the New Caledonia Abore Reef - ENPC
the New Caledonia Abore Reef - ENPC
the New Caledonia Abore Reef - ENPC
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A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve caseM. De Lara: <strong>ENPC</strong>, CermicsL. Doyen: CNRS - MNHNJ. Ferraris: IRD, UR CoReUsD. Pelletier: IFREMER, EMHA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 1
To begin with. . .A quite honest talkon<strong>the</strong> multiple difficulties of a multidisciplinary workwith multiple contributors, multiple species,multiple objectives!ora MISSION IMPOSSIBLE fromA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 2
to. . .////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DATA AND PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION// CORAL////////////////////////////////////////////////////cor_max=0.8;// maximum covering = 80 %cor_min=0.05;// minimal covering = 5 %// R_c tested from 1.001 to 1.01 by dichotomyR_c=1.002;K_c = cor_max * R_c / (R_c -1) ;function Xp=logistic(t,X)Xp= X .* (R_c * (1 - X/K_c) );// on force les Densités à être positivesendfunctiontime=0:(9*365);A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 3
Scientific contextAppel à propositions de recherche biodiversité etchangement globalInstitut français de la biodiversitéMinistère de l’Ecologie et du Développement durableAccepted project (2004):Modèles pour une gestion durable de labiodiversité sous incertitude et dynamique globalesA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 4
Problem statement• Protected area: a relevant tool for sustainablemanagement of renewable resource?• What is a protected area (PA) effect?- on stocks?- on catches?• Which sustainable management through PA?• Size• PlacementA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 5
Modelling requirements• The context:• Population dynamics: nonlinearity,complexity, age-structured, spatial• Decision : size and location of <strong>the</strong> PA• Uncertainties: catches, stocks, processes, etc.• The issues:• Multi-criteria• Ecology: conservation• Economy: fishing income• Intergenerational equity: both short and longterm horizonA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 6
PLAN1. The <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Caledonia</strong>2. A dynamic state model3. The difficulties of parameter estimation from data4. Measuring <strong>the</strong> reserve effect by stochasticviability5. Simulations (skipped because not yet discussedwith biologists)6. DiscussionA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 7
Some facts and figuresAssessment of <strong>the</strong> Impact of Removing MarineReserve Status on Demersal and Benthic FishCommunities : a Comprehensive ApproachJ. Ferraris (1), D. Pelletier (2), M. Kulbicki (1),C. Chauvet (3)(1) Unité de Recherche CoRéUs, IRD, Nouméa,Nouvelle-Calédonie(2) Laboratoire MAERHA, IFREMER, Nantes,France(3) Laboratoire LERVEM, Université, Nouméa,Nouvelle-CalédonieA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 8
The Noumea lagoon, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Caledonia</strong>The Noumea lagoon, located in South-Western <strong>New</strong><strong>Caledonia</strong>, South Pacific (Figure 1) is a large coralreef ecosystem where several marine reserves wereestablished in <strong>the</strong> 1980’s in view of protecting <strong>the</strong>coral reef ecosystem from damage due to fishing ando<strong>the</strong>r human activities.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 9
The <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserveThe <strong>Abore</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> reserve is located on a 25 km longbarrier reef representing an area of ca. 15 000 ha.Fishing was banned from <strong>the</strong> whole reef from 1990 to1993, and allowed again on 2/3 of <strong>the</strong> reef fromAugust 1993 for a fishing experiment in <strong>the</strong>perspective of adaptive management.This opening was monitored by <strong>the</strong> Natural ResourceDepartment of <strong>the</strong> South Province and by LERVEM(<strong>New</strong> <strong>Caledonia</strong> University)A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 10
Expected reserve effectsThe main effects expected from <strong>the</strong> establishment ofreserves are• increased abundances and biomasses ofspawning stocks and recruitment inside <strong>the</strong>protected area and in surrounding areas throughspillover• rebuilding of ecosystems through protection ofhabitat from fishing gearsA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 11
A strong fishing pressureIn <strong>the</strong> Pacific islands, <strong>the</strong> reef and lagoon subsistencefisheries represent about 80 % of total coastal catch.Right after <strong>the</strong> reserve opening in August 1993:• <strong>the</strong> number of boats and fish yield during <strong>the</strong>2 weeks after <strong>the</strong> opening reached <strong>the</strong> levelspreviously observed for a whole year;• monitoring of fishing effort and catch ratesshowed that, in <strong>the</strong> open area, benefits from <strong>the</strong>1990-1993 closure were dissipated within a fewweeks.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 12
Fishing experimentThe whole reef was finally closed to fishing fromAugust 1995.In 1995, 2/3 of <strong>the</strong> reef had been closed for 3 years(1990-1993) and fished for 2 years (1993-1995),while <strong>the</strong> remaining had been permanently closedduring <strong>the</strong> 5 years (1990-1995).The area open to fishing from August 1993 is <strong>the</strong>impact area (area B in Figure 2), while <strong>the</strong> referencearea has been permanently closed (area A in Figure 2).A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 13
Survey / Before After Control Impact designA survey was conducted in July 1993 and July 1995,respectively right before <strong>the</strong> opening and before <strong>the</strong>final closure.A scientific evaluation of how reserve is likely toaffect fish community, e.g. increased densities, largerfish, modified interspecific relationships.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 14
A glimpse at complexity and uncertaintyThe experimental design rests on a stratification of <strong>the</strong>reef into three morphological zones : reef flat, innerslope and lagoon (Figure 2), delineated on aerialphotographs.The structure and functioning of communities areoften poorly known, in particular because coral reefecosystems exhibit a very high diversity of fishspecies, generally linked with live coral cover.For demersal and benthic species, spatial distributionsof populations mostly depend on habitat preferences.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 15
A glimpse at biodiversity: species richnessA total of 374 species were identified during <strong>the</strong>survey. As a consequence of <strong>the</strong> high diversity of <strong>the</strong>reef community, <strong>the</strong> number of species observed at agiven transect often exceeded 100, most species beingencountered only at a few stations.The criteria used for partitioning <strong>the</strong> fish communityinto species groups were mobility, taxonomy andfeeding habits.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 16
Four groups of species defined for mobility• territorial species living in a very restricted range(usually less than 10 m 2 );• sedentary species with a restricted range betweenten and a few hundred square meters;• weakly mobile species not restricted to a specificrange(up to several thousands m 2 );• highly mobile species usually foraging over verylarge areas; <strong>the</strong>y are not restricted to a given reef overa short period of time.These categories form a continuum, and some specieswere difficult to assign to a given category.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 17
Feeding habits / dietSpecies at a high trophic level were generally thosetargeted by fishermen, and were thus likely to besensitive to <strong>the</strong> reserve status.Feeding habits were expressed in percentage of foodtypes in diet. Food types were categorized as nekton,macroinvertebrates, macroalgae, microinvertebrates,microalgae, zooplankton, o<strong>the</strong>r plankton, coral anddetritus.The analysis of species diets yielded 7 clusters, eachcluster forming a trophic group (Table 2). Note that ineach group, <strong>the</strong> mean diet included several food items.Groups were named on <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong>ir mean dietcomposition.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 19
DensitiesTotal fish density per transect ranged between 0.95and 114 individuals/m 2 , with a mean of 7.6 ind/m 2 .The largest densities observed occurred at one or twostations with large concentrations of Clupeidae. Whenthis family was excluded from computations, totaldensity per transect over <strong>the</strong> two years dropped to 2.9ind/m 2 , with a mean of 4.0 ind/m 2 in1993 and1.7 ind/m 2 in 1995.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 20
A brief summary• Area: 15 000 ha• Biodiversity: some 374 species ; 41 families ;7 trophic groups ; few functional groups but a lot ofspecies within each group• Catch pressure: very strong ; <strong>the</strong> biomass surplusaccumulated in 3 years (from 1990 to 1993) has beenfished in. . . 15 days• A climatic impact on coral: <strong>the</strong> coral is a refugefor (small) fishes ; affected by cyclones destructions• Issues:- Is <strong>the</strong>re a reserve effect?- How does climate change modify <strong>the</strong> previousassertions?A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 21
A DYNAMIC STATE MODELA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 22
Highly delicate modelling options• Restriction to . . . 4 trophic groups + habitat• One “typical” species is selected within eachgroupThese basic options lead to very difficultdiscussions between marine biologists andma<strong>the</strong>maticiansA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 23
State: densities• Coral/Habitat x 0 (t): percentage of covering;• Piscivors x 1 (t): predators of fishes, target offishermen (length 77 cm on average);• Macrocarnivores x 2 (t): predators ofmacroinvertebrates and of a few fishes (length38 cm on average);• Herbivors x 3 (t): some are targets of fishermen(length from 24 to 39 cm);• O<strong>the</strong>r fishes (small) x 4 (t): sedentary andterritorial organisms, microcarnivores (17 cm),coralivores (16 cm), zooplanctonophages(13 cm);A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 24
“Typical” species: a highly delicate choice. . .• big grouper• small grouper• parrot fish• damsel fishA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 25
A logistic habitat covering growth model(x 0 (t + 1) = x 0 (t)(R 0 1 − x ) )0(t)K 0The time unit ∆t = 1 is to be fixed later.• R 0 is <strong>the</strong> intrinsic growth rate (for low covering).• K 0 is related to <strong>the</strong> so called carrying capacity x ♯ 0solution of1 = R 0(1 − x♯ 0K 0)Cyclonic events occur randomly with probability p atevery time step and bring <strong>the</strong> coral covering to 30 %of its last value.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 26
A Lotka-Volterra modelx 1 (t + 1) = x 1 (t) R 1 + α 1 2`x0 (t)´(E1 1 − 1)x 1(t) + E2 1α1 2 (x 0(t))x 2 (t) + · · · + E4 1α1 4 (x 0(t))x 4 (!x 2 (t + 1) = x 2 (t) R 2 − α 1 2 (x 0(t))x 1 (t) + α 2 2 (x 0(t))(E 2 2 − 1)x 2(t) + · · · + E 2 4 α2 4 (x 0(t))x 4 (t).x 4 (t + 1) = x 4 (t) R 4 − α 1 4 (x 0(t))x 1 (t) − α 2 4 (x 0(t))x 2 (t) − · · · + α 4 4 (x 0(t))(E 4 4 − 1)x 4(t)!.The time unit ∆t = 1 is to be fixed later.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 27
Details for trophic group 2x 2 (t + 1)x 2 (t)= R 2 intrinsic growth rate− α 1 2(x 0 (t))x 1 (t)predator 1’s catches rate− α 2 2(x 0 (t))x 2 (t)predator 2’s catches rate+ E 2 2α 2 2(x 0 (t))x 2 (t) conversion of predator 2’scatches rate of prey 2.+ E 2 4α 2 4(x 0 (t))x 4 (t) conversion of predator 2’scatches rate of prey 4A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 28
• Intrinsic growth rate R k includes mortality andrecruitment of trophic group k due to externaltrophic groups.• α i j (x 0)x i is <strong>the</strong> proportion of prey j captured byx i predators i in one time unit. It depends oncoral covering through a refuge mechanism:• E i jα i j(x 0 ) = γ(x 0 )̂α i j = e (β−λx 0)̂α i jstands for <strong>the</strong> conversion factor of one unit ofprey j density into growth of predator i.• The matrices α and E are upper triangular.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 29
To summarize <strong>the</strong> dynamics of <strong>the</strong> trophic groups,except <strong>the</strong> coral, we write in a matrix formx k (t+1) = x k (t)(R k + ˜S(x 0 (t))x(t)) k , k = 1, . . . , N ,with⎛⎞˜S =⎜⎝α 1 1E 1 1 − α 1 1 α 1 2E 1 2 · · · α 1 4E 1 4−α 1 2 α 2 2E 2 2 − α 2 2 · · · α 2 4E 2 4...⎟⎠−α 1 4 −α 2 4 · · · α 4 4E 4 4 − α 4 4A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 30
THE DIFFICULTIES OFPARAMETER ESTIMATION FROM DATAA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 31
The coral datax 0 (t+1) =⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩( )x 0 (t)(R ) 0 1 − x 0(t)K 0prob. (1 − p)0.3 × x 0 (t) prob. pWe identify <strong>the</strong> maximal value of 80 % with <strong>the</strong>def= R 0−1carrying capacity x ♯ 0 R 0K 0 = 0.8.After a cyclonic event, <strong>the</strong> coral grows by 10 % a yearbut not linearly: it takes 8 to 10 years to reach <strong>the</strong>initial covering.Probability occurence p corresponds to 1 cycloneevery 5 to 6 years.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 32
The case of coralSimulations give R 0 = 1.002 for ∆t = 1 day.Coral growth over 9 years with R_0=1.002 and K_0=400. 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 33
Characteristic figures of <strong>the</strong> organismsThe diet composition Stom i j is <strong>the</strong> proportion ofprey j in <strong>the</strong> stomach of predator i:Stom i j =biomass of prey jtotal biomass of preys in stomach ofiThe matrix Stom is upper triangular.Theoretically, all lines sum up to 1 in <strong>the</strong> matrix Stom( ∑ preys j Stomi j = 1) but, as <strong>the</strong> predators do not onlyeat organisms mentioned in this model, <strong>the</strong> sums oflines may be less than 1.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 34
Characteristic figures of <strong>the</strong> organismsThe stomachal capacity B k is <strong>the</strong> maximum biomassthat <strong>the</strong> stomach of <strong>the</strong> organism k can contain: wesuppose that it represents 30 % of <strong>the</strong> organism mass.The average mass W k of <strong>the</strong> organism k is supposedto be given byW = (0.5 0.5 0.7 0.1) kgwith typical speciesbig groupersmall grouperparrot fishdamsel fishA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 35
Field data: abundances, densitiesIn 1995, outside <strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reserve, hence underfishing pressure, <strong>the</strong> mean data were (except for coral)(x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 ) = (0.04 0.48 1.17 0.49) ind/m 2In <strong>the</strong> sequel, we shall assume that this vectorrepresents densities at equilibrium, denoted by(x ⋆ 1 x ⋆ 2 x ⋆ 3 x ⋆ 4).Problem of coherency because data should not beunder fishing pressure. This is a consequence offrequent changes in modelling options.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 36
Diet composition estimationThe diet composition is evaluated to be Stom =! 0.01 0.17 0.41 0.17 !! 0. 0.02 0.05 0.02 !! 0. 0. 0. 0. !! 0. 0. 0. 0. !The lines should sum up to 1, but <strong>the</strong> predators eato<strong>the</strong>r organisms like invertebrates, zooplankton,algae, etc.Line 2: macrocarnivores eat mostly invertebratesLines 3: herbivors eat mostly algaeLines 4: o<strong>the</strong>r fishes (small) eat mostly zooplanktonor coralA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 37
Piscivors and macrocarnivors eat fish. . . but <strong>the</strong> groupis unknown, so that <strong>the</strong> above matrix is <strong>the</strong> fruit ofdifferent assumptions:• piscivors’ diet is composed of 77 % fish, of allspecies, especially small ones, with canibalism• macrocarnivors’ diet is composed of 10 % fish,<strong>the</strong> rest being mostly invertebrates• <strong>the</strong> proportions of diet composition by group issupposed to be <strong>the</strong> ambient proportions (perfectmixing and “opportunistic” behaviourassumptions)A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 38
A "stomachal cycle"Suppose that <strong>the</strong> densities x ⋆ j are at equilibrium.During a "stomachal cycle", we have1. Stom i j: proportion of biomass of prey j in <strong>the</strong>stomach of predator i.2. Stom i j × B i : biomass of prey j in <strong>the</strong> stomach ofpredator i. (should be a volume times a volumic mass)3. Stom i j × B i × x ⋆ i : biomass of preys j in x⋆ istomachs of predator i.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 39
Identification of α i jDuring a time unit, we have1. α i j x⋆ j x⋆ i : number of preys j caught by x⋆ ipredators i;2. α i j x⋆ j x⋆ i × W j: biomass of preys j in x ⋆ i stomachsof predator i.If <strong>the</strong> time unit coincides with one "stomachal cycle":Stom i jB i x ⋆ i = α i jx ⋆ jx ⋆ i W j⇐⇒ α i j = 1 x ⋆ jStom i jB iW j∆t = 1 dayA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 40
Identification of α! 0.106 0.106 0.076 0.53 !! 0. 0.014 0.01 0.069 !! 0. 0. 0. 0. !! 0. 0. 0. 0. !A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 41
Identification of conversion factors E i jE i j =number of individuals i producednumber of idividuals j consumed .Figures in <strong>the</strong> litterature (Arias Gonzales) indicate thatẼ i j =biomass i producedbiomass j consumed ≤ 0.3with values of 0.12, 0.13 for piscivores andmacrocarnivores, whatever <strong>the</strong> prey:Ẽ i j = 0.125 , j = 1, 2 , i = 1, . . . , 4 .A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 42
We deduce thatẼ i j = number of individuals i produced × W inumber of individuals j consumed × W jand thusE i j = Ẽi j × W jW i≈ 0.125 W jW i=! 0.125 0.125 0.175 0.025 !! 0. 0.125 0.175 0.025 !! 0. 0. 0. 0. !! 0. 0. 0. 0. !A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 43
Identification of ˜S˜S =⎛⎜⎝α1E 1 1 1 − α1 1 α2E 1 2 1 α3E 1 3 1 α4E 1 41−α2 1 α2E 2 2 2 − α2 2 α3E 2 3 2 α4E 2 42−α3 1 −α3 2 0 0−α4 1 −α4 2 0 0⎞⎟⎠ =! - 0.093 0.013 0.013 0.013 !! - 0.106 - 0.012 0.002 0.002 !! - 0.076 - 0.01 0. 0. !! - 0.53 - 0.069 0. 0. !A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 44
Identification of growth ratesBy writing that <strong>the</strong> densities x ⋆ i are at equilibrium, weobtain <strong>the</strong> intrinsic growth ratesR i = 1 −! 0.975 !! 1.007 !! 1.008 !! 1.054 !4∑j=1˜S j i x⋆ j , i = 1, . . . , 4A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 45
Trajectories (1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000Piscivor x1(t)Carnivor x2(t)Herbivor x3(t)O<strong>the</strong>rs x4(t)Coral x5(t)A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 46
Trajectories (2) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000Piscivor x1(t)Carnivor x2(t)Herbivor x3(t)O<strong>the</strong>rs x4(t)Coral x5(t)A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 47
A MATHEMATICAL MEASURE OF THEPROTECTED AREA EFFECTA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 48
Catches• Catches on <strong>the</strong> piscivors x 1 (t), macrocarnivorsx 2 (t) and herbivors x 3 (t):C i = e i x i with e 4 = 0• Uncertainty scenarios for exploitation ratese i (ω(t)) ∈ [ e i − σ i , e i + σ i ] ⊂ [0, 1]A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 49
Exploited dynamicsx 0 (t + 1) = (1 −+ θ(ω(t))} {{ }θ=1: cyclone.θ=0: no cyclone.{ }} {θ(ω(t)))x 0 (t)0.3 × x 0 (t)} {{ }30 %reduction)x i (t) = x e i(R (t) + S(x 0 (t), ω(t))x e (t)x e i (t + 1) = x i(t)(1 − e i (ω(t)))logistic{ }} {( (R 0 1 − x ) )0(t)K 0catchesiA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 50
Exploited dynamics with reserve• Model not spatially explicit:scalar 1 − A measures <strong>the</strong> size of protected areaPA(A = 0: full reserve; A = 1: no reserve)• A fixed proportion A ∈ [0, 1] is open toharvesting so that catches are given byC i (t) = e i (ω(t))Ax i (t)• Exploited dynamics with a protected area:idem but x e → x A andx A i (t + 1) = x i (t)(1 − Ae i (ω(t))) , i = 1, . . . , 4A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 51
Sources of uncertaintiesScenarios ω(0), ω(1), . . . comprise uncertainties from• cyclonic events impacting coral:• catch effort:θ(ω(t)) ∼ Bernoulli (1, p)e i (ω(t)) ∼ Uniform [ e i − σ i , e i + σ i ]Assuming statistical independence, this gives aprobability P on scenarios ω ∈ ΩA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 52
Catches economic value• Utility function of catches:()U C 1 (t), C 2 (t), C 3 (t)• Substitutable and essential factors:U(c 1 , c 2 , c 3 ) = c 0.51 × c 0.52 × c 0.53A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 53
Stochastic intertemporal decision• Optimal discounted[ (utility approach:)]∑Tmax A E ω t=0 ρt U C 1 (t), C 2 (t), C 3 (t).• Maximin approach:max A E ω[min t=0,...,T U()]C 1 (t), C 2 (t), C 3 (t)• Viability and effectiveness approaches:.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 54
Conservation requirements: existence values• Implicit Conservation with viability:U(x(t)) ≥ U(C(t)) ≥ U ♭=⇒x 1 (t) > 0, x 2 (t) > 0, x 3 (t) > 0• Explicit conservation:x 3 (t) ≥ x 3,♭A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 55
A stochastic effectiveness analysisAn indicator of sustainability at confidence levelβ ∈ [0, 1] is <strong>the</strong> sustainable kernel Sust β (A) def{( ( )=)x(0)∣ P ω U C 1 (t), C 2 (t) ≥ U ♭ for all times≥ β}.It consists of initial states x(0) = (x 0 (0), . . . , x 4 (0))such that <strong>the</strong> probability that a random trajectorystarting from x(0) provides a utility from catchesgreater than U ♭ is at least β.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 56
Global reserve effect definitionA particular case is <strong>the</strong> robust kernel Sust 1 = Sust:whatever <strong>the</strong> scenarios, a minimal utility U ♭ isensured.We say that global reserve effect holds if <strong>the</strong>re existsA < 1 such that Sust β (1) Sust β (A)(Global reserve effect holds true if <strong>the</strong> kernel isenlarged when fishing is restricted)A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 57
Optimal sustainable reserve sizeGiven an initial condition x = x(0):• Maximal guaranteed use values is, for sizeA ∈ [0, 1]:U♭ ⋆ def(A, x, β) = max(U ♭ , x ∈ Sust β (A))The largest utility which can be ensured withprobability β.• Optimal reserve size isA ⋆ β(x) def= arg max U ♭ ⋆ (A, x, β)A∈[0,1]The corresponding reserve sizeA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 58
A reserve effect measure• Reserve effect index:PAI β (x) def= U♭ ⋆(A⋆ β (x), x) − U ♭ ⋆ (1, x)Compares difference of utility witout and with(optimal) reserve• Definition: reserve effect holds true for state x ifPAI β (x) > 0A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 59
Contribution values• Contribution of trophic group i:compare <strong>the</strong> sustainability kernel Sust in twocases1. Sust i without i, namely x i (t) ≡ 02. Sust with i, namely any x i (t) > 0• Contribution index: <strong>the</strong> differenceI idef= Sust\Sust i• A particular case: Sust i = ∅A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 60
CONCLUSIONSA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 61
Conclusion• Methodology: invariance, co-viability- The role of constraints- Multi-criteria: conservation and efficiency- Intergenerational equity• Reserve problem:- Formalization of reserve effect• Aboré reserve: a model- with calibrated trophic interactions- account for <strong>the</strong> climatic change through coralA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 62
Perspectives• Robustness with respect to parameter changes• Indicator of refuge function of coral• Spatially explicit• Biodiversity measures• Non cooperative harvesting agents• Age structureA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 63
To end with. . .NEVER PREPARE A TALK FOR A CONFERENCEIN SEPTEMBERAT THE OTHER END OF THE WORLDWHEN YOUR SCIENTIFIC PARTNERSARE IN AUGUST VACATIONS!A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 64
Contribution value for herbivorsIf herbivors x 3 collapse, <strong>the</strong> whole ecosystem candisappear?Conjecture 1 If x 3 = 0, <strong>the</strong> sustainability kernel isempty: Sust 3 (A) = ∅=⇒ Strong contribution value of x 3I 3 = Sust\Sust 3 = SustA ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 65
A co-viability analysis without global changes• Assumption 1: No damage for coral: p = 0. Coralat equilibrium 80%• Assumption 2: Robust approach: Confident rateβ = 1• A reserve effect with moderate harvesting:Conjecture 2 There exists a fishing effort thresholde ♯ such that• For any e ∈]0; e ♯ ], a PA effect.• For any e > e ♯ , no PA effect.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 66
MPAEI(e)MPA Index0.00240.00200.00160.00120.00080.00040.00000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9eFigure 4: Reserve Effect Index PAI(u) at x(0) =(0.26; 1.7; 6.84; 0.8). Uncertainty σ = 5%.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 67
A reserve effect with moderate harvestingGuaranteed utility of captures U*(A)Guaranteed utility of captures for e=10%0.00140.00120.00100.00080.00060.00040.00020.0000Harvesting size A0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0(a) Guaranteed utility of captures U ⋆ ♭ (A)Figure 5: A reserve effect at x(0) =A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 68(0.26; 1.7; 6.84; 0.8) for e = 10%. Uncertainty
A reserve effect with moderate harvestingX(t)Densities Trajectories for MPA=0%and e=10%X(t)Densities paths for maximal MPA=94%and e=10%14812710658463422100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Piscivor x1(t)Coral x4(t)Carnivor x2(t)Herbivor x3(t)t00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Piscivor x1(t)Coral x4(t)Carnivor x2(t)Herbivor x3(t)t(a) x(t) without reserve MPA=0%(b) x(t) with optimal MPA = 94%Figure 6: A reserve effect at x(0) =A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 69
No reserve effect for large exploitation ratesGuaranteed utility of captures U*(A)Guaranteed utility of captures for e=80%2.4e-0052.0e-0051.6e-0051.2e-0058.0e-0064.0e-0060.0e+000Harvesting size A0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0(a) Guaranteed utility of captures U ⋆ ♭ (A)Figure 7: No reserve effect at x 0 =A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 70(0.26; 1.7; 6.84; 0.8) for a large exploitation e = 80%.
No reserve effect for large exploitation rateX(t)Densities Trajectories for MPA=0%and e=80%X(t)Densities paths for maximal MPA=98%and e=80%90098008700760065005400430032002100100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Piscivor x1(t)Coral x4(t)Carnivor x2(t)Herbivor x3(t)t00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Piscivor x1(t)Coral x4(t)Carnivor x2(t)Herbivor x3(t)t(a) x(t) without reserve MPA=0%(b) x(t) with optimal MPA= 98%Figure 8: No reserve effect at x 0 =A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 71
A co-viability analysis with certain climaticchanges• Assumption: Certain damage for coral: p = 1.• A stronger reserve effect !!!!Conjecture 3 There exists a threshold e ♯ such that• For any e ∈]0; e ♯ ], a PA effect.• For any e > e ♯ , no PA effect.A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 72
MPAEI(e)MPA Index0.00320.00280.00240.00200.00160.00120.00080.00040.00000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9eFigure 9: With climatic change: Reserve Effect IndexPAI(u).A ma<strong>the</strong>matical approach toviable management offisheries and biodiversitythrough protected areas:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Abore</strong> reef reserve case – p. 73