2520.4 Science 9 12 - West Virginia Schools

2520.4 Science 9 12 - West Virginia Schools

2520.4 Science 9 12 - West Virginia Schools


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and demonstrate conflictresolution; and convinceothers to exhibit behaviorsof sharing, performingchores, caring forbelongings, and showingrespect for others; andrecommend ways they canvolunteer their time andtalents.examine the roles of rules,consequences, and conflictresolution; andcompare behaviors ofsharing, performing chores,caring for belongings, andshowing respect for othersas examples of citizenship;andresearch areas ofvolunteerism and choose anarea of interestdemonstrate the need forrules, consequences, andpeaceful conflict resolution;andtake turns and share,perform daily chores, carefor personal belongings,and show respect forothers; andgive examples ofvolunteerism and explainwhy citizens contribute theirtime and talents.define rules, consequences,and conflict resolution; andshare, perform weeklychores, and care forpersonal belongings; anddefine volunteerism andrelate how citizenscontribute time.match rules andconsequences and identifyexamples of peacefulconflict resolution; andtake care of personalbelongings; andidentify examples ofvolunteerism.ObjectivesSS.O.K.01.01SS.O.K.01.02SS.O.K.01.03SS.O.K.01.04SS.O.K.01.05Grade KStandard: 2SS.S.K.02Students willdemonstrate an understanding that a good citizen takes turns and shares, takes responsibility for doing daily chores, cares forpersonal belongings and shows respect for what belongs to others.identify and illustrate examples of honesty, courage, and patriotism.identify, discuss and demonstrate the need for rules and the consequences for breaking rules and how to resolve disagreementspeacefully.be given the opportunity to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing patriotic songs and celebrate national holidays, and discuss theirsignificance.give examples and explain why citizens voluntarily contribute their time and talents to the community.Social StudiesCivics/GovernmentStudents will• examine and analyze the purposes and basic principles of the United States government (Purposes of Government).• outline and evaluate and analyze the origins and meanings of the principles, ideals, and core democratic values expressed inthe foundational documents of the United States (Ideals of United States Democracy).• examine and distinguish the structure, function, and responsibilities of governments and the allocation of power at the local,state and national levels (United States Government and Politics).• analyze how the world is organized politically and compare the role and relationship of the United States to other nations andto world affairs (United States Government and World Affairs).Performance Descriptors (SS.PD.K.2)Distinguished Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery NoviceKindergarten students at Kindergarten students at Kindergarten students at Kindergarten students at Kindergarten students at2

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