Romana KaÄiÄ, Mattias Lidén - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v ...
Romana KaÄiÄ, Mattias Lidén - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v ...
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AR 2011/3Arhitektura, raziskaveArchitecture, ResearchUDKCOBISS712.24:622.351.04<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič<strong>Mattias</strong> Lidén63 - 70Revitalisation of vineyardsin the terraced landscape onthe Karst ridge of TriesteOživljanje vinogradov vterasasti pokrajini tržaškegakraškega roba<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>Inštitut <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> in prostorLjubljana 2011ISSN 1580-5573
ARArhitektura, raziskaveArchitecture, Research2011/3<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>Inštitut <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> in prostorLjubljana 2011
AR 2011/3ARArhitektura, raziskave / Architecture, Research<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>Inštitut <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> in prostorISSN 1580-5573ISSN 1581-6974 (internet) izhaja trikrat letno / published three times a yearurednik / editorprof dr Borut Juvanecregionalna urednika / regional editorsprof dr Grigor Doytchinov, Avstrijaprof dr Lenko Pleština, Hrvaškauredniški odbor / editorial boardprof dr Vladimir Bre<strong>za</strong>rprof dr Peter Fisterprof dr Borut Juvanecprof dr Igor Kalčičdoc dr Ljubo Lahznanstveni svet / scientific councilprof dr Paul Oliver, Oxfordprof Christian Lassure, Parizprof Enzo d’Angelo, Firencerecenzentski svet / supervising councilprof dr Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrewsakademik dr Igor Grabecprof dr Hasso Hohmann, Gradecprof mag Peter Gabrijelčič, dekan FAtehnični urednik / technical editordoc dr Domen Zupančičprelom / settingAstroni d.o.o.lektoriranje, slovenščina / proofreading, SlovenianKarmen Slugaprevodi, angleščina / translations, EnglishMilan Stepanovič, Studio PHI d.o.o.klasifikacija / classificationmag Doris Dekleva-Smrekar, CTK ULuredništvo AR / AR editing<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>Zoisova 121000 LjubljanaSlovenijanaročanje / subscriptioncena številke je 17,60 EUR / price per issue 17,60 EUR<strong>za</strong> študente 10,60 EUR / student price 10,60 EURdekanat@fa.uni-lj.sirevija je vpisana v razvid medijev pri MK pod številko 50revija je dosegljiva in ali indeksirana na naslednjih mestih:Cobiss, ICONDA, MIT digital library, CEEOL, DLib, UL FA AR<strong>za</strong> vsebino člankov odgovarjajo avtorji / authors are responsible for their articlesrevijo sofinancirata / cofinancedJAK, Javna agencija <strong>za</strong> knjigo RSMŠŠ, Ministrstvo <strong>za</strong> šolstvo in športtisk / printingTiskarna Bograf© AR, Arhitektura raziskave, Architecture ResearchLjubljana 2011
2011/3 ARVsebina / ContentsUvodnik / Editorial 1Članki / ArticlesBorut Juvanec 5Kamen, Kras, arhitektura /Stone, the Karst Plateau, architectureDomen Zupančič 15Splošni oris ekonomike z vidika izumljanjaprostorskih oblik /A general outline of economics from theviewpoint of inventing spatial formsAndrej Kranjc 23Pomen Krasa <strong>za</strong> krasoslovje /The significance of the Karst for karstologyMitja Guštin 27Gradišča – odsevi prazgodovinske poselitve /Hillforts – reflections of prehistoricsettlement<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> Lidén 63Revitalisation of vineyards in the terracedlandscape on the Karst ridge of Trieste /Oživljanje vinogradov v terasasti pokrajinitržaškega kraškega robaEda Belingar 71Uporaba kamna v življenju Kraševcev /The use of stone in the life of the Karst peopleBarbara Jordan, Neža Pahor, Teja Bajt, Maja Brate 79Življenje na Krasu /Life in the KarstMaja Uranič, Blaž Mlinšek, Katja Malus 83Kraške zgodbe /Stories from the KarstJadran Kale 33Upravljanje kulturnim resursima krškihkrajolika /Managing the cultural resources of karstlandscapesBeatriz Tomšič Čerkez 37KRAS2o11: izkušenjsko učenje kot ključ <strong>za</strong>razširjanje znanja o vrednotah kamna /The KRAS2011: experiential learning as a key todisseminating knowledge about the value ofstoneKatja Hrobat Virloget 41Ustno izročilo o kraški krajini. O času,prostoru in mitični Babi /The oral tradition of the Karst landscape. Ontime, space and the mythical BabaJelena Uršič 47Znanje, izkušnje in <strong>za</strong>bava v kamnu /Knowledge, experience and entertainmentinvolving stoneTina Demšar Vreš 51Preplet krajine in avtohtone arhitektureotokov severnega Kvarnerja /The intertwining of landscape and nativearchitecture of the northern Kvarner islandsJasna Fakin Bajec 59Ustvarjanje kraške kulturne dediščine medteorijo in prakso /Creating karstic cultural heritage betweentheory and practice
2011/3 ARThe methods of using stone for defensive purposes (walls, forts)should be included in a system representing the karstic world ashaving the oldest stone constructions.Bioclimatic Architecture, the symbiosis between people andwater in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prof. Ahmet Hadrović,Dean, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of ArchitectureWater is the key element in the symbiosis between peopleand nature. Architecture enacts this symbiosis. Examples inHerzegovina corroborate this statement.Wells in the Karst: the phenomenon, construction types,forms, Eda Belingar, ZVKDS (Institute for the Protection ofCultural Heritage), Nova GoricaA review of karstic water wells requires a system involvingtechnological, formal and usage criteria. Wells in the Karst areeither open or closed, for private or public use, and their contentand ownership are more or less indicated.The Karst in the heart and eyes, Jadran Sterle, RTV LjubljanaThe Karst has a particular visual image, in which rustic identityand today's 'urban-rural' culture intertwine, a composition ofboth. This composition has to provide a higher value. Withthe aid of today's technologies, we must cultivate it, develop itand above all publicly show it. All factors must be taken intoconsideration: the virtual and the physical, and the spiritualvalues of the people who with their way of seeing and feelingcontinue to enrich this heritage. A presentation must include allthese elements.Dry stone wall – a habitat, Dr. Andrej Gogala, Museum ofNatural Science of SloveniaAn exceptionally interesting presentation of life among thestones as only a dedicated biologist could produce - one whodiscovers, sees and knows the secrets of life which usuallyremain hidden from the average person. The presentation of thismodest life also illustrates human efforts to survive among thestones from pre-history to the present.Oral traditions about the Karst landscape, Assistant Prof.Katja Hrobat Virloget, University of Primorska, Science andResearch Centre (ZRS)There is an important area of human culture which is linked withspace (death, for example, is linked with boundaries) which isall too little investigated and known to the public, includingresearchers. The other world, oak and cadastral boundaries, bearwitness to this fact. An example is Baba, a figure from the karsticworld, who is also an archaic pan-European mythical figure.Creating Karst cultural heritage between theory andpractice, Dr. Jasna Fakin Bajec, Research Centre of theSlovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU)Understanding cultural heritage also involves the significanceof preserving and protecting cultural artefacts of our forebears.Solitary rocks in the popular tradition of Lokev, Boris Čok,master builder of dry stone walling, LokevSolitary rocks are particularly shaped stones or stone structureswhose shapes have prompted people to adopt them and bestowwith special characteristics; these may be physical (their extent),mythical, quite practical (water, survival) or merely visual(height, similarity, form). The values of these characteristicswere generated by people, and their understanding of the valuesrepresented by shapes, names and beliefs. Around Lokev,evidence for this phenomenon is abundant.The cultural heritage of North Velebit – characteristics,interpretation, models of revitalisation and sustainableuse, Rene Lisac, architect, trainee researcher at the University<strong>za</strong>radi našega neznanja. Zidovi, ki označujejo kulturo nekdanjihprebivalcev, še stojijo in bi jih bilo treba predvsem predstavitiširši javnosti. Način uporabe kamna v obrambne namene(zidovi, gradišča) moramo kot najstarejše kompozicije vključitiv predstavitveni sistem kraškega sveta.Bioclimatic Architecture, the symbiosis between people andwater in Bosnia and Herzegovina, prof. dr. Ahmet Hadrović,dekan, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, AFVoda je ključni element simbioze človeka z naravo. Arhitekturato simbiozo udejanja: s svojimi elementi ji omogoča delovanje,istočasno pa spreminja krajino, da ta postane še pomemnejšielement človekovega posega vanjo. Primeri iz Hercegovine topotrjujejo.Vodnjaki na Krasu, pojav, načini gradnje, oblike, EdaBelingar, ZVKDS Nova GoricaPregled kraških vodnjakov <strong>za</strong>hteva sistem po tehnologiji, pooblikah, po uporabi. Vodnjak na Krasu je odprt ali <strong>za</strong>prt, <strong>za</strong>javno ali <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>sebno rabo, z bolj ali manj označeno vsebino inlastništvom.Kras v srcu in očeh, Jadran Sterle, RTV LjubljanaKras ima svojevrstno vidno podobo, kjer se prepletajo kmečkaistovetnost in današnja 'meščansko-podeželska' kultura. Sestavobeh mora <strong>za</strong>gotoviti višjo vrednost. S pomočjo današnjihtehnologij moramo to gojiti, razvijati in javnosti predvsempoka<strong>za</strong>ti. Upoštevanje vseh: navidezne in dejanske, fizičnepredstavitve in duhovnih vrednot človeka, ki s svojim videnjemin čutenjem bogati to dediščino tudi danes, v predstavitev jetreba vgraditi vse te elemente.Suhi zid – življenjski prostor, dr. Andrej Gogala, Prirodoslovnimuzej SlovenijeIzjemno <strong>za</strong>nimiv prikaz življenja med kamni, kot ga lahkoprikaže le predan biolog, ki odkriva, vidi in pozna skrivnostiživljenja, ki so navadnemu človeku običajno skrite. Predstavitevskromnega življenja pona<strong>za</strong>rja napore tudi preživetja človeka vkamnu, vse od prazgodovine do danes.Ustno izročilo o kraški krajini, doc. dr. Katja HrobatVirloget, Univer<strong>za</strong> na Primorskem, ZRSPomembno področje kulture človeka, ki je povsem presenetljivove<strong>za</strong>no na prostor (smrt na primer na razmejnice) je vse premaloraziskovano in v javnosti - tudi v strokovnih - premalo poznano.Onostranstvo, hrast in katastrske razmejnice so dokaz še danes.Primer je baba, ki kaže v vseevropskem prostoru arhaičen mitskilik, ne le v kraškem svetu.Ustvarjanje kraške kulturne dediščine med teorijo in prakso,dr. Jasna Fakin Bajec, Znanstveno raziskovalni center SAZURazumevanje kulturne dediščine vklučuje tudi pomenohranjanja, <strong>za</strong>ščite in varovanja kulturnih stvaritev prednikov.Kamniti osamelci v ljudskem izročilu Lokve, Boris Čok,mojster suhega zidu, LokevKamniti osamelci so kamni ali kamnite structure posebnihoblik, ki so jih <strong>za</strong>radi tega ljudje posvojili in jim dodaliposebne lastnosti. Te so lahko fizične (doseg, razkorak …)ali tudi mitske, povsem uporabne (voda, preživetje …) ali levizualne (višina, podobnost, oblikovanost …). Vrednote so siljudje ustvarili sami, razumevanje vrednot pa je podkrepljeno zoblikami, s poimenovanjem, z verovanjem. Okolica Lokve je stemi dokazili izjemno bogata.Kulturna baština Sjevernog Velebita - karakteristike,interpretacija, modeli obnove i održivog korištenja, ReneLisac, arhitekt, mladi raziskovalec Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, AF(Martina Ivanuš, Grga Frangeš)2
AR 2011/3of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture (Martina Ivanuš, GrgaFrangeš)The theoretical system of the culture of North Velebit, with itspastoral life-style and traditional high-mountain architecture isthe outcome of a serious scholarly investigation of architecture,ethnology and landscape architecture. Interesting gradedtransitions are described, which above all define architecture:size, form and details, which are the result of the availablematerials and environment, as well as people's requirementsand skills. The objective of the proposed model is to produce anactive system for preserving cultural heritage which will operateharmoniously from interpretation to implementation.Karst2011: the significance of vernacular architecturein training and education, Assistant Prof. Beatriz TomšičČerkez, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of EducationThe school system has usually ignored vernacular architectureand never mentions it. Endeavours to present the culture of ourforebears should be included throughout the whole of a person'seducation, from nursery school to university if we wish to keepour culture alive. In the case of stone, the task is simple, asstudents are exposed to both theory and practice in the naturalenvironment. The Karst2011 project has produced some goodresults in this context.The Karst and Lipica, Nataša Kolenc, architect, Lipica StudFarmThe Karst and Lipica Stud Farm are linked together by thelandscape and karstic phenomena. Hence, issues which at theStud Farm are additionally linked to economics, tourism andtechnological processes. The Lipikum Museum adds the culturalcomponent. The Museum is an example of good practice interms of museology issues, presentations and the arrangementof space.The conference concluded with the adoption of conclusionson the process for establishing the Dry stone Organisation ofSlovenia and by setting up the organisation of the Karst2011project. One of the first sub-projects of Karst2011 will also 'Thecultural landscape of the karstic world', a kind of live museum ofthe karst from the historical perspective from Udine to Zakintos.The current issue mainly contains conference papers. I hope youenjoy them.Teoretski sistem kulture severnega Velebita s pašniškimnačinom življenja in planšarsko <strong>arhitekturo</strong> je plod resnegaznanatvenega in raziskovalnega arhitekture, etnologije inkrajinarstva. Zanimivi stopničasti prehodi definirajo predvsem<strong>arhitekturo</strong>: velikost, oblikovanost in detajle, kar je ploddosegljivih materialov in okolja, pa potreb in možnosti ljudi. Ciljpostavljenega modela je postavitev aktivnega sistema ohranitvekulturne dediščine, ki teče od interpretacije do izvedbe skladno.Kras2o11: pomen vernakularne arhitekture v vzgoji inizobraževanju, doc. dr. Beatriz Tomšič Čerkez, Univer<strong>za</strong> vLjubljani, Pedagoška fakultetaŠolski sistem je do zdaj praviloma vernakularno <strong>arhitekturo</strong>prezrl in je sploh ni omenjal. Napori <strong>za</strong> predstavljanje kulturenaših dedov že od vrtca in vse do univerze so nujni, če hočemoohraniti kulturo tudi na tem področju. Na primeru kamna je to šenajbolj preprosto, saj dobijo učenci teorijo in prakso prika<strong>za</strong>nov naravi. Projekt Kras2o11 kaže v tem kontekstu že kar nekajrezultatov.Kras in Lipica, Arhitektka Nataša Kolenc, Kobilarna LipicaKras in Kobilarna Lipica sta pove<strong>za</strong>ni s krajino in s kraškimipojavi. Od tod problematika, ki je v Kobilarni ve<strong>za</strong>na še naekonomiko, na turizem in na tehnološke procese. Kultura jevključena z muzejem Lipikum, ki je vzorčen primer dobreprakse, tako v problematiki muzealstva, predstavitev in urejanjaprostora.Konferenca je končala delo s sprejetjem sklepov: o <strong>za</strong>četkupostopka <strong>za</strong> ustanovitev Organi<strong>za</strong>cije <strong>za</strong> suhi zid Slovenije in zoblikovanjem organov Projekta Kras2o11, v okviru katerega boeden prvih podprojektov tudi 'Kulturna krajina kraškega sveta',nekak živi muzej krasa v zgodovinskih okvirih med Vidmom inZakintosom.V reviji so pretežno članki z nastopov konference. Upam, davam bodo všeč.Editorurednik3
2011/3 ARČlanki / Articles
<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terracedlandscape on the Karst ridge of TriesteOživljanje vinogradov v terasasti pokrajini tržaškega kraškegaroba2011/3 ARUDK 712.24:622.35COBISS 1.04prejeto 20. 12. 2011izvlečekStarodavna krajina terasastih vinogradov v Kontovelu je zelodragocena. Pomen celovitosti te kulturne krajine je pove<strong>za</strong>n zbližino miramarskega gradu in parka ter s hkratno prisotnostjodveh področij, vključenih v Naturo 2000. Leta 2010 smo <strong>za</strong>Tržaško deželo izdelali krajinsko poročilo, v katerem smoanalizirali in ovrednotili projekt oživitve obstoječih poti znamenom izboljšati dostopnost do kmetijskih zemljišč in s tempospešiti obdelovanje teras. Deželno poročilo vsebuje <strong>za</strong>hteve<strong>za</strong> pripravo podrobnejšega načrta. V poročilu je posebejnaznačeno, da mora končni načrt upoštevati vrednost izvirnihsuhozidov, ki prispevajo k avtentičnosti kulturne krajine.Ker <strong>za</strong>menjava starega kamnitega zidu z novim ne bo nikolidosegla izvorne avtentičnosti, priporočamo skrbno preverjanjemožnosti, da na novo zgradimo suhozide z uporabo enakihtehnik in istih materialov, kadar je to potrebno <strong>za</strong>radi razširitvepoti. Uporabljeni kamni morajo biti izključno iz porušenihobstoječih zidov znotraj področja posega. Uporaba kamnov izkrajevnih leg <strong>za</strong>gotavlja popolno spoštovanje izvirnosti in barvkraja ter povečuje okoljsko vzdržnost posega.ključne besedeobalna krajina, terase, vinogradi, suhozidi, Kras, TrstThis article is based on the landscape report we elaborated forthe Province of Trieste in 2010. The report was prepared for theapplication for approval of the project "Infrastructuring the Karstridge of Trieste - First Phase" in accordance with the Italian lawof 2005. The mentioned project proposed a way to recover thehillside of Contovello, Trieste, giving this area the infrastructuredeemed necessary for accessibility and irrigation.The ancient landscape of terraced vineyards in Contovello isof great value. The importance of the integrity of this culturallandscape is linked to its proximity to the Castle and the Parkof Miramare and the simultaneous presence of two Natura2000 areas: the Habitats Directive Site (SCI) "Carso triestinoe goriziano" and the Birds Directive Site (SPA) "Aree carsichedella Venezia Giulia".The project aims at recovering the functional features of theexisting routes to improve access to agricultural land and therebyabstractThe ancient landscape of terraced vineyards in Contovellois of great value. The importance of the integrity of thiscultural landscape is linked to its proximity to the Castle andthe Park of Miramare and the simultaneous presence of twoNatura 2000 areas. We elaborated a landscape report for theProvince of Trieste in 2010, analysing and evaluating a projectaiming at recovering the functional features of the existingroutes to improve access to agricultural land and therebyenhance the cultivation on the terraces. The landscape reportinclude requirements for the preparation of detailed design. Inparticular the report indicates that the final design must takeinto account the value of the original dry stone walls whichcontribute to the authenticity of the cultural landscape. Sincethe replacement of an old stone wall with a new one will neverreach the original authenticity it is advisable to check carefullythe possibility of rebuilding the dry stone walls using the sametechniques and the same materials where it is necessary towiden the path. The stones used must derive exclusively fromthe demolition of existing walls inside the area of intervention.The use of stone from the site ensures full respect for its originaland the colours of the place and increases the environmentalsustainability of the intervention.key wordscoastal landscape, terraces, vineyards, dry stone walls, Karst,Triesteenhance the cultivation on the terraces. The extraordinarycultural landscape would otherwise be doomed to disappearas a consequence of the process of reforestation. Since it is ahighly vulnerable landscape it requires the utmost respect for thecharacteristics of the site.Analysis of the current situationTerritorial and landscape overviewThe project site is located in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia,Province of Trieste, Municipality of Trieste, locality Contovello.The province of Trieste can be represented by two neighbouringbands of variable thickness: the Karst plateau and the coastalstrip. The built environment consists of the city of Trieste anda number of smaller towns of ancient formation, based onpredominantly agricultural or fishery related activities, locatedimmediately around the scattered Karst plateau and the coastFigure 1: Terraced vineyards are associated with the villages on the edge ofthe Karst ridge. The area of context and the area of study are highlighted in thedrawing.Slika 1: Terasasti vinogradi so pove<strong>za</strong>ni z vasmi na obrobju Kraškega roba. Narisbi sta poudarjeni okolno območje in proučevano območje.63
AR 2011/3<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of Triesteand connected by widespread newly formed buildings.Thelandscape context identified by the centre is bordered to the east,west of the village of Duino, the countries that border the Karstridge to the north and south of the sea. The centres includedin this area have historically been characterised by being tiedto the sea, despite the great differences in altitude. The villagessituated on the ridge, Visogliano, Aurisina, Santa Croce,Dulanjavas and Contovello, thus form a group characterised bydirect connections with the coast, such as by passing fishermento reach fishing spots, which still mark the area.from Trieste to Venice. The altitude is approx. 100-250 m.a.s.l.The area has developed gradually in the transition zone betweenthe limestone formation, the band of sandstone and, towardsthe sea, the area of the flysch. Limestones generally have lowerodibility due to its compactness, and high permeability,characteristics that lead to a landscape with rounded hills. Thisis the case of the Karst plateau north of Contovello. Flyschlikegeological structures, however, have a medium-high degree oferodibility, caused by the intense stratification and the presenceof soft and non permeable marl layers, resulting in a much morerugged landscape with steep slopes and deep grooves.The morphology of the ridge is intimately linked to the type ofrock. The border of the Karst ridge is of limestone, the lowerband consists of sandstone with rather sweet slopes, while froman altitude of 130-170 m.a.s.l. a layer of flysch evolves with amore pronounced inclination.Figure 2: The network of paths shows a few connections between the Karst ridgeand the sea, overcoming the barriers formed by the coastal road and the railroutes which have interrupted many of these connections.Slika 2: Mreža poti prikazuje nekaj pove<strong>za</strong>v med Kraškim robom in morjem.Premagujejo ovire, kot sta obalna cesta in železniška proga, ki sta prekinilimnoge teh pove<strong>za</strong>v.Landscape context and area of studyThe landscape is characterised by widespread and extensiveterraces testifying the presence of ancient agricultural cultivation.In the study the partition walls and support of the terraces aremade of dry sandstone and host crops mainly of vine. Amongthe terraces there is a network of access paths, also bordered bystone walls. The project proposes the recovery of these artefactsrelated to the landscape features of the area.Figure 3: View of vineyards on the terraces above the Miramare Castle andPark.Slika 3: Pogled na vinograde na terasah nad miramarskim gradom in parkom.Geomorphological characterThe study area extends along the sides of the coastal town ofTrieste under the locality of Contovello, above the railway lineFigure 4: Authentic path paved in stone connecting the Karst ridge to theAdriatic coast.Slika 4: Prvotna, s kamni tlakovana pot, ki povezuje Kraški rob z Jadranskoobalo.Hydrological characterOn the versant of the coast of Trieste there are many brookscontaining high quantities of water during periods of heavyrains. Apart from areas in the valley, there is no real undergroundwater and the presence of some sources is connected to localgroundwater flow into the fissures of the rock. In the pastwellsprings were exploited on a small scale, by collecting waterin tanks.The area examined is crisscrossed by four valleys crossed bysmall rivers of torrential character: Rio Grignano Prosecco Rio,Rio and Rio Miramare Cedas and Marinella. Within the area ofstudy we find one of these brooks, the Rio Miramare, as well asthe pond of Contovello. This pond is an element of landscapevalue, environmental as well as recreational. This is a smalloverrun of water created by sealing the bottom with clay in orderto accumulate a reserve of water that was once used for grazinganimals The pond is fed by small springs from the overlyinglayers of flysch. It appears in the cadastral maps from 1822.Vegetational systemsThe vegetation of the study area consists of Mediterranean shrubspecies, woodlands, vineyards and olive groves on terraces.Many cultivated areas situated on the terraces have beenabandoned and therefore there is an ongoing natural process ofreforestation.64
<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of TriesteAR 2011/3The forest associations on the side of the Trieste coast consistsof oak woods, dominated by Downy Oak (Ostryo-Quercetumpubescentis) or Sessile Oak in most areas with acid soils (Sesler-Quercetum petraeae). In both cases, the undergrowth is compactand rich Sesleria autumnalis. The phase of reforestation followingabandonment of crops or pastures is often characterised by theabundance of common broom (Spartium junceum). On theterraced areas there are crops, especially of vine (Vitis vinifera),and a minority of olive (Olea europaea) and fruit trees.Agrarian landscapesThe project area is part of that portion of the Karst ridge whichis characterised by steep slopes shaped into terraces. Theseare made up of agricultural lots of small size and quadrilateralshape, elongated perpendicular to the maximum gradient of theslope. The cultivated lots are usually separated by stone wallsof sandstone. A large part of this abandoned agricultural land iscurrently presenting different stages of overgrowth with shrubsand stability problems, due to lack of maintenance.The historical and cultural value of the terraced landscape isconsiderable and it also contributes to the formation of a habitatcontaining species of Community interest.The cultivation of vine in the past has been an important elementin the economy of the territory of Trieste, an outstanding exampleis the valuable vinum pucinum in Roman times.In the period between 1400 and 1500 the Empire and themunicipality aimed at containment and control of the vinecultivation and the commerce of wine, so the first agriculturalrules were established. The situation remained unchanged untilthe proclamation of the free port of 1719 which led to an increasein the population and a renewed interest in investing in wineproduction. The best vineyards are concentrated mainly in theKarst area between the ridge and the sea, on arenaceous-marlylayer corresponding to the villages of Santa Croce, Contovelloand Barcola.Around 1630 a system of planting vine called "Friuli" wasintroduced, in which the plants were neatly arranged, often inrows, allowing a rational exploitation of the land.Especially in the area of Prosecco, Santa Croce and Contovellothe quality of the wine was exceptionally high and it wasappreciated by the upper classes throughout Europe, especiallyin Carinthia, Styria, Carniola and up in Graz, Linz and Prague.Historical territorial fabricAn important iconographic source to understand thetransformation over time of the terraces of Contovello isthe historic land register Franceschini of 1866; cartographyindicating individual lots, urban and rural areas.In 1866 the urban centres and their boundaries were clearlylegible: Contovello, San Girolamo and Dolagnavaz. There wasmore water, the pond of Contovello was enlarged and dividedinto two basins, sinks, fountains and water troughs for animalswere present. The map also indicates the existence of twoEnglish gardens.The predominantly agricultural area was cultivated withvineyards and only a few parts were used as orchards, left fallowor covered with wood. The paths between the terraces werenarrow and thin to maximise the acreage.Very interesting is the comparison between historical andcurrent panoramic photographs. The first case is a shot from theStrada Napoleonica prior to 1857: the terraces extend almostto the coast, while today you see the effects of overgrowthand urbanisation. The second case is a historical picture froma viewpoint at Contovello in 1952: the terraces are plenty andthe border between urban and rural area is clear, a number ofhouses and a mass of cedars planted after World War II capturethe view, weakening the identity of rural simplicity of the site(see Photo 6).Figure 5: The height and proximity of the bordering stone walls form narrowand shady corridors in some sections of the paths.Slika 5: Višina in bližina razmejitvenih kamnitih zidov na nekaterih odsekihpoti tvorita ozke in senčnate koridorje.Distribution and differentiation of the artefacts in the areaof studyThe project "Infrastructuring the Karst ridge of Trieste" containsa typological study of the existing stone walls of the area. Theseartefacts are listed by function, period of construction, type ofbinder material, condition and possible causes of degradation.According to the typological study of the walls we can makesome important considerations. The two major types of wallrepresented are dry stone walls of sandstone and walls ofconcrete. These two materials are the cheapest ones in eachperiod. In order to make the paths accessible for even smallmechanical agricultural vehicles a substantial part of the originaltissue of dry sandstone walls has to be replaced or supplementedby elements in concrete. The area of the project corresponds tothe area with the most important historical artefacts.historical dry stone wallsThe materials used in the past for built elements were obtainedfrom the cleaning of stones from the fields and from theconstruction of trails. Unlike the Karst plateau, where theprevailing stone was limestone, the Karst ridge, up to an altitudeof about 150 m.a.s.l. consists of sandstone. This sedimentarystone, grey and yellow ochre, comes in slabs with a thicknessthat can vary from a few centimetres to several metres. Thefarmers of the past have found it particularly convenient to splitthe sheets slotting, in order to get enough regular blocks with acharacteristic elongated shape suitable for walls.In the dry stone wall there is no collaboration between theblock of material and binder, which means that the structure canwithstand stress due solely to its own weight. These structuresare used for the containment of the land as a division betweenagricultural lots.Flooring: Historically, the paving of the paths of the studyarea was made of clay mixed with elements of stone. Thesame treatment was reserved for the access ramps and terraced65
AR 2011/3<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of Triesteproperties. With the use of cars and mechanical surfacesdriveways have been paved or covered with gravel. The traits inthe project are still in gravel or grass and weeds.Steps: In ancient times, where it was necessary to overcome alarge slope, steps were built of slabs of sandstone. In later periodsthe existing stone was replaced and integrated with concrete.Fences and gates: The oldest fencing fences were made of localwood, untreated and usually put in place directly by the farmers.The existing fences of today are made of various materials:metal, plastic and wood. Even the gates were originally madeof wooden strips or wrought iron but today various materials areused, often impacting with the context.Water collection: To cope with water scarcity in the summermonths rainwater tanks were arranged, later supplemented bymetal tanks and plastic bins.Relation to scenic routesThe network of paths that crosses the area of terraces is indirectlyconnected to a larger system of touristic interest. Four trails ofhistorical and natural interest wind through the Karst ridge andaffect the area of study.The re-qualification of two sections of paths of Contovelloprovided by the project, increases the use of paths in the area ofstudy and improves the connection with the extensive networkof trails on the Karst.The degradation of the environment and the landscapeThe recent development of settlements on the Karst ridge hasreduced the open view towards the sea and interrupted thecontinuity of ecological corridors.The abandonment of traditional cultivations on the terracesresults in the loss of the qualities of the rural landscape and ofbiodiversity together with an increased risk of erosion.The large single-family buildings in the historical centre ofContovello have greatly reduced the visual quality of thehistorical settlement from many viewpoints east of the site. Nextto the historical settlement cedars (Cedrus spp.) were planted inthe fifties. The growth of these trees, extraneous to the contextof the vegetation of the area, has greatly altered the visualperception of Contovello, first characterised by the contrastbetween the historical centre, well-defined on top of the hill andthe terraced vineyards below.The reduction of open spaces in favour of the forest and the urbansprawl around the old historic core are attacking the structureof the traditional landscape, characterised by sharp boundariesbetween different land uses, including settlements, cultivatedareas and wooded areas.Summary of significant historical eventsThe promontory of Contovello has always been the object ofattention for its dominant position, with an open view of 360°,and for the characteristics of its agricultural land.The presence of spring water, the slopes descending to the seaexposed by the sun, protected from the cold Bora winds, thegood quality of the marly soils, have inspired the constructionof terraces and the cultivation of wine and olives, since remotetimes.On the site there is evidence of a proto-historic settlement, withremains dating from the end of the Bronze Age and from theIron Age. In addition, there are Roman remains discovered ahundred metres south of the top of the hill.On top of the peak of Contovello there are remains from thecastle of Moncholano. The first documentary sources regardingthe fortification are from 1308. Next to the castle the existence ofa church dedicated to San Gerolamo is documented from 1338.Contovello is probably the only known case in which one candetermine precisely the birth of a village on the Karst. On July30,1413 it was decided in Trieste to create a village near thecastle of Moncholano where only the church of San Gerolamoexisted. At first the new settlement was called Villa di SanGerolamo, and later, in 1437, the name Contovello appeared forthe first time.A pictorial representation of Contovello interesting for thelandscape aspects is the etching by Gaetano Merlato, dated1820, entitled "View of the village of Contovello from theheights of Gretta". It is a perspective representation of the hillof Contovello. In the foreground there is a road that borders thesea. On the left, two sailing boats, probably fishing boats, aredelineated on the gulf. In the background emerges the Karstridge that culminates with a rocky ridge on the right and pointedsteeple of the church of Contovello in the centre. The terracesabundant with vineyards are clearly represented in this picture.Valleys traversed by brooks which descend from the mountainand groups of trees that are concentrated mainly in the roughnessof the slope.Functional and visual analysisVisual and symbolic relationshipsThe project was evaluated from an analysis on a regional scale,identifying the terraces that stretches from the outskirts of thecity of Trieste until Aurisina, between the sea and the Karstplateau.The extent of the Karst ridge reaches an altitude of about 250metres above sea level, on whose line contains there is a numberof important landmarks and scenic lookouts (Belvedere Italia,Monte Grisa Sanctuary, Church of San Gerolamo).In the aerial photo the extension of the terraces in Contovellois shown, above the railway line. From the sea they form thebackdrop to the Park of Miramare, since the plateau behind isnot visible.Figure 6: The vineyards on terraces located between Contovello and Miramareare visible from the sea, from some points of the coast and from panoramicviewpoints in the city of Trieste.Slika 6: Vinogradi na terasah med Kontovelom in Miramarom so vidni z morja,z nekaterih točk na obali ter z nekaterih panoramskih razglednih točk v Trstu.Panoramic photos were taken from different points of thecoast of Trieste, which highlight the profile of the Karst ridge,corresponding to the terraces and the village of Contovello.66
<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of TriesteAR 2011/3It is therefore very important to take into account that thetransformation of this part of the ridge is visible from a distanceand can alter the quality of the coastal landscape.Functional relationshipsVery important is the system of roads and pedestrian paths. Themain vehicular roads are the Viale Miramare, which followsthe coastline, the Salita Contovello and the Strada del Friuli,reaching the villages of Contovello and Prosecco, and the StradaNapoleonica.The ridge is a very important tourist attraction for its highcultural value and environmental qualities. For this reason manytourist itineraries have been created connecting the Sloveneand the Italian Karst. Significant for the cultural history are thepedestrian paths running along the boundaries of rural lots, someof which reach the coast: the old paths once used by fishermen.Analysis of levels of protection in the operating context andstudy areaThe area is part of the context of the Karst designated as a siteof the ecological network "Natura 2000" under the Habitats andthe Birds Directive.The SCI "Carso triestino e goriziano" and the SPA "Areecarsiche della Venezia Giulia". ZPS extend within the provincesof Trieste and Gorizia. On the north the site borders on theRepublic of Slovenia. The SCI/SPA, contains all types worthyof protection and conservation: Karst lands, wetlands (lakes,Karst ponds), cliffs and scree slopes, caves, fragments ofvegetation (sub) Mediterranean extrazonal, limestone plateaus,rivers and halophilic area. Thanks to the fact that it is here theMediterranean, the Alps and the Balkans converge, the Karst hasan extraordinary wealth of flora and fauna.Photographical documentationThe views towards the area of study are analysed fromparticularly significant viewpoints from the surrounding area.The relationship between the current situation and the past isanalysed through two sets of images. The first one highlightssome elements that characterise the morphology of the territoryand the culture of the past.The second establishes a direct comparison between past andpresent using pictures taken from a similar view in differentages.If you compare two photographs, one from 1952 and one from2010, transformations undergone in the area during about sixtyyear emerge. In particular, the loss of the definition of boundariesis noted, the disorderly building growth, the overgrowth, theloss of identity of the historical settlement of Contovello andthe consequent weakening of the hierarchy between buildingsand open spaces. Through the juxtaposition of two images takennear the Strada Napoleonica, the phenomenon of overgrowing isevident: the terraces which once extended to the sea are hardlyvisible (see Photo 6).Figure 7: Terraces of Contovello seen from the port of Cedas. (around 1950,M. Magan).Slika 7: Terase v Kontovelu iz pristanišča v Čedasu (okoli 1950, M. Magan).Figure 8: Comparison of a historical photo and a current photo from the lookoutTrmadevec. The settlement of Contovello dominates the underlying areaswith vineyards. (1952, M. Maganji). In the current image the urban sprawl isreducing the quality of the cultural landscape and a grove of cedars hides thesettlement of Contovello partially.Slika 8: Primerjava med staro in sedanjo fotografijo z razgledišča Trmadevec.Naselje Kontovel obvladuje nižje ležeča področja z vinogradi. (1952, M.Maganji). Na današnji fotografiji širjenje mesta zmanjšuje kakovost kulturnekrajine, cedrov gaj pa delno <strong>za</strong>kriva naselje Kontovel.67
AR 2011/3<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of TriesteProject: Description of the works to be performedThe project aims at recovering the degradation of existinginterstate routes and bordering walls. The planned interventionaims at increasing the accessibility of the area, enhancingagricultural activities and ensuring the possibility of easymaintenance of the built elements.During the final design a typical agricultural vehicle has beenidentified, currently used in the country, which enshrines theaverage characteristics. The total width of this vehicle is 1050mm. The operations to be undertaken in accordance withthe final project are of two types. The first type includes therecovery of the routes, the consolidation works of the terracesand the enlargement of the interstate roads to allow the passageof farm agricultural vehicles. The final design provides for aminimum width of 1.5 metres of the interstate roads in straightpaths. In critical situations, in the presence of curves this widthis increased. The second type of works, includes the demolition,excavation and restoration of paths for the installation of awater system and underground conduits for future installationof electrical cables. Along the route there will be pitches forthe exchange and for the parking of agricultural vehicles, fortemporary storage of materials and seating and information willbe provided for tourists. For the retention of rainwater runoffalong the route of the project will feature works reducing thewater flow speed and accumulating water in underground tanks.Comparison and identification of works in relation to theFranceschino land registerThe current topographical structure given by the dry stone walls,and the division in terraces has been compared to the situationin the middle of the nineteenth century, recreated by means ofthe drawings of the land register of 1866. A remarkable state ofpreservation of the original structure emerges, while the changein land use has led to a progressive reforestation of the area.The proposed intervention, following the divisions of theagricultural lots respects the subdivision of the area. The widthof current paths winding within dry stone walls, is in some casesvery narrow (50-80 cm) a direct consequence of the morphologybut also of the original function.Identification of the project compared to the existingsituation overlapThe project has been overlaid on the regional cartography andaerial photos to identify the network of paths. Historical researchmaking use of photographic documentation and literatureavailable and tables of the Franceschino land register was alsocarried out.Figure 10: Long stone stairs between the dry stone walls of the terraces.Slika 10: Dolge kamnite stopnice med suhozidi teras.Figure 9: Comparison of areas cultivated by vine - overlap between aerial photoof 2005 with the Franceschino land register 1866. White areas in the drawingcorrespond to vineyards of 1866. From the overlap is noted that the network ofpaths has remained almost unchanged while the surface of vineyards is veryreduced.Slika 9: Primerjava vinorodnih območij – prekrivanje zračnega posnetka iz leta2005 s Franciscejskim katastrom iz leta 1866. Beli predeli na risbi označujejovinograde leta 1866. Prekrivanje pokaže, da je mreža poti ostala skoraj nespremenjena,medtem ko se je površina vinogradov zelo skrčila.Comparison and identification of the project compared tothe existing situationThe project has been compared with the existing situation withparticular attention paid to the historical paths existing in theterritory.The project analysed proposes, for functional reasons, anextension of the width of the paths replacing existing partitionswith reinforced concrete coated with sandstone.The project provides some pitches for operation of mechanicalequipment, pitches that also serve as a resting place andpanoramic terrace. These points now have a form dictatedprimarily by functional requirements, in contradiction with thetopography of the territory.The reasons for the architectural language adopted in referenceto local traditionThe proposed intervention will connect to the network of naturetrails of the Karst, thus helping to enrich the offer. Specialattention is being given to the points of junction with the existingpaths.Elements for assessment of landscape compatibilityCompliance with the intervention compared to the levels ofprotection in the operating context and study areaThe proposed intervention compiles with the levels of protectionas indicated in urban plans regarding the area.68
<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of TriesteAR 2011/3The effects of the intervention on the surrounding landscapeand on the area of intervention The evaluation of landscapecompatibility concerns both the area of intervention and thesurrounding landscape, both during construction and afterconstruction. In the evaluation it is important to take into accountthe improvements which the realisation will bring to the entiresystem of terraces through the resumption of cultivation. Thepreservation of this cultural landscape requires active cultivation.The abandonment of cultivation and subsequent reforestationare the main causes of the process, going on for years, whichis reducing the extension of the cultivated landscape of theterraces.sections where it is necessary to widen the roadway to achievethe width of 1.5 m which is considered necessary. According toan audit of the project it was noted that in phase 1 approximately60% of existing walls are maintained, while in the area of phase2 around 54%.Figure 12: The authenticity of the current network of paths is high.Slika 12: Današnja mreža poti je zelo podobna prvotni.Figure 11: Comparison between the existing situation and the proposal. Thevisual impact of the pitches is clear.Slika 11: Primerjava med obstoječo situacijo in predlogom. Vizualni vtis strminje jasen.The authenticity of the route before and after the intervention hasalso been evaluated, authenticity being considered the value ofpreservation of historical artefacts that contribute to landscapevalue.The intervention inevitably affects the points just mentioned.The realisation of the project does not substantially alter thevisual perception considering the points of view distant to thearea of study (Colle di San Giusto, Viale Miramare, Faro delaVittoria, Belvedere Italia and Strada Napoleonica). Consideringscenic routes near the area of intervention, there is a disturbanceof the visual perception due to the interruption of the continuityof linear walls created by the lay-bys.Thanks to the use of photomontages the effects of the realisationwere compared with the current situation, both for phase 1 andphase 2. The images show the enhancement of the site as a resultof maintenance, in particular recovery compared to the currentsituation of degradation with walls overgrown by weeds. Theenlargement of the path alters the proportions between the pathand the bordering walls.The coating of the walls is an important aspect for the evaluationof landscape compatibility. The final design is based on a soliddocumentation of the existing situation through a typologicalstudy of the walls, an accurate and precise documentation ofthe state of preservation and stability of existing walls. Themaintenance of existing walls is assessed where it is possible.In short, the existing walls are demolished and rebuilt only inthe units considered unsafe, and in the collapsed sections of wallFigure 13: The authenticity of the network of paths will be reduced following theimplementation of the project.Slika 13: Avtentičnost mreže poti se bo po izvedenem projektu zmanjšala.The landscape transformation is irreversible in the case ofdemolition of ancient walls. Other interventions are reversible.Regarding the visual quality the effect will be more significant ina short term, while in a medium-and long-term the developmentof the vegetation will make a less obvious contrast between wallsand rebuilt existing walls. The effects of the transformationsduring the construction will be substantial but, given that thework will be concentrated over a limited time, the operationshould not be too burdensome. The effects of the interventionwhen built will provide benefits for the maintenance andrecovery of traditional agricultural activities in the area.The most significant changes to the landscape are thoseconcerning the pitches. Considering the system of paths andthe settlement of Contovello, any change will have an impact,however small, on the landscape as a whole.The works of mitigation and compensation providedThe area of study deserves a management plan consideringthe high landscape values, the natural and historical-culturalvalues. The most significant values are those of vine cultivation69
AR 2011/3<strong>Romana</strong> Kačič, <strong>Mattias</strong> LidénRevitalisation of vineyards in the terraced landscape on the Karst ridge of Triesteon terraces, documented in the area since the year 1308, butprobably existing in the site already in the Roman period.Some routes passing through the cultural landscape may alsobe advertised, routes exploring the peculiarities of local andfostering a better knowledge of the territory by citizens.As a compensatory measure to the inevitable changes relatedto the project an intervention on the sections of walls made ofconcrete in the post-war period is proposed, currently of scarcevalue, through an operation of coating the wall with stonesretrieved for better visual integration.existing walls inside the area of intervention. The use of stonefrom the site ensures full respect for its original and the coloursof the place and increases the environmental sustainability ofthe intervention. In this regard, it is not necessary to resort toexternal supplies with consequent reductions in costs of supplyand transport of materials.As for the paving of the paths compacted soil or local sandstonewithout concrete should be used. In addition it is recommendednot to use concrete on the access ramps to the lots. Forparticularly pronounced slopes it is advised to use steps ofsandstone, without the use of concrete. For fences and gates localhandcrafted wood is indicated, possibly made from twigs on theground, wrought iron elements and materials tied to tradition. Itis suggested not to carry out the project providing the conduitsfor the subsequent installation of electrical cables. The landscapevalue of the study area is given largely by the cultivation of thevine on terraces with traditional eco-friendly techniques whichdo not require a fixed power supply. The availability of waterand electricity could be an incentive to a future urbanisation andto the introduction of non-traditional crops and therefore cause adegradation of environmental quality.Suggestions for territorial planningConsidering the high landscape value, environmental, historicaland cultural features of the ancient terraced slope aroundContovello, the development of an integrated plan to recover thevalues that are disappearing due to abandonment of cultivationand subsequent reforestation is suggested.Figure 14 and 15: Comparison between the existing situation and the proposal.Simulation based on photographs showing the visual impact of the intervention.Sliki 14 in 15: Primerjava med obstoječo situacijo in predlogom. Simulacija spomočjo fotografij prikazuje vizualni vtis posega.Requirements for the preparation of detailed designIn particular, the final design must take into account the value ofthe original dry stone walls which contribute to the authenticityof the cultural landscape. The replacement of an old stone wallwith a new one will never reach the original authenticity of theexisting wall. It is advisable to check carefully the possibilityof rebuilding the dry stone walls using the same techniques andthe same materials where it is necessary to widen the path. Itis important to specify in the final project the need to employskilled labour and stress that the construction supervision willcontrol the good correspondence between new and ancientartefacts. In the event that the construction of new concrete wallsis absolutely necessary in some section, the coating must be donewith utmost care and respect of traditional methods of laying.The stones used must derive exclusively from the demolition ofBibliographyCalligaris, R. (1999): Flysch - Trieste tra marna e arenaria, Museocivico di storia naturale di Trieste, Trieste.Colombo, F. (1998): Dal castello di Moncholano alla torre di Prosecco- Storia e vicende di una struttura fortifica- ta triestina fratardo medioevo ed età moderna. V: "Archeografo Triestino"Serie IV - 1998 - Volume LVIII (CVI della Raccolta).Cosma, S. (1998): Vitovska - i vigneti dal mare al carso. V: Vinibuonid" Italia.Durissini, D., Nicotra, C. (1998): Guida ai sentieri del Carso Triestino.Edizioni LINT, Trieste.Kačič, R. (2001): La struttura del paesaggio carsico / Sestava kraškekrajine. 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