Photo by Sylwia Szumielewicz - Tobiasz - Gdynia

Photo by Sylwia Szumielewicz - Tobiasz - Gdynia

Photo by Sylwia Szumielewicz - Tobiasz - Gdynia

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The “<strong>Gdynia</strong>” Arena like the Royal Albert Hall in London“Great acoustics”, wrote Maryla Rodowicz in the visitor’s book after her concert in the “<strong>Gdynia</strong>” Sports and EntertainmentArena. And being the queen of Polish pop music, she knows what she is talking about. Favourableopinions expressed <strong>by</strong> performers and sound crews are confirmed <strong>by</strong> the results of the so-called sound rider,carried out <strong>by</strong> experts from the Wrocław Pracownia Akustyczna.<strong>Photo</strong> <strong>by</strong> Multimedia ProductionsSound first, white lilies afterwardsIt is commonly known that artists often have specificwhims like vases full of white lilies only or a dressing roomfull of cuddly toys. However, the most important thingboth for artists and agencies selecting concert venues istechnical conditions, i.e. sound and lighting. These aredetermined <strong>by</strong> the sound rider. The document provides allthe necessary information, therefore you do not have tovisit a concert venue to know whether it meets the requirementsand what equipment it has.The sound is excellent!The experts from Pracownia Akustyczna were impressed<strong>by</strong> the Arena. Acoustic properties meet not only the requirementsof entertainment arenas, but those of concerthalls as well. The Arena conditions are suitable for organizingany sports event or concert. Speech transmission isso good that fans have no problems with understandingwhat the announcer says during sports games and matches.All these facilities make the <strong>Gdynia</strong> Arena one of the bestentertainment venues in Poland as far as acoustics isconcerned. Pracownia Akustyczna experts say it is comparableto Madison Square Garden in New York or the RoyalAlbert Hall in London.How they sang…Singers and musicians performing in the Arena knowabout it. More than 100 events a year are held there, and aproportion of concerts is growing. In 2012, the performersincluded stars like Nigel Kennedy, Buena Vista Social Clubwith its legendary vocalist Omara Portuondo, Diana Krall,Seal, but also Moscow City Ballet, which is a rarity at thiskind of venues. This year, we have had an opportunity toadmire Gregorian Band, Chris Botti and French singer Imany.In May, audiences enjoyed a jaunty Irish show “Lord ofthe Dance”.Like in New York or LondonPracownia Akustyczna experts also noticed a state-ofthe-artsystem of roller-blinds and backstage facilitieswhich makes it possible to “optically reduce the size” ofthe Arena interior to adjust it to the character of the event.The space can be arranged for any event like basketballor volleyball matches, a boxing gala, film shows, theatricalperformances, fairs, conferences or fashion shows.<strong>Photo</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Sylwia</strong> <strong>Szumielewicz</strong>-<strong>Tobiasz</strong>9

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