2012 Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus - IAAPA
2012 Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus - IAAPA
2012 Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus - IAAPA
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Buyers come to <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expodetermined to gain the competitive edgeby discovering proven ideas and strategies that will help themincrease sales, attract new customers, build their brand and improvetheir bottom line.Exhibit at <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> and ensure that yourproducts and services are noticed by more than 25,000 buyersand decision-makers from the world’s largest:• Amusement parks• Theme parks• Attractions• Waterparks• Family Entertainment Centers• Casinos• Resorts• Museums• Aquariums• ZoosConnect with More BuyersAt <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong>, you’ll find more international ownersand operators than at any other industry show.<strong>IAAPA</strong> works with numerous national associations and U.S.Department of Commerce commercial posts to coordinate buyerdelegations to <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo. No other show gives yousuch broad exposure to buyers from across the globe.Why Orlando?Orlando is the epicenter of fun and excitement for thousands ofvacationers each year. Amusement and theme parks, waterparks,family entertainment centers and other attractions are looking tocompanies, like yours, to identify new products and services to keeptheir offer fresh and exciting.And in the center of it all is the Orange County Convention Center,a world-class facility ideally suited for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong>,with great outdoor space and a one-floor exposition hall.With nearby hotels, great attendee drive-in potential, internationalappeal, and the ease of Orlando International Airport, it’s hard tobeat Orlando.
<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo is a smorgasbord of eyecandy and knowledge, a circular network of possibilities.<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo is the must-attend event if you are serious about succeeding inthe attractions industry. The seminars, exhibitor knowledge, and networking that can beaccomplished here is priceless.Attendees Have Buying Powerand Plan to SpendBuyers Represent Top ManagementReach Key Decision Makers<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 1
Redefining ROI: Influential BuyersAttending the <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpoTop 50 largest companies attending the show:Adventure AquariumAdventure IslandAttractiepark SlagharenBlackpool PleasureBeachBobejaanland BVBABoomersBusch GardensCarowindsCastle Fun Park/Amusements Ltd.Cedar Fair L.P.ChimeLong ResortDarien Lake Theme ParkResortDave and Buster’sDisneyland ResortDixie StampedeDolfinarium HarderwijkB.V.DollywoodDollywood’s SplashCountryDrayton Maner Park Ltd.Dream WorldAmusement ParkDutch WonderlandFamily EntertainmentComplexDyrehavsbakkensTeltholderforening1885Enchanted Kingdom, Inc.Europa-ParkFantasilandiaFort Fun AbenteuerlandFrankie’s Fun ParkGillian’s WonderlandPier/Gilamco, Inc.Great Wolf LodgeHaichang TourismDevelopment Co., Ltd.Harvest FamilyEntertainment, LLCHerschend FamilyEntertainmentHersheyparkIdlewild and SoakZoneJenkinson’s BoardwalkKennywoodKnoebels AmusementResortLagoon Corp.Lake Compounce L.P.LEGOLANDMadame TussaudsMerlin EntertainmentsGroup Ltd.Morey’s PiersOcean ParkPalace EntertainmentRipley EntertainmentSeabreeze ParkSeaWorld Parks &EntertainmentSix Flags, Inc.Universal StudiosThe Walt DisneyCompanyWet ‘n Wild – EmeraldPointePost-show survey respondents indicated:65%56%Percentage of attendees whosemain reason to attend is to seeand/or purchase new productson the show floorPercentage of attendees indicatethey make the company’s finalbuying decisionAmount of Time <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions ExpoAttendees Spend on the Trade Show Floor2<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Exhibitor</strong> & <strong>Sponsor</strong> Information
<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> • <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Rules and Regulations1. Management: The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (“Association” or “<strong>IAAPA</strong>”) willconduct the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> (“Event”) at the Orange County Convention Center (“Event Facility”) andappoints an official service contractor to provide all show services to exhibitors.2. Exceptions to Rules and Regulations: Exceptions to certain provisions of these Rules and Regulations may begranted at <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s sole discretion where requested in writing and received by <strong>IAAPA</strong> before September 7, <strong>2012</strong>.a. The request must include certificates of insurance from all agent representatives indemnifying the Associationfor liability resulting from such exception in limits satisfactory to <strong>IAAPA</strong>.b. <strong>IAAPA</strong> reserves the right to deny exceptions at its sole discretion.3. Third Party Obligations: <strong>IAAPA</strong> shall have no responsibility of any kind for the following:a. performance or failure to perform by any contractor including the official Service Contractor;b. performance or failure to perform services to the exhibitors, by the Event Facility.4. Application for and Assignment of Space: Anyone desiring to exhibit must file a written application with theAssociation at <strong>IAAPA</strong> Headquarters, 1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-9512 USA.a. Space will be assigned to conform as nearly as possible in size, price and location-subject to approval of theexhibitor.b. The Association must receive exhibitor’s disapproval of any space assignment in writing within 7 days afterthe date of postmark of the Association’s assignment process.c. Such rejection may be sent by fax or e-mail to the Association, but will only be valid upon confirmation ofreceipt by the Association.d. After September 4, <strong>2012</strong>, written disapproval must be received by <strong>IAAPA</strong> within 3 days after the date ofpostmark or fax of the Association’s notice of space assignment. Such rejection may be sent by fax or emailto the Association, but will only be valid upon confirmation of receipt by the Association. If no rejection isreceived by <strong>IAAPA</strong> within these periods, the exhibitor will be deemed to have accepted the space allocated.e. The Association has the absolute right to allocate and assign space and exhibitors and to relocate exhibitsafter initial assignment.5. Cancellation of Exhibit Space: The Association reserves the right to cancel any reservation not paid in full, tolease such space to another exhibitor, and to retain as liquidated damages any amounts already paid. <strong>IAAPA</strong>also reserves the right to reject any application, or cancel any contract, for space for any reason. If any <strong>Exhibitor</strong>changes management or is purchased by another company/organization, this Contract becomes binding onsuch company/organization. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> agrees that payments or deposits made by exhibitor may be used towardsatisfying any cancellation fees due to Association under this Contract.In the event that an exhibitor cancels this Contract, or is unable to use the space after August 6, <strong>2012</strong>, theAssociation shall retain as liquidated damages all amounts paid by such exhibitor. This includes company “noshows,”that do not occupy contracted on-site booth space. Upon receipt of cancellation notice from exhibitor,Association shall have no further obligations to the exhibitor under this Contract.6. Cancellation Deadlines and Liquidated Damages:a. $200-Written cancellation received by June 1, <strong>2012</strong>.b. $500-Written cancellation or space reduction received June 2, <strong>2012</strong> through July 2, <strong>2012</strong>.c. 50% of the total space cost for any cancellation or space reduction received beginning July 3, <strong>2012</strong> throughAugust 3, <strong>2012</strong>.d. 100% of the total space cost for any cancellation or space reduction received after August 3, <strong>2012</strong>.7. Administrative Fees for Booth Changes and Moves:a. Upon receipt and approval of a booth change or move request, the Association may charge administrativefees as follows:b. $200 for requests submitted through July 2, <strong>2012</strong>c. 50% administrative fee for any reduction of originally contracted space after July 2, <strong>2012</strong>.8. Cancellation or Postponement of Event. It is mutually agreed that, in the event that the Event is cancelledfor any reason, then and thereupon this Contract will be automatically be terminated and <strong>IAAPA</strong> managementwill determine an equitable basis for the refund of a portion or all of the exhibit fees, after due consideration ofexpenditures and commitments already made.9. Compliance with Rules and Regulations: <strong>Exhibitor</strong> hereby agrees to be bound by all <strong>IAAPA</strong> and Event Facilityrules and regulations outlined here, in the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Services Guide, and any additional rules, regulations, andinformation as may be adopted by <strong>IAAPA</strong> or the Event Facility. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> further agrees to adhere to and be boundby (i) all applicable fire, utility, and building codes and regulations of the Event Facility; (ii) any rules or regulationsof said Event Facility; (iii) the terms of all leases and agreements between <strong>IAAPA</strong> and the managers or owners ofthe Event Facility; (iv) the terms of any and all leases and agreements between <strong>IAAPA</strong> and any other party relatingto the Event; and (v) all Federal, State, and local laws, codes, ordinances and rules; without limiting the foregoing,exhibitor shall construct its displays to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> shall not, norshall exhibitor permit others to, do anything to its exhibit space or do anything in the Event Facility which wouldcause a difference in conditions from those previously approved by the insurance carriers of <strong>IAAPA</strong>, or the ownersor managers of the Event Facility, which will in any way increase premiums payable by any of said parties, andexhibitor shall be responsible for any such increase resulting from violation of this section. <strong>IAAPA</strong> will not interpretlaws, regulations and ordinances for any exhibitor.10. Specific Policies:a. All exhibitors must adhere to all rules and regulations pertaining to displays and product as outlined in <strong>IAAPA</strong>Booth Specifications and diagrams included in the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Services Guide.b. Exhibit activity or soliciting by any non-exhibiting firm or person on the trade show floor and/or on anyproperty under the supervision or under the contract of the Association during the trade show is strictlyprohibited.c. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> agrees to keep exhibit properly staffed and intact during show hours.d. Early dismantle of booth space is strictly prohibited.e. No cash and carry sale of goods as in a retail setting is permitted from an exhibit booth or in the EventFacility.f. No food or beverages may be sold on the premises, although samples may be given away in limited portions.See the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Services Guide published in hard copy or on line on the World Wide Web for further details.g. <strong>IAAPA</strong> reserves the right in its sole judgment to prohibit or close any display or activity because of noise,odors, or other disturbing features, or which may be offensive to other exhibitors or attendees. Furthermore,this discretionary right of <strong>IAAPA</strong> applies to any demonstration or activity by any exhibitor that results inobstruction of booth line-of-sight and/or access to a nearby exhibitor’s booth by either attendee/buyers orexhibitors.h. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s demonstrating amusement rides and/or offering rides to show attendees or guests are solelyresponsible for compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the operation ofrides, and for securing in advance all approval necessary to demonstrate and offer rides during the showdates.i. All personnel working in an exhibit booth must be employees of the exhibiting company.j. Each exhibiting company receives five (5) exhibitor staff badges for the first booth of 100 net square feet andtwo additional badges for each increment of 100 net square feet up to a maximum of 50 badges.i. Additional badges are at the prevailing member/nonmember rate. Booth personnel must showcompany business card for admission.ii. The replacement fee for a lost badge is $25.00.iii.Proper identification is required to replace a lost badge. No refunds will be made if a lost badge isfound/returned.k. Booth personnel must display their badges at all times.l. No exhibitor is allowed to assign, sublet, or apportion whole or any part of space allotted or exhibits anygoods other than those manufactured or sold in the regular course of business by the exhibitor.m. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s are prohibited from engaging in an exhibit activity in any space other than that which has beencontracted.n. “Suitcasing.” Please note that while all Event attendees are invited to the exhibition, any attendees who areobserved to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces or in another company’s booth will beasked to return their badges and to leave the show floor immediately. Violators will not be allowed to return tothe show and no refunds will be made. Additional penalties may apply. <strong>IAAPA</strong> asks that both attendees andexhibitors report any violations they may observe to the Show Office.o. “Outboarding.” Outboarding is defined as marketing, sales and hospitality events conducted by exhibitorsand others capitalizing on the presence of buyers and/or sellers attending the original show without previouslynotifying the original show organizer and finalizing an arrangement that benefits both parties. This practice isconsidered unethical. It includes practices such as “coat-tailing”, “piggy-backing”, co-location of events, andlarge-scale hospitality events, particularly during show hours.p. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> literature and printed materials, including trade publications, may only be distributed from withinan exhibitor’s booth space and may not appear in any other public space of the Orange County ConventionCenter or that of the contracted <strong>IAAPA</strong> hotels. Certain sponsoring opportunities are exempt from this rule.Demonstrations, sales activities and giveaways must take place within the exhibitor’s booth space. Distributionof materials and sales efforts may not take place in the aisles or any other location outside the contracted boothspace. This policy is strictly enforced! Companies found breaking these rules may have their booth at <strong>IAAPA</strong>Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> shut down, may forfeit accumulated priority points, and could be suspended from futureexhibiting.q. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s with products, the sale of which may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, must display a sign in theirbooth space to that effect.r. Manufacturers and other exhibitors of equipment that may be considered to be gaming equipment, devices orother products are responsible for determining that they can legally exhibit such items in Florida and Orlando.s. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s are responsible for any damage done by them or their employees.i. No nails, bolts, tack or screws shall be driven into the wall, woodwork or floor of the Buildingii.iii.iv.The use of flammable substances as decorative materials is prohibitedAll decorative fabrics must be flame proofed in accordance with City and Exhibit fire regulationsNo gasoline, kerosene, acetylene or other flammable or explosive substances are permitted in the buildingv. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s using grease or oil in the preparation of food must utilize cooking hoods to prevent splatter.t. Booth must be set-up and complete for inspection and the surrounding aisles clear of exhibitor’s equipmentand debris no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (17:00) on November 12, <strong>2012</strong>.u. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> warrants and represents that the Exhibit and all related materials, including but not limited tophotographs, written materials, and display models (collectively, the “Exhibit”), does not violate any proprietaryor personal rights of others (including, without limitation, any copyrights, patents or privacy rights); that theExhibit constitutes the <strong>Exhibitor</strong>’s own original work or property, or that the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> has permission from therightful owner to use such work or property. The <strong>Exhibitor</strong> agrees to indemnify and hold harmless <strong>IAAPA</strong>,its officers, directors, members, assignees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, actions, losses,demands, costs, attorneys’ fees and all other expenses relating or incidental to, or arising directly or indirectlyfrom, the inaccuracy or breach of any of the warranties and representations contained in this Section.11. Liability, Hold Harmless and Indemnification: <strong>Exhibitor</strong> agrees that neither the Event Facility nor the Associationshall be liable for any claims, losses, damages, death, injuries or liability which may be sustained by any person whomay be on the premises leased by or assigned to the exhibitor, (including but not limited to) any agent, employee,representative or guest of the exhibitor, or any other person or entity.The exhibitor agrees that it will hold harmless and indemnify the Event Facility and the Association from any and allclaims, including third party infringement claims, losses, damages, death, injuries or liability whatever (includingwithout limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) whether to property, person or otherwise, that arise in wholeor in part from the omissions or willful misconduct or breach of this Contract by exhibitor, or its agents, employees,representatives, guests or invitees related to or arising in connection with exhibitor’s performance under this Contract.In no event will <strong>IAAPA</strong> be liable to the exhibitor, whether in contract or tort, for any amount in excess of the exhibitspace rental fee in relation to any damages, including lost profits, arising out of or relating to the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Event, therental of exhibit space, the conduct of <strong>IAAPA</strong>, any breach of this Contract, or any other act, omission, or occurrence.In no event shall Association be liable, whether in contract or tort, for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, punitiveor spe cial damages or awards.In no event will <strong>IAAPA</strong> be liable to the exhibitor, whether in contract or tort, for any amount in excess of the exhibitspace rental fee in relation to any damages, including lost profits, arising out of or relating to the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Event, therental of exhibit space, the conduct of <strong>IAAPA</strong>, any breach of this Contract, or any other act, omission, or occurrence.In no event shall Association be liable, whether in contract or tort, for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, punitiveor special damages or awards.At the time of making final payment for space under this Contract, and before beginning any work or efforts inconnection with the Event, every exhibitor shall provide the Association with an original, signed insurance certificateand endorsement, naming “<strong>IAAPA</strong>, it’s entities, subsidiaries, agents, representatives, officers, staff, volunteers andemployees,” as additional insured under the exhibitor’s general liability insurance policy. The exhibitor’s policy mustinclude special events, and must be primary as to any other valid and collectible insurance, but only as to the acts ofthe named insureds. The exact show dates including move-in and move-out must be included on this certificate, aswell as policy numbers, effective dates, and limits. All policies shall evidence insurance written by a carrier licensed todo business in the state in which the Event is held and rated at least “A” in A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide. Minimumlimits required to be carried by exhibitors displaying amusement rides and/or mechanical, electrical or other devicesor displays involving audience participation, and any exhibitors using flammable materials or cooking must carry aminimum $2,000,000 per occurrence, and have a total combined aggregate policy of $4,000,000. Certificate mustread: “Coverage for participants is not excluded”.All other exhibitors are required to carry a minimum $1,000,000 per occurrence, $300,000 fire damage, $10,000medical expenses, $1,000,000 personal & advertised injury, $2,000,000 general aggregate, and $2,000,000products & completed operations policy. The coverages and limits set forth above are considered minimumrequirements and in no way limit the liability of the exhibitor. Notwithstanding the above minimums, <strong>IAAPA</strong> reservesthe right to require an insurance policy in excess of the amounts stated.12. Obligations At End of License: Before the termination of the license period, license period being from 8:00 a.m.,November 8, <strong>2012</strong> through 12 Noon, November 18, <strong>2012</strong>, exhibitor shall vacate the Event Facility and the facilitiesand return the equipment in the same condition and repair as originally furnished to the exhibitor, normal wear andtear excepted. In the event the Event Facility or the facilities are not so vacated, then the Association and/or theOrange County Convention Center is authorized, at the expense of the exhibitor, to remove and store or return toexhibitor, or unless the exhibitor’s failure is due to an event beyond the control of the exhibitor such as strikes or Actsof God, to treat as abandoned and discarded property and dispose of all goods, wares, merchandise and propertyof the exhibitor. The Association and/or the Orange County Convention Center shall not be liable for any damagesor loss to such goods, wares, merchandise or other property which may be sustained either in the course of suchremoval, or in the course of transit, or by virtue of the Association’s and/or the Orange County Convention Center’sdisposal of the property. The exhibitor hereby expressly releases Association and/or the Event Facility from any suchclaims for damages of whatsoever kind or nature.13. Security: Neither the Association nor the Event Facility shall be in any way liable or responsible for any lossor disappearance of any object, item, good or materials of any kind, from exhibitor’s booth space or from theEvent Facility, except for such loss or disappearance as is due to intentional and tortuous theft committed bythe employees of the Association or the Orange County Convention Center. The Association and the OrangeCounty Convention Center provide cer tain security services, including providing advice on security measures, asa convenience to exhibitors, but the responsibility for the security and safety of an exhibitor’s area, product, andproperty rests solely with the exhibitor.14. Miscellaneous: The above rules and regulations are all deemed to be of the essence of this Contract. A materialbreach of any of them shall be deemed a breach of Contract entitling <strong>IAAPA</strong> to immediately cancel the exhibitor’sContract. Upon cancellation, <strong>IAAPA</strong> may take possession of the exhibitor’s space, remove all person and propertiesof the exhibitor and hold the exhibitor accountable for all risk expense incurred in such removal. The associationreserves the right to make any changes necessary for the best interest of the trade show. If a court hereof holds anyprovisions invalid, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Dear <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Exhibitor</strong>:Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> in Orlando, Florida.In addition to the exhibit space contract enclosed, we need you to and sign and submit the followingcontract addendum regarding <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s new intellectual property policy that went into effect June 1, <strong>2012</strong>.In response to our manufacturer and supplier members’ concerns regarding intellectual property rightsinfringement and blatant copying, the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Board of Directors unanimously approved a policy thatrequires a member or nonmember company that purchases exhibit space, advertising or sponsorship toown or have the rights to display and/use the products, materials and printed content it is showcasing.To support this policy we have initiated an enforcement program at all <strong>IAAPA</strong> expos and trade shows.Here are a few highlights of this program:(1) <strong>IAAPA</strong> has contracted with a global IP mediator, who specializes in managing programs like thisaround the world. The IP mediator will be available on the trade show floor to investigate claims ofinfringement and, with proper evidence, to determine whether a violation of any law, rule or guidelinehas occurred during the show. If an exhibitor is believed to have violated another exhibitor’s rights,the violator may have to remove the offending material or display immediately. Other sanctions mayalso be issued when appropriate.(2) Investigation by the IP mediator will be free of charge to the complaining exhibitor. If, however, the IPmediator believes there is a violation of a law, rule or guideline and you wish to take further action,<strong>IAAPA</strong> will require you to submit a fee of $2,500. This will not only contribute to the association’scosts and expenses for the IP mediator to evaluate and potentially take any further action, but it willalso stop exhibitors from filing frivolous claims. If the complaint is deemed to be one that establishesa legitimate violation of a law, rule or guideline (whether imposed by local law or <strong>IAAPA</strong>) the mediatorand <strong>IAAPA</strong> may request the defending exhibitor to repay your $2,500 fee. <strong>IAAPA</strong> will be providingintellectual property rights inspectors on the exhibit floor and will post additional signage to alert allwho attend that <strong>IAAPA</strong> is serious about this issue. If you, as an exhibitor, have a real time issue, youwill be able to call the IP office and the inspectors will be sent to your booth to investigate.(3) This program has been modeled from a successful program used by the automotive industry. Likeany new program we will learn from it as we go along and add enhancements. These new rules onlyapply to activities taking place under the <strong>IAAPA</strong> umbrella; infringement issues in the generalmarketplace are not within <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s scope.<strong>IAAPA</strong> hosted two webinars, one in April and one in May, to educate our members about this newprogram. You can access the content of these webinars on the <strong>IAAPA</strong> website. The May issue ofFunworld featured an article on this program. <strong>IAAPA</strong> also will be educating our buyers that buyingunlicensed products can be problematic.This is a very large and expensive undertaking by <strong>IAAPA</strong> but it is a vitally necessary program for ourmembers and exhibitors. We look forward to your help and compliance in implementing this program.AGAIN, IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT AT IAE <strong>2012</strong> YOU MUST SIGN THE ATTACHED CONTRACTADDENDUM.
ADDENDUM TO THE IAE <strong>2012</strong> CONTRACT AND REGULATIONSTHIS ADDENDUM TO THE IAE <strong>2012</strong> CONTRACT AND REGULATIONS (this “Addendum”) is between The International Association of Amusement Parks andAttractions (“<strong>IAAPA</strong>” or the “Association”) and your company, which intends to exhibit (“<strong>Exhibitor</strong>”) at the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> to be held in Orlando, Florida fromNovember 12 – November 16, <strong>2012</strong> (the “Event”). Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements covered by the <strong>2012</strong> Exhibit Contract for Trade Show (“<strong>2012</strong>Contract”), the Association and <strong>Exhibitor</strong> hereby agree to amend the <strong>2012</strong> Contract as follows:1. The parties agree to add a new Section 15 to the <strong>2012</strong> Contract, which shall read as follows:15. IP Enforcement Policy. In an effort to ensure any claims or disputes by exhibitors at the Event (or in the time period prior to the Event) are handled in a nondisruptivemanner, the Association hereby agrees to provide all exhibitors at the Event with the services of an intellectual property mediator (“IP Mediator”). At the Eventand in the time period leading up to the Event, IP Mediator will provide assistance to exhibitors by evaluating potential intellectual property infringement claims and willwork closely with the Association to issue any Sanctions (as defined below), if necessary.The <strong>Exhibitor</strong> understands and agrees that the IP Mediator is a neutral party enlisted to mediate and settle disputes between exhibitors related to intellectual property orproprietary rights, as well as any violation of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract (including this Addendum). <strong>Exhibitor</strong> understands and agrees that all decisions made by the IP Mediatorare final, and shall not be subject to appeal or challenge.The <strong>Exhibitor</strong> understands and agrees that, at the Event and in the time period leading up to the Event, any exhibitor (“Complaining <strong>Exhibitor</strong>”) may lodge with IPMediator a complaint against any other exhibitor (“Defending <strong>Exhibitor</strong>”), which after investigation may result in the Sanctions by the IP Mediator or the Association atthe Event. IP Mediator’s evaluation of such a complaint will be free of charge to the Complaining <strong>Exhibitor</strong>. If, however, IP Mediator believes that the complaint is onethat identifies a legitimate claim of intellectual property infringement, or a violation of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract (including the provisions of this Addendum), the Complaining<strong>Exhibitor</strong> must pay to the Association a sum of $2,500 (“Complaint Fee”) to cover the Association’s costs and expenses for the IP Mediator to evaluate and potentially takeany further action and/or issue any Sanctions (as defined below).<strong>Exhibitor</strong> understands and agrees that the enforcement action or sanctions (“Sanctions”) shall be issued by IP Mediator and/or the Association in their sole discretion andmay include but shall not be limited to: (i) the repayment by Defending <strong>Exhibitor</strong> to Complaining <strong>Exhibitor</strong> of the Complaint Fee, (ii) the removal of any item, product,catalog, photograph or image, printed material, product or device (“<strong>Exhibitor</strong> Content”), (iii) the shutdown of an exhibitor’s booth at the Event, (iv) restrictions on accessor services provided by the Association, (v) a loss of membership to the Association; or (vi) a ban from any future show or event.The <strong>Exhibitor</strong> understands and agrees that any determination by IP Mediator and/or the Association to issue any Sanctions is not a legal determination that any intellectualproperty infringement or violation has occurred; instead, Sanctions shall be issued (i) to enforce the rules and guidelines at the Event, including the <strong>2012</strong> Contract (whichshall include this Addendum); (ii) when IP Mediator believes that the display of any <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Content is potentially infringing on another exhibitor’s intellectual propertyor proprietary rights, or (iii) when IP Mediator and/or Association believes the display of any <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Content is disruptive to the Event.In exchange for being permitted to exhibit at the Event and also for the services described above, <strong>Exhibitor</strong> agrees as follows:(a) That Association is not responsible or liable for any claimed or recognized violations of the <strong>Exhibitor</strong>’s intellectual property or proprietary rights, including any claims fortrademark, copyright or patent infringement or any claims of counterfeiting or other violations of proprietary rights.(b) That the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> will abide by any and all intellectual property laws, rules or guidelines, including the <strong>2012</strong> Contract (which shall include this Addendum), whetherimposed by national or local laws or by the Association as part of its ownership and/or management of the Event.(c) That the IP Mediator and the Association have no obligation to enforce or act on the behalf of the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> and that both IP Mediator and Association may, in their solediscretion, determine whether to issue Sanctions or take any action in any case, depending on the facts presented by the Complaining <strong>Exhibitor</strong>. Nothing herein obligatesIP Mediator or Association to take any action or issue any Sanctions.(d) Not to display <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Content that violates or potentially violates the intellectual property or proprietary rights of another exhibitor at the Event or that is otherwisedisruptive to another exhibitor. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> hereby further agrees that the Association and/or its IP Mediator may determine – in their sole and complete discretion – whetherto issue the Sanctions described herein.(e) To comply with any Sanctions issued by IP Mediator and/or the Association. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> further understands that its refusal to comply with any issued Sanctions may resultin further action by Association, which may include the issuance of additional Sanctions or another action as determined by Association in its sole discretion.(f) That a failure by <strong>Exhibitor</strong> to abide by any Sanctions imposed by IP Mediator and/or the Association may lead to additional Sanctions imposed by Association.(g) That any claim of infringement made to IP Mediator or the Association shall be made with the good faith intent to enforce owned or licensed intellectual property orproprietary rights, and not solely in an effort to disrupt or impact another party’s ability to operate.(h) EXHIBITOR AGREES TO RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE ASSOCIATION, IP MEDIATOR, AND THEIR AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, AND SERVICEPROVIDERS, (COLLECTIVELY, THE “RELEASED PARTIES”) FOR ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR LIABILITIES RELATED TO: (i) A CLAIM ORDETERMINATION THAT A VIOLATION OF THE <strong>2012</strong> CONTRACT (INCLUDING THIS ADDENDUM) HAS OCCURRED; (ii) A CLAIM ORDETERMINATION THAT ANY EXHIBITOR CONTENT IS INFRINGING, POTENTIALLY INFRINGING, OR OTHERWISE DISRUPTIVE TO THE EVENT; OR(iii) ANY OTHER CLAIM OR DETERMINATION ISSUED BY THE IP MEDIATOR, ITS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR, OR THE ASSOCIATION RELATED TOACTIVITY AT THE EVENT. TO BE CLEAR, SUCH RELEASE OF LIABILITY WILL INCLUDE ANY CLAIMS OF TRADE LIBEL, DEFAMATION, UNFAIRCOMPETITION, OR NEGLIGENCE RELATED TO ANY DETERMINATION MADE AT THE EVENT BY THE RELEASED PARTIES.(i) To indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Released Parties from any claims, losses, damages or liability that may result from the Association or IP Mediator’senforcement of this IP Enforcement Policy.(j) That it will accept and not seek to challenge, modify or overturn any resolution made by IP Mediator or the Association, including the issue of any Sanctions.2. Except as otherwise provided in this Addendum, the <strong>2012</strong> Contract shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between the provisionsof the <strong>2012</strong> Contract and this Addendum, the provisions of this Addendum shall be controlling.3. This Addendum, together with the <strong>2012</strong> Contract, supersede all prior agreements among the parties with respect to the subject matter and contain the entire agreementamong the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.4. The parties understand and agree that this Addendum is wholly incorporated and made a part of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract and that any reference to the <strong>2012</strong> Contract shall beinterpreted to include the Addendum; and, similarly, any reference to the Addendum shall be interpreted to include the <strong>2012</strong> Contract.5. If any provision of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under the present or future laws, then such provision shall be fully severable, and the<strong>2012</strong> Contract shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract and the remainingprovisions of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or by its severance from the<strong>2012</strong> Contract.6. By signing this Addendum, <strong>Exhibitor</strong> hereby agrees that the exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute, claim, or demand related in any way to the enforcement or constructionof the <strong>2012</strong> Contract will be decided by binding arbitration. Specifically, all disputes between <strong>Exhibitor</strong> and Association shall be submitted to Judicial Arbitration andMediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”) for binding arbitration under its rules then in effect in the Arlington, Virginia, USA area, before one arbitrator to be mutually agreedupon by both parties. The parties agree to share equally in the arbitration costs incurred. It is the intention of the parties that all questions with respect to the constructionand enforcement of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract and the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Virginia, in theUnited States.7. By signing below, the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> hereby confirms its agreement to the terms of this Addendum and warrants and represents that he or she has the ability to enter into thisAddendum on behalf of the exhibiting company, and to bind the exhibiting company to the terms of this Addendum as made a part of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract.[ ] I ACCEPT the above terms, and confirm my agreement to the Addendum, as made a part of the <strong>2012</strong> Contract.Accepted and Agreed by:Exhibiting Company Representative Signature Date
Return completed form via post to:<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong>SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTInternational Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USATEL: +1 703/342-7159 • FAX: +1 703/738-7460 • E-MAIL: epopovich@iaapa.org • www.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.orgExhibition Sales Manager, <strong>IAAPA</strong> 1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-9512 USAPHONE: +1 703/342-7159 • FAX: +1 703/738-7460 or +1 703/836-4801 • www.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.orgSPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCompany <strong>Sponsor</strong>:Company Contact:Phone:Email:Full Address:Booth # (if applicable):Select <strong>Sponsor</strong>ship Level:SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION ($2,500 by June 15; $3,000 after) – Benefits include:3 Ability to Distribute Materials at Event (when applicable)3 Recognition by the Event Speaker or Moderator (when applicable)3 <strong>Sponsor</strong> Acknowledgment on Event Signage3 <strong>Sponsor</strong> Acknowledgment on the www.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org Website3 <strong>Sponsor</strong> Acknowledgment in the November FUNWORLD <strong>Sponsor</strong> Recognition Ad and On-SiteShow Program Ad3 <strong>Sponsor</strong> Acknowledgment in Virtual TradeshowSILVER ($5,000 by June 15; $6,000 after) – All benefits mentioned above PLUS:3 Logo Banner Signage in Lobby3 Logo <strong>Sponsor</strong> Acknowledgment in the November FUNWORLD <strong>Sponsor</strong> Recognition Ad and On-Site Show Program Ad3 Category Specific or Event Attendee List3 Enhanced On-Site Show Program Listing3 Logo Signage over Tradeshow Booth3 Special Tradeshow Floor Signage3 Invitation to exclusive Chairman’s Reception3 Complimentary Tickets to Event Attendees3 Complimentary Digital Booth UpgradeGOLD ($10,000) – All benefits mentioned above PLUS:3 Full Post-Show Attendee List With Emails3 Recognition in <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Newsflash Email3 Reserved Seating at Event (when applicable)3 Event Category Exclusivity (Dependent on Event)PLATINUM ($20,000) – All benefits mentioned above PLUS:3 Full PRE-Show Attendee List With Emails (supplied 2 weeks prior to Event)3 Event Exclusivity (Dependent on Event)3 Speaking Rights at Event – Two Minute Maximum (Dependent on Event)3 Press Attendee ListSelect <strong>Sponsor</strong>ed Event From The List Below:Additional Events/Programs at Same <strong>Sponsor</strong> LevelAvailable for Only $2,000 Per Event (ADD-ON).Special EventsBoard of Directors Reception SOLDBrass Ring AwardsChairman’s Reception (Silver Minimum)GM and Owners’ Breakfast (Gold Minimum)<strong>IAAPA</strong> CelebratesInstitute for Attractions Managers ReceptionKickoff Event (Silver Minimum)Lunch and LearnOpening ReceptionYoung Professionals ReceptionConstituency EventsAsia Pacific BreakfastCanadian BreakfastCarnival and Showmen’s ReceptionConstituency Lunch for Amusement ParksConstituency Lunches for FECs (3)European ReceptionFamily Entertainment Center ReceptionLatin American ReceptionRookies & Newcomers ProgramWaterparks ReceptionZoo, Aquarium, Museum and Science Center Dayand ReceptionSpecial ProgramsAmbassadors <strong>Sponsor</strong>Badges and Wristbands <strong>Sponsor</strong> SOLDBadge Holders SOLDCyber Café (Platinum) SOLDEducation Program (Silver Minimum)Expo BagsHotel TV and/or Room Drop <strong>Sponsor</strong>International Business Lounge SOLDKiosksLanyards SOLDMobile AppNaming Rights for the Special Events Theatre(Platinum Minimum)Shuttle Bus <strong>Sponsor</strong> (Silver Minimum)Trade Show Floor Tours— Payment Information, Terms, and Signature on Page 2 —
SPONSORSHIP PAYMENT CONTRACT AND TERMS OF AGREEMENT<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Sponsor</strong>ship Payment Contract & Terms of Agreement50% Payment Due With Contract. Remaining Balance Due August 3, <strong>2012</strong>.PAYMENT OPTIONSPlease charge the credit card listed below (please check one): Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover CardCredit Card Number:Exp. Date:Authorized Signature:Name (as printed on credit card):ORCID Code (3 or 4 digit code on back of card):I will mail a check in the amount of $ USD. Check #Check must be drawn from a U.S. Bank account.(Please make checks payable to <strong>IAAPA</strong>, Attention: Emily Popovich, 1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA)ORI will Wire Transfer in the amount of $(please add a $25.00 USD transaction fee for all wire transfers)Bank of America | 1501 Pennsylvania Ave N.W. ABA 026009593 | Swift Code (if needed): BOFAUS3NFor Credit to <strong>IAAPA</strong> Account 0020-866-30597. There is no IBAN, BIC or anything else needed.Please be sure to identify yourself with the name of the company and member ID.TERMS OF AGREEMENT1. Signing this agreement indicates firm commitment (non-cancelable) of the above sponsorship(s) and/oradvertisement(s) for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong>, in accordance with the corresponding rate card fees. A faxed,signed agreement is also binding.2. <strong>IAAPA</strong> and <strong>Sponsor</strong> agree that the activities contemplated by this Agreement have a specific and limited scope andare consistent with <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s nonprofit status and tax exemption classification. Nothing in this Agreement should beconstrued to imply or convey <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s approval, endorsement, certification, acceptance, or referral of any <strong>Sponsor</strong>Product or service. No Materials developed or intended for use in connection with the sponsorship activities will beDistributed or otherwise used prior to <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s advance review and approval. According to the sponsorship selected,<strong>IAAPA</strong> will provide appropriate Acknowledgment and recognition of the <strong>Sponsor</strong> in accordance with applicable lawsand Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations. All advertising must comply with <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s advertising policies andprocedures as determined from time to time by <strong>IAAPA</strong>.3. <strong>Sponsor</strong> agrees to indemnify and hold harmless <strong>IAAPA</strong>, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, from any and allclaims, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments, or settlements, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and otherexpenses, incurred in any way in connection with <strong>Sponsor</strong>’s acts, omissions, or breach of contract.4. <strong>Sponsor</strong> acknowledges and agrees that <strong>IAAPA</strong> may terminate the Agreement at any time for any reason in its solediscretion. Upon termination by <strong>IAAPA</strong> of the Agreement, <strong>IAAPA</strong> shall refund any sponsorship fees received by <strong>IAAPA</strong>prior to termination.5. <strong>IAAPA</strong> and/or sponsor/exhibitor are liable should one or the other default. Any 3rd party agency signing on behalf ofthe sponsor/exhibitor will be held responsible for the fulfillment of this non-cancelable contract.6. Any claim or dispute arising under this agreement shall be adjudicated exclusively under the laws of the Commonwealthof Virginia in the courts of Virginia without regard to conflict of laws principles. Each party hereby submits and waivesall objection to personal jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia.7. <strong>Sponsor</strong> agrees that <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s liability (if any) on account of omissions or errors in such sponsorship or advertisementshall in no Event exceed the amount of the charges for the sponsorship or advertisement which was omitted or in whichthe error occurred and such liability shall be discharged by (abatement of the charges) or (a sponsorship/advertisingallowance) commensurate with the error for the particular sponsorship or advertisement in which the omission orerror occurred, but in no Event exceeding the contract price of the particular sponsorship or advertisement in whichthe omission or error occurred. No adjustment is applicable to any free sponsorship or advertisement. Reproductionquality of photographs or artwork provided cannot be guaranteed.Please sign and fax to: +1 703/738-7460. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Popovich at+1 713/393-7766. I have read and agree to the terms as set forth above.Authorized Signature:Print Name:Date:
<strong>2012</strong> <strong>IAAPA</strong> <strong>Sponsor</strong>ship OpportunitiesShowcase New Products.Build Your Brand.Maximize Your Investment.Combine the power of your brandwith the equity of our customizedsponsorship opportunities.The <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Sponsor</strong>ship Program offersyour company many excitingopportunities to maximize yourexposure at the Conference andTrade Show. <strong>Sponsor</strong>ships help todifferentiate your company fromcompetitors and increase yourcorporate visibility before, during,and after the show. For <strong>2012</strong>, fourlevels of sponsorships are availableacross a variety of events, programsand services.PLATINUM-LEVEL SPONSORSHIP • $20,000The Platimun-level sponsorship is <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s most elite leveland provides maximum exposure to all attendees at theshow. Platimun-level sponsors enjoy full pre-show attendeelists, event exclusivity, and speaking privileges at selectedevents.GOLD-LEVEL SPONSORSHIP • $10,000Gold-level sponsors receive prominent access to the mostexclusive <strong>IAAPA</strong> buyers. Our Gold <strong>Sponsor</strong>s also receivethe full post-show attendee list with emails for their salesand marketing efforts.SILVER-LEVEL SPONSORSHIP • $5,000Silver-level sponsors receive maximum exposure withintargeted markets while still getting cost effective exposureto all attendees.SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION LEVEL • $2,500This level of participation is a cost effective way for yourcompany to support specific networking events orprograms. Exposure is limited to the specific event ortarget market of interest.Special EventsBRASS RING AWARDSEstimated Attendance: 350+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, afternoonLocation: Orange County Convention CenterDon’t miss the opportunity to have your brand seen duringthis year’s single marquee awards event at <strong>IAAPA</strong>. Theproduction includes awards for marketing, advertising, liveentertainment, merchandising and guest services as well asawards for best FEC and a Best of Brass Award. It is a perfectvehicle for your company to reach the best industry marketingfirms, park general managers, entertainment managers,retail managers, HR executives, show producers, FEC owners,and key waterpark players.CHAIRMAN’S RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 600+Date: Monday, Nov. 12, eveningLocation: Peabody HotelSilver, Gold & Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s Only<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Chairman and incoming Chair, Roland Mack andWill Morey, will be honored at this invitation-only networkingreception attended by the most influential industry leadersworldwide. More than 600 Facility Owners, CEO’s, GeneralManagers, <strong>IAAPA</strong> Committee members and senior facilityexecutives will enjoy an evening of camaraderie andsocializing with a buffet and cocktails. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s are eligibleto receive an exclusive attendee list (Gold <strong>Sponsor</strong>s receive afull-show attendee list), can provide product to distribute, andare invited to come early for private introductions to the VIP’s,including <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s President & CEO Chip Cleary.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 5
“<strong>IAAPA</strong> has a history of bringing together attractions industryprofessionals to share and solve issues of mutual concern and tofind opportunities to grow their businesses together. As a sponsor,our involvement has helped us support the attractions industryand build valuable, in-person connections with its leaders andconstituents. We believe supporting <strong>IAAPA</strong> through asponsorship is a compelling way to contribute to the industryand advance your business.”Curt Caffey, Senior Vice President-Asset Management, CNL Financial GroupGM AND OWNERS’ BREAKFAST(LIMITED TO 3 SPONSORS)Estimated Attendance: 350+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterGold & Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s OnlyHave your brand seen by more than 350 Facility Owners,CEO’s, General Managers and senior facility executives asthey enjoy a roundtable breakfast at one of <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s mosthigh-profile events. This year’s exciting keynote speakerwill be Jim Reid-Anderson – Chairman, CEO, and Presidentof Six Flags Entertainment. <strong>Sponsor</strong>ing this event providespremium visibility in front of this most influential audienceat <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong>. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will beacknowledged by a speaker; will have one-on-oneintroductions to <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Chairman, Committee members,President, and speaker; are acknowledged via signage;have the ability to distribute their materials at the event;receive a full attendee list; and receive VIP reserved seating.<strong>IAAPA</strong> CELEBRATESEstimated Attendance: 1,000 – 2,500Date: Thursday, Nov. 15, eveningLocation: UniversalGet ready to mix and mingle with your fellow attendees atthis exciting private event to be held at Universal, featuringrides, a parade, and food and drink. Opportunities forsponsorship include distributing your product at the event,acknowledgment on all event publicity and signage,complimentary tickets, and Silver and higher level sponsorswill receive attendee lists.INSTITUTE FOR ATTRACTIONS MANAGERSRECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 40Date: Sunday, Nov. 11, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterGet ready to mix and mingle with your fellow attendees atthis exciting private event to be held at Universal, featuringrides, a parade, and food and drink.KICKOFF EVENTEstimated Attendance: 1,800Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterSilver, Gold & Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s OnlyNew this year—the <strong>2012</strong> Kickoff Event will be held in atheater right on the trade show floor! The Kickoff is theperfect vehicle to reach thousands in the attractions industryat one time. This exciting multimedia program includesentertainment, welcome speeches by <strong>IAAPA</strong> Chairman of theBoard Roland Mack and <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s President and CEO Chip Cleary,presentations of the <strong>2012</strong> Hall of Fame Awards, a celebrationof Give Kids The World, reports about what’s new around theworld, the passing of the gavel to Will Morey, and a ribboncuttingceremony to top it all off. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s have their logosfeatured on the 1500+ event tote bags (which <strong>IAAPA</strong> provides),can provide material distribution for inclusion in the bags, havetheir logo displayed on the front stage and on event signage,receive VIP reserved seating, and will be acknowledged to theaudience by the speakers.LUNCH AND LEARNEstimated Attendance: 375Date: Monday, Nov. 12Location: Orange County Convention CenterGet a fresh start at the Lunch and Learn, featuring a prominentkeynote speaker, which will bring together more than 375people from cross constituencies for networking at thebeginning of the week.OPENING RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 1,000+Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThis year’s Opening Reception offers access to the high-profileworld of global buyers. You will have the opportunity to minglewith more than 1000 guests from 80 countries worldwide.Guests will enjoy this first networking event of the tradeshowwith beverages and plenty of delicious food and networkingopportunities. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s are featured in all event promotionalmaterials, acknowledged via signage, receive logo recognition,and may also provide product to distribute at the reception.Silver and higher level sponsors are also eligible for attendee lists.YOUNG PROFESSIONALS RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 200Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13, eveningLocation: Fat Fish Blue at Pointe OrlandoThis popular social event for those 35 and under is open toall young professionals in the industry. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s receiverecognition via event signage and publicity materials,one-on-one introductions and reserved seating, have theability to distribute their materials at the event, and receivecomplimentary tickets. Silver, Gold, and Platinum sponsorsare also eligible to receive attendee lists.6<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Exhibitor</strong> & <strong>Sponsor</strong> Information
“Every year when we work on the marketing budget for Sureshot Redemption, we always askthe question: ‘where can we get the most ROI for our marketing dollars?’ And every year the answerremains the same—the <strong>IAAPA</strong> sponsorship program. As an <strong>IAAPA</strong> sponsor, Sureshot receives the highest levelof exposure of our brand. Additionally, we are provided with the opportunity to network with all aspectsand all levels of the amusement industry. Invaluable!!!”Sondra Doyle, Marketing Coordinator/Sales, Sureshot RedemptionConstituency EventsASIA PACIFIC BREAKFASTEstimated Attendance: 250Date: Thursday, Nov. 15, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterCompanies doing business or wanting to expand their businessin Asia Pacific – here is your chance to get the latest updatesand network with buyers from the region at this exclusivenetworking breakfast. The Asia Pacific office of <strong>IAAPA</strong> and itsmembers will be presenting what’s new in the region as wellas briefing on Asian Attractions Expo 2013. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will berecognized through signage, product distribution, complimentaryVIP seating and tickets, acknowledgment by the speaker, andmore. Silver and higher level sponsors are also eligible toreceive attendee lists.CANADIAN BREAKFASTEstimated Attendance: 50Date: Thursday, Nov. 15, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThis event is one of the few opportunities to get your company’sbrand and message in front of the most influential leaders inCanada. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s are acknowledged via signage, the ability todistribute their materials at the event, and will be recognized bya speaker. Silver and higher level sponsors are also eligible toreceive attendee lists.CARNIVAL & SHOWMEN’S RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 300Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThe Carnival and Showmen’s Reception honors the traditions,participation and support of the outdoor amusement businessindustry and members of the various showmen’s leagues fromaround the world. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s are acknowledged via signage, theability to distribute their product and materials at the event,and an event attendee list for Silver level and higher sponsors.CONSTITUENCY LUNCH FOR AMUSEMENT PARKSAND ATTRACTIONSEstimated Attendance: 250Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14Location: Orange County Convention Center<strong>Sponsor</strong>ship of the Amusement Parks and Attractions KeynoteLuncheon provides an unparalleled networking opportunity toreach this key constituency and earn quality time with potentialclients. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will be recognized on-site through signage,reserved seating, complimentary tickets, the ability to distributematerials and product, and acknowledgment by the speaker.Silver, Gold, and Platinum sponsors are also eligible to receiveattendee lists.CONSTITUENCY BREAKFAST FOR AMUSEMENTPARKS AND ATTRACTIONSEstimated Attendance: 75Date: Thursday, Nov. 15Location: Orange County Convention CenterThis interactive session, “Growing your Educational Business”,will introduce new ways that all FECs, amusement parks, andattractions can adapt their existing programs to developcross-categorical lessons and educational plans that meetstate standards. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will be recognized on-site throughsignage, reserved seating, complimentary tickets, the ability todistribute materials and product, and acknowledgment by thespeaker.CONSTITUENCY LUNCHES FOR FAMILYENTERTAINMENT CENTERS (3)Estimated Attendance: 150 at eachDate: varyLocation: Orange County Convention CenterDon’t miss the opportunity to reach the FEC audience at oneof these fun and casual luncheons throughout the week, wheretopics such as birthday parties are discussed. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s willbe recognized on-site through signage, reserved seating,complimentary tickets, the ability to distribute materials andproduct, and acknowledgment by the speaker. Silver, Gold, andPlatinum sponsors are also eligible to receive attendee lists.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 7
“<strong>Sponsor</strong>ing for us is a no-brainer. Weget the exposure we want with the added benefitsof special events for our clients.”Tara Casey, Vice President – Waterparks, Lo-QEUROPEAN RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 300+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Peabody Hotel Pool DeckThe European Reception draws all of the major playersand associations from all parts of Europe. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s areacknowledged via signage and the ability to distribute theirmaterials at the event, and Silver and higher level sponsorsare eligible to receive attendee lists. This well-attended eventis one of the few opportunities to get your company’s namein front of the most influential leaders in Europe.FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT CENTER RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 500+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThe exciting FEC reception targets the Family EntertainmentCenter industry which includes operators from familyentertainment centers, mini golf establishments, bounce andparty houses, children’s centers, bowling centers and even wet/dry waterpark facilities. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will be thanked via a mediapresentation and publicly by the Committee. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s are alsoacknowledged via signage and have the ability to distribute theirmaterials at the event – they also receive complimentary ticketsfor their company and their customers, reserved seating, andSilver and higher level sponsors are eligible to receiveattendee lists.LATIN AMERICAN RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 200Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterFor those companies doing business or wanting to conductbusiness with <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Latin American members, this networkingevent is an ideal way of getting to know this segment of theindustry. Opportunities also exist to co-sponsor this and the14 education sessions to be translated into Spanish—see“Education Program” below for more information.ROOKIES AND NEWCOMERS PROGRAMEstimated Attendance: 100 at eachDate: Sunday, Nov. 11, and Monday, Nov. 12Location: Orange County Convention Center<strong>Sponsor</strong> this daytime education program geared towardnewcomers to the industry, with a special focus on FamilyEntertainment Centers. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s receive signage recognition,complimentary tickets, the right to distribute your materials,and more.WATERPARKS RECEPTIONEstimated Attendance: 400+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14Location: Howl at the Moon<strong>Sponsor</strong> this exciting event to maximize your time withwaterpark and resort executives, leaders, and operators fromaround the world. More than 400 waterpark and resort ownersand operators will gather over the course of the show and<strong>IAAPA</strong> will be heavily promoting this event to thousands ofwaterpark members, attendees, and prospects. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s willbe able to distribute their materials, will be recognized viasignage, and will receive complimentary tickets. Silver, Gold,and Platinum sponsors also receive exclusive attendee lists.ZOO, AQUARIUM, MUSEUM AND SCIENCECENTER EDUCATION DAY AT EPCOTEstimated Attendance: 350Date: Monday, Nov. 12Location: EpcotCombining four important <strong>IAAPA</strong> buyer constituencies, the Zoo,Aquarium, Museum and Science Center Education Day is aprime opportunity to put your company in front of the some ofthe most forward-thinking professionals in the attractions market.Don’t miss the opportunity to sponsor this event at Epcot,which is celebrating its 30th year! <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will be recognizedon-site through signage, the ability to distribute materials andproduct, acknowledgment by the speakers, and complimentaryevent tickets. Silver, Gold, and Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s are alsoeligible to receive attendee lists.8<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Exhibitor</strong> & <strong>Sponsor</strong> Information
“<strong>Sponsor</strong>ing an <strong>IAAPA</strong> event is a great wayto increase brand image by being associated with thestrength of the <strong>IAAPA</strong> brand.”Mike Furman, Director of Sales and Marketing, Gateway TicketingSpecial ProgramsAMBASSADORS<strong>Sponsor</strong> the 25 <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> Show Ambassadors.Our lively and educated ambassadors are crucial to the successof many of the show’s events and programs throughout theweek—they serve as the greeters, hosts, ticket-takers, ushers,guides, and overall go-to gurus. <strong>Sponsor</strong>s will receive logorecognition on the ambassadors’ shirts.EDUCATION PROGRAMEstimated Attendance: 8,000 in multiple sessionsDates: Monday, Nov. 12 – Friday, Nov. 16Location: Seminar rooms at the Orange CountyConvention CenterSilver, Gold & Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s Only<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s education programs consist of more than 200 hours ofprogramming throughout the week including seminars, schoolcourses and roundtable discussions. The sponsor is recognizedin course materials on the <strong>IAAPA</strong> website, is also recognizedvia signage, receives a full-show attendee list, and is invited toprovide give-away material with their logo. Silver, Gold, andPlatinum sponsorship only. Opportunities are also available tosponsor the 14 sessions that are to be translated into Spanish.EXPO BAGS (LIMITED TO ONE SPONSOR)Have your logo carried throughout the Convention Centerby providing the 25,000 expo bags for <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo <strong>2012</strong>.HOTEL TV AND/OR ROOM DROP SPONSORSHIPHave your brand and message displayed in front of thousandsof attendees staying at host hotels throughout Orlando. Alsoavailable is the opportunity to have your materials placedunder the doors of thousands of host hotel rooms to reach<strong>IAAPA</strong> attendees. Contact <strong>IAAPA</strong> for pricing.KIOSK SPONSORSHIPEstimated Circulation: 25,000+ attendeesDates: Open during expo days/hoursLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThe touchscreen kiosks are located throughout the hall andhall entrance areas, which lead attendees where they needto go. The sponsoring company’s logo will be featured on thekiosk station itself and in printed materials before and at thetradeshow. Contact <strong>IAAPA</strong> for pricing options.MOBILE APP SPONSORTake your brand on the go and become the official Mobile App<strong>Sponsor</strong> for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong>. This sponsorshipis available for all levels (Supporting Organization throughPlatinum).NAMING RIGHTS FOR THE SPECIAL EVENT THEATRE(LIMITED TO ONE SPONSOR)Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s OnlyFor the first time, <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s special events such as the KickoffEvent, Opening Reception, GM and Owners’ Breakfast andBrass Ring Awards will be held right on the tradeshow floor!One lucky sponsor will get to name the theatre.SHUTTLE BUS SPONSORSilver, Gold & Platinum <strong>Sponsor</strong>s OnlyBe the official Shuttle Bus <strong>Sponsor</strong> for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo<strong>2012</strong> and generate awareness about your brand as attendeescome and go from the event. Opportunities also exist to haveyour message or video played on the TV screens in each bus.TRADE SHOW FLOOR TOURSEstimated Attendance: 40 max per tourDates: Tuesday, Nov. 13 – Friday, Nov. 16, during expo hoursLocation: Orange County Convention Center Trade Show Floor<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s vendor tours offer attendees exclusive tours of thetradeshow hall, taking them to visit exhibitors from thefollowing categories: first time buyers, POS system suppliers,waterpark suppliers, and inflatable product suppliers(categories may be subject to change).<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 9
Exhibit at <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo <strong>2012</strong>Gain the Competitive EdgeExhibit at the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo <strong>2012</strong> and reach more buyersfrom growing attractions markets.<strong>IAAPA</strong> is capitalizing on this shift in the industry by promoting the <strong>IAAPA</strong>Attractions Expo to these new buyers, as well as to representatives fromthe biggest amusement and attractions/operations in the world.Reserve Your Space Today!For more information, call <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibit Sales at +1 703/836-4800 or sendan e-mail to exhibitsales@iaapa.org. Visit <strong>IAAPA</strong>.org/<strong>IAAPA</strong>MAP to viewavailable booth space.Become a <strong>Sponsor</strong>For sponsorship opportunities, contact Emily Popovich at+1 703/342-7159 or epopovich@iaapa.org.Exhibit Fees:$18.95 per square foot, interior booth$235 per open corner (400 sq. ft. min. required for corner booth)$463 <strong>IAAPA</strong> Membership/renewal Membership required for exhibition.ONE INDUSTRY LEADERFounded in 1918, <strong>IAAPA</strong> is the largestinternational trade association forpermanently-situated amusement facilitiesworldwide. The organization representsover 4,300 facility, supplier, and individualmembers from more than 100 countries.<strong>IAAPA</strong> strives to help members improvetheir efficiency, marketing, safety, andprofitability while maintaining the highestpossible professional standards inthe industry.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.orgTHREE GREAT EVENTS<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo is producedby the International Association ofAmusement Parks and Attractions(<strong>IAAPA</strong>). <strong>IAAPA</strong> is a non-profitorganization dedicated to the promotionand prosperity of the amusement industryworldwide and the leader in connectingbuyers and suppliers in the attractionsindustry. From our largest annualgathering the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expoin the United States, to the AsianAttractions Expo, to the Euro AttractionsShow, <strong>IAAPA</strong> covers the globe.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org/exposOutdoor Exhibits:$7.95 per square foot (400 – 999 sq. ft.)$6.95 per square foot (1000 – 1,999 sq ft.)$5.95 per square foot (2,000+ sq ft.)<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo—Game On!