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Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification416BLISTER TAPE SPECIFICATIONFor dimension see Table 4K 0D 0P 2P 0Ecover tapeFWB0A 0D 1SCM015T 2P 1direction of unreelingK 0 : so chosen that the orientation of the componentcannot changeFor W = 8 mm: T2 = 3.5 mm max.For W = 12 mm: T2 = 6.5 mm max.Fig. 4 Blister tapeTable 5 Dimensions of blister tape for relevant chip size; see Fig.4SYMBOLSIZECODE A 0 B 0 K 0 W E F ØD 0 ØD 1(2)P 0Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.Min.P 1 P 2Unit: mm0805 1.29 1.57 2.08 2.39 1.27 1.55 8.1 ±0.20 1.70 ±0.1 3.5 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 1 +0.1/-0.0 4.0 ±0.10 4.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.051206 1.65 2.01 3.30 3.63 1.22 2.03 8.1 ±0.20 1.70 ±0.1 3.5 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 1 +0.1/-0.0 4.0 ±0.10 4.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.051210 2.55 3.02 3.28 3.76 0.78 2.75 8.1 ±0.20 1.70 ±0.1 3.5 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 1 +0.1/-0.0 4.0 ±0.10 4.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.051808 2.10 2.45 4.80 5.45 1.30 2.45 12.1 ±0.20 1.70 ±0.1 5.5 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 4.0 ±0.10 8.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.051812 3.24 3.75 4.60 5.20 0.80 2.40 12.1 ±0.20 1.70 ±0.1 5.5 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 4.0 ±0.10 8.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.052220 5.12 5.32 5.84 6.04 1.28 1.48 12.0 ±0.20 1.70 ±0.1 5.5 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 4.0 ±0.10 8.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.05NOTE1. Typical capacitor displacement in pocket2. P 0 pitch tolerance over any 10 pitches is ±0.2 mmSep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification516REEL SPECIFICATIONW 2CNAHBK039W 1Fig. 5 ReelTable 6 Reel dimensions; see Fig.5TAPE WIDTHSYMBOLUnit: mmA N C W 1 W 2max.8 (Ø178 mm/7") 178 ±1.0 60 ±1.0 13 +0.50/-0.20 9.0 ±0.2 14.48 (Ø330 mm/13") 330 ±1.0 100 ±1.0 13 +0.50/-0.20 9.0 ±0.2 14.412 (Ø178 mm/7") 178 ±1.0 60 ±1.0 13 +0.50/-0.20 13.4 ±1.5 18.4PROPERTIES OF REELMaterial: polystyreneSurface resistance:

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification616LEADER/TRAILER TAPE SPECIFICATIONtrailer endempty compartmentswith cover tapeleader endcover tape only180 mmtrailer (max. 260 mm)leader400 mmMEA529-bFig. 6 Leader/trailer tapeTable 7 Leader/trailer tape dataDESCRIPTIONMinimum length of empty compartments at leader endMinimum length of empty compartments at trailer endVALUE≥ 400 mm of which a minimum 260 mm of empty compartmentsare covered with cover tape and ≥ 180 mm cover tape only≥ 180 mmSep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification716LABELLINGLabel examples are shown in Fig. 7(1)(2)(3)(4)QTY(1T)B/N400089213100010327 004937 808(6)(5)LINE MARKING EXPLANATION1 Quantity2 Bar code of batch no (1D)3 Unique batch number(30P)CTC C 0603 JR NP0 9BN 2204 Bar code of CTC (2D)5 Taping week code6 Series code of reelYNM0010Fig. 7 Packing labelSep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification916300T(°C)250260 °C255 °C245 °C10 s max.YNM0016220 °C200Preheating180 °Cca. 45~90 s > 220 °C150150 °C100TypicalRamp down rate < 6 K/sRamp up rate < 3 K/s5000 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400t (s)Solid line: Typical process (terminal temperature)Dotted lines: Process limits - bottom process limit (terminal temperature) & upper process limit(top surface temperature).Fig. 9 Infrared soldering, forced gas convection reflow soldering - Temperature/time profile for lead-free SnAgCu solders300T(°C)250235 °C to 260 °C (SnPb)250 °C to 260 °C (SnAgCu)10 s max., max. contact time 5 s per wavesecond waveYNM0017200150Preheating130 °C120 °Cfirst waveΔT < 150 Kcoolingca. 2 K/sca. 3.5 K/s typicalca. 5 K/s100100 °CTypical5000 50 100 150 200t (s)250Solid line: Typical processDotted lines: Process limitsFig. 10 Double wave soldering for SnPb and lead-free SnAgCu solder - Temperature/time profile (terminal temperature)Sep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification 1216TESTS AND REQUIREMENTSTable 11 Test procedures and requirementsTEST TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSMounting IEC 60384-21/224.3 The capacitors may be mounted on printed-circuit boards orceramic substratesNo visible damageVisualinspectionanddimensioncheck4.4 Any applicable method using × 10 magnification In accordance with specificationCapacitance 4.5.1 Class 1:f = 1 MHz for C ≤ 1 nF, measuring at voltage 1 V rms at 20 °CWithin specified tolerancef = 1 KHz for C > 1 nF, measuring at voltage 1 V rms at 20 °CClass 2:f = 1 KHz for C ≤ 10 µF, measuring at voltage 1 V rms at 20 °Cf = 120 Hz for C >10 µF, measuring at voltage 0.5 V rms at 20 °CDissipationfactor (D.F.)4.5.2 Class 1:f = 1 MHz for C ≤ 1 nF , measuring at voltage 1 V rms at 20 °Cf = 1 KHz for C > 1 nF, measuring at voltage 1 V rms at 20 °CClass 2:f = 1 KHz for C ≤ 10 µF, measuring at voltage 1 V rms at 20 °Cf = 120 Hz for C > 10 µF, measuring at voltage 0.5 V rms at 20 °CIn accordance with specificationInsulationresistance4.5.3 At U r (DC) for 1 minute In accordance with specificationTemperaturecoefficient4.6 Class 1:Between minimum and maximum temperatureNP0: -55 °C to +125 °CNormal Temperature: 20 °CΔC/C:Class 1: NP0: ±30 ppm/°CTemperaturecharacteristicClass 2:Between minimum and maximum temperatureX5R: -55 °C to +85 °CX7R: -55 °C to +125 °CY5V: -30 °C to +85 °CNormal Temperature: 20 °CClass 2: X5R/X7R: ±15%Y5V: 22% to -82%Class 2: X5R/X7R: ±15%Y5V: 22% to -82%Adhesion 4.7 A force applied for 10 seconds to the line joining the terminationsand in a plane parallel to the substrateForcesize ≥ 0603: 5Nsize = 0402: 2.5Nsize = 0201: 1NSep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification 1316TEST TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSBondstrength ofplating onend faceIEC 60384-21/224.8Mounting in accordance with IEC 60384-22paragraph 4.3Conditions: bending 1 mm at a rate of 1 mm/s,radius jig 340 mmNo visible damage∆C/CClass 1:NP0: within ±1% or 0.5 pF, whichever is greaterClass2:X5R/X7R/Y5V: ±10%∆C/CClass2:X5R/X7R/Y5V: ±10%Resistance tosolderingheat4.9 Precondition: 150 +0/–10 °C for 1 hour, thenkeep for 24 ±1 hours at room temperaturePreheating: for size ≤ 1206: 120 °C to 150 °C for1 minutePreheating: for size >1206: 100 °C to 120 °C for1 minute and 170 °C to 200 °C for 1 minuteSolder bath temperature: 260 ±5 °CDipping time: 10 ±0.5 secondsRecovery time: 24 ±2 hoursDissolution of the end face plating shall notexceed 25% of the length of the edgeconcerned∆C/CClass 1:NP0: within ±0.5% or 0.5 pF, whichever is greaterClass2:X5R/X7R: ±10%Y5V: ±20%∆C/CClass2:X5R/X7R: ±10%Y5V: ±20%D.F. within initial specified valueR ins within initial specified valueSolderability 4.10 Preheated the temperature of 80 °C to 140 °Cand maintained for 30 seconds to 60 seconds.The solder should cover over 95% of the criticalarea of each terminationTest conditions for lead containing solder alloyTemperature: 235 ±5 °CDipping time: 2 ±0.2 secondsDepth of immersion: 10 mmAlloy Composition: 60/40 Sn/PbNumber of immersions: 1Test conditions for leadfree containing solder alloyTemperature: 245 ±5 °CDipping time: 3 ±0.3 secondsDepth of immersion: 10 mmAlloy Composition: SAC305Number of immersions: 1Sep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification 1416TEST TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSRapid changeoftemperatureIEC 60384-21/224.11 Preconditioning;150 +0/–10 °C for 1 hour, then keep for24 ±1 hours at room temperature5 cycles with following detail:30 minutes at lower category temperature30 minutes at upper category temperatureRecovery time 24 ±2 hoursNo visual damage∆C/CClass 1:NP0: within ±1% or 1 pF, whichever is greaterClass2:X5R/X7R: ±15%Y5V: ±20%∆C/CClass2:X5R/X7R: ±15%Y5V: ±20%D.F. meet initial specified valueR ins meet initial specified valueDamp heatwith U r load4.13 1. Preconditioning, class 2 only:150 +0/-10 °C /1 hour, then keep for24 ±1 hour at room temp2. Initial measure:Spec: refer initial spec C, D, IR3. Damp heat test:500 ±12 hours at 40 ±2 °C;90 to 95% R.H. 1.0 U r applied4. Recovery:Class 1: 6 to 24 hoursClass 2: 24 ±2 hours5. Final measure: C, D, IRP.S. If the capacitance value is less than theminimum value permitted, then after theother measurements have been made thecapacitor shall be precondition according to“IEC 60384 4.1” and then the requirementshall be met.No visual damage after recovery∆C/CClass 1:NP0: within ±2% or 1 pF, whichever is greaterClass2:X5R/X7R: ±15%; Y5V: ±30%D.F.Class 1: NP0: ≤ 2 x specified valueClass2:X5R/X7R: ≤ 16V: ≤ 7%≥ 25V: ≤ 5%Y5V: ≤ 15%R insClass 1:NP0: ≥ 2,500 MΩ or R ins x C r ≥ 25s whichever is lessClass2:X5R/X7R/Y5V: ≥ 500 MΩ or R ins x C r ≥ 25swhichever is less∆C/CClass2: X5R/X7R: ±20%; Y5V: ±30%D.F.Class2: 2 x initial value maxR insClass2: 500 MΩ or R ins x C r ≥ 25s, whichever is lessSep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification 1516TEST TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSEndurance IEC 60384-21/224.14 1. Preconditioning, class 2 only:150 +0/-10 °C /1 hour, then keep for24 ±1 hour at room temp2. Initial measure:Spec: refer initial spec C, D, IR3. Endurance test:Temperature: NP0/X7R: 125 °CX5R/Y5V: 85 °CSpecified stress voltage applied for 1,000 hours:Applied 2.0 x U r for general product.Applied 1.5 x U r for high cap. product.High voltage series follows with below stresscondition:Applied 1.3 x U r for 500V seriesApplied 1.2 x U r for 1KV, 2KV, 3KV series4. Recovery time: 24 ±2 hours5. Final measure: C, D, IRP.S. If the capacitance value is less than theminimum value permitted, then after the othermeasurements have been made the capacitor shallbe precondition according to “IEC 60384 4.1” andthen the requirement shall be met.No visual damage∆C/CClass1:NP0: within ±2% or 1 pF, whichever is greaterClass2:X5R/X7R: ±15%; Y5V: ±30%D.F.Class1:NP0: ≤ 2 x specified valueClass2:X5R/X7R: ≤ 16V: ≤ 7%≥ 25V: ≤ 5%Y5V: ≤ 15%R insClass1:NP0: ≥ 4,000 MΩ orR ins x C r ≥ 40s whichever is lessClass2:X5R/X7R/Y5V: ≥ 1,000 MΩ orR ins x C r ≥ 50s whichever is less∆C/CClass 2:X5R/X7R: ±20%; Y5V: ±30%D.F.Class 2:2 x initial value maxR insClass 2:1,000 MΩ or R ins x C r ≥ 50s, whichever is lessVoltage proof IEC 60384-1 4.6 Specified stress voltage applied for 1 minuteNo breakdown or flashoverU r ≤ 100 V: series applied 2.5 U r100 V < U r ≤ 200 V series applied (1.5 U r + 100)200 V < U r ≤ 500 V series applied (1.3 U r + 100)U r > 500 V: 1.3 U rI: 7.5 mAwww.yageo.comSep 15, 2010 V.13

Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer CapacitorsGeneral dataProduct specification 1616REVISION HISTORYREVISION DATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTIONVersion 13 Sep 15, 2010 - - Dimensions of blister tape updatedVersion 12 Sep 18, 2009 - - PE tape specifications updatedVersion 11 Sep 07, 2009 - - PE tape specifications addedVersion 10 Jun 12, 2009 - - Paper tape specifications updatedVersion 9 Apr 03, 2009 - - Change to dual brand datasheet- Label definition updated- Reflow soldering for Sn/Pb chart updated- Reflow soldering for lead free (Pb-free) chart added- Double wave soldering chart updated- Tests and requirements updatedVersion 8 Apr 11, 2006 - - Taping quality improvedVersion 7 Jul 10, 2003 - - Company logo updated- Taping specification updated- Label definition updatedVersion 6 May 30, 2001 - - Converted to Phycomp brandSep 15, 2010 V.13www.yageo.com

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