The Department of Modern Languages-English Philology - Erasmus

The Department of Modern Languages-English Philology - Erasmus

The Department of Modern Languages-English Philology - Erasmus


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Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning III (module) 709.3-xxxx-111 Descriptive Grammar <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> III 309.3-xxxx-111 Introduction to Linguistics 309.2-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature I 408.3-xxxx-111 Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> speaking countries I 3Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning IV (module) 409.3-xxxx-111 Descriptive grammmar <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> III 209.2-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature II 308.3-xxxx-111 Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> speaking countries II 308.3-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> speaking countries I 3Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 3 rd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning V (module) 509.3-xxxx-111History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> languages with elements <strong>of</strong>historical grammar09.2-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature III 608.3-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> speaking countries II 33Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 3 rd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning VI (module) 709.2-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature IV 308.3-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> speaking countries II 3

SECOND CIRCLE (MASTER’S DEGREE)Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning VII (module) 1005.1-xxxx-11105.1-xxxx-11105.1-xxxx-111Linguistics module:- Phonology IDescription:<strong>The</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> the course is to acquaint students with thedescription <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> phonetics and phonology in theframework <strong>of</strong> structural phonological theories. <strong>The</strong>theories selected for discussion include Americanphonemics and Prague School functional phonology.- Historical Grammar <strong>of</strong> the <strong>English</strong> language I- Semantosyntax 1Description:<strong>The</strong> course covers the following areas:Lexical meaning: Models <strong>of</strong> linguistic sign. <strong>The</strong>ories <strong>of</strong>meaning and kinds <strong>of</strong> meaning. Words as meaningfulunits. Morpheme, word, lexeme. Morphologicalstructure <strong>of</strong> words. Semantic structure <strong>of</strong> words:Componential analysis, Semantic prototypes. Senserelations between words. Lexical fields.Requirements: presentations in class; final examination.- Metaphors in languageMethodology module:- Psycholinguistics-Varietes and registers <strong>of</strong> language- Teaching language to young learnersDescription:- learning process in children- early language acquisition – objectives and potentialachievements- lesson planning in kindergarten- presentation and consolidation <strong>of</strong> language material- teaching techniques: games, songs, rhymes, drawing,story-telling, drama- teaching to read and write in a foreign language- student and teacher evaluation- characteristics <strong>of</strong> a good language teacher for children- Intercultural approach in glottodidacticsLiterary module:- British literature – Renaissance and Baroque- From Queen Mary to Queen Victoria 18 th and 19 th c.Description:- the 18th-c. satire, its aims and methods.- the rise <strong>of</strong> the novel, novel-writing conventions andnarrative techniques.- the Gothic novel- the Romantic poetry and its philosophical background.- the Romantic prose and its philosophical background.Romanticism: between conservatism and liberalism.- women in the 18th and 19th c literature.- the expansion <strong>of</strong> the colonial empire and its influenceon literature.Victorian medievalism- late Victorian literature and Victorian pessimism.- the 19th c. theatre, the importance <strong>of</strong> G.B. Shaw andthe influence <strong>of</strong> Ibsen202020

05.1-xxxx-111- Contemporary British literature – prose and drama- <strong>The</strong>ory literatureDescription:- Russian formalism- New Criticism- Structuralism- Psychoanalysis- Hermeneutics- Poststructuralism and deconstruction- Phenomenology and reader-response criticism- Speech-act theory- Pragmaticism- Bakhtin- Marxism- Gender studies and queer studies- Postcolonialism- New HistoricismCultural module:History <strong>of</strong> British Isles until 17 th c.Description:<strong>The</strong> course covers selected aspects <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> theBritish Isles from the earliest times to the end <strong>of</strong> the17 th c. It provides training in and experience <strong>of</strong>historical analysis <strong>of</strong> issues <strong>of</strong> importance for theunderstanding <strong>of</strong> ancient, medieval and early modernBritain. Alongside the development <strong>of</strong> skills andknowledge relevant to the interests and research needs<strong>of</strong> individual students, the course aims to equip studentsfor both independent research and analysis in primaryand secondary material.- British culture- Analysis <strong>of</strong> historical texts18Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning VIII (module) 7Linguistics module 18Methodology module 18Literary module 18Cultural module 18Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITSLinguistics module 23Methodology module 23Literary module 23Cultural module 23

SECOND CIRCLE (MASTER’S DEGREE)linguistics, specialisation: teachingCourse code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-1 1009.3-xxxx-111Phonology IDescription:<strong>The</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> the course is to acquaint students with thedescription <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> phonetics and phonology in theframework <strong>of</strong> structural phonological theories. <strong>The</strong>theories selected for discussion include Americanphonemics and Prague School functional phonology.409.3-xxxx-111 Historical Grammar <strong>of</strong> the <strong>English</strong> language I 409.3-xxxx-111Semantosyntax 1Description:<strong>The</strong> course covers the following areas:Lexical meaning: Models <strong>of</strong> linguistic sign. <strong>The</strong>ories <strong>of</strong>meaning and kinds <strong>of</strong> meaning. Words as meaningfulunits. Morpheme, word, lexeme. Morphologicalstructure <strong>of</strong> words. Semantic structure <strong>of</strong> words:Componential analysis, Semantic prototypes. Senserelations between words. Lexical fields.Requirements: presentations in class; final examination.409.3-xxxx-111 Metaphors in language 2Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-2 1009.3-xxxx-111Phonology IIDescription:<strong>The</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> the course is to acquaint students with thedescription <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> phonetics and phonology in theframework <strong>of</strong> structural phonological theories. <strong>The</strong>theories selected for discussion include Americanphonemics and Prague School functional phonology.409.3-xxxx-111 Historical Grammar <strong>of</strong> the <strong>English</strong> language II 409.3-xxxx-111Semantosyntax 1IDescription:<strong>The</strong> course covers the following areas:Lexical meaning: Models <strong>of</strong> linguistic sign. <strong>The</strong>ories <strong>of</strong>meaning and kinds <strong>of</strong> meaning. Words as meaningfulunits. Morpheme, word, lexeme. Morphologicalstructure <strong>of</strong> words. Semantic structure <strong>of</strong> words:Componential analysis, Semantic prototypes. Senserelations between words. Lexical fields.Requirements: presentations in class; final examination.409.3-xxxx-111Celtic Celtic languages IDescription:<strong>The</strong> course is introduces the basic facts connected with3

the structure <strong>of</strong> the Celtic languages. No specifictheoretical approach is assumed, the facts are presentedin a descriptive fashion.<strong>The</strong> particular issues introduced are the following:- <strong>The</strong> Celts: cultural and historical backgrounds, sources- classification <strong>of</strong> languages: divisions, methods <strong>of</strong>classification, languagefamilies- the historical background for the neo-Celticlanguages: internal divisions, etnological, geographicaland typogical- distinctive features <strong>of</strong> Celtic languages:phonology,morphology and syntax; hierarchy <strong>of</strong>typicality;- recognizing the distinctive features <strong>of</strong> neo-Celticlanguages on the example <strong>of</strong> practical classes inintroductory Welsh (consonant mutations, word order,clitics, particles, synthetic and analytic verb forms).Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 3 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS05.1-xxxx-111 <strong>English</strong> language teaching 409.3-xxxx-111MorphologyDescription:<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> the course is to present the place <strong>of</strong>morphology in the system <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong>, the dualism <strong>of</strong>language, the hierarchy <strong>of</strong> units on the content planewith special reference to the word, the principles <strong>of</strong><strong>English</strong> word formation and the semantics <strong>of</strong>polymorphemic words.509.3-xxxx-111Celtic l Celtic languages IIDescription:<strong>The</strong> course is introduces the basic facts connected withthe structure <strong>of</strong> the Celtic languages. No specifictheoretical approach is assumed, the facts are presentedin a descriptive fashion.<strong>The</strong> particular issues introduced are the following:- <strong>The</strong> Celts: cultural and historical backgrounds, sources- classification <strong>of</strong> languages: divisions, methods <strong>of</strong>classification, languagefamilies- the historical background for the neo-Celticlanguages: internal divisions, etnological, geographicaland typogical- distinctive features <strong>of</strong> Celtic languages:phonology,morphology and syntax; hierarchy <strong>of</strong>typicality;- recognizing the distinctive features <strong>of</strong> neo-Celticlanguages on the example <strong>of</strong> practical classes inintroductory Welsh (consonant mutations, word order,clitics, particles, synthetic and analytic verb forms).09.3-xxxx-111 Sociolinguistics 408.3-xxxx-111 Lectures in cultural studies 45

Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 4 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.3-xxxx-111 Lectures in linguistics 409.2-xxxx-111 Lectures in literary studies 4applied linguistics – methods <strong>of</strong> teaching, specialisation: teachingCourse code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-1 10Psycholonguistics 5Varietes and registers <strong>of</strong> language 405.1-xxxx-111 Intercultural approach in glottodidactics 405.1-xxxx-111 Interpersonal communication 3Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-2 1005.1-xxxx-111 Intercultural communication 505.1-xxxx-111 Evaluation methods 305.1-xxxx-111Teaching language to young learnersDescription:- learning process in children- early language acquisition – objectives and potentialachievements- lesson planning in kindergarten- presentation and consolidation <strong>of</strong> language material- teaching techniques: games, songs, rhymes, drawing,story-telling, drama- teaching to read and write in a foreign language- student and teacher evaluation- characteristics <strong>of</strong> a good language teacher forchildren2Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS05.1-xxxx-111 <strong>English</strong> language teaching 405.1-xxxx-111 <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Foreign <strong>Languages</strong> Assimilation 605.1-xxxx-111 Multimedia in foreign language teaching 505.1-xxxx-111 Intercultural approach in glottodidactics 308.3-xxxx-111 Lectures in cultural studies 4

Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.2-xxxx-111 Lectures in literary studies 4literary studies, specialisation: teachingCourse code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1 , 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-1 1009.2-xxxx-11109.2-xxxx-111British poetry and drama from the Middle Ages tothe RestorationFrom Queen Mary to Queen Victoria – British prose,poetry and drama in 18th and 19th c.Description:- the 18th-c. satire, its aims and methods.- the rise <strong>of</strong> the novel, novel-writing conventions andnarrative techniques.- the Gothic novel- the Romantic poetry and its philosophicalbackground.- the Romantic prose and its philosophical background.Romanticism: between conservatism and liberalism.- women in the 18th and 19th c literature.- the expansion <strong>of</strong> the colonial empire and its influenceon literature.Victorian medievalism- late Victorian literature and Victorian pessimism.- the 19th c. theatre, the importance <strong>of</strong> G.B. Shaw andthe influence <strong>of</strong> Ibsen09.2-xxxx-111 Contemporary British literature – prose and drama 409.2-xxxx-111<strong>The</strong>ory literatureDescription:- Russian formalism- New Criticism- Structuralism- Psychoanalysis- Hermeneutics- Poststructuralism and deconstruction- Phenomenology and reader-response criticism- Speech-act theory- Pragmaticism- Bakhtin- Marxism- Gender studies and queer studies- Postcolonialism- New Historicism543

Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2, 1 st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-1 1009.2-xxxx-111World literatureDescription:<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> the course is to acquaint students with themain stages <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> literature, focusing on theworks that have become major sources <strong>of</strong> inspirationfor other writers. <strong>The</strong> course looks at European andnon-European traditions from ancient to contemporarytimes.08.3-xxxx-111 Analysis <strong>of</strong> historical texts 209.2-xxxx-11109.2-xxxx-11109.2-xxxx-111British and American Poetry <strong>of</strong> the 20 th c.Description:This course covers the body <strong>of</strong> modern poetry, itscharacteristic techniques, concerns, and major authors,who range from Yeats, Eliot, Crane and Pound toLarkin, Auden, Frost and Heaney. Diverse methods <strong>of</strong>literary criticism are employed and broad thematicconcerns are presented, including the existence or nonexistence<strong>of</strong> God, the representation <strong>of</strong> a multi-vocalicsociety, the use and depiction <strong>of</strong> history, and<strong>Modern</strong>ism's complicated relationship with its literarypredecessors.American Novel and Short StoryDescription:<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> the course is to expand the students'knowledge <strong>of</strong> American fiction (short story and novel)<strong>of</strong> the 19th and 20th centuries. <strong>The</strong> subjects includeRomantic prose, realism and naturalism, modernistfiction, the literature <strong>of</strong> the South as well asmulticultural and minority literatures.20 th century American drama 2245Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1, 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS05.1-xxxx-111 <strong>English</strong> language teaching 409.2-xxxx-111 Literature <strong>of</strong> American South 508.3-xxxx-111 Contemporary British society 509.2-xxxx-111 Victorian literature and religious experiences 408.3-xxxx-111 Lectures in cultural studies 4Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2 , 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.2-xxxx-111 Lectures in literary studies 409.2-xxxx-111 Lectures in appled linguistics-methods <strong>of</strong> teaching 4

cultural studies, spcialisation: teachingCourse code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1, 1 1st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-1 1008.3-xxxx-111History <strong>of</strong> the British Isles until 17 th c.508.3-xxxx-111 British culture 508.3-xxxx-111 Analysis <strong>of</strong> historical texts 2Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2, 1 1st year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.1-xxxx-111 Practical <strong>English</strong> Skills Learning II-2 1008.3-xxxx-111History <strong>of</strong> the British Isles until 17 th c. 508.3-xxxx-111 History <strong>of</strong> the USA 508.3-xxxx-111American cultureDescription:Students are given the opportunity to further expandtheir knowledge and understanding <strong>of</strong> the life andculture <strong>of</strong> the American people. Topics covered in thecourse include:- a general overview <strong>of</strong> the USA: facts and figures- American geography – regions and their sharedcharacteristics; the 50 states- U.S. landmarks – historical, cultural and natural- American stereotypes- Consumerism in the U.S.A.- the impact <strong>of</strong> Protestantism on American character- American values5Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 1, 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS05.1-xxxx-111 <strong>English</strong> language teaching 408.3-xxxx-111 <strong>The</strong> rise and fall <strong>of</strong> the British Empire 408.3-xxxx-111 Contemporary British society 508.3-xxxx-111 Contemporary American society 508.3-xxxx-111 Lectures in cultural studies 4Course code COURSE TITLE Sem. 2, 2 nd year NO OF ECTS CREDITS09.2-xxxx-111 Lectures in literary studies 409.2-xxxx-111 Lectures in appled linguistics-methods <strong>of</strong> teaching 4

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