Fit - Let's Move In Point

Fit - Let's Move In Point

Fit - Let's Move In Point


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Stevens <strong>Point</strong> School District Curriculum Planning TemplateContent Area: Physical EducationContent Theme or Strand: <strong>Fit</strong>nessSub-Theme or Sub-Strand Component: <strong>In</strong>troduction to Health Related <strong>Fit</strong>nessGrade Level: 3-4 Primary Contact: Nancy SchusterStage 1 – Desired ResultsSTANDARDS (National Standards/Wisconsin Model Academic Standards / District benchmarks):A. Leading an Active Lifestyle- Students in Wisconsin will exhibit a physically active lifestyle.D. Understanding Physical Activity and Well-being- Students in Wisconsin will understand that physical activity provides opportunities enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.E. Health-Enhancing <strong>Fit</strong>ness- Students in Wisconsin will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.F. Respectful Behavior- Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical-activity settings.Enduring Understandings:Students will understand that… Physical <strong>Fit</strong>ness has multiple connected principles. Physical <strong>Fit</strong>ness is different for each individual. Regular exercise in your target heart zone=increased health benefits. The body has muscle groups that perform different tasks.Essential Questions:• How does the FITT principle apply to exercise.• What are some similarities and differences between the five components of fitness.• What activities can you do to improve each component? What are the effects of different types of exercise on your fitness level? How does muscular activity affect your individual fitness level?Knowledge:Students will know…• What is FITT (Frequency, intensity, time, and type) The five components of fitness. What activities to do improve each fitness component. Where they can find their pulse. Different muscles move different parts of the body.

Skills:Students will be able to… Perform various activities utilizing the FITT principle. Perform selected activities demonstrating each of the five components of fitness. Find their pulse and HR using a handheld device. Engage in various non-comparative fitness assessments.Stage 2 – Assessment EvidencePerformance Tasks (Consider connection to Enduring Understandings): Non-comparative fitness Assessment: Teacher designed pre-post fitness assessment on individualstudents focused on five components of fitness. Students will demonstrate ability to self-select different activities that are matched to the fivecomponents of fitness. Students will be able to find their pulse and calculate heartbeat. Assessments may include: Student demonstrate understanding of FITT through teacher observation,peer observation, and self-assessments.

Other Evidence of Learning: Perform physical activity outside of the school environment \Learning Activities:Stage 3 – Learning Activities• Run/walk activities emphasizing existence of FITT principals.• PACER activity.• Various fitness stations & activities emphasizing five components of fitness.• Students self assess after activity, utilizing a hand held HR monitor/take pulse, and compare to ageappropriate fitness zone standards.

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