Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

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➜ sion. This year, consultations willcont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>in</strong> three specific areas:■ regulation of audiovisualcontent,■ regulation of advertis<strong>in</strong>g,■ right to <strong>in</strong>formation and the rightto short reports.It is the third area that mostconcerns <strong>UEFA</strong>. Until now, the ‘TVwithout frontiers’ directive has not<strong>in</strong>cluded provisions on the rightto make short reports on exclusivecontent. However, some groupsare push<strong>in</strong>g hard for that tochange. News agencies have beenfight<strong>in</strong>g a campaign to w<strong>in</strong> freeaccess to exclusive sports coverage,which would allow them to makeshort news reports. They basetheir demands on the public’sright to <strong>in</strong>formation.<strong>UEFA</strong> fully supports the rightof the public to <strong>in</strong>formation. Thebroadcast<strong>in</strong>g policy of <strong>UEFA</strong> hasconsistently been to ensure thatimportant sport<strong>in</strong>g events, such asthe European Championship andthe <strong>UEFA</strong> Champions League, arelargely available on free television.This policy obviously maximisestheir availability to the public.Nevertheless, <strong>UEFA</strong> alsobelieves, as a matter of pr<strong>in</strong>ciple,that it is important to strike thecorrect balance between the rightto freedom of <strong>in</strong>formation andthe opportunity to commercialisesports rights on an exclusive basis.<strong>UEFA</strong> is assum<strong>in</strong>g, therefore, thatthe Commission will not proposeany amendments that would jeopardisethese accepted practices andprejudice the legitimate <strong>in</strong>terestsof both rights holders and theirlicensees.Towards the end of this year,<strong>UEFA</strong> will take part <strong>in</strong> a focusgroup to discuss these questions.Any subsequent proposal by theEuropean Commission to revisethe ‘TV without frontiers’ directivewill not emerge before 2005,and the Commission may evenconsider alternative, non-legislativemeasures to revise the text.Nonetheless, <strong>UEFA</strong> will rema<strong>in</strong>vigilant and monitor the processclosely.The refereesareready forEURO 2004.Meet<strong>in</strong>gs andother activitiesSolidarity paymentsagreed onMORE THAN TEN YEARS AFTER ITS FIRST AND ONLY MEETING IN CYPRUS,THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RETURNED TO THE ISLAND FOR ITS THIRD MEETINGOF 2004, WHICH IT HELD IN LIMASSOL ON 21 AND 22 APRIL.On the basis of the reportof a delegation dispatched to Israelto assess the security situation there,the Committee decided to allowIsraeli teams (national and clubteams) to play their home matches<strong>in</strong> their country aga<strong>in</strong>, with immediateeffect, subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditions,notably that matches mustbe played <strong>in</strong> the Tel Aviv area.The Executive Committeealso agreed on the details of thepayments to be made under theHatTrick assistance programmenext season and the season after.For the 2004/05 f<strong>in</strong>ancialyear, <strong>in</strong> addition to a basic amountof CHF 500,000, each associationwill receive CHF 250,000 to covertheir club licens<strong>in</strong>g runn<strong>in</strong>g costs,provided that the association fulfilsall the obligations imposed on thelicensor.For 2005/<strong>06</strong>, this amountwill be <strong>in</strong>creased to CHF 300,000,but it will be l<strong>in</strong>ked to certa<strong>in</strong> criteria.It will be reduced by CHF 10,000for every miss<strong>in</strong>g club if fewer thanten clubs are subject to the nationallicens<strong>in</strong>g system, and it may bereduced further (by 20% of theamount rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g after any deductionfor fewer than ten clubs) if thelicensor does not meet the requirementsof the “standard” <strong>in</strong> 2004/05.On top of that, paymentswill be made to encourage the associationsto take part <strong>in</strong> all the <strong>UEFA</strong>competitions. For the same two seasons,each association will receiveCHF 300,000 per season if it enters<strong>UEFA</strong>The drawfor this year’s<strong>UEFA</strong> IntertotoCup has beenmade and thematches kickoff on 19 June.the six follow<strong>in</strong>g “non-top” <strong>UEFA</strong>competition for national teams:European Under-17, Under-19 andUnder-21 Championships, EuropeanWomen's Under-19 Championship,European Women's Championshipand European Futsal Championship.There is a scale sett<strong>in</strong>g the reduction<strong>in</strong> the event of not tak<strong>in</strong>g part <strong>in</strong>one or more of these competitions.Furthermore, each association willalso be entitled to an annual sumAFP/RIOPA14 uefadirect 6.04

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