Grade 8 Social Studies Chapter 2 Review
Grade 8 Social Studies Chapter 2 Review
Grade 8 Social Studies Chapter 2 Review
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_____ Hakim has just moved to Newfoundland from India. WE would considered him an (?)._____ Which of the following groups did not interact well with the European settlers?_____ What community eventually became a permanent Mi’kmaq settlement?_____ Which of the following groups came to Newfoundland in the early 1800's to escape religiousdiscrimination and poverty in their home country?_____ This aboriginal group got along really well with Europeans, serving as guides for them._____ The 1800's (in other words, 1800-1899) is referred to as the (?) century._____ This community was originally established by the French._____ A $300 fee put into law to discourage a certain group of immigrants from moving toNewfoundland._____ The first people of Newfoundland and Labrador - there were 5 groups: Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu,Inuit and Metis._____ The completion of this helped Newfoundlanders access land-based resources (eg. Forestry,mining, farming), in the interior._____ The staple (main) resource of native peoples - used for food, clothing, tools, practicallyeverything._____ The first English and Irish settled here, only later generations moving to the Northeast coast andinterior._____ This group of immigrants (mostly merchants) first settled in Nova Scotia, then many of themsailed back to settle on the West coast of Newfoundland._____ The Beothuk became (?) For four main reasons._____ By 1911, what percentage of inhabitants of Newfoundland were born in Newfoundland?_____ The first (and main) immigrants to Newfoundland were (?) from countries like England, France,Ireland, and Scotland.th_____ In the 19 Century, Newfoundland’s main urban centre, with about 3000 people was (?).