strong>active service.In <strong>Copenhagen</strong>, seven <strong>com</strong>mitteemembers were honoured forhav<strong>in</strong>g achieved 12 years of serviceon <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>com</strong>mittees:■ Jim Boyce (Northern Ireland),David Coll<strong>in</strong>s (Wales), Jacques Liénard(France), Michal Listkiewicz (Poland),Vlatko Markovic (Croatia), Volker Roth(Germany) and Rudolf Zavrl (Slovenia).On the awards side, the <strong>UEFA</strong>Order of Merit was conferred on:■ Leszek Rylski (Poland) andVictor Ponedelnik (Russia) – Order ofMerit <strong>in</strong> ruby■ Nodar Akhalkatsi Sr (Georgia,posthumously), Eddie Barry (NorthernIreland), Eduard Malofeev (Belarus),Ante Pavlovic (Croatia) and Sir BobbyRobson (England) – Order of Merit<strong>in</strong> emerald.Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i presents an Order of Merit<strong>in</strong> ruby to Leszek Rylski, member ofthe <strong>UEFA</strong> Executive Committee from 1956to 1964 and from 1966 to 1968.<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.ch<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chSeven new faces on theExecutive CommitteeAs a result of the four members retir<strong>in</strong>g, the death ofMathieu Sprengers and the <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> membership from 14to 16, the <strong>UEFA</strong> Executive Committee was set for a significant<strong>in</strong>jection of new blood.There were 12 candidates for the 9 seats available and ittook only one ballot for eight of them to achieve an absolutemajority (27 votes or more):Marios Lefkaritis (Cyprus, stand<strong>in</strong>g for re-election),50 votesTheo Zwanziger (Germany), 47 votesGiancarlo Abete (Italy), 45 votesGeoffrey Thompson (England, stand<strong>in</strong>g for re-election),43 votesAllan Hansen (Denmark), 40 votes,Frantisek Laur<strong>in</strong>ec (Slovakia), 36 votesMichael van Praag (Netherlands), 34 votesAbraham Luzon (Israel), 28 votesIn the second ballot, requir<strong>in</strong>g only a simple majority,Liutauras Varanavicius (Lithuania) received 22 votes, aheadof the three other candidates, Nodar Akhalkatsi (Georgia),Peter Rees (Wales) and Tomás Gea (Andorra).The first eight are elected for four-year terms and then<strong>in</strong>th for two years.Shortly after the congress, the new <strong>UEFA</strong> ExecutiveCommittee held a brief constitutive meet<strong>in</strong>g, the out<strong>com</strong>eof which was as follows:President: Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i; first vice-president: Senes Erzik;second vice-president: Geoffrey Thompson; third vicepresident:Angel María Villar Llona; fourth vice-president:Marios N. Lefkaritis; fifth vice-president: Joseph Mifsud.Members: Giancarlo Abete, Allan Hansen, Frantisek Laur<strong>in</strong>ec,Abraham Luzon, Gilberto Madaíl, Mircea Sandu, GrigoriySurkis, Liutauras Varanavicius, Michael van Praag and TheoZwanziger.FIFA Executive CommitteeThe <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> delegates also had to elect four Europeanmembers of the FIFA Executive Committee. Three ofthe outgo<strong>in</strong>g members were stand<strong>in</strong>g for re-election:Michel D’Hooghe (Belgium), Senes Erzik (Turkey) andMarios N. Lefkaritis (Cyprus).Viacheslav Koloskov (Russia) had decided not to standfor re-election and his <strong>com</strong>patriot Vitaly Mutko was the onlyother candidate.The congress therefore elected the four candidates byacclamation, each for four-year terms.<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chMarios LefkaritisTheo ZwanzigerGiancarlo AbeteGeoffrey ThompsonAllan HansenFrantisek Laur<strong>in</strong>ecMichael van PraagAbraham LuzonMoeller/Bongarts/Getty Images <strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chSportsfile<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.ch<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chSportsfile IFA<strong>UEFA</strong>-pjwoods.chSportsfileLiutauras Varanavicius07