TOMBALL Area Chamber of Commerce - Lone Star College System
TOMBALL Area Chamber of Commerce - Lone Star College System
TOMBALL Area Chamber of Commerce - Lone Star College System
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INSIDE & MORE!EXPO‘05 - See page 12<strong>College</strong> Dogs winning team<strong>of</strong> Membership Drive. Seeother First Friday, newmembers and activities onpages 16–18.Metro Casino!<strong>TOMBALL</strong>AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCETaking It tothe Streets…<strong>TOMBALL</strong>NIGHTFridayAugust 55 p.m. – ?Tomball Night begins at5 p.m. with the entire cityopening up its welcomingarms to visitors and long time residents alike. Mystery shoppers, discounts,live music, food, raffle drawings, children’s activities, a night parade andfireworks attract thousands <strong>of</strong> people looking for that special back-to-schoolbargain or just that old town feeling <strong>of</strong> walking down Main Street and greetingyour neighbors. Topped <strong>of</strong>f with a state wide tax free weekend, Tomball is theplace to be on Friday, August 5!JULY–AUGUST 2005Buy raffle tickets now for a chance at cash prizes, or call your <strong>Chamber</strong> at281.351.7222 and be a sponsor for this fantastic event. Make it a weekendevent and enjoy allthat Tomball has to<strong>of</strong>fer.& 5th Annual Luau—Seepages 14–15 for moreBusiness After Hours!Don’t forget toenter yourfloat inTomball’sParade <strong>of</strong>Lights!1
2Special Thanks toJohn Ellis Photography &SignTex OutdoorThe <strong>Chamber</strong> wishes to thank JohnEllis <strong>of</strong> John Ellis Photography/Videography (281-356-2104) forbeing the “<strong>of</strong>ficial” <strong>Chamber</strong>photographer. His work is a wonderfulinclusion in our publicationand we appreciate his willingnessand pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in letting usshare his talent.A big thank you also goes toSignTex Outdoor (281-351-8023)for donating the ribbon cuttingsigns used to welcome new membersto the <strong>Chamber</strong>.We are proud and privileged tohave support like this from members<strong>of</strong> our <strong>Chamber</strong>!Special thanks to The TomballMagnolia Tribune and ThePotpourri Newspaper forpublishing our ribbon cuttingevents!The TACC accepts…VISA, Mastercard, Discover, andAmerican Express as a convenientmethod <strong>of</strong> paying your membershipdues, along with directory ads, thebalance on your statement, andauction purchases just to name afew. Stop by the TACC <strong>of</strong>fices andtake advantage <strong>of</strong> these convenientpayment services.HAVE YOUR SAY!We would love to hear from you! Ifyou have any submissions for theTACC newsletter, please fax to usat 281.351.7223. Our next edition isthe Sept./Oct. issue and the deadlinefor submissions Sept. 1, 2005. Wewelcome any achievements, kudoitems or ideas for articles. If youwish to advertise in the newsletter,call Brandy Beyer at the TACC<strong>of</strong>fices, 281.351.7222.<strong>TOMBALL</strong><strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>July–August 2005CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARDRick Pritchett,State Bank2006 CHAIR ELECTStephen Garceau,Spring Nursery & Landscape, Inc.VICE CHAIRCindy Frazee,Tomball Regional HospitalVICE CHAIRB. Allen Fletcher,Resource Protection Management, LPVICE CHAIRCamille Hamilton,CM IT SolutionsVICE CHAIRFloyd Box,Box Insurance ServicesBOARD OF DIRECTORSClay Bohannan,New Horizon MortgagesPreston Dodson,Clifton Dodson Sortino, LLPRick Friedrichs,Rick Friedrichs, DDSTom Grayson,Grayson Financial ServicesBritt Heald, Metropolitan PublishingKeith Jennings, Crow CorporationHuey Kinchen, Tomball ISDDr. Katherine Miller, Tomball <strong>College</strong>David Quinn, David R. Quinn ArchitectBarbara Sembera, Allstate InsuranceEX-OFFICIO MEMBERSDyanna McCoy, Regions BankDenton Bryant, Tomball <strong>College</strong>Corporate TrainingBetty Reinbeck, Tomball EconomicDevelopment CorporationIMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMANJim McCutchen, AmegyBank <strong>of</strong> TexasCHAMBER STAFFBruce HillegeistPresidentBrandy BeyerFinancial AdministratorFrankie StewartMember and Community RelationsThe Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Commerce</strong> reserves the right to editsubmitted materials and is solelyresponsible for editorial content.Please address press releases andletters to Bruce Hillegeist.DESIGN AND LAYOUTBambi KellyPUBLISHED BY THE <strong>TOMBALL</strong>AREA CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE14011 Park Dr., Ste. 111Tomball, TX 77377PO Box 516Tomball, TX 77377-0516281.351.7222, <strong>of</strong>fice281.351.7223, faxadmin@tomballchamber.orgwww.tomballchamber.orgARTICLES & FEATURESINSIDE:Welcome <strong>Chamber</strong> Members, pages 4–5Green Light…to Bypass, page 6TACC support <strong>of</strong> City Purchase <strong>of</strong> Hooks Airport, page 7Happy Anniversary! page 8Ribbon Cuttings, pages 10–11EXPO ‘05, page 12Business After Hours, pages 14–15 (& More, page 20)First Fridays! pages 16–18Congratulations, page 19Worker’s COMP Victory, page 21
FROM THE CHAIRMANI really find it hard to believe that we are over half way through 2005! The old saying “Timeflies when you are having fun” could not be more relevant.I very much wish that everyone could see the number <strong>of</strong> issues and events that the chamberstaff and its membership get involved with during the course <strong>of</strong> a year. It is truly amazing tosee the excitement and passion <strong>of</strong> the committees and staff as the issue or event <strong>of</strong> the momentis addressed. The issues <strong>of</strong> this year may be different from any other year, however, they areembraced and dealt with as though the future <strong>of</strong> our city depends on our action—and you know“The issues <strong>of</strong> this year…are embracedand dealt with as though the future <strong>of</strong>our city depends on our action—andyou know what—many times a dynamicchamber like ours is exactly who thecitizens expect to carry the torch ontheir behalf.”what—many times a dynamic chamber like ours isexactly who the citizens expect to carry the torchon their behalf.Looking back we have had a fantastic membershipdrive and have welcomed over 108 new membersto chamber membership during 2005. We had anextremely well attended (and very cold) chambergolf tournament in March and several inspirationalChairman <strong>of</strong> the BoardRick Pritchett,State Bank“Congratulations on yourpromotion, Rick!”speakers and great fellowship/networking at our First Friday luncheons. Lookingforward we continue to provide input and hopefully serve as a catalyst regarding the potential acquisition <strong>of</strong> Hooks Airport bythe City <strong>of</strong> Tomball, work with developers and other interested parties as they research their move to our dynamic city, worktoward creating a new sports festival that will coordinate many areas <strong>of</strong> our city and bring hundreds <strong>of</strong> visitors to Tomball fora weekend, and continue to work with TxDOT and other parties regarding the improvement <strong>of</strong> transportation in our region.What a great time to enjoy the dynamics <strong>of</strong> our area! What a great time to reevaluate your involvement with your Tomball<strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>! It’s the best place in town to have fun and promote your business at the same time!The Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> is accepting nominations <strong>of</strong> members for openBoard positions now through September 15, 2005. TACC members are encouraged to stepforward and serve. If you are willing to take a leadership role in the <strong>Chamber</strong>, pleasecontact Stephen Garceau at 281.357.1800 or Bruce Hillegeist at 281.351.7222 ( Your Calendars! You don’t want to miss thesegreat Opportunities & Events!AUGUSTFri. August 5 • 11:45 a.m.TACC First FridayLuncheonElmer L. Beckendorf @Tomball <strong>College</strong>Fri. August 5 • 5–11 p.m.TACC Tomball Night andLight ParadeTomball <strong>Area</strong>Tues. August 9 • 5–7 p.m.Business After HoursParadigm Consultants/ERA Whitaker Realty1427 Keefer St.Tues. August 23 • 5–7 p.m.Business After HoursSam’s Club–Tomball Parkway @ 1960SEPTEMBERFri. September 9 • 11:30 a.m.TACC First Friday Luncheon—SECOND FRIDAY!Tomball <strong>College</strong>Elmer L. Beckendorf Conference CenterTues., September 13 • 5–7 p.m.Business After HoursWoodforest National BankTues. September 27 • 5–7 p.m.Business After HoursMain Street CrossingLooking Ahead!TACC 40 th Annual HolidayParade—Reserve the datefor your entry: Saturday,November 19!3
Seber DairyCharles & Barbara Seber10801 Hufsmith-KuykendahlTomball, TX 77375Seber Dairy has been a working dairy since1968 in the Tomball area and advises “stayhealthy-drink milk!”SPONSOR: Katherine Miller,Tomball <strong>College</strong>Sempre Bello Interiors & Basket ScentsDarlene Miller1420 RudelTomball, TX 77375281.850.6444Sempre Bello Interiors and Basket Scents<strong>of</strong>fers exclusive interior home items includingfurniture, art, gift items, florals, accessories,custom gift baskets and trunks.SPONSOR: Beth Brown,Tomball <strong>College</strong>Sharkdaddy’s Seafood & GrillCristi Deederich14614 FM 2920PO Box 1439Tomball, TX 77377-1439281.290.6565Sharkdaddy’s <strong>of</strong>fers fresh gulf coast seafood,served in a casual relaxed atmosphereby an excellent service staff thatmakes everyone feel welcome, special,and appreciated.SPONSOR: Allen Fletcher,Resource Protection Management, LPBilly Smith, Fishing GuideBilly Smith12003 Viola CourtPinehurst, TX 77362713.416.9530Billy Smith provides guide service for fishingtrips on fresh water lakes in east andsoutheast Texas.SPONSOR: Rick Pritchett,State Bank<strong>Star</strong> Quality Custom HomesPeter Estevez912 Main StreetTomball, TX<strong>Star</strong> Quality Custom Homes <strong>of</strong>fers qualityhome construction in Tomball and surroundingareas.SPONSOR: Kim Johannesen,<strong>Star</strong>light Cleaning ServiceRandy Jones363 N. Sam Houston Pkwy., Ste. 1100, #13Houston, TX 77060281.802.3966<strong>Star</strong>light Cleaning Service provides fullcommercial janitorial services.SPONSOR: Jean Durdin,Parkway ChevroletTans & HandsJennifer Hawkins827 Village Square Dr.Tomball, TX 77375281.351.8267Tans & Hands provides quality manicureand pedicure services, as well as, massageservices and tanning beds.SPONSOR: Dixie Capps,Woodforest National BankTee It UpMike Baker22241 Tomball Cemetery Rd.Tomball, TX 77377832.326.7012Tee It Up is a golf driving range with teachingcenter featuring PGA pr<strong>of</strong>essionals.SPONSOR: Dianne Anderson,Taylor Made AdvertisingTexas Real Estate Appraisal ServicesCharles Ivy1010 S. Magnolia, #GMagnolia, TX 77355281.259.9900Texas Real Estate Appraisal Services <strong>of</strong>fersappraisal services in the Tomball andMagnolia area.SPONSOR: Sallie Fisher,Sallie Fisher Custom Frames and ArtThompson LandscapingRon Thompson9210 Shady LaneMagnolia, TX 77354281.252.3300Thompson Landscaping provides landscapeservices in the Tomball and Magnoliaareas.SPONSOR: Pastor Richard Jennings,River <strong>of</strong> Praise ChurchTomball Day SpaKitty Nelson305 EppsTomball, TX 77375281.290.8300www.tomballdayspa.comTomball Day Spa <strong>of</strong>fers personalized treatmentsin massage, facials, sunless bronzing,wellness manicures, as well as, giftcertificates and spa parties.Turn Key EventsRon Cobb14141 Inter Dr. #EHouston, TX 77032281.469.1600Turn Key Events provides rental <strong>of</strong> a widevariety <strong>of</strong> party supplies.SPONSOR: Nonnie Donaghy,Bo Dunk’s Antiques & CollectiblesMore New Membersnext edition!Vital Network SolutionsVernon Hayes19619 FM 2920Tomball, TX 77377281.290.9779Vital Network Solutions designs nationaland internal networks.SPONSOR: Pastor Richard Jennings,River <strong>of</strong> Praise ChurchVital Signs Home HealthRochelle Lauve17350 Tomball Parkway, Ste. 320Houston, TX 77064281.571.8050www.vitalsignshomehealth.comVital Signs Home Health is dedicated tohelping medicare beneficiaries improveand maintain their quality <strong>of</strong> life by assistingthem with healthcare needs in theirhome, as well as, providing a full line <strong>of</strong>home services including nursing, homecareaides, medical social workers, and physicaloccupational and speech therapists.SPONSOR: Denise Lauve,Texas Pit Crafters, Inc.Woodlands RV ParkJason Thompson28323 FM 2978Magnolia, TX 77354281.356.1928Woodlands RV Park <strong>of</strong>fers large shady lotsand a stocked pond for RV camping.SPONSOR: Barbara Sembera,Pecos Grilling Co.The Welcoming CommitteeTrena Dowell14202 Altair Dr.Tomball, TX 77375281.541.4636The Welcoming Committee provideswelcome packages to area new homeowners.SPONSOR: Sharla Gist,AD-Mirations Promotional & SpecialtyProductsFun Jar cash winner at May FirstFriday, Carla Hamilton <strong>of</strong>Hibernia Bank [left] with RichPritchett, State Bank.5
GREEN LIGHT TO $51.7 MILLION TO BUILD BYPASSTHE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION hasgiven the green light to a$51.7 million contract tobuild a bypass route <strong>of</strong>fTexas 249 around busydowntown Tomball. Themove come 17 years afterTomball communityleaders and city <strong>of</strong>ficialsstarted lobbying for theproject. Construction isexpected to start in about60 days and take about 30months to complete.TxDOT has not identifiedfunding for the secondphase, the SH249 Bypass mainlanes.Bruce Hillegeist, president <strong>of</strong> the Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong><strong>Commerce</strong>, said the next step for Tomball is to lobby to getthe mainlanes constructed in Phase 2 <strong>of</strong> the Tomball bypassproject.A group <strong>of</strong> Tomball residents and <strong>Chamber</strong> members traveledto Austin Thursday, June 30, to witness the Texas TransportationCommission vote on the Tomball Bypass project.Delegation members said theywere elated to watch their dreamcome true.Hillegiest also said the delegationis celebrating the fact that“our will, our patience paid<strong>of</strong>f…Tomball has dealt with thebottleneck <strong>of</strong> traffic congestionon Texas 249 through town formany years now. We will seesome relief and it will allowTomball to continue to grow andmature.”PHASE 1 OF THE PROJECT WILL BE DONE INTHREE SEGMENTS:• Construction <strong>of</strong> the frontage roads from Willow Creekto FM 2920• Construction <strong>of</strong> an overpass road at FM 2920 and thefrontage roads north to Brown Road• Improvements to both ends <strong>of</strong> Texas 249, where thebypass meets the existing road.Stepping into another’s lifeis a sacred endeavour.Enter gently and speak s<strong>of</strong>tly.Be attentive and actwith respect.AVAILABLE SERVICES• 24 Hour Nursing Support• Respite Services• Home Health Aides• Social Services Support• Non-denominational Spiritual Support• Pain Management• Counseling & Support Groups• Durable Medical Equipment andMedications Related to HospiceDiagnosisServing Harris County and TomballLIFE’S SOLUTIONS HOSPICE CARE, INC.For More Information(713) 821-30006
Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Resolves toSUPPORT OF THE CITY OF <strong>TOMBALL</strong>’SPURCHASE OF HOOKS AIRPORTIn a decision June 15,2005, the Tomball <strong>Area</strong><strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>Board <strong>of</strong> Directors agreedto adopt a resolution, (an<strong>of</strong>ficial endorsement)regarding the <strong>Chamber</strong>’sdesire that the City <strong>of</strong>Tomball immediatelydesignate a Hooks AirportProject Manager and move forward with theeventual purchase <strong>of</strong> Hooks Airport. Below areexcerpts from the resolution. The completeresolution has been provided to City <strong>of</strong> TomballCouncil members, administrative staff and tomembers <strong>of</strong> the City’s Technical Airport AdvisoryBoard.VISION and KEY OBJECTIVE: To secure the future <strong>of</strong> amunicipally owned airport that is economically attractive to,and broadly supported by the Tomball region. To establish aworld class aviation facility that is safe, well managed, andpr<strong>of</strong>itable, and a facility that serves its constituents well, whilerecognizing its never ending responsibility to be a goodneighbor within the community it serves.WHEREAS, the Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>realizes the compelling value proposition for the entireTomball region through the City <strong>of</strong> Tomball’s ownership <strong>of</strong>Hooks Airport. Federal dollars (between 80% and 90%) areavailable to the City for the purchase <strong>of</strong> Hooks Airport, andthe future pr<strong>of</strong>itability <strong>of</strong> Hooks Airport is enormous if properlymanaged and operated. The <strong>Chamber</strong> is confident <strong>of</strong> thepotential tax revenue for the City <strong>of</strong> Tomball that HooksAirport will <strong>of</strong>fer; and,WHEREAS, Hooks Airport has the unlimited potential toserve as the ‘Epicenter’ for significant economic activity in theimmediate Tomball area. Hooks Airport could motivateinterest from new commercial and high-end businesses (e.g.Addison Airport in Texas and PDK Airport near Atlanta,Georgia) and could be <strong>of</strong> choice support for Tomball RegionalMedical Center, not to mention additional direct and indirectjob growth that would accompany such business development.Also, Hooks Airport is positioned in a prime location,very near to the proposed Grand Parkway; and,WHEREAS, the acquisition <strong>of</strong> Hooks Airport by the City <strong>of</strong>Tomball is a unique, “once in a lifetime” opportunity. Theexisting Hooks Airport site, with its strategic location wellsuited for local, state and federal aviation needs, is impossibleto replicate here.WHEREAS, a City <strong>of</strong> Tomball owned Hooks Airport wouldassure safe, secure, responsive, efficient, and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalairport operations and would not only bring the airport operationcloser to its stakeholders but would provide able communityaccountability.WHEREAS, the Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>encourages the City <strong>of</strong> Tomball to establish itself, its electedcity <strong>of</strong>ficials, and city staff as an active ‘voice’ for Tomballresidents and to take the lead in acquiring Hooks Airport. It isimperative that Tomball determine its own destiny.TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! The City <strong>of</strong> Tomball must berepresented in an Airport Improvement Plan/ Master Plan.Also, credible, consistent, and effective communications mustbe made by the City to engage the surrounding community inthe study/ purchase process. A dialogue must be establishedwith residents and businesses near Hooks Airport, eventhough not residents <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> Tomball, in order todevelop a good neighbor relationship. And, it is also essentialthat the City develop an airport business and marketing planin order to identify and mitigate any and all financial andoperating risks.Any comments regarding the <strong>Chamber</strong>’s positionon Hooks Airport from Tomball <strong>Chamber</strong>members are welcome. Contact Rick Pritchettat 281.290.0404 or Bruce Hillegeist at281.351.7222 ( DRIVING FORCE BY THE CITY OF <strong>TOMBALL</strong>ADMINISTRATION at this time should be thedesignation <strong>of</strong> a Hooks Airport Project Managerwho will:1). actively represent the City <strong>of</strong> Tomball’s interests(not those <strong>of</strong> any other concerned parties);2). develop process elements and a business plan ;3). coordinate with the “players” involved in such anacquisition;4). implement effective risk management strategies ;5). secure the funding necessary for a Hooks Airportacquisition and development, and6). stay true to the vision and key objectives asdetermined by the Airport Advisory Committee andthe City <strong>of</strong> Tomball.7
Happy Anniversary <strong>Chamber</strong> Members!A & M Temporary ServicesA+ Office CleaningAAA Insurance Agency,Inc.Ace Fence CompanyAction’s Ro<strong>of</strong>ing &RemodelingAll About DecoratingAllstate Insurance Agency -Brett JohnsonAllstate Insurance Agency -David MartinAmerican BusinessWomen’s AssociationAmerican RealtyInvestors.netAmerican Red CrossBank OneBeckendorf IntermediateSchoolBecker’s Tax ServiceBentley & Co. InvestmentsBill O’Neal InsuranceAgencyBJ Services Co.Blaketree National GolfClubBody Therapy Centre <strong>of</strong>TomballBreaux Machine Works,Inc.C.C.’s CafeMichael Casagrande, MD,PACentury Sign BuildersCity <strong>of</strong> Tomball - MaryCokerCM IT SolutionsWheeler Coe, RealtorColdwell Banker MandolaRealty - Rosa OwensCole Fire Protection, IncCook’s <strong>of</strong> TexasCountry AirCountry Communities, Inc.Country Style MagazineDavid R. Quinn ArchitectDoolin ConsultingD-S Lawn & AutomotiveERA Whitaker RealtyFirst Presbyterian Church-TomballFlamingo Custom PoolsFred Haas Toyota CountryFree & Assoc.Frontier MaterialsConcreteBranded Western WearGianna Italian KitchenGolden Nonsense JewelryGranny’s KornerHartwell EnvironmentalCorp.HEB FoodsHertz Local EditionHewlett PackardHibernia BankCarl Hickman, DDSHillegeist Family Ent.-DBATower PlazaBlake Hillegeist RealEstateHoliday Inn ExpressHome Health Store <strong>of</strong>TomballHotchkiss InsuranceImage Truck & CarAccessoriesKlein & HavlickKlein Financial ServicesKP Oil, Inc.Kroger CompanyKrug ConsultingLa Quinta Inn & Suites -TomballLe Gourmet BistroLife Built Homes, Inc.Lighthouse HopiceLamar Little Auto Paint &Body<strong>Lone</strong><strong>Star</strong> ChevroletLos Arcos MexicanRestaurantJohn Lynch, CPALynne’s HousekeepingServicesMain Street CrossingGeorganne McCandless,DDSMedi-Care EquipmentSpecialties, Inc.Michna VenturesMosby FurnitureMr. Cool AutomotiveGeorge Murillo, MD, PAMW CleanersNew Horizon MortgagesNorthwestern MutualFinancial NetworkParker Insurance GroupPayroll Data ProcessingServicePerformance MortgagePartners <strong>of</strong> TexasPilgrim BuildersPinebrook FarmsThomas G. Post, CPAPrimetex Corporation, Inc.Pro Chem <strong>System</strong>s, Inc.RAC MaterialsRE/MAX Northwest(Tomball)River <strong>of</strong> PraiseRobert Scott HomesRosehill <strong>Commerce</strong> & SelfStorageSalem Lutheran SchoolSBCSelf Promotions, Inc.Silverado Senior LivingSouthern Knights, IncSpring Creek Church <strong>of</strong>Christ in TomballSpring Creek Feed CenterStallings Lock & Safe Co.State Farm Insurance - TySelfStewart Title Co.Stone Baer DevelopmentCompanyStutts Cox Builders, Inc.Synchro BuildingCorporationTans Tubs N’ RubsTaylor Bookkeeping, Inc.Taylor Made AdvertisingTexas American TitleThe Foot Wellness CenterThe Sports SectionThe Village ApartmentsThe WorkSource -NorthwestTomball’s Arts & CraftsShowcaseTomball <strong>College</strong>Tomball Collision CenterTomball Country FloristTomball Cowboy ChurchTomball FitnessTomball IndependentSchool DistrictTomball Janitorial ServicesTomball Napa Auto PartsTomball Nursing CenterTomball Regional InternalMedicine AssocTomball Rental CenterTrendsetters Hair & BodyCare StudioUretek USA, Inc.Wallace-Watkins Int’l.Wal-Mart #703Bill WebbWendy’s - Emerald Foods, Inc.Whataburger, TomballWhistle Stop Tea RoomWhitaker InsuranceWillow Creek Children’sChorusWirt CompanyThank you forrenewing yourTACCMembership!8
The “Next Stage”—Going from Good to Great—We are a big company. We’re the largestfinancial institution headquartered in thewestern U.S. We span all <strong>of</strong> NorthAmerica. Our stock market value exceeds$100 billion. Forbes ranks us asthe world’s 25th leading company basedon a composite <strong>of</strong> sales, assets, pr<strong>of</strong>itsand market value. We’re in the top 20among all U.S. companies in pr<strong>of</strong>its andmarket value. We’re one <strong>of</strong> America’s 40largest private employers with 146,000team members. We will continue to grow — not to becomebigger but as a result <strong>of</strong> getting better.This is not a task.This is a journey.27702 Tomball ParkwayTomball, TX 77375Tel: (281) 351-2265 Fax: 281-351-4110Real Estate AppraisersAt Fox & Bubela, Inc. we pride ourselves on ourreputation <strong>of</strong> reliable, timely and pr<strong>of</strong>essional reports. Weare celebrating our 13 year anniversary this year. Ourpr<strong>of</strong>essional staff consists <strong>of</strong> highly qualified residentialand commercial appraisers <strong>of</strong>fering abroad range <strong>of</strong> appraisal and consultation services.We specialize in complex real estate appraisalassignments.7600 W. Tidwell Street, Houston, TX 77040Tel: 713-460-9709 Fax: 713-460-1362The Tomball-Magnolia Tribune weekly newspaperis dedicated to local news, events, businessesand residents.The Tribune understands the concerns and issues facingthe community because we arelocally owned and staffed by experiencedpr<strong>of</strong>essionals whose hearts and homes are inthe Tomball/Magnolia area.Tel: 281.255.NEWSTel: 281.357.5225Fax 281.255.3082To submit news, or placeadvertising, call....517 W Main Street(across from Sonic) Tomballemail: editor@tribunenews.comwebsite: www.tribunenews.comLocal News, Local People,Locally OwnedGreat Things Happen When We WorkTogetherCommunity involvement - a collectivestrength that makesdreams come true. Great thingshappen when we work togethertowards a common goal. It’s awinning attitude - a Texas tradition.At Regions, our dream is tostrengthen our communitythrough a spirit <strong>of</strong> teamwork. Andwe are doing our best to makethat dream come true.The Strength To Help YouDo More.810 W. Main, Tomball 281-351-16919
RIBBON CUTTINGSBB Custom Upholstery, Inc - Brandon Baylor, owner <strong>of</strong> BBCustom Upholstery, Inc., located at 27503 Tomball Parkway, Suite12 in Tomball, <strong>of</strong>fers custom uphlostery for automotive headliners,seat covers, convertible tops, leather tops, sunro<strong>of</strong>s, marine,motorcycle and special requests.Custom Homes Built By You is located at 5514 FM1488 inMagnolia. The special home that you have always dreamed <strong>of</strong> canbe a reality with the help and planning <strong>of</strong> Custom Homes Built ByYou. CHBBY assists with plans, contractors, materials and all thefinishing touches affordably priced.Body Therapy Centre <strong>of</strong> Tomball - Relax and be pampered by BodyTherapy Centre <strong>of</strong> Tomball at its new location at 1008 W. Main St.,Suite #1, Tomball. Owner Lori Barton <strong>of</strong>fers many relaxationtechniques by qualified technicians to make your life stress free.1st Convenience Bank - Located conveniently, as the namesuggests, in Tomball’s new Kroger, 1st Convenience Bank <strong>of</strong>fers fullservice in store banking, seven days a week. Branch ManagerSteven Conde cuts the ribbon celebrating the bank’s membershipwith the TACC.The Book Attic - Kathleen and Barbara Bracksieck, co-owners <strong>of</strong>The Book Attic, located at 27734 1/2 Tomball Parkway, <strong>of</strong>fer newand used books along with school requests and special orders.10JoLyn’s Boutique - Linda Jones, owner <strong>of</strong> JoLyn’s Boutique iswelcomed to business with many friends, family and her preciousdog, Chili. JoLyn’s is a darling little gift shop specializing injewelry, fashion and home (and pet!) accessories located in theheart <strong>of</strong> the Antique District at 121 <strong>Commerce</strong> Street.
Midas Auto Service–Tomball - Boyd Montgomery, owner <strong>of</strong> MidasAuto Service in Tomball was welcomed to business at 29230Tomball Parkway. Midas Auto Service <strong>of</strong>fers a full line <strong>of</strong> autorepair and service specializing in brakes, exhaust and maintenance.The UPS Store - Jeff Buckley, owner <strong>of</strong> The UPS Store located at14090 FM2920, Suite G, <strong>of</strong>fers packing, shipping and mailing <strong>of</strong>packages, along with many document services such as faxing,notary and passport photos.Natural Health Solutions, LLP - Natural Helath Solutions co-ownersare Catherine Masden and Susan Salce. Located at 990 Village Square,Suite G-600-B, this homeopathic care business <strong>of</strong>fers daily vitaminand protein supplements for natural health - Roger Pearce, <strong>of</strong> The Rogerroger Company, is apilot based at Hooks Airport. Roger shoots aerial photosthroughout the Tomball and Houston areas. He also focuses oncreating and remodeling websites for new clients at rogerroger.comSempre Bello Interiors & Basket Scents - Located at 1420 Rudelin Tomball, owner Darlene Miller <strong>of</strong>fers exclusive interior homeaccessories, furniture, art and florals. A gift for everyone, exploreSempre Bello’s custom gift baskets and trunks.Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Located on the second floor <strong>of</strong> theWells Fargo Bank building at 27702 Tomball Parkway, its new<strong>of</strong>fices are open with a wealth <strong>of</strong> services to the community. Withfinancial resources that are flexible, convenient and economical,Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has the ability to meet all yourfinancial needs.Thanks to dedicated <strong>Chamber</strong> Ambassadors& Members for Attending Recent RibbonCuttings!APRIL/MAY 2005Floyd Box – Box Insurance ServicesTaylor Britton – Miss Tomball 2005Dixie Capps – Woodforest National BankElaine Chrisman– TRACPamela Doolin – Doolin ConsultingNonnie Donaghy – Bo Dunk’s Antiques & CollectiblesJohn Ellis – John Ellis Photography / VideographyDennis Gibbs – Acadom MaintenanceSharla Gist – AD-mirations Promotional & Specialty ProductsCamille Hamilton – Computer MOMS,CM/IT SolutionsDiane Holland – Tomball <strong>College</strong>Tracy Hood – CountryStyle Texas MagazineDyanna McCoy – Regions BankJohn Moore – Effective SignsMaria Muniz–Lopez – Bank OneBill, Marilyn & Jeremiah O’Neal –Bill O’Neal InsuranceBetty Reinbeck– Tomball EDCCrystal Sulzer – KJK UnlimitedMary Jan Ventrca– Parker Insurance GroupPatsy Williams – Parkway United Real Estate11
Retriever Payment <strong>System</strong>s was founded on one simple philosophy: You are the customer,and we are here to give you service and assistance whenever it is needed. Retriever servicelevels deliver integrity and honesty, as do our business practices.There is one simple explanation for the fact that Retriever Payment <strong>System</strong>s has won awardsfor service, including the Better Business Bureau Honorable Mention for Mid Size Merchants.Retriever knows that YOU make us what we are, and we intend to do everything we can tokeep your business.FOUNDED:1986 Positioning: Largest Independent SalesOrganization <strong>of</strong> its kindPROVIDES:Service, Support & ProprietaryTerminals S<strong>of</strong>tware ApplicationsTRANSACTIONAL VOLUME:$7 billion for 2002SPONSOR BANK:First National Bank <strong>of</strong> Omaha2,020 Independent SalesRepresentatives and growing313 Sales Groups and growing80,000 Merchant Locations and growingMission Statement:We will surpass the needs <strong>of</strong> ourcustomers by providingproducts and service unrivaled in thetransaction processing industry.Retriever’s Vision:To become a world-classdirect sales and marketingtransaction acquisitioncompany.Retriever Payment <strong>System</strong>s HQ20405 SH 249Houston, TX 77070(281) 376-339913
Business After Hours…Another NETWORKING Benefit<strong>of</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> MembershipHOSTED BY SPRINGNURSERY & LANDSCAPE25252 FM 2978Owners: Steve and Kelly GarceauHOSTED BY CRAVINGS OFTEXAS30006 Tomball Parkway, #FOwners: Dana Acosta and Linda Taylor14
Benefits <strong>of</strong> yourTomball <strong>Area</strong><strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Commerce</strong>InvestmentNETWORKING ANDEXPOSURE• Monthly “First Friday”Networking Luncheons• Monthly Business After Hours• Committee Involvement• New Member RibbonCuttingsHOSTED BY MAGNOLIA TRAVELS.COM30810 Beyette, MagnoliaOwners: Kim Johannesen and Bobbie BenedictIDENTITY• Listing in annual <strong>Chamber</strong>magazine• Business Directory Listingon <strong>Chamber</strong> Website• Leadership opportunitiesCOMMUNITYCONTRIBUTION• Participate on <strong>Chamber</strong>Committees tackling importantcommunity issues• Learn about City governmentand local issuesHOSTED BYDILLA’S TEXASGRILL17505 N. EldridgeParkway, next toTreeline Golf ClubOwners: Cliff andSherry RampyINFORMATION• Bimonthly <strong>Chamber</strong>newsletter• Website• Informative presentations andseminars• Meet other members withmutual interestsContact the <strong>Chamber</strong><strong>of</strong>fices at 281.351.7222for more information.15
New Members Welcomedat First Friday Luncheons!NEW MEMBER Greg Gist, AffordableElegance Window Fashions with SharlaGist, AD-mirations Promotional &Specialty Products.NEW MEMBER Jennifer Hawkins, Tans &Hands [right] with Dixie Capps, WoodforestNational Bank.NEW MEMBER Barbara Bracksieck, TheBook Attic [right] with Karen E.P.Bridgewater, Grizzly Mechanical Plumbing& Heating and 2005 Miss Tomball TaylorBritton.NEW MEMBER Jill Cantarella, Park-It-Market [center] with Sharla Gist, ADmirationsPromotional & SpecialtyProducts [left] and Crystal Sulzer, KJKUnlimited.NEW MEMBER Jim and Ginger Bailey,BEC General Contractor with 2005 MissTomball Taylor Britton.NEW MEMBER Fred and BarbaraSembera, Pecos Grilling Co. [center]; with2005 Miss Tomball Taylor Britton and RickPritchett, State Bank [far left] and SteveGraceau, Spring Nursery & Landscape [farright].NEW MEMBER Leo Corley, ElementPayment Services with 2005 Miss TomballTaylor Britton.NEW MEMBER [center] J.D.Burney,Thompson Landscaping withJeremiah O’Neal, Bill O’Neal InsuranceAgency and 2005 Miss Tomball TaylorBritton.NEW MEMBER Paula Hickman, Pet’s PalPet Sitting <strong>of</strong> Tomball [right] with CrystalSulzer, KJK Unlimited.Benefit <strong>of</strong> your Tomball <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Investment:NETWORKING AND EXPOSURE16
First Fridays are lots <strong>of</strong> Fun—Networking—NewContacts—New Members—Ribbon Cuttings—SpecialRecognition—Guest Speakers!Erik Swanson, Marchspeaker.Billy Riggs, April speaker.Sponsored by Regions Bank;State Bank, Wells Fargo Bank.Guest Speakers at May First Friday from the City <strong>of</strong> Tomball,Mayor H.G. “Hap” Harrington; Tomball Economic DevelopmentCorp. Executive Director, Betty Reinbeck; Tomball <strong>College</strong>,President Dr. Raymond Hawkins; Tomball ISD Superintendent,John Neubauer; and Tomball Regional Hospital Chief OperatingOfficer, Lynn LeBouef.[left] February Public Safety Officer <strong>of</strong> the Month, Dan Fern withwife Patty; Ana Salinas, Woodforest National Bank [right] andCheif Michael Blake, Tomball Police Dept. [far right].18April First Friday Public Safety Officers <strong>of</strong> the Month: Mark Hanns[far right] and Keith Bitz [center]; Michael Blake, Tomball PoliceDept. [far left] and Ana Salinas, Woodforest National Bank [left].
—Congratulations—GRACO AWARDS, the Nation’sleading manufacturer <strong>of</strong>military medals, badges and serviceribbons for the Department <strong>of</strong> Defense,Federal and State Agencies and theState National Guard Units hasacquistioned the All-American Trophyand Awards’ engraving and corporategift assets. In conjunction with thisacquisition, Graco has formed a newentity—U.S. Accolades, LLC. U.S.Accolades combines the strengths <strong>of</strong>both companies and will operate withinGraco Awards’ facilities and furthercomplement the quality work currentlybeing produced.SALLIE FISHER AND BILLUSREY, owners <strong>of</strong> Sallie Fisher’sCustom Frame & Art, recently wereselected by Somerset House Publishingto be a hosting gallery for its top artist.The event took place at the GaylordResort located in Grapevine, Texas.Only fifty galleries across the countrywere selected as hosting galleries.Pictured above with Sallie and Bill isartist G. Harvey, known throughout thecountry for his western and city scenes.THE <strong>TOMBALL</strong> COLLEGE ASSO-CIATES DEGREE IN NURSING(ADN) Program has been awardedExemplary Status by the Texas HigherEducation Coordinating Board(THECB). Key factors in the THECBevaluation include demonstrating a highlevel <strong>of</strong> quality in the areas <strong>of</strong> gradua-tion rate, license examination passingrate, pr<strong>of</strong>essional program credentials,and partnerships with related businessand industry.KEN FURSTENFELD, <strong>of</strong> KellerWilliams Realty, recently received thenationally recognized Graduate REAL-TOR® Institute (GRI) designation. TheGRI designation is a mark <strong>of</strong> excellencethat signifies the graduate is a cut aboveother real estate practitioners. It representsthe knowledge and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalismneeded to perform successfully intoday’s complex real estate field.Wal-Mart’s teacher <strong>of</strong> the year is MRS.LINDA BAKER <strong>of</strong> Rosehill ChristianSchool.BJ SERVICES was nominated to the2005 Landmark Awards. The HoustonBusiness Journal sponsors the awardswhich showcase the best propertydevelopment in the Houston area. Therewere over 100 nominees in 11 categories.It was an accomplishment to makeit to the final 27! The overall appeal andstature <strong>of</strong> BJ’s Tomball facility is a truelandmark for BJ Services and the city <strong>of</strong>Tomball.NHMCCD received fourth place in thelarge urban category <strong>of</strong> the top 10digitally savvy community colleges for2005. The ranking was establishedbased on the second Digital Community<strong>College</strong>s Survey which examined howcolleges are deploying technology tostreamline operations and better servetheir students, faculty and staff.PARADIGM CONSULTANTS, INC.,has been named Small Business <strong>of</strong> theYear by the Port <strong>of</strong> Houston Authority.Paradigm specializes in geotechnicalengineering, construction materials,engineering and testing, environmentalengineering, specialized laboratoryservices, forensic investigations, andexpert testimony.CONGRESSMAN MICHAELMCCAUL, left, with ROBERTKLEIN, Klein’s Super Market atMcCaul’s recent Town Hall Meetingin Tomball.Also, see McCaul Minute on hiswebsite for the bills he hasauthored/coauthored, specialevents and other informationpertinent to the 10th CongressionalDistrict and our PRITCHETT has been promotedto Regional President <strong>of</strong> StateBank.CAMILLE HAMILTON, OF CM/ITSOLUTIONS, was featured recently inan article <strong>of</strong> Entrepreneur magazine.“Technology not only helps you runyour business more effectively—sometimes it’s the only way you can doit,” says Camille Hamilton, who hasbeen a franchisee <strong>of</strong> on-site computertraining and support franchise CM/ITSolutions, based in Austin, Texas fornearly four years. “When companiesdon’t have internet access, that canimpact their bottom line.”19
More Business After Hours!5TH ANNUAL LUAU! Sponsored by Alamo Title; Rick G.Friedrichs, DDS; Frontier Surveyors, Inc.; Gatewood & Associates;Kids R Kids; David Mercer, Farmers Insurance; Natural HealthSolutions; Stutts Cox Builders; Trendsetters Hair & Body Care Studio.Held at the Rosewood Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Building.METRO CASINO!Hosted by MetropolitanPublishing, 29201–B Quinn Road,Tomball.20THE MISSION OF THE<strong>TOMBALL</strong> AREA CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE IS to promotebusiness growth and the quality<strong>of</strong> life in the community throughbusiness education, theenhancement <strong>of</strong> communityimage, and the development <strong>of</strong>communication between businessand government, both inside andoutside <strong>of</strong> the Tomball area.The foundation <strong>of</strong> our organizationis a core <strong>of</strong> active volunteers whoare committed to fulfilling thisMission who serve on —and lead—key committees and task forces.Some join a <strong>Chamber</strong> for theopportunity:• to play an active role incommunity affairs;• to network and meet otherbusiness leaders with whom todo business;• for the publicity that theirparticipation can generate abouttheir own business.Whatever the reason, the TACCworks hard to help our membersmeet these objectives. Call the<strong>Chamber</strong>, 281.351.7222, to findout how you can be part <strong>of</strong> theMission.
WORKER’S COMP VICTORYOn June 1, Governor Rick Perry signed historiclegislation to reform Texas’ ailing workers’compensation system. Texas Association <strong>of</strong>Business (TAB) President Bill Hammond callsthe legislation a victory for the working people<strong>of</strong> Texas, employers and doctors alike. “HouseBill 7 will take one <strong>of</strong> the worst systems in thecountry and create a model for care—while alsoreining in medical costs.”The workers’ compensation reform package, known as theGovernor’s Compromise, does the following:Abolishes the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commissionand creates a new division within the Texas Department <strong>of</strong>Insurance.• Eliminates many bureaucratic, outdated programs thatwere housed within TWCC, such as the Field SafetyRepresentative Program and Drug Free WorkplaceProgram.• Creates Medical Networks for employers to use, similarto group health insurance. Provisions <strong>of</strong> networks include:◊◊◊◊◊◊Allows medical fees to be negotiatedAllows networks to use their own “scientificallyvalid, evidence-based treatment guidelines”Eliminates “any willing provider” languageAllows networks to designate types <strong>of</strong> medicalproviders that may treat injured workers.Allows an injured worker to treat with current HMOprovider, if that provider agrees to network termsProvides for “Report Cards” to ensure quality, accessand appropriateness <strong>of</strong> rates• Increases weekly benefits for injured workers to $600, a12 percent increase.• Creates a stronger voice in the process through a newOffice <strong>of</strong> Injured Employee Counsel appointed by theGovernor.• Requires the Division <strong>of</strong> Workers’ Compensation toadopt evidence-based treatment guidelines. Currently theTexas Workers’ Compensation Commission doesn’trequire the use <strong>of</strong> treatment guidelines, which makes itvery difficult to decide what is a medically necessarytreatment for an injured worker. Treatment guidelineswill provide some consistency to medical providers andinsurance carriers as to how to teat and how medicalproviders will get paid.• Clarifies the standards than an employee must make in a“good faith effort” to find employment. The definition <strong>of</strong>a “good faith effort” was vague so this clarification <strong>of</strong>what true job search entails will help reduce the numberpeople receiving supplemental income benefits and willencourage better return to work.• Streamlines the benefit dispute process to allow for quickresolution <strong>of</strong> issues.• Increases focus <strong>of</strong> agency on return-to-work outcomes bycreating a pilot program. The program will issue smallemployers grants to assist with workplace modificationsthat will create better return-to-work outcomes.[ARTICLE USED BY PERMISSION OF TEXAS BUSINESS REPORT,A PUBLICATION OF THE TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS;VOLUME 20, NUMBER 6, JUNE 2005, WWW.TXBIZ.ORG]Ground Breaking News…The Spring Creek Medical Center <strong>of</strong>ficially broke ground at aceremony in its honor. The new facility, located on TomballParkway just south <strong>of</strong> the city <strong>of</strong> Tomball, is expected to open in2006 hosting an excellent out-patient surgical center for doctorsin Tomball and surrounding areas.Weisner Dodge groundbreaking for new location on SH249 at thecorner <strong>of</strong> Gregson Road.21
Pictured with the 2004-05 Graduating Class, the LNH participantsfrom the Tomball area included: Elaine Chrisman, The RegionalArts Council; Kelly Hamann Garceau, Spring Nursery &Landscape, Inc.; Rick Grassi, Tomball Police Department; AmyHaffner, Haffner, Haffner & Spears, LLP; Brent Lapsley, ParadigmConsultants, Inc.,; Ken Odom, Jr., Hewlett–Packard; Crystal Sulzer,KJK Unlimited; Michael Waites, Cypress Creek Personnel Service;Jamie White, Tomball <strong>College</strong>.10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OFLEADERSHIP NORTHHOUSTONLeadership North Houston is a multi-communitybased program committed to educating andenhancing the involvement <strong>of</strong> existing andemerging leaders <strong>of</strong> north Houston. Along withother area <strong>Chamber</strong>s and sponsoring organizationspartnered with Leadership North Houston,TACC is dedicated to providing opportunities toeducate, train and enhance leadership skills;develop lasting relationships among other communityleaders; stimulate and inform aboutsignificant needs <strong>of</strong> the area and motivate leadersto make a difference in their communities.And, a big “thank you!” to all the TACC’sSustaining Members for their continued loyalsupport. We appreciate it and look forward tobeing at their service for many years to come!A & M Temporary Services, Inc.AmegyBank <strong>of</strong> TexasBJ Services CompanyCenterPoint EnergyClassic HairCrow CorporationDPIS EngineeringFred Haas Toyota CountryGrayson Financial ServicesHewlett Packard CompanyHibernia BankKlein Funeral Homes &Memorial Parks<strong>Lone</strong><strong>Star</strong> ChevroletLowe’s <strong>of</strong> TomballThe Woodlands Waterway MarriottHotel & Convention CenterMetropolitan PublishingMW CleanersParkway ChevroletPecos Grilling Co.Regions BankResource ProtectionManagement, LPRiver <strong>of</strong> Praise ChurchSilver Eagle Distributors, LP-BudweiserSpring Nursery & Landscape, Inc.State BankTexas National BankTexasOne Community Credit UnionTomball <strong>College</strong>Tomball IndependentSchool DistrictTomball Regional HospitalWal-Mart, Spring Cypress @249Wal-Mart, TomballWells Fargo BankWoodforest National Bank2005 AMBASSADORS:Floyd Box, Box InsuranceServices; Sharla Gist, AD-Mirations Promotional &Specialty Products; Maria Muniz-Lopez, Bank One; NonnieDonaghy, Bo Dunk’s Antiques & Collectibles; DianeHolland, Tomball <strong>College</strong>; Dixie Capps, WoodforestNtaional Bank; Tracy Hood, Chair, CountryStyle, TXMagazine; Miss Tomball Taylor Britton, Fraknie Stewart,TACC; Pamela Doolin, Doolin Consulting; Crystal Sulzer,KJK Unlimited.22
If you’re ready to leave your old bank, you’ve come to the right place!Free Checking is an economical alternative for customerswho never want to worry about maintaining aminimum balance. There are no direct deposit requirementsor per item charges, and <strong>of</strong> course, there is nomonthly service fee.It’s Free!Features include:We have created a checklist to help makeyour transition to SouthTrust Bank assmooth and convenient as possible.It is a useful guide to closing any existingaccounts at another bank and transferringservices to SouthTrust Bank.· No monthly service fee· No minimum balance requirement· Unlimited check writing with no per itemcharges· Free SouthTrust Online Banking· Free SouthTrust· No direct deposit requirementVisit our local <strong>of</strong>fice at:24421 <strong>TOMBALL</strong> PARKWAY<strong>TOMBALL</strong>, TX 77375281.205.2000Let SouthTrust help you manage your personal finances!THE FOOT WELLNESS CENTERYou Don’t Have toSuffer FromFoot Pain...Dr. Judith E. RubinPodiatrist/Foot SpecialistDiplomate, American Board<strong>of</strong> Podiatric SurgeryBoard Certified in Foot andAnkle SurgeryFellow, American <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong>Footand Ankle SurgeryBunions, Corns, Hammertoes,Calluses, Sports Injuries, HeelPain, Orthotics, Diabetic FootCare, Injuries, Children’s Feet,Ingrown Nails281-357-5533Tomball Medical Center929 Graham Suite A281-955-5500CyFair Medical Center,Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Building, Suite 302Dr. Maria BuitragoPodiatrist/Foot SpecialistAccepting mostHMO’s & PPO’sMedicareWorkers Compensation23
TAX FREE WEEKEND!Pre-Sort StdU.S. PostagePAIDTomball, TX77375Permit # 22P.O. BOX 516 • <strong>TOMBALL</strong>, TX 77377-051624