Bulletin Nov 27, 2011

Bulletin Nov 27, 2011

Bulletin Nov 27, 2011


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Advent ~ The Church offers us this seasonof grace in preparation for our celebration of thebirth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.These 4 weeks recall the promise of God to saveHis people. In opening our hearts to the Lord, inreconciling our lives with Him and others, inselfless giving to our loved ones and the needy,we make ready a special place in our hearts for the comingof Jesus at Christmas. Prepare His way.L’Avent ~ Ce temps d’attente que l’Église nous offre,nous aide avec notre préparation personelle avant l’arrivéede Jésus. Les quatre semaines de l’Avent nous rappelle queDieu à promis de sauver Son people. En ouvrant nos coeursau Seigneur, par la réconciliation de nos vies avec Lui et lesautres, en se donnant entièrement aux autres, nous préparonsune place d’honneur dans nos coeur pour la naissance deJésus à Nöel. Préparons Son chemin.The Role of Permanent DeaconsSince Deacon Larry Lamphier has been welcomed into ourparish, many of our parishioners have had questions abouthis role. The following information should be helpful.~Permanent Deacons are ordained by the Bishop for serviceto the people of God.~Deacons are assigned to a particular ministry of service bythe Bishop. The assignment is based on the needs within theDiocese.~Deacons are ordained for service to the Diocese and not tothe individual parish to which they may be assigned.~They are not expected to move from their home town orjob, to do a ministry.~Deacons may not necessarily be assigned ministry in theirown parish. The needs of the diocese in their local regiondetermine their ministry of service and where it will be carriedout.~The ministry of Deacons is not to replace the ministry ofanyone who is already working in such an area in the parishor the local region (such as a pastoral minister or coordinatorof youth ministry)~In liturgical celebrations, deacons have various roles. TheBishop may give deacons faculties to preach the homily, tobaptize, and to preside at funerals and weddings outside ofthe celebration of Eucharist.~Permanent deacons receive NO payment for their diaconalministry. If a deacon is assigned to a ministry which is apaid position is the area - such as a prison chaplain - thedeacon does not receive this payment. These funds areplaced in a Diocesan Diaconate Trust Fund which providesfor deacons’ families in exceptional circumstances of need.~Permanent deacons’ ministry placements will be reviewedevery two years.Pope John Paul IIWords to Live By“Watch.” This admonition that Jesus addresses to us(Mark 13:33) is the basic message of the Advent season: tobe vigilant while waiting for the Messiah. Let us remainalert, to be ready to meet the Savior who comes to reveal tous the face of the heavenly Father.Readers, Eucharistic Ministers,GreetersPlease call the parish office to offer your assistancewith the holiday masses.Offertory Gift BearersAny family can be Offertory Gift Bearers. You donot have to be mandated. Please call ~ 519-687-3118 to offeryour services.Lecteurs/lectrices,ministres eucharistiques,personnes d’accueilVeuillez svp téléphoner le bureau pour offrir vos servicespour les fêtes.Porteurs d’offrandesVeuillez svp téléphoner le bureau pour donner votre nom.Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Onthe first Friday of the month, parishioners are invited tospend some quiet time in prayer before Jesus in the BlessedSacrament. Adoration will take place followingFriday’s morning mass, beginning at 9amuntil 2pm. A sign-up sheet ensures that someonewill always be in prayer before the Lord.Adoration du Très Saint Sacrement:Ce vendredi 2 décembre, nousaurons l’adoration du Saint Sacrement dans lachapelle entre 9h et 14h. Nous invitons tousnos paroissiens et paroissiennes de venir passerdu temps en prière. Une feuille de presence est en place,afin de nous assurer qu’il y a toujours quelqu’un de presentavec Jésus.Communion to the Shut-insThose who are unable to attend mass are invited to receiveHoly Communion on the first Friday of each month. Fr. Boband/or one of the parish Eucharistic Ministers will gladlyvisit the home of our shut-ins. If you are not receiving thismonthly service and would like to have a visit,please contact the parish office by Thursday ofthis week.La communion...est porté aux personnes qui ne peuvent pasassister à la messe. Si vous connaisezquelqu’un qui aimerait avoir leur nom ajouté ànotre liste, demandez la permission de nous téléphoner aubureau avec les informations necessaries.1st Reconciliation The children who are preparingfor this sacrament will be meeting during next weekend’smasses. Please remember them in your prayers.1ère Réconciliation Les élèves qui se préparentseront instruit pendant la messe dimanche prochain. Svpgarder les dans vos prières.Réunions...Meetings this week…Tues. <strong>Nov</strong>. 29@ 9:30 am Arise, library@ 7:00 pm RCIA, Sunday School RoomWed. <strong>Nov</strong>. 30 @ 6:45 pm Arise, hall A@ 7:30 pm ChoirThurs. Dec. 01 @ 7:00 pm Debout ensemble, hall AFri. Dec. 02@ 7:00 pm ‘Tween DanceLast chance... to purchase tickets for the CWLChristmas Party to be held Monday, December 5th, at theRochester Place Restaurant. The deadline is today, <strong>Nov</strong>ember<strong>27</strong>th! For more information call Yvette @ 519-798-5951.Attention! A member placed her money in an envelope (inthe collection basket) for the CWL Christmas Party, lastweekend, with No Name! Could she please call Yvette.Re: Heat in the Streets … in lieu of ’free will’ cash donation,should you care to purchase these items yourself, youmay bring these gloves, socks, toques etc. to the Christmasparty.CWL Members ~ your help is needed todeliver poinsettias plants to the parish’s shut-ins.Please meet in the parish hall, Tuesday, December6th @ 1:15pm. Thank you!The Squirettes of Mary are hostinga ‘Turkey Bingo’, Sunday, December 4th, inthe Visitation Parish Hall. Doors open at6:30pm - Bingo to begin at 7:00pm. Admissionis $3.00. Additional cards will be availablefor purchase. Snacks will also be availablethroughout the evening.2nd Annual SquiresChristmas RaffleTickets on sale now for 3 prizes!Drawn on Sunday, December 18th.Cost $2.00.“Keep Christ in Christmas”The Knights of Columbus invite you to purchase a lawn/window sign ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’ for your home. Asample sign can be viewed in the hall foyer. The cost is$15.00. Please contact Marc Rivard at 519-798-5775. It is atimely reminder of the reason for the season!Next ‘Tween Dance...in the parish hall Dec. 2, from7-10 pm. Students in grades 5 to 8 are welcome. Cost: $5.00.2012 Parish Offertory EnvelopesIf you are not currently using Offertory Envelopesbut would like some, please call the parishoffice this week, to request them.Les enveloppes pour offrandesSi vous n’utilisez pas les enveloppes mais envoudriez, svp téléphoner le bureau cette semaineGiving Tree ~ On behalf of the Roman Catholic Children’sAid Society for the County of Essex, we are onceagain appealing to the generosity of our parishioners for yoursupport in helping them to ensure that every child, supervisedby their agency, will have gifts to open on Christmasmorning. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christand at this time it is our hope that each and every child andtheir parents can experience love and joy in receiving a gift.We encourage everyone to participate in any away possible.Please follow these easy directions:• The list of items needed by each familyhas been divided into individual gift ideas.Check the paper ornaments on the ‘givingtree’ in the narthex. On the back of the ornamentis the name of an article or gift that isneeded by a child or adult in one of thesefamilies. Please chose from these an item thatyou could buy. (new items only please).• Take the ornament home with you so youcan remember what it is you are to buy and tomake sure no one else buys the same thing.• After you have bought the article, do notwrap the gift but please attach the paperornament securely to the gift and place itunder the ‘giving tree’ by December 11th.Please note, the agency will NOT accept wrapped gifts, butyou can provide wrapping paper if you wish and the parentswill wrap the gifts for their children.Knights of ColumbusChildren’s ChristmasParty ~ Dec. 4thOpen to children and grandchildren ofmembers of Visitation Parish Council8783 who are 10 years and under. Allchildren MUST be registered by Tuesday,<strong>Nov</strong>ember 29th. To register, call Mike @ 519-739-2553, Maurice @ 519-728-3044 or Charlie @ 519-798-3616.Grief & Personal CounselingAt this time of year our losses may be felt more acutely andsometimes personal struggles seem insurmountable. SisterPat Hogan CSJ has a wide experience both in personal andgrief counseling. If you feel you would like a companionwith whom to journey contact Sister Pat @ 519-945-6450.

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