Photo by Sylwia Szumielewicz - Tobiasz - Gdynia

Photo by Sylwia Szumielewicz - Tobiasz - Gdynia

Photo by Sylwia Szumielewicz - Tobiasz - Gdynia

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Renovation of Maritime Station Building startedMARBUD construction company has just started renovating the building of Maritime Station and Transit Warehouse.It will be converted into a Museum of Emigration.Historical photo of the Maritime Station/ Press Releases Museum of <strong>Gdynia</strong>The historic building with a space of over6,000 square metres (2,500 of MartimeStation and 3,600 of Transit Warehouse)will regain its original, pre-war appearancein summer 2014, and <strong>Gdynia</strong>’s waterfrontcan boast an icon of Modernistarchitecture.The Museum of Emigration will open inlate 2014 or early 2015. The building waserected in 1933. Apart from handlingpassengers, it served as a centre of thewhole emigration infrastructure thatexisted in and around <strong>Gdynia</strong>. On April24, 1990, it was classified as a historicbuilding.All the works are performed in line with the conservator’s guidelines and design documentation made <strong>by</strong> ae fusionstudio company from Cracow.The investor is <strong>Gdynia</strong> Municipality. The total cost of the Museum of Emigration project amounts to PLN 49.3 million,including the co-financing from the EU initiative JESSICA.Visualisation of Museum of Emigration

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